3.3 烃类热裂解
1 5.6
结论: 油品的BMCI越大,其含芳烃量越高;
正构链烷烃<带支链烷烃<烷基单环烷烃<无烷基单环烷烃 <双环烷烃<烷基单环芳烃<无烷基单环芳烃<双环芳烃 <三环芳烃<多环芳烃
3.1.4 裂解反应的化学热力学和动力学 裂解反应的热效应
150FLeabharlann (H2 )], KJ / Kg
2) 用分子量估算生成热
H (298K ) 23262 104 M ( A M D AM )
4 裂解反应系统的化学平衡组成
由表3-13和表3-14得出的规律 1) 乙烯生成反应的KP1和KP1a远远大于乙烯生成乙炔的 KP2;随着温度升高KP增大,但KP1、KP1a与KP2的差 距更大;乙炔析碳反应的KP3虽远远高于KP1、KP1a, 但因KP2很小故乙炔析碳反应受乙炔生成反应的制约, 故提高反应温度对生成乙烯有利 2) 达到平衡时乙烯的组成很少,H2和CH4的量很大; 又反应达平衡需很长反应时间,故通常不要求反应 达平衡而求较高的反应速率,使未转化的C2H6循环 裂解;因此,短停留时间有利于乙烯收率增加
CH3 CH3 CH2 CH3 CH4 C3H7
• 沥青质是一种深褐至黑色的、无定型脆性固体。 相对密度略大于1.0,VPO法分子量约3000~ 10000。加热不熔,300℃以上时会分解及缩合。
• 沥青质能溶于苯、二硫化碳、四氯化碳中,不溶 于石油醚。
• 沥青质无挥发性,全部集中在渣油中。 – 胶质和沥青质的存在使渣油形成一种较稳定的 胶体分散体系。
⒋立方平均沸点TCU (K):
viTi1/ 3
Ti : i组分的沸点 (K) vi: i组分的体积分率 用途:求油品的特性因数和运动粘度。
tme=(tm + tcu )/2
用途:求油品的氢含量,特性因数,假临界压力,燃 烧热,平均分子量等。
石油的化学组成 石油及油品的物理化学性质 石油产品的分类及使用性能要求
颜色:绝大多数为黑色 相对密度:大多数介于 0.8~0.98之间 气味:特殊气味 流动性:流动或半流动的粘稠液体 石油的外观性质与其化学组成有关
tw witi i 1
ti: i组分的沸点℃ wi: i组分的质量分率 用途:求取油品的真临界温度。
tm xiti i1
ti: i组分的沸点℃ xi: i组分的摩尔分率 用途:求烃类混合物或油品的假临界温度和偏心因 数
趋势:含硫化合物在石油馏分中的分布一般是随着 石油馏分沸程的升高而增加, 其种类和复杂性也随着 馏分沸程升高而增加。汽油馏分的硫含量最低,减 压渣油中的硫含量最高,我国大多数原油中约有 70%的硫集中在减压渣油中。
中文别名: (Z)-7-[(2S)-2-氨基-3-羟基-3-氧代丙基]硫
N Ts
d.e. 92 % 15 mol %
PCy3 Cl2Ru PCy3 Ph
CH2Cl2 (0.1 M) 25 oC, 6 h 90 %
CH2Cl2 (0.1 M) 45 oC, 36 h 50 %
Wallace. D. J. et al Tet. Lett. 2000, 41, 2027 Harrity. J. P. et al Tet. Lett. 1999, 40, 3247
E E PCy3 Cl Cl Ru PCy3 Cl Cl Ru PCy3 Cl Cl Ru PCy3 Cl Cl Ru R E E E E E
Grubbs. R. H. et al J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 3887
Factors Affecting RCM
• Substitution effects on metal carbene and olefin exchange (sterics rt
Grubbs. R. H. et al J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1975, 97, 3265
Categories of Metathesis Events
RCM (Ring-closing metathesis) A B C ROM (Ring-opening metathesis) C B A CM (Cross metathesis) A B D
PCy3 Cl2Ru Ph PCy3
31 eq.
R' Ph
PCy3 Cl2Ru R PCy3
R1 R1 R1 R1
4.1.1 裂解反应和反应机理
• • • • • 一、烃类的裂解反应 烃类裂解的一次反应包括: 烷烃裂解的一次反应; 环烷烃裂解的一次反应; 芳烃裂解;
• 1、烷烃裂解一次反应 (1)脱氢反应: CnH2n+2CnH2n+H2 (2)断链反应:CnH2n+2CmH2m+Cn-mH2(n-m)+2 (3)不同烷烃脱氢和断链的难易,可以从分子结构 中键能数值的大小判断。 ①同碳原子数的烷烃,C-H键能大于C-C键能,故断 链比脱氢容易。 ②烷烃的相对热稳定性随碳链的增长而降低,碳链愈 长的烃分子愈容易断链。 ③烷烃的脱氢能力与烷烃分子结构有关,叔氢最易脱 去,仲氢次之,伯氢又次之。 ④有支链的烃容易裂解或脱氢。
• 链引发 断裂C---C键产生一对自由基 活化能高 • 链增长 自由基夺氢 自由基分解,活化能不大
• 链终止 两个自由基形成稳定分子的过程 活化能一般较低
• 乙烷裂解的自由基反应历程
CH 3 CH 3 2 CH 3
• 裂解动力学方程可以用来计算原料在不同 工艺条件下过程中转化率的变化情况,不 能确定产物组成
4.1.2 裂解原料与工艺条件讨论
• • • • • 一、裂解原料与特性参数 1、裂解原料 烃类裂解的目的主要是生产低级烯烃。 烃类裂解原料大致可分两大类: 第一类为气态烃,如天然气、油田伴 生气和炼厂气; • 第二类为液态烃,如轻油、柴油、原 油、重油等。
• 各族烃裂解生成乙烯、丙烯能力的规律 正构烷烃在各族烃中最利于乙烯、丙烯的生成。 大分子烯烃裂解为乙烯和丙烯 环烷烃生成芳烃的反应优于生成单烯烃的反应。 无烷基的芳烃基本上不易裂解为烯烃,有烷基 的芳烃,主要是烷基发生断碳键和脱氢反应, 有结焦的倾向 正烷烃>异烷烃>环烷烃(六碳环>五碳环)> 芳烃
- 1 -。
Unique Capabilities.Ultimate Performance.Ultra-High Precision.Thanks to rapid advances in technology,accurate,real-time waveform analysis is more important than ever,especially in digital and IT applications.With its varying brightness and continuous acquisition, the analog scope brings a real-time statistical dimension to the viewed waveform that is simply not possible with digital storage oscilloscopes.Featuring ultra-high brightness and ultra-high speed response that surpasses even the latest digital oscilloscopes,IwatsuÕs ultimate line of analog scopes make it possible to view natural waveforms across the widest possible frequency range with the highest-possible brightness inÒreal timeÓ.So give yourself the analog advantage with IWATSU. Nothing else measures up.ThereÕs a world of waveforms that only Analog cancapture!Specially-designed gate array with built-in CPU Extra-bright, extra-sharp, Japan-made, IWATSU-original CRTIWATSU-developed LSIs and ICs IWATSU-developed preamp ICWide-Bandwidth Analog Oscilloscope Lineup ● DC - 1GHz/600MHz (50Ω) wide frequency bandwidth ● Fastest sweep of 200 ps/div ● Ultra-fast writing speed of 10 div/ns can capture 6 div amplitude, 500 ps rise time pulse● DC - 500MHz (1 M Ω, passive probes areoptional), 4 CH● Sharp traces and high-resolution color display800 x 480 dots● Versatile output interface and documentationfunctions<Built-in printer, LAN interface, ATA card slot,video output (NTSC/PAL)>TS-81000/TS-80600● DC - 470/400/300MHz, 4 CH, 10 traces [SS-7847A]* DC - 470MHz (-3 dB) at 5 mV - 50 mV/div* DC - 440MHz (-3 dB) at 2 mV , 100 mV - 5 V/div● HDTV , NTSC, PAL/SECAM-compatible full TVtriggering with clamping function● ±2% accuracy for vertical axis sensitivity ● Bright and sharp display with 20 kV acceleratingvoltage CRT (Japan made)● Maximum sensitivity of 2 mV/div ● Input offset function ● 6-digit frequency counter ● Quick auto setup ● Save/recall of up to 256 panel settingsSS-7847A/SS-7840A/SS-7830ATS-Series Analog Storage OscilloscopesSS-Series Analog Oscilloscopes4● DC - 50MHz, 2 CH + ext. trigger input, 3 traces(SS-7805A) /DC - 40MHz, 2 CH + ext. trigger input, 3 traces(SS-7804A)● Cursor measurement function● CH2 output● ±2% accuracy for vertical axis sensitivity● Bright and sharp display with 16 kV accelerating voltage CRT (Japan made)● Full TV triggering with TV line selection capability ● 5-digit frequency counter● DC - 100MHz, 3 CH, 8 traces● CH3 sensitivities of 50 mV, 100 mV , 500 mV/div● Save/recall of up to 32 panel settings (SS-7811A only)● Quick auto setup● ±2% accuracy for vertical axis sensitivity● Bright and sharp display with 16 kV accelerating voltage CRT (Japan made)● Cursor measurement/panel settings readout function● Full TV triggering with field and line selection, HDTV● CH2 output ● Maximum sensitivity of 2 mV/div,fastest sweep of 1 ns/div● 5-digit frequency counter● DC - 20MHz, 2 CH + ext. trigger input, 2 traces● Cursor measurement function● ±2% accuracy for vertical axis sensitivity● Full TV triggering with TV line selection capability● 5-digit frequency counter ● Single-sweep function5● DC - 200MHz, 3 CH, 8 traces● CH3 sensitivities of 50 mV, 100 mV, 500 mV/div● Save/recall of up to 32 panel settings ● Quick auto setup● ±2% accuracy for vertical axis sensitivity● Bright and sharp display with 16 kV accelerating voltage CRT (Japan made)● Cursor measurement/panel settings readout function● Full TV triggering with field and line selection, HDTV● CH2 output ● Maximum sensitivity of 2 mV/div,fastest sweep of 1 ns/div● 5-digit frequency counter23451 H igh-resolution, 5.8-inch color LCD (800 x 480 dpi)Provides a sharp, bright waveform display, with color assignment from 7 colors (white, red, blue, yellow,magenta, cyan, green) for persistence and storedwaveforms.2 P C Card slotFor storage of display image and setup data.3 B uilt-in 6-digit frequency counter(2Hz to 1GHz/600MHz, accuracy ±0.01%)4 P ersistencePersistence time selectable from 0 to infinity.Color display also available.5 1GHz maximum frequency bandwidth1GHz/600MHz frequency bandwidth for CH1/CH2;500MHz for CH3/CH4. (SS-101R passive probe isoptionally available)6 2 power supply connectors for active probesFET probes SFP-5A (1GHz)/SFP-4A (800MHz),current probes SS-250 (100MHz)/SS-240A (50MHz) are available as an option.7 D ual delayTwo delay times provided for B sweeps, allowing delayexpansion at two positions.8 P rint screenHard copy to the built-in printer, ATA card and Network9 S ave/RecallUp to 256 panel setups and six reference waveformscan be save/recalled.0 C ursor measurement∆V or ∆t selectable. Simultaneous 4-cursorsmeasurement also available.! Q uick auto setupAutomatically displays the input waveform in theoptimum range. Applicable to both CH1 and CH2with a frequency range from 50Hz to 200MHz.@ B uilt-in printerPrints out the hard copy of displayed waveform.(Printer speed max. 10 mm/sec)* Please visit our Web site, and confirm our recommendation for the PCMCIA card. output (Conposite, 1 V)Z axis input(0.5 Vp-p, DC - 5MHz)CH2 signal output(20 mV/div, 500MHz/300MHz)Enhanced documentation functionsBuilt-in thermal printer and versatile outputinterfaceA built-in thermal printer and LAN interface (10Base-T) areprovided so you can output measured data directly orBurn-free and shock-freeSince the waveform is stored by the CCD, CRT phosphorsare protected from burning. Durable construction providesexcellent shock resistance.High accuracy 6-digit frequency counterBuilt-in thermal printer, LAN environment, personal computers, external printers, video recorders, monitors, ATA cards, etc. Various output interfaces are provided.- Remote control through LANRemote control available through LAN*.Delivers video signal (NTSC/VGA) via network.Real time waveform monitor is also available.* Please visit our web site to download the software. Network printer supportHard copy to network printers, available by using the“Network Printer Gateway” software*.* Please visit our web site to download the software. NTSC outputDisplayed waveforms can be stored as MovingPicture files using an optional video capture unit.- Image file saving (BMP/JPEG)It is possible to save displayed waveforms to an A TA card.7igh-brightness CRT (Japan made)6-inch, meshless CRT with internal graticule displays waveforms with bright and sharp traces. igh-accuracy 6-digit frequency counterA frequency counter with ±0.0025% accuracy is ave/recall functionUp to 256 different setups with 12-character comments can be saved and recalled.ide frequency bandwidth of DC - 470MHzA)/400MHz (SS-7840A)/300MHz (SS-5 P ower supply output terminals for FET orcurrent probeOptional SFP-5A/4A (DC - 1GHz/800MHz) FETprobe and SS-250 (100MHz)/SS-240A (50MHz)current probe can be used.6 P owerful TV triggeringTV-H, ODD, EVEN or BOTH fields can be selected.Line selection is possible from NTSC: 1 - 525H,PAL (SECAM): 1 - 625 and HDTV: 1 - 1125.7 D irect selection of the cursor measurementAlternates ∆t and ∆V. Up to four cursors can bedisplayed simultaneously. 1 E xternal intensity modulation signal input0.5 Vp-p, DC - 5MHz, ±40 V2 C H2 signal output20 mV/div, DC - 200MHz/50 Ω12341432Rear panel 8Frequency counter All models6-digit: SS-7847A/7840A/7830A,5-digit: SS-7821A/7811A/7805A/7804A/7802A The built-in 6/5-digit counter is accurate within a range of0.0025% / ±0.01% and can measure frequencies between 2Hz and 400MHz. Also shows the trigger signal frequencies.Pedestal clamp function (CH1, CH2) for TV signals SS-7847A/7840A/7830A The amplitude of video signals varies dynamically depending on the picture. This function ensures stable observation. DC offset function (CH1, CH2)SS-7847A/7840A/7830A Convenient when you need to observe a signal with very small amplitude superimposed over a signal with large amplitude. Especially useful when observing high-frequency noise superimposed over video signals or ripple of high-voltage DC power supply.CH2 skew adjust SS-7847A/7840A/7830AThe delay time of CH2 in response to CH1 can be adjusted with a range of 1 ns. Therefore, accurate measurement is possible by compensating for the delay time difference between the DC - 470MHz/400MHz/300MHz (all channels), high-sensitivity of 2 mV/div (CH1, CH2)A DC - 470MHz (SS-7847A)/DC - 400MHz (SS-7840A)/ DC - 300MHz (SS-7830A) for all channels. CH1 and CH2 have max. sensitivity of 2 mV/div, ensuring extremely high-quality waveforms.IWATSU-developed bright, sharp CRT All models T o increase signal stability, a preamp circuit has been provided for the IC.9Panel settings save/recall function SS-7847A/7840A/7830A (SS-7821A/7811A: up to 32 setups)Up to 256 panel setups can be saved together with comments (up to 12 characters).Event trigger SS-7847A/7840A/7830AIn addition to the event delay trigger which allows you to trigger (with DC offset control).● HDD magnetic head measurementOutput waveforms from defectivesectors on a hard disk where errorshave occurred are magnified forobservation.● Large-capacity transmission Digitized video data is sent via a high-speed serial transmission line. The TS-81000 accurately displays subtle variations, such as overshoot of serial data signal waveforms.● Evaluation of power-factor improvement circuit (Power supply)The TS-Series displays jitter-contained waveforms with brightness variations inreal time.● Video signalsThe TS-Series accurately displays details of video signals. It can clearly show slow-repetition video signals with ultra-high brightness via the persistence function. The TS-Series has suitable functions for video signals including an HDTV trigger, two types of video scales, aTV clamp, 4-field selector and dual delay.TS-Series: for observation of complex, intermittent signals● Photo multiplier tubeOutput signal voltage variation detectedby the photo multiplier tube.The TS-Series can display clusters ofirregular single-shot signals at ultra-fastspeeds and displayed in real time withslight brightness differences.● Blue laser diode The read/write signals of laser diodes are getting faster as the density of optical storage media increases. The TS-Series can provide solutions for engineers due to its 1GHz/600MHz frequency bandwidth - the widest in the world.● High power laser waveform High-brightness analog oscilloscopes are needed for continuous low-repetition rate pulse signals. The TS-Series can provide a new safety evaluation method as a high-power laser with video output and LAN interface.10The following shows a comparison of analog and digital waveforms, using calibration waveforms from the EMC static electricity discharging immunity testing equipment. The figure on the left shows a waveform captured by an analog storage oscilloscope, while the figure on the right shows a waveform captured by a digital oscilloscope with a 10 GS/s high-speed sampling frequency. When compared to the analog oscilloscope (on the left), you may see an apparent difference in peak level in the first pulsesection. The observed object is a signal with an amplitude of approximately 800 mV. The peak signal is not captured by the digital oscilloscope, possiblybecause correct observationis not possible with the digitaloscilloscope due toinsufficient sampling speed,depending on the waveformsbeing observed. Although thestatic electricity dischargingtest is just an example,it shows that the TS-SeriesAnalog Storage Oscilloscopecan easily capture extra-highspeed signals of this typeand display the capturedwaveform“as it is” in real time.SS-Series: indispensable for a wide range of requirements● Eye-patterns in optical disc manufacturing process When evaluating optical discs such as Blu-ray Discs, HD-DVDs, CDs or DVDs, eye patterns need to be observed. With this analog oscilloscope, accurate observation of the eye patterns of high-speed and high-density media is easily possible. * Blu-ray Disc signal eye pattern waveform ● Video head frequency modulation signals Input and output signals to/from video heads are frequency modulation waveforms. The voltage of recorded or read-out signals to/from the video heads is specified. To observe these FM signals, an analog oscilloscope is indispensable.* VHS deck head signal waveform ● ATM 155 Mbps signal eye patternsThe standard transmission rate for most networked communication systems is 155 Mbps (STM-1). The amount of jitter can be estimated by observing the signal waveform with the eye pattern and following the pulse mask standard. * 155 Mbps signal eye pattern waveformmeasured with SS-7847A (DC - 470MHz)● Full TV triggering TV-V (ODD field, EVEN field, BOTH fields) and TV-H are available. Line number selection in TV-V mode is useful for detailed evaluation of video signals. HDTV can be selected, as well as NTSC or PAL/SECAM (except for SS-7805A/7804A/7802A)● Switching power supply measurementA switching power supply unit with a higher harmonics measure switches the voltage of a commercial power supply at high speed. In terms of circuit operation, switching stops at the zero cross of the AC power supply. To observe this condition, an analog oscilloscope is required. Analog oscilloscopes are also superior when simultaneously observing voltage and current waveforms. In addition, when magnifying a switching waveform for observation on an analog oscilloscope, no complicated operations are required to triggerthe waveform.Captured by digital oscilloscope (10 GS/s)Captured by analog storage oscilloscope 11— A wide range of options for maximum efficiency and optimum performance ArrayTS-Series and SS-Series Options1213Notes for TS-Series Oscilloscopes"#。
ITI种植体(Straumann种植体)介绍临床上我经常听到有很多的患者甚至是医生提到过ITI 种植体,但实际上ITI的种植体真正的名称是Straumann种植系统(士卓曼)ITI是国际口腔种植学会(International Team for Implantology)的简称。
那么为什么Straumann 种植体(士卓曼)又被称为ITI种植体,关于这个问题我在以后会说一下,这里就不在多说了。
分别是:直径3.3mm 直径4.1mm 直径4.8mm 从长度上来分的话,分别为:长度:6mm 长度:8mm 长度:10mm 长度:12mm 长度:14mm 长度:16mm 从表明处理来分,可以分为亲水性和非亲水性两种。
meh n lssr a t n S c r b e a s n r d c in c ce a h g e s n e e g o s mp in, ta oy i e ci . u h p o lmsc u e a l g p o u t y l , i h rl si n r y c n u t o o o o o lw a d i sa l il .Af rt et c n c l mp o e n ,t e p o l mswh c xs h r ia r c s o n n tb e y ed t h ia r v me t h r b e ih e iti t e o gn l o e s e h e i n i p h sb e e ov d, t e e e g o s mp in h v e n r d c d a d h r d c in c ce h v e n a e n rsle h n r c n u t a e b e e u e n t e p o u t y l a e b e y o o
第 5期
张淑新 : 乙酸三 甲酯生产工艺改进应用
张淑 新
( 博职 业学 院 , 淄 山东 淄博 25 1 ) 534
摘要 : 乙酸三甲酯生产工艺 中由于反应 系统 中存 在水分 , 原 反应釜冷却能力有 限, 醇解 反应 p H值 控制不好等问题 , 导致生产周期
Mach3以太网控制卡 MKX-ET(以太网卡)说明书
MACH3以太网控制卡适合系统:MACH3运动控制系统MK3-ET :以太网接口的,3轴运动控制卡MK4-ET :以太网接口的,4轴运动控制卡MK6-ET :以太网接口的,6轴运动控制卡型号以太网卡:184x127x 30mmMKX-ET(以太网卡)说明书QC :012016-9-13电源0V 电源24V适合系统:Mach 3系统产品型号:MK 4-ET 产品名称:Mach 3以太网控制卡硬件程序版本:特点描述支持Mach 3 所有版本,只适合Windows 操作系统,仅支持以太网接口,使用时需要进行IP 通讯地址设置(参考第20页)支持主轴速度反馈功能支持断电续传功能支持最大10米以太网线,无需安装驱动,即插即用;支持最多6轴联动,包括点动6轴联动。
(根据型号不同,支持轴数不同)拥有2000K Hz 的脉冲输出,支持差分信号输出,支持伺服/步进电机。
拥有状态指示灯,可提示连线状态,Mach 3连线状态,运行中,各类状态一目了然。
拥有16个输入口,8个输出口,支持扩展输入输出口所有IO 口全隔离,抗干扰强,性能稳定支持主轴PWM 调速输出;支持主轴脉冲+方向输出;支持主轴0到10V 模拟电压调速输出。
184x 127x 30 毫米,铝外壳,屏蔽干扰,稳定可靠。
★第1部分:控制卡硬件说明★★★★★★★★★-1-端口说明图变频器调速接口变频器调速信号模拟地变频器调速输入:0-10V 变频器10V 输出5V P W M 信号输出X 轴原点信号(输入0)Y 轴原点信号(输入1)Z 轴原点信号(输入2)A 轴原点信号(输入3)对刀信号输入(输入4)16个输入信号接口外接电源输入:24V外接电源输入:地线方向-脉冲+外接电源输入X 轴工作指示灯状态说明:常亮:表示工作运行正常输出:0V电源指示灯慢闪:表示控制卡与电脑 连接正常不亮:表示与电脑连接 不正常输出0V输出24V 输入5输入6输入7输入8输入9输入10输入11输入12输入13输入14输入15输出8输出3输出4输出5输出6输出76个输出口Y 轴Z 轴A 轴第1部分:控制卡硬件说明变频器正转信号变频器反转信号变频器数字信号地主轴速度反馈输出:24V-2-QC :012016-9-13脉冲-方向+方向-脉冲+脉冲-方向+方向-脉冲+脉冲-方向+方向-脉冲+脉冲-方向+电源0V电源24V输出:24V输出:0V适合系统:Mach 3系统产品型号:MK 4-ET 产品名称:Mach 3以太网控制卡硬件程序版本:应用接线图备注:如果出现开启变频器,控制卡工作不正常,是因为变频器干扰引起的;请更换变频器 根据我们的测试,推荐使用市场上的如下品牌变频器:贝斯特。
3X FLAG 碱基序产品说明书
F4799dat Rev 07/211Product Information3X FLAG ® PeptideF4799Storage Temperature 2-8 °CProduct DescriptionThe 3X FLAG ® Peptide is a synthetic peptide of23 amino acid residues, with a calculated molecular weight of 2,864 Da, where theAsp-Tyr-Lys-Xaa-Xaa-Asp motif 1 is repeated three times in the peptide. The eight amino acids at the C-terminus make up the classic FLAG sequence(Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys). The sequence of the 3X FLAG ® Peptide is as follows:N-Met-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-His-Asp-Gly-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-His-Asp-Ile-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys-CThis product is for use in competitive elution of3X FLAG ® fusion proteins from the ANTI-FLAG ® M2 monoclonal antibody in solution or bound to agarose on the ANTI-FLAG ® M2 agarose affinity gel.A working concentration of 100 µg/mL is commonly used to elute 3X FLAG ® fusion proteins from theANTI-FLAG ® M2 affinity gel.2,3 Five column volumes of this working solution are sufficient to elute most 3X FLAG ® fusion proteins. FLAG peptide (Cat. No. F3290) will not elute 3X FLAG ® fusion proteins.Other publications have used other concentrations of this 3X FLAG ® Peptide at varying concentrations, where we have not necessarily tested those different conditions, such as: •200 ng/mL 4•150 µg/mL 5•0.2 mg/mL 6•0.3 mg/mL (300 µg/mL)7•150 µM 8•340 µM 9•0.5 mg/mL 10Preparation InstructionsTo prepare a stock solution, dissolve in TBS(50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, with 150 mM NaCl) at a concentration of 5 mg/mL. Aliquot and store at –20 °C. Repeated freezing and thawing is not recommended.Storage/StabilityStore the product at 2–8 °C.Precautions and DisclaimerFor R&D use only. Not for drug, household, or other uses. Please consult the Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices.ProcedurePeptide Elution of 3X FLAG ® Fusion Protein from ANTI-FLAG ® M2 Affinity GelNote: Affinity chromatography may be performed at room temperature. If, however, the 3X FLAG ® fusion protein is unstable or sensitive to protease,chromatography should be performed at 2-8 °C. Column Set-Up1.Place the empty chromatography column on afirm support.2.Attach a drainage tube to the column to controlthe flow rate. Limit the length of tubing to 25 cm.3.Remove the top and bottom tabs and rinse thecolumn twice with TBS. Allow the buffer to drain from the column. Leave residual TBS in the column to aid in packing the ANTI-FLAG ® M2affinity gel.F4799dat Rev 07/212Packing the Column1.Thoroughly suspend a vial of ANTI-FLAG ® M2affinity gel to make a uniform suspension of the gel beads.2.Immediately transfer the suspension tothe column.3.Allow the gel bed to drain and rinse the vialwith TBS.4.Add the rinse to the column and allow it to drainagain. The gel bed will not crack when excess solution is drained under normal circumstances,but do not let the gel bed run dry.Washing the ColumnWash the gel by loading three sequential 5 mL aliquots of 0.1 M glycine HCl, pH 3.5, followed by three sequential 5 mL aliquots of TBS. Avoiddisturbing the gel bed while loading. Let each aliquot drain completely before adding the next. Do not leave the column in glycine HCl for longer than 20 minutes. Binding the 3X FLAG ® Fusion Protein to the Column1.Proper binding of FLAG fusion proteins to theANTI-FLAG ® M2 affinity gel requires physiological ionic strength and neutral pH.Note: If the sample contains particulate material,centrifuge or filter prior to applying to the column.Viscous samples should be sonicated or treated with deoxyribonuclease I prior to loading on the column.2.Load the sample onto the column under gravityflow. Fill the column completely several times for large volumes. Depending upon the protein and flow rate, all of the antigen may not bind. Multiple passes over the column will improve the binding efficiency.3.After binding, wash the column three times with12 mL aliquots of TBS.Elution of 3X FLAG ® Fusion Proteins by Competition with 3X FLAG ® Peptide: 1.Allow the column to drain completely.2.Elute the bound 3X FLAG ®-BAP or the 3X FLAG ®fusion protein of interest by competitive elution with five one-column volume aliquots of a solution containing 100 µg/mL 3X FLAG ® peptide in TBS.Note: Column packing quality, flow rate, andspecific properties of the 3X FLAG ® fusion protein may influence the efficiency of protein elution.Recycling the Column3X FLAG ® peptide may not elute all of the 3X FLAG ® fusion protein bound to ANTI-FLAG ® M2 affinity gel. It is recommended the column be regeneratedimmediately after use by washing with three 5 mL aliquots of 0.1 M glycine HCI, pH 3.5. The columnshould be immediately re-equilibrated in TBS until the effluent is at neutral pH.Note: Do not leave the column in glycine HCl for longer than 20 minutes. Storing the Column1.Wash the column three times with 5 mL of TBS/A(TBS containing 0.02% sodium azide).2.Then add another 5 mL of TBS/A.3.Store at 2–8 °C without draining.References1.Miceli, R.M. et al., J. Immunol. Methods ,167(1-2): 279-287 (1994).2.Zheng, X., and Pincus, D., Bio. Protoc., 7(12):e2348 (2017).3.Fujii, K. et al., Mol. Cell., 72(6):1013-1020.e6 (2018).4.Kuliyev, E. et al., J. Neurosci ., 38(10):2615-2630 (2018).5.Chen, H. et al., STAR Protoc ., 1(1):100043 (2020).The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.Merck FLAG, ANTI-FLAG, and Sigma-Aldrich are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources. © 2021 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. F4799dat Rev 07/2136.Meller, N. et al., J. Biol. Chem., 279(36):37470-37476 (2004).7.Duan, S. et al., Nucleic Acids Res ., 48(12):6530-6546 (2020).8.Isom, D.G. et al., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA ,107(11): 4908-4913 (2010).9.Valdez-Sinon, A.N. et al., iScience , 23(5):101132 (2020).10.Huang, D. et al., Biochemistry , 59(16):1559-1564 (2020).NoticeWe provide information and advice to our customers on application technologies and regulatory matters to the best of our knowledge and ability, but without obligation or liability. Existing laws and regulations are to be observed in all cases by our customers. This also applies in respect to any rights of third parties. Our information and advice do not relieve ourcustomers of their own responsibility for checking the suitability of our products for the envisaged purpose. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as acommitment by the manufacturing or selling entity, or an affiliate. We assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.Technical AssistanceVisit the tech service page at /techservice .Standard WarrantyThe applicable warranty for the products listed in this publication may be found at /terms .Contact InformationFor the location of the office nearest you, go to /offices .。
1a33ltx技术参数1. 1a33ltx概述1a33ltx是一种先进的互联网技术,它能够在实时应用和大规模数据处理等方面发挥出色的作用。
2. 1a33ltx的创新点1a33ltx在互联网技术中具备多项创新点,其中包括以下几个方面:- 高速数据传输:1a33ltx通过优化数据传输算法,实现了高速数据传输,大大提升了数据处理效率。
- 高度并行处理:1a33ltx采用分布式计算模式,能够将任务分配到多个节点进行并行处理,从而提高系统整体的响应速度。
- 数据安全保障:1a33ltx引入了先进的安全机制,包括数据加密、身份验证等,确保数据在传输和存储过程中的安全性。
3. 1a33ltx的技术参数以下是1a33ltx的几个重要技术参数,它们对于技术应用和性能评估具有重要意义:- 带宽:1a33ltx的带宽参数决定了其数据传输的速度和效率。
- 数据处理能力:1a33ltx的数据处理能力指的是系统在处理大规模数据时的速度和能力,在实时应用和数据分析方面非常关键。
- 可扩展性:1a33ltx的可扩展性描述了系统能够根据需求进行水平扩展的能力,使得系统能够处理更多的用户请求和数据负载。
- 可靠性:1a33ltx的可靠性指系统在处理数据过程中的稳定性和可靠性,包括容错能力和故障恢复能力等。
4. 1a33ltx的商业应用1a33ltx作为先进的互联网技术,可以在多个领域中得到应用,以下是一些商业应用案例:- 电子商务平台:1a33ltx能够快速处理大量的用户请求和商品数据,提供稳定的交易环境和优质的用户体验。
- 实时数据分析:1a33ltx的高速数据传输和并行处理能力,使其能够实时分析海量数据,为企业提供决策支持。
- 云计算服务:1a33ltx的可扩展性能够满足云计算服务提供商的需求,实现资源高效利用和弹性伸缩。
5. 总结1a33ltx作为一种先进的互联网技术,在实时应用和大规模数据处理等方面具备出色的性能和可靠性。
tet酶 重亚硫酸氢盐 甲基化
P R O F E S S I O N A LTECHNICAL DATAControlSpace EX-1280 digital signal processorApplicationsPerformance venues Stadiums and arenas Places of worshipResorts and Hospitality Venues Multipurpose spacesKey FeaturesOpen-architecture , 1RU design built for general-purpose and PA applications USB connection facilitates easy integration with PC audio sourcesDante audio networking supports 64 x 64 audio channels for connection to other Dante-enabled products, including native Dante-integrated microphones, amplifiers, mixers, and end pointsBose AmpLink port provides 8 channels of uncompressed, low-latency digital audio to AmpLink-equipped Bose amplifiersFront-panel interface features a large OLED display and rotary encoder for setting network parameters and monitoring channel activityGPIO (5 in/5 out) and Serial for interfacing with external devices and control systemsHigh-quality analog circuitry offers both mic and line-level I/O, operates with ultra-low noise and 118 dB dynamic range.Bose ControlSpace Designer software enables a large set of signal processing modules, such as automatic micmixing, multiband graphic and parametric EQs, Bose loudspeaker libraries, signal generators, routers, mixers, AGCs, duckers, gates, compressors, source selectors, delays and logicA variety of control options— compatible with the programmable Bose CC-64 and CC-16 controllers, ControlCenter digital zone controllers, and ControlSpace Remote clientsSupports industry-standard control systems using a comprehensive serial protocol through onboard RS-232 and Ethernet ports, with available drivers for AMX and Crestron-based systemsProduct OverviewWith an open-architecture, single-rack-unit design, the ControlSpace EX-1280 is a robust digital signal processor equipped for general-purpose audio processing applications. Twelve mic/line analog inputs, eight analog outputs, a Bose AmpLink output, and 64 x 64 Dante® connectivity allow for flexible configuration and high-quality sound system control. ControlSpace Designer software simplifies the setup process with drag-and-drop programming, making configuration quick and easy.Technical Specificationsq Front-panel OLED Display and Encoder – 256 x 64 display for metering and network info. Rotary/press knob for IP setupq Balanced Analog I/O – 12 inputs, 8 outputswG PIO – 5 x 5 general-purpose control eC ontrolSpace Network Port – ControlSpace/Dante secondary when configured for redundant mode r Dante Network Port – ControlSpace/Dante Primary by defaulttU SB Port – Micro-B USB for PC with stereo input and output y USB Port – Future useuB ose Amplink – 8-channel uncompressed, low-latency digital audio output iS erial Port – 3-wire RS-232C (DTE) serial interface connection oC C-16 – Supports Bose CC-16 user controls qq w r t y u i oeDante is a registered trademark of Audinate Pty Ltd. For additional specifications and application information, please visit . Specificationssubject to change without notice. 06/2019Product CodesControlSpace EX-1280 digital signal processor US-120V 834317-1110EU-230V 834317-2110JP-100V 834317-3110UK-230V834317-4110AU-240V 834317-5110AccessoriesControlSpace EX-UH USB/Headset Dante endpoint 771784-0110ControlSpace EX-4ML 4-ch mic/GPIO Dante endpoint 771783-0110ControlSpace EX-8ML 8-ch mic/GPIO Dante endpoint772045-0110。
使用3.3V 工作电压时,V3引脚与VCC引脚相连接,同时输入外部的3.3V电源,其他电路的工作电压不能超过3.3V。
异丙基氯化镁 缩写
它的化学式为(CH3CH(Cl)CH3)MgCl2,其中,(CH3CH(Cl)CH3) 代表异丙基基团,MgCl2 代表氯化镁。
异丙基氯化镁的缩写为 (CH3CH(Cl)CH3)MgCl2,它是由三个碳原子、一个镁原子和两个氯原子组成的有机金属化合物。
1. 形成烯醇负离子:醇分子中的羟基负电荷与亲电试剂发生作用,形成烯醇负离子。
2. 负离子迁移:烯醇负离子中的负电荷从羟基上转移到相邻的碳原子上,形成一个碳负离子。
3. 碳负离子的亲电攻击:生成的碳负离子可以与亲电试剂发生反应,形成中间体。
4. 脱去氢:中间体发生失去氢的反应,形成双键结构的产物。
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对 X[m]直接进行IDFT 可以求得序列x[k] ,验证以上结果。 时间抽取FFT
= {1, -1-j, 3.5+7.5j, -2.5–1.5j, 2, -2.5+1.5j, 3.5–7.5j, -1+j} X2[m]=1/(2j){Y[m]- Y*[(-m)8]} = {-3, 5+j, -0.5+0.5j, -3.5+1.5j, 5, -3.5-1.5j, -0.5-0.5j, 5-j} 由y[k]=IDFT{Y[m]}=x1[k]+jx2[k],可得x1[k]和x2[k]分别为 x1[k] = {0.375, -1.2929, -0.625, 1.9268, 2.215, -2.7071, -0.375, 1.5732} x2[k] = {0.500, -0.0643, 0.500, -2.8195, -0.250, -2.1875, 0.250, 1.0695} 对x1[k]和x2[k]分别进行DFT,即可验证X1[m]和X2[m]的结果。 时间抽取FFT
算序列x[k]={1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}的DFT。
解: N=8基2时间抽取的FFT流图如图所示。
3-3. 利用N=8基2时间抽取的FFT流图计算序列x[k]={1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0}的DFT。比较习题3-1,3-2,3-3计算结果,有何结论?
其中 X1[m], X2[m]和X3[m] 分别表示3-1,3-2,3-3的计算结果。
3-4. 画出N=4基2频率抽取的FFT流图,并利用该流图计
算序列x[k]={1, -1, 1, -1}的DFT。
解: N=4基2频率抽取的FFT流图如图所示。
序列x[k]={1, -1, 1, -1}的DFT 为X[m]={0, 4, 0, 0}。
3-7. 已知复序列的y[k]=x1[k]+jx2[k]的8点DFT为:Y[m]={1-3j,
-2+4j, 3+7j, -4 - 5j, 2+5j, -1-2j, 4 - 8j, 6j}, 试确定实序列 x1[k]和x2[k]的8点DFT X1[m]和X2[m],并由Y[m]的DFT验 证。 解: X1[m]=1/2{Y[m]+ Y*[(-m)8]}
3-12. 已知某4点序列x[k]的DFT为:
X[m]={1+2j, 2+3j, 3+4j, 4+5j}, 试由FFT计算 X[m]的IDFT x[k] ,并通过IFFT验证。
解: 由于
N 1 1 mk X [ m ]W N x[ k ] N m 0
3-1. 画出N=4基2时间抽取的FFT流图,并利用该流图计
算序列x[k]={1, 1, 1, 1}的DFT。
解: N=4基2时间抽取的FFT流图如图所示。
序列x[k]={1, 1, 1, 1}的DFT 为X[m]={4, 0, 0, 0}。
3-2. 画出N=8基2时间抽取的FFT流图,并利用该流图计
由FFT计算N点X[m] 的IDFTx[k]的过程为: X[m] { }*N
根据X [m]可得
X*[m] = {1-2j, 2-3j, 3-4j, 4-5j}
对X* [m]进行FFT,可得 4x*[k] = {10-14j, 4j, -2+2j, -4} 最后可得 x[k] = {2.5+3.5j, -j, -0.5-0.5j, -1}
在序列补零后,不改变信号频谱X(ejΩ),但可以从其DFT 中获得X(ejΩ)在[0,2π)上更多的样点频率信息。 在序列之间插零(即信号内插运算),将改变信号频谱 X(ejΩ),相当于序列的时域扩展,其对应的频谱为原来频谱 的压缩。 因此上述序列的DFT存在下列关系: X2[2m]= X1[m], X3[m] = X1[m], X3[m] = X1[m-4], m=0, 1, 2, 3 m=0, 1, 2, 3 m=4, 5, 6, 7