Case study2


Case Study

Case Study

Case Study 1•Richard’s sincere compliments on the wonderful meal misunderstood by the Egyptian family becauseRichard chose to praise the food itself rather than thetotal evening in their home.Case Study 2•The American teacher feel frustrated with a Korean student in his class because she never asked questions. He later realized that Koreans students regard asking questions as impolite and disrespectful.Case Study 3•Luz from the Dominican Republic took American Mary’s walkman without permission because Luz regarded her asa member of the family, in which, possessions are sharedby everyone.Case Study 4•Many foreign visitors to America feel that Americans are so cold and distant because they seldom engage themselves entirely in a friendships.Case Study 5• A Canadian tourist offered his Chinese guide a bottle of beer, but the guide refused even though he liked beer very much. The Chinese guide was just being modest and polite and expected to refuse twice before finally accepting the beer on the third offer.Case Study 6•Litz was surprised her visiting Chinese mother-in-law decided to leave only two days afterher arrival in Finland.•This was because the mother of her Chinese husband overheard her ask him: “how long is she going tostay?” Her husband’s mother believed she was nolonger welcome.Case Study 7•Japanese foreign student was embarrassed when her college friends brought over some old furniture and appliances to help her be more comfortable in her newhome. She was embarrassed because she believed it would be rude and impolite not to offer them gifts in returnCase Study 8•Amy and her family live in America. They are Chinese. On Christmas Eve, Amy invited her American friend and family to have dinner with them in their home. Amy’s mother cooked them Chinese dishes instead of traditional American Christmas food and her family behaved as normal when eating their food. Her mother taught her that she should be proud of her cultural differences. The only shame is to have shameCase Study 9• A young Canadian executive surprised to discover that a previous business arrangement made by both him and his young Japanese counterpart had been rejected by his retired grandfather at a meeting.•The young Japanese chairman simply nodded and accepted his gra ndfather’s comments because he respected his grandfather’s authority and was loyal and obedient to him.Case Study 10• A young Japanese general manager felt extremely surprised when Mr. Legrand, a French engineerworking for his company, decided not to accept aposition in the Middle East which offered promotionand more money.•What surprised him was that Mr. Legrand chose to talk to his wife first before making his decision.•Japanese men seldom discuss this matter with their wives.Case Study 11• A Japanese girl felt shocked and insulted when the shop assistant did not apologize for the broken lampshe had bought.•She was shocked by his behavior because in Japan, shop assistants would treat customers like gods andwould be very apologetic.Case Study 12• A welcome dinner held by one of Canada’s leading banksfor the Chinese delegation was not a success because the Chinese did not receive any welcome speeches or toasts to good health during the meal.Case Study 13•The Americans did not recognize the Japanese government’s intention to consider their ultimatum of surrender because the translated word “Mokusatsu” had two meanings. The first meant “to take no notice of” and the second meant “to consider”. The Americans unfortunately believed that their ultimatum had been rejected.Case Study 14•The translator had a problem on how to translate the names “Yang” and “Liu” in one of Mao’s poems.•The general rule here is that it is better not to translate people’s names, road names, city names and so on.Case Study 15•The translated text from a Chinese travel brochure about the Dragon Boat Festival unsuitable for a foreign visitor because the text assumed the reader was already familiar with Chinese history and culture.•The text did not provide any historical background information to the event nor give the visitor any important travel information.Case Study 16•When we compare different translations of the same text we can discover the cultural gaps and learn waysto bridge those gaps for better communication.Case Study 17•On a flight from Japan to Hong Kong, Chinese businessman Chu Hon-fai felt uncomfortable with the American businessman’s approach to using first name terms as friendly gesture and by calling him by his Chinese first name. He’s never called Hon-fai at home. He thinks the American would be rather insensitive to Chinesecustoms.Case Study 18•An American was a dinner guest in a Pakistani household.He had a delicious meal and was no longer hungry. The hostess asked him several times if he would like more curry as his plate was empty. She continued to offer him more because she believed that he only refused more curry out of politeness and that he would accept more on the third or fourth offer.Case Study 19•An visiting Canadian professor Ron Kelly give so much praise that seemed irrelevant before finally mentioning his difficult problem with his Chinese hosts in Sichuan. This was because he realised that Chinese people prefer harmony and put emphasis on saving face and establishing good relations. He learned that this way to communicate his message was more productive in China.Case Study 20•Letters of Request written in Chinese are different fromthose written in English because they are usually indirect and give reasons before making the request.。

case study和field study

case study和field study

Case study和field study是两种常见的研究方法,它们在社会科学研究中扮演着重要的角色。


一、案例研究(case study)1.定义案例研究是一种深入细致地对一个个案或少数几个相关个案进行全面分析和研究的方法。









二、实地研究(field study)1.定义实地研究是一种通过实地调查和观察的方式进行研究的方法。







个案研究法(Case Study)

个案研究法(Case Study)

个案研究法(Case Study)陈姿伶中兴大学农业推广教育研究所早在1870年,美国哈佛大学法学院即创用此一个案研究法来训练学生思考法律的原理原则。


而在这当中几位举足轻重的关键学者,如实验心理学家菲吉纳于1860年创立新物法,针对个别对象,进行有系统的感官研究,建立著名的Fecher’s Law。



在其细心的探求下,使得病人能够回忆自己在儿童及年轻时代所发生的,但却已遗忘良久的,有关创伤性的或与性有关的意外事件,根据弗洛伊德的假设:这些意外事件或可用来解释病人的神经性行为,以所曾研究之Sergei Petrov 的—位狼人(the Wolf Man)的生活史来说,其最后并以「来自婴幼期神经症的生活史」(From the History of an Infantile Neurosis)为标题,将研究结果撰写成书并于1918年出版问世,此书则是弗洛伊德应用个案研究的典型例举之一,且其所归结获致之个案的结果,事实上与其假设一致吻合,这亦使得心理的个案分析因此一时蔚为时尚,且被认定视为一项有效的处理事情的方法。



至于个案分析在社会学上的发展沿革,则可依年代顺序归纳如下:(1)1908年,哈佛大学创设企业管理研究所,由经济学家Edwin F, Gay担任首任院长,他认为企管教学,应仿效哈佛法学院的教学方法,Gay称作「问题方法」(problem method),自此哈佛大学设置个案发展单位。

体验商务英语综合教程2 unit2 Case study

体验商务英语综合教程2 unit2 Case study

Our advertising budget is 300,000 – at least!
Share costs on a 70%/30% basis (70% Lifetime Holidays ) Media: include radio advertising. Investment and profits 50%/50%basis. We suggest that your company manages the project because of your greater experience and knowledge of selling online.
We reach an agreement on a joint venture!

We need a four-year contract. Our destinations is offer all the holidays in both companies’. Our customers aim at all age groups. We can provide car hire and insurance services as they are very profitable for your company. Our advertising budget is 250,000 pounds. Share costs on 50/50 basis. Media :Mail shots and press adverting. Investment and profits 50%/50% basis. We decided that we manages the project together.



第五章国际货物买卖合同的标的商品的品质【Case Study 1】我国出口苹果酒一批,名称为“APPLE WINE”, 我出口方在所有单据上均用“APPLE WINE”,不料,货到国外后遭受海关扣留罚款,因为该批货的内外包装均写的是“CIDER”字样。

商品的品质【Case Study 2】青岛某公司向日本出口一批苹果。



请问:在上述情况下,买方有无拒付的权利,为什么?【Case Study3】北京某公司向伊拉克出口北京冻鸭一批,合同规定:所有鸭子必须按伊斯兰教方法屠宰。



问造成损失的原因是什么?【Case Study 4】A公司从国外进口一批青霉素油剂,合同规定该商品品质“以英国药局1953年标准为准”,但货到目的港后,发现商品有异样,于是请商检部门进行检验。


商品的数量【Case Study 5】大连某进出口公司向日本出口一批大米,在洽谈时,谈妥出口2000公吨,每公吨收280美元FOB大连。


问:外商的要求是否合理?我方应接受的教训是什么?【Case Study 6】合同中数量条款规定“10,000MT 5% more or less at the seller’s option”,卖方正待交货时,该货国际市场价格大幅度下跌,问:(1)如果你是卖方,拟实际交货多少数量?(2)如果你是买方,在磋商合同条款时,有何注意事项?【Case Study 7】中国某公司从国外进口小麦,合同规定:数量200万公吨,每公吨100美元。



英语论文案例分析-Case study英语论文案例分析:Case studyCase1The ChaoZhou Calen Fashion Company Ltd’ is a private midsized firm located in the edding dress ton —Chaozhou China, ith the area of 1500 square meters. Its produces are mainly of varieties of beading, machine embroidery, and movable floers decorated edding dresses and evening dresses. The firm is a private enterprise but registered as a tonship collective enterprise in 1988 due to policy reason. It produced evening and edding dress for a foreign trade firm in Shanghai exporting to the Japan market. The export share of the firm has alays been close to 100 percent due to heavily dependent on OEM, i.e. producing for other firms and brands. Mr. Cai, one of the shareholders of Calen Fashion, joined Calen Fashion in 2006. He has been orked for a large-scale import and export pany for 5 fears mainly engaged in the field of evening dressing .During that time, he accumulated export experience and overseas customers resources. In 2006, he met the factory manager Mr. Wang through orking relationship. After several times contact, Mr.Cai decided to cooperate ith Mr. Wang to run Calen Fashion together. Mr.Cai used his knoledge and experience to obtain theself-export right for Calen Fashion and registered an on brand for domestic market in 2006. From 2016, the firms obtained export rights and started to accept orders also from the US and Canada hich are mostly introduced by Mr. Cai. Japan still accounts for 60 percent of the export, but is decreasing. The full focus of Calen Fashion has been OEM for the international market, thereby having close to 100 % export. In 2006, the pany registered an on brand for the domestic market, hich no accounts for 5 percent of the sales.Case2Skyline Architecture FirmThe Skyline Architecture Firm is a private midsized architecture design firm located in Beijing. The firm as established in 2003, firstly undertaking project design and urban planning for domestic realty panies. According to Chinese construction regulation, foreign architecture pany ho involved in construction project in China should choose a Chinese architecture firm as a coordinator. From the beginning, through business and personal connections, the firm got many opportunities to ork ith foreign design firms in China’s project. In 2006, the firm started the first overseas project in Qatar, cooperated ith Chinese Construction Company to provide the conceptual design for Qatar clients. From then on, skyline architecture firm try to engage in international architecture petition to explore international market. Hoever, the main customer is still in China. In 2016, through an old business partner, ho orks as the project manager in a Vietnam realty pany, skyline architecture firm obtained their second overseas project. Until 2016, the firm’s overseas turnover accountfor 5% of total revenue.Mr. Chen, the intervieee, is a co-founder of the firm. He has been orked for one of the biggest state oned Architecture Design Research Group. The other partner, Mr. Cui, has been orked in Hong Kong for 5years. They set up skyline in 2003 and focused on cater to domestic realty pany. Mr. Chen said most of the ne customers introduced by business netork.Case3The ‘Shunyi Jiahua Ganment Company Ltd’ is a tonship garment process factory located in Beijing. The pany as established in 1998 and is producing apparel of cotton, ool, silk, etc., e.g.leisure shirts. The firm as established in 1998 and until 2001 it as a tonship enterprise attached to Dahua Garment Company Ltd., hich is one of the biggest state oned garment factories in Beijing. Dahua Ganment subcontracted its foreign orders to cooperative process factories, Jiahua Ganment as one of them. In 2001, China abolished the export a system gradually since the entry in the World Trade Organization . Dahua start to lose its advantage because the pany used to get export a as a state oned enterprise from Chinatex Corporation, hich is alarge-scale state-oned group corporation engaging production and trade of ra materials, textiles and garments. Under the circumstances, Jiahua started to seek orders from other trade or agent panies to make up the shortage order from Dahua. In 2006, Jiahua separated from Dahua Garment officially and kept on OEM for the international market. The export share of the firm has alays been to 100 percent by indirect export. Their products mainly for European clothing brand.。









2.接下来就是两个case study,通过这两个case study很好地帮助我们了解到意略明确实是一家在市场咨询方面数一数二的公司,具体的案例就不详情叙述了,总之会有现场问答环节,有两位同学可以获得freepass卡,免笔试,直通group inteview。


4.最后就是笔试啦,笔试总共一小时,三个部分(1)why Illuminera?weakness?(2)一个case 关于new product launch的不是特别难当然也希望来笔试的同学至少把所有mkt方面的基本case类型都过一遍(3)essay一篇针对百合网那个有争议的广告做出assessment和implication of other marketers的分析。







商务英语写作18 商务旅行

商务英语写作18 商务旅行

What’s the purpose of writing letters for business visits and itineraries?
What are the components of letters for business visits and itineraries?
We take the pleasure in advising that our Export Manager, Mr. Kwok wishes to visit your country in May of this year for the purpose of entering into business relations with your manufacturers of porcelain wares for importation to Britain. Therefore, we should appreciate it if you would furnish us with an invitation to the Canton Fair.
Body (giving necessary information)
Business ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้isit and Itinerary
1 Case Study
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Closing (expressing your wish to receive a favorable reply)
What are the requirements on the language used in letters for business visits and itineraries?

2Unit 2 Case Study

2Unit 2 Case Study

Case Study
Case 5 (Cultural differences)
Tips: Chinese people tend to accept an offer at a second or a third time in order to be polite.
North American rules set that you do not push alcoholic beverages on anyone.
7. Did you buy her a rose? b: I bought her a flower. (I didn’t buy her a rose)
Elements of Communication Matching Task
2. Good morning. Do you have anything to treat complete loss of voice?
f:Good morning, sir. What can I do for you today? (We don’t have anything to treat complete loss of voice)
Elements of Communication Matching Task
5. Would you like a cocktail? It’s my invention. i:Well, mmm uh it’s not that we don’t drink.
(I’m a bit dubious about drinking that cocktail)
Elements of Communication Matching Task
6. Are you going to Steve’s barbecue? h: It’s an outdoor party . (I’m not going to it)

case studies 和case study

case studies 和case study

案例研究(Case Studies)是一种深入研究特定主题的方法,它通常包括对特定个体、组织或事件的详细调查和分析。
















跨文化交际案例case study 2

跨文化交际案例case study 2

Chapter 2 Staying with a FamilyCase 1Erica: Hello! Thank for coming. Here, let me take your coat.Lin: Hello. Thanks. Here’s some wine for you.Erica: That’s lovely. You really shouldn’t have, Lin. Thank you. Let’s go in and meet the others.分析:无论东方还是西方,去做客总要带点儿礼物。





Case 2Erica: Lin, do have some more dessert.Lin: Thank you, but I’m afraid I’ve had enough. It’s wonderful.分析:同世界上其他国家的人一样,西方人也很好客。



Case 3After the meal and after the table has been cleared. Liu is not sure what to do, but wants to help in some way. At least he wants to offer.Helen: Thanks for your help, Huang.Liu: Pleasure. What can I do now?Helen: Nothing. It’s fine. I’ll rinse these dishes then stack them. It’ll only take a minute.Liu: Does the family usually help?Helen: Well, at special times. Jack sometimes rinses the dishes but you can see he’s really tired tonight.Liu: Let me do it for you.Helen: No truly, it’s okay.Liu: Maybe I can wipe the table then.Helen: That would be helpful. Thanks. You’re really kind, Huang.分析:在西方人家中的就餐的时间里,大家都设法插手帮一下忙,即便是男士也不例外,不要一点不动着开饭。



Job Application Letter
2 Group Discussion
1. What’s the purpose of writing a job application letter? ❖ The purpose of drafting a letter of application is to introduce
Job Application Letter
3 Situational Task
❖ If you need any further information, please let me know. I will appreciate it very much if you if you grant me an interview. And I can be reached anytime via email at li_xin@ or my cell phone, at 13777220011.
Job Application Letter
1 Case Study
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications. I strive for continued excellence. I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers.
















Case Study 案例分析

Case Study 案例分析

Praising Japanese in Public Workplaces(在工作场所当众表扬日本人)琼斯先生(美国经理)当众表扬苏琦木拓(日本员工)工作做得很棒,本以为苏琦木拓会高兴的接受,却不料…..Case description:American: Mr. Sugimoto, I have noticed that you are doing an excellent job on the assembly line. I hope that the other workers notice how it should bedone.Japanese: (He is uneasy). Praise is not necessary. I am only doing my job. (He hopes other Japanese workers do not hear.)American: You are the finest, most excellent, dedicated worker we have ever had at the Jones Corporation.Japanese: (He blushed and nods his head several times, and keeps working.)American: Well, are you going to say “thank you,” Mr. S ugimoto, or just remain silent?Japanese: Excuse me, Mr. Jones … May I take leave for five minutes?American: Sure. (He is annoyed and watched Sugimoto exit). I can’t believe how rude some Japanese workers are. They seem to be disturbed by praiseand don’t answer you … just silent.Questions for discussion:1.Why was the conversation between Mr. Jones and Mr. Sugimoto not sopleasant?2.Why did they have such different reactions towards praising in publicworkplaces?3.If you were Mr. Sugimoto, would you accept praise from Mr. Jones in publicworkplaces?4.If you were Mr. Jones, how would you deal with the situation moreappropriately?怎样理解微笑?微笑是友好的表示,理应得到友好的回应理应。


Zara Case Study - 2
How specifically do the distinctive features of Zara business model affect its operating economics? Specifically, compare Zara with an average retailer with similar potex fully owns Comditel that managed dyeing, patterning and finishing of grey fabric of Inditex’s chains, and supplied finished fabric to external as well as in-house manufacturers. This gave Zara further competitive advantage, in terms of both cost and control. Inditex also fully owned 20 factories for internal manufacture. These factories apply just-in-time production (JIT). Again, this gave Zara further competitive advantage, in terms of both cost and control.
• Zara’s business model makes it more profitable then any other retailer. We already know from marketing that the retailer gets almost half the price of the commodity sold. So by playing both the role of the manufacturer and the role of the retailer, Zara is definitely much more profitable than the average retailer with similar posted prices.

室内设计(英文案例分析)幼儿园 Care Study 2

室内设计(英文案例分析)幼儿园 Care Study 2

Case Study 2Primetime Day Care CenterArchitecture: Marcio KoganLocation:St Paul BrazilianProject area:870.75 sqmProject year: 2007The project is the first exclusive education in Brazil for the of basic concept, designed for children aged 0 to 3 of nursery. The project key is included in the plan, seek of the specific conditions of the full creative solutions. First of all is to imagine an abstract space from the design of the nursery, ordinary routine, full of joy, can satisfy the function demand of nursery involved. Participate in the design of the technical team also insisted the direction, puts forward the optimal solution, provide quality good nursery for air and water, geothermal equipment and coordinate illume device. Besides that, landscape design vision also is included, to ensure the safety of the interaction between the children for the central idea.Just look at the building, there is a very strong talented creativity of design, which make the exclusive education idea more interested. The design emphasizes the environmental protection and the human nature of the design and construction. The children's safety problems are the focal point of the design, as well as the channel slope design, cut by the heating and lighting function of soft floor device, even French window with the material made of polycarbonate. They avoid design using glass component, this is because in this life any of the objects may hurt the children . So, it is best to use natural materials, and plus also the yellow, orange and red, bright color, creating a full of interests atmosphere. The overall appearance looks very similar to the building blocks, and its irregular shape, and the enlightenment looks very good to attract children intelligence. The different between other kindergarten is the colour collocation which is pure and it is fresh quietly elegant color, moreover its cooperate with the color of natural materials, can give us a visual comfortable feeling.Slope TunnelClass RoomOutside GardenT oiletPlan Ground FloorFacadeSection。

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• Example 3 ( Para. 6 line 19) • At no time was a greeting or any conversation exchanged between the Gumma coach and the members of the Nagano club.
• Feminism
Stress on competition among colleagues and performance.
• Example 4 • If one person considered himself a better skier than someone else, he felt free to give
1.teachers are expected to take all the initiatives in class.
large power distance
2.teachers are gurus who transfer personal wisdom
Power Distance
Eg2 Para.5 Line 11 • The instructor was again out in front ,while his pupils lined up in formation opposite him,each individual skiing down a short distance on command and then listening at the bottom to criticism of his performance.
• Feminism
1 Social gender roles are clearly distinct. 2 Men are supposed to be assertive, ambitious and tough.
• Example 2 (Para. 8 line1 )
The Score Ranking :
South Ko
Eg1 Para.5 Line 2
• They advanced on the slope in a solid phalanx and took up positions in a formal pattern for warming-up exercises with a leader out in front giving commands.
large power distance
Hierarchy in organizations reflects the existential inequality between higher-ups and lower-downs.
• 1. Definition: • Individualism pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose.
1. America --- Individualist
• 1) P9 Line 6: The most noticeable feature of their behavior, in addition to the lack of wintersports ability and outlandish costumes, was the fact that they either challenged fate on their own or paired off into couples.
• About a dozen Seoul college boys of varying ability were energetically climbing the hill and hurling themselves down it in what appeared to be a frantic effort to achieve instant expertise.
--- Relationship prevails over task.
3. Korea --- Collectivist
• 1) P2 Line 7: A few have even been able to attend international skiing events, where they absorbed as much of the current racing techniques as possible, passing these on to friends and admirers when they returned home.
--- (1) identity is based in the social network to which one belongs. (2) management is management of groups
2. Japan --- Collectivist
• 3) P6 Line 7: Two of its members having overslept, the whole group had decided to take a later bus.
• --- Management is management of individuals.
2. Japan --- Collectivist
• 1) P3 Line 3: Group participation through clubs,tours, and ski schools is highly organized.
• --- collective interests prevail over individual interest.
3. Korea --- Collectivist
• 2) P8 Line 5: Other Koreans from Seoul were grouped here and there, usually in informal, noisy instruction sessions. If one person considered himeself a better skier than someone else, he felt freee to give instruction.
• Collevtivism pertians to societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive ingroups.
Score rank 1 22/23 43 Country USA Japan South Korea IDV score 91 46 18
--- management is management of groups.
2. Japan --- Collectivist
• 2) P5 Line 1: The Japanese club members were in stylish uniform with bright red matching hats and sweaters and dark ski pants.
--- Management is management of individuals& Everyone grows up to look after him/ herself only.
1. America --- Individualist
• 2) P9 Line 18: But the Americans' tendency to ski as individuals or in small groups, often as couples, is charateristic of ski resorts in the United States as well.
1.Powerful people try to look as impressive as possible.
large power distance
2.Less powerful people should be dependent on the more powerful ones.
Power Distance
small power distance
2.Privileges and status symbols are frowned upon.
Power Distance
Eg5 Para.11 Line. 9 at the bottom • On the occasions when I joined groups comprising both students and old acquaintances from Seoul, the atmosphere was fairly informal and relaxed, but status differences were readily apparent.
Case Study
——Skiing Cross-Culturally
Group Members: 梁嘉宝 张桂英 李颖姿
• 1st: The power distance dimension
• 2nd: Individualism & Confucian dynamism
• 3rd: Feminism & Uncertainty Avoidance
Power Distance
Eg3 Para. 6 Line. 5 • His hotel was some distance away, and he had been afraid of being late for the morning session, which was to start at ten.