




第二条合作范围1. 双方将组织和参与中韩文化交流活动,包括但不限于艺术展览、文化节、学术研讨会等。

2. 双方将互相支持对方在本国举办的各类活动,并提供必要的协助。

3. 双方将共同探讨和实施中韩两国在教育、科技、经济等领域的合作项目。

第三条合作方式1. 双方将定期举行会议,讨论合作事宜,制定合作计划。

2. 双方将通过信息共享、人员交流等方式,加强双方的联系与沟通。

3. 双方将根据实际情况,共同确定具体的合作项目,并签署相应的项目合作协议。

第四条财务安排1. 双方应根据各自能力,为合作项目提供必要的资金支持。

2. 双方应共同承担合作项目的费用,并按照项目合作协议的约定进行分担。

第五条知识产权1. 双方在合作过程中产生的知识产权,包括但不限于专利、商标、著作权等,应由双方共同所有。

2. 双方应尊重并保护对方的知识产权,未经对方书面同意,不得擅自使用或转让。


第七条违约责任1. 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。

2. 双方应通过友好协商解决因违约行为引起的争议,如协商不成,可提交至[约定的仲裁机构]进行仲裁。

第八条协议的修改与终止1. 本协议的任何修改和补充,必须以书面形式进行,并经双方授权代表签字盖章后生效。

2. 如一方希望终止本协议,应提前[约定的提前通知期限]书面通知对方。



Annex 8-A-2 CHINA Schedule of Specific Commitments
Modes of supply: (1) Cross-border supply Sector or sub-sector I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE (2) Consumption abroad Limitations on market access (3)1 In China, foreign invested enterprises include foreign capital enterprises (also referred to as wholly foreign-owned enterprises) and joint venture enterprises and there are two types of joint venture enterprises: equity joint ventures and contractual joint ventures.2 The proportion of foreign investment in an equity joint venture shall be no less than 25 per cent of the registered capital of the joint venture. The establishment of branches by Korean enterprises is unbound, unless otherwise indicated in specific sub-sectors, as the laws and regulations on branches of foreign enterprises are under formulation. Representative offices of Korean enterprises are permitted to be established in China, but they shall not engage in any profit-making activities except for the representative offices under CPC 861, 862, 863, 865 in the sectoral specific commitments. (3) Commercial presence Limitation on national treatment (3) Unbound for all the existing subsidies to domestic services suppliers in the sectors of audiovisual, aviation and medical services. Unbound for all the subsidies to domestic services suppliers in any new sector and sub-sector scheduled after China’s Accession to the WTO. (4) Presence of natural persons Additional commitments



韩国谅解协议书(MOU)的效力引言韩国谅解协议书(Memorandum of Understanding,简称MOU)是一种常见的双方或多方之间签署的法律文件,用于明确各方之间的合作意向、共同目标以及双方承担的责任和义务。


法律效力1. 合同法律效力MOU在法律上可以被视为一种合同,具备合同法规定的一般性法律效力。



2. 合同解释和履行MOU在法律上也具备一定的解释性和履行性。




3. 证据效力韩国法律将MOU作为一种证据形式进行认可。



4. 其他法律效力的认可MOU的限制和注意事项尽管MOU在韩国具有一定的法律效力,但也有一些限制和需要注意的事项:1. 依赖当事人之间的合意MOU的法律效力依赖于当事人之间的真实意愿和合意。


2. 需要明确的条款和义务MOU应当明确规定合作双方的权利和义务,以及合作的具体内容和目标。


3. 可能需要进一步的法律手续虽然MOU本身具有一定的法律效力,但在某些情况下,为了确保合作的有效性,可能需要进一步的法律手续。






















三、具体的条款和条件1. 甲方将向乙方提供XX产品,乙方将按照合同约定的数量和质量进行采购;2. 乙方将按照合同约定的价格支付产品货款,并承担产品的运输费用;3. 双方应在合同规定的时间内履行各自的义务,如有延迟需提前通知对方并商议解决方案;4. 双方应保证产品的质量符合国家标准和合同约定,如有质量问题,应及时商议解决。



六、协议终止的条件1. 双方经商议一致允许解除合同;2. 一方违约且无法在规定时间内补救;3. 法律规定的其他终止条件。


八、其他附加条款1. 本合同自双方签字生效,有效期为XX年;2. 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行商议补充条款。






























日韩自贸协议书甲方”)和大韩民国(以下简称“乙方”)双方本着平等互利的原则,经过友好协商,就建立自由贸易区(以下简称“自贸区”)达成如下协议:第一条目的与原则1.1 本协议旨在促进甲乙双方之间的贸易自由化,加强经济合作,提升双方经济的整体竞争力。

1.2 甲乙双方应遵循公平、透明的原则,确保自贸区内贸易的自由和便利。

第二条贸易自由化2.1 甲乙双方同意逐步取消或降低彼此间的关税壁垒,实现商品贸易的自由化。

2.2 双方应定期评估自贸区内贸易自由化进程,并根据实际情况进行调整。

第三条服务贸易3.1 甲乙双方同意在服务贸易领域内开放市场,提供平等的市场准入机会。

3.2 双方应通过谈判确定服务贸易的具体开放领域和条件。

第四条投资4.1 甲乙双方同意在投资领域内提供公平、透明的投资环境,保护投资者的合法权益。

4.2 双方应通过谈判确定投资的具体开放领域和条件。

第五条知识产权保护5.1 甲乙双方同意加强知识产权保护,确保创新成果得到尊重和保护。

5.2 双方应通过谈判确定知识产权保护的具体措施和标准。

第六条争端解决6.1 甲乙双方同意通过友好协商解决在本协议执行过程中出现的任何争端。

6.2 如协商未能解决争端,双方同意提交至自贸区争端解决机制进行仲裁。

第七条协议的修改和终止7.1 本协议可根据甲乙双方的共同意愿进行修改。

7.2 任何一方均可在提前六个月书面通知对方的情况下终止本协议。

第八条其他8.1 本协议自双方代表签字之日起生效。

8.2 本协议的解释权属于甲乙双方。



中国与韩国自由贸易协定文本_8_B_en (EN)

中国与韩国自由贸易协定文本_8_B_en (EN)

ANNEX 8-BCO-PRODUCTION ON FILMArticle 1: DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Annex:(a) competent authority means the authority designated as such in the Appendix 8-B-1 to this Annex by each Party;(b) co-producer means one or more nationals of China or one or more nationals ofKorea involved in the making of a co-production film, or, in relation to Article 5(Third Party Co-Productions), one or more nationals of a third country/region;(c) co-production film means a film made by one or more nationals of a Party incooperation with one or more nationals of the other Party under a project approvedjointly by the competent authorities of the Parties, and includes a film to whichArticle 5 applies. In order for a film to be approved under this Annex, the co-production film must satisfy the minimum levels for the performing, technical,craft and financial contributions of each co-producer, as well as the otherrequirements of this Annex; and(d) film means a series of images, or of images and sounds, including animation,which is intended to be shown in cinemas.(e) nationals means1:(i)for China,-citizens of the People's Republic of China as defined in the nationality law;or-legal persons in the People’s Republic of China;(ii)for Korea,-nationals of the Republic of Korea as defined in the nationality law; or-legal persons in the Republic of Korea.Article 2: Recognition as a National Film and Entitlement to BenefitsA co-production film made in accordance with this Annex shall be fully entitled to all the benefits which are or may be accorded to national films by each Party under its respective national laws and regulations in force currently or in the future.1For the purpose of this Annex, foreigners who have obtained permanent residence permits in China or Korea may enjoy the same treatment as Chinese or Korean nationals.Article 3: Approval of Projects1. Co-production films must receive provisional approval from the respective competent authorities of the Parties before they are put into production. It is the responsibility of the co-producers to provide any documentation required by the competent authorities to enable the competent authorities to complete their provisional approval processes.2. Co-production films must be made in accordance with the terms of the provisional approval which has been given by the competent authorities.3. Upon completion of production, it is the responsibility of the co-producers to submit to the competent authorities the completed co-production film and any documentation required respectively by the competent authorities and to obtain their final approval.4. In determining both provisional and final approval, the competent authorities shall apply the provisions of the Appendix 8-B-1 to co-production films.5. The competent authorities shall consult with each other to enable them to determine whether a project conforms with the provisions of this Annex. Each competent authority, in deciding whether to grant or refuse provisional or final approval, shall apply its own policies and guidelines.6. In relation to China, a co-production film shall be recognized as having completed the provisional approval process once the Chine se competent authority has granted it “Project Establishment” status. A co-production film shall be recognized as having completed the final approval process once the Chinese competent authority has granted it a “Film Public Screening Permit”.7. In relation to Korea, a co-production film shall be recognized as having completed the provisional or final approval process once the Korean competent authority provides written notification of such approval.Article 4: Contributions1. The proportion of the performing, technical and craft contributions (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “creative contribution”) of each co-producer of a film shall be decided by arrangement between the co-producers, and shall be between 20 to 80 percent of the final creative contribution to the film.2. The proportion of the financial contributions of each co-producer of a film shall be decided by arrangement between the co-producers, and shall be between 20 to 80 percent of the final production cost of the film. Calculation of the financial contribution may include in-kind contributions.Article 5: Third Party Co-Productions1. Where either China or Korea maintains with a third party a film co-production agreement, the competent authorities may approve a project for a co-production film under this Annex that is to be made in conjunction with a co-producer from that third party.2. Approvals under this Article shall be limited to proposals in which the contribution of the third party co-producer is no greater than the lesser of the individual contributions of the China and Korea co-producers.Article 6: Film ProductionAt least 90 percent of the footage included in a co-production film shall, subject to any departure from this rule which is mutually approved by the competent authorities, be specially shot for that film.Article 7: Entry FacilitationSubject to its national laws and regulations, each Party shall permit nationals of the other Party, and nationals of any third party co-producer approved under Article 5, to enter China or Korea for the purpose of making or promoting a co-production film.Article 8: Import of EquipmentEach Party shall endeavor to provide, in accordance with its respective national laws and regulations, temporary admission, free of import duties and taxes, of technical equipment and filming materials for the making of co-production films.Article 9: Film Distribution1. The final approval of a co-production film by the competent authorities shall not oblige the relevant authorities of either Party to permit the public exhibition of the resulting film in the Party.2. Both Parties shall endeavor to promote the global distribution of co-production films in order to enhance the competitiveness of the co-production films in the global market. Article 10: Technical CooperationBoth Parties shall endeavor to promote inclusive technical cooperation activities in film and related areas such as computer graphics, virtual reality and/or digital cinema technologies.Article 11: Status of AppendixAppendix 8-B-1 shall be an integral part of this Annex.Article 12: Obligations under International LawThe provisions of this Annex are without prejudice to the obligations of the Parties under international law, including international agreements to which they are party.Article 13: Non-Application of Dispute SettlementNeither Party shall have recourse to Chapter 20 (Dispute Settlement) for any matter arising under this Annex. Any issues requiring attention shall be settled amicably through mutual discussion and dialogue between the Parties.Article 14: TerminationUnless otherwise mutually agreed by the Parties, the provisions of this Annex shall continue to be applied in respect of any co-production film approved by the competent authorities and not yet completed at the time of termination of this Annex, and shall be effective until such co-production is completed.Article 15: Termination of the Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Korea Concerning the Co-Production of FilmsThe Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Korea Concerning the Co-Production of Films shall terminate on the date of entry into force of this Agreement.APPENDIX 8-B-1IMPLEMENTING ARRANGEMENTS1. The competent authorities for this Annex are, for China, the Film Bureau of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, and, for Korea, the Korean Film Council (KOFIC).The China Film Co-production Corporation is designated as the Chinese handling organization through which co-production films are assessed for co-production status.Both competent authorities and the handling organization shall supervise and review the operation of this Annex, as well as mediate any disputes arising between the co-producers. 2. This Annex applies to film co-production between co-producers from Mainland of China and Korea only.3. Application ProcessIn order to benefit from the provisions of this Annex, the co-producers must, before shooting commences, submit an application for co-production status and attach the documents listed below:(a) a copy of the documentation concerning the ownership of the copyright for thecommercial exploitation of the work;(b)a synopsis of the film, including concrete information on the theme, and the completescript of the film;(c) a list of the technical and artistic contributions of each of the nationals from thecountries or regions involved, indicating their nationalities and filmography, and, in the case of the actors, their nationality and the roles that they will play, with an indication of the type and length of the roles;(d)a work plan stating the periods and locations of principal photography on a weeklybasis for studio and outdoor shooting;(e) a budget including the investors’ letters of commitment and a detailed financing plan;(f)the co-production contract made between the producers, which states that the co-producers jointly own the property of the film and sets forth the allocation rates of the revenues from the exploitation of the film, including the revenues from overseas markets; and(g)any other documents and additional information that the competent authorities of twoParties may request.。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX中日韩2024年自由贸易协定本合同目录一览第一条定义与解释1.1 本协定的定义1.2 相关术语的解释第二条自由贸易区范围2.1 货物贸易自由化2.2 服务贸易自由化2.3 投资自由化第三条关税减让与贸易便利化3.1 关税减让3.2 贸易便利化措施第四条非关税措施4.1 技术性贸易壁垒4.2 动植物卫生检疫措施4.3 贸易救济措施第五条贸易政策对话与协调5.1 定期对话机制5.2 贸易政策协调第六条经济合作与发展6.1 产业合作6.2 科技创新合作6.3 区域一体化进程第七条投资保护与促进7.1 投资保护7.2 投资促进第八条知识产权保护8.1 知识产权的保护8.2 知识产权的执法与合作第九条竞争政策与公平贸易9.1 竞争政策的制定与实施9.2 公平贸易原则第十条环境保护与可持续发展10.1 环境保护合作10.2 可持续发展战略第十一条贸易与气候变化11.1 应对气候变化的措施11.2 低碳技术的交流与合作第十二条争端解决机制12.1 争端解决机构的设立12.2 争端解决程序与规则第十三条协定生效与终止13.1 协定生效条件13.2 协定终止条件第十四条附则与修正14.1 附则内容14.2 修正程序与条件第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与解释1.1 本协定的定义本协定是指中日韩三国政府为加强三国之间的经济联系,促进贸易投资自由化,提高人民生活水平,实现共同发展,于2024年签署的《中日韩自由贸易协定》。

1.2 相关术语的解释(1) “中日韩自由贸易区”:指根据本协定设立的,涵盖中日韩三国全体领土的自由贸易区。

(2) “货物”:指本协定第二条所述的货物贸易范围内的所有商品。

(3) “服务”:指本协定第三条所述的服务贸易范围内的所有服务。

(4) “投资”:指本协定第七条所述的投资领域的所有投资活动。

第二条自由贸易区范围2.1 货物贸易自由化自协定生效之日起,中日韩三国相互之间对货物的进口和出口取消所有歧视性关税和数量限制措施,实现货物贸易自由化。














中韩双方临时协议书甲方(中方):_____________________地址:_____________________法定代表人:_____________________职务:_____________________乙方(韩方):_____________________地址:_____________________法定代表人:_____________________职务:_____________________鉴于甲方与乙方在_____________________领域有共同的合作意向,双方经过友好协商,就临时合作事宜达成如下协议:第一条合作目的1.1 双方旨在通过本协议建立初步的合作关系,共同探索并实现_____________________领域的合作机会。

1.2 本协议旨在为双方提供一个灵活的平台,以便在正式合作协议签署前进行必要的沟通与协调。

第二条合作范围2.1 双方同意在以下领域进行初步合作:_____________________ 2.2 合作的具体内容、方式和期限,双方将根据实际情况另行商定。

第三条权利与义务3.1 甲方的权利与义务:3.1.1 甲方应提供必要的信息和资料,以供乙方了解合作项目的基本情况。

3.1.2 甲方应保证所提供信息的真实性、合法性。

3.2 乙方的权利与义务:3.2.1 乙方应根据甲方提供的信息,进行初步的市场调研和分析。

3.2.2 乙方应保证对甲方提供的信息保密,未经甲方书面同意,不得向第三方披露。

第四条合作期限4.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期至_____________________。

第五条保密条款5.1 双方应对在合作过程中知悉的对方商业秘密和技术秘密负有保密义务。

5.2 保密义务在本协议终止后仍然有效。

第六条协议的变更和解除6.1 协议的任何变更或补充,必须经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。

6.2 双方均可在提前_______天书面通知对方的情况下解除本协议。



中韩国际贸易合同范本合作洽谈协议1. 合同目的2. 参观与交流2.1 甲方应邀乙方代表团,进行参观、交流活动,并提供必要的接待和安排。

2.2 乙方应提前通知甲方有关团队人数,行程安排,以便甲方做好接待准备。

2.3 双方应在参观与交流期间相互交流经验与技术,加深互信。

2.4 双方应制定详细的行程安排,包括参观的工厂、企业、研究机构等,并确保行程的顺利进行。

3. 合作项目洽谈3.1 双方应在参观与交流之后进行合作项目洽谈。

洽谈内容包括但不限于项目名称、目标和背景合作方式与范围合作方责任和义务预计项目完成时间项目成本及资金来源知识产权保护及分享风险与责任承担解决争议的方式3.2 洽谈期间,双方应遵守诚实信用的原则,保持合作的积极性和真诚的态度,以确保双方最终达成一致意见。

3.3 洽谈期间,不得对洽谈内容进行泄露或给与第三方,严格保守商业秘密。

3.4 若洽谈过程中发现存在不可抗力、技术难题、资金问题等无法解决的困难,双方可以暂停洽谈或终止合作。

4. 合作意向书4.1 双方在合作项目洽谈阶段达成意向后,可以签署合作意向书,其中包括项目目标、预计完成时间、合作方式与范围等基本内容。

4.2 合作意向书是双方在合作的初期达成的一种承诺和协议,但并不具有法律约束力,仅作为进一步合作的基础。

4.3 合作意向书的签署,不代表最终合作的达成,仍需双方进一步洽谈并达成正式合同。

5. 合同成立与生效5.1 双方在核实洽谈内容、完成合作意向书的讨论之后,应签署正式合同。

5.2 正式合同应具体明确双方的权利和责任,规定合同的有效期、终止条件、违约责任等内容。

5.3 正式合同的签署应通过书面形式完成,并得到双方的授权代表签字,以确保合同的有效性和可执行性。

5.4 合同生效后,双方应按照合同的约定履行各自的义务、承担责任,并保持密切合作。

6. 法律适用与争议解决6.1 本合同的订立、生效、履行和解释,适用的法律。

6.2 在履行合同过程中,如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决。



中韩贸易保护协议书甲方(中国方):地址:法定代表人:职务:联系电话:乙方(韩国方):地址:法定代表人:职务:联系电话:鉴于甲方与乙方基于平等互利的原则,经过友好协商,就双方在贸易活动中的保护措施达成以下协议:第一条定义和解释1.1 本协议中所称“贸易保护”是指为保障双方在贸易活动中的合法权益,采取的预防性措施和补救性措施。

1.2 本协议所指的“贸易活动”包括但不限于货物的进出口、技术交流、服务提供等。

第二条贸易保护措施2.1 双方应遵守各自国家的法律法规,尊重对方的贸易惯例。

2.2 双方应采取必要措施,防止因贸易活动引发的知识产权侵权、商业秘密泄露等问题。

2.3 双方应建立信息共享机制,及时交换可能影响贸易安全的信息。

第三条知识产权保护3.1 双方应尊重并保护对方的知识产权,包括但不限于专利权、商标权、著作权等。

3.2 对于因贸易活动而产生的知识产权,双方应根据实际情况协商确定归属和使用方式。

第四条贸易纠纷解决4.1 双方在贸易活动中发生的任何纠纷,应首先通过友好协商解决。

4.2 如果协商不能解决,双方同意提交至中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按照该委员会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。

第五条保密条款5.1 双方应对在贸易活动中获得的商业秘密和其他保密信息予以保密。

5.2 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方披露或使用这些信息。

第六条协议的修改和终止6.1 本协议的任何修改和补充,必须经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。

6.2 任何一方在提前____天书面通知对方的情况下,可以终止本协议。

第七条法律适用和争议解决7.1 本协议的解释、适用及争议解决,均适用中华人民共和国法律。

7.2 双方因本协议产生的任何争议,应首先通过协商解决;协商不成时,提交至甲方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。

第八条其他8.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商确定。

8.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

甲方代表(签字):_________________ 日期:____年____月____日乙方代表(签字):_________________ 日期:____年____月____日。



中韩贸易优惠协议书甲方(中国方):________________________地址:___________________________________法定代表人:___________________________职务:___________________________________联系电话:____________________________乙方(韩国方):________________________地址:___________________________________法定代表人:___________________________职务:___________________________________联系电话:_____________________________鉴于甲方与乙方基于平等互利的原则,经过友好协商,就双方在贸易领域的合作事宜达成如下协议:第一条贸易优惠条款1.1 甲方同意在乙方进口甲方商品时提供一定的关税减免。

1.2 乙方同意在甲方进口乙方商品时提供相应的关税优惠。

1.3 双方同意根据各自国家的法律法规,为对方提供便利的通关服务。

第二条贸易商品范围2.1 甲方同意向乙方出口以下商品:(具体商品名称及分类)。

2.2 乙方同意向甲方出口以下商品:(具体商品名称及分类)。

第三条价格条款3.1 双方同意按照国际市场价格确定商品的交易价格。

3.2 价格调整应根据市场变化及时协商确定。

第四条支付条款4.1 双方同意采用以下支付方式:(具体支付方式)。

4.2 支付条件应遵循国际贸易惯例。

第五条交货条款5.1 甲方同意在以下地点交货:(具体交货地点)。

5.2 乙方同意在以下地点交货:(具体交货地点)。

5.3 交货时间应根据双方协商确定。

第六条质量保证6.1 甲方保证所提供商品的质量符合乙方的要求。

6.2 乙方保证所提供商品的质量符合甲方的要求。

第七条违约责任7.1 如甲方未能按时交货,应向乙方支付违约金,具体金额为:(违约金金额)。



合作协议书甲方:中华人民共和国商务代表团乙方:大韩民国商务代表团根据中华人民共和国和大韩民国之间的贸易合作备忘录,双方为了加强两国之间的经济合作,促进商品贸易的发展,经友好协商,达成以下合作协议:第一条合作范围1. 本协议适用于中华人民共和国和大韩民国之间的商品贸易合作。

2. 双方将在商品贸易领域内,根据平等互利的原则,进行广泛的合作。

第二条合作目标1. 双方致力于实现商品贸易的平衡发展,提高两国商品在国际市场的竞争力。

2. 双方将通过扩大贸易规模,促进贸易便利化,提高贸易效率。

第三条合作措施1. 双方将定期举行双边贸易会谈,就商品贸易合作进行磋商,解决合作中出现的问题。

2. 双方将加强在贸易促进、市场开拓、信息交流等方面的合作。

3. 双方将鼓励企业间的相互投资,促进技术合作,提高产品质量和附加值。

第四条贸易便利化1. 双方将简化进出口手续,提高通关效率,降低贸易成本。

2. 双方将加强在知识产权保护、贸易救济、反倾销等方面的合作。

第五条贸易平衡1. 双方将努力实现贸易平衡,避免贸易摩擦的产生。

2. 双方将通过增加进口对方国家的商品,促进贸易平衡发展。





第八条协议的修改和终止1. 本协议的修改和终止,应由双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。

2. 本协议的终止不影响双方在协议有效期内已经签订的合同的执行。

第九条其他1. 本协议自签字之日起生效。

2. 本协议的未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。





第二条合作范围1. 甲乙双方同意在以下领域进行合作:- ____________- ____________- ____________- 双方同意的其他领域。

2. 合作的具体内容和方式由双方另行商定,并以书面形式确认。

第三条合作方式1. 甲乙双方可以采取以下方式进行合作:- 技术交流与合作- 产品开发与销售- 市场拓展与品牌建设- 资金投入与项目合作- 双方同意的其他合作方式。

2. 合作的具体方式和操作细节由双方协商确定,并签署相应的补充协议。

第四条权利与义务1. 甲方的权利与义务:- 甲方应保证提供的信息、资料真实、准确、完整。

- 甲方应按照双方约定的时间、方式和条件履行合作义务。

- 甲方有权获得合作产生的收益,并按约定比例分配。

2. 乙方的权利与义务:- 乙方应保证提供的信息、资料真实、准确、完整。

- 乙方应按照双方约定的时间、方式和条件履行合作义务。

- 乙方有权获得合作产生的收益,并按约定比例分配。

第五条知识产权1. 双方在合作过程中产生的知识产权,包括但不限于专利权、著作权、商标权等,由双方共同拥有,除非双方另有书面约定。

2. 未经另一方书面同意,任何一方不得将合作过程中产生的知识产权转让或许可给第三方。

第六条保密条款1. 双方应对在合作过程中知悉的对方的商业秘密和技术秘密负有保密义务。

2. 保密义务不因本协议的终止而解除。

第七条违约责任1. 任何一方违反本协议的约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。



中韩自贸协议书甲方(以下简称“甲方”):_____________________地址:_____________________________________法定代表人:______________________________乙方(以下简称“乙方”):_____________________地址:_____________________________________法定代表人:______________________________鉴于甲方和乙方(以下合称“双方”)希望在平等互利的基础上建立贸易关系,根据各自国家的法律和国际惯例,经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条定义1.1 在本协议中,除非上下文另有要求,以下术语具有以下含义: - “货物”指双方贸易中涉及的所有商品;- “服务”指双方贸易中涉及的所有服务;- “贸易”指双方之间进行的货物和服务的交换。

第二条贸易范围2.1 双方同意在本协议规定的范围内进行贸易活动。

2.2 贸易范围应包括但不限于以下领域:- 货物贸易;- 服务贸易;- 投资合作。

第三条贸易条件3.1 双方应根据各自国家的法律法规和国际贸易规则,确保贸易的公平性和透明度。

3.2 双方应遵循非歧视原则,不得对对方采取不公平的贸易限制措施。

第四条关税和税收4.1 双方同意根据本协议的规定,对彼此的货物和服务提供关税减免。

4.2 双方应根据各自国家的税收法律和政策,对贸易活动进行合理的税收管理。

第五条争端解决5.1 双方应通过友好协商解决因本协议引起的任何争端。

5.2 如协商未能解决争端,双方同意将争端提交至国际仲裁机构进行仲裁。

第六条协议的修改和终止6.1 本协议的任何修改或补充均应以书面形式作出,并经双方同意。

6.2 任何一方均可在提前____天书面通知对方的情况下终止本协议。

第七条法律适用7.1 本协议的解释、适用和执行应受____国法律的管辖。

第八条其他8.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方应另行协商解决。



策划 乐税网
【标 签】中韩自贸协定,特定原产地
【文 号】海关总署公告2015年第64号
【 有效性 】全文有效
【税 种】进出口货物监管




附件:《中华人民共和国政府和大韩民国政府自由贸易协定》项下产品特定原产地规则.xls 关联知识:



中韩贸易协议书甲方(中国方):_______________乙方(韩国方):_______________鉴于甲方与乙方在平等互利的基础上,为了促进双方在贸易领域的合作与发展,经过友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条贸易范围1.1 本协议所指的贸易范围包括但不限于商品的进口与出口、服务的提供与接受、技术交流与合作等。

1.2 双方应根据各自国家的法律法规,以及国际贸易惯例,确定具体的贸易商品和服务。

第二条贸易方式2.1 双方可采用直接贸易、代理贸易、转口贸易等方式进行贸易活动。

2.2 双方应根据具体情况,选择最合适的贸易方式,并在合同中明确约定。

第三条价格条款3.1 双方应根据市场行情、成本、利润等因素,协商确定商品和服务的价格。

3.2 价格条款应包括但不限于FOB、CIF、DDP等国际贸易术语。

第四条支付方式4.1 双方应选择安全、便捷的支付方式,如信用证、电汇、托收等。

4.2 支付条款应明确约定支付货币、支付期限、支付比例等。

第五条交货与运输5.1 甲方应按照合同约定的时间、地点和方式,向乙方交货。

5.2 乙方应负责货物的运输安排,并承担相应的运输费用和风险。

第六条质量保证与检验6.1 甲方应保证所提供商品和服务的质量符合合同约定的标准。

6.2 乙方有权在收到货物后对商品进行检验,如发现质量问题,应在规定时间内提出异议。

第七条知识产权保护7.1 双方应尊重对方的知识产权,未经对方书面同意,不得擅自使用、复制或传播对方的知识产权。

7.2 如涉及知识产权的转让或许可,双方应另行签订书面协议。

第八条保密条款8.1 双方应对在贸易过程中获得的商业秘密和技术秘密予以保密。

8.2 保密期限为合同终止后五年。

第九条违约责任9.1 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。

9.2 违约责任的具体范围和数额,应根据实际情况和损失程度确定。

第十条争议解决10.1 双方因履行本协议产生的任何争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Annex 8-A-1KOREASchedule of Specific Commitmentsd. Architectural services(CPC 8671) 1) Commercial presence1 is required.2) None3) None4) Unbound except as indicated in the HorizontalCommitments section.1) None2) None3) None4) Unbound except as indicated in the HorizontalCommitments section.1)2)4) Supply of servicesby foreign architectsthrough joint contractswith architectslicensed under Koreanlaw is allowed.The Foreign-certified/licensedarchitects who havecompleted aprofessional practice of5 years and arerecognized to have anequal professionalstatus as that of Koreanarchitects by theMinister of Land,Infrastructure andTransport are eligibleto apply for theArchitect CertifyingExamination withouthaving completed theintern developmentprogram enforced inKorea. They mayacquire a Koreanarchitect license bypassing the followingtwo subjects of theArchitect QualifyingExamination.(a)Architectural design l;and(b)Architectural design ll.1 Commercial presence need not be a juridical person.283105*: Only passenger vehicles for less than 15 passengers under CPC 83105.386761: Only inspection, testing and analysis services of air, water, noise level and vibration level under CPC 86761.488442: Screen painting, gravure printing and services related to printing under CPC 88442.Modes of supply: 1) Cross-border supply 2) Consumption abroad 3) Commercial presence 4) Presence of natural persons5“Express delivery services” means the collection, transport, and delivery of documents, printed matter, parcels, goods, or other items on an expedited basis while tracking and maintaining control of these items throughout the supply of the service.6 For greater certainty, Korea reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to:(a) the supply of support services to postal offices by military service personnel or other personnel of the equivalent status, and(b) the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning’s determination of the total number of vehicles that may belong to the Ministry of Science, ICT and FuturePlanning and allocation of the vehicles to postal offices, not needing authorisation from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport .7 However, Article 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the Postal Service Act, allows private couriers to operate commercial document services, which include a) unsealed freight-attached documents or dispatch notes, b) trade-related documents, c) foreign capital or technology-related documents, and d) foreign exchange or its related documents.8“Deemed foreign person” means a juridical person organised under Korean law in which a foreign government or a foreign person (including a “specially related person” under relevant Korean law) holds 80 percent (15 percent, if the largest shareholder is a foreign government or a foreign person) or more of that juridical person's total voting shares.9“Facil ities-based supplier” is a supplier that owns transmission facilities. “Non-facilities-based supplier” is a supplier that does not own transmission facilities (but may own a switch, router or multiplexer) and supplies its public telecommunications services through transmission facilities of a licensed facilities-based supplier. “Transmission facilities”means wireline or wireless transmission facilities (including circuit facilities) that connect transmitting points with receiving points.10 Value-added services mean telecommunication services, which are provided through telecommunications network facilities leased from facilities-based suppliers, and which store and forward, or process and forward, the customer's information.11 On-line data base and remote computing services do not cover telecommunication services which mediate third party communications.12 Telecommunication services which transmit and/or exchange the customer's data without change in the form or content (voice telephony, telex, facsimile services and simple resale of leased circuits are excluded).13Excluding the following services:(a)trade in firearms, explosives and swords;(b)works of art and antiques, and(c)the establishment and operation of, and distribution services at(ⅰ) public wholesale markets for agricultural, fishery and livestock products, which are officially designated by the local authorities as public wholesale markets.(ii) joint wholesale markets which are established and operated by producers' organizations or public interest corporations prescribed in the Presidential Decree of the Act on Distribution and Price Stabilization of Agricultural and Fishery Products; and(iii) livestock markets which are established and operated by the Livestock Cooperatives under the Agriculture and Cooperative Act.For greater certainty, Korea reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to the administration of the WTO Tariff-Rate-Quota.14Franchising services are limited to those items which are allowed under Wholesale Trade Services and Retailing Services in this schedule.15 Specific commitments on market access and national treatment through any mode of supply shall not be construed to apply to the recognition of university degrees for the purpose of admission, registration and qualification for professional practice in Korea.16 Types of higher education institutions are listed in Attachment 1 concerning Higher Education Services.17“School juridical person” means a non-profit juridical person established solely for the purpose of establishing regular educational institutions in accordance with pertinent education -related laws.18“Seoul Metropolitan Area” means the Seoul Metropolitan City, the Incheon Metropolitan City, and the Gyeonggyi Province.19“Seoul Metropolitan Area” means the Seoul Metropolitan City, the Incheon Metropolitan City, and the Gyeonggyi Province.20 Types of education institutions are listed in Attachment 2 concerning Adult Education Services.219401: Only collection and treatment services of industrial waste water under CPC 9401 229402: Only collection, transport and disposal services of industrial refuse under CPC 9402.239406*, 9409*: Only environmental impact assessment services under CPC 9406 and 9409.24 This headnotes is not itself to affect, or otherwise limit, a choice by a financial service supplier of the other Party between branches or subsidiaries.25 Activities which assess and adjust the loss and compensation.26 Activities in which banks obtain funds from the public by receiving deposits or issuing transferable instruments or other securities.27 Activities in which banks provide funds to the public in order to receive interest via loans or bill discounts.28 The definitions of "a person" and "non-financial service business entity" are in accordance with the relevant provision of the Presidential Decree of the Bank Act.29Activities which issue, remit and collect foreign exchange.30 Activities which settle and clear notes, bills and cheques by banks according to the Article of KFTCI (Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute).31 Activities where a trustee is commissioned to manage the financial assets for beneficiary's benefit.32 Refer to ATTACHMENT CONCERNING MARITIME TRANSPORT SERVICES.33 Agency services on behalf of maritime passenger transport businesses or maritime cargo transport businesses (including foreign transport businesses) under CPC 748.34 Container station services provided in port areas under CPC 741.。
