胡树豪经典论文“The Balun Family”Hu Shuhao著(1987)
护一种美好的道德 , 精神上甚至有一种“ 崇 高” 、 “ 神圣” 的 感情。从中可以看出人伦秩序 、 道德传统 、 是非善恶是如何
在现 实面 前遭遇 危机 的 。 林 白的长篇 小说 《 妇女 闲聊 录 》 , 借一 个 农村 妇 女 木珍 的闲聊 , 呈现 了一 个 处于 时 代 夹缝 中的 乡村 —— 王 榨 村 的 原生态 生活情 景 。在这 里 , 前现 代 的 乡村 伦理 和 平 静 的 生
了一 条腿 , 最后 喝农 药 自杀 。血淋 淋 的悲 剧 揭 示 的正 是 传
统文化野蛮 、 凶残的一面。死者的 舅舅运用 自己的权力和 手段, 将游泳死亡的军校生伪造成见义勇为的英雄 , 在媒体
上大肆报 道 , 以谋 取对家 属 的某 些优 待 , 全村 人 又~ 次站 在
东风 , 面对丈夫的无情与贪婪 , 婆婆的乖戾与变态, 她只能 逃离。正如鲁太光所说 , 这种现实“ 一方面把善良的弱小者
首先 为他们所 厌 弃 。而村 里 的 男人 , 也把 她 看 做垃 圾 一 样 地玩 弄 。最后 她不得 不举起 复仇 的剪刀 。《 东风嫁》 中的米
们极 力维护被 人 视
为丑事 , 父亲像疯子一样对待姐姐 , 雷老末被父亲派人打瘸
白的《 妇女闲聊录》 、 阎连科的《 受活》 、 摩 罗的《 六道悲伤》 等, 一起构成了新世纪启蒙主义文学新 的浪潮。 ” ( 量 ) 孟繁华 所举的上述作品可以说都是 乡土文学, 而从启蒙 的角度叙
Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby学号 10511010101 姓名程思With the development of symbolism, one of ramification of it,the color symbolism has been widely used by lots of writers for represent figures,to convey feelings and make the theme standing out in the literary works. Fitzgerald uses color symbolism to portray the characters and reveal the theme in his finest work The Great Gatsby and present us a vivid image of American during the Jazz Age after the First World War. This paper is based on the social background and tradition of America and makes an analytical study of the unique artistic achievement of the novel through summarizing and analyzing the colors Fitzgerald use. Unlike his other novels, in The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses artistic method to express plot, characters and the final disillusionment of American Dream. The use of symbolism is especially obvious in the novel; anything in the novel can be taken as a symbol. Based on the American history, religion, literature and culture, F. Scott Fitzgerald vividly shows us a colorful painting of the Jazz Age.With different understandings of the colors, the essayists analyzed these colors decades before, nowadays the essayists still work on them. I gathered some of opinions years before from some of the essayists below.The analysis of green: the author Li Xueshun ( 李雪顺《<了不起的盖茨比>和它的色彩象征》) believes Daisy’s light in front of her house on the dock is the main imag e symbolizing Gatesby’s love and faith,for which he has been working so hard all through his life time, but even in the end of this story his dream is still like the green light, which is always beyond his reach, it never comes true, and most of the observers hold the same opinion.The analysis of white: Ma Xiangrui’s thes is mentions that in Gatsby’s eyes Daisy looks like a pure angel often in white and sits in white limo, whereas he doesn’t know in the real life she just has a beautiful body with no soul and always does things cruel. In the other author Dong Aihua’s opinio n the white symbolized the demoralization and emptiness of the people during the Jazz Age. Although this two author express in different ways, but they share the same basic point of view. The white has very opposite meaning in two sides.The analysis of ye llow and golden: In Dong Aihua’s opinion yellow and golden mean money and material factors people are searching for. He believes people’s main philosophy at that age is to chase money, luxury things and social status. And in Wang xiaoming’s thesis (王晓敏. 《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩象征的运用.) he mentions that this color also links to the death, because the desire is original sin . Desire will lead people to behave badly, finally destroy them.The analysis of grey: “Grey is the color of disappointment and it indicates the broken of American dream” Dong Aihua says. However, Li Xueshun has the different thoughts about this. He thinks grey can compare with other bright colors to show under the luxury and dissipation life spiritually people have nothing. Like the feeling grey brings to us, it is not clear, it’s amphibolous.About the other color mentioned less in the novel, for example the pink, blue and purple. V ery few essayists researched on them years before. But these years more essayists start working on this and make their meanings clear.Recent years essayists sum up different ideals and analyze these ideals in a systemic way and add some of new opinions in the research. About the green most people hold the same opinion, it symbolized all Gatsby’shope. About the white Ying Ch engjun and Feng zhicai’s(尹成君&冯志才. <<论色彩的象征特征>>) pointed out it has two opposite meanings. It symbolized the purity things, justice and simplicity; on the other hand it shows nonentity and destroys. People link the white with Daisy to show the double character of her. She is a pure and fabulous beautiful angel and an emptiness marble hearted devil. The yellow and golden shows the reality of the society that money can drive people’s mind. Most essayists agree this ideal. Lots of essayists focus on the color of grey, especially the grey vale in chapter 2 of Great Gatsby ,for example Dong Aihua (董爱华. 谈《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩象征在表现主题中的运用.[J].克山师专学报) mentioned the grey vale is the place surrounded by industry waste and ashes where the poor people live in. Ashes with the color of grey and it allude death and broken dream. After reading different essayists’ opinions we can see they hold lots of common points with particular difference on details.Some of the colors which are mention less in the novel, for example the red, pink and blue people hold various ideals. Wang Xiaoming thinks that red symbolized Tom’s selfishness, haughty, wildness and cruel character. Ma Li thinks Gatsby’s pink suit means his faithful warm love to Daisy. But in Li Xueshun’s opinion the red has very close relationship with violence and blood; it indicates the accident in the second half of this novel. In Dong Aihua’s opinion the purple means Daisy is a mystery creation in Gatsby’s heart; he used his life time to chase on it and dreamed to make it come true. As most people know the blue still means melancholy and a calm mood.It’s true that color can represent emotion, but this kind of symbolize depends on a certain culture, custom and social. Different environment can affect the meaning of all these colors. In this way when we analyze these colors, our thoughts become subjective. We should make our thoughts more impersonal, so we have to study the culture, the history, the environment when this story happened. What’s the American society like after the Firs t World War? What’s the real meaning of the age so called Jazz Age? Joining both the culture and color analysis together can make the thesis more logical and reasonable.Through analysis of color symbolism of the Great Gatsby, we find that this area needs more research and in a systemic way. Especially we should combine with American culture, custom background, the religion thoughts or the reflection of the war and so on. We know that the reason why F. Scott Fitzgerald uses the color symbolism is not that simple, we should dig out the inner meanings he expressed. And the colors help us understand each character much better. The research we will do in the future will make this analysis more integrity.In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses many literary devices, especially color symbolism which is the most popular technique, to embrace his believes about the people of these period and express many different intangible ideas. The use of color symbolism in The Great Gatsby is similar to the use of color in myth, customs and rituals –each color has a conventional meaning and particular ideas and themes. The Great Gatsby is not only a plain story of the life and death of a romantic hero, but also a vivid painting of the twentieth century, showing that the dream of spiritual freedom is inseparable from that of material advancement. And American Dream is doomed to be destroyed. Through the artistic expression of color symbolism, Fitzgerald has skillfully and wisely revealed the theme of this novel and the fate of the characters. Lots of people and some of famous critic gave very high praise on this book and this book is still read by people nowadays. All this can show its prominent status in the history of American literature.ReferencesF. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby [M]. Penguin Books, 1974.Zhao Linlin. Symbolism in The Great Gatsby[J].齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2004 (1):86-88 象征主义. //.2007.亨利·詹姆斯著,朱雯等译.《小说的艺术》[M].上海:上海译文出版社,2001.李顺雪. 《了不起的盖茨比》和它的色彩象征. [J]. 涪陵师范学院学报. 2001.(10):95-97.李希. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的色彩描写在刻画人物中的作用. [J].外国文学研究. 2002 (3):79-83. 马丽. 试析《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩的象征意义. 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The Joy Luck ClubAbstractThe Joy Luck Club is written by Amy Tan,a famous Chinese American writer. In the novel, she presents the stories of four Chinese-immigrant women and their American-born daughters. Each of the four Chinese women has her own view of the world based on her experiences in China and wants to share her experiences with her daughter, and they never cease to try to build a bridge over the cultural differences and conflicts between them and their daughters with their maternal love of vari ous forms. At first the daughters don’t understand their mothers and the Chinese culture that their mothers represent, but as time elapses, the daughters begin to understand and appreciate their mothers' past and accept their mothers in the end. In fact, it is the maternal love the Joy Luck Club mothers extend to their daughters that finally makes their daughters understand them and the Chinese culture that they represent. In this sense, the maternal love not only symbolizes Chinese culture, but more importantly serves as a bridge over the mothers and daughters, and over Chinese culture and American culture.Key WordsThe Joy Luck Club; conflicts; understanding; culture; maternal love摘要《喜福会》是美国著名的华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作品。
西大-外国语学院浅析中美家庭教育观的差异-以《家有儿女》和《摩登家庭》为例Analysis of Differences of Family Education Concepts between China and America from Home with Kids and Modern Family摘要:家庭教育是指父母对孩子采取的教育方式,会对孩子的成长和发展所产生影响。
Abstract :Family education is the ways that parents educate their children, which exerts influence on children development. It is also the basis of school and social education, playing a key role in shaping children’s val ues and world views. In this paper, TV series Home with Kids and Modern Family are cited, to explore the differences of family education concepts between China and America, expecting it can work as a reference for Chinese family education.一、引言在历史长河的积淀中,每一种文化都衍生出其带有民族特色的家庭价值观。
法律英语:中英双语法律文书中的句法歧义篇一:浅析英语法律文书中的词汇歧义现象最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作E-cTranslationofFilmTitlesfromculturalPerspective初中生英语口语常见错误分析及纠错策略解读《拉帕希尼的女儿》中的父爱TheSocialSignificanceofThemerchantofVenicefromthePerspectiveofShak espeare’sTimes论《追风筝的人》中父子关系的心理剖析英语教学中如何提高学生的跨文化交际能力ontheTranslationofchildren’sLiteratureintheLightoftheSkopostheory:acaseStudyofThedventuresofTo mSawyeranewwoman’sJourneyinTotheLighthouse文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
原创Q799757938《蝴蝶梦》中的哥特式元素意象创造的对比研究——文化视觉下的中英文诗歌伊恩?麦克尤恩《时间中的孩子》中斯蒂芬的心理创伤和恢复分析《永别了武器》悲剧特征的分析中式菜谱的翻译《喜福会》体现的中美家庭观念冲突解析英语习语中隐喻的汉译《格列佛游记》与《镜花缘》的比较ananalysisofJude’sPursuitofLoveinJudetheobscure产品说明书的翻译技巧高中英语写作中母语负迁移现象分析广告折射出的中西文化差异及广告翻译策略影响中学生英语学习的心理因素分析国际商务谈判中的非语言交际探究汉英翻译的中式英语现象网络英语的缩略词的构成特征及其应用研究析《小妇人》中的超验主义广告中英语歧义的研究onwisdomofTaoinTaodeJingandtheSubjectivityofTranslator--BaseduponTranslationsofwu(无)andYou(有)论《最后的莫西干人》中的印第安情结语境视角下的“吃”字翻译研究《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《哈姆雷特》中的双关鉴赏英汉色彩词的对比研究论中美婚礼习俗的差异与融合论大学英语口语课外活动隐转喻名名复合词的语义分析洛克的教育思想研究简?奥斯汀《诺桑觉寺》中人物对爱情和婚姻的不同态度汉英礼貌原则对比浅析Shylock’sTragedyinThemerchantofVenice论《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的基督式人物塑造论英语无灵句与汉语有灵句的互译菲尔丁小说《汤姆琼斯》中的戏剧因素分析《哈利波特》中斯内普的人物分析TextcohesioninEnglishBusinesscontracts中美婚礼文化的差异浅析罗斯福就职演说中的美国精神中国旅游指南的中译英研究(开题报告+论)哥伦布和郑和航海的对比研究——两次航海所反映出的中西方文化差异从功能对等角度分析英文电影片名汉译托马斯?哈代《德伯家的苔丝》中注定的女性悲剧命运从《印度之行》看东西方文化冲突浅谈中西婚俗的文化差异《儿子与情人》中扭曲的爱《隐形人》(混战)中的象征手法分析acomparisonoftheEnglishcolorTermsacomparisonbetweenTask-basedapproachandcommunicativeapproach目的论下的修辞手法翻译:以《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》两个汉语译本为例从功能翻译理论视角谈旅游翻译我们如何避免翻译中的中式英语ananalysisonFeminismfromthePerspectiveofmusicinLittlewomen浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中的苔丝悲剧的成因对《红字》中完美人性的求索--浅析海斯特与丁梅斯代尔的自我思想较量与精神升华英汉颜色词隐喻的认知比较与研究语码转换的面子维护策略从保罗的恋母情结角度分析劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》逆成构词的分类及其认知机制和规律influencesofEncouragingwordsonStudentsinHighSchoolclasses culturalElementsinchineseFilmSubtitlesandTheirTranslationStrategies浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中两位男主人公论身势语的跨文化交际应用商务信函翻译技巧初探哲学视角下的中英数字对比研究论幽默元素在《老友记》字幕中的翻译不同英汉颜色词的象征意义及其翻译融入与挑战——从生态角度看《老人与海》与《瓦尔登湖》金钱与婚姻—论《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻价值与导向圣诞节对大学生的影响的调查研究传统美德与反传统个性的结合——《小妇人》中乔的形象分析顺应论视角中电影字幕汉英翻译研究——以李安电影作品字幕翻译为例浅析信用证认识上的误区及其避免途径TheStudyofHumorinTheadventuresofHuckleberryFinnfromthePerspective ofcooperativePrinciple从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异试析索尔?贝娄《只争朝夕》中的犹太寻根主题目的论视角下公益广告的翻译cultureTeachingincollegeEnglishListeningclassrooms哥特小说的魅力——《红死魔的面具》美学研究PsychologicalanalysesofSetheinBeloved游戏在小学英语词汇学习中的运用SenseandSensibilityinJaneausten’sPersuasion从《爱玛》看简?奥斯丁的女性主义意识杰克?伦敦《野性的呼唤》中的生态主义conversationalHumorinamericanSitcoms——acaseStudyofTheBigBangT heory我对直译和意译的看法ananalysisofThecallofthewildfromthePerspectiveofExistentialism论自然主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现功能对等理论下汉语新词英译研究TheStrategiesinc-Etranslationofchineseculturally-loadedwords奈达“功能对等”理论在中国电影片名英译中的运用分析acomparisonoftheEnglishcolorTerms浅析奥利奥品牌在国际营销中的跨文化策略onthecharacteristicsofdesertislandLiteraturefromLordoftheFlies 《论语》中“仁”的翻译研究(开题报告+论)金融英语的规范性及翻译策略研究中西方文化差异对代沟的不同影响研究关于非英语专业学生大学英语四级考试学习策略的研究论初中生英语学习资源策略培养基于中西文化差异的翻译策略研究BiblicalideasonwomenandSex aJourneythroughHarshReality:ReflectionsonGulliver’sTravels 从女性主义解读《芒果街上的小屋》论疯女人形象对小说简爱所作贡献语境策略在词汇学习中的有效性从弗洛伊德精神分析视角解读爱伦?坡的《黑猫》论艾略特《荒原》中的宗教信仰与价值观从语境视角看英译汉字幕翻译——以《梅林传奇》为例探寻《呼啸山庄》的道德意义跨文化意识在初中英语教材中的渗透浅谈英语习语中动物名称及翻译FeminisminTheawakening对《呼啸山庄》里所反映的人性的解读英汉禁忌语对比分析论西尔维娅?普拉斯诗歌中的死亡意象法语给英语带来的影响《野性的呼唤》中巴克形象分析试析英语广告中双关语的翻译浅析《墓园挽歌》中意象的变化nBa和cBa的文化差异分析以《喜福会》中的母女关系为例试析跨文化交际中的“失语”现象早期吸血鬼与现代影视作品中吸血鬼形象的对比试析《弗兰肯斯坦》中的哥特风格教师身势语在英语口语教学中的应用英汉状语语序修辞对比与翻译目的论视角下的广告翻译acomparisonoftheEnglishcolorTerms浅析艾米丽?迪金森诗歌的主题思想英汉同声传译技巧初探从《尼罗河上的惨案》看阿加莎?克里斯蒂小说的魅力和价值浅析英语新闻语篇中的语法隐喻《海狼》主人公汉弗莱?韦登成长新论探究瓦尔登湖的积极现实意义——倡导和谐生存发展模式功能对等理论视域下的商标名称汉译英语修辞的翻译方法试析英语中的性别歧视及去性别化改革从曼诺林角度研究圣地亚哥形象王尔德唯美主义对现代消费文化的启示--以《道林格雷的画像》为例论《红字》中海丝特的女性身份重构车贴中的语言污染现象研究英语电影片名的汉译研究《马克?吐温—美国的镜子》中的中英文衔接手段的对比和翻译艾米丽?狄金森诗歌的心理分析从荣格的原型理论看《蝇王》中杰克的形象acomparisonoftheEnglishcolorTerms英汉情感隐喻认知对比分析二元对立模型在伍尔夫《达洛卫夫人》中的应用development,analysisandProspectofchinglish从毛姆《刀锋》看两次世界大战期间的知识分子形象美国校园俚语发展的促动因素看美国的自由精神英汉广告语篇中语法衔接手段对比研究简?奥斯丁的女权主义在《理智与情感》中的体现英汉颜色词的认知语义分析—以红色、黄色为例《爱玛》女主角爱玛伍德豪斯人物分析论英语称谓语中的性别歧视从《绝望的主妇》看美国的家庭观《黑暗之心》主人公马洛的性格分析中西方婚礼礼服颜色的对比研究对比哈利?波特与蜘蛛侠浅析英美英雄文化差异ananalysisoftheTranslationofFilmTitles onRelationshipBetweenmothers-and-daughters-in-Lawinchinaandthewest 英汉词汇及文化差异研究modernViewsonmarriagesinwutheringHeights交际式语言测试在初中英语课堂中的应用从文化的角度看颜色词在英汉两种语言中差异TheapplicationofRole-playinJuniormiddleSchoolEnglishTeaching简爱性格魅力分析从《男孩们女孩们》看身份问题对艾丽斯?门罗文学创作的影响英语运用中的歧义分析英语阅读理解中的若干信息处理手段社会因素对汉语中英语外来词的影响语言经济学视角下的商务英语信函写作中国现代散文风格精彩再现——评张培基教授《英译中国现代散文选》图式理论在英语阅读教学中的应用研究中英文颜色词的文化内涵及翻译从社会语言学的视角研究蔑视女性的词汇表达法浅析《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物“善”与“恶”的转变ESa理论在大学英语口语教学中的运用浅析中西方颜色词所隐含的文化差异及翻译策略中英广告宣传方式的比较研究浅议英语情态动词“can”和汉语能愿动词“能”—以类型学为视角中国文学作品中的歇后语的英译-以红楼梦为例从电影《三傻大闹宝莱坞》看印度的社会问题《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的美国梦的破灭acomparisonoftheEnglishcolorTerms论初中英语教学中的任务型教学法《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义英式英语和美式英语词汇对比研究试析中文歌曲汉英语码转换的形式与功能商务英语口译能力的培养与对策从关联理论视角看影视字幕翻译——结合美剧“绯闻少女”进行个案分析ananalysisofwomen’sStatusinPrideandPrejudice篇二:如何学好法律英语如何学好法律英语一、词典类1、Black’sLawdictionary(8th)9.5分2、《元照英美法词典》9分3、《牛津现代法律用语辞典》9.5分4、《牛津法律词典》9分5、《朗文法律词典》6、《韦氏法律词典》8分7、8、9、10、二、词语类1、《英汉汉英法律用语辩证词典》陈忠诚9分2、《法律英语核心术语:实务基础》9分3、《法律英语核心术语:实务高阶》9分4、《法律英语同义近义术语辨析和翻译指南》宋雷8分5、《悦读法律英语》陈忠诚7分6、《法窗译话》陈忠诚7分7、说下我的法律英语词汇书——《法律英语词汇——以美国法律为基础》三、翻译类1、《英汉法律翻译教程》孙万彪9.5分2、《汉英法律翻译教程》孙万彪3、4、5、《民法通则》aaa译本评析陈忠诚9分6、7、《新编英汉法律翻译教程》王道庚8分8、《法律文本与法律翻译》李克兴张新红7分9、《英文合同阅读与分析技巧》范文祥7分四、写作类1、《最新法律专业英语——读写全程点拨》何主宇8分2、《涉外法律函电英文写作范例》何主宇7.5分《法律英语:中英双语法律文书制作》陶博《法律英语:中英双语法律文书中的句法歧义》陶博Legalwriting哈格德《平易英文法律写作教程-课文与练习》(美)加纳《法律英文写作的第一本书》德沃斯基《法律推理与法律文书写作(结构策略风格)(第4版)小理查德•K•诺伊曼《法律文书写作之道》(英)科斯坦佐6分五、国外影印教材系列1、法律出版社,美国法精要系列2、武汉大学出版社,影印版法学基础系列3、武汉大学出版社,最新不列颠法律袖珍读本4、中信出版社,伊曼纽尔法律精要系列5、中信出版社,案例与解析影印系列6、中信出版社,案例教程影印系列7、中国方正出版社,美国法学院经典教材aSPEn释例系列8、中国人民大学出版社,民商法摘要影印注释本系列9、法律出版社,朗文培生法学基础系列六、国内教材系列七、7分以下的其他书籍1、2、3、4、5、6、《英文合同协议快易通》简新亚7分7、《英文合同》葛亚军6分8、《国际贸易英文合同文体与翻译研究》宋德文5分附录法律英语相关考试介绍法律英语、法律翻译培训简评篇三:法律英语翻译课程总结法律英语翻译课程总结转眼间,一个学期的法律英语翻译课程就要结束了。
论文题目:二氯甲烷-甲醇-丙酮-水体系的萃取剂筛选研究姓名:班级:高聚物101 班指导教师:2012 年11 月12 日目录摘要---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2第一章攀?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31.1 二氯甲烷的性质及用途---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.1.1 二氯甲烷的性质----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.1.2 二氯甲烷的用途----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41.2 二氯甲烷的制备方法------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41.2.1 天然气氯化法-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.2.2 氯甲烷氯化法-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51.3 国内外研究现状及趋势-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.3.1 一步法----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51.3.2 两步法----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------61.3.3 多步法----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7第二章萃取溶剂的筛选------------------------------------------------------------------------------------82.1 萃取剂的筛选原则-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.1.1定量估算--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.1.2 定性选择--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 极性判断---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 分子间的相互作用力------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8第三章萃取剂的筛选实验-------------------------------------------------------------------------------123.1 实验原料与仪器--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------123.2 装置可靠性验证-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------133.3 实验步骤------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13第四章数据处理--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------144.1 数据处理------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14结论-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17参考文献-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18摘要本文介绍了二氯甲烷的性质、用途以及制备方法,并对二氯甲烷国内外研究现状及趋势进行了阐述。
第37卷第4期黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 学 报V o l .37N o .42023年8月J o u r n a l o fH e i l o n g j i a n g I n s t i t u t e o fT e c h n o l o g yA u g.2023D O I :10.19352/j.c n k i .i s s n 1671-4679.2023.04.005基于灰色近优的城市公共交通发展评价方法朱路明(安徽省道路运输管理服务中心,合肥230000)摘 要:为了提高城市公共交通的规划和管理水平,需要科学评估城市公共交通的发展现状。
关键词:公共交通;灰色近优法;评价模型;交通管理;公交评价中图分类号:U 49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-4679(2023)04-0025-09E v a l u a t i o nm e t h o do f u r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t d e v e l o pm e n t b a s e do n g r e y n e a r o pt i m i z a t i o n Z HU L u m i n g(A n h u i R o a dT r a n s p o r tM a n a ge m e n t S e r v i c eC e n t e r ,H ef e i 230000,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :I no r d e r t o i m p r o v e t h e p l a n n i ng a n dm a n a g e m e n t o f u r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t ,i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o s c i e n t i f i c a l l y as s e s s t h e c u r r e n t s i t u a t i o no f u r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t d e v e l o p m e n t .I n t h i s s t u d y ,w e c o l l e c t e d ,t h r o u gh f i e l d r e s e a r c h a n d q u e s t i o n n a i r e s ,t h e d e c l a r a t i o nm a t e r i a l s a n d r e l e v a n t a c c e p t a n c em a t e r i a l s o f t h e “M o d e l C i t i e s f o rP r i o r i t y D e v e l o p m e n t o fP u b l i cT r a n s p o r t ”c a m p a i g n i nA n h u i P r o v i n c e d u r i n g t h e 13t hF i v e -Y e a rP l a n p e r i o d ,i n c l u d i n g d a t ao n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t i n p r o v i n c i a l c i t i e s a n d c o u n t y -l e v e l c i t i e s .O n t h e b a s i s o f t h e r e s e a r c h a n d s o r t i n g o u t o f n o r m s a n d e v a l u a t i o n s y s t e m s r e l a t e d t o c o n v e n t i o n a l p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t i no t h e r c i t i e s i nC h i n a ,an e we v a l u a t i o n i n d e xs y s t e mf o ru r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t s ys t e m sh a sb e e nc o n s t r u c t e dt o a d d r e s s t h e p r o b l e m t h a ti ti sd i f f i c u l tt o a c h i e v eo b j e c t i v i t y ,c o m p r e h e n s i v e n e s sa n d a c c u r a c y int h ee v a l u a t i o n o ft h e d e v e l o p m e n t l e v e lo fu r b a n p u b l i ct r a n s p o r t ,i n c l u d i n g f o u ra s p e c t so f p r o t e c t i o ni n d i c a t o r s ,s e r v i c ei n d i c a t o r s ,i n t e l l i ge n t i n d i c a t o r s a n d s af e t y i n d i c a t o r s ,w i t ha t o t a l o f 14i n d i c a t o r s .T h ee v a l u a t i o no fu r b a n p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t i sb a s e do nt h eg r e y n e a r -o p t i m a l c o m p r eh e n si v e e v a l u a t i o nm e t h o d ,a n d t h e s c o r e s b e f o r e a n d a f t e r t h e c r e a t i o n a c t i v i t i e s a r e c o m p a r e d .A c c o r d i n gt o t h e a n a l y s i so f t h ec o m p r e h e n s i v ee v a l u a t i o nr e s u l t s ,i t i sc o n c l u d e dt h a t t h ec o m p l e t i o no f t h ec r e a t i o ni n d i c a t o r s i nt h e p r o v i n c i a l c i t i e s a n dc o u n t y -l e v e l c i t i e sa f t e r t h ec r e a t i o ni sb e t t e rt h a nt h a tb e f o r et h ec r e a t i o n ,a n dt h ec o m pl e t i o no f t h e c r e a t i o n i n d i c a t o r s i n t h e p r o v i n c i a l c i t i e s a f t e r t h e c r e a t i o n p e r i o dh a s i n c r e a s e db y 35.14%i n g e n e r a l ;t h e c o m p l e t i o no f t h e c r e a t i o n i n d i c a t o r s i n t h e c o u n t y -l e v e l c i t i e s a f t e r t h e c r e a t i o n p e r i o dh a s i n c r e a s e db y 44.93%i n g e n e r a l .K e y w o r d s :p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ;g r e y n e a r -o p t i m a lm e t h o d ;e v a l u a t i o nm o d e l ;t r a f f i c c o n t r o l ;p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t e v a l u a t i o n 收稿日期:2023-02-01基金项目:安徽省省政府采购项目(2019F W C N 4002)作者简介:朱路明(1970-),男,高级经济师,研究方向:交通运输管理.城市公共交通是为社会公众提供基本出行服务的社会公益性事业和重大民生工程[1]。
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后现代主义参考文献参考文献:1. Jameson, F. (1991). Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Duke University Press.2. Lyotard, J. F. (1984). The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. University of Minnesota Press.3. Baudrillard, J. (1988). America. Verso Books.4. Eagleton, T. (1996). The Illusions of Postmodernism. Wiley-Blackwell.5. Foucault, M. (1972). The Archaeology of Knowledge. Pantheon Books.6. Butler, J. (1990). Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Routledge.7. Derrida, J. (1997). Of Grammatology. Johns Hopkins University Press.8. Habermas, J. (1985). The Theory of Communicative Action. Beacon Press.9. Harvey, D. (1990). The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change. Wiley-Blackwell.10. Rorty, R. (1979). Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. Princeton University Press.创作:现代主义是20世纪后半叶以来哲学和文化领域中的重要思潮,对于当代社会的认知和理解产生了深远的影响。
家庭教养方式英文参考文献在研究家庭教养方式的英文参考文献中,一些常见的文献包括:1. Baumrind, D. (1967). Child care practices anteceding three patterns of preschool behavior. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 75(1), 43-88.2. Darling, N., & Steinberg, L. (1993). Parenting style as context: An integrative model. Psychological Bulletin, 113(3), 487-496.3. Maccoby, E. E., & Martin, J. A. (1983).Socialization in the context of the family: Parent-child interaction. In P. H. Mussen & E. M. Hetherington (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 4. Socialization, personality, and social development (4th ed., pp. 1-101). Wiley.4. Robinson, C. C., Mandleco, B., Olsen, S. F., & Hart,C. H. (1995). The parenting styles and dimensionsquestionnaire (PSDQ). In B. F. Perlmutter, J. Touliatos, & G. W. Holden (Eds.), Handbook of family measurement techniques: Vol. 3. Instruments & index (pp. 319-321). Sage.以上这些文献涵盖了家庭教养方式的不同方面,包括不同的家长教养风格和其对孩子行为的影响。
巴金家的英文读后感The Family by Ba Jin is a captivating and poignant novel that delves deep into the complexities of familial relationships and the societal pressures that shape them. As I immersed myself in this literary masterpiece, I was struck by the profound insights it offered into the human condition and the timeless struggles that transcend cultural boundaries.At the heart of the story lies the Gao family, a once-prosperous clan grappling with the winds of change sweeping through early 20th-century China. The patriarch, Old Master Gao, represents the traditional Confucian values that have long governed the family's dynamics, while his children and grandchildren find themselves torn between honoring their heritage and embracing the allure of modernity.One of the most compelling aspects of the novel is the way Ba Jin masterfully portrays the intricate web of power dynamics within the Gao household. The hierarchical structure, with its rigid expectations and unquestioned authority, serves as a microcosm of the broadersocietal norms that the characters must navigate. The tension between individual desires and familial obligations is palpable, as each character struggles to reconcile their personal aspirations with the demands of their clan.The protagonist, Zhiyuan, emerges as a particularly poignant and relatable figure. As the youngest grandson, he embodies the generational divide, torn between his love for his family and his yearning for freedom and self-expression. Zhiyuan's journey is a testament to the universal human struggle to find one's own voice and identity amidst the weight of tradition and expectation.Through the lens of the Gao family, Ba Jin masterfully explores the complex interplay between modernity and tradition, and the profound impact it has on the individual. The characters' experiences serve as a powerful metaphor for the broader societal changes unfolding in China, as the country grapples with the tension between its ancient roots and the allure of Western influence.One of the novel's most striking themes is the role of women within the patriarchal structure of the Gao household. The female characters, such as Zhiyuan's aunt and grandmother, are often relegated to the margins, their voices and agency constrained by the rigid gender norms of the time. However, Ba Jin subverts these expectations, allowing certain female characters to assert their agency andchallenge the status quo, offering a glimmer of hope for a more equitable future.The Family is not merely a work of fiction; it is a testament to the universal human experience, transcending cultural boundaries and speaking to the timeless struggles of the human condition. The novel's enduring relevance is a testament to Ba Jin's literary brilliance and his ability to capture the nuances of the human experience with such depth and poignancy.As I reflect on my reading of The Family, I am struck by the profound impact it has had on my own understanding of the complexities of familial relationships and the societal forces that shape them. The novel has challenged me to consider the ways in which our individual desires and aspirations are often at odds with the expectations and obligations of our families and our broader social context.Moreover, The Family has encouraged me to reflect on the role of tradition and modernity in shaping our identities and the ways in which we navigate the tensions between the two. Ba Jin's masterful storytelling has illuminated the universal human experience, reminding me that the struggles and triumphs of the Gao family are echoed in the lives of individuals across cultures and time periods.In conclusion, The Family by Ba Jin is a literary masterpiece thattranscends the boundaries of its cultural and historical setting. Through its rich character development, poignant themes, and masterful storytelling, the novel offers a profound and insightful exploration of the human condition. As I close the book, I am left with a deeper appreciation for the complexities of familial relationships and the enduring power of literature to illuminate the universal truths that unite us all.。
Jerome David Salinger is born in New York City, on January1st, 1916. He grew up in Newswire and later attended three colleges. As early as the age of fifteen he began writing. When he was twenty one he published his first short story. After service as an infan try sergea nt in Europe duri ng World War n he wrote more stories, most of which were published in Collier 'Ssa,turday Evening Post collected papers and other journals. Salinger, a man of mystery and conscientiousness, aliens from all things connected with the society. In Salinger 'wosrks, his protagonists are often sensitive and very aware of adolescents, or adults who, in either case, seek their own identity in relation to an external world with which they find themselves more or less at odds. And also, alienation or disenchantment with the so-called “adult w”orld figures largely exists in his writings.With the publication of The Catcher in the Ryein 1951, J. D. Salinger gained almost an immediate acceptance as being among the most significant post-World War n American novelists. In The Catcher in the Rye, a 16 years old middle-school student, Holden, was dismissed by Pencey School for the fourth time. Then he chose to be a tramp. The three days ' vagrant life vividly reflects his experiences and feelings. It manifests the American young people's depressed and indecisive psychology. And also, it shows us the hypocritical and repulsive of the adult world. What Holden had seen and heard had aroused the innumerable contemporary people 'isntense sympathetic chord. Many adults also had a better understanding of the younger generations through reading this book. Holden, as an incompletely sensible child as well as an “adult ”ju—st as a know-it-all, struggles to find the right path into adulthood. He finds the hypocrisy and ugliness of the world around him surprisingly unbearable. And through his visual angle he tried to protect himself from the pain and disappointment in the adult world. However, he is constantly distressedthat he is keeping falling into adulthood and he finally realizes the aim of life that he is seeking for.1 Domestic situation of researchThe American writer Salinger only publish a novel ‘The Catcher in the,Rye but he enjoys abundant in the literary arena.. As soon as the novel published, it is famous in the world. For several dozens years, this book reprints unceasingly, has become the article study classics and gain the recognition of the contemporary US literature, even the world .The catcher in the Rye, through Holden 'e s xperiences and sense of Subject of traces inNew York three days and two nights ,who was born to a lawyer family, due' blame after the fourth expelledefrsocmhotohl, reflects the spirit to be feared of his parentsof the difficulties and problems that the fifties of US adolescents face. The plot of the novel is relatively flat, but the comment is never dull. For example, Gao Ying 'Hs olden 'ismage explanation, it mainly focus on the Holden 'csharacteristic, this thesis aims at revealing the complex and multifaceted personality of the characterscreated by Salinger; Jiang Shan ' s tCheatcher in the Rye: look myself, it focus on the Holden c'onstradictory ideal . Domestic critic Luo Shiping thinks that Holden's three-day wandering in New York is to eliminate the gap between the society as well as his contemporaries and himself, and finally, reach surpassing himself.The fact, however 'turns out that each place where Holden goes has an invisible wall separating other person from him ,making him an outside man of this society who can not be a member for ever Luo says”:Holden's pains is,on one hand, from his attempt to overcome the loneliness and on the other hand, from his attempt to back to the syncretic state that people are still embryos. Obviously, yet, Holden can only find this state in his fantasy. Hence, Holden imagines being a catcher in the rye.”When speaking of the reasons of Holden's mental crisis ,after doing the analyzing and proving work, Luo concludes that Holden's consciousness,from the perspective of people's consciousness and unconsciousness, is the fake consciousness which consist of fictions and fantasies of this society whereas the content of his unconsciousness is mainly real.For one thing, Holden represses his unconsciousness to prevent it from being his consciousnessfor the reason that he fears to plunge himself into complete loneliness for deviating from the mainstream of social character.For another, Holden is scared of being completely cut off from thehumanity, wholly loosing people ' s morals and behavioral,prSinOcipthleast he triedto enlarge his scope of unconsciousness. Thus, the clash and the contradiction between society and humanity bring about Holden ' s mentaclrisis. Holden loses his balance psychologically.Critic Fang Cheng in his essay ”Escape,Explore,Resist and Despair-The Children Figure in American Literature ”points out that”Holden, whose resistance is teemed with disappo in tme nt and impote nee •..The final result o f Holde n is absolutely desperate for human life which leads to mental crisis and is sent to mental institutio”n. Two seholars, Qin Xiaomeng and Hou Weirui,respeetively researeh Holden's language eharaeteristies and they get similar eonelusion.”Holden's language is typieal and has its own individual feature,”Housays,”generally speaking, his language is not only vulgar, unelear, laeking of ereativity but with imprint hallmarked by his sehool edueation for many years as well. Yet, the novel imagination and the peeuliar ereation in his language also eould produee surprising effee”t.2 Foreign situation of researehThere are also many foreign experts paying their attention to the study of the novel. On its publieation, The Cateher in the Rye is highly foeused by the seholars. The aeademie erities at the novel didn 't prosper u n ft i fl tti eh se .miTdhe faet t—hat the novel had beeome a best seller among adoleseents rubbed. Some erities the wrong way but eonfirmed the opinion of others that with The Cateher in the Rye they had a new elassie on their hand.The analysis of this novel eovers many aspeets and layers,the first is the eomparative studies, in whieh the erities eompare The Cateher in the Rye with otherworks. The first systematie eomparison of The Cateher in the Rye andThe Adventures in Literary Continuity. In this essay Braneh says that the two novels are elearly related in narrative pattern and style, eharaeterization of the hero and eritieal import (Braneh, 957:217). Moreover, Braneh argues thatHuekleberry Finn and the Cateher in the Rye share eertain ethieal and soeial attitudes. Yet Salinger's eritieal view assumes arakyTwain and J.D.Salinger: A study of Huekleberry Finn is Edgar Braneh s eMsascultural determinism that in Huckleberry Finn, although always present, permits freedom throughself-guidance (Branch,1957: 216).Branch sees the ending of The Catcher in the Rye aspessimistic and that of Huckleberry Finn as optimistic. Besides, he says that Huckleberry Finn,in short, recognizes necessity and freedom, the restrictions limiting moral accomplishment andits possibility. The Catcher in the Rye leaves US doubtful that the individual, even assisted bybest effor the analyst s ever truly escape the double trap of society and self(Branch,1957:214-215). Whatfurther contributes to the underlying despair of Salinger 'hesel. SO Br anch says, is that Holdenhas not matured or learned anything by the end of the novel and that Holden wants to remainforever the catcher in the rye (Branch, 1957: 215).The second layer is the perspective of psychoanalysis, The most positive of the earlyacademic analyses is entitled .J D .Salinger: Some Crazy Cliff"(1956) . It was written byArthur Heiserman and James E.Miller who bestowed epic grandeur on The Catch in the Ryewhen they asserted that the novel belongs to the ancient and honorable narrative tradition …ofth(HQiu e strian and Miller,1956: 196) . Thetwo critics saw similarities between The Catcher in the Rye and such masterworks of worldliterature as Homer's Odyssey and James Joyce's Ulysses and such American classics MarkTwain s Th'e Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and E Scott Fitzgerald 's The Great Gatsby. Theysaid about Holden Caulfield that unlike other American knights errant, Holden seeks Virtuesecond to Love, and they explained Holden's quest by saying that he is driven toward love ofhis fellow man (Heiserman and Miller,1956: 197-198).The third layer is about the characters. Some other readings interpret The Catcher in theRye in more rigid psychoanalytical terms. James Bryan 's essay," The Psychological Structureof The Catcher in the Rye is a Freudian analysis which defines Holden s n'eurosis as “afranticneed to save his sister from himself"(Bryan, 1974: 107). Bryan basesthis notion on thepsychoanalytical axiom that “asister is often the first replacement for the mother as love object,and that normal maturation guides the boy form the sister to other woman. ”Yet, Holden has aserious problem because“Holden'ssexuality is swaying precariously between reversionmaturation and maturation”(Bryan, 1974: 107). Fortunately, so Bryan contends, “ Phoebse'responsesto Holden s'secret needs become the catalyst for both his breakdown and his recovery”(Bryan, 1974: 111). The most fashionable psychological study of the novel is James Mellard s'essay “the Disappearing Subject: A Lacanian Reading of The Catcher in the Rye.”Mellard shares Carl Strauch's point of view that Holden eventually cures himself. According to Mellard, Holden passes through the Lacanian stages of “ alienationand”“ separationfro”m the “Other “but eventually achieves symbolic wholeness with that “Other (Mellara,203-204). Mallard describes that when Holden becomes whole in this way. Restored to the only sort of fullness that shall ever be available to one who has acceded to the symbolic , Holden is gripped by joy at this moment. Sitting on a bench in the sudden rain watching Phoebe go around on the carrousel, at final moment of the main narrative, Holden feels unbounded pleasure, perhaps a Lacanianjouissance”(Mellard, 211) .Reacting to the argument of earlier critics that when Holden tells his story, he is a patient in a mental institution,Mellard says that ”on the evidence of the story he tells, he no longer has any real need for therapy. He would appear to be as healthy, as'whole,'as sane as anyone ever might be”(Mellard,211).All in all, there are many different opinions about the novel 's theme. Each has meaningful basis. Luo Shiping who has been motioned above in his essay ‘th‘e Counter-Culture Language in The Catcher in the Rye”associates Holden's language with the movement of counter-culture in America after the World War II and then concludes that Holden's language actually is the counter-culture language, so that Holden is a young mall who speaks the counter-culture language.Bibliography[1] Alsen, Eberhard.(2002).A Reader's Guide to J.D .Salinger.WestportConnecticut London: Greenwood Press. 67[2] Applegate, Jeferey.S.and Jennifer.M .Bonovitz(1995) .The FacilitatingPartnership: A Winnicottian Approach for Social Workers and the HelpingProfessionals.Northvale,New Jersey, London:Jason Aronson Inc.17-18,57[3] Branch, Edgar.(1957). Mark Twain and J.D.Salinger:A Study in LiteraryContinuity .In Crunwald, Henry.A (1962)Salinger: A Critical and PersonalPortrait.New York: Harper. 214-216[4] Mellard, James.The Disappearing Subjec:t A Lacanian Reading of The Catcher in theRye.In Salzberg, Joel.(1990). 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索绪尔语言符号理论及其对土豪”一词的语言学解读作者:孙树程来源:《赤峰学院学报·哲学社会科学版》 2014年第8期孙树程(淮阴师范学院,江苏淮安 223300)摘要:索绪尔的语言学被称为结构主义语言学,他的《普通语言学教程》包含了他几乎所有的语言学思想。
关键词:简·奥斯汀;傲慢与偏见;英国文学;婚姻Analysis of "Pride and Prejudice" themeAbstract"Pride and Prejudice" is Jane Austen 's masterpiece. This novel tells the squire's daughter Elizabeth Bennet's love story. This work in daily life for material, vividly reflects the end of the 18th century to the early 19th century in a conservative and occlusion of the British town life and the world.Virginia Woolf lady said she was "the most perfect artist." Austin ideas about marriage, money and class gave us profound enlightenment in contemporary. Based on the novel creation background and the few marriage story as the breakthrough point for her work the theme of "pride and prejudice" a brief analysis, and make a brief comment to this novel.Key words: Jane Austen; Pride and prejudice. English literature; marriageAcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Lu, Thank you so much for your carefulness .Your meticulous style has always been a role model in my work and study. You described the teachings, and your outside-the-box thinking gives me endless inspiration; Your tolerant attitude help me to quickly integrate into research.Thanks to my roommates, it is you jointly maintain the brotherly feelings between each other, and keep the bedroom of the house of the harmony, thank you very much in the process of thesis writing put forward valuable opinion for me. Four years, idle away one's. Now go their own way, please take good care.Thanks to my parents. Thank you all the way of my life since the care and support for me to study, your healthy and happy is always my biggest wish.Contents中文摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)Ac knowledgements (iii)I.The introduction of a uthor (1)II..Novel creation background (1)a.Time background.................................................................... . (1)b.People's views on marriage at the time.......................................... (1)c.The a uthor's writing characteristics............................................... . (2)III.The theme of the novel (4)a.Concept of marriage.................................................................. . (4)b.Pride and prejudice................................................................. (9)IV. Comment to this novel (10)Conclusion (12)Reference (13)I.The introduction of authorJane Austen (1775-1817), was born on December 16, 1775, Steven township, a parish priest's family. Is the good family education, the main teaching material is father's literature books. Austin, a popular novel, love, mostly vulgar amusement products. Her girlhood paper is the parody of this kind of popular novels, thus has formed her works mocking tone. [1]Her six novels , most of the daily life in the villages and towns on the middle class as subjects, through love marriage of contradiction conflict reflects the late 18th century, at the beginning of the 19th century British social style and features. Works through the comic scenes often taunt people stupid, selfish and snobbish and blind confidence contemptible ridiculous weakness.Austin's novel appeared in the 19th century, a popular false romanticism trend, inheritance and development of the UK in the 18th century outstanding tradition of realism, for the climax of the 19th century realism fiction is prepared, like played an important role. [2]Jane Austen is known as"status can be on par with Shakespeare's literary giant", "the most perfect female artist", Britain's most popular writer.II..Novel creation backgrounda.Time backgroundDuring the 16th to the 18th century, Britain's political, economic, cultural, religious, great changes have taken place in all aspects, such as started from traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society transformation process. Social structure and social ideas, the more obvious changes have taken place in the people's values, the spouse-selection view with corresponding changes, which directly or indirectly affect the marriage and family. [3] Whether in what requirement, choose a spouse standard, whether the property distribution, or the attitude toward marriage and family, in early modern England, the family of the unique style, embodies the old and the new culture in this period of conflict and collision, embodies the ideas of changes during the period of social transformation and communion, such a change in the future development trend of marriage and family, and the process will produce certain effect on the future of the society as a whole. [4]b.People's views on marriage at the timeIn the 16th century, William Buckins deem that people choose a spouse standard can be divided into "necessary" terms and conditions. The former have done for the church and state to effective marriage norms; The latter is to form the conditions attached to a good marriage, such as age, social status, economic condition, reputation, religion, etc, difference and love each other.What do the decades from the late 16th century to the early 17th century, the "limited core patriarchal family" (restricted patriarchal nuclear family) began to dominate in England Society. Although say to the realization of the interests of the family, this kind of moral preaching is not fully implemented, but this period the British people will pay attention to emotional factors in marriage. The choice of parents for their children 's marriage object still have considerable control power, but the children of parents decided to have a veto. [5]And lasted until The early 17th century to The 18th century. By the 18th century, mate choice decisions has been relegated to the parties to a marriage. And then the young when mating, economic and social factors began to give way to personal emotional factors.In modern British society, the arrangement of the marriage is often have parents, or at the time of mating parents influence played a decisive role. And in the aristocratic society, parents control children, in women than in men of the parties in the marriage of the parties in a marriage is more common.[6]On the choice of marriage obviously they despise the rabble businessmen and because in this period of time, the British pop is the dowry system makes marriage is not in the middle of the aristocracy, in order to meet the psychological and physiological need of private individuals, but the institutional strategy in order to protect the family wealth forever.In Jane Austen 's society, women generally except when old maid and tutor, then the only way out is to marry. Marry a rich posted a decent family, became a young lady to get and maintain a reliable ideal way of social and economic status. Especially in the "general property is not much, but breeding of young woman, is take marriage as the only one not the rain silk decent way out, no matter how numerous in the heart, happiness, get married is haven, they can accord the most prevention after they did not have food". Therefore, to win an ideal husband seems to be the young ladies in the novel the only aim in life, and to achieve this goal continuously in the fierce competition.c.The author's writing characteristicsJane Auste n, a 19th century British novelist, the world one of the most influential womanwriter in the history of literat ure, its most famous work is "pride and prejudice" and "sense and sensibility", to is famous for its meticulous observation and lively and interesting words. Respectable people in Britain at the time of the country is Austin marriage important matters all the six novels, as well as the scope of her early project. She is concerned about most is the heroine - often is no abundance respectable people him fair maiden - marriage. I think this is a very narrow literary viewpoints. But that's exactly what Austin and stay for the rest of my life. There is no doubt that Austen was writing a little. According to her own said: "three or four families in the countryside village" is her "handy good material." She also compares their art to the "two inches ivory" "drawing" very carefully. This is Austin in art conscious choice. When someone suggested she change way to write this to write that on creation, she declined, insisted: "no, I have to keep their own style, writing in his own way."Jane Austin using the style of ironic humor vivid tells the story of the end of the 18th century in the early 19th century British rural life. [7]She by woman's unique meticulous observation, truly describe the world around her small, especially among ladies of marriage and love. From the end of the 18th century to the early 19th century, vulgar boring "sentimental novels" and "gothic novel" are full of English literature, and Austin's novel iconoclastic, an unusual plan to show the at that time has not been impacted by the capitalist industrial revolution of the English countryside middle class daily life and rural scenery. Although in the war, but made no mention of war. But the attention to the country's young people's marriage problems. Appears to be family matters, but it is these things reflect the huge social problems. Elizabeth for freedom pursuit of a happy marriage, for ignoring class difference, which perfectly reflect the fight against the feudal system of the rising bourgeoisie. Rebellious, smart, brave Elizabeth that left a deep impression on people, at the same time the image is one of the classic image of art in the history of English literature.Though the era of Austin has gone from us, but the desire of the people to pursue good love and marriage has never been "fever", instead, more and more intense, more show outstanding.Even in our modern life, of all the situation is still in "pride and prejudice" can be seen everywhere, said it was love marriage in modern society also in for a miniature, article people think and do always can give us enlightenment.Outlook on life, the values of the choice of different inevitably lead to different results, but no matter how choice, as long as both sides can feel happiness, we believe that: the love is perfect,marriage is a success. According to authoritative survey, in British society, has the largest influence on people love marriage if cadres in literary works, pride and prejudice has always ranked the first. "Pride and prejudice" shows us all its different love and marriage, will also have to let us think about some questions like this: what kind of marriage is what we want? What is suitable for their own marriage? As Socrates once said: to marry, no matter what you do, you will regret it. The economic factors should as a measure of marriage? Jane Austen also given in the article throughout her back answer, namely: the only based on the entities of true love feeling of marriage can only be happy for a long time, the marriage based on money and lust are ultimately won't get blessing, not happy; At the same time, the recognition and social property will position will play a guiding role in the marriage, but should never simply get married for money and possessions.III.The theme of the novela.Concept of marriage"Pride and prejudice" clearly reflects the author himself is different from the social mainstream concept of marriage. In the author's opinion, such as charlotte and Collins, take marriage is completely based on the economy; And like Leah di and Wickham purely because of beauty and passion together, even the unmarried cohabitation, are immoral. But like Bennett, lady wanted to marry her daughter to fame and fortune man is extremely low. In the novel the author expressed her point of view, such as the actress said: "no love never marry." Her criticism of the cynical money marriage, but she doesn't separate the money and love, and show money in establishing stability plays a very important role in marriage.Elizabeth is the author attempts to depict women pursue independent personality and marriage independent representative of power, her morality, wisdom and courage, her prejudice against Darcy, is mainly comes from the awareness of their advantages and strong personal pride, and Elizabeth is able to examine their own inner world, have the courage to the actual situation of the changing. Ended up with their own reason to win their own true love."Pride and prejudice" is the first sentence has declared: "all bachelors with property, must need to marry a wife, and it has become a universally acknowledged truth." "Pride and prejudice" with Bennett is a typical to test the truth universally acknowledged. People often think in generalAustin specifically about love and marriage, she writes marriage first and main question is, in fact, not as a result of the love marriage, but as the economy needs to marriage. This marriage, apparently does not involve feelings, is a purely economic issues, survival problem. Therefore, we can say that, contrary to the author's claim, the so-called "bachelor with property need of a wife" is not what "universally acknowledged" of "truth", but only wishful thinking of Mrs. Bennet. We might say, in pride and prejudice, the real "truth universally acknowledged", not "bachelor with property need of a wife". But "no property of women need to marry a husband with property"! The author through the characters in the novel also expressed his views on marriage.First of all, the author clearly defined the foundation of marriage is love. In the book the heroine Elizabeth was born of a small landlord family, for the rich kids love Darcy. Darcy regardless of family and wealth gap, proposed to her but was rejected. Elizabeth on his misunderstanding and prejudice is a reason, but the main is she hates his arrogance. Because of this kind of Darcy arrogance is actually the reflection of status differences, as long as there is this kind of arrogant, he and Elizabeth is impossible to have common thoughts and feelings, it is impossible to have the ideal marriage. Elizabeth have observed after Darcy's communicating and a series of actions, especially to see him that conceited attitude changed in the past, eliminate the misunderstanding and prejudice to him, thus concluded the happy marriage with him. Elizabeth to Darcy has proposed several different attitude, actually reflect the woman's pursuit of independent personality and equal rights. This is the characters of Elizabeth progressive significance. Elizabeth resourcefulness, have courage, visionary, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking. When miss a expresses, this is valuable. It is because of this quality, just make her in love have independent initiative, and led to her and the Darcy composition content family. In pride and prejudice, Austen wrote Elizabeth's sisters and his girlfriend's marriage, these are foil in some extent, used with the heroine of ideal marriage. Such as charlotte and Collins although after marriage live a comfortable material life, but there is no love between them, this marriage is actually hide under the gorgeous coat social tragedy.According to Austin, unfortunate marriage to roughly two situations: one like charlotte and Collins, completely based on the economy; Two like Lydia and Wickham based purely on the basis of beauty and passion. Charlotte was a union woman, because no property in the home, people grow not beautiful, it is still a "old maid" until the age of 27. So she agreed to marry stupid Collins,just to have a "home", there is a can make sure she is not cold is "safe" by hunger, after marriage, don't taste any happiness, she also doesn't matter. In part this reflects the tragic fate of women. Lydia was a frivolous woman, because of desire for beauty and passion, elopement with Wickham after deliver, Darcy going marry two talents, but shortly after marriage "light love chi", the man often go to the town, the woman sought solace in the sister at home. Contrary to charlotte and Lydia, Elizabeth and Darcy, Jane 's marriage is established on the basis of love, this is really a good marriage. Admittedly, Elizabeth and Darcy, Jane and Bingley, they does not rule out the combination of economic and looks considerations, but they pay more attention to the other side of the beauty of virtue, and marriage, although still exist certain differences in family, husband and wife can love. What was love, especially Elizabeth, she to Darcy first refused to accept, this fully shows that: "no love can never marry."Secondly, the author thinks that, since the love marriage is related to the event of a lifetime of happiness, it must be serious careful, must not let surface covered her eyes. Because the neglect by Darcy, Elizabeth had a prejudice to him, and when the "personable" Wickham to woo her, she was attracted to Darcy again, to listen to his shameless slander, further deepened her prejudice against Darcy and hate. Then she said self-accusation, so she will do such a stupid thing, completely is vanity. Proved: "first impression" is unreliable, and prejudice more terrible than ignorance.In addition, the author shows us that the love marriage is not only a personal problem, but also a social problem, Lydia 's elopement caused panic, the whole family and all the friends and relatives because everyone knows that if the scandal caused a scandal, while not only harm to Lydia, also will bring trouble relatives and friends, especially her sisters, will thus it is difficult to find a decent home. Later, thanks to Darcy save, Lydia didn't "short pleasure, long lament. By contrast, Elizabeth and Jane satisfactory after marriage, natural to two other sister brought hope and opportunity. This tells people: "consider our marriage, not only, but also responsible to family and friends, responsible to the society.Money in pride and prejudice is everywhere, even in Elizabeth and Darcy's love is not mixed with a little money. To outsiders, like Elizabeth picked up a gold ingot, like Mrs Bennett shouted: "has an income of ten thousand pounds a year, and maybe more! Broadly to treat general!" Prior to Mr. Darcy's discontent and anger, have already thrown outside the cloud nine. The marriage of her second daughter, his support for, if can, I'm afraid the lovely lady even your feet will be lifted up.However, Elizabeth and Darcy's marriage is above described several other marriage, because two people not only be virtuous, and is truly in love."Pride and prejudice" did not write historical events, but every word throughout not to reveal the history of society. Austin in the novel through the five Bennet daughters treated for different treatment, shown township middle-class family background of the different attitudes of the young girl to marriage love problem, and thus reflects the author's own view of marriage: marriage for property, money and status is wrong; The marriage does not consider the above factors also stupid. Therefore, she opposes for money and marriage, also opposes the marriage lightly. She stressed the importance of ideal marriage, and the feelings of both men and women as concluded the cornerstone of ideal marriage.Marriage can't be in a vacuum, people always want to survive in their social material conditions, people in addition to consider when mating relationship there will be other complicated standards, type, content with group of points, mating system also tend to be similar "marriage". This period of England is also a highly stratified society, such as stone is considered modern English is a social group have different status and level of: palace noble squire, county squire, parish, businessmen, and professional elite, small towns and villages in the property owners, efforts to earn time, rely on the poor relief and their ability to survive. They have their own cultural units, have their own communication network, value system and behavior. (Lawrence Stone., The Family Sax and Marriage in England, 1500-1800, Penguin Books, 1979, P22-23) so, of course they have different standards.According to the differences in standards, Lawrence Stone at that time the British marriage motivation can be divided into four categories: in order to consolidate the family's economic, political or social status; In order to personal feelings, love and friendship; Sexual attraction; Passionate love.[8]The author USES three marriage show three level, people's mating motive decided to people's criteria. In "pride and prejudice", the author creates several kinds of marriage, most can find the type of fit.1. Lydia and job's marriage: blindly pursue the passion of pleasureThe marriage is the least promising. As mentioned above, is Lydia Bennet daughter, dissipated and behavior. Job is the son of man, his charming appearance, the essence is a playboy. He pursuit of Elizabeth, Darcy, but also owed a gambling debt. Because of desire for beauty andmoney Lydia elopement with Wickham, after Darcy to deliver two talents grudgingly married. It is difficult to have true love between two people, if any, also can be "love of sensual" blind passion. Austin to such critical marriage, this marriage on the basis of sex is a lack of basic, so is doomed to failure.2. Charlotte and Collins's marriage: compromise to realityIn "pride and prejudice", the paper expounds the choice of marriage for money, one of the most typical example is the combination of pastor Collins and charlotte.Charlotte Collins choice for his wife, apparently not because of falling in love with her, when he proposed to Elizabeth explains his reason to get married: "first of all, I think every life well-off priest (like me), and rightly to set an example for the parish in the marriage; second, I believe will greatly increase my happiness; third, it may be mentioned earlier, I had the privilege of the lady as benefactors of special advise told me to get married."[9] Thus to Elizabeth refused to marry him immediately after the object as charlotte will get married. He didn't care who is the object of marriage, he married just to finish his DE she worshiped by the layout of a task.Collins also don't know how to love and marriage. He looks clumsy ridiculous, lack of manhood and conceit. Smart charlotte, of course, know that he is a man, but she still choose to marry him, because this kind of marriage is the most favorable safe woman, to ensure not freezing by hunger, also need not worry about her husband will change, will put in a secondary position for a happy marriage. Charlotte isn't also put him in mind, it seems that as long as he does not exist, there is really a comfortable atmosphere. This is charlotte and Collins's marriage, to maintain the marriage apparently is money.[10]This is a "noble sentiment, has sacrificed everything to condescend secular interests" of the unfortunate marriage, there is no happiness warm feeling between two people, only a dull and boring life. But I think, in the modern perspective, charlotte make such choice, from the reality of the helpless, and we can also understand charlotte make such a choice.3. The marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy: after, the perfect combination of emotion and reasonFacts have proven that first impression is not reliable, and prejudice more terrible than ignorance. Elizabeth, beautiful, young, smart and lively, is miss Bennet most personality. Her at a ball was snuffed by the Darcy and prejudice to him, coupled with the job of Darcy's malicious attacks, this bias gradually deepened. Decent Darcy, who, ancestry, and rich, and is arrogant. Hefound that different, Elizabeth soon attracted to her, but to see her mother and sister speak vulgar, lack of education, relatives are humble family, don't want to stoop and slum. But then unable to suppress the love, is bold to marry him. But when Elizabeth has prejudice against Darcy is retracted, flatly refuse to marry him. After several twists and turns, and finally eliminate misunderstanding, happily together. They does not rule out the combination of economic and looks considerations, but pay more attention to each other the quality of virtue, and although there are the differences of family after marriage, but emotions so well. Elizabeth and Darcy's marriage is the most successful in "pride and prejudice".b. Pride and prejudiceThis subject is from the third chapter of Elizabeth and Darcy's party meet began to roll. Darcy's arrogance is formed from their social status and intelligence superior sense of superiority; Elizabeth's prejudice because of the neglect by Darcy and defiance of Darcy, the behavior of others. Story mainly her dislike of Mr Darcy from the beginning to respect, to love, also with the beside her in a couple of happiness or a bad marriage, reveals the authors for the age woman ideal of life and love and expectations. Story of the heroine Elizabeth first saw the hero Darcy is not pleasing to the eye, plus male leading role the arrogance of individual character, which in turn have a prejudice against him. And the hero Darcy, is a popular arrogant man, also disdain surrounding cold relationships, for him, pride may be justified, prejudice is relentless, the impact of the two is inevitable. Between two people and often hostile rhetoric, pride and prejudice between each other are caused at the start of the unpleasant and misunderstandings, but after the events of clarification, will come a little bit of each other and feelings.Darcy represents "arrogant", representing the "prejudice", [11]Elizabeth they initially traction by their emotions. Then a series of rumors against Darcy more offensive to Elizabeth to Darcy. When Darcy proposed to Elizabeth, but was refused, he said: "if I play some means, to get my inner contradictions disguised, compliment you blindly, make you believe me, no matter in the understanding, thinking and other aspects, were pregnant with unconditional pure love for you, then maybe you won't have these harsh scolding. But whatever disguise, I hate." Not to curry favor with the queen Elizabeth Darcy, and changed his arrogance temperament. Elizabeth is very true to yourself, each other are not deliberately to create the impression, show the most real side. But in the beginning, Elizabeth lived under their own prejudices, rather than thinking about thetruth of the matter, through the explanation of Darcy's and their own judgment, finally find happiness.The reader can see, in fact, in the contradiction between Elizabeth and Darcy incompatible at the same time, two people there are very similar: namely has keen insight, strong and independent personality, their insight and command are higher than others in the same. [12]It is because of their quality, makes two people notice the power of the other party, timely find the weaknesses in their body, and brave, resolutely rectified, the arrogance of the arrogance, biased to dispel the prejudice, and finally come together happily.However, I am going to emphasize that this theme (pride and prejudice) can also be viewed as the above first theme (Concept of marriage). Pride and prejudice, is our common weakness. Each person actually are easy to be driven by their own subjective impression, and therefore easy to incorrect comment on other people, thus caused the misunderstanding between each other. A man give first impression is can affect many things, but not must not change, want to have a more in-depth understanding, in order to have a more objective point argument, just like the heroine of the story of Darcy's view, is because understanding just change. The life needs understanding and communication, only on the basis of understand each other to see the truth of the matter. [13]So a novel borrows the concept of "pride and prejudice" to further explain the authors view on marriage, which reflects the Austin world outlook and outlook on life.IV. Comment to this novel"Pride and prejudice" artistic achievements have been recognized, but it is generally accepted that the work does not touch on the human spirit of the deep. If the character's development as a process of self awareness, especially to find the dynamic process of self analysis, can make the reader more clearly recognize the Austin anatomy of the human spirit is serious and profound.[14] "Pride and prejudice" is one of the most famous novels of Austin, but for a long time did not cause the attention of literary world. Early evaluation generally think this work is only for simple and true portrayal of everyday life, failed to hit a deep emotional, Austin, its advantage is that only in the aspect of characters is unique. During the late 19th century, the critics began to notice the key components of Austin art gimmick, namely her attitude to shape characters of irony, and praised her profound analysis the content of the work force and judgment. In the 20th century,。
2382019年03期总第443期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS葛浩文《红高粱家族》英译本个案分析——基于改写理论中意识形态视角文/张广林行了相应改写。
译文:He was ravenously hungry, so he dug in, eating quickly until the head and the wine were gone.原著中,莫言对“吃”这个动作做了生动细微的描述。
在中国历史上, 狗的形象地位是极其低下的,多数与狗有关的词语也都带有贬义色彩, 如“丧家之犬”、“狼心狗肺”等,这种思想是根深蒂固的。
而在美国,狗却总被视为人类的好朋友以及家庭成员和忠诚的象征,如“a lucky dog”, “a jolly dog”和习语“love me, love my dog”。
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