2008年中山大学考研真题.doc 很抱歉,由于不清楚2008 年中山大学考研真题的具体科目和内容,我无法为您直接生成这篇文章。
2008 年中山大学考研真题考研是一场知识与毅力的较量,真题则是我们了解考试难度和题型的重要窗口。
以下将对 2008 年中山大学具体专业考研真题进行详细分析。
一、真题的整体结构2008 年中山大学具体专业考研真题涵盖了列举主要的考试科目或板块等方面的内容。
三、真题与教材及教学大纲的关系通过对 2008 年真题的分析,可以发现真题与教材和教学大纲有着密切的联系。
中山大学历年真题及答案2015年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题科目代码:840科目名称:传播实务及研究方法考试时间:12月28日下午一,名词解释(任选4题,每题10分,共}o分) 1,系统抽样又称其为等距抽样、机械抽样,是一种将总体各个单位按照某一标志顺序排列,按一定间隔距离抽取样本的随机抽样形式。
】随着信息时代的到来和传播手段的进步,媒介整合(media convergence)与信息传播逐渐成为人类传播行为的重要发展方向。
中山大学历年真题及答案2015年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题科目代码:840科目名称:传播实务及研究方法考试时间:12月28日下午一,名词解释(任选4题,每题10分,共}o分) 1,系统抽样又称其为等距抽样、机械抽样,是一种将总体各个单位按照某一标志顺序排列,按一定间隔距离抽取样本的随机抽样形式。
】随着信息时代的到来和传播手段的进步,媒介整合(media convergence)与信息传播逐渐成为人类传播行为的重要发展方向。
中山大学历年真题及答案2015年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题科目代码:840科目名称:传播实务及研究方法考试时间:12月28日下午一,名词解释(任选4题,每题10分,共}o分) 1,系统抽样又称其为等距抽样、机械抽样,是一种将总体各个单位按照某一标志顺序排列,按一定间隔距离抽取样本的随机抽样形式。
】随着信息时代的到来和传播手段的进步,媒介整合(media convergence)与信息传播逐渐成为人类传播行为的重要发展方向。
2008年中山大学(生物化学)考研真题(总分136, 做题时间90分钟)1. 填空题填空题请完成下列各题,在各题的空处填入恰当的答案。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:丙酮酸脱氢酶2.线粒体ATP/ADP转位酶(ATP/ADPtranslocase)在细胞中的作用是_______。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:将ADP输入内膜,将ATP输出内膜3.高等动物体内,糖的贮存形式是_______。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:糖元4.进行逆转录反应的引物可根据实验的具体情况选择。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:随机六聚体引物5.)是以_______的形式固定下来而进入生物分子。
自然界中的氮(N2SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:NH36.代谢途径有线性的、分支的和环形的。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:分支的或环形的线性的7._____是人体维持血糖稳定的最重要器官。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:肝脏8.长时间饥饿时,脑细胞会转向利用_____提供能量。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:酮体9.脂肪酸合成的限速步骤是______。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:在乙酰COA羧化酶作用下将乙酰COA转变成丙二酰COA10.在20种标准氨基酸中,异亮氨酸(Ile)和______都含两个手性碳原子。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:Thr11.角蛋白的二级结构是α螺旋(α-helix),胶原蛋白的二级结构是______。
以上四种方式任选两种,并截图给官网右侧“售后老师”,老师收到截图即可获得下载密码及订购资料和辅导班的优惠权限!如有考研疑问,请联系右侧的咨询老师!注意:如果考生所报考专业的真题,并没有在以下目录中,请把你报考专业的专业名称,考试科目名称及代码发给官网老师,老师核对后会第一时间补全!链接之前,请加上:,例如:政治真题的下载链接为真题链接/密码03-15中大考研:政治真题1nuyVc 00-15中大考研:英语一真题及考研英语资料1c0Hc8Li00-15中大考研:英语二真题及考研英语资料1bnqGn1P1987-2015中大考研:数学一真题1eQGY8BC03-15中大考研:数学二真题1gdlixQ704-15中大考研:数学三真题1c0k85G0 07-15中大考研:管理类联考199真题及答案1qW0ziY408-15年中大:885 水文学1nty3xEh08-15中大考研:353卫生综合1ntlCjlJ08-15中大考研:601 高等数学(A)1mg07qgK08-15中大考研:602 高等数学(B)1o6j8nGm08-15中大考研:610民俗学概论1kT4DcOn08-15中大考研:611文学评论写作1o63lcFo08-15中大考研:612 语言学概论1pJBW4vp 08-15中大考研:613 现代汉语与语言学概论1gdxtEAf08-15中大考研:614 文献释读1mg7sTni08-15中大考研:615 文学基础1qW64KNy08-15中大考研:616 作品评论1c00N6Go08-15中大考研:618 考古学基础(A)1oayAi08-15中大考研:620 西方哲学史1g8TnK 08-15中大考研:621 逻辑哲学与逻辑史基础知识1bnjoDX108-15中大考研:623 中西哲学史1mg9uIXq08-15中大考研:624 中国美学1o6MhVCY 08-15中大考研:625 中外哲学史基础知识1c0vxTpI08-15中大考研:626 法学理论A卷1hq8hbLU 08-15中大考研:627 法律史A卷1i3o2hMX 08-15中大考研:628 宪法与行政法学A卷1c0k85R6 08-15中大考研:629 刑法学A卷1eQ4hsyu 08-15中大考研:630 民商法学A卷1ntMPTZ7 08-15中大考研:631 诉讼法学A卷1jGiu3Ls 08-15中大考研:632 经济法学A卷1mgxj22W 08-15中大考研:633 环境与资源保护法学A卷1c0FaMbQ 08-15中大考研:648 视觉传播学1ntxh0WL 08-15中大考研:649 信息管理基础1mgAaJqS 08-15中大考研:660 马克思主义基本原理1o6OjKRw 08-15中大考研:661 心理学研究方法1pJP3D1L 08-15中大考研:663岩石学1bnns2Of08-15中大考研:666 药分综合1ntuzA9F08-15中大考研:667药理学综合1qWP1BfY08-15中大考研:668 数学分析14VzWi 08-15中大考研:675 区域分析与规划1qcsIa 08-15中大考研:802 管理经济学与管理学1dD4Prxv 08-15中大考研:803民间文学概论1ntmsg2l 08-15中大考研:805 汉语语言学基础1eQvZJV0 08-15中大考研:806 古汉语与古文字1i3AMNxb 08-15中大考研:807 中国古代文学与批评1dDdKVYh 08-15中大考研:808 中国现当代文学1jGGk0Ea 08-15中大考研:809 世界文学1kTH4sEb 08-15中大考研:812 马克思主义哲学1sj0xedn 08-15中大考研:813 中国哲学史1eQeyRf0 08-15中大考研:814 逻辑学概论1dD0fBEx 08-15中大考研:815 伦理学基本知识1eQ75gzw 08-15中大考研:817 宗教理论1bnCuVJT08-15中大考研:818 科学哲学1i3H8uUx 08-15中大考研:819 法学理论B卷1dDhOHRN 08-15中大考研:820 法律史B卷1gdB6PA7 08-15中大考研:821 宪法与行政法学B卷1sjFqnvB 08-15中大考研:822 刑法学B卷1jWGoe 08-15中大考研:823 民商法学B卷1sjPzAFj 08-15中大考研:824 诉讼法学B卷1eQ31wQm 08-15中大考研:825 经济法学B卷1kTpdXS7 08-15中大考研:826 环境与资源保护法学B卷1bnqGnQB 08-15中大考研:832运筹学与管理信息系统1mg9uJmo 08-15中大考研:842 设计学1c02j6Cw 08-15中大考研:843 信息资源组织1i3ha9Sx08-15中大考研:854 专业综合基础1eQvtOo608-15中大考研:855 普通心理学1kTgW5Qf08-15中大考研:858普通物理1pJOhK19 08-15中大考研:859光学1hq2bxas 08-15中大考研:860 材料化学1dDwHOEd08-15中大考研:861 材料物理1jGrNUDK 08-15中大考研:862 微机原理与应用1gdEUCnD 08-15中大考研:863 固体物理1mgEe1za 08-15中大考研:865 电子技术(数字和模拟)1pJGGm5H 08-15中大考研:867 化工原理1i3yB5hb08-15中大考研:877 高等代数1jGB0I5S08-15中大考研:881 地理学基础1qW9SAao 08-15中大考研:882 人文地理学理论与方法1i3eYHyH 08-15中大考研:883 遥感与地理信息系统1ntJ2hz7 08-15中大考研:887 环境学导论1hUMCY08-15中大考研:888 环境工程导论1jG6bduI 08-15中大考研:889 环境评价1jGxn6Qi08-15中大考研:901 旅游学概论1pJxJtgR09-15中大考研:683 国际关系史1o6oXWyY09-15中大考研:919 国际政治学1kT5YX2f10-15中大考研:211 翻译硕士英语1yjQwe10-15中大考研:331社会工作原理1sjQL3Jn10-15中大考研:357 英语翻译基础1i3COFQ110-15中大考研:437社会工作实务1eQJaybS 10-15中大考研:448 汉语写作与百科知识1qW7kJXa 10-15中大考研:902 经济学(含微观和宏观经济学)1eQ4NocU 10-15中大考研:903 管理学(B)1dRgzs10-15中大考研:904 海洋学导论1pJBq49l 11-15:431金融综合1eQ96TCu 11-15中大考研:348 文博综合1pJ9UADH11-15中大考研:432统计学1jGGQxAe 11-15中大考研:864 反应堆物理1c0GwF0811-15中大考研:871地球科学概论1pJKJXEF13,15中大考研:905 自然地理学1ntBuDDZ13-15年中大:856 程序设计基础1kTlGoBl13-15中大考研:676 分析化学1sj9k5zR13-15中大考研:678 普通地质学1dDHG7vF13-15中大考研:906 环境科学1dDno1WX13-15中大考研:908 岩石学(A)1gds9Wo7 14-15中大考研:434国际商务专业基础1pJ44VzX14-15中大考研:677 海洋化学1dDvvOS5 14-15中大考研:907 海洋生态学1bjnRo 15年中大考研:新闻传播专硕1gdJEtk3 241 英语1eQGsCtO242 俄语1c02P2zm243 日语1qWmSab6244 法语1gdtVQYR245 德语1jGzV0pC 246 西班牙语1mgy5xhe 247 韩语1dDuFTkt 248 阿拉伯语1ntkWoGT651 综合英语1eQzxBqy 804 文学理论(含中西文论)1nt7WOIH 846 英语写作与百科知识1kTxR2a7 06-15年801宏微观经济学1hqInvvA 06-15年801宏微观经济学1hqInvvA 07-15:619历史学基础1mgN4NHI 07-15:619历史学基础1mgN4NHI08-15:664生物化学1gd5yfab08-15:664生物化学1gd5yfab 08-15:672药学综合(A)1c0GtArY 08-15:672药学综合(A)1c0GtArY 08-15:833微观经济学与管理学:1mgCF4Ek 08-15:833微观经济学与管理学:1mgCF4Ek 08-15:873细胞生物学1jGy6wHS 08-15:873细胞生物学1jGy6wHS 08-15:878信号与系统1qWtA4dm 08-15:878信号与系统1qWtA4dm11-15:431金融综合1gdrQTqj11-15:431金融综合1gdrQTqj 08-15:634 国际法学A卷1bnprr7x 08-15:634 国际法学A卷1bnprr7x 08-15:827 国际法学B卷1mgraS4o 637公共管理学1i3vQHiX 830公共管理研究方法1jGzm0Wu 354 汉语基础1mg1Qn3q 445 汉语国际教育基础1dDyMtCP 08-15:662化学(A)1kTgT50F 08-15:866化学(B)1c0fLS9E646新闻传播学基础1gdvoMrh 839新闻实务1qWNwNso1988-2015年:306西医综合考研真题及答案解析1ntqvU6P2007-2015年311教育学专业基础综合真题集1ntrd3YD 08-15年:679 基础医学综合1jGxp9oa08-15年: 916病理生理学1sjzJjEt09-15年:308护理综合1qWmUn0o09-14年:计算机专业基础综合真题 + 15年大纲1jGky9eA 11-15年:349药学综合考研真题1mgCLknu08-15年:语音学概论B考研真题1sj7RwqL08-15年:641基础日语考研真题1c0rwOEW 14-15年:918 专业基础(数据结构)1kTyAkFt08-15年:883工程热力学考研真题1eQhPBBs文章摘自鸿儒中大考研网。
224法语:①《公共法语》上、下册,吴贤良主编,上海外语教育出版社,1997225德语: ①《大学德语》修订本(1-2册),赵仲、戴鸣钟等编,高等教育出版社,2002。
226西班牙语:《现代西班牙语》(第一册,第二册),董燕生,刘建编,外语教学与研究出版社,1999227 韩语:不指定参考书,请参考韩国语中级或以上水平的辅导材料。
3a − 3 0 −2
(2) + (1) 0 a−1 → 1 1
2 − a − a2 1−a a
3a − 3 0 −2
当a = 1时,方程组有无穷解,其解集为(−2, 0, 0) + k1 (1, −1, 0) + k2 (1, 0, −1). 五、(10分) 在F n 中,设αi = (ai1 , ai2 , · · · , ain ), i = 1, 2, · · · , m, β = (b1 , b2 , · · · , bn ). 证明: 如果线性方程组 a11 x1 + a12 x2 + · · · + a1n xn a x + a x + ··· + a x 21 1 22 2 2n n · · · am1 x1 + am2 x2 + · · · + amn xn = = = 0 0 0
0 0
列变 → 1 0 0 1 −1 0
λ3 − cλ2 − bλ − a 0 0
解法2: 直接计算矩阵的不变因子为D3 = λ3 − cλ2 − bλ − a, D2 = 1 (因为 以所求极小多项式为D3 ÷ D2 = λ3 − cλ2 − bλ − a.
λ −1
= 1), 所
七、(10分) 设A为实对称矩阵,B 为实反对称矩阵,A − B 可逆,且AB = BA. 证明:(A + B )(A − B )−1 是正交矩阵。 证明: 由已知条件可得 ( (A + B )(A − B )−1 )′ ( )′ −1 = (A − B )−1 (A + B )′ = ((A − B )′ ) (A + B )′
三、论述题(每小题30分,共60分) 1、试述课外活动的特点和作用。
中山大学 2004年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 科目代码:358 考试科目:教育学
一、名词解释(每小题4分,共20分) 1、义务教育 2、教育目的价值取向 3、非正式群体 4、诊断性评价 5、学科 二、简答题(每小题14分,共70分) 1、简述教育对政治经济制度的影响。
解决的一种方法。启发法不能完全保证问题解决的成功,但用这种方法解决问题较省时省力。 下面是几种常用的启发法策略: A手段—目的分析 将需要达到的问题的目标状态分成若干个子目标,通过实现一系列的子目标最终达到总目 标。是人们比较常用的一种解题策略,它对解决复杂的问题有重要的应用价值。比如汉诺塔问 题等。 B逆向搜索 从问题的目标状态开始搜索直至找到通往初始状态的通路或方法。如解几何题时经常会用 到的逆推法。更适合于解决那些从初始状态到目标状态只有少数通路的问题,一些几何问题较 适合采用这一策略。 山法。 采用一定的方法逐步降低初始状态和目标状态的距离,以达到问题解决的一种办法。 影响问题解决的心理因素包括: (1)问题解决的策略;策略不同,问题解决的效率不同。(2)已有知识的数量和组织方式 等;如专家和新手解决问题的效率差异。(3)知识表征的方式;可能影响问题的解决。(4)心理 定势;影响有积极也有消极的。(5)功能固着;(6)动机;动机强度不同,影响大小也不同。(7) 情绪;(8)人际关系;团体协助会使问题得以迅速解决,反之,则会妨碍问题的解决。 2、儿童在其出生后4到5年时间内基本上掌握的言语能力,而且各个种族之间的儿童掌握 语言的进程差异很小,试用两种言语获得理论来解释这一现象(考生可选择较符合这种现象的 转换生成说和认知学说加以论述,关键是要言之成理,联系题干) 强化讲义,考前十天十专题 涉及。 从儿童获得言语的理论解释来看,心理学上主要有四种理论学说,(1)强化说,代表人物 是巴甫洛夫和斯金纳,强调语言习得过程中环境影响的重要性。持这种理论观点的人认为,语 言是人对外界一系列环境刺激的反应,是动物和人类最明显的区别所在。(2)转换生成说,代 表人物是乔姆斯基,认为言语获得过程决定于大脑的成熟过程。(3)模仿说,代表人物是阿尔 波特和怀特赫斯特等,儿童通过这种与成人之间相互模仿的言语活动,逐渐掌握了越来越复杂 的言语模式。(4)认知学说,代表人物是皮亚杰。语言是认知的一种形式,因此,语言发展水 平决定于认知发展的一般水平。 这四种理论的争论焦点有:语言是先天的还是后天习得的、是被动学习还是主动创造的等 等。 基于各个种族之间的儿童掌握语言的进程差异很小这种现象可以用以下理论试于解释: 1“转化生成说”的观点以语言学家乔姆斯基(N. Chomsky)为代表人物。持这种理论观点的人 认为(1)语言的习得是一种本能的和自然的过程,主张所有的儿童从一生下来就具有语言习得 的内部装置(简称LAD),这种装置能够使儿童尽快地选择词和句子,而不管这种词是以哪种语 言听到、说出和理解的。(2)语法是生成的。婴儿先天具有一种普遍语法,言语获得过程就是 由普遍语法向个别语法转化的过程。这一转化是由先天的“语言获得装置”(简称LAD)实现的。 (3)每一句子都有其深层和表层结构。句子的深层结构(语义)通过转换规则而变为表层结构(语 音等),从而被感知和传达。LAD为儿童语言的习得提供了必要的前提条件。正是因为所有的
什么是专业学位硕士?专业学位是相对于学术型学位(academic degree )而言的学位类型,其目的是培养具有扎实理论基础,并适应特定行业或职业实际工作需要的应用型高层次专门人才。
专业学位是相对于学术型学位(academic degree )而言的学位类型,其目的是培养具有扎实理论基础,并适应特定行业或职业实际工作需要的应用型高层次专门人才。
2008 年中山大学英语分级考试试卷Part ⅠListening comprehension (25%)暂缺,有听力mp3Part ⅡReading comprehension (1%,20%)Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:A third of Britons are overweight, states a report published in January by the Royal Collegeof Physicians, the result of an 18-month-long study. About five per cent of the children weigh too much, and are likely to stay that way for life; in the mid-twenties age group the proportion of fat people rises to a third, and of the middle-age population half are overweight.Fat people risk severe health problem, says the report, including high blood pressure, breathlessness, and various forms of heart disease. Smoking is particularly risky for overweight people.The safest way to lose weight is to eat cereals, bread, fruit and vegetables, and cut downon fatty meats, butter and sweet foods. Fat diets do far more harm than good; slimming machines that vibrate muscles have not been proved useful; saunas merely remove a little body water, and health farms, says the report, serve as expensive holidays.Exercise is most important to health, the report emphasizes; though it doesn't necessarily reduce weight, it maintains the correct proportion of body fat to body muscle. And it isn't only for the young. From middle age a minimum of 20 minutes of gentle physical jerks should be practiced three times a week.The report advocates several public health measures to combat the high prevalence of overweight in this country. They include an increase of tax on alcohol to reduce its increasing, and dangerously fattening, consumption; and the provision of more sports facilities by local authorities. Britain's doctors, the report concludes, must learn to be more sympathetic and specific in their advice to the overweight, encouraging a change in eating habits on a long-term basis, and taking into account the many -often complex - reasons why fat people are fat31. The passage mainly talks about_______.A. Britons' overweight problemB. how to avoid getting overweightC. the cause of Britons overweightD. the relations between overweight and health problems32. According to the report, a person is most likely to stay fat for the whole of his life ifhe________.A. gets fat in his twentiesB. gets fat in his middle ageC. was born fatD. gets fat when he is a child33. The report suggests that exerciseA. is a way to reduce weightB. is a sure way to keep one healthyC. sometimes increases weightD. can convert fat to muscle34. The report points out that drinking too much alcoholA. will also cause a person to get overweightB. will cause a person to do less sportC. will make a person forget the fact that he is fatD. will lead a person to bad eating habits35. Britain’s doctors, when treating the overweight, shouldA. encourage a long-term diet for everyoneB. be more considerate and give detailed adviceC. first consider why so many people are overweightD. do all of the abovePassage TwoQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:Knowing ahead of time how to get out during a fire can save needed time. The best way outin a fire is the route you use to go in and out everyday. Yet in a fire this route may be blocked. Be sure to plan other escape routes.Practice your escape plan an night when it is dark. Be sure that your plan is good and will work. For instance, make sure that a child can actually open the window he is supposed to use for his escape. Teach children to close their bedroom doors. Tell them to will by an open window until someone can reach them from outside. If an adult cannot be wakened, children should understand that they must leave by themselves.Choose a meeting place outside. This way you can tell if everyone is safely out of the building. Know where nearby telephones or fire alarm boxes are found. If you live in an apartment, try to get everyone out. Learn where the fire alarm is in the building. Your family should know what the fire alarm bell or horn sounds like. They should know what to do when they hear it. Try to get the other families in your building together to have fire drills. Write down the telephone number of the fire department. Tape the number to each phone. Don’t forget to let the babysitter in on yourplans. Tell your babysitter what to do in case of fire.Early warning is the key to a safe escape. It has been shown time and time again that a family can escape if warned early enough.36. Which of the following statements is true?A. You must take the route you use to go in and out in a fire.B. The route is always blocked in a fire.C. You should not rely on one route during a fire.D. During a fire, planning escape route can save you needed time.37. Which is the best advice for children during a fire?A. Children should awaken an adult before they leave.B. Children should close the bedroom doors and windows.C. Children should jump out of window even though they are in a high place.D. Children should open a window and wait there for help.38. People who live in apartment should______.A. practice the plan togetherB. make sure they know the fire chief.C. not have to pay for insuranceD. do fire drills separately39. If you are trapped in a bedroom during a fire, you should______.A. hide under the bed.B. stand in a cornerC. lie still.D. close the bedroom doors.40. When the best time to practice escape plan?A. At duskB. In the afternoonC. In the morningD. At nightPassage ThreeQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kindsof people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. There are more ideas, more disagreements in interest, and more groups and organizations with different beliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies. All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision. In a society where people are quite similar in many ways, there are fewer occasions for people to see the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same. And although conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and undisputed. Within a society, social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material, for example, in technology rather than in values; in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early; in the less basic and less emotional aspects of society than in their opposites; in the simple elements rather than in the complex ones; in form rather than in substance; and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange elements. Furthermore, social change is easier if it is gradual.For example, it comes more readily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies(一分为二). This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to other American minorities, because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white counterparts.41. The passage is mainly discussing _______.A. two different societiesB. the necessity of social changeC. certain factors that determine the ease with which social changes occurD. certain factors that promote social change42. ______ is one of the factors that tend to promote social change.A. Joint interestB. Advanced technologyC. Different points of viewD. Less emotional people43. The expression greater tolerance(paragraph 1)refers to _____.A. greater willingness to accept social changeB. quicker adaptation to changing circumstancesC. more respect for different beliefs and behaviorD. greater readiness to agree to different opinions and ideas44. According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A. Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society.B. Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to slow down social change.C. Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society.D. Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they were young.45. Why has change not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to white people?A. Black people used to be slavesB. White people are of more different originsC. Black people are poorD. White people like to make shape changePassage fourQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:Most employers say that they wish to employ the right person for the right job. A recent report by Britain's Independent Institute of Manpower Studies,however,disagrees with this. The report states that most employers wish to avoid employing the wrong person. Rather than looking for the right person,they are looking for applicants to turn down. The report also suggests that in Britain and in many other parts of the world,the selection methods used to pick out the right person for the job certainly do not match up to those used to judge a piece of new equipment. Employers used three main selection methods: interviewing,checking resume or application forms and examining references. Most of the employers asked in this survey stated that these selection methods were used more for “weeding out” unsuitable applicants rather tha n for finding suitable ones. Interviews were considered to be more reliable than either resume checks or references from past employers. Research,however,proves otherwise. Interviewers’decisions are often strongly influenced by their earlier judgment of the written application. Also,different employers view facts differently. One may consider applicants who have frequently changed jobs as people with broad and useful experience. Another will see such applicants as unreliable and unlikely to stay for long in the new job. Some employers place great importance on academic qualifications whereas the link between this and success in management is not necessarily strong. Some employers use handwriting as a standard. The report states that there islittle evidence to support the value of the latter for judging working ability. References,also,are sometime unreliable as they are not very important,while checks on credit and security records and applicants' political opinions are often the opposite. The report is more favorable towards trainability tests and those which test personality and personal and mental skills. The report concludes by suggesting that interviewing could become more reliable if the questions were arranged in a careful,organized system and focused on the needs of the employing organization.46. According o the passage, when most employers want to hire workers, _______.A. they will try to find suitable peopleB. they will look for the right applicantC. the wrong applicants are to be turned downD. to turn down the wrong people is what they say they aim to do47. It is implied that ______.A. to evaluate a right person is more difficult than to evaluate equipmentB. employers are more successful in selecting the right equipment than the right personsC. criteria will be set up according to the real situation of the applicantsD. curriculum vitae means application forms48. Most of the recruiters ______.A. consult the applicantsB. can find suitable peoplesC. prefer curriculum vitae or referencesD. use different ways to sort out the unsuitable applicants49. Which of the following is True?A. Employers get different conclusions from the facts.B. Changing jobs frequently will reduce the change to be recruited.C. Academic qualifications will guarantee the applicant managing ability.D. Handwriting is a valid way to evaluate an applicant.50. It can be inferred from the passage that successful employees will be those who _____.A. have outstanding referencesB. are strong in emotional quotientC. take interviewing seriouslyD. have strong political leaningsPart ⅢVocabulary and Structure (35% )Section A (1%, 30%)Directions: there are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 51. They had a fierce _____ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.A. crashB. debateC. contestD. disagreement52. The early pioneers had to _____ many hardships to settle on the new land.A. go in forB. go back onC. go throughD. go on53. The local health organization is reported _____ twenty-five years ago when Dr.Audon becameits first president.A. to be set upB. to have been set upC. being set upD. having been set up54. He invented a plough _____ any other in existence.A. far superior toB. more superior thanC. more superior toD. much superior than55. He is watching TV? He is _____ to be cleaning his room.A. knownB. consideredC. regardedD. supposed56. As scheduled, the communication satellite went into _____ round the earth.A. circleB. pathC. orbitD. course57. If this bill is not paid within five days, your gas supply will be _____.A. abandonedB. cut offC. turned downD. lost touch58. When no one answered the door, she _____ through the window to see if anyone was there.A. spottedB. inquiredC. scannedD. peered59. I don’t want to lend any money to him; he is already in debt _____ me.A. forB. toC. ofD. with60. Nowadays advertising cost money to him; he is already in debt _____ me.A. connectionB. reactionC. relationD. proportion61. A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is _____ conditions or events.A. in contract toB. in favor toC. in response toD. in case of62. She said she liked dancing but was not in the _____ for it just then.A. mannerB. intentionC. desireD. mood63. The car _____ halfway for no reason and we could not move.A. broke offB. broke downC. broke upD. broke out64. In Britain today women _____ 44% of the workforce and nearly half the mothers with childrenare in paid work.A. build upB. stand forC. make upD. conform to65. The plan seem quite simple to me, but I just can’t _____ to my classmates.A. get it acrossB. get at itC. get it downD. get through it66. A man who is cruel to his children should be held in _____.A. contextB. contemptC. controversyD. convict67. The villagers were very _____ towards anyone who passed through.A. hospitalB. hospitalizedC. hospiceD. hospitable68. I meant _____ you about it, but I forgot to do so.A. to have toldB. to have been toldC. to tellD. telling69. The American society is _____ an exceedingly shaky foundation of natural resources, which is connected with the possibility of a worsening environment.A. originated fromB. established onC. come fromD. turned out70. The French pianist who had been praised very highly _____ to be a great disappointment.A. turned upB. turned inC. turned downD. turned out71. Joe differs from his brother _____ he is very diligent while his brother is included to idleness.A. in whereB. in whichC. in whatD. in that72. –Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?–I’m afraid _____ day is possible.A. eitherB. neitherC. someD. both73. _____, he cannot succeed.A. Try as he mayB. As he may tryC. Try may he asD. How may he try74. Dr.Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can’t remember _____.A. whereB. whichC. thereD. that75. Only yesterday _____ that they had wronged their son.A. did the parent realizeB. the parent realizedC. the parent were realizedD. were the parent realized76. After I heard that I took a deferred pass in botany (植物学) , I was in a _____ emotional state.A. doubtfullyB. highlyC. greatlyD. nervously77. The staff proposed that wages _____.A. have been raisedB. be raisedC. have to be raisedD. were to be raised78. _____ the advance of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.A. As forB. BesidesC. ExceptD. Despite79. It sounds ridiculous but true that millions of people _____ to see the sun rise if they _____pay for it.A. would have got up…had had toB. may get up…have toC. would get up…had toD. could get up…have to80. By using space technology China can predict natural disasters _____, Luan said.A. far more precisely than generally thoughtB. far precisely as generally thoughtC. more precisely than generally thinkingD. more precisely that of general thoughtSection B (0.5%, 10%)Directions: From the four choices given below the statements, choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence.81. Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film’s violent and tragic end.A. shockedB. disappointedC. indifferentD. angry82. The villages raked the district for a trace of the missing boy.A. exploredB. trampedC. exploitedD. combed83. Few countries today enjoy prosperous economy.A. staticB. assumedC. poorD. flourishing84. Collins was so seriously injured that he was unable to continue his career.A. resumedB. assumedC. consumedD. ensure85. Miss Baker’s respond to your request seemed gratifying.A. pleasingB. shrewdC. overwhelmingD. threatening86. You have to pay a premium for express delivery.A. extra tipB. extra changeC. extra bonusD. extra price87. The runaway had been in flight for a couple of days and was caught at the entrance to the library this morning.A. by planeB. in the long runC. on the runD. by air88. After many failures, his eventual success surprised all of us.A. finalB. outstandingC. exceptionalD. full89. Please express my good wish to your parents. I haven’t met them for years.A. informB. amuseC. denyD. convey90. There are so few bald eagles left in America that many people fear they are in danger of extinct.A. dyingB. dying outC. dying downD. dying awayPart ⅣClose (1%, 20%)Direction: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Historians tend to tell the same joke when they are describing history education in America.It’s the one __91__ the teacher standing in the sch oolroom door __92__ goodbye to students for the summer and calling __93__ them, “By the way, we won World War II.”The problem with the joke, of course, is that it’s __94__ funny. The recent surveys on __95__ illiteracy (无知) are beginning to numb (令人震惊): nearly one third of American 17-year-olds cannot even __96__ which countries the United States __97__ against in that war. One third haveno __98__ when the Declaration of Independence was __99__. One third thought Columbus reached the New World after 1750. Two thirds cannot correctly __100__ the Civil War between 1850 and 1900. __101__ when they get the answers right, some are __102__ guessing.Unlike math or science, ignorance of history cannot be __103__ connected to loss of international __104__. But it does affect our future __105__ a democratic nation and as individuals. The __106__ news is that there is growing agreement __107__ what is wrong with the __108__ of history and what needs to be __109__ to fix it. The steps are tentative (尝试性)__110__ yet to be felt in most classrooms.91. A. about B. in C. for D. by92. A. shaking B. waving C. nodding D. speaking93. A. in B. after C. for D. up94. A. rarely B. so C. too D. not95. A. historical B. educational C. cultural D. political96. A. distinguish B. acknowledge C. identify D. convey97. A. defeated B. attacked C. fought D. struck98. A. sense B. doubt C. reason D. idea99. A. printed B. signed C. marked D. edited100. A. place B. judge C. get D. lock101. A. Even B. Though C. Thus D. So102. A. hardly B. just C. still D. ever103. A. exclusively B. practically C. shortly D. directly104. A. competitiveness B. comprehensionC. communityD. commitment105. A. of B. for C. with D. as106. A. fine B. nice C. surprising D. good107. A. to B. with C. on D. of108. A. consulting B. coaching C. teaching D. instructing109. A. done B. dealt C. met D. reached110. A. therefore B. or C. and D. asPart Ⅴ. Oral CommunicationSection A Dialogue CompletionDirections: In the section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that appropriately suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet a single line through the center.111. [A]: The chocolate cake is very good today.[B]: _____.A. Yes, I’ve to consider it carefullyB. No, I can’t afford itC. Yes, I’ll have it tomorrow, not todayD. No, thanks. I’ll have an apple pie with ice cream on the top112. [A]: _____[B]: I have only a bottle of Brandy and a painting.A. Do you have anything to declare?B. What have you bought abroad?C. What do you have to pay the tax?D. Anything you what me to know?113. *A+: Operator, I’d li ke to place a call to Beijing, please.[B]: _____A. OK. What are you?B. Just a moment, please.C. All right. How are youD. Sorry, you have to pay.114. [A]: Excuse me. When will the Flight 666 arrive?[B]: _____A. Sorry. I can’t tell you.B. Good. You have missed it.C. Well. It had been delayed.D. OK. Here you are.115. [A]: Have you got the book recommended by our teacher?[B]: _____A. No, I have got itB. No, it have been sold outC. Yes, they don’t sell it.D. Yes, I have one already.Section B Dialogue ComprehensionDirections: In the section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer to the question from the four choices given. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.116. [Man]: This is Mr. Jones. My heater is not getting any power and the temperature is going to get down below freezing.*W oman+: This is our busiest time of the year, but I’ll speak to one of our men about getting over there sometime today.[Question]: What did the woman mean?A. She would come to fix the man’s heater soon.B. She would send someone to fix the man’s heate r.C. She could not come and fix it.D. She was not happy about the heater.117. *Woman+: I feel like it’s only been a few weeks since school started.*Man+: Yes. How time flies! It’s almost time for our final exams.[Question]: What do the speakers imply?A. They didn’t like to study in their school.B. The school year seemed to go by very quickly.C. They’ve been in school for a few days only.D. Though final are over, they have to continue their study.118. [Man]: Are you sure this is the right way to get to the airport? My flight will depart in forty minutes.*Woman+: Sure. This is a shortcut. We’ll be there soon.[Question]: What does the woman mean?A. They have taken a wrong road.B. This way should take less time.C. They will be late because of the bad traffic.D. The road is rough.119. *Woman+: Help yourself to some fish. I hope you’ll like it. [Man]: My doctor told me to keep far from fish.[Question]: What does the man mean?A. He doesn’t like eating fish.B. The woman is not good at cooking fish.C. He thinks the fish is too far from him to get.D. He shouldn’t eat any fish as his doctor told him.120. [Man]: Will you come out this evening and go to cinema with me? [Woman]: That depends on what film the cinema is going to put on. *Question+: What does the woman’s response mean?A. She doesn’t like to go with the man.B. She is more interested in the film than the man.C. She knows there is a good film on.D. She wants the man to tell her where the cinema is.参考答案:31~35 ADBAB 36~40 DDADD 41~45 CCABA46~50 DCDAD 51~55 BCAAD 56~60 CBDBD61~65 CDBCA 66~70 BDCBD 71~75 ABABA76~80 BBDCA 81~85 ADDDA 86~90 BCADB91~95 ABBDA 96~100 CCDBB 101~105 ABDCD106~110 DCCAB 111~115 DCBCB 116~120 BBBDB。
04金融与经济预测与决策 120100 ★管理科学与工程
指导 教师
考 试 科 目
陈功玉 01物流与供应链管理 杨永福 宋海清 02生产与运作管理 03项目管理 04信息管理 05企业战略管理 祁军 方建国 卓鸥 张宏斌 张建琦 陈宏辉 储小平 黄河 扶青 邬金涛 胡松华 吴培冠 10人力资源管理 卓鸥 王晓晖 11房地产经营与管理 方建国 廖俊平 230 (1)101政治理论 (2)201英语 (3)303数学三 (4)801管理经济学与管理学 复试专业课: 管理信息系统与运筹学
考 试 科 目
(1)101政治理论 (2)201英语 (3)304数学四 (4)800微观经济学与宏观经济学 复试专业课: 国际贸易与国际金融
03国际投资 04国际金融市场研究 05跨国公司技术创新与扩散 06跨国公司研究 07国际企业人力资源 020106 人口、资源与环境经济学 01生态与环境经济学 02资源与环境经济学
单位代码:10558 联系部门:研究生招生办 地址:广州市新港西路135号 电话:020-84111686,020-84113696 邮政编码:510275 传真:020-84039222
指导 教师
庄耀 黄静波 喻世友 许罗丹 何兴强 黄静波 史卫 吴培冠
(1)101政治理论 (2)201英语 (3)304数学四 (4)897金融学基础(含经济学原理和金 融学原理两部分) 复试专业课: 货币银行和国际金融
刘京军 梁建峰 王曦
陈浪南 王自力 王燕鸣
1. 名词解释题
1. 网络计划技术
2. 领导方格理论
3. 管理审计
4. 公共财政管理
5. 政府再造
2. 简答题
1. 简述双因素理论的基本思想。
2. 谈谈公共管理与企业管理的区别。
3. 简述决策理论的基本观点。
4. 简述程序性决策与非程序性决策的区别。
5. 简述网络治理的特征。
3. 论述题
1. 谈谈现阶段我国公共管理伦理存在的问题与对策。
2. 如何处理好正式组织与非正式组织的关系?
3. 结合实际,以公办学校为例,谈谈我国事业单位组织如何创新。