









And、but、more than、like 、unlikeExample: Somebody find a replacement for xx,(x>是替代物,需用名词单数)同位语判断:用意思判断正确率高,慢用标志词判断正确率低,快,可能用意思判断,其次两者结合,读完后一旦有并列,还要考虑该不该有并列。


不考虑由and、or 引导的并列句(因为引导的句子前一句和后一句可能没有必然联系)and、or引导的并列结构得考虑双重并列(在没有插入语的情况下尽量不要用逗号隔开)三重并列只能有and、or 引导,得有两逗号。

A,B and C;A and B and C 一旦不是和自己比,尽量不要出现代词it (指具体名词)抽象名词不受此限制,(虚词除外,通货膨胀)三:比较1:意思主动比被动优先(1)现代英语的某些表达习惯①——,介短x――介短V――,介短,一一V介词短语不是一个能表达具体内容的东西,不能作主语。


②希望实虚的尽快说实的,在虚实之间尽量避免用逗号隔开的东西分词短语,介词短语,主------分词短语,主---- ,----(2 )平衡头重脚轻,一概不允许;头轻脚重还可以。




智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料管卫东GMAT逻辑笔记-智课教育1.逻辑部分关键不是解决难点,而是要躲开难点。









B.“管卫东杀人”,“管卫东打人” ——有关,主谓一样。

C.“管卫东坐着”,“管卫东没跑”——有关,“坐着”=“没跑” ,主谓一样。


D.“管卫东杀人”,“那个人被杀死了,这个人和前句的人是同一个人” ——有关E.“他被杀死了”,“不是在座每个人都会杀他”——无关4.前后两句话中得有三块要明白的:(1)选项只要出现比较,而比较点在原文中没出现的,必然是无关的。

什么叫比较点:如“我比他胖”,“胖”就是比较点(2) 凡是选项是模糊概念的都是无关选项模糊概念:如“不是所有人都会写字”,只要见到“not all”这样的表达就是无关的。



(3) 选项这句话一定要按中文去理解,看出中文意思的主谓宾三者。




GMAT Manhat n语法笔记 Qiu总结

GMAT Manhat n语法笔记 Qiu总结

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmrtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg Manhattan 语法总结 GMAT SC 小总结2015/8/20 Qiu~~~目录Chapter 2 GRAMMAR & MEANNING (4)2.1 Grammar:保证句子是符合规则的 (4)2.2 Meaning :是否真的说出了作者的意图。

(4)Chapter 3 SCENTENCE STRUCTURE (5)3.1 主语和动词必须要一起存在 (5)3.2 主谓一致 (5)3.3 去除中间部分,只留主干。

(5)3.4 用结构去决定 (5)3.5 建立复杂句子 (5)3.6 两个独立分分句 (5)3.7 Adding modifiers(增加修饰词) (5)Chapter 4 MODIFIERS (6)4.1形容词和副词 (6)4.2 名词修饰词(也就是修饰名词或者代词) (6)4.3副词式形容词(就是作用跟副词有点像) (7)4.4 Which VS 现在分词-ing (8)4.5 修饰词vs 核心 (8)4.6 Quantity (9)Chapter 5 PARALLELISM (9)5.1平行信号词 (10)5.2平行元素 (10)5.3 Superficial 平行&Actual 平行 (11)5.4 AND的重要性 (11)5.5 3- or 4-Item Lists (12)5.6 Idioms with Built-in Parallel Structure (13)5.7 Parallel Meaning (13)CHAPTER 6 COMPARISION (13)6.1比较信号词 (14)6.2省略词 (14)6.3LIKE VS AS (15)6.4比较级和最高级 (15)Chapter 7 PRONOUNS (16)7.1代词 (16)7.2先行词要存在且有意义 (16)7.3单复数一致 (16)7.4最常用的:IT ITS THEY THEM THEIR (17)7.5This that these those (17)7.6某些ambiguity 是被允许的 (17)CHAPTER 8 VERB (17)8.1一般时态 (18)8.2要让时态反应句意 (18)8.3完成时态 (18)8.3.1过去完成时:更早的动作 (18)8.3.2现在完成时:现在与过去的桥梁 (19)8.4-ing修饰词:跟着main verb (20)8.5 Present to Future or Past to Conditional (20)8.6主动和被动 (20)CHAPTER 10 EXTRA 1:MEANING STRUCTURE MODIFIERS (21)10.1别太短 (21)10.2复合主语 (21)10.3标点 (21)10.4集合名词:找线索 (22)10.5不定代词 (22)10.6Each 和Every (23)10.7数量词和短语 (23)10.8主语短语和主语从句通常是单数。



20天左右时间,其他事情不能影响1. 吸收上课内容2. 其他放弃,复习考试。

3. 背单词;issue&argument30min&45min时间不自由篇幅要求字数:550,600以上issue450以上,500左右argument成绩:verbal&quantitativeAnalytiacal Writing:output style没有技巧,实践性强标准化考试1. 重心在argument,可短期突破,满分作为努力方向;2. issue 2~3分大量复习效果不明显,4分为目标;总分4分为底线。


4分以下根本不够!feminist 女权主义者机经,比较有道理。

认真准备高频题目issue 部分模板固定每一句话的表达长期写作形成习惯In This statement,重视逻辑借鉴范文Issue 范文看逻辑,分论点建立,论据。

语言差(表达方面匮乏):1.Reading passage(6级,考研)单词使用,先译成中文,一个星期;2.新概念英语第四册,主要看议论文体;论据积累:1.Personal acknowledge, Persuasive. Well known stories. 先读issue题目,再记录论据:CNN,discovery, national geography. (Crisis, etc)2.Familiar to Western!(William Wallish), A beautiful mind. 肖申克的救赎,Persuit ofHappyness,3.Encarta,百度百科针对性工作:题目分类P21看题目,想论据,查Encarta网站:寄托,太傻,北美范文电子版,经验复习;20天搞定,机经,高频题;其他书籍: 写作工具箱,猴哥GRE满分教程,韦晓亮GRE写作大讲堂,网上下载,GRE写作电子书韦氏字典:(stimulate)写作用词:1.应用写作词汇,stimulate,5000左右,四六级词汇2.选词原则,get, fetch, gain, 书面语表达,positive, very, really, completely, absolutely, 少用小词作弊条件:1.北美范文不能使用3句以上;2.模板痕迹太大;讲课顺序Argument,issueArgument:Evidence, Conclusion, Assume, Not contained.一切逻辑漏洞的根源。



2023年GMAT考试必背逻辑笔记2023年GMAT考试必背逻辑笔记GMAT是Graduate Management Admission Test的缩写,中文名称为经企管理研究生入学考试,下面是店铺整理的GMAT考试逻辑的笔记,笔记很全,适合考生在备考的全过程中使用。

第一章核心思想一、推理过程尽量减少Gap,少用自我逻辑,否则会自high二、推理过程范围尽量保持一致三、推理过程相对量和绝对量应分开(临终前的最后一句话)第二章 GMAT逻辑万用技巧1、注意看EXCEPT2、含有apart from,aside from,other than,any other,most other,many other,some other的选项,范围扩大,通常不选。




5、百分比:percentage和实际数量不同(临终前的最后一句话),%↑可能是分子↑也可能是分母 ;% 可能是分子也可能是分母↑6、可以以时间来判断选项的正确性,如果选项中的时间状语与题干的时间不对应,则必错!7、 A only if B是A→B unless = if not8、 A、B比较,二者必须都在文中出现过;否则是无关比较的错误9、 Infer = Must be true 10、做实验的文章,探讨实验→实际,一般是现象解释文,所有正确选项均围绕两个方面:(1) 实验对象与实际对象的差异;(2) 实验内容与实际内容的差异第三章注意事项一、读文莫看细节,关注话题,不要翻译二、选项应与话题有关。

话题词:主论据中反复出现的词;三、读不懂,输入话题和相对量(比较)四、因果关系的“果”处是结论,有must, should等表达主观意见词的文章内容常是结论;有therefore,so,thus,thereby的地方通常是结论;现象解释文,结论是解释,因此有可能结论是在因果关系“因”的地方,在since之后。





这类结构比较容易认识,一般最后一句话就是结论,或者由于一些像hence, therefore等单词引导。






第一个家族中的must be、main point、point at issue、method of reasoning、flaw in reasoning、parallel reasoning和第四家族的cannot be true是需要看全部的argument。


第二个家族是assumption/weaken/strengthen/justify/resolve the paradox。



1)重新改写的答案(Paraphrased Answers):Paraphrased Answers are answers that restate a portion of the stimulus in different terms. Because the language is not exactly the same as in the stimulus, Paraphrased Answers can be easy to miss. Paraphrased Answers are designed to test your ability to discern the author’s exact meaning. Sometimes the answer can appear to be almost too obvious since it is drawn directly from the stimulus.2)组合的答案: Answers that are the sum of two or more stimulus statements (Combination Answers) Any answer choice that would result from combining two or more statements in the stimulus will be correct. The correct answer to the flavonoid question earlier in this chapter is an excellent example of this idea in action.2、错误答案的特征。



ManhattanGMATRC笔记全Manhattan RC 笔记第一章:几个原则1.engage with the passage筛选有用信息,存在working memory中….2.找到文章想讲述的那个simple story。


找到每个人的对于文章内容的态度!(尤其注意转折和对比的地方)3.把你读到的东西和你已经知道的东西联系起来(难道是背景知识?)(此处介绍了美国人弱智的联想法…省略…有兴趣的童鞋可以上CD找Active reading的方法)4.一定要读懂文章的前几句话!把握住文章的重心!!方法:A.抓住具体名词,B.找到其发出的动作,C.省略细节(方法这里书中提到了把长难句分解成几个简单句,理解后再组装到一起)5.把你现在读到的东西和之前读到的东西联系起来!!(对文章整体要把握)6.关注信号词!!(转折,递进,比较,态度等)7.注意节奏(不要抓细枝末节,但是要知道每个detail的大概位置,方便细节题回文定位)Again!!注意理解文章开头的几句话,关注转折,关注结果!!第二章:文章的组成(要点,背景,支持性的论述或例子,文章的暗示含义或者说是预测)1.要点(包括解决方案,对问题的回答,新的观点,理由或原因)主语要点和文章主题的关系!2.背景(为了了解文章所需知道的信息)支持文章所用的例子或者观点)4.implication(要点导致的结果)5.书中在这里提到一个预示文中提到problem-------------预示着要点是resolution文中提到question-------------预示着要点是answer文中提到老观点-------------- 预示着要点是新观点文中提到observation------- 预示着要点是reason或new idea 注意:预示不是一定出现的,不要过于依赖。



GMAT逻辑笔记终稿一.削弱题(weaken\ cast doubt\ argue against\ damage\ counter\ refute\ jeopardize\ challenge\ undermine)1.看问题2.看原文缕清逻辑链条细分类型2.1原文中原因和结论关系不密切2.2因果型结论2.3结论是类比2.4调查型结论2.5条件型结论2.6削弱现象解释2.7削弱plan-goal2.8由于某种变化导致的结论3.按类型预测答案方向3.1原文中原因和结论关系不密切答案直接weaken结论3.2因果性结论3.2.1先预测有没有可能是因果颠倒了3.2.2有没有可能是文章所提出的原因有特殊性推不出结论来3.2.3没有因果颠倒和原因有特殊性的可能就直接割断因果也就是直接攻击主论据可能会有新元素出现来攻击主论据注意:若原文中提出了两个可能原因A和B 但文中说正确原因不是A而是B 这时正确答案就是在说原因就应该是A而不是B 切不可只围绕不是B来进行分析而忽略了A3.3结论是类比:正确选项有两种:类比的两件事本质上有区别或直接削弱结论但前者居多注意:当选项旨在说明类比的两者有本质不同时选项中可能是明显的比较结构但是也有可能在选项中根本就看不出比较而是在说文章主体具有特殊性这样也就说明不可以类比了3.4 调查性结论:正确答案可能是调查或调查对象没有代表性或者说调查有特殊性不能说明问题或者说调查的有效性受到怀疑3.5 条件型结论:If A,B 那么正确答案是承认了A,削弱了B 千万注意不要去攻击A 承认它就好接下来有可能会有新元素的作用使A即使做了B也实现不了3.6 削弱现象解释:正确答案是现象的一个新解释在原文中有可能有提示有可能没有3.7 削弱plan-goal:3.7.1 原因A导致了不好的结果B,现在提出plan 这个plan是通过解决A从而解决了B,也就是plan的根本goal是解决B 但是正确选项有可能是再说其实导致B的原因根本就不是A 或者是不只是A 还有别的原因所以说plan即使做了goal也达不到这种削弱方法有点像“现象的新解释”但其实两者并不相同要注意在削弱plan-goal题型中光提出新原因是不行的最后落脚点必须是“plan无效”否则提出新原因也没用3.7.2 基本plan-goal的削弱:一个新原因的作用使“plan做了goal也达不到”这个新原因在文中可能有提示也可能没有“plan做了goal也达不到”是所有plan-goal削弱题型的最终落脚点注意:不要去讨论plan做还是不做而是讨论做了有没有用3.8 由于某种变化导致的结论:若文章说因为某种变化(尤其是上升或下降)会导致某种结果为了削弱结论正确选项是消除这种变化消除这种变化所能带来的影响所以可能有新元素出现这种削弱题跟paradox题型是一个思路(或是割断因果关系但是这种解法不常见)4.看选项选答案4.1与主论据所讨论主题无关选项错无关比较错4.2 模糊词选项(some\ possible\ not + 极端词)在结论没有极端词时错注意:at least some不算模糊词4.3 “大金刚”错(other than\ any other\ most other\ some other\ many other\ apartfrom\ aside from)注意:“否定词\ 否定词缀+ other than”不算“大金刚”例如:no+ other than是only的意思5. 检验:想象成一场辩论正确答案会使作者没有反手的余地二.缺陷题(flaw of reasoning\ reasoning error\ criticism\ weakness)缺陷题和削弱题相近但是也有明显的不同之处1.在plan-goal题型中削弱题是有一个新原因使plan做了goal也达不到但是缺陷题中是plan本身有缺陷使goal达不到2.普通缺陷题:直接找论据和结论间的差异正确答案描述原文的错误描述的因素一定在原文中有绝对不可以有新元素总结:缺陷题的核心是描述原文的推理错误正确选项中的每个元素都在原文中出现过三.加强题(support\ strengthen\ provide the strongest ground\ conclusion can be drawn if it was true that\ justify\ provide justification)1.看问题2.看原文缕清逻辑链条细分类型2.1原文前提和结论关系不密切2.2因果型结论2.3结论是类比2.4调查性结论2.5加强现象解释2.6加强plan-goal2.7paradox3.按类型预测答案方向3.1原文前提和结论关系不密切答案直接加强结论3.2因果型结论:3.2.1原文逻辑链条中有没有gap需要架桥有的话正确选项架桥3.2.2有没有可能有别的因素会削弱结论如果有的话要排除使结论不成立的可能性(如果不好预测的话可以直接在选项中辨析)有点像“排除他因”但还不完全一样不过这种解答方式很少慎用3.2.3正确选项直接与原因结合提高结论成立的可能性这时要求正确选项与结论有“共同元素”才能够结合注意:3.2.1和3.2.3中正确选项可能有新元素出现不要当无关选项排除了但是3.2.1中架桥时不可以架出与原文逻辑链无关的桥3.3结论是类比正确选项说两者本质是相同的或者直接加强结论注意:当说两者本质相同时有可能正确选项是明显的比较结构也有可能就是在说文章所讨论的主体没有什么特殊性这样正确选项就没有对比结构了3.4调查型结论调查对象有代表性所以调查的有效性不受怀疑3.5 加强现象解释3.5.1 没有此原因就没有此结果也就是原文逻辑链的否命题正确答案通常是类比3.5.2 用另外一个解释来解释这个解释或用另外一个证据来证明这个解释(但是注意原文中已说明确切无疑的事情不要在选项中再去重复只有must be true题型中才会去重复原文)正确选项中会出现新词新概念3.5.3 排除他因没有其他原因或可能导致该结果(排除他因的选项中有可能出现“大金刚”:other than\ any other\ most other\ many other\ some other\ apart from\ aside from)少见慎用!3.6 加强plan-goal3.6.1 一个新原因与plan结合使goal能更好地达到3.6.2 plan无害(文中会暗示plan的害处但未必暗示具体是什么)注意:如果文中确实说了plan有可能有害处但是文章中自己把这种害处给否了那么正确选项中继续讨论这种害处的可能性不大还是回归到3.6.1中的情况3.6.3别的plan不好(文中有对比措施)注意:如果文中暗示了害处(未必暗示具体是什么)比如文中说“应该不会有什么不好的影响”这个时候就采取 3.6.2 也就是正确选项证明了就是不会有什么不好的影响的如果文中有对比措施就采取3.6.3 除了这两种情况都采取3.6.1 这个法则通常都是比较准的甚至可以用于排除选项可以记住直接用3.7 paradox:按paradox的思路来解题可以把这种直接归到paradox一类4. 看选项选答案4.1 模糊词选项(some\ possible\ not + 极端词)当结论没有极端词时不选极端词选项是可以的注意:(1)at least some不算模糊词(2)如果选项拿一个毫不相干的其他对象来进行比较比如选项说“B就是这样的”去证明结论“A也应该这样”这个逻辑是不对的但是如果选项是在讨论A所在的整体比如“A在C这个范围内这个范围内的所有相关的个体都是这样的”去证明“A也应该这样”这是可以的这也就是极端词选项的出现情况(3)如果文章结论说“是A而不是B”那么正确选项两个方面都要加强也就是说不但要加强“是A”还要加强“不是B”光加强“是A”是不可以的4.2 “大金刚”(other than\ any other\ most other\ any other\ some other\ many other\apart from\ aside from)选项除非是在排除他因否则错注意:“否定词\ 否定词缀+ other than”不算“大金刚”4.3. 无关选项错(除非是在paradox中)注意:当文章有两个并列结论时加强其中一个(只要不对另一个起削弱作用)就算加强了四.假设题(assumption\ assume\ presuppose\ additional premise\ not true unless\ rely on\ depend on)1. 看问题2. 看原文缕清逻辑链条细分类型2.1 原文逻辑链条中明显有gap2.2 暂时看不出来明显的gap3. 按类型预测答案方向3.1 原文逻辑链条中有明显的gap 直接奔填补gap的选项去3.2 暂时还看不出明显的gap3.2.1 找否定句选项(带not的是最标准的否定句带no的有的不算是要进一步慎重考虑)把否定词去掉看剩下的内容能不能削弱选项(接下来的步骤就跟做削弱题一样了) 原因和结论间关系不密切去掉否定词后直接削弱结论3.2.1.2 因果型结论3. 因果有没有可能颠倒如果可能的话把否定词去掉就是因果颠倒3. 推出结论的原因可能有特殊性推不出结论来3. 因果也没颠倒原因也没有特殊性有没有可能直接割断因果也就是直接攻击主论据可能会有新元素出现来攻击主论据3.2.1.3 结论是类比考虑类比的两者有没有本质区别注意:正确选项未必是比较结构有可能就是说文章讨论主体的特殊性3.2.1.4 调查型结论调查对象有没有代表性调查有没有效3.2.1.5 条件型结论(结论中带有if引导的条件状语从句)即使条件产生了一定能推出结论吗有没有可能有新元素的作用使条件和结论之间的关系断掉或是条件产生了也产生不了结论3. 在assumption题型中的条件型结论还比削弱中多了一种答案:条件也就是if后面的内容到底有没有可能实现(OG12th44)注意:条件型结论有可能是文章最重要的一个推导,当选项中没有否定句或否定句都不可行时,可以考虑在条件型结论中的条件和最终结论中间架桥3.2.1.6 现象解释型有没有可能有别的解释3.2.1.7 plan-goal型3. 有没有可能是新原因导致的坏结果所以说针对原来原因的plan达不到预期的效果3. 有没有可能就是新元素与plan结合使plan做了goal也达不到3.2.1.8 由于某种变化导致的结论有没有可能有新元素抵消原来的变化使结论不成立3.2.2 选项中没有否定句或是否定句都不可行且结论和原因之间有因果关系则重新考虑架桥注意:(1)架桥不可以架出无关名词(2)架桥弥补gap选项中一定会出现新元素(3)条件型结论有可能是文章最重要的一个推导,当选项中没有否定句或否定句都不可行时,可以考虑在条件型结论中的条件和最终结论中间架桥4. 看选项选答案4.1 去掉not以后模糊词(some\ possible\ not + 极端词)选项好极端词选项不好注意:(1)和削弱题是相反的(2)“not + 极端词”去掉not以后留的是极端词是不好的(3)如果选项中没有not 这条不适用要慎重考虑4.2 条件句选项要么是架桥要么错4.3太绝对了反而不能成为假设题正确答案因为越绝对越没有可能是必要条件慎用此条!5. 检验(当有两个选项拿不定主意时用)将选项取反削弱结论的是正确选项五.解释题(explain\ reason\ account for\ provide a rational for 注意:有的还应当归到paradox一类中去)1. 看问题2. 看原文缕清逻辑链条细分类型2.1 原文中出现paradox(在之前读问题时没判断出来)2.2 原文中有原因2.3原文中无原因2.3.1 原文的现象中包含比较2.3.2 原文的现象中包含变化2.3.3 原文中说某个plan不好2.3.4 其他类型3. 看选项找答案3.1 原文中出现paradox(在之前读问题时没判断出来)直接归到paradox一类用解paradox题型的方法来求解3.2 原文中有原因直接把原因选出来即可3.3 原文中无原因则尽量用文中的信息去解释3.3.1 原文中的现象中包含比较正确答案必须体现两者不同也可以说是主体的特殊性3.3.2 原文中的现象中包含变化(尤其是上升或下降)正确答案要体现出变化注意:3.3.1和3.3.2中所说的“比较”和“变化”一定是可以明显看出来的“比较”和“变化”不要牵强地往上靠如果既看不出“比较”又看不出“变化”就尽量用文中的信息去解释3.3.3原文中说某个plan不好(也可以归到paradox类)这个plan与goal无关(断掉plan和goal之间的关系)这个plan本身有坏处或有更大的弊端(有点类似削弱题缺陷题)3.3.4 其他类型如文中呈现一个现象需要解释就尽量用文中的信息去解释注意要联系原文最好别出现新元素注意:如果把paradox从解释题中分出来的话那么解释题就尽量用文中的信息去解释最好不要出现新元素(paradox中会出现新元素)六.Paradox(resolve the discrepancy\ resolve the paradox\ reconcile the discrepancy\ reconcile the paradox\ explain the surprising finding 包括在阅读原文过程中判断为paradox的题)1.看问题2.看原文找出相矛盾的现象或内容缕清逻辑链条找出前因后果细分类型2.1 普通paradox2.2 说某个plan(或类似的东西)不好2.3 做了A预期会有什么样的后果但是做A是对的或者说做了A预期的后果不会产生3. 根据类型预测选项方向3.1 普通paradox:发生了A,本来预期会因为发生了A就会发生B 但是B没发生或者发生的事情反而与B相反正确选项极有可能是新元素与A结合导致了paradox 也有可能不和A结合就是一个新元素导致了paradox 或者是这个新元素断掉了前因与后果之间的联系但还是结合的情况比较多所以A 也就是文章中的前因一定要好好留意附加说明:paradox中最常见的就是上升或下降问题:A变B不变或成意料之外的反方向变动那么正确答案C的出现会将A的变化抵消或断掉AB之间的联系注意:continue to increase\ continue to decrease并不是“变了”或是“没变”而是出乎意料地继续increase或decrease 所以也可以归到“A变B不变或成意料之外的反方向变动”这种情况3.2 说某个plan(或类似的东西)不好3.2.1 plan和goal无关(也就是断掉plan和goal之间的联系)3.2.2plan本身有缺陷或有更大的弊端(有点类似削弱题缺陷题)3.3 做了A预期会有什么样的后果但是做A是对的或者说做了A预期的后果不会产生正确选项多数是用的反向证明法也就是说如果不做A会出现什么样的后果所以说做A是对的(OG12th73题)总结:paradox的根本就是新元素的作用即使极个别情况下连“新元素”是什么都不说(OG12th57题)七.填空题1. 看问题2. 看原文细分类型2.1 非paradox型因果型2.2 paradox型3. 根据类型预测选项方向2.1 非paradox型因果型缕清逻辑链条找逻辑链条中的gap 考虑怎样架桥补缺注意:因果型填空题和解释题相类似要尽量用到文中的信息很少出现新元素2.2 paradox型按paradox的思路解题八.评价题(justify the conclusion\ evaluate the argument)1. 看问题2. 看原文细分类型(和削弱题是一样的)2.1 原因和结论间关系不密切2.2 因果型结论2.3 结论是类比2.4 调查型结论2.5 条件型结论2.6 现象解释型2.7 plan-goal型2.8 由某种变化导致的结论3. 根据类型预测选项方向3.1 原因和结论间关系不密切正确选项直接用来判断结论成不成立3.2 因果型结论3.2.1 有没有可能因果颠倒3.2.2 有没有可能是文章所提出的原因有特殊性推不出结论来3.2.3 既没有因果颠倒文章原因也没有特殊性有没有可能直接断掉因果3.3 结论是类比两者有没有本质不同或者文章主体有没有特殊性导致无法类比3.4 调查型结论调查对象有没有代表性调查有效性受不受到怀疑3.5 条件型结论即使A做了有没有可能有新元素的作用使B达不到有没有可能做到A 本身就是件不可能的事(前者居多后者较少)3.6 现象解释型有没有可能有新的解释3.7 plan-goal型有没有可能有新元素的作用使plan做了goal也达不到注意:不要去讨论有没有别的plan 评价题从不讨论原文逻辑链以外的东西3.8 由某种变化导致的结论有没有可能有新元素的作用消除这种变化消除这种变化所带来的影响(类似paradox的思路)4. 检验:对选项的肯定或否定回答是否能加强和削弱结论(拿不准的时候用)注意:评价题除了以上标注会出现新元素的情况之外不会出现新元素即使在以上标注的情况下出现新元素新元素也是作用在文章自身逻辑链上的也就是说评价题正确选项从来不会讨论自身逻辑链以外的内容这也是plan-goal在评价题中不会去讨论有没有别的plan的原因注意:(1)评价题要找好因果关系回溯原因(2)评价题中模糊词(在结论没有极端词时)和极端词选项都不好九.Must be true(must be true\ infer\ imply\ serve as part of an argument\ support the following 最后一个到底是归到must be true类还是归纳类有争议)1. 看问题2. 看原文整理文章结构有逻辑链条的缕出逻辑链条有信息结合的列出信息结合3. 看选项寻找正确答案正确答案是原文中某句话的重写或逆否命题或信息的结合(也就是概括总结文中信息点)也可以是弥补推理链中的gap 但是弥补gap也不可以出现新元素关键信息点必须能在原文中找到依据注意:“正确选项是原文某句话的重写或逆否命题”这是题目比较简单的情况一般比较复杂的题会用到信息整合或填补gap 这个时候思路要稍微发散不要局限4. 检验:正确选项中包含结论或推理中的关键词且正确答案中的信息全部来之原文绝对不可以有新元素即使是在弥补gap 信息点也必须全部来自原文注意:看到数字和percentage要特别敏感基本都是将数字信息结合起来比较大小或说明什么问题并且注意数字和百分比是不同的概念不要混淆并且归纳题比数字的时候通常不会直接比大小会做一个计算比如说用“profits/ sales= 利润率”然后来比较利润率的大小十.归纳题(conclude\ conclusion\ main point\ support the following 最后一个有争议)1. 看问题2. 看原文整理文章结构有逻辑链条的缕出逻辑链条有信息结合的列出信息结合找原文中有没有主结论3. 看选项寻找正确答案3.1 原文中就能找到主结论正确选项是主结论的重写重写时候可能有适当的改写但是不可能改的面目全非本质也是“重写”3.2 原文中找不到结论通过原文的信息结合或逻辑链概括总结出结论(也就是原文所有信息加总所能说明的问题)注意:原文中出现多个信息点时正确答案最好是将所有信息点结合起来而不是只根据一个信息点一个逻辑链条来推结论注意:看到数字和percentage要特别敏感基本都是将数字信息结合起来比较大小或说明什么问题并且注意数字和百分比是不同的概念不要混淆并且归纳题比数字的时候通常不会直接比大小会做一个计算比如说用“profits/ sales= 利润率”然后来比较利润率的大小4. 检验:正确选项的信息必须是概括全文的并且是must be true注意:归纳题和must be true类型题的区别就是must be true类只需要是正确的信息就可以了可以是概括性的也可以不是概括性的归纳题不但要是正确的信息(也就是must be true)还必须是概括性的十一. 论证方法题(method of reasoning\ The main point of the argument is made primarily by…?\ The doctor does which of the following in refuting the patient?)1.看问题2.看原文细分类型判别论证结构3.根据类型预测选项3.1对话型论证方法题3.2普通型论证方法题4.看选项选择正确答案4.1对话型论证方法题一般都是问第二个人对第一个人的观点是怎样反应的先判断感情色彩是支持还是赞同(如果在问题中已经说明感情色彩了这一步可以省略)然后再根据原文找论证方法多用排除法4.2普通型论证方法题直接根据原文找论证方法即可多用排除法注意:排除在原文中没出现过的元素正确答案中的信息点一定可以在原文中找到依据不可以有新元素十二. Parallel reasoning1.看问题2.看原文找出原文推理形式(因果推理充分必要类比循环论证等)结论和前提的特点(certainty level)推理有效性(问题说有推理缺陷的选项也应该有相应的推理缺陷问题没说则没有推理缺陷)3.看选项选择正确答案将上面四个因素和答案比较(绝对配绝对意见配意见条件配条件must\ could\ many\ some\ never配相应词)十三. Principle(问怎么办好要求设计出一个plan 或问怎么样符合条件)1.看问题2.看原文细分类型2.1原文中有问题需要解决需要一个恰当的plan或strategy2.2原文是陈述principle就在原文中3.根据类型预测选项方向3.1原文中有问题需要解决需要一个恰当的plan或strategy 那么需要找出原文中的主要矛盾主要需要解决的问题以及产生问题的根本原因根据原文中找到的依据寻找恰当的plan或strategy3.2原文是陈述principle就在原文中找准原文中的principle 正确选项是对该principle进行改写4.看选项找答案十四. Boldface1.时间允许的话读文章缕清逻辑链条时间不允许这步直接跳过2.直接找标志词判断2.1找转折词判断句子的态度2.1.1 But\ Yet放句首是转折相当于however but\ yet放句中不是转折相当于没看见2.1.2 although相当于没看见2.1.3 however不管句首句中大写小写都是转折要考虑2.1.4 Nevertheless\ nonetheless是语气比较弱的转折词要考虑2.2 找因果关系词判断句子的角色Since A, B\ A thus B\ Because A, BA是evidence\ expectation\ premiseB是conclusion\ position\ claim\ judgment\ prediction(象征词would)\ proposal Explanation也应该是在A的位置不应该是在B的位置补充说明:(1)句首的负面评价也有可能是转折(2)文中没有转折正确选项就不能有反对拒绝或质疑(3)对比写法的地方是论据让步是结论(4)到底是支持还是反对基本会在正确选项中明确地体现出来正确选项一般不会是“和稀泥”的态度对感情色彩模棱两可慎用!综述:1.“大金刚”(other than\ any other\ many other\ most other\ some other\ apart from\ asidefrom)选项基本都可以排除但注意“否定词+ 大金刚”不可以排除在排除他因的选项中有可能出现“大金刚”2.“At least + some”不算模糊词3.Should的选项排除4.写逻辑链信息的时候保留定语有的时候定语可能会影响到细节从而影响正确性5.文中有两个并列结论可以针对一个结论来解题只要不对另一个结论起相反作用文中有两个并列逻辑链可以针对一个逻辑链解题只要不对另一个逻辑链起相反作用6.如果一个逻辑链很严密看起来很合理但要求找毛病要求weaken 就要格外关注细节往往突破口在细节上面7.注意在原文句子改写的题中逆否命题是对的逆命题不一定是对的通常都不对8.“忽略了两者可以结合的可能”这种题常出现就是说原文一直在讨论选A还是选B其实两者可以都选可以结合9.尤其是在削弱和加强题中选项中有加强或比较千万注意不要比反尤其是年份间的比较不同时间下情况的比较特别容易比反10.注意“时间观念”(1)选项所讨论时间要和文章主体的时间尽量一致(2)注意after一类的词原文中出现由于时间引起的变化选项中多数会体现(3)选项中涉及不同时间比较时注意不要比反例如要看清楚是“last year”还是“this year”11.注意比重、percentage和绝对量之间的区别12.认真读问题有时候问题会限定正确选项的范围(prep43)补充一些需要引起注意的词或话题:1.Argue on the basis是因果联系词要引起注意2.看到讨论profit的选项就要想到有四个因素会影响profit:cost\ price\ sale\ market其中影响price的还有供求关系四个因素想全面且并“profit/ sale= 利润率”也可以去比较利润率的大小3.供求关系会影响price 供大于求price低供小于求price高为了降低price或控制price上涨可以增加供给也可以减少需求两种情况想全面一个因素会使供给增加未必price就高了没准需求也多了没准有别的因素使供给高不了两种情况也要想全面4.Import\ export\ 自产自销三者之间有着密不可分的联系共同作用影响供给影响销量在原文中看到其中一个(多数这种原文是在讨论销量和供给)就要联想到另外两个5.关于weed和crop的问题很多经常讨论怎样有效地对付weed还能有效地保护crop 不。

Argument 笔记大全

Argument 笔记大全

Argument 核心词汇:questionable(有疑问的), fallacious( [fəˈleɪʃəs] 谬误的,不合理的), unconvincing(没有说服力的),open to doubt (值得怀疑),unfounded(无事实根据的),be biased against , unwarranted([ʌnˈwɔ:rəntɪd]没有根据的,无正当理由的),indefensible(无法防御的,站不住脚的),groundless(无理由的,无根据的),problematic(成问题的,有疑问的),unsounded(未经探测的,深度未明的),untenable(难以防守的,站不住脚的),unreliable(不可靠的,不可信任的),dubious([ˈdubiəs]半信半疑的,可疑的),unpersuasive(无说服力的),flawed(有缺陷的), unsubstantiated([,ʌnsəb'stænʃi,eitid] adj. 未经证实的; 没有事实根据的)一、开头(一)直接陈述式1、转述题目中的中心结论The author concludes that …This speaker draws the conclusion that …In this argument the author reaches the conclusion that…2、转述题目对该结论的支持言论或解释The reasons offered to support this conclusion ar e that …To support this conclusion, the speaker claims that …H is evidence is that …3、指出题目不具备说服力This argument suffers from several critical problems and is therefore unfounded.This line of reasoning is open doubt for a couple of reasons.This argument is biased because the author oversimplifies the problem and its solutions .(二)建议式1、转述题目中的建议This arguments advises/ suggests /recommends that…The advice /suggestion / proposal / recommendation endorsed in argument is that …2、转述该建议的根据The reason cited are that …The basis for this recommendation is that …In support of this reason the author cites these for statistics:3、指出题目是不具备说服力的The reasoning in this argument is problematic in several critical respects.A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.This argument is fraught with(充满)vague (模糊的), oversimplified and unwarranted claims.This argument relies on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions , which render it indefensible.二、文章主体部分(一)基本结构逻辑连接词+驳斥分析1、逻辑连接词首先:in the first place/ to begin / start withA threshold problem with the argument includes…The chief /major /primary problem with the argument is …其次:furthermore/ moreover/ in addition / what is moreAnother point worth considering is that …Another problem that weakens / undermines the logic of最后:in the end / in the final analysisThe last problem with the argument is that it unfairly infers that …A final problem involves the assertion is that …2、驳斥分析1)列出错误的说法●作者说:The author (unfairly / falsely) assumes /assets /claims /states /advocates / implies / infers/reasons that …●题目的其中一个问题是:A problem with the argument is that it unfairly infers / deduces that …●作者……的说法/想法/做法是不可信的:The speaker’s claim/ idea /solution concerning … is not compelling(令人信服的) / well-reasoned(合乎逻辑的)/reliable (可信赖的)/persuasive(能说服的)2)分析该说法的思路或理由●作者的理由/证据是……The author’s reason / evidence /proof is that …●作者的推理过程是……The line of reasoning / inference of this argument is that …●作者这个说法基于一个理由……The editorial relies a(an) supposition / assumption that …3)指出该说法不具备说服力●但是,作者的推理是站不住脚的。


















【小站教育】GMAT Manhattan_CR笔记

【小站教育】GMAT Manhattan_CR笔记

GMAT Manhattan CR 笔记第一章:argument structure(1)前提+ (假设)= 结论前提是明确说明了的,支持后面结论的,可能是事实,观点,或者主张。




结论:A.结论出现在问题中B.文中的问题隐藏了结论(还是在结论中,可能不明显)C.文中出现了明显结论D.结论在答案中(如归纳题)识别结论方法二(不常用)第一步:在文中选出以下几类 A.文中将来时态的选项B.主观意愿(proposal,plan等)C.因果关系如果只有一个,就是结论。

如果多于一个,进入下面第二步:用therefore 检验,看到底是谁导致了谁?X lead to Y第二章:图解法(可忽略)T 型图最上面是公式左支持右反对最下面是BG 或者assumption(以上各种因素允许缺失,尽量填,最后结合具体问题利用)第三章:总体战略1.题型(4 类主要题型)找假设,归纳结论,加强,削弱(7 个小题型)解释一个事件或矛盾,分析题干结构,评价结论,解决问题,提供例子,重述结论,模仿(类比)(except 题)注意,except 不是找相反的选项,比如weaken 的相反不一定是support,也可能是中立或者无关(超出讨论范围)(填空题)就是前面几个题型的变体2.在前提和结论中,注意范围词,极端词,3.做题步骤:先排除明显错误选项,注意极端词和范围词。


2.假设一般是必要不充分的!!取非后削弱题目结论!!假设本身要支持or 加强结论!!假设不一定要让结论must be true!!一般只是需要让结论more likely to be true!!3.assumption 分类:A.弥补GAP B.假设可以加强(建立)前提的可行性or 可能性C.排除其他逻辑可能(题干可能会通过最高级来限定范围,一定要找最直接,联系最紧密的)D.排除他因4.错误选项类型:A.与结论无关,不是结论的必要条件!必须(紧密)联系结论,与支持结论无关的不能选!B.颠倒原文因果关系C.换词eg.百分比换成具体数D.假设题找的是导致结论的假设,不是结论导致的结果的假设!!again:答案必须紧密联系结论,而不是联系前提!!5.终极大杀器!!取非看是否削弱原文!(或者说是否取非后对原文没有影响!)第五章:归纳结论3.使用实际数字来替代百分比,以便使题目更简明….美国人脑残方法…. 略…4.inference 就是conclusion5:错误答案类型:A.范围变化错!(一般是扩大,无关新事物的出现也算扩大范围) B.颠倒逻辑因果关系C.换词!!注意一定要看清句子核心!!第六章:加强题1.加强结论的前提的特点:A.消除削弱B.支持结论的假设(此假设不一定是结论的必要条件,也有可能是结论推出来的) C.提出额外的支持证明2.正确选项特点:A.像一个新的前提一样!(包含上面三个特点中的一个或几个) B.加强前提中假设成真的可能性,indeed!3.利用weaken-support-slash 标注来排除选项(就是确定每个选项的作用)4.选择更能直接支持结论的选项!(有的选项需要附加的假设才能支持结论)5.错误选项类型:A.没有(紧密)联系结论【联系前提无用】B.时刻提醒自己你做的是support 题!!不要选成weaken 或assumption 了!!第七章:削弱题1.几乎所有weaken 题的正确选项都会引入一个新的证据来破坏一个有瑕疵的假设,或者否定结论能带来的影响(改变逻辑方向)。



曼哈顿语法笔记第三章Subject and Verb Agreement一、Subject and verb must both exist1、如果一个句子没有主语或动词,就不是完整的句子,是一个fragment。

两种错误方法:(1)One way the GMAT disguises the error is by dropping the verbWrong: The electron named in 1894.Right: The electron W AS NAMED in 1894.(2)it could start with a Connecting Word and contain no Main ClauseWrong: BECAUSE the dog was never mine.二、Subject and Verb Must Make Sense TogetherWrong: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.能够行驶数百公里的肯定不可能是development而是a car三、Subject and Verb Must Agree in Number-主谓单复数一致(1)eliminate these Middlemen words to reveal the subject.common types of middlemen and warmups.A、prepositional phraseof mice for milk by 1800in Zambia with her at that levelto the store on their orders from the officeB、S ubordinate ClausesC、其他:有的时候comma也是一个信号(2)Use Structure to Decide(3)And vs. Additive PhrasesA、and可以通过将两个或更多单数形式的主语连起来成为一个复数形式的主语B、additive phrases改变不了主语的单复数形式,作用类似于modifieralong with Polly in addition to surgery as well as the mayoraccompanied by me together with a tie including salt and pepper(4)Or, Either... Or, & Neither... NorA、这种情况下找离动词最近的那个名词,由这个名词决定谓语单复数B、如果仅仅出现了either或者neither,就使用单数形式谓语动词(5)collective nouns永远被看作单数People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, teamItems: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture(6)Indefinite Pronouns: Usually Singular但有五个例外一点,可以是单数也可以是复数THE SANAM PRONOUNS: Some, Any, None, All, More/MostAnyone, anybody, anything No one, nobody, nothingEach, every (aspronouns) Someone, somebody, somethingEveryone, everybody, everything Whatever, whoeverEither, neither (may require a plural verb i f paired with or/nor)(7)each和every永远单数(8)Subject Phrases and Clauses: Always Singular(9)Flip itWrong: Near those buildings SIT a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.Flip it! A lonely house, inhabited by squatters, SITS near those buildings.Right: Near those buildings SITS a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.第四章Parallelism一、Parallel element1、两个句子平行的时候两边都要有主从连词,否则可能有歧义。



GMAT逻辑入门(一)Arguments假如 CR 是你的弱项,假如你对 CR 发怵,那就请你关注【规律入门】系列。

无论你是考 GMAT 还是 LSAT,CR 都是关键一项。

攻克 CR 是你考试胜利的一个必要条件。

而且把握了 CR,你的英文写作也会变得条理分明,论据充分,结论恰到好处。


因为我的体会是:假如 CR 想考高分,你就得 Read, think, and analyze in English.本文是第一篇argument。

What is an argument?An argument in logic is a set of one or more meaningful declarative sentences (or propositions) known as the premises with another sentence known as the conclusion. Therefore, each argument has at least two components: 1) a piece of evidence or proposition, officially called a "premise,' and 2) a conclusion.Consider the following two statements:1)Ming Li is smart.2)Ming Li went to Peking University.Each statement by itself is simply a claim or an assertion. Can you combine them together to form an argument?One answer might be:Ming Li is smart because he went to Peking University. The red part of the answer is the conclusion; the blue partof the answer is the premise. These color codes will be the convention I use to label premise and conclusion through out the series.A premise supports a conclusion. Most argument are not bullet-proof. That is: the evidence provided does not PROVE the conclusion reached beyond a shadow of a doubt. A premise is just an evidence, one reason to shed some positive light on the conclusion, one piece of information which makes the conclusion more likely. In CR, all premises given in the stimulus are considered true. In the above example, we should not doubt whether Ming went to Peking University or not. However, we can analyze the argument by focusing on the logic which connects the premise and the conclusion in an argument.IndicatorsHow to tell which statement is a premise or a conclusion in an argument? A quick way is to find indicators such as because, since, for, as, considering, whereas, and on the grounds that, which signal to the reader that a premise is coming! In the example above, Ming Li is smart because he went to Peking University, he went to Peking University is the premise since this statement follows the word because.A second way to form an argument using exactly the samestatements is:Because Ming Li is smart, he went to Peking University. This is a totally different argument from the first one in that the premise and the conclusion switch their places. Ming Li is smart is now the premise.These two examples show that the order, in which each statement shows up in an argument, is less important than the logical relationship shown in the argument when deciphering which is the premise and which is the conclusion. Use the indicators to help you march through the puzzle in the beginning. The indicators for a conclusion might include: thus, therefore, accordingly, hence, in this way, consequently, and as a result. What if there is no indicator in the argument?In case you cannot find an indicator for premise/conclusion, you have to understand what the aruthor is trying to say and ask yourself which part is the conclusion and which part is the premise to support the conclusion. Consider the following example:Every milk product from Three Deers must be recalled. These products contain melamine which could lead to renal failure. Which one is the conclusion? Which one is the premise? Most likely you would say that the 1st sentence is the conclusionand the 2nd sentence is the premise.Every milk product from Three Deers must be recalled. These products contain melamine which could lead to renal failure. If in doubt, 1) simply connect the two sentences using the word because; and 2) see which one of the resulting arguments makes more sense:1) Every milk product from Three Deers must be recalled because these products contain melamine which could lead to renal failure.2) Becasue every milk product from Three Deers must be recalled, these products contain melamine which could lead to renal failure.In CR test, if you can locate the premise and the conclusion of an argument, you have 50% chance of getting the right answer in the end. Train your eyes and brains to identify the conclusion of an argument quickly and precisely. Make sure your first step of a long march to the victory gets off on the right foot.。



GMAT语法三大特点: (1)三类相对错误: (4)常考比较句型: (5)专题一:平行结构 (6)专题二:时态 (9)专题三:主谓一致 (11)专题四:同位语 (14)专题五:逻辑主语 (15)专题六:虚拟语气(宾语从句的虚拟) (17)专题七:非谓语动词 (19)专题八:代词pron (20)专题九:独立主格 (23)专题十:省略的状语从句 (24)专题十一:补语和宾语 (27)专题十二:Run-on句型 (30)专题十三:比较结构 (31)GMAT语法三大特点:1、句式复杂2、考点明确3、规律性强*以下例题,如无特殊标明,均为小蓝题目;如果题目用红色标出,最好将题目背下来常见错误:(GMAT语法定义:最严格的书面英语)1、maybe一定错×,表示“可能”用perhaps,probably√替换2、表示“将来”,用will do√(be going to do/be to do×太口语化)3、like用法:在GMAT语法中,唯一用法是prep.唯一意思是“像”Like+句子× pearls do×(句子)Like不举例举例用such as4、双重所有格×e.g.GDP of2008’s×∵重复了He’s a friend of my father’s.√5、代词①任何代词≠一句话e.g.Michael is rich,which is true.×在GMAT语法中,which指代前面一个句子就错②一句话中出现两个相同代词=相同内容e.g.……he……he……两个he指代相同的人③this,that作代词,不能够“裸奔”“裸奔”单独出现,既不修饰别人也不被别人修饰e.g.Michael bought this.×Michael bought this car.√(this修饰car)This is a book.×This one is a book.√6、that用法①作代词不能“裸奔”e.g.That car.修饰carThe population(of China)is larger than that(of U.S.A).()内容修饰that②做从句引导词可以裸奔e.g.I know that he is Obama.√③做宾语从句引导词,that通常不能省*语语法重要的不是句义、词汇意思,而是句子主要结构句子的分类:(按结构分)简单句:一套主谓结构并列句:and/or/but并列句两种形式:SVO,and SVO.SVO;SVO.“;”前后是完整句子复合句:一个主句,若干从句从句的定义:当某个成分用从句充当,就产生相应什么从句e.g.Tom had a delicious meal quickly.S……………V…………….O…………………………..主从句表从句宾从句同位语从句(that在从句中不充当成分)。



英吉上课笔记----- GMAT做题步骤总结SC1. 对比选项先扔错的,违反基本原则的肯定不对:基本语法(主谓要全)不对----扔掉一致性不对---扔掉语意不合理,语意明显逻辑混乱---扔掉2若扔掉4个选项,题目完成若扔掉< 4个选项,剩余选项>2,开比3. 选项对比3.1 两选项长得极像先把相同点扔掉,不同点是什么。

而由不同点,我觉着根据什么原则导致了谁比谁好若剩有一处差距根据这处比若剩有多处差距就找最容易的○1. 不会产生歧义○2. 在语意相同的情况下,尽可能简洁○3. 容易接受○4. 不要让人琢磨3.2 两选项长得极不像○1. 开门见山(直来直去)根据英文韵律○2先绕一下,但绕完之后马上交待主要内容一个句子不能动不动就用逗号断开一个句子若用大量代词,这个选项不好,因为容易让观众不明白4. 重要原则看到动词就要想动词的发起者即主语看到代词就要想指代谁CR1.读逻辑原文1.条件状语原文在读的时候要关注范围2.时间状语如果读不懂原文逻辑关系,要关注反复再谈的说的不止一遍的2.读逻辑选项选项要关注整体意思,不要关注局部(单词,句子主干)--- 一个选项在读到最后一个字之前,不要判断有关无关,必须读完。


干掉不太好的选项,留下沾边的选项有可能是选项的范围与原文无必然交集的干掉都不行有可能不是选项之间有比较且原文没说---干掉选项的范围与原文说反--------- 干掉选项说得模棱两可----干掉原文围绕A谈,选项围绕B谈—干掉3.对比选项—若剩余选项>2考虑支持或驳斥看不出方向,假设主干中必有否定词选项更直接最好---不饶且与原文最直接,不让人想一选项先出来特个性词,后面又出现一定从(原文见过的)为对的前面不像后面像–对的一个选项有other , some, alternative, in many circumstance , not all, not only 时-不对一个选项表达主观意愿–不像对的正确选项一定要在自己不需要加任何条件的情况下与原文有关系(与原文字面有关系,与原文前提有关系)RC阅读有短文章与长文章1.章先看文章把观点句读了,通过读每句话的头几个词感觉像观点的读,并且虚的不记,读不懂的不记,大写、时间、地点、专业名词一概不记。

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Development in Argument典型中间段的结构(顺序如下)1.写出原文中的一个推理/assumption/结论2.驳斥该推理/assumption/结论3.指出该推理/assumption/结论的各种可能的错误4.得出相应结论------------------------------1.写出原文中的一个推理/assumption/结论2.驳斥该推理/assumption/结论1)直驳式 2)反问式 3)因果式 4)让步转折式1)直驳式2. “When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. Therefore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. Such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and helping the company maintain better supervision of all employees.”First, the author assumes that centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and streamlining supervision of employees. This assumption is never supported with any data or projections.-----------------------------14. The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.“Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”First, the argument assumes that the decline of school dropout and theachievements of last year’s graduates’ results from the adoption of interactive computer instruction. However, there are several reasons why this might not be true.------------------或写为To begin with, this argument is a classic instance of “after this, therefore because of this” reasoning. The mere fact that the introduction of interactive computer instruction preceded the impressive performance of recent graduates and the decline in the dropout rate is insufficient to conclude that it was the cause of these events.----------------------2)反问式Second, the only reason offered by the author is the claim that Apogee was more profitable when it had operated from a single, centralized location. But is centralization the only difference relevant to greater past profitability? It is entirely possible that 3)因果式1. Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient. In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1970 to 20 cents for one-day service in 1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon celebrate its twenty-fifth birthday, we can expect that our long experience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximize profits.”Second, it is highly doubtful that the facts drawn from the color-film processing industry are applicable to the food processing industry.Differences between the two industries clearly outweigh the similarities, thus making the analogy highly less than valid.带让步的因果式37 “Motorcycle X has been manufactured in the United States for over 70 years. Although one foreign company has copied the motorcycle and is selling it for less, the company has failed to attract motorcycle X customers—some say because its product lacks the exceptionally loud noise made by motorcycle X. But there must be some other explanation. After all, foreign cars tend to be quieter than similar American-made cars, but they sell at least as well. Also, television advertisements for motorcycle X highlight its durability and sleek lines, not its noisiness, and the ads typically have voice-overs or rock music rather than engine-roar on the sound track.”To begin with, the first reason rests on the assumption that what automobile customers find appealing is analogous to what motorcycle customers find appealing. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between automobiles and motorcycles, there are many dissimilarities as well.------------------------------4)让步转折式The author’s second reason is also problematic.Although the engine noise of Motorcycle X is not explicitly touted in advertisements, it does not necessarily follow that engine noise is not an important selling feature.Because Motorcycle X has been manufactured in the U.S. for over 70 years, its reputation for engine noise is probably already well known and need not be advertised.Moreover, the advertisers might userock music on Motorcycle X ad soundtracks for the specific purpose of suggesting, or even simulating, its loud engine noise.8.“The common notion that workers are generally apathetic about management issues is false, or at least outdated: a recently published survey indicates that 79 percent of the nearly 1,200 workers who responded to survey questionnaires expressed a high level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring and redesign of benefits programs.”A third problem with the argument is that it makes a hasty generalization about the types of issues workers are interested in. It accords with common sense that workers would be interested in corporate restructuring and redesign of benefits programs, since these issues affect workers very directly. However, it is unfair to assume that workers would be similarly interested in other management issues—ones that do not affect them or affect them less directly.原文中的一个推理/assumption/结论2.驳斥该推理/assumption/结论也可以并成一句话10. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”First, the author assumes that because only one-tenth of the students tookpart in the p rotest, these students’ views are unrepresentative of the entirestudent body. This assumption is unwarranted.------------------合并为First, the author unwarrantedly assumes that because only one-tenth ofthe students took part in the protest, these studen ts’ views areunrepresentative of the entire student body.1.原文中的一个推理/assumption/结论也可以展开为两句11. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.“In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the population has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased.Two businesses have closed for each new business that has opened. Under Varro, who served as mayor for four years before Montoya, the unemployment rate decreased and the population increased. Clearly, the residents of San Perdito would be best served if they voted Montoya out of office and reelected Varro.”First of all, the author assumes that the Montoya administration causedthe unemployment in San Perdito as well as its population loss. The lineof reasoning is that because Montoya was elected before the rise inunemployment and the decline in population, the former event caused thelatter.-------------------------------------3. 指出该推理/assumption/结论的各种可能的错误1)反例法2)正反例法3)他因列举法(it is possible that)(他因越合理、越细致就越有效)-----------------------------------1)反例法1.Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient. In color filmprocessing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 centsfor five-day service in 1970 to 20 cents for one-day service in 1984. Thesame principle applies to the processing of food. And since OlympicFoods will soon celebrate its twenty-fifth birthday, we can expect that ourlong experience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximizeprofits.”Second, it is highly doubtful that the facts drawn from the color-film processing industry are applicable to the food processing industry.Differences between the two industries clearly outweigh the similarities, thus making the analogy highly less than valid.For example,problems of spoilage, contamination, and timely transportation all affect the food industry but are virtually absent in the film-processing industry. Problems such as these might present insurmountable obstacles that prevent lowering food-processing costs in the future.---------------------------2)正反例法8. The following appeared in the editorial section of a corporate newsletter.“The common notion that workers are general ly apathetic about management issues is false, or at least outdated: a recently published survey indicates that 79 percent of the nearly 1,200 workers who responded to survey questionnaires expressed a high level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring and redesign of benefits programs.”First, the statistics cited in the editorial may be misleading because thetotal number of workers employed by the corporation is not specified. For example, if the corporation employs 2000 workers, the fact that 79 percent of the nearly 1200 respondents showed interest in these topics provides strong support for the conclusion.《正例》On the other hand, if the corporation employs 200,000 workers, the conclusion is much weaker.《反例》3)他因列举法(it is possible that)5. The following appeared in an announcement issued by the publisher of The Mercury, a weekly newspaper.“Since a competing lower-priced newspaper, The Bugle, was started five years ago, The Mercury’s circulation has declined by 10,000 readers. The best way to get more people to read The Mercury is to reduce its price below that of The Bugle, at least until circulation increases to former levels. The increased circulation of The Mercury will attract more businesses to buy advertising space in the paper.”Ther e are many other factors that might account for a decline in The Mercury’s popularity. For instance, readers might be displeased with the extent and accuracy of its news reporting, or the balance of local to other news coverage. Moreover, it is possible The Mercury has recently changed editors, giving the paper a locally unpopular political perspective. Or perhaps readers are unhappy with the paper’s format, the timeliness of its feature articles, its comics or advice columns, the extent and accuracy of its local event calendar, or its rate of errors4. 得出相应结论即对本段首句引述的原文中的一个推理/assumption/结论给予负面的评价1)否定段首句中推理/assumption/结论6. The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life.“Corporations should look to the city of Helios whe n seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the reg ion’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”To begin with, it is questionable whether the available labor pool in Helios could support all types of corporations. Given thatHelios has attracted mainly industrial and manufacturing companies in the past, it is unlikely that the local pool of prospective employees would be suitable for corporations of other types. For example, the needs of research and development companies would not be met by a labor force trained in manufacturing skills. For this reason,it’s unlikely that Helios will be successful in its attempt to attract companies that focus or research and development of innovative technologies.------------------------------10. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various statecollege programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t soconcerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is morerepresentative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”Discuss how well reasoned... etc.First, the author assumes that because only one-tenth of the students took part in the protest, these students’ views are unrepresentative of the entire student body. This assumption is unwarranted. If it turns out, for example, that the protesting students were randomly selected from the entire student body, their views would reflect the views of the entire college. Without information regarding the way in which the protesting students were selected, it is presumptuous to conclude that their opinions fail to reflect the opinions of their colleagues.--------------------------------------------------2)缺信息,无法判断8. The following appeared in the editorial section of a corporate newsletter.“The common notion that workers are generally apathetic about management issues is false, or at least outdated: a recently published survey indicates that 79 percent of the nearly 1,200 workers who responded to survey questionnaires expressed a high level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring and redesign of benefits programs.”Another problem with the argument is that the respondents’ views are not necessarily representative of the views of the work force in general. For example, because the survey has to do with apathy, it makes sense that only less apathetic workers would respond to it, thereby distorting the overall picture of apathy among the work force. Without knowing how the survey was conducted, it is impossible to assess whether or not this is the case.-------------------------3)排除他因,才能判断Unless the author can rule out other factors relevant to diminishing profits, this argument commits the fallacy of assuming that just because one event (decreasing profits) follows another (decentralization), the second event has been caused by the first.----------------------------4)需要什么信息,就可能做判断Moreover, the author provides no evidence about how the survey was conducted. Lacking more information about the survey, we cannot acceptthe speaker’s conclusion.如果能对这个SURVEY提出具体要求,就更好了(可以参照”八大处”中的DOUBTFUL SURVEY)EXAMPLE的重要性•以反例为主,正例为辅•设例多于具例和泛例•越细节越好ACT满分例The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper:79 "Most companies would agree that as the risk of physical injury occurring on the job increases, the wages paid to employees should also increase. Hence it makes financial sense for employers to make the workplace safer: they could thus reduce their payroll expenses and savemoney."首段This argument states that it makes financial sense for employers to make the workplace safer because by making the workplace safer then lower wages could be paid to employees. This conclusion is based on the premise that as the list of physical injury increases, the wages paid to employees should also increase. However, there are several assumptions that may not necessarily apply to this argument.For example, the costs associated with making the workplace safe must outweigh the increased payroll expenses due to hazardous conditions. Also, one must look at the plausability of improving the work environment. And finally, because most companies agree that as the risk of injury increases so will wages doesn't necessarily mean that the all companies which have hazardous work environments agree.中1The first issue to be addressed is whether increased labor costs justify large capital expenditures to improve the work environment. Clearly one could argue that if making the workplace safe would cost an exorbitant amount of money in comparison to leaving the workplace as is and paying slightly increased wages than it would not make sense to improve the work environment.For example, if making the workplace safe would cost $100 million versus additional payroll expenses of only $5,000 per year, it would make financial sense to simply pay the increased wages. No business or文档收集于互联网,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑,有帮助欢迎下载支持. business owner with any sense would pay all that extra money just to save a couple dollars and improve employee health and relations. To consider this, a cost benefit analysis must be made. I also feel that although a cost benefit analysis should be the determining factor with regard to these decisions making financial sense, it may not be the determining factor with regard to making social, moral and ethical sense一个典型的设例中2This argument also relies on the idea that companies solely use financial sense in analysing improving the work environment. This is not the case. Companies look at other considerations such as the negative social ramifications of high on-job injuries. For example, Toyota spends large amounts of money improving its environment because while its goal is to be profitable, it also prides itself on high employee morale and an almost perfectly safe work environment. However, Toyota finds that it can do both, as by improving employee health and employee relations they are guaranteed a more motivated staff, and hence a more efficient staff; this guarantees more money for the business as well as more safety for the employees.一个典型的具例中三Finally one must understand that not all work environments can be made safer. For example, in the case of coal mining, a company only has limited ways of making the work environment safe. While companies may be able to ensure some safety precautions, they may not be able to provide all the safety measures necessary. In other words, a mining company has limited ability to control the air quality within a coal mine and therefore it cannot control the risk of employees getting black lung. In other words, regardless of the intent of the company, some jobs are simply dangerous in nature.一个典型的泛例1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.。
