MicrostructuralrefinementandhomogenizationofMg–SiCnanocomposites by cyclicextrusioncompression
114Univ. Chem. 2023, 38 (12), 114–119收稿:2023-06-27;录用:2023-08-01;网络发表:2023-08-11*通讯作者,Email:*****************.cn基金资助:2021年基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0研究课题(20211014);天津市首批虚拟教研室试点建设项目(化学类交叉人才培养课程建设虚拟教研室)•专题• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202306051 当表面活性剂遇到大环分子阮文娟,李悦,耿文超,郭东升*南开大学化学学院,天津 300071摘要:近年来,表面和胶体化学与大环化学的结合引起了科学家的普遍关注。
关键词:表面活性剂;胶束;大环结构;大环两亲分子;超两亲分子中图分类号:G64;O6Encountering of Surfactants with Macrocyclic MoleculesWen-Juan Ruan, Yue Li, Wen-Chao Geng, Dong-Sheng Guo *College of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China.Abstract: In recent years, the combination of surface and colloid chemistry with macrocyclic chemistry has garnered widespread attention among scientists. The integration of diverse macrocyclic structures into surfactant molecules not only greatly enriches the diversity of surfactants, but also imparts them with the host-guest recognition functionality of macrocycles. Macrocyclic amphiphiles and supra-amphiphiles, developed from this approach, have demonstrated high potential in applications such as bioimaging and drug delivery. The evolution from traditional surfactants to macrocyclic amphiphiles and supra-amphiphiles underscores the importance of interdisciplinary integration in advancing scientific research.Key Words: Surfactants; Micelles; Macrocycles; Macrocyclic amphiphiles; Supra-amphiphiles表面活性剂及其所构筑的胶束是表面和胶体化学中所涉及的一类非常重要的体系。
第44卷,第1期2024年1月栽培生理Cultivation Physiology中国果菜China Fruit &Vegetable不同地区桃树根际土壤微生物群落结构及多样性分析徐海忠2,薛彦华2,丁洪发2,戚恒瑞1,李天昊1,毛伟健1*,程凡升1*(1.青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛266109;2.山东天同食品有限公司,山东临沂276000)摘要:植物根际土壤微生物群落能够加速根际营养元素的循环,调节土壤肥力。
经筛选和去除嵌合体后,得到了425267条优质序列,这些序列的长度主要集中在400~450bp 。
在3个地区的样品中共鉴定出4175个操作性分类单元(OTU )。
根据COG 功能分类统计,土壤细菌的功能基因主要集中在新陈代谢、遗传信息和细胞信号传导等方面。
关键词:桃树;土壤;根际微生物;16S rRNA 测序中图分类号:TS201.3文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-1038(2024)01-0072-08DOI:10.19590/ki.1008-1038.2024.01.015Microbial Community Structure and Diversity of Peach RhizosphereSoil in Different RegionsXU Haizhong 2,XUE Yanhua 2,DING Hongfa 2,QI Hengrui 1,LI Tianhao 1,MAO Weijian 1*,CHENG Fansheng 1*(1.College of Food Science and Technology,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao 266109,China;2.Shandong Tiantong Food Co.,Ltd.,Linyi 276000,China)Abstract:Plant rhizosphere soil microbial community can accelerate the circulation of rhizosphere nutrients andregulate soil fertility.The analysis of rhizosphere soil microecological structure of peach trees can effectively improve the planting soil of peach trees.The rhizosphere soil microbial diversity and community composition of收稿日期:2023-06-11基金项目:山东省重点研发计划-乡村振兴科技创新提振行动计划(2022TZXD0012);青岛特种食品研究院揭榜挂帅项目(6602422201)第一作者简介:徐海忠(1983—),男,工程师,本科,主要从事果蔬深加工方面的研究工作*通信作者简介:毛伟健(2000—),男,硕士,主要从事食品生物技术方面的研究工作程凡升(1983—),男,教授,博士,主要从事食品生物技术方面的教学与研究工作人类活动引起的全球变化包括大气二氧化碳浓度升高、气候变暖、降水变化、干旱和大气氮沉降增加,是全球范围内生物多样性丧失的主要因素[1]。
Effect of Nb addition on the microstructure and properties of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropyalloy
article info
Article history: Received 18 January 2011 Received in revised form 20 September 2011 Accepted 28 October 2011 Available online 11 November 2011
Keywords: High entropy alloy Eutectic Laves phase Solid solution
The microstructures and properties of the AlCoCrFeNbxNi high-entropy alloys (HEAs) were investigated. Two phases were found in the prepared AlCoCrFeNbxNi HEAs: one is body-centered-cubic (BCC) solid solution phase; the other is the Laves phase of (CoCr)Nb type. The microstructures of the alloy series vary from hypoeutectic to hypereutectic, and the compressive yield strength and Vickers hardness have an approximately linear increase with increasing Nb content. The residual magnetization (Mr) reaches a maximum for AlCoCrFeNb0.1Ni alloy, which is 6.106 emu/g. The factor of ˝, which is defined as entropy of mixing times 1000 over enthalpy of mixing, well predicts the phase formation for the multicomponents alloys.
装备环境工程第19卷第11期·110·EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING2022年11月重大工程装备表面纳米化对锆合金微动腐蚀行为的影响唐晨1,张伟1,李正阳2,蔡振兵2(1.中国核动力研究设计院,成都 610213;2.西南交通大学 摩擦学研究所,成都 610031)摘要:目的研究N36锆合金表面纳米化层的形貌和微观结构,分析表面纳米化层的微动腐蚀机理。
关键词:锆合金;超声表面滚压;表面纳米化;腐蚀;微动腐蚀中图分类号:TG172 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2022)10-0110-09DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2022.11.015Effect of Surface Nanocrystallization on Fretting CorrosionBehavior of Zirconium AlloyTANG Chen1, ZHANG Wei1, LI Zheng-yang2, CAI Zhen-bing2(1. Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610213, China; 2. Tribology Research Institute, Southwest JiaotongUniversity, Chengdu 610031, China)ABSTRACT: The morphology and microstructureof N36 zirconium (Zr) alloy surface nanocrystallization layer were studied.The frettingcorrosion mechanism of the surface nanocrystallization layer was analyzed. Ultrasonic surface rolling processing (USRP) was used to preparesurface nanocrystallization layer on Zr alloys.The effects of rolling speeds on the morphology, phase composition, roughness, hardness, electrochemical corrosion and fretting corrosion behavior of the surface nanocrystallization layer were studied. Results shows thatZralloyafter USRP present plastic deformation trace.The plastic deformation on the sur-face of Zr alloy leads to work hardening and increases the surface hardness.The electrochemical corrosion tests indicate that Zr alloy after USRP shows a lower corrosion current density compared with substrate.The wear depth and wear rate of Zr alloy af-ter USRP is lower than thatsubstrate. The Zr alloy after USRP refinegrain and increase the number of grain boundary, which im-proving the activity of Zr alloy and beneficial to form passivation film. The wear mechanism of Zr alloy after USRP is the inter-收稿日期:2021–05–27;修订日期:2021–08–02Received:2021-05-27;Revised:2021-08-02基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(U2067221)Fund:The National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2067221)作者简介:唐晨(1980—),男,硕士,工程师,主要研究方向为核燃料与材料。
组与国家纳米科学 中心蒋兴宇研究员课题组合作 .
发现 了一 种便捷 且 廉价 的合 成荧 光碳 纳米 颗粒 的新 方 法 ,研 究 了 基 于 该 碳 纳 米 颗 粒 的 高 选 择 性 的
成 。所制备的分散性铜纳米颗粒稳定性好 ,放置 6
个 月也 无沉 积迹 象发 生 。 来源 : 《 中 国科 学报 》
温度低和原料可再生等优点 。同时对其性质的研究
结果显示 ,由该方法合成得到的荧光碳纳米颗粒具
胜教授团队通过设计一种新 的旋转平移制备法 ,首 次成功制备出可拉伸的线状超级 电容器 ,从而有效
结合 了高分子材料 的弹性及碳纳米管的优异 电学和
有如下特点 :1 . 很高的荧光 量子产率 ;2 . 很好 的
中科院宁波材料所研究人员采用生物分子辅助 合成技术制备 了具有高稳定分散 的水溶性纳米铜颗 粒 ,从而为合成在生物技术领域有潜在应用的多种
纳 米 颗 粒 提 供 了一 种 有 效 方 法 。相 关 成 果 发 表 于
《 胶体与界面科学杂志》 。该制备过程 中不添加任何
其 他 的介 质 稳 定 剂 .有 效 避 免 了 有 机 残 留物 的生
化 学 杂志 A 》 。 核泄漏 造 成 的核 辐 射污染 是 目前 已知 核 能应 用
制备出可拉伸的线状超级电容器 。这种电容器可弯 曲 、折叠 和 拉伸 .且在 拉 伸 7 5 %的情 况下 仍 能 1 0 0 %保持 电容器 的各项性能 。这种线状 电容器可 进一步编织成各种形状 的织物 ,并可集成于各种微 型 电子器件上 .从而满 足未来对 于微型能源 的需
法 。该成 果最 近发表 在 《 美 国化 学会 志》上 ( J .
A m. C h e m. S o c . ,2 0 1 3 ,1 3 5 ,1 6 0 8 2 ) 。
纳米金属颗粒物原位催化 英文
纳米金属颗粒物原位催化英文In-situ Catalysis of Nanometal Particles.Nanometal particles, with their unique physicochemical properties, have emerged as promising catalysts in various chemical reactions. The concept of in-situ catalysis, which involves the utilization of these nanoparticles directly at the reaction site, offers significant advantages such as improved activity, selectivity, and efficiency. In this article, we delve into the principles, applications, and challenges associated with in-situ catalysis using nanometal particles.Principles of In-situ Catalysis.In-situ catalysis refers to the use of catalysts that are generated or activated directly within the reaction mixture, rather than being added as preformed entities. In the context of nanometal particles, this approach allowsfor a more intimate interaction between the catalyst andthe reactants, leading to enhanced catalytic activity. The small size of these nanoparticles ensures a high surface-to-volume ratio, which in turn results in a greater numberof active sites available for catalysis.The catalytic activity of nanometal particles isfurther enhanced by their unique electronic and structural properties. The quantum size effects observed in nanoparticles lead to changes in their electronic structure, which can significantly alter their catalytic behavior. Additionally, the high surface energy of nanoparticles promotes their stability and prevents sintering, even at elevated temperatures, maintaining their catalytic activity over extended periods.Applications of In-situ Catalysis.The applications of in-situ catalysis using nanometal particles are diverse and span across various fields of chemistry and engineering. Some of the key applications include:1. Organic Synthesis: Nanometal particles, especially those of platinum, palladium, and gold, have found widespread use in organic synthesis reactions such as hydrogenation, carbon-carbon bond formation, and oxidation reactions. Their use in in-situ catalysis allows for more efficient and selective transformations.2. Fuel Cells: Nanometal particles, particularly those of platinum and palladium, are key components in the electrodes of fuel cells. Their in-situ catalysis promotes the efficient oxidation of fuels such as hydrogen, leading to improved fuel cell performance.3. Photocatalysis: The combination of nanometal particles with photocatalysts such as titanium dioxide offers a powerful tool for solar-driven reactions. The in-situ generation of reactive species at the interface of these materials enhances photocatalytic activity and selectivity.Challenges and Future Directions.While the potential of in-situ catalysis using nanometal particles is immense, there are several challenges that need to be addressed. One of the key challenges is the stability of these nanoparticles under reaction conditions. The aggregation and sintering of nanoparticles can lead to a decrease in their catalytic activity. To address this, strategies such as stabilization by ligands or supports, and the use of bimetallic or core-shell structures have been explored.Another challenge lies in the scale-up of these processes for industrial applications. While laboratory-scale experiments often demonstrate promising results, translating these findings to large-scale operations can be challenging due to factors such as mass transport limitations and heat management.Future research in in-situ catalysis with nanometal particles could focus on developing more robust and stable catalyst systems. The exploration of new nanomaterials with enhanced catalytic properties, as well as the optimization of reaction conditions and reactor designs, are likely tobe key areas of interest. Additionally, the integration ofin-situ catalysis with other technologies such as microfluidics and nanoreactors could lead to more efficient and sustainable catalytic processes.In conclusion, the field of in-situ catalysis using nanometal particles offers significant potential for enhancing the efficiency and selectivity of chemical reactions. While there are still challenges to be addressed, the ongoing research in this area is likely to lead to transformative advancements in catalysis and beyond.。
生物制药与研究2018·10180Chenmical Intermediate当代化工研究微藻遗传改造的方法及应用进展*缪东来(浙江省杭州学军中学 浙江 310012)摘要:随着人们对微藻在能源和资源方面应用需求的增加,现有藻种的性状已不能满足应用的需要,对微藻进行遗传改造越来越必要。
关键词:微藻;遗传改造方法;随机插入;RNA干扰;基因组编辑中图分类号:R 文献标识码:AProgress in Methods and Applications of Microalgae Genetic TransformationMou Donglai(Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School, Zhejiang, 310012)Abstract :With the increasing application requirements for microalgae in energy and resources, the characteristics of the existing algaespecies can no longer meet the demand of application, so it is more and more necessary to carry out genetic transformation on microalgae. This paper briefly introduces the application of transformation techniques such as microinjection, glass bead method, electric transformation method, gene gun method and Agrobacterium transformation method in the genetic transformation of algae, and briefly summarizes the genetic transformation methods of microalgae such as constructing random insertion mutant library, RNA interference and genome editing technology, hoping to provide references for scientific researchers in this field.Key words :microalgae ;genetic modification methods ;random insertion ;RNA interference ;genome editing随着全球人口的不断增长,对能源和资源的需求不断增加,由于化石能源和土地资源的不可再生性,人们面临着能源短缺、资源匮乏以及由化石燃料燃烧带来的环境污染问题。
大 学 化 学Univ. Chem. 2024, 39 (3), 78收稿:2023-09-01;录用:2023-10-19;网络发表:2023-11-13*通讯作者,Email:***************.cn•专题• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202309004 如何根据外观辨识单一手性晶体?王海英1,*,苏纪豪21川北医学院医学影像四川省重点实验室,四川南充 637000 2厦门大学化学化工学院,福建 厦门 361005摘要:有些消旋体结晶过程中的自发拆分会导致对映异构体单晶呈现不同的外观状态。
关键词:自发拆分;半面体面;宏观形态;偏光颜色;表面形貌中图分类号:G64;O6How to Visually Identify Homochiral CrystalsHaiying Wang 1,*, Andrew C.-H. Sue 21 Sichuan Key Laboratory of Medical Imaging, North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637000, Sichuan Province, China.2 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian Province, China.Abstract: During the crystallization process of certain racemic compounds, spontaneous resolution can lead to distinctive external appearances of enantiomeric crystal forms. This article offers a comprehensive overview and delineates four methods for identification, namely, examining hemihedral faces, assessing macromorphology, employing circular polarization, and analyzing surface topography. These identification techniques serve as invaluable tools and viewpoints for studying the crystallization behavior of chiral compounds, holding significant potential across diverse applications in pharmaceutical production, materials science, and chemical synthesis.Key Words: Spontaneous resolution; Hemihedral faces; Macromorphology; Circular polarization;Surface topography手性(Chirality)是指物体与其镜像图形无法完全重合的性质[1]。
微纳米材料中的多功能过渡金属羰基CO 释放分子(CORMs)因其独特的光学、电子和催化性质在许多领域如医药、环保和能源领域都有重要的应用。
二、CORMs及其复合体系的构建2.1 CORMs的介绍CORMs是一种以过渡金属为基础的有机化合物,它们可以控制地释放CO气体,这使得它们在多个领域具有独特的应用。
2.2 微纳米过渡金属CORMs的构建微纳米尺寸的CORMs,因其更小的尺寸和更大的比表面积,使得它们在反应中具有更高的活性和效率。
2.3 复合体系的构建为了进一步增强CORMs的性能,我们通过与其他材料进行复合,构建了多功能微纳米过渡金属CORMs复合体系。
三、性能研究3.1 光学性能研究通过紫外-可见光谱分析,我们发现微纳米CORMs在特定波长下具有明显的吸收峰,这表明它们具有独特的光学性质。
3.2 电子性能研究利用电子显微镜和电子能谱分析,我们发现微纳米CORMs 具有较高的电子传输效率。
3.3 催化性能研究我们通过一系列的催化实验发现,微纳米CORMs复合体系在多种反应中表现出良好的催化活性。
植物基因组中微型反向重复转座元件(MITE)研究进展1孙海悦,张志宏*沈阳农业大学园艺学院,沈阳(110161)E-mail:zhangz@摘要:微型反向重复转座元件(miniature inverted repeat transposable element, MITE)是一类特殊的转座元件,其在结构上与有缺失的DNA转座子相似,但具有反转录转座子高拷贝数的特点。
关键词:微型反向重复转座元件,基因,进化转座元件(transposable elements)是指在生物细胞中能从同一条染色体的一个位点转移到另一个位点或者从一条染色体转移到另一条染色体上的DNA序列。
转座元件是真核生物基因组的主要成分,根据转座媒介的不同而分为两类,即类型I和类型II (Casacuberta and Santiago, 2003)。
类型I转座元件以RNA为媒介进行转座,即作为DNA的转座元件首先被转录为RNA,再借助反转录酶/RNase H反转录为DNA,插入到新的染色体位点,因此,类型I转座元件也被称为反转录转座子(retrotransposon)。
类型II转座元件直接以DNA为媒介进行转座,因此,类型II转座元件也被称为DNA转座子(DNA transposon)。
反转录转座子的“复制和粘贴”转座机制使其可以快速地增加拷贝数,所以在真核生物基因组中占很高的比例;而DNA转座子的“剪切和粘贴”转座机制不增加拷贝数,所以其在基因组中仅有少量重复(Bennetzen, 2000)。
微型反向重复转座元件(miniature inverted repeat transposable element, MITE)是20世纪90年代发现的一类特殊的DNA 转座子(Bureau and Wessler, 1992;Bureau and Wessler, 1994),其在结构上与非自主DNA转座子相似,但具有反转录转座子的高拷贝数特点 (Feschotte, et al., 2002a)。
Effect of alloying elements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured
LetterEffect of alloying elements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured ferritic steels produced by spark plasmasinteringSomayeh Pasebani,Indrajit Charit ⇑Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering,University of Idaho,Moscow,ID 83844,USAa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 23November 2013Received in revised form 23January 2014Accepted 29January 2014Available online 15February 2014Keywords:NanostructuresMechanical alloying Powder metallurgyTransmission electron microscopy High temperature alloya b s t r a c tSeveral Fe–14Cr based alloys with varying compositions were processed using a combined route of mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering.Microstructural characteristics of the consolidated alloys were examined via transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography,and mechanical prop-erties evaluated using microhardness nthanum oxide (0.5wt.%)was added to Fe–14Cr leading to improvement in microstructural stability and mechanical properties mainly due to a high number den-sity of La–Cr–O-enriched nanoclusters.The combined addition of La,Ti (1wt.%)and Mo (0.3wt.%)to the Fe–14Cr base composition further enhanced the microstructural stability and mechanical properties.Nanoclusters enriched in Cr–Ti–La–O with a number density of 1.4Â1024m À3were found in this alloy with a bimodal grain size distribution.After adding Y 2O 3(0.3wt.%)along with Ti and Mo to the Fe–14Cr matrix,a high number density (1.5Â1024m À3)of Cr–Ti–Y–O-enriched NCs was also detected.For-mation mechanism of these nanoclusters can be explained through the concentrations and diffusion rates of the initial oxide species formed during the milling process and initial stages of sintering as well as the thermodynamic nucleation barrier and their enthalpy of formation.Ó2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionNanostructured ferritic steels (NFSs),a subcategory of oxide dis-persion strengthened (ODS)steels,have outstanding high temper-ature strength,creep strength [1,2]and excellent radiation damage resistance [3].These enhanced properties of NFSs have been attrib-uted to the high number density of Y–Ti–O-enriched nanoclusters (NCs)with diameter of 1–2nm [4].The Y–Ti–O-enriched NCs have been found to be stable under irradiation and effective in trapping helium [5].These NCs are formed due to the mechanical alloying (MA)of Fe–Cr–Ti powder with Y 2O 3during high energy ball milling followed by hot consolidation route such as hot isostatic pressing (HIP)or hot extrusion [6–8].Alinger et al.[4]have investigated the effect of alloying elements on the formation mechanism of NCs in NFSs processed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP)and reported both Ti and high milling energy were necessary for the formation of ler and Parish [9]suggested that the excellent creep properties in yttria-bearing NFSs result from the pinning of thegrain boundaries by a combined effect of solute segregation and precipitation.Although HIP and hot extrusion are commonly used to consoli-date the NFSs,anisotropic properties and processing costs are con-sidered challenging issues.Recently,spark plasma sintering (SPS)has been utilized to sinter the powder at a higher heating rate,low-er temperature and shorter dwell time.This can be done by apply-ing a uniaxial pressure and direct current pulses simultaneously to a powder sample contained in a graphite die [10].Except for a few studies on consolidation of simple systems such as Fe–9Cr–0.3/0.6Y 2O 3[11]and Fe–14Cr–0.3Y 2O 3[10],the SPS process has not been extensively utilized to consolidate the NFSs with complex compositions.Recently,the role of Ti and Y 2O 3in processing of Fe–16Cr–3Al–1Ti–0.5Y 2O 3(wt.%)via MA and SPS was investigated by Allahar et al.[12].A bimodal grain size distribution in conjunc-tion with Y–Ti–O-enriched NCs were obtained [12,13].In this study,Fe–14Cr (wt.%)was designed as the base or matrix alloy,and then Ti,La 2O 3and Mo were sequentially added to the ferritic matrix and ball milled.This approach allowed us to study the effect of individual and combined addition of solutes on the formation of NCs along with other microstructural evolutions.Furthermore,SPS instead of other traditional consolidation methods was used to consolidate the NFS powder.The mixture/10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.01.2430925-8388/Ó2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+12088855964;fax:+12088857462.E-mail address:icharit@ (I.Charit).of Fe–Cr–Ti–Mo powder with Y2O3was also processed and characterized in a similar manner for comparison with the rest of the developed alloys.2.ExperimentalThe chemical compositions of all the developed alloys along with their identi-fying names in this study are given in Table1.High energy ball milling was per-formed in a SPEX8000M shaker mill for10h using Ar atmosphere with the milling media as steel balls of8mm in diameter and a ball to powder ratio(BPR) of10:1.A Dr.Sinter Lab SPS-515S was used to consolidate the as-milled powder at different temperatures(850,950and1050°C)for7min using the pulse pattern 12–2ms,a heating rate of100°C/min and a pressure of80MPa.The SPSed samples were in the form of disks with8mm in height and12mm in diameter.The density of the sintered specimens was measured by Archimedes’method. Vickers microhardness tests were performed using a Leco LM100microhardness tester operated at a load of1000g–f(9.8N).A Fischione Model110Twin-Jet Elec-tropolisher containing a mixture of CH3OH–HNO3(80:20by vol.%)as the electrolyte and operated at aboutÀ40°C was used to prepare specimens for transmission elec-tron microscopy(TEM).A FEI Tecnai TF30–FEG STEM operating at300kV was used. The energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS)attached with the STEM was used to roughly examine the chemical composition of the particles.A Quanta3D FEG instrument with a Ga-ion source focused ion beam(FIB)was used to prepare spec-imens for atom probe tomography(APT)studies on14L,14LMT and14YMT sam-ples.The APT analysis was carried out using a CAMECA LEAP4000X HR instrument operating in the voltage mode at50–60K and20%of the standing volt-age pulse fraction.The atom maps were reconstructed using CAMECA IVAS3.6soft-ware and the maximum separation algorithm to estimate the size and chemical composition of NCs.This was applied to APT datasets each containing20–30million ions for each specimen.Lower evaporationfield of the nanoparticles and trajectory aberrations caused estimation of higher Fe atoms in the nanoclusters.Although the contribution of Fe atoms from the matrix was examined here,the matrix-correction was not addressed in this study.3.Results and discussionThe TEM brightfield micrographs for the various alloys SPSed at 950°C for7min are illustrated in Fig.1a–d.The microstructure of 14Cr alloy shown in Fig.1a revealed a complex microstructure with submicron subgrain-like structures,relatively high density of dislocations and low number density of oxide nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were larger(25–65nm)than the other SPSed al-loys and found to have chemical compositions close to Cr2O3and FeCr2O4as analyzed by energy dispersive spectroscopy.The microstructure of the consolidated14L alloy is shown in Fig.1b.The microstructure consisted of more ultrafine grains (<1l m but>100nm),a few nanograins with sharp boundaries and a higher number of nanoparticles mainly in the grain interiors. The number density of nanoparticles was higher than that of14Cr alloy shown in Fig.1a but lower than14LMT(Fig.1c)and14YMT (Fig.1d).In14L alloy,the nanoparticles with2–11nm in diameter were found inside the grains(hard to be observed at magnification given in Fig.1b and micrographs taken at higher magnifications was used for this purpose)whereas the nanoparticles with 50–80nm in diameter were located at the grain boundary regions. The particles on the boundaries are likely to be mainly Cr2O3and LaCrO3,but the chemical analysis of those smallest particles could not be done precisely due to the significant influence of the ferritic matrix.Fig.1c shows the microstructure of the SPSed14LMT alloy, consisting of both ultrafine grains(as defined previously)and nanograins(6100nm).The nanoparticles present in the micro-structure were complex oxides of Fe,Cr and Ti.The nanoparticles with faceted morphology and smaller than10nm in diameter were enriched in La and Ti.No evidence of stoichiometric La2TiO5or La2Ti2O7particles was observed based on the EDS and diffraction data.A similar type of microstructure was revealed in the SPSed 14YMT alloy as shown in Fig.1d.The particle size distribution histograms of the14Cr,14L, 14LMT and14YMT alloys are plotted in Fig.2a–d,respectively. Approximately1000particles were sampled from each alloy to de-velop the histograms.The average particle size decreased in order of14Cr,14L,14LMT and14YMT.The highest fraction of the particle size as shown in the histograms of14Cr,14L,14LMT and14YMT was found to be associated with25±5nm(18±2.5%),10±5nm (28±3%),5±1nm(40±6%)and5±1nm(46±5%)in diameter, respectively.The number density of nanoparticles smaller than 5±1nm was higher in14YMT than14LMT alloy.The3-D APT maps for14L alloy revealed a number density (%3Â1022mÀ3)of CrO–La–O-enriched NCs.The average Guinier radius of these NCs was1.9±0.6nm.The average composition of the NCs in14L was estimated by using the maximum separation algorithm to be Fe–17.87±3.4Cr–32.61±3.2O–8.21±1.1La(at.%).A higher number density(%1.4Â1024mÀ3)and smaller NCs with average Guinier radius of 1.43±0.20nm were observed in the APT maps for14LMT alloy as shown in Fig.3a.The NCs were Cr–Ti–La–O-enriched with the average composition of Fe–10.9±2.8Cr–30.9±3.1O–17.3±2.5Ti–8.2±2.2La(at.%).According to the LEAP measurements,the chemical composition of NCs dif-fered considerably from stoichiometric oxides.A large amount of Fe and Cr was detected inside the NCs,and La/Ti and La/O ratios were not consistent with La2TiO5or La2Ti2O7as expected based on thermodynamic calculations,rather the ratios were sub-stoichi-ometric.The3-D APT maps for14YMT alloy were similar to14YMT alloy as shown in Fig.3b.The NCs with an average radius of 1.24±0.2nm and a number density of1.5Â1024mÀ3were Cr–Ti–Y–O-enriched.The chemical composition of NCs was estimated close to Fe–8.52±3.1Cr–37.39±4.5O–24.52±3.1Ti–10.95±3.1Y (at.%).The matrix-corrected compositions are currently being ana-lyzed and will be reported in a full-length publication in near future.The relative density of various alloys sintered at850–1050°C is shown in Fig.4a.Generally,a higher density was obtained in the specimens sintered at higher temperatures.At850and950°C, the density of unmilled14Cr specimen(97.2%and97.5%)was higher than the milled/SPSed14Cr(92.8%and95.5%)because the unmilled powder particles were less hard(due to absence of strain hardening)and plastically deformed to a higher degree than the milled powder leading to a higher density.Adding0.5and 0.7wt.%of La2O3and0.3wt.%Y2O3to the14Cr matrix significantly decreased the density of the specimen,especially at850and 950°C;however,adding Ti to14L and14Y improved the density to some extent.The microhardness data of various alloys processed at different temperatures are shown in Fig.4b.In general,microhardness in-creased with increasing SPS temperatures up to950°C and then decreased.Both Y and La increased the hardness due to the disper-sion hardening effect.The hardness increased at the higher content of La due to the greater effect of dispersion hardening.Adding Ti separately to the14Cr matrix improved the hardness due to theTable1The alloy compositions and processing conditions(milled for10h and SPSed at850-1050°C for7min).Alloy ID Elements(wt.%)Cr Ti La2O3Y2O3Mo Fe14Cr-unmilled140000Bal.14Cr140000Bal.14T141000Bal.14L1400.500Bal.14Y14000.30Bal.14LM1400.500.3Bal.14LT1410.500Bal.14LMT(0.3)1410.300.3Bal.14LMT1410.500.3Bal.14LMT(0.7)1410.700.3Bal.14YMT14100.30.3Bal.S.Pasebani,I.Charit/Journal of Alloys and Compounds599(2014)206–211207dispersion hardening but only at lower temperature(850°C).The coarsening of Ti-enriched particles at above850°C plausibly decreased the hardness.However,at950°C,higher hardness (457HV)was achieved by a combined addition of La and Ti toFig.2.Particle size frequency histogram for(a)14Cr,(b)14L,(c)14LMT and(d)14YMT alloys. Fig.1.TEM brightfield micrographs for various alloys(a)14Cr,(b)14L,(c)14LMT and(d)14YMT.the14Cr matrix to produce14LT.Further addition of Mo to14LT improved the hardness through solid solution strengthening in 14LMT(495HV).High dislocation density and no well-defined grain boundaries were characteristics of14Cr alloy as shown in Fig.1a.The presence of a low number density and larger oxide particles(FeCr2O4and Cr2O3)at the boundaries could not create an effective pinning effect during sintering.As a result,some of these particles became confined within the grain interiors.The coarse grains had the capacity to produce and store high density of dislocations that subsequently resulted in the strain hardening effect.The hardening mechanism in14Cr alloy can thus be attributed to greater disloca-tion activities and resulting strain hardening effect.The grain boundary or precipitation hardening cannot be the dominant mechanism because of larger particles,greater inter-particle spac-ing and weakened Zener drag effect at the temperature of sinter-ing.Such strain hardening capability in nanocrystalline Fe consolidated via SPS was reported by other researchers,too [14,15].Interestingly,the high hardness in Fe–14Cr alloy consoli-dated via SPS at1100°C for4min by Auger et al.[10]wasFig.3.Three-dimensional atom maps showing NCs for(a)14LMT–91Â34Â30nm3and(b)14YMT–93Â30Â30nm3.Fig.4.(a)The relative density and(b)microhardness values for different SPSed alloys processed at different SPS temperatures for a dwell time of7min.attributed to the formation of martensitic laths caused by higher carbon content diffusing from the die,possible Cr segregation and rapid cooling during SPS.It is noteworthy to mention that no martensite lath was observed in the consolidated14Cr alloy in the present study.The level of solutes in the bcc matrix could be much greater than the equilibrium level,associated with a large number of vacancies created during milling.Our recent study[16]has shown that high energy ball milling has a complex role in initiating nucle-ation of La–Ti–O-enriched NCs in14LMT alloy powder,with a mean radius of%1nm,a number density of3.7Â10À24mÀ3and a composition of Fe–12.11Cr–9.07Ti–4.05La(at.%).The initiation of NCs during ball milling of NFSs has also been investigated by other researchers[8,17,18].According to Williams et al.[8],due to a low equilibrium solubility of O in the matrix,the precipitation of nanoparticles is driven by an oxidation reaction,subsequently resulting in reduction of the free energy.As the SPS proceeds,the number density of NCs would decrease and larger grain boundary oxides would form with the grain structure developing simulta-neously during the sintering process[8].Formation of larger grain boundary oxides as shown in Fig.1a could have been preceded by segregation of O and Cr to grain boundaries leading to a decrease in the level of the solutes in the ferritic matrix.The initial oxides forming in a chromium-rich matrix can be Cr2O3as suggested by Williams et al.[8].However,formation of LaCrO3in14L alloy (shown in Fig.1b)was associated with a higher reduction in the free energy according to the enthalpy of formation of various oxi-des given in Table2.The presence of nanoparticles caused grain boundary pinning and subsequently stabilized the nanocrystalline grains.The high density of defects(dislocations and vacancies)in a supersaturated solid solution,such as14LMT and14YMT alloys, could dramatically increase the driving force for accelerated sub-grain formation during the initial stage of sintering.At the initial stage,the vacancies created during the milling are annihilated [8,17].Meanwhile,the temperature is not high enough to produce a significant number of thermal vacancies;subsequently,any nucleation of new NCs will be prevented.As the SPS proceeds with no nucleation of new NCs,the high concentrations of extra solutes in the matrix are thermodynamically and kinetically required to precipitate out to form larger oxide particles.The larger solute-enriched oxide particles can be formed more favorably on the grain boundaries due to the higher boundary diffusivity.On the other hand,it should be considered that there is a dynamic plastic deformation occurring within the powder particles during SPS. The interaction of larger particles and dislocations introduced by dynamic hot deformation can explain the coarsening in some grains;because larger particles could not effectively pin the dislo-cations and the grain boundary migration could be facilitated fol-lowing the orientation with lower efficiency of Zener drag mechanism[19].Once the extra solutes present in the matrix pre-cipitated out,the microstructure will remain very stable because of the grain boundary pinning by triple-junctions of the grain bound-aries themselves[20],along with the high density of NCs and other ultrafine oxide particles[8].Further coarsening of the grains will be prevented even for longer dwell times at950°C.Therefore,a bi-modal grain size distribution emerged.The hardening of14LMT and14YMT alloys were attributed to a combined effect of solid solution strengthening,Hall-Petch strengthening and precipitation hardening.Based on the APT studies of the as-milled powder[16]and for-mation mechanism of the oxide particles suggested by Williams et al.[8]it could be speculated that in14LMT and14YMT alloys, Cr–O species formfirst and then absorb Ti and La/Y.This is associ-ated with a change in the interfacial energy of Cr–O species even though it is not thermodynamically the most favorable oxide.It has been established that the driving force for the oxide precipi-tates to form is the low solubility limit of oxygen in the ferritic ma-trix.The change in free energy due to oxidation reaction and nucleation of oxide nanoparticles is the leading mechanism[8].The majority of the oxygen required to generate the oxide nano-particles may be provided from the surface oxide during milling process.Furthermore,higher concentrations of Cr led to greater nucleation of Cr–O by influencing the kinetics of oxide formation. Concentrations and diffusivities of the oxide species along with the energy barrier for nucleation will control the nucleation of oxide nanoparticles.After the Cr–O formed during sintering,the Ti–O and Y/La-enriched clusters could form.The sub-stoichiome-tric NCs in14LMT and14YMT alloys were not due to insufficient level of O in the matrix[8].Formation of stoichiometric Y2Ti2O7 and Y2TiO5requires very high temperatures[8],which were outside the scope of this study.4.ConclusionThe SPSed Fe–14Cr alloy was found to have a higher hardness at room temperature due to the strain hardening effect.The stability of its microstructure at high temperatures was improved by addi-tion of La forming the Cr–La–O-enriched NCs.Adding La and Ti to Fe–14Cr matrix significantly improved the mechanical behavior and microstructural stability further due to the high number density of Cr–Ti–La–O-enriched NCs in14LMT alloy.It is demon-strated that the potential capability of La in developing new NFSs is promising but further investigations on their thermal and irradiation stability will still be required.AcknowledgementThis work was supported partly by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Idaho National Laboratory (INL),and by the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility(ATR NSUF),Contract DE-AC07-05ID14517.The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the staff members at the Microscopy and Characterization Suite(MaCS)facility at the Center for Advanced Energy Studies(CAES).References[1]M.J.Alinger,G.R.Odette,G.E.Lucas,J.Nucl.Mater.307–311(2002)484.[2]R.L.Klueh,J.P.Shingledecker,R.W.Swindeman,D.T.Hoelzer,J.Nucl.Mater.341(2005)103.[3]M.J.Alinger,G.R.Odette,D.T.Hoelzer,J.Nucl.Mater.329–333(2004)382.[4]M.J.Alinger,G.R.Odette,D.T.Hoelzer,Acta Mater.57(2009)392.Table2The standard enthalpies of formation of various oxide compounds at25°C[8,21,22].Element CompositionÀD H f(kJ molÀ1(oxide))Cr Cr2O31131CrO2583Fe Fe3O41118Fe2O3822Ti TiO543TiO2944Ti2O31522Ti3O52475Y Y2O31907YCrO31493Y2Ti2O73874La La2O31794La2Ti2O73855LaCrO31536210S.Pasebani,I.Charit/Journal of Alloys and Compounds599(2014)206–211[5]G.R.Odette,M.L.Alinger,B.D.Wirth,Annu.Rev.Mater.Res.38(2008)471.[6]ai,T.Okuda,M.Fujiwara,T.Kobayashi,S.Mizuta,H.Nakashima,J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.39(2002)872.[7]ai,M.Fujiwara,J.Nucl.Mater.307–311(2002)749.[8]C.A.Williams,P.Unifantowicz,N.Baluc,G.D.Smith,E.A.Marquis,Acta Mater.61(2013)2219.[9]ler,C.M.Parish,Mater.Sci.Technol.27(2011)729.[10]M.A.Auger,V.De Castro,T.Leguey,A.Muñoz,Pareja,R,J.Nucl.Mater.436(2013)68.[11]C.Heintze,M.Hernández-Mayoral, A.Ulbricht, F.Bergner, A.Shariq,T.Weissgärber,H.Frielinghaus,J.Nucl.Mater.428(2012)139.[12]K.N.Allahar,J.Burns,B.Jaques,Y.Q.Wu,I.Charit,J.I.Cole,D.P.Butt,J.Nucl.Mater.443(2013)256.[13]Y.Q.Wu,K.N.Allahar,J.Burns,B.Jaques,I.Charit,D.P.Butt,J.I.Cole,Cryst.Res.Technol.(2013)1,/10.1002/crat.201300173.[14]K.Oh-Ishi,H.W.Zhang Hw,T.Ohkubo,K.Hono,Mater.Sci.Eng.A456(2007)20.[15]B.Srinivasarao,K.Ohishi,T.Ohkubo,K.Hono,Acta Mater.57(2009)3277.[16]S.Pasebani,I.Charit,Y.Q.Wu, D.P.Butt,J.I.Cole,Acta Mater.61(2013)5605.[17]M.L.Brocq,F.Legendre,M.H.Mathon,A.Mascaro,S.Poissonnet,B.Radiguet,P.Pareige,M.Loyer,O.Leseigneur,Acta Mater.60(2012)7150.[18]M.Brocq,B.Radiguet,S.Poissonnet,F.Cuvilly,P.Pareige,F.Legendre,J.Nucl.Mater.409(2011)80.[19]H.K.D.H.Bhadeshia,Mater.Sci.Eng.A223(1997)64.[20]H.K.D.H.Bhadeshia,Mater.Sci.Technol.16(2000)1404.[21]W.Gale,T.Totemeier,Smithells Metals Reference Book,Amsterdam,Holland,2004.[22]T.J.Kallarackel,S.Gupta,P.Singh,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.(2013)1,http:///10.1111/jace.12435.S.Pasebani,I.Charit/Journal of Alloys and Compounds599(2014)206–211211。
有序的三元自组装电化学能量存储的金属氧化物—石墨烯纳米复合材料王东涵,孔荣,Daiwon Cho,杨振国,Zimin Nie,李娟,Laxmikant V. Saraf胡德红,张继光,刘军,Gordon L. Graff,Michael A. Pope,Ilhan A. Aksay摘要:表面活性剂或者聚合物已经广泛研究自组装的制备金属氧化物纳米材料,半导体,聚合物,但这种方法大多局限于两相材料,有机/无机杂化材料,和纳米颗粒或聚合物基纳米复合材料。
第52卷第12期表面技术2023年12月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·315·医用镁合金微弧氧化/有机复合涂层的研究现状及演进方向冀盛亚a,常成b,常帅兵c,倪艳荣a,李承斌a(河南工学院 a.电缆工程学院 b.车辆与交通工程学院c.电气工程与自动化学院,河南 新乡 453003)摘要:医用镁及镁合金过快的降解速率严重缩短了其有效服役时间,过高的析氢速率引发局部炎症,束缚了其临床应用前景。
在此基础上,明确指出以MAO/PCL (MAO/CS)复合涂层为基底涂层,通过PCL(CS)涂层与其他涂层的交叉组合,是实现医用镁合金植入材料的生物活性及多功能性的最佳路径。
关键词:镁合金;微弧氧化;有机材料;复合涂层;演进方向中图分类号:TG174.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)12-0315-20DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.12.026Research Status and Evolution Direction of Micro-arc Oxidation/Organic Composite Coating on Medical Magnesium Alloy SurfaceJI Sheng-ya a, CHANG Cheng b, CHANG Shuai-bing c, NI Yan-rong a, LI Cheng-bin a(a. School of Cable Engineering, b. School of Vehicle and Traffic Engineering, c. School of Electrical Engineering andAutomation, Henan Institute of Technology, Henan Xinxiang 453003, China)ABSTRACT: Good biosafety, biocompatibility and valuable self-degradation properties endow medical magnesium and magnesium alloys with great potential to replace inert implant materials in the field of traditional clinical applications.The excessive degradation rate of magnesium alloy, however, leads to its premature loss of structural integrity and mechanical support, being unable to complete the effective service time necessary for tissue healing of the implant site. At the same time, it is also its excessive degradation rate that leads to the intensification of hydrogen evolution reaction of收稿日期:2023-02-01;修订日期:2023-05-14Received:2023-02-01;Revised:2023-05-14基金项目:河南省科技攻关项目(222102310337,222102240104,232102241029);博士科研资金(9001/KQ1846)Fund:Henan Province Science and Technology Research Project (222102310337, 222102240104, 232102241029); Doctoral Research Funding (9001/KQ1846)引文格式:冀盛亚, 常成, 常帅兵, 等. 医用镁合金微弧氧化/有机复合涂层的研究现状及演进方向[J]. 表面技术, 2023, 52(12): 315-334.JI Sheng-ya, CHANG Cheng, CHANG Shuai-bing, et al. Research Status and Evolution Direction of Micro-arc Oxidation/Organic Composite·316·表面技术 2023年12月magnesium alloy. Because it cannot be absorbed by the human body in a short time, the excessive H2 will easily gather around the implant or form a subcutaneous airbag, which will not only cause the inflammation of the implant site, but also hinder the adhesion and growth of cells in the implant, limiting its clinical application prospects. Surface modification technology can effectively delay the degradation rate of medical magnesium and magnesium alloys, and reduce the rate of hydrogen evolution.Firstly, starting from the structure and performance characteristics of organic materials (phytic acid (PA), chitosan (CS), stearic acid (SA), dopamine (DA), polylactic acid glycolic acid copolymer (PLGA), polylactic acid (PLA), and polycaprolactone (PCL)), the mechanism of improving the corrosion resistance of magnesium and magnesium alloys by a single organic coating was analyzed, and the performance weaknesses of a single coating were also pointed out: ①Micro arc oxidation (MAO) is an anodic oxidation process that generates a highly adhesive ceramic oxide coating on the surface of an alloy immersed in an electrolyte through high voltage (up to 300 V) spark discharge. The continuous high voltage discharge and the bubbles generated by the reaction bring about the inevitable occurrence of a large number of volcanic micropores and cracks in the coating. The diversity of discharge modes also gives rise to the unpredictable morphology of micropores and cracks. Therefore, the preparation of a single MAO coating on different alloy surfaces does not only require proper adjustment of MAO electrical parameters (current density, voltage, duty cycle, frequency, oxidation time) and the coupling effect of its electrolyte system to decrease (small) the pores and cracks on the MAO coating surface, but also increases the sealing process at the later stage. ② A single organic coating has a low bonding strength with magnesium alloy, being easy to flake off. These performance weaknesses limit the protection effect of a single coating on magnesium alloy degradation.Secondly, from the perspectives of bonding strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility (biosafety, biocompatibility, induced regeneration, antibacterial and antibacterial properties, drug loading and sustained-release properties, and so on), the structural characteristics and advantages of each MAO/organic composite coating were elaborated in detail. It has revealed that MAO/organic composite coating has an enormous application potentiality in the field of surface modification of medical magnesium and magnesium alloys, thanks to its good corrosion inhibition and degradation performance. On this basis, it is clearly pointed out that, in order to achieve the biological activity and versatility of medical magnesium alloy implant materials, the best way is to adopt the MAO/PCL (MAO/CS) composite coating as the base coating and make the cross combination of PCL (CS) coating and other coatings. Finally, the evolution direction of magnesium alloy MAO/organic composite coating is scientifically predicted.KEY WORDS: magnesium alloy; micro-arc oxidation; organic materials; composite coating; evolution direction作为人体所必须的营养元素,镁不但辅助600多种酶的合成(包括参与、维护DNA和RNA聚合酶的正确结构和活性),而且改善胰岛素稳定和糖类正常代谢、舒张血管、降低冠心病、高血压及糖尿病的患病风险[1]。
2023 ,43(1) : 055J.SHANXI AGRIC, UNIV . ( N atural Science Edition )学报(自然科学版)04167温室微气候模拟与温室作物生长模型研究进展金梁1,魏丹1*,殷大伟2,邹国元1,张亦涛3,丁建莉1,王磊1,李艳1,左强1,申慧波4,王宇先4,王俊强4,孙磊5,王伟6,梁丽娜1,孙鑫2,王文7(1.北京市农林科学院 植物营养与资源环境研究所,北京 100097;2.黑龙江八一农垦大学,黑龙江 大庆 163319;3.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101;4.黑龙江省农业科学院 齐齐哈尔分院,黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006;5.黑龙江省农业科学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150086;6.黑龙江省黑土保护研究院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150086;7.北京农学院,北京 100096)摘要:现代的温室是一个复杂的环境系统,其中土壤、作物和微气候三个子系统间各种生物和非生物现象时常发生。
功能-结构植物模型(functional –structural plant modeling ,FSPM )是基于植物建筑学并结合气候和作物模块而形成,可以模拟单个植物的生长、形态以及它们与其生长环境的相互作用。
碳点-水凝胶 电催化 铀酰离子-概述说明以及解释
碳点-水凝胶电催化铀酰离子-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以如下所示:在当前环境保护和能源开发的背景下,研究人员越来越关注使用新材料和技术来解决能源和环境问题。
本文按照以下结构展开:1. 引言1.1 概述在本节中,将简要介绍碳点-水凝胶和铀酰离子等关键概念,并说明它们在电催化中的重要性。
不同脑小血管病负荷评分与伴无症状腔隙的脑小血管病患者认知功能的关系杜晓光,魏荣,刘琦慧,于力群,周丽摘要:目的 探讨不同脑小血管病(CSVD)负荷评分与伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者认知功能的关系。
方法 纳入2021年7月—2023年10月就诊于潍坊市人民医院神经内科的128例伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者,运用蒙特利尔量表(MoCA)、CSVD总负荷评分和改良负荷评分统计受试者的认知功能和CSVD负荷,分为认知障碍组(MoCA<26分)和无认知障碍组(MoCA≥26分),比较两组患者的人口社会学信息、血管病危险因素及CSVD负荷评分的差异。
采用线性回归分析MoCA评分与两种CSVD负荷评分的关系,采用趋势检验分析伴无症状腔隙的CSVD 患者认知障碍的发病趋势。
结果 研究共纳入伴无症状性腔隙的CSVD患者128例,其中认知障碍组68例(53.1%),无认知障碍组60例(46.9%),两组患者人口社会学信息及血管病危险因素差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
Spearman秩相关分析显示,CSVD 总负荷评分和改良负荷评分均与MoCA评分呈负相关(P<0.001)。
线性趋势χ2检验分析显示,伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者认知障碍发病风险随CSVD改良负荷评分增加而增加(P trend<0.05),该发病风险与CSVD总负荷评分间趋势分析无统计学意义(P trend=0.069)。
结论 CSVD总负荷评分和改良负荷评分均可用于筛检伴无症状腔隙的CSVD认知障碍患者。
关键词:脑小血管病;认知;腔隙中图分类号:R743 文献标识码:ARelationship between cerebral small vessel disease burden scores and cognitive function in patients with cerebral small vessel disease with asymptomatic lacunes DU Xiaoguang,WEI Rong,LIU Qihui, et al.(Department of Neurol⁃ogy, Weifang People′s Hospital, Weifang 261000, China)Abstract:Objective To investigate the relationship between cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) burden scores and cognitive function in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes.Methods A total of 128 patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes who visited the Department of Neurology of Weifang People′s Hospital from July 2021 to October 2023 were included. All the patients were scored using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) for cognitive function and using the total CSVD score and the modified CSVD score for CSVD burden. They were divided into cognitive impairment group (MoCA score<26)and non-cognitive impairment group (MoCA score≥26).The demographic information,vascular disease risk factors, and the CSVD scores of the two groups were compared. A linear regression analysis was performed to as⁃sess the relationship between the MoCA score and the two CSVD scores. A trend analysis was conducted to analyze the trend of incidence of cognitive impairment in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes.Results Among the 128 patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes, 68 (53.1%) were in the cognitive impairment group and 60 (46.9%) were in the non-cognitive impairment group. There were no significant differences in the demographic information and vascular disease risk factors between the two groups (P>0.05). The total CSVD score and the modified CSVD score differed significantly be⁃tween the two groups (P<0.05). The Spearman correlation analysis showed that the total and modified CSVD scores were sig⁃nificantly negatively correlated with the MoCA score (P<0.001). The chi-square test for linear trend revealed that the cogni⁃tive impairment risk increased significantly with the modified CSVD score in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes (P trend<0.05), but with no significance for the total CSVD score (P trend=0.069).Conclusion Both the total and modified CSVD scores are useful tools to detect cognitive impairment in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes, and the modi⁃fied CSVD score may be superior in identifying patients at high risk of cognitive impairment.Key words:Cerebral small vessel disease;Cognition;Lacune脑小血管病(cerebral small vessel disease,CSVD)是血管性认知障碍的主要原因[1]。
化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2022年第41卷第6期纳米木质素基多孔炭的制备及其电化学性能娄瑞1,刘钰1,田杰1,张亚男2(1陕西科技大学机电工程学院,陕西西安710021;2陕西科技大学化学与化工学院,陕西西安710021)摘要:基于绿色低共熔溶剂(DES )高效分离麦草生物质组分以制备纳米木质素(LNP ),本文采用化学活化法并进一步热解炭化制备纳米木质素基多孔炭(LNPC )。
借助SEM 、Raman 、BET-物理吸附等分析手段研究了锌系活化剂及热解炭化温度(600℃、700℃、800℃)对LNPC 的结构特征及电化学性能的影响。
研究结果表明,相对于LNP 直接热解炭化后纳米碳粒子的极易团聚,经锌化物活化后所制备的LNPC 表现出更好的分散性和多级孔道形貌结构。
尤其,以ZnCO 3活化后制备的LNPC-ZnCO 3-800具有更突出的性能,较高石墨化程度(I D /I G 为0.68)、较高BET 比表面积(679m 2/g )、高介孔率(86.7%)、均匀纳米碳粒子构成的介孔结构。
此外,以LNPC-ZnCO 3-800制备的工作电极,在0.5A/g 时的比电容可达179F/g ,与直接热解炭化的LNPC-800(64F/g )相比,其比电容的容量提高了180%。
关键词:纳米木质素;活化;热解;多孔炭;电化学中图分类号:TK6文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-6613(2022)06-3170-08Preparation of LNP-based hierarchical porous carbon and itselectrochemical propertiesLOU Rui 1,LIU Yu 1,TIAN Jie 1,ZHANG Yanan 2(1College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science and Technology,Xi ’an 710021,Shaanxi,China;2College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science and Technology,Xi ’an710021,Shaanxi,China)Abstract:Based on green deep eutectic solvent (DES),wheat straw biomass fractionations were efficiently isolated to prepare lignin nanoparticles (LNP).LNP-based carbon (LNPC)with hierarchical porous microstructure was prepared by chemical activation and further pyrolysis and carbonization.The influences of Zn-activators and pyrolysis temperatures (600℃,700℃,800℃)on the structural properties and electrochemical performances of LNPC were studied by means of SEM,Raman,BET analyzers,etc .The results proved that the activated LNPC with Zn-activators exhibited better dispersibility and more hierarchical porous morphology compared with LNPC from direct pyrolysis consisted of massive carbon nanoparticles aggregation.In particular,LNPC-ZnCO 3-800possessed outstanding performances on better graphitization (I D /I G =0.68),higher BET specific surface area (679m 2/g),more mesoporous pores (86.7%)and uniform carbon nanoparticles.Moreover,LNPC-ZnCO 3-800had a high specific capacitance of 179F/g at a current density of 0.5A/g,which was 180%higher than that of LNPC-800(64F/g).Keywords:lignin nanoparticles;activation;pyrolysis;porous carbon;electrochemical研究开发DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2021-1567收稿日期:2021-07-23;修改稿日期:2021-09-18。
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微小RNAs在牙釉质发育过程中的表达和作用周雅川;周学东;郑黎薇【摘要】microRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous short, noncoding RNAs that can negatively regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally. miRNAs are involved in multiple developmental events in various tissues and organs, including dental enamel development. Any disruption during enamel development may result in inherited enamel malformations. This article reviews the expression and function of miRNAs in enamel development.%微小RNAs(microRNAs)是一类内源性的短链非编码RNA,在转录后水平调控基因的表达,在各项生物发生过程中发挥重要的调控作用.牙釉质发育过程中任何信号的干扰和突变都可能导致牙釉质形成障碍.本文对miRNAs在牙釉质发育过程中的表达和作用机制进行综述.【期刊名称】《华西口腔医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2017(035)003【总页数】6页(P328-333)【关键词】微小RNA;釉质发育;成釉细胞;表达【作者】周雅川;周学东;郑黎薇【作者单位】口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床研究中心,四川大学华西口腔医院,成都 610041;口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床研究中心,四川大学华西口腔医院,成都 610041;口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床研究中心,四川大学华西口腔医院,成都 610041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R780.2牙釉质是人体中最坚硬的矿化组织,由有序排列的羟磷灰石晶体组成,在人体中行使咀嚼、保护和美观等功能。
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Microstructural refinement and homogenization of Mg–SiC nanocompositesby cyclic extrusion compressionWei Guo a,b,Qudong Wang a,b,n,Bing Ye a,b,Xiaochun Li c,Xintao Liu a,Hao Zhou aa National Engineering Research Center of Light Alloy Net Forming,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai200240,Chinab State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai200240,Chinac Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Wisconsin-Madison,Madison,WI53706,USAa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received10April2012Received in revised form21June2012Accepted28June2012Available online3July2012Keywords:NanocompositeMagnesiumCyclic extrusion compression(CEC)HomogenizationGrain refinementa b s t r a c tAn as-extruded Mg–1wt%SiC nanocomposite was processed by cyclic extrusion compression(CEC)at3501C.The homogeneity of grain and SiC nanoparticle($50nm average diameter)distribution duringthe processing was investigated.With the increasing number of CEC passes,afiner grain size and moreuniform particle distribution are obtained along with significant improvement in hardness.The matrixgrain size is reduced remarkably from$27.6m m to$6.5m m after8passes of CEC.Nanoparticledeclustering occurs through a mechanism of kneading caused by the intense turbulentflow of the Mgmatrix during CEC,and the SiC nanoparticles are dispersed into the original particle-free regions.Theproperty improvement is mainly attributed to Orowan strengthening and the Hall–Petch effect.&2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMagnesium matrix composites are widely investigatedbecause of their attractive high specific properties,especially instrength and stiffness.Among various Mg-based composites,particle reinforced Mg matrix composites have the advantagesof lower cost,easier fabrication,and better machinability ascompared tofiber reinforced Mg matrix composites.For most ofthe particulate Mg-based composites,the sizes of reinforcingparticles are typically spanning from several microns to tens ofmicrons.Addition of micron-sized particulates,such as Ti parti-cles[1]or SiC particles[2–4],into Mg improves hardness,yieldstrength,wear resistance,as well as thermal stability.However,the improvement usually occurs at the cost of ductility or tensilestrength reduction.Recent studies have indicated that the use ofnano-sized reinforcements such as Al[5],Al2O3[6],SiC[7,8],Y2O3[9],and ZrO2[10],leads to a simultaneous increase in bothstrength and ductility of Mg composites.Nanoparticle reinforce-ments significantly enhance strength of the matrix by moreeffectively promoting particle hardening mechanisms thanmicron-sized particles.Afine and homogeneous dispersion ofnanoparticles provides a better balance between the reinforce-ment and interparticle spacing effects to maximize the yieldstrength and creep resistance[11].However,it is extremely difficult to distribute and dispersenanoscale particles uniformly in metal melts because of their highspecific area and the poor wettability of nanoparticles.The occur-rence of agglomeration and clusters[12]is detrimental to mechanicalproperties.In order to minimize these disadvantages,conventionalsecondary deformation processing methods such as hot extrusionhave been employed to improve the homogeneity of the nanoparticledistribution[13,14].However,these processing techniques are stilldifficult or impossible in the case of ultrafine particles,since veryhigh strains would be required[15].Severe plastic deformation(SPD)has been recognized as a promising method for fabricating bulkultrafine-grained materials,having very small grain sizes typicallyless than1m m and exhibiting high yield strength and hardness withfairly good ductility[16–18].Due to its unique shear deformationmode and extremely high accumulated strains,SPD of metal matrixcomposites is particularly attractive.After light metal matrix com-posites,such as Al–Si and Mg–Al–Mg2Si,were processed by cyclicextrusion compression(CEC),the Si or Mg2Si phases were refinedand distributed uniformly in the matrix[19–21].Therefore,it isanticipated that the SPD process may be a good candidate forproducing nanocomposites with a homogeneous dispersion of nano-particles.Nevertheless,few studies have been carried out on SPD ofnanocomposites.Goussous et al.mixed carbon nanoparticles withpure Al particles and consolidated them using equal channel angularpressing(ECAP)to produce Al–C nanocomposites[22].Asadi et al.added nanosized SiC and Al2O3particles to an as-cast AZ91magne-sium alloy,and produced surface nanocomposite layers via frictionstir processing(FSP)[23].However,the distribution of SiC and Al2O3particles was not uniform,and there were still clusters.Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/mseaMaterials Science&Engineering A0921-5093/$-see front matter&2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.msea.2012.06.086n Corresponding author at:National Engineering Research Center of Light AlloyNet Forming,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai200240,China.Tel.:þ862154742715;fax:þ862134202794.E-mail address:wangqudong@(Q.Wang).Materials Science&Engineering A556(2012)267–270Accordingly,this investigation aimed to study the effect of CEC on the homogeneity of nanoparticle distribution in a Mg–SiC composite.The influence of CEC on grain refinement and hardness was also investigated.2.Experimental proceduresThe material used in the present study was a Mg–1wt%SiC(i.e. Mg–0.54vol%SiC)nanocomposite fabricated by ultrasonic cavita-tion based solidification processing[24],and the average size of the SiC particles was$50nm.The ingots were extruded with an extrusion ratio of25:1.Both the as-extruded sample and the CEC die coated with a lubricant of graphite powder were held for10 min at1501C before heating to3501C for about30min.The CEC processing cycle was carried out by putting the sample into the upper chamber[25].After2,5and8passes of CEC processing,the corresponding equivalent strains were2.4,7.3and12.2,respec-tively[25].After processing,longitudinal sections of the specimen were sectioned for microstructure analyses by optical microscopy (OM),field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM),and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The hardness tests were performed using a Vickers indenter under a test load of49N and a dwell time of15s.The uniformity of the nanoparticle distribution in the composite was studied by the quadrat method[26].The images to be studied were divided into a grid of square cells and the number of nanoparticles in each cell(N q)was counted. Twenty images at a magnification of100,000Âwere taken by the FESEM on each specimen.Each image was divided into54 quadrats and the size of each quadrat was set to a¼300nm.3.Results and discussionFig.1shows the evolution of the grain structure for the Mg–1wt%SiC nanocomposite after CEC processing from the as-extruded condition.The initial average grain size for the as-extruded condition is$27.6m m as shown in Fig.1a.After 2passes it is apparent that the microstructure consists of coarse grains surrounded by muchfiner grains but with the coarse grains occupying a significantly larger area fraction.The mean grain size is reduced to$14.2m m.After5passes(Fig.1c)there is again a mix of coarse andfine grains but the area fraction offiner grains less than8m m now becomes significant,and some coarse grains exhibit distorting with no refinement.Further deformation to 8passes makes the grain structure more homogeneous with approximately allfine grains with an average size of$6.5m m. The decreasing grain size with increasing deformation is consis-tent with the results obtained on pure Mg[27],AZ31alloy[28], and a Mg–Y2O3nanocomposite[13].Due to the relative high temperature of3501C(T$0.7T m)in the CEC condition,dynamic recrystallization could occur,resulting in the observed grain refinement.On the other hand,the SiC nanoparticles possess the ability of nucleating Mg grains during recrystallization,and they also restrict the growth of the recrystallized Mg grains due to the pinning effect[29].Fig.2illustrates the improvement of the nanoparticle distribu-tion after8CEC passes.In the as-extruded condition,diffused clusters elongated in the extrusion direction are observed (Fig.2a).The clusters have a size of up to500nm in the direction perpendicular to the extrusion rge nanoparticle free zones around the clusters are also observed.It is clearly seen that the boundaries between the nanoparticle clusters and the particle-free matrix are sharp.After8passes of CEC,the SiC nanoparticles have debonded from the cluster and moved into the particle-free matrix.Thus,the large particle clusters dissociate and the particle distribution appears homogeneous(Fig.2b). However,a few dense particle clusters remain visible in the longitudinal section,ascribing to the high surface energy associated with the nanoparticles.It should be noted that CEC does not degrade the microstructure of the investigated nano-composite.No cavity formation is observed inside the specimen. The TEM study also reveals the uniform distribution of SiC nanoparticles(Fig.2c)and good interfacial integrity between SiC nanoparticles and the Mg matrix(Fig.2d)after8CEC passes.The frequency histograms of the number of SiC nanoparticles per quadrat,Nq,for the as-extruded and8passesCEC-processed Fig.1.Micrographs showing grain morphology of the Mg–1wt%SiC nanocomposite:(a)as-extruded,and after(b)2,(c)5,and(d)8passes of CEC processing at3501C.W.Guo et al./Materials Science&Engineering A556(2012)267–270268condition are plotted in Fig.3.The histogram for the as-extruded condition indicates a very inhomogeneous particle distribution (Fig.3a).After 8CEC passes,the frequencies of empty quadrats and quadrats containing 6or more nanoparticles decrease remarkably,and the frequencies of quadrats containing 1,2,or 3nanoparticles increase significantly.The improvement in the distribution of SiC nanoparticles can be attributed to intense turbulent flow of the nanocomposite matrix during CEC.Mutual intersection between a -Mg and SiC nanoparticles is active in the deformation exerted by CEC.The repetitive kneading effect may easily intersperse the clusters and redistribute SiC nanopar-ticles.It is expected that any two neighbor regions in the sample could intermix with each other after enough CEC passes.Thus,the SiC nanoparticles are dispersed into the original particle-free regions in the matrix.In other words,SiC nanoparticle clusters are sheared open into much smaller clusters or single nanopar-ticles,which are further ‘‘engulfed’’by the flowing matrix during CEC.Therefore,microstructural studies conducted on the specimens after CEC show fairly uniform distribution of SiC nanoparticles with a very limited amount of clustering in the matrix.The results of the hardness measurement reveals that the hardness of the Mg–1wt%SiC nanocomposite increases with increasing strains (see Fig.4).These results are consistent withthe findings reported in the literature [13].The hardness shows a sharp rise when the pass number increases from 0to 2,but rises only slightly when the pass number increases from 2to 8.The enhanced hardness can be attributed primarily to (a)Orowan strengthening and (b)grain size strengthening.After 8passes,the contribution to yield strength from Orowan strengthening canbeFig.2.Micrographs showing the distribution of SiC nanoparticles in the Mg–1wt%SiC nanocomposite:(a)SEM image after extrusion only,(b)SEM image after 8CEC passes,and (c and d)TEM images after 8CECpasses.Fig.3.The distribution of nanoparticles in each cell from the quadrat analysis of the Mg–1wt%SiC nanocomposite:(a)as-extruded and (b)after 8passes ofCEC.Fig.4.Effect of CEC pass number on hardness of Mg–1wt%SiC nanocomposite.W.Guo et al./Materials Science &Engineering A 556(2012)267–270269expressed as [30]:D s Orowan ¼ð0:4MGb =p l ln d r =b ÀÁ=ð1Àn Mg Þ1=2ð1Þwhere M (¼6.5)is the mean orientation (Taylor)factor for Mg,G (¼17.3GPa)is the shear modulus,b (¼0.321nm)is the magni-tude of the burgers vector [30],d r (¼50nm)is the diameter of SiC particles,n Mg (¼0.35)is Poisson’s ratio,and l is the mean inter-particle distance given by [15]:l ¼d r ½ðp =6V f Þ1=3À1ð2Þwhere V f (¼0.54%)is volume fraction of SiC particles.After 8passes,Hall–Petch strengthening due to grain size is given by [30]:D s Hall-Petch ¼k y d Mg À0:5ð3Þwhere k y (¼280MPa m m 1/2)is the Hall–Petch coefficient,and d Mg is the average Mg grain size.Therefore,the comparison of Orowan strengthening and grain size strengthening after 8passes can be described as D s Orowan /D s Hall–Petch ¼1.46.4.ConclusionsThe effect of severe deformation by CEC on the grain structure and nanoparticle distribution is investigated for a Mg–1wt%SiC nanocomposite.The results are summarized as follows:(1)CEC significantly improves the uniformity of the SiC nanoparti-cle distribution.After 8CEC passes,the large particle clusters resolve and only a few much smaller clusters are visible.(2)The nanoparticle declustering occurs through a mechanism ofkneading caused by the intense turbulent flow of matrix during CEC.The micro-clusters are thus dispersed,and the nanoparticles move into the particle-free matrix.(3)As the number of CEC passes increases,a more homogeneousgrain structure with finer mean grain size is obtained.(4)Hardness increases with increasing pass number.The incre-ment attributes to the microstructural homogenization in terms of grain size and nanoparticle distribution.AcknowledgmentsThis study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)under Grant nos.50674067and51074106,National Key Technology R&D Program of China under Grant no.2011BAE22B01-5,and the Science and Technology Com-mission of Shanghai Municipality under Grant no.09JC1408200.References[1]S.F.Hassan,M.Gupta,J.Alloys Compd.345(2002)246–251.[2]M.K.Surappa,R.A.Saravanan,Mater.Sci.Eng.A 276(2000)108–116.[3]T.S.Srivatsan,S.Seshan,M.Jayamathy,S.V.Kailas,Mater.Sci.Eng.A 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