炉膛负压控制系统一般采用的控制流程图 如下图所示,调节原理比较简单属于单闭 环调节系统,它的输入量是炉膛负压输出 量是引风变频器,同时引入鼓风量作为前 馈信号。
+ -
先通过蒸汽压力变送器经滤波后取得信号,与设 定蒸汽压力进行比较,判断出鼓风PID调节器调节 的方向和大小,通过鼓风PID调节单元计算出鼓风 变频器的输出大小
+ -
鼓风调节单元 抗干扰滤波
鼓风变频器 蒸汽压力信号
PLC不仅具有逻辑控制功能,而且还具有了 运算、数据处理和数据传送等功能 ,采用可编 程控制器设计的控制系统可以实现对锅炉精确地 实时自动控制,并且实现了整个系统的优化控制。 变频调速的基本原理是通过改变电动机工作电源 频率达到改变电机转速的目的,采用变频调速技 术来控制锅炉的泵与风机,可以使电动机不必总 在工频下运行,可以大大的节省电能。
MCGS (Monitor and Control Generated System, 通用监控系统)是一套用于快速构造和生成计算机 监控系统的组态软件,它能够在基于Microsoft (各种 32 位 Windows 平台上)运行,通过对现 场数据的采集处理,以动画显示、报警处理、流 程控制、实时曲线、历史曲线和报表输出等多种 方式向用户提供解决实际工程问题的方案,它充 分利用了 Windows图形功能完备、界面一致性好、 易学易用的特点,在自动化领域有着广泛的应用。
图 3 闭环调节控制图 2.3 炉膛安全检测 在燃烧器工作过程中, 燃烧状况的在线监测与诊断, 是确 保 设 备 安 全 稳 定 运 行 的 重 要 条 件 。其 中 火 焰 覆 盖 面 积 对 于 物 料 的 充 分 燃 烧 有 至 关 重 要 的 作 用 。炉 膛 安 全 检 测 主 要 包 括 炉 火 成 功检测和炉膛熄火检测。 2.4 炉内温度控制 本设 备 通过 控 制 进气 量 和 进油 量 可 实现 燃 油 燃 烧 、燃 气 燃 烧 和 混 合 燃 烧 三 种 燃 烧 方 式 。不 同 的 燃 烧 方 式 下 完 全 燃 烧 时 炉 内温度有所差别。在同一种方式下, 燃烧状态不同( 可通过状态 选择开关选择大火、中火和小火) 炉内温度也有很大差别。若温 度过高, 压力增大, 可能造成爆炸事故, 因此对炉内温度的控制 尤为重要。 根据设定温度与实际温度的差值, 按照检测结果向现场调节阀 发出调节信号, 以调节进料量, 最终完成炉内温度的控制。 2.5 多种燃烧形式 本系统采用油、气两种燃料,组成燃油、燃气 、油 气 混合 三 种 燃烧形式 。每种 燃 烧 形式 又 分 为大 、中 、小 三种 燃 烧 状态 。D/A 模 块 将 PLC 发 出 的 控制 信 息 转 换 为 4- 20 mA 电 信 号 送 到 比 例 调 节 阀的 信 号 转换 器 内 , 信号 转 换 模板 将 0- 10v 电 压 信 号 送 到 阀内调节供料量。按照流量传感器反馈信息, 再根据锅炉需热 量的多少供应燃料, 实现三种燃烧方式下的连续、精确送料。精 确的按需送料达到了良好节能效果。
2.1 炉膛自动吹扫及合理配风 在 冷 炉 启 动 、点 火 失 败 或 运 行 过 程 中 , 都 需 要 对 炉 膛 及 燃 气管阀系统完成一次成功的吹扫。经试验证明, 点火前持续送 风 60 秒 可 以有 效 地 清除 在 炉 膛、管 阀 和 烟道 中 可 能集 聚 的 可 燃气体, 提高了锅炉燃烧器运行的可靠性。 合 理 配 风 是 优 化 锅 炉 燃 烧 、提 高 材 料 利 用 率 、降 低 消 耗 的 有效手段。通过对原料浓度和混度的监测, 调整风机转速使原 料在炉内分配基本均匀, 避免炉内局部结焦和局部过热。CO 浓 度越高, 说明燃烧越不充分。通过对炉内 CO 含量的测定 , 将 检 测结 果 反 馈给 PLC 输 入/输出 模 块 , 通过 变 频 器 控 制 进 风 量 来 实现设定 CO 浓度。 2.2 自动点火和灭火 人工 点 火的 方 式 不能 实 时 监测 燃 烧 状况 、无 法 预 测 突 发 故 障, 极易出现人身事故。本设计的点火过程全部实现自动化。在
关键词:锅炉燃烧控制系统,控制方式,PLC,监控ABSTRACTThe control of the boiler combustion which is for boilers safe, efficient operation and energy saving are of great significance, and its subsequent control and management is getting higher and higher requirements. According to the control requirements and the working principle, we design a system of a PLC based on the boiler combustion control system.In the control algorithm, we integratedly applied the single-loop control, cascade control, ratio control, feed-forward control and so on which is moded the control to achieve a fuel vapor pressure control regulator, air-conditioning of flue gas oxygen content control, citing the negative air volume control of the furnace pressure.It also effectively overcome the disturbance of each other, so that the operation of the entire system is stable.Choice in the programmable logic controller, we choose AB, Logix5000 series PLC, and applied it to the design of the control system hardware configuration diagram and I / O module wiring diagram. Then we use the preparation of its programming software control algorithm to achieve the ladder. At the same time, the use of RSView32 interface to design monitor makes PC can run real-time monitoring of system status and can set the system parameters, so that the system is easy to control.Keywords: boiler combustion control system, control, PLC ,supervisory control目录1 绪论 (1)1.1课题研究背景及意义 (1)1.2 锅炉燃烧控制系统概述 (2)1.3 本设计的主要工作 (2)2 控制方案的设计 (4)2.1系统总体控制方案设计 (4)2.2燃料控制系统的设计 (7)2.3送风控制系统的设计 (10)2.4引风控制系统设计 (12)3 硬件选型 (14)3.1主蒸汽压力变送器的选型 (14)3.2炉膛负压变送器的选型 (14)3.3氧化锆氧量变送器的选型 (15)3.4调节阀的选型 (15)3.5变频器的选型 (18)3.6 PLC工作原理和选型 (19)4 硬件接线图 (23)4.1电气线路图设计 (23)4.2控制线路图设计 (24)4.3 I/O模块分配与接线 (25)5 系统整定 (27)5.1燃料控制系统的整定 (27)5.2送风控制系统的整定 (32)5.3引风控制系统的整定 (38)6 软件编程 (42)7 监控系统 (46)7.1通信的建立 (46)7.2监控界面的设计 (48)8 总结语 (54)参考文献 (55)致谢 (56)附录 (57)附录A (57)附录B (1)1 绪论1.1课题研究背景及意义锅炉是工业生产中普遍使用的动力设备,是能源转换的重要设备。
基于PLC的锅炉燃烧控制系统设计1 绪论1.1锅炉燃烧控制项目的背景改革开放以来,我国经济社会快速发展,生产力水平不断提高,在生产中,锅炉起着十分重要的作用,尤其是在火力发电中发挥重要作用的工业锅炉,是提供能源动力的主要设备之一。
关键字:锅炉控制;变频调速;组态软件;PLCAbstractAlong with social economy’s swift development, the urban construction scale’s unceasing expansion , as well as the peple living standard’s unceasing enhancement , set more and more high request to the city life heating’s user quantity and the heating quality. The union present situation, the present paper heating boiler supervisory sysem, has designed a set based on PLC and the frequency conversion velocity modulation technology heating boiler control system.This control system takes the superior machine by one Industry cybertrons , west of family household S7-300 programmable controller for lower position machine ,system through frequency changer control motor’s start , movement and vclocity modulation .the superior machine monitoring software uses the three dimensional strength to control the WinCC design , mainly completes the system operation contract surface design ,realizes the system to open/stops functions and so on control ,parameter hypothesis ,warning linkage,historical data inquiry. The lower position machine control procedure uses Siemen’s STEP7 programming software design , mainly completes the simulation quantity signal processing , temperature and pressure signal functions and so on PID control , and receives the superior machine control command to complete the air blower to open/stops the control , the parameter hypothesis, the circulating pump control and other electric motor’s control.This article designs the frequency conversion processs automatic control, the systems operation is stable, is reliable. Uses boiler’s computer control and the frequency converseon control noe only may save the energy greatly, the promotion environmental protection moreover may raise the production automation level, has the remarkable economic efficiency and the social efficiency.Key Words:Boiler control;Frequency conversion velocity modulation ;Configuration Software;PLC目录摘要 0Abstract (1)第1章概述 (4)1.1 项目背景及课题的研究意义 (4)1.2 供暖锅炉控制的国内外研究现状 (5)1.3锅炉控制系统的发展趋势 (6)1.4本文所做工作 (7)第2章系统方案设计 (9)2.1锅炉控制研究简介 (9)2.2 总体设计思路 (9)2.3方案比较 (10)2.3.1方案1 (10)2.3.2 方案2 (10)2.4方案论证与方案确定 (11)第3章硬件设计 (12)3.1 用户系统框图 (12)3.2 锅炉系统的理论分析 (13)3.2.1变频调速基本原理 (13)3.2.2变频调速在供暖锅炉中的应用 (13)3.2.3变频调速节能分析 (14)3.3燃烧过程控制 (19)3.4锅炉控制系统设计 (20)3.5控制系统构成介绍 (21)第4章软件设计 (25)4.1 S7-300系列PLC简介 (26)4.2 PLC编程语言简介 (28)4.2.1 PLC编程语言的国际标准 (28)4.2.2复合数据类型与参数类型 (29)4.2.3系统存储器 (29)4.2.4 S7-300 CPU中的寄存器 (30)4.3 STEP7 的原理 (31)4.3.1 STEP7概述 (31)4.3.2 硬件组态与参数设置 (32)4.3.3 符号表 (36)4.3.4 逻辑块 (37)4.3程序设计 (38)4.4通信系统 (41)4.5人机界面 (43)4.5.1监控软件WinCC介绍 (43)4.5.2监控系统设计 (45)4.5.3锅炉监控界面设计 (49)第5章结论 (53)5.1 成果的创造性和先进性 (53)5.2作用意义(经济效益和社会意义) (53)5.3 推广应用范围和前景 (53)5.4 需要进一步改进之处 (54)参考文献 (55)外文资料翻译 (56)外文翻译原文 (56)外文翻译译文 (68)致谢 (75)附录 (76)附录1 程序清单 (76)附录2 I/O点数分配表 (96)附录3 物理参数比较表 (97)第1章概述1.1 项目背景及课题的研究意义工业锅炉是工业生产和集中供热过程中重要的动力设备。
PLC控制中小型蒸汽锅炉智能燃烧系统设计摘要可编程序控制器(Programmable logic contoroller) 简称PLC ,是以微处理器为核心,用于工业控制的计算机,由于PLC 广泛采用微机技术,使得PLC不仅具有逻辑控制功能,而且还具有了运算、数据处理和数据传送等功能。
这类系统自动化程序很低,大部分操作还是由手动来完成,只能处理一些开关量问题,无法处理系统的模拟量,即使控制一些开关量,其电气线路复杂,可靠性不高,不便维护,实际锅炉系统控制中每台炉就需要一套继电器控制系统,而采用西门子S7 -200系列可编程控制器设计的控制系统实现了中小型蒸汽锅炉的自动控制和,并实现了整个系统的优化控制。
AbstractProgrammable Logic Controller ,abbreviated as PLC,is the computer used in industial control.The core of PLC is the micro-operator.Since use the computer techniques windely,PLC has many functions,not only about logic control,but also operation,data processing and data transitionn.Today,to the boilers offering urban heat,the presize neal-time control is greatly needed in the process of starting,operating and stopping.Most boiler control system,however,still uses the Relay Logic controller(shorten as RLC).The automation processes of RLC is few ,and must operatian should be finished by hands.these processes can only deal with the quatity of open and close,but can not process the quantity of simulatian.although the RLC processes can control some quantity of opening and closing,its conplex electric circuit,low reliahility and unconcinient service are its main short comings.also,in the system of boiler contrast,Drogrammable logic controller of simens St-200 put the autu-control combinatian of medium and small-sized steam hoilers into reality and also optimize the whole system controling.2Key words: PLC boilers logic control软件结构流程图3引言随着生产力和科技水平的不断提高,使得人们的生活条件得以很大的改善。
综合考虑,我们采用SH CAN2000总线控制系统来实现对锅炉的控制。
整个系统工作原理为[2]:从控制现场来的4-20 mA或1-5V的标准信号,送至SHCAN 2000型现场控制单元。
Boiler level control system based onControlLogix5550 PLCAbstract-This paper is a research design based on EFPT process control device. In the design, actual industry field has been simulated and corresponding modeling has been carried on for the boiler level system. Then the appropriate PID parameter has been sorted out and ControlLogia5550PLC has been used to control the entire boiler level system.At last, a corresponding control interface has been established and the boiler level has been under a safe and accurate controlK eywords:EFPT,PID,Modeling,Boiler level;1 IntroductionThe task of the industrial boiler level control is to maintain a dynamic balance by controlling the water flow and evaporation, so that the drum level can be maintained in the technological level, which is a necessity for ensuring safe operation and also one of the main indicators of the boiler's normal operation. Water level which is too high will affect the effect of the steam-water separation, but too low it is will break ring cycle or even cause boiler explosion. To ensure a safe and efficient production, the boiler level must be strictly controlled in maintaining constant or changing only according to a certain rule.Using Logix5550 PLC with analogy I/O modules, launched by Rockwell Automation Company as controllers, and EFPT process control experimental device as control object, this system have brought the boiler water level under an accurate control in a mini boiler system with sensors and actuators that used in industrial production.Fig. 1 Boiler level setting value adjustment system2 System OverviewThis system is composed of an EFPT process control device, an inverter, a Logix5550 PLC and a computer. EFPT process control device is a simulated heating and water supply and drainage system for a micro-small boiler. It realizes process control in a mini boiler system with sensors and actuators used in industrial production. The actuator includes not only measuring appliance, but also AC inverter, heating controller, heater and so on. The system simulates industry scene through a mini-boiler heating, water supply and drainage system, which is reliable and visual.In the design, boiler Level was selected as the controlled variable. The controlled object is composed of the water trough, the force pump, the boiler and the pipe-line valve. Micro Master 6SE9214-ODA40 inverter is taken as the actuator and the boiler level is controlled by Logix5550. Configuration software RSView32 and touch screen PanelView1000 are combined to realize the real-time monitoring. In the design, a simple design of single-loop boiler liquid level value adjustment is selected for the study. The composition of the system is shown in Fig. 1.In the design, the inverter as an actuator directly receives PLC analogy I/O port output, and converters into frequency of inverter so as to drive the 3-phase motorin the lift pump, change the inlet, and adjust the boiler level to the dynamic balance at last. And the configuration software is used to design monitoring picture to realize the computer and the touch screen to the boiler level long-distance and the scene monitoring.3 Establishing Mathematics model for the charged objectOne of the main tasks of establishing control system mathematical model is to determine the mathematical model of the controlled object. Generally, there are two kinds of basic methods for establishing process control mathematical model: mechanism analysis and experimental method. However, for controlled object whose structure and internal process is very complex, it is very difficult to determine the object just by its own internal physical process and to solve out the differential equations systematically. Besides, considering the nonlinear factor, mechanism analysis used some approximation and hypothesis for mathematical deduction. Although these approximation and assumptions have practical basis, but not fully reflect actual situation, and even cause incalculable effects.Therefore, in this design, the experimental method is chosen to establish a mathematical model for controlled object. This kind of modeling is based on the input and output in the actual production process, that is to say, establishing mathematical model for the controlled object through process identification and parameter estimation. In this design, step response curve method is used to identify mathematical models of the process. A 20Hz step disturbance input signal is applied to the charged object, and the response curve of the output that changes with time can be mapped. After the analysis, the transfer function of the controlled object can be defined. In the process of experiment, the object was conducted several tests. Using RSLogix5000 trend monitoring function curve, more than 10 charged object step response curve have been recorded. To all the parameters for average, steady time: ts≈821.525s, steady value: h(∞)=58.5, peak time: tp=394.4s overshoot: a%}29%. According to the theoretical analysis, the controlled object is the most likely second-order object.However, the difference is very apparent between the ideal second-ordercontrolled object step response curve and the actual curves. So the ideal curve can't response to its actual characteristics. It is inferred that the controlled object may be the second-order controlled object that includes zero. The try and error method and MATLAB simulation tools are used to get a curve whose parameters are close to the average dynamic parameters of the controlled object's response curve. It is shown in Fig. 2.Some adjustments can be made according to the following rules:1) When the zero is closer to the imaginary axis, settling time will be longer and the overshoot will be bigger and peak time will be smaller. With the zero closing to the imaginary axis, the effect is more obvious.2) The effect which the closed loop dominant apices have on dynamic performance is increasing the peak time, reducing the overshoot and adjusting time. Nonparametric model is used to describe the controlled object. In other words, step response curve which approximately describe the controlled object is used because of the controlled object's complexity and uncertainty.4 The installation of controller parameter4.1 The selection of control algorithmAfter establishing the approximate mathematical model of the controlled object, a complete feedback control system can be formed to improve the performance of the open-loop control system. PID is an ideal control law in that integral is introduced basing on the proportion, which can eliminate the residual error, plus the derivative action, which can also improve the stability of the system. According to the characteristics of the controlled object and laboratory conditions, a single-loop feedback control loop for the controlled object is established, and PID algorithm is used to realize boiler level control. The schematic diagram of level control is shown in Fig. 3.Open the outlet valve to a certain degree, and make the hydraulic dischargeinvariable. Comparing the process variables of the water level in feedback with the given volume, the deviation can be obtained. PID instruction does PID operation on the deviation, and the results is a control variable, so the frequency of the inverter can be changed to control the rotate speed of the pump. If the liquid level is on the high side, the results make the control variable smaller, andreduce the rate of inflow, make liquid level lower; if the level is on the low side, the results make the control variable larger, and increase the rate of inflow, make liquid level higher.4.2 The Parameter Tuning of PIDBecause the transfer function of the controlled object includes a zero second-order link, the computation work load is quite big regardless of using the root-locus method or the frequency characteristic law among theory methods when tuning PID parameter. And the process mathematical model can only reflect dynamic parameter approximately, so the reliability of the parameter value which is obtained by the theoretical calculation is not very accurate and it will be adjusted constantly in the scene. Therefore, engineering parameter tuning is chosen to seek the PID parameter in the design. The common method of engineering tuning are dynamic characteristic parameters, the stable boundary law, the decay curve law and field experience setting method, etc. In the process of PID parameters, the 4:1 decay curve law isadopted. The steps are:1) In the closed system, regulator's integral time is set the largest (Ti≈∞) and differential time Td is set zero (Td=0). The proportion is taken the great value to perform the given value perturbation experiment repeatedly, and the proportion is reduced gradually until the record curve presents up to 4:1 weaken. Then the proportion is called 4:1 weaken proportion s sand the distances between two neighboring wave ridge's are called 4:1 damped cycle Ts. In the experiment, the level quantitative test is set for the 200mm, and then the system response curve is obtained and reorganized 4:1 decay curve (thick red line is shown in Fig. 4'Thus measuring: δs≈8,Ts≈2.2;2) According to the following formula, each parameter of the regulators isδ=0.8, δs≈6.4;Ti=0.3, Ts≈6.6;Td=0.1, Ts≈2.23) According to these results, regulator parameters are set. Then the dynamic process of system is observed and the parameters are made adjustment to determine the optimum parameters.5 Monitoring DesignRSView32 software and PanelBuilder32 software of Rockwell Automation Company are respectively used to design monitor screen to complete such function as animating display, parameter setting, report output, the current curve display and history curve display and so on. And make the computer and touch screen achieve the remote and on-site control to the boiler liquid level. Thepicture screen of system monitor is shown in Fig.5The main work of realizing configuration is to establish level control objects and make animating display scenes. Controlled objects include inletting water flow, exporting water flow and the numerical object of the boiler level. When animation connection is established, the basic graphic elements and animation component library are called in the user window to construct configuration diagram. Graphic objects and data objects defined by the state are set in the state of the corresponding attribute and animation connection is defined. Having finished the design ofthe developing system, you can switch to run mode to carry on the real-time monitoring to the control system and test configuration.6 ConclusionsThis paper has introduced the composition and running of EFPT process control system based on ControlLogix5550 PLC control, the mathematical model establishing of controlled object and the parameter tuning of PID. The use ofconfiguration software extends the communication function. Through experimental testing, the control curve's overshoot is small and the transition time is short, so the control effect is quite ideal. This device being reliable and intuitive is suitable for scientific research and teaching, and has important application value in the actual industrial production.。
据此,本文针对一台10T/h 工业锅炉,提出了一套PLC的控制系统方案。
在该系统中,应用了Siemens公司的S7-300系列PLC,根据锅炉的控制特点,分析系统的控制要求,实现给煤自动调节,送风自动调节,引风自动调节,水泵给水的自动调节,根据系统控制要求分析系统所需的PLC配置,以及备控量的I/O点数及I/O口分配,查阅S7-300使用手册在理论上分析确定PLC的组成及使用事项,并用其编程软件Step7设计锅炉控制的梯形图、STL语句及PLC通信网络,实现锅炉的水位三冲量控制、燃烧过程自动控制、蒸汽压力自动控制等功能;基于锅炉运行安全的考虑,该系统中锅炉由PLC控制,PLC、上位机组成一个MPI网,运用Siemens公司的MPI全局通讯技术及WinCC的软件设计,实现锅炉的上位机的冗余控制,关键词:锅炉变频器PLC PID WinCC Step7 MPI 全局通讯AbstractNowadays the boilers are still an important component among various power equipments in industrial enterprises. Along with the fast development of modem industry,high efficient energy utilization is pursued more and more. And the boiler are a kind of Primary equipments for converting raw energy into secondary energy,so their control and supervision is very important for promoting energy utilization efficiency. But in our country,only some big and medium-sized boilers have adopted.Advanced control technique. Most boilers being used by medium and small enterprises,such as 10T/h and 20T/h boilers,are controlled by mete/relays,or even manually. That can not meet demand. In this paper,a control system scheme of PLC+IPC is Proposed,which is aiming at a 10T/h industrial boilers.An advanced boiler control technique composed of PLC,inverter,and communication are detailly described with respect theory and application in this paper,which is based on two PLC control systems of 10T/h boilers in certain plant.The S7-300 series PLC of siemens company is adopted in the boiler control systems. The Step7 programming software is used to design the ladder chart,the STL language and the PLC correspondence network. Automatic control for the boilers has been realized,such as three impulse control for the water level,burning Process control,vapor pressure control. Moreover,an amicable man-machine interface,automatic storage of important boiler run data,and automatic print of reports in need is realized by using the configurations software WinCC of Siemens company. Each boiler in the system is controlled by one PLC respectively. PLC and IPC shaped into a MPI net. By using the MPI overall situation telecommunication technique and the WinCC software of Siemens company redundancy controls of the two IPC are designed for the safety. The automatic control of public facilities such as deoxidization equipment is also realized in the system.Key words: boiler,inverter,PLC,PID目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................... I I 第一章绪论.. (1)1.1工业锅炉控制现状 (1)1.2工业锅炉控制的任务和特点 (1)1.2.1 工业锅炉控制的任务 (1)1.2.2工业锅炉给水自动控制 (2)1.2.3工业锅炉燃烧过程自动控制 (4)1.3PLC控制的优点 (7)1.4本文主要内容 (8)第二章锅炉控制系统的总体设计 (9)2.1系统控制要求 (9)2.2锅炉本体构造 (9)2.3系统设计思想 (10)2.3.1电机控制模式 (10)2.4各主要回路控制策略 (12)2.4.1锅炉生产工艺流程图及汽水系统 (12)2.4.2 主程序框图如下: (14)2.4.3 自动控制系统结构框图: (15)2.4.4 给水调节回路 (15)2.4.5汽包压力调节回路 (16)2.4.6炉膛负压调节回路 (17)2.4.7水位控制程序框图: (19)2.4.8燃烧控制回路程序框图: (20)第三章系统硬件组成 (21)3.1总体结构 (21)3.2系统硬件组成 (21)3.3主要器件选择 (21)3.4系统供电 (34)3.5系统接地 (35)3.6系统运行方式 (36)3.7PLC配置及I/O点分配: (36)3.7.1锅炉给水 (37)3.7.2锅筒 (38)3.7.3给煤 (38)3.7.4鼓风和引风 (40)3.7.5 炉膛 (42)3.7.6 出渣机: (42)3.7.7 蒸汽管路和省煤器: (42)第四章系统软件和设置 (44)4.1PLC软件设计 (44)4.1.1 Step7简介 (44)4.1.2 Step7的PlD功能块 (48)4.1.3 PLC程序总体结构 (53)4.1.4功能模块编程 (55)4.2系统通讯 (60)4.3本章小结 (60)结束语 (61)致谢 (62)参考文献 (63)附录1原理图 (65)附录2外文 (66)附录3翻译 (69)第一章绪论1.1 工业锅炉控制现状目前在我们国内,锅炉仍然是各种工业企业的动力设备中重要的组成部分。
锅炉点火系统PLC课程设计1. 引言本文档旨在设计一个用于锅炉点火系统的PLC课程。
2. 课程目标•了解锅炉点火系统的工作原理和组成部件•掌握PLC在锅炉点火系统中的应用•学会使用PLC编程语言创建点火系统控制逻辑•能够调试和故障排除PLC控制系统3. 课程大纲3.1 锅炉点火系统概述•锅炉点火系统的作用和重要性•锅炉点火系统的组成部件•锅炉点火系统的工作流程3.2 PLC简介•PLC的定义和基本原理•PLC在工业自动化中的应用•与传统继电器控制的对比3.3 PLC编程语言简介•常用的PLC编程语言:Ladder Logic、Structured Text等•PLC编程语言的特点和应用场景3.4 PLC硬件配置•PLC的硬件组成•常见的PLC品牌和型号选择•连接PLC和锅炉点火系统的必要硬件设备3.5 锅炉点火系统PLC设计•创建PLC项目•设计点火系统的控制逻辑•编写PLC程序•上传PLC程序到PLC控制器•进行点火系统的模拟和调试3.6 PLC控制系统的故障排除•常见的PLC故障及排除方法•使用PLC调试工具进行故障定位和修复4. 实践环节本课程将为学员提供一个实践环节,学员将亲自操控PLC 编程软件,设计并实现一个锅炉点火系统的PLC控制逻辑。
5. 课程评估学员将根据课程要求完成一个锅炉点火系统的PLC设计项目。
6. 结论通过本课程的学习,学员将能够全面了解和掌握PLC在锅炉点火系统中的应用。
关键词:锅炉;自动控制;保护控制Abstract:Boiler main control system:soda system,burning system,specific system and gas system,etc. Main control loop are:the boiler steam drum water level automatic control,automatic control of superheated steam temperature,the combustion automatic control,automatic control of furnace pressure,safety interlock protection control and so on.Key words:boiler,automatic control,protection and control一、AB的PLC性能1.1 PLC的控制单元从简单的PID控制到时间滞后补偿控制和超前控制都能实现,还具有丰富的反馈功能。
1.2 扩展性,适用于小规模到中规模系统。
1.3 可实现CRT操作PLC的操作站能够满足用户对人机接口要求的丰富多彩的操作、监视功能。
1.4 系统构成根据对象过程的特性、规模,控制单元及操作站可以组成最佳的构成和最佳的配置。
1.5 实现了高度可靠性控制单元的电源插件、控制用的I/O插件都可以双重化,并还可以用盘装仪表作为控制回路的后备。
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