CI tools-2
㊃临床研究㊃不同衰弱评估工具对老年射血分数保留的心力衰竭患者的临床意义程曦㊀查志敏㊀王向明㊀姜苏蓉㊀郭妍210029南京医科大学第一附属医院老年心血管科通信作者:郭妍,电子信箱:guoyan51@DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5410.2024.01.006㊀㊀ʌ摘要ɔ㊀目的㊀比较临床衰弱量表(CFS)㊁衰弱筛查量表(FRAIL)㊁衰弱表型量表(Fried)及衰弱指数(FI)四种衰弱评估工具在老年射血分数保留的心力衰竭(HFpEF)患者中的临床意义与价值㊂方法㊀单中心横断面研究㊂纳入2021年9月至2023年2月南京医科大学第一附属医院老年心血管科的住院患者190例,其中HFpEF组61例,非HFpEF组129例㊂分别使用CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried和FI进行衰弱评估,构建综合衰弱指数(CI)作为 金标准 ,比较不同工具间的一致性㊁敏感度㊁特异度和受试者工作特征曲线下面积(AUC)㊂㊀结果㊀与非HFpEF组相比,HFpEF组的年龄㊁心房颤动比例㊁N末端B型利钠肽原水平㊁简版老年抑郁量表(GDS-15)评分更高,吸烟史比例㊁体质指数㊁舒张压㊁握力㊁简易精神状态评价量表(MMSE)评分㊁微型营养评估量表(MNA-SF)评分更低(均为P<0.05)㊂针对同一群体,所使用的衰弱评估工具不同,衰弱的患病率也各不相同;无论使用何种评估工具,HFpEF组中衰弱的患病率均高于非HFpEF组(均为P<0.001)㊂在整体人群及非HFpEF组中,CFS具有良好的敏感度(98.44%㊁100.00%,P<0.001)和特异度(91.27%㊁94.23%,P<0.001),AUC分别为0.960㊁0.975(P<0.001),与CI之间的一致性高(Kappa值=0.846㊁0.864,P<0.001);在HFpEF人群中,Fried具有最高的敏感度(100.00%,P<0.001)与可接受的特异度(77.27%,P<0.001),AUC为0.956(P<0.001),与CI之间的一致性最高(Kappa值=0.813,P<0.001)㊂㊀结论㊀衰弱在老年患者中十分普遍,尤其在HFpEF人群中发生率更高㊂在老年HFpEF人群中Fried适用性更好,在老年一般人群及非HFpEF人群中CFS更具优势㊂ʌ关键词ɔ㊀老年人;㊀衰弱;㊀射血分数保留的心力衰竭;㊀评估工具基金项目:江苏省干部保健科研课题(BJ18017㊁BJ19016)Clinical value of different frailty assessment tools in elderly patients with heart failure with preservedejection fraction㊀Cheng Xi,Zha Zhimin,Wang Xiangming,Jiang Surong,Guo YanDepartment of Geriatric Cardiology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing210029,ChinaCorresponding author:Guo Yan,Email:guoyan51@ʌAbstractɔ㊀Objective㊀To evaluate the clinical value of Clinical Frailty Scale(CFS),Frailty Screening Inventory(FRAIL),Fried Frailty Phenotype(Fried),and Frailty Index(FI)in frailty screeningfor the elderly patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction(HFpEF).㊀Methods㊀Thissingle-center cross-sectional study included190elderly patients in the Department of Geriatric Cardiology ofthe First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from September2021to February2023.The participants comprised61HFpEF patients and129non-HFpEF patients.Frailty assessment was performedby using CFS,FRAIL,Fried,and FI,respectively,and a composite frailty index(CI)was constructed asthe gold standard to compare the consistency,sensitivity,specificity,and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve(AUC)among different tools.㊀Results㊀Compared with the non-HFpEFgroup,patients in the HFpEF group were older,had a higher rate of atrial fibrillation,higher level of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide,and higher score of15-item Geriatric Depression Scale(all P<0.05).Moreover,the HFpEF group had a lower rate of smoking,lower body mass index,diastolic blood pressure,grip strength,Mini-Mental State Examination score and Mini-Nutritional Assessment Short-Formscore(all P<0.05).Frailty prevalence varied based on different assessment tools,with frailty being morecommon in patients with HFpEF than in patients with non-HFpEF(all P<0.001).In the entire group and(91.27%,94.23%,P<0.001),and the AUC was0.960,0.975(P<0.001),respectively.The Kappa values of CFS and CI were0.846and0.864,respectively(P<0.001).In the HFpEF group,Fried had the highest sensitivity(100.00%,P<0.001)and acceptable specificity(77.27%,P<0.001),and the AUC was0.956(P<0.001).The Kappa value of Fried and CI was0.813(P<0.001).㊀Conclusions㊀Frailty is very common among elderly patients,especially in the HFpEF patients.The Fried is more applicable in elderly HFpEF patients,while the CFS is more advantageous in general elderly patients and the non-HFpEF patients.ʌKey wordsɔ㊀Aaged;㊀Frailty;㊀Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction;㊀Assessment tool Fund program:Cadre Health Research Project in Jiangsu Province(BJ18017,BJ19016)㊀㊀随着世界各地人口老龄化逐渐加剧,衰弱的发生率逐年上升,全球老年社区居民平均每年每1000人中会有43人发生衰弱[1]㊂已有许多研究证实,衰弱是老年人死亡的一个重要危险因素,同时还会导致残疾㊁跌倒㊁骨折㊁生活质量下降等一系列问题[2]㊂与衰弱一样,慢性心力衰竭也与年龄密切相关,老年心力衰竭患者常常有更差的临床结局,如更高的再住院率及死亡率,相关的医疗费用也更高[3],其中射血分数保留的心力衰竭(heart failure with preserved ejection fraction,HFpEF)是老年心力衰竭患者中最常见的类型[4]㊂衰弱常与HFpEF共存,增加患者的全因死亡风险,识别此类患者并进行早期药物或非药物的干预可延缓或逆转他们的衰弱状态,降低不良临床结局的发生率,改善预后[5]㊂因此,选择合适的衰弱评估工具对老年HFpEF患者进行衰弱筛查十分重要㊂目前国内外常用的衰弱评估工具有很多,但尚无公认的 金标准 ,没有一种方法能全面涵盖衰弱的所有重要领域,比较不同衰弱评估工具在不同人群中应用的相关研究仍较少㊂本研究旨在对国际上较常用的四种衰弱评估工具:临床衰弱量表(Clinical Frailty Scale,CFS)㊁衰弱筛查量表(Frailty Screening Inventory,FRAIL)㊁衰弱表型量表(Fried Frailty Phenotype,Fried)和衰弱指数(Frailty Index, FI)在老年HFpEF患者衰弱筛查中的一致性和适用性进行评价,以期为老年HFpEF患者选择合适的衰弱评估工具提供参考,进而早期干预,预防或延缓失能㊂1㊀对象和方法1.1㊀研究对象本研究为单中心横断面研究㊂连续入选2021年9月至2023年2月在南京医科大学第一附属医院老年心血管科住院的患者207例,其中17例因衰弱相关数据不全被排除,最终共有190例纳入研究,60~100(79.2ʃ11.0)岁㊂根据‘射血分数保留的心力衰竭诊断与治疗中国专家共识2023“[6]中的HFpEF诊断标准分为HFpEF组61例(32.1%)与非HFpEF组129例(67.9%)㊂纳入标准:(1)年龄ȡ60岁;(2)住院时间>24h;(3)神志清楚,能完成衰弱评估相关内容,并签署知情同意书㊂排除标准: (1)长期卧床㊁失语㊁痴呆㊁精神异常㊁恶性肿瘤需定期来院放化疗者以及完全失能不能完成衰弱评估者;(2)急性心力衰竭或左心室射血分数<50%的心力衰竭患者;(3)严重的肝肾功能衰竭或多器官功能衰竭者;(4)拒绝签署知情同意书者㊂本研究已经南京医科大学第一附属医院伦理委员会批准(伦理审查编号:2021-SR-522)㊂1.2㊀研究方法1.2.1㊀一般资料收集㊀收集患者的基本信息,包括年龄㊁性别㊁身高㊁体重㊁体质指数㊁吸烟史(>20支/年即认为有吸烟史)㊁入院当天的收缩压与舒张压㊁多重用药(同时服用药物ȡ5种)㊁高血压㊁糖尿病㊁心房颤动情况㊂所有入选患者在入院次日抽取清晨空腹血,检测N末端B型利钠肽原水平㊂在患者入院后的48h内进行临床资料的收集并进行衰弱评估㊂1.2.2㊀衰弱评估及分组㊀使用以下五种工具来评估老年患者的衰弱程度:(1)CFS:CFS量表根据衰弱程度的不同将患者的情况分为9级,从低到高依次为非常健康㊁健康㊁维持健康㊁脆弱易损伤㊁轻度衰弱㊁中度衰弱㊁严重衰弱㊁非常严重的衰弱㊁终末期㊂等级越高,衰弱程度越重,以1~4级为非衰弱,5~9级为衰弱[7]㊂(2)FRAIL:FRAIL量表包含5项内容:①疲乏:过去4周内大部分时间或所有时间感到疲乏;②阻力增加或耐力减退:在不需要他人帮助及不使用任何辅助工具的情况下,中途不休息爬1层楼梯有困难;③自由活动下降:在不需要他人帮助及不使用任何辅助工具的情况下走完100米有困难;④疾病:5%㊂以上具备0~2项者定义为非衰弱,3~5项者定义为衰弱[8]㊂(3)Fried:Fried量表包括:①不明原因的体重下降;②疲乏;③握力下降;④行走速度下降;⑤躯体活动能力降低㊂符合3项或3项以上为衰弱,<3项为非衰弱[9]㊂(4)FI:FI涉及ȡ30种健康变量,包括躯体㊁功能㊁心理及社会等多方面,健康缺陷的数量越多则表明越衰弱㊂根据Searle等[10]提出的基于老年综合评估(CGA)制订FI的标准程序,本研究构建了一个包含37个变量的FI量表[11],FIȡ0.25定义为衰弱㊂(5)综合衰弱指数(combined index,CI):将上述四种评估工具综合来构建一个新的评估工具 CI,即四种工具中至少有三种工具定义为衰弱,则受试者被定义为衰弱㊂我们假设CI为衰弱评估的 金标准 ,该方法在Sze等[12]和Liang等[13]的研究中也曾使用过㊂1.2.3㊀其他资料㊀使用握力计测量握力,嘱受试者站立,双臂自然下垂置于身体两侧,双脚分开与肩同宽,单手尽最大力气紧握测力计手柄,双手均测量2次,记录4次读数中的最高值㊂采用简易精神状态评价量表(Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE)评估认知功能,MMSEɤ24分为认知功能缺陷,以上为正常㊂使用微型营养评估量表(Mini-Nutritional Assessment Short-Form,MNA-SF)评估营养风险,0~7分提示营养不良,8~11分提示有营养不良风险,12~14分提示营养状况良好㊂采用简版老年抑郁量表(15-item Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS-15)评估抑郁状态,0~4分不考虑抑郁,5~9分可能抑郁,10~15分为抑郁㊂使用阿森斯失眠量表(Athens Insomnia Scale,AIS)评估睡眠障碍情况,0~ 3分无睡眠障碍,4~6分可疑失眠,>6分为失眠㊂1.3㊀统计学方法采用SPSS25.0联合MedCalc统计软件进行数据分析和作图㊂正态分布的计量资料以 xʃs表示,两组间比较采用t检验;非正态分布的计量资料以M(Q1,Q3)表示,组间比较采用Mann-Whitney U检验;计数资料以百分构成比表示,两组间比较采用χ2检验或Mann-Whitney U检验㊂通过Venn图显示不同衰弱评估工具间的关系;通过Kappa值分析四种不同衰弱评估工具与CI的一致性;以CI为 金标准 ,采用受试者工作特征(receiver operation characteristic,ROC)曲线分析四种评估工具的敏感AUC)㊂P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2 结果2.1㊀不同人群患者一般情况比较HFpEF组男性37例(60.7%),女性24例(39.3%),年龄63~100(85.8ʃ9.3)岁;非HFpEF 组男性85例(65.9%),女性44例(34.1%),年龄60~98(76.1ʃ10.4)岁㊂HFpEF组的年龄㊁心房颤动比例㊁N末端B型利钠肽原水平㊁GDS-15评分高于非HFpEF组,吸烟史比例㊁体质指数㊁舒张压㊁握力㊁MMSE评分㊁MNA-SF评分低于非HFpEF组,差异有统计学意义(均为P<0.05);两组的性别㊁收缩压㊁多重用药比例㊁高血压比例㊁糖尿病比例㊁AIS评分无统计学差异(均为P>0.05)㊂无论使用何种评估工具,HFpEF组中衰弱的患病率均高于非HFpEF 组(均为P<0.001),见表1㊂2.2㊀不同衰弱评估工具在不同人群中的评估表现在整体人群中,CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried㊁FI量表所评估的衰弱患者比例分别为38.9%㊁35.8%㊁37.4%㊁46.3%;在HFpEF患者中,CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried㊁FI量表所评估的衰弱患者比例分别为70.5%㊁70.5%㊁72.1%㊁68.9%;在非HFpEF患者中,CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried㊁FI量表所评估的衰弱患者比例分别为24.0%㊁19.4%㊁20.9%㊁35.7%,见图1㊂不同的衰弱评估工具所评估的衰弱患病率各不相同,在整体人群中,共有22.1%(42例)的患者同时被CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried㊁FI量表评估为衰弱,HFpEF组中为45.9%(28例),非HFpEF组中为10.9%(14例),见图2㊂2.3㊀不同衰弱评估工具对不同人群衰弱评估结果的一致性比较分别进行CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried㊁FI量表与CI之间的一致性比较,结果显示,在整体人群中Kappa值分别为0.846㊁0.861㊁0.874㊁0.418;在HFpEF组中, Kappa值分别为0.778㊁0.778㊁0.813㊁0.231;在非HFpEF组中,Kappa值分别为0.864㊁0.851㊁0.856㊁0.379㊂FI量表与CI一致性相比其他量表较差,且FI量表在HFpEF组中与CI异质性明显(P= 0.07),见表2㊂2.4㊀ROC曲线分析不同人群中不同衰弱评估工具的敏感度㊁特异度和AUC以CI为 金标准 ,在整体人群中,CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried和FI量表的AUC分别为0.960㊁0.972㊁0.978表1㊀HFpEF组与非HFpEF组一般情况比较项目HFpEF组(61例)非HFpEF组(129例)χ2/t/Z值P值一般情况㊀年龄( xʃs,岁)85.8ʃ9.376.1ʃ10.4-6.212<0.001㊀男性[例(%)]37(60.7)85(65.9)0.4940.482㊀吸烟史[例(%)]6(9.8)35(27.1)7.3210.007㊀高血压[例(%)]49(80.3)95(73.6) 1.0090.315㊀糖尿病[例(%)]23(37.7)42(32.6)0.4870.485㊀心房颤动[例(%)]18(29.5)12(9.3)12.717<0.001㊀体质指数( xʃs,kg/m2)22.53ʃ3.0624.14ʃ3.15 3.3160.001㊀收缩压( xʃs,mmHg)133.36ʃ17.95129.88ʃ16.39-1.3230.187㊀舒张压( xʃs,mmHg)67.62ʃ12.0272.57ʃ10.59 2.8780.004㊀握力( xʃs,kg)19.69ʃ9.1725.74ʃ9.89 4.030<0.001㊀多重用药[例(%)]44(72.1)75(58.1) 3.4640.063㊀NT-proBNP[M(Q1,Q3),pg/ml]787.90(434.50,1678.00)168.80(50.84,587.90)-6.856<0.001衰弱评估[例(%)]㊀CFS43(70.5)31(24.0)37.597<0.001㊀FRAIL43(70.5)25(19.4)47.081<0.001㊀Fried44(72.1)27(20.9)46.390<0.001㊀FI42(68.9)46(35.7)18.353<0.001㊀CI39(63.9)25(19.4)36.805<0.001 MMSEɤ24分[例(%)]35(57.4)30(23.3)21.424<0.001 MNA-SF[例(%)]-3.676<0.001㊀12~14分22(36.1)84(65.1)㊀8~11分27(44.3)32(24.8)㊀0~7分12(19.7)13(10.1)GDS-15[例(%)]-2.1270.033㊀0~4分46(75.4)112(86.8)㊀5~9分4(6.6)10(7.8)㊀10~15分11(18.0)7(5.4)AIS[例(%)]-1.4410.150㊀0~3分32(52.5)86(66.7)㊀4~6分19(31.1)20(15.5)㊀7~24分10(16.4)23(17.8)㊀㊀注:HFpEF:射血分数保留的心力衰竭;NT-proBNP:N末端B型钠尿肽原;CFS:临床衰弱量表;FRAIL:FRAIL量表;Fried:衰弱表型量表; FI:衰弱指数;CI:综合衰弱指数;MMSE:简易精神状态评价量表;MNA-SF:微型营养评估量表;GDS-15:简版老年抑郁量表;AIS:阿森斯失眠量表HFpEF:射血分数保留的心力衰竭;CFS:临床衰弱量表;FRAIL:FRAIL量表;Fried:衰弱表型量表;FI:衰弱指数HFpEF:射血分数保留的心力衰竭;CFS:临床衰弱量表;FRAIL:FRAIL 量表;Fried:衰弱表型量表;FI:衰弱指数图2㊀不同衰弱评估工具检测不同人群衰弱与非衰弱间的关系表2㊀不同衰弱评估工具与CI 之间的一致性比较人群CFSKappa 值P 值FRAILKappa 值P 值FriedKappa 值P 值FIKappa 值P 值整体0.846<0.0010.861<0.0010.874<0.0010.418<0.001HFpEF 组0.778<0.0010.778<0.0010.813<0.0010.2310.07非HFpEF 组0.864<0.0010.851<0.0010.856<0.0010.379<0.001㊀㊀注:CI:综合衰弱指数;HFpEF:射血分数保留的心力衰竭;CFS:临床衰弱量表;FRAIL:FRAIL 量表;Fried:衰弱表型量表;FI:衰弱指数度最高的量表为FRAIL(93.65%);在HFpEF 组中,CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried 和FI 量表的AUC 分别为0.888㊁0.897㊁0.956和0.753,Fried 量表敏感度最高(100.00%),FI 量表特异度最高(95.45%);在非HFpEF 组中,CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried 和FI 量表的AUC 分别为0.975㊁0.984㊁0.980和0.791,CFS㊁FRAIL 量表敏感度最高(100.00%),Fried 量表特异度最高(96.15%),见图3㊁表3㊂HFpEF:射血分数保留的心力衰竭;CFS:临床衰弱量表;FRAIL:FRAIL 量表;Fried:衰弱表型量表;FI:衰弱指数;AUC:受试者工作特征曲线下面积表3㊀不同衰弱评估工具在不同人群中识别衰弱的敏感度㊁特异度及AUC评估工具AUC95%CI敏感度(%)特异度(%)P值约登指数整体人群㊀CFS0.9600.921~0.98398.4491.27<0.0010.8971㊀FRAIL0.9720.937~0.99093.7593.65<0.0010.8740㊀Fried0.9780.945~0.99496.8792.86<0.0010.8973㊀FI0.8060.743~0.86073.4476.19<0.0010.4963 HFpEF组㊀CFS0.8880.781~0.95497.4477.27<0.0010.7471㊀FRAIL0.8970.792~0.96097.4477.27<0.0010.7471㊀Fried0.9560.871~0.992100.0077.27<0.0010.7727㊀FI0.7530.626~0.85453.8595.45<0.0010.4930非HFpEF组㊀CFS0.9750.932~0.995100.0094.23<0.0010.9423㊀FRAIL0.9840.945~0.998100.0085.58<0.0010.8558㊀Fried0.9800.939~0.99792.0096.15<0.0010.8815㊀FI0.7910.711~0.85876.0077.88<0.0010.5388㊀㊀注:AUC:受试者工作特征曲线下面积;CFS:临床衰弱量表;FRAIL:FRAIL量表;Fried:衰弱表型量表;FI:衰弱指数;HFpEF:射血分数保留的心力衰竭3㊀讨论衰弱与慢性心力衰竭均是老年人群中十分常见的临床综合征,两者常常共存[14]㊂衰弱程度越高,患者的身体功能㊁日常生活能力㊁营养状况越差,发生心力衰竭加重㊁心力衰竭住院㊁全因住院㊁心血管疾病死亡㊁全因死亡的风险更高[15-16]㊂慢性心力衰竭根据患者的左心室射血分数分为三类:射血分数降低的心力衰竭(HFrEF)㊁射血分数轻度降低的心力衰竭(HFmrEF)和HFpEF[6]㊂老年人群中最常见类型为HFpEF,目前有关老年HFpEF合并衰弱人群的相关研究较少㊂衰弱的诊断主要依靠量表评定,Buta等[17]通过系统分析筛查了67种衰弱评估工具,其中引用最多的两种是Fried和FI㊂汤雯等[18]研究发现,目前最多用于心血管疾病的衰弱评估工具包括Fried㊁CFS㊁FI及FRAIL量表㊂近年来,不断有研究关注于探索新的衰弱评估工具,如Yamada等[19]制定的基于衰弱的预后标准(frailty-based prognostic criteria)及Gilbert等[20]基于ICD-10代码所制订的医院衰弱风险评分(Hospital Frailty Risk Score,HFRS),衰弱生物标志物如生长分化因子15(GDF-15)也可用于评估患者的衰弱程度并具有预测不良结局的作用,可考虑作为未来新型衰弱评估工具的一部分[5]㊂但针对HFpEF人群的衰弱评估量表尚未统一㊂本研究采用目前临床研究中广泛使用的CFS㊁FRAIL㊁Fried㊁FI四种衰弱筛查与评估方法,拟定CI作为 金标准 ,来比较在老年HFpEF人群中不同评估衰弱评估工具不同,衰弱的患病率也各不相同,这与先前的研究结果一致[14]㊂老年HFpEF患者中衰弱的患病率为68.9%至72.1%不等,明显高于整体人群(35.8%~46.3%)及非HFpEF患者(20.9%~35.7%)㊂在本研究整体老年人群中,CFS量表具有最高的敏感度(98.44%)和较高的特异度(91.27%), FRAIL量表具有最高的特异度(93.65%)和较高的敏感度(93.75%),两者与CI之间的一致性均较高(Kappa值=0.846㊁0.861);在非HFpEF人群中, CFS量表与FRAIL量表同时具有最高的敏感度,但CFS量表的特异度与Kappa值均优于FRAIL量表㊂CFS是一项由专业医护人员完成的简单快速的衰弱筛查工具,采用简单的临床参数,纳入患者的认知损害和功能情况,避免了受患者主观因素的影响㊂FRAIL量表是在结合衰弱循环理论㊁累计缺陷模型及功能模型基础上形成的一种自我报告式衰弱评估工具,存在患者主观因素导致的偏倚㊂既往已有研究证实,CFS量表是一种简单良好的衰弱筛查工具,对衰弱的不良临床结局也有良好的预测作用㊂综合比较,本研究认为对于一般老年人群及非HFpEF患者,CFS量表可作为优先考虑的衰弱筛查工具㊂在老年HFpEF人群中,Fried量表具有最高的敏感度(100.00%)与可接受的特异度(77.27%),而FI量表具有最高的特异度(95.45%),但没有良好的敏感度(55.85%),且Fried量表与CI之间的一可能与本研究中HFpEF组患者平均年龄较高有关, FI相比于Fried量表扩展了认知㊁心理㊁共病㊁睡眠等多维健康变量,包含自我报告式问卷内容,高龄老人存在更多的认知功能障碍等问题,以致无法准确判断自己的身体状况;另一方面,高龄老人对于自身健康状况期望值更高,回答一些主观问题时可能更倾向于选择符合自身期望的偏正向的答案㊂Fried量表通过身体表型从生理层面上诊断衰弱,具有坚实的生物学因果理论基础,可预测包括死亡率在内的多种临床负性事件,是当前应用最广泛的衰弱评估工具[15]㊂本研究建议对老年HFpEF患者可优先采用Fried量表作为评估工具㊂本研究仍有局限:(1)单中心研究,纳入人群为老年心血管科病房住院患者,总体经济条件较好,整体年龄偏大,男性比例较多,样本量有限,心力衰竭患者比例较少,纳入人群存在一定偏倚;(2)横断面研究,未进行不同衰弱评估工具对不良预后事件的预测作用比较;(3)排除了严重认知功能障碍及听力障碍患者,因此不能适用于上述衰弱患者㊂综上所述,老年HFpEF人群中衰弱的发生率较高㊂四种衰弱评估工具中Fried量表对老年HFpEF 患者适用性更好,CFS量表对老年整体人群及非HFpEF人群更具优势㊂利益冲突:无参㊀考㊀文㊀献[1]Ofori-Asenso R,Chin KL,Mazidi M,et al.Global Incidence ofFrailty and Prefrailty Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults:A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis[J].JAMA Netw Open,2019,2(8):e198398.DOI:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.8398.[2]Hoogendijk EO,Afilalo J,Ensrud KE,et al.Frailty:implications for clinical practice and public health[J].Lancet,2019,394(10206):1365-1375.DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31786-6.[3]Jones NR,Roalfe AK,Adoki I,et al.Survival of patients withchronic heart failure in the 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WhitepaperCodarSoftware version: 1.94For Windows and Linux operating system sCodar Plugin Automation for Continuous Integration ToolContentsIntroduction (3)Types of designs (3)Codar Topology Design (3)Codar Sequenced Design (4)Integration Automation (7)Sample Implementation (8)Conclusion (12)Legal notices (13)IntroductionCodar is a continuous delivery automation tool which supports deployment steps and pipeline process automation. It is always the choice for the customer to integrate the CI tool with continuous delivery tool like Codar in order to automate the process of CI-CD.Any code which is built by the build tool should be first deployed and verified on the dedicated environment before it is consumed by other lifecycle stages. This will help the team to regress the code further and finally rollout to production.The content of this whitepaper will expose the API’s which are really required to connect or integrate CI with Codar tool.Also the steps to automate the integration process are documented in this whitepaper. For any more details on the product features please refer the product guides.Types of designsThere are two types of designs which are supported by Codar which are Topology and Sequence. This section will explain the list of API which are to be used to automate the integration of CI tool with Codar’s topology design and Codar’s sequence design.Codar Topology DesignFollowing are the information which are required to automate the integrate,1.Application design idponent Id3.Application JSON to fetch the component property names which are modifiable by CI tools4.Create package API or flow5.Promote package API or flow with continuous promote yes or no optionThere are multiple ways to get the above information. One of the easiest way is to export the topology design as JSON and the id can be fetched from it. The other option is to access swagger API portal to get the list of designs which will have all the design id with JSON body. In this topology example we are going to get the information from topology JSON and for sequence design we will see how to fetch the same information through API in the section <TODO>Steps to fetch the information which are required to integration topology application design with CI tool1.Login to Codar2.Go to Designs→ Topology → Designer → Search (type the application name you want deploy through CI-CDintegration)3.Go the specific version of the application design4.On the gear box click on the Export5.This will download a generated JSON file6.Open the JSON file which is of below format and the highlighted string is the id of this design7. In order to get the component id which contains the parameters which are modifiable during deploy or re-deploy , scroll down to look for the component names which will give the detailed information about thecomponent and id.In the sample JSON the component name “PetClinic Application 4 Partial Design’ has the modifiable property which is “artifacturl”. Search for this component name and fetch the id highlighted as given below,Property which is modifiable during deploy or re-deploy which is present as part of this component. The value of this property should be set by the CI tool8.By following the above step you should have application design id, application component id and the propertywhich are required to be modified from CI tool.Codar Sequenced DesignAs mentioned in the previous section, it will require APIs to provide all the required information to automate the integration between CI tools with Codar’s sequenced design.Steps to fetch the information which are required to integration sequenced application design with CI tool1.Login to Codar2.Attach the following URI with the logged-in URL “apidocs.jsp” so the URL should be as given belowhttps://Codarmc:8444/csa/apidocs.jsp#!/Go to the section “sequence: The API for managing service design containers. (internal use only)”3.Click on the “Try it out” button on the subsection. This will list all the sequence design along with the JSON body.4.The below JSON body will contains the information about the application container id as well as the versionsunder this container. The members section will give the version id of the sequence design. In the below screen shot the id’s which are inside the box are application version design id.5.Now the next step is to fetch the component id(s) present inside application version JSON body. Thisinformation also can be fetched from the swagger API available as part of Codar.Go to the section from “https://Codarmc:8444/csa/apidocs.jsp#!/“6.Op en the API “GET /codar/app-package/{applicationDesignId}/designComponents” and provide the applicationversion design id to fetch the component information by clicking “Try it out” button7.The component id can be fetched from the response body (JSON output) which is show from the above API after“Try it out!”The highlighted id is the component id which should be used to pass any input to the property which is present as part of the component. The “displayName” is the property name which is highlighted in the second box in the below screen shotNote: Sequence based design Codar does support all properties as modifiable but re-deploy is not possible.Integration AutomationHere is the master piece which is going to integrate CI tool with Codar. Codar has got an Operation Orchestration (OO) flow which can automatically create a package and do a continuous promote release pipeline or mere deployment on first lifecycle stage.The OO flow name and the path is “Library/Integrations/Hewlett-Packard/Cloud ServiceAutomation/Components/CODAR/Devops/Continuous Deployment Flow.xml”The OO flow can be triggered remotely from a command line tool called “RSFlowInvoke.exe” with the required options. On Linux environment JRSFlowInvoke.jar can be used to trigger the workflow with the same option.RSFlowInvoke.exe and JRSFlowInvoke.jar is supported only for OO Central 9.x version but this tools still works with 10.x version.OO 10.x comes with the tool called “OOSH.bat/” to accomplish the same task of invoking or trigg ering the OO flows remotely from a CIT tool. This tool may be further enhanced in the next version which can be invoked as standalone tool.This flow will take the following input in order to remotely trigger an OO flow,In the above command the option input has the following values,The password can be encrypted using the same tool and passed with an option “-ep”The SDK guide explain much more details about this tool with all the options.This flow can be invoked from any CI tool with any of the native plugin.Sample ImplementationIn this section we are going to show how a Codar plugin can be created for a CI tool using the native features of the CI tool.The sample tool taken is Bamboo. Please note that Codar already has a bamboo plugin to trigger topology based design with continuous promote yes or no option. In this sample we are going to see how a sequence design can be used in a pipeline to stand up an infrastructure, along with that install or configure the software and deploy the application remotely and how a pipeline can be kick started from Bamboo.For more details on the Bamboo CI tool please refer the Bamboo help guide.In the above or previous section we say how a flow can remotely invoked using a tool called “RSFlowInvoke.exe”.We will now see how this tool can be integrated with Bamboo and start an application release pipeline by passing appropriate inputs.Step to add an executable within Bamboo too.1.Create new executable in the Server capabilities as given in the below screen shot.2.Create a new capability3.Copy the “RSFlowInvoke.exe” tool on the Bamboo system and place it under a directory. The “Path” should havethe value as given below in the screen shot which is the actual path of the RSFlowInvoke.exe which is present on the Bamboo system.4.Create a “new build plan”5.Click on the “default job”6.Add Task to the default job7.In the above screen shot the executable selected is already configured executable for “RSFlowInvoke.exe”The arguments should be the RSFlowInvoke.exe arguments which is given below and explained in the“Integration Automation” section.8.Once it is configured trigger a test run to test the configuration by clicking the highlighted item in the boxThis is currently configured as part of the build task but this certainly can be configured as part deployment job as wellThe below is the output of the run triggered from Bamboo plugin which invokes the OO flow to start the pipeline after creating the package in the design configured.ConclusionThe instructions given in the whitepaper can be used to develop a quick and simple plugin for any CI tool to integrate with Codar in order to initiate the continuous pipeline after creating the package with required inputs. The API’s reference in this whitepaper may get enhanced and please follow the Codar guides which has references for all the APIs.Legal notices© Copyright 2008 - 2018 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.The only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affilia tes and licensors (“Micro Focus”) are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Micro Focus shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Contains Confidential Information. Except as specifically indicated otherwise, a valid license is required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.。
Dynamic Binary Instrumentation TechnologyOverviewKunping DuNational Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological Research CenterZhengzhou,China**************Hui ShuNational Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological Research CenterZhengzhou,China*****************************Fei KangNational Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological Research CenterZhengzhou,China**************Li DaiNational Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological Research CenterZhengzhou,China**************Abstract—The Dynamic Binary Analysis technology is a newly emerged technology which can analysis program execution dynamicly. Using this technology, the process of program analysis became more simple and accurate. Foreign researchers had put forward several Dynamic Binary Analysis Platform in recent 10 years. Based on these platforms, users can easily build useful analysis tools which satisfy their own needs. This paper introduces five most representative Dynamic Binary Analysis platforms first. Then, four significant fields and existing applications closely related with Dynamic Binary Analysis technology are explored. In the end of this paper, the feature research hot spots are discussed.Keywords- Dynamic Binary Analysis, program analysis technology, Dynamic Binary InstrumentI.FOREWORDDynamic Binary Analysis[1](DBA) technology is a kind of dynamic program analysis method which can analyze program's memory structure and add specific instructions for monitoring and testing program's execution.The DBA technology enables users to monitor program's behavior under the premise of not affecting the results of program execution by inserting additional appropriate analysis code into the target program, this procedure called Dynamic Binary Instrument(DBI).In addition,using DBA technology,the analysis can complete without source code, no need to recompile and link,so that this technology can be used in many cases.The research on DBA technology began in the 1990s, initially applied to the dynamic optimization and testing of the program.Due to its versatility and accuracy of the analysis process,it has been used for memory testing,software behavior monitoring,reverse engineering and some other research areas recently..This paper first introduces five most widely used DBA platform,they are Shade, DynamoRIO, Valgrind, Pin and Nirvana. On this basis, summarizes the application status and popular tools build on DBA platform in the field of memory testing and optimization, data flow tracking, software behavior analysis, reverse engineering and parallel program analysis. Finally, the application prospects of DBA technology are discussed.II.D YNAMIC B INARY A NALYSIS P LATFORM So far, the foreign researchers had put forward a number of DBA platform, such as Shade, DynamoRIO, Valgrind etc. Based on these platforms, users can easily develop their own Dynamic Binary Instrumentation(DBI) tool. Below, we will detail the Shade, DynamoRIO, Valgrind, Pin, and Nirvana.A.Shade[2]It is the first the DBI platform which implements in Solaris system. Shade uses binary translation and cache technology, it has inner support of recording the register state and opcode information..B.DynamoRIO[3]DynamoRIO is an open-source dynamic binary optimization and analysis platform which evolves from Dynamo. It is available both in Windows and Linux system, and can record the execution instruction information efficiently, but doesn't support data flow recording. This platform is mainly used for the dynamic optimization of program in instruction level.C.Valgrind[4]An open source DBI platform under Linux which can efficiently record the instructions flow and data flow information of executable file in Linux. But because of the different operation mechanism of Linux and Windows system, this platform is still difficult to transplant to Windows system. D.Pin[5]Pin is a dynamic binary instrumentation framework for the IA-32 and x86-64 instruction-set architectures that enables the creation of dynamic program analysis tools. The tools createdNational Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science (CITCS 2012)using Pin, called Pintools, can be used to perform program analysis on user space applications in Linux and Windows. Pin provides a rich API that abstracts away the underlying instruction-set idiosyncrasies and allows context information such as register contents to be passed to the injected code as parameters. Pin automatically saves and restores the registers that are overwritten by the injected code so the application continues to work. Limited access to symbol and debug information is available as well. Pin was originally created as a tool for computer architecture analysis, but its flexible API and an active community (called "Pinheads") have created a diverse set of tools for security, emulation and parallel program analysis. Pin is proprietary software developed and supported by Intel and is supplied free of charge for non-commercial use. Pin includes the source code for a large number of example instrumentation tools like basic block profilers, cache simulators, instruction trace generators, etc. It is easy to derive new tools using the rich API it provides.E.Nirvana[6]Microsoft's latest development DBI platform, mainly includes two key module: program simulation execution module and JIT (just in time) binary translation module. But it has not been to market, only for Microsoft internal use. According to relevant data, the platform can well support tracking and playback function of Windows executable files in instruction level. There will be very good application prospects especially in software reverse engineering.III.DBI A PPLICATION FIELDA.Memory testing and optimizationDBI framework developed up to now, the most widely used application is for the building of memory monitoring tools. DBI-based memory testing tools have obvious advantages than the common memory detection tool in the detection efficiency and detection accuracy, as well as the support of the underlying system. Therefore, there have been a lot of DBI based memory monitoring tools since DBI technologies emerged. Most of those tools can not only detect the memory using situation of a program, memory errors that may exist in the program, illegal use of memory, memory leaks, but also can detect buffer overflow accurately. The following details on several of BDI-based memory monitoring tools and related research.a)Memcheck: Memcheck is a memory error detector based on Valgrind. It can detect many common problems appear in C and C++ programs, such as: accessing memory you shouldn't, using undefined values, incorrect freeing of heap memory, memory leaks etc.b)Dr.Memory: Dr. Memory is built on the open-source dynamic instrumentation platform DynamoRIO. It is an excellent memory checking tool that supports both Windows and Linux. Dr. Memory uses memory shadowing to track properties of a target application’s data during execution. So that it can detect memory error more accurately. In addition, Dr. Memory provide two instrumentation paths: the fast-path and the slow-path. The fast-path is implemented as a set of carefully hand-crafted machine-code sequences or kernels covering the most performance-critical actions. Fast-path kernels are either directly inlined or use shared code with a fast subroutine switch. Rarer operations are not worth the effort and extra maintenance costs of using hand-coded kernels and are handled in the slow-path in C code with a full context switch used to call out to the C function. Through using different path in different situation, the efficiency of detection is increased greatly.B.Dynamic Taint AnalysisThe dynamic taint analysis technology is a common technique in the field of application security detection. By analysis of the data used in the program, the program's data is marked as “contaminated”(Tainted), and “not contaminated” (UnTainted) categories, while in the process of implementation of the procedures to control the spread of contaminated properties by analyzing the illegal use of the data propagation path of the contaminated property to find the loopholes that exist of the program. DBI based platform, you can build a dynamic data flow tracking tools, such data flow tracking tool with a wide tracking range, and analysis results are accurate. Here are two methods based on DBI data flow tracking tool.a)TaintCheck: TaintCheck is a dynamic taint analysis tool based on Valgrind, for the automatic detection, analysis, and signature generation of exploits on commodity software. TaintCheck's default policy detects format string attacks, and overwrite attacks that at-tempt to modify a pointer used as a return address, function pointer,or function pointer offset. Its policy can also be extended to detect other overwrite attacks, such as those that attempt to overwrite data used in system calls or security-sensitive variables. TaintCheck gave no false positives in its default configuration. in many cases when a false positive could occur, it is a symptom of a potentially exploitable bug in the monitored program. For programs where the default policy of TaintCheck could generate a false positive. Once TaintCheck detects an overwrite attack, it can automatically provide information about the vulnerability and how the vulnerability is exploited. By back-tracing the chain of tainted data structure rooted at the detection point, TaintCheck automatically identifies which original flow and which part of the original flow have caused the attack.b)Dytan: A Generic dynamic taint analysis framework based on Pin. The goal of this tool is to be a generalized tainting framework that can be used to perform dataflow and control-flow analysis on an x86 executable. The dynamic tainting of Dytan consists of: (1)associating a taint label with data values;(2)propagating taint labels as data values flow through the program during execution.As long as user provides XML configuration file, in which specify: taint sources, propagation policy, and sinks.C.Reverse engineering applicationDynamic tracking is one of the commonly used method in reverse engineering. The procedure of dynamic tracking is like this: using dynamic debugging software (eg: OllyDebug) load the program, then follow the tracks of program executionstep-by-step. This approach can be summarized in a word:analysis when tracking. And the analysis relies heavily onmanual, it is difficult to automate it. By means of DBI platform,one can separate the analysis work to the tracking process byusing DBI tool recording the execution information of targetsoftware, analyzing the recorded information by other a utomatic tools. Such processing procedure can save a lot of human labor. And the automatic analysis of the recordedinformation also can greatly reduce the software reversingcycle.In 2008 blackhat Danny Quist. etc propose a DBI basedtemporal reverse engineering. By DBI platform Pin, they getthe basic block execution sequence. By analyzing andvisualizing these block information, it help analyst understandthe program behavior quickly. In addition, in reference[7], theauthor proposed a DBI based protocol reverse method, themain idea of the paper is recording the data-flow of a softwarewith DynamoRIO, then parse the protocol field with their ownautomatic tool.D.Parallel program analysis[8]With the development of high performance computingtechnology, the design of parallel programs is becomingincreasingly important. Parallel debugging and performanceevaluation of parallel programs are difficult problems in thefield. The traditional Parallel debugging and performance evaluation tools are mostly based on source code instrumentation, which makes the workload of analyzing parallel programs very huge, and as the coding language and software upgrade, testers need to do some modifications. The most deadly is if you can’t get the source code of the parallel program, the test can’t be conducted. DBA technology making the analysis of parallel programs has nothing to do with the source code, the analysis process is more transparent and more efficient. The following is several parallel program analysis tools based on DBI framework.a)Intel Parallel Inspector: The Intel Parallel Inspector analyzes the multithreaded programs’ execution to find memory and threading errors, such as memory leaks, references to uninitialized data, data races, and deadlocks. Intel Parallel Inspector uses Pin to instrument the running program and collect the information necessary to detect errors. The instrumentation requires no special test builds or compilers, so it’s easier to test code more often. Intel Parallel Inspector combines threading and memory error checking into one powerful error checking tool. It helps increase the reliability, security, and accuracy of C/C++ applications from within Microsoft Visual Studio.b)CMP$im: Memory system behavior is critical to parallel program performance. Computational bandwidth increases faster than memory bandwidth, especially for multi-core systems. Programmers must utilize as much bandwidth as possible for programs to scale to many processors. Hardware-based monitors can report summary statistics such as memory references and cache misses; however, they are limited to the existing cache hierarchy and are not well suited for collecting more detailed information such as the degree of cache line sharing or the frequency of cache misses because of false sharing. CMP$im uses Pin to collect the memory addresses of multithreaded and multiprocessor programs, then uses a memory system’s software model to analyze program behavior. It reports miss rates, cache line reuse and sharing, and coherence traffic, and its versatile memory system model configuration can predict future systems’ application performance. While CMP$im is not publicly available, the Pin distribution includes the source for a simple cache model, dcache.cpp.IV.F UTURE RESEARCHDBA technology as a new program analysis method, have not yet been widely used. As people get more comprehensive understanding on its properties and advantages, it will play a role in more areas in more fields. Future research on dynamic binary analysis techniques are mainly concentrated in the following aspects:a)Improvement of performance for DBI platform:Based on DBI build tools have a common weakness: a certain degreeof reduction on efficiency to instrumentation program. In general, the use of DBI make the original program run rate 3-5 times lower, in future studies, how to improve the performance and efficiency of the DBI platform is an important research direction.b)The combination of static analysis methods:DBA method has many advantages, but it is essentially a dynamic analysis method that can not overcome the shortcoming of only one execution path can be passed by a time. In the future, how to combine the dynamic binary analysis with the static analysis methods is a future research focus.c)solve the problem of huge amount of record information: Using DBI instrument a program ,weather in instruction level or function level, the record set could be very huge. How to reduce the volume of the record set in the premise of ensure enough information, how to improve the efficiency of information processing, how to visualize those information are all the research spot in the future.DBA technology, with the advantages of extensive (needn't source code) and accuracy (run-time instrument), has already come to the forefront in several areas, and provides new idea to solve the problems in related field. The DBA technology would bring more breakthrough for more field in the future.R EFERENCES[1]Nicholas Nethercote. Dynamic Binary Analysis and Instrumentation orBuilding Tools is Easy [D]. PhD thesis. University of Cambridge, 2004. [2]Bob Cmelik and David Keppel. Shade: a fast instruction-set simu lateorfor execution profiling [R]. In:ACM SIGMETRICS, 2004.[3]Derek L. Bruening. Efficient, Transparent, and Comprehensive RuntimeCode Manipulation [D]. PhD thesis, M.I.T, 2004. /. [4]hercote. Valgrind: A Framework for Heavyweight DynamicBinary Instrumentation [C]. In:Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implemention, San Diego,California,USA: 2007. 89-100..[5]Chi-Keung Luk. Pin: building customized program analysis tools withdynamic instrumentation [C]. In:Programming Language Design and Implementation. 2005: 190-200.[6]Sanjay Bhansali. Framework for Instruction-level Tracing and Analysisof Program Executions [C]. Second International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments VEE, 2006. [7]HE Yong-jun, SHU Hui, XIONG Xiao-bing. Network Protocol ReverseParsing Based on Dynamic Binary Analysis.[J]. Computer Engineering.2010.36(9):268-270[8]Moshe Bach, Mark Charney, Robert Cohn, etc. Analyzing ParallelPrograms with Pin. [J]. IEEE Computer. 2010:34-41.。
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SIMATIC S7-1500 TIA Selection Tool 用户指南说明书
Information for SIMATIC S7-1500Advanced Controller SIMATIC S7-1500Our fastest controller for automationWith the SIMATIC S7-1500 controller, y ou can rely on maximum perf ormance and built-in f uture-proof ing. The modular controller enables y ou to implement the most demanding machine concepts and reliably accompanies y ou on y our way through digital transf ormation.The SIMATIC S7-1500 has a modular design and is scalable in its f unctionality. Various central processor units (CPU v ersions) are av ailable, each in sev eralperf ormance classes. A wide v ariety of signal modules f or input and output as well as technology modules f or special technological f unctions such as counting and communication modules are av ailable f or central or distributed conf igurations as interf aces to the machine or plant. The SIMATIC S7-1500 is approv ed f or IP20 degree of protection and is intended f or installation in a control cabinet.https:///s7-1500System overviewEfficient engineering•The TIA Portal prov ides complete access to the entire digitized automation: digital planning, integrated engineering, transparent operation. Simulation tools shorten time-to-market, diagnostic and energy management f unctions increase productiv ity, and the link to the management lev el of f ers more f lexibility andtransparency.Functional design•The SIMATIC S7-1500 of f ers easy handling and maximum user-f riendliness in many new details: integrated potential jumpers, shielding elements that can be mounted without tools, unif orm f ront connectors, ergonomic terminal labeling. Easy expandability, indiv idual assembly and upward compatibility of f er the highest cost ef f iciency and inv estment security.Highest performance•With the SIMATIC S7-1500, y ou can achiev e maximum perf ormance and productiv ity in y our manuf acturing process thanks to the f ast backplane bus with PROFINET perf ormance, the shortest response times and a command processing time of up to 1 ns in the CPU. The PROFINET connection with deterministic time response ensures reproducibility and precision in the µs range.Integrated system diagnostics•The integrated diagnostic f unctionality enables error messages to be v isualized identically as plain text inf ormation in TIA Portal, on the HMI, on the Web serv er and on the CPU display based on a unif orm display concept. The conf iguration and the message paths of the diagnostics are integrated into the sy stem in a user-f riendly manner. The trace f unction is supported on all CPUs.Safety Integrated•One sy stem f or standard and f ail-saf e applications: one controller, one communication and one engineering f or standard and f ail-saf e automation. Saf ety Integrated stands f or simple connection of PROFIsaf e dev ices v ia PROFIBUS and PROFINET, and f or data consistency between standard and f ail-saf e program parts. Mixed operation of f ail-saf e and standard I/O modules is supported.Technology Integrated•One sy stem f or standard and f ail-saf e applications: one controller, one communication and one engineering f or standard and f ail-saf e automation. Saf ety Integrated stands f or simple connection of PROFIsaf e dev ices v ia PROFIBUS and PROFINET, and f or data consistency between standard and f ail-saf e program parts. Mixed operation of f ail-saf e and standard I/O modules is supported.Security Integrated•The security concept of the SIMATIC S7-1500 includes measures ranging f rom authorization lev els to block protection and communication integrity. Security Integrated protects y our inv estments, prev ents machine replication and contributes to high plant av ailability.https:///controller: Safety-related component: Safety-related component: Safety-related component6ES7540-1AD00-0AA0Communication module, CM PtP, RS232, Basic 6ES7540-1AB00-0AA0Communication module, CM PtP, RS422/485, Basic 6ES7541-1AD00-0AB0Communication module, CM PtP, RS232, High Feature 6ES7541-1AB00-0AB0Communication module, CM PtP, RS422/485, High Feature 6GK7542-5DX00-0XE0Communication Module, CM 1542-5, PROFIBUS DP Master/Slave 6GK7542-1AX00-0XE0Communication Module, CM 1542-1, PROFINET Controller 6ES7547-1JF00-0AB0Communication module, CM 8xIO-Link 6GK7543-1AX00-0XE0Communication processor, CP 1543-1, Industrial Ethernet 6GK7542-5FX00-0XE0Communication Processor, CP 1542-5, PROFIBUS DP Master/Slave 6GK7543-1MX00-0XE0TIM 1531 IRC SIPLUS6AG2541-1AD00-4AB0SIPLUS S7-1500 CM PtP RS232 HF TX RAIL 6AG2541-1AB00-4AB0SIPLUS S7-1500 CM PTP RS422/485 TX RAIL 6AG1543-1MX00-7XE0SIPLUS TIM 1531 IRC6AG1540-1AD00-7AA0SIPLUS S7-1500 CM PtP RS232 BA 6AG1541-1AD00-7AB0SIPLUS S7-1500 CM PtP RS232 HF 6AG1540-1AB00-7AA0SIPLUS S7-1500 CM PtP RS422/485 BA 6AG1541-1AB00-7AB0SIPLUS S7-1500 CM PtP RS422/485 HF 6AG1542-5DX00-7XE0SIPLUS S7-1500 CM 1542-56AG1543-1AX00-2XE0SIPLUS NET CP 1543-1: Safety-related component: Safety-related componentThe TIA SELECTION TOOL and all its editions are made available to you at no charge. We therefore do not assume any warranty, in particular for the accuracy, correctness, completeness, availability or usability of this tool. Our liability for damages resulting from using the examples, help notes, programs, configuration and performance data, etc. described in this TIA SELECTION TOOL and all its editions regardless of the legal background is excluded unless required by law, e.g. in cases of willful misconduct, gross negligence, personal injury or death, failure to achieve guaranteed characteristics or fraudulent concealment of a defect or in case of breach of fundamental contractual obligations. Distribution or reproduction of this TIA SELECTION TOOL and all its editions or excerpts from it is prohibited unless expressly permitted by Siemens. The latest firmware and hardware versions are configured in the TIA Selection Tool.Published by Siemens AGDigital Factory Division Factory Automation P.O. box 484890026 Nuremberg GermanyCopyright© 2020 SiemensFor U.S. only:Siemens Industry Inc.100 Technology Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005United States。
ZEISS i.Terminal 2 快速指南说明书
// SOFTWAREMADE BY ZEISSi.Terminal® 2 – Quick Guide Software applicationfor acquisition of the centration datafor precision lenses.Contents1Preparation of measurement (2)2Measurement / image capture (3)2.1Commencing measurement (3)2.2Positioning the customer (4)2.3Taking the front image (4)2.4Taking side image (5)3Centration data acquisition (6)3.1Measuring back vertex distance and mounting lens angle (6)3.2Determining the centration point position (7)3.3Selection of the lens type, the frame type and activation of theautocorrect mode (7)3.4Saving, post-processing and printing results ........................................... 91Preparation of measurement•If possible, remove the demo lenses from the selected frame to avoid reflections. •Adapt the selected frame anatomically.•Place the calibration tool on the frame and center it.Calibration tool with frame•Ask the customer to put on the frame.•Check that the calibration tool is still centered on the frame.Calibration tool centered Calibration tool displacedEN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal® 2 | 22Measurement / image capture2.1Commencing measurement•Start mobile on the iPad and touch the Customer tile in the main menu. •Select the customer from the overview (2) or create a new customer (1).Customer Menu•Create a new container (1) for the consultation or, if necessary, use an existing one (2).21Customer module The module appears.•Touch in the menu bar.Summary moduleThe module appears.1Centration moduleHint:Touch the i.Terminal 2 tile (1) in order to change over to Image capture modefrom i.Terminal 2 via iPad.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal® 2 | 3EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 42.2 Positioning the customer• First, carefully fit the customer with the selected frame.• Ask the customer to put on his/her frame together with the centered calibration tool such ashe/she would do so later.The customer must be located in a visual distance from 50 cm to 100 cm from the i.Terminal 2 in a straight line in front of the device.Natural posture, as usualUnnatural postureHint:Show the customer how to assume a natural, relaxed posture in front of i.Terminal 2. If the customer has difficulties in assuming a natural posture, ask him/her to standnext to the device and look straight ahead while you adjust the height of the device.•Adjust the height of the camera by means of the button until the customer's eyes focusthe center of the rectangle. Accordingly, the frame and the calibration tool appear on thescreen in the highlighted area.•If the customer turns his/her head in an unnatural fashion, reposition the customer.Correct head postureIncorrect head postureHint:Use the floor marking supplied with the equipment to correctly position and align the customer.Watch the customer and ensure that he/she assumes his/her habitual head and body posture during the measurement.2.3 Taking the front image• Ask the customer to focus the red cross.• Touch Image capture to record the front image.After capture has been triggered, an image or a series of images is captured automatically. • Select the best of the photos taken and touch.Front imageEN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 5Checking the quality of the measurement• Check that the red crosses coincide with the black-and-white calibration marks. Otherwise,take a new photo.Hint:Touch Cancel to discard the photos and return to image capture mode.Correct front image with calibration marks.•To measure the additional parameters Back Vertex Distance and Mounting Lens Angle, touchoptionally Side image. • If you do not want to perform this measurement on the side image, touch.• Specify the manually measured back vertex distance (BVD) or accept a suggested value.Acknowledge by touching Apply .Adjusting BVD2.4 Taking side image• Ask the customer to turn by 90° so that the calibration tool is visible and not covered by thewhite rectangle.• Touch Image capture to record the side image.Once recording has been triggered, a photo is taken automatically. • Touch.Side imageChecking the quality of the measurement• Check that the red crosses coincide with the black-and-white calibration marks. Otherwise,take a new photo. Hint:Touch Cancel to discard the photos and return to image capture mode.Now you have completed the image capture process.Correct side image with calibration marks.Now, i.Terminal 2 prepares the front and side images for acquisition of the centration data and changes over to Centration data acquisition mode.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 63 Centration data acquisition• Now you can start to evaluate the captured images to determine the individual centrationdata. Hint:The handleis used in all steps to position the measuring marks.3.1Measuring back vertex distance and mounting lens angle• Position the red mark on the front of the cornea using the handle.• If the cornea is covered by the frame side piece, measure the back vertex distance manually.Measuring back vertex distanceMeasuring mark positioned• To measure the mounting lens angle, touch Wrap angle .• Position the red measuring mark on the front side of the outer rim of the frame.Measuring mounting lens angleMeasuring mark positioned• Touch to continue.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 73.2Determining the centration point positionHint:For evaluation, commence with the right eye.To facilitate detection of the pupil during centration, you can use the zoom and contrast feature (rotation feature), if required.• Adjust the auxiliary frame for the frame via the handles so that all four lines are in contactwith the inner edge of the frame.Adjusting auxiliary frame for spectacle frameAuxiliary frame adjusted• To continue, touch.•Move the handleto adjust the measuring outline so that the circles are concentric to thepupil center (centration point).Right-hand centration point positionTracking right-hand centration point position and frame• To continue, touch .• Repeat positioning of the auxiliary frames and the pupil center for the left-hand side.• To continue, touch .• Adjust the pupil center analogously for the left-hand eye.• You can record the shape of the lens at choice on the left or right side. To this effect, touchFrame tracing . • Use the handle to adjust the form element to the inner contour of the lens shape.Recording the lens shapeLens shape recordedThe Auto-y dialog appears.• In the following dialog, transfer the measured mounting lens angle or correct it manually.Transfer or correct measured mounting lens angle.Hint: The Auto-y dialog is only visible if the function Auto-y is activated.• Acknowledge the appropriate position by touching Apply .3.3Selection of the lens type, the frame type and activation of the autocorrect mode• Select in the dropdown list Lens type or Frame the type of lens or frame.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 8• Using the handles displayed , correct, if necessary, the setting for the fitting height (y)and the progression length (Framefit).Select lens type and lens frame and activateautocorrect feature Auto Correction .• A slight rotation of the customer's head during image capture can be compensated via theautocorrect feature Auto Correction . To this effect, tick off.Activating autocorrect feature• To continue, tap .• Select the raw glass shape via the dropdown list Type .Determining the raw glass diameter• Select the size of the raw glass via the Table Size . The selected size is symbolized by greenrings. • To continue, tap.The complete centering data are displayed.Summary of centration data and frame dataHint: Tap Back in order to perform any necessary corrections.3.4Saving, post-processing and printing results•In the summary of the centration and frame acquisition data, tap Save and exit to save thecentration data.The data is saved and mobile returns to the Centration module.Centration is thus complete.Centration module with an overview of the centration and frame dataHint: Tap the Centration pictures tile to re-start centration for the picture takenpreviously (front image).Hint: For all subsequent steps and supplementary explanations, please refer to theQuick Guide mobile.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal® 2 | 9E N _20_070_7300I i .T e r m i n a l ® 2 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e i n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d a s a r e s u l t o f o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t .Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH Turnstrasse 27 73430 Aalen GermanyPhone: +49 7361 598 5000 Fax: +49 7361 591 480Email:********************.com /vision。
喜多力喷码机接口资料说明 Ci系列
喜多力信息选择(J17)数据位选择表GND 3 1 64 2 DC24V 5J17针位示意图说明:1、表中1代表高电平,是各针位不与GND接通时的状态。
4.1 RS232The RS232 serial port connection is made to connector J21, labeled 232 #2.The connector J20, labeled 232 #1, is for internal monitoring and debugging, there are no user functions available at this connection.This is not a standard DB9 RS232 connector. A standard DB9 connector frequently needs some force to connect and disconnect and these DB connectors should be mounted to an external structure. The location of the main printer board does not allow this.A serial cable is available from Citronix. They are made in several lengths. The standard RS232 electrical interface is limited to 25 feet.If frequent connecting and disconnecting to the RS232 serial port is to be done, Citronix recommends that a short serial cable be installed on the board and through the external housing with a strain relief fitting. The end of this cable may be used for the connection.4.1.1 Printer SettingsThe printer has a Serial Interface parameter named “Type”. The only setting that works is “HOST”. The other modes have never been implemented.These are the usual settings for the printer’s RS232 serial interface. These settings must match those of the computer at the other end of the cable.• Baud Rate 115.2K• Data Bits 8• Stop Bits 1• Parity None4.1.2 Hyperterm SettingsThe Hyperterm settings for the RS232 hardware parameters should be set to the same values as the printer’s settings. Hyperterm has other settings that should be set as follows –• Set Function keys to “Terminal Keys”.• Set Backspace key to “CNTL+H”.• Set Emulation to “ANSI”.• Terminal Settings for the cursor may be your preference.The Hyperterm ASCII Setup should be set as follows –• Check “Send line ends with line feeds”.• Check “Echo typed characters locally”. This will enable you to see what you are typing.• Set Line Delay to 1. This will prevent the PC from overloading the printer.• Set Character Delay to 0. A non-zero number will slow down transmissions to the printer.• Uncheck “Append line feeds to incoming line ends”.• Uncheck “Force incoming data to 7-bit ASCII”.• Check “Wrap lines that exceed terminal width”.Hyperterm saves these parameters in a .ht file. The location may vary depending on the version of Hyperterm and the version of Windows. Once you have the parameters correct and can communicate with the printer, copy the standard .ht file that used by Hyperterm into a file named The next time a Hyperterm serial port communication to the printer is needed, this connection file can be opened and all the Hyperterm settings will be correct.4.1.3 TimingsThe printer’s RS232 interface does not use any Flow Control. In order to avoid buffer overflows, an external controller should pause occasionally when sending large amounts of data or sending many small commands. The pause must be 1 millisecond after every 256 characters or less. This is done in Hyperterm by setting the line delay to 1.Internal buffer processing must also be performed. A Carriage Return character is required at the end of every command. When sending large amounts of data for a Restore (RR) command, a Message (ME) command, or a Graphic (GR) command, a Carriage Return must be used every 1000 characters or less, at an appropriate spot in the data stream – not in the middle of a data field.RS232接口(10针串口)Ci系列机器利用电脑制作图案方法、导入与调用(以下操作使用中文版win XP操作系统,喷码机为Ci键盘式)一、打开电脑中的“画图”小程序(Win 98、Win 2000、Win XP、Win Vista自带)“开始”-》“所有程序”-》“附件”-》“画图”二、制作图案1、“文件(F)”-》“新建(N)”2、“图像(I)”-》“属性(A)…”-》具体设定如下,图案的高度、宽度按实际设定。
富士施乐DocuCentre 2060 3060 3065 复印机维修手册:dc3060g_sc_ver1_chap05
第五章零件表2011/075-1DocuCentre-IV 3060G零件表Version 1.05 零件表5.1 序文5.1.1 零件表的使用方法.....................................................35.1.2 使用零件表的注意事项.................................................35.1.3 Plate 的构成.........................................................45.1.4 术语·符号的说明.....................................................45.1.5 零件向导的使用方法...................................................55.2 Parts List 1. IIT/UIPL 1.1 Platen/IIT Cover....................................................7PL 1.2 CCD Lens Assenbly/Platen Glass......................................8PL 1.3 Full/Half Rate Carriage/Carriage Cable..............................9PL 1.4 Full Rate Carriage..................................................10PL 1.5 Half Rate Carriage..................................................11PL 1.6 Motor/Transport PWB.................................................12PL 1.7 W70 Control Panel...................................................13PL 1.8 Option..............................................................142. ROSPL 2.1 ROS.................................................................153. DRIVEPL 3.1 Main Drive (1 of 2).................................................16PL 3.2 Main Drive (2 of 2).................................................174. NOHADPL 4.1 NOHAD...............................................................186. TRANSFERPL 6.1 Transfer............................................................197. FUSING UNITPL 7.1 Fusing Unit.........................................................208. XERO/DEVEPL 8.1 Drum Unit, Toner Cartridge..........................................21PL 8.2 Toner System........................................................229. FEEDER/TRAY 1/2PL 9.1 Tray 1/2 Assembly...................................................23PL 9.2 Tray 1/2 (1 of 2)...................................................24PL 9.3 Tray 1/2 (2 of 2)...................................................25PL 9.4 Tray Feeder 1/2 Assembly............................................26PL 9.5 Feeder 1/2 Assembly (1 of 2)........................................27PL 9.6 Feeder 1/2 Assembly (2 of 2)........................................28PL 9.7 Tray 1/2 Feed Roll, Nudger Roll, Retard Roll........................2910. TRAY MODULE (2TM)PL 10.1 Tray Module (2TM)..................................................30PL 10.2 Tray 3/4 (1 of 2)..................................................31PL 10.3 Tray 3/4 (2 of 2)..................................................32PL 10.4 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly, T/A Roll 3/4.............................33PL 10.5 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (1 of 2)..................................34PL 10.6 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (2 of 2)..................................35PL 10.7 Tray 3/4 Feed Roll, Nudger Roll, Retard Roll.......................36PL 10.8 Tray 3/4 Paper Size Sensor.........................................37PL 10.9 Electrical.........................................................38PL 10.10 Cover.............................................................39PL 10.11 L/H Cover Assembly................................................4011. TRAY MODULE (TTM)PL 11.1 Tray Module (TTM) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........................41PL 11.2 Tray 3/4 Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........................42PL 11.3 Tray 3 Assembly (1 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...................43PL 11.4 Tray 3 Assembly (2 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...................44PL 11.5 Tray 4 Assembly (1 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...................45PL 11.6 Tray 4 Assembly (2 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...................46PL 11.7 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly, T/A Roll Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)47PL 11.8 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (1 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........48PL 11.9 Tray 3/4 Feeder Assembly (2 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........49PL 11.10 Tray 3/4 Feed/Nudger/Retard Roll (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..........50PL 11.11 Transport Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)........................51PL 11.12 Tray 3/4 Switch Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..................52PL 11.13 Wire Harness (Option) (APO/GCO Only)..............................53PL 11.14 TM Drive (1 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only).........................54PL 11.15 TM Drive (2 of 2) (Option) (APO/GCO Only).........................55PL 11.16 Cover (Option) (APO/GCO Only).....................................56PL 11.17 L/H Cover Assembly (Option) (APO/GCO Only)........................5712. MOBILE STANDPL 12.1 Mobile Stand (Option) (APO/GCO Only)...............................5813. MSIPL 13.1 MSI Assembly.......................................................59PL 13.2 Lower Frame Assembly...............................................60PL 13.3 MSI Tray Assembly..................................................6114. L/H COVERPL 14.1 L/H Cover Assembly, Duplex Unit....................................62PL 14.2 L/H Chute Assembly.................................................63PL 14.3 L/H Frame Assembly.................................................64PL 14.4 Duplex Assembly....................................................652011/075-2Version 1.0DocuCentre-IV 3060G零件表15. REGISTRATIONPL 15.1 Registration (1 of 2).............................................66PL 15.2 Registration (2 of 2).............................................6717. EXITPL 17.1 Exit 1............................................................68PL 17.2 Exit 2, Face Up Tray ..............................................69PL 17.3 Exit 2 Chute Assembly .............................................70PL 17.4 Exit 2 Transport Assembly (1 of 2)................................71PL 17.5 Exit 2 Transport Assembly (2 of 2)................................72PL 17.6 Exit 2 Guide Assembly .............................................73PL 17.7 Face Up Tray Assembly .............................................7418. ELECTRICALPL 18.1 Electrical (1 of 2)...............................................75PL 18.2 Electrical (2 of 2)...............................................76PL 18.3 AC Chassis Assembly ...............................................77PL 18.4 IOT Wire Harness ..................................................78PL 18.5 FAX Unit ..........................................................7919. COVERPL 19.1 Cover-Front, Left .................................................80PL 19.2 Cover-Rear, Right .................................................8135. ESSPL 35.1 ESS (1 of 3)......................................................82PL 35.2 ESS (2 of 3)......................................................83PL 35.3 ESS (3 of 3)......................................................8451. DADFPL 51.1 DADF Accessory ....................................................85PL 51.2 DADF Cover,PWB ....................................................86PL 51.3 DADF Base Frame ...................................................87PL 51.4 Document Tray,Top Cover ...........................................88PL 51.5 DADF Motor,Wire Harness ...........................................89PL 51.6 DADF Rear Belt,Solenoid ...........................................90PL 51.7 DADF Front Belt ...................................................91PL 51.8 Regi./Retard/Invert/Out Chute .....................................92PL 51.9 Roll,Sensor Bracket ...............................................93PL 51.10 Document Tray ....................................................94PL 51.11 Top Cover ........................................................95PL 51.12 Upper Feeder .....................................................96PL 51.13 Regi. Chute ......................................................97PL 51.14 Retard Chute .....................................................98PL 51.15 Invert Chute .....................................................99PL 51.16 Out Chute ........................................................100PL 51.17 Sensor Bracket ...................................................10198. Screws98.1 Screws ...............................................................10299. Adjustment/Consumables Area Code List99.1 Paper ................................................................10399.2 Environment ..........................................................10399.3 Consumables ..........................................................10499.4 Electrical Adjustment ................................................10499.5 Mechanical Adjustment ................................................10599.6 Originals ............................................................10699.7 Accessories Related ..................................................10699.8 Fax ..................................................................10799.9 DMP/Network Functions Related ........................................1075.3 Parts NavigationNavi 1.1 Processor + Option ...............................................109Navi 2.1 Processor (1 of 2)...............................................109Navi 2.2 Processor (2 of 2)...............................................110Navi 2.3 IIT/UI ...........................................................1102011/075-3DocuCentre-IV 3060G零件表5.1 序文Version 零件表的使用方法第5章零件表包含关于备用零件的信息。
《电力建设施工质量验收规程 第2部分:锅炉机组》
《电力建设施工质量验收规程》DL/T5210共6个部分:——DL/T 5210.1 第1部分土建工程——DL/T 5210.2 第2部分锅炉机组——DL/T 5210.3 第3部分汽轮发电机组——DL/T 5210.4 第4部分热工仪表及控制装置——DL/T 5210.5 第5部分焊接——DL/T 5210.6 第6部分火电机组调整试验本部分是DL/T 5210的第2部分。
Cat 320 挖掘机说明书
Cat® 320Hydraulic ExcavatorThe Cat® 320 excavator brings premium performance with simple-to-use technologies like Cat GRADE with 2D, Grade Assist, and Payload – all standard equipment from the factory to boost your operator efficiencies up to 45 percent. Combine these features with a new cab, longer maintenance intervals that lower your maintenance costs up to 15 percent, and a power system that reduces fuel consumption by up to 25 percent and you have a low-cost-per-unit-of-production excavator that’s perfect for medium- to heavy-duty applications. Not all features available in all regions. Consult your Cat dealer for specific configurations available in your region.High Performance with Lower Fuel Consumption• Use up to 2 5 percent less fuel than the Cat 3 20F excavator.• Increase operating ef fi ciency up to 4 5 percent with standardCat Connect technologies that lower operator fatigue and youroperating costs, including fuel consumption and daily maintenance.• The C 4.4 ACER T™ engine can run on biodiesel up to B2 0 and meetsU.S. EPA Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IV emission standards with anaf t er t reatment system that requires no maintenance or downtime.• The advanced hydraulic system provides the optimum balanceof power and ef fi ciency while giving you the control you needfor precise digging requirements.• Match the excavator to the job with power modes; let Smar tmode automatically match engine and hydraulic power to diggingconditions.• Auxiliar y hydraulic options give you the versatilit y to use a widerange of Cat at t achments.• Available Smar t Boom™ lets the boom freely travel up and downwithout using any pump flow so operators can focus on stick andbucket work. The benefits are reduced operator stress and reducedfuel consumption.• Don’t let the temperature stop you from working. The excavatorhas a standard ambient temperature capabilit y of 4 6° C (115° F) andoptional high-ambient capabilit y of 5 2° C (12 5° F ). S t andard coldstar t capabilit y is – 32° C (–2 5° F ).Boost Efficiency and Boost Productivitywith Integrated Cat Connect Technologies• Boos t productivit y up to 4 5 percent versus traditional gradingwith s t andard Cat GR A DE with 2D system – includes indicate-onlyand laser capabilit y.– Dig with guidance to depth, slope, and horizontal distanceto grade.– The 2D system is upgradable to Cat GR A DE with Advanced 2Dor Cat GR A D E with 3D.• S t andard Grade Assist:– S t ay on grade – simply and ef f or t lessly – with single-lever digging.– Set your desired bucket angle and let Bucket Assis t automaticallymaintain the angle in sloping, leveling, fine grading, and trenchingapplications for easy, accurate, and fast jobs.– Keep the tracks on ground in lif t ing and hard digging withBoom Assist .– Automatically s t op excavator swing at operator-defined setpoints in truck loading and trenching applications with SwingAssist , which will help you use less ef f or t and consume less fuel.• S t andard Cat PAYLOAD on-board weighing system:– Achieve precise load targets and increase loading ef fi ciencywith on-the-go weighing and real-time es t imates of your payloadwithout swinging.– Track your daily productivit y such as truck target weights andload/cycle counts.– Calibration can be per f ormed in a mat t er of minutes.– Combine Payload with VisionL i nk® and remotely manage yourproduction targets.• Upgrade to optional Cat GR A DE with Advanced 2D:– Create and edit grade designs with ease on a second high-resolution 2 54 mm (10 in) touchscreen monitor.• Upgrade to optional Cat GR A DE with 3D:– Create and edit designs with ease and see the front linkage’sfull range of motion on a second high-resolution 25 4 mm (10 in)touchscreen monitor.– Know the excavator ’s exact position relative to GPS andGLONASS systems.– The machine automatically compensates for excavator pitchand roll caused by sloping ground conditions.• S t andard Product Link™ provides location, machine hours, fuelusage, productivit y, idle time, diagnostic codes, and other machinedata on demand through V i sionLink online inter f ace, helping youimprove job site ef fi ciency with lower operating cos t s.Cat® 320 Hydraulic ExcavatorWork in Comfort in the All-New Cab• Choose bet w een Comfor t and Deluxe cabs – both with automatic climate control.• Sit in wide seats that adjust for all size operators; s t ay warm with the Deluxe heated seat.• Enjoy wide spacing bet w een consoles for a more comfor t able environment .• Get in and out of the cab easier using the tip-up lef t console (Deluxe cab only).• Advanced viscous mounts reduce cab vibration up to 5 0 percent over previous excavator models.• Control the excavator comfor t ably with easy-to-reach controlsall located in front of you.• S t ow your gear with plent y of in-cab storage beneath and behind the seat , overhead, and in the consoles. A cup holder, document holder, bot t le holder, and coat hook are also provided.• Use the s t andard radio’s USB por t s and Bluetooth® technologyto connect personal devices and make hands-free calls.Simple to Operate• S t ar t the engine with a push but t on; use a Bluetooth key fob, smar t phone app, or the unique Operator ID function.• Program each joystick but t on, including response and pat t ern, using Operator ID; it will also remember climate control fanand radio set t ings.• Navigate quickly on the standard high-resolution 2 03 mm(8 in) touchscreen monitor, or with the optional 2 54 mm (10 in) touchscreen monitor, or with the aid of the jog dial control.• A second 2 54 mm (10 in) monitor is available for the advanced grade control.• Not sure how a function works or how to maintain the excavator? Always have the operator ’s manual at your finger t ips in the touchscreen monitor.Maintenance• E x pect up to 15 percent less maintenance cost than the 3 20E. (Savings calculated over 12 ,0 00 machine hours.)• Do all daily maintenance at ground level.• Check engine oil level quickly and safely with the new ground-level engine oil dipstick; fill and check engine oil on top of the machine with a conveniently located second dipstick. • Track your excavator ’s filter life and maintenance inter v als via the in-cab monitor.• Do no required maintenance on the Cat Clean Emissions Module. • Change all fuel filters at a synchronized 5 00 hours.• E x pect the new air intake filter with precleaner to last up to1, 000 hours – a 10 0 percent increase over the previous filter.• The new hydraulic oil filter provides improved filtration per f ormance, anti-drain valves to keep oil clean when the filter is replaced, and longer life with a 3, 000 hour replacement inter v al – 5 0 percent longer than previous filter designs.• The new high-ef fi ciency electric cooling fans only run when needed and reverse to keep cores free from debris.• S·O·S SM por t s simplif y maintenance and allow for quick , easyex t raction of fluid samples for analysis.Safety• Work safely under structures or near traf fi c with the s t andard 2DE-fence feature integrated right out of the factor y, which prevents any par t of the excavator from moving outside operator-defined set points to avoid hazards and job site accidents.• Access 10 0 percent of daily maintenance points from ground level – no need for you to climb on top of the excavator.• The standard ROPS cab meets ISO 12117-2:2 008 requirements. • Enjoy great visibilit y into the trench, in each swing direction, and behind you with the help of smaller cab pillars, larger windows, and a flat engine hood design.• The standard hydraulic lockout lever isolates all hydraulic and travel functions in the lowered position.• Ground-level shut-of f switch stops all fuel to the engine when activated and shuts down the machine.• A rear v iew camera is s t andard, and a right-side-view camerais optional. Upgrade to 3 60° visibilit y and you’ll easily visualize objects and personnel around the excavator in a single view.• New right-hand ser v ice plat f orm design provides easy, safe, and quick access to upper ser v ice plat f orm; the ser v ice plat f orm steps use anti-skid punch plate to prevent slipping.• Available boom and stick lowering check valves prevent reverse flow, keeping your front linkage securely in place should the hydraulic sys t em unexpectedly lose power.• The handrails comply with ISO 2 867:2011 requirements.• The lower frame meets ISO 15 818:2 017 lif t ing and tie-down requirements.Cat® 320 Hydraulic Excavator Standard and Optional EquipmentStandard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.Standard Optional CABROPS, standard sound suppression 9 Mechanically adjus t able seat 9Air-adjustable seat with heat (Deluxe only) 9 High-resolution 2 03 mm (8 in) 9LCD touchscreen monitorHigh-resolution 2 54 mm (10 in) 9 LCD touchscreen monitorCAT CONNECT TECHNOLOGYCat Product L i nk 9Cat GR A DE with 2D 9Cat GR A DE with Advanced 2D 9 (not available on SL R)Cat GR A DE with 3D (not available on SLR) 9 Cat GR A DE with Assist 9Cat PAY L OA D9ENGINEThree selectable power modes 9Auto engine idle shutdown 94 6° C (115° F ) ambient cooling capacit y952° C (12 5° F ) high-ambient cooling capacit y9– 32° C (–2 5° F ) cold star t capabilit y9Reversing electric cooling fans 9Biodiesel capabilit y up to B2 09 HYDRAULIC SYSTEMBoom and stick regeneration circuits 9Boom and stick lowering check valves 9 Auto hydraulic warm up 9Auto t w o-speed travel 9Boom and stick drif t reduction valve 9Hammer return filter circuit 9 Combined flow/high-pressure 9 auxiliar y circuitMedium-pressure circuit 9 Quick coupler circuit for Cat Pin Grabber 9Standard Optional BOOM AND STICKS5.7 m (18'8 ") reach boom, 2.9 m (9'6") stick 98.8 5 m (29'0 ") SL R boom, 6.2 8 m (20'7 ") 9 SL R s t ickUNDERCARRIAGE AND STRUCTURES6 00 mm (24") triple grouser shoes 970 0 mm (2 8") triple grouser shoes 979 0 mm (31") triple grouser shoes 99 00 mm (3 5") triple grouser shoes 9 Tie-down points on base frame 942 00 kg (9, 300 lb) counter w eight 9for HD boom and stick470 0 kg (10, 400 lb) counter w eight 9for SL R boom and s t ickELECTRICAL SYSTEMTwo 1, 000 CCA maintenance-free bat t eries 9 Programmable time-delay L E D 9working lightsLED chassis light, lef t-hand/right-hand 9boom lights, cab lightsSERVICE AND MAINTENANCESampling por t s for Scheduled Oil Sampling 9 (S·O·S)Ground-level and plat f orm-level engine 9oil dips t icksRemote flash 9SAFETY AND SECURITYRear v iew camera 9Right-hand-side camera 9* 9* Right-hand mirror 93 60° visibilit y9 Ground-level engine shutof f switch 9Right-hand handrail and hand hold 9Signaling /warning horn 9*Europe standard; other regions optional.Cat® 320 Hydraulic Excavator Technical SpecificationsEngine Model Cat C 4.4 ACER T Gross Power – ISO 14 396/SA E J19 95 12 2 kW 16 4 hp Net Power – ISO 924 9/SA E J13 49121 kW 162 hp Engine RPMOperation 1,65 0 rpmTravel 1, 800 rpmBore 10 5 mm 4 in Stroke 127 mm 5 in Displacement 4 .4 L 269 in 3Main System – Maximum Flow (Implement) 42 9 L /min 113 gal /min Maximum Pressure – Equipment – Normal 3 5 0 00 kPa 5,0 75 psi Maximum Pressure – Equipment –Heav y L i f t Mode3 8 0 00 kPa 5, 510 psi Maximum Pressure – Travel 34 3 00 kPa 4, 974 psi Maximum Pressure – Swing 2 6 8 00 kPa 3, 886 psiOperating Weight – Nor t h America 2 2 5 00 kg 4 9,6 00 lb • Reach boom, R2.9 m (9'6 ") stick, HD 1.19 m 3 (1.5 6 yd3) bucket and 79 0 mm (31 in) triple grouser shoes, 4.2 mt (9, 300 lb) counter w eight.Operating Weight – E urope/Australia21 9 00 kg 4 8, 300 lband New Zealand• Reach boom, R2.9 m (9'6 ") stick, HD 1.19 m 3 (1.5 6 yd3) bucket and 6 00 mm (24 in) triple grouser shoes, 4.2 mt (9, 300 lb) counter w eight.Fuel Tank 3 45 L 8 6.6 gal Cooling System 2 5 L 6.6 gal Engine Oil 15 L 4 gal Swing Drive (each) 5 L 1. 3 gal Final Drive (each) 5 L 1. 3 gal Hydraulic System (including tank) 2 34 L 61.8 gal Hydraulic Tank 115 L 3 0.4 gal DEF Tank 3 9 L 10.3 gal Boom Reach 5.7 m (18'8 ") Stick Reach 2.9 m (9'6 ") Bucket 1.19 m3 (1.56 yd3) Shipping Height (top of cab) 2 960 mm 9'9 " Handrail Height 295 0 mm 9'9 " Shipping Length 95 30 mm 31'3 " Tail Swing Radius 2 830 mm 9'3 " Length to Center of Rollers 3 650 mm 12'0 " Ground Clearance 470 mm 1'7 " Track Gauge 2 380 mm 7'9 " Transpor t W i dth – 6 00 mm (24") Shoes 2 980 mm 9'9 " Transpor t W i dth – 79 0 mm (31") Shoes 3170 mm 10'5" Counter w eight Clearance 10 48 mm 3'5"Stick Reach 2.9 m (9'6 ") Bucket 1.19 m3 (1.56 yd3) Maximum Digging Depth 6 72 0 mm 2 2'1" Maximum Reach at Ground Level 9 860 mm 32'4" Maximum Cut t ing Height 9 370 mm 3 0'9 " Maximum L o ading Height 6 490 mm 21'4" Minimum Loading Height 2170 mm 7'1" Maximum Depth Cut for 24 40 mm (8'0 ")Level Bot t om655 0 mm 21'6 " Maximum Ver t ical Wall Digging Depth 519 0 mm 17'0 " Bucket Digging Force (ISO) 15 0 kN 3 8, 811 lbf S t ick Digging Force (ISO) 10 6 kN 2 3, 911 lbf Bucket Digging Force (SA E) 13 4 kN 3 0,10 4 lbf S t ick Digging Force (SAE) 10 3 kN 2 3,212 lbf Boom Reach 5.7 m (18'8 ")F o r more complete infor m ation on Cat product s, dealer ser v i ces, and indus t r y solu t ions, visit us on t h e web at ww © 2 017 CaterpillarAll righ t s reser v edMaterials and speci fi cations are subject to change wi t hout notice. Featured machines in pho t o s may include addit i onal equipment . See your Cat dealer for available options.C A T, CAT E R PIL L A R, S A F E T Y.C A , t h eir respec t i ve logos, “Caterpillar Yellow ” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product iden t i t y used herein, are t r ademarks of Caterpillar and may no t be used wi t hout permission.A E X Q 219 0-01 (12-2 017)Replaces AE X Q 2190Build Number: 0 7A (Nor t h America, Europe, A N Z)。
CI持续改善 知识介绍
广义范畴的行业目标,为达 到目标组织应完成的工作
Select short-term plan coordinating executive 选择短期计划
Announce short-term plan indicators and negotiated targets
* Each team follows the CI Story, is lead by a Team Leader, and is guided by a Facilitator
• Improve quality of products and services • 提高产品的质量和服务 • Develop skills and abilities in problem solving and group dynamics • 在问题解决和团队推动过程中的技巧和能力 • Promote communication and teamwork • 提升沟通和团队精神 • Enhance quality of work life • 提高工作质量
宣布短期计划指数和可商 议目标
Implement and Review
Develop business plans to achieve short-term plans 制定完成计划的方案
Purpose 目的
智能温度传感器STT750 技术手册说明书
SmartLineTechnical InformationSTT750 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter Specification 34-TT-03-16, June 2023IntroductionPart of the SmartLine® family of products, the SmartLine STT750 is a high-performance and value temperature transmitter offering high accuracy and stability over a wide range of process and ambient temperatures.SmartLine easily meets the most demanding needs for temperature measurement applications. Best in Class Features:Industry leading performance valueo Digital Accuracy up to .14 Deg C for RTD oStability up to +/-0.01% of URL per year for ten years o 125 mSec update time for single input models. o250 mSec update time for dual input models.Reliable measuremento Built in Galvanic Isolation o Dual Compartment Housing o Sensor Break detectiono Comprehensive on-board diagnostic capabilities o Full compliance to SIL 2/3 requirements. o Available with 4 year warranty o Supports Namur 89 Wire breakoDirect entry of Callendar-van Dusen coefficients R 0, α, δ and β for calibrated RTD sensors .Lower Cost of Ownershipo Universal inputo Basic digital display capabilities o Modular constructiono External zero, span, & configuration capability o Polarity insensitive loop wiringFigure 1– SmartLine STT750 TemperaturetransmitterCommunications/Output Options:o 4-20 mA DC oHART ® (version 7.0)All transmitters are available with the above listed output and communication protocol option.DescriptionThe STT750 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter is designed and manufactured to deliver high performance across varying ambient temperature.Unique Indication/Display OptionsThe STT750 modular design accommodates a basic alphanumeric LCD display.Standard LCD Display Featureso Modular (may be added or removed in the field).o0, 90,180, & 270-degree position adjustments.o Deg C, F, R, Kelvin, Milli volts, and Ohm measurement units.o 2 Lines 6 digits PV (9.95H x 4.20W mm), 8 Characters. o Device configuration and calibration through integral buttons or optional external buttons.o Up to 4 configurable display screens.o Configurable screen rotation timing (2 to 20 sec).o Write protect indication.o Critical fault indication.Basic Alphanumeric LCD Display Featureso Modular (may be added or removed in the field)o0, 90,180, & 270 degree position adjustmentso Deg C , F, R and Kelvin measurement unitso 2 Lines 16 Characters (4.13H x 1.83W mm)o Up to 8 display screens with similar formatso Configurable screen rotation timing (3 to 30 sec)o Auto/Manual selection for screen rotationo Displays up to 6 Data-points: Loop PV,CJ Temperature, Sensor, RTD Resistance,Loop output, Percent Loop.o Out of Range Indicationo PV Status and critical fault indicationConfiguration ToolsIntegral Three Button Configuration OptionSuitable for all electrical and environmental requirements, SmartLine offers the ability to configure the transmitter and display via three externally accessible buttons. The button compartment is isolated from other internal componentsand thus keeps the sensitive electronics environmentally sound.Zero/span capabilities are also optionally available via these buttons with or without selection of a display option.Handheld ConfigurationSmartLine transmitters feature two-way communication and configuration capability between the operator and the transmitter. This is accomplished via Honeywell’s field-rated Multiple Communication Configuration tool.The Honeywell Handheld MC Toolkit is capable of field configuring HART Devices and can also be ordered for use in intrinsically safe environments. All Honeywell transmitters are designed and tested for compliance with the offered communication protocols and are designed to operate with any properly validated hand-held configuration device.Personal Computer ConfigurationField Device Manager (FDM) Software and FDM Express are also available for managing HART device configurations.DiagnosticsSmartLine transmitters all offer digitally accessible diagnostics which aid in providing advanced warning of possible failure events minimizing unplanned shutdowns, providing lower overall operational costsSystem Integrationo All SmartLine products meet the most current published standards for HART.Modular DesignTo help contain maintenance and inventory costs, all STT750 transmitters are modular in design supporting the user’s ability to replace temperature boards, add indicators or change electronic modules without affecting overall performance or approval body certifications.Each temperature board is uniquely characterized to provide in-tolerance performance over a wide range of application variations in temperature and due to the Honeywell advanced interface, electronic modules may be swapped with any electronics module without losing in-tolerance performance characteristicsModular Featureso Replace temperature board, terminal board, or lightning protection*o Replace electronics or communication modules*o Add or remove integral indicators*o Add or remove external configuration buttons* Field replaceable in all electrical environments (including IS) except flameproof without violating agency approvals.With no performance effects, Ho neywell’s unique modularity results in lower inventory needs and lower overall operating costs.Performance Specifications1,321. Digital Accuracy is accuracy of the digital value accessed by the Host system and the handheld communicator.2. Total analog accuracy is the sum of digital accuracy and output D/A Accuracy.3. Output D/A Accuracy is applicable to the 4 to 20 mA Signal output.4. For TC inputs, CJ accuracy shall be added to digital accuracy to calculate the total digital accuracy.5. Custom Callendar-van Dusen not available for Pt25 sensors.EMC Conformity (CE, Marine and SIL)The STT750 device is compliant with IEC compliance EN 61326-1: 2013, EN IEC 61326-1: 2021 (CE) ; IEC 60533: 2015 / IACS Req. 1991/Rev.8 2021 (Marine) and IEC 61326-3-1: 2017 (SIL)Performance specifications under EMC conditions (CE and Marine):HART: Worst case deviation < 0.1% of full span (for both Analog and Digital).Operating Conditions – All ModelsParameter ReferenceConditionRated Condition Operative Limits Transportation andStorage︒C ︒F ︒C ︒F ︒C ︒F ︒C ︒FA mbient Temperature1STT750 25±1 77±2 -40 to 85 -40 to 185 -40 to 85 -40 to 185 -55 to 120 -67 to 248 Humidity %RH 10 to 55 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100Supply Voltage Load Resistance HART Models: 11.8 to 42.4 Vdc at terminals (IS versions limited to 30 Vdc) 0 to 1,400 ohms (as shown in Figure 2)1 LCD Display operating temperature -20︒C to +70︒C . Storage temperature -30︒C to 80︒C.Figure 2 – HART Supply voltage and loop resistance chart & calculationsCommunications Protocols & DiagnosticsHART ProtocolVersion:HART 7Power SupplyVoltage: 11.8 to 42.4Vdc at terminalsLoad: Maximum 1400 ohms See figure 2Minimum Load: 0 ohms. (For handheld communications, a minimum load of 250 ohms is required)IEC 61508 Safety Certified SIL 2 and SIL 3Standard DiagnosticsSTT750 top level diagnostics are reported as either critical or non-critical as listed below. All diagnostics are readable via the DD/DTM tools. All critical diagnostics will appear on the Basic integral display.Critical DiagnosticsSensor Module FaultCommunications Module FaultSensor Communications FaultInput FaultSTT 750 Smart Temperature 7 Wiring DiagramFigure 3 STT750 Thermocouple, RTD, mV, ohm and Volt Connections8 STT 750 Smart Temperature Approval Certifications:STT 750 Smart Temperature 910 STT 750 Smart TemperatureSTT 750 Smart Temperature 11Notes1.Operating Parameters:4-20 mA/ HART (Loop Terminal)Voltage= 11.8 to 42 V Current= 4-20 mA Normal (3.8 – 23 mA Faults)2. Intrinsically Safe Entity ParametersFor details, see Control Drawing in the User’s Manual (34-TT-25-13)12 STT 750 Smart Temperature Mounting & Dimensional DrawingsTRANSMITTER ENCLOSURE CAN BE ROTATED A TOTAL OF 90O FROM THE STANDARD MOUNTING POSITION Figure 4 – STT750 with adapter housing - Horizontal Wall MountingFigure 5 – STT750 No-Adapter Horizontal Wall MountingSTT 750 Smart Temperature 13 Figure 6 – STT750 Pipe Mount with adapter housing - Horizontal & VerticalFigure 7 – STT750 Pipe Mount, Vertical*Note 1: Figure 6 and 7. The housing adapter may not be present on all transmitter models. If the housing adapter is not present, subtract 24,5mm (0,96 inches) from the dimension specified.14 STT 750 Smart Temperature Mounting & Dimensional DrawingsReference Dimensions:millimetersinchesFigure 8 – STT750 with adapter housing - DimensionsSTT 750 Smart Temperature 15Figure 9 – STT750 no adapter housing dimensions16 STT 750 Smart Temperature The Model Selection Guide is subject to change and is inserted into the specification as guidance only.Model Selection GuideSTT 750 Smart Temperature 1718 STT 750 Smart TemperatureFor more informationTo learn more about SmartLine Temperature, visit Or contact your Honeywell Account ManagerProcess Solutions Honeywell2101 City West Blvd Houston, TX 77042Honeywell Control Systems LtdHoneywell House, Skimped Hill Lane Bracknell, England, RG12 1EB34-TT-03-16 June 2023Shanghai City Centre, 100 Jungi Road Shanghai, China 20061Sales and ServiceFor application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact one of the offices below.ASIA PACIFICHoneywell Process Solutions, (TAC) hfs-tac-*********************AustraliaHoneywell LimitedPhone: +(61) 7-3846 1255 FAX: +(61) 7-3840 6481 Toll Free 1300-36-39-36 Toll Free Fax: 1300-36-04-70China – PRC - Shanghai Honeywell China Inc.Phone: (86-21) 5257-4568 Fax: (86-21) 6237-2826SingaporeHoneywell Pte Ltd.Phone: +(65) 6580 3278 Fax: +(65) 6445-3033South KoreaHoneywell Korea Co Ltd Phone: +(822) 799 6114 Fax: +(822) 792 9015EMEAHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: + 80012026455 or +44 (0)1202645583Email: (Sales)***************************or (TAC)*****************************WebKnowledge Base search engine’SHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: (TAC) 1-800-423-9883 or 215/641-3610(Sales) 1-800-343-0228Email: (Sales)*************************** or (TAC)*****************************WebKnowledge Base search engine are subject to change without notice.。
AirCheck G2 v2.0.0 Release Notes说明书
AirCheck G2 version 2.0.0 Release NotesOctober 2017AirCheck G2 v2.0.0 Release Notes briefly describe the Bug Fixes included in the release, along with Known Issues to be aware of. It also includes a reference to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).Upgrading to Version 2.0Upgrading from 1.1.1 to 2.0 is straightforward, however there are several recommended steps that you can take to further minimize the chances for problems. Following these steps will ensure important data is not lost when transitioning to the new build.e the AirCheck G2 Manager application to export and save any screen captures or session filesoff your unit prior to upgrading.2.Ensure you have saved a backup copy of all AirCheck G2 profiles, and session files you may havecreated, upgrading the unit will migrate files to a 2.0 format, and should you need 1.x versions in the future you will need to use the archived copies.3.Before upgrading your 1.x AirCheck G2 to 2.0, we recommend that you ensure you are running1.1.1. Upgrading directly from 1.0.0 is possible, but upgrading from 1.1.1 is recommended.4.After performing steps 1 – 3 as applicable, you should then update your AirCheck G2 Managersoftware to the 2.0 version.5.Finally after updating your AirCheck G2 Manager Software to 2.0, attach your 1.1.1 AirCheck G2to your computer using the USB cable and update it to the v2.0 firmware.Version 2.0 New FeaturesThe AirCheck G2 v2.0 release brings enhancements to existing AirCheck G2 features as well as new features never before seen in an AirCheck tester.New and Updated FeaturesPerformance Testing with iPerfQuickly and easily test the throughput on your network by conducting iPerf tests from an AirCheck G2 to an iPerf server. The iPerf test allows a user to validate the throughput on their network at a given location.The tester uses the industry standard performance measuring tool iPerf in either UDP or TCP mode of operation. Tests can be conducted with a customer’s iPerf server they install themselves on their own or utilizing our new Test Accessory.IPerf results are logged to your session file and can be saved and reviewed by using the AirCheck G2 Manager software.iPerf ConfigurationA new configuration area is available in the AirCheck G2 settings: iPerf Settings. Additional new iPerf thresholds are available for configuration in the Thresholds area.iPerf SettingsProtocoliPerf tests can be run for TCP traffic or UDP. Allperformance tests will be run based upon the traffictype selected here.PortConfigures the port to be used for the iPerf traffic.Test DurationConfigures the amount of time (in seconds) for the iPerftest to run. The test runs an uplink followed by adownlink test. This duration is for the total time of bothtests, so the default 20s setting will result in a 10s uplink followed by a 10s downlink test. ThresholdsThis is not a setting but instead is a link to the AirCheck G2 Thresholds configuration screen.Remote Battery TypeThis sets what battery type is present in a Test Accessory. The AirCheck will use this information to give the most accurate reading possible for the remaining battery level of your Test Accessories. Running an iPerf Performance TestAn iPerf test can be conducted by following these steps:1.Connect to a network or an AP as before2.After a successful connection, a newbutton is available at the bottom of thescreen titled “iPerf Test”. Tap thatbutton. The Select iPerf Server screenwill now display.3.You can now select what iPerf serveryou would like to use. You can tap inthe space next to “iPerf Server” tomanually enter the IP address of theiPerf server you would like to testagainst, or you can select from a list ofdetected Test Accessories at the bottomand then tap “Done”. For furtherinformation on configuring iPerf serversand managing Test Accessories pleaserefer to the User Guide.4.Tap “Start” at the bottom of the screento begin your iPerf test. The test will runfor the configured amount of time, andresults will be marked pass/fail basedupon the configured threshold.Captive Portal SupportCustomers asked and we listened, users can now conduct all their AirCheck testing even on public facing networks that feature a captive portal.A new configuration item is available in the AirCheck G2 Network Configuration screen. For a given network, you can set Captive Portal to be On or Off for that network.When attaching to a network configured as a captive portal network, the AirCheck G2 will open a web browsing screen for the user to provide any necessary interaction.Important Notes:•Some web pages contain small features (such as check boxes) that can be difficult to accurately interact with unless the page is zoomed in.•Secondary pop-up windows (such as opening a Terms and Conditions form) that open off the main Captive Portal page are not supported.Authorization ClassesOne of our popular AirCheck G1 features is now available on the AirCheck G2. Users can now mark APs as Authorized, Unauthorized, Neighboring, or Flagged. APs can be sorted by authorization class, and the updated AutoTest can now report on any APs that have been marked as Unauthorized or Flagged that are heard during the test scan. [Please note, Rogue AP for AutoTest is on by default after upgrading from 1.x to 2.0.] In addition, users can set up a ‘default’ setting to be used for any APs heard that do not already have an assigned Authorization class. If ‘None’ is selected, then no ACL will be assigned and that AP will not indicate any ACL icons in the AP listings.Interferer Detection and ClassificationSometimes the problem isn’t the Wi-Fi, it’s the other devices in your area. Get a view into what other technologies are in your airspace by detecting interferers such as Microwave ovens or wireless cameras. The AirCheck G2 will use its wi-fi radio to detect interfering technologies in the environment and attempt to identify them. Interferer events are categorized by the AirCheck G2 radio as it scans through the bands. Based upon the readings it receives during the scan, if the AirCheck G2 believes the devices is operating with enough power and regularity to interfer with your Wi-Fi Network, it will attempt to identify an interfering device and (if identified) an interferer event will be logged.Various Small EnhancementsChannel OverlapUsers have requested the ability to visualizethe channels and how they overlap witheach other. This view is now available atthe tap of a button from the Channelsscreen.Supported Rates vs. Basic RatesAnother common request was to separate the rates information the AirCheck provides on an AP into Supported vs. Basic rates, so that the user could see explicitly how the AP was configured. We’ve made this change to the AP Details screen, so both pieces of information are now available.Save a Packet CaptureNow when saving a session file, the user also has the option to save that information as a PCAP. The capture file is automatically set to slice packets at 512 length. Packet capture files can be exported from the unit via a supported USB thumb drive.Version 2.0.0 Bug FixesDE14857 Upgrading firmware via the AirCheck G2 Manager no longer causes an error message of: “Error transferring AirCheck G2 firmware file”DE15486 After disconnecting from AirCheck G2 Manager and rebooting, the AirCheck G2 no longer will occasionally show AutoTest, Ethernet Test and soft keys as disabled (greyedout).DE15659 If a Profile is created/edited in AirCheck G2 Manager with multiple security certificates and at least one Network, and that Profile is transferred to an AirCheck G2 and thatNetwork is edited within the AirCheck G2, the first certificate in the Profile’s list is nolonger automatically assigned to that Network.Version 2.0.0 Known IssuesDE14570 AirCheck G2 Manager does not apply grouping of virtual APs (BSSIDs on the same AP radio). Therefore the AP count shown in AirCheck G2 with virtual AP grouping enabledmay not match the AP count in AirCheck G2 Manager.DE14604 If AutoTest connects to a hidden network, Network Coverage will show 0 APs. This will cause the connection test to fail when using the default threshold for Network Coverage.You can adjust this threshold in Settings / Thresholds to avoid this.DE15401 If a negative signal adjustment causes the signal level to exceed the -99 dBm minimum level limit, Signal/Noise Ratio (SNR) readings may be incorrect.DE15466 Link-Live does not report channel utilization for wireless connection tests.DE15541 If the AirCheck G2 is set to scan on only one channel, it is possible that a Connect to Network test can connect to the network on a different channel. 802.11 Types reportedto Link-Live might be missing in this scenario.DE17209 After running an Ethernet or iPerf test the * will appear next to the profile name indicating a change to the profile despite the user not changing profile characteristics.This occurs due to “last used” information being saved to a profile by the unitautomatically.DE17343 If a 2.0 unit is downgraded to 1.1.1, the unit should be reset to factory defaults before upgrading again to 2.0 to prevent the first test result to fail Link-Live archiving.DE17394 Changing the Date or Time on the unit puts it into a very slow scanning state which can only be recovered by rebooting the unit.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)For a list of FAQ and answers, please log into your link-live account and visit Select the AirCheck G2 article.。
mlops概念介绍 -回复
mlops概念介绍-回复什么是MLOps?MLOps(Machine Learning Operations)是指在机器学习项目中应用DevOps(Development Operations)方法论的一种实践。
MLOps的基本原则MLOps的实践建立在一些基本原则之上,这包括:1. 自动化:使用自动化工具和流程来管理整个机器学习生命周期。
2. 追踪和管理版本控制:类似于软件工程中使用版本控制系统来跟踪代码更改,MLOps中也需要对数据和模型进行版本控制和管理。
3. 环境管理:机器学习项目涉及多个环境,包括开发、测试和生产环境。
4. 模型评估和监控:模型在生产环境中运行时需要进行实时监控和评估。
5. 灵活性和可扩展性:MLOps需要具备灵活性和可扩展性,以适应不断变化的需求和规模。
MLOps的关键组件和工具MLOps的实践通常涉及以下关键组件和工具:1. 版本控制系统(Version Control System):如Git或SVN等,用于管理和追踪模型和数据的修改。
Suburban Tool, Inc.工具及检测设备说明书
TMSuburban’s 64,000 square foot facility in Auburn Hills, MichiganSUBURBAN TOOL, INC. has 40+ years experience in manufacturing the highest quality workholding products and inspection equipment. A significant part of Suburban’s quality is due to our experienced craftsmen adhering to precision standards. Suburban’s products are manufactured by using exacting procedures. These products are intended for use by knowledgeable and experienced people.SystemMagnetic & Vacuum Chucks, Index Fixtures & Accessories 30-33 34-45 46-55 56-61T M TABLE OF CONTENTSOther Fine ToolsTri-Blocks, Parallels72-7684-85, 9886-8992-9596-97TM ivT MDirect measurement of circles, arcs, angles, points,lines, distance, perpendicularity, parallelism and slots.Auto-enter, looping and auto-finish.Two long-life tungsten-halogenExtra bright surface illuminationIndividual switches select profile,surface or combination surface-profileHigh capacity 4-1/2” X 19” stage with 8”horizontal and 4” vertical travel.Ball way construction handles loads toHeavy-duty monorail type welded steelRotating frosted glass screen with 90° crosslinesand 360° protractor markings.Vernier readings to 5 arc minutes.MV-140-SE10 power lens system (20 & 50X optional).Screen mounted overlay chart clips.Measures 46-1/2” long x 22-1/2” wide x 35-1/2” high.Same as above, but with Metronics® Quadra-Chek digital readout, instead of the MV-DRO2.Same as MV-140-SE, but without edge detection.MV-14 MV-14-PT MMV-14-S with fiber optic edge detection.MV-14-SEEasily calculate distance, angle, intersection, radius,MV-14-QMV-14-Q with fiber optic edge detection.MV-14-Q with fiber optic edge detection and digital protractor.Fax: 248-391-7462MV-14-BASEMV-14-HOOD MV-14-50X MV-14-20X MV-14-RD2T MRRV-473MV-14-CTRMV-14-VB)#(9OC-1 Style OC-2 StyleOC-6OC-10 Style• Made of 0.007” thick Mylar ®.• #L E D O M E S U )#(T WT M-V IEWDIGITAL READOUTRear ViewMV-DRO2The main advantage of the MV-DRO2 over competitive models is its part view capability. Using part view, you can really get the relationship of all of a part’s features to each other. Also, features can be constructedT M SQUARE COLUMN PALLET FIXTURESTSC-1T-SLOT-2Q17/32 THRUY Q25/32 [ 17/32 (4)0mmT MT-TYPE PALLET FIXTURESTST-5Tombstone fixtures provide an accurate vertical base for mounting vises, fixtures, or sub-plates.TSW-1Tombstone fixtures provide an accurate base for mounting tooling and fixture plates.T M HEXAGONAL COLUMN PALLET FIXTURESTSH-2TSO-1T MRECTANGULAR COLUMN PALLET FIXTURESTSR-5• Tombstone fixtures provide a solid base for mounting vises, fixtures or sub-plates.Email: tools@Phone: 888-647-866516CUSTOM PALLET FIXTURESYou may require pallet fixtures in sizes or shapes that are not listed in this catalog. We can supply custom built tools to help you with your production needs.This worksheet is for specifying a custom order pallet fixture. You’ll find it useful for taking the proper measurements and having the information at hand, when requesting a quote on a special pallet ing the labeled dimensions in the diagrams on the following pages, make a copy of this page and fill in the table with the type of column required and the appropriate dimensions for your custom order fixture. Use the “notes” area at the bottom for any explanations you feel are needed to complete the description of the column you want us to build.If the custom order is a shape other than the ones shown, please send a sketch or drawing. Feel free to send any additional attachments you think will help us with your quote.>E P Y T N M U L O C SE T O N M I D EZ I S M I D EZ I S A G B H C I D J E KFCompany Name:Contact Name:Address:City: State: Zip:Email: Country:Phone: Fax:T MCUSTOM PALLET FIXTURESCUSTOM TOMBSTONE MANUFACTUREDFOR WEN TECHNOLOGY, INC.RALEIGH, NCANY SIZE & SHAPE17Email: tools@Phone: 888-647-866518ABC DQ 17/32 THRUY Q 25/32 [ 17/32 (4)Q 50mm Q 20mm THRUE TYP.E TYP.CUSTOM PALLET FIXTURESWINDOW TYPET TYPET-SLOT TYPECBADFFQ 17/32 THRU Y Q 23/32 (4)Q 20mmQ 50mm ESQUARE TYPEAB CD Q 17/32 THRUY Q 25/32 [ 17/32 (4)0mm 0mm THRUF TYP.F TYP.EGHKJ IGF BC E TYP.E TYP.Q 17/32 THRUY Q 25/32 [ 17/32 (4)Q 0mm THRUQ 50mmADT M CUSTOM PALLET FIXTUREST M CUSTOM TOOLING PLATESGAW-161209TAP-121818 OM A B C D DL#ET MPLAIN WEBBED ANGLE PLATESPAW-060606• Made from class 35-40 cast iron.• All ends machined square and parallel within 0.002" per 6".SAO-060504SAW-060504OMDL#ET MPRECISION GROUND STEEL ANGLE PLATES• Solid, one-piece angle plates are made of steel, hardened toAP-443-H & AP-443-NH are square and parallel within 0.0001".AP-443-NHAP-664-S1AP-334-S0AP-444-S1EAP-446-S2AP-443-HAP-445 with optionalAP-445-AY & AP-445-SCAP-445 with optional AP-445-FCCOMPOUND ANGLE PLATE#L E D O M #L E D O M HT G N E L T D I W E L G N I S R I A PT MANGLE PLATE SETAP-443-H-KITC-36URA-040508• Useful for clamping work in multiple positions.• Ideal for squaring operations.• Made from class 35-40 cast iron.T MBXP-060608-G•Made from class 35-40 cast iron.SineSet ACCESSORIES SINE PLATESCOMPOUNDSINE PLATES90°CONVERSION PLATET M bolt-together toolsT M®SS-1CEach patented SineSet® includes a complete matched system of bolt-together precision tools at a significant savings. Also included is a beautiful, fitted, wooden storage case.Each set includes a SineSet® sine plate or compound sine plate, a max-C-mag TM magnetic chuck, a vise and an angle plate. The SS-0 set also includes a v-block.SP-126-S2T M COMPOUND SINE PLATESSPC-66-S1SPC-612-S2MSP-66-S1 MSP-126-FP-S2T MPERMANENT MAGNETIC COMPOUND SINE PLATES MSPC-66-S1MSPC-612-FP-S2ESP-612-T-S2Chuck top plates are laminated from 1/8” steel & 1/16” stainless steel, then furnace-brazed to form one solid piece.All units are sealed against dirt & liquids.T MELECTROMAGNETIC COMPOUND SINE PLATESESPC-612-T-S2Chuck top plates are laminated from 1/8” steel & 1/16” stainless steel, then furnace-brazed to form one solid piece.All units are sealed against dirt & liquids.B-5-SP B-10-SPT MCOMPOUND SINE PLATESMade of steel, hardened to Rc58-60.A-10-SPA-5-SPB-12B-24The materials for HEAVY-DUTY sine plates are carefully selected to withstand the thrust and chatter of Heavy-Duty sine plates incorporate all of the features of the standard Master-Sine™ plates, plus includeT MMAGNA-SINE MAGNETIC SINE PLATESFORMERLY BY EX-CELL-O / ROBBINSB-5-MSB-10-MSHsine plates are equipped with extremely powerful ceramic magnet chucks. Having staitonary magnets in the top plate and a movable magnet core, these chucks provide an average holdingA-5-MSA-10-MSC2。
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NVIDIA DOCA Comm Channel Admin Tool 用户指南说明书
NVIDIA DOCA Comm Channel Admin ToolUser GuideTable of ContentsChapter 1. Introduction (1)Chapter 2. Prerequisites (2)Chapter 3. Description (3)Chapter 4. Execution (4)Chapter 1.IntroductionThe Comm Channel Admin Tool is used to monitor Comm Channel services and connections on both the DPU and the host. For more information on the DOCA Comm Channel library, refer to the NVIDIA DOCA Comm Channel Programming Guide.Chapter 2.Prerequisites NVIDIA® BlueField®-2 firmware version 24.35.1012 or higher.Chapter 3.DescriptionOn the DPU, Comm Channel Admin Tool can show the user which services are up alongside additional information about them:‣service_name – the name of the service‣transport_type – UD or DC‣allowed_vhca_id – which vhca_id is allowed to connect to this service‣service_qpn_or_dct –‣UD transport type – indicates QP number of the service‣DC transport type – indicates DC number of the service‣num_connected_client – indicates the number of current connected clients‣max_num_connected_client – indicates the maximum number of connected clients Furthermore, users may query specific services according to the service name to get information about the connected clients. For every connected client the tool shows:‣connection_id – unique identifier for the connection‣qpn – QP number (or DCT) used for the connectionOn the host, the tool can show the user the name of the active services on the DPU. Furthermore, it can show information about the active connections between the host and the DPU:‣service_name – the name of the service‣transport_type – UD or DC‣my_qpn_or_dci –‣UD transport type – indicates QPN of the connection initiator‣DC transport type – the field indicates the DCI of the connection initiator‣connection_type – CONNECT_BY_SERVICE_ID or CONNECT_BY_VHCA_ID‣dst_vhca_id – vhca_id of the target side of the connection. Valid only when the connection type is CONNECT_BY_VHCA_ID.Chapter 4.ExecutionTo execute the DOCA Comm Channel Admin Tool, run:/opt/mellanox/doca/tools/doca_comm_channel_admin_toolAfterwards, users get an interactive CI that awaits a command:Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool >>The commands and their flags can be obtained by writing help:Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool >> helpComm-Channel-Admin-Tool CLI Commands:service, s To be used on the DPU--all, -a Show all services--service-name, -sn [service_name] Show specific service and its connectedclientsconnection, c To be used on the host--all, -a Show all connections--service-name, -sn [service_name] Show specific connection according toservice namediscovery, d To be used on the host--all, -a Show all active services--service-name, -sn [service_name] Show specific active service according toservice namequit Exit toolOn the DPU, to see all services, users may use the service (or s) command with the flag --all (or -a). For example:Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool >> service --all2022-09-28 09:54:28,410 - Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool - INFO - On /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0:Active services:╒═══════════════════════╤══════════════════╤═══════════════════╤══════════════════════╤════════════│ service_name │ transport_type │ allowed_vhca_id │service_qpn_or_dct │ num_connected_client │ max_num_connected_client │╞═══════════════════════╪══════════════════╪═══════════════════╪══════════════════════╪════════════│ secure_channel_server │ DC │ 0 │4548 │ 1 │ 512 │╘═══════════════════════╧══════════════════╧═══════════════════╧══════════════════════╧════════════2022-09-28 09:54:28,886 - Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool - INFO - On /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0.1:No active servicesTo query a specific service and see its connected clients, users may use the --serivce-name(or -sn) flag while providing the service_name. For example:Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool >> service --service-name secure_channel_server2022-09-28 09:56:16,335 - Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool - INFO - On /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0:╒═══════════════════════╤══════════════════╤═══════════════════╤══════════════════════╤════════════Execution│ service_name │ transport_type │ allowed_vhca_id │service_qpn_or_dct │ num_connected_client │ max_num_connected_client │╞═══════════════════════╪══════════════════╪═══════════════════╪══════════════════════╪════════════│ secure_channel_server │ DC │ 0 │4548 │ 1 │ 512 │╘═══════════════════════╧══════════════════╧═══════════════════╧══════════════════════╧════════════Connected clients:╒═════════════════╤══════════════════╕│ connection_id │ connection_qpn │╞═════════════════╪══════════════════╡│ 0 │ 4547 │╘═════════════════╧══════════════════╛2022-09-28 09:56:16,809 - Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool - INFO - On /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0.1:No active service by name secure_channel_serverOn the host, to see all active services, users may use the discovery (or d) command with --all flag (or -a). For example:Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool >> discovery --all2022-09-28 12:58:42,201 - Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool - INFO - On /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0:Active services:╒═══════════════════════╕│ service_name │╞═══════════════════════╡│ secure_channel_server │╘═══════════════════════╛2022-09-28 12:58:42,632 - Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool - INFO - On /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0.1:No active servicesUsers may also filter to show only specific services according to the service_name by usingthe --serivce-name (or -sn) flag while providing the service_name.On the host, to see all active connections, users may use the connection command (or c) with--all flag (or -a). For example:Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool >> connection --all2022-09-28 13:01:54,420 - Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool - INFO - On /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0:Active connections:╒═══════════════════════╤══════════════════╤═════════════════╤═══════════════════════╤═════════════│ service_name │ transport_type │ my_qpn_or_dci │ connection_type│ dst_vhca_id │╞═══════════════════════╪══════════════════╪═════════════════╪═══════════════════════╪═════════════│ secure_channel_server │ DC │ 71 │ CONNECT_BY_SERVICE_ID│ 0 │╘═══════════════════════╧══════════════════╧═════════════════╧═══════════════════════╧═════════════2022-09-28 13:01:54,860 - Comm-Channel-Admin-Tool - INFO - On /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0.1:No active ConnectionsUsers may also filter to show only specific connections according to service_name by usingthe --serivce-name (or -sn) flag while providing the service_name.Note: If a new service or connection is added, there is no need to restart the tool. After eachcommand, the tool always shows the latest services and connections.NoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation nor any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively: “NVIDIA”) make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assume no responsibility for any errors contained herein. NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or functionality.NVIDIA reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and any other changes to this document, at any time without notice. Customer should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.NVIDIA products are sold subject to the NVIDIA standard terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, unless otherwise agreed in an individual sales agreement signed by authorized representatives of NVIDIA and customer (“Terms of Sale”). NVIDIA hereby expressly objects to applying any customer general terms and conditions with regards to the purchase of the NVIDIA product referenced in this document. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.NVIDIA products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space, or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of the NVIDIA product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death, or property or environmental damage. NVIDIA accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NVIDIA products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at customer’s own risk. NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that products based on this document will be suitable for any specified use. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to evaluate and determine the applicability of any information contained in this document, ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer, and perform the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/or requirements beyond those contained in this document. NVIDIA accepts no liability related to any default, damage, costs, or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this document or (ii) customer product designs.No license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any NVIDIA patent right, copyright, or other NVIDIA intellectual property right under this document. Information published by NVIDIA regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from NVIDIA to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. 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TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NVIDIA’s aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms of Sale for the product.TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, and Mellanox are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies Ltd. and/or NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and in other countries. The registered trademark Linux® is used pursuant to a sublicense from the Linux Foundation, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a world¬wide basis. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2022 NVIDIA Corporation & affiliates. All rights reserved.NVIDIA Corporation | 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051。
CradleIntroductionCradle is a tool that allows developers to easily manage the versioning and release of their software projects. It provides a seamless and streamlined workflow for versioning, building, and releasing software.FeaturesVersion ManagementCradle provides a comprehensive version management system that allows developers to easily keep track of their software versions. It supports both semantic versioning and custom versioning schemes.Release ManagementWith Cradle, developers can easily create releases for their software projects. They can specify the release version, add release notes, and include any necessary artifacts or documentation.Build AutomationCradle automates the build process, making it easy for developers to build their software projects. It supports various build systems and provides integration with popular build tools.Dependency ManagementCradle allows developers to manage their project dependencies. It provides a centralized repository for managing and resolving dependencies, making it easy to keep track of and update dependencies.Continuous IntegrationCradle integrates with popular continuous integration (CI) systems, enabling automated builds and testing. It supports integration with CI tools such as Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI.Release ValidationCradle provides a comprehensive release validation system that allows developers to validate their releases before they are deployed. It supports various validation techniques, including automated tests, code quality checks, and security scans.Getting StartedTo start using Cradle, follow these steps:1.Install Cradle on your development machine. You can download thelatest version from the official website or use a package manager.2.Initialize Cradle in your software project directory. This will createthe necessary configuration files and directories.3.Configure Cradle by specifying your project details, such as theversioning scheme, build system, and dependencies.e Cradle commands to manage your project versions, createreleases, automate builds, and validate releases.Example UsageHere’s an example of how Cradle can be used in a software project:1.Initialize Cradle in your project directory:$ cradle init2.Configure Cradle by editing the configuration file cradle.yml:versioning:scheme: semanticbuild:system: mavendependencies:- name: junitversion: 4.13.13.Build your project using Cradle:$ cradle build4.Create a release using Cradle: ``` $ cradle release create v1.0.0 –notes。
CI 持续改进
持续改进目标的设定 如何降低制造成本
- 保持产出不变,减少投入
- 保持投入不变,增加产出
劳动 资本 管理 信息
生产率每年提高2.5% 对其提高的贡献为:
20 Johnson Controls, Inc. —
1.VA/VE; 2.采购降价。
采购降价:买卖双方使用谈判的方式达成彼此认同的降价协议过程。 VA/VE:VA价值分析(Value Analysis ):产品量产后,由于成本或利润压力, 采取的降低成本的活动; VE价值工程(Value Engineering):在产品开发设计阶段即进行的价值与成本革 新活动;
1 1.00 0.51 1610
CO2 机器人
1 1.00 0.51 1610
1 1.00 0.09
1 1.00 0.2 72
EQU=10024*(1*1*0.16*0.2/20+2*1*1*0.51/180+464*1*1*0.51/1610+4*1*0.16* 0.2/72)=?
Johnson Controls, Inc. — Global Product/Program Reviews Report Template v0
1 关键指标
BBP (最佳业务
运பைடு நூலகம்指标
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Process Step/Part Number Spin Draw Process
Potential Failure Mode Fiber Breakouts
Potential Failure Effects Undersized package, High SD panel-hours lost
Slide 20
因果矩阵 和其它六个西格玛工具的关系
Rating of Importance to Customer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Process Step Process Inputs
100 80 60 40 20 0
Slide 12
故障树分析 (FTA) 是在困难而紧急的环境中找解决问题的 根本原因的一个方法
应用与5个“Whys”有关的头脑风暴,5 FTA 是另一个组织想 法的工具.
原因 1 发生率 %
原因 A 发生率 %
发生率 %
原因 2 发生率 %
螺丝钉和桶 1.76%
过程中产生 2.16%
深埋的 2.34%
模子 .21%
受污染的树脂 .18% 设备故障 .19%
表面的 1.22%
油脂 1.08%
没有清洗 3.12%
桶内的陈旧物料 .56%
电子故障 .19%
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
Slide 5
(鱼骨图 或 Ishikawa图)
概念 阐述一个结果(问题)与其可能的原因间的关系。对原因进行分类。 是对头脑风暴的补充
From The Complete Guide to Six Sigma, p. 304, by Thomas Pyzdek
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
Slide 7
概念 对脑力风暴进行补充的方法。用于产生其他观点,评价较小小组观点, 并对脑力风暴的观点进行优先排序的构架式方法。 对有争议的问题,特别有用。
1 项目号 卡片评分 值 6
观点 2
观点 N
Slide 19
干净的玻璃瓶 将玻璃瓶装满水 将水倒入 咖啡制作器 将过滤器放入 咖啡制作器 将咖啡放于过滤器内 打开 咖啡制作器 选择温度设定 接到订购 将咖啡倒入杯子 提供奶油与糖 完成交易 表示感谢
----- 过程输入 -----
咖啡 温度
口味 10
浓度 6
---------输入输出关联度 ---------
CI tool CI工具
© 2003 ALCAN Inc.
Tools – 工具
基本工具 因果图 FMEA 控制图 过程能力
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
Slide 8
该工具用于协助检验阻碍因素及促进因素。 该工具可助于理解维持事件发展状态的因素。
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
Slide 9
正在打折 低利率
旧车维修成本 身份象征
高价格 想要一艘船 妻子也想要一辆车 旧车款还未付清 工作还未确定 孩子还在上大学
Slide 15
• 理解杠杆作用显示的机会 • 数据与客户需求的相关程度
© 2003 ALCAN Inc.
小组将充分理解过程中最大的变差,并指出几个关键的过程 输入变差。要改善这些关键过程的输出变差则非找到这些输 入变差不可。
观点产生 工具
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0 0 0
Customer Requirement (Output Variable)
Gel Time Viscosity Cleanliness Color Homogeneity Consistency Digets Time Temperature Solids
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
Slide 4
一个将情况、观点和问题自然组织归类,协助诊断复杂问题 的工具。所有输入在卡片上列出,然后进行重新整理直至确 定适当归类。031来自099
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
过程输出 Importance
---------总计 --------0
Slide 2
观点的产生与 评价
Casing Defect Tracking
Defect Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Week Total % of Total
Scratch ll lll ll lll llll
14 67%
Dent l
Slide 11
Count Percent
Freight Billing Errors
Count Percent Cum %
Non-core Carrier
18 42.9 42.9
Missing Code
15 35.7 78.6
Incorrect Destination Zip Codes
3 14%
Chip l l
3 14%
1 5%
Total Defects
帕雷托 图
1 Item Number Card Rating Value 6
Idea Scores
Idea 1
8,8,6,7,8,2 6/ 39
Idea 2
5/ 25
Slide 10
帕雷托图表是一种用于对过程中的多重质量问题进行检测和 优先排序的图表工具。
Pareto Chart
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
4 9.5 88.1
Incorrect Codes
Incorrect Freight Classification
2 4.8 92.9
1 2.4 95.2
2 4.8 100.0
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
Idea N
名次归类法 3,2,2,1
4/ 8
Identifying, Selecting, & Prioritizing Root Causes © 2003 ALCAN - George Group Curriculum
Slide 3