
它带有一个通用处理器接口、EEPROM接口、10/100 PHY和16KB的SRAM (其中13KB用来接收FIFO,3KB用来发送FIFO)。
DM9000支持MII(Media Independent Interface 介质无关)接口,可以连接到HPNA(Home Phone-line Networking Alliance)即家用电话网络联盟的设备上。
它支持8各类CPU,还有IEEE 802.3x全双工流量控制。

驱动网卡芯片D M9000调试过程及其具体的单片机程序(总25页)本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March驱动网卡芯片DM9000A的过程及具体驱动程序一、电路连接DM9000E网卡芯片支持8位、16位、32位模式的处理器,通过芯片引脚EEDO(65脚)和WAKEUP(79脚)的复位值设置支持的处理器类型,如16位处理器只需将这两个引脚接低电平即可,其中WAKEUP内部有60K下拉电阻,因此可悬空该引脚,或作为网卡芯片唤醒输出用。
图1 DM9000引脚如图所示,对处理器驱动网卡芯片来说,我们比较关心的有以下几个引脚:IOR、IOW、AEN、CMD(SA2)、INT、RST,以及数据引脚SD0-SD15-SD31和地址引脚SA4-SA9。

DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc.DM9000AEthernet Controllerwith General Processor InterfaceDATA SHEET(中文数据手册)PreliminaryVersion: DM9000A-DS-P03Apr. 21, 2005目录1. 概述 (5)2. 模块图 (5)3. 特性 (5)4. 引脚配置 (6)4.1(16位模式) (6)4.2(8位模式) (7)5. 引脚描述 (7)5.1处理器接口 (7)5.1.1 8位模式引脚 (8)5.2 EEPROM接口 (8)5.3时钟引脚 (9)5.4 LED接口 (9)5.5 10/100 PHY/Fiber (9)5.6其他 (10)5.7电源引脚 (10)5.8捆绑引脚列表(Strap pins table) (10)6. 控制和状态寄存器列表 (10)6.1网络控制寄存器(NCR) (12)6.2网络状态寄存器(NSR) (13)6.3发送控制寄存器(TCR) (13)6.4数据包1发送状态寄存器1(TSR I) (13)6.5数据包2发送状态寄存器2(TSR II) (14)6.6接收控制寄存器(RCR) (14)6.7接收状态寄存器(RSR) (15)6.8接收溢出计数寄存器(ROCR) (15)6.9背压阈值寄存器(BPTR) (15)6.10流控制阈值寄存器(FCTR) (16)6.11接收/发送流控制寄存器(RTFCR) (16)6.12 EEPROM与PHY控制寄存器(EPCR) (17)6.13 EEPROM与PHY地址寄存器(EPAR) (17)6.14 EEPROM与PHY数据寄存器(EPDRL/EPDRH) (18)6.15唤醒控制寄存器(WCR) (18)6.16物理地址(MAC)寄存器(PAR) (18)6.17多播地址寄存器(MAR) (19)6.18通用目的控制寄存器(GPCR) (19)6.19通用目的寄存器(GPR) (19)6.20 TX SRAM读指针地址寄存器(TRPAL/TRPAH) (20)6.21 RX SRAM写指针地址寄存器(RWPAL/RWPAH) (20)6.22厂家ID寄存器(VID) (20)6.23产品ID寄存器(PID) (20)6.24芯片版本寄存器(CHIPR) (20)6.25发送控制寄存器2(TCR2) (20)6.26操作测试控制寄存器(OCR) (21)6.27特殊模式控制寄存器(SMCR) (21)6.28即将发送控制/状态寄存器(ETXCSR) (22)6.29校验和控制寄存器(TCSCR) (22)6.30接收校验和控制状态寄存器(RCSCSR) (22)6.31内存数据预取读命令寄存器(地址不加1)(MRCMDX) (23)6.32内存数据读命令寄存器(地址不加1)(MRCMDX1) (23)6.33内存数据读命令寄存器(地址加1)(MRCMD) (23)6.34内存数据读地址寄存器(MRRL/ MRRH) (23)6.35内存数据写命令寄存器(地址不加1)(MWCMDX) (23)6.36内存数据写命令寄存器(地址加1)(MWCMD) (24)6.37内存数据写地址寄存器(MWRL/ MWRH) (24)6.38发送数据包长度寄存器(TXPLL/TXPLH) (24)6.39中断状态寄存器(ISR) (24)6.40中断屏蔽寄存器(IMR) (24)7.EEPROM格式 (25)8.PHY寄存器描述 (26)8.1基本模式控制寄存器(BMCR) (27)8.2基本模式状态寄存器(BMSR) (28)8.3 PHY ID标识符寄存器#1(PHYID1) (29)8.4 PHY ID标识符寄存器#2(PHYID1) (29)8.5自动协商通知寄存器(ANAR) (30)8.6自动协商连接对象寄存器(ANLPAR) (31)8.7自动协商扩展寄存器(ANER) (32)8.8 DAVICOM指定配置寄存器(DSCR) (33)8.9 DAVICOM指定配置和状态寄存器(DSCSR) (34)8.10 10BASE-T配置/状态(10BTCSR) (36)8.11掉电控制寄存器(PWDOR) (36)8.12指定配置寄存器(SCR) (37)9. 功能描述 (38)9.1 主机接口(HI) (38)9.2 直接内存访问控制(DMAC) (38)9.3 数据包发送(PT) (38)9.4 数据包接收(PR) (38)9.5 100Base-TX操作 (39)9.5.1 4B5B编码器 (39)9.5.2扰频器(Scrambler) (39)9.5.3 并--串转换 (39)9.5.4 NRZ码到NRZI码转换 (39)9.5.5 NRZI码到MLT-3码转换 (39)9.5.6 MLT-3驱动 (39)9.5.7 4B5B编码 (40)9.6 100Base-TX接收器 (40)9.6.1 信号检测 (41)9.6.2 自适应补偿 (41)9.6.3 MLT-3到NRZI解码 (41)9.6.4 时钟复原模块 (41)9.6.5 NRZI 到NRZ (41)9.6.6 串-并转换 (41)9.6.7 扰频器 (41)9.6.8 编码组对齐模块 (41)9.6.9 4B5B解码 (42)9.7 10Base-T操作 (42)9.8 冲突检测 (42)9.9 载波检测 (42)9.10 自动协商 (42)9.11 省电模式 (42)9.11.1 掉电模式 (43)9.11.2 降低发送损耗模式 (43)10 DC与AC电器特性 (43)10.1 最大绝对额定值 (43)10.1.1 工作条件 (43)10.2 DC电器特性(VDD=3.3V) (44)10.3 AC电器特性与时序 (44)10.3.1 TP接口 (44)10.3.2 晶振/振荡时钟 (44)10.3.3 I/O读时序 (45)10.3.4 I/O写时序 (45)10.3.5 EEPROM接口时序 (46)11应用说明 (46)11.1网络接口信号接线 (46)11.2 10Base-T/100Base-TX自动MDIX应用 (47)11.3 10Base-T/100Base-TX无自动MDIX变压器应用 (47)11.4电源退偶电容 (47)11.5地平面布局 (48)11.6电源平面分割 (49)11.7铁氧体磁珠选择指导 (50)11.8晶振选择指导 (50)12封装信息 (50)13订购信息 (52)DM9000A翻译人:许建华、刘煜、程志成2009-9-1版权:翻译版权归作者三方所有,不得随意传播。

DM9000网卡驱动笔记网卡芯片为DM9000,ARM开发板用的是S3C6410,PC机装的是RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 5.5.网卡接入soc上并没有接入到专门的驱动ic上,而是接入到了SROM的控制器上,所以需要配置的寄存器就需要配置SROM的寄存器。
根据这样的地址数据的读写,操作DM9000中的寄存器,配置好网卡芯片,arm端封装一个arp请求包,在PC机上用tcpdump命令看能不能接收到如果能接受,网卡配置就算比较成功了附上源码:#include "up.h"#define INDEX (0x18000000)#define DATA (0x18000004)int (*printf)(char *, ...) = 0x57e11d4c;void (*udelay)(int ) = 0x57e00a98;struct ethhdr{unsigned char dest[6];unsigned char source[6];unsigned short type;};struct arphdr{unsigned short hw_type;unsigned short pro_type;unsigned char hw_len;unsigned char pro_len;unsigned short op;unsigned char src_mac[6];unsigned char src_ip[4];unsigned char dest_mac[6];unsigned char dest_ip[4];};void write_dm9000(unsigned char reg, unsigned short val); unsigned short read_dm9000(unsigned char reg);void init_dm9000();void send_data(unsigned char *buff, int len);int create_arp(unsigned char *buff);void *memset(void *s, int c, int len);unsigned short htons(unsigned short);int main(){/*set XM0bank1*/SROM_BW = (1 << 4);SROM_BC1 = (4 << 4) | (5 << 16);unsigned char buff[1024] = {0};int len = create_arp(buff);init_dm9000();send_data(buff, len);return 0;}void write_dm9000(unsigned char reg, unsigned short val) {*(unsigned char *)INDEX = reg;*(unsigned short *)DATA = val;}unsigned short read_dm9000(unsigned char reg) {*(unsigned char *)INDEX = reg;unsigned char c = *(unsigned char *)DATA;return c;}void init_dm9000(){//application notes//step 1: p22write_dm9000(0x1f, 0x00);//step 2:write_dm9000(0x00, 0x01);udelay(10);write_dm9000(0x00, 0x00);//step 3:write_dm9000(0x00, (1 << 3));//step 4:write_dm9000(0xff, 0xff);//step 5://step 6:write_dm9000(0x10, 0x11);write_dm9000(0x11, 0x22);write_dm9000(0x12, 0x33);write_dm9000(0x13, 0x44);write_dm9000(0x14, 0x55);write_dm9000(0x15, 0x66);//step 7://step 8:write_dm9000(0x01, (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 5));write_dm9000(0xfe, 0x3f);printf("3\n");//step 9://step 10:write_dm9000(0xff, 0xff);//step 11:write_dm9000(0x05, 0x01);//step 12:}void send_data(unsigned char *buff, int len){//p28://step 1:unsigned char c = read_dm9000(0xfe);if(c >> 7)printf("8 bit mode\n");elseprintf("16 bit mode\n");//step 2*(unsigned char*)INDEX = 0xf8;int tmp = (len + 1) >> 1;int i = 0;for(i=0; i<tmp; i++){*(unsigned short *)DATA = ((unsigned short*)buff)[i];}//step 3write_dm9000(0xfd, (len >> 8) & 0xff);write_dm9000(0xfc, len & 0xff);//step 4write_dm9000(0x02, 0x01);}int create_arp(unsigned char *buff){int len = 0;struct ethhdr *eth = (struct ethhdr *)buff;eth->dest[0] = 0xff;eth->dest[1] = 0xff;eth->dest[2] = 0xff;eth->dest[3] = 0xff;eth->dest[4] = 0xff;eth->dest[5] = 0xff;eth->source[0] = 0x11;eth->source[1] = 0x22;eth->source[2] = 0x33;eth->source[3] = 0x44;eth->source[4] = 0x55;eth->source[5] = 0x66;eth->type = htons(0x0806);struct arphdr *arp = (struct arphdr *)(buff + sizeof(struct ethhdr));arp->hw_type = htons(1);arp->pro_type = htons(0x0800); arp->hw_len = 6;arp->pro_len = 4;arp->op = htons(1);arp->src_mac[0] = 0x11;arp->src_mac[1] = 0x22;arp->src_mac[2] = 0x33;arp->src_mac[3] = 0x44;arp->src_mac[4] = 0x55;arp->src_mac[5] = 0x66;arp->src_ip[0] = 192;arp->src_ip[1] = 168;arp->src_ip[2] = 1;arp->src_ip[3] = 2;arp->dest_mac[0] = 0xff;arp->dest_mac[1] = 0xff;arp->dest_mac[2] = 0xff;arp->dest_mac[3] = 0xff;arp->dest_mac[4] = 0xff;arp->dest_mac[5] = 0xff;arp->dest_ip[0] = 192;arp->dest_ip[1] = 168;arp->dest_ip[2] = 1;arp->dest_ip[3] = 1;len = sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct arphdr);return len;}void *memset(void *s, int c, int len){int i = 0;for(i=0; i<len; i++)((unsigned char *)s)[i] = c;}unsigned short htons(unsigned short data){unsigned short ret = 0;ret = ((data >> 8) & 0xff) | ((data << 8) & 0xff00);return ret;。

主机接口只有两个寻址口(addressing port),一个是索引口(index Port),另一个是数据口(data port)。
接下来的13K 字节用作接收包的缓冲区。
类似的,在读存储器操作时,当IMR 的第七位置一时,如果存储器地址增量到达接收缓冲区的末尾(16K)时将强置为0x0C00。
9.3数据包传输有两个传输包,依次是INDEX I和INDEX II,可以被同时保存到发送SRAM中。
传输的起始地址是00H,软件复位或者硬件复位后,当前包是INDEX I。
首先使用DMA 口写数据到TX SRAM,然后写字节数到的字节数寄存器,即发送包长度寄存器(0FCH/0FDH)。

DM9000寄存器功能详细介绍提交者: a00 日期: 1/20 16:09 阅读: 15DM9000(A)是一个全集成、功能强大、性价比高的快速以太网MAC控制器,它带有一个通用处理器接口、EEPROM接口、10/100 PHY和16KB的SRAM(13KB作为接收FIFO,3KB作为发送FIFO)。
DM9000(A)同样支持MII(Media Independent Interface 介质无关)接口,连接到HPNA (Home Phone-line Networking Alliance 家用电话网络联盟)设备上或其它支持MII的设备。
以下为DM9000的寄存器功能详解:NCR (00H):网络控制寄存器(Network Control Register )7:EXT_PHY:1选择外部PHY,0选择内部PHY,不受软件复位影响。
2-1:LBK:回环模式(Loopback)00通常,01MAC内部回环,10内部PHY 100M模式数字回环,11保留。
NSR (01H):网络状态寄存器(Network Status Register )7:SPEED:媒介速度,在内部PHY模式下,0为100Mbps,1为10Mbps。

D M9000A网卡技术DM9000A框架技术使用说明书版本名:1.0更新说明:作者:陆卫军完成日期:2006-6-14版本名:1.1更新说明:增加一些关键问题处理作者:陆卫军完成日期:2006-9-31版本名:1.2更新说明:增加一个不兼容问题和DM9000B、资源文件章节作者:陆卫军完成日期:2007-10-311.硬件说明1.1硬件连接DM9000A有48个管脚,主要划分为:电源和测试接口、晶振接口、与处理器接口、与EPROM(93C46)接口、与网络变压器接口、配置接口5部分。
如下图所示:●电源和测试接口VDD/GND/AGND/BGGND/TEST●与处理器接口控制接口:IOR(读信号)/IOW(写信号)/CMD(数据/地址选择信号)/CS (片选信号)/PWRST(复位线)/INT(中断线)数据接口:SD0-SD15(16位)●与93c46接口EEDCS(片选线)、EEDCK(时钟线)、EEDIO(通讯线)●晶振接口X1/X2●与网络变压器接口RX+/RX-/TX+/TX-/BGRES/AVDD25/SD/LED1/LED2●配置接口管脚复用,EECS(EEDCS)/EECK(EEDCK)/GP61.2硬件配置DM9000A的访问时序可以通过管脚和EPROM配置。
EPROM 中的信息可以在上电时自动读取,自动修改MAC寄存器,也可以通过MAC寄存器中EPDRL、EPDRH读取,内容如下图所示:为了统一接口,除了0-5字节MAC地址采用地址分配规则另行规定,6-15字节强制为: 45 54 46 0A 00 90 E7 01 80 C1统一接口16位工作模式CS低电平使能IOR低电平使能IOW低电平使能INT高电平使能RST低电平使能显示灯采用LED1模式1.3布板规范●RJ45、网络变压器、以太网接口芯片要尽量近,对于DM9000A来说,网络变压器和以太网接口芯片之间不要超过20mm,但是RTL8139要宽松很多,不超过10-12cm。

If you want to enjoy progressive video, press the progressive button, then the player switch to progressive output mode.Under the progressive output mode, interlaced output is not available. If the progressive scan TV with Y, U / Pb, V / Pr component video input, you can use the Y, U / Pb, V / Pr output.If the video player's audio output connected with the TV, set "mixed" mode and make "left, right" channel output to connect to the same group of audio input terminals on TV.遥控器图示Remote controller注意:1.将遥控器对准DVD影碟机的遥控接收窗操作2.不要让遥控器从高处坠落3.不要将遥控器放置于高温或潮湿之处4.不要拆开遥控器DMT播放功能多媒体播放文件更新将DMT播放机用USB数据线连接到电脑进行文件更新(注意:接到电脑前请关掉机器电源)。

dm9000初始化过程2009-05-07 15:01drivers/dm9000x.c eth_init()函数这里的初始化并不复杂,首先对dm9000进行复位 static void dm9000_reset(void) { DM9000_DBG("resetting\n"); DM9000_iow(DM9000_NCR, NCR_RST); udelay(1000); /* delay 1ms */ } 这里将NRC寄存器的第0位置1,之后要保持至少20us的延时。
int dm9000_probe(void) { u32 id_val; id_val = DM9000_ior(DM9000_VIDL);id_val |= DM9000_ior(DM9000_VIDH) << 8; id_val |= DM9000_ior(DM9000_PIDL) << 16; id_val |= DM9000_ior(DM9000_PIDH) << 24; if (id_val == DM9000_ID) { printf("dm9000 i/o: 0x%x, id: 0x%x \n", CONFIG_DM9000_BASE, id_val); return 0; } else { printf("dm9000 not found at 0x%08x id: 0x%08x\n", CONFIG_DM9000_BASE, id_val); return -1; } } 复位结束后到网卡的vendor ID 寄存器和product ID寄存器读取id,检测此网卡是否是dm9000。
static void identify_nic(void) { struct board_info *db = &dmfe_info; /* Point a board information structure */ u16 phy_reg3; DM9000_iow(DM9000_NCR,NCR_EXT_PHY); phy_reg3 = phy_read(3); switch (phy_reg3 & 0xfff0) { case 0xb900: if (phy_read(31) == 0x4404) { db->nic_type = HOMERUN_NIC; program_dm9801(phy_reg3); DM9000_DBG("found homerun NIC\n"); } else { db->nic_type = LONGRUN_NIC; DM9000_DBG("found longrun NIC\n"); program_dm9802(); } break; default: db->nic_type = FASTETHER_NIC; break; } DM9000_iow(DM9000_NCR, 0); } 接着是检测网卡类型,是FASTETHER, HOMERUN 或LONGRUN类型。

如下图所示:电源和测试接口VDD/GND/AGND/BGGND/TEST与处理器接口控制接口:IOR(读信号)/IOW(写信号)/CMD(数据/地址选择信号)/CS(片选信号)/PWRST (复位线)/INT(中断线)数据接口:SD0-SD15(16位)与93c46接口EEDCS(片选线)、EEDCK(时钟线)、EEDIO(通讯线)晶振接口X1/X2与网络变压器接口RX+/RX-/TX+/TX-/BGRES/AVDD25/SD/LED1/LED2配置接口管脚复用,EECS(EEDCS)/EECK(EEDCK)/GP61.2硬件配置DM9000A的访问时序可以通过管脚和EPROM配置。
EPROM 中的信息可以在上电时自动读取,自动修改MAC寄存器,也可以通过MAC寄存器中EPDRL、EPDRH读取,内容如下图所示:为了统一接口,除了0-5字节MAC地址采用地址分配规则另行规定,6-15字节强制为:45 54 46 0A 00 90 E7 01 80 C1统一接口16位工作模式CS低电平使能IOR低电平使能IOW低电平使能INT高电平使能RST低电平使能显示灯采用LED1模式1.3布板规范RJ45、网络变压器、以太网接口芯片要尽量近,对于DM9000A来说,网络变压器和以太网接口芯片之间不要超过20mm,但是RTL8139要宽松很多,不超过10-12cm。

2、 连接显示器和电源
如果电脑没有预装您需要的操作系统,请安装、使用您所需要的正版操作系 统,安装过程请您按照正版操作系统所附说明书进行。
如果需要安装驱动程序: 1、 放入长城电脑随机驱动光盘,主程序自动运行如图所示: 选择[智能驱动安装]如图:
按下电脑的电源开关(标有 符号的开关),电脑将被启动。
当您准备关闭电脑时,要使用操作系统规定的规范的关机步骤,以防止丢失 未存储的数据或损坏软件程序。具体说明请参阅您的操作系统文档。
声明 1
长城电脑的电源主要为 ATX(MICRO-ATX,FLEX-ATX)型。当电脑处于关机状态 时,电源并没有完全断电,仍有部分电路工作,这时电脑仍消耗能量。若要实现 零能耗,需要关闭与电脑的电源线连接的电源插座开关或直接拔下电源插头。
条件的地方。 ¾ 雷雨天气请拔掉电源线和电话线(如果有MODEM)。 ¾ 请注意:1、不要使用质量差的光盘;2、小心储存与使用光盘;3、不要在
光盘上贴纸(会令其碟面不平整)4、光驱高速运转时不要随意取出光盘, 或脸部贴近光驱。请用户正确地使用光驱,由于用户自身原因造成的伤害, 本公司恕不负责。 ¾ 请勿带电插拔任何连接在电脑主机上的部件或外围设备,可能造成接口的永 久性损坏。 ¾ 请勿在电源供应不稳定时使用电脑,正常使用电脑时,需保证有稳定和持续 的电源供应,直接断电操作可能造成电脑内部部件的永久性损坏。 ¾ 只能使用机箱后部所标明的电源类型,如果不了解,请向经销单位或者当地 供电局咨询。 ¾ 一旦注意到异常气味、过热或烟,立即关闭电源开关,将电源线拔掉!并找 专业维修人员修理! ¾ 切勿将任何东西从电脑缝隙塞入,否则可能造成短路或冒烟!如果发生这种 问题,立即关闭电源开关,拔出交流输出端,找维修人员修理! ¾ 不要自己尝试修理电脑,请勿私自拆卸本机! ¾ 当长时间不用电脑时请拔掉电源线!

1.2.2、搜索节目:1.2.3、编辑卫星名:1.2. 4、节目选择、编辑:节目完成节目搜索后按动遥控器的“EXIT”键,退出菜单,此时就可收看节目。
1.1. 4、家长控制:若想对其中节目进行加锁,则进入“家长控制”子菜单操作。
1.1. 5、节目解密模式设置:本机节目解密方式有三种:智能卡、软件及网络,默认模式为网络方式。

手册编号制造日期手册版本3ª版本日期 2005年1月目录1. 序言. . . . . . . . . . .32. 使用说明和技术参数.. . . . . . . .3•使用说明. . . . . . . . . . 3 •技术参数和外形尺寸 . . . . . . . . 3 •噪声 . . . . . . . . . . 3 •振动 . . . . . . . . . . 3 •主要部件. . . . . . . . . . 4 3. 运输与安装. . . . . . . . . . 4•拆箱 . . . . . . . . . . 4•电气安装. . . . . . . . . . 4•带包装搬运. . . . . . . . . . 5•带底座搬运. . . . . . . . . . 5•不带底座搬运. . . . . . . . . . 54. 使用. . . . . . . . . . . 6•主要控制元件. . . . . . . . . . 6•移动加工. . . . . . . . . . 8•固定加工. . . . . . . . . . 8•悬挂移动加工. . . . . . . . . . 9•倒角尺寸设置. . . . . . . . . 10•倒角角度设置. . . . . . . . 10. . . . . . . . 10•切深 . .5. 维护与调节. .•刀片更换. . . . . . . . . . 10 6. 附件. . . . . . . . . . . 11请在安装和使用本机器之前,仔细阅读本手册内容,并认真遵循说明!1. 序言本手册旨在说明MOD. 900型倒角机的安全性以及正确使用的相关注意事项。

dm90001、总体介绍该DM9000是一款完全集成的和符合成本效益单芯片快速以太网MAC 控制器与一般处理接口,一个10/100M 自适应的PHY 和4K DWORD 值的SRAM 。
它的目的是在低功耗和高性能进程的3.3V 与5V 的支持宽容。
DM9000物理协议层接口完全支持使用10MBps 下3类、4类、5类非屏蔽双绞线和100MBps 下5类非屏蔽双绞线。
这是完全符合I EEE 802.3u 规格。
还支持IEEE 802.3x 全双工流量控制。
2、特点支持处理器读写内部存储器的数据操作命令以字节/字/双字的长度进行集成10/100M 自适应收发器支持介质无关接口支持背压模式半双工流量控制模式IEEE802.3x 流量控制的全双工模式支持唤醒帧,链路4K 双字SRAM支持自动加载EEPROM 里面生产商ID 和产品ID支持4个通用输入输出口超低功耗模式功率降低模式电源故障模式可选择1:1YL18-2050S,YT37-1107S 或5:4变压比例的变压器降低格外功率兼容3.3v 和5.0v 输入输出电压100脚CMOS LQFP 封装工艺3、引脚描述I=输入O=输出I/O=输入/输出O/D=漏极开路P=电源LI=复位锁存输入#=普遍低电位介质无关接口引脚引脚号引脚名I/O功能描述37LINK_I I外部介质无关接口器件连接状态38、39、40、41RXD[3:0]I外部介质无关接口接收数据4位半字节输入(同步于接收时钟)43CRS I/O外部介质无关接口的载波检测44COL I/O外部介质无关接口的冲突检测,输出到外部设备45RX_DV I外部介质无关接口数据有效信号46RX_ER I外部介质无关接口接收错误47RX_CLK I外部介质无关接口接收时钟49TX_CLK I/O外部介质无关接口发送时钟50~53TXD[3:0]O外部介质无关接口发送数据低4位输出TXD[2:0]决定内部存储空间基址:TXD[2:0])*10H+300H54MDIO I/O外部介质无关接口串行数据通信57MDC O外部介质无关串行数据通信口时钟,且与中断引脚有关该引脚高电平时候,中断引脚低电平有效;否则高有效注意:以上介质无关端口都内部自带60K欧姆的下拉电阻处理器接口引脚1IOR#I处理器读命令低电平有效,极性能够被EEPROM修改,详细请参考对EEPROM内容的描述2IOW#I处理器写命令低电平有效,同样能修改极性3AEN#I芯片选择,低电平有效4IOWAIT O处理器命令就绪当上一指令没有结束,该引脚电平拉低表示当前指令需要等待14RST I硬件复位信号,高电平有效复位1~682~89SD0~15I/O0~15位的数据地址复用总线,由CMD引脚决定当期访问类型93~98SA4~9I地址线4~9;仅作芯片选择信号(SA4~9:TXD0~2,011)被选中92CMD I访问类型高电平是访问数据端口;低电平是访问地址端口91IO16O字命令标志,默认低电平有效当访问外部数据存储器是字或双字宽度时,被置位100INT O中断请求信号高电平有效,极性能修改37~5356SD31~16I/O双字模式,高16位数据引脚57IO32O双字命令标志,默认低电平有效注意:以上引脚除去SD8,SD9和IO16,都内部自带60K欧姆的下拉电阻EEPROM引脚64EEDI I数据输入引脚65EEDO I/O EEPROM数据引脚与WAKEUP引脚一起定义访问数据存储器的总线宽度WAKEUP EEDO总线宽度0016位0132位108位11未定义66EECK I时钟信号67EECS I/O片选也做LED模式选择引脚高电平时,LED模式1,否则模式注意:EECS EECK EEDO引脚都内部自带60K欧姆下拉电阻时钟引脚21X2_25M O25M晶振输出22X1_25M I25M晶振输入59CLK20MO O20M晶振再生输出给外部介质无关设备,自带60K欧姆下拉电阻LED引脚60SPEED100#O低电平指示100M带宽指示,高电平指示10M带宽61DUP#O全双工指示LEDLED模式0时,低电平显示工作在10M带宽,或在100M带宽浮动62LINK&ACT#O连接LED,在模式0时,只作物理层的载波监听检测连接状态10/100物理层与光纤接口24SD I光纤信号检测PECL电平信号,显示光纤接收是否有效25DGGND P带隙地信号线26BGRES I/O带隙引脚27AVDD P带隙与电源保护环28AVDD P接收端口电源29RXI+I物理层接收端的正极30RXI-I物理层接收端的负极31AGND P接收端口地32AGND P发送端口地33TXO+O物理层发送端口正极34TXO-O发送端口负极35AVDD P物理层发送端口负极各种其他功能引脚16~19TEST1~4I工作模式Test1~4(1,1,0,0)正常工作状态48TEST5I必须接地68~69GPIO0~3I/O通用I/O端口通用端口控制寄存器和通用端口寄存器能编程该系列引脚GPIO0默认输出为高来关闭物理层和其他外部介质无关器件GPIO1~3默认为输入引脚78LINK_O O电缆连接状态显示输出,高电平有效79WAKEUP O流出一个唤醒信号当唤醒事件发生内置60K欧姆的下拉电阻80PW_RST#I上电复位低电平激活DM9000的重新初始化,5us后初始化当该引脚测试到电平变化74,75,77NC无用电源引脚DVDD P数字电源5,20,36,55,72,90,73DGND P数字地15,23,42,5863,81,99,76内部寄存器DM9000(A)包含一系列可被访问的控制状态寄存器,这些寄存器是字节对齐的,他们在硬件或软件复位时被设置成初始值。

2、Altera不同版本软件的安装NIOS II中有TCP/IP模板程序,根据Altera不同版本软件,实现TCP/IP所使用的协议栈却不同;低版本(7.2版本以下)使用的是LWIP协议栈,而高版本中摒弃了LWIP协议栈,使用的是NicheStack 协议栈,前者不需要授权,而后者需要授权。
后续的几篇博文中,分别实现了LWIP协议栈和NicheStack协议栈,因此需要安装不同版本的Altera 软件。
Parrot MKi9000用户手册说明书

Parrot MKi9000User guideContentsContents (2)Installation (3)Before you begin (3)Checking the car configuration (3)Caution (3)Removing the car stereo (3)Installing the kit (4)Car stereo with ISO connectors (4)Car stereo with line-in (5)Installing the electronic box (5)Installing the kit’s power cable (6)Installing the audio connectors (6)Installing the individual components (7)Installing the double microphone (7)Installing the remote control (8)Getting started (10)Navigating through the menus (10)Associating the remote control to the electronic box (10)Commands (11)Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phone (12)Using a phone with the Parrot MKi9000 for the first time (12)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with 2 phones (12)Managing the “Memory full” problem (13)Synchronizing the phonebook (14)Phone (15)Making and receiving calls (15)Making a call (15)Receiving a call (15)Using the Parrot MKi9000 while on a call (16)Using voice recognition (18)Receiving a call via voice recognition (18)Making a call via voice recognition (18)Music (20)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an external source (20)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an iPod / iPhone (20)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with a USB peripheral (21)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an audio player connected via Bluetooth (21)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an analogue audio player (21)Commands (22)Settings (23)Using the Virtual Super Bass effect (23)Deactivating the Mute on Streaming (23)InstallationBefore you beginChecking the car configuration∙The cables supplied with the kit feature ISO connectors and two pairs of line-out jacks. The line-out jacks can be used if your audio system features this option (use of an amplifier). Several set-ups are therefore possible depending on the type of car stereo and your vehicle.∙If your car stereo is not fitted with ISO connectors, you need to purchase an ISO adapter cable to simplify the wiring procedure. Refer to the range of ISO adapters on our website.Caution∙Unplug the battery before installing the kit’s power cable.∙Before you install the individual components, check that the installation locations have been selected in such a way that the cable length is sufficient to connect every element.∙Do not install any component (remote control, microphone…) in the airbag deployment area.∙Once the installation is complete, make sure that no cables are pinched or trapped.Removing the car stereo∙Remove your car stereo from you vehicle. You may need release keys to do so.► Refer to your car stereo user guide or contact your car dealer for more information.∙Remove the audio system from your vehicles dashboard to access the wiring harness.∙The mute function is used to cut the sound of your car stereo to enable a phone call. The choice of the mute-in jack depends on your car stereo’s configur ation.Installing the kitCar stereo with ISO connectors1.Connect the male connectors of the hands-free kit to the car stereo.2.Join the vehicle’s audio and power supply cables to the female connectors of the Parrot MKi9000.3.On the installation cable, connect the free yellow wire to one of the audio system’s correspondingmute-in jacks if available (mute in 1, mute in 2 or mute in 3).Car stereo with line-in∙Use this type of connection by wiring the line-out (brown & white wire or red & black wire) to your car stereo’s line-in.∙Using the two pairs of line-out will enable you to take advantage of the music function in stereo over your vehicle’s speakers.∙On the installation cable, connect the free yellow w ire to the corresponding audio system’s mute-input if available (mute in 1, mute in 2 or mute in 3).Installing the electronic box∙Avoid installing the electronic box near heating or air-conditioning system, on a spot directly exposed to sunlight or behind metal walls.∙Make sure the electronic box stays fixed once it is installed and that it will not move while you are driving.∙Do not reinstall the car stereo forcibly. If you are short of space behind the car stereo to install the electronic box, consider installing it in the glove box.Install ing the kit’s power cable∙Refer to your car stereo’s wiring diagram.∙The red wire of the kit’s cable must correspond to the constant +12V supply, the orange wire to the ignition +12V and the black wire to ground. Check that the orange wire is not connected tothe constant +12V supply, as you could run down the vehicle’s battery.Installing the audio connectorsInstalling the music cable Connect the music cable to the electronic box and place the USB / iPod / Jack connectors into the glove box, the central console or the parcel tray depending on the configuration of your dashboard. Make sure that the cable is not pinched.Installing the music cable grommet system The music cable grommet system allows you to adjust the cable lengthwhile reducing its wear.1.Drill a 20 mm hole in your dashboard (glove compartment or parcel tray).2.Insert manually two flexible arms of the grommet system.e a flat screwdriver in order to insert the last two arms.> You can now connect your music cable to the bluebox.Installing the individual componentsInstalling the double microphoneSelecting a location In order to get hi-quality conversations, we advise you to respect the followingrecommendations:∙Make sure the microphone is installed as close to the mouth of the user aspossible. The ideal distance is 60 cm. The best possible location for themicrophone is near the rear-view mirror.∙The microphone needs to be pointed towards the user.D < 60 cmα < 45°∙Make sure the microphone is not exposed to the air stream from air vents.∙Do not install the microphone cable in heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems.Mounting the double microphone ∙The mounting location for the microphone must be clean and free from grease or dust. Prior to installation, clean the area with an appropriate cleansing product.∙Once you have stuck the support on the dashboard, wait for approximately 2 hours to make sure the adhesive tape adheres well.Installing the remote controlInstalling the remote control on the steering wheel If you want to place the remote control on the steering wheel, make sure it is securely attached, so that it does not move when you are driving.Installing the remote control on the dashboardIf you want to place the remote control on the dashboard, stick the double-sided tape located on the flat side of the bracket to fix it against the dashboard. You can then insert the remote onto the bracket.Replacing the battery∙ The remote control only works with a 3V CR2032 battery.∙ Make sure the battery is correctly positioned before inserting it into the remote control.Getting startedNavigating through the menusAssociating the remote control to the electronic boxIf the remote control doesn’t seem to be associated to the electronic box while using the Parrot MKi9000:After verifying the CR2032 battery is properly inserted inthe remote unit, press and hold the and buttonsthen press the button several times. This has to be doneduring a 30 seconds period once the ignition is turned on.Within 1 to 2 seconds, you should then hear a voicemessage saying “Remote control pairing successful”. Atthat time, you can release the buttons and the remoteshould then be paired with the kit and the message will goaway. Youcan verify remote operation by navigatingthrough the menus.CommandsAccessing the main menu Press the central jog wheel to access the menus. > The kit says the name of the current menu.Browsing through themenus∙Turn the jog wheel to browse through the menus.∙Press the button or the jog wheel to confirm.∙Press the button to get back to the previous menu.Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phoneUsing a phone with the Parrot MKi9000 for the first timePairing a phone 1.From your phone, search for Bluetooth® peripherals.2.Select «MKi9000» in the list.3.Enter «0000» on your phone when prompted.> The Parrot MKi9000 says «Pairing successful».Automatic connection Once your phone is paired to the Parrot MKi9000, the connection between both devices will be automatically established each time you enter your vehicle.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with 2 phonesDual mode allows you to simultaneously connect two phones to the Parrot MKi9000.Activating dual mode To activate dual mode and connect two phones, select Dual mode.Connecting two phones to the Parrot MKi9000 When the Parrot MKi9000 is switched on, it attempts to connect all paired phones in the vehicle. If there are more than two paired phones in the vehicle, the device connects the two phones with the oldest pairing.Main and secondary phones ∙When two phones are connected to the Parrot MKi9000, one of them becomes the main phone and the other is the secondary phone.∙By default, the main phone is the one with the oldest pairing to the Parrot MKi9000.∙To define the secondary phone as your main phone (and make your main phonethe new secondary phone), press and hold for two seconds.Making and receiving calls ∙You can receive calls (manually or through voice recognition) to your main or secondary phones. The Parrot MKi9000 ringtone varies according to the phone receiving the call.∙Only the phonebook for your main phone may be accessed through the ParrotMKi9000. You can only make calls using your main phone. However, you caneasily switch between the connected phones by pressing and holding for twoseconds.∙If you receive a call to one of your phones while you are on the other phone,only the latter will ring. You can take the call directly on that phone but not viathe Parrot MKi9000.Managing the “Memory full” problemYou can pair up to 10 devices with the Parrot MKi9000.If you attempt to pair a 11th phone, the Parrot MKi9000 says “Memory full”. To pair a new phone, you mustclear the memory by holding down simultaneously the and buttons for 3 seconds. Doing so will also delete all your contacts.Synchronizing the phonebookAutomatic synchronisation With most of the Bluetooth phones, the phonebook is automatically synchronized in the kit’s memory. Refer to the compatibility section of our website for more information.Sending contacts via Object Push If your phone doesn’t support automatic synchronization, you can also send contacts from your mobile to the car kit via Object Push. To do so:1.Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Receive contacts.2.Refer to your phones ‘user guide for more information about sending contactsvia Object Push.Disabling synchronisation If you wish to use your phone voice recognition instead of the one of the Parrot MKi9000, you need disable the phonebook synchronisation. To do so :1.Hold down simultaneously the and buttons for 3 seconds to clear theParrot MKi9000 memory.2.Hold down the jog wheel and the button.> The Parrot MKi9000 says «Automatic synchronisation deactivated, pleasepair device».3.Re-pair your phone with the Parrot MKi9000.PhoneBefore using your Parrot MKi9000 telephone function, you first have to connect it with your phone.► For more information,refer to the Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phone section.Making and receiving callsMaking a callCalling a contact in the phonebook If the contact you want to call is in the phonebook of the phoneconnected to the Parrot MKi9000:1.Press the jog wheel to enter the main menu and select Phonebook.2.Select a letter and press the jog wheel.> Once the contact chosen:- Press the button to call this contact.- Or use the jog wheel to choose between different numbersof the same contact.Bringing up the last dialled number Hold down the key of the Parrot MKi9000 for two seconds to redial the last dialled number.Receiving a callAn incoming call is indicated by a ringtone. The name of the caller is announced if his details are stored in the phonebook of the phone connected to the Parrot MKi9000.Answering a call Press the button to answer an incoming call.Declining a call Press the button to decline an incoming call.Using the Parrot MKi9000 while on a callAdjusting the volume Use the jog wheel during a call to adjust the communication volume. > The volume setting is saved for subsequent calls.Transfering a call to thephone∙ During a call, if you want to continue the conversation on your phone (private conversation), press the button of the Parrot MKi9000. > The call is automatically transferred to the phone.∙ If you want to switch back to the kit, press the button again.Muting a call∙If you want to deactivate the microphone during a call, press the button : you will still hear your caller but your caller will not be able to hear you.∙Press the button to reactivate it again.Managing a second callDuring a call, you can receive another call if your phone supports thisfunctionality.∙Press the button to accept the second incoming call. > The first call is automatically put on hold.∙Press the button to decline the second incoming call. You can also hang up directly from your phone.∙Press the button to switch from a call to another.Managing voice mail During a call, the Parrot MKi9000 allows you to send DTMFs to manageyour voice mail for example. To do so:1.Press the jog wheel to access the DTMF menu.> « 0 » is said by the kit.e the jog wheel to select your DTMF between the followingpossibilities : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,# or *.3.Press the jog wheel to send this DTMF to your phone.Ending a call Press the button to end a call.Using voice recognitionReceiving a call via voice recognitionTo receive a call via voice recognition, magic words must be activated.Activating / deactivating the magic words1. Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Magic words .2. Press the jog wheel to activate/deactivate the magic words.Accepting a call Say « Accept » to answer an incoming call.Declining a callSay « Reject » to decline an incoming call.Making a call via voice recognitionCalling a contact with one phone number1. Press the button to launch the voice recognition feature.> The Parrot MKi9000 asks you the name of the contact you want to call.2. Say the name of the contact.> The call is automatically launched if the voice tag is correctly understood.> If it is not the case, a confirmation message is asked.3. Confirm if necessary by saying “Yes” or “call”.Calling a contact with several phone numbers∙If there are several phone numbers associated to the contact you want to call, you can specify the type of number.∙To do so, the following vocal commands are available:-Home-At home-Work-At work-Office-At office-At the office-Mobile-Cellular-Cell-On mobile-On cellular-On cell-On mobile phone-On cellular phone-On cell phone-Mobile phone-Cellular phone-Cell phone-Other-General-Default-PreferredExiting voice recognition modePress the button to exit voice recognition mode.Music Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an external sourceUsing the Parrot MKi9000 with an iPod / iPhoneCompatibility ∙If you are using the Parrot MKi9000 with the iPod Mini, iPodPhoto, iPod 3G and iPod Shuffle, then connect your iPod to theParrot MKi9000 using the Jack cable.∙Use the iPod connector if you are using another model of iPod oran iPhone.Playing music files ∙If your iPod / iPhone is connected to the Parrot MKi9000 via theiPod connector, press the jog wheel and select iPod.∙If your iPod is connected to the Parrot MKi9000 via the jack cable,refer to the Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an analogue playersection.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with a USB peripheral1.Connect the USB flash drive or the MP3 player using the USB cable.2.Press the jog wheel and select USB.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an audio player connected via BluetoothCompatibility You can use the Parrot MKi9000 to listen to songs stored on your mobile phone/ PDA / smartphone. Your mobile phone must support the Bluetooth® A2DPprofile (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile).Playing a music file ∙If you are using a Bluetooth audio player for the 1st time, youhave to pair both devices.►Refer to the Pairing a phone section.∙If both devices are already paired :1.Select Audio Bluetooth.2.Start playing a song on your audio player.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an analogue audio player1.Connect your audio player to the Parrot MKi9000 using the Jack connector.2.Press the jog wheel and select Line In.3.Start playing a song on your audio player.CommandsTo do so Proceed this wayPause a songPress the button.Resume playbackPress the button.Raise or lower the volume Turn the jog wheel.Rewind or fast-forwardHold down the or buttons.Restart a songPress the button.Skip to the next songPress the button.Skip to the previous songPress the button twice.Activate the Virtual Super Bass effectHold down the button for 2 seconds.SettingsUsing the Virtual Super Bass effectThe Virtual Super Bass effect allows you to amplify the low frequencies. To activate or deactivate it:1.Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Virtual Super Bass.2.Press the jog wheel to activate or deactivate this option.Deactivating the Mute on Streaming∙This option automatically mutes the tuner when a song is played. This option is activated by default.∙You can deactivate this option and mute the tuner manually via the Mute cable. To do so :1.Wait for 30 seconds after the Parrot MKi9000 is turned on.2.Hold down the and buttons simultaneously to activate / deactivate the Muteon Streaming option.。


DM9000 驱动移植及源码简析(1)/whs08/blog/item/384fee175781f1094a90a7a5.html转自/User/lvembededsys/Article/6856_1.htm在成功移植Dm9000驱动到我的EIEVK-100(SMDK2440)开发板的前提下,本文从以下几个方面说明相关原理及过程:1.硬件情况2.Dm9000驱动移植详细过程3.Platform_device与platform_driver4.Dm9000驱动代码简要分析一. 硬件情况DM9000在电路板上的连接中与编程相关的如下:1)EECS拉高:16bit模式;2)EECK拉高,INT连接到2440 EINT7:INT脚为低时为有效中断信号,中断线为EINT73)cs连接到2440的nGCS2,CMD连接2440地址总线ADDR[2]:INDEX和DATA端口地址分别为0x1000_0000和0x1000_0004。
二. Dm9000驱动移植详细过程1.在内核编译配置选项中,driver-->net-->10/100M net-->DM9000 support 选项选中。
2.在arch/arm/mach-s3c2410/devs.c 中添加dm9000的platform_device。
/* Add Dm9000 platform_device beelike@ */#includestatic struct resource eievk_dm9000_resource[] = {[0]= {.start = 0x10000000, //this is based on EIEVK board.end = 0x10000003,.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,},[1]={.start = 0x10000004,.end = 0x10000007,.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,},[2]={.start = IRQ_EINT7,.end = IRQ_EINT7,.flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ,}};static struct dm9000_plat_data eievk_dm9000_platdata ={.flags = DM9000_PLATF_16BITONLY,//work in 16bit mode};struct platform_device eievk_dm9000_device = {.name = "dm9000",.id = -1,.num_resources = 3,.resource = eievk_dm9000_resource,.dev = {.platform_data = &eievk_dm9000_platdata,}};EXPORT_SYMBOL(eievk_dm9000_device);/*end add beelike@ */3.在arch/arm/mach-s3c2410/devs.h中声明平台设备eievk_dm9000_device :extern struct platform_device eievk_dm9000_device;4.在arm/arm/mach-s3c2410/mach-smdk2410.c中将eievk_dm9000_device添加到平台设备列表中:static struct platform_device *smdk2440_devices[] __initdata = {&s3c_device_usb,&s3c_device_lcd,&s3c_device_wdt,&s3c_device_i2c,&s3c_device_iis,&eievk_dm9000_device, //add dm9000 by beelike&s3c_device_nand,};5.OK,经过上述努力,Dm9000设备已经成功注册进入驱动核心。
Dell Dimension 9100 用户手册说明书

w w w.d e l l.c o m | s u p p o r t.d e l l.c o mDell™ Dimension™ 9100可选的 CD 或 DVD CD 或 DVD 、、型号:DCTA注、注意和警告注:注表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
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型号:DCTA2005 年 10 月P/N D8664Rev. A01目录查找信息 (9)1设置和使用计算机设置打印机 (13)打印机电缆 (13)连接 USB 打印机 (14)连接至 Internet (14)设置 Internet 连接 (15)播放 CD 和 DVD (16)调节音量 (17)调整图片 (18)复制 CD 和 DVD (18)如何复制 CD 或 DVD (18)使用空白 CD 和 DVD (19)注意事项 (20)使用介质卡读取器(可选) (21)连接两台显示器 (22)连接两台配备 VGA 连接器的显示器 (22)连接一台配备 VGA 连接器的显示器和一台配备 DVI 连接器的显示器 (23)连接电视 (24)更改显示设置 (24)设置家庭和办公网络 (25)连接网络适配器 (25)网络安装向导 (25)电源管理 (26)待机模式 (26)休眠模式 (26)电源选项属性 (27)目录3IEEE 1394 (28)超线程 (29)2解决问题故障排除提示 (31)电池问题 (31)驱动器问题 (32)CD 和 DVD 驱动器问题 (32)硬盘驱动器问题 (33)电子邮件、调制解调器和 Internet 问题 (33)错误信息 (35)介质卡读取器问题 (36)键盘问题 (36)锁定和软件问题 (37)计算机无法启动 (37)计算机停止响应 (37)程序停止响应 (37)程序多次崩溃 (37)程序设计为用于早期版本的 Windows 操作系统 (38)出现蓝屏 (38)其它软件问题 (38)内存问题 (39)鼠标问题 (39)网络问题 (40)电源问题 (40)打印机问题 (41)扫描仪问题 (42)声音和扬声器问题 (42)扬声器没有声音 (43)耳机没有声音 (43)4目录视频和显示器问题 (43)如果屏幕为黑屏 (44)如果屏幕显示不清楚 (44)3故障排除工具诊断指示灯 (45)Dell 诊断程序 (48)Dell 诊断程序主菜单 (48)驱动程序 (49)什么是驱动程序? (49)识别驱动程序 (50)重新安装驱动程序 (50)解决软件与硬件不兼容的问题 (51)还原操作系统 (52)使用 Microsoft Windows XP 系统还原 (52)撤消上次系统还原 (53)使用 Symantec 提供的 Dell PC Restore (54)4卸下和安装部件开始之前 (57)建议工具 (57)关闭计算机电源 (57)拆装计算机内部组件之前 (58)计算机的正面视图 (59)计算机的背面视图 (61)卸下主机盖 (62)计算机内部视图 (64)系统板组件 (65)内存 (66)内存概览 (66)安装内存 (68)卸下内存 (70)目录5插卡 (70)PCI 卡 (70)PCI Express 卡 (75)驱动器面板 (83)卸下驱动器面板 (83)卸下驱动器面板插件 (84)装回驱动器面板插件 (85)装回驱动器面板 (85)驱动器 (86)一般安装原则 (86)硬盘驱动器 (87)卸下硬盘驱动器 (88)安装硬盘驱动器 (89)添加第二个硬盘驱动器 (90)软盘驱动器 (92)卸下软盘驱动器 (92)安装软盘驱动器 (94)介质卡读取器 (94)卸下介质卡读取器 (94)安装介质卡读取器 (96)CD/DVD 驱动器 (98)卸下 CD/DVD 驱动器 (99)安装 CD/DVD 驱动器 (100)电池 (102)更换电池 (102)装回主机盖 (103)5附录规格 (105)系统设置程序 (109)概览 (109)进入系统设置程序 (110)系统设置程序选项 (111)“Boot Sequence”(引导顺序) (114)6目录清除已忘记的密码 (115)清除 CMOS 设置 (116)清洁计算机 (116)计算机、键盘和显示器 (116)鼠标 (117)软盘驱动器 (117)CD 和 DVD (117)与 Dell 联络 (118)索引 (135)目录78目录查找信息要查找什么?在此处查找Dell™ 产品信息指南•保修信息•条款和条件(仅限于美国)Array•安全说明•管制信息•人机工程学信息•最终用户许可协议注:可以从获得本说明文件的 PDF文件。