Image Hiding Algorithms Based on Halftoning Technique
%Semi-fragile watermark has attracted attentiondue to its important role in content authentication for multimedia. In order to differentiate incidental attacks and malicious attacks, the semi-fragile watermark must be robust against content-protection image pro- cessing. This paper proposes a new semi-fragile digital image watermarking scheme based on genetic algorithm (GA). In the scheme, the genetic algorithm used for optimizing embedding strength is employed to optimize the embedding location. Experimental results show that our scheme has both high fidelity and good robustness, which can realize digital copyright protection for printed image.【期刊名称】《山西电子技术》【年(卷),期】2012(000)005【总页数】3页(P50-52)【关键词】内容认证;半脆弱水印;遗传算法;鲁棒性【作者】王祥青;毛德梅;徐华丽【作者单位】皖西学院信息工程学院,安徽六安237012;皖西学院信息工程学院,安徽六安237012;皖西学院信息工程学院,安徽六安237012【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP309.7近年来,随着网络技术和多媒体技术的迅速发展,网络安全问题受到的大家的普遍关注。
College of Computer Science of Chongqing University , Chongqing, China
May 2008
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
近年来,伴随网络通信技术的飞速发展,多媒体信息作为一种重要的信息载 体,在网络上的传输交换变得越来越频繁。然而随着互联网安全性问题的凸显, 多媒体信息尤其是被广泛使用的图片信息的安全与保密也显得越来越重要。 JPEG 和 JPEG2000 是目前被普遍运用的两个重要的图像压缩标准,而基于离散小波变 换的 JPEG2000 显然更加有优势,势必将逐渐替代 JPEG 成为图像压缩的主流标 准。因此,基于 JPEG2000 的数字图像加密研究显得格外的有必要。本文就是在 此背景下利用混沌密码学的优越性能,展开了基于混沌密码学的 JPEG2000 的数 字图像加密研究。 本文首先介绍了密码学、数字图像加密、混沌理论的基础知识和相关理论。 并着重分析了 JPEG2000 第一部分——JPEG2000 核心编解码过程。 在此基础上寻 求混沌密码学与 JPEG2000 压缩编码的结合,研究出一种基于混沌的 JPEG2000 图像加密算法。本文首先设计出一个性能优异的基于混沌系统的矩阵置乱算法, 再主要针对 JPEG2000 的核心小波变换,对图像小波变换后的小波系数矩阵进行 置乱加密。由于图像小波变换后的重要信息多集中在小波系数的低频系数部分, 所 以 只选择了 小波系数的低频分量进行加密。 算法巧妙的避免了以往基于 JPEG2000 图像加密的一些缺点,很好的将加密、解密与图像的编码、解码相结 合,使得 JPEG2000 系统得到了进一步完善。最后,实验验证并分析了算法的可 行性和优越性,实验证明该算法复杂度高,保密性好,加密效率高,而又未明显 降低图像的压缩率,具有很好的加密特性。 关键词:JPEG2000,混沌,加密,图像加密,小波变换
2020⁃11⁃10计算机应用,Journal of Computer Applications2020,40(11):3280-3288ISSN 1001⁃9081CODEN JYIIDU http ://基于深度学习的图像边缘检测算法综述李翠锦1,2*,瞿中2(1.重庆工程学院电子信息学院,重庆400060;2.重庆邮电大学计算机科学与技术学院,重庆400065)(∗通信作者电子邮箱190424278@ )摘要:边缘检测是将图像中的突变的重要信息提取出来的过程,是计算机视觉领域研究热点,也是图像分割、目标检测与识别等多种中高层视觉任务的基础。
通过评价指标对各类方法进行了比较,可知边缘检测算法在伯克利大学数据集(BSDS500)上的最优数据集规模(ODS )经过多年研究从0.598提高到了0.828,接近人类视觉水平。
关键词:边缘检测;深度学习;卷积神经网络;损失函数;多尺度融合中图分类号:TP391.41文献标志码:AReview of image edge detection algorithms based on deep learningLI Cuijin 1,2*,QU Zhong 2(1.College of Electronic Information ,Chongqing Institute of Engineering ,Chongqing 400060,China ;2.College of Computer Science and Technology ,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications ,Chongqing 400065,China )Abstract:Edge detection is the process of extracting the important information of mutations in the image.It is aresearch hotspot in the field of computer vision and the basis of many middle -and high -level vision tasks such as image segmentation ,target detection and recognition.In recent years ,in view of the problems of thick edge contour lines and low detection accuracy ,edge detection algorithms based on deep learning such as spectral clustering ,multi -scale fusion ,and cross -layer fusion were proposed by the industry.In order to make more researchers understand the research status of edge detection ,firstly ,the implementation theory and methods of traditional edge detection were introduced.Then ,the main edge detection methods based on deep learning in resent years were summarized ,and these methods were classified according to the implementation technologies of the methods.And the analysis of the key technologies of these methods show that the multi -scale multi -level fusion and selection of loss function was the important research directions.Various methods were compared to each other through evaluation indicators.It can be seen that the Optimal Dataset Scale (ODS )of edge detection algorithm on the Berkeley Segmentation Data Set and benchmark 500(BSDS500)was increased from 0.598to 0.828,which was close to the level of human vision.Finally ,the development direction of edge detection algorithm research was forecasted.Key words:edge detection;deep learning;Convolutional Neural Network (CNN);loss function;multi -scale fusion0引言图像边缘检测是图像处理和计算机视觉领域中最关键的技术问题之一。
image alignment and stitching a tutorial
Richard Szeliski Last updated, December 10, 2006 Technical Report MSR-TR-2004-92
This tutorial reviews image alignment and image stitching algorithms. Image alignment algorithms can discover the correspondence relationships among images with varying degrees of overlap. They are ideally suited for applications such as video stabilization, summarization, and the creation of panoramic mosaics. Image stitching algorithms take the alignment estimates produced by such registration algorithms and blend the images in a seamless manner, taking care to deal with potential problems such as blurring or ghosting caused by parallax and scene movement as well as varying image exposures. This tutorial reviews the basic motion models underlying alignment and stitching algorithms, describes effective direct (pixel-based) and feature-based alignment algorithms, and describes blending algorithms used to produce seamless mosaics. It closes with a discussion of open research problems in the area.
Hermite 混沌神经网络数字图像隐藏算法邹阿金1,罗移祥1,谢冬青2,彭凌西2(1、广东海洋大学信息学院,湛江,524088;2、广州大学计算机与教育软件学院,广州,510006) 摘 要:应用Hermite 混沌神经网络产生的混沌序列密码对需要隐藏的数字图像秘密信息进行XOR 加密,生成混沌数字水印,然后利用加密矩阵将其嵌入载体图像中进行隐藏,使非法用户无法从伪装图像的外观上发现有不易感知的数字水印的存在,从而逃过非法用户的注意和攻击,实现秘密信息的隐秘传递,达到隐蔽通信的目的。
关键词: 神经网络; Hermite 正交多项式; 混沌; 数字水印; 信息隐藏1 引言传统的信息安全技术是应用密码学的基本原理、技术和方法对明文进行加密,生成密文;由于密文通常是一组不可识别的乱码,且在公开信道中传递,容易引起非法用户的注意,从而受到侵权、盗版、删除和随意篡改等威胁[1],为了解决这一问题,研究者把密码技术和信息隐藏技术相结合,提出了许多方法和模型[2-8]。
信息隐藏技术一般可归类于空间域方法[9]、变换域方法[10]和其他新的信息隐藏方法[11],文献[11]说明了在信息保密储存和秘密通讯中,变换域方法的弱点和缺陷,本文提出一种新的空间域方法:基于Logistic 混沌序列,构造Hermite 混沌神经网络,对需要隐藏的数字图像秘密信息进行“一次一密” XOR 加密,生成混沌数字水印,然后选取合适的隐藏率和加密矩阵将信息嵌入到载体图像中,保证了嵌入的信息是“不可见的”;仿真实验验证了该信息隐藏结果的不可见性;理论分析表明该方法具有很高的安全性。
2 Hermite 神经网络模型文献[12,13]从理论上说明采用Hermite 正交多项式构造的三层Hermite 神经网络模型,可最佳均方逼近任意未知系统(),y f x x R =∈,网络输入层至隐层的权值恒为1,隐层至输出层的权值为i w ,网络操作模式如下:输入层o x = (1) 隐神经元输入;1,2,,i net o i n == (2)隐神经元输出()i i i o H net = (3) 式中()i i H net 是一组Hermite 正交多项式,可由下式递推求得:1221()1, H ()2()2()2()1,2,,2i i i H x x x H x xH x iH x i n ++==⎧⎪=-⎨⎪=-⎩(4) 输出层11()n ni iiii i y w o w H x ====∑∑ (5)设训练样本为(,),1,2,,t t x d t s =;这里s 为样本数,t x 为Hermite 神经网络输入,t d 为系统理想输出,采用BP 学习算法,有误差,1,2,,t t t e d y t s =-= (6)训练指标2112s t t J e ==∑ (7)权值修正公式(),1,2,(1)()(),0,1,2,i t i i i i i i Jw e H net i n w w k w k w k k ηη∂∆=-==∂+=+∆= (8)01η<<为学习率,k 为学习次数。
第 22卷第 4期2023年 4月Vol.22 No.4Apr.2023软件导刊Software Guide基于改进ORB的无人机影像拼接算法张平,孙林,何显辉(山东科技大学测绘与空间信息学院,山东青岛 266590)摘要:针对传统图像拼接算法在无人机遥感影像拼接过程中速度慢、效率低、无法满足实时准确拼接要求的问题,提出一种改进ORB的图像拼接算法。
实验结果表明,所提算法配准精度最高达到100%,配准耗时低于0.91s,拼接图像信息熵达到6.807 9。
关键词:图像拼接;多尺度FAST检测;BEBLID特征;最优化几何约束DOI:10.11907/rjdk.222267开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7800(2023)004-0156-06UAV Image Mosaic Algorithm Based on Improved ORBZHANG Ping, SUN Lin, HE Xian-hui(College of Geodesy and Geomatics, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)Abstract:Aiming at the problems of slow speed and low efficiency of traditional image stitching algorithm in UAV remote sensing image stitching process, which cannot meet the requirements of real-time and accurate stitching, an improved ORB image stitching algorithm is pro‐posed. Firstly, the scale pyramid is constructed and the feature points are extracted by ORB algorithm, and then the feature points are de‐scribed by BEBLID descriptor; The nearest neighbor ratio (NNDR) algorithm is used for rough matching, and then the optimal geometric con‐straints are constructed based on the feature point voting to further optimize the feature points. The random sampling consistency (RANSAC)algorithm is used to calculate the transformation matrix and obtain the high-precision transformation matrix; Finally, the improved gradual in and gradual out weighted fusion algorithm is used to realize image mosaic. The experimental results show that the registration accuracy of the proposed algorithm reaches 100% at the highest, the registration time is less than 0.91s, and the information entropy of mosaic image reaches 6.807 9. Compared with the traditional algorithm,the algorithm in this paper has higher splicing efficiency,and can obtain higher quality splicing images while reducing the image splicing time. The algorithm performance is significantly improved.Key Words:image mosaic; multi scale FAST detection; BEBLID feature; optimal geometric constraint0 引言近年来,无人机航拍摄影技术越来越成熟,在遥感监测[1]、电力巡检[2]、灾害勘察[3]、军事侦察[4]等领域均有广泛应用。
关键词:隐写术;遗传算法;峰值信噪比;隐藏容量;拟合函数;数字图像中图分类号:TN911.73?34;TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004?373X(2016)11?0050?05Abstract:In order to obtain bigger steganography capacity and higher steganography security level,a digitalimage safety steganography algorithm based on genetic algorithm and high hidden capacity is proposed. The steganography is modeled as a search problem. The genetic algorithm is used to find out the optimal direction and starting point in the host image to hide the enciphered data,and make the steganography image obtain the maximal peaksignal?to?noise ratio (PSNR),whose fitting function is PSNR. Firstly,the host image,confidential image and chromosome should be prepared,after that the bit plane and bit direction genes are used to convert the host pixel sequence into bit sequence. And then,the confidential pixel bits are embedded into the corresponding pixel bits. Finally,the fitting function is used to determine the iteration times. The PSNR and structural similarity index measure (SSIM)are used to assess the steganography result. Compared with other steganography algorithms,the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the steganography quality and safety. Its PSNR and SSIM are higher than those of other algorithms. In addition,its hidden capacity is big enough,which can reach up to 49.5%.Keywords:steganography;genetic algorithm;peak signal?to?noise ratio;hidden capacity;fitting function;digital image0 引言隐写术[1]是将机密数据隐藏于宿主媒体中,达到不损害宿主媒体,并且使接触者不易察觉的技术,比如将嵌入的机密数据进行隐藏以阻止非授权的攻击或进行秘密传送[2]。
收稿日期:2008—08.25;修回日期:2008—12—13 基金项日:目家自然科学基金(No.60832010,No.60671064,No.60703011);目家863计划(No.2007AA012458);高等学校博士学科专项科研基金(No 2c10r70213047)
Key words:human visual system(HVS);t瑚ceptBal hashing;image authentication;image quality assessment
感知哈希通过对媒体感知内容和信息的提取,压缩 形成一个简短的摘要,用于记录或者标识媒体内容,或 者更进一步用于发现媒体内容遭受的篡改和/或篡改的 位置.由于其广泛的应用前景,感知哈希正吸引着越来 越多的研究者.虽然它与传统密码学意义上的哈希函数 (Cryptographic Hash Function)有很多相似之处,比如单向 性,抗碰撞性等等,但它们之间存在着本质的区别:
本节在简述Watson模型的基础上,提出三种基于 人类视觉系统的图像感知哈希算法,从不同的侧面说 明人类视觉系统用于图像感知哈希的方法和作用. 2.1 Watson模型用于感知距离度量
Watson模,l!!是一个经典的综合对比敏感度、掩蔽 效应和误差合并的人类视觉模型.它定义了一个对比 敏感表,表中的每一个数字代表在不存在掩蔽的情况 下可被感知的最小DCT系数,并将这个系数视为一个 JND(Just Noticeable Difference).对比敏感表中的数值越 小,表示人眼对该数值位置的相应频率越敏感.基于对 比敏感表,Watson给出了计算亮度掩蔽阈值和对比度 掩蔽阈值的方法.其中对比度掩蔽阈值表达了每块DCT 系数中各项在一个JND范围内町调的大小一J.Watson 模型用于感知距离度量的方法可以简述为如下步骤:
第37卷第8期____________________________计算机仿真______________________________2020年8月文章编号:1006 -9348(2020)08 -0348 -05基于监督性机器学习算法的图像辅助去噪李凯勇(青海民族大学物理与电子信息工程学院,青海西宁810007)摘要:针对传统图像辅助去噪方法存在去噪效果差、图像细节信息少、耗时长等问题,提出基于监督性机器学习算法的图像 辅助去噪方法。
通过监督性机器学习计算,对存在噪声图像做问题描述,通过非下采样转换,获得多尺度与全方向的非下采 样轮廓转换因子。
并对高频率因子做辅助 去噪处理,将辅助去噪因子变换,获得辅助去噪后图像。
实验结果表明,上述方法可以精准估算噪声部分,并保留图像轮廓 细节信息,提升图像质量,运行时间短,具有较高鲁棒性,为图像去噪处理提供科学依据。
关键词:监督性机器学习算法;图像辅助去噪;支持向量机;图像细节中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:BImage - Assisted Denoising Based onSupervised Machine Learning AlgorithmLI Kai - yong(College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering, Qinghai Nationalities University,Xining Qinghai 810007, China):Due to poor denoising effect, low image details and high time consumption in traditional methods, this article presented an image - aided denoising method based on supervised machine learning algorithm. The supervisedmachine learning algorithm was used to describe the problem of images with noise. Through nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) , the multi - scale and omni - directional NSCT factors were obtained. The noise distribution and spatial structure characteristics were combined to construct the feature vector of the minimum support vector machine and calculate the optimal threshold. The high frequency factors were processed by image - aided denoising, and the auxiliary denoising factors were transformed to obtain the denoised image. Simulation results show that the proposed method can accurately estimate the noise, retain the details of image contour, and improve image quality. This method has short running time, high robustness, so it can provide a scientific basis for image denoising.:Supervised machine learning algorithm;Image - aided denoising;Support vector machine;Image detaili引言图像在记录、传输、处理以及合成时,受到噪声、模糊等 原因的影响,导致图像质量降低。
Image recognition algorithm, method of identifying
专利名称:Image recognition algorithm, method ofidentifying a target image using same, andmethod of selecting data for transmission toa portable electronic device发明人:Yi Wu,Horst Haussecker,Igor Kozintsev申请号:US12315405申请日:20081202公开号:US20100135527A1公开日:20100603专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An image recognition algorithm includes a keypoints-based comparison and aregion-based color comparison. A method of identifying a target image using the algorithm includes: receiving an input at a processing device, the input including data related to the target image; performing a retrieving step including retrieving an image from an image database, and, until the image is either accepted or rejected, designating the image as a candidate image; performing an image recognition step including using the processing device to perform an image recognition algorithm on the target and candidate images in order to obtain an image recognition algorithm output; and performing a comparison step including: if the image recognition algorithm output is within a pre-selected range, accepting the candidate image as the target image; and if the image recognition algorithm output is not within the pre-selected range, rejecting the candidate image and repeating the retrieving, image recognition, and comparison steps.申请人:Yi Wu,Horst Haussecker,Igor Kozintsev地址:San Jose CA US,Palo Alto CA US,San Jose CA US国籍:US,US,US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
结果表明,与5组其他分类算法相比,文中算法提取到了4处不明显的图像特征;在500、750和1 000次分类器更新的条件下,当近邻个数为7时,文中分类算法的准确率出现峰值,分别为92.51%、90.65%和90.22%,比5组算法的平均分类准确率,高出了1.98%、3.08%和4.14%,新的分类算法的分类效果超过预期。
关键词:特征提取;半监督学习;图像;分类算法;近邻个数;准确率中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-5922(2021)11-0092-06Image Classification Algorithm Based on Feature Extraction and Semi Supervised LearningWu Tao(The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016,China)Abstract:The spectral features, high-frequency and low-frequency texture features of the image affect the feature extraction results of the algorithm, existing image classification algorithms work do not in place due to feature extraction and training methods, leading to the classification accuracy is difficult to achieve the expected target, the image classification algorithm based on feature extraction and semi-supervised learning. The algorithm sets filtering, encapsulation, and embedded feature filtering rules to preprocess the raw image feature information, the image-sensitive regions are enhanced, image spectral features are extracted, and image high-frequency and medium-and low-frequency texture features were extracted using the complex-valued function Gabor filter, a semi-supervised learning method was used for the classification of images by constantly updating the classifier. The results show that the algorithm extracted four other image features of other classification algorithms, Under the conditions 500,750, and 1,000 classifier updates, when the number of close neighbors is 7, the accuracy of the text classification algorithm peaks, with 92.51%, 90.65%, and 90.22%, respectively, the average classification accuracy of the 5 sets of algorithms was 1.98%, 3.08% and 3.08% and 4.14%, and the new classification algorithm exceeded the expected classification effect.Key words:feature extraction; semi-supervised learning; image; classification algorithm; the number of close neighbors; accuracy0 引言遥感、测绘技术和地理信息系统在时代发展过程中的不断更新,生成的图像也越来越精准详细,为土地类别分析、植被覆盖程度划分以及地质灾害等监测等工作,提供更加先进的技术支持。
关键词:数字图像;混沌系统;流密码算法;加密中图分类号:TP391.9文献标识码:BSimulation of Image Encryption Algorithm Based On ChaoticMap And Stream CipherYAN Li-min,GE Yu-yang,SHI Lei(Microelectronics Research and Development Center,Shanghai University,Shanghai200072,China) ABSTRACT:In order to efficiently improve the quality and security of color image encryption,an encryption algorithm for color image is proposed with the combination of chaotic map and stream cipher,based on the study of image encryption algorithm using chaotic map.The encryption algorithm adopted a scrambling-diffusion structure,that is, firstly,the Kent chaotic system was initialized according to the input image in the scrambling phase,and then,the initial value and initial vector of the ZUC-256stream cipher algorithm were generated by the Kent chaotic system.After that,the ZUC-256algorithm generated a random sequence pair which scrambled the R,G,and B pixel values of the color image ter,the pixel values of the input image were diffused by using the Kent chaotic sys・tem and the random sequence generated by the ZUC-256algorithm in the diffusion stage.The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed encryption algorithm is characterized by a simple encryption algorithm with large key space,and it is able to resist differential cryptanalysis and statistics-based attack.KEYWORDS:Digital image;Chaotic system;Stream cipher algorithm;Encryption1引言在当今网络时代,人们在网络中不仅仅传输简单的文本信息,而且越来越倾向于在网络中分享音频、图像、视频等多媒体信息。
基于信息熵的指纹图像二值化算法①张理想1,3詹小四2,3张修如1(1.中南大学信息科学与工程学院湖南长沙 410075; 2.山东大学计算机科学与技术学院山东济南 250100; 3.阜阳师范学院计算机与信息学院安徽阜阳 236032)摘要:指纹图像的二值化处理是指纹图像预处理中的关键步骤,直接影响到指纹图像细化的质量和细节特征提取的准确性。
关键字:信息熵;阈值分割;二值化;指纹识别Fingerprint Image Binarization Algorithm Based on Information EntropyZHANG Li-Xiang1,3 , ZHAN Xiao-Si2,3, ZHANG Xiu-Ru1(1. School of Information Science & Technology, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2. School of Computer Science & Technology, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China;3. School of ComputerScience & Information, Fuyang Normal College, Fuyang 236032, China)Abstract: In fingerprint image pre-processing,fingerprint image binarization processing is a key step in a direct impact on the quality of fingerprint image thinning and accuracy of the extraction of the minutiaes. After anin-depth analysis of information entropy of fingerprint images, information entropy is introduced to thefingerprint image binarization algorithm. Through calculating a maximum entropy of the corresponding theregion in fingerprint image, binarization threshold is estimated, and based on the achievement of thisthreshold fingerprint image binarization processing is done. The experimental results show that thealgorithm is robust to noise and able to effectively realize the fingerprint image binarization.Keywords: information entropy; threshold segmentation; binarization; fingerprint identification指纹作为人体的生理特征,具有唯一性、不变性和排列的规律性等特点,从古至今一直作为身份认证的一种常用手段。
基于整数小波及马尔科夫链的图像自适应隐写术李宁波;潘峰;刘佳【摘要】针对目前主流的图像自适应隐写算法假定像素之间彼此独立,但忽略了像素之间的相关性这一问题,在最小化嵌入失真的模型下,提出了一种基于整数小波和马尔科夫链的图像自适应隐写术.首先利用整数小波对图像进行小波变换,然后利用马尔科夫链来表征邻近像素小波系数之间的相关性;并据此设计了新的失真代价函数.最后结合网格码(syndrome trelliscode,STC)对秘密信息进行嵌入.实验表明该隐写术能够有效抵抗通用隐写分析,在安全性上相比已有的三种隐写术有明显提升.【期刊名称】《科学技术与工程》【年(卷),期】2016(016)027【总页数】5页(P199-203)【关键词】自适应隐写;最小化嵌入失真;整数小波;马尔科夫链;小波系数相关性;网格码【作者】李宁波;潘峰;刘佳【作者单位】武警工程大学密码与信息安全保密重点实验室,西安710086;武警工程大学密码与信息安全保密重点实验室,西安710086;武警工程大学密码与信息安全保密重点实验室,西安710086【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP309隐写术是关于隐秘通信的科学和艺术,目的在于把秘密信息隐藏在载体媒介中,并且最大程度地避免被检测者发现。
实验结果表明:此算法能很好地将对图像内容的恶意篡改和偶然修改区分开来,并可以给出内容篡改的位置.关键字:认证;半易损水印;易损性;小波变换中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:AWavelet Domain Semi-fragile Watermarking Algorithm for Image AuthenticationAbstract:A new semi-fragile watermarking algorithm for image authentication is introduced. In this algorithm, two watermarks are generated by extracting the image feature from the low frequency domain, one of the watermark is used for classifying of the intentional content modification, and another watermark is used for indicating the modified location, so it has provided a effective mechanism for image authentication. In addition, the watermark generation and watermark embedment are disposed in the image itself, and the received image authentication needs no information about the original image or watermark, so it will increase the security of watermark and prevent forged watermark. Experimental results show the algorithm provides very good classification of intentional content modification and incidental tampering, and also can indicate the locations that have been modified.Keywords:Authentication, semi-fragile watermarking, fragility, wavelet transform1 引言随着多媒体和网络技术的广泛应用,对图像、音频、视频等多媒体数字产品的版权保护和内容认证已成为迫切需要解决的问题,数字水印就是在这种背景下产生并受到学术界的广泛关注.数字水印的早期研究主要集中在用于版权保护的鲁棒水印上,随着研究的深入,人们认识到,数字水印在多媒体认证方面同样有着很好的应用前景,所谓多媒体数据认证就是要确认数据是否完整,有无篡改,是否真实和来源可靠.多媒体认证在数字知识产权保护、电子商务、新闻传媒、数字图书馆、医疗以及军事情报领域有着广阔的应用前景.与传统的基于数字签名的数据认证相比,基于数字水印的数据认证的主要优点在于不需要额外附加认证信号,而且水印可以离散地分布到数字媒体的各个部分,提高了攻击难度,因而增加了安全性.一般用于数据认证的数字水印又可以分为两类:易损水印,半易损水印.易损水印是一种在数字图像作品发生任何形式的改变时都无法检测出来的水印;半易损水印一般指能承受图像进行诸如JPEG压缩、加少量噪声的偶然修改,但会被图像内容的恶意篡改损坏的水印.图像小波变换是一种对图像多尺度的空间频率分解,能很好地与人眼视觉特性(Human Visual System HVS)相匹配,并且已应用于新一代静态图像标准JPEG2000,所以基于小波变换的半易损水印成为当今一个重要的研究方向,文献[1-3]提出了基于小波变换的半易损水印算法,水印通过量化小波系数嵌入,这些算法能够抵抗一定程度的JPEG压缩,但不能将轻度的JPEG压缩和局部很少量像素修改区别分来.文献[4]提出了基于图像内容的小波域半易损水印算法,该算法克服了文献[1-3]的缺点,但此算法在图像进行篡改时,无法指出恶意内容篡改的位置.本文提出了一种新颖的用于图像认证的小波域半易损水印算法,该算法在图像正交小波分解的低频域提取图像内容的特征,用于生成图像认证的两个水印,一个水印主要用于篡改定位,另一个水印主要用于区分图像所经历的偶然修改和恶意篡改,从而提供了一种较有效的图像选择认证机制.图像认证时在不需要原始图像和任何有关水印信息的情况下,能很好地将对图像内容的恶意篡改和对图像进行诸如JPEG 压缩、加少量噪声的偶然修改区分开来,并可以给出内容篡改的位置.2 基于图像内容的小波域半易损水印算法一个好的用于图像认证的半易损水印算法应明确区分何为可接受的偶然修改操作[5][6],何为不可接受的内容篡改操作,考虑到在互连网上图像认证的一些实际需要,本文界定的可接受操作包括:较高质量的图像压缩(如高于0.5bpp 的JPEG2000压缩);由传输导致的随机低比率(一般低于1%)比特错误;添加强度不大的噪声(如1%的椒盐噪声,SNR 高于30db 的高斯白噪声);适度的线性滤波等.界定的不可接受的内容篡改操作包括:低质量压缩(如低于0.5bpp 的JPEG2000压缩);伪造整个图像;添加、移去或修改图像局部的可视内容等.整个算法可分为水印的产生、水印的嵌入、水印的提取及图像的认证四个过程组成,其中前两个过程由图像发送方完成(流程图见图1),后两个过程由接收方完成(流程图见图2).图1 发送方水印的产生和嵌入示意图会话密钥K s 公钥K'图2 接收方水印的提取和图像认证示意图在算法中,发送用户和接收用户共享并多次重复使用同一会话密钥K S ,从而可以防止图像在网络传输中可能受到的块分析、通信分析以及中断重发攻击 [7].下面详细描述算法的具体实现方法.2.1 水印的产生首先对大小为N M ⨯的原始图像I 进行三层正交小波分解.设3LL 为低频子带,i i i HH LH HL ,,(3,2,1=i )分别为其水平、垂直和对角中高频子带.(1)自适应小波阀值降噪为了使在认证时提取的基于图像内容的水印在图像经历可接受的偶然修改后仍能保持较好的稳定性,我们先对小波系数采用 S.G..Chang [8]所提出的方法进行自适应阀值降噪,具体方法概述如下:首先利用公式(1)估算噪声方差σˆ σˆ=Median(|Y ij |)/0.6745 (1) 式中Yij ∈某一受到噪声破坏的小波子带Y ,然后可以利用公式(2)估算降噪信号的标准偏差 σˆX : σˆX =)0,ˆmax(22σσ-Y ,其中 2ˆY σ=()/(121n m Y m i ij nj ⨯∑∑== (2) 这里m ×n 代表了此小波子带中小波系数的个数.最后采用软阀值方法进行降噪,得到降噪后的小波系数 Y '.Y '=sign(Y) * max(|Y|-Tˆ(σˆX ),0). (3) 式中: Tˆ (σˆX )= σˆ2/σˆX (2)图像特征的产生由于3LL 是图像的一个低尺度逼近,其中的系数包含了图像的主要能量信息, 且JPEG 图缩压缩及一般的图像处理对其影响很小,图像的内容特征信息将在低频子带3LL 中提取,定义:⎩⎨⎧<≥=αα),(0),(1),(33j i LL if j i LL if j i B (4)式中α为阀值,后面的实验中α取3LL 中所有系数的平均值,),(j i B 为一个与3LL 等大小(N M 8181⨯)的二值矩阵,它反映了图像有意义的内容信息. (3)计算第一个嵌入水印形态滤波是基于信号(图像)的几何结构特性,利用定义的结构元素,对信号进行匹配或局部修正,从而达到提取信号,抑制噪声的一种新型的非线性滤波技术[9].为了进一步提高B 对一般的图像处理的鲁棒性,我们对B 进一步进行形态滤波得到第一个要嵌入的水印L W .在这里我们采用对B 先开启再闭合的方法,即:B S B W L ⋅=)( (5) 式中S 代表某一结构元素.我们可以凭直觉或通过实验结果(如表1)看出:对图像进行可接受的偶然修改对L W 影响很小,而在对图像进行不可接受的内容篡改后,L W 变化很大.另外, L W 中值的变化可以反映出内容篡改的位置.(4)计算第二个嵌入水印对矩阵B 使用会话密钥K S,置乱得到一个N M 8181⨯的随机矩阵B ~.采用大多数原则从B ~中提取一个鲁棒性更强的二值序列W (K )(其长度为N M 8181+).方法如下:如果),(~j i B 中某一行i (i =1,…)81M 中1的个数大于等于0的个数,则W (i )=1,否则W (i )=0;如果),(~j i B 中某一列j (j =1,…)81N 中1的个数大于等于0的个数,则1)81(=+j M W ,否则0)81(=+j M W . 由会话密钥K S 控制,应用MD5算法[10]计算W 的Hash 值,为了便于后续的水印嵌入方便,再将hash 值映射为一个尺度为N M 8181⨯的二值矩阵W A ,利用发送用户的私钥K 对W A 进行加密(本文采用RSA 加密算法),即得到要嵌入的第二个水印W E .由表1 的实验结果可看出:在图像经可接受的偶然操作后W E 具有很强的鲁棒性,而在对图像进行不可接受的内容篡改后,由Hash 函数的性质可知.只要W 的一位或多位发生变化时,A W 将面目全非,即其中50%左右元素的值将发生变化,同样W E 也会有50%左右的值发生变化.表1:认证水印在各种图像操作后的变化(表中的值为认证水印变化的位数和认证水印总位数的比值)2.2 水印的嵌入水印W L 和 W E 将嵌入到图像小波变换的中频域 LH 2, HL 2 和HH 2,为了保证算法的安全性和嵌入水印的鲁棒性,我们利用会话密钥K S 在LH 2, HL 2 和HH 2中随机选择某一互不重叠的22⨯系数块嵌入W L 和 W E 其中的一位水印,水印的嵌入采用如下均值量化的方法.假定ωi 为要嵌入的某一目标水印位,为其选择的2×2 系数块x i ,(i=1,2,3,4)的绝对平均值∑==4141i i x x ,如果量化步长为 q ,x 的量化值)/(q x floor x q = . 按公式(8)修改每一个系数嵌入水印ωi :⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧====-====+-+='11)2,mod(00)2,mod(01)2,mod(10)2,mod(i q i q q i q i q q i i and x or and x if x x and x or and x if q x x x x ωωωω (6)式中i x '为嵌入水印后的系数,当水印W L 和 W E 中的所有水印位都按如上均值量化方法嵌入后,利用未修改的小波系数和修改后的小波系数进行三层逆小波变换得到嵌入水印的图像I ˊ.2.3 水印的提取在水印图像接收方,对嵌入水印的图像I ˊ作三层正交小波变换,按2.1节类似的方法生成两个基于图像内容的水印L W '和A W ',与发送方水印的产生不同的是,接收方不对AW '进行加密.水印的提取同样在图像的小波中频域中进行,设需提取的两个相应的二值水印为L W ˆ,EW ˆ,类似水印的嵌入,同样用会话密钥K S 在LH 2, HL 2 和HH 2中选择对应的互不重叠的22⨯系数块以依次提取L W ˆ、EW ˆ的水印位. 设i ωˆ为要提取的某一位水印,其对应的 2×2 系数块定义为i x ˆ(i=1,2,3,4),i xˆ的绝对平均值为∑==41ˆ41ˆi i x x ,则: )2),5.0/ˆ(mod(ˆ+=q x floor i ω(7) 当 LW ˆ,E W ˆ所有的水印位从其对应的 2×2小波系数块提取后,利用图像发送方的公钥 K '对E W ˆ进行解密得到解密水印矩阵AW ˆ. 2.3 图像认证为了对图像进行认证,需比较从图像小波低频域中产生的两个水印LW ', A W '和从图像中频域中提取的两个水印L W ˆ,A W ˆ.我们定义两个差值矩阵D L 和 D A , 其中D L 用来表示 LW ˆ和L W '的差别, D A 用来表示AW ˆ和 A W '的差别:: LL L W W D '⊕=ˆ (8) AA A W W D '⊕=ˆ (9) 同时定义两个对应的篡改评估函数TAF L 和TAF A :N M D T A F M i N j L L ⨯=∑∑==8/18/164 (10) N M D T A F M i N j AA ⨯=∑∑==8/18/164 (11)给定某一阀值τ,利用TAF L 和TAF A 来检测图像的可信度,方法如下:(1)如果TAF L = TAF A =0 ,则认为图像内容是真实的,且图像没有经过任何处理和修改;(2)如果 TAF L <τ且TAF A <τ则认为图像内容是真实的,但图像经过了某些可接受的偶然修改(如轻度的JPEG 压缩,加少量的噪声);(3)如果 TAF A >τ且 TAF L <τ,则认为图像的某些局部内容已被篡改,并由差别矩阵D L 可以指出图像内容被篡改的位置.(4)如果: TAF A >τ 且 TAF L >τ,则认为整个图像的内容被严重篡改或图像为伪造的不真实图像.τ由用户根据实际情况来选定,如果用户对接收的图像有较高的质量要求,可以选择一个较小的 阀值τ,否则可以选择一个较大的τ.由于水印AW '是由L W '通过大多数原则形成的W 的Hash 值映射再加密生成,它对一般的图像处理具有比L W '更好的鲁棒性,而一般的图像处理对LW ˆ、A W ˆ的影响是相当的,故在第(2)种情况TAF L 的值应稍大于TAF A .当图像的内容被恶意篡改时,只要W 的一位或多位发生变化时,AW '将面目全非,即其中50%左右元素的值将发生变化,此时TAF A ∽0.5,这也意味着阀值τ的取值不能超过0.5.4 实验结果采用本文提出的算法在图3(a )所示512×512×8标准图像中嵌入水印,图4(b )是嵌入水印后的图像,其峰值信噪比PSNA =48.28,可见采用本文的半易损水印方法,水印图像的峰值信噪比是很高的.对图3(b )直接进行水印检测和认证,可以得到TAF L = TAF A =0,相反,用其他的图像进行水印检测,则得到TAF L ≈ TAF A ≈0.5.(a )原始图像 (b)嵌入水印后图像图3 水印不可视性验证4.1 JPEG 压缩实验表2为水印图像经历JPEG 压缩及JPEG2000后的篡改评估值.在实验结果可以看出,如果我们选择认证阀值τ=0.45,本文算法可以把品质因子高于40的JPEG 压缩,bpp 值大于0.5的JPEG2000压缩认定为不影响图像真实性的可接受操作,而把品质因子低于40的JPEG 及bpp 值小于0.5的JPEG2000压缩视为水印图像内容被篡改.表2 水印图像经历JPEG 及JPEG2000压缩后的篡改评估值4.2 加噪和线性滤波实验表3为水印图像加高斯噪声,中值滤波后的篡改评估值.从表中可看出:当对水印图像进行适度滤波及加强度不大的噪声时可确认为图象仍为真实的,所经过的处理为可接受的,而滤波及加噪强度太大时则视为整个图像内容被严重篡改.表3 加噪和线性滤波水印的篡改评估值4.3 图像内容篡改实验图4(a)为水印图像移去一个物体(删除湖中小船)的图像,图4(b)为其水印检测差别图D L,此时, TAF L=0.02 ,TAF A=0.512;图5(a)为水印图像增加一个物体(湖中加一只小船)的图像, 图6(b)为其水印检测差别图D L,此时, TAF L=0.019 ,TAF A=0.518.从实验结果可看出,当图像的内容被恶意篡改时,由篡改评估值我们可以认定图像是不真实的且其局部内容已经被修改,同时由水印检测差别图D L我们可以看出图像内容篡改的位置.(a)移去图像中的物体(b)检测图D L(a)增加图像中的物体(b)检测图D L图4 移去图像中的物体实验结果图5 增加图像中的物体实验结果4.4 一般图像处理后的图像内容篡改实验图(6)a,对水印图像进行品质因子为70的JPEG压缩后再加方差为2的高斯噪声后形成的图像,图6(b)为其水印检测差别图D L,此时TAF L=0.132;TAF A=0.124,图像仍可认定为真实图像,且D L中水印变化位随机分布.图7(a)为在图(6)图像中移去一个物体的图像,图7(b)为其水印差别图D L,TAF L=0.136;TAF A=0.528.图8(a)为在图(6)图像中移去一个物体的图像,图8(b)为其水印差别图D L,TAF L=0.134;TAF A=0.522.从实验结果可看出,此时由篡改评估值我们仍可以认定此图像为不真实的图像且其局部内容已经被修改,同时由D L我们还可以看出图像内容篡改的位置.(a)压缩并加噪后的水印图像(b)检测图D L图6 压缩并加噪后的实验结果(a)移去图(6)中的物体(b)检测图D L(a)增加图(6)中的物体(b)检测图D L图7 压缩并加噪后移去物体实验结果图8压缩并加噪后增加物体实验结果4 结论本文提出了一种新颖的用于图像认证的小波域半易损水印算法,此算法具有以下几个特点:(1)水印的生成和嵌入均在图像本身中进行,水印由图像的小波低频域的特征信息生成且嵌入到水印的中频域,水印的嵌入不影响水印的生成;(2)水印提取时不需要原始图像且认证时不需要任何有关水印的附加信息,从而提高了水印的安全性;(3)利用两个水印的篡改评估函数能很好地区分能很好地将对图像内容的恶意篡改和偶然修改区分开来,并可以给出内容篡改的位置;(4)图像的认证非常灵活,用户可以根据需要通过设置认证阀值来实现图像的不同灵敏度等级的认证.参考文献:[1]Kundur D,Hatzinakos D.Digital watermarking for tellate tampering proofing and authentication [J].Proceeding of IEEE,1999,87(7):1167-1181[2]Hu Junquan ,Huang ,Huang ,et,al.Image fragile watermarking based on fusion of multi-resolution tamper detection[J].Electronics Letters,2002,38(24):1512-1513[3]Kundur D,Htazinakos D. 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基于视觉感知的图像自适应半脆弱水印算法杨恒伏;孙光【期刊名称】《光电工程》【年(卷),期】2011(38)2【摘要】An image adaptive semi-fragile watermarking algorithm was proposed by considering the human visual perception. First, the bit depth to be embedded was determined by exploiting the luminance, and texture masking characteristics. Then, the watermark is embedded into the host image with adaptive least significant Bit substitution. The watermark strength is dependent on the host image features due to the use of the visual perception features. Finally, an optimal pixel adjustment process is used to further enhance the transparency. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm is sensitive to malicious attacks while robust to incidental attacks, and can classify effectively the type of attacks encountered on the watermarked image. When compared with some existing semi-fragile watermarking methods,the proposed scheme achieves about 2.90 dB higher PSNR.%在充分考虑图像视觉感知特性的基础上,提出一种图像自适应半脆弱水印算法.首先利用图像亮度、纹理特性确定水印嵌入比特深度;然后采用自适应LSB替换方法嵌入水印信息,水印嵌入强度依赖于载体图像特征;最后应用优化像素调整进一步提高水印透明性.实验结果表明,算法对偶然攻击有一定的鲁棒性而对恶意攻击比较敏感,且能有效识别图像攻击类型.此外,理论分析与仿真实验均说明本文算法比同类算法具有更高的透明性,其隐秘图像PSNR值要高约2.90 dB.【总页数】8页(P51-58)【作者】杨恒伏;孙光【作者单位】湖南第一师范学院,信息科学与工程系,长沙,410205;湖南财政经济学院,信息管理系,长沙,410205【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP309【相关文献】1.基于稀疏度自适应压缩感知的电容层析成像图像重建算法 [J], 吴新杰;闫诗雨;徐攀峰;颜华2.基于多尺度的自适应采样图像分块压缩感知算法∗ [J], 殷长涛;志强;胡骏飞3.基于压缩感知的阈值多路径稀疏度自适应图像重构算法 [J], 朱思凝; 张立成; 宁金忠; 金明录4.基于自适应分块的工业机器人压缩感知视觉图像处理 [J], 张晓东;苏瑞芳;董唯光5.基于视觉感知与EZW的自适应公开水印算法 [J], 郭越;程景云因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
基于图像分类的动态阈值位平面复杂度分割密写算法马林;赖惠成【摘要】To improve the security of Bit-Plane Complexity Segmentation (BPCS) steganography algorithm, the authors proposed a BPCS steganography algorithm against statistical analysis. Firstly, an image was divided into blocks to calculate the information entropy and the wavelet contrast. Then the blocks were classified by Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) and each bit-plane block was set different complexity thresholds based on the classification result and a random number. Finally, if the similarity of secret data and carrier bit-plane block was less than 0.5, the secret data bit-plane block was negated to replace the carrier bit-plane block. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively resist the detection of statistical analysis of the complexity histogram. Furthermore, the visual imperceptibility of stego image has been greatly improved.%为提高住平面复杂度分割(BPCS)密写算法的安全性,提出了一种抗统计分析的BPCS 密写算法.首先,将载体图像分块,计算图像块的信息熵和小波对比度;然后,利用模糊C-均值(FCM)对其进行分类,根据分类结果及随机数确定每个位面小块的复杂度阚值;最后,将载体和秘密数据住面小块相似程度小于0.5的秘密数据位面小块取反,再替换载体位面小块.实验结果表明,该方法能有效地抵抗复杂度直方图统计分析的检测,同时载密图像视觉不可感知性有了很大的提高.【期刊名称】《计算机应用》【年(卷),期】2011(031)008【总页数】5页(P2183-2186,2195)【关键词】密写;位平面复杂度分割;模糊C-均值;复杂度直方图;小波对比度【作者】马林;赖惠成【作者单位】新疆大学,信息科学与工程学院,乌鲁木齐830000;新疆大学,信息科学与工程学院,乌鲁木齐830000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF391.413;TP309.70 引言信息隐藏技术是信息安全领域一个新兴的研究方向,密写(steganography)技术是信息隐藏的一个重要分支,其目的是以图像、音频等数字媒体作为掩护,将要发送的秘密信息嵌入到载体信号内部,以不引起外界注意的方式通过公共信道进行秘密传递。
基于球面波照射的非对称光学图像加密丁湘陵【摘要】In order to overcome the known plaintext attack which the asymmetric optical image cryptosystem based on phase-truncated Fourier transforms can not resist , an encryption method based on phase-truncated Fourier transforms was proposed by employing the phase factor of the spherical wave under the spherical wave illumination .The theoretical analysis and experiment results indicate that the proposed encryption method can maintain the asymmetric characteristic of the cryptosystem and avoid various types of the currently existing attacks , especially the known plaintext attack , which the asymmetric cryptosystem based on phase-truncated Fourier transforms can not resist .The results are helpful for the security improvement of the asymmetric optical image cryptosystem based on phase-truncated Fourier transform .% 为了克服基于相位截断傅里叶变换的非对称光学图像加密系统不能抵御已知明文攻击的缺陷,采用球面波的自带因子扰乱输入图像空间信息的方法实现图像的加解密,并通过理论分析和实验仿真进行了研究。