Efficient Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antennas



























1. Andrew Ng(吴恩达)在机器学习领域,Andrew Ng无疑是一个家喻户晓的人物。




他的论文《Deep Learning》被广泛引用,对深度学习领域的发展起到了重要推动作用。

2. Geoffrey Hinton(杰弗里·辛顿)Geoffrey Hinton被誉为“深度学习之父”,他是深度学习领域的杰出研究者和学者。



他的论文《Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition》对语音识别等领域产生了巨大的影响。

3. Yoshua BengioYoshua Bengio是加拿大蒙特利尔大学教授,也是深度学习领域的重要人物之一。


他的论文《Learning Deep Architectures for AI》介绍了深度学习的概念和技术,并提出了一种深度置信网络(Deep Belief Networks)的训练方法。


4. Ian GoodfellowIan Goodfellow是深度学习领域的年轻研究者,其主要贡献是提出了生成对抗网络(GAN)的概念。






二、网络架构EfficientNet的网络架构采用了一种称为复合缩放 (Compound Scaling) 的方法,通过对网络的深度、宽度和分辨率进行统一的缩放,实现了在有限的计算资源下提升模型的性能。










































1. 波束形成波束形成是麦克风阵列技术中常用的一种方法,它通过加权求和各个麦克风的信号,形成指向性波束,从而提高目标语音的信噪比。


2. 噪声抑制噪声抑制是针对麦克风阵列接收到的语音信号中的噪声进行处理,以降低噪声对语音质量的影响。



3. 语音分离语音分离是通过分析多个声源的信号特征,将不同声源的语音信号分离出来。








1. 时域法时域法是一种常见的语音增强算法,它主要通过对语音信号的时间域进行处理来提高语音信号的质量。





2. 频域法频域法是另一种常用的语音增强算法,它主要通过对语音信号的频域进行处理来提高语音信号的质量。






3. 混合域法混合域方法是一种将时域和频域方法相结合的语音增强算法,它综合了两种方法的优点,以达到更好的增强效果。





神经网络 论文

神经网络 论文

神经网络论文以下是一些关于神经网络的重要论文:1. "A Computational Approach to Edge Detection",作者:John Canny,论文发表于1986年,提出了一种基于神经网络的边缘检测算法,被广泛应用于计算机视觉领域。

2. "Backpropagation Applied to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition",作者:Yann LeCun et al.,论文发表于1990年,引入了反向传播算法在手写数字识别中的应用,为图像识别领域开创了先河。

3. "Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition",作者:Yann LeCun et al.,论文发表于1998年,介绍了LeNet-5,一个用于手写数字和字符识别的深度卷积神经网络。

4. "ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks",作者:Alex Krizhevsky et al.,论文发表于2012年,提出了深度卷积神经网络模型(AlexNet),在ImageNet图像识别竞赛中取得了重大突破。

5. "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition",作者:Kaiming He et al.,论文发表于2015年,提出了深度残差网络(ResNet),通过引入残差连接解决了深度神经网络训练中的梯度消失和梯度爆炸问题。

6. "Generative Adversarial Networks",作者:Ian Goodfellow etal.,论文发表于2014年,引入了生成对抗网络(GAN),这是一种通过博弈论思想训练生成模型和判别模型的框架,广泛应用于图像生成和增强现实等领域。


第3 7卷 第 8期
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21 0 1年 4月
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文章 编号:l 32( 1 0_05_ 3 0 _ 48 01 8-2 _ 0 2 ) 0
ef c, fe t mo i e o c re t e ce n s e c i e v l e y wi n rfl rf risr sr i tt o s s e ily m u i o s , t i st e c e n s e c d f s c n u n l t l a p e h e g n a u sb e e i e o t e tan o n ie e p c a l i yh t sc n ie a t n h l a p e h. a Ex e i n a e u t h w h tt e p o o e l o i m a c i v h i h rSNR n t e ta ii n la g rt m n t e s me Ga s i n wh t o s p rme t l s l s o t a h r p s d a g rt r s h c n a he et ehg e t ha h r d to a l o ih i h a u s a ie n ie n r i o o e o s , n e u e s e h d so to n e i u ln i e a d tan c l r d n ie a d r d c pe c it r i n a d r sd a o s
I s at ntet dt nl u saesec n a cme t loi m h is fh smae p ehegn au sed ec itro n Abt e]I aio a sbpc p eheh n e n g rh teba eet tdsec iev le ast s ehds t na d r h r i a t ot i l op oi

Accurate Passive Location Estimation Using TOA Measurements

Accurate Passive Location Estimation Using TOA Measurements

Accurate Passive Location Estimation Using TOA MeasurementsJunyang Shen,Andreas F.Molisch,Fellow,IEEE,and Jussi Salmi,Member,IEEEAbstract—Localization of objects is fast becoming a major aspect of wireless technologies,with applications in logistics, surveillance,and emergency response.Time-of-arrival(TOA) localization is ideally suited for high-precision localization of objects in particular in indoor environments,where GPS is not available.This paper considers the case where one transmitter and multiple,distributed,receivers are used to estimate the location of a passive(reflecting)object.It furthermore focuses on the situation when the transmitter and receivers can be synchronized,so that TOA(as opposed to time-difference-of-arrival(TDOA))information can be used.We propose a novel, Two-Step estimation(TSE)algorithm for the localization of the object.We then derive the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound(CRLB) for TOA and show that it is an order of magnitude lower than the CRLB of TDOA in typical setups.The TSE algorithm achieves the CRLB when the TOA measurements are subject to small Gaussian-distributed errors,which is verified by analytical and simulation results.Moreover,practical measurement results show that the estimation error variance of TSE can be33dB lower than that of TDOA based algorithms.Index Terms—TOA,TDOA,location estimation,CRLB.I.I NTRODUCTIONO BJECT location estimation has recently received inten-sive interests for a large variety of applications.For example,localization of people in smoke-filled buildings can be life-saving[1];positioning techniques also provide useful location information for search-and-rescue[2],logistics[3], and security applications such as localization of intruders[4].A variety of localization techniques have been proposed in the literature,which differ by the type of information and system parameters that are used.The three most important kinds utilize the received signal strength(RSS)[5],angle of arrival(AOA)[6],and signal propagation time[7],[8],[9], respectively.RSS algorithms use the received signal power for object positioning;their accuracies are limited by the fading of wireless signals[5].AOA algorithms require either directional antennas or receiver antenna arrays1.Signal-propagation-time based algorithms estimate the object location using the time it takes the signal to travel from the transmitter to the target and from there to the receivers.They achieve very accurate Manuscript received April15,2011;revised September28,2011and Jan-uary18,2012;accepted February12,2012.The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was X.Wang.J.Shen and A.F.Molisch are,and J.Salmi was with the Department of Electrical Engineering,Viterbi School of Engineering,University of Southern California(e-mail:{junyangs,molisch,salmi}@).J.Salmi is currently with Aalto University,SMARAD CoE,Espoo,Finland.This paper is partially supported by the Office of Naval Research(ONR) under grant10599363.Part of this work was presented in the IEEE Int.Conference on Ultrawide-band Communications2011.Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TWC.2012.040412.1106971Note that AOA does not provide better estimation accuracy than the signal propagation time based methods[10].estimation of object location if combined with high-precision timing measurement techniques[11],such as ultrawideband (UWB)signaling,which allows centimeter and even sub-millimeter accuracy,see[12],[13],and Section VII.Due to such merits,the UWB range determination is an ideal candidate for short-range object location systems and also forms the basis for the localization of sensor nodes in the IEEE802.15.4a standard[14].The algorithms based on signal propagation time can be fur-ther classified into Time of Arrival(TOA)and Time Difference of Arrival(TDOA).TOA algorithms employ the information of the absolute signal travel time from the transmitter to the target and thence to the receivers.The term“TOA”can be used in two different cases:1)there is no synchronization between transmitters and receivers and then clock bias between them exist;2)there is synchronization between transmitters and receivers and then clock bias between them does not exist. In this paper,we consider the second situation with the synchronization between the transmitter and receivers.Such synchronization can be done by cable connections between the devices,or sophisticated wireless synchronization algo-rithms[15].TDOA is employed if there is no synchronization between the transmitter and the receivers.In that case,only the receivers are synchronized.Receivers do not know the signal travel time and therefore employ the difference of signal travel times between the receivers.It is intuitive that TOA has better performance than the TDOA,since the TDOA loses information about the signal departure time[7].The TDOA/TOA positioning problems can furthermore be divided into“active”and“passive”object cases.“Active”means that the object itself is the transmitter,while“passive”means that it is not the transmitter nor receiver,but a separate (reflecting/scattering)object that just interacts with the signal stemming from a separate transmitter2.There are numerous papers on the TOA/TDOA location estimation for“active”objects.Regarding TDOA,the two-stage method[16]and the Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation[17]are shown to be able to achieve the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound(CRLB)of“active”TDOA[8].As we know,the CRLB sets the lower bound of the estimation error variance of any un-biased method.Two important TOA methods of“active”object positioning are the Least-Square Method[18]and the Approximate Maximum Likelihood Es-timation Method[17],both of which achieve the CRLB of “active”TOA.“Active”object estimation methods are used, e.g,for cellular handsets,WLAN,satellite positioning,and active RFID.2The definitions of“active”and“passive”here are different from those in radar literature.In radar literature,“passive radar”does not transmit signals and only detects transmission while“active radar”transmits signals toward targets.1536-1276/12$31.00c 2012IEEE“Passive”positioning is necessary in many practical situa-tions like crime-prevention surveillance,assets tracking,and medical patient monitoring,where the target to be localized is neither transmitter nor receiver,but a separate(reflect-ing/scattering)object.The TDOA positioning algorithms for “passive”objects are essentially the same as for“active”objects.For TOA,however,the synchronization creates a fundamental difference between“active”and“passive”cases. Regarding the“passive”object positioning,to the best of our knowledge,no TOA algorithms have been developed.This paper aims tofill this gap by proposing a TOA algorithm for passive object location estimation,which furthermore achieves the CRLB of“passive”TOA.The key contributions are:•A novel,two step estimation(TSE)method for the passive TOA based location estimation.It borrows an idea from the TDOA algorithm of[16].•CRLB for passive TOA based location estimation.When the TOA measurement error is Gaussian and small,we prove that the TSE can achieve the CRLB.Besides,it is also shown that the estimated target locations by TSE are Gaussian random variables whose covariance matrix is the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix(FIM)related to the CRLB.We also show that in typical situations the CRLB of TOA is much lower than that of TDOA.•Experimental study of the performances of TSE.With one transmitter and three receivers equipped with UWB antennas,we perform100experimental measurements with an aluminium pole as the target.After extracting the signal travel time by high-resolution algorithms,the location of the target is evaluated by TSE.We show that the variance of estimated target location by TSE is much (33dB)lower than that by the TDOA method in[16]. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section II presents the architecture of positioning system.Section III derives the TSE,followed by comparison between CRLB of TOA and TDOA algorithms in Section IV.Section V analyzes the performance of TSE.Section VI presents the simulations results.Section VII evaluates the performance of TSE based on UWB measurement.Finally Section VIII draws the conclusions.Notation:Throughout this paper,a variable with“hat”ˆ•denotes the measured/estimated values,and the“bar”¯•denotes the mean value.Bold letters denote vectors/matrices. E(•)is the expectation operator.If not particularly specified,“TOA”in this paper denotes the“TOA”for a passive object.II.A RCHITECTURE OF L OCALIZATION S YSTEMIn this section,wefirst discuss the challenges of localization systems,and present the focus of this paper.Then,the system model of individual localization is discussed.A.Challenges for target localizationFor easy understanding,we consider an intruder localization system using UWB signals.Note that the intruder detection can also be performed using other methods such as the Device-free Passive(DfP)approach[19]and Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)method[20].However,both the DfP and RFID methods are based on preliminary environmental measurement information like“Radio Map Construction”[19] and“fingerprints”[20].On the other hand,the TOA based approach considered in our framework does not require the preliminary efforts for obtaining environmental information. With this example,we show the challenges of target po-sitioning system:Multiple Source Separation,Indirect Path Detection and Individual Target Localization.The intruder detection system localizes,and then directs a camera to capture the photo of the targets(intruders).This localization system consists of one transmitter and several receivers.The transmitter transmits signals which are reflected by the targets,then,the receivers localize the targets based on the received signals.Multiple Source Separation:If there are more than one intruders,the system needs to localize each of them.With multiple targets,each receiver receives impulses from several objects.Only the information(such as TOA)extracted from impulses reflected by the same target should be combined for localization.Thus,the Multiple Source Separation is very important for target localization and several techniques have been proposed for this purpose.In[21],a pattern recognition scheme is used to perform the Multiple Source Separation. Video imaging and blind source separation techniques are employed for target separation in[22].Indirect Path Detection:The transmitted signals are not only reflected by the intruders,but also by surrounding objects,such as walls and tables.To reduce the adverse impact of non-target objects in the localization of target, the localization process consists of two steps.In the initial/first stage,the system measures and then stores the channel impulses without the intruders.These impulses are reflected by non-target objects,which is referred to as reflectors here.The radio signal paths existing without the target are called background paths.When the intruders are present,the system performs the second measurement. To obtain the impulses related to the intruders,the system subtracts the second measurement with thefirst one. The remaining impulses after the subtraction can be through one of the following paths:a)transmitter-intruders-receivers,b)transmitter-reflectors-intruders-receivers,c) transmitter-intruders-reflectors-receivers,d)transmitter-reflectors-intruders-reflectors-receivers3.Thefirst kind of paths are called direct paths and the rest are called indirect paths.In most situations,only direct paths can be used for localization.In the literature,there are several methods proposed for indirect path identification[23],[24]. Individual Target Localization:After the Multiple Source Separation and Indirect Path Detection,the positioning system knows the signal impulses through the direct paths for each target.Then,the system extracts the characteristics of direct paths such as TOA and AOA.Based on these characteristics, the targets arefinally localized.Most researches on Individual Target Localization assumes that Multiple Source Separation and Indirect Path Detection are perfectly performed such as [16],[25]and[26].Note that the three challenges sometimes 3Note that here we omit the impulses having two or more interactions with the intruder because of the resulted low signal-to-noise radio(SNR)by multiple reflections.Cable for synchronizationFig.1.Illustration of TOA based Location Estimation System Model.are jointly addressed,so that the target locations are estimated in one step such as the method presented in [27].In this paper,we focus on the Individual Target Local-ization,under the same framework of [16],[25]and [26],assuming that Multiple Source Separation and Indirect Path Detection are perfectly performed in prior.In addition,we only use the TOA information for localization,which achieves very high accuracy with ultra-wideband signals.The method to ex-tract TOA information using background channel cancelation is described in details in [28]and also Section VII.B.System Model of Individual LocalizationFor ease of exposition,we consider the passive object (target)location estimation problem in a two-dimensional plane as shown in Fig.1.There is a target whose location [x,y ]is to be estimated by a system with one transmitter and M receivers.Without loss of generality,let the location of the transmitter be [0,0],and the location of the i th receiver be [a i ,b i ],1≤i ≤M .The transmitter transmits an impulse;the receivers subsequently receive the signal copies reflected from the target and other objects.We adopt the assumption also made in [16],[17]that the target reflects the signal into all ing (wired)backbone connections be-tween the transmitter and receivers,or high-accuracy wireless synchronization algorithms,the transmitter and receivers are synchronized.The errors of cable synchronization are negli-gible compared with the TOA measurement errors.Thus,at the estimation center,signal travel times can be obtained by comparing the departure time at the transmitter and the arrival time at the receivers.Let the TOA from the transmitter via the target to the i th receiver be t i ,and r i =c 0t i ,where c 0is the speed of light,1≤i ≤M .Then,r i = x 2+y 2+(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2i =1,...M.(1)For future use we define r =[r 1,r 2,...,r M ].Assuming each measurement involves an error,we haver i −ˆri =e i ,1≤i ≤M,where r i is the true value,ˆr i is the measured value and e i is the measurement error.In our model,the indirect paths areignored and we assume e i to be zero mean.The estimation system tries to find the [ˆx ,ˆy ],that best fits the above equations in the sense of minimizing the error varianceΔ=E [(ˆx −x )2+(ˆy −y )2].(2)Assuming the e i are Gaussian-distributed variables with zeromean and variances σ2i ,the conditional probability functionof the observations ˆr are formulated as follows:p (ˆr |z )=Ni =11√2πσi ·exp −(ˆr i −( x 2+y 2+ (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2))22σ2i,(3)where z =[x,y ].III.TSE M ETHODIn this section,we present the two steps of TSE andsummarize them in Algorithm 1.In the first step of TSE,we assume x ,y , x 2+y 2are independent of each other,and obtain temporary results for the target location based on this assumption.In the second step,we remove the assumption and update the estimation results.A.Step 1of TSEIn the first step of TSE,we obtain an initial estimate of[x,y, x 2+y 2],which is performed in two stages:Stage A and Stage B.The basic idea here is to utilize the linear approximation [16][29]to simplify the problem,considering that TOA measurement errors are small with UWB signals.Let v =x 2+y 2,taking the squares of both sides of (1)leads to2a i x +2b i y −2r i v =a 2i +b 2i −r 2i .Since r i −ˆr i =e i ,it follows that−a 2i +b 2i −ˆr 2i 2+a i x +b i y −ˆr i v=e i (v −ˆr i )−e 2i 2=e i (v −ˆr i )−O (e 2i ).(4)where O (•)is the Big O Notation meaning that f (α)=O (g (α))if and only if there exits a positive real number M and a real number αsuch that|f (α)|≤M |g (α)|for all α>α0.If e i is small,we can omit the second or higher order terms O (e 2i )in Eqn (4).In the following of this paper,we do this,leaving the linear (first order)term.Since there are M such equations,we can express them in a matrix form as followsh −S θ=Be +O (e 2)≈Be ,(5)whereh=⎡⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣−a21+b21−ˆr212−a22+b22−ˆr222...−a2M+b2M−ˆr2M2⎤⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦,S=−⎡⎢⎢⎢⎣a1b1−ˆr1a2b2−ˆr2...a Mb M−ˆr M⎤⎥⎥⎥⎦,θ=[x,y,v]T,e=[e1,e2,...,e M]T,andB=v·I−diag([r1,r2,...,r M]),(6) where O(e2)=[O(e21),O(e22),...,O(e2M)]T and diag(a) denotes the diagonal matrix with elements of vector a on its diagonal.For notational convenience,we define the error vectorϕ=h−Sθ.(7) According to(5)and(7),the mean ofϕis zero,and its covariance matrix is given byΨ=E(ϕϕT)=E(Bee T B T)+E(O(e2)e T B T)+E(Be O(e2)T)+E(O(e2)O(e2)T)≈¯BQ¯B T(8)where Q=diag[σ21,σ22,...,σ2M].Because¯B depends on the true values r,which are not obtainable,we use B(derived from the measurementsˆr)in our calculations.From(5)and the definition ofϕ,it follows thatϕis a vector of Gaussian variables;thus,the probability density function (pdf)ofϕgivenθisp(ϕ|θ)≈1(2π)M2|Ψ|12exp(−12ϕTΨ−1ϕ)=1(2π)M2|Ψ|12exp(−12(h−Sθ)TΨ−1(h−Sθ)).Then,lnp(ϕ|θ)≈−12(h−Sθ)TΨ−1(h−Sθ)+ln|Ψ|−M2ln2π(9)We assume for the moment that x,y,v are independent of each other(this clearly non-fulfilled assumption will be relaxed in the second step of the algorithm).Then,according to(9),the optimumθthat maximizes p(ϕ|θ)is equivalent to the one minimizingΠ=(h−Sθ)TΨ−1(h−Sθ)+ln|Ψ|. IfΨis a constant,the optimumθto minimizeΠsatisfies dΠdθθ=0.Taking the derivative ofΠoverθ,we havedΠdθθ=−2S TΨ−1h+2S TΨ−1Sθ.Fig.2.Illustration of estimation ofθin step1of TSE.Thus,the optimumθsatisfiesˆθ=arg minθ{Π}=(S TΨ−1S)−1S TΨ−1h,(10)which provides[ˆx,ˆy].Note that(10)also provides the leastsquares solution for non-Gaussian errors.However,for our problem,Ψis a function ofθsince Bdepends on the(unknown)values[x,y].For this reason,themaximum-likelihood(ML)estimation method in(10)can notbe directly used.Tofind the optimumθ,we perform theestimation in two stages:Stage A and Stage B.In Stage A,themissing data(Ψ)is calculated given the estimate of parameters(θ).Note thatθprovides the values of[x,y]and thus thevalue of B,therefore,Ψcan be calculated usingθby(8).In the Stage B,the parameters(θ)are updated according to(10)to maximize the likelihood function(which is equivalentto minimizingΠ).These two stages are iterated until con-vergence.Simulations in Section V show that commonly oneiteration is enough for TSE to closely approach the CRLB,which indicates that the global optimum is reached.B.Step2of TSEIn the above calculations,ˆθcontains three componentsˆx,ˆy andˆv.They were previously assumed to be independent;however,ˆx andˆy are clearly not independent ofˆv.As amatter of fact,we wish to eliminateˆv;this will be achievedby treatingˆx,ˆy,andˆv as random variables,and,knowing thelinear mapping of their squared values,the problem can besolved using the LS solution.Letˆθ=⎡⎣ˆxˆyˆv⎤⎦=⎡⎣x+n1y+n2v+n3⎤⎦(11)where n i(i=1,2,3)are the estimation errors of thefirststep.Obviously,the estimator(10)is an unbiased one,and themean of n i is zero.Before proceeding,we need the following Lemma.Lemma 1:By omitting the second or higher order errors,the covariance of ˆθcan be approximated as cov (ˆθ)=E (nn T )≈(¯S T Ψ−1¯S )−1.(12)where n =[n 1,n 2,n 3]T ,and Ψand ¯S(the mean value of S )use the true/mean values of x ,y,and r i .Proof:Please refer to the Appendix.Note that since the true values of x ,y,and r i are not obtain-able,we use the estimated/measured values in the calculationof cov (ˆθ).Let us now construct a vector g as followsg =ˆΘ−G Υ,(13)where ˆΘ=[ˆx 2,ˆy 2,ˆv 2]T ,Υ=[x 2,y 2]T and G =⎡⎣100111⎤⎦.Note that here ˆΘis the square of estimation result ˆθfrom the first step containing the estimated values ˆx ,ˆy and ˆv .Υis the vector to be estimated.If ˆΘis obtained without error,g =0and the location of the target is perfectly obtained.However,the error inevitably exists and we need to estimate Υ.Recalling that v =x 2+y 2,substituting (11)into (13),and omitting the second-order terms n 21,n 22,n 23,it follows that,g =⎡⎣2xn 1+O (n 21)2yn 2+O (n 22)2vn 3+O (n 23)⎤⎦≈⎡⎣2xn 12yn 22vn 3⎤⎦.Besides,following similar procedure as that in computing(8),we haveΩ=E (gg T )≈4¯D cov (ˆθ)¯D ,(14)where ¯D =diag ([¯x ,¯y ,¯v ]).Since x ,y are not known,¯Dis calculated as ˆD using the estimated values ˆx ,ˆy from the firststep.The vector g can be approximated as a vector of Gaussian variables.Thus the maximum likelihood estimation of Υis theone minimizing (ˆΘ−G Υ)T Ω−1(ˆΘ−G Υ),expressed by ˆΥ=(G T Ω−1G )−1G T Ω−1ˆΘ.(15)The value of Ωis calculated according to (14)using the valuesof ˆx and ˆy in the first step.Finally,the estimation of target location z is obtained byˆz =[ˆx ,ˆy ]=[±ˆΥ1,± ˆΥ2],(16)where ˆΥi is the i th item of Υ,i =1,2.To choose the correct one among the four values in (16),we can test the square error as followsχ=M i =1( ˆx 2+ˆy 2+ (ˆx −a i )2+(ˆy −b i )−ˆr i )2.(17)The value of z that minimizes χis considered as the final estimate of the target location.In summary,the procedure of TSE is listed in Algorithm 1:Note that one should avoid placing the receivers on a line,since in this case (S T Ψ−1S )−1can become nearly singular,and solving (10)is not accurate.Algorithm 1TSE Location Estimation Method1.In the first step,use algorithm as shown in Fig.2to obtain ˆθ,2.In the second step,use the values of ˆx and ˆy from ˆθ,generate ˆΘand D ,and calculate Ω.Then,calculate the value of ˆΥby (15),3.Among the four candidate values of ˆz =[ˆx ,ˆy ]obtained by (16),choose the one minimizing (17)as the final estimate for target location.IV.C OMPARISON OF CRLB BETWEEN TDOA AND TOA In this section,we derive the CRLB of TOA based estima-tion algorithms and show that it is much lower (can be 30dB lower)than the CRLB of TDOA algorithms.The CRLB of “active”TOA localization has been studied in [30].The “passive”localization has been studied before under the model of multistatic radar [31],[32],[33].The difference between our model and the radar model is that in our model the localization error is a function of errors of TOA measurements,while in the radar model the localization error is a function of signal SNR and waveform.The CRLB is related to the 2×2Fisher Information Matrix (FIM)[34],J ,whose components J 11,J 12,J 21,J 22are defined in (18)–(20)as follows J 11=−E (∂2ln(p (ˆr |z ))∂x 2)=ΣM i =11σ2i (x −a i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+xx 2+y2)2,(18)J 12=J 21=−E (∂2ln(p (ˆr |z ))∂x∂y )=ΣM i =11σ2i (x −a i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+x x 2+y 2)×(y −b i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+yx 2+y 2),(19)J 22=−E (∂2ln(p (ˆr |z ))∂y 2)=ΣM i =11σ2i (y −b i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+yx 2+y2)2.(20)This can be expressed asJ =U T Q −1U ,(21)where Q is defined after Eqn.(8),and the entries of U in the first and second column are{U }i,1=x ¯r i −a ix 2+y 2(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2 x 2+y 2,(22)and{U }i,2=y ¯r i −b ix 2+y 2(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2 x 2+y 2,(23)with ¯r i =(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+ x 2+y 2.The CRLB sets the lower bound for the variance of esti-mation error of TOA algorithms,which can be expressed as [34]E [(ˆx −x )2+(ˆy −y )2]≥ J −1 1,1+J −1 2,2=CRLB T OA ,(24)where ˆx and ˆy are the estimated values of x and y ,respec-tively,and J −1 i,j is the (i,j )th element of the inverse matrix of J in (21).For the TDOA estimation,its CRLB has been derived in [16].The difference of signal travel time between several receivers are considered:(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2−(x −a 1)2+(y −b 1)2=r i −r 1=l i ,2≤i ≤M.(25)Let l =[l 2,l 3,...,l M ]T ,and t be the observa-tions/measurements of l ,then,the conditional probability density function of t is p (t |z )=1(2π)(M −1)/2|Z |12×exp(−12(t −l )T Z −1(t −l )),where Z is the correlation matrix of t ,Z =E (tt T ).Then,the FIM is expressed as [16]ˇJ=ˇU T Z −1ˇU (26)where ˇUis a M −1×2matrix defined as ˇU i,1=x −a i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2−x −a 1(x −a 1)2+(y −b 1)2,ˇUi,2=y −b i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2−y −b 1(x −a 1)2+(y −b 1)2.The CRLB sets the lower bound for the variance of esti-mation error of TDOA algorithms,which can be expressed as [34]:E [(ˆx −x )2+(ˆy −y )2]≥ ˇJ −1 1,1+ ˇJ −1 2,2=CRLB T DOA .(27)Note that the correlation matrix Q for TOA is different from the correlation matrix Z for TDOA.Assume the variance of TOA measurement at i th (1≤i ≤M )receiver is σ2i ,it follows that:Q (i,j )=σ2i i =j,0i =j.and Z (i,j )= σ21+σ2i +1i =j,σ21i =j.As an example,we consider a scenario wherethere is a transmitter at [0,0],and four receivers at [−6,2],[6.2,1.4],[1.5,4],[2,2.3].The range of the targetlocations is 1≤x ≤10,1≤y ≤10.The ratio of CRLB of TOA over that of TDOA is plotted in Fig.3.Fig.3(a)shows the contour plot while Fig.3(b)shows the color-coded plot.It can be observed that the CRLB of TOA is always —in most cases significantly —lower than that of TDOA.xy(a )xy0. ratio of passive TOA over passive TDOA estimation:(a)contour plot;(b)pcolor plot.V.P ERFORMANCE OF TSEIn this section,we first prove that the TSE can achieve the CRLB of TOA algorithms by showing that the estimation error variance of TSE is the same as the CRLB of TOA algorithms.In addition,we show that,for small TOA error regions,the estimated target location is approximately a Gaussian random variable whose covariance matrix is the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM),which in turn is related to the CRLB.Similar to the reasoning in Lemma 1,we can obtain the variance of error in the estimation of Υas follows:cov (ˆΥ)≈(G T Ω−1G )−1.(28)Let ˆx =x +e x ,ˆy=y +e y ,and insert them into Υ,omitting the second order errors,we obtainˆΥ1−x 2=2xe x +O (e 2x )≈2xe x ˆΥ2−y 2=2ye y +O (e 2y)≈2ye y (29)Then,the variance of the final estimate of target location ˆzis cov (ˆz )=E (e x e ye x e y )≈14C −1E ( Υ1−x 2Υ2−y 2Υ1−x 2Υ2−y 2 )C −1=14C −1cov (ˆΥ)C −1,(30)where C = x 00y.Substituting (14),(28),(12)and (8)into (30),we can rewrite cov (ˆz )as cov (ˆz )≈(W T Q −1W )−1(31)where W =B −1¯SD−1GC .Since we are computing an error variance,B (19),¯S(5)and D (14)are calculated using the true (mean)value of x ,y and r i .Using (19)and (1),we can rewrite B =−diag ([d 1,d 2,...,d M ]),whered i=(x−a i)2+(y−b i)2.Then B−1¯SD−1is given by B−1¯SD−1=⎡⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣a1xd1b1yd1−¯r1√x2+y2d1a2xd2b2yd2−¯r2√x2+y2d2.........a Mxd Mb Myd M−¯r M√x2+y2d M⎤⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦.(32)Consequently,we obtain the entries of W as{W}i,1=x¯r i−a ix2+y2(x−a i)2+(y−b i)2x2+y2,(33){W}i,2=y¯r i −b ix2+y2(x−a i)2+(y−b i)2x2+y2.(34)where{W}i,j denotes the entry at the i th row and j th column.From this we can see that W=paring(21)and (31),it followscov(ˆz)≈J−1.(35) Then,E[(ˆx−x)2+(ˆy−y)2]≈J−11,1+J−12,2.Therefore,the variance of the estimation error is the same as the CRLB.In the following,wefirst employ an example to show that[ˆx,ˆy]obtained by TSE are Gaussian distributed with covariance matrix J−1,and then give the explanation for this phenomenon.Let the transmitter be at[0,0],target at[0.699, 4.874]and four receivers at[-1,1],[2,1],[-31.1]and[4 0].The signal travel distance variance at four receivers are [0.1000,0.1300,0.1200,0.0950]×10−4.The two dimensional probability density function(PDF)of[ˆx,ˆy]is shown in Fig.4 (a).To verify the Gaussianity of[ˆx,ˆy],the difference between the PDF of[ˆx,ˆy]and the PDF of Gaussian distribution with mean[¯x,¯y]and covariance J−1is plotted in Fig.4(b).The Gaussianity of[ˆx,ˆy]can be explained as follows.Eqn.(35)means that the covariance of thefinal estimation of target location is the FIM related to CRLB.We could further study the distribution of[e x,e y].The basic idea is that by omitting the second or high order and nonlinear errors,[e x,e y]can be written as linear function of e:1)According to(29),[e x,e y]are approximately lineartransformations ofˆΥ.2)(15)means thatˆΥis approximately a linear transfor-mation ofˆΘ.Here we could omit the nonlinear errors occurred in the estimate/calculation ofΩ.3)According to(11),ˆΘ≈¯θ2+2¯θn+n2,thus,omittingthe second order error,thus,ˆΘis approximately a linear transformation of n.4)(10)and(39)mean that n is approximately a lineartransformation of e.Here we could omit the nonlinear errors accrued in the estimate of S andΨ.Thus,we could approximately write[e x,e y]as a linear trans-formation of e,thus,[e x,e y]can be approximated as Gaussian variables.Fig.4.(a):PDF of[ˆx,ˆy]by TSE(b):difference between the PDF of[ˆx,ˆy] by TSE and PDF of Gaussian distribution with mean[¯x,¯y]and covariance J−1.Fig.5.Simulation results of TSE for thefirst configuration.VI.S IMULATION R ESULTSIn this section,wefirst compare the performance of TSE with that TDOA algorithm proposed in[16]and CRLBs.Then, we show the performance of TSE at high TOA measurement error scenario.For comparison,the performance of a Quasi-Newton iterative method[35]is shown.To verify our theoretical analysis,six different system con-figurations are simulated.The transmitter is at[0,0]for all six configurations,and the receiver locations and error variances are listed in Table I.Figures5,6and7show simulation results comparing the distance to the target(Configuration1vs. Configuration2),the receiver separation(Configuration3vs. Configuration4)and the number of receivers(Configuration5 vs.Configuration6),respectively4.In eachfigure,10000trails are simulated and the estimation variance of TSE estimate is compared with the CRLB of TDOA and TOA based localization schemes.For comparison,the simulation results of error variance of the TDOA method proposed in[16]are also drawn in eachfigure.It can be observed that1)The localization error of TSE can closely approach theCRLB of TOA based positioning algorithms.4During the simulations,only one iteration is used for the calculation of B(19).。













(二)研究方法1. 数据集:构建包含无线通信(FM)语音信号的数据集,包括带噪声和不带噪声的语音样本。

2. 模型构建:根据无线通信(FM)语音的特点,构建适合的深度学习模型,如RNN、CNN或GAN等。

3. 模型训练:利用构建的数据集对模型进行训练,优化模型的参数,提高模型的性能。

4. 模型评估:通过对比模型处理前后的语音信号质量,评估模型的性能和效果。


























假设已经被不相关的加性噪声信号()t n降解的语音信号为()t s:()()()t n t s t x += (1)带噪语音信号的短时功率谱近似为:()()()ωωωj j j e N e S e X +≈ (2) 通过用无音期间得到的平均值()2ωj e N 代替噪声的平方幅度值()2ωj e N 得到功率谱相减的估计值为: ()()()222ˆωωωj j j e N e X e S -= (3)在运用了谱减算法之后,由于估计的噪声和有效噪声之间的差异而出现了一种残余噪声。




无线通信中的FM(Frequency Modulation)语音传输由于其信号的开放性及通信环境中的干扰噪声等问题,经常会导致接收到的语音质量降低,甚至无法识别。











针对FM语音增强的特点,本文建议采用基于CNN和LSTM 的混合模型。








它结合了EfficientNet作为骨干网络和BiFPN 作为特征金字塔网络进行目标检测。





















本论文主要介绍了我们对于新世纪语言服务的理解和思考,翻译技术相关课程的设计定位以及教学计划的制定,教学实践过程中面临的各种问题及解决思路,最后介绍了学生实习就业情况,并展望了CAT 专业未来的发展。













cvpr论文CVPR (Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)是计算机视觉和模式识别领域的顶级国际会议,每年举办一次。

以下是一些CVPR论文的主题和标题:1. "Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation" - Jonathan Long, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell (2015)这篇论文提出了一种用于语义分割的全卷积网络,具有显著的准确性和效率。

2. "Generative Adversarial Networks" - Ian J. Goodfellow, Jean Pouget-Abadie, et al. (2014)这篇论文介绍了一种生成对抗网络的概念,可以用于生成逼真的图像和其他样本。

3. "Mask R-CNN" - Kaiming He, Georgia Gkioxari, Piotr Dollár, and Ross Girshick (2017)这篇论文提出了一种能够同时进行目标检测和实例分割的神经网络模型,对于复杂场景中的物体识别非常有效。

4. "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition" - Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, et al. (2016)这篇论文介绍了一种深度残差学习网络,可以通过网络层之间的残差连接来解决深层网络训练中的梯度消失和梯度爆炸问题。

5. "DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification" - Yaniv Taigman, Ming Yang, et al. (2014)这篇论文描述了一种能够达到人类级别面部验证性能的深度学习模型,引起了广泛的关注。












三、方法本文提出的基于深度学习的无线通信(FM)语音增强方法主要包括以下步骤:1. 数据收集与预处理:收集包含噪声和清晰语音的语料库,对语料进行预处理,如归一化、分帧等。

2. 模型构建:采用深度神经网络(DNN)或循环神经网络(RNN)构建语音增强模型。


3. 训练与优化:使用大量的训练数据对模型进行训练,通过损失函数和优化算法对模型进行优化,使模型能够更好地适应不同的噪声和环境。

4. 测试与评估:使用测试数据对模型进行评估,比较增强前后的语音质量,如信噪比(SNR)、听觉质量等。







voa 算法

voa 算法

voa 算法
VOA(Voice of America)算法,是一种用于音频处理的算法。








VOA 算法通过优化压缩算法和声音编码技术,实现了音频信号的高效传输和存储。











选择题在人工智能模型训练过程中,下列哪项是数据预处理的关键步骤?A. 数据清洗B. 数据存储C. 数据展示D. 数据标注(正确答案)人工智能训练师在进行模型调优时,主要关注的是哪个指标来提升模型性能?A. 训练时间B. 数据量大小C. 准确率或损失函数(正确答案)D. 模型复杂度下列哪项技术不属于深度学习领域,且在人工智能训练中应用较少?A. 卷积神经网络(CNN)B. 循环神经网络(RNN)C. 支持向量机(SVM)(正确答案)D. 生成对抗网络(GAN)在自然语言处理(NLP)任务中,词嵌入(Word Embedding)的主要目的是什么?A. 将文本转换为图像B. 将单词映射到高维向量空间(正确答案)C. 减少文本数据量D. 实现文本的自动分类人工智能训练师在选择优化算法时,下列哪个算法常用于处理大规模数据集且收敛速度较快?A. 梯度下降法(GD)B. 随机梯度下降法(SGD)(正确答案)C. 牛顿法D. 拟牛顿法在监督学习中,下列哪项是模型训练过程中必需的?A. 仅有无标签数据B. 有标签数据集合(正确答案)C. 仅需测试数据集D. 无需任何数据集关于超参数调优,下列哪种方法是通过自动搜索最优超参数组合的?A. 手动调优B. 网格搜索(Grid Search)C. 随机搜索(Random Search)D. 贝叶斯优化(Bayesian Optimization)(正确答案)在深度学习模型中,Dropout技术主要用于解决什么问题?A. 过拟合(Overfitting)(正确答案)B. 欠拟合(Underfitting)C. 数据不平衡D. 梯度消失或爆炸下列哪项是人工智能训练师在进行模型部署前必须考虑的因素之一?A. 模型的文件大小B. 模型的运行效率与资源消耗(正确答案)C. 模型的开发语言D. 模型的训练时长。

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Efficient Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Networks UsingDirectional AntennasFei Dai and Jie WuDepartment of Computer Science and EngineeringFlorida Atlantic UniversityBoca Raton,FL33431ing directional antennas to conserve bandwidth and energy con-sumption in ad hoc networks is becoming popular in recent years.However,ap-plications of directional antennas for broadcasting have been limited.We pro-pose a novel broadcast protocol called directional self-pruning(DSP)for ad hocnetworks using directional antennas.DSP is a non-trivial generalization of anexisting localized deterministic broadcast protocol using omnidirectional anten-pared with its omnidirectional predecessor,DSP uses about the samenumber of forward nodes to relay the broadcast packet,while the number offorward directions that each forward node uses in transmission is significantlyreduced.With the lower broadcast redundancy,DSP is more bandwidth-andenergy-efficient.DSP is based on2-hop neighborhood information and does notrely on location or angle-of-arrival(AoA)information.DSP is a pure localizedprotocol.We prove that the expected number of forward nodes in DSP is within aconstant factor of the minimal value in an optimal solution.Our simulation resultsshow that DSP can reduce the transmission cost by30%–65%.1IntroductionUsing directional antennas to conserve bandwidth and energy consumption in wireless communications is becoming popular in recent years[1].Compared with the omnidi-rectional antennas,a smart antenna can form directional beams for both transmission and reception,which achieves better signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)and reduces interfer-ence.Many network protocols have been proposed for using directional antennas in ad hoc networks[2–6].However,most of them focused on the MAC layer,and research on the application of directional antennas in unicasting and broadcasting has been limited.Broadcasting is frequently used in ad hoc networks for data dissemination and on-demand route discovery.Blindflooding has high cost and excessive redundancy,which causes the broadcast storm problem[7].Both probabilistic approaches[7]and deter-ministic approaches[8–12]have been proposed for efficient broadcasting in ad hoc networks.Probabilistic approaches need relatively high broadcast redundancy to main-tain an acceptable delivery ratio.Deterministic approaches select a few forward nodes based on neighborhood information to achieve full delivery.Most deterministic broad-cast schemes in ad hoc networks are localized.A localized algorithm determines the This work was supported in part by NSF grants CCR0329741,CNS0422762,CNS0434533, ANI0073736,and EIA0130806.Contact address:jie@2status of each node(forward or non-forward)based on its k-hop neighborhood infor-mation,where k is a small constant.Although deterministic algorithms are more efficient than probabilistic approaches, their broadcast redundancy is not minimized.Wireless nodes with directional antenna can control their radiation pattern to reduce broadcast redundancy.Several protocols [13–16]have been proposed for efficient broadcasting using directional antennas.How-ever,most of them are probabilistic approaches,depend on location or AoA informa-tion,and assume specific antenna models.All those protocols assume the omnidirec-tional reception mode.In this paper,we propose a novel broadcast protocol called direc-tional self-pruning(DSP),which extends an omnidirectional broadcast protocol(called self-pruning)[17].Extending the omnidirectional self-pruning scheme to use direc-tional antennas is non-trivial.We show that the original self-pruning algorithm in[17] must be enhanced carefully to avoid broadcast failure without be overly conservative. Compared with its omnidirectional predecessor,DSP minimizes the interference and energy consumption by switching off transmission in unnecessary directions.Our sim-ulation results show that DSP can reduce the transmission cost by30%–65%.In DSP,each node is equipped with only2-hop neighborhood information(or sim-ply2-hop information),which is collected via two rounds of“Hello”exchanges among neighbors.The direction information(i.e.,how to form a directional beam to reach a specific neighbor)is included in the2-hop information and does not cause extra over-head to collect.DSP uses a general antenna model with fewer assumptions than existing models.The main contributions of this paper are as follows:bine directional antennas with the latest broadcast techniques to minimize thebroadcast redundancy in ad hoc networks.2.Provide a general antenna model and a directional neighbor discovery scheme thatdoes not rely on any location or AoA information.3.Conduct both theoretical and simulation study to evaluate the performance of DSP.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section2reviews existing broadcast schemes.In Section3,we introduce a general antenna model,a neighbor-hood discovery scheme,and a formal definition of the problem.Section4discusses the DSP algorithm and properties.Simulation results are presented in Section5.Section6 concludes this paper.2Related WorkMany deterministic broadcast schemes have been proposed for ad hoc networks using omnidirectional antennas.A deterministic broadcast algorithm is equivalent to an algo-rithm that forms a connected dominating set(CDS).The problem offinding a minimal CDS was proved NP-complete.Approximation algorithms exist,but are either cen-tralized[18],cluster-based[19],or location-based[20].Centralized and cluster-based algorithms have slow convergency in mobile networks.Location-based algorithms rely on external devices such as GPS receivers,which cause extra cost.Localized broad-cast algorithms can be further divided into neighbor designating algorithms and self-pruning algorithms.In neighbor-designating[8,9,11],each forward node selects a few3(d) a general model(a) ideally sectorized (c) irregular beam pattern (b) adjustable cone Fig.1.Directional antenna models.1-hop neighbors as new forward nodes to cover its 2-hop neighbors.In self-pruning [10,12,21],each node determines it own status (forward or non-forward).A generic self-pruning scheme was proposed in [17].Application of directional antennas in localized broadcasting is limited in literature.Most of them are probabilistic approaches [14–16].Choudhury and Vaidya [14]pro-posed to reduce the broadcast redundancy in relaying routing request by switching off transmissions in directions toward the last forward node.Hu,Hong,and Hou [15]pre-sented three schemes to improve the broadcast efficiency.In the first scheme,each node switches off its transmission beams towards known forward nodes.In the second and third schemes,each forward node designates only one neighbor as a forward node in each direction.In the third scheme,the selection of forward nodes is aided by location information.Shen et al [16]devised directional versions of probabilistic protocols in [7].Only two localized deterministic schemes were proposed [13,16].Lim and Kim’s neighbor elimination [8]was extended in [16],where each node switches off trans-mission in a direction,if all neighbors in this direction are also neighbors of a known forward node.In [13],each node forms a single beam with an adjustable width to reach all neighbors that are not covered by transmissions of known forward nodes.Location information is used to calculate the angle and orientation of the transmission beam.3Preliminaries3.1Antenna modelTwo beam-forming techniques exist:switched beam and steerable beam [1].Switched beam systems use fixed antenna patterns to transmit to or receive from specific di-rections.A popular antenna model for those systems is ideally sectorized [14–16],as shown in Figure 1(a).The neighborhood of each node v is equally divided into K non-overlapping sectors.Each node can switch on one or several sectors for transmission or reception.Aligned sectors are assumed in most existing protocols.Steerable beam systems can adjust the bearing and width of a beam to transmit to or receive from cer-tain neighbors.The corresponding antenna mode is a adjustable cone [13],as shown in4Figure1(b).Most protocols also assume an omnidirectional mode,but the transmis-sion range in omnidirectional mode(represented by the dashed circle in Figure1(a))is substantially smaller than that in directional mode.Both antenna models assume regu-lar beam shapes.In practical systems,antenna patterns have irregular shapes due to the existence of side lobes(as shown in Figure1(c)).This paper uses a general antenna model that does not rely on a specific beam-forming technique.As shown in Figure1(d),each node can transmit and receive in K directions with id’s1,2,...,K.The shape of each direction can be irregular,overlap-ping(see the shadowed area),and unaligned.Each node can transmit in one direction or several directions via sweeping[14].The reception mode can be omnidirectional(de-fault)or directional.For each node v,N i(v)denotes v’s neighbor set direction i,and N(v)=N1(v)∪N2(v)∪...∪N K(v)is v’s complete neighbor set.A neighbor may ap-pear in several directions when there is an overlapped area.For each neighbor u,its di-rections with respect to node v is D v→u={i|u∈N i(v)}.For example,in Figure1(d), N(v)={u,w},where u,w∈N1(v)and u∈N2(v).Therefore,D v→u={1,2}and D v→w={1}.The network is viewed as a graph G=(V,E),where V is the set of nodes,and E is the set of bidirectional links.A wireless link(u,v)∈E if and only if v∈N(u)and u∈N(v).We assume the network is symmetric and connected via bidirectional links.3.2Directional neighborhood discoveryIn directional neighborhood discovery,each node sends periodical“Hello”messages to its neighbors.Each“Hello”message is transmitted in all directions.By collecting “Hello”messages from its neighbors,each node v can assemble its1-hop information, including id’s and directions of its neighbors.Note that the direction for v to reach a neighbor u is still unknown at that time.The1-hop information is exchanged among neighbors in the next round of“Hello”messages.By assembling the1-hop information of v its neighbors,node v can construct its2-hop(direction)information,which is a subgraph of G derived from v’s closed neighbor set N[v]=N(v)∪{v},and direction D u→w for any two nodes u,v∈N[v].Note that v’s2-hop neighbors are excluded from the2-hop information,because the direction from a1-hop neighbor to any2-hop neighbor is unknown.In the above scheme,each“Hello”message is sent out K times in K directions at each node.However,given the same neighborhood area,the cost of each directional transmission is roughly1/K that of an omnidirectional transmission.The total cost of the directional neighborhood discovery is similar to that of the traditional scheme using omnidirectional“Hello”messages.This scheme also works when there are obstacles, as the neighbor and direction information is retrieved from real signal reception instead of being computed from an ideal antenna pattern.We assume that node movement,in terms of changing positions or turning on their axes,is relatively slow with respect to the“Hello”interval,so that2-hop information collected at each node is up-to-date.We also assume that packet collision is avoided via an ideal MAC layer.For clarity,we use ideally sectorized direction shapes in examples.Nevertheless,all results in this paper work for the general antenna model as shown in Figure1(d).5(b) an overly conservative broadcast process(a) a failed broadcast processfoward directionsFig.2.Problems in converting OSP to DSP.3.3Efficient broadcastingFor each broadcasting,a few forward nodes are selected to forward in some forward directions .We define the forward scheme ,F ,as a function on V ,where F (v )is the set of v ’s forward directions.Given F ,we say a destination d is reachable from a source s ,if s =d or there exists a forward path P :(v 1=s,v 2,...,v l =d )satisfying that every node in P forwards to the direction of its successor.A forward scheme F achieves full delivery if all nodes in the network are reachable from s .Given an antenna model,we define the transmission cost of a forward scheme as |F |= v ∈V |F (v )|.Efficient Broadcasting :Given a number of antenna directions K ,network G ,and source s ,find the forward scheme F that achieves full delivery with minimum transmis-sion cost |F |.Efficient broadcasting using omnidirectional antennas is a special case of the above problem with K =1,which is known to be NP-complete.The efficient broadcasting problem with a particular K ≥2in a geometric graph is conjectured to be NP-complete.Our objective is to find a localized solution with a low average transmission cost.We first review the omnidirectional self-pruning (OSP)as a trivial solution to the above problem.In OSP,each node computers the coverage of its neighborhood after receiving the packet from one or several known forward nodes .In node v ’s local view,a node w is covered if:(1)w is a known forward node,(2)w is a neighbor of a known forward node,or (3)w is a neighbor of a covered node with a higher id than v .If v has uncovered neighbors,it becomes a forward node and transmits in all directions;otherwise,it does nothing.It was proved in [17]that OSP guarantees full delivery.4Directional self-pruningIntuitively,a forward node only needs to transmit in directions of uncovered neigh-bors to conserve transmission cost.However,this “optimization”is over aggressive and causes broadcast failures.As shown in Figure 2(a),if node 4forwards in direction 1only,neither node 5nor 2will forward the packet.Nodes 3,6,7,and 8will never received the packet.6w w w w Fig.3.Replacement paths.A solution to the above problem is for each forward node to piggyback its forward directions to the data packet.In computing coverage,a neighbor w of a forward node u is not covered unless it is within a forward direction of u .This rule ensures full delivery,but is overly conservative and causes unnecessary transmissions.As shown in Figure 2(b),nodes 2,3,5,6,and 7become forward nodes under the new rule.However,transmissions of nodes 2and 3are redundant.Directional self-pruning (DSP)uses a refined coverage rule to achieve both full delivery and high efficiency.A neighbor w of node v is viewed covered if and only if w :1.is a known forward node,2.is a neighbor of a known forward node u that has transmitted in w ’s direction,or3.is a neighbor of a covered node with a higher id than v .As shown in Figure 3,a covered neighbor is either a forward node or connected to a forward node via a replacement path (u,w 1,w 2,...,w m ,w ),where id (w i )>id (v ).Two scenarios exit:(a)id (u )<id (v ),then w 1must be within a forward direction of u in order to apply term 2;(b)id (u )>id (v ),then w 1can be out of u ’s forward directions by applying term 3.Based on the new rule,node 5in Figure 2can no longer view node 6as covered,because node 4has not transmitted in direction 2and,in addition,node 4has a lower id than node 5.Therefore,node 5becomes a forward node.Similarly,nodes 6,7,and 3become forward nodes and ensure full delivery.On the other hand,node 2can still view nodes 3and 8as covered,because both nodes are connected via a replacement path to node 4,which has a higher id than node 2.Therefore,node 2becomes a non-forward node.1:Compute the set U of uncovered nodes.2:If U =∅,then v becomes a non-forward node.3:Otherwise,v becomes a forward node.Its set of forward directions is {d v →w |w ∈U }.Algorithm 1gives the DSP algorithm.For each uncovered neighbor w ,at least one direction d v →w ∈D v →w must become a forward direction in F (v ).If directions are7Fig.4.Directional self-pruning.overlapping,each uncovered node may be within several directions(i.e.,|D v→w|>1). In this case,a greedy heuristic algorithm for the set coverage problem[18]can be used to select a minimum F(v)that covers all nodes in N(v)−C.Figure4illustrates DSP in a network with11nodes,each node has ideally sector-ized directions with K=4.The source node2transmits in all four directions.Node2 transmits in only one direction,because in its local view(as shown in Figure4(b)),all neighbors except node7are covered.Meanwhile,there is an uncovered node8in node 9’s local view(as shown in Figure4(c)).Therefore,node9becomes a forward node and transmits in direction1.Similarly,node5has two uncovered nodes6and10,and transmits in directions3and4.Each node receives the broadcast packet exactly once, except for the source node.Theorem1.The forward scheme determined by DSP achieves full delivery.Proof.By contradiction,suppose there is at least one node that is unreachable from the source s.Let U be the set of“border”nodes that(1)is reachable from the source node, and(2)has an unreachable neighbor.U is not empty in a connected network.Let v be the node with the highest id in U,and w an unreachable neighbor of v.Since v has not transmitted in w’s direction,node w must be covered in v’s local view.However,we show that w cannot be covered,as none of the three terms in the refined coverage rule applies:1.w is a known forward node,which implies that w is reachable from s.2.w is a neighbor of a known forward node u that has transmitted in w’s direction.In this case w is reachable from s via a forward path through u.3.w is a neighbor of a covered node with a higher id than v.There are only twopossible scenarios,as shown in Figure3.In both cases,the unreachable node w is connected to a reachable node w1via a path P:(w1,w2,...,w m,w),where each w i(1≤i≤m)has a higher id than v.There is at least one node w j in P that has an unreachable neighbor w j+1(here we view w as w m+1).That is,w j∈U,which contradicts the assumption that v has the highest id in U.Theorem2.In random ad hoc networks,the expected number of forward nodes in DSP is O(1)times that in an optimal solution.81(a)OSP 2(b)DSP (K =4)Fig.5.Sample broadcast processes from source node 1.Gray nodes are forward nodes and white nodes are non-forward nodes.Pies surrounding forward nodes represent forward directions.Ar-rows represent receptions of the broadcast packet,where double lines are first receptions,and single lines redundant receptions.Proof of Theorem 2is omitted due to the limit of space.Whether a bound exists on the number of forward directions remains an open problem.5Simulation5.1Simulation environmentWe simulated DSP,OSP,and blind flooding on a customized simulator.Simulations are conducted in random networks with 20–200nodes deployed in a 100×100area.We use two fixed ranges r =25and r =50,which correspond to relatively sparse and dense networks,respectively.Only connected networks are used in the simulation;dis-connected networks are discarded.All nodes have an ideally sectorized antenna pattern with K sectors (2≤K ≤16).We assume no mobility or collision.The following mea-sures are compared:(1)efficiency in terms of the number of forward nodes and normal-ized transmission cost |F |/K ,(2)redundancy ratio ,i.e.,average number of receptions per node,and (3)average routing distance in hops.The 90%confidence intervals of these measures are within ±1%.Figure 5illustrates executions of omnidirectional and directional self-pruning al-gorithms in a random network with 50nodes and an average node degree of 6.OSP (shown in Figure 5(a))uses 21forward nodes.Its normalized transmission cost is also 21.Its redundant ratio is 2.74.The average routing distances is 3.70.DSP (shown in Figure 5(b))uses 22forward nodes and 34forward directions,which corresponds to a normalized transmission cost of 8.5with 4directions.Its redundant ratio is 1.56.The average routing distances is 3.72.In this example,DSP has a similar number of forward9nodes and routing distance to OSP,and has lower normalized transmission cost and redundant ratio.5.2Simulation resultsN u m b e r o f F o w a r d N o d e sNumber of Nodesr=25N u m b e r o f F o w a r d N o d e sNumber of Nodesr=50Fig.6.Number of forwardnodes.N o r m a l i z e d T r a n s m i s s i o n C o s tNumber of Nodesr=25N o r m a l i z e d T r a n s m i s s i o n C o s tNumber of Nodesr=50Fig.7.Normalized transmission cost.Efficiency .Figures 6and 7compare the broadcast efficiency of OSP and DSP.The left graph in Figure 6shows the number of forward nodes in relatively sparse networks (r =25),and the right graph shows results in relatively dense network (r =50).The same layout is used in the following figures.For all network types,DSP uses more forward nodes than OSP.DSP uses about 5%more forward nodes than OSP when K =2,and about 10%more forward nodes when K =4,8,or 16.It is because fewer10nodes can be marked as covered in each node’s local view in DSP.It is because fewer nodes can be marked as covered in each node’s local view in DSP.Based on the refined coverage rule,a neighbor w of a known forward node u in node v ’s local view may not be covered if w is in a non-forward direction of u ,and u has a lower id than v .Using more directions may produce more uncovered nodes.Figure 7shows the transmission cost of different schemes.For all network types,the normalized transmission cost of DSP with K =2,4,8,and 16is about 70%,55%,45%,35%that of OSP.The fraction of non-forward directions increases as more directions are used to create finer divisions.On the other hand,the gain in broadcast efficiency is not a linear function of K .Considering the complexity of forming many beam patterns,using K =4or K =8is good enough to conserve bandwidth and energy consumption.R e d u n d a n t R a t i oNumber of Nodesr=25R e d u n d a n t R a t i oNumber of Nodesr=50Fig.8.Redundant ratio.Redundancy .Figure 8shows the redundancy of blind flooding,OSP,and DSP.While the redundancy ratio of blind flooding increases as the number of nodes increases,re-dundant ratios of the self-pruning schemes remain low.Specifically,the redundant ratio of OSP is about 4,and that of DSP with 2≤K ≤16is between 1.8to 3.5.The re-dundancy ratio of DSP is smaller than that of OSP,but the difference is not as large as in the case of normalized transmission cost.It is because some forward nodes have “empty”directions.As DSP has very low redundancy with a larger K ,it is very effi-cient in conserving the bandwidth resource.On the other hand,it may suffer a reliability problem in a real environment with packet losses caused by mobility,collision,and sig-nal fading.In such a case,either a small K or some reliability mechanisms,such as acknowledgement,should be used.Routing distance .Figure 9compares average routing distances.The difference be-tween DSP and OSP is very small.Self-pruning algorithms have larger average routing distances than blind flooding.In all types of networks,the average routing distance of blind flooding is about 20%shorter than those of self-pruning algorithms.That is,if a self-pruning algorithm,omnidirectional or directional,is used to disseminate route re-quest packets in a reactive routing protocol,the discovered route is expected to be 20%11A v e r a g e R o u t i n g D i s t a n c eNumber of Nodes r=25A v e r a g e R o u t i n g D i s t a n c e Number of Nodesr=50Fig.9.Average routing distance.longer than the one discovered via blind flooding.In this case,tradeoffs must be done to balance the route discovery cost and the cost of transmitting data packets along a longer route.However,once self-pruning is selected to disseminate route request packets,us-ing DSP will not further increase the length of the discovered route.Simulation results can be summarized as follows:(1)DSP uses slightly more for-ward nodes than OSP,but has a much lower bandwidth and energy consumption.(2)The redundant ratio of DSP is 50%–89%that of OSP.(3)The average routing distance of DSP is very close to that of OSP,and is about 20%longer than the optimal distance.6ConclusionWe have proposed an efficient broadcast protocol for ad hoc networks using directional antennas.This protocol,called directional self-pruning (DSP),is a non-trivial general-ization of an existing localized deterministic broadcast protocol using omnidirectional pared with its omnidirectional predecessor,DSP achieves much lower broadcast redundancy and conserves bandwidth and energy consumption.DSP is based on 2-hop topology information and does not rely on any location or angle-of-arrival (AoA)information.We proved that the average number of forward nodes in DSP is within a constant factor of the minimal value in an optimal solution.In future work,we plan to expand the proposed scheme to support neighbor des-ignating protocols such as MPR and its variations [8,9,11].Another task is the prob-abilistic analysis on the number of forward directions in random ad hoc networks.We expect that the average number of forward directions in DSP is also bounded as the number of forward nodes,but the technique used to calculate the number of forward nodes does not apply to the case of forward directions.We also plan to simulate DSP in more realistic networks with mobility and collisions,and embed DSP in an on-demand routing protocol to evaluate the overall routing performance.12References1.Ramanathan,R.:On the performance of ad hoc networks with beamforming antennas.In:Proc.of ACM MobiHoc.(2001)95–1052.Bao,L.,Garcia-Luna-Aceves,J.J.:Transmission scheduling in ad hoc networks with direc-tional antennas.In:Proc.of ACM MobiCom.(2002)48–583.Choudhury,R.R.,Yang,X.,Ramanathan,R.,Vaidya,N.H.:Using directional antennas formedium access control in ad hoc networks.In:Proc.of ACM MobiCom.(2002)59–704.Korakis,T.,Jakllari,G.,Tassiulas,L.:A MAC protocol for full exploitation of directionalantennas in ad-hoc wireless networks.In:Proc.of ACM MobiHoc.(2003)98–1075.Roy,S.,Saha,D.,Bandyopadhyay,S.,Ueda,T.,Tanaka,S.:A 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