Code of conduct for suppliers of KTN Dr Neuberger GmbH
Code of Conduct 2011_中文版
BESTSELLER行为准则《BESTSELLER 行为准则》阐明了BESTSELLER 希望在整个供应链中推行和促进的道德规范和行为方式,并直接应用在为Bestseller A/S 生产的任何供应商及其分包商身上。
行为准则基于并遵守《世界人权宣言》、联合国主要公约、国际劳工组织(ILO) 公约及建议(请参阅准则末尾的列表)。
一般条件与Bestseller 签订业务协议时,所有供应商都要同意在其业务中担负道德和环境责任。
此人应该能够并愿意定期与Bestseller 沟通,并且了解所有必要的信息。
供应商应该公开并愿意与Bestseller 合作完成项目和计划。
这包括参加Bestseller 组织的培训、有效地向分包商和工人传达信息、公开相关信息(特别是工厂的生产信息)、积极参与Bestseller 发起的重点项目或计划。
对于加入我们并具有可持续发展计划的供应商,以及公开、坦诚、愿意与Bestseller 合作解决这些问题的供应商,我们愿与之一道共同发展、同创未来。
ICS行为守则Code of Conduct (2017年01月)5
ICS’s Code of Conduct
每个 ICS(即社会条款行动)的成员– see for the list of members-已经建立了属于他
们各自的行为守则。ICS 条款是基于 ILO(国际劳工组织)公约建议,同时也基于《世界人权宣言》基础上建 立的(详细请看附录中列表)。通过签订此项行为守则,供应商和它所拥有的工厂、合作伙伴应当遵守约定的协 议,尊重条款并且肩负起相应的责任。
1. 供应商应当关心和尊重所有员工。 2. 供应商不能参与或者纵容任何的恐吓、骚扰或者虐待。 3. 供应商应当建立纪律遵守标准,同时以清晰易懂的方式向其员工说明。并且对每一次的惩戒行为进行记录。
1. 工人有权参加或者成立属于他们自己的工会以及进行集体谈判 ,期间供应商管理层不能被给予优先权。供应商不 得干扰、妨碍或阻止正当的活动。
2. 供应商不能以任何形式雇佣或者使用儿童。如果被发现无论是直接还是间接为供应商服务,供应商必须提供给该 名儿童利益最大化的解决方案。
3. 供应商不应该安排未成年工(18岁以下),从事夜间、危及他们健康、安全还是损害他们品德信誉,或者会对他 们身体、精神、心理、道德成长造成伤害、阻碍的任何工作。
Code of conduct (Chinese)-行为守 守则
关于歧视造商或工厂不残疾、性别惩戒措施,骚造商或工厂禁 会责任、人权合国全球契约国际劳工组8,100,105,1146,164,168,1组织的规定,利公约。
制造商的情况应该尊重工人不能在生产和别、年龄、性骚扰以及虐禁止对工人使权以及环境的约的原则与理组织的协议与1,122,131,13184及190条制造商或工何方式强迫和全供员工安全(同时要符合况中,要确保人加入、组织和雇员时,因性取向、政治虐待使用体罚、口行为守的条款,适用理念,结合了与建议也包括35,138,154,1条) 工厂禁止使用和强制工人劳(灭火器,机合相关立法方保旧技术的喷织和集体谈判因以下任何一治性结社、亲口头、心理及守则 用于所有MA 了世界人权宣括其中。
及身体等任何ANGO 成衣及宣言以及联合协议第182及183条于未成年工,与健康(灯制造商或工的使用不会对并且不会因此视员工:种族何方式的虐待EF ‐RSC ‐0G ‐00Page 1 de 3及饰品制造商合国儿童权利条;建议第我们的政策灯光,通风设工厂也要保证对工人的健康此遭受任何形族、国籍、宗待。
05/1商及工利公约策基于设备,证这些康产生形式的宗教信7.工制造当补8.薪制造定的9.分制造10.关所有MAN 11.顺制造联系工作时数 造商或工厂必补偿。
Code of Conduct(new)
Code of ConductVersion July 2008Page 1Code of Conduct行为守则(Amended and Approved by the International Board in June2008 2008年6月修订并由国际董事会批准通过)Policy政策 Plan has a superior reputation as a child-centred, communitydevelopment organisation.国际计划作为一个以儿童为中心的社区发展组织,享有很高的声誉。
As a member and employee of this organisation, dedicated to servingchildren, their families and the communities in which they live, youcontinually represent Plan in all that you do. In your capacity as Plan’srepresentative, it is extremely important to understand the standardsPlan expects from you both in terms of maintaining and promoting apositive image of the organisation and, most importantly, demonstratingrespect for the rights of the children, families and communities Planserves. Plan has developed a Code of Conduct to assist you and allemployees to gain an understanding of why it is important to conductyourself in a professional and ethical manner and what business practicesPlan promotes.作为这个组织的一员和员工,致力于服务儿童、他们的家庭和他们生活的社区,你所做的一切工作都代表着国际计划。
McDonald’s strongly believes that those suppliers who are approved to do business with the McDonald’s System should follow the same philosophy, and, in the best interest of the System, McDonald’s will refuse to approve or do business with those who do not uphold, in action as well as words, the same principles. McDonald’s recognizes that its suppliers are independent businesses. Indeed, it honors that very independence because it provides strength to the relationship. Nonetheless, actions by those with whom McDonald’s does business are sometimes attributed to McDonald’s itself, affecting its reputation and the goodwill it has with its customers and others. It is only natural then that McDonald’s expects its partners in business to act with the same level of honesty and integrity. For these reasons, McDonald’s has established the following policy. Compliance with this policy is required of all suppliers, and is the responsibility
供应商行为准则(Code of Conduct for Suppliers) V01
供应商行为准则Code of Conduct for Suppliers本行为准则规定了为江苏常牵庞巴迪牵引系统有限公司(以下简称BCP)提供产品及服务的供应商应承担的基本责任。
This Code of Conduct defines the basic requirements placed on Bombardier CPC Propulsion System Co., Ltd. (herein after called BCP) suppliers of goods and services concerning their responsibilities towards their stakeholders and the environment. BCP reserves the right to reasonably change the requirements of this Code of Conduct due to changes of the BCP Compliance Program. In such event, BCP expects the supplier to accept such reasonable changes.供应商在此承诺:The supplier declares herewith:一、遵守法律及供应商行为准则1. Compliance with Legal and Code of Conduct For Suppliers⏹了解并遵守所有适用法律和供应商行为准则的规定To comply with the laws of the applicable legal system(s) and code of conduct for suppliers.二、禁止贪污贿赂2. Prohibition of Corruption and Bribery⏹不容忍任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,也不从事任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,包括但不限于违反法律为影响决策而向任何政府官员支付任何款项或给予其它任何形式的利益;To tolerate no form of and not to engage in any form of corruption or bribery, including but not limited to any payment or any other form of benefit conferred on any government official for the purpose of influencing decision making in violation of law;⏹禁止为了维持、获得业务或不正当权益直接或间接地向BCP员工和/或其亲属提供、约定提供贿赂或不当的便利,包括但不限于:To prohibit to provide, agree to, suggest bribery or improper convenience, directly or indirectly, to BCP’s staff or their relatives, in order to maintain, attain business or improper titles, including but not limited to:i. 礼品,包括但不限于现金、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证及贵重物品;Gifts, including but not limited to cash, cash gift, securities, payment vouchers and valuables;ii. 购置、提供通信工具、交通工具和高档办公用品等;Purchase or provide communication tools, vehicles or expensive office supplies;iii. 高消费的招待,包括但不限于度假、出国(出境)旅游,以及高尔夫球等活动或是可能妨碍公正的宴请;Any high-consumption entertainment, including but not limited to holiday, abroad (outbound) tourism, and golf, etc. or any dinner which may prevent justice ;iv. 安排工作,或支付应由自己或其亲属自付的各种费用,包括但不限于住宅装修、婚丧嫁娶、购物、学费;Arrange work or pay any fee for himself or his relatives which shall be paid by his own, including but not limited to decoration fee, wedding and funerals fee, shopping expense, tuition fee;v. 成比例的,或者正相关的利益联系,例如股份、回扣等Proportional relationship or any other positive benefit-based relationship, e.g. share, discount, etc.三、禁止隐形代理3. Prohibition of Invisible Agency⏹任何第三方(因BCP与供应商之间的业务而成为关联分供应商的除外)不得因供应商与BCP的业务而从供应商处获得任何经济利益。
Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (3.4)中英文对照
Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (3.4)Apple Supplier Code of Conduct苹果供应商行为准则Apple is committed to ensuring that working conditions in Apple’s supply chain are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible. Apple’s suppliers (“Suppliers”) commit, in all of their activities, to operate in full compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the countries in which they operate. This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) goes further, drawing upon internationally recognized standards, in order to advance social and environmental responsibility.Apple承诺确保在我们的供应链中提供安全的工作环境,给予员工尊严和尊重,并采用对环境负责的制造流程。
Apple 的供应商(“供应商”)在其一切行为活动中,都有义务完全遵守所在国家/地区的法律、规定和法规来经营。
Apple requires that Suppliers implement this Code using the management systems described below. Apple may visit (and/or have external monitors visit) Supplier facilities, with or without notice, to assess compliance with this Code and to audit Supplier’s wage, hour, payroll, and other worker records and practices. Violations of this Code may result in immediate termination as an Apple Supplier and in legal action.Apple要求供应商通过使用下面介绍到的管理系统来执行此标准。
品牌供应商行为准则Supplier Code of Conduct (律师修订版合同)
1. 工作标准与社会责任公司要求其供应商在社会责任方面树立典范。
_禁止使用童工:严禁雇佣年龄未满 16 岁的童工。
相关国家的地方法律对童工设定更高年龄,或对完成义务教育年龄的设定超过 16 岁的,应以该更高年龄为准。
任何可能危及儿童健康、安全或道德的工作都不应由18 岁以下的任何人完成。
code of conduct制度
code of conduct制度
Code of Conduct(行為規範)是一套指導和規範個人或組織行
以下為一個可能的Code of Conduct制度的範例:
1. 組織成員應遵守所有適用的法律和法規。
2. 組織成員應以尊重、禮貌和友好的態度對待彼此。
3. 組織成員應適度使用組織資源,並遵守資源使用政策。
4. 組織成員應遵守保密協議,對於不應公開的信息保持機密。
5. 組織成員應避免利用職務之便、權力之濫用或人際關係影響來追求私利。
6. 組織成員應遵守公平競爭原則,避免不正當競爭行為。
7. 組織成員應遵守知識產權法律,尊重他人的智慧財產權。
8. 組織成員不得從事任何形式的騷擾、威脅、歧視或不當行為。
9. 組織成員應以客觀、真實和準確的方式進行商業活動和溝通。
10. 組織成員應尊重多元文化和個人的差異性,並展示包容和
Code of Conduct
商业行为道德规范准则-“Code of Conduct” 遵守国内外的 - zwissTEX
商业行为道德规范准则 -“Code of Conduct”所有员工(以及管理层成员)均受本“Code of Conduct”规定的约束。
行为准则中阐述的价值观˴原则和行为方式,指导决定着Dr. Zwissler-企业集团以及其子属企业的商业行为。
这份行为准则“Code of Conduct” 由Dr. Zwissler Holding AG董事会决定并经监事会批准,适用于所有Dr. Zwissler-企业集团的旗下企业(后面简称为“企业”)。
供应商行为准则-Supplier code of conduct CN中文版
2.2 隐私AH工业集团供应商必须尊重他们员工和客户的隐私权。
code of conduct意思
code of conduct意思代码规范(Code of Conduct)是一种指导开发者在编写代码时应遵循的一系列规则和准则。
代码规范通常包括以下几个方面的内容:1. 命名规范:包括变量、函数、类等的命名规则。
2. 缩进和空格:代码应该使用一致的缩进和空格规则,以增强代码的可读性。
3. 注释规范:代码应该包含清晰的注释,注释应该解释代码的用途、实现思路和注意事项。
4. 函数和方法规范:函数和方法应该具有单一的责任,并且应该尽量避免过长的函数和方法。
5. 错误处理规范:代码应该具有良好的错误处理机制,能够捕获并处理异常情况。
6. 版本控制规范:代码应该使用版本控制工具进行管理,每个开发者应该熟悉版本控制工具的使用方法,并且应该遵循一致的版本控制流程。
7. 安全规范:代码应该具有一定的安全性,能够对输入进行验证和过滤,防止代码受到攻击和恶意访问。
8. 性能规范:代码应该具有良好的性能,能够高效地执行,并且应该避免不必要的资源消耗和时间浪费。
Apple Supplier Code of Conduct V4.0中英语文对照
Apple Supplier Code of Conduct苹果供应商行为准则Apple is committed to the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility and ethical conduct. Apple’s suppliers are required to provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, act fairly and ethically, and use environmentally responsible practices wherever they make products or perform services for Apple. Apple requires its suppliers to operate in accordance with the principles in this Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This Code goes beyond mere compliance with the law by drawing upon internationally recognized standards to advance social and environmental responsibility. This Code outlines Apple’s expectations for Supplier conduct and responsible practice regarding labor and human rights, health and safety, environmental protection, ethics, and management practices.苹果公司致力于对社会环境责任与道德行为最高标准的承诺。
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics1、政策本身:职业道德规范是公司工作的重要组成部分道德规范包括对公司的全体董事、管理人员、雇员、律师和顾问行为的指引,旨在遏止不法行为并促进:●诚实和道德的行为,包括道德地处理个人和职业关系之间实际或明显的利益冲突;●在公司向美国证券交易委员会(“证交会”)备案或递交的所有报告和文件及公司的其他公开通信中进行充分、公正、准确、及时和易懂的披露;●遵守适用法律、规则和法规;●及时内部报告违反守则的行为;●负责遵守该守则。
●公司有何种途径收集举报违反职业道德规范(Ethics Programme)和商业行为准则(Code of Conduct)的信息(如举报热线、邮箱等);公司的董事会(“董事会”)已经任命邹香光作为公司的合规负责人。
Code of Conduct for Church PersonnelAs someone who ministers to young people, I will maintain a professional role and be mindful of the trust and power I possess as a minister to young people. To achieve this, I will:Never touch a minor in a sexual way or other inappropriate manner.Never be alone with a minor in a residence, rectory, sleeping facility, or any other closed room.Never share a bed with a minor.Never take an overnight trip alone with a minor.Never introduce sexually explicit or pornographic topics, vocabulary, music, recordings, films, games, web sites, computer software, or entertainment.Never provide drugs, alcohol, or tobacco to a minor.Never use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs.Never use alcohol when engaged in ministering to a minor.Never engage in physical discipline for behavior management of minors. No form of physical discipline is acceptable.Measures to Aid Observance of the Code of Conduct To help me keep the promises in the Code, I will:ڤ Report any suspected child abuse to the proper authorities.ڤ Avoid physical contact when alone with a minor. Physical contact withminors can be misconstrued, especially in private settings.ڤ Avoid overnight stays with a minor unless there is another adult present ina supervisory role.ڤ Avoid providing overnight accommodations for minors in private residencesorrectories.ڤAvoid driving alone in a vehicle with a minor.ڤRefrain from giving expensive or inappropriate gifts to a minor.ڤAvoid meeting privately with minors in rooms, offices, or similar areas where there is no window or where the door cannot remain open. If one-on-onepastoral care of a minor is needed (e.g., Sacrament of Reconciliation) avoidmeeting in isolated locations.ڤExercise caution in communicating with minors through e-mails or the internet.Only share work/ministry related e-mail addresses with minors. Do notparticipate in chat rooms with minors.ڤEnsure that all activities (extra-curricular, catechetical, youth ministry, scouting, athletics, etc.) for which you are responsible have been approved in advance by the appropriate administrator.ڤHave an adequate number of adults present at events. A minimum of two adults in supervisory roles must always be present during activities for minors.ڤRelease young people only to parents or guardians, unless the parent or guardian has provided permission allowing release to another adult.ڤAvoid taking minors away from the parish, school, or agency for field trips, etc.without another adult present in a supervisory role. Obtain written parentalpermission before such activities. Permission slips should include the type,locations, dates, and times of the activity and emergency contact numbers.Practical SuggestionsThese are some practical suggestions for identifying permissible and impermissible conduct.Conduct that May Be PermissibleAppropriate affection between Church personnel and minors constitutes a positive part of Church life and ministry. Nonetheless, any touching can be misunderstood and must be considered with great discretion. Depending on the circumstances, the following forms of affection are customarily (but not always) regarded as appropriate.▪ Verbal praise.▪Handshakes.▪ “High-fives” and hand slapping.▪ Pats on the shoulder or back.▪ Hugs.▪ Holding hands while walking with small children.▪ Sitting beside small children.▪Kneeling or bending down for hugs with small children.▪Holding hands during prayer.▪ Pats on the head when culturally appropriate.Conduct that is Not PermissibleSome forms of physical affection have been used by adults to initiate inappropriate contact with minors. In order to maintain the safest possible environment for minors, the following are examples of affection that are not to be used:▪ Inappropriate or lengthy embraces.▪ Kisses on the mouth.▪ Holding minors over four years old on the lap.▪ Touching buttocks, chests or genital areas.▪ Showing affection in isolated areas such as bedrooms, closets, staff-only areas or other private rooms.▪ Touching knees or legs of minors.▪ Wrestling with minors.▪ Tickling minors.▪ Piggyback rides.▪ Any type of massage given by minor to adult.▪ Any type of massage given by adult to minor.▪ Any form of unwanted affection.▪ Compliments that relate to physique or body development.Code of Conduct Acknowledgement FormEmployees and VolunteersParish/School/Agency _____________________________________Date ________________________________I have received a copy of the Code of Conduct for Church Personnel. I haveread and understand this Code of Conduct, and I agree to abide by it. I havealso read and understand the “Measures to Aid Observance of the Code of Conduct” and the “Practical Suggestions” and will employ them to help meobserve the code of conduct. A violation of this code can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination and/or removal from ministry._______________________________________Signature_______________________________________Print Name_______________________________________PositionThe signed Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form shall be kept in employee personnel files at the agency/parish/school or in a general volunteer file at the agency/parish/school.Please return this completed form to the site where you are an employee or volunteer.Code of Conduct Acknowledgement FormArchdiocesan, Religious and Extern PriestsParish/School/Agency __________________________________________ Date __________________________I have received a copy of the Code of Conduct for Church Personnel. Ihave read and understand this Code of Conduct, and I agree to abide by it. I have also read and understand the “Measures to Aid Observance of the Code of Conduct” and the “Practical Suggestions” and will employ them to help me observe the code of conduct. A violation of this code can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination and/or removal from ministry.________________________________________Signature________________________________________Print Name_________________________________________________PositionڤArchdiocesanڤExternڤ Religious _____________________________________CommunityThe signed Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form shall be kept in personnel files at the Pastoral Center. Please return the acknowledgement form to:PriestsReligious/ExternArchdiocesanPriestsOffice of the Chancellor Rev. Robert J. HeidenreichArchdiocese of Chicago Archdiocese of ChicagoP. O. Box 1979 P. O. Box 1979Chicago, IL 60690-1979 Chicago, IL 60690-1979Code of Conduct Acknowledgement FormDiaconate CommunityParish/School/Agency _____________________________________Date _____________________________I have received a copy of the Code of Conduct for Church Personnel. I have read and understand this Code of Conduct, and I agree to abide by it. I have also read and understand the “ Measures to Aid Observance of the Code of Conduct” and the “Practical Suggestions” and will employ them to help me observe the code of conduct. A violation of this code can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination and/or removal from ministry.__________________________________________Signature__________________________________________Print Name__________________________________________PositionThe signed Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form shall be kept in personnel files at the Diaconate Office. Please return the acknowledgement form to:Deacon Richard F. HudzikOffice of the Diaconate816 Marengo AvenueForest Park, IL. 60130。
4. Code of Conduct 中文版
code of conduct制度
code of conduct制度一、引言Code of Conduct制度是我们公司内部的重要规章制度,旨在规范员工的行为,促进公司内部和谐、高效、公正的工作环境,保障员工的权益,提升公司的整体形象和竞争力。
二、基本原则1. 尊重他人:我们尊重他人的权利和尊严,不进行任何形式的歧视,不发表或传播不当言论,不进行任何形式的骚扰或侵犯他人。
2. 诚实守信:我们诚实守信,言行一致,遵守承诺,不作假,不欺瞒,不泄露公司机密或他人隐私。
3. 公正公平:我们公正公平地对待所有员工和合作伙伴,不偏袒任何一方,不利用职权谋取私利。
4. 团队协作:我们相互协作,共同完成任务和目标,积极分享经验和资源,共同成长。
三、行为规范1. 工作时间:员工应按照公司规定的时间上下班,不得迟到早退,不得擅自改变工作时间。
2. 工作态度:员工应积极主动,认真负责,注重细节,善于沟通,具有团队合作精神。
3. 保密规定:员工应对公司的商业机密、客户信息、财务数据等保密信息予以严格保密,不得泄露或向他人透露任何相关信息。
4. 行为准则:员工应遵守公司的行为准则,不得从事任何形式的贪污、受贿、赌博、诈骗等违法活动。
5. 禁止行为:员工不得在公司内部进行不当竞争,不得诋毁同事,不得利用职务之便谋取私利。
四、违规处理1. 对于违反本制度的行为,公司将视情节轻重给予口头警告、书面警告、罚款等处理方式。
2. 对于严重违反本制度的行为,公司将根据相关法律法规和合同约定解除劳动合同。
3. 对于违反保密规定的员工,公司将依法追究其法律责任。
五、监督与执行1. 公司人力资源部门负责监督本制度的执行情况,定期对员工进行培训和教育。
2. 公司内部设有举报机制和投诉渠道,鼓励员工举报违规行为。
3. 如有违反本制度的行为发生,公司将根据相关规定进行调查和处理。
六、结语Code of Conduct制度是我们公司的重要组成部分,我们希望大家能够自觉遵守,共同维护一个公正、公平、积极向上的工作环境。
East Hanover Soccer Club 2008Codes of ConductIn order to ensure that the principles of sportsmanship, fair play, and mutual respect among players, coaches, officials, and spectators characterize all competition sponsored by the East Hanover Soccer Club (“EHSC”), the following Code of Conduct has been established. It is the obligation of all program administrators, coaches, parents, and players to create an environment that promotes this objective. Those who willfully violate this code jeopardize their participation in the EHSC soccer program.CoachesThe coach's role is one of teaching soccer skills and sportsmanship to the players. The coach is responsible for communicating practice and game times to the players and parents. The coach is also responsible for monitoring the behavior of the players and parents during practice and games. All coaches within the soccer program will promote good sportsmanship among players, foster team camaraderie, and help participants have fun while teaching players the technical skills of soccer.The program will not tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct of coaches. Such unsportsmanlike conduct includes berating or making unkind comments to a player or referee that would reasonably be expected to cause substantial embarrassment to the player or referee. Other examples include the intentional abuse or attempt to abuse the player selection system or willful failure to follow program rules. Each coach agrees to the above code of conduct, certifies that he/she has read all EHSC Rules and will abide by them and acknowledges that coaching in the soccer program is a privilege and not a right.In addition, each Coach will ensure that his/her conduct sets a good example for team members and spectators. To meet these responsibilities, the Coach is expected to: •Know the official Laws of the Game of soccer and the rules of EHSC, and abide bythem.•Instruct player and parents in the rules and motivate each player to compete according to the rules at all times.•Respect the game officials at all times. Refrain from questioning their decisions or challenging their authority.•Ensure that all players and spectators follow EHSC rules.•Ensure that fans of his or her team exhibit sportsmanship and maturity at all times and assist league and game officials in maintaining control of spectators duringgames.•Respect the coaches and players of the opposing team before, during, and after the game.•Take appropriate steps to minimize scoring in runaway games.•Teach each player, especially through personal example, to be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat.•Maintain control of his/her emotions and avoid actions, language, and/or gestures that may be interpreted as hostile and humiliating.•Teach and practice good sportsmanship and fair play by personally demonstrating commitment to these virtues.East Hanover Soccer Club 2008 •Promote the concept that soccer is merely a game, and those players and coaches on other teams are opponents, not enemies.•Refrain from using any language that would be considered offensive in nature including all forms of profanity.PlayersEvery player is expected to:•Know and respect the rules of soccer and EHSC and abide by them at all times.•Show respect and courtesy to officials and coaches by following their instructions and directions.•Respect the game officials and refrain from addressing them or commenting on their decisions during or after the game.•Maintain control of his/her emotions, avoiding the use of abusive or profane language, taunting or humiliating remarks, and/or gestures and physical assault upon another player at any time.•Respect the coaches and players of the opposing team and display sportsmanship at the conclusion of a game and be humble and generous in victory and proud andcourteous in defeat.•Follow all Association rules, respecting at all times the property of others.•Promote the concept that soccer is merely a game, and those players and coaches on other teams are opponents, not enemies.•Refrain from using any language that would be considered offensive in nature including all forms of profanity.Parents and SpectatorsThe parents' role is one of support to the players and coaches. Parents should not engage in "coaching" from the sidelines, criticizing players, coaches or game officials or trying to influence the makeup of the team at any time.Every parent and spectator is expected to:•Learn and respect the rules of soccer and the rules of the EHSC.•Show respect and courtesy to game officials, coaches, and players at all times.•Respect the game officials and refrain from questioning their decisions or from addressing them in a loud, disrespectful, or abusive manner.•Cheer for your child's team in a positive manner, refraining at all times from making negative or abusive remarks about the opposing team. Maintain control of youremotions and avoid actions, language, and/or gestures that may be interpreted ashostile and humiliating.•Ensure that your child is at all games and practices at the required time or provide the coach with an appropriate excuse beforehand.•Demonstrate appropriate gestures of sportsmanship at the conclusion of a game, win or lose.•Teach and practice good sportsmanship and fair play by personally demonstrating commitment to these virtues.•Promote the concept that soccer is merely a game, and those players and coaches on other teams are opponents, not enemies.East Hanover Soccer Club 2008 •Refrain from using any language that would be considered offensive in nature including all forms of profanityDisciplinary ActionYellow CardIf a coach or assistant coach receives a yellow card, a verbal or written report will be given to any member of the Board. The EHSC Executive Board will submit a written warning. A second yellow card in the same game or same season is an automatic red card. If a second yellow card appears in the same game the coach is immediately expelled from the game. The members of the EHSC Board will convene and appropriate actions will be taken. There will be a mandatory one game suspension; however, longer suspensions or expulsion from the league can be issued.Red cardIf a coach or assistant coach receives a red card, they are immediately expelled from the current game. The members of the EHSC Board will convene and appropriate actions will be taken. There will be a mandatory one game suspension; however, longer suspensions or expulsion from the league can be issued.Other problemsPlease note that a card does not have to be shown to the coach. If a verbal or written report is given to any member of the EHSC Executive Board about a coach or assistant coach’s behavior this will lead to an inquiry. Following the inquiry this can lead to a written warning or suspension.If a coach or assistant coach is a consistent problem in which the Board feels they are taking away from the experience of the children of the EHSC a meeting will be called and a decision will be reached about the appropriate violations. This can include a written warning, suspension or expulsion.In the case that a coach is suspended and there is no assistant coach, a senior referee will assume the responsibility of coaching the team for that game. The head coach can still conduct practicesOff field MisconductThis is outside the scope of the EHSC and if the situation calls for, local police will be notifiedPlayersIf a player receives a yellow card there is a written warning. If they receive a second yellow or a red card there will be an automatic suspension of one game. A written report will be written and kept on file. If a consistent problem develops the EHSC Executive Board will meet and appropriate action will be taken.。
VISITOR CODE OF CONDUCT GUIDELINESThe Chief Executive Officer of the Chicago Public Schools promulgates the following guidelines so as to establish a code of conduct for visitors to ensure the maintenance of order by visitors to the Board’s central office, area offices and other administrative buildings, school buildings and property, official board meetings, public hearings and other school or official Board functions. The Chief Executive Officer may issue additional procedures as necessary to effectuate these guidelines.I. DEFINITIONS“Board Property” refers to any school or administrative building, structure, playground, parking lot, walkway or land owned or leased by the Board.“School Function” means any school-sponsored event or activity held before, during and after school hours.“Board Function” refers to board meetings, public hearings or other public events sponsored by the Board or by an administrative department of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS).“Central Office” refers to the central administrative office building of the Chicago Public Schools, which are currently located at 125 South Clark in Chicago, Illinois.II.GENERAL CODE OF CONDUCTA. The Board expects mutual respect, civility and orderly conduct among allindividuals on Board Property, at School Functions and at Board Functions. Noperson may enter Board Property at any time for purposes other than those whichare lawful and authorized by CPS personnel.B. While on Board Property or at School Functions or Board Functions, Visitorsshall not:mit an act of violence, bullying, coercion, harassment or stalking orattempt to do so upon a teacher, administrator, other school or Boardemployee, student or any other person lawfully on Board Property orattending a School Function or Board Function;2.Disrupt the orderly conduct of classes, business or of any CPS program oractivity;3.Interfere with the lawful and authorized activities of others;4.Refuse or fail to comply with a lawful order or direction of any CPSpersonnel in the performance of their duties;5.Distribute or post any written material, pamphlets, or posters without theprior approval of the CPS administrator in charge. Written approval maybe required at anytime;6.Smoke or use tobacco products;7.Possess, consume, exchange, or be under the influence of alcoholicbeverages or illegal substances;8.Possess a gun (unless authorized to do so by law), knife, explosive orincendiary bomb, or other dangerous instrument capable of causingphysical injury or death;9.Display what appears to be a gun, knife, explosive or incendiary bomb orother dangerous instrument capable of causing death or physical injury;10.Threaten to use any instrument that appears capable of causing physicalinjury or death;11.Knowingly and intentionally destroy, vandalize, or deface Board Propertyor the personal property of a teacher, administrator, other CPS personnelor any person lawfully on Board Property or attending a School Functionor Board Function; or12.Violate any federal or state statute, local ordinance or Board Policy orRule.III. PROTOCOL FOR CENTRAL OFFICE VISITORSA.Visitors may only use the Central Office lobby for transit purposes and may notimpede the free flow of pedestrian traffic through the lobby. No picketing ordemonstrations of any kind are allowed in the Central Office lobby.B.Upon entering the Central Office lobby, Visitors must report to security personneland identify themselves with valid photo identification (e.g., driver’s license, stateidentification, or school identification) and request a visitor’s pass.C.Visitors must identify to security personnel the purpose of their visit and the flooron which they will be conducting their business.D.The visitor’s pass will identify the floor that the individual is authorized to visit toconduct his or her business. The pass must be visibly displayed on the visitor’sperson at all times while in Central Office and the pass must be returned tosecurity personnel upon leaving. A visitor who goes beyond the scope of theirpass will be considered to be trespassing on Board Property and will be asked toleave the premises immediately. If they refuse, they may be subject to arrest fortrespass and/or disorderly conduct.E.Visitors may be subject to metal detector searches and x-ray machine searches ofitems in their possession.F.Permission to visit Central Office may be revoked at any time.G.Video cameras, filming, audio taping and photography are not allowed in CentralOffice except as authorized by the Communications Department Press Secretaryor designee and with the consent of all participants. Video cameras, filming andphotography during Board meetings or public hearings shall be as described inSection IV below.IV. CONDUCT AT BOARD MEETINGS AND PUBLIC HEARINGSVisitors are welcome to attend and to participate in public presentations at Board Meetings and Public Hearings, provided their presence is not disruptive. Members of the public wishing to attend a Board Meeting or CPS-sponsored public hearing must abide by the following rules:A.Visitors who wish to participate in the public presentation portion of a BoardMeeting must follow the Board’s Guidelines for Public Presentations, BoardReport 04-0728-PO7, as may be amended.B.Visitors who wish to participate in the public presentation portion of a publichearing must follow the guidelines established for that hearing.C.For all Board meetings and public hearings, visitors must sign-in, obtain a seatingpass and complete the security screening requirements established for the event.D.Visitors at Board meetings and public hearings shall remain seated during theproceedings except when called to provide testimony.Further, visitors shall not:1.Disrupt the orderly conduct of business;2.Interfere with the public presentations or the proceedings of the meeting orhearing;3.Display placards, posters, banners and any other types of signage; or4.Refuse to comply with a lawful order or direction of any Board personnelin the performance of their duties.E.Video cameras, filming and photography during Board Meetings and publichearings by members of the press shall only be as authorized by the Departmentof Communications media access procedures.F.Filming and photography by members of the general public who have signed in toattend a Board meeting or public hearing shall be permitted if done in an orderlymanner that complies with section IV.D. above.V. PROTOCOL FOR VISITING SCHOOL PROPERTIES, OTHERADMINISTRATIVE PROPERTIES, SCHOOL FUNCTIONS OR OTHER BOARD FUNCTIONSVisitors may enter CPS school buildings or premises, other administrative buildings, School Functions or Board Functions when such entry is made in connection with the conduct of official business with CPS personnel or as authorized to attend a scheduled activity or function. In such event:A.All visitors must report to the main office or security to state their reason forentering the property, identify themselves with a valid photo identification (e.g.,drivers license, state identification, or school identification) and requestpermission to enter, sign-in and obtain a visitor’s pass;B.Visitors may be subject to a metal detector search of their person and x-ray searchof items in their possession upon entering the property;C.Visitors to a School Function or Board Function shall abide by all entrance andconduct requirements established for the function including security procedures;D.Visits to classrooms by parents or guardians shall be as approved by the principalor pursuant to local school rules and/or procedures;E.Classroom videotaping, filming, audio taping or photography will only bepermitted if authorized by the principal and with the prior written consent ofparent(s) and/or staff. The principal may authorize or place restrictions onvideotaping, filming , or photography of school functions; andF. A principal may issue a verbal warning or warning letter to a visitor prior totaking any enforcement measures. (See Section VI below.)VI. ENFORCEMENTAny violation of this Visitor Code of Conduct shall be reported immediately to the school or building administrator in charge. The following penalties may be imposed:A.Ordering the offending party to leave the Board Property, School Function orBoard Function;B.Prohibit or limit the offending party from entering the Board Property, SchoolFunction or Board Function; andC.Seeking the assistance of the Chicago Police Department and filing a complaintagainst the offending party under the appropriate provision of the IllinoisCompiled Statutes. In addition:1. any unauthorized persons on Board Property may be subject to arrest forcriminal trespass; and2. any person found destroying, vandalizing or defacing Board Property orthe personal property of others may be subject to arrest and restitution willbe sought.LEGAL REFERENCES: 105 ILCS 5/34-18; 105 ILCS 120/2.05。
ETHICSCode of Conduct for Service ProvidersThis Code of Conduct for Service Providers containsthe legal and ethical business practice standards that are required for Service Providers of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated. To be useful, it should be kept handyand reviewed frequently. You should become familiarwith its contents and use it as a guide to assure you are complying with Teledyne standards.Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, including its business units, subsidiaries and affiliates, has one standard of ethical business conduct and an unwavering commitment to uphold that standard. We will conduct business in an ethical and proper manner at all times and in full compliance with all laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate. We view these as the fundamental standards underlying our approach to doing business, and we expect our suppliers, contractors, agents, consultants, representatives and distributors, both domestic and international, to adhere to these standards as well. If you are aware of conduct involving Teledyne that does not uphold these standards, we ask you to report it to one of the resources provided at the end of this Code.A good reputation is difficult to earn, easy to lose and almost impossible to regain. We must not lose sight of this. Together we have what it takes to compete at the forefront of our chosen market segments. We are relying on your integrity, continued dedication and adherence to the requirements in this Code of Conduct to help keep us there.Thank you for doing your part to maintain an ethical business environment.Robert MehrabianChairman, President and Chief Executive OfficerNovember 2022Teledyne Technologies Incorporated is a company committed to more than just adherenceto laws and regulations. We strive for the highest level of integrity, respect and ethics inour dealings with each other, our customers, our stockholders, the public and government agencies. We will conduct our business in manner consistent with the well-being of the communities in which we work and of those who buy and use our products. We expect the same from our suppliers, contractors, agents, consultants, representatives and distributors (collectively “Service Providers”). In this booklet, Teledyne Technologies Incorporated includes the corporation’s business units, subsidiaries and affiliates, wherever located, and is referred to as Teledyne, Teledyne Technologies, or the Company.This Code of Conduct applies to every Service Provider who has a business relationship with Teledyne. In conducting business with or on behalf of Teledyne, you share the responsibility for fully implementing the ethical and lawful business practices of our Company. We are committed to ethical and lawful business practices and are willing to take corrective actionif a Service Provider does not meet the requirements set forth in this Code of Conduct. That corrective action may include terminating our business relationship with a Service Provider that does not comply with these requirements. Pursuant to any audit rights set forth in our Service Provider contracts, please be advised that Teledyne reserves the right to exercise such rights to confirm compliance with the requirements set forth within this Code, among other laws and regulations.Teledyne expects its Service Providers, regardless of location, to adhere to the same workforce policy standards that Teledyne follows. Specifically, Service Providers are required to follow and periodically reconfirm their agreement to abide by these standards:Compliance with Laws and Regulations and ContractsEvery Service Provider must comply with all laws and regulations that apply to that Service Provider, its employees and its business activities (“applicable laws and regulations”). Teledyne Service Providers must comply with all terms, conditions, and other provisions specified in their contracts with Teledyne.No Bribery or Money LaunderingThe Company has no tolerance for bribery or corruption in any aspect of its business orin any country in which we operate. Our Company policy prohibits engaging in any formof corruption, bribery, kickback, extortion, embezzlement or money laundering. We are committed not only to complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding such activities, including but not limited to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.K. Bribery Act, but also to acting with integrity and the highest ethical standards.No Service Provider shall participate in, facilitate or permit any form of corruption, bribery, kickback, extortion, embezzlement or money laundering, whether with respect to public officials or to any other person. Service Providers shall comply strictly with all applicable laws and regulations, including requirements to keep adequate and accurate books and records, and with Teledyne’s policy set forth herein.No Discrimination or HarassmentNo Service Provider shall discriminate in hiring or employment practices on the basis of any protected class including race, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, marital status, disability, veteran status or religion. Service Providers shall provide a workplace free from violence, unlawful harassment and bullying.Employment PracticesCode of Conduct for Service Providers shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding employment, including but not limited to such laws and regulations related to minimum wage, maximum work hours, overtime and benefits. Service Providers shall only employ individuals who are above the minimum working age as set forth in applicable laws and regulations. Service Providers should promote diversity, equality and inclusion in their employment and business practices.No Forced Labor, Child Labor, Slavery or Human TraffickingService Providers shall not engage in, facilitate or use forced or involuntary labor or child labor. Service Providers shall not engage in or facilitate slavery or human trafficking and should assess their supply chains to ensure they are in compliance with this requirement.Drug Free WorkplaceTeledyne expects its Service Providers to maintain a workplace free from illegal drugs.Immigration Law ComplianceService Providers shall only employ workers with a legal right to work in the country in which the work is performed and shall validate the eligibility to work by reviewing relevant documents, as permitted by applicable laws and regulations.Safe Work EnvironmentService Providers shall maintain a safe and sanitary workplace that includes appropriate protective equipment, and is in compliance with applicable environmental, health and safety laws, rules and regulations.Environmental PracticesService Providers shall maintain and operate their businesses in an environmentally responsible manner. We recognize the importance of our environment and natural resources and encourage our Service Providers to embrace the responsibility to society for prudently using natural resources and preventing harm to the environment. Every Service Provider shall comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations, including but not limited to obtaining required environmental permits, providing required environmental reports, properly controlling air, land and water emissions and properly disposing of chemicals and waste products. Further, Service Providers are urged to implement Greenhouse Gas emission reduction goals and to enact business practices to improve climate and environmental sustainability.No Facilitation of Tax EvasionIn addition to having zero tolerance for corruption or bribery, Teledyne has zero tolerance for any form of tax evasion. While it is acceptable for companies to engage in legitimatetax planning to openly and fairly minimize their taxes owed, tax evasion is an unlawful and intentional nonpayment or avoidance of a tax owed. Teledyne expects its Service Providers to have appropriate controls in place to avoid any involvement in facilitation of any illegal evasion of taxes relating to Teledyne business.Government ContractingEvery Service Provider will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to any involvement in government contracts or with government agencies or representatives. Such compliance includes not providing gifts or gratuities to government employees, except as permitted by law. Such compliance also includes complying with all terms, procedures and processes specified in government contracts or subcontracts. In addition, Service Providers who require the use of classified information to perform a government contract or subcontract shall ensure that such information is handled properly.Gifts and GratuitiesTeledyne competes on the merits of its products and services and does not use the exchange of business courtesies or gifts to gain an unfair competitive advantage. We expect the same of our Service Providers in the offering or receipt of any gift or business courtesy.Except for modest, incidental business meals and refreshments or promotional items of insignificant value, no Service Provider shall offer or provide to any Teledyne employee any gift, gratuity or other benefit. Any such meals, refreshments and promotional items shall not be given frequently or for the purpose of securing an improper business advantage. We expect our employees to discharge their duties in a fair and impartial manner, and we seek to avoid even the appearance of any form of impropriety, favoritism or conflict of interest.Conflicts of InterestTeledyne expects its Service Providers to avoid all conflicts of interest or situations giving the appearance of a potential conflict of interest in their dealings with Teledyne and expects its Service Providers to report to Teledyne, any situations of potential or apparent conflicts between their personal interests and the interests of Teledyne.Exports and ImportsEvery Service Provider shall be familiar with the applicable laws and regulations related to exports and imports and shall adhere strictly to all such laws and regulations. Such adherence shall include supplying accurate information, including correct export jurisdiction and classifications and product classifications under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule where applicable, and obtaining proper authorizations and documentation, such as export licenses or certificates of origin when required. Service Providers also shall not export to any country or person in violation of such laws or regulations.No BoycottsNo Service Provider shall engage in or support boycotts or blacklisting of any person, group or country in violation of applicable anti-boycott laws or regulations.Eradicate Conflict MineralsTeledyne expects its Service Providers to take steps to determine if their products contain conflict minerals (tin, tantalum, gold, and tungsten) and if so, implement supply chain due diligence processes to identify sources of these minerals and support efforts to eradicate the use of conflict minerals which directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining territories.No Counterfeit PartsTeledyne expects Service Providers who supply products to Teledyne to maintain methods and processes appropriate to their products and services to minimize the risk of introducing counterfeit parts and materials into Teledyne products.AccountingIt is our Company policy to comply with accepted accounting rules, controls and disclosures at all times and to ensure that our auditors are provided accurate information. No Service Provider shall knowingly participate in any scheme to avoid such accounting rules, controls or disclosures.Confidential and Proprietary InformationEvery Service Provider shall safeguard the Company’s confidential and proprietary information. This obligation includes using commercially reasonable means to safeguard information technology systems on which Company information is stored or transmitted. In addition, Service Providers shall refuse any improper access to confidential or proprietary information of any other company, including our competitors and customers.Intellectual PropertyEvery Service Provider shall respect the intellectual property rights of others and shall comply with applicable laws and regulations related to patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets.Data PrivacyService Providers must protect Teledyne and its customers’ confidential assets and information and design and maintain processes to provide appropriate protections for this information. They must protect personal information in compliance with all appliable local laws, and personal information provided by or on behalf of Teledyne shall only be used, accessed, and disclosed as permitted by the Service Provider’s contract with Teledyne.Accurate Technical InformationIt is our Company policy to provide technical information that is as accurate as possible to guide our Service Providers and customers in the proper manufacture and use of our products. No Service Provider shall knowingly record or use any false technical data.No Insider TradingService Providers shall not, directly or indirectly, take advantage of inside informationin trading the Company’s stock or the securities of any customer or supplier. In addition, inside information may not be disclosed or “tipped” to others. “Inside information” is any information that is not publicly known and that, if known, might be of significance to an investor in deciding whether to purchase, sell or hold the stock.AntitrustEvery Service Provider must conduct itself in a manner that complies with applicable antitrust laws and regulations. No Service Provider shall discuss with any competitor: prices or terms of sale regarding competing products, division of territories or markets, allocation of customers, or boycotts of customers or suppliers.Suspected NoncomplianceEvery Service Provider shall promptly evaluate and resolve any suspected instances of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations or this Code. Service Providers are also expected to promptly report noncompliance matters affecting the Company to Teledyne’s Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer and Secretary, whose contact information is listed at the end of this Code. Furthermore, Service Providers should make their employees aware that they can report potential issues or concerns to Teledyne’s ethics hotline or web portal also listed at the end of this Code.CommunicationService Providers shall communicate the standards set forth herein to their employees.Sub-Tier SuppliersCommensurate with the size and nature of their business, Teledyne expects its Service Providers to ensure that any third parties that it engages to further its activities on behalf of Teledyne also uphold similar principles as those described within this document.Audit Rights and CertificationSubject to the relevant provisions in any agreements with the Company, Teledyne reserves the right to audit Service Providers’ compliance with this Code. Additionally,Teledyne may request that Service Providers certify compliance with this Code of Conduct. Service Providers shall provide written certifications upon request.If you have questions or concerns regarding any matter discussed in this Code of Conduct, you may contact:Melanie S. CibikSenior Vice President, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer and Secretary Teledyne Technologies Incorporated1049 Camino Dos RiosPhone: (805) 373-4605Email: **************************Esther QuartaroneSenior Ethics, Anti-Corruption and Compliance CounselTeledyne Technologies Incorporated1049 Camino Dos RiosPhone: (978) 808-7559Email: Esther.Quartarone@Teledyne TechnologiesEthics Hotline: (877) 666-6968Ethics Web Portal: International dialing instructions are available at Legal Compliance Ethics。
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CODE OF CONDUCT FOR SUPPLIERSI. STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLESThe Code of Conduct for Suppliers is applicable to all suppliers who sell products to KTN Dr. Neuberger for the purpose of resale.II. CHILD LABORKTN Dr. Neuberger will not purchase any product(s) from any supplier, which utilizes child labor or forced child labor. In accordance with International Labor Organization (ILO) convention 138, every employee must be at least fifteen (15) years of age. The age of fourteen (14) would apply to developing countries as defined by the ILO. No employee of whatever age, including apprentices or vocational students, may be employed in breach of local minimum age laws for employment or mandatory schooling. KTN Dr. Neuberger supports suppliers with workplace apprenticeship and work‐study programs aimed at providing young employees educational opportunities.III. FORCED LABORKTN Dr. Neuberger will not purchase any product(s) from any supplier which utilizes any prison, slave, indentured, forced labor, or forced child labor, in the production of any product, including labor required as a means of political coercion or punishment for expression of political views.IV. HEALTH & SAFETYKTN Dr. Neuberger will only purchase product(s) from suppliers who provide workers a safe and healthy work environment including appropriate and adequate facilities and protection from hazardous materials or conditions. Supplier provided housing for workers must also be maintained in a clean and safe fashion.V. ENVIRONMENTALAll suppliers shall comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations including those related to emissions, discharge, and disposal of waste including chemicals.VI. HARASSMENT & ABUSEKTN Dr. Neuberger will only do business with suppliers who treat all workers with dignity and respect. KTN Dr. Neuberger strictly forbids the use of cruel and unusual disciplinary practices in the workplace. Supplier’s facilities must comply with all applicable local laws and regulations governing worker conditions.VII. DISCRIMINATIONKTN Dr. Neuberger will only do business with suppliers who employ workers based on ability to perform a job task, not on the basis of race, creed, gender, personal characteristics or beliefs, or any form of discrimination.VIII. WAGESKTN Dr. Neuberger will only do business with suppliers who ensure that wages paid for all hours worked meet at least the legal minimum wage, overtime wage or the local industry minimumstandards for compensation, whichever is higher. The employer shall also provide all legally mandated benefits.IX. HOURS OF WORKKTN Dr. Neuberger seeks suppliers whose wages address the basic needs of the worker. The supplier shall ensure all applicable laws that pertain to hours or work are followed. Furthermore, overtime work hours plus regular work hours shall not exceed sixty (60) hours in any seven (7) day period. Employees shall also be given at least a twenty four (24) hour rest period per six (6) days. No exceptions to these parameters will be permitted unless pre‐authorized.X. SUBCONTRACTINGAll suppliers that outsource or subcontract work (including homework) shall obtain prior authorization for doing so. If work is done at another location, the outsourcing employer shall be responsible for assuring that the subcontractor is in compliance with the KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct for Suppliers.XI. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATIONWorkers shall be free to join associations of their choice, and be free to lawfully organize and bargain collectively without fear of interference or restriction.XII. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSManagement Systems shall be effectively documented, implemented, maintained, communicated and accessible in a comprehensive manner to all applicable employees to ensure ongoing compliance with KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct for Suppliers.I, undersigned, as a duly authorized officer or director of (company name) ______________________________ that acknowledge I have read KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct and I understand that my business relationship with KTN Dr. Neuberger is based on my full compliance with the KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct.I confirm that all requirements included in the KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conducts are not against in any point to any provisions of the local law in (please country) ____________________________________________________I guarantee and warrant that the provisions of the KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct will be presented to all my cooperators or subcontractors and I guarantee that they will also abide by the terms of the KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct.I hereby authorize KTN Dr. Neuberger and its designated employees, agents or representatives (including any authorized third party) to monitor any time my activities to confirm compliance with the KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct, including unannounced on‐site inspections of manufacturing facilities where the products for KTN Dr. Neuberger are produced and employer‐provided housing; reviews of books and records relating to employment matters (including, but notlimited to proof that all employees meet minimum legal working age and pay requirements), and private interviews with employees. I will maintain on site and ensure veracity of all documentation that may be needed to demonstrate compliance with the KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct.I hereby guarantee that the production of any products for KTN Dr. Neuberger will take place only in the manufacturing facilities approved by KTN Dr. Neuberger.I understand that my failure to abide by the terms of the KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct may result in KTN Dr. Neuberger immediate cancellation or termination of any and all outstanding agreements and purchase orders between KTN Dr. Neuberger and Contractor, including, without limitation:(1) KTN Dr. Neuberger cancellation of orders for goods made while I was not in compliance with the KTN Dr. Neuberger Code of Conduct and(2) my obligation to prompt refund to KTN Dr. Neuberger of any monies paid in connection therewith, and(3) my obligation to cover all damages suffered by KTN Dr. Neuberger with this regard.Name of company: ____________________________Place and Date: _______________________________Authorized and legally binding signature: _______________________________________Name, surename and position of signing person: __________________________________ Company stamp:。