Emil Kelevedjiev,
Se questo è il primo satellite Orbi che si sta aggiungendo alla rete Orbi, attenersi alla seguente procedura:Posizionare il satellite Orbi nell'area centrale della casa per ottenere la migliorecopertura WiFi.Collegare il satellite Orbi a una fonte di alimentazione. Il LED di alimentazione sul pannello posteriore del satellite Orbi si illumina in verde. Se il LED di alimentazione non siaccende, premere il pulsante di alimentazione.2. Posizionare il satellite Orbi (prosegue)Se sono già stati impostati un router e un satellite Orbi sulla rete Orbi, seguirequesta procedura:Posizionare il satellite Orbi in un angolo della propria casa lontano dal router e satelliteOrbi esistenti, ma comunque all'interno dell'area di copertura del router e satellite Orbi.Se la propria abitazione ha più piani, posizionare il satellite Orbi su un piano diverso daquello del router e satellite Orbi esistenti.Collegare il satellite Orbi a una fonte di alimentazione. Il LED di alimentazione sulpannello posteriore del satellite Orbi si illumina in verde. Se il LED di alimentazione non si accende, premere il pulsante di alimentazione.Router Orbi Satellite OrbiRouter OrbiSatellite OrbiSatellite Orbi3. Sincronizzare il satellite OrbiAttendere circa due minuti prima che il LED circolare del satellite Orbi sia bianco fisso.Quindi, premere il pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) sul retro del satellite Orbi e, entro due minuti,premere il pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) sul retro del router Orbi.Il LED circolare del satellite Orbi si accende di colore bianco, in seguito il colore cambia in unodei seguenti colori per circa 3 minuti e quindi si spegne:BluIl router e il satellite Orbi sono stati sincronizzati correttamente e la connessione tra ilrouter e il satellite è buona.ArancioneIl router e il satellite Orbi sono stati sincronizzati correttamente e la connessione tra ilrouter e il satellite è sufficiente. Avvicinare il satellite Orbi al router Orbi.MagentaIl router e il satellite Orbi non sono stati sincronizzati. Spostare il satellite più vicino alrouter e riprovare.LED circolare (non mostrato nell'immagine)Pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) (utilizzato anche per la connessione WPS)Porte Ethernet Porta USBPulsante e LED di alimentazione Connettore di alimentazione CC Pulsante di ripristinoSupportoGrazie per aver acquistato questoprodotto NETGEAR. Visitare il sito Web /support per registrare il prodotto, ricevere assistenza, accedere ai download e manuali più recenti per l'utente e partecipare alla nostra community. Consigliamo di utilizzare solo risorse di assistenza NETGEAR ufficiali.Per consultare la Dichiarazione diconformità UE attuale, visitare la pagina: /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.Per informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, visitare il sito Web all'indirizzo /about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.NETGEAR INTL LTDBuilding 3, University Technology CentreCurraheen Road, Cork, IrlandaNETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria Drive San Jose, CA 95134, Stati Uniti© NETGEAR, Inc. NETGEAR e il logo NETGEAR sono marchi di NETGEAR, Inc. Qualsiasi marchio non NETGEAR è utilizzato solo come riferimento.Ottobre 2016Tutto impostato!Satellite Orbi (modello RBS50)Alimentatore(varia in base all'area geografica)213421567。
CommençonsInstallez l'application Orbi sur votre téléphone mobile ou votre tablette et suivez les instructions de configuration. Ou, pour configurer sans l'application, visitez tout en étant connecté à votre routeur Orbi.Touchez l'icône Security (Sécurité) dans votre application Orbi pour vérifier si la fonction NETGEAR Armor™ est activée.Votre Orbi est livré avec la cybersécurité NETGEAR Armor. A rmor bloque les menaces en ligne comme les pirates et les tentatives d'hameçonnage sur vos appareils.Voyez tout ce quevous pouvez faire avec l'application Orbi! Exécutez un test de vitesse, interrompez Internet, voyez tous les appareils connectés etplus.Télécharger l'application Orbi et installer votre routeur OrbiSécuriser vos appareils avec NETGEAR Armor 2En faire plus avec l'application3Contenu1Bouton Sync5Port réseau local / réseau étendu (LAN/WAN)2Connecteurd'antenne SMA LTE.Antenne en optionet non incluse6Prised'alimentation3Logement pourcarte nano SIM7Voyantd'alimentation4Ports Ethernet8Bouton deréinitialisationRouteur Orbi (modèle NBR750)CâbleEthernetAdaptateur secteur(varie selon la région)Soutien et communautéVisitez /support pour obtenirdes réponses à vos questions et accéderaux plus récents téléchargements.Vous pouvez également vous référerà notre communauté NETGEAR pourprofiter de conseils utiles à.Pour obtenir des renseignements sur laconformité, y compris la déclaration deconformité de l'UE, visitezhttps:///about/regulatory/.Consultez le document relatif à laconformité réglementaire avant debrancher le bloc d’alimentation.NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria Drive San Jose, CA 95134, USA © NETGEAR, Inc., NETGEAR et le logo NETGEAR sont des marquesde commerce de NETGEAR, Inc. Toutes les autres marques decommerce sont utilisées à titre de référence uniquement.Juin 2021Information réglementaireet juridiqueDépannageSi vous éprouvez des difficultés avec l'installation, essayez l'une des solutions suivantes :• Redémarrez votre routeur Orbi, puis essayez de nouveau l'installation avec l'application Orbi.• Exécutez l'assistant de configuration à l'aide de l'interface Web. Visitez tout en étant connecté à votre routeur Orbi pour accéder à l'interface Web.• Désinstallez et réinstallez l'application Orbi et réessayez.Pour en savoir plus, visitez /orbihelp.。
Malekko Quad LFO V.1用户手册说明书
QUAD LFO MANUAL V.1814 SE 14TH AVENUEPORTLAND OR 97214TABLE OF CONTENTS1 SPECIFICATIONSINSTALLATION 2 DESCRIPTION 3 4-6 CONTROLSUSING QUAD LFO WITH VARIGATE 8+ AND VARIGATE 4+ 7 8 WARRANTYSPECIFICATIONSFORMAT:EURORACKDIMENSIONS:12HP, 26mm deepINTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SIGNALS (3.5mm jacks): 0-5V Logic I/OMAX CURRENT:-12V 17mA+12V 85mA+5V: n/aINSTALLATIONRemove module from packaging.Power down your modular synthesizer and disconnect the power cable from the wall outlet.Attach the included power cable to the module’s power connector and connect the other end to the power distribution bus in your EuroRack synthesizer case. Position the red stripe DOWN on your Quad LFO.Position the module on the mounting rails in your EuroRack case and screw down mounting screws. Power up! If your case does not turn on properly then you have installed the module incorrectly. Simply power down and make sure to follow the diagram when reconnecting the module.DESCRIPTIONAn LFO, or low frequency oscillator, sends control voltage out in the shape of a waveform. The Quad LFO available shapes include sine, ramp, saw and pulse and moves through these shapes using the SHAPE slider. You can send these 4 distinct LFOs directly out or to other modules for frequency modulation, VCA control, filter control, etc.What makes this Quad LFO module different is that it also includes a 16 step automation sequencer as well as autosave or expanded preset functions when used in conjunction with Varigate 4+ and Varigate 8+.To create a sequence of automation for an LFO, hold the RECORD button and move the sliders for Frequency, Phase, Shape, Distort and Level and those slider movements will play back automatically as the Quad LFO cycles through the sequence. This sequencing feature allows for a multitude of dynamic possibilities for live performance and recording.Set each LFO to trigger via one of the 4 individual gate inputs, or set channels 2 through 4 to follow channel 1 for quadrature and phase modulation. Change the direction of each channel of sequenced automation to Forward, Reverse, Pendulum or Random. Switch the playback speed and style between Fast, Slow or Tempo Sync. There are also inputs for both Clock and Reset.Features include:- 4 LFOs, each with it's own individual output- 16 steps of automation recording for LFO settings per channel (+ Clear Automation function)- Fold, Bit Crush and Noise distortion- Set each LFO to trigger via one of the 4 gate inputs- Forward, Reverse, Pendulum and Random switch for sequenced automation direction per LFO- Follow Mode (Quadrature)- LFO level control- LFO waveform control- Frequency control- Phase Control- Autosave stand-alone or save up to 16 presets with Varigate 4+ and 100 with Varigate 8+ via busboard- Switch between Fast, Slow or Tempo Sync per LFO- Clock in- Reset inCLK IN:a Varigate 8+ or 4+ if connected to the same busboard.RESET:Each of the 4 LFOs include their own set of parameters that can be adjusted with the sliders. Select LFO buttons 1-4 and then move the sliders to adjust FREQUENCY, PHASE, SHAPE, DISTORT and LEVEL per LFO.FREQUENCY:Sets the frequency of an LFO.PHASE:Sets the phase of an LFO.- Start point from 0 degrees to 360 degreesSHAPE:Moving this slider left to right will morph the shape of the LFO from:SINE - RAMP - TRIANGLE - SAW - PULSE(10 to 90% pulsewidth).DISTORT:Moving this slider left to right will change the type of distortion applied to an LFO:FOLD - BIT CRUSH - NOISELEVEL:Adjust the level of an LFO output.The LEDs to the right of these sliders indicate the position of the slider (brightest red for sliders set all theway to the right).LFO 1-4 CHANNEL SELECT BUTTONS:another one of the buttons and so forth.CLEAR:Holding CLEAR while moving sliders will clear existingautomation recording for that specific control. Holding CLEARwhile pressing a channel select button will clear all automationfor that channel.FAST/SLOW/TEMPO SPEED SWITCH:via this switch. FAST and SLOW modes will ignore incomingclock. The LEDs under the switch represent position.Frequency Ranges:Fast Mode: 1hz to ~2khzSlow Mode: ~3 minutes to 1hzTempo Sync Mode: 64 clock pulses per cycle (or 4 bars) to 1TRIGGER:FOLLOW:select LFO buttons 2-4 and then the FOLLOW button. SMOOTH AND “STEP” FUNCTIONS:The Quad LFO automation sequences are set toSMOOTH by default (we’ve added a bit of slew to thesetransitions so that they are seamless). However if youwant the transitions to be more abrupt for a particularLFO animation sequence, hold the RECORD button whilepressing one of the LFO channel select buttons. You willnow see the sequence steps on LED bargraph pulse in amore step like manner.USING THE QUAD LFO WITH THE VARIGATE 8+OR VARIGATE 4+LFO 1-4 CHANNEL SELECT BUTTONS:When connected to the same power bus, the Quad LFO will receive incoming clock from the Varigate 8+ or Varigate 4+ over the bus (there is no need to connect a clock input to the front of the Quad LFO).Using the Quad LFO in tandem with the Variage 8+ also enables you to save up to 100 Quad LFO presets. To save presets simply hold SAVE and then press one of the Gate channel select buttons on the Varigate 8+ (just as you would normally save a preset on the Varigate 8+). To recall those presets, hold RECALL then select one of the Gate/preset channels on the Varigate 8+.Using Quad LFO in tandem with the Varigate 4+ enables up to 16 Quad LFO presets. Follow the same instructions as outlined for the Varigate 8+.WARRANTYThis product is covered by the Malekko Heavy Industry warranty, for one year following the date of purchase. This warranty covers any defect in the manufacturing of this product. This warranty does not cover any damage or malfunction caused by incorrect use such as, but not limited to, power cables connected backwards, excessive voltage levels, or exposure to extreme temperature or moisture levels. The warranty covers replacement or repair, as decided by Malekko Heavy Industry. Please visit our website to obtain full warranty information and to register your product for coverage.。
3 2位 MC U是 大 势 所 趋 , 飞思卡尔 K i n e t i s E
系 列 应 运 而 生
从 MC U 的规 格 来 看 , 随 着 ARM C o r t e x—M 系列 处 理 器 内核 的推 出 , 3 2位 MC U 产 品在 功 耗 、 价格 , 以及 代 码
K i n e t i s E系 列 主 要技 术 特 点
Ki n e t i s E系 列 的 目标 应 用 包 括 家 用 电 器 、 电 机 控 制 风机 、 计量/ P L C、 后 备 式 UP S 、 工 业 转 换 器 以 及 其 他 通 常
在 高 噪声 环境 运行 的 设 备 。 该 系 列 产 品 的 工 作 电压 提 高
奠基 一i 曩
¨ ¨
《 薯 誊 ≥ 誊 。 曩 曩 ; 誊 ≯ 誊 曩 董 誓 一t 奠
飞 思 卡 尔 Ki n e t i s E 系 列 为 恶 劣 电磁 环 境 而 设 计
飞 思 卡 尔 半 导 体 公 司
目前 微 控 制 器 ( Mc u) 已被广 泛设计 在 汽车 、 消 费 电
MCU 一 直 以来 都 以 3 . 6 V、 1 . 2 V 这 样 的 低 电压 运 行 , 在
◆ 内置 看 门 狗 和 可 编 程 C R C模 块 , 具 有 较 高 的 安
全性 ;
高 噪 声 和强 电气 干 扰 的 环 境 下 甚 至 很 多 家 用 电 器 中 其 稳
定性和可靠性受到考验 , 往往不能满足系统设计的需要 。 为此 , 继 率 先 推 出 基 于 ARM C o r t e x—M0 +处 理 器 的
◆ 单 一电源 ( 2 . 7 ~5 . 5 V) , 有 完整 的功 能 F l a s h编 程/ 擦 除/ 读操作 ;
Philips SHB1400 蓝牙立体声耳机用户指南说明书
Micrófono AlmohadillaT apa USBPiloto LEDVOL -/VOL +Guía de inicio rápido Auriculares estéreo Bluetooth de Philips SHB1400Introducción1Extraiga la tapa USB.2Conecte el auricular a un puerto USB activo de un PC o a un adaptador dealimentación con salida USB.Coloque la almohadilla en eloído y gire el auricular haciaarriba o hacia abajo hasta que seajuste de forma segura.Para un ajuste aún más seguro,coloque el gancho para la oreja:presione la junta de rótula entre laalmohadilla y el auricular.Ajuste del auricular OpcionalEmparejamiento del auricular con el teléfono móvil1Asegúrese de que el auricular estácargado y apagado.2Asegúrese de que el teléfono móvilestá encendido y tiene la funciónBluetooth activada.3Pulse hasta que el piloto LEDempiece a parpadear en rojo y azulalternando ambos colores. No deje depulsar el botón cuando el piloto LEDse ilumine únicamente en azul.4Empareje el auricular con el teléfonomóvil. Para obtener más información,consulte el manual de usuario delteléfono móvil.Settings ConnectivitySelect BackEnter PasswordSettingsDevices FoundSelect BackPhilips SHB1400Settings ConnectivityBluetoothSelect BackAddBluetoothdeviceAlgunos teléfonos móvilesno necesitan el códigoPIN "0000"..Para obtener el manual de usuario completo, consulte /welcome .Uso del auricular * Disponible si es compatible con su teléfono móvil.Piloto LED e indicación de sonido© 2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights reserved.Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.V2.0 Welcome to Philips!For an optimal experience, register your product at /welcome。
无人机系统集成考试 选择题 50题
1. 无人机系统中的“GCS”指的是什么?A. Ground Control StationB. Global Communication SystemC. Geographic Coordination SystemD. General Control Software2. 无人机飞行控制系统中,哪个组件负责接收和处理飞行员的指令?A. AutopilotB. TransmitterC. ReceiverD. Gyroscope3. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个传感器主要用于检测障碍物?A. GPSB. LiDARC. CameraD. Thermometer4. 无人机电池通常使用哪种化学物质?A. Lithium-ionB. Nickel-cadmiumC. AlkalineD. Lead-acid5. 无人机飞行中的“FPV”是什么意思?A. First Person ViewB. Flight Path VerificationC. Frequency Phase VariationD. Full Power View6. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于传输实时视频?A. TransmitterB. ReceiverC. CameraD. Modem7. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责数据存储和处理?A. MicrocontrollerB. Memory cardC. SensorD. Transmitter8. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行稳定?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter9. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量高度?A. AltimeterB. ThermometerC. HygrometerD. Anemometer10. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责提供动力?A. MotorB. BatteryC. PropellerD. Controller11. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于导航?A. GPSB. GyroscopeC. AltimeterD. Transmitter12. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量风速?A. AnemometerB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Altimeter13. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行方向?A. RudderB. AileronC. ElevatorD. Flap14. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持水平飞行?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter15. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量温度?A. ThermometerB. HygrometerC. AnemometerD. Altimeter16. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行速度?A. ThrottleB. RudderC. AileronD. Elevator17. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行高度?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Altimeter18. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量湿度?A. HygrometerB. ThermometerC. AnemometerD. Altimeter19. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行姿态?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter20. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行路径?A. GPSB. GyroscopeC. AutopilotD. Transmitter21. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量气压?A. BarometerB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Anemometer22. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行模式?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter23. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行速度?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Throttle24. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量风向?A. AnemometerB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Altimeter25. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行轨迹?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter26. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行稳定性?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter27. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量光照强度?A. Lux meterB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Anemometer28. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行高度?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Altimeter29. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行方向?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter30. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量电磁场强度?A. EMF meterB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Anemometer31. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行姿态?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter32. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行路径?A. GPSB. GyroscopeC. AutopilotD. Transmitter33. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量声音强度?A. Sound level meterB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Anemometer34. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行模式?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter35. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行速度?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Throttle36. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量振动强度?A. Vibration meterB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Anemometer37. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行轨迹?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter38. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行稳定性?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter39. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量辐射强度?A. Geiger counterB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Anemometer40. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行高度?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Altimeter41. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行方向?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter42. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量电流强度?A. AmmeterB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Anemometer43. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行姿态?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter44. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行路径?A. GPSB. GyroscopeC. AutopilotD. Transmitter45. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量电压强度?A. VoltmeterB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Anemometer46. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行模式?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter47. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行速度?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Throttle48. 无人机在执行任务时,哪个设备用于测量电阻强度?A. OhmmeterB. HygrometerC. ThermometerD. Anemometer49. 无人机系统中,哪个组件负责控制飞行轨迹?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter50. 无人机飞行中,哪个系统用于保持飞行稳定性?A. AutopilotB. GyroscopeC. GPSD. Transmitter答案:1. A2. C3. B4. A5. A6. A7. B8. A9. A10. B11. A12. A13. A14. A15. A16. A17. D18. A19. A20. A21. A22. A23. D24. A25. A26. A27. A28. D29. A30. A31. A32. A33. A34. A35. D36. A37. A38. A39. A40. D41. A42. A43. A44. A45. A46. A47. D48. A49. A50. A。
EV忠实地收录并传播了历史上多个伟大时刻的现场声音,从美国著名航天英雄John Glenn的第一次绕地球轨道飞行,到教皇保罗二世的首次访美,从马丁.路德金“我有一个梦想”的演说,再到肯尼迪总统的就职典礼。
EV的成功案例遍布全国,无论是广州白云国际会议中心、厦门国际会议中心等会展中心;武汉洪山礼堂、北京市政协礼堂等政府项目;还是河南艺术中心、云南聂耳大剧院等专业剧院;又或是澳门东亚运动会体育馆(澳门蛋)、济南奥体中心、南京奥体中心、广东奥体中心等体育场馆,EV 传送的声音响彻了神州大地。
EV的成功来自于技术的不断创新,让我们一起来了解一下EV 在扩声系统中的技术吧。
高频单元:ND2 高能、紧凑的钕磁钢高频驱动器——EV当今最通用的高频驱动器,设计极其轻巧,但可提供持久的高频响应。
借 助 Q S s 统 , 议 中 心 内 的 所有 会 议 厅 均 可 以 独立 —y 系 会 使用 , 开 会议 和 演 出 活 动 : 可 以 自定 义 任 意 多 个 会 议 室 召 也
器的 3 D虚 拟 场景 ,之 后通 过 与 南 非 的 销售 工 程 师 模 拟 现 场
效果。 微调 每 一 个 角 落 的设 备 , 到 实现 “ 论 在 哪 一 个 角 落 直 无 都 能及 时 有 效地 接 收 到 清 晰音 质 ” 目标 。 的 公 信 50 3 0系 列 讨 论 表 决 系统 具 有 抗 手 机 干 扰 。 8 。 1 0 翻 转保 护 , 拾音 距 离 远 , 可插 拔 咪 杆 , 置扬 声 器 等 特 点 。 内
Q C公 Ss 网络 0 一S 司新 近 推 出 Q— y 系统 新 的配 套 产 品— — “
e CQs 网 音 系 家 喜 新 Q —s 络 频 统 族 添 丁 S y
唐 山紫 天 鹅 度假 村 会 议 系 统采 用 QS 产 品 C
唐 山紫 天 鹅 度 假 村 会 议 室 的主 控 系统 采 用 美 国 Q C公 S 司 的大 型 网 络 音频 矩 阵 系 统 Q Ss系统 。Q Ss 统 是一 套 —y —y 系
鹅 颈式 两 种 传 声 器 。 呼 叫 站 面 板 配 备 了 20 6 ( 辨 率 ) 4x0 分 的
中央处 理 单 元 来 完 成 音频 处 理 功 能 , 最 小 型 号 单 机 处理 能 其
力 是其 他 同类 产 品 的 5倍 在 本 次 项 目 中 . 配 置 了 一 台 中 型 音 频 处 理 主 机 C R 30 O E 0 0在 二 层 主 机 房 , O E 0 0通 过 星 型 以太 网 连 接 C R 30 到 每一 个 会 议 室 , 照 会 议 室 音 频 处 理要 求 ( 多 功 能厅 音 按 或 频 处 理 要求 ) ,实 时处 理 每 一 个 会 议 室 的 音 频输 入 和 输 出 信 号 。每个 会 议 室 中配 置 I R ME网 络音 频 接 口设 备 并 配 / FA O
了解相应算法的硬件工程师提供书面说 明文档。这
种新 的热成 像 算法 开发 工作 流程 还可 消除将 算 法手 动 转换 成 HD L的过程 中容 易 出错 的步骤 , 开发 人 使
高系统效率 。( 自飞兆半导体 ) 来
A 出同类产品 中 D推 l 功 效最高的转换 器
A I 日推 出 内置 25V基 准 电压 源 、超低 功 D 近 . 耗 、2位 、 P A ( 次 逼近 型 寄存 器 ) 系列 l 1 MS SS R 逐
而 不 必耗 费数 周 的时 间。 借助 M T A A L B和 HD oe,LR的算 法 工程 LC drF I 师 可 以 自行生 成 F G P A原 型 ,无 需 为可 能并 不完 全
这些 60 B 0 V I T提 供 5 至 1A 的 电 流 额 定 G A 5 值 , 过 低 V E(a) 定 值 能够 最 大 限度 地 减 少 通 C st 额 功率 损 耗 , 同时满 足 严格 的节能 指标 。 这些 器 件具 有 1 s的短 路耐 受 时 间 ( C = 5 V、 G = 5 O V E 30 V E 1V、 R = 0  ̄ 、 j10 g 10 T= 5 %时 ) 和快 速 开关速 度 , 而可提 从
电池 供 电数 据采 集模 块 、 手持 式计 量表 、 场仪 器仪 现 表、 能量 采集 应 用 和医疗 设备 , 如便 携式 心 电 图与心
率监护仪 。这款器件是同类产 品中功效最高的转换
器 ,功 耗 比最 接 近 的 S RA C竞 争 产 品低 7%以 A D 0 上, 封装 尺寸 比 内置 基准 电压 源 的 1 2位转 换器 竞争
产 品 小 3 %。 3 A 7 9 R 内核 在 1 P D01 S下 工 作 ,电压 为 3V MS
AERIAL INTELLIGENCE. SECURE INTEGRATION. INSTANTL Y CONNECTED. MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS AERIAL SUITEDRONES - A VALUED PUBLIC SAFETY RESOURCE75%of law enforcement survey respondents say deploying video and analytics software is criticalIMMEDIATE ON-SCENEAWARENESSCOST DISRUPTERCAPABLE RESPONDER1/10thof the cost of dispatching an officer and police vehicle to the scene70%of capabilities currently provided by helicopter response can be deliveredby drone responseEquipment cost Personnel cost$6M$2500/hr$1M$700/hr$60,000$120/hr$50,000$70/hr$20,000$20/hr$10,000~$0/hrProven Effective - Unaffordable Critical Resource IntensiveREAL-TIME INTELLIGENCE COST DISRUPTIONAerial Suite - Today andTomorrowCUSTOMER: CHULA VISTA POLICE DEPARTMENTDrones used as a first responder gives us much better situational awareness,and what that means to the public is that our police officers have the best data before they ever get to a call. It improves officer safety, community safety and suspect safety. Captain Vern Sallee, Chula Vista Police DepartmentChula Vista drone program●Launched October, 2018●Utilizes Motorola Solutions Aerial Suite●Selected for the San Diego UnmannedAircraft System (UAS) Integration PilotProgram (IPP), sponsored by US DOT andFAA●Provides First-On-Scene intelligence;overwatch and perspective on scenedevelopments●Allows incident management andcoordination●Delivers live decision-quality data (DQD)Drone activity by the numbers*●Total number of flight responses - 1037●Average response time / first on scene- 195.62 seconds●Drone response avoided dispatchingpatrol unit - 229●First on scene - 480●Number of arrests - 142* January - December 2019Top 5 call types using drone responseTijuana drone program●Announced May, 2019●Utilizes Motorola Solutions Aerial Suite●First “drone as a first responder” program in Mexico ●Dispatched to 9-1-1 calls with real-time video feed●Supports emergency response efforts within a 3 km radius of Tijuana Public Safety headquartersCUSTOMER: TIJUANA, MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETYDrone activity by the numbers*●Total number of flight responses - 1325●Average response time / first on scene - 38 seconds●Drone response avoided dispatching patrol unit - 775●First on scene - 800●Number of arrests - 85* June - December 2019We have seen the benefits of drone use for public safety first-hand , and are extremely proud to be at the forefront of adopting the technology.Marco Antonio Sotomayor Amezcua, Tijuana Secretary of Public SafetyTODAY AND TOMORROW: AERIAL INTELLIGENCE. SECURE INTEGRATION. INSTANTL Y CONNECTED.TRUSTED AND SECURE Employ a trusted, securedtechnology stack to protectcritical informationShield sensitive operations andvideo evidence with securityand compliance management*Manufactured in the U.S. to ensuresensitive data and system operationsare not compromised*REMOTE DEPLOYMENT, OPERATIONS Engage a first, first response by accelerating eyes-on-the-scene to better guide incident response*Manage drone fleet, control videofeeds, view alerts directly from public safety operations center* * Release 1VIDEO SOLUTIONSPLATFORMInstantly select and mobilize live videostreams to operators, fieldcommanders and response teams*Further expand reach of videosolutions platform that includesmobile and fixed cameras*BIG DATAUNIFICATIONUnify drone video with public safetydata (CommandCentral) to enhanceAI performance, extract insightsTransform video / data into real-timeintelligence, share immediately andimprove workflows*THE AERIAL SUITE PROVIDES ●●●HOLISTIC TECHNOLOGY STACK VIDEO, AI, APPLICATIONS, DRONECOMMAND CENTER SOFTWARE APPLICATION SERVICES EMBEDDED ANAL YTICSUNMANNED AERIAL APPLIANCE●Connected with CommandCentraland Integrated Workflows●Real-time Intelligence andSituational Awareness●MSI MC Group Video (MCGV)●AI assisted flight controls●AR map overlays for enhancedawareness●Trusted and Secure Hardware●Made in the USA●Custom user experiencefor Public SafetyRemote FlightOperations(Aerial Command)Real-timeAwareness (Aware)Remote Dispatch(CAD)Secure EvidenceManagement(DEMS)Advanced Flight Control and Safety Features(Aerial Pilot, Aerial Watch)Semi-AutonomousMSI Video Analytics (Fixed and Mobile Video,License Plate Recognition)Trusted Drone H/W(DoD / DHS Approved)APPLICATION SERVICESAerial Pilot is a smartphone /tablet client for iOS. The clientsecurely connects the drone toAerial Command to providelocal control, safety andvisibility for drone operations.Aerial Watch is a smartphone /tablet client of iOS and Android.Securely view live video streams,receive alerts regarding missions,and view drone location updateswith Aerial Watch.Aerial Command is a web-based clientwith full command center capabilitiesfor drone operations. With AerialCommand you can remotely operateany drone, view live streams, runcustom reports, and view and controlmedia archives.YTICSAERIAL SUITE: ARCHITECTUREENTERPRISE APPLICATIONAerial PilotAerial WatchINTERNETINTERNETL TEWiFiAerial CommandAerial WatchAerial SuiteLEGENDSECURE CLOUDEncryption Video Telemetry ControlDroneENTERPRISE APPLICATIONAerial WatchINTERNETINTERNETL TEWiFiAerial CommandAerial WatchAerial SuiteLEGENDSECURE CLOUDEncryption Video Telemetry Control1: INITIALIZEDispatch a field operative on-site with a drone and iPad. Using the Aerial Pilot app, create a geofence, turn on the drone, and verify preflight checklist. The drone is now ready to be connected by the remote operator.Aerial PilotDroneENTERPRISE APPLICATIONAerial WatchINTERNETINTERNETL TE WiFi Aerial CommandAerial WatchAerial SuiteLEGENDSECURE CLOUDEncryption Video Telemetry Control2: CONNECT , FL YOnce connected, the remote operator initiates drone flight and is able to effectively control the drone using Aerial Pilot, our simple and intuitive interface. Advanced automated flight features pilot the drone to predefined locations or routes. Geofences aid in avoiding hazards and make it impossible forthe operator to crash the drone.Aerial PilotDroneENTERPRISE APPLICATIONAerial PilotINTERNETAerial CommandAerial WatchAerial SuiteLEGENDSECURE CLOUDEncryption Video Telemetry ControlDroneAerial WatchINTERNETL TEWiFi3: WATCH, STREAM Livestream to interested parties using Aerial Watch. Real-time video is viewable from both the computer and mobile devices.Aerial PilotAerial WatchINTERNETINTERNETL TEWiFiAerial CommandAerial WatchLEGENDEncryption Video Telemetry ControlDroneENTERPRISE APPLICATIONAerial SuiteSECURE CLOUD4: MANAGE DATA, USERS AND DRONESYour data is stored on a private portal to ensuresecurity and streamline access. The portal provides the tools to create, archive, and manage everything you need for your operation.Aerial PilotAerial WatchINTERNETINTERNETL TEWiFiAerial CommandAerial WatchAerial Command LEGENDEncryption Video Telemetry ControlDroneENTERPRISE APPLICATIONSECURE CLOUD5: ALWAYS SECURE Our Aerial Suite provides secure portal access for you, your team and youroperations. Authorize member access, administer privileges and provideencrypted streams to enable your team with a secure and safe operation.Drone deploymentThe drone is easily launched before the search warrant is executed. This gives the officers time to prepare and the telepresence officer to connect and control the drone.Drone missionDrone provides overwatch andcoverage to areas of the location that are not easily accessible to ground units. it can easily chase and track fleeing suspects on foot.TACTICAL DEPLOYMENT MISSIONSITUATIONServing search warrant with perceived safety riskEscalating eventSearch warrants have a high ceiling of risk because the officers do not know what is inside the house, guns, explosives, etc.Resolution and benefitsOfficer safety risk is reduced, video evidence captures events within frame, headquarters maintains situational awareness of their patrolling officers.Drone deploymentRemote drone pilot deploys drone from a pre-positioned location to fly towards the 911 location, avoiding traffic and utilizing the safest and mosteconomical path. Once on station, uses high magnification zoom cameras to inspect the situation.DRONE AS A FIRST RESPONDERSITUATION911 call reports a fire spotted at the top of a remote mountainDrone missionOn station, drone delivers real-time, mobile, video intelligence to Emergency Service agenciesResolution and benefitsDrone is on-scene faster than a human responder, saving valuable time. Real-time video allows the agency to dispatch the proper resourcesEXAMPLE OF DRONE DEPLOYMENT AREA FOR 911 EMERGENCIESSUMMARYMOTOROLA SOLUTIONS AERIAL SUITE●Cost-effective first eyes on scene video solution●Secure approach (end-to-end technology stack, NISTsecurity standards, American components andUS-manufactured)●Safety focused (remote deployment, objection detection,collision avoidance techniques)●Regulations compliant as appropriate (FAA, FCC)●User interfaces and experience designed specifically forPublic Safety operations●Integratable into Motorola Solutions’ mission-criticalworkflowTHANK YOUMOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2020 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.。
飞思卡尔推出超小型ARM Powered微控制器Kinetis KL02
智能并采用 电池供 电的器件 , 驱 动 这 些 器 件 的 MC U( 微
控制器 ) 必 须 以更 小 的体 积 提 供 卓 越 的性 能 、 能效和连接 。
飞思 卡 尔 半 导 体 公 司凭 借 新 的 Ki n e t i s KL 0 2 MCU— — 极 小 的 ARM P o we r e d MCU, 来 顺 应 这 种 小 型化 趋 势 。对 于 应 用 中 的超 小 型产 品 , 如便携 式消费 电子设 备 、 远 程 传 感
产 品 。飞 思 卡 尔 计 划 在 2 0 1 3年 陆 续 推 出 其 他 性 能 更 高 、
内存 更 大 、 有 更 多 功 能 选 项 的 Ki n e t i s C S P MCU。
的低 功 耗 性 能 以 及 一 系 列 模
能 效 和 特 性 集 成
Ki n e t i s KL 0 2 MC U 基0 + 内
L e e s表 示 : “ 飞 思 卡 尔 凭 借 Ki n e t i s系 列 产 品 组 合 , 在 ARM P o we r e d MCU 市 场 的很 多 方 面一 直 处 于 领 先 地 位 。 我 们 第 一 个 将 基 于 ARM C o r t e x—M4和 Co r t e x—M0 + 处 理 器 的 MCU 推 向市 场 , 设 立 了 入 门级 MC U 能 效 的 新 标准 , 现 在 我 们 已 经 创 建 了世 界 上 最 小 的 ARM P o we r e d
提供 1 5 . 9 CM/ mA, 而 且 像 其 他 Ki n e t i s MCU 一 样 , 它 包
括 功 耗 智 能 的 自 主外 设 ( 在这 种情 况下 , 有 一 个 AD C、 一 个 UAR T和一个定 时器 ) , 1 0种 灵 活 的 功 率 模 式 以 及 广 泛 的时 钟 和 电 源 门 控 , 以 最 大 限度 地 减 少 功 率 损 耗 。低 功 耗 的 引 导 模 式 在 引 导 序 列 或 深 度 睡 眠 唤 醒 模 式 期 间 可 降 低功率峰值 , 这 对 电池 化学 限制 容 许 峰 值 电流 的 系 统 非 常 有用 , 例如那些采用锂离子 电池 的系统 , 锂 离 子 电池 常 应 用 于 便 携 式设 备 中 。
一、种族EN CN1Caldari加达里2Minmatar米玛塔尔4Amarr艾玛8Gallente盖伦特二、势力500001Caldari State加达里经济合众国500002Minmatar Republic米玛塔尔共和国500003Amarr Empire艾玛帝国500004Gallente Federation盖伦特联邦500005Jove Empire朱庇特帝国500006CONCORD Assembly统一合作关系部500007Ammatar艾玛达共和国500008Khanid Kingdom卡尼迪王国500009The Syndicate辛迪加财团500010Guristas Pirates古斯塔斯海盗500011Angel Cartel天使企业联合体500012The Blood Raider Covenant血袭者同盟500013The InterBus星际快捷客运联合体500014ORE外空联合矿业集团500015Thukker Tribe图克尔部落500016The Servant Sisters of EVE EVE姐妹共济会500017The Society真理会500018Mordu's Legion Command莫德团500019Sansha's Nation萨沙共和国500020Serpentis天蛇三、血统1Deteis蒂泰斯2Civire赛维勒3Sebiestor赛毕斯托4Brutor布鲁特5Amarr艾玛6Ni-Kunni尼库恩纳7Gallente盖伦特8Intaki印塔基9Achura阿赫尔10Vherokior维洛奇亚11Khanid卡尼迪12Jin-Mei梅京四、公司1000002CBD Corporation CBD社团1000003Prompt Delivery疾速快递1000004Ytiri耶利集团1000005Hyasyoda Corporation三岛集团1000006Deep Core Mining Inc.深核矿业公司1000007Poksu Mineral Group波斯矿业股份1000008Minedrill矿钻集团1000009Caldari Provisions加达里后勤部1000010Kaalakiota Corporation卡拉吉塔集团1000011Wiyrkomi Corporation维克米集团1000012Top Down倒顶集团1000013Rapid Assembly速装工业1000014Perkone佩克昂集团1000015Caldari Steel加达里钢铁集团1000016Zainou载诺集团1000017Nugoeihuvi Corporation纳基维集团1000018Echelon Entertainment梯队娱乐公司1000019Ishukone Corporation异株湖集团1000020Lai Dai Corporation莱戴集团1000021Zero-G Research Firm无过载研究公司1000022Propel Dynamics推进动力集团1000023Expert Distribution行家物流公司1000024CBD Sell Division CBD销售部1000025Sukuuvestaa Corporation斯库维塔集团1000026Caldari Constructions加达里建筑集团1000027Expert Housing行家住宅公司1000028Caldari Funds Unlimited加达里无限基金集团1000029State and Region Bank国家星域银行1000030Modern Finances现代金融1000031Chief Executive Panel CEO合作组织1000032Mercantile Club商业俱乐部1000033Caldari Business Tribunal加达里商业法庭1000034House of Records国家档案所1000035Caldari Navy加达里海军1000036Internal Security内安局1000037Lai Dai Protection Service莱戴护卫服务公司1000038Ishukone Watch异株湖安全部队1000039Home Guard家庭保安公司1000040Peace and Order Unit共和秩序局1000041Spacelane Patrol空间航线巡管局1000042Wiyrkomi Peace Corps维克米和平工业1000043Corporate Police Force联合警备队1000044School of Applied Knowledge应用知识学院1000045Science and Trade Institute科学及贸易学会1000046Sebiestor tribe赛毕斯托部族1000047Krusual tribe克鲁夏部族1000048Vherokior tribe维洛奇亚部族1000049Brutor tribe布鲁特部族1000050Republic Parliament共和议会1000051Republic Fleet共和舰队1000052Republic Justice Department共和国司法部1000053Urban Management市政管理局1000054Republic Security Services共和安全局1000055Minmatar Mining Corporation米玛塔尔矿业联合体1000056Core Complexion Inc.核心局面公司1000057Boundless Creation无限创造1000058Eifyr and Co.埃菲尔公司1000059Six Kin Development塞克斯金发展公司1000060Native Freshfood土产公司1000061Freedom Extension自由扩张集团1000062The Leisure Group罗述集团1000063Amarr Constructions艾玛建设1000064Carthum Conglomerate天主凝聚会1000065Imperial Armaments帝国总装部1000066Viziam维鲜集团1000067Zoar and Sons佐洱父子集团1000068Noble Appliances高尚用具公司1000069Ducia Foundry杜厦铸造1000070HZO Refinery HZO精炼集团1000071Inherent Implants继承芯片集团1000072Imperial Shipment帝国运输1000073Amarr Certified News艾玛认证通讯社1000074Joint Harvesting联合收割1000075Nurtura努图拉集团1000076Further Foodstuffs长足食品1000077Royal Amarr Institute艾玛皇家学院1000078Imperial Chancellor帝国议长专团1000079Amarr Civil Service艾玛内政部1000080Ministry of War军务部1000081Ministry of Assessment国土评估局1000082Ministry of Internal Order内务府1000083Amarr Trade Registry艾玛商管局1000084Amarr Navy艾玛海军1000085Court Chamberlain张伯伦集团1000086Emperor Family皇室专署集团1000087Kador Family卡多尔家族1000088Sarum Family萨拉姆家族1000089Kor-Azor Family柯埃佐家族1000090Ardishapur Family阿狄莎波家族1000091Tash-Murkon Family塔什蒙贡家族1000092Civic Court民事法庭1000093Theology Council神学理事会1000094TransStellar Shipping泛星船运1000095Federal Freight联邦货运局1000096Inner Zone Shipping短途物流1000097Material Acquisition物资集团1000098Astral Mining Inc.星形矿业1000099Combined Harvest复合收割1000100Quafe Company酷菲集团1000101CreoDron西顿工业1000102Roden Shipyards莱登船业1000103Allotek Industries阿洛特工业1000104Poteque Pharmaceuticals波特克制药1000105Impetus促进工业1000106Egonics Inc.自尊集团1000107The Scope视角传媒1000108Chemal Tech切玛科技1000109Duvolle Laboratories度沃勒实验室1000110FedMart飞马集团1000111Aliastra埃拉斯多集团1000112Bank of Luminaire泛光银行1000113Pend Insurance彭德保险1000114Garoun Investment Bank加罗恩投资银行1000115University of Caille凯勒大学1000116President总统团队1000117Senate参议院1000118Supreme Court联邦最高法院1000119Federal Administration联邦政府部1000120Federation Navy联邦海军1000121Federal Intelligence Office联邦情报处1000122Federation Customs联邦海关局1000123Ammatar Fleet艾玛达舰队1000124Archangels大天使集团1000125CONCORD统合关系司令部1000126Ammatar Consulate艾玛达领事馆1000127Guristas古斯塔斯集团1000128Mordu's Legion莫德团1000129Outer Ring Excavations外空联合矿业集团1000130Sisters of EVE EVE姐妹会1000131Society of Conscious Thought理性思维社团1000132Secure Commerce Commission商业安全委员会1000133Salvation Angels救赎天使集团1000134Blood Raiders血袭者1000135Serpentis Corporation天蛇集团1000136Guardian Angels守护天使集团1000137DED DED1000138Dominations主天使集团1000139Food Relief粮食救济会1000140Genolution格鲁汀集团1000141Guristas Production古斯塔斯制造1000142Impro印普罗集团1000143Inner Circle协约理事会1000144Intaki Bank印塔基银行1000145Intaki Commerce印塔基商业局1000146Intaki Space Police印塔基空间警察局1000147Intaki Syndicate印塔基联合财团1000148InterBus星捷运1000149Jove Navy朱庇特海军1000150Jovian directorate朱庇特内议会1000151Khanid Innovation卡尼迪创新集团1000152Khanid Transport卡尼迪运输1000153Khanid Works卡尼迪工作室1000154Nefantar Miner Association内凡达矿业协会1000155Prosper昌隆集团1000156Royal Khanid Navy卡尼迪皇家海军1000157Serpentis Inquest天蛇集团调查处1000158Shapeset锋锐工业1000159The Sanctuary避难会1000160Thukker Mix图克尔混合企业1000161True Creations忠实制造1000162True Power实力派1000163Trust Partners信任伙伴集团1000164X-Sense超感集团1000165Hedion University赫迪农大学1000166Imperial Academy帝国学院1000167State War Academy国立军事学院1000168Federal Navy Academy联邦海军学院1000169Center for Advanced Studies高级教育中心1000170Republic Military School共和军事学院1000171Republic University共和大学1000172Pator Tech School帕特工学院五、部门1Accounting会计2Administration行政3Advisory咨询4Archives档案5Astrosurveying空间勘测6Command司令部7Distribution物流8Financial财政9Intelligence情报10Internal Security内部安全11Legal法务12Manufacturing制造13Marketing市场14Mining开采15Personnel人事16Production生产17Public Relations公关18R&D研发19Security保安20Storage存储21Surveillance侦察六、空间站服务1Bounty Missions赏金任务4Courier Missions快递任务16Reprocessing Plant再生32Refinery精炼64Market市场512Cloning克隆4096Repair Facilities维修8192Factory工厂16384Laboratory实验室65536Fitting装配1048576Insurance保险2097152Docking停靠4194304Office Rental办公室租赁。
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3.正文:Fabulae AesopiIn loco longe procul,ibi habitavit lepus.In eodem loco, vulpes habitat.Lepus est parvus et timidos,vulpes autem est astuta et callida.Quadam die,lepus clamavit ad vulpem,"O vulpes,intellego te esse sapientem et astutam.Volo discere a te."Vulpes risit et dixit,"Cur vult lepus discere a vulpe?"Lepus respondit,"Quia ego scio te esse eundem locum venit et sucius."Vulpes remisit et dixit,"Si vis scire,sequere me."Itaque,lepus secutus est vulpem per silvam.Tandem,vulpes surrexit et dixit,"Hic est locus ubi ego venio et sucius. Sed,lepus,tu non vides sucius."Lepus miratus est et dixit,"Cur vult vulpes ostendere mihi locum ubi non est sucius?"Vulpes risit et dixit,"Lepus stultus,ego te decepi.Ego nunquam dixi tibi verum."Lepus tristis est et dixit,"Stultus sum quod credidi tibi."Moralitas:Hoc fabula docet nos curandum esse de fide.Non omnes sunt sicut videntur.Oportet nobis esse cauti et non credere facile.4.结论:通过这个拉丁文版的伊索寓言,我们可以领悟到一个重要的道德教训,即不能轻易相信他人。
VanguardIntegrated AmplifierSETUP GUIDEGetting StartedThank you for your purchase of the Krell Vanguard Remote Control Integrated Amplifier. This fully integrated amplifier and preamplifier has a discrete signal path from input to output and employs a wide bandwidth design with low negative feedback for sonic accuracy throughout the frequency spectrum. All circuits up to the driver stage operate in pure Class A.Krell’s new surface mount technology (SMT) means that the Vanguard is an integrated amplifier with big power—200 Watts per channel—that does not require big space. SMT allows individual circuit elements to be placed very close together. This shortens signal paths and allows circuit elements to operate at the same temperature, resulting in more accurate signal transfer and enhanced reliablilty.The Vanguard is easy to operate and integrate into your system. The remote control accesses all amplifier functions, and remote control connection options allow theVanguard to be easily connected with other components. The Theater Throughput feature provides easy integration of the amplifier into a home theater system. An optional digital module adds a full range of digital technologies and connections.Do not place the integrated amplifier where it could be exposed to dripping or splashing.Do not remove or bypass the ground pin on the end of the AC cord. This may cause radio frequency interference (RFI) to be introduced into your playback system.The ventilation slots on the top and bottom of the integrated amplifier must beunobstructed at all times during operation. Do not place flammable material on top of or beneath the component.T urn off all systems’ power before connecting the integrated amplifier to any component.Make sure all cable terminations are of the highest quality, free from frayed ends, short circuits, or cold solder joints.THERE ARE NO USER-SERVICEABLE P ARTS INSIDE ANY KRELL PRODUCT .1. O pen the shipping box and remove the top layer of foam. Y ou will see these items:2. Carefully remove all items from the shipping box.3. P lace the preamplifier and power supply in a safe location and remove the protectiveplastic wrapping.Place the Vanguard on a firm, level surface, away from excessive heat, humidity, or moisture. The integrated amplifier requires at least one inch (2.54 cm) of clearance on each side and at least two inches (5 cm) of clearance above to provide ade-quate ventilation. Installations inside cabinetry may need extra ventilation.Krell Vanguard 1Krell Industries, LLC., 45 Connair Road,Orange, CT 06477-3650 USA TEL203-298-4000,FAX203-891-2028,*****************************WEB SITE Connecting the Vanguardto Y our SystemBecause of its powerful amplifier channels and high-capacity power supply , the Vanguard will benefit from a dedicated AC circuit. Avoid connections through extension cords or multiple AC adapters. High quality AC power strips are acceptable. Please contact your authorized Krell dealer, distributor befor using any devices designed to alter or stabilize the AC power for the Vanguard.Follow these steps to conect the Vanguard to your system.1. Make sure all power sources and components are off before connecting inputs andoutputs.2. Neatly organize wiring between the Vanguard and all system components. Separate ACwires from audio cables to prevent hum or other unwanted noise from being introduced into the system.3. C onnect an Ethernet cable from your network router to the integrated amplifier's Ethernetport (14). Although, not necessary for operation, connection to your home network allows easy software updates for future feature enhancements. 4. Connect the left and right loudspeaker cables to the integrated amplifier's left and rightloudspeaker output terminals (13).5. Connect the left and right outputs of your source components to the appropriate analoginputs (15, 16) on the Vanguard. 6. If equipped with the optional digital module, connect digital sources to the appropriatedigital inputs (20) on the Vanguard.7. Plug the AC cord into the IEC connector (19) on the back panel of the Vanguard. Plug theremaining end into the AC wall receptacle. T urn on the power switch on the rear panel. The red stand-by indicator (2) illuminates and the display shows the software version, serial number, and IP address.When powering up any system, alway turn amplifiers on last. When powering down, always turn amplifiers off first.1. When the amplifier is in stand-by mode, with the red stand-by indicator (2), turn theamplifier on by pressing the power button on the front panel or the power key on the remote control (1). There are audible clicks. The blue power indicator (2) illuminates. The Vanguard is now in the operational mode.2. With the amplifier in the mute position, or the volume control fully attenuated, select asource from the front panel or the remote control.3. Start playing the source.4. Set the volume to a comfortable listening level using the up or down keys on the frontpanel or the level keys on the remote control (3).5. T o turn the amplifier off, press the power button on the front panel or the power key onthe remote control (1). The red stand-by indicator (2) illuminates. It is now safe to turn off the rest of the system.4 Krell VanguardOperating the Vanguard1 Vanguard unit1 Owner's Reference 1 Remote control1 T -10 T orx wrench for remote2 AAA remote batteriesPlacementAC POWER GUIDELINESSERIAL NUMBER:Krell recommends using balanced interconnect cables. Balanced interconnect cables not only can minimize sonic loss but are also immune to induced noise, especially with installations using long cables. Balancedconnections have 6 dB more gain than single-ended connections. When level matching is critical, keep this gain value in mind.UnpackingNoteSave all packing materials. If you need to ship the Illusion II in the future, repack the unit in its original packaging to prevent shipping damage.MODEL: Vanguard Integrated AmplifierWARNINGS This product complies with the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) and the low-voltage directive (73/23/EEC).This CLASS 1 apparatus must be connected to a MAINS socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.32 Krell Vanguard Krell Vanguard 3Figure 1 The Vanguard Front Panel Figure 2 The Vanguard Remote ControlFigure 3The Vanguard Back PanelThis product is manufactured in the United States of America. Krell ® is a registered trademark of Krell Industries, LLC., and is restricted for use by Krell Industries, LLC. its subsidiaries, and authorized agents. Krell Current Mode™ and CAST™ are trademarks of Krell Industries,LLC. All other trademarks and trade names are registered to their respective companies.© 2014 by Krell Industries, LLC., All rights reserved.Front Panel12 FansThe Vanguard is equipped with two cooling fans. Be sure to leave them unobstructed for proper ventilation.13 Loudspeaker OutputsThe Vanguard is equipped with standard binding posts for each amplifier channel.14 EthernetThe Ethernet port connects the Vanguard to a home network for contol and firmware updates.15 Balanced Analog InputsThe Vanguard is equipped with one pair of balanced (B-1) inputs via XLR connectors.16 Single-Ended Analog InputsThe Vanguard is equipped with three pairs of single-ended (S-1, S-2, or S-3) inputs via RCA connectors. 17 IR InThe Vanguard is equipped with an RC-5 input that makes custom installation easy and secure by accepting baseband RC-5 input commands from a remote IR detec-tor or hardwired remote controllers.18 12 VDC In/Out (12 V trigger)The 12 V T rigger input allows you to place the Vanguard into the stand-by or operational mode from other components. The 12 V trigger output allows the Vanguard to turn other components on or off.19 IEC Connector/AC Power Breaker The connector is for use with the provided IEC standard 15 amp power cord. This connector and power cord must remain unobstructed for easy removal in case of emergency .Use this power switch to change the Vanguard from off to the stand-by mode.20 Optional Digital moduleThe optional digital module adds one coaxial, one optical, two HDMI inputs and one HDMI output.Additionally , the USB input on the front panel is activated. Bluetooth and Ethernet streaming are also added input sources.1 PowerUse this button to switch the Vanguard between stand-by and operational modes.2 Stand-by IndicatorThe stand-by indicator illuminates red when the Vanguard is plugged into a standard AC wall receptacle and the rear panel power switch is in the 1 position. The indicator illuminates blue when the Vanguard is in operational mode.3 Volume/Navigation Up/Down ButtonsUse these buttons on the front panel to adjust the amplifier output level and navigate through the menusystem. The output level is indicated numerically on the front panel display , with a range from 0-150.4 Left/Right Navigation Buttons Use these buttons on the front panel or on the remote control to navigate through the menu system.5 Enter ButtonPress the enter button or use the enter key to confirm menu selections.6 Mute ButtonUse this to mute the Vanguard output. T o unmute, press the mute button again.7 Menu ButtonUse this button to access the menu functions of the Vanguard.8 Source buttonUse this button to access the source menu.9 Front Panel DisplayThe front panel display shows the input selected, volume, balance, and Theater Throughput status.10 Infrared sensorReceives commands from the remote control. Make sure this is not obstructed.11 USB inputOnly active when optional digital module is installed.Keys labeled 1 to 7have the same function (andcallout number) as the front panel controls.8 Analog Input KeysUse these keys to select analog inputs on the Vanguard.9 Digital Input KeysUse these keys to select digital inputs on the Vanguard. Note: These keys are only active when the optional digital module is installed.10 BAL (Balance) KeysUse these keys to shift the balance to the left or the right channel: In menu mode, the balance keys are used for left and right navigation.11 CD / DVD Transport Control Used to control basic CD / DVD functions on other current Krell products.NoteThe remote comes with two AAA batteries that have to be installed. Use the supplied T orx wrench to remove the battery panel, then install the batteries.Remote ControlBack PanelThe Vanguard menu system offers a number of options andinformation. Main selections include Source Setup, Serial Number, Save Settings, Restore Settings, Display Setup, Software Update, Software Version, Diagnostic Mode, and Network Setup. Press the Vanguard's menu button (7), then use the navigation buttons or keys to highlight one of the menu options. Press the Enter button or key to select.Network SetupPress the up or down button to view the various network parameters. Press the Enter button to see the value for the displayed parameter. IP Address: The default network discovery is DHCP . If the Vanguard is connected to an active network, it automatically acquires an IP address. T o enter an IP address manually, change the Vanguard to Static IP operation. T o change to Static IP operation, press the Enter button at the IP Address sub menu. Press the Up or Down button to change the setting to Static. Press the Enter button to display the IP address. Press the Right button to move the cursor to number to be edited. Press the Enter button again and the selected number of the IP Address will begin blinking. Use the Up or Down button to edit the IP Address value. Press the Enter button to confirm change. Press the Left or Right button to move the cursor to another number in the IP address and repeat editing process. Use the same process to edit the other network settings.Note: the MAC Address is a factory set value and is not user editable.Source SetupPress the Enter Button and use the Up or Down button to highlight the desired parameter to edit. Press the Enter button to select.Assign Names: The first input, BAL : BALANCED is displayed. Press the Up or Down button to select a different source. T o edit the currently displayed source, press the Enter button and the cursor will begin flashing at the first character field. Use the Up or Down button to change character. Use the Right or Left button to move the blinking cursor to another character and repeat editing procedure. Press Enter to confirm change. Press the Up or Down button to select a different source and repeat editing process. The edited name will appear when the Source button is pressed on the remote or front panel. The new source name will also appear on a web connected device. Press the Left button to return to the Source Setup Menu .Theater Mode: Theater Mode bypasses the Vanguard volumecontrol and passes the left and right output of a surround processor directly to the Vanguard left and right amplifiers. Use the Left and Right button to highlight the input that is connected to the surround processor. Press the Enter button and the cursor willbegin flashing in the Disabled field. Press the Up or Down button to change to Enabled and press the Enter button to select.Level TrimThe level trim allows for output adjustment between sources. Press the Enter button and the source field will start flashing. Press the Up or Down button to select a different source to edit. Press the Enter and the dB field will begin flashing. Press the Up or Down button to increase or decrease output. Press the Up or Down button to select a different source to edit and repeat the editing process. Whenfinished, press the Enter button and then the Left button to return the Source Setup sub menu.Menu Options。
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ПрегледНЦД 8 (2006), 11–21 Emil Kelevedjiev,Andrey Andreev(Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)WAVELETS AND WORD IMAGE MATCHING1Abstract: An approach to word image matching (WIM) based on wavelet transform (WT) is examined. A detailed computer experiments was carried out with respect to the type of wavelet filters, types of the wavelet bases used, the best suited frequency band and quantization of wavelet coefficients for WIM. The experiments for detecting user’s specified words in Bulgarian and other typed documents of different quality show good steady results (above 95% properly detected words in average).Key words: document text image, bitmap file, word searching, wavelet transform, quantization.1. IntroductionIn spite of the fact that newly generated documents are in text format which allows convenient storage and easy remote access to them, the problem for digitizing a huge amount of typewritten (handwritten) scientific, historical and cultural documents of different origin still remains open. The combination of advanced facilities for scanning and conversion such documents to digital images and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, which automatically produces from them a computer readable text, resolves to a great extent the problem. However, as it is said in [3]: “It is generally acknowledged that the OCR accuracy requirements for information retrieval are considerably lower than for many document processing applications”. Motivated by this and some other results in the recent time, the goal of this paper is to improve searching and location of a user specified word after segmentation of the digitized text image. Such problem for word spotting in scanned images is a subject of intensive research in both cases of the handwritten and typewritten texts [1,2,3]. The wavelet coefficients are used as a basic tool for achieving this goal taking into account possibilities of:1.Existence of huge amount of different wavelets (filters) that have different support,smoothness, etc.;2.Creation of different bases using a fixed filter;3.Quantization of wavelet coefficients in different metrics;ing the one of the “main advantages” of a given wavelet basis to other bases, e.g.the faster diminishing of wavelet coefficients considered by absolute value;1This work is prepared under the Marie Curie Action Contract No.: MTKD-CT-2004-509754 – Knowledge Transfer for Digitisation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage in BulgariaEmil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev125.Lower complexity of wavelet transform with respect to other commonly usedtransformations, for example Fast Fourier Transform (FFT);6.Smoothing properties of wavelets [4] that results in noise removal (noise almostalways exists in older documents caused by different sources) using thresholding (quantization) of wavelet coefficients.All the above listed properties of wavelets are considered more in details and they are tested numerically later in order to find out from practical point of view the best approach for using wavelet coefficients.2. PreprocessingBased on the system and the code described in [5] we assume that the binarization and enhancement steps in the sense shown below are done:Simply, we suppose that the code has done the following:1.Noise removal and image enhancement (compare Fig. 1 and 2, where scanned hand-written text is presented before and after noise removal). ArrayFig. 1Emil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev 13Fig. 22.Successful word segmentation of the digitized document and a bitmap file of eachword (compare Fig. 3 and 4, where scanned typewritten text is presented);Fig. 3ing interactive features of the code the alphabet was built selecting by the help ofscanning technique all small and capital letters in the scanned document. This alphabet will be used later for creation of synthetic image word.Emil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev14Fig. 44.Wavelets and Bitmap image file. Haar,Daubechies and Biorthogonal wavelets.When representing an image via wavelets their coefficients behave differently with respect to the type of wavelet used and the properties of the image. In order to determine a suitable type of wavelet that reflects the features of the images that are typewritten Cyrillic words obtained by the code given in [5], we carried out series of experiments with 3 different wavelet functions, namely Haar, Daubechies-4 and 10-6 Biorthogonal wavelets. It is important to note that images like that obtained by scanning typewritten texts have a worse smoothness than usual pictures like “Lenna” used widely by researchers (compare Fig. 5 and 6).Fig. 5Fig. 6Emil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev15If the function f is represented by orthogonal wavelet expansionthen the best way to pick N coefficients d ik among {d i } makingwhereas small as possible is simply picking the N coefficients with largest absolute value. Wedetermine the smoothness β of the Bitmap image file (as a 2-dimensional function) using the estimation [6, p. 111],where the constant C in (1) is connected with a Besov norm of a function f . Using Haar wavelets the behavior of a relative erroris given on Fig. 7 as a function of N for two images, Lenna from Fig. 6 and the middle image on Fig. 5.Fig. 7. Comparison of L 2 error for Lenna and word image()()i i if x d x ψ=∑1(),kkk Nopt N i i i f d x ψ==∑2||||,optN L f f −()1,||||)(22βNC ff f E L opt NN L =−=22||||)(LN L f fEEmil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev16The similar experiments with other word images lead to the conclusion that the word images are of lower smoothness or what is more important is that such images can be characterized using less wavelet coefficients than must be used for portrait images like Lenna.Although the “word images” have lower smoothness, the question which wavelets reflect in “best way” their essence remains open. As a first step in this direction, we carry out numerical experiments using: three relatively different wavelets – Haar, Daubechies-4 and 10-6 Biorthogonal wavelets [7]; a computational scheme for Biorthogonal wavelets with symmetric extension; two types of bases: Regular and Hyperbolic.4. Biorthogonal waveletsIt is proved in [7] the existence of functions ϕ, ψ and ϕ’, ψ’ and coefficients{αj }u j = 1 – u , {α’j }u ’j = 1 – u ’for which under the notation ϕk,j (x ) = 2k /2 ϕ(2k x – j ) it is fulfilled that∑∑∑∑−=−=−=−=====uuj jju u j j j u u j j juuj j j 1,1''1,1''1,11,1''2',2,''2',2ϕβψϕβψϕαϕϕαϕwhere βj = (–1)j α’1–j , β’j = (–1)j α1–j.Table 1 gives the coefficients used in numerical experiments (u = 5, u ’ = 3).Table 1. 10-6 Biorthogonal wavelet filterThe computational scheme for Biorthogonal wavelets with symmetric extension is:1. Let the function f ∈V k is given by [7]:∑−==120,k j j k k j c f ϕ2. Decomposition step: for 0 ≤ j ≤ 2 k –1 – 1,j αj α’j –4 0.01337437–3 0.00494231–2 –0.04754360–0.09127176 –1 0.094320420.03372823 0 0.434906560.55754352 1 0.434906560.55754352 2 0.094320420.03372823 3 –0.04754360–0.09127176 4 0.004942315 0.01337437Emil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev17,'2,'2''121121∑∑−=+−−=+−==u u l kl j lk j uul kl j l k jcc cd αβusing symmetric extensions⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧++=−−−==−−−−+,...22,12,2,,...3,2,1,1211k k k kj k j k jj c j c c kand f is represented in the form∑∑−=−−−=−−−−+=120,11120,1111k k j jk k j j jk k j dcf ψϕReconstruction step: for 0 ≤ j ≤ 2 k –1 – 1,⎟⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎜⎝⎛+=⎟⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎜⎝⎛+=∑∑∑∑−−=−−+−−=−−−+−−=−−−=−−]2/)1'[(]2/'[12]2/)1[(]2/[1212]2/'[]2/)1'[(2]2/[]2/[222,2u u l l k lj l u u l lk l j l k j u u l lk lj l u u l lk l j l k jd c c d c c βαβαusing the symmetric extensions for c j k and⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧++=−−−−=−=−−−−+,...22,12,2,,...2,2,1,1211k k k k j k j k j j d j d d k5. Regular and Hyperbolic wavelets in 2-DAny square gray scale image can be considered as a matrix M of pixel values.integers}are where ,2550,12...,,1,0,:{,,,j i j i n j i p p j i p M ≤≤−==We associate with M the discrete function f (x, y ) of two variables.,,,,120,,for ),()(),(j i n j i j n i n j i nj i p c y x cy x f n ==∑−=ϕϕIt is evident that f can be represented using any basis of 22n linearly independentfunctions from the following set of functions:120,,,,,,,,,,,)}()(),()(),()(),()({−=n l k j i l k j i l k j i l k j i l k j i y x y x y x y x ψψϕψψϕϕϕFor our goals we compare numerically the following two commonly used bases:Regular basis: It is built by the following 22n functions:Emil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev18.12...,,1,0,,1...,,1,0)},()(),()(),()(),()({,,,,,,0,00,0−=−=k l k l k l k l k j k l k j l n k y x y x y x y x ψψϕψψϕϕϕHyperbolic basis: It is built by the following 22n functions:.12...,,1,0,12...,,1,0,1...,,1,0)},()(),()(),()(),()({,,0,0,,0,00,00,0−=−=−=i k j i l k l k j k j l n k y x y x y x y x ψψϕψψϕϕϕFig. 8. L 2approximation of a word image by different waveletsEmil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev 19 L2 error is shown on Fig. 8, when we approximate the middle word image given in Fig.5. Here the x-axis shows in logarithmic scale the number N of wavelet coefficients used for reconstruction of the image.Fig. 9. Images A and B for which B = T(A)6. Numerical experiments. Resizing algorithm.In order to simplify the process of computations using wavelets we resize the word images like these shown on Fig. 5 to square image with the size which is (2n, 2n), where n is 7, 8, or 9. For this aim we apply the following algorithm:1. Let images A and B shown on Fig. 9, with sizes (Ax, Ay) and (Bx, By) satisfy B = T(A), where the transformation T is defined by: if Bi = T(Ai), where Ai is a pixel from A with coordinates Ai = (Ai x, Ai y) and Bi is a point (generally not a pixel) from B with coordinates Bi = (Bi x, Bi y) thenBi x= (Bx/Ax) Ai x, Bi y = (By/Ay) Ai y;Emil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev202. Let the pixels A1 = (i, j), A2 = (i + 1, j), A3 = (i +1, j+1), A4 = (i, j + 1) be mapped by T to the points B1 = (B1x, B1y), B2 = (B2x, B2y), B3 = (B3x, B3y), B4 = (B4x, B4y). The last 4 points build a rectangle.If a pixel P = (k, l) belongs to this rectangle then define its value by: If R is a pixel (or point) then by |R| we denote its pixel value (or a value assigned to this point). We set |A1| = |B1|, |A2| = |B2|, |A3| = |B3|, |A4| = |B4|;Let the points R and S, as given on Fig. 9, have coordinates R = (k, R y) and S = (k, S y). Then|P| = ((l – R y)/(S y– R y))|R| + ((S y– 1)/(S y– R y))|S|,where|R| = ((k – B1x)/(B2x– B1x))|B1| + ((B2x– k)/(B2x– B1x))|B2|,|S| = ((k – B4x)/(B3x– B4x))|B4| + ((B3x– k)/(B4x– B3x)|B3|.In the above notation let us point out to the fact that: T can be applied if Bx≥Ax, By≥Ay; if A and B are two images for which B = T(A), then obviously the inverse transformation T–1 exists and A = T–1B.7. Application to image recognitionIn order to compare two images, we could use the subband of wavelets coefficients. Usually about 10% of the biggest by absolute value coefficients contain enough information for the purposes of word matching. If two words, a and b, are represented by wavelet coefficients a ij and b ij, then we can check for the proximity of a and b by using some estimation. In our tests, we use the square metric:∑−=jij ij i ba a,b,2,,)()Distance(To find an image, which is “close” (“the same word”) to the given one, some threshold parameter is used. The obtained results in this way show a good coincidence with the human perception. An advantage is a small amount of memory needed to maintain the sample.Experiments are made with:– several wavelet filters (Haar, Doubechies 4 and 8, etc);– several cases of choosing which part of the coefficients has to be taken;– several choices of the threshold parameter.The following example was accomplished with: Doubechies 8, subbands part: 1/32, threshold = 106. The groups of the “similar” words on the rows in Fig. 10 are obtained from the scanned image of a typewritten page after applying a code for segmentation of words.Emil Kelevedjiev, Andrey Andreev 21Fig. 10Conclusions:1.With fixed number of coefficients the hyperbolic type of wavelets extract moreinformation about the image than regular type of wavelets when applied for word images;2.Haar hyperbolic wavelet is of the same quality as 6-10 Biorthogonal wavelet if wekeep 50-500 wavelet coefficients;3.Taking into account the simplicity and speed of computations using Haar filter itmakes sense to use Haar hyperbolic wavelets for word images;4.The experiments with “word images” lead to the conclusion that the “word images”are of lower smoothness i.e. there is no need to use wavelets with high smoothness.It seems that Haar wavelet is a good choice as a tool for word matching.5.The wavelet coefficients can be used as a tool for achieving progress in OCR;References1.Y. Lue, C. L. Tan, W. 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