




本大题共20小题,每个小题6分,共120分)1、三个相同的灯泡做星形连接时,在三相四线制供电线路止,如果供电总中线断开,则( )A 三个灯泡都变暗B 三个灯泡都变亮C 三个的灯泡亮度不变D 三只灯都烧掉2.题2图所示为某电路中的一条含源支路,已知E =20V ,I =2A ,R=10 ,则电压U BA = ( )A.-50VB.-10VC.10VD.50V3.交流铁心线圈如题6图所示。

保持电源电压U 、频率及线圈匝数N 不变,将铁心A 、B 段锯开,形成气隙。

则铁心中的磁通最大值将( )A. 不变B.变小C.变大D.不定 4.图示电路,a 、b 两端可等效成一个( ) A.6A 的理想电流源 B.6V 的理想电压源C.6A 的理想电流源或6V 的理想电压源D.不能代替,仍为原电路第4题 第5题5.已知正弦交流电路图(a)和图(b)等效,求正弦信号的角频率ω( ) A. 2rad/s B. 1rad/s C. 2.5rad/s D. 1.5rad/s得分评分人 复评人6、一个RL=8Ω的负载,经变压器(忽略变压器的内阻抗压降和损耗)接到信号源上,信号源的内阻R0=800Ω,变压器一次绕组的匝数N1=1000,若要通过阻抗匹配使负载得到最大功率,则变压器二次绕组的匝数N2应为( ) A.500 B.1000 C.100 D.107、在图示电路中,开关S在t=0瞬间闭合,若uC (0-)=0V,则iC(0+)为( )A. 2.4AB. 0AC. 1.2AD. 1A第7题8.电路如题3图所示,已知电流等于()A. B.C. D.9、如图所示电路,电流 I 为()(A) 1 A (B) -1 A (C) 0 A (D) 3 A第9题第10题10、图示电路中 1 A 电流源供出的功率为 ( )A 8WB -4WC -5WD 3W11、在某放大电路中,测的三极管三个电极的静态电位分别为0 V ,-10 V ,-9.3 V ,则这只三极管是( )。






在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.下列会计假设中,界定会计核算空间范围的是(A)A.会计主体 B.持续经营C.会计分期 D.货币计量2.某负债账户本期借方发生额为4 000元,本期贷方发生额为5 000元,期末贷方余额为3 000元,该账户的期初贷方余额是(B)元。

A.4 000 B.2 000 C.12 000 D.6 0003.下列事项中,属于会计事项的有(B)A.对账 B.领料C.登账 D.签订经济合同4.按账户的用途和结构分类,“制造费用”账户是(C)A.费用类账户 B.成本计算类账户C.集合分配类账户 D.财务成果类账户5.从银行提取现金应填制的记账凭证是(B)A.银行存款收款凭证 B.银行存款付款凭证C.库存现金收款凭证 D.库存现金付款凭证6.下列账簿中,一般采用三栏式账页的是(B)A.备查账 B.总账C.库存商品明细账 D.材料采购明细账7.某企业某月末银行存款日记账余额54 000元,银行对账单余额48 000元,经核对存在下列未达账项:企业已收银行未收4 200元,企业已付银行未付3 000元,银行已收企业未收2 400元,如果调节后余额相等,则银行已付企业未付款是(D)元。

A.3 000 B.10 800 C.6 000 D.7 2008.下列账务处理程序中,最基本的账务处理程序是(A)A.记账凭证账务处理程序 B.科目汇总表账务处理程序C.汇总记账凭证账务处理程序 D.多栏式日记账账务处理程序9.某企业期末应付账款总账贷方余额34 000元,其中:“应付账款—甲公司”明细账为借方余额10 000元,其余应付账款明细账均为贷方余额。

预付账款总账借方余额18 000元,其中:“预付账款—乙公司”明细账为借方余额24 000元,其余预付账款明细账均为贷方余额。





该四杆机构为()A、曲柄摇杆机构B、双曲柄机构C、双摇杆机构D、导杆机构6、一对外啮合的标准直齿圆柱齿轮传动,已知其齿数分别为z1=30,z2=50,模数m=5,下列尺寸计算正确的是()A、d1=150mm,d a2=160mm,a=200mmB、d2=250mm,h=11.25mm,a=400mmC、P=5πmm,d a1=160mm,d f1=137.5mmD、h a=5mm,d a2=260mm,d f2=140mm7、有一双头丝杆传动,螺距为6 mm,要求螺母移动0.2 mm时,刻度盘转过一格。

此刻度盘(固定在丝杆端部)圆周应均匀刻线数为()A、30B、40C、60D、1008、下列措施中,不能提高轴疲劳强度的是()A、改进轴的结构,降低应力集中B、提高轴的表面质量C、改变轴上零件的布置,以减小轴上载荷D、通过热处理整体淬硬9、定轴轮系中,直接外啮合的主从动两轮之间若加入偶数个惰轮,会出现()A. 主从两轮转向相同B. 主从两轮转向相反C. 改变传动比大小D. 对中心距无影响10、有一双圆销外啮合槽轮机构,槽轮有六条槽,主动件转速为120r/min,当主动件转1转时,槽轮停歇时间为( )秒。



机密★启用前湖南省2011年普通高等学校对口招生考试语文试题时量120分钟总分:150分一、基础知识及运用(20分,1—10小题,每小题2分,11—12小题,每小题3分)1. 下列加点字注音正确的一组是:A.睥.(pì)睨梦魇.(yǎn )鞭笞.(chī)濒.临绝境(bīng)B.潺.(chán)潺入殓.(liǎn)星宿.(sù)羽扇纶.巾(guān)C. 佝.(jū)偻采撷.(xié)粗犷.(guǎng )日臻.完善(zhēn)D. 拓.(tà)片机杼.(zhù)羞赧.(nǎn)乳臭.未干(xiù)2. 下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是:A.声名狼藉危言耸听殚精竭虑草菅人命B.一筹莫展集液成裘潸然泪下锱铢必较C.相提并论徇私枉法鞠躬尽瘁前据后恭D.病入膏肓蚍蜉撼树振聋发聩声名雀起3. 将下列选项中的词语依次填入各句括号处,恰当的一组是:登上这气势恢宏的三峡大坝,触摸它伟岸的躯体,聆听它沉雷般的心跳,问苍茫大地,有哪一条江()如此深厚的文化?有哪一道大坝能()如此众多的智慧?有哪一座建筑能()如此壮美的崇高?有哪一项工程能()如此伟大的传奇?A.凝聚积淀写满见证B.写满见证凝聚积淀C.积淀凝聚见证写满D.见证写满积淀凝聚4.下列各句中加横线成语使用恰当的一句是:A. 大家认为他提出的加强药品和食品安全监督的办法很有价值,都随声附和表示赞同。

B. 动物的眼睛各有特色,例如青蛙的眼睛对运动的物体简直是明察秋毫,面对静止的物体却置若罔闻C. 他善于读书,常常能从书中断章取义,并恰如其分地运用到自己的文章中。

D. 学习是一个长期积累的过程,不仅要研究确实有效的方法,更要有持之以恒的毅力,那种一曝十寒的做法是不可取的。

5.下列各句没有语病的一句是A. 由于纺织工人努力提高产品的质量,我厂出口的棉布深受广大顾客的欢迎。

B. 就现阶段的经济条件而言,不仅仅是高档商品对我们不需要,更重要的是购置这些东西不符合节约的原则。




时量120分钟,满分120分一、选择题1.不等式()()012≤+-x x 的解集是( )A.()2,1-B. ()()+∞⋃∞-,22,C. []2,1-D. (][)+∞⋃-∞-,21, 2.方程02=+-q px x 有解的充分必要重要条件是( ) A.042>-q p B. 042<-q p C.042=-q p D. 042≥-q p 3.下列函数中为指数函数的是( ) A.x y 2= B. x y 2= C. 2x y = D. x y 2log =4.曲线212sin +=x y ,[]π,0∈x 与直线y=1的交点个数为( ) A.0 B.1 C. 2 D.35.设复数()i i z +=2,则下列命题正确的是( )A.z 的实部为2B. 5=zC. i z 21-=D. i z 432--= 6.数列{}n a 的前n 项和232-=n S n ,则41,a a 的值依次为( ) A.1,21 B.3,46 C.1,46 D.3,217.已知方程ky k x -+-4922表示双曲线,则k 的取值范围是( ) A.k>4 B.k<4 C.k>9 D.4<k<98.设a,b 为直线,α为平面,则下列选项能判定α⊥a 的条件是( ) A. α⊥b b a ,// B. α//,b b a ⊥ C. α⊆b b a ,// D. α⊆⊥b b a ,9.已知函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤+>0,320,sin x x x x ax 在点x=0处连续,则a=( )A.3B.31C.1D.0 10.函数5323123-+-=x x x y 的单调递减区间为( )A.()1,∞-B. ()3,1C. ()+∞,3D. ()()+∞⋃∞-,31, 二、填空题11.设集合{}{}1,0,12===N x x M ,则=⋂N M 。


1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号写在答题 卡和本试题卷的封面上,并认真核对答题卡条形码上的姓名、 准考证号和科目。
2,选择题和非选择题均须在答题卡上作答,在本试题卷 和草稿纸上作答无效。考生在答题卡上按如下要求答题:
(!)选择题部分请用28铅笔将答案填涂在题号下选项所 对应的方框内,修改时用橡皮擦干净,不留痕迹;
PD om
PD om
er ww
er ww
F-XChange View !
Click to buy NOW
F-XChange View !
Click to buy NOW
八. V
V ( : . V :^^+^

PD om
PD om
er ww
er ww
F-XChange View !
Click to buy NOW
F-XChange View !
25, 变压器的副边电压1)2=12^,在接某一电阻性负载时测得副边电流12=4八,变压器




从第小题给出的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个符合题意的最佳选项,请将选中的答案转涂到答题卡上)21. It’s a good habit ____ breakfast everyday.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. to have22. ____ dirty the water is! You can’t drink it.A. HowB. WhatC. VeryD. So23. Can you tell me __________?A. when will the interview beginB. when does the interview beginC. when the interview will beginD. when the interview begin\24. The ______ news made everybody cry in the room.A. frightenedB. frighteningC. frightenD. frightens25. Remember to e-mail me, All of us hope to hear from you_____.A. quicklyB. fastC. soonD. shortly26. Don’t get off the bus__________it has stopped.A. whenB. untilC. as soon asD. because27. Jack, you’d better spend a little more time on your study, ______?A. will youB. do youC. don’t youD. had you28. I didn’t answer your telephone because I ____ a magazine at the morning.A. am readingB. had readC. will readD. was reading29. Great changes have taken place in Hunan. The people’s life is getting ______.A. betterB. better and betterC. wellD. well and well30. People learn English because it _____ widely _____ widely in the world.A. is, usingB. can, use B. is, used D. does, use第二节、交际用语(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)一、选择题:看下面有十组对话,根据文字提供的信息,从ABCD选项中选出一个符合对话情景或含义的最佳选项。








机密★启用前湖南省2011年普通高等学校对口招生考试语文试题时量120分钟总分:150分一、基础知识及运用(20分,1—10小题,每小题2分,11—12小题,每小题3分)1. 下列加点字注音正确的一组是:A.睥.(pì)睨梦魇.(yǎn )鞭笞.(chī)濒.临绝境(bīng)B.潺.(chán)潺入殓.(liǎn)星宿.(sù)羽扇纶.巾(guān)C. 佝.(jū)偻采撷.(xié)粗犷.(guǎng )日臻.完善(zhēn)D. 拓.(tà)片机杼.(zhù)羞赧.(nǎn)乳臭.未干(xiù)2. 下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是:A.声名狼藉危言耸听殚精竭虑草菅人命B.一筹莫展集液成裘潸然泪下锱铢必较C.相提并论徇私枉法鞠躬尽瘁前据后恭D.病入膏肓蚍蜉撼树振聋发聩声名雀起3. 将下列选项中的词语依次填入各句括号处,恰当的一组是:登上这气势恢宏的三峡大坝,触摸它伟岸的躯体,聆听它沉雷般的心跳,问苍茫大地,有哪一条江()如此深厚的文化?有哪一道大坝能()如此众多的智慧?有哪一座建筑能()如此壮美的崇高?有哪一项工程能()如此伟大的传奇?A.凝聚积淀写满见证B.写满见证凝聚积淀C.积淀凝聚见证写满D.见证写满积淀凝聚4.下列各句中加横线成语使用恰当的一句是:A. 大家认为他提出的加强药品和食品安全监督的办法很有价值,都随声附和表示赞同。

B. 动物的眼睛各有特色,例如青蛙的眼睛对运动的物体简直是明察秋毫,面对静止的物体却置若罔闻C. 他善于读书,常常能从书中断章取义,并恰如其分地运用到自己的文章中。

D. 学习是一个长期积累的过程,不仅要研究确实有效的方法,更要有持之以恒的毅力,那种一曝十寒的做法是不可取的。

5.下列各句没有语病的一句是A. 由于纺织工人努力提高产品的质量,我厂出口的棉布深受广大顾客的欢迎。

B. 就现阶段的经济条件而言,不仅仅是高档商品对我们不需要,更重要的是购置这些东西不符合节约的原则。




本大题共20小题,每小题5分,共100分)1.根据图1所示的主、俯视图,选择正确的左视图()2.下列操作中不能退出AutoCAD2000的是()A.执行菜单“文件\退出” B.利用命令UndoC. 利用命令End D.利用命令Quit3.绘制轴测图所依据的投影法是()A.正投影法B.斜投影法C..中心投影法D..正投影法或斜投影法4.下列传动中,传动效率最低的是()A.齿轮传动B.蜗杆传动C.链传动D.带传动5.平键的主要失效形式是()A.剪切破坏 B.挤压破坏 C.弯曲破坏 D.齿面磨损6.液压泵是液压传动系统的()A.执行部分 B.动力部分 C.辅助部分 D.控制部分7.一个物体的平面任意力系平衡方程,最多只能求解个未知参数。

()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 8.双摇杆机构的组成条件是()A.最长杆与最短杆之和小于其他两杆之和B.最短杆是机架C.最短杆的相邻杆是机架D.最短杆的相对杆是机架9.液压传动中的工作压力取决于()A.外负载B.流量C.速度D.油压10.做疲劳强度实验时,试样承受的载荷为()A.冲击载荷 B.交变载荷 C.静载荷 D.拉伸载荷11.一段有源支路如图2所示,ab两端的电压U ab为()A.―8 V B.2 VC.―4V D.+8 V12.图示3电路,A点的电位U A为()A.―10V B.―6V C.―4V D.0V13.在某一交流电路中,已知加在电路两端的电压是u=20sin(wt+60o)V,电路中的电流是i=102sin(wt―30o)A,则该电路消耗的功率是()A.0 B.100W C.200W D.1003W 14.三相额定电压为220V的电热丝,接到线电压为380V的三相电源上,最佳的连接方法是()A.三角形联结B.星形联结并在中线上装熔断器C.三角形联结、星形联结都可以D.星形联结无中性线15.某同学用万用表测量一电子线路中的晶体管,测得V E=―3V,V CE=6V,V BC=―5.4V,则该管是()A.PNP型处于放大工作状态B.PNP型处于截止状态C.NPN型处于放大工作状态D.NPN型处于截止状态16.图4所示电路中,R f是反馈元件,引入的反馈类型是()A.电流并联负反馈B.电压并联负反馈C.电流并联正反馈D.电压并联正反馈17.图5所示理想运放电路中,输出电压U0为()A.―24V B.―16V C.16V D.36V18.逻辑功能为:“全1出0,有0出1”的逻辑门是()A.与非门B.或非门C.非门D.与门19.一台三相异步电动机的额定数据如下:P N = 40 kW,U N = 380 V,∆ 接法,f = 50 Hz,n N=1470 r/min,ηN = 0.9,cos ϕN = 0.87,λst = 2,λm=2.5,I st/I N = 6。



机密★启用前湖南省2011年普通高等学校对口招生考试英语试题时量120分钟总分:120分Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(30 marks)Section A(22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, Band C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each questions.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Example:When will the magazine probably arrive?A. WednesdayB. ThursdayC. FridayThe answer is B.Conversntion 11.Who used the car this moring?A.The sonB. The auntC. The mother2.Where are the keys found?A. In the purseB. In the pocketC. In the drawer.Conversntion 23.Which of the flowing is true about the man ?A.He brrowed some money.B. He is caught in the traffic.C. He will meet his teacher.4.How is the man going home?A.By trainB.By busC. By taxiConversntion 35.When was the party held?A.In the morningB. In the afternoonC. In the evening6.Why didn’t the woman go to the party?A. She didn’t feel well.B. She didn’t have the time.C. She didn’t get an invitation.Conversation 47.What dose the man want to buy?A.A camera.B.A mobile phone.C.A music player8.Which of the following does the man choose?A.The PE310.B.The RT230.C.The GF160.1 / 109.How much does the man pay?A.$300.B. $270.C. $100.Conversation 510.What is the woman?A.A dress designer.B.A basketball player.C.A headmaster.11.What do we know about the man’s travel plan?A. He’s going gy air.B. He’s leaving for Paris.C. He’s arriving this afternoon. 12.Who is going to pick up the man?A. The woman’s sonB. The woman’s brotherC. The woman herself Conversation 613.Wha t’s the man doing now?A. Looking for a jobB. Studying in universityC. Teaching at a high school 14.What kind of movie dose the man like best?A. Adventure.B. Comedy.C. Drama.15.Where are the speakers going first?A. The supermarket.B. The cinema.C. The caféSection B(7.5 marks)Directions:In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE TILAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passuge TWICE.第二部分知识运用(共三大题,满分40分)第一节词汇和语法(共10小题,每小题1分;共10分。





一、单选题(在本题的每一小题的备选答案中,只有一个答案是正确的,本大题共30小题,每小题3分,共90分)1.世界旅游业创始人是A.苏拉曼B.托马斯·库克C.希罗多德D.马可·波罗2.开拓“丝绸之路”,与西域各国建立友好关系的历史时期是A.夏商周时期B.秦汉时期C.隋唐时期D.宋元时期3.下列不属于旅游本质属性的是A.文化属性B.经济属性C.政治属性D.社会属性4.关于旅游活动叙述正确的是A.游客是旅游的客体B.旅游资源是旅游的客体C.旅游业是旅游的主体D.旅游资源是旅游的主体5.旅游业存在和发展的根本基础是A.旅游政策B.旅游机构C.旅游资源D.旅游策划6.利用交通为旅游者设计并串联若干旅游点和旅游城市的合理走向,通常称之为A.旅游项目B.旅游区C.旅游区域D.旅游线路7.按照购物品的用途分类,西湖龙井属A.风味土特产品B.文化艺术品C.旅游日用品D.旅游工业品8.西安之所以能够成为吸引中外游客的旅游胜地,主要归功于秦陵兵马俑的出土,这是因为其符合旅游资源开发的A.特色原则B.经济原则C.市场原则D.保护原则9.福建武夷山的地质地貌属于A.火山地貌B.花岗岩地貌C.岩溶地貌D.丹霞地貌10.具有独立性、灵活性,适合短程旅游的交通运输方式是A.铁路运输B.公路运输C.水上运输D.航空运输11.旅游市场质量是指A.市场的可进入性B.市场规模大小 C..市场的销售潜力D.市场的占用率12.湖北的黄鹤楼、湖南的岳阳楼、山西的鹳雀楼和江西的滕王阁等人文旅游资源在很大程度因诗人名家的诗文而闻名于世,与之对应的诗人名家排列正确的是A.王之焕、崔颢、范仲淹、王勃B.王之焕、范仲淹、崔颢、王勃C.崔颢、范仲淹、王勃、王之焕D.崔颢、范仲淹、王之焕、王勃13.下列关于旅游可持续性发展说法错误的是A.强调经济效益优先B.满足旅游者高质量体验和阅历的需要C..保护旅游地居民生活质量和旅游地文明的公平发展D.建立人与自然多方面的协调关系,保护旅游地的生命力和多样性14.旅游签证属于普通签证,在中国为A.Z字签证B.L字签证C.T字签证D.C字签证15.旅客乘坐火车,免费携带的行李长度不得超过A.120厘米B.140厘米C.160厘米D.180厘米16.中国海关规定旅客携带人民币出境的最高限额为A.2万元B.3万元C.4万元D.5万元17.俗称“吊胃口”、“卖关子”的导游讲解方法是A.触景生情法B.虚实结合法C.画龙点睛法D.制造悬念法18.在导游购物服务中,不属于导游职责的是A.介绍当地商品特色B..尽可能多地安排购物次数C.带领游客到旅游定点商店购物D.随时提供游客在购物过程中所需服务19.饭店前厅部为客人提供“护顶服务”的岗位是A.迎宾员B.接待员C.大堂副理D.行李员20.下列情况出现时,饭店适合用“升级”方法处理的是A.VIP抵店时B.确认类预订客人抵店时,饭店客满C.确认类客人抵店时,饭店没有客人预订的房型D.常客抵店饭店却无房时21.某饭店超额预订房数为15间,预订客房数为300间,则超额预订率是A.5%B.10%C.15%D.20%22.当有人打电话询问某位已要求保密服务的住客情况时,下列回复最妥当的是A.对不起,查不到B.这位客人要求我们保密,我不能告诉你C.客人已经结账走了D.客人不在酒店,请你用其他方式与客人联系23.下列有关饭店套间客房描述不正确的是A.套间可分为商务套间、豪华套间等B.一般向商务人士、知名人士推荐套间C.套间通常设有卧室和起居室D.通常套间的出租率比较高24.“Could you change a room facing south for me.”的中文意思是A.请你们现在就清扫房间B.能否给我换一间朝南的房间C.你们只有一套房间了D.你们有空房吗25.饭店会见厅的布置形式一般为A.丁字形B.长方形C.圆形D.马蹄形26.西餐讲究西式菜肴与酒水的搭配,食用头盆时一般选用A.甜葡萄酒B.黄酒C.干白葡萄酒D.干红葡萄酒27.用酿造方法酿制的中国名酒是A.竹叶青酒B.黄酒C.汾酒D.茅台酒28.“先生,这是您的菜单。




时量150分钟,满分390分一、选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题6分,共120分)1.额定功率为1/4W 的电阻器是( )。

2.如图1所示电路,电动势E 为-5V ,则下列说法正确的是( )。

A .U AB =5V ,电动势的实际方向由A 指向B ; B .U AB =−5V ,电动势的实际方向由A 指向B ;C .U AB =−5V ,电动势的实际方向由B 指向A ;D .U AB=5V ,电动势的实际方向由B 指向A ;3.用数字万用表测量直流电压时,若表盘只在高位显示“1”,最常见的原因是( )。

A .数字万用表故障;B .被测电路故障;C .被测值超过量程;D .被测值过小; 4.如图2所示电路中标示了电压源、电流源的实际方向,当R 1增大时,则( )。

A .I 2增大,I 3减小,I 4增大;B .I 2减小,I 3增大,I 4不变; C .I 2不变,I 3不变,I 4减小;D .I 2不变,I 3不变,I 4不变;5.指针式万用表部分测量原理如图3所示,下列说法正确的是( )。

A .1为交流电压测量挡,3为直流电流测量挡; B .2为交流电压测量挡,4为电阻测量挡; C .1为电阻测量挡,4为直流电压测量挡;D .3为直流电压测量挡,2为直流电流测量挡;6.三相对称负载作三角形联接时,负载线电流I L 与相电流I P 的关系是( )。

A .I L =√3I P ∠30°;B .I L =I P ;C .I L =I P ∠30°;D .I L =√3I P ∠−30°;;7.电流互感器常用于测量大电流,下面描述不正确的是( )。

A .电流互感器原边绕组匝数少,副边绕组匝数多; B .电流互感器原边绕组匝数多,副边绕组匝数少; C .电流互感器工作时,副边不允许开路;D .电流互感器使用时,应将铁壳与副边绕组的一端接地;8.用两块同样的条形磁铁以相同的速度,分别插入尺寸和形状相同的铜环和木环中,且N 极垂直于圆环平面,则同一时刻( )。



2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖南卷)英语试题Part ⅠListening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22. 5 marks)Directions:In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, Band C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each questions.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Example:When will the magazine probably arrive?A. WednesdayB. ThursdayC. FridayThe answer is B.Conversation 11. Who used the car this morning?A. The son.B. The aunt.C. The mother.2. Where are the keys found?A. In the purseB. In the pocketC. In the drawer.Conversation 23. Which of the flowing is true about the man?A. He borrowed some money.B. He is caught in the traffic.C. He will meet his teacher.4. How is the man going home?A. By trainB. By busC. By taxiConversation 35. When was the party held?A. In the morningB. In the afternoonC. In the evening6. Why didn't the woman go to the party?A. She didn't feel well.B. She didn't have the time.C. She didn't get an invitation. Conversation 47. What dose the man want to buy?A. A camera.B. A mobile phone.C. A music player.8. Which of the following does the man choose?A. The PE310.B. The RT230.C. The GF160.9. How much does the man pay?A. $300.B. $270.C. $100.Conversation 510. What is the woman?A. A dress designer.B. A basketball player.C. A headmaster.11. What do we know about the man's travel plan?A. He's going by air.B. He's leaving for ParisC. He's arriving this afternoon.12. Who is going to pick up the man?A. The woman's son.B. The woman's brother.C. The woman herself. Conversation 613. What's the man doing now?A. Looking for a job.B. Studying in university.C. Teaching at a high school.14. What kind of movie dose the man like best?A. Adventure.B. Comedy.C. Drama.15. Where are the speakers going first?A. The supermarket.B. The cinema.C. The café.Section B (7. 5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE TILAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Part Ⅱ Language Knowledge(45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions:for each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Example:The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _______ the desert.A. coveringB. coveredC. coverD. to coverThe answer is A.21. The ability _______ an idea is as important as the idea itself.A. expressingB. expressedC. to expressD. to be expressed22. -----Joan, what _______ in your hand?-----Look! It’s a birthday gift for my grandma.A. had you heldB. are you holdingC. do you holdD. will you hold23. The players _______ from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in thissummer game.A. selectingB. to selectC. selectedD. having selected24. I knew that would over discourage him, he would never give up wanting to be adirectorA. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing25. Julia was good at German, French and Russian, all of _______ she spoke fluently.A. whoB. whomC. whichD. that26. One-third of the country _______ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens_______ black people.A. is; areB. is; isC. are; areD. are; is27. In 1492, Columbus _______ on one of the Bahama Islands, but the mistook is for an islandoffIndia.A. landsB. landedC. has landedD. had landed28. -----No one _______ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball.----Oh, you are really his big fan.A. canB. needC. mustD. might29. Do you wake up every morning _______ energetic and ready to start a new day?A. feelB. to feelC. feelingD. felt30. It is most instructive lecture that I _______ since I came to this school.A. attendedB. had attendedC. am attendingD. have attended31. Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious _______ the problem itself is.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. why32. Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours _______ a decision.A. they reachedB. did they reachC. they reachD. do they reach33. Jack wasn’t saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him _______ he had donesomething very clever.A. as ifB. in caseC. whileD. though34. In the near future, more advances in the robot technology _______ by science.A. are makingB. are madeC. will makeD. will be made35. It’s not what we do once in a while _______ shapes ou r lives, but what we doconsistently.A. whichB. thatC. howD. whenSection B (18 marks)Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases markedA,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the words or phrases that best fits the context.People in communities have slowly been pushed apart through the years, mostly becausepeople simply aren’t taking the time to say a simple “ hello. ” After considering this phenomenon, I decided I was going to 36 the way I was doing things.My 37 came one morning when I was in the community library. I passed by a girl who38 her books out of her locker. Thinking like most that someone else would help her pick them up,I continued my way. However, when I had to 39 because I stupidly forgot my book, I noticed she had just finished packing them up by herself. No one h ad stopped to 40 her.“OK,” I thought to myself, “this is where I should have changed.”My best opportunity came a few days later when I saw a man 41 by himself waiting for the library to open, so I sat down next to him and began a 42 . It was difficult to get started, and even when I had to say goodbye, almost every 43 from my new friend had a tone (语气) of doubt in it. And who could blame him?People aren’t used to making an 44 chat with a stranger. But a change, no matter how 45 it is needed, doesn’t just happen. It takes people like us to make it possible. I 46 you to take a small step out of your comfort zone and try to make someone’s day a little brighter. Together, we can really make society come 47 as a whole.36. A. change B. explain C. learn D. show37. A. trouble B. doubt C. wish D. opportunity38. A. took B. dropped C. got D.pulled39. A. come out B. stand by C. go back D. turn up40. A. please B. greet C. help D. praise41. A. sitting B. walking C. riding D. running42. A. discussing B. lesson C. report D. conversation43. A. joke B. response C. cry D. story44. A. unchangeable B. unprepared C. unforgettable D. unfinished45. A. desperately B. frequently C. simply D. widelySection C (12marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each black with one word that best fits the context.Dose going to college really 48 English class in college on the short story. Our first assignment was to read 49 short stories and then discuss which one was better. After reading both, I wasn’t sure. Over the 50 several months, my professor taught me 51 one story was so much better than the other. 52 was rich in mclaphor(隐喻)and character development, while the other was humorous 53 too shallow. I couldn’t see this at first. Yet, in a few months, my brain got reeducated and 54could see the difference between good and bad writing and could appreciate literature at a whole new level.Going to college helps build a strong mind, which leads 55 greater success in one’s life.Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (30marks)Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questionsor unfinished statements .For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C, and D .Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AWhen first entered, Vanak Restaurant does not look like much of a restaurant, but once the pleasant smells of kabob (烤肉串)hit the senses, you are incapable of calling it anything less.Owned by a local couple, this Persian restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere that many restaurants lack.The space is small with only a few dining tables and nearly no decoration, but the environment is truly chaiming.Lying in a hardly noticeable street corner, the restaurant still attracts all customer especially those experienced in the delights of Middle Easrern cooking.A common sight is that of old Persian men sitting in the corner talking loudly about world topics, wathcing news events on TV, drinking a black tea known as Persian chai, an reading local Persian nespapers all the while trying to finish off their plates piled wit food.The variety of food at the restaurant is limited, but the amount of each dish is fairly large. Most of the meals can serve two people and are under $10, so not only is it affordably but practical as well.The food, especially appeals to health-conscious eaters because each dish is very healthy, made with limited fat and o il and served straight off the grill(烤肉架).The main dish that the restaurant is popular for is its kabobs, which are different style of grilled meat.One delicious and extemely healthy dish is the Jooieh Kabob, which is made of grille chichen picccs served with either rice or bread. Another great kabob is the Chelo Kabob, kabob consinting of grilled beef.Although the restaurant is samall, the atmosphere and the food is delicious. It is a plan that should not be overlooked.56.When first entering the restaurant ,one can find that itA. is splendidly decorated.B. has pleasant smells of kabobs.C. is crowded with dining table.D. looks like a common restaurant.57.What activity is also mentioned apart from dining in the restaurant?A. Watching news events on TV.B. Drinking a kind of black coffee.C. Reading local English newspaper.D. Discussing world topics in loe voices.58.The food of the restaurantA. is served in small amounts.B. is rather expensive.C. is rich in varity.D. is very heslthy59.What is the dish Joojeh Kabob mainly made of ?A. RiceB. ChickenC. BreadD. Beef60. It can be inferred from the passage that restaurant .A. occupiesB. owns a favorable locationC. is popular for its special foodD. has a quiet environment insideBMy father was chief engineer of a merchant ship ,which was sunk in world war ???the book night of the U-boats told the story。

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