
S101-2.2Ross: Hi.嗨。
Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.这家伙向我打招呼时我就想自杀。
Monica:Are you okay, sweetie?(are一开始没有听出来;tie容易听成ing或者ty)你还好吧,亲爱的?Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, (down听成了on,与前面ed连读;throat听成froat;feel-fell)smelling test)pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...put、pulled it down my mouth in and tighted right in my neck)我感觉有人把手伸入我的喉咙,抓起我的肠子,从我的口中取出,然后绑在我脖上……【词汇:intestine[ɪnˈtestɪn]n.[解] 肠;adj. 内部的; 国内的】Chandler: Cookie?吃饼干么?Monica:Carol moved her stuff out today. (这句话语速较快,并出现了人名,再加上stuff与out的连读,out与today的略读,不易分辨)卡罗今天把她的东西搬走了。
Joey: Ohh.Monica: Let me get you some coffee.(听成了give)我帮你泡杯咖啡Ross: Thanks.谢了。
Phoebe: Ooh! Oh!Ross:(cleansing因为不是很常aura词汇听成aro、auro)不要……别清理我的灵气。
别……别碰我的灵气好吗?【词汇:cleanse[klenz]vt.净化;清洗;使…清洁;aura[ˈɔ:rə]n.光环;气氛;气味;[医](中风等的)预兆】Ross: I'll be fine, alright? Really, everyone. I hope she'll be very happy.(alright与really间隔很短)我会没事的,真的,我祝她幸福。

1.There’s nothing to tell/prove/hide 没有什么可以说的/证明的/隐瞒的There’s something to~/tell/do有一些,有什么你可以和我说的2.guy 男人,小伙子Some guy某些男人不重要的男的3.work with 共事、同事e on 少来了Go(ing)out with 和……出去,与某人约会5.Gotta=got to 必须,不得不I gotta go 我要走了There’s gotta~一定6.someting wrong with~him/eyes/my keyboard 哪里有毛病7.hump 隆起的土墩,驼背Be over the hump完成了最困难的部分,度过的最困难的阶段Get/take the hump 对某事恼怒(或烦恼)Fans get a hump when the team loses.球队失利时,球迷们感到沮丧。
8.hairpiece 假发9.wait 慢着Chalk 粉笔Chalk and cheese 截然不同、天壤之别10.go through参加、经受Go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火、出生入死11.everybody relax 各位别急Relax oneself 放松自己12.date 日期、约会Appointment 公务性质的约会13.going out to ~dinner/eat和谁出去14.having sex15.sound like 听起来像16.in the middle of在……中间.in the middle of nowhere 不知在哪里,身在何处17. cafeteria自助餐厅自助食堂18.realize 理解、领会Realize one’s dream 实现梦想Come to realize 突然开始意识、逐渐意识到19.totally 完全的,整个的20.NakedThe naked eye 肉眼21.look down 向下看22.instead of代替、去掉、而不是23.never had 从未有过24.all of the sudden 突然的,出乎意料的=suddenly25.start to do 强调某次具体动作Start doing 强调开始长期或习惯性活动26.Ring 指环、发出铃声Ring sb/sth (up) 给……打电话I ring you up later. 我稍后给你打电话Ring the bell 听起来耳熟27.turn out 最后是,结果是28.Weird 奇异的、不寻常的29. wanna=want to 想要30.are you ok ,sweetie?你还好吗?31.feel like感到、好似32.reached down从上往下,俯身下来,深入33.throat 喉咙34.grab 抓住35.small intestine 小肠Large intestine 大肠36.pull out拔出37.tie系、拴A collar(衣领、领带)and tie 系着领带38.cookie饼干Chocolate chip cookies巧克力碎片曲奇Fortune cookie 福饼39.move out搬出去40.stuff东西,名称不详或无关紧要或说指名称明确的东西41.let me 让我42.stop to do sth 停下来正在做的事情,去做别的事情Stop doing停止正在做的事情43.aura气氛、氛围44.leave alone 不打扰、不干涉Leave me alone别管我45.i’ll be fine 我会好起来的46.to hell with her让……见鬼去吧,去她的47.she left(leave)me 她甩掉我48.never knew 一直都不知道49.keep fixating on that 对……抓住不放,围绕着这个话题打转Fixate 使痴迷,依恋,固着于50.out loud大声、响亮的。

-告诉他 - 就告诉他嘛-Tell him. - Just tell him.-闭口 - 告诉我什么-Shut up. - Tell me what你看你连正眼看他都不敢Look at you, you won't even look at him.就告诉我吧Oh, come on tell me.下回有女人不愿看我我也好有新原因I could use another reason why women won't look at me. 好吧好吧昨晚我梦见All right. All right. Last night, I had a dream that uh...我和你...that you and I were在这桌上做爱doing it on this table.梦里干的不错嘛Excellent dream score.你怎会有这类梦Why would you dream that最重要的是More importantly...我棒吗...was I any good几乎是棒极了Well, you were pretty damn good.真存心思在我梦中我特别力所不及Interesting. Cause in my dreams, I'm surprisingly inadequate. 昨晚你在这桌上的表现十全十美Last night, you seemed to know your way around the table. 真快乐能与你们分享I love it when we share.你没事吧You okay there我不敢相信你会在她梦中做爱I can't believe you two had sex in her dream.对不起仅仅一次I'm sorry, it was a one-time thing.我醉得昏迷不醒并且这不是我的潜意识I was very drunk, and it was someone else's subconscious. 你好呀瑞秋Hello, Rachel.下去Get off.给我你们能想像我操作钻床的样子吗Ooh, give me. Can you see me operating a drill press不知道你当时穿什么I don't know. What are you wearing菲比你为何想操作钻床Phoebe, why would you want to operate a drill press不过临时的工作Just for some short-term-work.直到我找回一部分前按摩客户You know, until I get back some of my massage clients.又是海盗吗Pirates again不根本不贴边No. Nothing like that.我真是个大笨蛋I'm just such a dummy.我教他们 " 自己在家着手做按摩 "I taught a "Massage Yourself at Home" workshop. 结果他们就不来了And they are.嗨钱德勒她能够为你工作Hey, Chan, she could work for you.谢了乔伊这是个好想法Thanks, Joey. That's a good idea.我能够我来吧什么工作I could. I could do it. What is it我秘书这几周没法来上班My secretary's gonna be out for a couple of weeks.她去给一侧乳房动消乳手术She's having one of her boobs reduced.一言难尽的波霸故事It's a whole big boob story.我能够当个秘书I could be a secretary.菲比我不知你是不是这块料Phoebes, I don't know if it's your kinda thing...由于这份工作需要你大多数时间... because it involves a lot being normal尽可能保持正常for a large portion of the day.我能办到I could do that.-你玩什么呢 - 我的新传呼机-What are you playing with -It's my new beeper.古生物学家要那玩艺儿干嘛What the hell does a paleontologist need a beeper for以防恐龙紧迫事件救命啊快来Is it like for dinosaur emergencies Help. come quick,他们仍是绝种了They're still extinct.不是为卡罗尔生产买的No. It's for when Carol goes into labor.好让她随时联系到我She can get me wherever I am.她只要拨号 55- 金宝All she has to do is dial 55-Jimbo.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑 \fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}Jimbo在美国俚语中指 " 不请自来的人 "这号码真酷还可以当孩子的名字A cool number and a possible name for the kid.-各位回头见了 - 去见小伊森吗-All right, I'll see you guys later. - Off to see young Ethan感谢Thank you.伊森究竟有多小很小吗How young is young Ethan Young年龄和我们差不多He's our age.当我们仍是When we were...-他是大学四年级学生 - 大学-He's a senior in college. - College这位小朋友不在意你的年龄吗This man-child has no problem with how old you are 自然不在意这根本不是问题No, of course not. It's not even an issue...由于我告诉他我22 岁...because I told him I was 22.-你什么 - 什么-You what - What- 我不像 22 岁吗 -25 26还说得过去- Oh, I can't pass for 22 - Well, maybe 25, 26.-我原来就 26 - 那就对啦-I am 26. - There you go.-听见没 - 听见了-Can you hear that - Yeah.知道不拿起电话就不会响了You see, that'll stop when you pick up the phone. -我来了 - 好的-Oh, I'm on. - Okay.宾先生办公室Mr. Bing's office.对不起他正在开会 .No, I'm Sorry, he's in a meeting right now.我没在开会我在 ...I'm not in a meeting. I'm right... Whoops.他知道这件事吗Will he know what this is in reference to他有你的号码吗And he has your number好我会转告他的再会I'll see that he gets the message. Bye-bye. 罗斯打来问候的Ross says hi.真好玩好了我们此刻做什么This is so fun. All right. What do we do now 此刻我得开始工作了Well, now I actually have to get to work. "可能吧""Most likely."好了我出去了Okay, I'm gonna be out there.好的再会All right. Bye-bye.再会Bye-bye.-什么事 - 你在干嘛- Yes - What you doing窗户擦好了蜡烛点上了Okay, windows are clean. Candles are lit.皮带太紧我得去换一条Belt's too tight. Gotta change the belt.鱼翻过没没由于我做的意大利面Did I turn the fish Nope, because I made lasagna.-我有没有失控 - 有一点点-Am I out of control - Just a touch.莫妮卡我不理解Mon, I don't understand.你跟这个男生从他期中考试后I mean, you've been dating this guy since like, what... 谈到此刻... his midterms.为何忽然Why, all of a sudden, are you so...-我怎么了 - 今夜会是销魂一夜吗-What - Could tonight be the night我不知道他是个好男孩I don't know. He's a great guy...我喜爱和他在一同但是很难说...and I love being with him. But, you know...只好自然而然没法早先计划好...things happen when they happen. You don't plan these things. -腿毛刮了没 - 刮了-So, did you shave your legs - Yeah.罗斯别纠结了这不过一场梦Would you let it go, Ross It was just a dream.不代表 ...It doesn't mean时候到了宝宝要出生了This is it. Oh my God! It's baby time! Baby time!放轻松沉着点别紧张All right, relax. Just relax. Be cool.对刚有人呼我Yeah, hi. I was just beeped.不安卓不在这今日呼错三次了No, Andre is not here. Third time today.对我确立Yes, I am sure.不先生我不供给那些服务No, sir, I do not perform those kind of services.服务Services懂了服务嘛Oh, services.对你要呼的是 55- 劲爆Yeah, you want 55-Jumbo.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑 \fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}jumbo是庞然大物的意思没错That's right.没错是劲爆不是金宝先生That's right. JUMBO with a "U," sir.不相信我你不会想要我的No, belive me, You don't want me.从他的号码看来你看到我会大失人望Judging by his number, I'd be a huge disappointment. 好吧再会了Alrighty, bye-bye.第一天上班怎样How was the first day太棒了每一个人都特别特别好Excellent. Everyone was so, so nice.瞧认识我这类职位的人多沾光It pays to know the man who wears my shoes.说的是我Me.不我没告诉任何人我认识你No. I didn't tell anyone I knew you.-为何 - 由于你懂的-Why not - Well, because, you know.他们其实不喜爱你They don't like you.-什么 - 我认为你早知道-What - I thought you knew that.-谁不喜爱我 - 每一个人-No, who doesn't like me - Everyone.除了Except for....不每一个人No. Everyone.-你在说什么啊 - 别悲伤-What are you talking about - Don't feel bad.他们过去都很喜爱你They used to like you a lot.自从你升职后But then you got promoted, and, you know,他们感觉你是上级大人物now you're like Mr. Boss Man. you know, Mr. Big.宾先生宾大老板Mr. Bing. Boss Man Bing.-真不敢相信 - 他们甚至还模拟你-I can't believe it. - Yeah. They even do you. 模拟我They "do" me对比方这样You know, like, okay:报告要 " 何时 " 才能交来"Could that report be any later"-我没有那样说话 - 你有的-I don't sound like that. - Yeah, you do.这山谷回荡着美好的"The hills are alive with the sound..."音乐"声...of music."我的烤饼" 我" 的烤饼"My scone. My scone."我没那样说话这绝" 不" 是真的I don't sound like that. That is so not true."不" 是这样 " 不" 是这样That is so not... That is so not...这闭口吧That Oh, shut up.-不会吧 - 告诉你我到九岁时-Did not. - I'm telling you, up until I was 9...还认为 " 枪口 " 就是真切存在的犯法现场... I thought "gunpoint" was an actual place where crimes happened. -怎么会 - 新闻总是报道犯法事件-How's that possible - Well, think about it. It's always on the news. 某人在 "枪口"下"A man is being held up at Gunpoint."慌张的参观客在 " 枪口 " 下"Tourists are terrorized at Gunpoint."我向来在想怎么还有人去那边And I kept thinking, "Why do people continue to go there"-我该走了 - 好-I should go. - Ok.-除非-什么-Unless. - What除非你要在这儿过夜Unless you wanna stay over.我反正要在这过夜不如I mean, I'm going to. So....是啊这样再好可是Yeah, I'd really like that.在我们考虑过夜的事宜以前Before we get into any staying-over stuff...我有些事情一定告诉你...there's something you should know.是 " 我明日一早有课 " 之类的Ok. Is this, like, "I have an early class tomorrow"... 仍是 " 我与山羊奥密成婚了 "...or "I'm secretly married to a goat"在这二者之间Well, it's somewhere in between.就严格技术层面而言自然我还没You see, in a strictly technical sense, of course, I'm not.... 我是说我还没有Well, I mean, I haven't ever....-伊森-在-Ethan - Yeah.你是处男吗Are you a virgin假如你们这些孩子此刻这样称号的话If that's what you kids are calling it these days, then...对我是个处男...yes, I am.我大体向来在等候合适的人I've kind of been waiting for the right person.-真的吗 - 真的-Really - Yeah.你知道我是在指你吧You do know I was talking about you, right你向来喔个不断You keep saying that.你懂的你在杂志上看过在电影里看过You know, you read about it. You see it in the movies. 甚至在家里练习过但是天啊Even when you practice it at home, man, oh, man... 这感觉实在没得比...it is nothing like that.听着听着Listen, listen.你对我坦率了一件难以开口的事You told me something that was really difficult for you. 我想假如你能坦诚相对那我也能And I figure if you can be honest, then I can too.天啊别告诉我方才做错了Oh, God. Don't tell me I did it wrong.不那件事你做得特别完满No, no, no. Nothing wrong about that.好我说了Ok, Here goes.我不是 22 岁I'm not 22.我是 25岁I'm 25...零13个月...and 13 months.但是我想我们的关系不会所以变掉But I figure, you know, that shouldn't change anything. 年龄根本就不是距离对吧I mean, what the hell does it matter how old we are听着Listen...在你坦承之际...as long as we're telling stuff...我也有话要说... I have another one for you.我比你所知的年龄还小I'm a little younger than I said.-你不是四年级生吗 - 我是四年级-You're not a senior - Oh, I'm a senior...高中四年级...in high school.我们不该当这样What we did was wrong.天啊我刚和一个God, I just had sex with不到二十岁的小屁孩做爱了someone who wasn't alive during the bicentennial.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑 \fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}bicentennial指美国独立二百周年我刚做爱了I just had sex.伊森注意听你为何不早告诉我Ethan, focus. How could you not tell me-你也没告诉我你真切年龄 - 那不同样-You never tell me how old you are. - It's different.我撒的谎不会让我们在48 个州获重罪My lie didn't make one of us a felon in 48 states.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑 \fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}美国法律规定与未成年人发生关系要判重罪-你究竟在想什么 - 我什么都没想-What were you thinking - I wasn't thinking.-我不过忙于 - 不要说-I was too busy falling... - Don't say it.爱上你...in love with you.-真的吗 - 对不起-Really - Sorry.好吧别再爱我了Well, fall out of it.你都不该在这你该在学校过夜的You shouldn't be here. It's a school night.天啊Oh, God.我就像是那种I'm like those women that you see...特意勾引小帅哥的女人...with shiny guys named Chad.我成了琼·柯琳斯I'm Joan Collins.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑 \fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}作风随意的英国性感女星谁Who好安卓 45 分钟后就会到Ok. Andre should be there in about 45 minutes.就这样再会Alrighty. Bye-bye.这样省事多了It's just easier that way.说吧你昨晚的梦都告诉我了Come on. You told me about the last dream.不忘了吧No. Forget it.为何莫非是梦中的我对你过于鲁莽Why not Was I doing something particularly saucy 好吧我说All right. Fine.梦中不不过你在场You were not the only one there.乔伊也在场Joey was there too.好的All right.那Was there...还有其余人吗...anybody else there-没有 - 你确立没有人 ...-No. - You sure Nobody...发发薄荷糖啥的... handing out mints or anything没有只有我们三个No, it was just the three of us.谈谈看是你跟钱德勒做完So, tell me. Was it like you and Chandler,而后跟我做仍是我们三个同时...and then you and me, or you, me and Chandler -你知道吗 - 什么-You know what - What有几次There were times...我都没有参加...when it wasn't even me.真甜蜜伙计们That is so sweet, you guys.莫妮卡伊森又来电话了Mon, Ethan called again.-莫妮卡 - 莫妮卡-Mon - Mon !-干嘛 - 伊森又来电话了-What - Ethan called again.-你不再会他了吗 - 对-You're not seeing him anymore - No.有时有些问题没法解决Sometimes, things don't work out.这跟他需要假条才能翘掉体育课没关吗This has nothing to do with him needing a note to get out of gym 我没说什么都没说我立誓I, I didn't say any... I sw... I did not say anything. I swear.-他听到的 - 听着下回见到他时-He stopped by. - Listen, next time you talk to him...能问问《恐龙战队》中最强的是谁吗...could you ask him which one the strongest Power Ranger is{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑 \fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}据日本同种类题材改编的美版恐龙战队我的生活真是太出色了换个话题行吗Oh, my life is just so amusing. Can we drop it now对不起Sorry.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑 \fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}恐龙战队台词墨菲时间到了"It's morphin'time."-暴龙-剑龙-Stegosaurus. - Tyrannosaurus.我得走了I gotta go.天脑充血Head rush.再一次我真得走了One more, and then I have to go.酷Cool.你要上哪儿去Where you going我要和几个同事去参加诞辰会I got a birthday party with some work people. 同事吗没人跟我说Work people Nobody told me.我知道这都是由于No, I know. That's part of the whole...他们不喜爱你所造成的...you know, them-not-liking-you extravaganza. 你来谈谈我真不理解You know what, I don't get this.一个月前他们都是我朋友A month ago, these people were my friends. 我当上了主管其实不代表我会变为另一个人You know, just I'm in charge doesn't mean I'm a different person. 那你今夜该来Well, then you should come tonight.和他们多相处You know, just hang out with them.让他们知道你仍是个大好人Let them see what a great guy you still are.-你认为我该去 - 诚心的你该去-You think I should - I really do. Yeah.-那好-走吧-Ok. - Ok.我们能不一同去吗But could we not go together我不想成为邀请上级的怪人I don't wanna be the geek who invited the boss.昨晚真是太棒了I think last night was great.我和崔西合唱了首《乌木与象牙》You know, the Karaoke thing. Tracy and I doing Ebony and Ivory. 你表现得很好You were great.但大家仍旧讥笑你But they still made fun of you.-什么 - 你此刻成了 " 假惺惺 " 老板-What - You know, now you're more like, Mr. Caring Boss. "套近乎"老板Mr. I'm-one-of-you Boss."称兄道弟 " 宾大老板Mr. I-wanna-be-your-buddy Boss Man Bing.我真是想不通Then I don't get it.你知道吗钱德勒你得面对现实You know what Chandler I think you just gotta face it.你坐在这间大办公室里You're like the guy in the big office.有权录取他们也有权开除他们You're the one that hires and fires them.-他们说你仍是个好上级 - 是吗-They still say you're a great boss. - They do但是他们不再是你的朋友Uh uh. But they're not your friends anymore.-我不过想 - 但你不可以-I just want - But you can't.但我不过想But I just want你不是要去 ...Aren't you gonna卡罗尔和我定了新暗号Carol and I have a new system.假如她打 911If she punches in 9-1-1...就代表她将生产不然我就根本不理睬it means she's having a baby. Otherwise, I just ignore it. 那安卓呢What about Andre清晨他接到个电话Oh, well this morning he got a call from我感觉是堂弟纳森打来的who I think was our cousin Nathan,老实说我知道太多内情了and frankly, it was a little more than I needed to know.-嗨 - 我本打算这么说的-Hi. - That was gonna be my opener.你们看过卫生间里的新烘手机没Hey, did you guys check out those new hand dryers in the bathroom -我认为那不过谣传 - 确切不移-I thought that was just a rumor. - True story.行了我得和你谈谈All right. Look, I gotta tell you something.我不是 17 岁I'm not 17.我这样说是为了让你感觉我可爱引人怜I only said that so you'd think I was cute and vulnerable. 其实我今年 30I'm actually 30.娶了妻子有正经工作是个国会议员I have a wife and a job. I'm your congressman.莫妮卡这太荒唐了我们多般配Monica, this is ridiculous. We're great together.我们聊天谈笑做爱也很协调We can talk, we make each other laugh, and the sex.... 我固然经验不多但全部是那么完满I have no frame of reference, but I thought that was great. -确实是 - 那问题在哪儿-It was. - Then what's the problem伊森这太Ethan, it's....倒人胃口It's icky." 倒人胃口 ""Icky"就由于 " 倒人胃口 " 你就想放弃吗You're actually gonna throw this away because it's "icky" 我也很悲伤我多希望状况不是这样This isn't easy for me either. I wish things were different. 假如你年长几岁或许我年青几岁If you were a few years older or I was a few years younger... 或是我们生活在圣经时代...or we lived in biblical times...- 我就能够 ... -不不要说- ...I could really - No, don't say it.爱你Love you.-你的手还没干是吧 - 仍是湿的-Are your hands still wet - Moist.那我们再去烘一次Let's dry them again.或许是这些鸡尾酒 " 能" 再烈一点吗Or like, "Could these margaritas be any stronger" 你好钱德勒Hey, Chandler.你好宾先生Hello, Mr. Bing.你昨晚唱的史提夫·汪达那首歌真好听Loved your Stevie Wonder last night.感谢听着相关周数据的事Thanks. Listen, about the weekly numbers,九点 " 之" 前请送到我办公室来I'm gonna need them on my desk by 9:00.-好的 - 没问题-Sure. - No problem.总得给他们些话题嘛You have to give them something.刚才是格斯顿山托斯That was Gerston, Santos,留胡须的那个叫什么and who's the guy with the moustache-派崔-派崔对-Petrie. - Petrie. Right, okay.看来这周末得有人Well, some people are gonna be working... "加" 班了...this weekend.真好Oh, that's nice.罗斯Ross.罗斯Ross.我在这里I'm here.你在吗You are我们刚在We were just....什么What-这下可好我有宝宝了 - 什么-Great. Now I'm having a baby. - What我要有宝宝了我要有一个I'm having a baby. I'm having a-电话电话在哪 - 不在我这-The phone, the phone. - I don't have the phone. -罗斯 - 我受伤了-Ross - I'm hurt.莫妮卡快走各位快点她要生了Mon, Let's go. Come on, people. Woman in labor. 罗斯看我这样子Ross, Look what I've got going here.坐车时再闹吧行不Save it for the cab. Ok你在干什么我们要去医院What are you doing We're going to a hospital.我不可以妆扮美丽吗说不定有帅医生What, so I can't look nice There might be doctors there. -乔伊别翻冰箱了 - 好吧-Joey, get out of the fridge. - All right.-那是干嘛的 - 路上吃的-What is that - For the ride.-比方坐车的时候 - 忍着-Like in a cab - Save it.-真厌烦 - 莫妮卡快该走了-Hating this. - Monica, come on. Let's go.宝宝就要出生了Baby coming.我真不敢相信我要当姑姑了I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt.-我要有侄子了 - 真动人走吧-I'll have like a nephew. - That's nice. Get out.行啦我在走我在走All right, I'm going. I'm going. 走吧连忙Here we go. Come on.。
friends S1E1详解

splendid, gorgeous, glorious, superb, magnificent
splendid: 侧重指给观察者留下壮丽辉煌或灿烂夺目的印象。
gorgeous: 指色彩的富丽和豪华,有时含炫耀和卖弄意味。
n.钱包, 小钱袋, (获奖)奖金
vt.皱起, 放进钱包
////bag, sack, handbag, purse
bag: 普通用词,指一般的口袋,有时也指手提包。
sack: 应用范围较窄,指较大的袋子,如麻袋等。
handbag: 指手提包,尤指女人用的手提包。
adj.现场的, 现货的,插播的
v.(使)产生污渍, 玷污, 认出, 用灯来自照射 ////语法用法】
I found her standing on this spot.
place, position, spot, situation, site, location, locality, setting, scene
1=====naked['neikid] adj.裸体的, 无掩饰的, 明白的, 无覆盖的
bare, naked, bald, barren
bare: 指缺少必要的遮盖物。用于人时,多指身体的部分裸露。
naked: 指全身一丝不挂,暴露无遗。
bald: 指头上无发,山坡无树无草,树顶无叶。

awkward adj.难使用的, 笨拙的 hallway n.走廊 incredible adj.&lt;口&gt;难以置信的 episode n.一段情节, [音]插曲, 插话, 有趣的事件 laundry n.洗衣店, 要洗的衣服, 洗熨 sarcastic adj.讽刺的 ginger n.姜, 生姜, 有姜味, 活泼, 元气, 精力 dinosaur n.恐龙 blanket n.毯子vt.覆盖 bucket n.桶, 一桶的量, [桶状物]铲斗 oven n.烤箱, 烤炉, 灶 rubbing n.摹拓, 摹拓品 bachelor n.单身汉, 文理学士, 幼雄兽 Dumb adj.哑的, 无说话能力的, 不说话的, 无声音的 dump vt.倾倒(垃圾), 倾卸n.堆存处 bracelet n.手镯 audience n.听众, 观众, 接见, 拜见 prom n.正式舞会 tux n.男士无尾半正式晚礼服 hanukkah n.(=Chanukah)光明节(犹太纪念节日之一) annulment n.废除, 取消, (法院对婚姻等)判决无效 champagne n.香槟酒, 香槟色 applause n.鼓掌欢迎, 欢呼 princess n.公主 prince n.王子spin v.旋转, 纺, 纺纱n.旋转spit n.唾液v.吐(唾沫), 吐出, 发射, 发出, 喷吐halloween n.万圣节前夕, 诸圣日前夕conference n.会议, 讨论会, 协商会massages n.按摩v.按摩mimics adj.模仿的, 假装的, [生]拟态的n.效颦者, 模仿者, 小丑, 仿制品vt.模仿, 摹拟announcer n.广播员, 告知者, 报幕员screw n.螺丝钉, 螺旋, 螺杆, 螺孔, 螺旋桨, 吝啬鬼vt.调节, 旋, 加强, 压榨, 强迫, 鼓舞vi.转动, 旋, 拧badge n.徽章, 证章wax n.蜡, 蜡状物, 增加, 月亮由亏转盈vi.变大, 增大, 月亮渐满vt.上蜡于deadpan n.<俚>无表情的脸janitor n.看门人lotion n.洗液, 洗剂boob n.笨蛋, 蠢材dice n.骰子vt.切成方块vi.掷骰子clerk n.职员, 办事员, <美> 店员clip n.夹子, 回形针, 子弹夹vt.夹住, 剪短, 修剪patch n.片, 补缀, 碎片, 斑纹, 斑点, 小块地, 眼罩, 傻瓜vt.修补, 补缀, 掩饰, 平息rough adj.粗糙的, 粗略的, 大致的, 粗野的, 粗暴的, 粗略叙述的v.大体描述adv.粗糙地hysterically hystericallyadv.歇斯底里地uterus n.[解]子宫recipe n.处方ankle n.[解]踝imitate vt.模仿, 仿效, 仿制, 仿造v.模仿sequence n.次序, 顺序, 序列cereal n.谷类食品, 谷类vegetarian n.素食者, 食草动物adj.素食的dejected adj.沮丧的, 灰心的atlantic n.大西洋adj.大西洋的The pacific 太平洋emerges vi.显现, 浮现, 暴露, 形成, (由某种状态)脱出, (事实)显现出来 mug n.杯子 mud n.泥, 泥浆, 泥泞 squeeze n.压榨, 挤v.压榨, 挤, 挤榨 term n.学期, 期限, 期间, 条款, 条件, 术语 oops int.表示惊讶, 狼狈时所发的喊声 coulda &lt;口&gt; = could have bubble n.泡沫, 幻想的计划vi.起泡, 潺潺的流 toner n.调色剂, 调色者 chapeln.小礼拜堂, 礼拜 crotch n.分叉处, 丫叉, 胯部 simultaneously adv.同时地 steak n.(供煎, 烤等的)肉, 鱼, 肉片, 鱼片, 肉排, 牛排 stain n.污点, 瑕疵v.染污, 沾污 vase n.花瓶, 瓶 whip n.鞭子, 车夫v.鞭打, 抽打, 突然移动 yummy n.美味 plummer 轴台 垫块 承载台 pumpkin n.南瓜 rugby n.橄榄球 Rugby [5rQ^bi] n. 橄榄球 triplet n.三个一幅, 三个一组, 三份 evolution n.进展, 发展, 演变, 进化 edge n.刀口, 利刃, 锋, 优势, 边缘, 优势, 尖锐vt.使锋利, 挤进, 镶边, 开刃vi.缓缓移动, 侧着移动 lame adj.跛足的, 僵痛的, 不完全的, 金属薄片, 不知内情的人, (辩解、论据等)无说服力的vi.变跛, 瘸行vt.使成残废 sip v.吸吮 sleeve n.袖子 sting n.刺, 刺痛, 针刺v.刺, 刺痛, 刺激 stink v.发出臭味 wink n.眨眼, 使眼色, 瞬间, (星光等的)闪烁vi.眨眼, 使眼色, 闪烁, 打信号, 假装不见, 终止, 熄灭vt.眨(眼) blinking adj.闪光的, 一眨眼的 clunker n.年久失修的旧机器 huddle v.拥挤,卷缩,草率从事,挤作一团n.杂乱的一堆, 拥挤 mattress n.床垫, 空气垫, (用以护堤等的)沉床 popcorn n.爆米花 obsessive adj.强迫性的, 分神的 allergic adj.[医]过敏的, 患过敏症的 crab n.螃蟹, 类似螃蟹的动物, 脾气乖戾的人, 吹毛求疵vi.捕蟹, 偏航, 发牢骚vt.使偏航, 发脾气, 破坏 crap n.废物, 赌输的一注, 废话vi.掷骰子 desperately desperatelyadv.拼命地, 失望地 gasp vi.喘息, 气喘vt.气吁吁地说 girlie n.(对少女的呢称)妮, 姑娘, 俚 娼妓 booby n.呆子, 傻瓜 boobies(pl.) helmet n.头盔, 钢盔 literally adv.照字面意义, 逐字地 originally adv.最初, 原先 cape n.海角 contraction n.收缩, 缩写式, 紧缩 lasagna (=lasagne)烤宽面条(上浇肉末番茄汁) retreat vi.撤退, 退却n.撤退, 退却 sophisticated adj.诡辩的, 久经世故的 tub n.浴盆 fossil n.化石, 僵化的事物adj.化石的, 陈腐的, 守旧的 flipping adj .讨厌之极的 flip vt.掷, 弹, 轻击, (用鞭等)抽打, 空翻vi.用指轻弹, 抽打, 翻动书页(或纸张), 蹦跳n.抛, 弹, 筋斗adj.无礼、冒失的, 轻率的 flapping n.拍打, 拍打声, 副翼v.拍打, 鼓翼而飞, 飘动, 拉下(帽)的边, 扔, 掷 lousy adj.&lt;俚&gt;污秽的, 恶心的, 生虱的 scissors n.剪刀 visibly adv.显然 buzz n.嗡嗡声v.作嗡嗡声, 嗡嗡作响, 逼近 adorable adj.可崇拜的, 可爱的 whoops int.(表示惊讶, 沮丧, 轻度道歉等)哎呦 reluctantly reluctantlyadv.不情愿地, 嫌恶地 era n.时代, 纪元, 时期, [地]代 xerox v.复印 divert v.转移, 转向, 使高兴 drain n.排水沟, 消耗, 排水vt.排出沟外, 喝干, 耗尽vi.排水, 流干 fade vi.(声音等)减弱下去, 褪色, 消失, 枯萎, 凋谢vt.使褪色n.淡入, 淡出adj.乏味的, 平淡的 canoe n.独木舟, 轻舟 wrist n.手腕, 腕关节 snoring v.打鼾, 打着鼾渡过(时间)n.打鼾, 鼾声 sneeze n.喷嚏vi.打喷嚏 yawning n.打呵欠adj.张着大嘴的, 打哈欠的 vent n.通风孔, 出烟孔, 出口, (感情等的)发泄v.放出, 排出, 发泄 hernia n.[医]疝气, 脱肠 scarf n.围巾, 头巾领巾, 嵌接, 嵌接处, 切口v.围(围巾), 披(头巾)嵌接 doorknob n.门把手 doty 腐朽的(指木材等) nauseous adj.令人作呕的, 厌恶的 pickles n.(腌肉、菜等用的)盐汁,醋汁,腌渍品, 泡菜vt.腌, 泡 stretching 伸, 拉伸, 伸长[展], 展宽 overhear vt.无意中听到, 偷听 fart n.&lt;俗&gt;屁vi.放屁 mint n.薄荷, 薄荷糖, 造币厂, 大量, 来源v.铸造(硬币) pox n.[医]发疹的疾病, 痘, 疹, 瘟疫 sneeze n.喷嚏vi.打喷嚏 sniff v.用力吸, 嗅, 闻到, 发觉, 轻视, 用力吸气n.吸, 闻, 吸气声, 嗤之以鼻 gear n.齿轮, 传动装置v.调整, (使)适合, 换档 hornswoggle vt.骗, 瞒 gossip n.闲话, 闲谈 discount n.折扣 dumping n.倾销 naughty adj.顽皮的, 淘气的, 不听话的, 没规矩的, 不适当的, 下流的 puppet n.傀儡, 木偶 ribbon n.缎带, 丝带, 带, 带状物, 带子 dip v.浸, 蘸, 沾 phlegm n.粘液, 痰, 粘液质 humiliating adj.羞辱性的 exhibit vt.展出, 陈列n.展览品, 陈列品, 展品v.展示 illegal adj.违法的, 不合规定的 incredulous adj.怀疑的, 不轻信的 monopoly n.垄断, 垄断者, 专利权, 专利事业 rhyme n.韵, 押韵, 押韵的词vi.押韵, 作诗, 韵律和谐vt.使押韵, 用韵诗表达, 把...写成诗 tile n.瓦片, 瓷砖 worn adj.用旧的, 疲倦的vbl.wear的过去分词 eyelash n.睫毛 alphabet n.字母表 bandage n.绷带 banquet n.宴会 facial adj.面部的 chichi adj.装作聪明的, 故作时髦的n.虚伪,小题大作 fever n.发烧, 发热, 热病, 狂热, 高度兴奋v.(使)发烧, (使)患热病, (使)狂热 intimate adj.亲密的, 隐私的vt.宣布, 明白表示n.熟友 intimidate v.胁迫 nasal adj.鼻的, 鼻音的, 护鼻的n.鼻音, 鼻音字 ritual n.典礼, (宗教)仪式, 礼节adj.典礼的, (宗教)仪式的 stumble v.绊倒, 使困惑, 蹒跚, 结结巴巴地说话, 踌躇n.绊倒, 错误 phenomenal adj.显著的, 现象的, 能知觉的 flinches vi.畏缩, 退缩, 畏首畏尾n.退缩, 畏缩 shush int.嘘!n.嘘声 horn n.(牛、羊等的)角, 喇叭, 触角v.装角 hilarious adj.欢闹的 mashed v.捣碎 recoil n.畏缩, 后退, 弹回, 反作用, 后座力vi.退却, 畏缩, 弹回, 撤退, 反冲 smashed adj.喝醉酒的 cha n.&lt;英俚&gt;茶 thigh n.大腿, 股 To rise from or as if from immersion:浮现:从或好象是从潜水下面升起:Sea mammals must emerge periodically to breathe.海生哺乳动物必须不断地浮现出海面呼吸To come forth from obscurity:出现:从阴暗处显露:new leaders who may emerge.可能出现的新领导者们To become evident:显露:变得明显:The truth emerged at the inquest.真相在询问中显露To come into existence.See Synonyms at appear 发生:使出现(存在)参见appear。

《老友记》中的地道美国俚语round the clock=all day一整天,夜以继日,日以继夜。
Rachel说EMMA:she poops around the clock.她整天都拉.after hours非营业时间记得FLASHBACK里,有个Missy,那个他们约定不可以约会的女人,她对ROSS 说,她和CHANDLER曾经约会,还在实验室关门的时候去那里“玩”。
We'd go to the science lab after hours!out of the blue突然,没有料到(美国人不常用~至少他们六个没用过~)Emily给ROSS留言:I know this is out of the blue but uh, I'm getting married tomorrow.我知道这很突然,但是,我明天要结婚了。
show my true colors原形必露,露出本来面目Phoebe: No! It's my first birthday with a boyfriend, and he has to work. Ugh, I get mad at him, but I think it's a little soon to show my true colors.我虽然非常生气,但是我认为现在就给他点颜色看看太早了the world is your oyster,Paint the town red和Kick up the heels都有唱歌,跳舞,喝酒,放纵狂欢的意思。
Ross: No, no, really. You should go. Just go! Go! Go out! Really, the world isyour oyster. Kick up the heels. Paint the town red.不,你应该去.去!去吧!真的~快去放纵一下自己吧.(但是这几个词有点老土,所以,RACHEL说,你应该学些新的俚语了)Go in one ear and out.....一耳进,一耳出Ross: So I told Carl, 'Nobody, no matter how famous their parents are, nobody is allowed to climb on the dinosaur.' But of course this went in one ear and out.....所以,我告诉carl,不管他们的父母多有名,谁都不允许爬上恐龙,但这些话当然一耳进一耳出a slap in the face当面一棍子。

老友记第四季列举一、《the one with the fake party》看点:rachel想尽了一切办法来取悦joshua,但却笑料百出,最后发现,两个人都是有情人,爱情往往很奇妙,像风一样,你握不住他,可他却你让你忽冷忽热。
1.pregnancy does give you some weird cravings!so the baby is totally craving meatcraving强烈的愿望P1222.Joshua is coming,since i don't have the guts to ask him out...gut勇气p555,gutless3.they were so ornate and beautifulornate 华美的,充满装饰的p3354.they have really lax securitylax 不严格的p2885.but you got that cool pregnant-lady glowglow p222 红光6.and lucky means cleavage?cleavage p88裂缝,分裂7.it is bug!bug p521:buggy 多臭虫的,马车8.rachel is going to put on a skit!skit p433 幽默讽刺短剧9.those were not albino kidsalbino p511 白化病二《the one with the free porn 》看点:罗斯和爱美丽的感情发展,想知道罗斯说i love you,emily地回答么?顺便说一句,我最喜欢emily。
请看第四季1 i am at least going to mute it !mute p320 消音2 then you too can sneak to the cockpit... sneak p436 :sneaking 秘密的3 because his super-fertile sister's having three babies!fertile p200 多产的;肥沃的《the one with rachel's new dress》看点:穿性感内衣的瑞秋被男友的父母看到,尴尬的瑞秋怎么解脱呢?1 cougar 美洲豹p1192 how about the hulk?hulk p241 费船,大而重的东西3 i really get crabbed when i cook.crabbed p121 暴躁的4 it's kind like chandelier but it is not! chandelier p80 枝形烛台5 please !cooking soothes me!soothe p439 抚慰,减轻6 it'll take a long time to peck their way back over here!peck p349 啄7 oh my god ,you are so paranoid!paranoid 多疑的p345(paranoia)8 this place is fabulous!fabulous p545 难以置信的9 so i don't know what "sycophant" means ,butthe rest is right!sycophant p463马屁精三《the one with all the haste》看点:罗斯和emily在认识六个月后决定闪电结婚,原因很简单:feel good ~! 那种感觉很令人兴奋。

4. Joey: Strip joint! C'mon, you're single! Have some hormones! "Strip joint"是脱衣舞场的意思,Joey意思是Ross现在虽然很受伤,但是正好恢复单身,可以去脱衣舞场去, "have some hormones"直译就是你要有一些男性荷尔蒙呀,翻译过来就是你该去(脱衣舞场)找乐子去。
1. while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something...
on a roll:顺便,一次连着做什么事情。
我有不同的意见,on a roll 的准确意思是做事情很成功的意思,这里是joey在说rach所做的coffee。
第一集是试播(Pilot),主要情节如下,瑞秋在教堂抛弃未婚夫巴利、逃婚到莫妮卡处。莫妮卡和调酒师(Wine Guy)保罗约会,此君伪装成离婚后一蹶不振的苦命人,靠博取同情来骗女人上床。罗斯婚姻失败,因为他的老婆被证实居然是同性恋,所以情绪低落。乔伊安慰他说,女性的种类与Ice Cream一样多,离婚未尝不是好事。大家一同看西班牙肥皂剧并信口瞎猜剧情。罗斯自高中起即爱慕瑞秋,此刻死灰复燃,提议和她约会,瑞秋答应了。

1)organize ['ɒrɡənaɪz] v. 使有系统化2)holiday ['hɒlədeɪ]n.假期3)prototype ['prəʊtətaɪp] n. 范例4)blender ['blendə]n. 果汁机5)curse [kəːs]v.诅咒6)movie ['muːvɪ] n. 电影7)dime [daɪm]n.一角硬币8)forever [fɔː'evə]adv.永远9)drown [draʊn] v. 淹没,淹死10)o’clock[əˈklɒk] adv. ……点钟11)pretend [prɪ'tend] v. 假装12)official [ə'fɪʃl] adj.正式的13)ballplayer[‘bɔːlˌpleɪə]n. 球手14)race [reɪs] v.比赛15)cheesecake['tʃiːzkeɪk] n. 奶酪蛋糕16)creamy['kriːmɪ] adj. 含乳脂的17)thief [θiːf]n.小偷18)delicious [dɪ'lɪʃəs] adj. 美味的,可口的19)conglomerate[kən'glɒmərət] n. 企业集团20)bakery ['beɪkərɪ] n.面包店21)cruel [krʊəl] adj. 残酷的22)monkey['mʌŋkɪ] n. 猴子23)roommate['ruːmmeɪt] n. 室友24)certain [ˈsəːtən] adj. 特定的1. scratch[skrætʃ] n. 抓痕25)2. grandmother[‘ɡrænd'mʌðə]n. 祖母26)3. drag [dræɡ]v.拖,拽27)ground[ɡraʊnd]n. 地面28)infomercial ['ɪnfə'məʃəl] n.商品信息电视片29)mop[mɒp] n. 拖把wax [wæks] v. 给……上蜡organic [ɔː'gænɪk] adj. 有机的substance['sʌbstəns]n. 物质discover [dɪ'skʌvə] v. 发现30)mass-produced [,mæsprə'djuːst] adj. 大批生产的31)authentic[ɔːˈθentɪk]adj.真实的32)sheet [ʃiːt]n.被单;薄板33)twin [twɪn]n.双胞胎之一34)breakthrough['breɪk'θrʊ] n. 突破35)therapy ['θerəpɪ] n. 治疗36)lousy['laʊzɪ]adj. 讨厌的37)womankind['wʊmən'kaɪnd]n. 女性38)reception [rɪ'sepʃn] n. 接待会39)liquor ['lɪkə] n. 酒40)landscape ['lænskeɪp] v. 美化……景观41)remodel [‚rɪː'mɒdl] v. 重新塑造,改建42)wonderful ['wʌndəfʊl] adj.奇妙的43)apron ['eɪprən]n.围裙44)exciting [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ] adj.令人兴奋的45)sorority [sə'rɒrɪtɪ]n.女学生联谊会46)furnishings ['fənɪʃɪŋz]n.家具47)frame [freɪm]n.框,架48)stepdad[stepdæd] n.继父49)pose [pəʊz] v.摆姿势50)present ['preznt]n. 礼物2. storage ['stɔːrɪdʒ]n. 仓库3. alone [ə'ləʊn]adv. 独自地4. worst [wɜːst]adj. 最差的51)thankful ['θæŋkfʊl] adj. 感谢的52)eviction[ɪ’vɪkʃən]n. 逐出;赶出53)swoop[swuːp] v. 猛扑54)parade [pə'reɪd] n. 游行55)starlet ['stɑːlɪt]n. 女演员明星56)skinny ['skɪnɪ]adj. 很瘦的57)stands[stændz] n. 看台58)headdress['heddres] n. 头饰59)waitress [ˈweɪtrɪs] v. 做女服务员60)2. specials ['speʃəlz] n. 特价商品61)3. board [bɔːd]n. 板62)vase[veɪs]n. 花瓶63)chocolate[ˈtʃɒkələt] n. 巧克力64)cookie['kʊkɪ]n. 饼干65)crawl [krɔːl] v.爬行66)phrase [freɪz] n.话语67)newsletter['njuːz,letə]n. 时事通讯68)hit [hɪt] v.碰撞69)keynote ['kiːnəʊt] n. 主音70)speaker['spiːkə]n. 演讲者71)paleontology [,pælɪɒn'tɒlədʒɪ] n. 古生物学72)submission [səb'mɪʃən]n. 提交73)deadline['dedlaɪn]n. 最后期限74)abstract ['æbstrækt]n. 摘要75)drill[drɪl]n. 钻头76)massage[ˈmæsɑːʒ]n.按摩,推拿77)pirate[ˈpaɪərət]n. 海盗78)portion[ˈpɔːʃən]n.一部分a)producer[prə'djuːsə] n.制作人79)2. teeny['tiːnɪ] adj.极小的80)3. fresh [freʃ] adj.清新的81)offbeat['ɒfbiːt] adj.标新立异的82)lasagna[lə'zɑːnjə] n.千层面83)casserole ['kæsərəʊl]n. 砂锅;烤锅84)ingredient [ɪn'griːdɪənt]n.原料85)bitch [bɪtʃ] n. 臭婆娘86)switch [swɪtʃ] v. 转换;变换87)freezer ['friːzə] n.冰箱88)irony['aɪrənɪ]n.讽刺89)incorporate[ɪn'kɔːpəreɪt]v.体现90)curtain['kɜːtən]n.窗帘91)mildew['mɪldjuː]n.霉92)prestigious [pres'tɪdʒɪəs] adj.享有很高声望的。

1.aural [au·ral || 'ɔːrəl] adj. 耳的; 听到的; 听觉的#气味的122. be murky 继续痛苦吧murky [murk·y || 'mɜrkɪ /'mɜːkɪ] adj. 黑暗的; 阴郁的33.strip joint脱衣舞俱乐部[strip dʒɔint]44.Sweet 'n' Lo最有名的代糖品牌,现在在英文中可直接用Sweet 'n' Lo 表示代糖55.tuna n. 鲔, 金枪鱼; 金枪仙人掌66.metaphor [met·a·phor || 'metəfɔr /'metəfə,'metəfɔː]n. 隐喻; 象征7.buzz him in 让他进来buzz 门铃788.shred 撕碎99. steer clear of you离你远一点10 horny性欲旺盛的人101111.matrimony [mat·ri·mo·ny || 'mætrɪməʊnɪ /-mənɪ]n. 婚姻; 婚姻生活; 夫妇关系1212 wow,the gal really turns me on使某人兴奋1313.freak out 就是表达焦躁害怕不安等情绪的意思1414. You got screwed你受骗了1515. It sucks.这句话很常用,意思是"很残酷"1616. have a crush on sb.对某人一见钟情1717. on a roll:顺便,一次连着做什么事情1818. walk out on someone: 将someone抛弃1919.spell it out: explain it20. crash: 动词,临时在哪儿凑合一觉202121. De-caff是不含咖啡因的咖啡2222 hang out here,呆在这2323 hanger是衣架2424 go for 选择2525.I take credit for Paul. 我给Paul打保票2626. .in bound of holy matrimony,就是结为夫妇,在神圣婚姻的约束,范围内2727.paranoid [par·a·noid || 'pærənɔɪd]n. 偏执狂患者adj. 多疑的2828.fluff [flʌf]n. 软毛; 绒毛; 柔毛v. 使起毛; 念错; 抖松; 起毛; 出错; 变松2929.orthodontist ['ɔrθə'dɑntɪst /'ɔːθə'dɒn-]n. 正牙医生; 牙齿矫正医师3030.以后碰到别人好像闷闷不乐的时候,你就可以上前来上一句Do you have any issues?31. stomp是用脚踏的意思313232. shoot for”是争取、得到或完成的意思3333. Steer是驾驶掌舵的意思341.how could I forget?”,我怎么能忘记呢?打死我也不会忘记的。

Paperboy 报童mailman邮递员superintendent监管人the company is running low on funds资金不足mangle the hand in a machine 使伤残smash the spiritual shackles打碎精神枷锁smash hit 大成功Ross tried to make amends with Rachel修复关系biological father 生父adoptive/nursing/foster father 养父homemade cookies 自制的money is so impersonal 没有人情味的we’re broke 没有钱的brownie 果仁巧克力小方块蛋糕limerick五行打油诗the remnants of the paper 残余a remnant of the feudal times封建残余torn-up newspaper 撕碎了的the sports section体育新闻栏crossword puzzle 猜字谜degrading remarks有辱人格的go nut 发疯picture frame 相框authentic fake metal 以假乱真的奖章a make-believe story 虚构的home furnishings 家具you know you want to 少装了military academy 陆军军官学校ran out on sb 抛弃出走everyone’s all ears 洗耳恭听cross out name in the phonebook 勾去删去meadow草地牧场tacky俗气的hold one’s horses 别着急耐心些别冲动surgeon 外科医生pharmacist 药剂师sneak around the downstairs溜走sneak an apple 偷窃he had stumbled and crash into sth and wake everybody up 绊脚蹒跚clayamation黏土动画hand sb sth 递交ornament 装饰品whiney好发牢骚的obsessive 固执的好钻牛角尖的gutless 没胆量的seize the day 珍惜今天抓住现在you do the math 你自己算吧I think you are better off without him 境况好knock up sb 累垮I wasn’t completely honest with you 对…说实话blow a kiss to sb 给飞吻outlet store 工厂直销店swap life story 交换run over 碾过cheet sheet 小抄parachute 跳伞降落伞paramedic护理人员fingernail polish 指甲油radiator 电暖炉blackmail sb 敲诈勒索theme party 主题派对bacon 咸肉熏肉pull up 停下strip down 脱去衣服plexiglass 树脂玻璃ice cube冰块jerky牛肉干get in line 排队sauna桑拿I will not cave 屈服no can do =I can do nothing 无能为力play hardball不择手段态度强硬不妥协it is a whole mess of stuff 事情的复杂性dirtbag 人渣canvas油布画give out 分发cardboard box 硬纸盒wiper blades 雨刮片Mr.s sweet-tooth喜欢吃甜食的人get a good deal/get a good bargain 买便宜货。

1.aural [au·ral || 'ɔːrəl] adj. 耳的; 听到的; 听觉的#气味的122. be murky 继续痛苦吧murky [murk·y || 'mɜrkɪ /'mɜːkɪ] adj. 黑暗的; 阴郁的33.strip joint脱衣舞俱乐部[strip dʒɔint]44.Sweet 'n' Lo最有名的代糖品牌,现在在英文中可直接用Sweet 'n' Lo 表示代糖55.tuna n. 鲔, 金枪鱼; 金枪仙人掌66.metaphor [met·a·phor || 'metəfɔr /'metəfə,'metəfɔː]n. 隐喻; 象征7.buzz him in 让他进来buzz 门铃788.shred 撕碎99. steer clear of you离你远一点10 horny性欲旺盛的人101111.matrimony [mat·ri·mo·ny || 'mætrɪməʊnɪ /-mənɪ]n. 婚姻; 婚姻生活; 夫妇关系1212 wow,the gal really turns me on使某人兴奋1313.freak out 就是表达焦躁害怕不安等情绪的意思1414. You got screwed你受骗了1515. It sucks.这句话很常用,意思是"很残酷"1616. have a crush on sb.对某人一见钟情1717. on a roll:顺便,一次连着做什么事情1818. walk out on someone: 将someone抛弃1919.spell it out: explain it20. crash: 动词,临时在哪儿凑合一觉202121. De-caff是不含咖啡因的咖啡2222 hang out here,呆在这2323 hanger是衣架2424 go for 选择2525.I take credit for Paul. 我给Paul打保票2626. .in bound of holy matrimony,就是结为夫妇,在神圣婚姻的约束,范围内2727.paranoid [par·a·noid || 'pærənɔɪd]n. 偏执狂患者adj. 多疑的2828.fluff [flʌf]n. 软毛; 绒毛; 柔毛v. 使起毛; 念错; 抖松; 起毛; 出错; 变松2929.orthodontist ['ɔrθə'dɑntɪst /'ɔːθə'dɒn-]n. 正牙医生; 牙齿矫正医师3030.以后碰到别人好像闷闷不乐的时候,你就可以上前来上一句Do you have any issues?31. stomp是用脚踏的意思313232. shoot for”是争取、得到或完成的意思3333. Steer是驾驶掌舵的意思341.how could I forget?”,我怎么能忘记呢?打死我也不会忘记的。

occasions gentler mug brings sips glances popular microphone demand tooth cracked protest whistle thingy tackles pocketbook planet kerb dip
occasion [ə'keiʒən] ['dʒentlə] [mʌg]
泰河[英国苏格兰中部] n.<爱尔兰 110 >=tea [方言变体]
par phrase mingling guests greet marcel sandy undressed mentally flustered settled locked licks feeds drags marked emerges sneaking knocking truck startled flushing telephone
['dʒɒlɪ] wiggle ['wiɡl]
adj. 欢 乐 的 , 高 兴 的 , 快 活 的 110 Jolly [5dVCli] 耐火砖成型机 v.(使)踌躇, 摆动 n.踌躇, 摆动 n.年纪较小者 adj.较年轻的 110 110
vt. 跟随 , 追随 , 沿 ... 而行 , 理解 , 遵 循, 从事, 追求, 注视 vi.跟随, 接着 110 n.跟随, 追随
n.场合, 时机, 机会 gentleradj.温和的,优雅的 n.杯子
110 110 110
sip [sip]
vt.拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉 110 讼)vi.停下 v. 吸吮 SIP=solvent-in-pulp 溶 110 剂矿浆萃取 vi.扫视, 匆匆一看 n.一瞥, 眼光, 匆 110 匆一看 adj.通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的 n.扩音器, 麦克风 110 110

1.Shall I go on? 我还要继续吗2.Just keep smiling3.You spoiled everything 你搞砸了一切4.My friend and family are out there! How can I face them?我的亲朋好友都在场,以后我还怎么见人5.She’s just fixing her makeup 她要补妆6.I hope you don’t take this the wrong way 我希望你别误会7.I know we had plans to meet up tonight 我知道我们今天晚上约了要见面8.How could we have let this happen? 我们怎么这么不小心9.I don’t see that we have a choice. 看来我们别无选择10.I gotta ask you something. 我有事情要问你11.Is all out fault? Were we bad parents? 这是我们的错吗,没把小孩教好12.How are you supposed to eat this? 怎么来吃啊13.Forget it. T hat’s off.算了吧当我没说14.It’s doesn’t count 不算15.I’m sorry things aren’t working out 抱歉,事情竟然会出问题16.She’ll get over this. 她不会放在心上的17.It didn’t mean anything. It’s a mistake. 根本就没什么,只是一个无心之过18.tow the line, thread the needle听天由命,努力争取19.think outside the box 不要死心眼20.If you don’t realize that, I can’t help you如果你还不懂,我也没法了21.It could be better. It’ll be okay, right?22.If I scream, Yippee, just ignore me。

《老友记》口语笔记第1季:24集1.Joey: Well, its like, last night, I couldnt do the thing that usually makes me great. So I had to do all this other stuff. And the response I got... man, oh man, it was like a ticker tape parade!Chandler: Yes, I know, as it happens my room is very very close to the parade route.joey 形容他给女友服务得到的赞扬就像别人给自己开了个ticker tape parade, chan 就说给你开ticker tape parade 的时候, 我那屋就在parade route旁边, 什么都听得到A ticker-tape parade is a parade event, held in a downtown urban setting, allowing the jettison of large amounts of shredded paper products from nearby buildings onto the parade route, creating a triumphal effect by the snowstorm like flurry.The term originated in New York City and is still most closely associated with it. The term ticker-tape refered originally to the use of the paper output of ticker tape machines, which were remotely-driven devices used in brokerages to provide updated Stock Market quotes. Nowadays, the paper product are largely waste office paper that has been cut using conventional shredders.In New York City, ticker-tape parades are not annual events but are reserved for special occassions. The first such parade was in October 1886 and was a spontaneous event following the dedication of the Statue of Liberty. Soon afterwards, city officials realized the utility of such events and began to hold them on triumphal occassions, at first only for extraordinary events, such as the return of Theodore Roosevelt from his safari in Africa.Up through the 1950s, the were commonly given to any visiting head of state, but the 1960s, following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, they became increasingly rare are generally reserved now for space exploration triumphs, military honors and sports championships. The section of lower Broadway through the Financial District that serves as the parade route for these events is colloquially called the Canyon of Heros.2.hammerhead 笨蛋Carl 就是说自己讨厌Ed Begley, Jr.那个照片,应该是个环保的广告。

1. divorce [dɪˈvɔːrs],名词/动词。
- 名词例句:Their divorce was a big shock to everyone.(他们的离婚对每个人来说都是一个巨大的震惊。
)- 动词例句:They decided to divorce after years of unhappiness.(在多年的不幸福之后,他们决定离婚。
)2. bride [braɪd],名词。
例如:The bride looked beautiful in her white dress.(新娘穿着白色的裙子看起来很漂亮。
)3. groom [ɡruːm],名词。
例句:The groom was waiting nervously at the altar.(新郎在圣坛前紧张地等待着。
)4. pathetic [pəˈθetɪk],形容词。
如:His excuse was really pathetic.(他的借口真的很可怜。
)5. jilt [dʒɪlt],动词。
例如:She was jilted by her fiancé just before the wedding.(就在婚礼前她被她的未婚夫抛弃了。
1. flirt [flɜːrt],动词/名词。
- 动词例句:He likes to flirt with the girls in the office.(他喜欢和办公室里的女孩们调情。
)- 名词例句:She is a real flirt.(她是一个真正的调情者。
)2. bald [bɔːld],形容词。
例如:His father is bald.(他的父亲是秃头。
)3. sensitive [ˈsensətɪv],形容词。
如:She is very sensitive about her weight.(她对自己的体重非常敏感。

cushion the blow blow
index finger decaf
[θʌm] ['diːkæf]
n. 吹;打击;殴打 vi. 风吹;喘气 vt. 风吹 vt. 喷出,张开;使膨胀;夸张;使骄傲自满 vi. 膨胀;张开;鼓吹;夸张 n. 粉扑;泡芙;蓬松;一阵喷烟;肿块;吹嘘,宣传 广告
n. [医] 昏迷 n. 柜,箱;上锁的人;有锁的橱柜;锁扣装置;有 锁的存物柜
n. 冰球(由硬橡胶制成);顽皮的小妖精;(英) 鼠状定位器;欧夜莺;脾脱疽
orgasm convertible
freaky fluffy belch
softener fuzzy espresso moose suds
vi. 发叮当声 n. 叮当声 vt. 违反;侵犯,妨碍;亵渎 v. 剥,剥落;削 n. 皮 vt. 轮唱,使转动;放声高唱;拖饵钓鱼 vi. 参加轮唱;宏亮地唱;拖饵钓鱼 n. 轮唱;钓鱼;北欧神话中的巨人 n. 引座员,带位员;接待员;门房 vt. 引导,招待;迎接;开辟 vi. 作招待员;当引座员 n. 找回的零钱;变化 vt. 改变;交换 vi. 改变;兑换 n. 一夫一妻制;[动] 单配偶,[动] 单配性 n. 猪鬃;刚毛 vi. 发怒;竖起 vt. 使(毛发等)直立 n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写 adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的 vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂 vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛 adj. 破烂的,褴褛的

What,it's okay when Chandler does it? 什么?钱德这样说时就没事
You have to pick your moments. 你得选对时间
I see you're nine months pregnant. That's a good start. 我知道你已怀胎九月 这是好的开始
-How are your contractions? -I love them. -收缩的情况如何?-我喜欢
Each one's like a little party in my uterus. 每一阵都像是子宫中的小舞会
Why won't I be married when I'm 40? 为何我40岁时还单身?
I just meant hypothetically. 不,这只是假设
Hypothetically,why won't I be married when I'm 40? 假设为何我到40岁时还单身?
What is it?Is there something unmarriable about me? 为什么?我有不适婚姻的毛病吗?
-Every 4 minutes,lasting 55 seconds. -59 seconds.Quartz. -每4分钟,持续55秒.-59秒,石英表
Swiss quartz. 瑞士石英表
-Am I allowed to drink anything? -lce chips. -我能喝饮料吗?-碎冰,

n.夹心面包, 三明治vt.夹入中间v.做成三明治
n.出租马车, 出租汽车, 计程车,驾驶室vi.乘出租车
n.赠品, 礼物, 现在, 瞄准adj.现在的, 出席的, 当面的vt.介绍, 引见, 给, 赠送, 上演, 提出, 呈现vi.举枪瞄准
n.惊奇, 诧异, 惊人之事, 奇袭vt.使惊奇, 奇袭adj.令人惊讶的
n.婚礼, 婚宴, 结合, 结婚典礼
n.表示,展览,炫耀 v.出示,指示,显示,展出,
n.存在, 生命, 人, 本质art.在, 有, 是
n.标签, 鞋带、绳子等末端的金属物, 垂下物, 附属物, 名称, 标记符, 陈词滥调, 结束语vt.加标签于, 紧随, 添饰, 起浑名, 连接vi.紧随
n.阻止, 制止, 控制, 阻止物, 支票, 检讫的记号, 饭馆的帐单vt.检查, 制止, 核对,
adv.大概, 或许
n.痛苦, 疼, 痛, 劳苦, 努力vt.使痛苦
n.赠品, 礼物, 天赋, 才能
n.目录, 名单, 列表, 序列, 数据清单, 明细表, 条纹, [总称]各种上市证券vt.列出, 列于表上, 记入名单内, 装布条vi.列于表上
n.<美口>密友,伙伴 Buddy巴迪(男子名)
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2012年大学英语四级词汇表actually ad.实际上;竟然
bathroom n.浴室;盥洗室
being n.存在;生物;生命
believe vt.相信;认为
belt n.带,腰带;皮带;区
birthday n.生日,诞生的日期
boss n.老板,上司vt.指挥change n.改变,变化;零钱
charge vt.索价;控告n.费用check vt.检查;制止n.检查clean a.清洁的;纯洁的
college n.学院;大学
continue vt.继续,连续;延伸
control vt.控制,克制n.控制course n.课程;过程;一道菜
cousin n.堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹)
dial n.钟面;拨号盘vt.拨different a.差异的;各种的
difficult a.困难的;难对付的
dream n.梦;梦想vi.做梦
drill n.钻头;操练vi.钻孔
drop vt.使落下;降低
drunk a.醉的;陶醉的
dry a.干的,干燥的
during prep.在…期间
each pron.各,各自 a.各
early ad.早 a.早的,早期的else ad.其它,另外 a.别的
even ad.甚至;甚至更,还
even a.均匀的;平的
ever ad.在任何时候;曾经
feel vi.有知觉vt.触,摸figure n.数字;外形;人物
first num.第一ad.最初
fish n.鱼,鱼肉vi.钓鱼focus vi.聚焦,注视n.焦点
frame n.框架,框子;构架
fridge n.电冰箱
fun n.乐趣,娱乐;玩笑
hang vt.挂,悬;吊死
happen vi.发生;碰巧,恰好
have v.aux.已经vt.有;吃
her pron.(宾格)她;她的
hospital n.医院
hurt vt.使受伤;使痛心
ignore vt.不顾,不理,忽视
issue n.问题;发行vt.发行
job n.职业;工作;零活
last vi.持续,持久;耐久
lie vi.躺,平放;位于
lie vi.说谎,欺骗n.谎话
like vt.喜欢;喜爱;希望
like prep.像,如;像要
likely a.可能的ad.很可能listen vi.听,留神听;听从
little a.小的;少;幼小的
lot n.许多,大量;签,阄married a.已婚的;婚姻的
matter n.事情;物质vi.要紧
mean a.自私的;吝啬的
mean a.平均的n.平均值means n.方法,手段,工具
meeting n.聚集,会合,会见message n.信息,消息;启示
moist a.湿润的;多雨的
nephew n.侄子,外甥
never ad.永不,决不;不
night n.夜,夜间
normal a.正常的,普通的
office n.办公室;处,局,社operate vi.操作;施行手术particularly ad.特别,尤其,格外
perform vt.履行,执行;演出
phone n.电话,电话机;耳机
pick vt.拾,摘vi.采摘portion n.一部分;一分
possible a.可能的;可能存在的
practice n.实践;练习;业务
press vt.压,按,揿;催促
pretty a.漂亮的,标致的
problem n.问题;习题,问题
reference n.参考;出处;提及
relax vt.使松弛vi.松弛ridiculous a.荒谬的,可笑的
secretary n.秘书;书记;大臣
senior a.年少的;地位较高的
sense n.感官;感觉;见识
share n.份;份额;股份
shave vt.剃,刮vi.修面
since conj.从…以来;因为somewhere ad.在某处n.某地
sound a.健康的;完好的
sound n.声音vi.响,发声
story n.故事,小说,传说
strictly ad.严格地,严谨地
stuff n.材料vt.装,填,塞surprisingly ad.惊人地
swear vt.宣(誓)vi.诅咒
sweet a.甜的;愉快的
system n.系统,体系;制度
technical a.技术的,工艺的
throw vt.投,掷,抛,扔
tight a.紧的;紧身的
together ad.共同,一起
touch vt.触摸;触动n.触
turn vt.转;翻vi.转动understand vt.懂;获悉vi.懂得very ad.很;完全 a.真的
way n.路;路线;方向
wish vt.祝;想要n.希望
workshop n.车间,工场;创作室
wrong a.错误的ad.错,不对。