Human Facial Modeling and Animation
Human 3D Animation in a Virtual Environment for Gait Rehabilitation
• Patients
– Surviving stroke victims – Amputees and leg injury patients, especially military personnel
• Need for Virtual Environment
– Traditionally, rehab is repetitive and labor intensive. – There’s a need for a virtual environment that can provide automated assistance to the medical staff, fine tune the practice sessions, and improve the study of gait rehabilitation.
– Specify the Cal3D components for ReplicantBody.
3ds Max Studio
Cal3D Components
.csf | .xsf skeleton
materials .crf | .xrf
meshes .cmf | .xmf
animations .caf | .xaf
3D Animation Software
• Problem:
– How to implement human animation within the OSG simulation?
• Solution Solution:
– Download, Build, (Re)Use and Integrate ReplicantBody. – Download, Build, (Re)Use and Integrate Cal3D. Cal3D provides the foundation for ReplicantBody.
人脸识别英文专业词汇gallery set参考图像集Probe set=test set测试图像集face renderingFacial Landmark Detection人脸特征点检测3D Morphable Model 3D形变模型AAM (Active Appearance Model)主动外观模型Aging modeling老化建模Aging simulation老化模拟Analysis by synthesis 综合分析Aperture stop孔径光标栏Appearance Feature表观特征Baseline基准系统Benchmarking 确定基准Bidirectional relighting 双向重光照Camera calibration摄像机标定(校正)Cascade of classifiers 级联分类器face detection 人脸检测Facial expression面部表情Depth of field 景深Edgelet 小边特征Eigen light-fields本征光场Eigenface特征脸Exposure time曝光时间Expression editing表情编辑Expression mapping表情映射Partial Expression Ratio Image局部表情比率图(,PERI) extrapersonal variations类间变化Eye localization,眼睛定位face image acquisition 人脸图像获取Face aging人脸老化Face alignment人脸对齐Face categorization人脸分类Frontal faces 正面人脸Face Identification人脸识别Face recognition vendor test人脸识别供应商测试Face tracking人脸跟踪Facial action coding system面部动作编码系统Facial aging面部老化Facial animation parameters脸部动画参数Facial expression analysis人脸表情分析Facial landmark面部特征点Facial Definition Parameters人脸定义参数Field of view视场Focal length焦距Geometric warping几何扭曲Street view街景Head pose estimation头部姿态估计Harmonic reflectances谐波反射Horizontal scaling水平伸缩Identification rate识别率Illumination cone光照锥Inverse rendering逆向绘制技术Iterative closest point迭代最近点Lambertian model朗伯模型Light-field光场Local binary patterns局部二值模式Mechanical vibration机械振动Multi-view videos多视点视频Band selection波段选择Capture systems获取系统Frontal lighting正面光照Open-set identification开集识别Operating point操作点Person detection行人检测Person tracking行人跟踪Photometric stereo光度立体技术Pixellation像素化Pose correction姿态校正Privacy concern隐私关注Privacy policies隐私策略Profile extraction轮廓提取Rigid transformation刚体变换Sequential importance sampling序贯重要性抽样Skin reflectance model,皮肤反射模型Specular reflectance镜面反射Stereo baseline 立体基线Super-resolution超分辨率Facial side-view面部侧视图Texture mapping纹理映射Texture pattern纹理模式Rama Chellappa读博计划:1.完成先前关于指纹细节点统计建模的相关工作。
结合人脸表情和变形技术的人脸卡通动画系统设计与实现伍菲【摘要】针对实时生成人脸卡通动画的需求,设计和实现一种结合人脸表情与变形技术的人脸卡通动画系统.该系统包括人脸检测、特征点定位、人脸表情生成和人脸变形4个部分,首先,使用Haar特征和级联AdaBoost分类器检测人脸,并使用主动形状模型定位人脸特征点;然后,根据人脸特征和已有的卡通素材器官合成与真实人脸所对应的卡通人脸,并合成动态表情;最后,使用图像变形技术对人脸进行夸张变形处理,生成具有幽默、夸张效果的人脸图像.基于Matlab的实现效果表明,该系统能实时、高效地处理真实人脸图像.【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2018(041)012【总页数】4页(P56-58,62)【关键词】卡通人脸;图像处理;人脸表情;图像变形;人脸检测;AdaBoost【作者】伍菲【作者单位】桂林电子科技大学信息科技学院,广西桂林541004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911.73-34;TM760 引言随着网路、手机等多媒体技术的发展,数字娱乐的形式越来越丰富多彩,内容也更加多样化[1-3]。
Face modeling for recognition
FACE MODELING FOR RECOGNITIONRein-Lien Hsu and Anil K.JainDept.of Computer Science&Engineering,Michigan State University,MI48824Email:hsureinl,jain@ABSTRACT3D Human face models have been widely used in ap-plications such as face recognition,facial expression recog-nition,human action recognition,head tracking,facial an-imation,video compression/coding,and augmented real-ity.Modeling human faces provides a potential solution to the variations encountered on human face images.We pro-pose a method of modeling human faces based on a generic face model(a triangular mesh model)and individual facial measurements containing both shape and texture informa-tion.The modeling method adapts a generic face model to the given facial features,extracted from registered range and color images,in a global-to-local fashion.It iteratively moves the vertices of the mesh model to smoothen the non-feature areas,and uses the2.5D active contours to refine fea-ture boundaries.The resultant face model has been shown to be visually similar to the true face.Initial results show that the constructed model is quite useful for recognizing profile views.1.INTRODUCTIONCurrent trend in face recognition is to use3D face model explicitly.As an object-centered representation of human faces,3D face models are used to overcome the large amount of variations present in human face images.These varia-tions,which include extra-subject variations(individual ap-pearance)and intra-subject variations(3D head pose move-ment,facial expression,lighting,and aging)are still the pri-mary challenges in face recognition.However,the three ma-jor recognition algorithms[11]merely use viewer-centered representations of human faces:(1)a PCA-based algorithm;(2)a LFA-based(local feature analysis)algorithm;and(3)a dynamic-link-architecture-based paradigm.Researchers in computer graphics have been interested in modeling human faces/heads for facial animation.We briefly review three major approaches to modeling human faces.DeCarlo et al.[4]use the anthropometric measure-ments to generate a general face model.This approach starts with manually-constructed B-spline surfaces and then ap-plies surfacefitting and constraint optimization to these sur-faces.In the second approach,facial measurements are di-rectly acquired from3D digitizers or structured light range sensors.3D model are obtained after triangularizing these measurements.For recognition,these facial measurements should include texture information besides the shape infor-mation.Water’s[13]face model is a well-known instance. The third approach,in which models are reconstructed from photographs,only requires low-cost and passive input de-vices(video cameras).For instance,Chen and Medioni[3] build face models from a pair of stereo images.However, currently it is still difficult to extract sufficient information about the facial geometry only from2D images.This dif-ficulty is the reason why Guenter et al.[6]utilize a large number offiducial points to capture3D face geometry for photorealistic animation.Even though we can obtain dense 3D measurements from high-cost3D digitizers,it still takes too much time to scan every face.Hence,advanced mod-eling methods which incorporate some prior knowledge of facial geometry are needed.Reinders et al.[12]use a fairly coarse wire-frame model,compared to Water’s model,to do model adaptation for image coding.Lee et al.[9]modify a generic model from two orthogonal pictures(frontal and side views),or from range data for animation.Similarly, for facial animation,Lengagne et al.[10]and Fua[5]use bundle-adjustment and least-squaresfitting tofit a complex animation model to uncalibrated videos.In their algorithm,five manually-selected features points and initial values of camera positions are essential for the convergence.We propose a face modeling method which adapts an existing generic face model(a priori knowledge of human face)to an individual’s facial measurements.Our goal is to employ the learned3D model to verify the presence of an individual in a face image database/video,based on the estimates of head pose and illumination.2.FACE MODELINGWe model an individual face starting with a generic face model,instead of extracting isosurfaces directly from fa-cial measurements(range data or disparity maps),which are often noisy(e.g.,near ears and nose)as well as time-consuming,and usually generates equal-size triangles.Our modeling process aligns the generic model using facial mea-surements in a global-to-local way so that feature points/ regions that are crucial for recognition arefitted to the indi-vidual’s facial geometry.2.1.Generic face modelWe choose the Water’s animation model[13],which con-tains256vertices and441facets for one half of the face. The use of triangular meshes is suitable for the free-form shapes like faces and the model captures most of the fa-cial features that are needed for face recognition.Figure1 shows the frontal and a side view of the model,and features such as eyes,nose,mouth,face border,and chin.There are(c)Fig.1.3D triangular-mesh model and its feature components:(a) frontal view;(b)side view;(c)feature components.2.2.Facial measurementsFacial measurements include information about face shape and face texture.3D shape information can be derived from a stereo pair combined with shape from shading,a sequence of frames in a video,or obtained directly from range data. The range database of human faces used here[1]was ac-quired using a Minolta Vivid700digitizer.It generates a registered range map and a color im-age.Figure2shows a range map and a color image of a frontal view,and the texture-mapped appearance.The lo-cations of face and facial features such as eyes and mouth in the color texture image can be obtained by our face de-tection algorithm[7].The corners of eyes,mouth,and nose can be easily obtained based on the locations of detected eyes and mouth.Figure3shows the detected feature points.2.3.Model constructionOur face modeling process consists of global alignment and local adaptation.Global alignment brings the generic model and facial measurements into the same coordinate system. Based on the head pose and face size,the generic model is(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Fig.2.Range data of a face:(a)color texture;(b)range map;and with texture mapping of(c)a left view;(d)a profile view;(e)a right view.(a)(b)Fig.3.Facial features overlaid on the color image:(a)obtained from face detection;(b)generated for face modeling. translated and scaled tofit the facial measurements.Fig-ure4shows the global alignment results in two different modes.Local adaptation consists of local alignment and(a)(b)Fig.4.Global alignment from the generic model(red)to the facial measurements(blue):the target mesh is plotted in(a)for a hidden line removal mode for a frontal view;(b)for a see-through mode for a profile view.local feature refinement.Local alignment involves translat-ing and scaling several model features,such as eyes,nose, mouth,and chin tofit the extracted facial features.Localfeature refinement makes use of displacement propagation and2.5D active contours to smoothen the face model and to refine local features.Both the alignment and the refine-ment of each feature(shown in Fig.1(c))is followed by displacement(of model vertices)propagation,in order to blend features in the face model.Displacement propagation inside a triangular mesh mim-ics the transmission of message packets in computer net-works.Let be the number of vertices that are connected to a vertex,be the set of all the indices of vertices that are connected to a vertex,be the sum of weights from all vertices that are connected to vertex,and be the Eu-clidean distance between a vertex and a the displacement of vertex,and is a decay factor, which can be determined by the face size and the size of ac-tive facial feature in each coordinate.Eq.(1)computes the contribution of vertex to the displacement of vertex.Fig.9.Face matching:thefirst row shows the15training images generated from the3D model;the second shows10test images captured from a CCDcamera.(a)(b)(d)(e)(f)Fig.8.The texture-mapped(a)input range image;adapted meshmodel(b)from a frontal view;(d)from a left view;(e)from aprofile view;(f)from a right view.model to input facial features in a global-to-local fashion.The model adaptationfirst aligns the generic model glob-ally,and then aligns and refines each facial feature locallyusing displacement(of model vertices)propagation and ac-tive contours associated with facial features.Thefinal tex-ture mapped model is visually similar to the original face.Initial matching experiments based on the3D face modelshow encouraging results.Our goal is to extend this workto recognize faces in Videos.4.ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to acknowledge Dr.Patrick Flynnfor providing the range datasets[1],and Dr.Wey-ShiuanHwang for providing us his face recognition software[8].5.REFERENCES[1]Range databases:/sampl/data/3DDB/RID/minolta/faceimages.0300/[2] A.A.Amini,T.E.Weymouth,and R.C.Jain,“Using dy-namic programming for solving variational problems in vi-sion,”IEEE Trans.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelli-gence,vol.12,pp.855-867,Sept.1990.[3]Q.Chen and G.Medioni,“Building human hace models fromtwo images,”IEEE2nd Workshop Multimedia Signal Process-ing,pp.117-122,Dec.1998.[4] D.DeCarlo,D.Metaxas,and M.Stone,“An anthropometricface model using variational techniques,”SIGGRAPH Conf.Proc.,pp.67-74,July1998.[5]P.Fua,“Using model-driven bundle-adjustment to modelheads from raw video sequences,”Int’l puter Vi-sion,pp.46-53,Sept.1999.[6] B.Guenter,C.Grimm,D.Wood,H.Malvar,and F.Pighin,“Making faces,”SIGGRAPH Conf.Proc.,pp.55-66,July1998.[7]R.-L.Hsu,M.Abdel-Mottaleb,and A.K.Jain,”Managingpersonal photo collection based on human faces,”Tech.Re-port,Michigan State Univ.,Jan.2001.[8]W.-.S.Hwang and J.Weng,”Hierarchical discriminant re-gression,”IEEE Trans.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intel-ligence,vol.22,pp.1277-1293,Nov.2000.[9]W.Lee and N.Magnenat-Thalmann,“Fast head modeling foranimation,”Image And Vision Computing,pp.355-364,vol.18,no.4,March2000.[10]R.Lengagne,P.Fua,and O.Monga,“3D stereo reconstruc-tion of human faces driven by differential constraints,”Im-age And Vision Computing,vol.18,no.4,pp.337-343,March2000.[11]P.Phillips,H.Wechsler,J.Huang,and P.Rauss,“The FERET database and evaluation procedure for face-recognition algorithms,”Image And Vision Computing,vol.16,no.5,pp.295-306,March1998.[12]M.J.T.Reinders,P.J.L.van Beek,B.Sankur,and J.C.A.van der Lubbe,“Facial feature localization and adaptation of ageneric face model for model-based coding,”Signal Process-ing:Image Communication,vol.7,no.1,pp.57-74,March1995.[13] F.I.Parke and K.Waters,“Appendix1:Three-dimensionalmuscle model facial animation,”Computer Facial Animation,A.K.Peters,Sept.1996.。
A New Compatible Remeshing Approach for 3D FaceConstruction and Expression CloneJing TongCollege of IOT Engineering, HoHai University, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China*********************Abstract - This paper presents a new compatible remeshing approach, by morphing with Radial Basis Function based on approximate geodesic distance (G-RBF) followed by a mesh optimization to generate compatible meshes efficiently while approximating the input target geometry accurately. To test the proposed approach, a prototype is implemented to clone expressions onto the personalized 3D face model. A PCA based reconstruction algorithm is employed firstly to reconstruct a personalized 3D face model. Then, a personalized cartoon model is obtained by morphing and blending of the existing cartoon model and the 3D face model using the proposed compatible remeshing algorithm. Finally, an efficient expression cloning algorithm based on compatible remeshing is presented to clone the existing facial animation onto the personalized cartoon model. The proposed technique is useful for a wide range of applications, such as computer games, animation films and online avatars.Index Terms - morphing, shape blending, motion retargeting, 3D face reconstruction1.IntroductionWith the development of 3D virtual environment technology, a large amount of applications that employ 3D avatars have emerged, including games, animations and online chatting. Many of these applications require the techniques of 3D face construction[1], facial animation[2] and animation transfer[3].The approaches of constructing personalized cartoon 3D faces have been studied extensively in the past few years, which can be classified into two types: creating the cartoon face interactively or automatically[4]. The first kind of methods are time-consuming and professional skills are necessary to create lifelike 3D face models. Therefore, an automatic method of generating 3D cartoon face models would be interesting and meaningful for many researchers.Transferring animation from one model to another has been challenging researchers for many years[5-6]. Previous works in animation transfer fall into two categories[7-8]: Machine learning based and anatomy based. The machine learning based methods require a large amount of sample data, while the complicated anatomy based methods derive facial animations from physical behaviors. Preserving the style and quality of professional animations as they are transferred to different models plays an important role in the animation production. Our method allows the users without much professional knowledge to directly retarget stylized motion with only little manual work.Compatible remeshing is studied to modify several meshes to share a common connectivity structure[9]. However, most of the published methods need to construct a base mesh and use Euclidean distance, which is not well suitable for complex surfaces.Using geodesic distance, we present a new compatible remeshing approach to map one surface model to another one with several correspondences selected manually. Our solution is very easy to implement and it can be applied to surfaces of complex geometry and topology such as human faces. The personalized cartoon face model can be obtained by blending and morphing of the existing cartoon model and the 3D reconstructed model.2.The Proposed AlgorithmSuppose is a 3D head mesh with feature points, where vertices ,, feature points ,,. is a simplicial complex[10] representing the topological type of the mesh.Let denotos and are the corresponding feature points of two meshs and . Given a mesh as source and a mesh as target, the proposed compatible remeshing process amounts to generating a new mesh with the same mesh structure as that of , and similar appearancewith that of(1)The compatible remeshing process contains two steps: G-RBF (Radial Basis Function based on approximate geodesic distance) followed by OPT (mesh optimization):(2), (3), (4) For example, the cartoon model in Figure 1(a) is the source mesh. The human face in Figure 1(d) is the target mesh . The gray vertices on the two models are correspondences. To get a new mesh with the same mesh structure as that of the cartoon face, and with similar appearance as, as shown in Figure 1(c), two steps are processed. First, to be able to deal with complex surfaces such as the cartoon face, Euclidean distance is replaced by Geodesic distance. Morphing with G-RBF roughly aligns features of the two models, the result ofis shown as in Figure 1(b). Second, Mesh optimization is applied to refine the alignment of Figure 1(b). The final resultis shown in Figure 1(c).International Conference on Future Computer and Communication Engineering (ICFCCE 2014)Fig. 1 Compatible remeshing. (a) The cartoon model (source model); (b) After morphing with G-RBF, ; (c) After mesh optimization, ; (d) The 3Dhuman face model (target model).A. G-RBF: Radial Basis Function based on approximategeodesic distanceRadial basis function (RBF) is well known for its powerful capability in interpolation, convergence and smoothness. The Euclidean distance, which is popular in calculating the distance between two vertices on a mesh in previous approaches[8], is not suitable for complex geometry and topology such as human faces. We replaced Euclidean distance with Geodesic distance[11], which is more suitable for complex surfaces. Employing Hardy multi-quadrics for the basis function, the network of G-RBF can be expressed as:,, , (5),, (6) where m is the number of feature points, is the input vector, donates the weights to be trained by the feature points according to Equation (7):,, , (7) where, , .B. Mesh optimizationTo further refine the result, mesh optimization[10]is employed to fit to (Equation (4)), by minimizing the following Energy. As in [2], only vertex positions are optimized., (8),,,where denotes the vertices of (Figure 1(b)), is that of (Figure 1(d)). is the projection of onto the surface of . is the neighborhood of . T is the transformation applied to the vertexes of . measures the sum-squared distance from the target model to the source surface. measures the distance from each vertex to the average of its neighboring vertices. is simply the sum-squared distance from source feature points to the corresponding target feature points.As shown in Figure 1(c), the output mesh is refined greatly..Fig. 2 System framework (a) (b) (c) (d)3.The PrototypeTo demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, a prototype system shown in Figure 2is developed with two components: personalized cartoon avatar generation and facial animation cloning.A. Personalized cartoon avatar constructionHead models with the same topology, are taken to construct personalized avatar by means of PCA, in which a large amount of data is required, as mentioned in [4]. 500 3D head models are prepared for PCA subspace construction. A 3D head model represented by a vector H = (X1, Y1, Z1, …,X n, Y n, Z n)T, where n is the number of points of each model, can be obtained by applying PCA to the 500 head models:, (9) where is the mean head model, is the coefficient vector, is the matrix of the top k eigenvectors (in descending order according to the eigenvalues).68 key facial points, standing for face contour points, eye centers and nose tip etc., are selected from the input image with frontal pose and neutral expression to reconstruct 3D face model by Active Shape Model (ASM)[12]. Letbe the coordinates of the feature vertices on the 2D image. Since each feature point on the 2D image is corresponding to a certain point of the 3D model, is a sub-vector of , and is the sub-matrix of as well.(10)For an input image, the coefficient in Equation (10) is computed by the method of least squares and then applied to Equation (9) to obtain the new 3D face model . To improve the result, G-RBF is employed to ensure the feature points of the 3D model align to the corresponding feature points on the 2D image.Fig. 3 Blending meshes with varied weights. The frontal snapshots are on the top row, and side ones are on the bottom row. (a) 3D human face model; (b)-(d) Blending results; (e) Cartoon model.Given a cartoon model as source and the reconstructed face model as target, a remesh model is obtained according to Equation (11):(11)The personalized cartoon avatar is generated by blending and :, (12) where . Figure 3 shows a set of blending results depending on different .B. Facial animation cloningAnimation cloning, which means mapping an expression of the existing model onto the target one[8], is based on the facial model parameterization. With the blend shape parameterization, which describes the facial animation as a linear parameterization of the face deformation, animation cloning is reduced to estimate a set of weights for the target face at each frame of the source animation. In the prototype system, the animation data are in the form of vertex motion vectors, which means the face at each frame can be converted into a delta model by subtracting the “neutral” face model.Firstly, a set of n key expression models, such as angry, talking, smiling, and surprised are represented by, (13) In particular, is the base model with neutral expression. Any new expression face can be obtained by:(14)Where is the blendshape weight,, . For example, giving three key expression models (Figure 4 (b-d)), a new expression face (Figure 4(e)) can be produced by combining the four basic models:To transfer the animation data to another target model with neutral expression, the proposed compatible remeshing approach is used to generate a new base model:.Then the other corresponding key expression models for the target model can be computed by:(15)As the mesh structure of is the same as that of , can be represented as, (16) Once the set of key expression models for the target model are built, any expression of the source model can be transferred to the target model by applying the blending weights to the target model at each frame.Fig. 4 Blend shape. (a) Neutral; (b) surprised; (c) smiling; (d) left eyebrowlifting; (e) synthesis of the left four.(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)4. Experiments and ResultsThe results of 3D face reconstruction are shown in Figure 5. The experimental results of compatible remeshing and animation cloning are shown in Figure 6.Fig. 5 Some 3D reconstructed faces and personalized cartoon models5. ConclusionsIn this paper, a new compatible remeshing approach is presented to generate compatible meshes efficiently whileapproximating the input target geometry accurately. The source model is morphed with Radial Basis Function based on Geodesic distance and mesh optimization To test the proposed approach, a prototype is implemented to clone the existing facial animation onto the personalized cartoon models. The experiments show that the cloning results are compelling and successful in practice. References[1] V. Blanz and T. Vetter. A morphable model for the synthesis of 3dfaces. SIGGRAPH 1999 Proceedings:187-194, 1999[2] S. Marschner, B. Guenter and S. Raghupathy. Modeling and renderingfor realistic facial animation. Proceedings of the Euro-graphics Workshop on Rendering Techniques 2000:231-234, 2000[3] F. 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Meshoptimization. SIGGRAPH 1993 Proceedings:19-26, 1993[11] J. Tong and Z. Chen. Approximate geodesic on triangular mesh. Journalof Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 20(2): 180-185, 2008 [12] T.F. Cootes, C.J. Taylor, D. Cooper and J.Graham. Active shapemodels-their training and application. Computer vision and image understanding, 61(1):38-59, 1995Fig. 6 Facial animation cloning from Man A to the target modelsMan A 1820/3544Man B 2495/4804Man C 687/1358Cartoon 3351/6664Vertex/ Triangle。
语音驱动人脸动画研究综述王慧慧;赵晖【摘要】In addition to voice information for the understanding of auditory information, visual information is also very important. In the speech giv-en at the same time, if given the appropriate facial animation, will raise awareness of the correct understanding of the voice message, which is a speech-driven facial animation to achieve the effect. Speech-driven facial animation system allows a computer simulation of human speech bimodal, offers the possibility for human-computer interaction. Summarizes the development of speech-driven facial ani-mation and speech-driven facial animation core technologies.%对语音信息的理解除了听觉信息,视觉信息也非常重要。
【期刊名称】《现代计算机(普及版)》【年(卷),期】2015(000)005【总页数】6页(P54-59)【关键词】语音驱动的人脸动画;音视频映射;人脸模型【作者】王慧慧;赵晖【作者单位】新疆大学信息科学与工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830046; 新疆多语种信息技术实验室,乌鲁木齐 830046;新疆大学信息科学与工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830046; 新疆多语种信息技术实验室,乌鲁木齐 830046【正文语种】中文对语音信息的理解除了听觉信息,视觉信息也非常重要。
动漫英语怎么写喜欢看动漫的同学们,你们了解过动漫的英语写法吗?下面店铺为大家带来动漫的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!动漫的英语拼写AnimationAnimation的相关英语例句He was full of colour and animation .他充满魅力,生气勃勃。
The letters show an eagerness, an animation .披读信札,一种殷切激越之情,溢乎言表。
The younger guests were talking and eating with animation .年轻的客人正在大谈大吃。
He was all animation .他精神奕奕,虎里虎气。
He conducted these instructional sessions with animation and humor .他在这些会议上讲话诙谐生动。
We could see how excited he was by the animation in his face .我们从他脸上的神气就能看出他多么兴奋。
The whole project is in suspended animation which we wait for permission to proceed .我们整个项目暂时搁置以待审批。
For fun, she had been working on an elaborate horse-racing animation for some time .为了娱乐,她曾经一度制作了一套精巧的赛马动画片。
Grace looked out of the window, and at the fireplace, with no animation in her face .格雷丝向窗外看去,又看着壁炉,她脸上毫无兴奋的表情。
The animation faded out of her face; and during many moments she was lost in thought and silence .她脸上再也不那么容光焕发了;有好一会儿工夫,她都在那里沉吟思索,一语不发。
外文资料翻译—原文部分Fundamentals of Human Animation<From Peter Ratner.3D Human Modeling and Animation[M].America:Wiley,2003:243~249>If you are reading this part, then you have mostlikely finished building your human character,created textures for it, set up its skeleton, mademorph targets for facial expressions, and arrangedlights around the model. You have then arrived at perhapsthe most exciting part of 3-D design, which isanimating a character. Up to now the work has beensomewhat creative, sometimestedious, and often difficult.It is very gratifying when all your previous effortsstart to pay off as you enliven your character. When animating, there is a creative flow that increases graduallyover time. You are now at the phase where you becomeboth the actor and the director of a movie or play.Although animation appears to be a more spontaneousact, it is nevertheless just as challenging, if notmore so, than all the previous steps that led up to it.Your animations will look pitiful if you do not understandsome basic fundamentals and principles. Thefollowing pointers are meant to give you some direction.Feel free to experiment with them. Bend andbreak the rules whenever you think it will improve theanimation.SOME ANIMATION POINTERS1. Try isolating parts. Sometimes this is referredto as animating in stages. Rather than trying tomove every part of a body at the same time, concentrateon specific areas. Only one section ofthe body is moved for the duration of the animation.Then returning to the beginning of the timeline,another section is animated. By successivelyreturning to the beginning and animating a differentpart each time, the entire process is lessconfusing.2. Put in some lag time. Different parts of the bodyshould not start and stop at the same time.Whenan arm swings, the lower arm should follow afew frames after that. The hand swings after thelower arm. It is like a chain reaction that worksits way through the entire length of the limb.3. Nothing ever comes to a total stop. In life, onlymachines appear to come to a dead stop. Muscles,tendons, force, and gravity all affect the movementof a human. You can prove this toyourself.Try punching the air with a full extension. Noticethat your fist has a bounce at the end. If a part comes to a stop such as a motionhold, keyframe it once and then again after threeto eight or more keyframes. Your motion graphwill then have a curve between the two identicalkeyframes. This will make the part appear tobounce rather than come to a dead stop.4. Add facial expressions and finger movements.Your digital human should exhibit signs of lifeby blinking and breathing. A blink will normallyoccur every 60 seconds. A typical blink might beas follows:Frame 60: Both eyes are open.Frame 61: The right eye closes halfway.Frame 62: The right eye closes all the wayand the left eye closes halfway.Frame 63: The right eye opens halfway andthe left eye closes all the way.Frame 64: The right eye opens all the way andleft eye opens halfway.Frame 65: The left eye opens all the way.Closing the eyes at slightly different timesmakes the blink less mechanical.Changing facial expressions could be justusing eye movements to indicate thoughts runningthroughyour model's head. The hands willappear stiff if you do not add finger movements.Too many students are too lazy to take the time toadd facial and hand movements. If you make theextra effort for these details you will find thatyour animations become much more interesting.5. What is not seen by the camera is unimportant.If an arm goes through a leg but is not seenin the camera view, then do not bother to fix it. Ifyou want a hand to appear close to the body andthe camera view makes it seem to be close eventhough it is not, then why move it any closer? This also applies to sets. There is no need to buildan entire house if all the action takes place in theliving room. Consider painting backdrops ratherthan modeling every part of a scene.6. Use a minimum amount of keyframes. Toomany keyframes can make the character appearto move in spastic motions. Sharp, cartoonlikemovements are created with closely spacedkeyframes. Floaty or soft, languid motions arethe result of widely spaced keyframes. Ananimationwill often be a mixture of both. Try tolook for ways that will abbreviate the motions.You can retain the essential elements of an animationwhile reducing the amount of keyframesnecessary to create a gesture.7.Anchor a part of the body. Unless your characteris in the air, it should have some part of itselflocked to the ground. This could be a foot, ahand, or both. Whichever portion is on theground should be held in the same spot for anumber of frames. This prevents unwanted slidingmotions. When the model shifts its weight,the foot that touches down becomes locked inplace. This is especially true with walkingmotions.There are a number of ways to lock parts of amodel to the ground. One method is to useinverse kinematics. The goal object, which couldbe a null, automatically locks a foot or hand tothe bottom surface. Another method is to manuallykeyframe the part that needs to be motionlessin the same spot. The character or its limbs willhave to be moved and rotated, so that foot orhand stays in the same place. If you are using forwardkinematics, then this could mean keyframingpractically every frame until it is time tounlock that foot or hand.8.A character should exhibit weight. One of themost challenging tasks in 3-D animation is tohave a digital actor appear to have weight andmass. You can use several techniques to achievethis. Squash and stretch, or weight and recoil,one of the 12 principles of animation discussedin Chapter 12, is an excellent way to give yourcharacter weight.By adding a little bounce to your human, heor she will appear to respond to the force of gravity.For example, if your character jumps up andlands, lift the body up a little after it makes contact.For a heavy character, you can do this severaltimes and have it decrease over time. Thiswill make it seem as if the force of the contactcauses the body to vibrate a little.Secondary actions, another one of the 12principles of animation discussed in Chapter 12,are an important way to show the effects of gravityand mass. Using the previous example of ajumping character, when he or she lands, thebelly could bounce up and down, the arms couldhave some spring to them, the head could tilt forward,and so on.Moving or vibrating the object that comes incontact with the traveling entity is anothermethod for showing the force of mass and gravity.A floor could vibrate or a chair that a personsits in respond to the weight by the seat goingdown and recovering back up a little. Sometimesan animator will shake the camera to indicate theeffects of a force.It is important to take into consideration thesize and weight of a character. Heavy objectssuch as an elephant will spend more time on theground, while a light character like a rabbit willspend more time in the air. The hopping rabbithardly shows the effects of gravity and mass.9. Take the time to act out the action. So often, itis too easy to just sit at the computer and trytosolve all the problems of animating a human. Putsome life into the performance by getting up andacting out the motions. This will make the character'sactions more unique and also solve manytiming and positioning problems. The best animatorsare also excellent actors. A mirror is anindispensable tool for the animator. Videotapingyourself can also be a great help.10. Decide whether to use IK, FK, or a blend ofboth. Forward kinematics and inversekinematicshave their advantages and disadvantages. FKallows full control over the motions of differentbody parts. A bone can be rotated and moved to theexact degree and location one desires. The disadvantageto using FK is that when your person hasto interact within an environment,simple movementsbecome difficult. Anchoring a foot to theground so it does not move ischallenging becausewhenever you move the body, the feet slide. Ahand resting on a desk has the same problem.IK moves the skeleton with goal objects suchas a null. Using IK, the task of anchoring feet andhands becomes very simple. The disadvantage toIK is that a great amount of control is packedtogether into the goal objects. Certain posesbecome very difficult to achieve.If the upper body does not require any interactionwith its environment, then consider ablend of both IK and FK. IK can be set up for thelower half of the body to anchor the feet to theground, while FK on the upper body allowsgreater freedom and precision of movements.Every situation involves a different e your judgment to decide which setup fits theanimation most reliably.11.Add dialogue. It has been said that more than90% of student animations that are submitted tocompanies lack dialogue. The few that incorporatespeech in their animations make their workhighly noticeable. If the animation and dialogueare well done, then those few have a greateradvantage than their competition. Companiesunderstand that it takes extra effort and skill to create animation with dialogue.When you plan your story, think about creatinginteraction between characters not only on aphysical level but through dialogue as well.There are several techniques, discussed in thischapter, that can be used to make dialogue manageable.12. Use the graph editor to clean up your animations.The graph editor is a useful tool that all3-D animators should become familiar with. It isbasically a representation of all the objects,lights, and cameras in your scene. It keeps trackof all their activities and properties.A good use of the graph editor is to clean upmorph targets after animating facial expressions.If the default incoming curve in your graph editoris set to arcs rather than straight lines, youwill most likely find that sometimes splines inthe graph editor will curve below a value of zero.This can yield some unpredictable results. Thefacial morph targets begin to take on negativevalues that lead to undesirable facial expressions.Whenever you see a curve bend below a value ofzero, select the first keyframe point to the right ofthe arc and set its curve to linear. A more detaileddiscussion of the graph editor will be found in alater part of this chapter.ANIMATING IN STAGESAll the various components that can be moved on ahuman model often become confusing if you try tochange them at the same time. The performancequickly deteriorates into a mechanicalroutine if youtry to alter all these parts at the same keyframes.Remember, you are trying to create human qualities,not robotic ones.Isolating areas to be moved means that you canlook for the parts of the body that have motion overtime and concentrate on just a few of those. For example,the first thing you can move is the body and legs.When you are done moving them around over theentire timeline, then try rotating thespine. You mightdo this by moving individual spine bones or using aninverse kinematics chain. Now that you have the bodymoving around andbending, concentrate on the arms.If you are not using an IK chain to move the arms,hands, andfingers, then rotate the bones for the upperand lower arm. Do not forget the wrist. Fingermovementscan be animated as one of the last parts. Facialexpressions can also be animated last.Example movies showing the same character animatedin stages can be viewed on the CD-ROM asCD11-1 AnimationStagesMovies. Some sample imagesfrom the animations can also be seen in Figure 11-1.The first movie shows movement only in the body andlegs. During the second stage, the spine and headwere animated. The third time, the arms were moved.Finally, in the fourth and final stage, facial expressionsand finger movements were added.Animating in successive passes should simplifythe process. Some final stages would be used tocleanup or edit the animation.Sometimes the animation switches from one partof the bodyleading to another. For example, somewhereduring the middle of an animation the upperbody begins to lead the lower one. In a case like this,you would then switch from animating the lower bodyfirst to moving the upper part before the lower one.The order in which one animates can be a matterof personal choice. Some people may prefer to dofacial animation first or perhaps they like to move thearms before anything else. Following is a summary ofhow someone might animate a human.1. First pass: Move the body and legs.2. Second pass: Move or rotate the spinal bones, neck, and head.3. Third pass: Move or rotate the arms and hands.4. Fourth pass: Animate the fingers.5. Fifth pass: Animate the eyes blinking.6. Sixth pass: Animate eye movements.7. Seventh pass: Animate the mouth, eyebrows,nose, jaw, and cheeks <you can break these upinto separate passes>.Most movement starts at the hips. Athletes oftenbegin with a windup action in the pelvic area thatworks its way outward to the extreme parts of thebody. This whiplike activity can even beobserved injust about any mundane act. It is interesting to notethat people who study martial arts learn that most oftheir power comes from the lower torso.Students are often too lazy to make finger movementsa part of their animation. There are several methodsthat can make the process less time consuming.One way is to create morph targets of the fingerpositions and then use shape shifting to move the variousdigits. Each finger is positioned in an open andfistlike closed posture. For example, the sections ofthe index finger are closed, while the others are left inan open, relaxed position for one morph target. Thenext morph target would have only the ring fingerclosed while keeping theothers open. During the animation,sliders are then used to open and close the fingersand/or thumbs. Another method to create finger movements is toanimate them in both closed and open positions andthen save the motion files for each digit. Anytime youanimate the same character, you can load the motionsinto your new scene file. It then becomes a simpleprocess of selecting either the closed or the open positionfor each finger and thumb and keyframing themwherever you desire. DIALOGUEKnowing how to make your humans talk is a crucialpart of character animation. Once you adddialogue,you should notice a livelier performance and a greaterpersonality in your character. At first, dialogue mayseem too great a challenge to attempt. Actually, if youfollow some simple rules, you will find that addingspeech to your animations is not as daunting a taskas one would think. The following suggestions shouldhelp.DIALOGUE ESSENTIALS1. Look in the mirror. Before animating, use amirror or a reflective surface such as that on a CDto follow lip movements and facial expressions.2. The eyes, mouth, and brows change the most.The parts of the face that contain the greatestamount of muscle groups are the eyes, brows,and mouth. Therefore, these are the areas thatchange the most when creating expressions.3. The head constantly moves during dialogue.Animate random head movements, no matterhow small, during the entire animation. Involuntarymotions of the head make a point withouthaving to state it outright. For example, noddingand shaking the head communicate, respectively,positive and negative responses. Leaning thehead forward can show anger, while a downwardmovement communicates sadness. Move thehead to accentuate and emphasize certain statements.Listen to the words that are stressed andadd extra head movements to them.4. Communicate emotions. There are six recognizableuniversal emotions: sadness, anger, joy,fear, disgust, and surprise. Other, more ambiguousstates are pain, sleepiness, passion, physicalexertion, shyness, embarrassment, worry, disdain,sternness, skepticism, laughter, yelling,vanity, impatience, and awe.5. Use phonemes and visemes. Phonemes are theindividual sounds we hear in speech. Rather thantrying to spell out a word, recreate the word as aphoneme. For example, the word computer isphonetically spelled "cumpewtrr." Visemes arethe mouth shapes and tongue positionsemployedduring speech. It helps tremendously to draw achart that recreates speech as phonemes combinedwith mouth shapes <visemes> above orbelow a timeline with the frames marked and thesound and volume indicated.6. Never animate behind the dialogue. It is betterto make the mouth shapes one or two framesbefore the dialogue.7. Don't overstate. Realistic facial movements arefairly limited. The mouth does not open thatmuch when talking.8. Blinking is always a part of facial animation.Itoccurs about every two seconds. Differentemotional states affect the rate of blinking. Nervousnessincreases the rate of blinking, whileanger decreases it.9. Move the eyes. To make the character appear tobe alive, be sure to add eye motions. About 80%of the time is spent watching the eyes and mouth,while about 20% is focused on the hands andbody.10. Breathing should be a part of facial animation.Opening the mouth and moving the headback slightly will show an intake of air, whileflaring the nostrils and having the head nod forwarda little can show exhalation. Breathingmovements should be very subtle and hardlynoticeable...外文资料翻译—译文部分人体动画基础<引自Peter Ratner.3D Human Modeling and Animation[M].America:Wiley,2003:243~249> 如果你读到了这部分,说明你很可能已构建好了人物角色,为它创建了纹理,建立起了人体骨骼,为面部表情制作了morph修改器并在模型周围安排好了灯光.接下来就是三维设计中最精彩的部分,即制作角色动画.到目前为止有些工作极富创意,有些枯燥乏味,但都困难重重.在经过了前期的努力后,角色已显示出了活力,这是非常令人高兴的.在制作动画时,创意会随着时间的推移不断涌现.现在你既是电影和戏剧的演员又是导演.虽然动作是很自然的表演,但它即使不比之前的准备步骤更复杂,也极具挑战.如果你不懂一些基础知识和基本原理,制作出的动画会很可笑.以下几点为你提供一些指导.尽管拿它们做实验.只要你认为能改进动画,可随意遵守或打破这些规那么.动画指南:1.尝试分离各部分.有时指的是分阶段制作动画.不要试图同时移动身体的每个部位,应集中精力制作具体部位的动画.在动画的持续时间内只移动身体的一部分.然后返回时间轴的起始位置,制作另一部分的动画.通过不断回到起始位置,每次制作一个不同部位的动画,能使整个过程变得清晰明了.2.添加一些延迟.身体的不同部位不应该同时开始和停止动作.当胳膊摆动时,下臂应该在其随后摆动几帧.在下臂停止摆动后手再摆动.整个手臂的活动就像是一边连串的连锁反应.3.任何一个动作都不会戛然而止.生活中,只有机器会突然停止.肌肉,腱,压力和引力都会影响人体的移动.你可以亲自证明这一点.用力向前推拳直到完全舒展开手臂.注意最终你的拳头会回弹一下.如果一个部位要停止,例如要保持动作,首先把它设置为关键帧,然后在3到8个或更多关键帧后再设置一次关键帧.动作图形会在两个相同的关键帧中间产生一条曲线.这会使动作有一个回弹而不是马上停止.4.添加面部表情和手指动作.数字人体应当通过眨眼和呼吸来呈现生命的气息.通常每隔60秒会眨一下眼睛.典型的眨眼应该如下所述:第60帧:两眼都睁开.第61帧:右眼半合.第62帧:右眼紧闭,左眼半合.第63帧:右眼半睁,左眼紧闭.第64帧:右眼完全睁开,左眼半睁.第65帧:左眼完全睁开.在不同时间闭上眼睛会让眨眼显得更为自然.面部表情的改变可通过眼睛的转动来表明模型脑海中的想法.如果你不添加手指动作,手会显得过于僵硬.很多同学懒得花时间去添加面部和手部动作.如果你花额外的努力在这些细节上,你的动画会变得更有趣.5.摄像机没有拍到的内容不用关注.如果胳膊叉到了腿里但摄像机视图中看不到,就不用费心去更正.如果你希望一只手看上去靠近身体并且摄像机视角看上去也是如此,即使实际并不靠近,也没必要再做调整.这也适用于布景.如果所有的表演都发生在起居室,就没必要建造整幢房子.考虑绘制背景而不是做出场景每一部分的模型.6.尽量少使用关键帧.过多的关键帧会让角色动作看上去有痉挛的感觉.剧烈,类似于卡通的动作是使用分布密集的关键帧制作的.飘逸或柔和、没精打采的动作是通过分布稀疏的关键帧制作的.动画中通常结合使用二者.试着寻找可以简化动作的方法.你可以在保留动画基本元素的同时减少构成姿势所需的关键帧数量.7.通过锁定位置锚定身体的某个部位.除非你的角色在空中,否那么它身体的一些部位应该被锁定在地面上.可以是一只脚,一只手或二者.处于地面的部分应该在好几帧上保持在同一位置.这样可阻止不必要的滑动.当模型移动重量时,落下的脚被锁定在适当的位置.对于行走动作这点特别适用.有很多方法将模型的部位锁定在地面上.除了直接把一只脚或一只手锁定在地面外,另一种方法是把需要保持在相同位置的部位手动变成关键帧.角色或其四肢必须移动或旋转,只有这样,脚可手才能保持在相同位置.8.角色应该显示重量.三维动画中最富挑战性的一项任务是让一个数字演员显得拥有重量和质量.可以使用几种方法来实现.第12章中讨论的动画的12个原理之一的挤压与拉伸〔或者重量与反弹〕是为角色提供重量的好方法.通过为人体添加一些反弹动作,可以展示角色受到重力影响的效果.比如,如果角色跳起后落下,脚触地后身体要稍微向上抬一下.对于一个比较重的角色,可以让这个动作重复几次,一次比一次弱.这显示出接触的力量似乎让身体微微有些振动.第12章中讨论的动画的12个原理中的另外一个——辅助动作是显示重量和质量效果的一种重要方法.就用前面跳跃的角色例子,角色着地时,腹部可以上下颤动,胳膊可以微微弹起,头可以向前倾斜等.移动与正在移动的实体接触的物体或让其振动是另一种显示质量和重力的方法.地板可以振动,有人坐进去的椅子通过下陷再稍微弹回也可以显示出对重量的反应.有时动画师可以晃动摄像机来表明力量的效果.考虑角色的大小和重量很重要.较重的物体如大象大部分时间都在地面上,而较轻的角色如兔子大部分时间在空中.忙碌的兔子很难显示出重力和质量的效果.9.花时间表演动作.我们很容易只是坐在电脑前,努力解决人体动画的所有问题.站起来,实际表演一下动作,会给动画注入活力.这会让角色的动作显得更为独特,也可以解决许多时间和位置安排问题.最好的动画师也是最优秀的演员.对于动画师来说,镜子是不可或缺的工具.录制自己的表演也有很大的用处.10.决定是否使用IK,FK,或两者都用.正向运动和逆向运动各有其优缺点.FK能控制不同身体部位的运动.一个骨骼可被旋转移动到想要的精确位置和程度.使用FK 的缺点是当你的角色处在一个互动的环境内,简单的移动也会变得困难.当你把脚固定在地面上让它不动也会有难度因为当你移动身体时,脚就会滑动.放在桌上的手也会有相同问题.IK没有目标的移动骨骼.使用IK,固定脚和手就变得非常简单.其缺点是大部分的控制会被集中到目标位置.某个特定姿势会变得难以实现.如果上身不需要任何与环境的互动,那就考虑IK和FK两者都用.IK可以设置身体的下半部分把脚固定在地上,而上半部分用FK使身体移动的自由度和精确度更好.每种情况都涉及到一种不同的方法.根据自己判断决定哪种设置最可靠地适合动画.11.添加对话.曾经有个说法是学生提交给公司的动画中有90%以上都缺少对话.只有很少一部分学生在动画中添加了对话,从而极大地提高了作品的吸引力.如果动画和对话配合良好,比起他们的竞争对手,这些学生便具有了相当大的优势.公司了解,要制作拥有对话的动画,需要付出加倍的努力,拥有一流的技术.在计划故事时,考虑在角色之间形成交流,这种交流不仅是身体层面的,而且要通过对话来表现.本章讨论了几种让对话更具管理性的技巧.12.使用图形编辑器来清理动画.图形编辑器是所有三维动画师都应该掌握的有用工具.它基本上是场景中所有物体,灯光和摄像机的代表.它了解它们的所有活动和属性.一种使用图形编辑器的好方法是在制作面部动画后清理morph Shape.如果图形编辑器中的默认引入曲线被设置为弧线而不是直线,有时图形编辑器中的曲线会弯到0以下.这会造成一些不可预知的结果.如果面部开始呈现负值,将会导致变形的面部表情.无论何时看到曲线弯到0值以下,先选择弧形右边的第一个关键点,然后把它的曲线设置为直线.本章后面分步讲解的时候将详细讨论图形编辑器.分阶段制作动画如果试图同时改变人体模型上可以移动的各个部件,制作动画的过程经常会变得混乱不堪.如果试图在同一个关键帧上改变这些部件,表演会迅速沦落为机械的程序.记住,您是在试图模仿人类的动作,而不是机器人的动作.隔离要移动的区域意味着您可以分步寻找要移动的身体部位,一段时间只集中精力于一个部位.比如,可以移动的第一个部位是身体和腿.在整个时间轴上完成对它们的移动后,再试着弯曲脊柱和转动髋部.完成转身和弯腰动作后,再集中精力制作臂部动作.不要忘记手腕.最后可以添加手指动作.也可以最后制作面部表情动画.连续地制作各个部位的动画会简化该流程.可以在最后几个阶段清理或编辑动画.有时动画从身体某一部位切换会引出另一部位.比如,有时在动画中间,上身开始引出下肢.在这种情况下,您要从首先制作下肢动画转换到先移动上身,再移动下肢.制作动画的顺序取决于个人喜好.有些人可能更愿意首先制作面部表情动画,也有些人喜欢首先移动胳膊.以下总结了一些制作人体动画的方法.1.第1轮:移动身体和腿部.2.第2轮:移动或旋转脊骨,脖子和头.3.第3轮:移动或旋转胳膊和手.4.第4轮:制作手指动画.5.第5轮:制作眨眼动画.6.第6轮:制作眼睛动作.7.第7轮:制作嘴、眉毛、鼻子、颚和脸颊动画〔可以把这些再细分成几轮〕.大多数移动从臀部开始.运动员总是从撅到极限的骨盆部位开始结束动作.这种像鞭子的行为在现实生活中也可以看到.有趣的是尚武的人可以发现他们的大多数力量来自于下体.对话在人物动画中,了解如何让人开口说话是一个关健部分.加入对话后,人物就会具有更逼真的表现和更鲜明的个性.起初,对话可能是一项极大的挑战,您连尝试的勇气都没有.实际上,如果遵循一些简单的原那么,就会发现给动画添加对话没有想象中的那么困难.下面这些建议可能会对您有所帮助.对话基础1.看镜子.在制作动画前,使用镜子或CD之类的反射面来观察嘴唇动作和面部表情.2.眼睛、嘴和眉毛是变化最大的部分.脸上包含肌肉组最多的部分是眼睛、眉毛和嘴.因此,制作表情时这些是变化最大的区域.3.对话期间头部要不停地摆动.在整个动画中,添加头部随机摆动的动画,幅度多小都无所谓.下意识的头部动作显然含意丰富.例如,点头和摇头分别表示赞成和反对.头向前伸可以表示生气;低头可以表示伤心;猛然抬头可以表示吃惊.移动头部来强调特定的状态.聆听重读的词语,然后对这些词添加头部动作. 4.传达情感.可以识别的情感一般有6种:伤心、生气、开心、恐惧、厌恶和惊讶.其他比较模糊的状态有痛苦、困倦、热情、用力、害羞、尴尬、担心、鄙视、严厉、怀疑、微笑、欢呼、骄傲、不耐烦等.5.使用音素和发音嘴形.音素是我们在对话中听到的单个声音.使用音素组成单词,而不是试图拼出单词.例如:单词computer根据音素拼为"compewtrr".发音嘴形是说话时嘴的形状和舌头的位置.在时间轴上方或下方绘制图表,在图表中使用音素和嘴形组成话语,标出这些话语所在的帧,并说明声音和音量.这样的图表将非常有用.6.动画不要晚于对话.最好将嘴形设置为早于对话一到两帧.7.不要过于夸X.现实中面部表情的变化是非常有限的.说话时嘴巴不会X得很大.8.眨眼始终是面部动画的一部分.一般每两秒钟就要眨一次眼.不同的情绪状态影响眨眼的频率.紧X时眨眼频率会增加,而生气时会减少.9.转动眼睛.要使人物显得生动,一定要添加眼睛动作.人类大约有80%的时间花在注意他人的眼睛和嘴上,而只有20%的时间关注他人的手和身体.10.呼吸应该是面部动画的一部分.X开嘴的同时头稍微向后仰表示吸气,而鼻孔翕动的同时头稍微向前倾可以表示呼气,呼吸动作幅度应该小到几乎注意不到.- 21 - / 11。
Facial Animation Toolset表情插件使用方法
1.单击“AFS”图标,打开“AFS”控制面板,单击Globle Positioning「全局位置」按钮,整体移动和缩放这些定位器,与导入的模型进行匹配。
对位大致完成后,再次单击Globle Positioning按钮,结束全局对位。
关键词:人脸语音动画;语音可视化建模;口型动画1 引言语音驱动人脸动画合成的研究是自然人机交互领域的重要内容。
语音驱动人脸动画合成是对一个人的声音进行处理,使之在人脸头像上合成与语音对应的口型动画(lip animation)和面部表情(facial expressions)。
目前,这方面的研究主要集中在合成同步、精确的口型动画,以及通过语音分析实现对面部表情的分类上,还没有一个较好的方法来实现语音同时驱动虚拟人的口型动画和面部姿势(facial gestures or visual prosody)。
所谓面部姿势是指头部动作(head movements)、眼睛动作(eye movements)和眉毛动作(eyebrow movements)等非语言信息。
2 语音可视化建模为了实现语音同步驱动人脸口型和面部姿势,语音可视化建模是必不可少的一步。
人脸识别的英文文献15篇英文回答:1. Title: A Survey on Face Recognition Algorithms.Abstract: Face recognition is a challenging task in computer vision due to variations in illumination, pose, expression, and occlusion. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art face recognition algorithms, including traditional methods like Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces, and deep learning-based methods such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).2. Title: Face Recognition using Deep Learning: A Literature Review.Abstract: Deep learning has revolutionized the field of face recognition, leading to significant improvements in accuracy and robustness. This literature review presents an in-depth analysis of various deep learning architecturesand techniques used for face recognition, highlighting their strengths and limitations.3. Title: Real-Time Face Recognition: A Comprehensive Review.Abstract: Real-time face recognition is essential for various applications such as surveillance, access control, and biometrics. This review surveys the recent advances in real-time face recognition algorithms, with a focus on computational efficiency, accuracy, and scalability.4. Title: Facial Expression Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey.Abstract: Facial expression recognition plays a significant role in human-computer interaction and emotion analysis. This survey presents a comprehensive overview of facial expression recognition techniques, including traditional approaches and deep learning-based methods.5. Title: Age Estimation from Facial Images: A Review.Abstract: Age estimation from facial images has applications in various fields, such as law enforcement, forensics, and healthcare. This review surveys the existing age estimation methods, including both supervised and unsupervised learning approaches.6. Title: Face Detection: A Literature Review.Abstract: Face detection is a fundamental task in computer vision, serving as a prerequisite for face recognition and other facial analysis applications. This review presents an overview of face detection techniques, from traditional methods to deep learning-based approaches.7. Title: Gender Classification from Facial Images: A Survey.Abstract: Gender classification from facial imagesis a widely studied problem with applications in gender-specific marketing, surveillance, and security. This surveyprovides an overview of gender classification methods, including both traditional and deep learning-based approaches.8. Title: Facial Keypoint Detection: A Comprehensive Review.Abstract: Facial keypoint detection is a crucialstep in face analysis, providing valuable information about facial structure. This review surveys facial keypoint detection methods, including traditional approaches anddeep learning-based algorithms.9. Title: Face Tracking: A Survey.Abstract: Face tracking is vital for real-time applications such as video surveillance and facial animation. This survey presents an overview of facetracking techniques, including both model-based andfeature-based approaches.10. Title: Facial Emotion Analysis: A Literature Review.Abstract: Facial emotion analysis has become increasingly important in various applications, including affective computing, human-computer interaction, and surveillance. This literature review provides a comprehensive overview of facial emotion analysis techniques, from traditional methods to deep learning-based approaches.11. Title: Deep Learning for Face Recognition: A Comprehensive Guide.Abstract: Deep learning has emerged as a powerful technique for face recognition, achieving state-of-the-art results. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of deep learning architectures and techniques used for face recognition, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Deep Residual Networks (ResNets).12. Title: Face Recognition with Transfer Learning: A Survey.Abstract: Transfer learning has become a popular technique for accelerating the training of deep learning models. This survey presents an overview of transferlearning approaches used for face recognition, highlighting their advantages and limitations.13. Title: Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition: A Comprehensive Review.Abstract: Domain adaptation is essential foradapting face recognition models to new domains withdifferent characteristics. This review surveys various domain adaptation techniques used for face recognition, including adversarial learning and self-supervised learning.14. Title: Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition: A Comprehensive Guide.Abstract: Privacy concerns have arisen with the widespread use of face recognition technology. This guide provides an overview of privacy-preserving face recognition techniques, including anonymization, encryption, anddifferential privacy.15. Title: The Ethical and Social Implications of Face Recognition Technology.Abstract: The use of face recognition technology has raised ethical and social concerns. This paper explores the potential risks and benefits of face recognition technology, and discusses the implications for society.中文回答:1. 题目,人脸识别算法综述。
外文标题:Fast Facial Animation Design for Emotional Virtual Humans外文作者:S. Garchery, A. Egges, N. Magnenat-Thalmann文献出处:CD-ROM Proceeding,2005英文1780单词,9439字符,中文2889汉字。
原文:Fast Facial Animation Design for Emotional Virtual HumansS. Garchery, A. Egges, N. Magnenat-ThalmannAbstractDesigning facial animation parameters according to a specific model can be time consuming. In this paper we present a fast approach to design facial animations based on minimal information (only feature points). All facial deformations are automatically computed from MPEG-4 feature points. We also present an extension of this approach that allows to personalize or to customize the deformations according to different characteristics. We will describe different prototypes of the facial animation system, available on different platforms. Then, we demonstrate how emotions and expression can be incorporated into the facial animation system.KeywordsFacial Animation, Parameterization, Personalization, Emotion, MPEG41 IntroductionA literature survey on different approaches on facial animation system reveals the following characteristics that should be found in an ideal facial animation system:Easy to use: A facial animation system should be easy to use and simply to implement. This means: ∙Be able to work with any kind of face model (male, female, children, cartoon like …)∙Require a minimum of time to set up a model for animation∙Allow for creative freedom of the animator to define specific deformations if necessary∙Get realistic results∙Be able to precisely control the animation Integration: Using the system should be simple, fast and it should work in any kind of environment (PC, web, mobile…) Generality: The possibility to reuse previous work (deformation data or animation) with a new model presents a big advantage and reduces the resources needed to develop new animations or applications.Visual quality: finally, the result should look realistic with a cartoon like model or a cloned one. The qualityshould also be taken into account during the design process.In order to achieve a maximum of these goals, it is crucial to properly define which parameters are used in the model. By proposing a parameterization system (FACS), Paul Ekman [5] started the definition of a standardization system to be used for facial synthesis. In 1999, MPEG-4 defined an interesting standard using facial animation parameters. This standard proposed to deform the face model directly by manipulating feature points of the face and presented a novel animation structure specifically optimized for e.g. networking applications. These parameters are completely model- independent, based on very few information and leave open the adaptation of animations for each face model according to the facial engine that is used. A lot of research has been done in order to develop facial animation engines based on this parameterization system. Commonly, a piece-wise linear interpolation function for each animation parameter [9,15] is used to produce the desired result (see section 2.1). Fast Facial Deformation Design2.1MPEG-4 overview and descriptionIn order to understand facial animation based on MPEG-4 parameters system, we should describe some keywords of the standard and the pipeline in order to animate compliant face models.▪FAPU (Facial Animation Parameters Units): all animation parameters are described in FAPU units. This unit is based on face model proportions and computed based on a few key points of the face (like eye distance or mouth size).▪FDP (Facial Definition Parameters): this acronym describes a set of 88 feature points of the face model.FAPU and facial animation parameters are based on these feature points. These points could be also used in order to morph a face model according to specific characteristics.▪FAP (Facial Animation Parameters): it is a set of values decomposed in high level and low level parameters that represent the displacement of some features points (FDP) according to a specific direction. Two special values (FAP 1 and 2) are used to represent visemes and expressions. All 66 low level FAP values are used to represent the displacement of some FDPs according to a specific direction (see Figure 1). The combination of all deformations resulting from these displacements forms the final expression. A facial animation then is a variation of these expressions over time.Another aspect of MPEG-4 for facial animation, like Facial Interpolation Tables, could be applied to simplify the quantity of data needed to represent an expression or animation. With this approach, an animation can be represented by a small set of parameters, which is an efficient approach for network applications (less than 2 Kb for each frame).2 Animation DesignDifferent approaches are possible in order to produce a facial animation stream more or less in real-time depending on the intended application. In this section, we will briefly present some of these approaches.2.2Text-to-visual approachWhen starting from written text, we use a Text-to-Speech engine to produce the phoneme data and the audio. For defining the visemes and expressions, we use the Principal Components (PCs) as described by Kshirsagar et al.[10]. The PCs are derived from the statistical analysis of the facial motion data and reflect independent facial movements observed during fluent speech. The main steps incorporated in the visual front-end are the following: 1.Generation of FAPs from text2.Expression blending: Each expression is associated with an intensity value and it is blended with thepreviously calculated co-articulated phoneme trajectories.3.Periodic facial movements: Periodic eye-blinks and minor head movements are applied to the face for increased believability.2.3Optical captureIn order to capture a more realistic trajectory of feature points on the face, we are using a commercial optical tracking system to capture the facial motions, with 6 cameras and 27 markers corresponding to MPEG-4 FDPs. In the parameterization system, a total of 40 FDPs are animatable, but since markers are difficult to be set up on the tongue and lips, we use a subset of 27. We obtain 3D trajectories for each of the marker points as the output of the tracking system, suitable as well for 2D animation. During the data capture, head movements are not restricted and thus, a compensation process is required to obtain the local deformation of the marker [2].Once we extract the head movements, the global movement component is removed from the motion trajectories of all the feature point markers, resulting in the absolute local displacements. The MPEG-4 FAP values are then easily calculated from these displacements. For example, FAP 3 open jaw is defined as the normalized displacement of FDP2.1 from the neutral position, scaled by the FAPU MNS. As FAP values are defined as normalized displacements for the feature points from the neutral position, it is trivial to compute the FAP value given the neutral position and the displacement from this position [11]. The algorithm is based on a general purpose feature point based mesh deformation, which is extended for a facial mesh using MPEG-4 facial feature points.3.3 Automatic personalization of animationAs presented above, an optical tracking system can be used in order to capture spatial motion of marker placed on the face. This information is converted in MPEG-4 FAPs that can be interpreted by any MPEG4 compliant facial animation engine. But during the conversion of motion capture data to FAP, we lose some information due of FAP restrictions (see section 2.1). In other words, with the standard format we cannot fully recover the same displacement as we had from the motion capture. The displacement in the directions which are not stored will be lost. We will present a solution to restore this information during the synthesis process.As described above, our system is able to deform a face model according to the FDP position. This deformation is normally computed for FAP values in term of FAPU units. The system could move any FDP point and not only those points that are FAP values. In other words, we compute the deformation simply from the spatial position of control points. Thus we are able to deform a face model according to any the FDP position coming from FAP values or randomly. We propose then to apply a spring mass network in order to recalibrate the spatial position of control points. We do not want to connect the points linearly, because than it would be less dynamic.Another interesting idea with this approach is the possibility to personalize the value of the mass springs according to a specific person. The ultimate goal is to be able to automatically set these spring mass parameters, and use these parameters in order to reproduce a more realistic animation with the same number of facial animation parameters. This research is ongoing.Reference1.Arnold, M.B. (1960). Emotion and personality. 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2021⁃03⁃10计算机应用,Journal of Computer Applications 2021,41(3):839-844ISSN 1001⁃9081CODEN JYIIDU http ://基于双相机捕获面部表情及人体姿态生成三维虚拟人动画刘洁,李毅*,朱江平(四川大学计算机学院,成都610065)(∗通信作者电子邮箱liyi_ws@ )摘要:为了生成表情丰富、动作流畅的三维虚拟人动画,提出了一种基于双相机同步捕获面部表情及人体姿态生成三维虚拟人动画的方法。
首先,采用传输控制协议(TCP )网络时间戳方法实现双相机时间同步,采用张正友标定法实现双相机空间同步。
采集面部表情时,提取图像的2D 特征点,利用这些2D 特征点回归计算得到面部行为编码系统(FACS )面部行为单元,为实现表情动画做准备;以标准头部3D 坐标值为基准,根据相机内参,采用高效n 点投影(EP n P )算法实现头部姿态估计;之后将面部表情信息和头部姿态估计信息进行匹配。
采集人体姿态时,利用遮挡鲁棒姿势图(ORPM )方法计算人体姿态,输出每个骨骼点位置、旋转角度等数据。
实验结果表明,该方法能够同步捕获面部表情及人体姿态,而且在实验测试中的帧率达到20fps ,能实时生成自然真实的三维动画。
关键词:双相机;人体姿态;面部表情;虚拟人动画;同步捕获中图分类号:TP391.4文献标志码:A3D virtual human animation generation based on dual -camera capture of facialexpression and human poseLIU Jie ,LI Yi *,ZHU Jiangping(College of Computer Science ,Sichuan University ,Chengdu Sichuan 610065,China )Abstract:In order to generate a three -dimensional virtual human animation with rich expression and smooth movement ,a method for generating three -dimensional virtual human animation based on synchronous capture of facial expression andhuman pose with two cameras was proposed.Firstly ,the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP )network timestamp method was used to realize the time synchronization of the two cameras ,and the ZHANG Zhengyou ’s calibration method was used to realize the spatial synchronization of the two cameras.Then ,the two cameras were used to collect facial expressions and human poses respectively.When collecting facial expressions ,the 2D feature points of the image were extracted and theregression of these 2D points was used to calculate the Facial Action Coding System (FACS )facial action unit in order toprepare for the realization of expression animation.Based on the standard head 3D coordinate ,according to the camera internal parameters ,the Efficient Perspective -n -Point (EP n P )algorithm was used to realize the head pose estimation.After that ,the facial expression information was matched with the head pose estimation information.When collecting human poses ,the Occlusion -Robust Pose -Map (ORPM )method was used to calculate the human poses and output data such as the position and rotation angle of each bone point.Finally ,the established 3D virtual human model was used to show the effect of data -driven animation in the Unreal Engine 4(UE4).Experimental results show that this method can simultaneously capture facial expressions and human poses and has the frame rate reached 20fps in the experimental test ,so it can generate naturaland realistic three -dimensional animation in real time.Key words:dual -camera;human pose;facial expression;virtual human animation;synchronous capture0引言随着虚拟现实技术走进大众生活,人们对虚拟替身的获取手段及逼真程度都提出较高要求,希望能够通过低成本设备,在日常生活环境下获取替身,并应用于虚拟环境[1]。
曲面模型在概念上非常简单,它包含了一副骨架和外面的蒙皮。许多多边形平面或 样条曲面面片构成了整个模型的蒙皮。这种模型存在的问题,一是需要输入大量的点, 而这项工作通常是非常单调乏味的;另一个问题是难于控制关节处曲面的真实过渡形 态,很容易产生奇异的和不规则的形状。在3D Max和Maya等三维软件中,主要用 NURBS曲面建模方法建立人的面部模型,NURBS的表面由一系列的曲线和控制点确 定。制作方法如下:首先绘制各截面的轮廓线,用这些轮廓线来反映人物造型各个部位 的特征,然后根据这些曲线创建表面,得到大致的人物造型各个部位的特征,然后根据 这些曲线创建表面,得到大致的脸部模型,再分别创建眼部、耳部等细节部分的轮廓线, 最后将眼部等细节部分与开始的脸部模型结合使其成为一个整体“Ⅲ“m…。
provided the base for simulating the wrinkles offacial expression animation.
Key words facial expression animation;wrinkles;buckling
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仿人面部表情机器人SHFR-1样机柯显信;唐文彬;陈玉亮;杨晓晨【摘要】通过对人类实现不同面部表情时脸部肌肉运动情况的分析,设计仿人面部表情机器人的运动机构和控制系统.在仿真环境下,对所设计的虚拟样机进行运动分析,以所得到的数据为依据,研制仿人面部表情机器人样机SHFR-1.在SHFR-1机器人上进行面部表情演示实验,结果表明,该样机可以较好地实现高兴、悲伤、惊讶、害怕、愤怒和厌恶等6种人类基本表情.%By analyzing the facial expression and motion of facial muscles, the mechanism and contol systems of a facial robot are designed.The mechanism and motion of the corresponding virtual prototype are analyzed.A facial robot SHFR-1 is developed based on the results of the analysis.Experimental results of facial expressions show that SHFR-1 can express six basic expressions: happiness, sadness,surprise, fear, anger and disgust.【期刊名称】《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(017)001【总页数】6页(P79-84)【关键词】仿人面部表情机器人;面部表情;样机【作者】柯显信;唐文彬;陈玉亮;杨晓晨【作者单位】上海大学,机电工程与自动化学院,上海,200072;上海大学,机电工程与自动化学院,上海,200072;上海大学,机电工程与自动化学院,上海,200072;上海大学,机电工程与自动化学院,上海,200072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP242.6上海大学从 2007年开始进行仿人面部表情机器人的技术研究,并在 UGNX 4.0仿真环境中进行了虚拟样机的设计[8].本研究在此基础上研制了仿人面部表情机器人SHFR-1的样机.在表情实验中,这台机器人能较好地实现高兴、悲伤、惊讶、害怕、愤怒和厌恶等 6种基本表情.与国内外同类机器人相比,本研究所设计的机器人具有内部结构简单、空间利用率大、易于控制、重量较轻且成本低廉等特点.1.1 设计要求根据面部表情编码系统 (facial action coding system,FACS)理论,人类面部共有44个运动单元(action units,AU),其中 14个控制基本表情的 AU组可以产生近 55 000种不同的表情,但基本可以分为 6种表情:高兴、悲伤、惊讶、害怕、愤怒和厌恶[9].通过对这 6种表情进行运动分析,可得到眉毛、眼睑、眼睛和下颌这 4个主要产生表情的运动模块.这4个运动模块总共包含了 11个自由度,通过这些自由度的组合,可获得上述 6种基本表情.1.2 运动机构设计为了更加简便地实现这 6种基本表情,本研究对 4个主要的运动模块所具有的 11个自由度进行简化设计.眉毛模块具有 4个自由度,在不影响机器人运动效果的前提下将其简化至 1个自由度,让眉毛由舵机直接驱动并绕旋转中心转动.由于眼睑对于人类面部表情有重要作用,将眼睑运动简化为与眼睛水平同轴转动的 1个自由度.眼睛是最为重要的面部器官,本研究将双眼考虑为同步同方向运动,使得眼睛机构能以2个自由度实现所需的运动要求.采用 1个曲柄滑块机构实现眼球的垂直方向运动,以 1个导轨滑块机构实现眼球的左右转动.下颌模块与眉毛模块一样由 4个自由度简化至 1个自由度,以双摇杆机构带动下颌上下转动,实现机器人嘴部的开闭.最终通过对自由度的优化,达到了用 7个自由度实现 6种基本面部表情动作的自由度简化目标.本研究采用矢量环解法[10]进行机构的位移解析计算.以眼球水平转动为例,眼球左右水平转动具有 2个自由度,将双眼左右水平转动考虑为同步同方向运动,则整个眼球左右水平转动机构只有 1个自由度.绕水平方向的转动采用双摇杆机构,如图 1所示.位置矢量环如图 2所示.定义机构位置为绕机构产生一个矢量环,该矢量环是自封闭的,使得绕环矢量总和为零.已知的矢量长度即为构件的长度,即接着,对每个位置矢量代入复数表示符号,将式 (1)转变为式 (2)中有 4个未知数,即构件的 4个角度.构件 1的角度值为固定值,θ2为独立变量,由舵机控制.采用欧拉恒等式对θ3和θ4两个未知量进行求解,得到所求未知量的解为随后,建立速度矢量图 (见图 3),通过矢量方程求得眼球水平运动速度与舵机角度位移的关系为在Matlab中建立数学模型,计算结果如图 4所示,可见眼部水平转动速度随舵机角度位移的变大而变大.1.3 机器人机械结构设计整个机器人样机采用了大量的通用标准件,其中连杆组件采用了关节轴承,不仅结构简单,长度可调节,而且可避免空间上的转动误差.眼睛上下转动和下颌转动都直接选择了带座轴承,4个运动模块在空间上布置合理,尺寸比例与人类接近.机器人后半部留有大量空间,预留空间将达到整体空间的50%,同时嘴部上方也留下了方形空间.图 5所示为在UGNX 4.0中建立的 SHFR-1机器人虚拟样机.仿人面部表情机器人由机构本体、控制系统、舵机驱动系统和传感检测系统等组成.控制系统对机器人发出表情指令,通过舵机系统驱动机器人的各个机构运动,再由传感检测系统检测实际运动情况并修正,实现所需的面部表情.图 6所示为机器人控制系统框图.2.1 控制系统硬件结构设计为了使机器人易于控制和降低成本,本研究的机器人控制系统采用以单片机为控制核心的控制系统硬件结构.样机使用 AT89S52单片机,该单片机是一种低功耗、高性能且系统内带 8 kB可编程 Flash存储器的 8位 CMOS微处理器,灵活性较高,只需花费有限资源就可产生多个嵌入式控制的高性能微处理器.机器人使用舵机作为驱动电机.舵机使用易于控制的脉冲宽度调制(pulsewidthmodulation,PWM)信号作为控制信号,适用于需要角度不断变化并可以保持的机构,而且由于内置多级减速,从而能以较小的体积产生较大的扭矩.机器人采用 7路舵机联动控制,实现了机器人的 6种基本面部表情.多路舵机的控制方法可以采用单片机分时控制,单片机串行地从一个 I/O端输出多个舵机的控制信号,并装载整个机器人的步态数组.使用这种方法对单片机的速度要求不高,普通的8051单片机使用 8 MHz频率的晶振就足以满足速度要求,并且编程也比较容易.控制系统采用分时控制方式实现 7路 PWM输出,控制舵机驱动机器人连续实现几种基本表情.2.2 控制系统软件结构设计机器人的控制系统软件设计采用了整体结构化的设计方法,编制了功能实现函数,利用函数参数传递的方法,实现系统功能.这样的设计方法简化了软件调试,并为将来的系统功能拓展提供了便利.软件调试工具采用 KeiluVision3集成开发环境,程序设计语言采用 C语言[11].本样机所涉及的控制系统主要包括主程序模块、命令输入模块、系统运行模块、模式选择模块、脉冲发送及控制模块等功能模块.图 7为系统主程序流程图.当控制器开始运行后,延时 1 s等待系统运行命令;程序启动,系统开始运行,程序初始化,7路 PWM脉冲 20 ms周期开始计时;再延时 1 s,等待选择模式.根据不同的模式,用脉冲控制程序进行运算并通过脉冲输出程序开始输出脉冲,舵机接收脉冲信号驱动各运动执行机构,使得机器人开始执行动作.若接收到系统停止命令,则机器人在动作复位后,关闭系统.本研究研制的仿人面部表情机器人 SHFR-1样机,由机器人机械本体及控制系统组成.图 8所示为机器人样机机械本体和单片机控制系统.控制板由2个电源分别给单片机模块和舵机驱动模块供电.样机中眉毛、眼睑、眼睛机构只占用样机的 1/4空间,下颌机构只占用不到 1/4的空间.样机预留了眼部与下颌间、下颌后半部、机器人后半部大量空间,达到了预期结构设计要求.仿人面部表情机器人样机实验系统由面部表情机器人本体、控制板、电源、舵机和控制系统软件组成.采用 FACS理论对人类不同面部表情进行分析,获得了实现各表情时的运动数据.根据这些实验数据,首先在 UGNX 4.0仿真环境下进行仿真实现,并对数据及运动部件运动状况进行校核,得到机构运动数据 (见表1).随后在机器人样机上进行表情实验 (见图 9).首先实验单个运动机构的动作,并在此基础上对各机构运动进行联动,得到了高兴、悲伤、惊讶、害怕、愤怒和厌恶 6种基本面部表情.在此基础上又实验了一个个性表情“诧异”(见图 9(h)),表明本机器人可以在实现 6种基本面部表情的基础上实现更为丰富的面部表情.在实验中,机器人各动作运动平稳,实现了控制系统速度微分功能.机构完成各目标动作与表情的时间都在 1s以内,虽然比人体肌肉的运动速度稍慢,但能够成功表达这几种表情.本研究以舵机作为驱动器,采用独特的结构设计,以连杆组件作为执行机构构成了机器人的 4个主要运动模块,并以单片机 AT89S52为控制系统的核心,研制了仿人面部表情机器人 SHFR-1样机.通过实验验证,本样机基本达到了预期目标,能较好地实现 6种基本面部表情及 1个个性表情.机器人样机不仅结构简单、控制简便、空间利用合理,并且成本低廉,但在表情拟人化、细腻化及机器人的响应速度方面需要作进一步的研究.本研究特地为面部AU控制机构和传感器预留了大量空间,并可装配上仿人表皮材料.下一步研究重点在于使机器人样机能表现出更丰富逼真的表情,并加装如视觉模块等系统,使得样机可以更好地与人进行情感交流.【相关文献】[1] HASHIMOTO T,HTIRAMATSU S,TSUJI T,et al.Development of the face robot SAYA for rich facial exp ressions[C]∥ SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference.2006:5423-5428.[2] BERNS K.Control of facial expressions of the humanoid robot headROMAN[C]∥Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.2006:3119-3124.[3] BREAZEAL C,EDSINGER A,FITZPATRICK P,et al.Active vision for sociable robots[J].IEEE Transactions on Systems,Man,and Cybernetic,2001,31(5):443-453.[4] BREAZEAL C.Robot in society:friend or aliance[C]∥Proceedings of the 1999 Autonomous Agents Workshop on Emotion-Based Agent Architectures.1999:18-26. 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一种用于人脸动画的拟合抽象肌肉模型司倩倩;樊养余【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2011(34)10【摘要】Three-dimensional face animation is a hot subject in the field of computer graphics. A fitting abstract muscle model is proposed to simulate complex face expressions succinctly because it is difficult and is not quite realistic for the three-dimensional animation model to simulate face expressions at present. The mathematical model of wide linear muscles in the common abstract muscle model of face animation model is improved: the shape of wide linear muscles is under control of deformation parameters to directly simulate face muscle details. The simulation results show that the improved model can more truly simulate real labial motions. In comparison with the traditional abstract muscle model, the fitting abstract muscle model has less computational complexity and more realistic simulation result, which reveals a broader prospect in applications.%三维人脸动画是计算机图形学领域的热点课题.针对目前三维动画模型对人脸的模拟难度高且效果不够逼真地问题,为了简洁且逼真的模拟人脸表情动作,提出了一种拟合抽象肌肉模型.该模型基于人脸动画模型中常用的抽象肌肉模型,对其中宽线性肌的数学模型进行改进,利用形变参数控制宽线性肌的形态,对面部肌肉动作直接进行模拟.仿真实验表明,利用拟合抽象肌肉模型能够更为真实地模拟出复杂的嘴部动作.因此,拟合抽象肌肉模型与传统的抽象肌肉模型相比,实现的计算复杂度不高,并且模拟效果更加逼真,具有广阔的应用前景.【总页数】4页(P1-4)【作者】司倩倩;樊养余【作者单位】西北工业大学,陕西西安710072;西北工业大学,陕西西安710072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN919-34;TP391.9【相关文献】1.一种适用于大区互联电网的负荷模型参数拟合方法 [J], 王吉利;柯贤波;李卓然;李威;霍超;程林;张正利2.一种改进的随机检验法用于主成分选择以避免光谱分析校正模型的过拟合或欠拟合 [J], 李丽娜;李庆波;阎侯赖;张广军3.基于NURBS向量肌肉模型的人脸动画及实现 [J], 吴新娟;徐胜4.一种适用于拟合单峰分布数据的模型 [J], 侯紫燕;赵呈建;张保平5.一种用于信息聚集的抽象Web挖掘模型 [J], 段隆振;秦磊;张锋;冯豫华因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
我最喜欢的动画片是猫和老鼠英语作文80字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My favorite cartoon is "Tom and Jerry." This classic cartoon features the never-ending chase between a cat named Tom and a clever mouse named Jerry. The slapstick humor and clever antics of the characters never fail to make me laugh.One of the reasons I love "Tom and Jerry" is the timeless humor. The exaggerated antics of the cat and mouse duo never get old, no matter how many times I watch the episodes. From Tom's failed attempts to catch Jerry to Jerry's clever escapes, the humor is always refreshing and entertaining.Another reason I love "Tom and Jerry" is the nostalgia it brings. Watching this cartoon reminds me of my childhood days spent watching it on Saturday mornings. The familiar characters and storylines bring back fond memories of carefree days spent laughing along with Tom and Jerry.Additionally, I love the creativity and imagination of the show. The creators of "Tom and Jerry" were able to come up with new ways for Tom to try and catch Jerry, and for Jerry tooutsmart Tom. The unpredictable nature of the show keeps me on the edge of my seat, wondering what will happen next.In conclusion, "Tom and Jerry" is my favorite cartoon because of its timeless humor, nostalgic appeal, and creative storytelling. I will always have a special place in my heart for this classic cartoon and the endless chase between Tom and Jerry.篇2My Favorite Cartoon is "Tom and Jerry"One of my all-time favorite cartoons is "Tom and Jerry". This classic animated series never fails to make me laugh with its slapstick humor and clever gags. The rivalry between the cat Tom and the mouse Jerry never gets old, and I find myself watching reruns of the show whenever I need a good laugh.What I love about "Tom and Jerry" is not just the humor, but also the creativity and ingenuity of the characters. Jerry, the clever little mouse, always manages to outsmart Tom, thedim-witted cat, using his wits and quick thinking. The elaborate traps that Jerry sets for Tom are always entertaining to watch, as are the chaotic chases that ensue.There is also a timeless quality to "Tom and Jerry" that sets it apart from other cartoons. The colorful animation, lively music,and sound effects all come together to create a whimsical world that never fails to captivate audiences young and old. Despite being made over 80 years ago, the show still resonates with viewers today, proving that good humor is truly timeless.In addition to the humor and creativity, I also appreciate the moral lessons that "Tom and Jerry" imparts. Despite their constant feuding, Tom and Jerry often find themselves working together to overcome a common enemy or solve a problem. This teaches viewers the importance of teamwork and cooperation, even in the face of adversity.Overall, "Tom and Jerry" is a cartoon that has stood the test of time and continues to entertain audiences around the world. Its humor, creativity, and timeless appeal make it a classic that will never go out of style. I will always have a special place in my heart for Tom and Jerry and look forward to watching their misadventures for years to come.篇3One of my favorite animated shows is "Tom and Jerry." This classic cartoon has been entertaining audiences of all ages for decades. The show revolves around the comedic antics of a cat named Tom and a mouse named Jerry.What I love most about "Tom and Jerry" is the timeless humor and slapstick comedy. The show's simple premise of a cat chasing a mouse and the mouse outsmarting the cat never fails to make me laugh. The clever pranks and tricks that Jerry plays on Tom always keep me entertained.The animation in "Tom and Jerry" is also top-notch. The exaggerated facial expressions and movements of the characters add to the humor of the show. The vibrant colors and detailed backgrounds bring the world of Tom and Jerry to life.Another aspect of the show that I enjoy is the lack of dialogue. "Tom and Jerry" relies on visual storytelling and physical comedy, which makes it accessible to audiences around the world. The universal appeal of the show is what has made it a beloved classic for generations.In addition to the humor and animation, "Tom and Jerry" also teaches valuable lessons about friendship and teamwork. Despite their constant battles, Tom and Jerry always come together to defeat a common enemy when necessary. This message of working together to overcome obstacles is a positive one that resonates with viewers.Overall, "Tom and Jerry" is a timeless classic that continues to be enjoyed by audiences of all ages. The humor, animation,and lessons in the show make it one of my favorite animated series. I look forward to watching more episodes of "Tom and Jerry" and laughing along with the misadventures of the cat and mouse duo.。
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Simulation of Facial Muscle Actions Based onRational Free Form DeformationsPrem Kalra1, Angelo Mangili2, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann1 and Daniel Thalmann21 MIRALab, University of GenevaSwitzerland2 Computer Graphics LabSwiss Federal Institute of TechnologyLausanne, SwitzerlandABSTRACTThis paper describes interactive facilities for simulating abstract muscle actions using Rational Free Form Deformations (RFFD). The particular muscle action is simulated as the displacement of the control points of the control-unit for an RFFD defined on a region of interest. One or several simulated muscle actions constitute a Minimum Perceptible Action (MPA), which is defined as the atomic action unit, similar to Action Unit (AU) of the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), to build an expression.Keywords : Facial Animation, Expressions, Rational Free Form Deformations.1. IntroductionHuman Facial Modeling and AnimationThe face is a small part of a human, but it plays an essential role in communication. People look at faces for clues to emotions or even to read lips. It is a particular challenge to imitate these few details. An ultimate objective therefore is to model human facial anatomy exactly including its movements to satisfy both structural and functional aspects of simulation. However, this involves many problems to be solved concurrently. The human face is a very irregular structure, varying from person to person. The problem is further compounded with interior details such as muscles, bones, tissues, and motion which involves complex interactions and deformations of different facial features.The Basic Facial Animation ModelsThere has been extensive research done on basic facial animation and several models have been proposed. Early models proposed by Parke (1975, 1982), used a combination of digitized expressions and linearinterpolation of features such as eyelids, eyebrows and jaw-rotations. Motions are described as a pair of numeric tuples which identify the initial frame, final frame, and interpolation.Platt and Badler (1981) based their facial animation system on the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) developed by Ekman and Friesen (1975). In FACS, facial expression is specified in terms of Action Units (AU) which are single muscles or clusters of muscles. In their model, skin is the outermost level represented by a set of 3D points defining a surface which can move. Bones represent innermost level which cannot be moved. Muscles are groups of points with elastic arcs between the two levels.In the model of Waters (1987), muscles are geometric deformation operators which the user places on the face in order to simulate the contraction of real muscles. Two types of muscles are created: linear/parallel muscles that pull, and sphincter muscles that squeeze. These muscles are independent of the underlying bone structure, which makes the muscle model independent of specific face topology. The control parameters are based on FACS.Nahas et al. (1988) proposed a method based on B-splines. A digitizing system is used to register the position of certain facial points which are organized in a matrix. The matrix is used as a set of control points for a 5-dimensional bicubic B-spline surface. Motion of the face is obtained by moving these control points. Magnenat-Thalmann et al. (1988) provided another approach to simulate a muscle action by using a procedure called an Abstract Muscle Action (AMA) procedure. Each AMA has an associated procedure with a set of parameters which can be used to control the motion of vertices composing the face. By combining the facial parameters obtained by the AMA procedures in different ways, complex entities corresponding to the concept of facial expressions, can be constructed.Terzopoulos and Waters (1990) extended the Waters model, using three layered deformable lattice structures for facial tissues. The three layers correspond to the skin, the subcutaneous fatty tissue, and the muscles. The bottom surface of the muscle layer is attached to the underlying bone. The model uses a physically-based technique.Parke (1991) reviews different parameterization mechanism used in different previously proposed models and introduces the future guidelines for ideal control parameterization and interface. Ideal parameterization is in fact a universal parameterization which would enable all possible individual faces with all possible expressions and expression transitions.Recently several authors have provided a new facial animation technique which is based on the information derived from human performances (deGraf 1989; Williams 1990; Terzopoulos and Waters 1991). The information extracted is used for controlling the facial animation. These performance driven techniques provide a very realistic rendering and motion of the face. Kurihara and Arai (1991) introduced a new transformation method for modeling and animating the face using photographs of an individual face. The transformation method enables the movement of points in the skin mesh to be determined by the movement of some selected control points. Texture mapping is used to render the final image.In this paper, we describe another approach to deform the facial skin surface using free form deformations. It is evident that the skin being supported by bone and multiple layers of muscle produces an enormous combination of movements. The effort here is not to exactly simulate the neurons, veins, muscles and bone joints but to design a model with a few dynamic parameters that emulate the basic movements.Speech, Emotion and SynchronizationMost of the facial movements result from either speech or the display of emotions; each of these has its own complexity. However, both speech and emotions need a higher level specification of the controlling parameters. The second level parameterization used in speech animation is usually in terms of phonemes. Aphoneme is a particular position of the mouth during a sound emission. These phonemes in turn control the lower level parameters for the actual deformations. Similarly, emotion is a sequence of expressions, and each expression is a particular position of the face at a given time. In order to have natural manipulation of speech and emotion there is a need of some synchronization mechanism.Efforts for lip synchronization and speech automation initiated with the first study of Lewis and Parke (1987). In their approach, the desired speech is spoken and recorded. The recording is then sampled and analyzed to produce a timed sequence of pauses and phonemes. Hill et al. (1988) have introduced an automatic approach to animate speech using speech synthesized by rules. Magnenat-Thalmann et al. (1987) have used lip synchronization based on AMA procedures. A collection of multiple tracks is used, where each track is a chronological sequence of keyframes for a given facial parameter. Tracks are independent but can be mixed in the same way as sound is mixed in a sound studio. This approach was used in the film Rendez-vous àMontréal (1987). However, the process of synchronization is manual and must be performed by the animator. In another system, Kalra et al. (1991) introduce a multi-layer approach where, at each level, the degree of abstraction increases. This results in a system where complexity is relatively low from the point of view of the animator. The defined entities correspond to intuitive concepts such as phonemes, expressions, words, emotions, sentences and eye motion, which make them natural to manipulate. A manipulation language, HLSS, is provided to ensure synchronization while manipulating these entities.In this paper we present an interface for building up expressions which may be pre-defined and saved for further use in a sequence with phonemes and emotions.2. Simulation of Muscle ActionsRational Free Form DeformationsFree form deformation (FFD) is a technique for deforming solid geometric models in a free form manner (Sederberg and Parry 1986). It can deform surface primitives of any type or degree, for example, planes, quadrics, parametric surface patches or implicitly defined surfaces. Physically, FFD corresponds to deformations applied to an imaginary parallelepiped of clear, flexible plastic in which are embedded the object(s) to be deformed. The objects are also considered to be flexible so that they are deformed along with the plastic that surrounds them. FFD involves a mapping from R3 to R3 through a trivariate tensor product Bernstein polynomial. Mathematically, imposing a local coordinate system (S,T,U) on a parallelepiped region with origin at X0, a point X has (s,t,u) coordinates in this system such thatX = X0 + sS + tT + uU(1)A grid of control points P ijk (i=0 to l, j=0 to m, k=0 to n) is imposed on the parallelepiped. The location of these points is defined asP ijk = X0 + ilS +jmT +knU (2)The (s,t,u) coordinates of X can be found by the following equations:s = TxU.(X-X 0)TxU.S , t = SxU.(X-X 0)SxU.T , u = SxT.(X-X 0)SxT.U (3)For any point interior to the parallelepiped, 0<s<1, 0<t<1, 0<u<1, the deformation is specified by moving the control point(s) from their undisplaced latticial position. The deformed position X' of a point X is computed from the following equation :X' = ∑i=0l ∑j=0m ∑k=0n P ijk B l i (s) B m j (t) B n k (u)(4)where B l i (s) , B m j (t) , B n k (u) are the Bernstein polynomials defined asB l i (s) = (l i ) (1-s)l-i s i ,B m j (t) = (m j ) (1-t)m-j t j ,B n k (u) = (n k ) (1-u)n-k u k (5)As an extension to the basic FFDs, we provide the option of including rational basis functions in the formulation of deformation. The rational basis functions allow incorporation of weights defined for each control point (W ijk ) in the parallelepiped grid. With new formulation the equation (4) changes as follows :X' = ∑i=0l ∑j=0m ∑k=0n P ijk W ijk B l i (s)B m j (t)B n k (u) ∑i=0l ∑j=0m ∑k=0n W ijk B l i (s)B m j (t)B n k (u)(6)The advantage of using rational FFDs (RFFDs), is that it provides one more degree of freedom of manipulating the deformations by changing the weights at the control points. When the weights at each control point are unity, the deformations are equivalent to the basic FFD. Figure 1 shows an illustration where the deformations are accomplished by changing the position of the control point (Figure 1(b)) and by changing the weight at the control point (Figure 1(c)). It is possible to combine the two types. Figure 2shows a few examples of facial deformations.Figure 1 : Rational Free Form Deformations. a. Undeformed surface. b. Displacement of control point. c.Changing the weight of control pointFigure 2 : Examples of Facial deformationsRegion Based ApproachTo simulate the muscle action on the skin surface of human face, we define regions on the face mesh which correspond to the anatomical description of the facial region on which a muscle action is desired. A parallelepiped control unit then can be defined on the region of interest. The deformations which are obtained by actuating muscles to stretch, squash, expand and compress the inside volume of the facial geometry, are simulated by displacing the control point and by changing the weights of the control points of the control-unit. The region inside the control-unit deforms like a flexible volume, corresponding to the displacement and the weights of the control points.Displacing a control point is analogous to adding a muscle vector to the control-unit. As opposed to the Waters model where the animator has to specify the muscle vectors in the form of some geometric operators, here the displacement of the control points gives rise to similar effects. Specifying the displacement of the control point is, however, more intuitive and simpler to simulate the muscle vectors. In addition, the result matches the natural notion of muscles acting on that region. For example, a depressor muscle would need to squash the control point inside the control-unit, and a pulling muscle would pull the control points away from the control-unit.In order to propagate the deformations of regions to the adjoining regions, linear interpolation can be used to decide the deformation of the boundary points. Although higher order interpolation schemes can also be used, movements in the face are rather small and arising higher ordered discontinuities may not affect the visual aspects so much.Physical Characteristics of SkinPhysical properties of the skin surface such as mass, stiffness and elasticity can also be incorporated when applying the deformations. The deformed point in that case can be given as :X'' = (X' - X)xp + X;whereX''is the final deformed position of the point,X'is the position obtained after the FFD,X is the undeformed position,p factor for the surface properties.Association of physical properties provides a means of further controlling the deformations in a more natural way.Interactive FacilitiesThe construction of the face is based on one of the techniques described by Paouri et al. (1991). The surface of a human face, an irregular structure, is considered a polygonal mesh. Leblanc et al. (1991) have introduced a methodology for interactive sculpting using a six degree of freedom interactive input device called the Spaceball. When used in conjunction with a common 2D mouse, full three dimensional user interaction is achieved, with the Spaceball in one hand and the mouse in the other. In this way, the user not only views the object from different angles but can also perform various operations from every angle interactively. We use this methodology for our system of facial expressions.The building up of regions is accomplished by interactive selection of polygons. These regions on the human face generally correspond to their anatomical descriptions, such as nose, lips, eyes etc. The selection process can be further hastened by attaching the color attributes of the polygons. The magnitude and direction of the muscle pulled is interactively adjusted by changing the position and weight of the control points on the control-unit of a region.Certain points in a defined region can be "anchored" meaning that they will not deform when the deformations are applied on the region. The physical characteristics for the points of the facial mesh can also be set interactively.3. The Expression EditorMinimum Perceptible ActionsA minimal perceptible action is a basic facial motion parameter. The range of this motion is normalized between 0 and 1 or -1 and 1. An instance of the minimal action in the general form is given as follows :<MPA name> <frame number> <intensity>Each MPA has a corresponding set of visible facial features such as movement of eyebrows, movements of jaw, or mouth and others which occur as a result of contracting and pulling of muscles associated with the region. MPA's also include non-facial muscle actions such as nods and turns of the head and movement of the eyes. An MPA can be considered as an atomic action unit similar to the AU of the FACS, execution of which results in a visible and percetible variation of a face.Table 1 gives the list of the presently available MPA with their range of intensity.Table 1. Minimum Perceptible ActionsMPA name IntensityRaise_eyebrow-1 to 1Squeeze_eyebrow 0 to 1Move_horizontal_eye-1 to 1Move_vertical_eye-1 to 1Close_upper_eyelids-1 to 1Close_lower_eyelids-1 to 1Stretch_nose-1 to 1Raise_nose 0 to 1Raise_upper_lip 0 to 1Pull_upper_lip 0 to 1Lower_lower_lip 0 to 1Pull_lower_lip 0 to 1Raise_corner_lip 0 to 1Lower_corner_lip 0 to 1Stretch_corner_lip 0 to 1Mouth_beak 0 to 1Zygomatic_cheek 0 to 1Puff_cheek-1 to 1Nod_head-1 to 1Turn_head-1 to 1Roll_head-1 to 1Expressions and PhonemesExpressions and phonemes in our system are considered facial snapshots: a particular position of the face at a given time. For phonemes, only the lips are considered during the emission of sound. A facial snapshot is made up of one or more MPAs. The set of MPAs included is general enough to account for most possible facial expressions. The basic MPAs can be combined to give rise to the higher level emotions corresponding to familiar expressions such as anger, fear, and surprise. A generic expression can be represented as follows : [expression <name>[mpa <name1> intensity <i1>][mpa <name2> intensity <i2>]--]Figure 3 shows some of the expressions created. One can create natural expressions as well as some unnatural and ideosyncratic expressions using the editor. The intensity of an expression is directly influenced by the intensity of contained MPAs. A strong and feeble expression can be created by appropriately changing the intensities of the associated MPAs.Figure 3 : Some expressions created using Expression Editor.By design, the Expression Editor is independent of the low level realization of muscles and their actions. With this independence the low level implementation of an expression could be as simple as rotation or scale of a region or as complex as a 3D finite element model of the region. Using this scheme it would even be possible to use entirely different simulation models for each MPA separately without effecting the high level control provided by the Expression Editor.Interactive EditingFacial snapshots representing expressions and phonemes can be built up interactively. Users can construct and save static expressions, and thus build up a library of pre-defined expressions. There are options such as Select, Add, and Save. For example, Add enables a user to start interactively and build an expression from the same range of MPAs used in generating animation sequence. When saved, the expression becomes available for selection as part of the pre-defined expression database.Having built-up an expression sequence it is possible to read the script file, and when the script is running the snapshot of the expressive face is saved in a file. The sequence of these files then can be seen in the preview program outside this software. The entries inside the script file are of the form :[mpa <name><frame_no> <intensity> <comments>-- -- --][mpa <name><frame_no> <intensity> <comments>-- -- --]--Figure 4 shows an interactive session.Figure 4 : Interactive session of Expression Editor.4. RenderingUsual shading techniques tend to give a rather artificial and plastic look to a face. For realistic rendering, we employ texture mapping using 2D photographs. Texture mapping is a relatively efficient way to create the appearance of complex surface detail without having to go through the tedium of modeling and rendering every detail of a 3D surface.An interactive tool is provided for matching the 3D facial features on a given photograph. Only a few control points of the 3D facial model are selected. These points are then projected onto a plane or cylinder. The viewing parameters for the 3D model can be interactively adjusted to correspond with the given photograph. Delaunny triangulation is then used to connect these points in a triangular manner. These points can be moved and displaced interactively on the picture. Once the desired correspondence for these feature points is established, an interpolation scheme using barycentric coordinates in triangular domain is used to acquire the texture coordinates (u,v) for all the points of the 3D model. Attributes such as "boundary" and "control" are attached to the points to provide some constrains to compute the texture coordinates of these marked points. For example, the points coming from two different groups of control points and marked "boundary" share the same texture coordinates. In addition it allows the use of different pictures for different groups of points if needed. To blend two views of a picture we use linear interpolation for a given band width. By using texture mapping the quality of rendering improves considerably. Figure 5 and 6 show some of the resulting images.5. ImplementationThe present facial animation system is part of a new system for the intelligent animation of human characters in their environment, developed in the C language on IRIS Silicon Graphics networks at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and the University of Geneva. The system uses the fifth Dimension Toolkit (Turner et al. 1991) for building up the user interface.6. Future DevelopmentsThe diversity of facial forms in terms of sex, age, and race is enormous. It is these forms that allow us to recognize individuals and send complex non-verbal signals to one another. Our present system will be extended to define some global conformation shapes of faces and make a database for such shapes. These shapes will act as a much better starting point to convert a generic face into a specific face by changing the soft features of the face.We plan to use a direct phoneme interface using a synthesizer keyboard in conjunction with a NeXT computer in order to automate the speech production.7. ConclusionThe facial expression simulation system described here is designed to simplify the task of specifying, and thus controlling, facial expressions. Simplifying expression control requires minimizing the number of parameters which have to be specified and making those parameters intuitively easy to control. The Expression Editor allows the user to specify expressions at a higher level without having detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the human face.8. AcknowledgmentsThe research was supported by le Fonds National Suisse pour la Recherche Scientifique. The authors are grateful to Agnes Daldegan-Balduino for the creation of a few pictures and to Hans Martin Werner for reviewing text.9. 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