






则H3+应该属于( )。


以下各组内的两种微粒属于等电子等质子体的是〔〕A. Na+和Mg2+B. O2-和Mg2+C. F-和Cl-D. Na+和NH4+3.意大利科学家最近合成了一种新型的氧分子,其化学式为O4,对其说法正确的选项是〔〕A、O4是一种化合物B、O4是由O2组成的混合物C、O4是一种单质D、一个O4分子由2个O2分子构成4.食品标签上常常可以看到一些食品添加剂的名称,以下食品添加剂中会对人体安康产生副作用,必须严格控制用量的是〔〕A、亚硝酸钠〔发色剂〕B、山梨酸〔防腐剂〕C、苯甲酸〔防腐剂〕D、维生素〔营养强化剂〕5.对于化学反响A+B=C+D的以下说法中,正确的选项是:〔〕A、假设生成物C和D分别为盐和水,则该反响一定是中和反响B、假设A和C是单质,B和D是化合物,则该反响一定是置换反响C、假设A是可溶性碱,B是可溶性盐,则C和D不可能是两种沉淀D、假设A、B、C、D都是化合物,则该反响一定是复分解反响6.到高中我们将从元素原子得失电子的角度来认识氧化复原反响,而元素原子得失电子表现为元素化合价的变化。




初高中衔接数学试题第Ⅰ卷(共42分)一、选择题:本大题共14个小题,每小题3分,共42分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.观察下列四个图形,中心对称图形是( )A .B .C .D .2.斑叶兰被列为二级保护植物,它的一粒种子重约0.0000005克.将0.0000005用科学记数法表示为( ) A .7510⨯ B .7510-⨯ C .60.510-⨯ D .6510-⨯3.如图,点A 所表示的数的绝对值是( )A .3B .3-C .13D .13-4.某校排球队10名队员的身高(厘米)如下:195,,182,188,182,,188,,188.这组数据的众数和中位数分别是( ) A .,188 B .188,187 C .187,188 D .188, 5.计算()32335a a a -⋅的结果是( )A .565a a -B .695a a -C .64a -D .64a6.不等式组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥->+-+231223312x x x 的解集在数轴上表示正确的是( ) A . B .C .D .7.二次方程ax 2+bx +c =0的两根为-2,3,a <0,那么ax 2+bx +c >0的解集为( )A .{x |x >3或x <-2}B .{x |x >2或x <-3}C .{x |-2<x <3}D .{x |-3< x <2}8.如图,三角形纸片ABC ,,90AB AC BAC =∠=︒,点E 为AB 中点.沿过点E 的直线折叠,使点B 与点A 重合,折痕现交于点F .已知32EF =,则BC 的长是( ) A .322B .32C .3D .33 9.如图,将线段AB 绕点P 按顺时针方向旋转90︒,得到线段A B '',其中点A B 、的对应点分别是点A B ''、,,则点A '的坐标是( )A .()1,3-B .()4,0C .()3,3-D .()5,1-10.已知二次函数)0(2≠++=a c bx ax y 的图象如图所示,则正比例函x c b y )(+=与反比例函数xcb a y +-=在同一坐标系中的大致图象是( ). A B C D .11.甲、乙两人用如图所示的两个转盘(每个转盘被分成面积相等的3个扇形)做游戏.游戏规则:转动两个转盘各一次,当转盘停止后,指针所在区域的数字之和为偶数时甲获胜;数字之和为奇数时乙获胜.若指针落在分界线上,则需要重新转动转盘.甲获胜的概率是( ) A .31 B .94 C.95 D .3212.若关于x 的一元二次方程x 2-2x +k =0有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值围是( )A .k <1B .k ≤1C .k >-1D .k >113.大明湖畔的“超然楼”被称作“江北第一楼”.某校数学社团的同学对超然楼的高度进行了测量.如图,他们在A 处仰望塔顶,测得仰角为30°,再往楼的方向前进60m 至B 处,测得仰角为60°,若学生的身高忽略不计,3≈1.7,结果精确到1m ,则该楼的高度CD 为( )A .47mB .51mC .53mD .54m14.甲、乙两组各有12名学生,组长绘制了本组5月份家庭用水量的统计图表,如图,比较5月份两组家庭用水量的中位数,下列说确的是( )A .甲组比乙组大B .甲、乙两组相同C .乙组比甲组大D .无法判断第Ⅱ卷(共96分)二、填空题(每题3分,满分18分,将答案填在答题纸上)15.已知甲、乙两组数据的折线图如图,设甲、乙两组数据的方差分别为22S S 甲乙、,则2S 甲 2S 乙(填“>”、“=”、“<”)第12题图BAC D16. 5月份,甲、乙两个工厂用水量共为200吨.进入夏季用水高峰期后,两工厂积极响应号召,采取节水措施.6月份,甲工厂用水量比5月份减少了15%,乙工厂用水量比5月份减少了10%,两个工厂6月份用水量共为174吨,求两个工厂5月份的用水量各是多少.设甲工厂5月份用水量为x 吨,乙工厂5月份用水量为y 吨,根据题意列关于,x y 的方程组为 .17.如图,Rt ABC ∆,90,30B C ∠=︒∠=︒,O 为AC 上一点,2OA =,以O 为圆心,以OA 为半径的圆与CB 相切于点E ,与AB 相交于点F ,连接OE OF 、,则图中阴影部分的面积是 .18.已知一个圆锥体的三视图如图所示,则这个圆锥体的侧面积为 .19.对于实数p ,q ,我们用符号{}min ,p q 表示p ,q 两数中较小的数,如{min 1,21=,因此{}min 2,3--= ;若{}22min (1),1x x -=,则x = .20.阅读理解:如图1,⊙O 与直线b a ,都相切.不论⊙O 如何转动,直线b a ,之间的距离始终保持不变(等于⊙O 的半径).我们把具有这一特性的图形称为“等宽曲线”.图2是利用圆的这一特性的例子.将等直径的圆棍放在物体下面,通过圆棍滚动,用较小的力就可以推动物体前进.据说,古埃及就是利用只有的方法将巨石推到金字塔顶的.38拓展应用:如图3所示的弧三角形(也称为莱洛三角形)也是“等宽曲线”.如图4,夹在平行线d c ,之间的莱洛三角形无论怎么滚动,平行线间的距离始终不变.若直线d c ,之间的距离等于cm 2,则莱洛三角形的周长为cm .三、解答题 (本大题共5小题,共60分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)21. 求下列关于x 的不等式的解:(1)x 2-(2m +1)x +m 2+m <0. (2).求不等式ax +1<a 2+x 的解.22.八年级(1 )班研究性学习小组为研究全校同学课外阅读情况,在全校随机邀请了部分同 学参与问卷调查,统计同学们一个月阅读课外书的数量,并绘制了以下统计图.请根据图息解决下列问题: (1)共有名同学参与问卷调查;(2)补全条形统计图和扇形统计图;(3)全校共有学生1500人,请估计该校学生一个月阅读2本课外书的人数约为多少.23.某区域平面示意图如图,点O 在河的一侧,AC 和BC 表示两条互相垂直的公路.甲勘测员在A 处测得点O 位于北偏东45︒,乙勘测员在B 处测得点O 位于南偏西73.7︒,测得840,500AC m BC m ==.请求出点O 到BC 的距离. 参考数据:2473.7s 25in ︒≈,773.7c s 25o ︒≈,2473.7ta 7n ︒≈24.已知反比例函数的图象经过三个点()()()124,3,2,,6,A B m y C m y --,其中0m >.(1)当124y y -=时,求m 的值;(2)如图,过点B C 、分别作x 轴、y 轴的垂线,两垂线相交于点D ,点P 在x 轴上, 若三角形PBD 的面积是8,请写出点P 坐标(不需要写解答过程).25.某公司投入研发费用80万元(80万元只计入第一年成本),成功研发出一种产品.公司 按订单生产(产量=销售量),第一年该产品正式投产后,生产成本为6元/件.此产品年销售量y (万件)与售价x (元/件)之间满足函数关系式26y x =-+.(1)求这种产品第一年的利润1W (万元)与售价x (元/件)满足的函数关系式;(2)该产品第一年的利润为20万元,那么该产品第一年的售价是多少?(3)第二年,该公司将第一年的利润20万元(20万元只计入第二年成本)再次投入研发,使产品的生产成本降为5元/件.为保持市场占有率,公司规定第二年产品售价不超过第一年的售价,另外受产能限制,销售量无法超过12万件.请计算该公司第二年的利润2W 至少为多少万元.新预科部数学试题答案1-5 CBABC 6-10 BCBDC 11-14 CABB15.___>___ 18. π2020.2π21(1)解x 2-(2m +1)x +m 2+m <0, 因式分解得(x -m )[x -(m +1)]<0. ∵m <m +1,∴m <x <m +1. 即不等式的解为m <x <m +1(2)解:将原不等式化为(a -1)x <a 2-1. ①当a -1>0,即a >1时,x <a +1. ②当a -1<0,即a <1时,x >a +1. ③当a -1=0,即a =1时,不等式无解. 综上所述,当a >1时,不等式的解集为x <a +1; 当a <1时,不等式的解集为x >a +1; 当a =1时,不等式无解⎩⎨⎧=-+-=+174%)101(%)151(200.16y x y x 34327.17π-222324.25。



1. 细胞是生物体的基本单位,是生物体的最基本组成部分。

A. 细胞是生物体的最基本组成部分;
B. 细胞是由生物体组成的;
C. 细胞具有自主代谢功能;
D. 细胞可以自主繁殖。

2. 下列细胞器中,负责蛋白质合成的是:
A. 线粒体;
B. 核糖体;
C. 核膜;
D. 核糖核酸。

3. 植物细胞中的细胞壁与动物细胞的主要区别是:
A. 植物细胞无细胞壁,动物细胞有细胞壁;
B. 植物细胞细胞壁厚、坚硬,动物细胞细胞壁薄、柔软;
C. 植物细胞细胞壁由淀粉构成,动物细胞细胞壁由脂肪构成;
D. 植物细胞细胞壁具有纤维素,动物细胞细胞壁不含纤维素。

1. 细胞是生物体的基本单位,每个生物体都是由一个或多个细胞组成。

2. 线粒体是细胞中负责呼吸作用的器官。

3. 植物细胞和动物细胞的细胞壁具有相同的成分。

1. 请简要描述细胞的结构和功能。



2. 请列举3种细胞器的名称和其功能。

- 核糖体:负责蛋白质合成;
- 好氧呼吸有关细胞器:如线粒体,负责产生细胞所需的能量;- 溶酶体:负责细胞内废物分解和消化。




初高中衔接型数学中考试题一、选择题1、64名男子乒乓球选手进行单打淘汰赛(胜者进入下一轮,败者淘汰出局),直至决出单打冠军,共比赛的场次是( )A 、32场B 、62场C 、63场D 、64场2、从哈尔滨开往A 市的特快列车,途中要停靠两个站点,如果任意两站间的票价都不同,那么有( )种不同的票价.(A )4 (B )6 (C )10 (D ) 123、一条信息可通过如图7的网络线由上(A 点)往下向各站点传送.例如信息到b 2点可由经a 1的站点送达,也可由经a 2的站点送达,共有两条途径传送.则信息由A 点到达d 3的不同途径共有( ).(A )3条(B )4条(C )6条(D )12条二、填空题1、乘火车从A 站出发,沿途经过3个车站方可到达B 站,那么在A 、B 两站之间需要安排不同的车票 种。

2、联欢会上,小红按照4个红气球、3个黄气球、2个绿气球的顺序把气球串起来装饰会场,第52个气球的颜色是 。

3、观察下列分母有理化的计算:12121-=+,23231-=+,34341-=+,45451-=+,…从计算结果中找出规律,并利用这一规律计算:()12002200120021341231121+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++⋅⋅⋅++++++= . ()12003200220031341231121+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++⋅⋅⋅++++++= .4、有A 1、A 2、A 3三个舞蹈演员在舞台上跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化,其变化规律是: 一个舞蹈演员A 1跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化的种数是A 1为1种;二个舞蹈演员A 1、A 2跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化的种数是A 1A 2 ;A 2A 1为2种即1×2种; 三个舞蹈演员A 1、A 2、A 3跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化的种数是A 1A 2A 3 ,A 1 A 3A 2 ;A 2A 1A 3 ,A 2 A 3 A 1;A 3A 1A 2 ,A 3 A 2A 1为6种即1×2×3种;请你推测:(1) 四个舞蹈演员A 1、A 2、A 3、A 4跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化的种数是_______种;(2) 六个舞蹈演员跳舞,按照上述方法作队形排列变化的种数为(用科学记数法表示)__________种;(3) 用1、2、3、4、5、6、7共7个数字排列成7位数的电话号码(在同一个电话号码内每个数字只能用一次)可排成_________个电话号码。


4 1
3.(1)1<x<5 或-5<x<-1 (2)原条件等价于|������ | <1 ∴-1<x<1 (3)3<2x-1<5 或-5<2x-1<-3 解得,2<x<3 或-2<x<-1 4.由根号下必须为正,所以 2x-4≥0,x≥2 当不等式右边为负时,不等式成立,此时 2≤x<3 当不等式右边为零时,不等式成立,此时 x=3 当不等式右为正数时, 即 x>3 时, 两边同时平方, 则 2x-4>x26x+9
(7)原式=2x3-2x+9x2+13x+4 =2x(x+1)(x-1)+(9x+4)(x+1) =(x+1)[2x(x-1)+9x+4] =(x+1)(4x2+7x+4) 由原式>0,则 x+1>0 4x2+7x+4>0 解得,x>
−7+√17 4
或 x+1<0 4x2+7x+4<0 解得, 综上,
1 1 ������ ������ 1 ������
a<0 时,则 x<-1 或 x>1+ (3)
1 4
=1+4a<0 时,即 a<- 时,解集为全体实数
1 4 1 2
=0,即 a=- 时,x 属于实数且 x≠
1 4
>0 ,即 a>- 时,由求根公式求得 x1= x2=
1−√1+4������ , 2
考点:二次函数的图象. 4. 【答案】C.
考点:二次函数图象与系数的关系. 5. 【答案】B.



初高中英语衔接试题Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】初高中衔接练习(一)一、选择填空从下面各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。

1. Does Tom often play _____ football after _____ schoolA./, / B./, the C.the, / D.a, a2. How wonderful! The _____is made of _________.A.house , glass B.house, glassesC.houses, glass D.houses, glasses3. Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ______ to his office.A.20 minutes’ walk B.20 minute’s walkC.20-minutes walk D.20-minute walk4. Uncle Tom asked David, Sam, ______ brothers and ______ three to help write the cards.A.my, I B.my, me C.myself, I D.myself, me5.The man ______ Mary was so tall that she could hardly see the show.A.in front of B.in the front ofC.at the back of D.at the beginning of6. The garden _______while the Greens were away from home.A. took good care of B.was taken good careC.was taken good care of D.was taking good care7. ——Have you finished _____the book——Not yet. I’ll try _____it to you before Friday.A.reading, returning B.to read, to returnC.reading, to return D. to read, returning8. Many people watched the boys ______ the mountain at that time. A.climb B.climbing C.to climb D.climbed9. India had the second ______population in the world.A.largest B.larger C.most D.smallest10.When father was young, he ______ from morning till night.A.was made work B.was made workingC.made to work D.was made to work11. Five-year-old children are too young to go to school, ________ A.are they B.aren’t they C.were they D.have they12. ——____I put my coat here——Sorry, you ______.A.Must; mustn’t B.Do; don’t C.can; needn’t D.May; can’t 13. Tom wants to try _____some of his ideas.A.on B.off C.out D.to14. Could you tell me if it _____tomorrowA. rain B.will rain C.raining D.rains15.Do you know ______ at the bus stopA. whom they are waiting for B.who they are waitingC. whom are they waiting for D.who are they waiting16. The teacher asked all the students in the class to keep their eyes ______.A. closeB. to closeC. closingD. closed17. ______ there any good news in to day’s newspaperA.Are B.Is C.Have D.Has二、根据句意和首字母的提示写出所缺单词,使该句子完整、合理。



初高中衔接练习(一)I. 选择填空Part 11. Does Tom often play ______ football after ______ school?A. /, /B. /, theC. the, /D. a, a2. How wonderful! The ______ is made of ______.A. house, glassB. house, glassesC. houses, glassD. houses, glasses3. Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ______ to his office.A.20 minutes’ walkB.20 minute’s walkC.20-minutes walkD.20-minute walk4. Uncle Tom asked David, Sam, ______ brothers and ______ three to help write the cards.A. my, IB. my, meC. myself, ID. myself, me5. The man ______ Mary was so tall that she could hardly see the show.A. in front ofB. in the front ofC. at the back ofD. at the beginning of6. The garden ______ while the Greens were away from home.A. took good care ofB. was taken good careC. was taken good care ofD. was taking good care7. ---- Have you finished ______ the book?---- Not yet. I’ll try ______ it to you before Friday.A. reading, returningB. to read, to returnC. reading, to returnD. to read, returning8. Many people watched the boys ______ the mountain at that time.A. climbB. climbingC. to climbD. climbed9. India had the second ______ population in the world.A. largestB. largerC. mostD. smallest10. When Father was young, he ______ from morning till night.A. was made workB. was made workingC. made to workD. was made to work11. Five-year-old children are too young to go to school, ______?A. are theyB. aren’t theyC. do theyD. have they12. ---- ______ I put my coat here?---- Sorry, you ______.A. Must; mustn’tB. Do; don’tC. can; needn’tD. May; can’t13. Tom wants to try ______ some of his ideas.A. onB. offC. outD. to14. Could you tell me if it ______ tomorrow?A. rainB. will rainC. rainingD. rains15. Do you know ______ at the bus stop?A. whom they are waiting forB. who they are waitingC. whom are they waiting forD. who are they waiting16. The teacher asked all the students in the class to keep their eyes ______.A. closeB. to closeC. closingD. closed17. ______ there any good news in today’s newspaper?A. AreB. IsC. HaveD. Has Part 21. Granny looked for her book, but she couldn’t find it ______.A. somewhereB. everywhereC. anywhereD. nowhere2. ---- When did you ______ the book to the library?---- Yesterday afternoon.A. borrowB. lendC. giveD. return3. The man took away the dictionary but did not ______.A. pay itB. pay for itC. cost itD. spend it4. English teachers often encourage the students ______ English aloud.A. readB. readingC. to readD. readed5. ---- ______ he ever ______ abroad?---- No, never.A. Did, goB. Is, beenC. Has, beenD. Has, gone6. How long may I ______ the history books?A. keepB. lendC. borrowD. return7. She ______ an English teacher.A. uses toB. used toC. use to beD. used to be8. One day the librarian ______ an idea.A. came upB. came withC. came up withD. came up to9. Now her lost books are usually ______ the library.A .returnedB .returned to C. paid D. paid to10. My hobby is ______ all kinds of coins.A. to collectB. collectingC. to pick upD. picking up11. Can you ______ who has lost the watch?A. look forB. look upC. findD. find out12. My postcard is still on the desk. Why ______ you ______it?A. haven’t, postedB. didn’t, postC. wasn’t postingD. won’t, post13. The man ______ France will give us a talk ______ his country.A. from, onB. of, inC. of, aboutD. from, of14. He is too old to ______ the name of that book.A. pick upB. think ofC. come upD. fill in15. Someone is knocking at the door. It ______ my mother. It’s time for her to be back.A. can beB. may not beC. must beD. mustn’t be16. I don’t know where Mr. White has gone. You’d better ask ______.A. else somebodyB. other somebodyC. somebody elseD. anybody else17. When he saw a ticket on the ground, he stopped ______.A. to pick it upB. pick it upC. to pick up itD. pick up it18. He says that he will ______ to me in three days.A. return the moneyB. return back the moneyC. get the money backD. pay back the money19. Father ______ the city of New York three days ago.A. leaveB. left toC. left offD. left for20. Tom ______ there for 10 months since he ______ back to his hometown.A. has lived, getsB. has lived, gotC. lived, goD. lived, has got II. 根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。



250核心词汇练习题含答案初高中衔接250个核心词汇练习(一)1--50一、短语翻译1. 加起来总计____________________________ 2. 注意____________________________ 3. 以…. 开始____________________________ 4. 除了做某事之外别无选择_____________________5. 一个亲密的朋友____________________________ 6. 一场势均力敌的比赛_______________________7. 以…开始____________________________8. 为…筹钱____________________________9.集邮____________________________10.关闭,停业____________________________11.接近____________________________12.(天气)转晴,清理___________________________13. 为了庆祝…..____________________________14.从..中选择____________________________15. 把…换成…..____________________________16. 引起某人的注意____________________________ 17. 赶上,追上某人____________________________ 18. 看到,注意到____________________________ 19.实施一项计划____________________________ 20. 继续进行,继续进展_____________________二、词形转换:1. active____________________________ (名词)2. add____________________________( 名词)3.agree_________________________ ___(反义词,名词)4.angry_________________________ ___(名词)5.appear________________________ ___(名词)6.arrive_________________________ ___(名词)7.beautiful____________________________(名词,动词)18.believe________________________ ____(名词)9.careful________________________ ____(反义词)10. choose___________________(过去式,过去分词)11.choose________________________ ____(名词)12. catch___________________(过去式,过去分词)三、介词填空:1. As high school students, we ought to take an active part _________outdoor activities, which are goodfor our health.2. If the coffee feels bitter, you canadd some sugar __________it.3. Could you offer me some advice_______ how to learn English well?My English really needsimprovement.4. Both sides of the talk could n’tagree _______ each other, so theyfailed to reach an agreement.5. The reason why my father wasangry ______ me is that I broke oneof my father’s favoriteunintentionally.6. After two hours thinking, I still can’t get the answer ______ this question.7.On the bus, you will often notice someone paying more attention______ his mobile phone.8. I was late for school this morning because _______ the heavy traffic. 9. _______ the beginning of our English class, our teacher always gives us a short video to cheer us up.10. Our English class always begins _______ a short video.11. Believe _______ what we do and who we are if we want to succeed.12. As we all know, English has borrowed many words _______ French.13. On my way to the station, my car broke ________, which made me upset.14. Her health broke _______ under the pressure of work.15. Talks between the two sides have broken _______.16. Burglars broke _______ and stole some of our belongings while we were away.17. Does everyone know what to doif a fire breaks _______?18. When the World War two broke_______, he seemed to havebecome another man,downhearted.19. The water was covered with ice,which could sometimes break______ without warning.20. The band broke ______ about21970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.21. Science has brought ______ about changes in our lives.22. The government plans to bring______ new laws forcing parentsto take more responsibilities forthe education of their children. 23. His father died when he was young, and he was brought ______ by his mother.24. You shouldn’t care too much_______ your appearance.25. My dear father, you have bought me into this world, you cared _____ me and loved me.26. I ran faster and faster till I caught up ______ all the other runners. 27. Excuse me, I’d like to changethese dollars ______ yen.28 .Madam, I want to change thisshirt ______ a large size.29. Here are some of my books foryou to choose _______ and youcan borrow whichever you wouldlike to read.30. He was close ______ tears.四、补全句子:1. I ________________(接受了他的邀请) and went to the party, which turned out to be an unforgettable experience.2. We don’t allow___________________(用智能手机)in our schoolyard.3. Her parents wouldn’t allow her _________(go) to the party, but she still hopes to.4. In order to finish our task ahead of time, we still___________________(还需要5个工程师)。




AMr. Read was born in a small village with high mountains all around it.He has few fields and he can’t get enough food for his family.He’s often worried about it.So he works harder and harder and tries his best to get more money.One afternoon,Mr. Read went out to look for some grass for his cows.It was very hot and he had to have a swim.Suddenly he saw a big tortoise in the water.He sw am there and caught it.The next morning he went to the town to sell it in the markets.When he was walking in the street, a car hit him down and he was hurt.He was sent to hospital at once.The doctors looked him over and had an operation on him.Two weeks l ater he felt much better.The doctors were satisfied with the operation and said,“You’ll be fully recovered in a week.We’re sure you can write when you leave hospital.”“It’s really a miracle(奇迹)!”shouted Mr. Read,“I could neither read nor write before!”1.The Reads have little food becauseA.they live in a small village B.they have few fieldsC.they’re too lazy to work D.nobody would help them to getmoney2.Mr. Read jumped into the river becauseA.he wanted to get some grass in the waterB.he wanted to look for a tortoise in the waterC.he wanted to have a good rest in the waterD.he wanted to have a swim3.Mr. Read’s was hurt in the traffic accident.A.head B.leg C.right hand D.left hand4.In Chinese the phrase“be fully recovered”meansA.完全覆盖B.全部找回C.恢复疲劳D.恢复健康5. What the doctor said meant that ______________ .A. he did a very successful operationB. the farmer was lucky enough to write after the operationC. the accident helped the farmer to writeD. he taught the farmer to write while he was stayin g in hospitalBHappiness is for everyone. You don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses withlarge gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and s o on. Why?Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parent s are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice them, you can see that happiness is always around you.Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that can’t be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋转) door. When it closes, it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.1. Happiness is for_________.A. those who have large and beautiful housesB. those who have carsC. those who have a lot of moneyD. all people2. When you do something wrong, _______________.A. you may correct itB. you will have no chance to challenge yourselfC. anybody will laugh at youD. you will be happy3. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. When you get success, your friends will be very proud of you.B. You can get help from others when you make mistakes.C. You can still be a happy person even if you have little money.D. All the above.4. Why do we say “Happiness is not the same as money”? Because ___________.A. money always brings happinessB. money doesn’t always bring happinessC. everything can be bought with moneyD. only rich people have happiness5. Which is the title of the passage?A. Do Something Good to OthersB. Happy and LuckyC. HappinessD. Life and SuccessCOne night, a little before nine o’clock, Dr Johnson was answering a telephone call. He was asked to go and give an operation to a very sick boy at once. The boy was in a small hospital in Glens Falls, sixty miles away from Dr Johnson’s city – Albany. The boy had hurt himself in a traffic accident. His wife was in danger, but his family was so poor that they could not pay the doctor anything. After he heard all this, Dr Johnson was driving carefully. He thought that he could get to the hospital before 12 o’clock. A few minutes later, the doctor’s car had to stop for a red light at a crossing. Suddenly a man in an old black coat opened the door of the car and got in.“Drive on”, he said. “I’ve got a gun (枪).”“I’m a doctor,” said Johnson, “I’m on my way to a hospital to operate on a very sick…”“Don’t talk,” said the man in the old black coat, “Just drive.”A mile out of the town he ordered the doctor to stop the car and get out. Then the man drove ondown the road. The doctor stood for a moment in the snow. After half an hour, Dr Johnson found a telephone and called a taxi. At the railway station he learned that the next train to Glens Falls would not leave until 12 o’clock.It was after two o’clock in the morning when the doctor arrived at the hospital in Glens Falls. Miss Clarke, a nurse, was waiting for him.“I did my best,” said Dr Johnson. Miss Clarke said, “The boy died an hour ago.”They walked into the waiting room. There sat the man in the old black coat, with his head in his hands.“Mr. Shute,” said Miss Clarke to the man, “this is Dr Johnson. He had come all the way from Albany to try to save your boy.”1. From the story we know it took Dr Johnson _________ to get to the hospital.A. 12 hoursB. 7 hoursC. only 1 hourD. about 5 hours2. Dr Johnson was late because __________.A. there was something wrong with his carB. a strange man made it hard to driveC. a strange man drove his car awayD. the train to Glens Falls was late3. From the story we know Dr Johnson _________.A. was a good man, he didn’t care for the moneyB. hurt himself on the way to Glens FallsC. did the operation and boy was savedD. wouldn’t do the operation until the boy’s family paid the money4. The man in a black coat __________.A. hit the boy and ran awayB. took the boy to the hospitalC. was the boy’s fatherD. was the real doctor5. The man in black would feel __________ in the end.A. happy and pleasedB. regretful(悔恨) and sadC. worried and angryD. tired and hungryD. The Singing DoctorNick Petrella is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He has to take care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He’s been a doctor for ten year s.Dr. Petrella gives his patients good medical advice. But he doesn’t just tell his patients what to do. He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrella has his own TV show. The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice. He explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song.Dr. Petrella produces and performs in his own show every week. The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform(表演)in Las Vegas. His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a small disk of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrella says, “I always loved to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrella was young, his father didn’t want him to be a singer, so he went to medical school.Some people tell Dr. Petrella he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrella says he helps people when he sings, too. “I like to make people smile. Sometimes it’s difficult to make a si ck person smile. Medicine and entertainment(娱乐)both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good.”1. Dr. Petrella works 60 hours a week, because he ____________________.A. gives his patients medical adviceB. takes care of 159 patients a weekC. sings on televisionD. has his own TV show2. Dr. Petrella _____________________, so he is called a singing doctor.A. has been a doctor for ten yearsB. always loved to singC. is popular with his patientsD. also sings to his patients on TV3. In his TV show, Dr. Petrella ___________________.A. sings and gives medical adviceB. sings about different diseasesC. starts to explain diseases with a songD. sings love songs he wrote4. Dr. Petrella’s show is popular ________________.A. in Las Vegas.B. at medical schoolC. with people who like his singingD. with patients in Montreal5. Dr. Petrella says he likes to __________________.A. help people singB. make people feel betterC. do the same thingD. make difficult people smileE. 66 Days at SeaA couple from Miami, Bill and Simone Bultler, spent sixty-six days in a life-raft(救生艇)in the seasof Central America after their boat sank.Twenty-one days after they left Panama in their boat, Siboney, they met some whales. “They started to hit the side of the boat,” said Bill, “and then suddenly we heard water.” Two minutes l ater, the boat was sinking. They jumped into the life-raft and watched the boat go under the water.For twenty days they had tins of food, biscuits, and bottles of water. They also had a fishing-line and a machine to make salt water into drinking water – two things which saved their lives. They caught eight to ten fish a day and ate them raw(生的). Then the line broke. “So we had no more fish until something very strange happened. Some sharks came to feed, and the fish under the raft were afraid and came to the surface. I caught them with my hands.”About twenty ships passed them, but no one saw them. After fifty days at sea their life-raft was beginning to break up. Then suddenly it was all over. A fishing boat saw them and picked them up. They couldn’t stand up. So the captain(船长)carried them onto his boat and took them to Costa Rica. Their two months at sea was over.1. Bill and Simone were travelling _____________ when they met some whales.A. in a life-raftB. in MiamiC. in SiboneyD. in Panama2. The whales hit the side of the boat, and then ____________.A. they broke the side of the boatB. they brought in a lot of waterC. they pulled the boatD. they went under the water3. After their boat sank , the couple ______________.A. jumped into the life-raftB. heard waterC. watched the boat go under waterD. stayed in the life-raft4. During th eir days at sea, ___________ saved their lives.A. tins of food and bottles of waterB. a fishing-line and a machineC. whales and sharksD. twenty passing ships5. When they saw the fishing boat which later picked them up, ____________.A. they were too excited to stand upB. they couldn’t wait to climb onto the boatC. their life-raft was beginning to break upD. they knew their two months at sea would be overFFrom a plane we can see the fields, cities, mountains or seas below. If we go into space, we see more and more of th e earth. People and man-made satellites have been sent out into space to look at the earth carefully and people have learnt more about the earth in the last few years.The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it. But it can be very terrible when there is a strong wind.The sea is very big. It nearly covers three quarters of the earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. There is one place and at that place the sea is about 11 kilometers deep. The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain was put into the sea at that place, there would be still 2 kilometers of water above it!In most parts of the sea, there are many kinds of fishes and plants. Some live near the top of the sea.Others live deep down. There are also a lot of small living things, and lots of fishes live by eating them.The sea can be very cold. When people go down, the sea becomes colder and colder. Only some men can go down into the deep sea. But, in 1970, five women scientists (科学家) lived in the deep sea for fourteen days.1. This passage is_________.A. a short storyB. for science readingC. a piece of newsD.a report2. The sea covers about _______of the earth.A One third B. One fourth C. Two quarters D.Three fourths3. _______are not mentioned (提及) in this passage.A. IslandsB. FishesC. PlantsD. Living things4. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The sea is usually beautiful when the sun is shining.B. The sea is always very terrible when the wind blows hard.C. The highest mountain is in the deepest place of the sea.D. The deeper the people go into the sea, the colder they will feel.5. The las t sentence “But, in 1970, five women scientists lived in the deep sea forfourteen days.” means that________.A. women wanted to live in the deep sea for a long timeB. women could go deeper into the sea than menC. women liked living in the deep sea better than menD. women could do the same work as men阅读理解参考答案A篇 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A B篇 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C C篇 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B D篇 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B E篇 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D F篇 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D。
























初高中衔接检测试题答案第一部分基础知识应用第一节选词填空(可变换形式)共10题,每题1分,满分10分1.made great progress 2. is strict with3.show respect for4. as a result5.fell asleep6.in other words7. Make sure 8. nothing like9. looking forward to 10. impressed with 第二节语境填词(共10题,每题2分,满分20分)11. instructions 12. amazed13. description 14.impression15. embarrassed 16. Strictly17. amusing 18. immediately19. energetic 20.admitted第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)21—25 BCBAA 26—30 BCAAD31—35 BBACB第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)36—40 FDAGB第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)41—45 DBCAB 46—50 CDABC51—55 DABDC 56—60 ABDAC第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61. best 62. joined 63.interesting 64.importance 65. When/If 66.guiding 67. for 68. to help/helping 69. us 70. a第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分)Nowadays people like choosing air travel. Air travel has three advantage over train travel. First, it can save many time. We can fly from one place to another in a long time, but by train we have to spend more time. Second, air travel is more comfortable because of the plane flies so smoothly which we can rest well during the trip. Third, the train is crowded sometime and passengers have to sit for a long time, which makes them tiring. But train travel also has its own advantages. For example, traveling by the train costs only a little money. Beside, we can enjoy the views out the train’s windows.71.将advantage 改为advantages 72. 将many 改为much 73. 将long 改为short 74. 去掉of75. 将which 改为that 76. 将sometime改为sometimes 77.将tiring 改为tired 78. 去掉the79. 将beside 改为besides 80. 在out 后加of第二节书面表达(满分25分)Last Sunday, my parents were not at home, so I looked after my 4-year-old sister Sarah at home.In the morning, I told her many funny stories first. Then we sang and danced happily together. I also taught her to speak a few simple English words and she learned well. At noon, I cooked noodles with tomatoes and eggs. She said they were delicious. I was very glad that she enjoyed the lunch. Then we had a rest. In the afternoon, we played games together. After that, we watched cartoons until my parents came back. I felt tired but happy.。



整式乘法与因式分解训练试题(1)一、填空:(1)若5=x ,则x =_________;若4-=x ,则x =_________.(2(x =-x 的取值范围是_ _(3)1819(2(2+-=________;(4)若()()422-+=++x x b ax x 则 =a , =b 。

(5)计算99992+=二、 选择题:(1)若212x mx k ++是一个完全平方式,则k 等于( )(A )2m (B )214m (C )213m (D )2116m (2)不论a ,b 为何实数,22248a b a b +--+的值 ( )(A )总是正数 (B )总是负数 (C )可以是零 (D )可以是正数也可以是负数(3)= ( ) (A )2x ≠ (B )0x > (C )2x > (D )02x <<(4)若223x y x y -=+,则x y= ( ) (A )1 (B )54 (C )45 (D )65(5)计算 ( )(A (B (C ) (D ) (6)多项式22215x xy y --的一个因式为 ( )(A )25x y - (B )3x y - (C )3x y + (D )5x y - 三、解答题1.正数,x y 满足xy y x 222=+,求x y x y-+的值.2.分解因式:(1)x 5y 2-x 2y 5 (2)x 2+5x-24 (3)a 2-2a-15(4)12y 2-5y-2 (5)3x 2-10x+3 (6)(a 2-a)2-14(a 2-a)+24(7) x 2+2x-1 (8)x 4+x 3-5x 2+x-6 (9) (a-b)2-4(a-b-1)3.(1)已知3a+3b=-9,求2a 2+4ab+2b 2-6的值(2)已知x 2+2xy-8y 2+2x+14y-3=(x+4y+a)(x-2y+b),求a 、b 的值4.ABC ∆三边a ,b ,c 满足222a b c ab bc ca ++=++,试判定ABC ∆的形状.函数训练试题(2)一、选择题:(1)函数y =-12(x +1)2+2的顶点坐标是 ( ) (A )(1,2) (B )(1,-2) (C )(-1,2) (D )(-1,-2)(2)下列函数图象中,顶点不在坐标轴上的是 ( )(A )y =2x 2 (B )y =2x 2-4x +2 (C )y =2x 2-1 (D )y =2x 2-4x(3)函数y =-x 2+x -1图象与x 轴的交点个数是 ( )(A )0个 (B )1个 (C )2个 (D )无法确定(4)函数y =2(x -1)2+2是将函数y =2x 2 ( )(A )向左平移1个单位、再向上平移2个单位得到的(B )向右平移2个单位、再向上平移1个单位得到的(C )向下平移2个单位、再向右平移1个单位得到的(D )向上平移2个单位、再向右平移1个单位得到的二、填空题(1) 一次函数y= mx + |m-1| 的图像经过点(0,2),且y 随x 的增大而增大,则m=____(2) 函数y =-3(x +2)2+5的图象的开口向 ,对称轴为 ,顶点坐标为 ;当x = 时,函数取最 值y = ;当x 时,y随着x 的增大而减小(3)一次函数y=kx+b 的图像与y=k/x 的图像交于点P (-2,3),则方程组y=kx+b{ y=k/x 的解是_______________(4) 二次函数y =2x 2-mx +n 图象的顶点坐标为(1,-2),则m = ,n = .(5)若函数y=(m+1)x (m2+3m+1)是反比例函数,则m=______。



完整版)初高中数学衔接知识试题整式乘法与因式分解训练试题(1)一、填空:1)若x=5,则x=5;若x=-4,则x=-4.2)若(5-x)(x-3)²=(x-3)⁵-x,则x的取值范围是18/19. 3)(2+3)(2-3)=-5;4)若x+ax+b=(x+2)(x-4),则a=-2,b=8.5)计算992+99=1091.二、选择题:1)若x²+mx+k是一个完全平方式,则k等于m²。




三、解答题1.正数x,y满足x+y=2xy,求(x-y)/(x+y)的值.解:将x+y=2xy变形得到(x+y)/(xy)=2,即1/x+1/y=2. 将(x-y)/(x+y)变形得到(x+y)/(x-y)=1/(1-2xy)。

因此(x-y)/(x+y)=1-2xy=1-(x+y)/(xy)=1-2= -1.所以(x-y)/(x+y)的值为-1.2.分解因式:1)x⁵y²-x²y⁵=(xy²-y⁴)(x⁴+x³y+x²y²+xy³+y⁴)2)x²+5x-24=(x+8)(x-3)3)a²-2a-15=(a-5)(a+3)4)12y²-5y-2=(4y+1)(3y-2)5)3x²-10x+3=(3x-1)(x-3)6)(a²-a)²-14(a²-a)+24=(a-3)(a-4)(a²-a-6)7)x²+2x-1=(x+1)²-28)x⁴+x³-5x²+x-6=(x-1)(x+2)(x²+x-3)9)(a-b)²-4(a-b-1)=(a-b-3)(a-b+1)3.(1)已知3a+3b=-9,求2a+4ab+2b-6的值。



高一年级英语周练(1)(初高中衔接练习)II:单项填空1. ---You must be tired out after the climbing.---Oh, ______ . I felt too tired to move.A. not a bitB. not a littleC. not at allD. not nearly2. ---I didn’t know you take a bus to school.---Oh, I ______ take a bus, but it is snowing today.A. hardlyB. neverC. sometimesD. usually3. Neither Tom nor Jack and I ______ his students.A. areB. amC. isD. was4. What we need _______ good text books.A. isB. areC. haveD. has5. ---Look at that lady on the stage. She’s already fifty.---You are joking .She does not look ______.A. soB. itC. thatD. this6. ---Did you have a good sleep last night?---Yes, never sleep _______.A. badlyB. betterC. worseD. best7. ---______ the heavy rain, we didn’t go camping last Sunday.---What a pity!A. Thanks toB. Because ofC. Instead ofD. As for8. Glad to see you back. How long _______ in France?A. did you stayB. have you stayedC. were you stayingD. have you been staying9. —What were you doing when Tony phoned you?—I ______ my work and was starting to take a shower.A. just startedB. was startingC. have startedD. had just finished10. I find this computer game ______ to play.A. enough easyB. easy enoughC. enough easilyD. easily enough11. About ________ of the workers in the factory were born in the ________.A. two-thirds, 1970B. two-thirds, 1970sC. two-third,1970D. two-third, 1970s12. ---How long will Philip stay here? ---Two ______ weeks till he lives.A. manyB. muchC. moreD. most13. ---What are you worrying about?---_______ you can return the book to me in time.A. IfB. whetherC. WhenD. Where14. —When did your uncle arrive China?—He got to Guangzhou the morning of the 16th of April.A. at; inB. in; inC. to; onD. in; on15.--- Was it in 1969 _______the American astronaut succeeded _____landing on the moon.---Yes, that’s right.A. when ;onB. that; onC. which; inD. that ;in16. There's _________800-metre-long road behind _________hospital.A. an, anB. a, aC. an, theD. a, the17.Mother _______us stories when we were young..A. was used to tellB. is used to tellingC. used to tellD. used to telling18. We are all looking forward to ___________your country.A. visitingB. visitC. being visitingD. being visiting19. ---Do you have any problems if you ______ this job?---Well, I’m thinking about the working day.A. offerB. will offerC. are offeredD. will be offered20. ---Don’t forget ______ my parents when you are in Beijing.---OK! I won’t.A. to seeB. to seeingC. have seenD. saw21. ---Do you know Neil Armstrong?---Yes, He is the first man ______ on the moon.A. walkB. walksC. to walkD. walked22. Everyone should know ______ to save themselves when a fire breaks out.A. whetherB. whatC. whenD. how23. ---How about _______in the river with us?---Sorry I can’t.My parents often tell me_________ that.A. swim, don’t doB. swim, to doC. swimming, not doD. swimming, not to do24.--- Look! The man at the gate ______ be our headmaster. He is always standing there everymorning.--- - No, it ________ be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now.A. must, can’tB. must, mustn’tC. can’t, can’tD. can’t, mustn’t25. —What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?—Fish, I guess. How nice it ___________!A. looksB. soundsC. tastesD. smells26. ---Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do?---I’m afraid we have no ______ but to take a taxi.A. choiceB. decisionC. reasonD. information27. The letter from my uncle was short. There wasn't news.A. manyB. a fewC. muchD. few28. ---In my opinion, China has more ______to deal with the disease of H1N1.---I quite agree with you. Chinese medicine works well.A. advantagesB. interestsC. equipmentsD. materials29. _______ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are ______ teachers.A. A number of ; womenB. A number of ; womanC. The number of ; womenD. The number of ; woman30. The doctor advised Elsa strongly that she should take a good rest, but ______ didn’t help.A. sheB. itC. whichD. heII: 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31—50 各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。



初高中衔接试题推荐及答案【试题一:数学】题目:已知函数f(x) = 2x^2 - 3x + 1,求f(x)的顶点坐标。

答案:首先,我们可以将函数f(x)写成顶点形式,即f(x) = a(x - h)^2 + k。

对于给定的二次函数f(x) = 2x^2 - 3x + 1,我们可以通过完成平方来找到顶点。

完成平方后,我们得到f(x) = 2(x - 3/4)^2 - 1/8。

因此,顶点的坐标为(h, k) = (3/4, -1/8)。



答案:Spring is the season for sowing, and it is also the beginning of the revival of all things.【试题三:物理】题目:一个物体从静止开始以恒定加速度运动,经过4秒后,其速度达到16m/s。


答案:根据匀加速直线运动的速度公式,v = u + at,其中v是最终速度,u是初始速度,a是加速度,t是时间。

已知u = 0(物体从静止开始),v = 16m/s,t = 4s,代入公式解得a = (16 - 0) / 4 = 4m/s²。

【试题四:化学】题目:下列哪种化合物不是酸?A. HClB. H2SO4C. HNO3D. NaOH答案:D. NaOH。









初高中数学衔接测试卷1 不等式053<--xx 的解集是_________。

2. 方程04)1(222=-+--m x m x 的两根异号,则m 的取值范围是_________。

3. 若方程01222=-+-m mx x 有两根,且方程的两根介于-2与4之间,则实数m 的取值范围是 。

4. 若不等式02<--b ax x 的解是2<x <3,则不等式012>--ax bx 的解集为 。

5.若一个正方形面积是一个正三角形面积的倍,则其边长的比为________________6.已知关于x 不等式2x 2+bx -c >0的解集为{}31|>-<x x x 或,则关于x 的不等式042≥++cx bx 的解集为_________7、已知⊙O 1的半径为1,⊙O 2的半径为2,两圆的圆心距O 1O 2为3,则两圆的位置关系是______________________8、函数xy 1=与x y =的图象在同一平面直角坐标系内的交点的个数是_________________9、2009年7月22日发生了百年不遇的天文现象——日全食,现代快报记者在安徽某地目睹了整个日全食奇观,上午9时34分看到了生光现象,此时钟面上时针与分针的夹角是________________________________________10. 某公司销售A 、B 、C 三种产品,在去年的销售中,高新产品C 的销售金额占总销售金额的40%.由于受国际金融危机的影响,今年A 、B 两种产品的销售金额都将比去年减少20%,因而高新产品C 是今年销售的重点.若要使今年的总销售金额与去年持平,那么今年高新产品C 的销售金额应比去年增加 %.11、 a 、b 为实数,且ab =1,设P =11a b a b +++,Q =1111a b +++,则P Q (填“>”、“<”或“=”). 12、. 观察下列各式:11111323⎛⎫=- ⎪⨯⎝⎭,111135235⎛⎫=- ⎪⨯⎝⎭,111157257⎛⎫=- ⎪⨯⎝⎭,…,根据观察计算:1111133557(21)(21)n n ++++⨯⨯⨯-+= (n 为正整数).13. 化简381--=____________ ,324- =___________; 14. 如果2a b c x y z ===,则456456a b cx y z+++-= ; 15. 如图,梯形ABCD 中,DC ∥AB ,DC =3cm ,AB =6cm ,且MN ∥PQ ∥AB ,DM =MP =PA , 则MN = ,PQ = 。



初高中英语语法衔接练习(附答案)初高中英语语法衔接练(附答案)1.-You should have XXX hostess before leaving.I meant _________。

But I couldn’t find her when I was leaving.A。

to doB。



doing so2.XXX________ XXX.A。

XXX3.Some animals carry seeds from one place to another。

______ plants XXX.A。

XXX4.He was__________ XXX.A。

XXX5.Leave your key with your neighbor___you lock yourself out one day.XXX if6._____ in a long queue。

we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad.A。

XXX7.Would you please keep silent。

The weather report ___ andI want to listen.A。

XXX being broadcastC。

has been broadcastD。

had been broadcast8._______ with care。

one tin will last for six weeks.A。

XXX9.You will never gain success _____ XXX.A。

XXX10.If we _______ XXX。

we'll live to regret it.A。

XXX11.I don't remember ________ XXX his wife.A。

XXX12.He is so busy。

He cannot afford enough time with his son __ he wants to.A。



1 0数 l 学金刊・ 版 1 初中
2 .(分 ) 5 7 如图3 P 正 方形AB DI 的一点 , △A日 点 。是 C ) ' ] 将 赡 按顺 时 针方 向旋 转 ,使A点 旋 转y c , 旋 转  ̄ p 4 点 脯 j J ' J
点.若 P = i. 么 p ' 多 长 ? B 3t 那 n p有

— —

1.若正 三角 形 的边 长为a 3 ,则其 外接 圆半 径为 内切 圆半 径为 .


1 把 抛物 线v z6 + 的 图象 向右 平 移3 单位 ,再 向下 4 + c 个 平 移2 个单 位 , 所得 图象 的解析 式 是y 23 + ,t + 若 _ 5  ̄ b J

\ } r J /

二、 填空题 ( 小题3 , 1分 ) 每 分 共 5

1.在实数 范 围 内分解 因式 :23 — _ 1 - l

/ 、 \ \

1.若一 元 二次 方 程 (- )2 一 = 有 两 个不 相 等 的实 数 2 1 k + 5 0 根 . 的取 值范 围是 则 .
AA D。 B AAC D的 内心 .求 证 : C, , 点 共 圆. B, 2 四
1.(分 ) 等式 : 25 - < 8 5 解不 + 4 Q
2 .( 5 已知 二次 函数 的 对称 轴 为x 2 且 它 的最 小值 为 3 7 Y) =, _ 。 函数 图象与 9又 轴的两 个交点 之问 的距 离为 6 求此 , 函数 的解析 式.
D. a b + ab + b
B 当n . ≥邮寸 有 两个 解x - /n— . -、 m








3.下列各句中没有语病的一句是(3分)A. 深圳滑坡事件后,中央要求第一时间抢救被困人员,尽最大努力减少人员伤亡,做好救治伤员、安抚伤亡人员家属。

B. 中国外交部发言人表示,菲律宾单方面提起并执意推动“南海仲裁”,这是披着法律外衣的政治挑衅,其实质不是为了解决争议,而是企图否定中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益。

C. 放开二孩政策对今明两年的人口增长没有影响,主要变化会在2017年出现,因为政策放开后生的第一批孩子最快也会大约出现在2017年左右。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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1、(2003荆门)64名男子乒乓球选手进行单打淘汰赛(胜者进入下一轮,败者淘汰出局),直至决出单打冠军,共比赛的场次是( )
A 、32场
B 、62场
C 、63场
D 、64场
2、(2003黑龙江)从哈尔滨开往A 市的特快列车,途中要停靠两个站点,如果任意两站间的票价都不同,那么有( )种不同的票价.
(A )4 (B )6 (C )10 (D ) 12
3、(2003南宁)一条信息可通过如图7的网络线由上(A 点)
往下向各站点传送.例如信息到b 2点可由经a 1的站点送达,
也可由经a 2的站点送达,共有两条途径传送.则信息由A
点到达d 3的不同途径共有( )
(A )3条(B )4条(C )6条(D )12条
1、(2003河北)乘火车从A 站出发,沿途经过3个车站方可到达B 站,那么在A 、B 两站之间需要安排不同的车票 种。

2、(2003山西)联欢会上,小红按照4个红气球、3个黄气球、2个绿气球的顺序把气球串起来装饰会场,第52个气球的颜色是 。

21+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++⋅⋅⋅++++++ = . ()
12003200220031341231121+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++⋅⋅⋅++++++= .
4、(2002十堰)有A 1、A 2、A 3三个舞蹈演员在舞台上跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化,其变化规律是:
一个舞蹈演员A 1跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化的种数是A 1为1种;
二个舞蹈演员A 1、A 2跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化的种数是A 1A 2 ;A 2A 1为2种即1×2种; 三个舞蹈演员A 1、A 2、A 3跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化的种数是A 1A 2A 3 ,A 1 A 3A 2 ;A 2A 1A 3 ,A 2 A 3 A 1;A 3A 1A 2 ,A 3 A 2A 1为6种即1×2×3种;
(1) 四个舞蹈演员A 1、A 2、A 3、A 4跳舞,面对观众作队形排列变化的种数是_______种;
(2) 六个舞蹈演员跳舞,按照上述方法作队形排列变化的种数为(用科学记数法表示)__________种;
(3) 用1、2、3、4、5、6、7共7个数字排列成7位数的电话号码(在同一个电话号码内每个数字只能用一次)可排成_________个电话号码。


一天,他在解方程时,突然产生了这样的想法,x 2=-1这个方程在实数范围内无解,如果存在一个数i 2=-1,那么方程x 2=-1可以变为x 2=i 2,则x=+i,从而x=+i 是方程x 2=-1的两个根。

小明还发现i 具有如下性质: i 1=i;i 2=-1;i 3=i 2×i=(-1)×i=-i;i 4=(i 2)2=(-1)2=1;i 5=i 4×i=i;i 6=(i 2)3=(-1)3=-1;i 7=i 6×i=-i;i 8=(i 4)2=1……,请你观察上述各式,根据你发现的规律填空:
i 4n+1= ,i 4n+2= ,i 4n+3= (n 为自然数)。

6、如图,梯形ABCD 中上底AD =a ,下底BC =b ,
若E 1F 1分别为AB ,CD 的中点,则E 1F 1=)(b a +21 ;
若E 2F 2分别为AE 1、DF 1的中点,则E 2F 2=()()b a b a a +=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++34
12121; 若E 3F 3分别为AE 2、DF 2的中点,则E 3F 3=
()()b a b a a +=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++78134121 ……;若E 6F 6分别为AE 5、DF 5的中点,则E 6F 6=____.
一1、答:C 。



2、答:B 。



引申:一条直线上五个点能组成多少条线段?n 个点呢?
3、答:C 。








12002200120021341231121+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++⋅⋅⋅++++++
…1) =
评:“裂项相消法”是高中代数数列求和的重要方法之一,又如()11111n n n n =-++可用于化简1111112233445(1)
n n ++++⋅⋅⋅+⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯+,等等。

4、答:(1)24种; (2)27.210⨯。

解:(1)12346424⨯⨯⨯=⨯=;(2)212345624307207.210⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=⨯==⨯ 评:从简单到复杂、从具体到抽象是我们认识客观世界的重要手段,也是我们思考解决数学问题的重要解题策略,本题知识点和方法正是高中代数将要学习的排列与组合内容。

5、答:i ,-1,i -
解:4144()1n n n n i i i i i i i +=⨯=⨯=⨯=,42424()(1)1(1)1n n n n i i i i +=⨯=⨯-=⨯-=- 43434()()1()n n n n i i i i i i i +=⨯=⨯-=⨯-=-


6、答:1(63)64a b +。

a b a b ⎡⎤-+=+⎣⎦评:多实践,多试探,找规律。
