核能专业英语试题(A卷)考试时间:90分钟姓名:班级:学号:The most elementary concept is that matter is composed of individual particles – atoms – that retain their identity as elements in ordinary physical and chemical interactions. Thus a collection of helium atoms that forms a gas has a total weight that is the sum of the weights of the individual atoms. Also, when two elements combine to form a compound, the total weight of the new substance is the sum of the origin elements.1.公认的物质的概念是:物质是由单个粒子——原子组成,在普通的化学和物理反应中原子保持了元素的特性。
Bohr assumed that the atom consists of a single electron moving at constant speed in a circular orbit about a nucleus --the proton--as sketched in Fig. X.X. Each particle has an electric charge of l.6×l0-l9 coulombs, but the proton has a mass that is 1836 times that of the electron.2.波尔假设(氢)原子由一个单独的电子绕着一个核子——质子,以圆形轨道作恒定速度的移动——见图X.X,每个粒子有l.6×l0-l9库伦的电量,质子的质量是电子质量的1836倍。
November 1-5, 2009 Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center Beijing, China
One of the directions of the Russian RERTR program is development and licensing of high density LEU fuel and fuel elements/FA on its base for conversion of Russian-built research reactors according to the international program of nuclear material non-proliferation. The development is carried out for both existing reactors and for new advanced designs of research reactors. Two types of fuel are under development: dispersion and monolithic U-Mo fuel, as well two types of FA to use the dispersion U-Mo fuel: with tubular type fuel elements and with pin type fuel elements. Many Russian organizations participate in this work: TVEL corporation, VNIINM, RDIPE, RIAR, IRM, NPCC. The first stage of works was completed successfully. This stage included out-pile, in-pile and post irradiation examinations of U-Mo dispersion fuel in experimental tubular and pin fuel elements under parameters similar to operation conditions of Russian design pool-type research reactors. The results obtained both in Russia and abroad have enabled to proceed to the next development stage which includes life-time tests of full-scale IRT pin-type and tube-type fuel assemblies with dispersion U-Mo fuel and development of ways to stabilize behavior of U-Mo fuel under high loads and burn-ups. The paper gives the summary review of the results of U-Mo fuel development performed by now.
Reference number ISO 8536-4:2010(E)© ISO 2010INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 8536-4Fifth edition 2010-10-01Infusion equipment for medical use — Part 4:Infusion sets for single use, gravity feedMatériel de perfusion à usage médical —Partie 4: Appareils de perfusion non réutilisables, à alimentation par gravitéISO 8536-4:2010(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2010All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2010 – All rights reservedISO 8536-4:2010(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)1Scope (1)2Normative references (1)3General requirements (1)4Designation (4)4.1Infusion set (4)4.2Air-inlet device (4)5Materials (4)6Physical requirements (5)6.1Particulate contamination (5)6.2Leakage (5)6.3Tensile strength (5)6.4Closure-piercing device (5)6.5Air-inlet device (5)6.6Tubing (6)6.7Fluid filter (6)6.8Drip chamber and drip tube (6)6.9Flow regulator (6)6.10Flow rate of infusion fluid (6)6.11Injection site (6)6.12Male conical fitting (6)6.13Protective caps (6)7Chemical requirements (7)7.1Reducing (oxidizable) matter (7)7.2Metal ions (7)7.3Titration acidity or alkalinity (7)7.4Residue on evaporation (7)7.5UV absorption of extract solution (7)8Biological requirements (7)8.1General (7)8.2Sterility (7)8.3Pyrogenicity (7)8.4Haemolysis (7)8.5Toxicity (8)9Labelling (8)9.1Unit container (8)9.2Shelf or multi-unit container (8)10Packaging (9)Annex A (normative) Physical tests (10)Annex B (normative) Chemical tests (14)Annex C (normative) Biological tests (16)Bibliography (17)© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved iiiISO 8536-4:2010(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 8536-4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 76, Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use.This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 8536-4:2007), of which it constitutes a minor revision. In detail, 7.1 was more clarified in alignment with B.2, and A.2.2 was changed in order to go back with the leakage test pressure to 20 kPa and to restrict the leakage test for (40 ± 1) °C.ISO 8536 consists of the following parts, under the general title Infusion equipment for medical use:⎯Part 1: Infusion glass bottles⎯Part 2: Closures for infusion bottles⎯Part 3: Aluminium caps for infusion bottles⎯Part 4: Infusion sets for single use, gravity feed⎯Part 5: Burette infusion sets for single use, gravity feed⎯Part 6: Freeze drying closures for infusion bottles⎯Part 7: Caps made of aluminium-plastics combinations for infusion bottles⎯Part 8: Infusion equipment for use with pressure infusion apparatus⎯Part 9: Fluid lines for use with pressure infusion equipment⎯Part 10: Accessories for fluid lines for use with pressure infusion equipment⎯Part 11: Infusion filters for use with pressure infusion equipment⎯Part 12: Check valvesiv © ISO 2010 – All rights reservedINTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 8536-4:2010(E)Infusion equipment for medical use —Part 4:Infusion sets for single use, gravity feed1 ScopeThis part of ISO 8536 specifies requirements for single use, gravity feed infusion sets for medical use in order to ensure their compatibility with containers for infusion solutions and intravenous equipment.Secondary aims of this part of ISO 8536 are to provide guidance on specifications relating to the quality and performance of materials used in infusion sets and to present designations for infusion set components.In some countries, the national pharmacopoeia or other national regulations are legally binding and take precedence over this part of ISO 8536.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 594-1, Conical fittings with a 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment — Part 1: General requirementsISO 594-2, Conical fittings with 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment — Part 2: Lock fittingsISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methodsISO 7864, Sterile hypodermic needles for single useISO 14644-1, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness1) ISO 15223-1, Medical devices — Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied — Part 1: General requirements2)3 General requirements3.1 The nomenclature to be used for components of infusion sets and of a separate air-inlet device is given in Figures 1, 2 and 3. These figures illustrate examples of the configuration of infusion sets and air-inlet devices; other configurations may be used provided they lead to the same results. Infusion sets as illustrated in Figure 2 should only be used for collapsible plastic containers. Infusion sets as illustrated in Figure 2 used1) Under preparation. (Revision of ISO 14644-1:1999)2) To be published. (Revision of ISO 15223-1:2007)© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved1ISO 8536-4:2010(E)with separate air-inlet devices as illustrated in Figure 3, or infusion sets as illustrated in Figure 1, shall be used for rigid containers.3.2 The infusion set shall be provided with protective caps to maintain sterility of the internal parts of the set until the set is used. The air-inlet device shall be provided with a protective cap over the closure-piercing device or needle.Key1 protective cap of closure-piercing device 7 fluid filter2 closure-piercing device 8 tubing3 air inlet with air filter and closure 9 flow regulator4 fluid channel 10 injection site5 drip tube 11 male conical fitting6 drip chamber 12 protective cap of male conical fittinga Closure of the air inlet is optional.b The fluid filter may be positioned at other sites, preferably near the patient access. Generally, the fluid filter used has anominal pore size of 15 µm.c The injection site is optional.Figure 1 — Example of a vented infusion set2 © ISO 2010 – All rights reservedISO 8536-4:2010(E)Key1 protective cap of closure-piercing device 7 tubing2 closure-piercing device 8 flow regulator3 fluid channel 9 injection site4 drip tube 10 male conical fitting5 drip chamber 11 protective cap of the male conical fitting6 fluid filtera The fluid filter may be positioned at other sites, preferably near the patient access. Generally, the fluid filter used has anominal pore size of 15 µm.b The injection site is optional.Figure 2 — Example of a non-vented infusion set© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved3ISO 8536-4:2010(E)Key1 protective cap 4 clamp2 closure-piercing device or needle 5 air-inlet with air filter3 tubinga Other designs are acceptable if the same safety aspects are ensured.Figure 3 — Example of an air-inlet device4 Designation4.1 Infusion setInfusion sets complying with the requirements specified in this part of ISO 8536 shall be designated by the descriptor words, followed by a reference to this part of ISO 8536, followed by the letters IS, followed by the letter G:Infusion set ISO 8536-4 - IS - G4.2 Air-inlet deviceAir-inlet devices complying with the requirements specified in this part of ISO 8536 shall be designated by the descriptor words, followed by a reference to this part of ISO 8536, followed by the letters IS, followed by the letters AD:Air-inlet device ISO 8536-4 - IS - AD5 MaterialsThe materials from which the infusion set and its components are manufactured (as described in Clause 3) shall comply with the requirements specified in Clause 6. Where components of the infusion set come into contact with solutions, the materials shall also comply with the requirements specified in Clauses 7 and 8.4 © ISO 2010 – All rights reservedISO 8536-4:2010(E)6 Physical requirements6.1 Particulate contaminationThe infusion sets shall be manufactured under conditions that minimize particulate contamination. All parts shall be smooth and clean at the fluid pathway surfaces. When tested as specified in A.1, the number of particles shall not exceed the contamination index limit.6.2 LeakageThe infusion set, when tested in accordance with A.2, shall show no signs of air leakage.6.3 Tensile strengthWhen tested as specified in A.3, the infusion set, excluding protective caps, shall withstand a static tensile force of not less than 15 N for 15 s.6.4 Closure-piercing deviceThe dimensions of the closure-piercing device shall conform to the dimensions shown in Figure 4.NOTE The dimension of 15 mm in Figure 4 is a reference measurement. The cross-section of the piercing device at this site is a circle.The closure-piercing device shall be capable of piercing and penetrating the closure of a fluid container without pre-piercing. No coring should occur during this procedure.Dimensions in millimetresFigure 4 — Dimensions of the closure-piercing device6.5 Air-inlet deviceThe air-inlet device shall conform to 3.2 and 8.2.The air-inlet device shall be provided with an air filter to prevent the ingress of microorganisms into the container into which the device is to be inserted.The air-inlet device shall be separate from, or integral with, the closure-piercing device.When the air-inlet device is inserted into a rigid infusion container, the air admitted into the container shall not become entrained in the liquid outflow.The air filter shall be fitted such that all air entering the rigid container passes through it, and such that the flow of fluid is not reduced by more than 20 % of that from a freely ventilated container when tested in accordance with A.4.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved5ISO 8536-4:2010(E)6.6 TubingThe tubing, made of flexible material, shall be transparent or sufficiently translucent that the interface of air and water during the passage of air bubbles can be observed with normal or corrected vision.The tubing from the distal end to the drip chamber shall be not less than 1 500 mm in length, including the injection site, when provided, and the male conical fitting.6.7 Fluid filterThe infusion set shall be provided with a fluid filter.When tested in accordance with A.5, the retention of latex particles on the filter shall be not less than 80 %. 6.8 Drip chamber and drip tubeThe drip chamber shall permit continuous observation of the fall of drops. The liquid shall enter the drip chamber through a tube that projects into the chamber. There shall be a distance of not less than 40 mm between the end of the drip tube and the outlet of the chamber, or a distance of not less than 20 mm between the drip tube and the fluid filter. The wall of the drip chamber shall not be closer than 5 mm to the end of the drip tube. The drip tube shall be such that 20 drops of distilled water or 60 drops of distilled water at (23 ± 2) °C at a flow rate of (50 ± 10) drops/min deliver a volume of (1 ± 0,1) ml or a mass of (1 ± 0,1) g. The drip chamber should permit and facilitate the priming procedure.6.9 Flow regulatorThe flow regulator shall adjust the flow of the infusion solution between zero and the maximum. The flow regulator should be capable of continuous use throughout an infusion without the tubing being damaged. There should be no deleterious reaction between the flow regulator and the tubing when they are stored in such a way that there is contact.6.10 Flow rate of infusion fluidThe infusion set shall deliver not less than 1 000 ml of a sodium chloride solution [mass concentration ρ(NaCl) = 9 g/l] in 10 min under a static head of 1 m.6.11 Injection siteWhen provided, the self-sealing injection site shall reseal when tested in accordance with A.6, and there shall be no leakage of more than one falling drop of water. The injection site should be located near the male conical fitting.6.12 Male conical fittingThe distal end of the tubing shall terminate in a male conical fitting in accordance with ISO 594-1 or ISO 594-2. Luer lock fittings in accordance with ISO 594-2 should preferably be used.6.13 Protective capsThe protective caps at the end of the infusion set shall maintain the sterility of the closure-piercing device, the male conical fitting and the interior of the infusion set. Protective caps should be secure but easily removable.6 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved7 Chemical requirements7.1 Reducing (oxidizable) matterWhen tested in accordance with B.2, the difference of volume of Na2S2O3 solution [c(Na2S2O3) = 0,005 mol/l] for the extract solution S1 and of volume of Na2S2O3 solution for blank solution S0 shall not exceed 2,0 ml. 7.2 Metal ionsThe extract shall not contain in total more than 1 µg/ml of barium, chromium, copper, lead and tin, and not more than 0,1 µg/ml of cadmium, when determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) or an equivalent method.When tested in accordance with B.3, the intensity of the colour produced in the test solution shall not exceed that of the standard matching solution with a mass concentration ρ(Pb2+) = 1 µg/ml.7.3 Titration acidity or alkalinityWhen tested in accordance with B.4, not more than 1 ml of either standard volumetric solution shall be required for the indicator to change to the colour grey.7.4 Residue on evaporationWhen tested in accordance with B.5, the total amount of dry residue shall not exceed 5 mg.7.5 UV absorption of extract solutionWhen tested in accordance with B.6, the extract solution S1 shall not show absorption greater than 0,1.8 Biological requirements8.1 GeneralThe infusion set shall be assessed for biological compatibility according to the guidelines given in C.2.8.2 SterilityThe infusion set or the air-inlet device, or both, in its unit container shall have been subjected to a validated sterilization process (see ISO 11135, ISO 11137 and ISO 17665).8.3 PyrogenicityThe infusion set and/or the air-inlet device shall be assessed for freedom from pyrogens by using a suitable test, and the results shall indicate that the infusion set is free from pyrogens. Guidance on testing for pyrogenicity is given in C.1.8.4 HaemolysisThe infusion set shall be assessed for freedom from haemolytic constituents and the result shall indicate that the infusion set is free from haemolytic reactions. Guidance on testing for haemolytic constituents is given in ISO 10993-4.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved78.5 ToxicityMaterials shall be assessed for toxicity by carrying out suitable tests, and the results of the tests shall indicate freedom from toxicity. Guidance on testing for toxicity is given in ISO 10993-1.9 Labelling9.1 Unit containerThe unit container shall be labelled with at least the following information:a) a textual description of the contents, including the words “Gravity feed only”;b) indication that the infusion set is sterile, using the graphical symbol as given in ISO 15223-1;c) indication that the infusion set is free from pyrogens, or that the infusion set is free from bacterialendotoxins;d) indication that the infusion set is for single use only, or equivalent wording, or using the graphical symbolin accordance with ISO 15223-1;e) instructions for use, including warnings, e.g. about detached protective caps;NOTE Instructions for use can also take the form of an insert.f) the lot (batch) designation, prefixed by the word LOT, or using the graphical symbol in accordance withISO 15223-1;g) year and month of expiry, accompanied by appropriate wording or the graphical symbol in accordancewith ISO 15223-1;h) the manufacturer's or supplier's name and address, or both;i) a statement that 20 drops of distilled water or 60 drops of distilled water delivered by the drip tube areequivalent to a volume of (1 ± 0,1) ml or a mass of (1 ± 0,1) g;j) the nominal dimensions of the intravenous needle, if included.9.2 Shelf or multi-unit containerThe shelf or multi-unit container, when used, shall be labelled with at least the following information:a) a textual description of the contents, including the words “Gravity feed only”;b) the number of infusion sets;c) indication that the infusion sets are sterile, using the graphical symbol as given in ISO 15223-1;d) the lot (batch) designation, prefixed by the word LOT, or using the graphical symbol in accordance withISO 15223-1;e) year and month of expiry, accompanied by appropriate wording or the graphical symbol in accordancewith ISO 15223-1;f) the manufacturer's and/or supplier's name and address;g) the recommended storage conditions, if any.10 Packaging10.1 The infusion set and/or the air-inlet device shall be individually packed so that they remain sterile during storage. The unit container shall be sealed in a tamper-evident manner.10.2 The infusion sets and/or the air-inlet devices shall be packed and sterilized in such a way that there are no flattened portions or kinks when they are ready for use.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved9Annex A(normative)Physical testsA.1 Test for particulate contaminationA.1.1 PrincipleThe particles are rinsed from the inner fluid pathway surfaces of the infusion set, collected on a membrane filter and microscopically counted.A.1.2 Reagents and materialsA.1.2.1 Distilled water,filtered through a membrane of pore size 0,2 µm.A.1.2.2 Non-powdered gloves.A.1.2.3 Vacuum filter, single membrane filter of pore size 0,45 µm.A.1.3 ProcedureThe filter unit, filter and all other equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned before the test using distilled water (A.1.2.1).Flush through 10 ready-to-use infusion appliances, under laminar flow conditions (clean-air work station class N5 in accordance with ISO 14644-1), with 500 ml of distilled water (A.1.2.1). The total volume is subsequently vacuum filtered (A.1.2.3). Place the particles on the membrane screen filter under a microscope at ×50 magnification using diagonally incident illumination, and measure and count in accordance with the size categories given in Table A.1.A.1.4 Determination of resultsA.1.4.1 GeneralAn appropriate number of single infusion sets (minimum of 10) are tested. The number of particles per10 infusion sets tested in each of the three size categories is the assay result.A.1.4.2 Particle countsThe values obtained from a blank control sample shall be recorded in a test report and taken into account when calculating the contamination index limit.The blank control sample is the number and size of particles obtained from 10 equivalent 500 ml water samples classified in accordance with the three size categories set out in Table A.1, using the same test equipment but not passed through the appliances under test.The number of particles in the blank, N b, shall not exceed the value of 9. Otherwise, the test apparatus shall be disassembled, re-cleaned, and the background test performed again. Values of the blank determination shall be noted in the test report.Table A.1 — Evaluation of contamination by particlesSize categoryParticle parameters1 2 3 Particle size in µm 25 to 50 51 to 100 over 100Number of particles in 10 infusion appliances n a1n a2n a3Number of particles in the blank control sample n b1n b2n b3Evaluation coefficient 0,1 0,2 5The contamination index limit is calculated as follows.For each of the three size categories, multiply the number of particles in 10 infusion appliances by the evaluation coefficients, and add the results in order to obtain the number of particles in the infusion appliances(test pieces), N a. Then, for each of the size categories, multiply the number of particles in the blank control sample by the evaluation coefficients and add the results to obtain the number of particles in the blank sample,N b.Subtract N b from N a to obtain the contamination index limit.Number of particles in the infusion appliances (test pieces):N a=n a1× 0,1 +n a2× 0,2 +n a3× 5Number of particles in the blank sample:N b=n b1× 0,1 +n b2× 0,2 +n b3× 5Contamination index limit:N=N a−N b u 90A.2 Test for leakageA.2.1 At the beginning of the test, condition the whole system at the test temperature.A.2.2 Immerse the infusion set, with one end blocked, in water at (40 ±1) °C and apply an internal air pressure of 20 kPa for 15 s. Examine the infusion set for air leakage.A.2.3 Fill the infusion set with degassed, distilled water, connect it with its openings sealed to a vacuumdevice and subject it to an internal excess pressure of −20 kPa at (40 ± 1) °C for 15 s. Atmospheric pressureshall be the reference pressure. Excess pressure, in accordance with ISO 80000-4, can assume positive or negative values. Ascertain whether air enters the infusion set.A.3 Test for tensile strengthExpose the infusion set to be tested to a static tensile force of 15 N applied along the longitudinal axis for 15 s. Inspect whether the infusion set withstands the test force applied.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved11A.4 Determination of flow rate when using an air-inlet deviceA.4.1 Fill an infusion container with distilled water at (23 ± 2) °C and insert its closure. Insert the air-inlet device through the closure into the container and then insert the infusion set with the flow regulator set, such that no liquid flows. Arrange the container to give the equivalent of a pressure of 1 m head of water throughout the test. Open the flow regulator of the infusion set to maximum and measure the rate of flow of water from the set. Repeat the procedure with the filter removed from the air-inlet device.A.4.2 For air-inlet devices integral with the closure-piercing device of the infusion set, follow the procedure given in A.4.1 but omit the insertion of the separate air-inlet device.A.5 Test for efficiency of the fluid filterA.5.1 Preparation of the test fluidAs a test liquid, use an aqueous suspension of latex particles with a diameter of (20 ± 1) µm and a concentration of approximately 1 000 particles per 100 ml.A.5.2 ProcedureAssemble the fluid filter and position it so that it is equivalent to that of actual use in a suitable test apparatus in accordance with Figure A.1. Cut the tubing of the infusion set approximately 100 mm below the fluid filter. Flush the fluid filter with 5 ml of the test fluid from the storage bottle and discard the filtrate. Pass 100 ml of the test fluid through the fluid filter and collect the effluent under vacuum after passing it through a black gridded membrane filter with a pore size of 5 µm to 8 µm and 47 mm diameter. Mount the membrane with any retained latex particles on a suitable microscope slide or holder and count the latex particles in a minimum of 50 % of the grid squares under a magnification of ×50 to ×100. Disregard any particles which are obviously non-latex.Carry out the test in duplicate.Repeat the test if the required limit value of 80 % retention rate is not met.All procedures involved in this test should be conducted in a clean environment, if possible under laminar flow.A.5.3 Expression of results The retention rate of the filter, expressed as a percentage, is given by101100n n ⎛⎞−×⎜⎟⎝⎠ (A.1)wheren 1 is the number of particles retained on the filter;n 0 is the number of particles in the test fluid used.Dimensions in millimetresKey1 storage bottle 5 piercing device2 transfer tube 6 fluid filter3 flow regulator 7 membrane filter4 connecting pieceFigure A.1 — Apparatus for testing the efficiency of the fluid filterA.6 Test of the injection sitePlace the injection site in a horizontal, stress-free position. Fill the infusion set with water in such a manner that no air bubbles are trapped and apply a pressure of 50 kPa above the atmospheric air pressure. Perforate the injection site at the foreseen area using a hypodermic needle with an outside diameter of 0,8 mm and which conforms to ISO 7864. Keep the needle in position for 15 s. Remove the needle and immediately dry the perforated site. Over a period of 1 min, observe whether there is any leakage from the injection site. In the case of an alternative injection site design, the test should be performed by injection into the site in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved13。
高三英语询问科学单选题50题1. Recent research has found that some bacteria can form a complex community structure called a biofilm. In a biofilm, bacteria are surrounded by a self - produced matrix. Which of the following is a major component of this matrix?A. DNAB. ProteinC. LipidD. Carbohydrate答案:D。
2. The mitochondria are known as the "powerhouses" of the cell. Which process mainly occurs in mitochondria?A. PhotosynthesisB. GlycolysisC. Cellular respirationD. Protein synthesis答案:C。
3. In the process of evolution, some animals have developed unique adaptations. The giraffe's long neck is an example. Which theory best explains the evolution of the giraffe's long neck?A. Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characteristicsB. Darwin's theory of natural selectionC. Mendel's law of inheritanceD. The theory of punctuated equilibrium答案:B。
The Bullwhip Effect In Supply Chains1Hau L Lee, V Padmanabhan, and Seungjin Whang;Sloan Management Review, Spring 1997, Volume 38, Issue 3, pp. 93-102 Abstract:The bullwhip effect occurs when the demand order variabilities in the supply chain are amplified as they moved up the supply chain. Distorted information from one end of a supply chain to the other can lead to tremendous inefficiencies. Companies can effectively counteract the bullwhip effect by thoroughly understanding its underlying causes. Industry leaders are implementing innovative strategies that pose new challenges: 1. integrating new information systems, 2. defining new organizational relationships, and 3. implementing new incentive and measurement systems.Distorted information from one end of a supply chain to the other can lead to tremendousinefficiencies: excessive inventory investment, poor customer service, lost revenues, misguided capacity plans, inactive transportation, and missed production schedules. How do exaggeratedorder swings occur? What can companies do to mitigate them?Not long ago, logistics executives at Procter & Gamble (P&G) examined the order patterns for one of their best-selling products, Pampers. Its sales at retail stores were fluctuating, but the variabilities were certainly not excessive. However, as they examined the distributors' orders, the executives were surprised by the degree of variability. When they looked at P&G's orders of materials to their suppliers, such as 3M, they discovered that the swings were even greater. At first glance, the variabilities did not make sense. While the consumers, in this case, the babies, consumed diapers at a steady rate, the demand order variabilities in the supply chain were amplified as they moved up the supply chain. P&G called this phenomenon the "bullwhip" effect. (In some industries, it is known as the "whiplash" or the "whipsaw" effect.)When Hewlett-Packard (HP) executives examined the sales of one of its printers at a major reseller, they found that there were, as expected, some fluctuations over time. However, when they examined the orders from the reseller, they observed much bigger swings. Also, to their surprise, they discovered that the orders from the printer division to the company's integrated circuit division had even greater fluctuations.What happens when a supply chain is plagued with a bullwhip effect that distorts its demand information as it is transmitted up the chain? In the past, without being able to see the sales of its products at the distribution channel stage, HP had to rely on the sales orders from the resellers to make product forecasts, plan capacity, control inventory, and schedule production. Big variations in demand were a major problem for HP's management. The common symptoms of such variations could be excessive inventory, poor product forecasts, insufficient or excessive capacities, poor customer service due to unavailable products or long backlogs, uncertain production planning (i.e., excessive revisions), and high costs for corrections, such as for expedited shipments and overtime. HP's product division was a victim of order swings that were exaggerated by the resellers relative to their sales; it, in turn, created additional exaggerations of order swings to suppliers.In the past few years, the Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) initiative has tried to redefine how the grocery supply chain should work.[1] One motivation for the initiative was the excessive amount of inventory in the supply chain. Various industry studies found that the total supply chain, from when1 Copyright Sloan Management Review Association, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management Spring 1997products leave the manufacturers' production lines to when they arrive on the retailers' shelves, has more than 100 days of inventory supply. Distorted information has led every entity in the supply chain - the plant warehouse, a manufacturer's shuttle warehouse, a manufacturer's market warehouse, a distributor's central warehouse, the distributor's regional warehouses, and the retail store's storage space - to stockpile because of the high degree of demand uncertainties and variabilities. It's no wonder that the ECR reports estimated a potential $30 billion opportunity from streamlining the inefficiencies of the grocery supply chain.[2]Figure 1 Increasing Variability of Orders up the Supply ChainOther industries are in a similar position. Computer factories and manufacturers' distribution centers, the distributors' warehouses, and store warehouses along the distribution channel have inventory stockpiles. And in the pharmaceutical industry, there are duplicated inventories in a supply chain of manufacturers such as Eli Lilly or Bristol-Myers Squibb, distributors such as McKesson, and retailers such as Longs Drug Stores. Again, information distortion can cause the total inventory in this supply chain to exceed 100 days of supply. With inventories of raw materials, such as integrated circuits and printed circuit boards in the computer industry and antibodies and vial manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry, the total chain may contain more than one year's supply.In a supply chain for a typical consumer product, even when consumer sales do not seem to vary much, there is pronounced variability in the retailers' orders to the wholesalers (see Figure 1). Orders to the manufacturer and to the manufacturers' supplier spike even more. To solve the problem of distorted information, companies need to first understand what creates the bullwhip effect so they can counteract it. Innovative companies in different industries have found that they can control the bullwhip effect and improve their supply chain performance by coordinating information and planning along the supply chain.Causes of the Bullwhip EffectPerhaps the best illustration of the bullwhip effect is the well-known "beer game."[3] In the game, participants (students, managers, analysts, and so on) play the roles of customers, retailers, wholesalers, and suppliers of a popular brand of beer. The participants cannot communicate with each other and must make order decisions based only on orders from the next downstream player. The ordering patterns share a common, recurring theme: the variabilities of an upstream site are always greater than those of the downstream site, a simple, yet powerful illustration of the bullwhip effect. This amplified order variability may be attributed to the players' irrational decision making. Indeed, Sterman's experiments showed that human behavior, such as misconceptions about inventory and demand information, may cause the bullwhip effect.[4]In contrast, we show that the bullwhip effect is a consequence of the players' rational behavior within the supply chain's infrastructure. This important distinction implies that companies wanting to control the bullwhip effect have to focus on modifying the chain's infrastructure and related processes rather than the decision makers' behavior.We have identified four major causes of the bullwhip effect:1. Demand forecast updating2. Order batching3. Price fluctuation4. Rationing and shortage gamingEach of the four forces in concert with the chain's infrastructure and the order managers' rational decision making create the bullwhip effect. Understanding the causes helps managers design and develop strategies to counter it.[5]Demand Forecast UpdatingEvery company in a supply chain usually does product forecasting for its production scheduling, capacity planning, inventory control, and material requirements planning. Forecasting is often based on the order history from the company's immediate customers. The outcomes of the beer game are the consequence of many behavioral factors, such as the players' perceptions and mistrust. An important factor is each player's thought process in projecting the demand pattern based on what he or she observes. When a downstream operation places an order, the upstream manager processes that piece of information as a signal about future product demand. Based on this signal, the upstream manager readjusts his or her demand forecasts and, in turn, the orders placed with the suppliers of the upstream operation. We contend that demand signal processing is a major contributor to the bullwhip effect.For example, if you are a manager who has to determine how much to order from a supplier, you use a simple method to do demand forecasting, such as exponential smoothing. With exponential smoothing, future demands are continuously updated as the new daily demand data become available. The order you send to the supplier reflects the amount you need to replenish the stocks to meet the requirements of future demands, as well as the necessary safety stocks. The future demands and the associated safety stocks are updated using the smoothing technique. With long lead times, it is not uncommon to have weeks of safety stocks. The result is that the fluctuations in the order quantities over time can be much greater than those in the demand data.Now, one site up the supply chain, if you are the manager of the supplier, the daily orders from the manager of the previous site constitute your demand. If you are also using exponential smoothing to update your forecasts and safety stocks, the orders that you place with your supplier will have even bigger swings. For an example of such fluctuations in demand, see Figure 2. As we can see from the figure, the orders placed by the dealer to the manufacturer have much greater variability than theconsumer demands. Because the amount of safety stock contributes to the bullwhip effect, it is intuitive that, when the lead times between the resupply of the items along the supply chain are longer, the fluctuation is even more significant.Order BatchingIn a supply chain, each company places orders with an upstream organization using some inventory monitoring or control. Demands come in, depleting inventory, but the company may not immediately place an order with its supplier. It often batches or accumulates demands before issuing an order. There are two forms of order batching: periodic ordering and push ordering.Figure 2 Higher Variability in Orders from Dealer to Manufacturer than Actual SalesInstead of ordering frequently, companies may order weekly, biweekly, or even monthly. There are many common reasons for an inventory system based on order cycles. Often the supplier cannot handle frequent order processing because the time and cost of processing an order can be substantial. P&G estimated that, because of the many manual interventions needed in its order, billing, and shipment systems, each invoice to its customers cost between $35 and $75 to process.' Many manufacturers place purchase orders with suppliers when they run their material requirements planning (MRP) systems. MRP systems are often run monthly, resulting in monthly ordering with suppliers. A company with slow-moving items may prefer to order on a regular cyclical basis because there may not be enough items consumed to warrant resupply if it orders more frequently.Consider a company that orders once a month from its supplier. The supplier faces a highly erratic stream of orders. There is a spike in demand at one time during the month, followed by no demands for the rest of the month. Of course, this variability is higher than the demands the company itself faces. Periodic ordering amplifies variability and contributes to the bullwhip effect.One common obstacle for a company that wants to order frequently is the economics of transportation. There are substantial differences between full truckload (FTL) and less-than-truckload rates, so companies have a strong incentive to fill a truckload when they order materials from a supplier. Sometimes, suppliers give their best pricing for FTL orders. For most items, a full truckload could be a supply of a month or more. Full or close to full truckload ordering would thus lead to moderate to excessively long order cycles.In push ordering, a company experiences regular surges in demand. The company has orders "pushed" on it from customers periodically because salespeople are regularly measured, sometimes quarterly or annually, which causes end-of-quarter or end-of-year order surges. Salespersons who need to fill sales quotas may "borrow" ahead and sign orders prematurely. The U.S. Navy's study of recruiter productivity found surges in the number of recruits by the recruiters on a periodic cycle that coincided with their evaluation cycle.[7] For companies, the ordering pattern from their customers is more erratic than the consumption patterns that their customers experience. The "hockey stick" phenomenon is quite prevalent. When a company faces periodic ordering by its customers, the bullwhip effect results. If all customers' order cycles were spread out evenly throughout the week, the bullwhip effect would be minimal. The periodic surges in demand by some customers would be insignificant because not all would be orderingat the same time. Unfortunately, such an ideal situation rarely exists. Orders are more likely to be randomly spread out or, worse, to overlap. When order cycles overlap, most customers that order periodically do so at the same time. As a result, the surge in demand is even more pronounced, and the variability from the bullwhip effect is at its highest.If the majority of companies that do MRP or distribution requirement planning (DRP) to generate purchase orders do so at the beginning of the month (or end of the month), order cycles overlap. Periodic execution of MRPs contributes to the bullwhip effect, or "MRP jitters" or "DRP jitters."Price FluctuationEstimates indicate that 80 percent of the transactions between manufacturers and distributors in the grocery industry were made in a "forward buy" arrangement in which items were bought in advance of requirements, usually because of a manufacturer's attractive price offer.[8] Forward buying constitutes $75 billion to $100 billion of inventory in the grocery industry.Forward buying results from price fluctuations in the marketplace. Manufacturers and distributors periodically have special promotions like price discounts, quantity discounts, coupons, rebates, and so on. All these promotions result in price fluctuations. Additionally, manufacturers offer trade deals (e.g., special discounts, price terms, and payment terms) to the distributors and wholesalers, which are an indirect form of price discounts. For example, Kotler reports that trade deals and consumer promotion constitute 47 percent and 28 percent, respectively, of their total promotion budgets.[10] The result is that customers buy in quantities that do not reflect their immediate needs; they buy in bigger quantities and stock up for the future.Such promotions can be costly to the supply chain.[11] What happens if forward buying becomes the norm? When a product's price is low (through direct discount or promotional schemes), a customer buys in bigger quantities than needed. When the product's price returns to normal, the customer stops buying until it has depleted its inventory As a result, the customer's buying pattern does not reflect its consumption pattern, and the variation of the buying quantities is much bigger than the variation of the consumption rate - the bullwhip effect.When high-low pricing occurs, forward buying may well be a rational decision. If the cost of holding inventory is less than the price differential, buying in advance makes sense. In fact, the high-low pricing phenomenon has induced a stream of research on how companies should order optimally to take advantage of the low price opportunities.Although some companies claim to thrive on high-low buying practices, most suffer. For example, a soup manufacturer's leading brand has seasonal sales, with higher sales in the winter (see Figure 3). However, the shipment quantities from the manufacturer to the distributors, reflecting orders from the distributors to the manufacturer, varied more widely. When faced with such wide swings, companies often have to run their factories overtime at certain times and be idle at others. Alternatively, companies may have to build huge piles of inventory to anticipate big swings in demand. With a surge in shipments, they may also have to pay premium freight rates to transport products. Damage also increases from handling larger than normal volumes and stocking inventories for long periods. The irony is that these variations are induced by price fluctuations that the manufacturers and the distributors set up themselves. It's no wonder that such a practice was called "the dumbest marketing ploy ever."[12]Figure 3 Bullwhip Effect due to Seasonal Sales of SoupUsing trade promotions can backfire because of the impact on the manufacturers' stock performance. A group of shareholders sued Bristol-Myers Squibb when its stock plummeted from $74 to $67 as a result of a disappointing quarterly sales performance; its actual sales increase was only 5 percent instead of the anticipated 13 percent. The sluggish sales increase was reportedly due to the company's trade deals in a previous quarter that flooded the distribution channel with forward-buy inventories of its product.[13]Rationing and Shortage GamingWhen product demand exceeds supply, a manufacturer often rations its product to customers. In one scheme, the manufacturer allocates the amount in proportion to the amount ordered. For example, if the total supply is only 50 percent of the total demand, all customers receive 50 percent of what they order. Knowing that the manufacturer will ration when the product is in short supply, customers exaggerate their real needs when they order. Later, when demand cools, orders will suddenly disappear and cancellations pour in. This seeming overreaction by customers anticipating shortages results when organizations and individuals make sound, rational economic decisions and "game" the potential rationing.[14] The effect of"gaming" is that customers' orders give the supplier little information on the product's real demand, a particularly vexing problem for manufacturers in a products early stages. The gaming practice is very common. In the 1980s, on several occasions, the computer industry perceived a shortage of DRAM chips. Orders shot up, not because of an increase in consumption, but because of anticipation. Customers place duplicate orders with multiple suppliers and buy from the first one that can deliver, then cancel all other duplicate orders.[15]More recently, Hewlett-Packard could not meet the demand for its LaserJet III printer and rationed the product. Orders surged, but HP managers could not discern whether the orders genuinely reflected real market demands or were simply phantom orders from resellers trying to get better allocation of the product. When HP lifted its constraints on resupply of the LaserJets, many resellers canceled their orders. HP's costs in excess inventory after the allocation period and in unnecessary capacity increases were in the millions of dollars.[16]During the Christmas shopping seasons in 1992 and 1993, Motorola could not meet consumer demand for handsets and cellular phones, forcing many distributors to turn away business. Distributors like AirTouch Communications and the Baby Bells, anticipating the possibility of shortages and acting defensively, drastically over ordered toward the end of 1994.[17] Because of such overzealous ordering by retail distributors, Motorola reported record fourth-quarter earnings in January 1995. Once Wall Street realized that the dealers were swamped with inventory and new orders for phones were not as healthy before, Motorola's stock tumbled almost 10 percent.In October 1994, IBM's new Aptiva personal computer was selling extremely well, leading resellers to speculate that IBM might run out of the product before the Christmas season. According to some analysts, IBM, hampered by an overstock problem the previous year, planned production too conservatively. Other analysts referred to the possibility of rationing: "Retailers - apparently convinced Aptiva will sell well and afraid of being left with insufficient stock to meet holiday season demand -- increased their orders with IBM, believing they wouldn't get all they asked for."" It was unclear to IBM how much of the increase in orders was genuine market demand and how much was due to resellers placing phantom orders when IBM had to ration the product.How to Counteract the Bullwhip EffectUnderstanding the causes of the bullwhip effect can help managers find strategies to mitigate it. Indeed, many companies have begun to implement innovative programs that partially address the effect. Next we examine how companies tackle each of the four causes. We categorize the various initiatives and other possible remedies based on the underlying coordination mechanism, namely, information sharing, channel alignment, and operational efficiency. With information sharing, demand information at a downstream site is transmitted upstream in a timely fashion. Channel alignment is the coordination of pricing, transportation, inventory planning, and ownership between the upstream and downstream sites in a supply chain. Operational efficiency refers to activities that improve performance, such as reduced costs and lead-time. We use this topology to discuss ways to control the bullwhip effect (see Table 1). Avoid Multiple Demand Forecast UpdatesOrdinarily, every member of a supply chain conducts some sort of forecasting in connection with its planning (e.g., the manufacturer does the production planning, the wholesaler, the logistics planning, and so on). Bullwhip effects are created when supply chain members process the demand input from their immediate downstream member in producing their own forecasts. Demand input from the immediate downstream member, of course, results from that member's forecasting, with input from its own downstream member.One remedy to the repetitive processing of consumption data in a supply chain is to make demand data at a downstream site available to the upstream site. Hence, both sites can update their forecasts with thesame raw data In the computer industry, manufacturers request sell-through data on withdrawn stocks from their resellers' central warehouse. Although the data are not as complete as point-of-sale (POS) data from the resellers' stores, they offer significantly more information than was available when manufacturers didn't know what happened after they shipped their products. IBM, HP, and Apple all require sell-through data as part of their contract with resellers.Supply chain partners can use electronic data interchange (EDI) to share data. In the consumer products industry, 20 percent of orders by retailers of consumer products was transmitted via EDI in 1990.[1] In 1992, that figure was close to 40 percent and, in 1995, nearly 60 percent. The increasing use of EDI will undoubtedly facilitate information transmission and sharing among chain members. Even if the multiple organizations in a supply chain use the same source demand data to perform forecast updates, the differences in forecasting methods and buying practices can still lead to unnecessary fluctuations in the order data placed with the upstream site. In a more radical approach, the upstream site could control resupply from upstream to downstream. The upstream site would have access to the demand and inventory information at the downstream site and update the necessary forecasts and resupply for the downstream site. The downstream site, in turn, would become a passive partner in the supply chain. For example, in the consumer products industry, this practice is known as vendor-managed inventory (VMI) or a continuous replenishment program (CRP). Many companies such as Campbell Soup, M&M/Mars, Nestle, Quaker Oats, Nabisco, P&G, and Scott Paper use CRP with some or most of their customers. Inventory reductions of up to 25 percent are common in these alliances. P&G uses VMI in its diaper supply chain, starting with its supplier, 3M, and its customer, Wal-Mart. Even in the high-technology sector, companies such as Texas Instruments, HP Motorola, and Apple use VMI with some of their suppliers and, in some cases, with their customers.Inventory researchers have long recognized that multi-echelon inventory systems can operate better when inventory and demand information from downstream sites is available upstream. Echelon inventory - the total inventory at its upstream and downstream sites - is key to optimal inventory control."Another approach is to try to get demand information about the downstream site by bypassing it. Apple Computer has a "consumer direct" program, i.e., it sells directly to consumers without going through the reseller and distribution channel. A benefit of the program is that it allows Apple to see the demand patterns for its products. Dell Computers also sells its products directly to consumers without going through the distribution channel.Finally, as we noted before, long resupply lead times can aggravate the bullwhip effect. Improvements in operational efficiency can help reduce the highly variable demand due to multiple forecast updates. Hence, just-in-time replenishment is an effective way to mitigate the effect.Break Order BatchesSince order batching contributes to the bullwhip effect, companies need to devise strategies that lead to smaller batches or more frequent resupply. In addition, the counterstrategies we described earlier are useful. When an upstream company receives consumption data on a fixed, periodic schedule from its downstream customers, it will not be surprised by an unusually large batched order when there is a demand surge.One reason that order batches are large or order frequencies low is the relatively high cost of placing an order and replenishing it. EDI can reduce the cost of the paperwork in generating an order. Using EDI, companies such as Nabisco perform paperless, computer-assisted ordering (CAO), and, consequently, customers order more frequently. McKesson's Economost ordering system uses EDI to lower the transaction costs from orders by drugstores and other retailers." P&G has introduced standardized ordering terms across all business units to simplify the process and dramatically cut the number of invoices.[22] And General Electric is electronically matching buyers and suppliers throughout the company.It expects to purchase at least $1 billion in materials through its internally developed Trading Process Network. A paper purchase order that typically cost $50 to process is now $5.23Table 1 A Framework for Supply Chain Coordination InitiativesAnother reason for large order batches is the cost of transportation. The differences in the costs of full truckloads and less-than-truckloads are so great that companies find it economical to order full truckloads, even though this leads to infrequent replenishments from the supplier. In fact, even if orders are made with little effort and low cost through EDI, the improvements in order efficiency are wasted due to the full truckload constraint. Now some manufacturers induce their distributors to order assortments of different products. Hence a truckload may contain different products from the same manufacturer (either a plant warehouse site or a manufacturer's market warehouse) instead of a full load of the same product.。
Strategies for Controlling the Planar Arrangement of Block Copolymer Micelles and Inorganic Nanoclus
Strategies for Controlling the Planar Arrangement of Block Copolymer Micelles and Inorganic NanoclustersRyan D.Bennett,†Andrew ler,†Naomi T.Kohen,‡Paula T.Hammond,†Darrell J.Irvine,‡and Robert E.Cohen*,†Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Biological Engineering Division,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,77Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge,Massachusetts02139Received August23,2005;Revised Manuscript Received October17,2005ABSTRACT:We report several strategies for varying the diameter,the center-to-center spacing,and the areal density of block copolymer micelles,or inorganic nanoclusters synthesized in the cores of the micelles,on planar substrates.The amphiphilic block copolymer,poly(styrene-b-acrylic acid)(PS/PAA), forms micelles in toluene solution that can be spin-coated onto a substrate to create quasi-hexagonal arrays of spherical PAA domains within a PS matrix.The carboxylic acid groups within the PAA domains can be utilized in a nanoreactor synthesis scheme to create inorganic nanocluster arrays,or the PAA domains can be cavitated to expose the carboxylic acid groups to the surface for possible covalent coupling reactions.The strategies we use to vary the planar arrangements include variation of the molecular weight of PS/PAA,variation of the amount of metal loaded into the micellar solution,addition of PS homopolymer into the micellar solution,and the mixing of different micellar solutions.Through these routes,we demonstrate varying the diameter of the inorganic nanoclusters from4.7to16nm and the areal density from8×1010to6.5×109nanoclusters cm-2.We are also able to create arrays of nanoclusters containing more than one inorganic species,with each nanocluster containing either one or all of the inorganic species,depending on the sequence of processing conditions employed.We characterize these arrays using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis on a scanning transmission electron microscope.IntroductionIn the past decade,the use of self-assembling systems for the fabrication of materials on the nanometer scale has been an active area of research,1with possible applications in areas such as data storage,electronics, and molecular separation.2Block copolymers thin films are nanoscale self-assembling systems3-8that have been exploited due to their intrinsic nanometer feature size, their ease of synthesis,and their rich phase behavior.9,10 Block copolymer lithography3is an example that uses the heterogeneous morphology of block copolymer thin films to transfer periodic arrays of features onto a substrate on a nanometer length scale.Generally, solvent cast block copolymer films are annealed on the substrate to generate an equilibrium morphology and to reduce the occurrence of unwanted grain boundaries and other defects.A related but different route for patterning on the nanoscale utilizes amphiphilic block copolymer micellar solutions to produce ultrathin nanostructured films. These micellar systems,which have frequently been based on poly(styrene-block-2-vinylpyridine),have been utilized for various applications,including nanolithog-raphy based on gold-loaded micelles,11deposition of gold nanocluster arrays for ZnO nanowire growth12and protein binding,13deposition of ZnO nanoclusters arrays for optical devices,14and deposition of iron oxide nano-cluster arrays for carbon nanotube growth15and mag-netic applications.16Previous work in our research group used block copolymer micellar thin films based on poly(styrene-block-acrylic acid)to create arrays of PAA domains that could be cavitated to expose free carboxylic acid groups.17These systems have been used to generate planar arrays of various inorganic nano-clusters,17including iron oxides suitable for catalyzing carbon nanotube growth.18One advantage of the mi-cellar route to generate such planar nanoarrays arises from the fact that these systems are often trapped in a nonequilibrium state,facilitating the opportunity to vary structural parameters such as the characteristic shape,size,and spacing of the array features.In this paper,we focus on strategies to vary the size and spacing of spherical block copolymer micellar domains on planar surfaces as well as routes that allow for nanocluster synthesis within the spherical domains. Our specific approach capitalizes on the ability of the amphiphilic block copolymer,poly(styrene-block-acrylic acid)(PS/PAA),to form quasi-hexagonal planar arrays of PAA spheres in a matrix of PS.As shown previ-ously,17,18it is possible to exploit the metal-binding properties of the carboxylic acid groups in chemical synthesis schemes that are confined to nanometer-scale reaction zones.Application of these nanoreactor syn-thesis protocols ideally requires a measure of control over the size,spacing,and packing arrangement of these reaction zones on the planar substrate.The present work addresses some of these issues using a variety of strategies,including varying the block copolymer mo-lecular weight,adding homopolymer of PS into the micellar solution,and also by the combination of dif-ferent micellar solutions.We also report a novel route for creating metal nanocluster arrays containing more than one inorganic species,with each nanocluster containing either one or all of the inorganic species,depending on the conditions of the synthesis.In previous research in this area,Sohn†Department of Chemical Engineering.‡Department of Materials Science and Engineering and theBiological Engineering Division.*To whom correspondence should be addressed:e-mailrecohen@.10728Macromolecules2005,38,10728-1073510.1021/ma0518555CCC:$30.25©2005American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web11/15/2005and co-workers developed a route to create arrays containing two different species of nanoclusters by combining presynthesized nanoparticles with metal-loaded block copolymer micelles in solution.19In con-trast,our more general route focuses on the time-dependent interdiffusion of inorganic species following mixing of micelle solutions that have been previously loaded with different inorganic species.These arrays are characterized using energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX)analy-sis on a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM).Experimental SectionMaterials.Three PS-b -PAA copolymers were used in this work,with molecular weights and nomenclatures as follows:PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)[M n (PS))16400g/mol,M n (PAA))4500g/mol,PDI )1.05];PS/PAA (66.5/4.5)[M n (PS))66500g/mol,M n (PAA))4500g/mol,PDI )1.07];and PS/PAA (11.0/1.2)[M n (PS))11000g/mol,M n (PAA))1200g/mol,PDI )1.11].The copolymers were used as received from Polymer Source,Inc.The synthesis procedure and characterization of the copolymers are included in the Supporting Information.A homopolymer of polystyrene (PS)(M n )8500g/mol,PDI )1.06)was used as received from Polymer Source,Inc.The following chemicals were also used as received:anhy-drous iron(III)chloride (FeCl 3)obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Co.,lead(II)acetate trihydrate (PbAc 2)obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Co.,sodium hydroxide (98.9%)obtained from Mallinckrodt,and toluene (HPLC grade,99.8%)obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Co.The silicon nitride membrane window substrates were purchased from Structure Probe,Inc.Each substrate (surface area ∼4.5mm 2)consisted of a 100nm thick amorphous,low-stress Si 3N 4membrane supported on a 0.2mm thick silicon wafer that had been back-etched in the center to create the electron transparent Si 3N 4window (surface area ∼0.2mm 2).The use of the electron-transparent silicon nitride substrates allows for direct TEM characterization without disturbing the spin-cast films.Each substrate was rinsed with toluene prior to film casting.All aqueous solutions were made using deionized water (>18M Ωcm,Millipore Milli-Q).Sample Preparation.To produce the metal-loaded micel-lar arrays,we employed a variety of synthesis procedures that capitalize on the micellar organization of PS/PAA in toluene solution.A summary of the processing routes is shown in Figure 1and outlined below.In route i,three different molecular weights of PS/PAA (listed in the Materials section)were mixed with toluene at a concentration of 12.5-15mg/mL.For the case of PS/PAA (16.4/4.5),the solution initially appeared slightly cloudy.After heating this solution to ∼145°C for 20min,the solution became optically clear,and it remained clear after cooling to room temperature.Previous work 17has shown that this transition in solution optical properties is the result of a change from (equilibrium)cylindrical to (kinetically trapped)spherical block copolymer micelles.For the case of PS/PAA (11.0/1.2)and PS/PAA (66.5/4.5),the same heating and cooling procedure was followed,and optically clear final solutions were obtained.The as-prepared solutions for these two copolymers were much less cloudy than the initial PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)solution.The PAA micelle cores were selectively loaded with the chosen metal by adding the metal species to the micellar solution at a ratio of 5.4metal ion equivalents per carboxylic acid group (metal loading ratio).Thin films were then created by spin-casting the metal-loaded micellar solutions onto the planar substrates at between 6000and 8000rpm for 1min at room temperature.In route ii,PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)was mixed with toluene at a concentration of 12.5-15mg/mL.The chosen metal was then added at three different metal loading ratios (0.3,5.4,and 15).Thin films of each solution were then produced by spin-casting the solution onto the substrates.In route iii,PS homopolymer (M n )8500g/mol)was added to the micellar solutions (metal loading ratio 5.4)based on the PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)system.Homopolymer was added in quanti-ties leading to solutions in which the molar ratio of molecules of PS homopolymer to PS/PAA block copolymer [PS:PS/PAA]was equal to 4and 10,respectively.To reduce the viscosities of these solutions to acceptable levels for spin-casting,the solutions were diluted with toluene from 13mg of PS/PAA/mL of toluene to 5mg of PS/PAA/mL of toluene.Thin films were then produced by spin-casting these solutions ontosubstrates.Figure 1.Diagram of synthesis procedures for modification of block copolymer micellar thin films.Macromolecules,Vol.38,No.26,2005Copolymer Micelles and Inorganic Nanoclusters 10729In route iv,metal-loaded micellar solutions were combined with either an unloaded micellar solution (micelle solution that bypassed the metal loading step)or a micelle solution that had been loaded with a different metal species.In the first example,a micelle solution of PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)with a metal loading ratio of 5.4was mixed in a 1:1volume ratio with an unloaded micelle solution of the same PS/PAA copolymer.After the combined solutions had been mixed for 1min,a thin film was spin-cast onto a substrate.In the second example,a micelle solution of PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)with an FeCl 3loading ratio of 0.3was mixed in a 1:1volume ratio with a micelle solution of PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)with a PbAc 2loading ratio of 0.9.Thin films were then created by spin-casting this mixed micellar solution onto a substrate after mixing the solutions for a short time (2min)and an extended time (120h).In each of the routes above,there exists the possibility of bypassing the metal loading step (step ii in Figure 1)to create arrays of PAA domains within a PS matrix.From previous research it is known that treating these films in a basic solution containing a monovalent cation results in significant swelling of the PAA domains,17which eventually leads to localized cavitation that exposes the interior of the PAA domains to the surface.In each of the routes listed above,the polymer thin film was removed by oxygen plasma etching (rf plasma,8-12MHz)for 15min,leaving only the inorganic species remaining on the substrate.The inorganic nanocluster arrays were then char-acterized using TEM,atomic force microscopy (AFM),and STEM.Microscopy and Spectroscopy.TEM was performed on a JEOL 200CX operating at 200kV and a JEOL 2000FX operating at 200kV.STEM was performed on a VG HB603operating at 250kV.AFM was performed on a Digital Instruments Dimension 3000Nanoscope IIIA scanning probe microscope operating in tapping mode using a silicon canti-lever.Dynamic light scattering (DLS)was performed on a BI-9000AT digital autocorrelator (Brookhaven Instruments Corp.)using a 514nm laser,at θ)90°and a temperature of 25°C.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)was performed with a Kratos AXIS Ultra Imaging spectrometer.Results and DiscussionThe TEM images in Figure 2a -c show nanocluster arrays that have been created by spin-casting a micellar solution with different metal loading ratios onto a planar substrate followed by oxygen plasma etching to remove the polymer thin film.These images illustrate the effect of the metal loading ratio on the size andspacing of the metal nanocluster arrays.In each of these images,PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)was the block copolymer and FeCl 3was the selected metal salt.In Figure 2a,FeCl 3was added to the block copolymer micellar solution at a loading ratio of ∼0.3,leaving an excess of carboxylic acid groups relative to the amount of iron cation.In Figure 2a,the iron oxide nanoclusters have diameters of 8(0.7nm,center-to-center spacings of ∼40(4nm,and an areal density of 8×1010nanoclusters cm -2.In Figure 2b,the FeCl 3loading ratio is increased to ∼5.4;i.e.,there is a significant excess of iron compared to the available carboxylic acid groups.In this image,the iron oxide nanoclusters have diameters of 16.0(1.6nm,center-to-center spacings of ∼45(4nm,and an areal density of ∼6×1010nanoclusters cm -2.The diameter of the iron oxide nanoclusters approximately doubles as a result of the increased FeCl 3loading ratio.The center-to-center spacing increases only slightly due to the increased metal loading ratio,and the variation roughly corresponds to the increase in the diameter of the nanoclusters.In Figure 2c,the FeCl 3loading ratio is increased to ∼15,and the iron oxide nanoclusters have diameters of 16.2(1.1nm,center-to-center spacings of ∼45(4nm,and an areal density of roughly 6×1010nanoclusters cm -2.By comparing the nanocluster arrays formed from an FeCl 3loading ratio of 5.4versus an FeCl 3loading ratio of 15,it is clear that very little change occurs in the size or spacing of the metal nanocluster arrays,owing to the saturation of the loading capacity of the micelles.This result is supported by our observation of undissolved FeCl 3precipitate remaining in the solutions with a metal loading ratio of 15,while no FeCl 3precipitate remains in the solutions with a metal loading ratio of 0.3.A summary of the data for Figure 2a -c is shown in Table 1.By varying the metal loading ratio in solution,we have demonstrated the ability to exhibit a degree of control over the diameter of the metal nanoclusters that are formed at essentially constant spacing.From the TEM images in Figure 2,it is apparent that the nanoclusters have a higher contrast around the exterior and considerably less contrast within the center of the nanocluster.We feel confident that this effect is caused by phase contrast in TEM imaging and isnotFigure 2.TEM images of iron oxide nanocluster arrays synthesized from micellar thin films using PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)with an FeCl 3loading ratio of (a)0.3,(b)5.4,and (c)15.Scale bar )100nm.Table 1.Effects of Varying Metal Loading Ratio on Diameter,Center-to-Center Spacing,and Areal Density of Iron OxideNanocluster Arrays.PS (g/mol)PAA (g/mol)metal loadingratiodiameter (nm)C-to-C spacing (measured)a (nm)(FFT)b (nm)areal density (parts/cm 2)1640045000.38(0.739.6(×1010164004500 5.416.0(1.644.9(4.039.5 6.0×101016400450015162.(1.144.8(×1010aFrom TEM images.b Determined from fast Fourier transform (FFT)of TEM image.10730Bennett et al.Macromolecules,Vol.38,No.26,2005representative of the actual structure of our nano-clusters.Because these nanoclusters offer very little amplitude contrast,we are forced to take steps to increase the contrast in order to produce useful images.We accomplish this by underfocusing our sample in order to image the nanoclusters using phase contrast.When the nanoclusters are overfocused,the center of the nanoclusters appears dark and the exterior appears bright,which is a common indicator of phase contrast effects.When the nanoclusters are in focus,this effect is eliminated,but the images are extremely difficult to view due to the lack of contrast.This explanation is also confirmed by the annular dark field (ADF)image of the nanoclusters,which is shown subsequently in Figure 6b.If the nanoclusters were hollow,we would observe a bright ring with a dark center for each nanocluster in the ADF image;however,it is clear from Figure 6b that each nanocluster appears as a uniform bright circle.We also imaged these nanoclusters using AFM (image not shown),which confirmed that the nanoclusters were approximately spherical in shape and did not contain a cavity as the TEM images in Figure 2might suggest.We also characterized the substrates using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)to determine the chemical composition of the nanoclusters.We found that the nanoclusters exhibited an Fe(2p 3/2)peak at ∼711.7eV and an O(1s)peak at ∼paring these values to literature values for various iron oxides,we are able to conclude that the nanoclusters are either Fe 2O 3[Fe(2p 3/2)∼710.9-711.6eV and O(1s)∼529.6-530.3eV]or FeOOH [Fe(2p 3/2)∼711.0-711.8eV and O(1s)∼530.1-530.5eV for the oxide oxygen,O(1s)∼531.4-531.8eV for the hydroxide oxygen],20or a com-bination of the two species.Because our nanoclusters are on silicon oxide,the O(1s)peak caused by the Si -O bond makes it extremely difficult to examine more closely the O(1s)peak associated with the nanoclusters to determine whether there are two different oxygen peaks.The TEM images in Figure 3a -c demonstrate the effect of the molecular weight of PS/PAA on the size and spacing of the PAA domains and consequently on the size and spacing of the resulting nanoclusters.In Figure 3a,micelles formed from PS/PAA (11.0/1.2)with an FeCl 3loading ratio of 5.4led to iron oxide nanoclusters with diameters of 4.7(0.6nm,center-to-center spac-ings of 13(1.7nm,and density of ∼3×1011nano-clusters cm -2.Figure 3b shows iron oxide nanoclusters with diameters of 16(1.6nm,center-to-center spacings of ∼45(4nm,and density of ∼6×1010nanoclusters cm -2that resulted from similar processing conditions for the case of the PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)copolymer.At constant loading ratio,decreasing the molecular weight of the PAA block leads to smaller nanoclusters,while decreasing the length of the PS block leads to smaller center-to-center spacing.Micelles of PS/PAA (66.5/4.5),again using a loading ratio of 5.4,were used to create iron oxide nanoclusters with diameters of 11.2(1.1nm,center-to-center spacings of 57.6(8.2nm,and a two-dimensional density of ∼4×1010nanoclusters cm -2.Increasing the PS segment of the block copolymer 4-fold enlarged the center-to-center spacing of the PAA do-mains by ∼30%(Figure 3b,c),and even though the PAA block length remained constant (M )4500g/mol),the cluster size also decreased (from 16to 11nm).These trends result from a decrease in aggregation number of the micelles caused by the increase in the molecular weight of the PS segment,a result that has been previously shown by Khougaz et al.21The three TEM images in Figure 3demonstrate a method for controlling the size and spacing of the PAA micellar domains,which leads to control over the size and spacing of metal nanocluster arrays,as summarized in Table 2.The variation of center-to-center spacing between the metal nanoclusters caused by the alteration of the block copolymer molecular weight also correlated with changes in the size of the micelles in solution,as verified by DLS.An average hydrodynamic radius was determined for each micellar solution,and the results are shown in Table 2.The average hydrodynamic radii were 27,44,and 96nm for the PS/PAA (11/1.2),PS/PAA (16.4/4.5),and the PS/PAA (66.5/4.5)systems,respectively.A scaling relationship for the total micellar radius,specific to the regime where micelles have corona segments much longer than core segments,was previously devel-oped by Halperin.22This scaling relationship shows that the total micellar radius (R )scales as (N PAA )4/25(N PS )3/5,where N PAA denotes the number of repeat units of the PAA segment and N PS denotes the number of repeat units of the PS segment.Our hydrodynamic radiusdataFigure 3.TEM images of iron oxide nanocluster arrays synthesized from micellar thin films with an FeCl 3loading ratio of 5.4and PS/PAA with a molecular weight of (a)11/1.2,(b)16.4/4.5,and (c)66.5/4.5.Scale bar )100nm.Table 2.Effect of Varying the Molecular Weight of PS/PAA on Diameter,Center-to-Center Spacing,and Areal Density ofIron Oxide Nanocluster Arrays PS (g/mol)PAA (g/mol)hydrodynaic radius (R h ,nm)diameter (nm)C-to-C spacing (measured)a (nm)(FFT)b (nm)areal density (parts/cm 2)11000120027 4.7(0.613(1.712 3.0×10111640045004416.0(1.644.9(4.039.5 6.0×10106650045009611.2(1.157.6(8.2564.3×1010aFrom TEM images.b Determined from fast Fourier transfrom (FFT)of TEM image.Macromolecules,Vol.38,No.26,2005Copolymer Micelles and Inorganic Nanoclusters 10731from DLS agree very closely with this scaling law.However,this theory also predicts that the aggregation number and the core radius of the micelles should be independent of the PS segment length in this regime,whereas we observed a decrease in the size of the core radius with increasing the PS segment length at con-stant PAA segment length.Although the areal density of the PAA domains can be tailored by variation of the molecular weight (as shown in Figure 3),there is an unavoidable coupling of areal density with the size of the nanoclusters.There-fore,a more general approach allowing independent control of these two parameters was sought.By adding PS homopolymer (M n (PS))8500g/mol)to our micellar solution,as illustrated in route iii of Figure 1,we were able to vary the areal density over an order of magni-tude,as demonstrated in the TEM images in Figure 4.In all three TEM images in Figure 4,the PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)copolymer was used and the FeCl 3loading ratio was constant at 5.4.In Figure 4a,no PS homopolymer was added to the solution,and a density of 6×1010particles cm -2was achieved.In Figure 4b,PS homopolymer was added to the micellar solution at a ratio of 4molecules of PS homopolymer per molecule of PS/PAA block copolymer ([PS:PS/PAA])4).This addition of PS homopolymer decreased the density by 83%to 1.1×1010particles cm -2.By further increasing the PS homopoly-mer to block copolymer ratio ([PS:PS/PAA])10),as shown in Figure 4c,the density decreased to 6.5×109particles cm -2.These results,which are summarized in Table 3,indicate that the addition of PS homopolymer was a successful methodology for varying the 2-D density over nearly an order of magnitude.At the same time,there is a clear loss of packing regularity in the resulting nanocluster arrays.As mentioned in the Experimental Section,the ad-dition of PS homopolymer into the micellar solution increased the viscosity of the resulting solutions sig-nificantly,and toluene dilutions were employed to facilitate processing.As a control experiment to deter-mine whether the dilution itself somehow affected the resulting micellar array spacing,a 5mg/mL toluene solution of PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)without PS homopolymer was spin-cast onto a substrate to create a micellar thin film to compare with the 13mg/mL results shown in Figure 4a.The resulting TEM images (not shown)revealed nanocluster arrays that had diameters and center-to-center spacings that were identical to the arrays in Figure 4a.Another useful strategy is to combine different mi-cellar solutions,as shown in route iv from Figure 1.This novel procedure can allow for controlling the spatial density of loaded nanoreactors on the substrate or for the synthesis of multiple species metal nanocluster arrays,as described below.Variations in the areal density of metal-loaded mi-celles on a substrate were achieved by combining a PbAc 2-loaded micelle solution (loading ratio ∼5.4)with an unloaded micelle solution in a 1:1volume ratio for 1min and then spin-casting the solution onto a substrate.The resulting TEM image is shown in Figure 5.It is apparent from the TEM image that the areal density of the metal nanoclusters has decreased due to the inclusion of unloaded PAA domains within the micellar thin film.By analyzing the image,we estimated the ratio of metal-loaded micelles to unloaded micelles in the thin film to be roughly 1:1,which is equal to the ratio in our initial mixture.It is interesting to note that when the PbAc 2-loaded micellar solution was combined with the unloaded micellar solution for anextendedFigure 4.TEM images of iron oxide nanocluster arrays synthesized from micellar thin films using PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)with an FeCl 3loading ratio of 5.4and a [PS:PS-b -PAA]equal to (a)0(no PS homopolymer),(b)4,and (c)10.Scale bar )250nm.Table 3.Effects of Varying the Ratio of PS Homopolymer Molecules per PS/PAA Molecule ([PS:PS/PAA])on the Areal Density of Iron Oxide Nanocluster Arrays Synthesized from Micellar Thin Films Using PS/PAA(16.4/4.5)with an FeCl 3Loading Ratio of 5.4PS (g/mol)PAA (g/mol)conc of PS/PAA (mg/mL of toluene)ratio [PS:PS/PAA]areal density (parts/cm 2)16400450013a 6.0×101016400450054 1.1×10101640045005106.5×109aNo PShomopolymer.Figure 5.TEM image of Pb-containing nanocluster array formed from combining a PbAc 2-loaded micelle solution with an unloaded micelle solution in a 1:1volume ratio for 1min and then spin-casting onto a substrate.Scale bar )100nm.10732Bennett et al.Macromolecules,Vol.38,No.26,2005period of time (1-2days),the thin films lacked unloaded micelles and contained only Pb-loaded micelles (images not shown).This demonstrates that there is significant diffusion and exchange of the metal species within the micellar solution and that the holding time following the combination of these micellar solutions is an im-portant factor.The procedure for combining different micellar solu-tions can also be used to create nanoclusters arrays consisting of more than one inorganic species.To characterize the nanocluster arrays with multiple metal species,we used STEM equipped with EDX analysis,which identifies elements through the detection of the characteristic energies of X-rays that are emitted from a specific atomic species when bombarded by the electron beam.The results from a typical analysis of a nanocluster array are shown in Figure ing these techniques,we are able to capture an annular dark field image of the nanoclusters (shown in Figure 6b)and then create corresponding elemental maps for specific ele-ments,shown for the case of Fe in Figure paring parts b and c of Figure 6,it is clear for this sample that each nanocluster contains Fe molecules.We also acquire EDX spectra for single nanoclusters by focusing the beam on each nanocluster individually,as shown in Figure 6d.This allows us to determine the composition of individual nanoclusters in a more quantitative man-ner.It should be noted that the large Si and N peaks seen in Figure 6d are expected and due to our use of Si 3N 4as the substrate;an O peak is not observed because it is located within the large N peak.For eachof the nanocluster arrays discussed below,an analysis similar to the example shown in Figure 6was per-formed.As mentioned above in the context of combining PbAc 2-loaded micellar solutions and unloaded micellar solutions,the contact time before spin-casting is a critical factor.To study this effect in more detail,we created a mixed micellar solution from an FeCl 3-loaded micellar solution (loading ratio ∼0.3)and a PbAc 2-loaded micellar solution (loading ratio ∼0.9)in a 1:1volume ratio.Two nanocluster arrays were then created from this combined solution;one was spin-cast 2min after the solutions were combined and the other 120h after combination.The annular dark field image ob-tained from the 2min sample is shown in Figure 7.By analyzing the elemental maps and the EDX spectra for each nanocluster (shown in Figure 7),it is evident that the nanoclusters with the higher contrast are Pb-containing nanoclusters and that the nanoclusters with lower contrast are Fe-containing nanoclusters.By ex-amining the EDX spectra,it is also clear that each of the nanoclusters contain only one metal species;there has been no noticeable interdiffusion of metal species between micelles.In this image,45%of the nanoclusters are iron-containing,corresponding closely to the ex-pected value of 50%for a 1:1volume ratio.The resulting annular dark field image from the nanocluster array that was spin-cast 120h after the solutions were combined is shown in Figure 8.The elemental maps as well as the EDX spectra (shown in Figure 8)reveal some nanoclusters whose compositions are nearly all one species (Fe or Pb),in addition to nanoclusters that contain both iron and lead.Figure 9compares the nanocluster populations obtained from the 2min and 120h samples.Increasing the contact times for the combined micelle solutions facilitates consider-able interdiffusion of Fe 3+and Pb 2+ions,resulting in nanoclusters containing multiple metalspecies.Figure 6.Characterization of a nanocluster array formed from PS/PAA (16.4/4.5)copolymer with an FeCl 3loading ratio of 5.4:(a)bright field TEM image (scale bar ∼100nm);(b)annular dark field image obtained using STEM;(c)elemental Fe map obtained using EDX analysis with STEM;(d)EDX spectra from nanocluster obtained usingSTEM.Figure 7.Annular dark field image of multispecies nano-cluster array formed by combining an FeCl 3-loaded micellar solution (loading ratio ∼0.3)with a PbAc 2-loaded micellar solution (loading ratio ∼0.9)for 2min,along with spectra from EDX analysis.The spectrum on the left was acquired while focusing the electron beam on the nanoclusters labeled 1and 3in the dark field image.The spectrum on the right was acquired while focusing the electron beam on the nanoclusters labeled 2and 4in the dark field image.Scale bar )100nm.Macromolecules,Vol.38,No.26,2005Copolymer Micelles and Inorganic Nanoclusters 10733。
双语阅读Three or more servings of so-called "ultra-processed food" per day doubled the odds that strands of DNA and proteins called telomeres, found on the end of chromosomes, would be shorter compared to people who rarely consumed such foods, scientists reported at the European and International Conference on Obesity.科学家在欧洲和国际会议发布关于肥胖症的报道中说,每天食用三种及三种以上所谓的超加工食品增加了双倍的几率,即与那些很少食用超加工食物的人相比,经常食用超加工食物的人的(在染色体终端位置)的DNA链和称之为端粒的蛋白质将会变更短。
Short telomeres are a marker of biological ageing atthe cellular level, and the study suggests that diet is a factor in driving the cells to age faster. While the correlation is strong, however, the causal relationship between eating highly processed foods and diminished telomeres remains speculative, the authors cautioned.短端粒是生物细胞层面衰老的标志,研究表明,饮食是促使细胞加速衰老的一个因素。
Restoration of kefir grains subjected to different treatments
ORIGINALRESEARCH Restoration of kefir grains subjected to different treatmentsPIOTR KOŁAKOWSKI*and MAGDALENA OZIMKIEWICZDanisco Biolacta sp.z o.o.,Innovation Department,Tuwima1A Str.,10-747Olsztyn,Poland*Authorfor correspondence.E-mail:piotr.kolakowski@ Ó2011Society ofDairy Technology The aim of the study was tofind a way to recover the quality of kefir grains that had been subjected to the following treatments:homogenisation,rinsing the grains with water,freeze-drying and milling,freez-ing in liquid nitrogen and then frozen storage,and cool storage.The grains were studied in respect of their later replication in milk,their size and their microbiota composition.The daily transfer of treated kefir grains,except freeze-dried ones,into fresh milk was effective in respect of the recovery of their growth dynamics,size and microbiota balance.The growth dynamics of grains in milk seems to be a very good indicator of their vital and technological functions.Keywords Kefir grains,Recovery,Storage,Lactic acid bacteria,Yeasts.I N T R O D U C T I O NKefir grains constitute the natural dairy culture forkefir manufacture.The grains are elastic,irregularin shape,occur in clusters resembling cauliflowerflorets,range in size from0.3to2.0cm or more indiameter and are white or slightly yellow in colour.They consist of complex communities of some30species of lactic acid bacteria(LAB)and yeasts.Depending on their origin,acetic acid bacteria maybe present.The microbiota of kefir grains isembedded in a gelatinous spongy matrix composedof bacteria,yeasts,polysaccharides and other prod-ucts of bacterial metabolism,together with a milk-protein curd(Farnworth1999,2005;Wszoleket al.2006).Grains are kept viable by daily trans-fer into fresh milk(Halle et al.1994).In dairy plants,kefir grains are multiplied inskimmed pasteurised milk or pasteurised milkreconstituted from skimmed milk powder at roomtemperature.The growth is a continuous processof a daily transfer of kefir grains into freshly pre-pared ually,dairy plants utilise the samekefir grains for many years.The grains arereplaced in extraordinary cases because of prob-lems concerning their growth or milk fermentationability,contamination with foreign microbiota,unbalanced microbiota and for taste issues withkefir(Koroleva1982).This happens seldombecause it is usually possible to overcome theseproblems in a longer time perspective by subject-ing kefir grains to special treatment(Hattowska1984).Inoculation of milk with kefir grains resultsin biomass increases of5–7%per day and in milkacidification(Libudzisz and Pi a˛tkiewicz1990).The composition of microbiota of fermented milkand kefir grains is similar.However,kefir grainscan be recreated and grown only from the pre-existing grains(Steinkraus1996).Attempts toreproduce kefir grains from their constituent mic-robiota or from microbiota released into milk dur-ing cultivation failed.Old and dried grains alsoshowed very little or no ability to replicate them-selves(La Riviere et al.1967).The mechanism ofgrain formation and the conditions of treatmentwhen they lose the ability to replicate themselvesare little known.In unfavourable conditions,kefirgrain growth is disturbed,their appearance deteri-orates and they lose their resilience.They shrink,and their microbiological balance is disrupted,whereas in favourable conditions,after multiplepassages into milk,they retrieve their typicalappearance,physiological functions and techno-logical properties.In some cases,however,irre-versible changes take place,which cause constantdegeneration of grains andfinally result in theirdisintegration.In industrial terminology,this phe-nomenon is described as a sickness.To obtainand maintain high-quality kefir,it is of utmostimportance to ensure long-term activity of thekefir grains,simultaneously retaining their micro-biological balance and technological properties.Studies of cultivation conditions of different kefirgrains and their influence on grain growth dynam-ics and⁄or microbiota composition have beenreported(Rea et al.1996;Garrote et al.2001;doi:10.1111/j.1471-0307.2011.00746.xSchoevers and Britz2003;Ninane et al.2005;Witthuhn et al. 2005).The microbiota composition and dynamics of mass increase in kefir grains may depend on their origin as well as media composition and cultivation conditions.For example, kefir grains replicated in soy milk have been reported to be smaller in size than those replicated in cows’milk(Liu et al. 2002).There are limited data describing growth ability and microbi-ota balance of kefir grains subjected to different treatments (Garrote et al.1997).It is important to know the pretreatment conditions of kefir grains which limit or prevent their ability to grow in milk.The aim of the study was to evaluate the recovery ability of kefir grains subjected to different treatments followed by their daily transfer into milk.Kefir grains were subjected to the following treatments:homogenisation,rinsing with water, deep-freezing in liquid nitrogen and then1,5and10years fro-zen storage at)50°C,storage at4°C as well as freeze-drying and milling.The growth dynamics of kefir grains in milk,size and their microbiota composition were studied.Additionally, the microbiota composition of the fermented milk,after kefir grains were removed,was evaluated.M A T E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D SKefir grainsFresh active kefir grains manufactured by Danisco Biolacta, Poland,were added to reconstituted pasteurised(95°C for 30min)skim milk(100g⁄L)and incubated at18°C.After 24h,the grains were sieved out and placed again in1000mL of freshly prepared pasteurised milk.This treatment was repeated forfive subsequent days until kefir grains doubled their weight(200g⁄L).The studies were carried out on sieved-out kefir grains that are dried on tissue paper and obtained after five subsequent days of their incubation in milk.Kefir grains treatmentRinsingThe grains were rinsed with ultra-pure water at18°C in1:5 ratio(w⁄v)and separated byfiltration through a plastic sieve. The procedure was repeated four times and,last of all,the grains were dried on tissue paper.Storage at cool temperatureThe grains were gently mixed with sterilised0.9%(w⁄v) sodium chloride solution in1:2ratio and stored at4°C for 14days.Before use,the grains were separated from solution with a plastic sieve.FreezingThe grains were gently mixed with50%sterilised glucose solu-tion and10%sterilised reconstituted skim milk in2:1:2ratio (w⁄w⁄w),frozen in liquid nitrogen in200g portions and stored at)50°C for1,5and10years.The grains were defrosted in a water bath at ambient temperature and separated before use from solution with a plastic sieve.Freeze-drying and millingThe grains were gently mixed with50%sterilised glucose solu-tion and15%sterilised reconstituted skim milk in2:1:2ratio (w⁄w⁄w),poured onto trays and freeze-dried.The parameters of freeze-drying were as follows:prefreezing to)45°C,pri-mary drying(sublimation)at vacuum0.4mbar,secondary dry-ing(desorption)atfinal vacuum0.001mbar and maximum temperature of product25°C(Telstar freeze-dryer,Spain). Before use,freeze-dried grains were milled and stored at4°C. HomogenisationThe grains were mixed with10%sterilised reconstituted skim milk in1:1ratio(w⁄w)and were homogenised in a Stomacher (BagMixer,Interscience,France)for20min at maximum speed.Before use,the grains were separated from solution with a plastic sieve.Characteristics of kefir grains subjected to treatment Determination of replication ability in milkOne hundred grams of wet grains or equivalent amount of freeze-dried grains subjected to treatment as well as nontreated fresh kefir grains was used for inoculation of1000mL of pas-teurised milk.After each24h of incubation,the kefir grains were separated byfiltration with a plastic sieve with double layer of gauze and were dried on tissue paper.Then the grains were weighed and added to freshly pasteurised milk.This pro-cess was repeated until kefir grains doubled their mass.Then the grains were divided in two samples.The100g sample of the kefir grains was incubated again in freshly prepared milk to duplicate the yield of grains.The second sample was used for further analysis.The multiplication of kefir grains was contin-ued to obtain a double mass afterfive subsequent transfers into milk.The number of culturing days,number of mass duplication cycles essential for the restoration of growth dynamics as well as the increase in grains mass expressed in g⁄L were recorded. Microbiota compositionThe microbiota of kefir grains and the postharvest broth was determined.For enumeration of viable micro-organisms,10g of kefir grains were homogenised in90mL of sterile saline solution(9g⁄L)for15min at maximum speed in a Stomacher (BigMixer,Interscience,France).The postharvest broth was used without any pretreatment.The concentrations of the viable LAB and yeasts in the suspensions were determined in the mass by serial plating dilutions on the proper media.Nickels-Leesment medium(N-L)in own modification for the total count of LAB(aerobic incubation,at temperature25°C for 72h)(Nickels and Leesment1964)and Nickels-Leesment medium with200l g⁄mLfilter-sterilised vancomycin(Sigma)for Leuconostoc and mesophilic Lactobacillus(aerobic incuba-tion,at25°C for5days)were used(Kolakowski et al.2004). Yeast counts were determined on yeast extract chloramphenicol agar(aerobic incubation,at25°C for120h)as described by Rea et al.(1996).The results were expressed as colony-form-ing units(cfu)per1g of kefir grains or per1mL of postharvest broth.R E S U L T S A N D D I S C U S S I O NMultiplication of pretreatment kefir grains in milkThe active untreated kefir grains double their weight on a regu-lar basis afterfive subsequent transfers into milk.The weight of kefir grains increased withfive successive transfers(linear func-tion of the transfers–Figure1).The mass of kefir grains was higher infive subsequent transfers into milk by21.9,16.5, 15.2,13.8and12.9%,respectively(Figure1).The data clearly indicated that growth dynamics was correlated with the ratio of kefir grains amount to milk sample volume.Changes in size and appearance of kefir grains did not vary significantly during subsequent transfers into milk.Only the process of rinsing with water,among the applied treatments,accelerated the growth dynamics of the kefir grains. Four transfers were enough to obtain a double increase in kefir grains mass in comparison with the5days needed for the grains not subjected to rinsing(Figure1).This can be explained by the fact that rinsing water removes the surface microbiota and its metabolites,which can facilitate the access of grains microbiota for limited milk nutrients.The frozen grains,after defrosting in a water bath at ambient temperature,retained their size and appearance,and they were only a little bit less elastic.However,the growth of defrosted grains was retarded.The longer the storage time,the more incu-bation days to double the mass and longer period for growth recovery dynamics were needed.The grains frozen in liquid nitrogen and then stored at)50°C for1,5and10years dupli-cated their weight after7,9and12successive transfers into milk,respectively(Figure1).The number of days needed to duplicate kefir grains’mass in milk systematically diminished with the time of incubation.The growth dynamics,resulting in the duplication of mass after5days,was reached after18,33 and45days of incubation for the grains stored at)50°C for1, 5and10years,respectively(Figure2).These observations confirmed the recovery mechanism of kefir grains’structure subjected to freezing in liquid nitrogen even after10years of storage at)50°C.Unexpectedly,storage of kefir grains at4°C for14days in 0.9%sodium salt solution showed very strong negative impact on the recovery time of growth dynamics.Those treatment con-ditions were unfavourable for the grains in spite of invisible changes in their appearance.Afirst double increase in the mass was observed after12successive transfers of kefir grains into milk(Figure1).However,full growth recovery resulting in mass duplication infive transfers was observed onlyafter Figure1Number of incubation days in milk essential to duplicate the mass of kefir grains subjected to different treatments.49days of incubation.In this case,recovery time was 4days longer than for 10-year stored frozen grains (Figure 2).Our results are in agreement with those previously published by Garrote et al.(1997)and Pintado et al.(1996)teams.Garrote et al.(1997)found that kefir grains kept frozen at )20and )80°C for 120days increased their weight with subsequent transfers into milk,however with lower dynamics compared with fresh grains in first transfers.Grains stored at 4°C showed negligible growth in eight subsequent passages.Pintado et al.(1996)showed that kefir grains,stored at room temperature or at 4°C for 3months,had microbiologically different profiles in comparison with fresh ones.Homogenised grains duplicated their weight after eight sub-sequent transfers into milk.The growth recovery resulting in mass duplication in five transfers was noted after 19subsequent days of incubation (Figure 2).The presented data showed that kefir grains’structure was mechanically stable,and even the treatment in a Stomacher for 20min at maximum speed did not give a fully homogenised suspension.The homogenisation pro-cess reduced the size of grains from 0.5–2.5cm to 0.1–0.3cm in diameter,respectively.The phenomenon of rebuilding the size of grains was noted,and it was relatively fast.Just after three subsequent transfers,kefir grains went back to the size of 0.6–1.2cm (Figures 3and 4).They totally recovered their size just after two subsequent duplications of mass (14days of incu-bation),and after further transfers into milk,their behaviour did not differ from that of untreated kefir grains in respect of the size,appearance and growth dynamics.Cultivation of grains in the fermentation tank during kefir production process requires stirring.Shear forces created by thestirrer can mechanically damage kefir grain structure and can influence their growth dynamics.This factor should be taken into consideration when constructing the stirring system in tanks intended for cultivation of kefir grains.The results obtained during freezing,cool storage and homogenisation showed that some kefir grains broke up and redissolved in milk.After the first day of incubation,the weight of 10-year grains stored at )50°C,the grains stored at 4°C for 14days and the homogenised grains decreased from 100toFigure 2Number of incubation days in milk essential to recover the growth dynamics of kefir grains subjected to different treatments.1,No treatment;2,Rinsing with water;3,Homogenisation;4,Storage at 4°C for 14days’;5,Freezing in liquid nitrogen and storage at )50°C for 1year;6,Freezing in liquid nitrogen and storage at )50°C for 5years;7,Freezing in liquid nitrogen and storage at )50°C for 10years.Figure 3Kefir grains beforehomogenisation.Figure 4Kefir grains after three successive transfers into milk.83.2,75.6and69.7g,respectively(Figure1).The weight of grains stored for5year and1year increased merely from100 to106.4and111.2g,respectively,while untreated kefir grains increased their weight from100to121.9g.Homogenisation confirmed the dissolving phenomenon of some grains,not only old ones but also those that are mechanically damaged.Kefir grains subjected to freeze-drying and then milling did not form grains in milk anymore.Prolongation of incubation time in milk from24to48h as well asfive subsequent trans-fers into freshly prepared pasteurised milk was not successful as regards the restoration of these grains.Incubation of the freeze-dried milled grains in milk was found to diminish the pH value,and it resulted in milk clotting.This confirms that the microbiota present in freeze-dried and milled kefir grains is active but presumably is not symbiotic anymore,or it is not mutually stimulating enough to produce some components for the construction of the grains matrix.The freeze-dried and milled grains lost their fundamental vital functions that are characteristic for untreated grains.Microbiota of kefir grainsAmong dairy cultures,the kefir grains’microbiota composition is the most complex one.If the culture is complex,higher prob-ability of microbiota composition changes during culture manu-facture and the fermentation process in dairy plant can occur and have influence on the quality of thefinal product.In gen-eral,lactic acid bacteria are more numerous(108–109),while yeasts(105–106)are less dominating in kefir grains(Koroleva 1991).Vancomycin-tolerant LAB are characteristic for kefir grains,and their ratio to total count of LAB is quite constant (Kolakowski et al.2004).The count of total lactic acid bacte-ria,vancomycin tolerant(Leuconostoc and mesophilic Lactoba-cillus)and yeasts in fresh active grains were 1.9·108, 2.2·107and2.3·107cfu⁄g,respectively(Table1).In1mL of postharvest broth,after removing the kefir grains,the num-bers for total lactic acid bacteria and vancomycin tolerant ones were twice as high and approximatelyfive-fold lower for yeasts (Table2).More than90%of colonies on N-L medium with vancomycin formed clear zone characteristics for Leuconostoc and mesophilic heterofermentative Lactobacillus.For the grains and the postharvest broth,the proportion of vancomycin toler-ant to total count of LAB was at the same level.In both cases, approximately10%of total lactic acid bacteria count consti-tuted the vancomycin tolerant ones(Tables1and2).Kefir grains subjected to rinsing with water,freezing in liquid nitro-gen and storage at)50°C for1,5and10years,storage for 14days at4°C as well as homogenisation that have reverted to typical size and growth dynamics were characterised by approximate numbers and proportions between the determined groups of micro-organisms as opposed to untreated kefir grains. The counts of total LAB varied in a very narrow range between2.2·108cfu⁄g for grains subjected to homogenisation to 1.4·108cfu⁄g for grains subjected to freezing in liquid nitro-gen and stored at)50°C for a year vs1.9·108cfu⁄g for fresh active grains.The ratio of total LAB count,vancomycin tolerant and yeasts was10:1:1for all treated and untreated kefir grains samples,respectively(Table1).These data have Table1Microbiota of kefir grains,subjected to different treatments, after recovery of growth dynamics in milkType of kefirgrains treatmentMicrobiota(cfu⁄g)Total countof lacticacidbacteriaVancomycintolerant(Leuconostoc,mesophilicLactobacillus)YeastsNo treatment 1.9·108 2.2·107 2.3·107 Rinsing with water 1.6·108 2.0·107 1.8·107 Homogenisation 2.2·108 3.1·107 2.1·107 Storage at4°C for14days1.7·1082.0·107 1.2·107 Freezing in liquidnitrogen and storageat–50°C for1year1.4·108 1.9·107 1.4·107Freezing in liquidnitrogen and storageat–50°C for5years1.8·108 1.2·107 3.0·107Freezing in liquidnitrogen and storageat–50°C for10years1.7·108 1.4·107 1.6·107 Data represent mean value of two independent trials.Table2Microbiota of postharvest broth obtained after recovery of growth dynamics of kefir grains subjected to different treatmentsType of kefir grainstreatmentMicrobiota(cfu⁄g)Total countof lactic acidbacteriaVancomycintolerant(Leuconostoc,mesophilicLactobacillus)YeastsNo treatment 4.1·108 4.2·107 5.8·106 Rinsing with water 2.9·108 3.4·107 6.1·106 Homogenisation 3.6·108 3.2·107 5.7·106 Storage at4°C for14days3.1·108 2.8·107 6.4·106Freezing in liquidnitrogen and storageat)50°C for1year4.4·108 4.0·107 6.0·106Freezing in liquidnitrogen and storageat)50°C for5years4.9·108 3.2·107 4.5·106Freezing in liquidnitrogen and storageat)50°C for10years3.8·1084.0·107 6.0·106 Data represent mean value of two independent trials.provided clear evidence that microbiota balance of kefir grains as well as postharvest broth is probably correlated with grains growth recovery dynamics.Growth dynamics of kefir grains seems to be a very good indicator of their vital functions.C O N C L U S I O N SDaily transferring of treated kefir grains,except freeze-dried ones,into fresh milk was a very effective way to recover their growth dynamics,size and microbiota balance.The recovery time depended on the type of treatment and varied widely. 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2011年3月第37卷第3期北京航空航天大学学报Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsMarch 2011Vol.37 No.3 收稿日期:2010⁃01⁃20 基金项目:国家863高技术研究发展计划基金资助项目(2009AA12Z313) 作者简介:刘 杨(1983-),女,内蒙古集宁人,博士生,mickeybaby2003@.考虑互相关干扰的郧孕杂信号捕获门限设定方法刘 杨 秦红磊 金 天(北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院,北京100191) 摘 要:传统GPS 卫星信号捕获门限设定方法在互相关干扰情况下存在较大虚警概率,所以无法捕获弱信号.针对该问题进行分析,在此基础上提出一种针对多颗能量不同卫星同时存在情况下的信号检测模型和概率模型.信号检测模型在相关积分非相干累加基础上引入双门限多次检测,由于在考虑噪声的同时也考虑了互相关干扰对弱信号捕获的影响,其概率模型为非中心χ2分布.在原有的恒虚警门限检测方法基础上,提出考虑强信号互相关干扰对微弱信号检测影响情况下的门限计算方法作为新的门限上限,而将原有的门限计算方法作为门限的下限.在此基础上提出强、弱卫星信号共存时的检测思路,即先用门限上限检测强信号并进行互相关干扰消除处理,再用门限下限判断是否有弱信号存在.采用仿真数据和实际数据针对考虑互相关干扰的门限上限进行实验,并和原有门限方法进行比较,证明在强、弱信号共存情况下原有门限无法检测出卫星信号,而新的门限设定方法可以正常工作,并具有较高的检测概率和较低的虚警概率.关 键 词:微弱信号捕获;远近效应;恒虚警准则;门限设定中图分类号:TN 967.1文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001⁃5965(2011)03⁃0268⁃06Threshold setting method for GPS signal acquisitionunder cross⁃correlation effectLiu Yang Qin Honglei Jin Tian(School of Electronics and Information Engineering,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100191,China)Abstract :Traditional global positioning system(GPS)signal acquisition threshold method suffers fromlarge false alarm ratio in the condition of cross correlation interference,and thus influences weak signal acqui⁃sition.This problem was analyzed and signal acquisition detector was improved under the situation of more than one satellites existing with different signal power.Double threshold multiple detection algorithm was intro⁃duced based on the coherent correlation and non⁃coherent accumulation.The statistical model is non⁃central chi⁃square distributed due to cross correlation influence.A threshold calculation method was put up in the weak signal detection based on the original fixed false alarm criterion,and this threshold was considered to be the upper threshold.The original threshold was considered to be the lower threshold.An algorithm was put up considering both strong and weak signal coexistence,strong signals were acquired first and then cross correla⁃tion interference was eliminated,weak signals were acquired after that.Simulated and real data have been used to test the upper threshold,results were compared with the original method.It is proved that originalmethod can’t detect satellite signals while new threshold works efficiently with high detection possibility and low false alarm ratio.Key words :weak signal acquisition;near⁃far problem;constant false alarm rate;threshold setting 近年以来,卫星导航定位系统得到越来越广泛的应用.目前在一般环境下卫星导航接收机能够达到满足需求的定位精度.然而,当接收机载体处于丛林、峡谷、都市、室内、浅水以及隧道等环境中时,卫星信号会受到不同程度的衰减,从而使通常的接收机无法完成信号的接收.为了打破这种应用上的瓶颈,要求卫星导航接收机具有强的微弱信号处理能力.高灵敏卫星导航接收机的研制始于本世纪初,其核心思想是通过信号处理实现对微弱卫星导航信号的捕获跟踪,从而实现复杂环境下的导航定位功能,增强接收机的可用性.微弱卫星导航信号的检测是高灵敏卫星导航接收机的关键所在,被认为是相关领域的研究热点,目前已经有一些成果.文献[1]中提出了基于非相干检测器的微弱GPS(Global Positioning System)卫星信号检测方法,讨论了强、弱信号共存情况下微弱GPS信号的检测,但没有给出其检测概率的理论分析和具体检测门限设定方法;文献[2]阐述了直序扩频通信系统中的信号检测门限设定方法,但没有就某个具体应用领域如卫星导航领域给出验证;文献[3-4]在此基础上对非相干检测器从数学模型和概率统计的角度进行详细理论分析,给出了恒虚警门限确定方法,并给出其检测性能评价,但相关研究都是建立在分析单个微弱卫星信号基础上的.考虑到实际接收到的卫星信号中可能存在强、弱卫星信号共存的情况,如何确立门限并将强、弱卫星信号进行区别捕获成为一个不可忽视的问题.本文首先介绍相关理论知识,包括卫星中频信号模型、相关积分非相干累加检测器的数学模型和概率模型以及传统的检测方法;在此基础上,考虑了多颗能量不同卫星同时存在情况下信号检测模型和门限计算方法,并提出一种考虑远近效应的双门限检测流程;最后,基于模拟器产生的数据和实际采集数据进行实验验证,有效证明了新提出的门限设定方法能够很好适应远近效应的情况,从而解决相关情况下的强、弱信号捕获问题. 1 相关理论1.1 相关积分尧非相干累加检测器一个传统的卫星信号捕获由相关器、平方器和后处理累加器组成,其思想是将输入的中频数字卫星信号进行相关积分和非相干累加.对于微弱卫星信号,往往采用增加相关积分时间和非相干累加次数来提高捕获增益.传统的检测方法将计算出的恒虚警门限和非相干累加器的输出信噪比进行比较,从而判断是否存在卫星.其检测框图如图1所示.图1 相关积分、非相干累加检测框图1.2 传统门限设定方法传统卫星导航接收机的门限设置都是假定获得噪声分布的先验知识,并在此基础上设定一个虚警概率,根据已知的噪声概率密度分布求出所对应的门限,这种设定虚警概率不变的门限设定方法又被称为恒虚警准则[5].具体表示如下:设虚警概率为P fa,则P fa=∫∞γp0(x|H0)d x(1)与此相对应的门限γ即为待求的恒虚警门限.根据N⁃P准则设定恒虚警门限后,其检测概率为P d=∫∞γp1(x|H1)d x(2) 这种方法所设定的门限仅与噪声分布和所设定的虚警概率有关,在设定数字中频信号的采样率为f s,多普勒搜索间隔为N d时,码周期为T c,一个码周期的采样点数K=f s T c,则虚警概率需满足P fa<1K·Nd,适用范围为单个卫星信号检测.在相关积分、非相干累加组合的检测器中,噪声的概率密度函数服从中心χ2分布,其自由度和非相干累加次数密切相关.对于M次非相干累加,其自由度为2M,图2说明了虚警概率,非相干累加次数和由此确立的门限之间的关系.卫星信号的检测器的检测对象是输出信噪比,因此相应的门限也是一个比值的概念.在固定虚警概率为10-2时,非相干累加次数M和门限γ的关系见图2.图2 非相干累加次数和恒虚警门限的关系962 第3期 刘 杨等:考虑互相关干扰的GPS信号捕获门限设定方法由此可见,在虚警概率一定的情况下,门限随着非相干累加次数增大而降低;对于累加次数固定的情况下,虚警概率越低,门限越大.2 考虑互相关干扰的门限设定2.1 强弱信号同时存在时的门限设定当接收到的卫星信号中同时存在强、弱信号时,接收机对信号检测需考虑远近效应的影响.一种比较合理的检测方法是将输入信号进行两次检测,先检测到强信号,然后通过远近效应消除算法去掉强信号的互相关影响,再进行第二次检测,对于通过门限的信号认为是可能存在的弱信号,其检测框图见图3,输入信号经过相关积分、非相干累加运算后与预先计算的门限值γL 和γH 进行比较,然后再采用远近效应消除强信号,对处理后的数据进行二次检测,判断是否还存在弱信号.下面将从检测状态设定、门限确定方法和检测概率比较三方面详细阐述这种门限设定方法的思路.图3 考虑远近效应影响的检测器框图2.1.1 检测状态设定第一次检测时,被检测信号中可能同时存在强、弱信号,此时将非相干累加器输出的待检测量按照不同的门限设定分为3个状态,分别是H 0:没有信号,H u :可能存在弱信号,H 1:存在强信号.其状态函数可以表示为H (x )=H 0 x ≤γLH u γL ≤x ≤γHH 1 x ≥γH⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪(3)其中,γL 设为门限的下限,其作用是判别是否存在信号还是噪声;γH 设为门限的上限,其作用是区别存在强信号和由互相关引起的干扰.对已检测出的强信号,对其进行文献[6]所述的远近效应串行干扰消除方法,然后再进行第二次检测.第二次检测时,待观测量按照门限γ0分为两个状态,即H 0:没有信号,H 1:存在弱信号,并且其状态函数满足:H (x )=H 0 x <γ0H 1x ≥γ0{(4)2.1.2 γL 的确定方法这里设定γL =γ为根据噪声概率密度函数计算出的恒虚警门限,其计算方法如1.2节所述.2.1.3 γH 的确定方法γH 为判断是否存在强信号的门限,此时由于考虑了强、弱信号共同存在的情况,故必须考虑互相关对检测的影响,从而在此基础上确定γH .由于弱信号的能量远小于普通信号,即P w ≪P s ,故仅考虑强信号和本地信号的互相关对捕获产生的影响.当输入信号为强信号时,一个码周期的相关结果可以表示如下:s I =K 2P s DR (Δτ)sinc(πΔf d T c )·cos(Δφ)+ξI(5)s Q =K2P s DR (Δτ)sinc(πΔf d T c )·sin(Δφ)+ξQ (6) 经过非相干检测器后的单次检测结果可以表示为z =s 2I +s 2Q =2P s (KDR (Δτ)sinc(πΔf d T c ))2+ψ(7)式中,R (Δτ)可以表示为R (Δτ)=R auto (Δτ) 自相关函数Rcross (Δτ) 互相关函数{(8)R auto (Δτ)为自相关函数;R cross (Δτ)为强信号和本地其它伪随机码的互相关函数.由于K 和D 可以认为是确定的值,下面分析R (Δτ)sinc(πΔf d T c )对z 的影响:当输入信号功率P s 一定的情况下,R (Δτ)=R cross (Δτ)的取值范围为R (Δτ)=R cross (Δτ)≤65/1023;而sinc (πΔf d T c )的值域为[0,1],且当Δf d =0时,sinc(πΔf d T c )=1.易知此时互相关影响的最大干扰组合为R cross (Δτ)=-65/1023且sinc(πΔf d T c )=1,显然此计算结果将大于噪声平均值;当R (Δτ)=R cross (Δτ)和sinc(πΔf d T c )一定时,P s 越大,最后产生的干扰越大.综合上述情况,设可能存在的输入信号功率集合为{P sposs }互相关产生最大干扰的情况为:P s =max {P sposs },并且(R cross (Δτ)=-65/1023;sinc(πΔf d T c )=1).为了避免互相关对信号检测产生干扰,此时所设定的检测门限应当大于由最大干扰影响的计算结果.把上述互相关干扰也看作是一种“噪声”,其必然也满足一定的概率密度分布,此处认为该分布可以近似认为是非中心参量为λa 的非中心χ2分布,λa =2MN ·65ρin ,ρin =max{P sposs }/σ2,一般可以认为ρin =-19dB;N 为相关积分时间,M 为072北京航空航天大学学报 2011年 非相干累加次数.由此确定的门限γH 满足:P fa =∫∞γH12x λa()M -12exp -12(x +λa )[]I M-1(λa x )d x(9)2.1.4 检测概率比较首先,根据1.2节所述传统门限计算方法,当P fa =10-2,M =25时计算出对应的γL 和γH ,分别为γL =2.56和γH =6.56.假定输入信号的信噪比范围为-39~-19dB,即输入信号的能量范围为-180~-160dBW,相应的检测概率曲线如图4所示.图4 输入信噪比与检测概率关系可见门限γH 可以确保能量比较高的信号具有较高的检测概率.2.1.5 γ0的确定方法γ0的选择决定于如何处理强信号对弱信号的影响.对强信号进行串行干扰消除算法后,最强信号的能量值应当下降,此时由互相关产生的最大检测干扰满足非中心参量为λb 的非中心χ2分布,并且λb 满足:λb =2MN ·65s′in ,s′in 为进行远近效应消除后的最强输入信噪比.由此确定的门限γ0满足:P fa =∫∞γ0x λb()M -12exp -12(x +λb )[]I M -1(λb x )d x(10) 易知λb <λa ,对于理想的情况,即通过远近效应消除后强信号的能量为0,此时s′in ,λb =0,所确定的门限γ0即为γL ;实际情况中,由于存在各种误差因素,通常的远近效应消除算法不可能将强信号全部消除,此时s′in ≠0且s′in <s in .可见,γ0的选取和强信号被消除的程度是密切相关的.令虚警概率P fa =10-2,Δs =s in -s′in 为远近效应消除前后强信号的信噪比变化,当Δs 的输入范围设为1~15dB 时,由s′in 计算出对应的λb ,将其代入式(10)可以计算出对应的γ0,得到图5.由图5可见,γ0随着Δs 的增加而减小.图5 经过远近效应消除后信噪比变化和二次检测门限的关系2.2 双门限检测流程综上所述,可以得到强、弱信号共存时的检测流程,即设定一个低门限γL 和一个高门限γH ,当检测到信噪比小于γL 时判定没有信号;当检测到信噪比大于γH 时判定存在强信号,对已捕获到的强信号进行远近效应消除算法,然后再对剩下的数据进行检测,如果此时检测信噪比大于γ0,则判定存在弱信号;如果此时检测信噪比小于γL ,则判定不存在信号.其具体流程见图6.图6 双门限检测算法流程图3 实验论证本实验中采用相关积分时间N =4ms,非相干检测器的累加次数为M =25,根据文献[7],这种情况下的检测灵敏度约为-177dBW .由恒虚警准则确定的虚警概率P fa =10-2,最强的输入信号为-160dBW .这种情况下可计算出γL =2.56,γH =6.56.分别对卫星中频信号模拟器产生的仿真数据和实际数据进行捕获,将采用原来设定的172 第3期 刘 杨等:考虑互相关干扰的GPS 信号捕获门限设定方法门限和考虑远近效应影响后设定的门限所得效果进行对比,具体结果如下.3.1 仿真数据仿真数据采用文献[8]所述中频卫星信号模拟器产生,分别包括两组,针对一颗弱信号卫星和两颗强、弱信号同时存在的卫星情况,具体参数见表1.表1 仿真数据具体参数仿真数据包含卫星编号信噪比/dB码相位多普勒频率/Hz 数据A3-34409.21250数据B 3-34409.21250 7-19613.820003.1.1 单颗微弱卫星检测对于数据A,当γL=2.56时其检测结果如图7.可见,按照设定的门限能检测到一颗卫星,即3号卫星.图7 仿真数据A,γL=2.563.1.2 强弱卫星信号共存,传统门限检测方法对于数据B,当γL=2.56时其检测结果如图8.由图8可见,由于互相关的影响,除了实际存在的3号和7号卫星之外,超过门限被认为能检测到的卫星编号为:4,18,20,25,26,28,29,32,显然这些信号实际上并不存在.图8 仿真数据B,γL=2.563.1.3 强弱卫星信号共存,本文所述检测方法对于数据B,当γH=6.56时其检测结果如图9.可见此时能检测到的卫星仅为强信号7号卫星.上述结果可以用表2表示.图9 仿真数据B,γH=6.56表2 仿真数据实验结果数据类型检测方法采用门限超过门限卫星数据A传统方法γL=2.563数据B传统方法γL=2.563,4,7,18,20,25,26,28,29,32数据B本文方法γH=6.5673.2 实际数据用中频数字信号采集器采集到的实际信号做为输入信号进行实验,在实验前用历书估计当时位置处可能存在的卫星,得到结果如图10.图10 实际数据可见星列表3.2.1 单颗微弱卫星检测对该数据进行1~32号卫星搜索,并进行单门限检测,得到的结果如图11所示.可见当强、弱卫星信号同时存在时,由于强信号互相关作用的影响,所有的信号都能通过设定的门限γL=2.56,换言之,此时的门限并没有起到区别有无信号的作用.3.2.2 本文所述方法对该数据进行1~32号卫星搜索,进行双门限两次检测,超过门限γH=6.56的卫星如图12所示.将可以检测到的卫星送入跟踪环路,对其相应参数进行进一步跟踪.上述的结果可以用表3表示.272北京航空航天大学学报 2011年 图11 实际数据,γL =2.56图12 实际数据,γH =6.56表3 实际数据实验结果检测方法采用门限超过门限卫星传统检测方法γL =2.561~32本文检测方法γH =6.563,7,13,16,19,21,23,25,313.3 虚警概率分析根据传统的非相干检测器噪声概率密度函数和考虑互相关影响后的概率密度函数,可以得到门限与虚警概率的关系曲线,这里设定非相干检测器的累加次数为M =25.可见,当门限为γL =2.56时,由噪声产生的虚警概率值很低,但是由于互相关的影响其虚警概率非常高,接近于1;而当γH =6.56时,由噪声和互相关影响产生的虚警概率都比较低,可见采用本方法设立门限可以有效降低非相干检测器的虚警概率,与上述实验结果相吻合,如图13所示.图13 非相干检测器门限与虚警概率的关系4 结束语本文针对实际卫星信号捕获强、弱卫星可能同时存在这一问题,在传统的恒虚警门限基础上提出了一种考虑强信号互相关影响的捕获门限计算方法,并结合实际卫星信号检测过程中对远近效应的影响的处理,提出了两次检测双门限的捕获方法.采用模拟数据和实际采集到的卫星中频数据对该方法进行实验,证明在强、弱卫星信号同时存在的情况下,原有门限已无法工作,虚警概率几乎为1;而本文提出的门限设定方法则可有效检测出卫星信号,保持很低的虚警概率.参考文献(References )[1]Psiaki M L.Block acquisition of weak GPS signals in a softwarereceiver[C ]//ION GPS 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肖敏敏,邢馨月,刘文光,等. 耐酒精高产L-乳酸菌株的筛选及发酵培养基优化[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(8):135−143. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022040147XIAO Minmin, XING Xinyue, LIU Wenguang, et al. Screening of an Alcohol Tolerant and High-yield L-lactic Acid Strain and Optimization of Culture Medium[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(8): 135−143. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022040147· 生物工程 ·耐酒精高产L-乳酸菌株的筛选及发酵培养基优化肖敏敏1,邢馨月1,刘文光2,孟祥慧1,魏姗姗1,张天笑1,王玉华1,李 侠1,*(1.吉林农业大学食品科学与工程学院,吉林长春 130118;2.华信检测技术有限公司,吉林长春 130000)摘 要:为提高L-乳酸产量,降低L-乳酸的生产成本,该研究经过筛选、驯化获得一株耐酒精且高产L-乳酸的菌株鼠李糖乳杆菌AK-0779。
结果表明,最适发酵培养基为:葡萄糖添加量9.80%,玉米酒糟添加量0.98%,酵母粉添加量1.72%,L-乳酸产量为78.91 g/L ,糖酸转换率为80.52%。
与酵母粉完全充当氮源产L-乳酸82.36 g/L 相比,产量无显著差异,说明玉米酒糟能有效代替部分酵母粉作为发酵培养基的氮源,降低L-乳酸生产成本。
天津市武清区杨村第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.—The Youth League Committee is looking for volunteers for the promotion ofrubbish-sorting. Would you like to join in?—________. Everyone should do his bit.A.You asked for it B.You betC.You have my word D.You’ve got me there2.I________to finish the novel borrowed from a friend of mine, but I couldn’t manage it.A.had hoped hoping C.have hoped D.would hope 3.________ the Montgolfier brothers took flight in balloons in the 18th century, air travel was not practical until the invention of powered flight in 1903.A.When B.Since C.If D.While 4.People sit uncomfortably on plastic chairs, looking through old magazines,________have been read hundreds of times previously.A.all of them B.each of which C.all of which D.each of them 5.Both Chris Paul and James Harden have the qualities and virtues that are________of NBA players: humorous, aggressive and hardworking.A.typical B.aware C.considerate D.skeptical6.I want to pay a visit to my parents; I _________in the foreign country for five months by next Sunday.A.have been staying B.will have stayed C.have stayedD.will be staying7.Such a simple experiment can effectively ________ people’s doubts about the new technology, so they are willing to embrace the innovation.A.bring forth B.go over C.put away D.wipe out8.A heavy snow hit our area for the first time this year, _________great inconvenience to traffic and transportation.A.causing B.caused cause D.having caused 9.As Chinese players, rather than the world rankings, we are more concerned about ______we perform in major competitions for our country, whether in team or singles events.A.which B.that D.what 10.It’s reported that many couples in this country aged from 30 to 35 think_________challenging to give birth to a second child.A.that C.themselves D.this 11.The witness statements _________ each other, so it is difficult for the police to find out the truth of the crime.A.acknowledge B.criticize C.identify D.contradict 12.I think it is better to read a good book carefully than to read many random chance C.on purpose turn 13.— OK, I’ll fix your washing machine right now.— Oh, ______. I’m in no hurry.A.enjoy yourself B.go for it C.take care D.take your time 14.—— Guess what? I’ve won the third prize in the writing competition in Tianjin area. —— You don’t say. I know you are not good at English. You ______ great efforts!A.should have made B.must have made C.might makeD.could make15.The erhu was ______ a musical instrument of ethnic groups in northern China, which dates more than a thousand years back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907).A.originally B.eventually C.increasingly D.accurately 二、完形填空understand me better. Later, I realized taking a class would 24 me, and that my kids would have an advantage, too.“You’re 25 ,” I replied. “I decide to take an English class and see if the college will accept me.” “Give it a(n) 26 ,” Gary said. “I’m sure you’ll make it.” 27 , in my heart, I just felt a bit doubtful.And before applying to college, I was 28 baby number three. So I 29 my plan made before. One day, Gary said 30 ,“I have finally found an excellent guitar teacher.”And he added, “What about your resolution? Have you signed up for your classes?”I 31 my head, explaining it was because I was pregnant and that I had decided to apply to college after my delivery. Gary 32 , saying I should register for the spring term before the baby came. I followed Gary’s advice. Later, I went to a good college and 33 some papers. I was 34 that after my papers were read, I was given a chance to take classes.Now I fully realize the 35 of the New Year’s resolution. My following through that resolution inspired my kids, greatly contributing to their achievements in education. 16.A.leave B.quit C.pick D.visit 17.A.came around B.came about C.came down D.came in 18.A.physics C.English 19.A.escape B.remember C.mind D.enjoy 20.A.encouraged B.commanded C.warned D.argued 22.A.Since B.When C.Although D.If 23.A.talent B.spirit C.accent D.memory 24.A.challenge B.benefit C.interrupt D.impress 25.A.right B.welcome C.strange D.strong 26.A.award B.explanation C.advantage D.shot 27.A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.However D.Meanwhile 28.A.raising B.counting C.expecting D.calling 29.A.canceled B.postponed C.showed D.discussed 30.A.curiously B.sympathetically C.anxiously D.excitedly 31.A.lifted B.nodded C.patted D.shook 32.A.compromised B.regretted C.disagreed D.remembered33.A.made up B.filled out C.looked through D.gave away 34.A.embarrassed B.worried C.delighted D.determined 35.A.influence B.origin C.process D.difficulty三、阅读理解Choosing a major is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make while you’re in college. It’s important that you make your choice confidently and after some consideration.There’s Nothing Wrong With Being “Undecided”.Between 20% and 50% of college freshmen enter school without a declared major. Keep in mind that there’s nothing wrong with remaining “undecided” or “undeclared” for the first few years of your college career. You can use this time to decide what you’re interested in. Also, keep in mind that even if you do declare a major your freshman year, you can always change your mind. About one-third of first-time college students change their major within three years. Even more, over 60% of college graduates say they would go back and change their major if they could, primarily to pursue their passion areas and expand their job opportunities.Explore Your Passions and Abilities.Set aside some time to really explore your passions and take stock of your unique abilities. With an undeclared major to start, you can take time to really develop into what interests you. Join clubs around campus to connect with fellow students who share your interests. Take electives in areas that you might not otherwise have an opportunity to experience. For example, when else might you be able to take a poetry course or an art history seminar? College is the perfect time to step out of your box and expand your horizons. As a student with an undeclared major, you’re uniquely positioned to do just that.Consider Employment Opportunities.While it’s important to choose a major that interests you, it’s also critical to choose a college major that will provide you with future employment opportunities. Statistically, the college majors that tend to have the most earning power are in STEM. These majors might include health sciences or computer engineering. Business majors can also expect a higher than average earning potential. That being said, employers frequently recognize that graduates who majored in the liberal arts have valuable soft skills, too, including strongcommunication, written and verbal skills, and leadership abilities. The key is to pick a major that will be marketable for the career you’re interested in pursuing.Talk to an Academic Advisor.If you need a little guidance, set up an appointment with an academic advisor or career counselors. Career development counselors and academic advisors can help you narrow down your options. If you have an idea of what classes you’ve most enjoyed and what career paths are most appealing to you, working with one of these professionals might be the final push you need to pick a major.Still have some doubts now? You can submit your questions Here.36.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A.Most graduates went back to college and changed their majors for a brighter future.B.Most students frequently change their majors throughout their college years.C.It is all right to remain undecided on majors for only the freshman year.D.You don’t necessarily need to declare your majors upon entering college.37.You are advised to take electives as described in the third paragraph because ______.A.the courses and seminars are popular with college helps you fully explore where your interest can share your common interest with your fellow studentsD.your major lies in the areas, you can’t miss them38.An example of having good soft skills is that express yourself well in a controversial business fix the technical problems of computers in your office quickly figure out why the communication equipment doesn’t never delegate but shoulder more of the workload at work39.Which of the following statements is Not True?A.Your major should be a reflection of your interests and career goals.B.Choose a major that will give you future employment opportunities.C.An academic advisor or career counselors will decide the major for you.D.You should choose your major carefully and confidently.40.Which of the following is the passage probably taken from?A.A travel commentary.B.A website page.C.A university guide.D.A popular magazine.Do you think cookies can tell stories? Jasmine Cho, 35, does.A baker, artist, entrepreneur and activist, Cho tries to spread knowledge about social justice issues and diversity through the delicious medium of cookies.It was in high school that she discovered her love of baking. At a sleepover a friend taught her how to make a dessert, “sort of demystifying baking and that whole process”.Later, Cho realized her second passion: learning more about her Asian, American culture. An elective in college that taught Asian-American immigrant experiences brought an emotional moment for her. “So many emotions came up that I just couldn’t articulate. It was like this mix of anger, of relief, empowerment, sadness...” Cho said.Cho realized she could combine these two passions to educate others about influential Asian American people and showcase matters that were important to her. With her online bakery, she designed cookie portraits about people she admired and posted the images on Instagram. “I don’t think I ever really knew how to communicate these stories until I found cookies,” Cho said. “Cookies are just so disarming. Who doesn’t like cookies?”One cookie that Cho has identified with deeply is one she made of George Helm, a Hawaiian activist in the 1970s.“It’s insane the amount of injustice that the native Hawaiian population has faced as well through the whole annexation (吞并) of the kingdom. There were so many horrific stories that I heard about nuclear testing and the fallout ( 核爆炸后的沉降物) impacting native Hawaiian populations in all of this,” Cho said, “George Helm was one of those activists who really represented the spirituality of the native Hawaiians and the connection to their land, to nature.”Among her amazing cookie art are other political figures such as Larry Itliong, a Filipino-American labor organizer, and pop culture figures such as Keanu Reeves, a Canadian actor.Cho hopes her cookie art continues to inspire people to be creative and think positively.“Instead of trying to think of something new and original, just look inward and see, maybe there’s already a passion or a love that you have,” Cho said. “Use that for something that will serve the world in a better way.”41.What inspired Cho to take an interest in Asian-American culture?A.One of her sleepover experiences.B.One elective course she took at college.C.The process of learning baking from her friend.D.A book she read about Asian-American immigrant experiences.42.The underlined word “articulate” in Paragraph 4 probably mean______ .A.get rid of B.put up in words D.stay focused43.Why does Cho think cookies are a useful tool to promote Asian-American culture?A.Cookies don’t cost much.B.Cookies are easier to make.C.Cookies have different images.D.Cookies are liked by many people. 44.What is the author’s purpose in mentioning George Helm in the passage?A.To inform the reader of Helm’s contributions to Hawaii.B.To show what knowledge Cho focuses on with her cookies.C.To introduce the spirituality of native Hawaiians.D.To explain why Cho is interested in political activists.45.What can best summarize the message contained in the passage?A.Think outside the box to break new ground.B.Spread something original to one’s heart content.C.Hold your horses for a better self.D.Throw yourself into your inner world for a better one.The curb cut (下斜路缘). It’s a convenience that most of us rarely, if ever, notice. Yet, without it, daily life might be a lot harder—in more ways than one. Pushing a baby stroller onto the curb, skateboarding onto a sidewalk or taking a full grocery cart from the sidewalk to your car—all these tasks are easier because of the curb cut.But it was created with a different purpose in mind.It’s hard to imagine today, but back in the 1970s, most sidewalks in the United States ended with a sharp drop-off. That was a big deal for people in wheelchairs because there were no ramps (斜坡) to help them move along city blocks without assistance. According to one disability rights leader, a six-inch curb “might as well have been Mount Everest”. So, activists from Berkeley, California, who also needed wheelchairs, organized a campaign to create tiny ramps at intersections to help people dependent on wheels move up and down curbs independently.I think about the “curb cut effect” a lot when working on issues around health equity (公平). The first time I even heard about the curb cut was in a 2017 Stanford Social Innovation Review piece by PolicyLink CEO Angela Blackwell. Blackwell rightly noted that many people see equity as “a zero-sum game (零和游戏)” and that it’s commonly believed there is a “prejudiced societal suspicion that intentionally supporting one group hurts another.” What the curb cut effect shows though, Blackwell said, is that “when society creates the circumstances that allow those who have been left behind to participate and contribute fully, everyone wins.”There are multiple examples of this principle at work. For example, investing in policies that create more living-wage jobs or increase the availability of affordable housing certainly benefits people in communities that have limited options. But, the action also empowers those people with opportunities for better health and the means to become contributing members of society—and that benefits everyone. Even the football huddle (密商) was initially created to help deaf football players at Gallaudet College keep their game plans secret from opponents who could have read their sign language. Today, it’s used by every team to prevent the opponent from learning about game-winning strategies.So, next time you cross the street, or roll your suitcase through a crosswalk or ride your bike directly onto a sidewalk—think about how much the curb cut, that change in design that broke down walls of exclusion for one group of people at a disadvantage, has helped not just that group, but all of us.46.What was the curb cut designed for at first?A.Riding a skateboard onto a sidewalk quickly.B.Pushing a baby stroller onto the curbs independently.C.Making it easy for wheelchairs to move up and down curbs.D.Taking a full grocery cart from the sidewalk to a customer’s car.47.By “might as well have been Mount Everest” (paragraph 3), the disability rights unforgettable symbol impassable important sign impressive’s not worthwhile to promote health’s necessary to go all out to help the’s impossible to have everyone treated’s fair to give the disadvantaged more help than others49.Which of the following examples best illustrates the “curb cut effect” principle?A.Spaceflight designs are applied to life on earth.B.Four great inventions of China spread to the west.C.Christopher Columbus discovered the new world.D.Classic literature got translated into many languages.50.What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?A.Caring for disadvantaged groups may finally benefit all.B.Action empowers those with opportunities for better solutions.C.Society should create circumstances that get everyone involved.D.Everyday items are originally invented for people in need of help.From now on, never spend your precious time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings. Instead, realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.The seeds, and the power to grow them, are contained in the most awesome (令人惊叹的) machine ever created: the human mind. Success is a choice and not a chance. You were born a winner. You were born rich. You can be a success if only you make the right choice.You cannot be successful without first developing your self-esteem (自尊). Your level of self-esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself, and thus over your life. People with low self-esteem are people who do not believe that they have any power, or responsibility for their lives. They are leaves tossed(摇摆)by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance. Successful people realize that they are responsible.Everything happens as a result of something. If we can identify the cause, we can control the effect. We are responsible for what we choose to think and believe. One generally rises to the level that one expects. We are responsible for setting our expectations. Our success is dependent upon our level of confidence.If you associate with positive-thinking people, you are definitely going to achievesuccess. On the contrary, the opposite happens. We are responsible for finding, planting, and nurturing (养育) the seeds that contain future victory, born from setbacks (挫折).In short, in all areas of your life, whether they be financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual, you are responsible. Once you recognize this, accept it, and firmly believe it, you are on the road to success.51.People with low self-esteem are compared to leaves because they ______.A.are ready to change their mindsB.don’t have the ability to control themselvesC.can’t be successful with self-controlD.are easily affected by windy weather52.Losers would think that ______.A.their failure is accidentalB.working hard will lead to successC.they are responsible for successD.they should make efforts to succeed53.It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that ______.A.our success results from our can rise to the level that one expectsC.we should be responsible for our thoughts and beliefsD.setting our expectations is essential before taking action54.The last paragraph serves as ______.A.the proof of the author’s introduction to another topicC.the conclusion of the argumentD.a comparison between two views55.Which is the best title for the text?A.The secrets of success.B.How to achieve success.C.Develop our confidence.D.Success depends on you.四、阅读表达阅读表达I used to chase happiness a lot when I began to work. I would run after different experiences--goals, achievements and success, because I was quite sure that once I caught up with them, happiness would be with me. It was during that period that I learned happiness was a very fast runner.Later, I tried to sneak up on happiness. I thought if I didn’t care too little or too much but just enough, it wouldn’t see me coming and then I could catch it.It turned out that happiness is similar to owls, for both of them have 360-degree vision and extremely sharp hearing. Finally, I decided to sit still, very quietly, until happiness forgot I was there, let down its guard and got close to me. This, surprisingly, worked better than either of the other two ways.After reading a passage in Time, I think I know the reason. Apparently, for Americans, the chase of happiness is just linked to achieving individual goals which is different from that in other cultures. In many cultures, happiness is regarded as a social phenomenon that happens most readily when it is shared. But our society puts the responsibility for catching happiness on each individual’s shoulders --a heavy burden indeed.On Facebook, there are a lot of unbelievably happy people doing amazing happiness—producing things every day. However, most of the time, no one is really that happy all the time behind the scenes.I also like what a famous businessman told Time reporter Mandy Oaklander, “A happy life doesn’t consist of happy moments but every moment of the day.”Now you know how to get happiness, don’t you?56.What did the author learn from his first period of chasing happiness? (no more than 10 words)57.How do you understand the underlined word in Paragraph 2? (no more than 5 words)58.What does the chase of happiness mean to Americans? (no more than 6 words)59.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 5? (no more than 12 words)60.Do you think you’re on the way to chasing happiness? Please explain. (no more than 25 words)五、建议信61.假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jeff来信说他痴迷于刷短视频,对学习失去了兴趣,很苦恼。
IEEE 1222-2004 IEEE Standard for All Dielectric Self-Supporting Fiber Optic Cable
IEEE Std 1222™-2004I E E E S t a n d a r d s 1222TM IEEE Standard for All-Dielectric Self-Supporting Fiber Optic Cable 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA IEEE Power Engineering Society Sponsored by the Power System Communications Committee30 July 2004Print: SH95192PDF: SS95192Recognized as anAmerican National Standard (ANSI)The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USACopyright © 2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Published 30 July 2004. Printed in the United States of America.IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.Print: ISBN 0-7381-3887-8SH95192PDF: ISBN 0-7381-3888-6SS95192No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.IEEE Std 1222™-2003IEEE Standard for All-Dielectric Self-Supporting Fiber Optic CableSponsorPower System Communications Committeeof theIEEE Power Engineering SocietyApproved 31 March 2004American National Standards InstituteApproved 10 December 2003IEEE-SA Standards BoardAbstract: Construction, mechanical, electrical, and optical performance, installation guidelines, ac-ceptance criteria, test requirements, environmental considerations, and accessories for an all-dielectric, nonmetallic, self-supporting fiber optic (ADSS) cable are covered in this standard. The ADSS cable is designed to be located primarily on overhead utility facilities. This standard provides both construction and performance requirements that ensure within the guidelines of the standard that the dielectric capabilities of the cable components and maintenance of optical fiber integrity and optical transmissions are proper. This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. It does not purport to address all of the safety issues associated with its use, and it is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.Keywords: aeolian vibration, aerial cables, all-dielectric self-supporting (ADSS), buffer, cable reels, cable safety, cable thermal aging, dielectric, distribution lines, electric fields, electrical stress,fiber optic cable, galloping, grounding, hardware, high voltage, optical ground wire (OPGW), plastic cable, sag and tension, self-supporting, sheave test, span length, string procedures, temperature cycle test, tracking, transmission lines, ultraviolet (UV) deteriorationIEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. The IEEE develops its standards through a consensus development process, approved by the American National Standards Institute, which brings together volunteers representing varied view-points and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of the Institute and serve without compensation. While the IEEE administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the consensus develop-ment process, the IEEE does not independently evaluate, test, or verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in its standards.Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The IEEE disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other dam-age, of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance upon this, or any other IEEE Standard document.The IEEE does not warrant or represent the accuracy or content of the material contained herein, and expressly disclaims any express or implied warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose, or that the use of the material contained herein is free from patent infringement. IEEE Standards documents are supplied “AS IS .”The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market,or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every five years for revi-sion or reaffirmation. When a document is more than five years old and has not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.In publishing and making this document available, the IEEE is not suggesting or rendering professional or other services for, or on behalf of, any person or entity. Nor is the IEEE undertaking to perform any duty owed by any other person or entity to another. Any person utilizing this, and any other IEEE Standards document, should rely upon the advice of a com-petent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances.Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its soci-eties and Standards Coordinating Committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration. At lectures, symposia, seminars, or educational courses, an individual presenting information on IEEE standards shall make it clear that his or her views should be considered the personal views of that individual rather than the formal position, explanation, or interpretation of the IEEE.Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments. Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board445 Hoes LaneP.O. Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331USAAuthorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright Clearance Center. To arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Customer Service, 222 Rosewood Drive,Danvers, MA 01923 USA; +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.NOTE −Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the exist-ence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying patents for which a license may be required by an IEEE standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal valid-ity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention.Introduction(This introduction is not a part of IEEE Std 1222-2003, IEEE Standard for All-Dielectric Self-Supporting Fiber Optic Cable.)All-dielectric self-supporting (ADSS) fiber optic cables are being installed throughout the power utility industry. Because of the unique service environment and design of these cables, many new requirements are necessary to ensure proper design and application of these cables. In order to develop an industry-wide set of requirements and tests, the Fiber Optic Standards Working Group, under the direction of the Fiber Optic Subcommittee of the Communications Committee, brought together the expertise of key representatives from throughout the industry. These key people are from each manufacturer of ADSS cables and a cross sec-tion of the end users. All manufacturers and all known users were invited to participate in preparing this standard.The preparation of this standard occurred over a period of several years, and participation changed through-out that time as companies and individuals changed interests and positions. Effort was always made to include key individuals from each and every manufacturing concern, major user groups, and consulting firms. Membership and participation was open to everyone who had an interest in the standard, and all involvement was encouraged. This worldwide representation helps to ensure that this standard reflects the entire industry.As ADSS fiber optic cables are a new and changing technology, the working group is continuing to work on new revisions to this standard as the need arises.Notice to usersErrataErrata, if any, for this and all other standards can be accessed at the following URL: http:// /reading/ieee/updates/errata/index.html. Users are encouraged to check this URL for errata periodically.InterpretationsCurrent interpretations can be accessed at the following URL: /reading/ieee/interp/ index.html.PatentsAttention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying patents or patent applications for which a license may be required to implement an IEEE standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. Copyright © 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.iiiiv Copyright © 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.ParticipantsDuring the preparation of this standard, the Fiber Optic Standards Working Group had the following membership:William A. Byrd, ChairRobert E. Bratton, Co-ChairThe following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 10 December 2003, it had the following membership:Don Wright, ChairHoward M. Frazier, Vice ChairJudith Gorman, Secretary*Member EmeritusAlso included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC RepresentativeRichard DeBlasio, DOE RepresentativeAlan Cookson, NIST RepresentativeSavoula AmanatidisIEEE Standards Managing EditorPhilip AdelizziHiroji AkasakaTom AldertonDave BouchardMark BoxerTerrence BurnsKurt DallasPaul DanielsWilliam DeWittGary DitroiaRobert EmersonTrey Fleck Denise Frey Henry Grad Jim Hartpence Claire Hatfield John Jones Tommy King Konrad Loebl John MacNair Andrew McDowell Tom Newhart Serge Pichot Craig Pon Jim Puzan Joe Renowden William Rich Tewfik Schehade John Smith Matt Soltis Dave Sunkel Alexander Torres Monty Tuominen Jan Wang Tim West Eric WhithamWole AkposeThomas BlairAl BonnymanStuart BoucheyMark BoxerRobert Bratton Terrence Burns William A. Byrd Manish Chaturvedi Ernest Duckworth Amir El-Sheikh Robert Emerson Denise Frey Jerry Goerz Brian G. Herbst Edward Horgan Mihai Ioan David JacksonPi-Cheng LawH. Stephen BergerJoe BruderBob DavisRichard DeBlasioJulian Forster*Toshio FukudaArnold M. GreenspanRaymond Hapeman Donald M. Heirman Laura Hitchcock Richard H. Hulett Anant Jain Lowell G. Johnson Joseph L. Koepfinger*Tom McGean Steve Mills Daleep C. Mohla William J. Moylan Paul Nikolich Gary Robinson Malcolm V. Thaden Geoffrey O. Thompson Doug Topping Howard L. WolfmanContents1.Overview (1)1.1Scope (1)2.ADSS cable and components (1)2.1Description (1)2.2Support systems (1)2.3Fiber optic cable core (2)2.4Optical fibers (3)2.5Buffer construction (3)2.6Color coding (3)2.7Jackets (3)3.Test requirements (4)3.1Cable tests (4)3.2Fiber tests (7)4.Test methods (10)4.1Cable tests (10)4.2Fiber tests (14)5.Sag and tension list (16)6.Field acceptance testing (16)6.1Fiber continuity (17)6.2Attenuation (17)6.3Fiber length (17)7.Installation recommendations (17)7.1Installation procedure for ADSS (17)7.2Electric field strength (17)7.3Span lengths (17)7.4Sag and tension (18)7.5Stringing sheaves (18)7.6Maximum stringing tension (18)7.7Handling (18)7.8Hardware and accessories (18)7.9Electrical stress (18)Copyright © 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.v8.Cable marking and packaging requirements (19)8.1Reels (19)8.2Cable end requirements (19)8.3Cable length tolerance (19)8.4Certified test data (19)8.5Reel tag (20)8.6Cable marking (20)8.7Cable remarking (20)8.8Identification marking (20)8.9SOCC (21)Annex A (informative) Electrical test (24)Annex B (informative) Aeolian vibration test (26)Annex C (informative) Galloping test (28)Annex D (informative) Sheave test (ADSS) (30)Annex E (informative) Temperature cycle test (32)Annex F (informative) Cable thermal aging test (33)Annex G (informative) Bibliography (34)vi Copyright © 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.IEEE Standard for All-DielectricSelf-Supporting Fiber Optic Cable1. Overview1.1 ScopeThis standard covers the construction, mechanical, electrical, and optical performance, installation guidelines, acceptance criteria, test requirements, environmental considerations, and accessories for an all-dielectric, nonmetallic, self-supporting fiber optic (ADSS) cable. The ADSS cable is designed to be located primarily on overhead utility facilities.The standard provides both construction and performance requirements that ensure within the guidelines of the standard that the dielectric capabilities of the cable components and maintenance of optical fiber integ-rity and optical transmissions are proper.This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety issues associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. ADSS cable and components2.1 DescriptionThe ADSS cable shall consist of coated glass optical fibers contained in a protective dielectric fiber optic unit surrounded by or attached to suitable dielectric strength members and jackets. The cable shall not con-tain metallic components. The cable shall be designed to meet the design requirements of the optical cable under all installation conditions, operating temperatures, and environmental loading.2.2 Support systemsa)ADSS cable shall contain support systems that are integral to the cable. The purpose of the supportsystem is to ensure that the cable meets the optical requirements under all specified installation con-ditions, operating temperatures, and environmental loading for its design life. This standard excludes any “lashed” type of cables.Copyright © 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.1IEEEStd 1222-2003IEEE STANDARD FOR ALL-DIELECTRICb)The basic annular construction may have aramid or other dielectric strands or a channeled dielectricrod as a support structure. In addition, other cable elements, such as central members, may be load bearing.c)Figure-8 constructions may have a dielectric messenger and a fiber optic unit, both of which share acommon outer jacket. In addition, other cable elements, such as central members, may be load bearing.d)Helically stranded cable systems may consist of a dielectric optical cable prestranded around adielectric messenger.e)The design load of the cable shall be specified so that support hardware can be manufactured to per-form under all environmental loading conditions. For zero fiber strain cable designs, the design load is defined as the load at which the optical fibers begin to elongate. For other cable designs, the design load is defined as the load at which the measured fiber strain reaches a predetermined level.f)Other designs previously not described are not excluded from this specification.2.3 Fiber optic cable coreThe fiber optic cable core shall be made up of coated glass optical fibers housed to protect the fibers from mechanical, environmental, and electrical stresses. Materials used within the core shall be compatible with one another, shall not degrade under the electrical stresses to which they may be exposed, and shall not evolve hydrogen sufficient to degrade optical performance of fibers within the cable.2.3.1 Fiber strain allowanceThe cable core shall be designed such that fiber strain does not exceed the limit allowed by the cable manu-facturer under the operational design limits of the cable. Maximum allowable fiber strain will generally be a function of the proof test level and strength and fatigue parameters of the coated glass fiber.2.3.2 Central structural elementIf a central structural element is necessary, it shall be of reinforced plastic, epoxiglass, or other dielectric material. If required, this element shall provide the necessary tensile strength to limit axial stress on the fibers and minimize fiber buckling due to cable contraction at low temperatures.2.3.3 Buffer tube filling compoundLoose buffer tubes shall be filled with a suitable compound compatible with the tubing material, fiber coat-ing, and coloring to protect the optical fibers and prevent moisture ingress.2.3.4 Cable core filling/flooding compoundThe design of the cable may include a suitable filling/flooding compound in the interstices to prohibit water migration along the fiber optic cable core. The filling compound shall be compatible with all components with which it may come in contact.2.3.5 Binder/tapeA binder yarn(s) and/or a layer(s) of overlapping nonhygroscopic tape(s) may be used to hold the cable core elements in place during application of the jacket.2Copyright © 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.IEEE SELF-SUPPORTING FIBER OPTIC CABLE Std 1222-20032.3.6 Inner jacketA protective inner jacket or jackets of a suitable material may be applied over the fiber optic cable core, iso-lating the cable core from any external strength elements and the cable outer jacket.2.4 Optical fibersSingle-mode fibers, dispersion-unshifted, dispersion-shifted, or nonzero dispersion-shifted, and multimode fibers with 50/125 mm or 62.5/125 mm core/clad diameters are considered in this standard. The core and the cladding shall consist of glass that is predominantly silica (SiO2). The coating, usually made from one or more plastic materials or compositions, shall be provided to protect the fiber during manufacture, handling, and use.2.5 Buffer constructionThe individually coated optical fiber(s) or fiber ribbon(s) may be surrounded by a buffer for protection from physical damage during fabrication, installation, and performance of the ADSS. Loose buffer or tight buffer construction are two types of protection that may be used to isolate the fibers. The fiber coating and buffer shall be strippable for splicing and termination.2.5.1 Loose bufferLoose buffer construction shall consist of a tube or channel that surrounds each fiber or fiber group. The inside of the tube or channel shall be filled with a filling compound.2.5.2 Tight buffer constructionTight buffer construction shall consist of a suitable material that comes in contact with the coated fiber. 2.6 Color codingColor coding is essential for identifying individual optical fibers and groups of optical fibers. The colors shall be in accordance with TIA/EIA 598-A-1995 [B43].12.6.1 Color performanceThe original color coding system shall be discernible and permanent, in accordance with EIA359-A-1985[B3], throughout the design life of the cable, when cleaned and prepared per manufacturer’s recommendations.2.7 JacketsThe outer jacket shall be designed to house and protect the inner elements of the cable from damage due to moisture, sunlight, environmental, thermal, mechanical, and electrical stresses.a)The jacket material shall be dielectric, non-nutrient to fungus, and meet the requirements of3.1.1.13. The jacket material may consist of a polyethylene that shall contain carbon black and anantioxidant.b)The jacket shall be extruded over the underlying element and shall be of uniform diameter to prop-erly fit support hardware. The extruded surface shall be smooth for minimal ice buildup.1The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex G.Copyright © 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.3Std 1222-2003IEEE STANDARD FOR ALL-DIELECTRICc)The cable jacket shall be suitable for application in electrical fields as defined in this clause anddemonstrated in A: Where the level of electrical stress on the jacket does not exceed 12 kV spacepotential.Class B: Where the level of electrical stress on the jacket may exceed 12 kV space potential. NOTE—See 7.9 for additional deployment details.23. Test requirementsEach requirement in this clause is complementary to the corresponding paragraph in Clause4 that describesa performance verification or test procedure.3.1 Cable tests3.1.1 Design testsAn ADSS cable shall successfully pass the following design tests. However, design tests may be waived at the option of the user if an ADSS cable of identical design has been previously tested to demonstrate the capability of the manufacturer to furnish cable with the desired performance characteristics. Water blocking testA water block test for cable shall be performed in accordance with No water shall leak through the open end of the 1 m sample. If the first sample fails, one additional 1 m sample, taken from a section of cable adjacent to the first sample, may be tested for acceptance. Seepage of filling/flooding compoundFor filled/flooded fiber optic cable, a seepage of filling/flooding compound test shall be performed in accor-dance with The filling and flooding compound shall not flow (drip or leak) at 65 o C. Electrical testsElectrical tests shall be performed for Class B cables in accordance with Tracking on the outside of the sheath resulting in erosion at any point that exceeds more than 50% of the wall thickness shall constitutea failure. Aeolian vibration testAn aeolian vibration test shall be carried out in accordance with Any damage that will affect the mechanical performance of the cable or causes permanent or temporary increase in optical attenuation greater than 1.0 dB/km of the tested fibers at 1550 nm for single-mode fibers and at 1300 nm for multimode fibers shall constitute failure.2Notes in text, tables, and figures are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement the standard. Galloping testA galloping test shall be carried out in accordance with Any damage that will affect the mechanical performance of the cable or causes permanent or temporary increase in optical attenuation greater than 1.0dB/km of the tested fibers at 1550 nm for single-mode fibers and at 1300 nm for multimode fibers shall constitute failure. Sheave testA sheave test shall be carried out in accordance with Any significant damage to the ADSS cable shall constitute failure. A permanent increase in optical attenuation greater than 1.0 dB/km of the tested fibers at 1550nm for single-mode fibers and at 1300 nm for multimode fibers shall constitute failure.Or successful completion of the following three tests may be a substitute for the sheave test:a)Tensile strength of a cable: The maximum increase in attenuation shall not be greater than 0.10 dBfor single-mode and 0.20 dB for multimode fibers when the cable is subjected to the maximum cable rated tensile load.b)Cable twist: The cable shall be capable of withstanding mechanical twisting without experiencingan average increase in attenuation greater than 0.10 dB for single-mode and 0.20 dB for multimode fibers.c)Cable cyclic flexing: The cable sample shall be capable of withstanding mechanical flexing withoutexperiencing an average increase in attenuation greater than 0.10 dB for single-mode and 0.20 dB for multimode fibers. Crush test and impact test3. Crush testA crush test shall be performed in accordance with A permanent or temporary increase in optical attenuation value greater than 0.2 dB change in sample at 1550 nm for single-mode fibers and 0.4 dB at 1300nm for multimode fibers shall constitute failure. Impact testAn impact test shall be performed in accordance with A permanent increase in optical attenuation value greater than 0.2 dB change in sample at 1550 nm for single-mode and 0.4 dB at 1300 nm for multi-mode fibers shall constitute failure. Creep testA creep test shall be carried out in accordance with Values shall correspond with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Stress/strain testA stress/strain test shall be carried out in accordance with The maximum rated cable load (MRCL), maximum rated cable strain (MRCS), and maximum axial fiber strain specified by the manufacturer for their cable design shall be verified. Any visual damage to the cable or permanent or temporary increase in optical attenuation greater than 0.10 dB at 1550 nm for single-mode fiber and 0.20 dB at 1300 nm for multimode fibers shall constitute failure.Std 1222-2003IEEE STANDARD FOR ALL-DIELECTRIC Cable cutoff wavelength (single-mode fiber)The cutoff wavelength of the cabled fiber, λcc, shall be less than 1260 nm. Temperature cycle testOptical cables shall maintain mechanical and optical integrity when exposed to the following temperature extremes: –40 o C to +65 o C.The change in attenuation at extreme operational temperatures for single-mode fibers shall not be greater than 0.20 dB/km, with 80% of the measured values no greater than 0.10 dB/km. For single-mode fibers, the attenuation change measurements shall be made at 1550 nm.For multimode fibers, the change shall not be greater than 0.50 dB/km, with 80% of the measured values no greater than 0.25 dB/km. The multimode fiber measurements shall be made at 1300 nm unless otherwise specified.A temperature cycle test shall be performed in accordance with Cable aging testThe cable aging test shall be a continuation of the temperature cycle test.The change in attenuation from the original values observed before the start of the temperature cycle test shall not be greater than 0.40 dB/km, with 80% of the measured values no greater than 0.20 dB/km for sin-gle-mode fibers.For multimode fibers, the change in attenuation shall not be greater than 1.00 dB/km, with 80% of the mea-sured values no greater than 0.50 dB/km.There shall be no discernible difference between the jacket identification and length marking colors of the aged sample relative to those of an unaged sample of the same cable. The fiber coating color(s) and unit/bun-dle identifier color(s) shall be in accordance with TIA/EIA 598-A-1992 [B43].A cable aging test shall be performed in accordance with Ultraviolet (UV) resistance testThe cable and jacket system is expected to perform satisfactorily in the user-specified environment into which the cable is being placed into service. Because of the numerous possible environmental locations available, it is the user’s and supplier’s joint responsibility to provide the particular performance requirements of each installation location. These performance criteria are for nonsevere environments. The IEC 60068-2-1[B12] performance standards should be used to define particular environmental testing requirements for each unique location.The cable jacket shall meet the following requirements:Where carbon black is used as a UV damage inhibitor, the cable shall have a minimum absorption coeffi-cient of 0.32 per meter.Where the other cable UV blocking systems are being employed, the cable shalla)Meet the equivalent UV performance of carbon black at 0.32 per meterb)Meet the performance requirements as stated in for IEC 60068-2-1 [B12] testing。
工程硕士(GCT)逻辑-71(总分100,考试时间90分钟)1. 在公路发展的早期,它们的走势还能顺从地貌,即沿河流或森林的边缘发展。
对上面文字最恰当的概括是:A. 公路发展的趋势。
B. 公路对动物的影响。
C. 动物生存状态的变化。
D. 不同动物的不同命运。
2. 虽然世界市场上供应的一部分象牙来自被非法捕杀的野生大象,但还有一部分是来自几乎所有国家都认为合法的渠道,如自然死亡的大象。
以上的论证依据这样的假设,即:A. 试图将购买限制于与合法象牙的批发部能够可靠地区分合法与非法象牙。
B. 在不久的将来,对于合法象牙产品的需求会持续增长。
C. 目前世界上合法象牙的批发来源远远少于非法象牙的批发来源。
D. 象牙的批发商总是意识不到世界象牙减少的原因。
3. 根据1980年的一项调查,所有超过16岁的美国公民中有10%是功能性文盲。
下面哪个如果正确,将最严重地削弱上文作者得出的结论?A. 在过去的20年中,不上大学的高中毕业生的比例稳步上升。
B. 从1975年到1980年,美国16岁以上的公民功能性文盲的比率减少了3%。
C. 在1980年接受调查的很多美国公民在2000年进行的一项调查中也将被包括在内。
D. 设计不当的调查通常提供不准确的信息。
4. 尽管检测系统x和检测系统Y依据的原理不同,但都能及时测出并报告产品缺陷,而它们也都会错误地淘汰3%的无瑕疵产品。
Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Divinyl Ethers
aReference 16.
2-methyl-4-methylene-1,3-dioxolane 9பைடு நூலகம் "C (760 Torr), 2(3b) isopropyl-4-methylene-1,3-dioxolane (3c) 40 "C (20 Torr), 2tert-butyl-4-methylene-1,3-dioxolane (3d) 130 "C (760 Torr), 2-phenyl-4-methylene-l,3-dioxolane 105 "C (10 Torr) 2,2(3e) dimethyl-4-methylene-1,3-dioxolane 106 "C (779 Torr), 2(3f) methyl-2-isopropyl-4-methylene-1,3-dioxolane (3g) 48 "C (20 Torr), and 2-methyl-2-tert-butyl-4-methylene-1,3-dioxolane (3h) 86-88 "C (90 Torr). 2-Methoxy-4-methylene-l,3-dioxolane Equimolar amounts (3i). of HC(0Me)S and 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol were heated in a distillation apparatus in the presence of some p-toluenesulfonic acid until the evolution of MeOH ceased. The product was treated with KOH to give 3i, b p 54 "C (60 Torr). 2-Ethoxy-, 2-Vinyloxy-, 2-Methyl-2-methoxy-, and 2,2!-Dimethoxy-4-methylene-1,3-dioxolane (3j, 3k, 31, a n d 3m, Respectively). See preparation of 3i. Besides the diol, HC(OEt),, HC(OCH&H*C1)3, MeC(OMe)s,and C(OMeI4were used as the reagents (in the case of 3k, the initial reaction product was 242-chloroethyl)-4-chloromethyl-l,3-dioxolane, which required 2 molar iequiv of KOH for dehydrochlorination to the final product). Bp's: 3j 133 "C (97 Torr), 3k 36--39 "C (9 Torr), 31 ca. 65 "C (85 Torr), and 3m 152"C
海口2024年03版小学五年级英语第5单元真题试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、What is the capital of Comoros?a. Moronib. Moutsamoudouc. Mitsamioulid. Domoni答案:a2、听力题:The chemical properties of an element depend on its ______ structure.3、What is the capital city of Belgium?A. BrusselsB. AntwerpC. GhentD. Bruges4、听力题:The chemical formula for chromium(II) sulfate is _____.5、What do you call a young female owl?A. OwletB. ChickC. PupD. Kit答案: A6、选择题:What do we call the act of making something clean?A. DustingB. WashingD. Scrubbing7、听力题:The chemical formula for zinc oxide is ______.8、听力题:A reaction that occurs in the presence of water is called a ______ reaction.9、What do you call a person who studies history?A. GeologistB. HistorianC. BiologistD. Archaeologist答案:B10、填空题:A hamster's cheeks are perfect for storing ______ (食物).11、What is the largest land animal?A. ElephantB. LionC. GiraffeD. Rhino答案:A12、What do we call the study of insects?A. OrnithologyB. EntomologyC. ZoologyD. Biology答案:B13、听力题:The _____ (teacher/student) is reading.14、填空题:I like to play doctor with my toy ________ (玩具名称).15、t brothers completed their first flight in _______. (1903年) 填空题:The Wrig16、What do we call a place where animals are kept for public display?A. AquariumB. ZooC. Farm答案:B17、听力题:The _____ (leaf/tree) is green.18、填空题:The garden is _______ (充满了色彩)。
BOTTLENECK 瓶颈效应软件 论文 及 说明
BOTTLENECK : A program for detecting recent effective population sizereductions from allele data frequenciesSylvain PIRY1, Gordon LUIKART2 and Jean-Marie CORNUET11. Laboratoire de Modélisation et de Biologie Evolutive. INRA-URLB. 488 rue de la Croix-Lavit, 34090Montpellier, France2. Laboratoire de Biologie des Populations d'Altitude, CNRS UMR 5553, Université Joseph Fourier, F-38041Grenoble Cedex 09, FrancePrinciple :Populations which have experienced a recent reduction of their effective population size exhibit a correlative reduction of the allele numbers and heterozygosities at polymorphic loci. But the allelic diversity is reduced faster than the heterozygosity, i.e. the observed heterozygosity is larger than the heterozygosity expected from the observed allele number were the locus at mutation-drift equilibrium. Strictly speaking, this has been demonstrated only for loci evolving under the Infinite Allele Model (IAM) by Maruyama and Fuerst (1985). If the locus evolves under the strict Stepwise Mutation Model (SMM), there can be situations where this heterozygosity excess is not observed (Cornuet and Luikart 1996). However, few loci follow the strict SMM, and as soon as they depart slightly from this mutation model towards the IAM, they will exhibit an heterozygosity excess as a consequence of a genetic bottleneck.In a population at mutation-drift equilibrium (i.e. the effective size of which has remained constant in the past), there is approximately an equal probability that a locus shows an heterozygosity excess or an heterozygosity deficit. To determine whether a population exhibits a significant number of loci with heterozygosity excess, we proposed three tests, namely a "sign test", a "standardized differences test" (Cornuet and Luikart 1996), and a "Wilcoxon sign-rank test" (Luikart et al., 1997a). We also proposed a descriptor of the allele frequency distribution ("mode-shift" indicator) which discriminates many bottlenecked populations from stable populations (Luikart et al, 1997b).Description : The program BOTTLENECK computes for each population sample and for each locus the distribution of the heterozygosity expected from the observed number of alleles (k), given the sample size (n) under the assumption of mutation-drift equilibrium. This distribution is obtained through simulating the coalescent process of n genes under two possible mutation models, the IAM and the SMM. This enables the computation of the average (Hexp) which is compared to the observed heterozygosity (Hobs, in the sense of Nei'sgene diversity) to establish whether there is an heterozygosity excess or deficit at this locus. In addition, the standard deviation (SD) of the mutation-drift equilibrium distribution of the heterozygosity is used to compute the standardized difference for each locus ((Hobs-Hexp)/SD). The distribution obtained through simulation enables also the computation of a P-value for the observed heterozygosity.The way in which the coalescent process is simulated is unconventional due to the conditioning by the observed number of alleles. The phylogeny of the n genes is simulated as usual (Hudson, 1990). Under the IAM, a single mutation is allocated at a time and the resulting number of alleles is computed. The process is repeated until the latter reaches the observed number of alleles. Under the SMM, a Bayesian approach is used as explained in Cornuet and Luikart (1996). Briefly, the likelihood distribution of the parameter theta(= 4Neµ) given the number of alleles (k) and the sample size (n) is evaluated as the proportion of iterations (in the simulation process) producing exactly k alleles for a varying set of thetas. As a second step, drawing random values of theta according to the likelihood distribution, the coalescent process is simulated as usual. Only heterozygosities found in iterations producing exactly k alleles are considered.Once all loci available in a population sample have been processed, the three statistical tests are performed for each mutation model as explained in Cornuet and Luikart (1996) and Luikart et al. (1997a, b) and the allele frequency distribution is established in order to see whether it is approximately L-shaped (as expected under mutation-drift equilibrium) or not (recent bottlenecks provoke a mode shift).Data file format : Four data file formats are accepted and automatically recognized by BOTTLENECK. All are text files. One is the GENEPOP format. The other three formats concern single population data. The first line is a title line. Each following line provides the necessary data for each locus. In all cases, the line starts with the name of the locus followed by the number of alleles (k). In one data file format, the line includes successively the sample size (number of gene copies = n) and the unbiased genic diversity (sensu Nei, 1987). In the second format, the line is completed with the number of copies of each allele. In the third format, the line includes the sample size (n) and the frequency of each allele. All data on the same line are separated by one or more spaces.R EFERENCESC ORNUET J.M. and L UIKART G., 1997 Description and power analysis of two tests for detecting recent population bottlenecks from allele frequency data. Genetics 144:2001-2014. Please, cite this article if you use Bottleneck.H UDSON R.R., 1990 Gene genealogies and the coalescent process, pp. 1-42 in Oxford Survey in Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 7, edited by D. F UTUYAMA and J. A NTONOVICS. Oxford University Press, Oxford.L UIKART G.,A LLENDORF F.W.,C ORNUET J.M.and W ILLIAM B.S HERWIN, 1997a. Distortion of allele frequency distributions provides a test for recent population bottlenecks. Journal of Heredity (Accepted July, 1997)L UIKART G.and C ORNUET J.M., 1997b. Empirical evaluation of a test for identifying recently bottlenecked populations from allele frequency data. Cons. Biol. (In press.)L UIKART G., 1997. Usefulness of molecular markers for detecting population bottlenecks and monitoring genetic change. Ph. D. Thesis. University of Montana, Missoula, USA.M ARUYAMA T.and F UERST P.A.,1985Population bottlenecks and non equilibrium models in population genetics. II. Number of alleles in a small population that was formed by a recent bottleneck. Genetics 111:675-689.。
工程硕士(GCT)逻辑-57(总分90, 做题时间90分钟)1.现在工作为了以后享受的延迟满足的观念帮助塑造了现代社会的经济行为。
以上论述依据下面哪个假设?SSS_SINGLE_SELA 由于社会的经济状况改善了,所以麦片盒子里的玩具有了部分的改动。
B 促销这一花招对社会经济行为的影响逐年增加了。
C 过去麦片盒子里的玩具是拿它玩的孩子组装的。
D 现在的孩子不指望一件玩具能给他们提供很长时间的乐趣。
如果上面的陈述是正确的,以下哪项也一定是正确的?SSS_SINGLE_SELA 投递服务对重包裹的收费高于对轻包裹的收费。
B 投递服务总是接受大小在规定限度内的包裹的投递。
C 如果一个包裹大小在规定的限度之内,并有回邮地址,则无论它多重,都会被接受投递。
D 一个大小不在规定限度之内但是却有回邮地址的包裹,绝不会被投递服务接受投递的。
下面哪项如果正确,不支持上述观点?SSS_SINGLE_SELA 对于供应量有限的木材有许多竞争性的用途,供应者把更多的优先权给了建筑木材业和造纸业而不是个人消费者。
B 木头在燃烧时要发出浓烟,因此木材在人口稠密城市的广泛使用将会破坏政府反污染的方针。
C 在运输中燃烧汽油要比燃烧木头更经济之前,关于木材被运多远的限制相对较小。
D 大多数使用能源的商业用户都位于木材供应的范围之内,而2/3的美国家庭不在市区内。
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Bottleneck in Going NuclearByProfessor William Reville, University College Cork.Fears about greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and about security of supply in an insecure world are slowly propelling Ireland towards nuclear power. A nuclear power plant is a highly specialised construction and most components are not easily available. They must be manufactured and rigorously tested in a small number of accredited production facilities. The problem is that the expertise and capacity to build nuclear power plants is very limited and is now confronting a big increase in demand. The time gap between placing an order and commissioning a nuclear power plant is growing rapidly. I f we don’t order a nuclear power plant soon we will have to wait an inordinately long time before such a plant comes on-line in Ireland.The nuclear industry went into a tailspin after the Three Mile Island accident in 1977 and crash-landed in 1986 with the massive explosion at Chernobyl. Demand for new plants has been minimal for the past 25 years and the specialised capacity to build these plants declined to a low level. It is now struggling desperately to cope with increased demand as more and more countries choose nuclear power as a vital component of their energy mix. Nuclear power plant suppliers have full order books and new customers must join a rapidly lengthening queue.Nuclear power taps the enormous energy released when uranium undergoes nuclear fission. Uranium fission was the basis for the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. In nuclear power, fission is controlled so that an explosion cannot occur, but even controlled fission is an awesome process. It takes place in the containment vessel, the heart of the nuclear power plant. Obviously this vessel must be built to the highest standards to minimise the risk of a radiation leak. The best way to fabricate this vessel is to produce it in a single piece and the only plant in the world capable of doing this is Japan Steel Works in Hokkaido.Japan Steel Works can only produce 4 containment vessels per year. This is not enough to meet the rate of incoming orders and even when they double capacity in 2 years it will still fall short. Consequently, power utilities that don’t need the equipment for years are now placing $100 million down payments to book their place in the queue. Other manufacturers are working to break Japan Steel’s stranglehold on the market but it could take 5 or more years to catch up.Japan Steel makes the containment vessel from a 600 ton steel ingot. They developed their technological prowess when making the 18-inch gun barrels, then the largest in the world, for the World War II battleship Yamoto. The other prized product made by Japan Steel is the samurai sword.If Ireland had ordered a nuclear power plant in 1999 it would be working today (5 years planning and 5 years construction) producing clean and relatively cheap electricity. If we decide on nuclear power today we might still make this 10 yeartarget. If we decide in 2 years time the nuclear power plant will probably take 15 years to deliver. Every week we delay our decision puts months on the delivery date.Ireland has opposed nuclear power for 3 main reasons, neither of which applies any longer. (A) Cost: the supplier of the plant will fund its installation at very little risk to the Irish economy. Nuclear-produced electricity has a low and stable price tag. (B) Safety: modern western reactors are amongst the safest means of generating electricity, as we have seen over the past decades in France, America, Spain, Germany, and so on. (C) Waste, or Spent Fuel: this is now solved to many peoples’ satisfaction, e.g. Finland is building a safe repository for spent fuel as a precondition for using their latest reactor.A nuclear plant would reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 16%. By 2050 we must reduce these emissions by 80% of 1990 emissions but we are currently 25% above 1990 emission levels. Also building the plant would provide up to 600 jobs for 4 years and up to 200 high-skill jobs for 50 years.Why don’t we solve our energy problem using free wind power? Some studies calculate that to get the benefits from wind as described above would cost 25 to 30 billion euro – 10 times the nuclear installation cost, making wind-generated electricity 50% to 100% more expensive than nuclear. This is why nuclear is so popular internationally. Wind plans could strangle our economy and seriously undermine the reliability of electricity in Ireland.A strong case can be made now that only nuclear energy can safeguard the economy, our jobs, and the planet, and secure our energy supply. We should listen to this case.(This article appeared in The Irish Times, 26th February, 2009).。