国内主要塔吊(塔式起重机)参数目录一、中联塔吊 (1)TCR6055(动臂式) (1)TC7030B (2)TC7035 (3)TC7052 (5)TCT7527(平头) (6)TC8039 (8)二、四川机械厂 (9)C7022 (9)C7050B (11)M630 (12)M900D (13)M1500(A) (15)D650(动臂式) (16)三、永茂厂 (17)ST60/14 (17)ST60/15 (19)ST70/27 (21)ST70/30 (23)STT553 (24)STT293 (26)四、沈阳厂 (28)K30/21 (28)K30/30 (30)K40/21 (32)K50/50 (33)M125/75 (35)五、江麓厂 (36)QTD480(江麓动臂式) (36)一、中联塔吊TCR6055(动臂式)塔身截面:2.5×2.5米现没有行走底架塔身节主要构件重:基础节:5.95米整体标准节:5.37米最大自由高度基础受力(吨):工作状态非工作状态自重F2 320t 285tF3 215t 195t 145t起重性能:幅度18 20 25 28 30 35 38 40 45 48 50 55 58 6016t-32.8m 单绳16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 14.66 12.94 11.93 9.74 8.68 8.05 6.65 5.92 5.5016t-31.9m 双绳16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 13.91 12.22 11.24 9.14 8.07 7.48 6.11 5.44 5.12幅度18 20 25 28 30 35 38 40 45 48 50 5516t-34.3m 单绳16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.00 13.30 12.31 10.18 9.11 8.51 7.2024t-24.2m 双绳24.00 24.00 23.02 19.82 17.95 14.30 12.66 11.95 9.60 8.58 7.97 6.83幅度18 20 25 28 30 35 38 40 45 48 5016t-33.5m 单绳16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.52 13.76 12.76 10.67 9.599.0032t-19.6m 双绳32.00 31.45 23.75 20.53 18.66 15.01 13.27 12.28 10.23 9.188.62幅度18 20 25 28 30 35 38 40 4516t-34m 单绳16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.97 14.30 13.27 11.2032t-19.6m 双绳32.00 31.93 24.35 21.00 19.23 15.56 13.85 12.84 10.83幅度18 20 25 28 30 35 38 4016t-35m 单绳16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.90 14.39 13.4032t-19.9m 双绳32.00 31.83 23.86 20.75 18.97 15.43 13.99 13.04幅度18 20 25 28 30 3516t-34.3m 单绳16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.0032t-20m 双绳32.00 32.00 24.93 21.68 19.93 16.40幅度18 20 25 28 3016t-30m 单绳16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.0032t-20m 双绳32.00 32.00 24.81 21.64 20.00自由高度:最大自由高度60米塔吊机构参数:主卷扬机构:起升速度(米/分):(单)0~35米/分(16t); 0~70米/分(8t); 0~80米/分(2.5t)(双)0~17.5米/分(32t); 0~35米/分(16t); 0~44米/分(5t)主卷扬电机功率: 110kw卷筒最大容绳量: 480m变幅机构:变幅速度(米/分): 3.5(15°~87°)变幅电机功率: 75kw回转机构:回转速度(r/min): 0~0.7回转电机功率: 5.5×3kw行走机构:行走速度(米/分):0~25行走电机功率: 5.5×6kw顶升机构:顶升速度(米/分):0.32顶升电机功率: 11kw塔吊电网参数:电源:380V/50Hz 电容量:234.5KW440V/50HzTC7030B塔身截面:2.2×2.2米塔身节主要构件:标准节:3.75米行走底架固定底架:6.5×6.5米最大自由高度基础受力(吨):工作状态非工作状态自重F2 156t 210tF3 98t 154t 88t起重性能:幅度22 25 28 30 35 40 45 48 50 55 58 60 65 68 70吊重6t~40.9m 单绳66666 6 5.33 4.92 4.67 4.14 3.86 3.70 3.32 3.12 3.00 12t~22.3m 双绳12 10.53 9.21 8.49 7.05 5.99 5.16 4.75 4.50 3.97 3.69 3.53 3.15 2.95 2.83 幅度22 25 28 30 35 40 45 48 50 55 58 60 65吊重6t~42.5m 单绳666666 5.59 5.16 4.91 4.35 4.07 3.89 3.50 12t~23.2m 双绳12 11.01 9.64 8.89 7.39 6.28 5.42 4.99 4.74 4.18 3.90 3.72 3.33 幅度22 25 28 30 35 40 45 48 50 55 58 60吊重6t~43.4m 单绳666666 5.74 5.30 5.04 4.47 4.18 4.00 12t~23.7m 双绳12 11.28 9.88 9.11 7.58 6.45 5.57 5.13 4.87 4.30 4.01 3.83 幅度22 25 28 30 35 40 45 48 50 55吊重6t~44.4m 单绳666666 5.90 5.45 5.18 4.60 12t~24.2m 双绳12 11.56 10.14 9.35 7.79 6.62 5.73 5.28 5.01 4.43 幅度22 25 28 30 35 40 45 48 50吊重6t~45.2m 单绳6666666 5.57 5.30 12t~24.6m 双绳12 11.81 10.35 9.55 7.96 6.77 5.86 5.40 5.13 幅度22 25 28 30 35 40 45吊重6t~45m 单绳666666612t~25.1m 双绳12 12 10.58 9.76 8.14 6.93 6.00起重臂重量及吊点位置:自由高度:最大自由高度54米塔吊机构参数:主卷扬机构:起升速度(米/分):(2) 0~50米/分(6t); 0~100米/分(3t)(4) 0~25米/分(12t);0~50米/分(6t)主卷扬电机功率: 60kw卷筒最大容绳量: 400m变幅机构:变幅速度(米/分): 0~75变幅电机功率:5.5kw回转机构:回转速度(r/min): 0~0.6回转电机功率: 2×7.5 kw行走机构:行走速度(米/分):0~25行走电机功率:4×5.5 kw;顶升机构:顶升速度(米/分):0.45顶升电机功率: 7.5kw塔吊电网参数:电源:380V/50HZ 电容量:102.5KWTC7035塔身截面:2.2×2.2米塔身节主要构件:标准节:3.75米;行走底架固定底架:6.5×6.5米最大自由高度基础受力(吨)工作状态非工作状态自重F2 170t 220tF3 110t 170t 90t起重性能:幅度22 25 30 35 38 40 45 50 55 58 60 65 68 70吊重5.33t~49.7m双绳5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.30 4.72 4.43 4.25 3.84 3.63 3.50 10.66t~27m四绳10.66 10.66 9.45 7.91 7.19 6.77 5.88 5.18 4.60 4.30 4.12 3.72 3.51 3.38 16t~18.5m六绳13.07 11.26 9.07 7.53 6.81 6.38 5.50 4.79 4.22 3.92 3.74 3.34 3.13 3.00 幅度22 25 30 35 38 40 45 50 55 58 60 65吊重5.33t~53.4m双绳5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.14 4.48 4.63 4.20 10.66t~29m四绳10.66 10.66 10.24 8.58 7.80 7.35 6.40 5.64 5.02 4.70 4.51 4.08 16t~19.8m六绳14.15 12.21 9.86 8.20 7.42 6.97 6.02 5.26 4.64 4.32 4.13 3.70 幅度22 25 30 35 38 40 45 50 55 58 60吊重5.33t~55m双绳5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.00 4.80 10.66t~29.8m四绳10.6610.6610.58 8.87 8.07 7.60 6.62 5.84 5.21 4.88 4.68 16t~20.3m六绳14.63 11.62 11.20 8.49 7.69 7.22 6.24 5.46 4.83 4.50 4.30 幅度22 25 30 35 38 40 45 50 55吊重5.33t~55m双绳5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 10.66t~30.6m四绳10.6610.6610.669.55 8.70 8.20 7.15 6.32 5.6516t~20.9m 六绳15.75 13.61 11.02 9.20 8.35 7.85 6.80 5.97 5.29幅度22 25 30 35 38 40 45 50吊重5.33t~50m双绳5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 10.66t~31.4m四绳10.6610.6610.669.76 8.89 8.38 7.31 6.47 16t~21.4m六绳16.00 13.90 11.27 9.41 8.54 8.03 6.96 6.11 幅度22 25 30 35 38 40 45吊重5.33t~45m双绳5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 10.66t~32.3m四绳10.6610.6610.6610.85 9.64 9.09 7.95 16t~22m六绳16.00 15.06 12.23 10.23 9.29 8.74 7.59自由高度:最大自由高度54米塔吊机构参数:主卷扬机构:起升速度(米/分):(2) 0~50米/分(5.33t); 0~100米/分(2.67t)(4) 0~25米/分(10.66t);0~50米/分(5.33t)(6) 0~16.6米/分(16t); 0~33.3米/分(8t)主卷扬电机功率: 60kw卷筒最大容绳量: 400m变幅机构:变幅速度(米/分): 0~100变幅电机功率:11kw回转机构:回转速度(r/min): 0~0.6回转电机功率: 2×7.5 kw行走机构:行走速度(米/分):0~25行走电机功率:4×5.5 kw;顶升机构:顶升速度(米/分):0.45顶升电机功率: 7.5kw塔吊电网参数:电源:380V/50HZ 电容量:108KWTC7052塔身截面: 2.5m×2.5m塔身节主要构件:标准节:5.95米;最大自由高度基础受力(吨)工作状态非工作状态自重F2 230t 255tF3 135t 175t 135t塔吊起重性能表幅度18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70吊重12.5t~33.8m双绳12.512.512.512.512.02 10.30 8.97 7.90 7.04 6.32 5.72 5.2 25t~17.6m 四绳24.32 21.48 16.46 13.17 10.85 9.12 7.79 6.73 5.87 5.15 4.54 4.0318 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60吊重12.5t~34.6m双绳12.512.512.512.512.33 10.57 9.20 8.12 7.23 6.50 25t~17.9m 四绳24.93 22.03 16.89 13.53 11.16 9.39 8.03 6.94 6.06 5.33 幅度18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50吊重12.5t~34.9m双绳12.512.512.512.512.45 10.67 9.29 8.20 25t~18.1m 四绳25 22.24 17.06 13.67 11.27 9.50 8.12 7.03幅度18 20 25 30 35 40吊重12.5t~35.2m双绳12.512.512.512.512.510.80 25t~18.3m 四绳25 22.51 17.27 13.84 11.42 9.63自由高度:最大自由高度73米塔吊机构参数:主卷扬机构:起升速度(米/分):(2) 27米/分(12.5t); 53米/分(6.25t);80米/分(1t);(4) 13.5米/分(25t); 27米/分(12.5t);40米/分(2t);主卷扬电机功率: 63kw卷筒最大容绳量: 560m变幅机构:变幅速度(米/分): 0~100变幅电机功率:11kw回转机构:回转速度(r/min): 0~0.72回转电机功率: 3×5.5 kw行走机构:行走速度(米/分):0~25行走电机功率:4×5.5 kw;顶升机构:顶升速度(米/分):0.46顶升电机功率: 11kw塔吊电网参数:电源:380V/50HZ 电容量:112.5KWTCT7527(平头)塔身截面: 2.2×2.2米塔身节主要构件:标准节:3.75米;行走底架固定底架:6.5×6.5米最大自由高度基础受力(吨)工作状态非工作状态自重F2 223t 230tF3 165t 175t 97t起重性能:幅度20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75吊重10t~26.8m 双绳10.0010.008.757.29 6.20 5.36 4.70 4.15 3.70 3.31 2.98 2.70 20t~13.9m 四绳13.01 9.87 7.81 6.35 5.27 4.43 3.76 3.21 2.76 2.37 2.05 1.76 幅度20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70吊重10t~28.1m 双绳10.0010.009.267.73 6.59 5.70 5.00 4.42 3.95 3.54 3.20 20t~14.6m 四绳13.79 10.49 8.33 6.79 5.65 4.76 4.06 3.48 3.01 2.61 2.26 幅度20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65吊重10t~29m 双绳10.0010.009.608.02 6.84 5.93 5.20 4.61 4.12 3.70 20t~15.1m 四绳14.31 10.90 8.67 7.08 5.90 4.99 4.26 3.67 3.18 2.76 幅度20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60吊重10t~29.4m 双绳10.0010.009.788.17 6.97 6.04 5.30 4.70 4.20 20t~15.3m 四绳14.57 11.11 8.84 7.23 6.03 5.10 4.36 3.76 3.26 幅度20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55吊重10t~29.9m 双绳10.0010.009.968.23 7.10 6.16 5.41 4.80 20t~15.5m 四绳14.85 11.33 9.06 7.38 6.16 5.22 4.47 3.86 幅度20 25 30 35 40 45 50吊重10t~30.3m 双绳10.0010.0010.008.45 7.22 6.26 5.50 20t~15.7m 四绳15.07 11.51 10.00 7.51 6.28 5.32 4.56 幅度20 25 30 35 40 45吊重10t~33.2m 双绳10.0010.0010.009.40 8.05 7.00 20t~17.2m 四绳16.77 12.86 10.29 8.37 7.11 6.06 幅度20 25 30 35 40吊重10t~33.7m 双绳10.0010.0010.009.58 8.20 20t~17.5m 四绳17.08 13.10 10.49 9.06 7.26自由高度:最大自由高度61 米塔吊机构参数:主卷扬机构:起升速度(米/分):(2) 40米/分(10t); 80米/分(5t);100米/分(3t);(4) 20米/分(20t);40米/分(10t);50米/分(6t);主卷扬电机功率: 75kw卷筒最大容绳量: 620m变幅机构:变幅速度(米/分): 0~100变幅电机功率: 11kw回转机构:回转速度(r/min): 0~0.6回转电机功率: 7.5×3 kw行走机构:行走速度(米/分):0~25行走电机功率: 5.5×4 kw;顶升机构:顶升速度(米/分):0.46顶升电机功率: 7.5kw塔吊电网参数:电源:-380V/50HZ 电容量:130.5KWTC8039塔身截面: 2.5×2.5米塔身节主要构件:标准节:5.95米;行走底架固定底架:8×8米最大自由高度基础受力(吨)工作状态非工作状态自重F2 230t 225tF3 135t 175t 135t起重性能:幅度20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80吊重12.5t~31.5m双绳12.5012.5012.50 10.85 8.778.087.12 6.33 5.68 5.13 4.66 4.25 3.90 25t~四19.62 15.06 12.08 9.78 7.69 7. 6.04 5.25 4.60 4.05 3.58 3.18 2.8216.3m 绳00幅度20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75吊重12.5t~32.7m双绳12.5012.5012.5011.39 9.758.497.49 6.67 5.99 5.41 4.92 4.5025t~16.9m四绳20.57 15.82 12.70 10.31 8.687.416.41 5.59 4.91 4.34 3.85 3.42 幅度20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70吊重12.5t~33.7m双绳12.5012.5012.5011.95 10.248.927.78 7.02 6.31 5.71 5.2025t~17.5m四绳21.38 16.89 13.17 10.87 9.167.856.80 5.94 5.23 4.63 4.12 幅度20 25 30 36 40 45 50 55 60吊重12.5t~34.5m双绳12.5012.5012.5011.89 10.539.188.10 7.23 6.5025t~17.9m四绳21.97 16.88 13.55 10.81 9.458.107.03 6.15 5.42幅度20 25 30 36 40 45 50吊重12.5t~34.8m双绳12.5012.5012.5012.02 10.659.298.2025t~18.1m四绳22.22 17.08 13.72 10.95 9.578.217.12幅度20 25 30 36 40吊重12.5t~35.2m双绳12.5012.5012.5012.19 10.08 25t~18.3m四绳22.53 17.33 13.92 11.11 9.72自由高度:最大自由高度67米塔吊机构参数:主卷扬机构:起升速度(米/分):(2) 27米/分(12.5t); 53米/分(6.25t);80米/分(1t);(4) 13.5米/分(25t); 27米/分(12.5t);40米/分(2t);主卷扬电机功率: 63kw卷筒最大容绳量: 561m变幅机构:变幅速度(米/分): 0~100变幅电机功率: 11kw回转机构:回转速度(r/min): 0~0.7回转电机功率: 5.5×3 kw行走机构:行走速度(米/分):0~25行走电机功率: 5.5×6 kw;顶升机构:顶升速度(米/分):0.46顶升电机功率: 11kw塔吊电网参数: 电源:380V/50HZ 电容量:123.5KW二、四川机械厂C7022塔身截面: 2×2米 底架: 6×6米塔身节主要构件重量:基础节 3.5米(3.78吨) 标准节 3米(1.95吨) 套架总成:(9.06吨) 过渡节 7.5米(4.22吨) 回转 (6.6吨) 平衡臂 20.27米(12.395吨)塔头 (2.57吨)最大自由高度基础受力(吨):P= , M= , H= 起重性能(最大起重量16吨):吊点位置:自由高度:固定式:满顶13节标准节,钩高48.7米。
齿比 2
2.173913 2.380952 2.631579 2.941176 3.333333 3.571429 3.846154 4.166667 4.545455
1.36 1.478261 1.619048 1.789474
2 2.266667 2.428571 2.615385 2.833333 3.090909
轮圈 花鼓 钢丝
PIANETA R1 培林公路车轮
速度(踏频110) 速度(踏频120)
车把 车首竖杆 座垫杆
Giant Connect
轻量铝合金 Giant Connect
轻量铝合金 GIANT
CARBON向量 隐藏式尾灯座 GIANT公路车 座垫
The work and the conveyer null work which conveys
专利名称:The work and the conveyer null work which conveys the especially发明人:エルンスト ライスナー,ハインツ クラウス,ペーター ウルマー,ペーター ロートフス申请号:JP1997531314申请日:19961221公开号:JP3935944B2公开日:20070627专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要: (57)< Abstract > As for this invention, being the conveyer which conveys work base material 35, the sub- conveying interval conveying path one where is laid out 20 of 26,27 which is laid out parallel main conveying interval vis-a-vis 20,21,22,23 and the said main conveying interval and aforementioned both conveying interval - 23,26,27 between cross direction conveying interval 29,32 is provided at least, it regards those where these conveying intervals form delivery place 38,39,44,51 in the intersection field. In this case, conveying interval 20 - 23,26,27,29,32, to be formed, conveying path inside and outside as the double belt conveyer which has the conveying path 36,42,48,58 of 37,42,47,57 conveying path 37,47 inside cross direction conveying interval 29,32 being formed, equal to amount of width of delivery place 38,39,44,51 briefly following to the conveying path inside aforementioned, putting in place specified interval inside destal field 53, layout possible passive conveyance path partition 43 is provided inside delivery place38,39,44,51, the destal field 52,53 of cross direction conveying interval 29,32 is bearing top and bottom motion possibly inside delivery place 38,39,44,51.申请人:ローベルト ボツシユ ゲゼルシヤフト ミツト ベシユレンクテル ハフツング地址:ドイツ連邦共和国 D-70442 シユツツトガルト ポストファッハ 300220国籍:DE代理人:矢野 敏雄,山崎 利臣,久野 琢也,ラインハルト・アインゼル更多信息请下载全文后查看。
The record substrate which possesses the device an
专利名称:The record substrate which possesses thedevice and the information signal in order torecord the information signal to the recordsubstrate which possesses the trackingsignal发明人:ホーゲンドルン アブラハム,カルフス ヨハネス ヨセフ ウィルヘルムス申请号:JP特願平9-519535申请日:19961111公开号:JP特表平10-513299A公开日:19981215专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: (57)< Abstract > This invention the record substrate (1) is something regarding the device in order to record the information signal on. The above-mentioned record substrate is respectively recorded to the first and second track/truck (T1 and T2) where frequency and wavelength (L) of specification the first and second tracking signal (S1 and S2) has extended to the longitudinal direction of that record substrate mutually parallel.When this device means (30) in order to receive the information signal, after that with signal block (SBi) of that information is formed the above-mentioned information signal and writes means (32) and the channel signal which are converted to the channel signal where each signal block is formed at portion of the above-mentioned information signal inside third track/truck (Ta), simultaneously said from the first and second track/truck the description above which reads out from means (34) and the above-mentioned record substrate which read out at least one side description above of the first and second tracking signal the first and second tracking signal it controls at least from one sideIt has with the generation means which generate the signal. This device by this invention that length of signal block of the above-mentioned channel signal, when it was written to the above-mentioned third track/truck, integral part amount of wavelength of one side description above of the first and second tracking signal it becomes equal, has reached the point where the information signal is recorded to the record substrate.申请人:フィリップス エレクトロニクス ネムローゼ フェンノートシャップ地址:オランダ国 5621 ベーアー アインドーフェン フルーネヴァウツウェッハ 1国籍:NL代理人:沢田 雅男更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Manner and the device which attach another body pa
专利名称:Manner and the device which attach anotherbody part to the web which moves发明人:ラジャラ グレゴリー ジョン,マコヴェック リチャード ジョン申请号:JP特願平7-519565申请日:19941228公开号:JP特表平9-509128A公开日:19970916专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: (57)< Abstract > Another body part which is moved at 1st speed (32) it receives,the base substance web which moves that part at 2nd speed (34) manner and the device which are granted have, at least one rotary possible transport means (40), Drive feature(50), and one driven feature (60) at least. Rotary possible transport means (40), it joins tothe output axis, it moves the receipt zone which receives the part (42) with, the part the base substance web (34) the grant zone which is granted (44) with according to the raceway pass which it passes. Drive feature (50), although rotational energy is transmitted driven feature (60), the rotary possible non orbicular Drive gear which at least is joined to one input axis is utilized. Although driven feature (60), Drive feature (50) from rotational energy is received, that energy is transmitted transport means (40), the rotary possible non orbicular Drive gear which at least is joined to one output axis or the countershaft is utilized. The input axis and the output axis or the countershaft are laid out the offset, the non orbicular Drive gear engages and the non orbicular driven gear turns this, next rotary possible transport means (40) in order to turn, is formed.申请人:キンバリー クラーク コーポレイション地址:アメリカ合衆国 ウィスコンシン州 54956 ニーナ ノース レイク ストリート 401国籍:US代理人:中村 稔 (外6名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。
The device which picks up the fabric for cover fro
专利名称:The device which picks up the fabric forcover from the farm发明人:モベルイ,ヤン申请号:JP特願平11-502243申请日:19980529公开号:JP特表2002-503107(P2002-503107A)A公开日:20020129专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: (57)< Abstract > The capture device where the device which picks up the fabric for cover from the farm is loaded onto forward (9) we have possessed, through this capture device, Hari while the fabric which is expanded (8) forming the thin strand it ispulled up. The rotary possible axis (11) to the vehicle is arranged in axis direction, the reel(10) is designed in such a way that it can accept. The capture device (9) with the reel (10) with the reel (10) to at accumulation state the guide expedient which guides the strand of the fabric (14, 14 '' and 14 '' '') it is provided between. Mechanism in order to distribute the fabric of riruhesutorando state in land leveling (12) is provided in the position where it approaches to the reel.申请人:フレーセ・トレードゴールト・アクチボラグ地址:スウェーデン王国エス―835 91 クロコム,シルエ 1710国籍:SE代理人:社本 一夫 (外4名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Distribution facilities manner and distribution fa
专利名称:Distribution facilities manner anddistribution facilities of the functionalcomponent in the support structure of therun path for the vehicle and the especiallymagnetic levitation type vehicle which are online to the raceway发明人:ラシュビッヒラー・ハンス・ゲオルク,ミラー・ルイトポルト,シュヴィント・ゲルト,ラムペルマン・ラインハルト,ロジン・クリスチアン申请号:JP特願平8-510613申请日:19950922公开号:JP特表平9-511556A公开日:19971118专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: (57)< Abstract > At least in order the run path for the vehicle and the especially magnetic levitation type vehicle where two functional components (3,4) position are provided mutually, accurately are on line to the raceway (1) distribution facilities manner and distribution facilities of the functional component (3,4) to the support structure, the run path (1) for position accurate distribution facilities of the functional component (3,4) to the support structure to become easy, it is improved. As for this topic there being a manner due to this invention, the first functional component (3,4) having the registration component (10), this registration component (10) the run path support structure (1) the jib (2) is provided inside the field, to pass (12) being interposed ardently inside, it is solved due to especially, and this configuration which penetrate completely this vis-a-vis this registration component (10) the second functional component (3,4) this by being touched. The distribution facilities which are due to this invention and are superior have the registration component (10) which was formed especially, other than registering for the run path in this registration component also fixed function is given.申请人:ティッセン・インドウストリー・アクチェンゲゼルシャフト地址:ドイツ連邦共和国、デー-45128 エッセン、アム・ティッセンハウス、1国籍:DE代理人:江崎 光史 (外2名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。
The recorder which records information with respec
专利名称:The recorder which records information withrespect to method and the disk shaperecord medium which scan the record disk inregard to defect发明人:ヴァン デン エンデン ガイスベルト ジェイ申请号:JP特願2001-511685(P2001-511685)申请日:20000712公开号:JP特表2003-505811(P2003-505811A)A公开日:20030212专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: (57)< Abstract > The DVR disk (1) method and the DVR video recorder (20) in order to record the real time video signal on are described. As for disk, spot defect of 2dimensions (11; 12; 13) there are times when it shows, but the DVR error correction system is very powerful, small spot defect (11; 12) it has the ability to correct error as a result. Whether or not it possesses the spot defect (13) where the disk is large, at the same time quick in order to inspect with efficient method, integrity of the inspection track/truck (2T) which is decided beforehand, is appraised on the basis of the tracking signal. The inspection track/truck which has defect (2T2; When 2T3) being found, furthermore you can inspect the vicinity of the particular inspection track/truck. The number of tracks/trucks which receive influence is small is kind of when, the record in these tracks/trucks makes possible. When the number of tracks/trucks which receive influence is large, these tracks/trucks are inserted by the defective list, are recorded on the disk desirably. During record, the track/truck which appears in the defective list is skipped.申请人:コーニンクレッカ フィリップス エレクトロニクス エヌ ヴィ地址:オランダ国 5621 ベーアー アインドーフェン フルーネヴァウツウェッハ1;Groenewoudseweg 1,5621 BA Eindhoven, The Netherlands国籍:NL代理人:津軽 進 (外1名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Device and 1 this kind of device in order to contr
专利名称:Device and 1 this kind of device in order to control the relative revolution between thecomponent where two is concatenated wereused at least, the expansion possiblemachine structure for the especially spaceship发明人:ジェラール・ヴェザン,パトリス・ケルホース,ダニエル・ヴィアル,ヤニック・ボーダス,フランソワ・レインボール申请号:JP特願2000-542575(P2000-542575)申请日:19990402公开号:JP特表2002-518618(P2002-518618A)A公开日:20020625专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: (57)< Abstract > In order to control the relative revolution between two component 10,12 like the flap of the expansion possible machine structure which is installed in the space ship, the torsion bar 16 which consists of the form storage alloy of bistable is used. This torsion bar, as it is repeated on itself, is heated over the whole length due to the heater which is locked lap by the ring. It is something which restricts time motion with the time dynamic angle which should control stopper 22, beforehand configurates. As for excess time motion of torsion bar 16, it is transmitted to the mechanical fuse 18 which is provided between one of the bar and component 12.申请人:アルカテル地址:フランス国、75008 パリ、リュ・ラ・ボエテイ 54国籍:FR代理人:志賀 正武 (外7名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Arrival seat type personal rest support instrument
专利名称:Arrival seat type personal rest supportinstrument发明人:ハミルトン ゴードン ブラックウッド申请号:JP2008546596申请日:20061219公开号:JP2009520543A公开日:20090528专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The present invention relates to a resting support (10) for supporting portions of a resting person (1) in a forwards leaning seated position, and to a method of using such a support. The resting support (10) comprises at least one supporting section (9, 35)including a main supporting section (9) for supporting directly said seated resting person's upper torso (3) and head (9), and means for positioning and supporting said section(s) (9, 35) above the lap (6) of said person (1) including at least two legs (21, 22) that extend downwardly from one or more of said sections (9, 35), wherein: —the main supporting section (9) in use extends at an upwards sloping angle (27) from a lower region (28) for supporting said person's upper torso (3) towards an upper region for supporting said person's head (2); —said at least two legs include at least one rear leg (22) proximate said lower region (28) and at least one forwards leg (21) proximate said upper region, the rear leg(s) (22) being adapted for engaging with a seat (25) on which said person (1) is seated and the front leg(s) (21) being adapted for engaging with a floor (24) beneath said seat (25), said at least two legs (21, 22) being movable relative to said sections (9, 35) to enable the section(s) to fold flat with said legs when not in use.申请人:ハミルトン ゴードン ブラックウッド地址:イギリス IP13 7AH ウッドブリッジ ブランデストン ブランデストン・ホール ザ・オールド・マスターズ・ハウス国籍:GB代理人:清原 義博更多信息请下载全文后查看。
The braking system of the full-sized car which has
专利名称:The braking system of the full-sized car which has the control control equipmentand that kind of brake gear of the brakegear发明人:アンデルソン、ホカン,エンゲルケ、ペテル,ヴォグステド、ニルス - グンナル,ヘドストレム、ラルス - グンナル,ボルトリン、ジャンアントニオ,グトマン、ペル - オロフ申请号:JP特願2001-546513(P2001-546513)申请日:20001213公开号:JP特表2003-517968(P2003-517968A)A公开日:20030603专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: (57)< Abstract > This invention regards the control control equipment of the brake gear of the full-sized car. The brake gear, in order to operate one of the wheels (2a - 2f), has the main brake which includes brakes such as the disk which are formed respectively & the brake which (1a - 1f). Furthermore, the brake gear at least has one auxiliary brake (3) and brake control (10), the aforementioned main brake (1a - 1f) and the auxiliary brake (3) energization is done with that. When the driver energization doing brake control (10), in order control unit (9) of the device the main brake (1a - 1f) and the auxiliary brake (3) to start energization, it is constituted, for the braking effect which at the same time in order the driver requires to be obtained at shortest time, after use of the brakes (1a - 1f) of the main brake early period to minimum to be converted, the braking effect is distributed between those brakes. In addition this invention regards the braking system of the full-sized car which has the above-mentioned device.申请人:スカニア シーブイ アクチボラグ(パブル)地址:スウェーデン国エス - 151 87 ソデルタルイエ国籍:SE代理人:浅村 皓 (外3名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Including the array of the microphone, the hearing
专利名称:Including the array of the microphone, thehearing aid which becomes发明人:ボーネ,マリヌス・マリアス,ベルクホウト,アウグステイヌス・ヨハネス,メルクス,イボ・レオン・デイアネ・マリー申请号:JP特願2000-517582(P2000-517582)申请日:19981020公开号:JP特表2001-521354(P2001-521354A)A公开日:20011106专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: (57)< Abstract > Including the array of the microphone which is supplied to thetransmission route of 1 where that electric output signal belongs to the lug of one side types at least, the hearing aid in order becomes, to improve the hearing acuity of the hearing impairment person. Means in order to pull out the output signal of 2 types from the output signal of the microphone are offered, the array run with a certain angle vis-a-vis mutual, each one has communicated to the output signal of array, it has the principal sensitivity direction of 2 types. Each array output signal is supplied to that itself transmission route which belongs to the lug of one side of the hearing impairment person.申请人:テクニシエ・ウニベルシタイト・デルフト,ステイヒテイング・ボール・デ・テヒニシエ・ベテンシヤツペン地址:オランダ・エヌエル-2600ジーエイ デルフト・ピーオーボツクス5046,オランダ・エヌエル-3502ジーエイ ユトレヒト・ピーオーボツクス3021国籍:NL,NL代理人:小田島 平吉更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Torque-type guide member system
专利名称:Torque-type guide member system发明人:ジャコブセン, スティーブン シー.,デイビス, クラーク,ウェルス, デイビッド申请号:JP特願2001-546711(P2001-546711)申请日:20001222公开号:JP特表2003-517893(P2003-517893A)A公开日:20030603专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: (57) which is formed therein to be spaced along the length of the main catheter wide wire apparatus in accordance with the principles of the [Abstract] The presentinvention, and includes a body elongated thin material having a longitudinal axis is formedso as to define at a distal portion including an arrangement of multiple beams have. The important beam is formed and is arranged to provide the flexibility of the guide wire while maintaining the torsional stiffness of the relatively high degree and extend in the axial and lateral of the body. By manipulating the direction of the beam size, shape, and spacing, the torsional stiffness of the guidewire relative to beam stiffness or flexibility of the guide wire may be selectively changed.申请人:プリシジョン・ヴァスキュラー・システムズ・インコーポレーテッド地址:アメリカ合衆国ユタ州84119,ウエスト・ヴァリー・シティ,ウエスト・オートン・サークル 2405国籍:US代理人:大塩 竹志更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Being the device in order you adjust to configurat
专利名称:Being the device in order you adjust toconfigurate the relative turning angleposition in the device null automobile inorder you adjust to configurate the relativeturning发明人:ホルガー シュトルク,ハイコ デル,ミン ナム ニュエン申请号:JP2007532760申请日:20050916公开号:JP4443606B2公开日:20100331专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要: The device in order you adjust to set the relative turning angle for, the bracket axle of the motive Seki cam shaft making use of the drive shaft of bracket axle fixing, the drive shaft and the electric control control equipment of cam shaft fixing has had the adjustment transmission gear 3 which is actualized as 3 axial transmission gear which has the adjustment axis being driven and being connected by the electric motor which is positioning possible and. Ignition of the system through the ignition switch, is connected to the battery of the automobile. The automobile furthermore has had the adjustment possible at least one device with the user of the automobile. The device in order at least to detect the state change of one device having one sensor at least, has had the supervisory circuit. As for the supervisory circuit the control control equipment when state change is detected, in order the switch to be turned on, is connected to the control control equipment the control control equipment the switch in a state where it is turnedoff.申请人:シエツフレル コマンディートゲゼルシャフト代理人:矢野 敏雄,山崎 利臣,久野 琢也,杉本 博司,アインゼル・フェリックス=ラインハルト,ラインハルト・アインゼル更多信息请下载全文后查看。
捷安特tcr代数 -回复
捷安特tcr 代数系列自行车的出色性能和品质也使其成为自行车爱好者中的心头好。
CRP (C反应蛋白) (-)
IgA (免疫球蛋白) 0.9~4.5 (免疫球蛋白) 0.8~2.2 ml
SF (铁蛋白) 20~200 ng/ml
α(蛋白电脉) 3~4.9 %
β(蛋白电脉) 3.1~9.6 %
γ(蛋白电脉) 6.6~13.7 %
Fe (血清铁) 10.7~27 µmol/L