Exchange学习资料-benet 2.0 课程 exchange2007 第1-4章




第一章:规划和安装Exchange 2007一、概述1、邮件系统能够书写、发送、存储和接收信件的电子通信系统2、邮件系统组成MUA(邮件用户代理):Outlook、Outlook Express、Foxmail、IE(OWA)MTA(邮件传输代理):Exchange、Qmail、Lotus、Postfix、sendmail3、邮件协议RFC 822:邮件标准格式,文本MIME:式扩展,二进制SMTP:发送邮件的协议,端口:TCP 25POP3:客户端接收邮件的协议,端口:TCP 110IMAP4:客户端接收邮件的协议(支持选择性接收邮件)端口:TCP 143MAPI:微软特有;只有exchange+outlook才可以使用5、Exchange 2007版本(1).特点:安全性好;基于角色管理;支持命令行;防止垃圾邮件(2).版本:标准版、企业版6、规划Exchange 2007服务器角色邮箱服务器:管理用户邮箱和公用文件夹客户端访问服务器:支持客户端连接统一消息服务器:语音邮件中心传输(集线器)服务器:传输与路由邮件的服务器边缘传输服务器:过滤邮件(工作组)二、安装Exchange 2007企业版1、条件硬件:x64硬件平台windows 2003 SP1以上或windows 2008域环境:DC/成员服务器安装权限(企业管理员、架构管理员、域管理员)文件系统:NTFS2、准备安装Windows 2003 SP2服务包安装IIS中WWW组件安装.net 2.0安装.net2.0补丁安装powershell 1.0安装时区补丁安装installer 4.5林功能级别提升为本机模式3、安装Exchange 20074、验证Exchange 2007安装Get-ExchangeServerExchange安全组三、Exchange客户端访问1、Outlook客户端(MAPI接口):企业内部使用(必须配置网关)优点:功能强大;自动接收邮件;选择收件人缺点:只能在局域网中使用,收费(office),默认操作系统没有安装注意:只有outlook+exchange时才支持MAPI2、Outlook Express客户端:分公司使用优点:没有邮件服务器限制;免费(操作系统自带)协议:发送邮件SMTP,接收邮件POP3、POP3S缺点:手动接收;手写收件人配置:OE配置完成后—》工具—》账户—》属性—》服务器—》“服务器要求身份验证”--》高级—》“此服务器要求安全连接SSL”注意:在exchange上启用POP3服务3、Outlook Web Access(OWA):出差员工使用软件:浏览器(IE、firefox等)优点:方便连接协议:HTTP/HTTPS访问:https://邮件服务器/owa补充1、标准版与企业版区别:企业版支持群集2、.net 2.0(dotnetfx.exe).net2.0补丁(NDP20-KB942084-X86.exe)powershell 1.0(WindowsServer2003-KB926139-v2-x86-ENU.exe)时区补丁(WindowsServer2003-KB942763-x86-CHS.exe)Installer 4.5(WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x86)3、提升林功能级别,需要先提升域功能级别4、outlook邮件客户端,可以充当多种客户端角色,可以MAPI连接服务器(局域网),也可以SMTP与POP3连接服务器(局域网/广域网)5、MAPI接口连接时,客户端必须是outlook,服务器必须是exchange。

exchange 2007的高可使用性系统备份与灾难还原.

exchange 2007的高可使用性系统备份与灾难还原.

Voice Mail (.eml &d .wma) 伺服器組態資料

無 Setup /m:recoverse rver 還原系統狀態 或匯入機碼
Active Directory configuration container
•HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ex change •HKLM\SYSTEM\currentc ontrolset\Services
File Share Witness(見證檔案共用)
• 使用第三台電腦來避免叢集系統的 occurrence of network Partition(也稱為 split brain syndrome) • Split brain syndrome發生在叢集系統中的每一節點無 法確認其他節點的狀態,因此無法決定資源該由哪個 節點來負責的時候 • 可能會因為節點失敗或網路連結問題而發生 • 透過網路分享來決定叢集中的節點狀態 • CCR使用新的 Cluster quorum model,稱為Majority Node Set(MNS) quorum來作為見證檔案共用 • 必須為 Windows Server 2003 with SP1或R2,並安 裝適當修正程式(KB 921181)
Transaction Log Files (Exx.log) Database (db.edb)
Mailbox 資料庫使用的改變
• 每一伺服器
– 最多 50 個 SG – 最多 50 個 Store – 每一 SG 最多 5 個 Store,建議一個 SG 使用一個 Store



• 叢集服務中的共用磁碟資源,是不支援動態磁碟 (Dynamic Disk)
• 不要啟用磁碟壓縮功能 • 不支援採用軟體式的磁碟陣列服務(Software
RAID) • 建議使用硬體式的RAID 1(Mirror)磁碟容錯,
至於用來擔任儲存共用資料庫的叢集磁碟,可以 採用RAID 5的磁碟容錯ndows Server 2003 R2企業版 • 所有叢集節點伺服器都必須是位在相同網域中 • 各安裝兩片網路卡、設定好Public、Private的
TCP/IP網段 • DNS伺服器必須確認設定為接受動態更新(預設) • 先安裝好獨立一部的Hub Transport Role + Client
• 停機前
• 維護後
• 高可用性(HA)技術概觀 • 本機資料庫複寫備份(LCR) • 雙資料中心容錯備援(CCR) • 雙主機單資料中心叢集備援(SCC) • Q&A
• Microsoft iSCSI Initiator可至微軟網站免費下載 • Windows Vista 、Windows Server 2008則內建
Microsoft Initiator 設定
• 輸入Target Portal 連線位址 • 回到Target 端確認加入此Initiator • 連線登入Target
Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator
• Initiator可採用硬體式或軟體式的架構模式,硬體式的 iSCSI HBA卡由於已負擔起TCP/IP堆疊運算處理的工作, 因此大幅減低了系統CPU的負擔,軟體式的iSCSI Initiator 則反之。



BDDDAAExchange 2007设计理念?Exchange2007提供了完整的信息系统,所以在同一台服务器上执行所有的Exchange服务。


(考)Exchange 2007中的5种服务器角色?边沿传输;集线器传输;整合通信;客户端访问;邮件信箱服务器(考)邮件生命周期的基本定义?邮件生命周期是指从发件人新增一封电子邮件开始,而当发件人删除次邮件后,则整个邮件生命周期便随之结束。

Exchange 2007整合Active Directory的优点?1、集中式的对象管理;2、简化安全管理机制;3、简化发布组的建立;4、便利的目录数据存储Exchange 2007 安装条件?硬件:x64硬件平台windows 2003 SP1以上或windows 2008;域环境:DC/成员服务器(建议您只在成员服务器上安装);安装权限:(企业管理员、架构管理员、域管理员)文件系统:NTFS(考)Exchange 2007 正式安装前准备?安装Windows 2003 SP2服务包(如果需要)准备 Active Directory 和域(如果需要)配置 Exchange 2007 服务器的 DNS 设置安装IIS中WWW组件(默认配置)安装.net 2.0,*安装.net2.0补丁*安装管理控制台MMC3.0 (取决于OS版本)安装powershell 1.0*安装时区补丁*安装installer 4.5林功能、域功能级别提升为本机模式Exchange 2007 安装后正确性测试?1、检查时间查看器的内容,如果在记录中发现任何红色的错误信息,表示系统出现严重的错误,建议您重新安装以节省日后排错的时间;2、检查“所有程序”菜单中是否出现“Microsoft Exchange Server 2007”子菜单,其中包含,Exchange Server帮助、Exchange 管理控制台以及Exchange 命令行管理程序等组件;3、检查“Active Directory用户和计算机”管理窗口中,是否出现“Microsoft Exchange SecurityGroups”的组名称,其中包含多种安全组。

Exchange 2007自动发现服务原理及调试

Exchange 2007自动发现服务原理及调试

Exchange 2007自动发现服务原理及调试概述微软的最新邮件系统Exchange server2007中新增加了一项服务:自动发现服务(auto discover service).此服务用于自动化配置Outlook2007(注意:仅仅用于outlook2007,在outlook其他版本中用不到此服务,在以前的时代都是通过public folder实现的。

),以减少管理员的工作量,在以前的Exchange2000/2003+outlook2003的时代需要使用office resource kit进行24步的设置才能进行客户端outlook配置的自动化部署。


另外自动发现服务同样支持windows mobile设备。

具体来说自动发现服务对Exchange的以下功能提供支持:OAB(脱机地址列表),the Availability service(忙/闲信息),outlook anywhere服务器设置,Unified Messaging(统一消息的配置信息)和Out of Office(外出留言信息配置)。


自动发现服务工作原理(假设用户email地址为user@)当您在部署client access server role(客户端访问服务器角色)时,安装进程会在IIS的默认网站下创建一个名为autodiscover的虚拟目录(如图1所示),此目录指向到client accessautodiscover文件夹。

此虚拟目录用来处理outlook2007客户端和windows mobile设备的自动配置信息的请求。

同时安装进程会在活动目录中安装一个service connection point(SCP,中文名字为“服务连接点”,类似与在部署RMS 或SMS 中创建的SCP)。

Exchange 2007中直接信任证书

Exchange 2007中直接信任证书

【IT专家网独家】在Exchange 2007中,当安装一台中心传输服务器或者边缘传输服务器的时候,系统会自动创建一张缺省的证书,该证书由Exchange 自己生成的,和实际的CA生成的证书相反。



该直接信任证书保存在两个位置,本地计算机的证书存储中和活动目录中Exchange 服务器对象的msExchServerInternalTLSCert的二进制值中。


如果Exchange 无法从这两个位置访问该证书的话,那么中心传输服务器之间的邮件流以及中心传输服务器和边缘传输服务器之间的邮件流都会出现问题。

一、直接信任证书的用途:Exchange 在下面几种情况下使用直接信任证书:·为组织内部的中心传输服务器之间的SMTP流量建立安全通道,它使用微软专用的名叫X-AnonymousTLS SMTP 扩展。

·为组织内部的中心传输服务器和边缘传输服务器之间的SMTP流量建立安全通道,也使用X-AnonymousTLS SMTP 扩展。




CertificateDomains : {ex2k7-01, } CertificateRequest :IsSelfSigned : TrueKeyIdentifier : ACC553F41452A55AA7B16F59C4FA786747BA0E3D RootCAType : NoneServices : IMAP, POP, SMTPStatus : ValidPrivateKeyExportable : TrueFriendlyName : Microsoft ExchangeNotAfter : 2008-12-27 19:27:20NotBefore : 2007-12-27 19:27:20HasPrivateKey : TrueSerialNumber : FA952809058E239A4ECAE88E9991A652SubjectName : System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500Distin guishedNameThumbprint : 4D45BE9340228B148C31AE187F8B6B6696524E0AVersion : 3Issuer : CN=ex2k7-01Subject : CN=ex2k7-01该证书是直接信任证书,不幸的是,在Exchange 2007中,我们无法查看它。



用户每天用来处理垃圾 邮件的时间
我国邮箱用户每天用来处 理垃圾邮件的平均时间为 3.65分钟,其中用时1-5分 钟的占71.8%的绝大比例。
以中国6800万网民来计算, 每年浪费在处理垃圾邮件上 的时间就高达15亿小时,浪 费的GDP高达48亿元人民 币。
邮件记录管理 邮件记录管理简述
Exchange2007通过用户对自己的邮件进行分类、删除 过时的邮件、保留所需的邮件三个原则对邮件进行记 录管理,使邮件管理和策略执行变得更可靠、更有效 性和更易于使用。
用户对自己的邮件进行分类 删除过时的邮件 保留所需的邮件
实施邮件记录管理 背景
理解Exchange2007在安全性方面的增强 理解邮件策略管理、邮件记录管理和邮件日 志的作用 会使用邮件策略管理来管理Exchange2007 会使用邮件记录管理提高Exchange2007的安 全性 会查看邮件日记以分析Exchange的安全问题
创建研发部和技术部,并把员工加入到对应的组中 创建传输规则。对于员工所在的组做限定 使用Exchange命令行管理程序设定未送达报告的内容 验证实施后的效果
创建研发部和技术部,并把员工加入对应的组中 创建传输规则
实施传输策略管理 使用Exchange命令行管理程序设定未送达报告的 内容 验证实施后的效果

Exchange 2007 Transport Rules

Exchange 2007 Transport Rules

Exchange 2007 Transport RulesUsing transport rules to apply policies to e-mail as it traverses throughyour Exchange 2007 organization.Regulatory compliance, corporate policy and this little thing called security are more prevalent than ever and maintaining compliance and security in large Exchange organizations isdifficult. This article will go over using transport rules to apply policies to e-mail as it traverses through your Exchange 2007 organization.IntroductionSo what is a transport rule? A transport rule is used to apply policies to messages passing through an Edge Transport or Hub Transport server. These policies can do such things as ∙Archive messages∙Apply a disclaimer to all mail leaving the organization∙Redirect messges coming in or out of the organization∙Filter messages containing confidential informationRule AgentsThere are two types of agents that you can use to apply policies to messages, first is the Edge Rule Agent. This agent resides on any and all servers that have the Edge Transport role applied and is primarily used to provide anti-malware services. The other is the Transport Rule Agent which resides on any and all Hub Transport servers in your Exchange organization. The Transport Rule Agent is what you will use to apply the policies required for regulatory compliance, corporate policy and intellectual property protection.Rule ComponentsTransport rules and edge rules work in a similar manner but because of some fundamental differences to their intended use there are some differences. That said all rules, whether transport or edge, are made up of the following components.∙Condition– The first component of any rule is the condition. This is what triggers the rule to take effect. In an Exchange organization some of the conditions that you may find arethings such as sender, recipient, message header; anything that can identify an e-mailmessage. If a message is passed through an Edge Transport or Hub Transport server and it does not meet any of the conditions specified, it will pass through and continue on itsway. However if one of the conditions are met it will run through the rest of the process.∙Exception– After a condition is met, the message is checked to see if it meets any exceptions. An exception can be used to fine tune a rule with a general condition. If amessage meets one of the conditions applied, but also meets the exception it is released for regular delivery; however if it does not then in continues through the rule processing.∙Action– the final stage is the action stage. This is where a message that has met the condition specified, but does not meet an exception has an action taken on it. Here is where a message coming from an external source that contains inappropriate content can berejected. Another scenario is when an internal user tries to send confidential information to inappropriate people inside or outside your organization.Create a RuleThere are two ways you can create and/or modify a rule. You can use the classic graphical user interface (GUI) by launching the Exchange Management Console (EMC), or you can use the new Exchange Management Shell (EMS) which is built upon Powershell. Both are extremely easy to use but I do encourage you to try Powershell. In this example we are going to use a rule to prevent an internal user from sending mail to a specific departmentThe process is pretty straight-forward if using EMC; rules are located under Organization Configuration | Hub Transport (or Edge Server Configuration) | Transport Rules. In the task pane of the MMC console simply click New Transport Rule. Here you must specify a name for the rule, we will use Test Rule in this example, and add any comments you feel necessary. I usually write a brief summary of what the rule does in the comments. Finally you can uncheck the Enabled box if you do not want this rule to be automatically enabled when you are finished creating it.The next step is to list any conditions which should trigger the rule. You can select one or multiple conditions as you see fit. Once you have selected a condition, or conditions it is one to edit the rule description. If you have ever set up a rule in Outlook, this process is very familiar, select a blue underlined word and click on it to specify the value. You must specify a value for each condition you chose (see Figure 1).Figure 1: Rule ConditionsNext you must specify the action that should take place (see Figure 2). This process is similar to the conditions as you must then edit the rule and provide values for any exceptions you created.Figure 2: Rule ActionsThe last step is selecting any exceptions to the rule (see Figure 3) before finishing the wizard which will create the rule.Figure 3: Rule ExceptionsNow that was simple but in you have many rules you want to create using Powershell and the EMS is the way to go. To create the same rule you would run the following commandNew-TransportRule -Name 'Test Rule –Comments ‘Test rule for Demo’ -Conditions 'Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.Rules.Tasks.FromPredicate' -Actions'Microsoft.Exchagne.MessagingPolicies.Rules.Tasks.LogEventAction' –Exceptions'Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.Rules.Tasks.FromScopePredicate'-Enabled $true -Priority '0'Modify a RuleSo now we have our rule in place, what happens if something changes? Perhaps the conditions are too restrictive, or a change in policy requires a modification of an existing rule. Again we have two options, we can use the EMC and do it with the GUI or we can use Powershell and EMS. First let’s take a look at the GUI method.Open up EMC and drill down to Organization Configuration | Hub Transport (or Edge Server Configuration) | Transport Rules. Select the rule you wish to modify, right-click and select Edit Rule. The wizard will open up and allow you to edit the rule (see Figure 4). Once complete click Update to apply the changes made.Figure 4: Rule EditsUsing Powershell through EMS you can edit the rule as well. As an example, let’s say we created a rule with three conditions and two exceptions. We have found that we have a bad combination of conditions and exceptions so we want to remove a condition. First we must list the conditions$TransportRule.ConditionsNext we must specify which condition to remove. In this example we will remove the 2nd condition.Set-TransportRule "RULENAME" -Condition @($Condition1,$Condition3).That is it!Troubleshooting RulesAlthough rules are easy to create and manage, in a complex organization with many rules, issues can occur. When issues do occur you have two options, the Get-TransportPipeline cmdlet within EMS. This command will list all the rules that are enabled, and all the SMTP events since the last time the Microsoft Exchange Transport service was started. This can be an extremely long list so I suggest piping it to a text file.The other option is to enable Pipeline Tracing. Pipeline tracing is a new feature of Exchange Server 2007 that allows you to trace messages through SMTP as they pass through the rules. Pipeline tracing can be enabled per server on a particular Hub Transport server, or organization wide on all Hub Transport servers in your organization. It can also be enabled on Edge Transport servers as well. Once you have enabled Pipeline tracing, you can view the logs underC:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Logs\PipelineTracing. There aretwo directories called MessageSnapshots and RulesTracking directory which will contain the logs. Pipeline tracing is a huge topic and best reserved for a future article, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of it in case trouble occurs.ConclusionExchange 2007 message transport is very different than it was in previous versions of Exchange server. These are changes made for the better, allowing for more powerful control over messages coming into, passing through and exiting your organization and will make managing regulatory compliance easier. Not to mention simplifying internal policies and security.。



The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.Exam : 70-662Title :Version : DemoTS: Microsoft Exchange Server1. Your network contains an Active Directory forest. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2008. You need to ensure that you can install an Exchange Server 2010 server in the Active Directory forest. What should you do?A. From the Exchange Server 2010 installation media, run setup /ps.B. From the Exchange Server 2010 installation media, run setup /NewProvisionedServer.C. From the Windows Server 2008 installation media, run adprep.exe /forestprep.D. From the Windows Server 2008 installation media, run adprep.exe /domainprep.Answer: A2. You plan to deploy Exchange Server 2010 on a new server. The server will be a member of a database availability group.You need to identify the operating system that can be installed on the server to support Exchange Server 2010. Your solution must minimize costs.Which operating system should you identify?A. Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard EditionB. Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard EditionC. Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) Enterprise EditionD. Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (SP2) Enterprise EditionAnswer: D3. You have an Active Directory forest that contains one domain named . The functional level of both the forest and the domain is Windows Server 2003.You have an Exchange Server 2003 organization. All servers have Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed.You plan to transition to Exchange Server 2010.You need to prepare the Active Directory environment for the deployment of the first Exchange Server 2010 server.What should you run?A. /PrepareADB. /PrepareDomainC. /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissionsD. /PrepareSchemaAnswer: A4. You have an Exchange organization that contains Exchange 2000 Server and Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) servers.You plan to transition the organization to Exchange Server 2010.You need to prepare the Exchange organization for the deployment of Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox, Client Access, and Hub Transport servers.What should you do first?A. Install the Active Directory Connector (ADC).B. Delete all Recipient Update Service (RUS) objects.C. Deploy an Exchange Server 2010 Edge Transport server.D. Remove all Exchange 2000 Server servers from the organization.Answer: D5. You have an Active Directory forest that contains three sites named Site1, Site2, and Site3. Each site contains two Exchange Server 2007 Client Access servers, two Mailbox servers, and two Hub Transport servers.All Exchange Server 2007 servers have Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed.You need to ensure that you can deploy Exchange Server 2010 servers in Site1. You must achieve this goal by using the minimum amount of administrative effort.What should you do?A. Upgrade all Client Access servers in the organization to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2).B. Upgrade all Exchange Server 2007 servers in Site1 to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2).C. Upgrade all Exchange Server 2007 servers in the organization to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack2 (SP2).D. Upgrade all Exchange Server 2007 servers in Site1 and all Client Access servers in the organization to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2).Answer: D6. Your network contains an internal network and a perimeter network.You have one Exchange Server 2010 server on the internal network.You install Windows Server 2008 R2 on a new server in the perimeter network.You need to ensure that you can install the Edge Transport server role on the new server.What should you do?A. Join the new server to an Active Directory domain.B. Install Active?Directory Lightweight Directory Services on the new server.C. Run ImportEdgeConfig.ps1 on the existing Exchange Server 2010 server.D. Open TCP port 88 and TCP port 3268 on the firewall between the perimeter network and the internal network.Answer: B7. You have a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2.You plan to install Exchange Server 2010 on the server.You need to install the Exchange Server 2010 prerequisites for the Unified Messaging (UM), Mailbox, Client Access, and Hub Transport server roles.What should you run?A. /AnswerFile:Exchange-All.xmlB. /Roles:HT, MB, UM, CA, MTC. ServerManagerCmd.exe -IP Exchange-All.xmlD. ServerManagerCmd.exe -IP Exchange-CADB.xmlAnswer: C8. You have a server that runs Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (SP2).You plan to install Exchange Server 2010 on the server.You need to install the Exchange Server 2010 prerequisites for the Mailbox, Client Access, and Hub Transport server roles.What should you do on the server?A. ¡¤Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1H Install Windows Management FrameworkH Run ServerManagerCmd.exe IP Exchange-Typical.xmlB. ¡¤Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1H Install Windows Remote Management (WinRM) 2.0H Run ServerManagerCmd.exe IP Exchange-Base.xmlC. ¡¤Install Windows ManagementFrameworkH Install Message QueuingH Install the Web Server roleD. ¡¤Install Windows Management FrameworH Install the Web Server roleH Install the RPC over HTTP Proxy componentAnswer: A9. You have a computer that runs Windows 7.You need to install the Exchange 2010 management tools on the computer.What should you do first?A. Install Telnet Client.B. Run the Exchange Best Practices Analyzer.C. Set the Net.TCP Port Sharing service to Automatic.D. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Management console.Answer: D10. You need to perform an automated installation of an Exchange Server 2010 server.Which command should you include in your script?A. setup.exeB. C. msiexec.exeD. lpsetupui.exeAnswer: B11. You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.You need to install the Hub Transport server role on a new server.You install all the prerequisites for the Hub Transport role on the server.What should you do next?A. From Windows PowerShell, run the Add-WindowsFeature cmdlet.B. From Windows PowerShell, run the Install-TransportAgent.ps1 script.C. At the command prompt, run /M:Install /R:HT.D. At the command prompt, run ServerManagerCmd.exe -IP Exchange-HUB.xml.Answer: C12. You have an Exchange organization that contains the Exchange servers shown in the following table.You plan to move all mailboxes from Server2 to Server3.You need to ensure that all users can send and receive e-mail messages after their mailboxes are moved to Server3.What should you do?A. Install the Exchange Server 2010 Hub Transport server role.B. Install the Exchange Server 2010 Edge Transport server role.C. Remove all Exchange Server 2003 servers.D. Remove the Exchange Server 2003 front-end server. Install a new Exchange Server 2010 Client Access server.Answer: A13. You have an Exchange organization. The Exchange servers in the organization are configured as shown in the following table.You deploy a new Exchange Server 2010 Client Access server named Server4 and successfully update the required DNS records for Server4.You need to ensure that all users on Server3 can successfully access their mailboxes by using Exchange ActiveSync.What should you do?A. On Server1, set the authentication type for the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory to NTLM.B. On Server1, set the authentication type for the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory to anonymous.C. From the Exchange Management Shell on Server4, run New-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule QueryString * -Characteristic DeviceModel AccessLevel Allow.D. From the Exchange Management Shell on Server3, run Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Identity "Server3\ Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (default web site)" -Basicauthentication:$true.Answer: A14. You have an Exchange Server 2010 server that has the Mailbox, Hub Transport, and Client Access server roles installed.You need to ensure that users can send and receive e-mail by using Windows Live Mail or Microsoft Outlook Express.What should you do on the server?A. Install and then configure the SMTP server feature.B. Start the Microsoft Exchange POP3 service and then set the startup type to Automatic.C. Modify the properties of the MSExchangePOP3 (TCP-in) Windows Firewall rule.D. Modify the properties of the MSExchangeMailSubmission - RPC (TCP-in) Windows Firewall rule. Answer: B15. You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization that contains 20 Mailbox servers.You plan to create 10 mailbox databases on each Mailbox server.You need to create a naming convention for all mailbox databases.What should you include in your naming convention?A. For each mailbox database, provide a database name that is unique within the organization.B. For each mailbox database, provide a database name that is unique within the Mailbox server.C. For each mailbox database file, provide a file name that is unique within the organization.D. For each mailbox database file, provide a file name that is unique within the Mailbox server. Answer: A16. Your company has a main office and a branch office.The branch office administrators are the only members of a custom management role group. The role group is configured to allow members to manage recipients.You notice that the branch office administrators can manage recipients in both offices.You need to ensure that the branch office administrators can manage recipients in the branch office only. What should you do?A. Create and associate a management scope to the role group.B. Create and associate a management role assignment policy to the role group.C. Create a new linked role group, and then add the branch office administrators to the role group.D. Create a new role, and then add management role entries to the role.Answer: A17. You have an Exchange Server 2010 server named Server1.Server1 hosts a mailbox database named DB1 that contains 25 user mailboxes.You create a new public folder database named PUB2.You need to configure PUB2 as the default public folder database for each mailbox on DB1.Which properties should you modify?A. Modify the properties of each mailbox.B. Modify the properties of DB1.C. Modify the properties of Server1.D. Modify the properties of PUB2.Answer: B18. You have an Exchange Server 2010 server that has a single mailbox database named DB1.You need to move the transaction log files of DB1.Which cmdlet should you run?A. Move-DatabasePathB. Move-MailboxC. Set-ExchangeServerD. Set-MailboxDatabaseAnswer: A19. You have an Exchange Server 2010 server named Server1. Server1 has a single mailbox database named DB1.You configure deleted items to be retained for 30 days.You need to ensure that each item that passes the retention period is removed daily between 2:00 and 6:00.What should you do?A. Run the Set-RetentionPolicy cmdlet.B. Run the Start-ManagedFolderAssistant cmdlet.C. Modify the maintenance schedule for DB1.D. Modify the messaging records management (MRM) schedule for Server1.Answer: C20. You have an Exchange Server 2010 server named Server1.Server1 has a single mailbox database named DB1 that contains 300 mailboxes.You need to ensure that a warning message is issued when a mailbox exceeds 2 GB. The solution must use the minimum amount of administrative effort.What should you do?A. From the properties of DB1, configure options on the Limits tab.B. From the properties of each mailbox, modify the storage quotas.The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.C. From the properties of Server1, configure options on the Messaging Records Management tab.D. From Managed Default Folders, modify the properties of the Entire Mailbox managed folder. Answer: A21. You have an Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox server.You need to ensure that deleted mailboxes are kept for 60 days.What should you do?A. Create a Retention Policy.B. Create a managed folder mailbox policy.C. Modify the properties of the mailbox database.D. Modify the properties of the Mailbox server object.Answer: C22. You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.You attempt to create a new address list based on each user¯s coun tr y a ttri bu t eYou discover that the country attribute is unavailable in the New Address List wizard.You need to create a new address list based on user¯s coun tryWhat should you do?A. From the Exchange Management Shell, run the Set-AddressList cmdlet.B. From the Exchange Management Shell, run the New-AddressList cmdlet.C. From the Exchange Management Console (EMC), create a new dynamic distribution group and then run the New Address List wizard.D. From the Exchange Management Console (EMC), modify the properties of the All Users address list and then run the New Address List wizard.Answer: B23. You have an Exchange Server 2003 organization.You install a new Exchange Server 2010 server in the organization.You need to ensure that you can modify the default e-mail address policy by using the Exchange Management Console (EMC).What should you do?A. Run the Set-EmailAddressPolicy cmdlet.B. Run the Update-EmailAddressPolicy cmdlet.C. From the Exchange System Manager, modify the properties of the default recipient policy.D. From the EMC, select the E-mail Address Policies tab, right-click Default Policy, and then click Apply. Answer: A24. Your company has an Exchange Server 2010 organization.A user named User1 is configured as a Delegate for a user named User2.You need to ensure that User1 can add User2 in the From field when sending email messages. Messages that contain User2 in the From field must display User2 as the message sender when recipients receive the messages.What should you do?A. Remove User1 as a delegate, and then grant User1 Send As permissions to User2¯s m a il boxB. Remove User1 as a delegate, and then grant User1 Send on Behalf permissions to User2¯s m a il boxC. Create a Sharing policy, and then grant User1 Modify permissions to User2¯s m a il boxD. Create a Sharing policy, and then grant User1 Full Mailbox permissions to User2¯s m a il box Answer: A25. Your network contains an Exchange Server 2007 Mailbox server named Server1 and an Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox server named Server2.You need to move a mailbox from Server1 to Server2.What should you do?A. From Server1, run Move-Mailbox.B. From Server2, run Move-Mailbox.C. From Server1, run New-MoveRequest.D. From Server2, run New-MoveRequest.Answer: D26. You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization that contains 1,500 mailboxes. The average size ofThe safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.each mailbox is a 750 MB.All users run either Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 or Outlook Web App to access their e-mail. All users who run Outlook 2010 are configured to use Cached Exchange Mode.You need to configure a mailbox solution for the organization to meet the following requirements:H Ensure that administrators can search and find any messageH Reduce the size of the offline store (OST) for each userH Provide access to all e-mail messages by using either Outlook 2010 or Outlook Web AppWhat should you do?A. Create a Personal Archive for each user and then create a retention policy. Instruct users to compact the OST file.B. Create a personal folder (PST) file for each user. Store all PST files on a network share. Instruct users to compact the OST file.C. Create a second disabled user account and a second mailbox for each user. Configure journal rules to journal all the messages for each user to the user¯s second m a il boxD. Create a new disabled user account and a new mailbox named Journaling Mailbox. Configure journal rules to journal all the messages for each user to Journaling Mailbox.Answer: A27. You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization named .Your company is investigating a user named User1.You need to prevent User1 from permanently deleting the items in his mailbox.What should you run?A. Set-Mailbox User1 -LitigationHoldEnabled $trueB. Set-Mailbox User1 -ModerationEnabled $trueC. Set-Mailbox User1 -RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup $trueD. Set-Mailbox User1 -RetentionHoldEnabled $trueAnswer: A28. You have an Exchange Server 2007 organization.You install a new Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox server.You need to move all mailboxes to the Exchange Server 2010 server.What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)A. From the Exchange Server 2007 Exchange Management Shell, run the Move-Mailbox cmdlet.B. From the Exchange Server 2010 Exchange Management Shell, run the New-MoveRequest cmdletC. From the Exchange Server 2007 Exchange Management Console (EMC), run the Move Mailbox wizard.D. From the Exchange Server 2010 Exchange Management Console (EMC), run the New Local Move Request wizard.Answer: BD29. You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.You need to use Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to provide a user the ability to manage recipients in a specific organizational unit (OU).What should you do first?A. Create a new direct role assignment.B. Create a new management role assignment policy.C. Create a new management scope.D. Modify the default management scope.Answer: C30. You have an Active Directory domain named .You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.You have a server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2008 R2 and has the Exchange 2010 management tools and Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 installed. A support technician named User1 performs management tasks on Server1.From the Exchange Management Shell on Server1, User1 runs Export-Mailbox Identity *****************PSTFolderPath E:\PSTFiles\User2.pst and receives the following error message: The term ®E xpo r-Mailbox¯ i s no t r ecogn i zed as t he na m e o f a c m d l e t, f unc ti on, sc ri p t, o r ope r ab l e program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and tryThe safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.again.You need to ensure that User1 can successfully run the command.What should you do?A. Assign User1 the Mailbox Import Export role.B. Assign User1 the Full Access permissions for the mailbox of User2.C. Add User1 to the Recipient Management security group.D. Add User1 to the View-Only Organization Management security group.Answer: A。




详见百度文库/view/720f40020740be1e650e9a0b.html 二、安装安装之前,请启动Remote Registry服务,如下图:选择经典安装,或者自定义安装,修改安装路径。










四、服务器配置集线器传输,修改右键“Clinet 已启用”属性,右键“Default 已启用”属性,设置同上。

五、注册Exchange2007由于Exchange2007只能使用119天,使用注册号:PYYMB-HQQMQ-3TBM2-XJ99F-83XVM 进行注册。







E2007 第2章 Exchange安装及管理界面

E2007 第2章 Exchange安装及管理界面
/PrepareSchema 或者
建议在架构主机上进行 只有Schema Admins组和 组和Enterprise Admins组的 只有 组和 组的 成员才能扩展架构
WS-NE40-1-02 02-5
2.2 准备活动目录和域—扩展架构 准备活动目录和域—
WS-NE40-1-02 02-3
2.2 准备活动目录和域
在需要安装Exchange Server 2007的计算机上做 在需要安装 的计算机上做 好下列的准备: 好下列的准备:
把该计算机加入到域( 把该计算机加入到域(如果是在成员服务器上安装 Exchange 2007) ) 在该计算机上安装Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0及 在该计算机上安装 及 KB942027 在该计算机安装MMC 3.0(Windows Server 2003 R2 在该计算机安装 ( 已经集成此组件) 已经集成此组件) 在该计算机上安装Microsoft Windows PowerShell 在该计算机上安装
2.6 使用Exchange管理控制台 使用Exchange Exchange管理控制台
2.7 使用PowerShell进行管理 使用PowerShell PowerShell进行管理
使用Exchange命令行管理程序,管理员可以管理 命令行管理程序, 使用 命令行管理程序 Microsoft Exchange 2007的每个方面.可以启用新电 的每个方面. 的每个方面 子邮件帐户,配置SMTP连接器,存储数据库属性, 连接器, 子邮件帐户,配置 连接器 存储数据库属性, 传输代理等 Exchange命令行管理程序可以执行 命令行管理程序可以执行Exchange管理控 命令行管理程序可以执行 管理控 制台无法执行的任务

第2章 Exchange Server 2007安装及管理界面

第2章 Exchange Server 2007安装及管理界面

在计划安装Exchange 2007的每个Active Directory目录服务站点中,必须至少有一个运行Windows Server 2003 SP1或更高版本的全局编录服务器。

原因如下:Windows Server 2003 SP1及现高版本支持Exchange 2007服务通知。

如果在Active Directory中发生配置更改,则会向此服务发送通知。

一些Exchange 2007服务使用此通知。

Windows Server 2003 SP1和更高的版本允许用户浏览Microsoft Outlook Web Access中的通讯簿。

Windows Server 2003 SP1和更高的版本允许使用比Windows 2000 Server更有效的方式查找通讯组列表成员身份。

Exchange Server 2007通过查询全局编录服务器来获得收件人的邮箱所在的服务器。

3. 域控制器在网络环境中必须至少有一个运行Windows Server 2003 SP1或更高版本的域控制器,这样才能在安装Exchange 2007的通过中创建Exchange Enterprise Servers组和Exchange Domain Servers组。

在计划安装Exchange 2007的每个Active Directory站点中,必须至少有一个既是全局编录服务器,全局编录服务器必须使用Windows Server 2003 SP1或更高版本的操作系统。

建议使用Windows Server 2003 SP2或者Windows Server 2003 R2(With SP2)的计算机作为域控制器和全局编录服务器,或者使用Windows Server 2008。

4. 域功能级别对于Active Directory林中将要安装Exchange 2007或驻留Exchange 2007收件人的所有域,至少应使用Windows 2000 Server本地模式,而不能使用Windows 2000混合模式,建议域功能级别使用Windows Server 2003模式。

Exchange Server 2007 系列之一

Exchange Server 2007 系列之一

Exchange Server 2007 系列之一:简介与部署标签:exchange 部署一、初探Exchange估计咱们在坐的许多朋友都听说过Exchange,都知道Exchange 的作用,我在这里作为开篇内容还是要简单的介绍一下Exchange的作用:Exchange的主要作用是搭建一个统一沟通平台。





面对企业日渐复杂的各项需求,Exchange 2007在架构上采用64位的硬件平台(32位仅供测试)并且简化了管理机制,因此让Exchange 2007具有构建多种服务器角色的能力。

特别值的一提的是Exchange 2007中的UM(Unified Messaging)功能,是一个极为新颖的概念,此概念提供了整合PBX的电话信息交换能力,因此允许用户通过电话访问其Exchange 2007邮箱中的电子邮件、语音邮件、传真信息及联系人信息等,即Exchange Server 2007 作为微软统一通讯解决方案的重要组成部分,可以实现与传统电话、传真以及语音邮件系统的集成,为企业员间的沟通,部门间的协作,以及与客户或者是供应商之间的定单通知等提供一个可靠的保障,实现业务人员、管理人员、生产人员利用大家比较熟悉的outlook,IE以及其他智能设备就可以实现任何时间,从任何地点的访问沟通,及时了解最新动态以提高工作效率。



时间:2011-08-24 17:10来源: 作者:ZD8695 点击: 1851次在公司的日常操作中,偶尔会遇到公司域名发生更改的情况,尽管这种不是常见的现象,但是一但发生了,我们该如何操作呢。




需要换成,本文以些示例为例来讲解如何对Exchange 2007更改域名后进行相关的操作。

我们最前期工作当然是申请这个域名了(如果使用的是二级域名就不需要再重新申请域名了),然后将此域名相关的A记录和MX 设置好。



1、组织配置 - 集线器传输 - 接受域,新建接受域。





其实相关的设置很简单,关键是如何大家对Exchange 2007稍微了解一些的话,这些都不是问题。

EXCHANGE 2007 配置邮箱发送权限时间:2011-03-02 10:40来源:帮考网作者:帮考网点击: 2273次本文以实现应用中用户会使用到的邮箱代理发送为配置目标,帮助用户实现以代理人的身份进行邮箱的发送和接收。


在Exchange 2007 SP1中支持代理发送权限,使用 Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1中的代理发送权限来配置邮箱,以便除该邮箱所有者以外的其他用户也可以使用该邮箱发送邮件。



exchange复习参考(交换复习参考)1,the type of user that a communication group can containMail users, mailbox users, mail contacts, communication groups1, 5. mailbox type:User mailbox, conference room, mailbox, device mailbox, link mailbox2,the type of communication group?Release Communications Group, secure communications group3,the number of storage groups and databases that are supported by the standard edition and Enterprise EditionEnterprise Edition 50 storage group and database, standard edition 54 、What are the necessary components to install before installing exchange?,NET Framework Version 2. 0\\MMC3. 0\\PowerShell5, the five roles of exchange, and the functions of each role (take a good look at Chapter 1 of the textbook)Edge Transport, Hub Transport, integrated communications, client access, mail boxfunctionEdge transmission: Internet mail handling, spam and virus protection,edge transfer rules, address correctionHub Transport: internal mail handling, mail rules, anti spam, and virus protectionIntegrated communications: provides the ability to integrate PBX telephony informationClient access: OWA, integrated communications, Exchange, ActiveSync, calendar, Exchange caching, mail record management, POP3, and IMP4Mail box: store mail contents to the database and allow availability planning such as replication or cluster structure to control the common folder to generate offline address booksWhat are the anti spam features in 6 and exchange?The mechanism of Forefront Security Safe Senders List email spam quarantine stamp sender reputation Edge Transport server content filtering7 what types of recipients are there?Mailbox user: this kind of user has email and mailbox, can use this mailbox to send and receive email, apply to the general user in the enterprise.Mail user: this user has windows login and external e-mail address, they can log on to the Windows domain, but no dedicated mailbox in exchange, that is to use the exchange server to send and receive e-mail company. Suitable for temporary partners. The greatest advantageof using mail users is to integrate such users' data into the address book that users can use to facilitate company employees to send e-mail to such users.Mail contact: these users do not have windows login accounts and no exchange mailboxes, which are suitable for temporary employees and customers. The benefits are the same as for mail users.Communications and security group: This is a group based mailing list containing users who can be mailbox users, mail users, or contacts, and can send messages to all users in this group at one time.What are the benefits of adopting the 64 bit architecture in 8 and exchange2007?Increase EX system resources, efficiency and scalabilityWhat are the high probability functions supported by 9 andexchange2007?Local continuous replication (LCR), cluster continuous replication (CCR), alternate continuous replication (SCR)Reduce the high availability cost and make site recovery more economical.10,which tool in exchange2007 can check the queue status of mail?The queue viewer is a tool,Helps maintain and manage the organization's mail queues andidentifies the mail flow problem. A queue viewer can be used on all Exchange 2007 servers that have a Hub Transport server role or an Edge Transport server role installed.11.What are the resource records associated with e-mail?Host A resource logging and mail exchange MX12.What is the function of the email address policy?Defines an e-mail proxy address on the recipient object that automatically adds an e-mail address to the desired user13 which kinds of protocols do the client access servers support?OWA ActiveSync client, POP3, IMP4, Autodiscover service, Web service14, several common client access methods, what protocols are used?Outlook and other software clients use POP3 or IMP4, mobile phones and PDA and other hardware clients, usingActiveSync. POP3 or IMP4 and EX server 15, which access method does not go through the client access server?16 what functions does the client access server provide?OWA integrated communications automatically discover Exchange, ActiveSync, POP3, and I MP4 / calendar calendar, Exchange cache mode, mail record management17, FSE built-in several virus scanning engine? How many can be enabled at most?Built in up to 5 engines20.Which roles can you install FSE on? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mailbox server, Edge Transport server, or central transport server21.What are the steps to perform an edge subscription?1.install the Edge Transport server role.2.Authentication Center Transport servers and Edge Transport servers can use DNS to parse each other.3.configure the objects and settings that you want to copy to the edge transport New-EdgeSubscription cmdlet on the Edge Transport server to export the edge subscription file.5.copy Edge Subscription files to the central transport server.6.execute New-EdgeSubscription cmdlet, or use the New Edge Subscription wizard in the Exchange management console to import the Edge Subscription file into the central transport server.22,executive orders and forced edge edge marking synchronization command?New-EdgeSubscription cmdlet Start-EdgeSynchronization23,What are the two default receive connectors?Client MAIL Default MAIL24,what are the elements of a complete mail policy?What are the characteristics and differences between 25. POP3 and IMP4?PoP3 features: the received mail is stored on the server side, the client links to download, and delete mail on the server side, usingthe "pull" approach to download mail,I MP4 features: logon servers operate mail by rights, keep links tothe server, read online, and avoid problems in the download process.The two are different: the former is suitable for off-line reading,the setting is more complicated, and the secrecy is poor, . The latter reads online with good confidentiality and heavy server load,26.principles of automatic discoveryInstall the client access on the guest role in EX2007, the default web site in IIS will automatically create a new virtual directory named Autodiscover, %%outlook client to connect to the AD directory service, query service connection point object Sep, client made theautodiscover service after URL, using HTTPS communication protocol to connect to the list of the first client and server XML settings file contains information service available,Backup supplement:27.install Hub Transport, client access, mail box 3 several rolescan be achieved between mail delivery.28., the edge transport port number is 50636, and the "New-EdgeSubscription" command is issued to export the Edge Subscriptionfile (on the Edge Transport server)Run the Start-EdgeSynchronization command and force the edge synchronization (in the Central Transport server)Run the "Test-EdgeSynchronization" command to verify that it is successful (on the Central Transport server)/ / reason to deploy the Edge Transport server?Usually deployed in the organization's peripheral networkMinimize attack surfaceYou can handle all Internet oriented mail flows and provide SMTP trunking and intelligent hosting services for Exchange organizationsWhat components do you need for 29. Exchange MMC/PowerShell/. NET Fronwork edge what components do you needADAM?30.edge anti spam can delete those content mail?Spam has the following features:The recipient did not request or agree to receive in advanceRecipient cannot refuseHide sender identity, address, title, etc.Containing false sources of information, senders, routing and other information31. describe the process from inside to outside of the mail.Can Exchange contacts have window accounts and mailbox accounts? What access does the Exchange folder use? OWA outlook clientUnder what circumstances do you need to migrate mailboxes?What are the elements of the mail transfer rule?The name of the sender / screening conditions, scope,When you delete a user mailbox, how long will it take to recover?. 30 days。


存储用户邮箱和公共文件夹 通过群集,LCR,CCR实现高可用性 并不在邮箱之间传输邮件
不应该能从Internet直接访问 必须是活动目录中的一个成员 应该连接到一个快速存储设备
非MAPI的客户端访问邮箱 服务,例如自动发现和web service
在第一个拥有邮服务器的活动目录站点中部署 需要快速连接到邮箱服务器 应该在内部网络中部署
邮件路由 可选的反病毒传输服务器:
需要一个快速网络连接到邮箱服务器和全局编录服务 器 需要SMTP连接到其它集线器传输服务器角色和边缘传 输服务器角色 在每一个邮箱服务器的站点是必须的
Internet 邮件投递 病毒和垃圾邮件保护 边缘传输规则 地址重写
不能和其它服务器角色一起部署 不能作为活动目录域的成员 应该部署在外围网络(DMZ)
电话应答 接收传真 订阅者访问 自动服务
不应该能从Internet直接访问 需要能访问邮箱服务器,集线器传输服务器和全局编 录服务器 需要能访问一个IP-PBX或者VoIP网关设备

Exchange 2007来了,您准备好了吗?——浅谈Exchange2007的两种管理方式

Exchange 2007来了,您准备好了吗?——浅谈Exchange2007的两种管理方式

Exchange 2007来了,您准备好了吗?——浅谈
【期刊名称】《《Windows IT Pro Magazine:国际中文版》》



并将在本文中向大家介绍Exchange2007的两种管理方式:Exchange管理控制台(Exchange Management Console)和基于Windows PowerShell技术的Exchange管理外壳(Exchange Management Shell)。

1.华硕服务器搭建Exchange2007企业邮箱系统方案 [J],
2.华硕服务器搭建Exchange2007企业邮箱系统方案 [J],
3.Exchange2007迁移 [J],
4.只有向唱诗班布道才能让歌声延续我们要为Exchange2007欢呼吗? [J],
5.如何升级到Exchange Server2007 在安装Exchange Server2007之前您需要知道的准备工作 [J], Brien Posey;李小轲(译)

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


㈠邮件系统a)Exchange:Windows NT/2000/2003/2008。


c)Lotus Notes:Windows/Unix/Linux。

㈡邮件协议1、RFC8222、SMTP3、POP34、IMAP4:5、MIME:㈢ Exchange✧✧✧✧㈣规划1、AD2、管理模式3、=4、规划Exchange服务器角色:为减少网络流量,可将多种角色(除边缘传输)都装在有全局编目DC上。








㈤ 安装Exchange1、 装前要求:①Win2003SP2(SP1也行但要装很多组件)或R2 x64,Win2008标准、企业、数据中心版(x64)。

② 装.NET Framework2.0 SP1、PowerShell (Exchange 命令行管理程序)、MMC 、微软KB93360补丁;Windows Installer4.5(Exchange2007SP2才须装)。

③ 装IIS (但不要√NNTP 、SMTP )。

④ 服务:暂时停止万维网服务WWW 。

⑤ 加入域;提升林/域功能级别为Win2000 Server 或更高。

⑥ NTFS 分区(存SYSVOL 卷信息,安全)。

⑦ DNS 信息须完整。

⑧ 启动远程注册表服务Remote Registry 。

2、 安装后:须启动MS Exchange POP3服务。

【运行Get-ExchangeServer 】打开“Exchange 命令行管理程序”来查看已装的Exchange 相关服务。

在“AD 用户和计算机”会产生用于管理Exchange 组织的AD 安全组和容纳Exchange 安全组的组织单位。

㈥ 邮件客户端客户端:须装IIS 和2.0。


只能使用1个Exchange 用户。

方法1:打开OL2007→在弹出的对话框中输入“域用户名和密码”来连接服务器→工具→账户设置→自动账户设置:输入相关信息→配置邮件服务器(此时可能搜索服务器会失败,如下图)→单击“下一步”将改为非加密连接)→单击“重试”确认邮件地址→MS Exchange 。


【配置OE 】工具→账户→邮件→添加→显示名(一般填真名)→电子邮件地址(服务器上已创建的邮箱用户)→接收和发送邮件服务器均填写邮件服务器的计算机名(例如 )→账户:zhang ,密码:建邮箱时设的(也是AD 用户中的)密码→创建好后,双击→服务器:√我的服务器要求身份验证→高级:接收/发送邮件都√要求SSL 。

【配置OWA 】打开IE →工具→Internet 选项→安全→Internet 自定义级别→中,重置→确定。

https://服务器IP 或计算机名/exchange →输入域名\用户名,密码(例如cmail\administrator )。























3、第1个邮箱服务器默认包含的存储组有:First Storage Group默认邮箱数据库,Second Storage Group默认公用文件夹数据库。

再装第2个邮箱服务器时,则仅包含First Storage Group。









4、【看用户邮箱使用】用命令Get-MailboxStatistics | f1 displayname,itemcount,totalitemsize,database5、【移动用户邮箱】收件人配置→邮箱→选中要移动的1个或多个邮箱→右击“移动邮箱”→选中要将邮箱移动到其中的邮箱数据库→确定→移动选项:保持默认设置→移动日程安排:立即→移动。







四、管理邮件传输㈠ 邮件传输和路由1. 邮件传输决定了邮件的处理和传递方式2. 邮件路由是指邮件在服务器之间的传递路径。

3. 配置使用服务器角色路由和传输邮件① 中心传输服务器:负责 在组织内部路由和传输邮件;从组织外部接收邮件,然后传输到组织内部的邮箱服务器;从组织内部的邮箱服务器接收邮件,然后路由他们到组织外部。


② 中心传输服务器和边缘服务器:中心传输服务器处理组织内的邮件的路由和传输;边缘服务器接收来自组织外部的邮件,然后路由到组织内的中心传输服务器,最后传输到邮箱服务器;中心传输服务器接收来自组织内的邮箱服务器的邮件,然后路由到边缘服务器,最后路由这些邮件到组织外部的目的地。

适用于重视安全,且和Internet 的邮件系统有很多连接。




㈡ SMTP 连接器1. Exchange 使用连接器来发送和接收邮件。


2. 在服务器上必须至少有两个SMTP 连接器:① SMTP 发送连接器:代表发送出站邮件时所经过的逻辑网关。


类似于Exchange2003中的SMTP 连接器。

为与其他站点的中心传输服务器通讯,Exchange 服务器会在内存中动态建立SMTP 发送连接器,管理员不能配置,在Exchange 管理工具中也不可见。


② SMTP 接收连接器:代表一个逻辑网关,负责接收所有入站邮件。

类似于Exchange2003的SMTP 虚拟服务器。

部署中心传输服务器后,Exchange 会为内部组织邮件流自动建立发送和接收连接器。


默认情况下,SMTP 接收连接器建立在每一个中心传输服务器(即集线器传输服务器hub transport )上。

这些SMTP 接收连接器被命名为Client servername 接收连接器(配置接收来自SMTP 客户端的连接,如Outlook Express )和Default servername 接收连接器(配置接收来自其他SMTP 服务器的连接)。

这2个连接器的默认配置几乎是相同的,只是Client servername 接收连接器配置的监听端口是587而不是25。

可在单台服务器上配置多个具有相同IP 地址和端口的SMTP 接收连接器,只要“远程IP 地址”的范围配置不同。
