



四川大学英语语言文学专业和外国语言学及应用语言学专业硕士研究生入学考试科目及推荐参考书一、适用专业及方向:英语语言文学:现代英美文学、美国文化研究、加拿大文化研究、欧洲文化研究外国语言学及应用语言学:现代英语及语言理论、现代外语教育及教育技术、英语翻译理论与实践三、各科试题结构说明:1. 政治(国家统一考试,略)2. 二外(略)3. 基础英语 (150分):l Cloze Test或改错(10分)l 阅读理解(30分)l 英译汉(30分)l 汉译英(30分)l 阅读与写作(50分)4. 英语专业综合知识 (150分)l 英语国家社会和文化知识(50分)l 英语文学知识(50分)l 英语语言知识(50分)四、推荐参考书目(版本不限):基础英语、英语专业综合知识1. Beidler, Peter G. Writing Matters,四川大学出版社。

2. 郭著章,李庆生:《英汉互译实用教程》(第三版),武汉大学出版社。

3. 胡壮麟:《语言学教程》,北京大学出版社,2001年。

4. 李宜燮,常耀信:《美国文学选读》(上、下册),南开大学出版社。

5. 罗经国:《新编英国文学选读》(上、下册),北京大学出版社。

6. 王佐良等:《欧洲文化入门》(第二版)(第1-4章),外语教学与研究出版社。

7. 朱永涛: 《英美文化基础教程》,外语教学与研究出版社。






6.韩语:延世大学韩国语学堂[韩] 编著:韩国语教程 1-3册(全6册),世界图书出版公司。

四川大学外国语学院英语语言文学专业和外国语言学及应用语言学专业硕士研究生入学考试复试科目及推荐参考书一、适用专业及方向:英语语言文学:现代英美文学、美国文化研究、加拿大文化研究、欧洲文化研究外国语言学及应用语言学:现代英语及语言理论、现代外语教育及教育技术、英语翻译理论与实践二、考试科目及分值:1. 听力(20分)测试要求:(a) 能听懂真实交际场合中各种英语会话和讲话;(b) 英语国家广播电台以及电视台(如CNN)有关政治、经济、文化、教育和科技等方面的专题报道以及与此类题材相关的演讲和演讲后的问答;(c) 能听懂有关政治、经济、历史、文化教育、语言文学和科普方面的一般讲座及讲座后的问答。

四川大学外国语学院638 基础英语、918 英语专业综合知识考

四川大学外国语学院638 基础英语、918 英语专业综合知识考

四川大学外国语学院638 基础英语、918 英语专业综合知识考研全套资料真题答案辅导笔记模拟卷2015年弘毅考研川大分部研究生团队已达50多人,涵盖经济、法学、文学、新传、外国语、艺术、历史、旅游、数学、化学、生物、电子、材料、机械、电气、计算机、环境、水土、水利、化工、发酵、行管、教经、社保、商院、体育、马克思、护理、口腔、公卫、预防、药学等30多个院系专业,是目前专业课考研最权威的专业团队,以“弘毅川大考研论坛”为基石,各个专业的学长学姐给您答疑解惑。










所以从备考到考试的时候用的时间并不多,我是从10月份开始准备,国庆后才开始买资料复习,从头到尾一共可能就三个月多点的时间, 但是最后考出来的成绩还好没让自己失望,考出来84分,还算理想。



英语语言文学《西欧文明》(世界文明大系)(上、下) 姚介厚中国社会科学出版社英语语言文学《欧洲文化入门》王佐良外语教学与研究英语语言文学《加拿大文明》姜芃中国社会科学出版社英语语言文学《文化马赛克:加拿大移民史》王昺民族出版社英语语言文学《加拿大英语文学简史》朱徽四川大学出版社英语语言文学《美国历史与文化选读》王波北京大学出版社英语语言文学《美国文化与社会十五讲》袁明北京大学出版社英语语言文学《美国文明》钱满素中国社会科学出版社英语语言文学《美国史通论》何顺果学林出版社英语语言文学《牛津文学术语词典》波尔蒂克上海外语教育出版社英语语言文学《英国文学简史》刘炳善河南人民出版社英语语言文学《新编英国文学选读(下册)》罗经国北京大学出版社英语语言文学《新编英国文学选读(上册)》罗经国北京大学出版社英语语言文学《美国文学选读(下册)》李宜燮南开大学出版社英语语言文学《美国文学选读(上册)》李宜燮南开大学出版社英语语言文学《美国文学简史》(第三版)常耀信西南交通大学出版社英语语言文学《怎样写书评:英语写作入门》索娃、邓志勇上海译文出版社英语语言文学《Writing Matters》贝德勒四川大学出版英语语言文学《英汉互译实用教程》郭著章武汉大学出版社英语语言文学《语言学教程》胡壮麟北京大学出版社英语语言文学《美国文学选读(上册)》李宜燮南开大学出版社英语语言文学《美国文学选读(下册)》李宜燮南开大学出版社英语语言文学《新编英国文学选读(上册)》罗经国北京大学出版社英语语言文学《新编英国文学选读(下册)》罗经国北京大学出版社英语语言文学《欧洲文化入门》王佐良外语教学与研究英语语言文学《英美文化基础教程》朱永涛外语教学与研究出版社英语语言文学《新大学法语1》李志清高等教育出版社英语语言文学《新大学法语2》李志清高等教育出版社英语语言文学《新大学法语3》李志清高等教育出版社英语语言文学《标准日本语》(初级)(上下)人民教育出版社For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use。


















必修 周四下午8-10节 研楼3-404 中国现当代文学 选修 周一上午3-5节 研楼3-401 选修 周四下午6-7节 研楼3-416 广播影视文艺学 选修 周四下午8-9节 研楼3-416 传播学 选修 周五下午6-7节 研楼3-401 传播学 第 1 研楼3-401 选修 周三晚上11-12节页,共 3 页 文学人类学 选修 周五下午6-7节 研楼3-402 中国古代文学
选修 周三下午6-7节 研楼3-416 广播影视文艺学 必修 周一下午6-9节 研楼3-403 文化批评 选修 周二上午3-5节 研楼3-416 选修 周四上午1-2节 研楼3-401 新闻学 必修 周五上午3-5节 研楼3-401 新闻学 选修 周五下午6-7节 研楼3-416 文艺与传媒 选修 周四下午8-10节 研楼3-401 选修 周四上午3-4节 研楼3-403 佛教语言文学 选修 周一上午3-5节 研楼3-416 选修 周四下午8-9节 研楼3-402 文化批评 选修 周二上午1-2节 研楼3-403 语言学及应用语言学 必修 周二上午3-5节 研楼3-404 汉语言文字学 第 2 研楼3-402 必修 周一下午8-10节 页,共 3 页 中国古代文学 选修 周二上午3-5节 研楼3-402
宗教学、人类学、民俗学 导读 田野考察:理论与实践 文艺学名著导读 视觉文化研究 美国文学 现代汉语语法理论与方法 汉语历史语法研究 魏晋南北朝散文研究 中国现当代文学名家研究 影视剧作研究 大众传播学研究 中国俗文化专题研究 新闻传播名著导读 叙事学 中国文论专题研究 宗教文学研究 广播电视理论研究
课程名称 广播电视业务研究 新闻采写研究 世界影视理论思潮 影视文化传播 西方当代文化与文论 中国文学批评史研究 中国现当代小说研究 中外语言与文化比较研究 元明清小说研究 专业外语 文艺学基本问题研究 文艺美学研究 西马文论与文化批评 中国现当代诗歌研究 音韵学 语音学 敦煌文献 广播电视专题研究(电视 专题研究) 传播媒体研究 新媒体研究 文化与传媒 中古近代汉语研究 比较文学概论 中国20世纪文学经典研究 中国现当代文学前沿问题 研究 上古汉语研究 电视文艺与文化专题研究 影视传播理论 中外传播思想论 民间文学 唐代文学研究 授课教师 蔡尚伟 操慧 曹峻冰 曹峻冰 曹顺庆 曹顺庆 陈思广 邓时忠 丁淑梅 冯川 冯宪光 冯宪光 傅其林 干天全 顾满林 郭萍 何剑平 侯洪 蒋荣昌 蒋晓丽 蒋晓丽 蒋宗福 靳明全 靳明全 课题组 雷汉卿 黎风 黎风 李苓 李祥林 李瑄 学时 学分 36 2 36 2 36 2 36 2 54 3 54 3 36 2 36 2 36 2 40 2 54 3 54 3 36 2 36 2 36 2 36 2 36 36 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 36 36 36 36 36 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 性质 开课时间 开课地点 专业 选修 周三下午6-7节 研楼3-402 新闻学 选修 周四上午3-4节 研楼3-401 新闻学 选修 周三上午3-4节 研楼3-416 广播影视文艺学 选修 周三上午1-2节 研楼3-416 传播学 选修 周二下午8-10节 研楼3-404 选修 周二下午6-7节 研楼3-404 选修 周五上午1-2节 研楼3-403 中国现当代文学 选修 周一下午6-7节 研楼3-404 语言学及应用语言学 选修 周三下午6-7节 研楼3-403 中国古代文学 选修 周五下午6-7节 研楼3-403 比较文学与世界文学 选修 周一上午3-5节 研楼3-403 选修 周二上午3-5节 研楼3-403 选修 周三下午6-7节 研楼3-404 文艺学 选修 周四下午6-7节 研楼3-404 中国现当代文学 选修 周五上午3-4节 研楼3-403 汉语言文字学 选修 周二上午1-2节 研楼3-402 汉语言文字学 佛教语言文学、中国古典文 选修 周四下午6-7节 研楼3-401 献学 选修 必修 选修 选修 选修 必修 选修 周五上午1-2节 周五下午8-10节 周三下午8-10节 周二下午8-10节 周三上午3-5节 周五下午8-10节 周四下午8-10节 研楼3-416 传播学 、新闻学合上 研楼3-401 传播学 研楼3-402 研楼3-416 研楼3-402 研楼3-403 比较文学与世界文学 研楼3-403 硕/博士 备注 2009、2010 硕合上 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010博 2010博 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010博 2010博 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010博 2010博 2010博 2010硕 2010博 2010硕 2010博 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕 2010硕










(三)研究方向各招生单位研究方向和考试科目不同,在此以北京语言大学为例:01理论语言学02社会语言学与语言应用03第二语言习得研究04语言测试05对外汉语教学06语言地理学07语言信息处理08计算语言学09语料库语言学10计算机辅助语言学习(四)考试科目①101思想政治理论②201英语一③715现代汉语和古代汉语④817 语言学概论二、推荐院校以下院校是该专业实力较强单位:北京语言大学、北京大学、北京师范大学、华中师范大学、福建师范大学、上海师范大学、浙江大学、南京大学、暨南大学、华东师范大学、中央民族大学、北京外国语大学、中国传媒大学、南京师范大学、首都师范大学、四川大学、南开大学、中山大学、华中科技大学、复旦大学、西安外国语大学、徐州师范大学、清华大学、吉林大学、武汉大学、山东大学、中国人民大学、苏州大学、上海外国语大学、湖南师范大学、上海交通大学。



Part One I.
European and American Cultures (50 points)
Explain any THREE out of the following five terms IN ABOUT 50 WORDS each: (15 points) William the Conqueror Homer The War of Roses Martin Luther The melting pot
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. Fill in the blanks in the following to complete the idea: (10 points) 1. The full name of the United Kingdom is _____________________ . 2. Thanksgiving Day falls on _______, on which Americans give thanks for _ _____; the _. executive
5. The Bible is a collection of religious writings comprising two parts: the __________________ and the__________________. 6. The word “Renaissance” means _______________, it generally refers to the period in
本题共 5 页,此页为第 1 页
Western civilization between the ____________ and mid _______________century. 7. In the early 1930s, ___________________ brought poverty and humiliation to millions of people in the United States and Europe. 8. 9. The American War of Independence began in _____________ and ended in _________. The United States government form is based on the three main principles: Federalism, ___________________________________and ________________________________. 10. Henrik Ibsen was born in ________________, as the Father of Modern Drama he was famous for his “ __________ plays.”

四川大学文新学院 研究生课表2013-2014第二学期课表B

四川大学文新学院 研究生课表2013-2014第二学期课表B

第 8 页,共 11 页
2 选修 周五下午6-7节 研楼3-407 戏剧与影视学
研楼3-402 汉语言文字学
3 必修 周四下午8-10节
传媒经营研究(传媒 经营管理实践与讨 论)
新文学社团与文学流派 中国现当代文学思潮研究 语用学 汉语国际推广专题
李怡 李怡 李宇凤 李韵
36 54 36 36
2 选修 周二下午6-7节 研楼1-102
2 3 2 2
新闻学、传播学、新闻与 2013硕士 传播专硕
2013硕士 2013博士 2013硕士 2013硕士
黎风 李春霞 李菲 李苓
54 36 18 36
2 选修 周四下午6-7节 研楼3-207 传播学
3 2 1 2 选修 周四晚上11-13节 研楼3-303 选修 选修 选修 周五下午8-9节 周二上午3-4节 研楼3-402 文学人类学 汉语国际教育 研楼3-404 出版专硕
2013博士 2013硕士 2012、2013 网选 硕 2013硕士
选修 周三下午8-10节 研楼3-403 选修 必修 周二上午3-5节 周四上午3-5节 研楼3-407 文艺学 研楼3-401 出版专硕 研楼3-404 比较文学与世界文学
选修 周二上午1-2节














一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 The emotive function of language is one of the most powerful uses of language because it is crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something.【试题解析】 (考查语言的感情功能)2 【正确答案】 Grammatical concord is the requirement that the forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories.【试题解析】 (考查语法一致性)3 【正确答案】 Coined by the linguistic anthropologist Kenneth Pike, "emic" and "etic" derive from an analogy with the terms "phonemic" and "phonetic". "Emic" focuses on the intrinsic cultural distinctions that are meaningful to the members of a given society, while " etic" constructs are accounts, descriptions, and analyses expressed in terms of the conceptual schemes and categories that are regarded as meaningful and appropriate by the community of scientific observers.【试题解析】 (考查位学的和非位)4 【正确答案】 Regional dialect is a linguistic variety used by people living in the same geographic region.【试题解析】 (考查地域方言)5 【正确答案】 It is a theory put forward by the American anthropological linguists Sapir and Whorf, which states that the way people view the world is determined by the structure of their native language.【试题解析】 (考查语言决定论)6 【正确答案】 Linguistic context can be subdivided into lexical context and grammatical context, and lexical context refers to the words that occur together with the word in question. For example, the noun "rain" occurs together with "heavy" , while the noun "wind" goes with "strong".【试题解析】 (考查词汇语境)7 【正确答案】 Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. A total synonymy is rare and synonyms all differ from each other in one way or another. Relative synonyms are context dependent. For example, "purchase" and "buy" are synonyms, but the latter seems to be more appropriate in the sentence "A littleboy______a toy. " In the same way, "offspring" seems to be a better choice than "kids" when we mention "the children from a royal family".【试题解析】 (考查相对近义词)8 【正确答案】 According to G. Leech, affective meaning is concerned with the feelings and attitudes of the speaker/writer. For example, " politician" and " statesman" differ in affective meaning, and the formal is usually more approvingly, the same story goes with "cooperation" and "conspiracy".【试题解析】 (考查情感意义)9 【正确答案】 As a type of acronym, Initialism refers to the use of the first letters of words to form a proper name, a technical term or a phrase, and the new word is pronounced letter by letter. Such as BBC for British Broadcasting Corporation, and VOA for Voice of America.【试题解析】 (考查首字母缩略构词法)10 【正确答案】 Stem refers to any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added, such as "brother" in "brothers" , and "work" in "working".【试题解析】 (考查词干)二、填空题11 【正确答案】 in【试题解析】 (set in开始)12 【正确答案】 through【试题解析】 (look through看穿)13 【正确答案】 aside【试题解析】 (set aside将……搁置一旁) 14 【正确答案】 out【试题解析】 (run out流失)15 【正确答案】 off【试题解析】 (hold off推迟,拖延)16 【正确答案】 up【试题解析】 (hold up持续)17 【正确答案】 through【试题解析】 (fall through失败)18 【正确答案】 from【试题解析】 (run away from从……逃出) 19 【正确答案】 for【试题解析】 (put in for申请)20 【正确答案】 down【试题解析】 (pull down摧毁,推翻)三、简答题21 【正确答案】 Polysemy refers to the fact that one word has two or more senses or meanings, and the two processes leading up to polysemy are radiation and concatenation respectively.(1 point)Radiation refers to the process in which the primary or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.(2 points)Concatenation(linking together)is a semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts, like the links of a chain, until there is no connection between the final meaning and the primary meaning.(2 points)【试题解析】考查一词多义现象的形成方式。

2014年四川大学英语口译 考研笔记讲义、考研真题、考研经验(汇总贴)

2014年四川大学英语口译 考研笔记讲义、考研真题、考研经验(汇总贴)

2014年四川大学外国语学院MTI翻译硕士(357英语翻译基础、448汉语写作与百科知识)考研备考指南下载2014年四川大学MTI翻译硕士考研复习指南.pdf(下载次数: 19)各位2014年矢志考取四川大学MTI的同学们:你们好!2010年是川大MTI开设第一年,口笔译初试合卷考试(即考同样的卷子),这就意味着,MTI专业方向虽然不同,初试要准备的内容是一样的。














一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 Language as interaction involves not just vocal behavior but many kinds of behavior and to engage in face-to-face communication is to co-monitor with the other person on a behavioral continuum along which a succession of integrated events can be expected to occur.【试题解析】 (考查语言交际论的定义)2 【正确答案】 It refers to the use of language for the sheer joy of using it, such as singing or poetry writing.【试题解析】 (考查语言的娱乐功能)3 【正确答案】 Universal grammar holds that there are certain fundamental grammatical ideas which all humans possess without having to learn them, which acts as a way to explain how language acquisition works in humans by showing the most basic rules that all languages have to follow.【试题解析】 (考查普遍语法的定义)4 【正确答案】 Fricative consonant is produced when there is close approximation of two articulators so that the airstream is partially obstructed and turbulent airflow is produced, which includes[f],[v],[θ], and so on.【试题解析】 (考查摩擦音的定义)5 【正确答案】 IC analysis, short for Immediate Constituent Analysis, refers to the analysis of a sentence in terms of its immediate constituents—word groups(or phrases), which are in turn analyzed into the immediate constituents of their own, and the process goes on until the ultimate constituents are reached.【试题解析】 (考查直接成分分析法)6 【正确答案】 Conceptual meaning, also called denotative meaning, involves the relationship between a linguistic unit and the nonlinguistic entities to which it refers. Forexample, a desk is a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs, at which one reads and writes; and a dog is an animal kept as a pet, for guarding buildings, or for hunting.【试题解析】 (考查概念意义)7 【正确答案】 Radiation is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rays. The meanings are independent of one another, but can all be traced back to the central meaning. For example, the primary meaning of the word "neck" is that part of a man or animal jointing the head to the body, but it can also mean the neck of an animal used as food. Therefore, we can say "neck" has developed through the process of radiation. Another example is the word " head". In the phrases like the head of a school, to come to a head, the word " head" has different meanings, but they all derive from special application of the central idea of head as a part of the body.【试题解析】 (考查词义辐射)8 【正确答案】 Performative verbs are verbs carried out simply by means of uttering them aloud. The uttering of the verbs is, or is a part of, the doing of the action. Performative verbs include "promise" ,"invite" /'apologize" , and so on. For example, when a judge sentences someone to jail time, the action is completed when he or she says, "I hereby sentence you to five years in prison," or in sentences like "I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth. "【试题解析】 (考查施为性动词)9 【正确答案】 Conversational implicature is proposed by H. P. Grice. It refers to a type of implied meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the CP and its maxims. In this sense, implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning, or 言外之意 in Chinese. For example, the sentence "Mary had a baby and got married" strongly suggests that Mary had the baby before the wedding, but the sentence would still be strictly true if Mary had her baby after she got married. To make it clearer, we can see another Chinese examplein a film. A boy says to a girl “你不戴眼镜时很漂亮”, and the girl immediately responds “我戴眼镜时一定很丑了”. Now the boy may have reason to deny that the girl's interpretation is what he said. But he may not be able to deny in all fairness that this is, at least partly, what he implied.【试题解析】 (考查会话含义理论)10 【正确答案】 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis suggests that our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently, different languages may probably express our unique ways of understanding the world. The hypothesis has two important points, linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. The principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects the ways in which its speakers are able to conceptualize their world, i. e. their world view. One of the examples is that there are many words for "snow" in the Inuit language, and the other example is that there are many words for "horse" in the Mongolian language.【试题解析】 (考查语言相对论)二、词汇题11 【正确答案】assets→asset12 【正确答案】 burgl ar→burgle13 【正确答案】enthusiasm→enthuse14 【正确答案】greedy→greed15 【正确答案】hushed→hush16 【正确答案】automation→automate17 【正确答案】donation→donate18 【正确答案】escalator→escalate19 【正确答案】homesickness→homesick20 【正确答案】amusingly→amusing三、简答题21 【正确答案】 We have to teach culture in the language classroom because language is an indispensable carrier of culture. Culture finds a better representation through language use. A joint study of these two subjects will definitely broaden the horizon of the students' knowledge and enhance the study of language. The correlation highlights the pursuit of the relationship between the two.(2 points)Therefore, we have to keep in mind that it is a rather difficult job to know another culture. At the same time, we have to realize the fascinating role of cultural knowledge in language teaching.(1 point)In language teaching, we have to get the students familiar with cultural differences; to help the students transcend their own culture and see things as the members of the target culture will; and to emphasize the inseparability of understanding language and understanding culture through various classroom practices. All in all, successful mastery of a given language has much to do with an understanding of that culture.(2 points)【试题解析】考查文化在外语教学中的重要意义。



英语语言文学方向初试题目回忆918综合知识Part OneI、名词解释5个Obamacare, Watergate scandal , Copernicus,Socrates(忘了一个,也是美国的)II、不少于150字the influence ofwestward movement on the American nation...why the Americansalways believe that the government should pay a litimed role ...III. 400字What did the Romanshave in common with the Greeks? and what's the distinct contributions made bythe Romans to European culture?Part TwoI.名词解释5选3(50字)OscarWilde, Heartof Darkness; The Last ofthe Mohicans; Black humour.(还有个忘了)II. 10个选择III. 150字briefly comment Becky Sharp in WilliamMakepeace's Vanity Fair.John Dos Passos'U.S.A.Part Three名词解释I. immediate constituents; analytic languageII. 要举至少两个例子的inflectionalaffix, superordinate, elevation of meaningIII. 语境对意义有什么作用?词语意思的改变对一门语言存活有什么意义?(大概是这么问的)语言学部分,暂时记住这些,最后一道大题考的是Grice的合作原则,a man asks a young girl "how old are you?" she replys " I'm 80!",it violates the cooperative principle, please explain this phenomenon. 要写500字。



主题:川大、川外、外国语言学及应用语言学比较一、介绍川大和川外1.1 川大简介川大是四川省重点综合性大学,创建于1896年,是我国教育部直属的全国重点大学。


1.2 川外简介川外是我国政府唯一设立的外语类高等学府,是我国“211工程”重点支持的大学,也是四川省最著名的外语学校之一。


二、外国语言学专业比较2.1 川大外国语言学专业川大外国语学院成立于1923年,是国内最早设立的外国语学院之一,外国语言学专业是学院的重点学科之一。


2.2 川外外国语言学专业川外外国语学院成立于1964年,是国内外语教学与研究的领军学院之一,外国语言学专业是学院的一大特色。


三、应用语言学专业比较3.1 川大应用语言学专业川大应用语言学专业是学校人文学院的一大特色专业,学科涵盖语言学、心理学、教育学等多个领域,注重学生对语言学理论和应用的综合研究,培养学生高水平的语言教学和研究能力,同时注重学生的专业实践能力和教学能力的培养。

3.2 川外应用语言学专业川外应用语言学专业是学院的一大特色学科,专注于培养学生对语言学理论和实际应用的深入理解和研究,注重学生对外语教学和语言研究的实际能力培养,同时注重学生的语言实践能力和跨文化交际能力的提高。




一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 Competence refers to the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language, while performance refers to the actual realization of the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language in linguistic communication.【试题解析】 (考查语言能力与语言运用)2 【正确答案】 Hypotactic language means in the language, the dependent or subordinate constructions and relationship of clauses are connected and shown by connectives, for example, English, while paratactic means in this language, clauses are arranged one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them, for example, Chinese.【试题解析】 (考查从属语言和并列语言)3 【正确答案】 Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and it is the linguistic competence of the speaker, while parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.【试题解析】 (考查语言和言语)4 【正确答案】 The standard dialect is a particular variety of a language in that it is not related to any particular group of language users, but it is the variety which any member of a speech community can possibly use regardless of his social and geographical backgrounds, his gender and age.【试题解析】 (考查标准方言)5 【正确答案】 Immediate constituents are constituents immediately, directly, below the level of a construction, which may be a sentence like Poor John ran away, a word group like poor John or a word and a word may also be analyzed into its immediate constituents, morphemes.【试题解析】 (考查直接成分)6 【正确答案】 Binary analysis of word meaning means that in meaning analysis, if a word has the semantic feature A, then we can mark this word as[+ A]; if it does not have this semantic feature, then we can mark it as[-A]. For example, we can mark the following words as man(+ Male, + Adult, + Human), woman(-Male, + Adult, + Human)and boy(+ Male, -Adult, + Human).【试题解析】 (考查对分法)7 【正确答案】 When the meaning of a word narrows toward an unfavorable meaning, it is called degradation or degeneration or pejorative change. Some words once respectable may become less so and others once neutral in meaning may acquire a pejorative connotation. A "villain" , for example, was originally a man who worked on a farm or villa. At first, it was a term implying no contempt, and came to be a term of reproach. Other words like this are churl(once a man), boor(once a farmer)and so on.【试题解析】 (考查词义的降格)8 【正确答案】 Analogy is a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor, which usually concentrates on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that several common qualities of points of resemblance. For example; The sunflowers are shaking their heads and smiling. The broomcorn seems to be teams of Young Pioneers.【试题解析】 (考查类比)9 【正确答案】 In componential analysis, the small components dissected from the lexical meaning of a word, such as + MALE, + HUMAN, and + ADULT, are called semantic components or semantic properties.【试题解析】 (考查语义特征)10 【正确答案】 It refers to that words of different sets or classes may permit, or require, the occurrence of a word of another set or class to form a sentence or a particular part of a sentence. For instance, what can precede a noun(dog)is usually the determiners and adjectives, and what can follow it when it takes the position of subject will be predicators such as bark, bite, run, etc.【试题解析】 (考查共现关系)二、词汇题11 【正确答案】 workaholic; work + a + holic; -holic, now used as suffix, evolves from the word " alcoholic" .12 【正确答案】 spam; "spam" originates from "Spam".13 【正确答案】 telethon; television + thon; tele- comes from "television" , while -thon from "marathon".14 【正确答案】 modem; "modem" is the combination of "modulator" and "demodulator".15 【正确答案】 bit; "bit" evolves from "bitten".16 【正确答案】 brunch; "brunch" is the combination of "breakfast" and "lunch".17 【正确答案】 transistor: " transistor" is the combination of " transfer" and " resistor".18 【正确答案】 motel; "motel" is the combination of "motor" and "hotel".19 【正确答案】 glimmer: "glimmer" originates from "glam".20 【正确答案】 medicare; "medicare" is the combination of "medical" and "care".三、简答题21 【正确答案】 In cross-cultural communication, when people have some trouble and do not know how to behave correctly, they tend to turn to their source culture for help.(1 point)This is a strategy often used by communicators in a new cultural setting. Convenient as it is, this strategy may not always work well. Far too many bad stories can be told to illustrate this point. This is because people from different communities think, behave, and speak differently. If we are not ready for this difference, we may run into trouble.(2 points)Therefore, a principle that cross-cultural communicators should follow is to understand the target culture by transcending the source culture. Put alternatively,try to do as the Romans do when in Rome.(2 points)【试题解析】考查文化差异与跨文化交际。

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01 现代英语及语言理论
02 英语翻译理论与实践
03 现代外语教育及教育技术
①101 思想政治理论
②242 俄语或243 日语或244 德语或245 法语或246 西班牙语或247 韩语
③638 基础英语
④918 英语专业综合知识。
