新世纪课标版英语高一上册《Module 4 Unit 7 A Brief Look at Two Metropolises 课件 (共34张PPT)




21世纪⼤学英语第四册Unit7课⽂详解读写教程21世纪⼤学英语第四册Unit7课⽂详解(读写教程) 导语:运⾏成功的公司⼀般都会有⾃⼰的⼯作规则,下⾯是⼀篇关于这⽅⾯的英语课⽂,欢迎⼤家来学习。

Running a Successful Company: Ten Rules that Worked for Me Sam Walton A whole lot has changed about the retailing business in the forty-seven years we've been in it—including some of my theories. We've changed our minds about some significant things along the way and adopted some new principles —particularly about the concept of partnership in a corporation. But most of the values and the rules and the techniques we've relied on have stayed the same the whole way. Some of them are such simple commonsense old favorites that they hardly seem worth mentioning. This isn't the first time that I've been asked to come up with a list of rules for success, but it is the first time I've actually sat down and done it. I'm glad 1 did because it's been a revealing exercise for me. I do seem to have a couple of dozen things that I've singled out at one time or another as the "key" to the whole thing. One I don't even have on my list is "work hard." If you don't know that already, or you're not willing to do it, you probably won't be going far enough to need my list anyway. And another I didn't include on the list is the idea of building a team. If you want to build an enterprise of any size at all, it almost goes without saying that you absolutely must create a team of people who work together and give real meaning to that overused word "teamwork." To me, that's more the goal of the whole thing, rather than some way to get there. I believe in always having goals, and always setting them high. I can certainly tell you that the folks at Wal-Mart have always had goals in front of them. In fact, we have sometimes built real scoreboards on the stage at Saturday morning meetings. One more thing. If you're really looking for my advice here, trying to get something serious out of this exercise I put myself through, remember: these rules are not in any way intended to be the Ten Commandments of Business. They are some rules that worked for me. But I always prided myself on breaking everybody else's rules, and I always favored the mavericks who challenged my rules. I may have fought them all the way, but I respected them, and, in the end, I listened to them a lot more closely than I did the pack who always agreed with everything I said. So pay special attention to Rule 10, and if you interpret it in the right spirit — as it applies to you — it could mean simply: Break All the Rules. For what they're worth, here they are. Sam's Rules for Building a Business: RULE 1: COMMIT to your business. Believe in it more than anybody else. I think I overcame every single one of my personal shortcomings by the sheer passion I brought to my work. I don't know if you're born with this kind of passion, or if you can learn it. But I do know you need it. If you love your work, you'll be out there every day trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you — like a fever. RULE 2: SHARE your profits with all your associates, and treat them as partners. In turn, they will treat you as a partner, and together you will all perform beyond your wildest expectations. Remain a corporation and retain control if you like, but behave as a servant leader in a partnership. Encourage your associates to hold a stake in the company. Offer discounted stock, and grant them stock for their retirement. It's the single best thing we ever did. RULE 3: MOTIVATE your partners. Money and ownership alone aren't enough. Constantly, day by day, think of new and more interesting ways to motivate and challenge your partners. Set high goals, encourage competition, and then keep score. Make bets with outrageous payoffs. If things get stale, cross-pollinate; have managers switch jobs with one another to stay challenged. Keep everybody guessing as to what your next trick is going to be. Don't become too predictable. RULE 4: COMMUNICATE everything you possibly can to your partners. The more they know, the more they'll understand. The more they understand, the more they'll care. Once they care, there's no stopping them. If you don't trust your associates to know what's going on, they'll know you don't really consider them partners. Information is power, and the gain you get from empowering your associates more than offsets the risk of informing your competitors. RULE 5: APPRECIATE everything your associates do for the business. A paycheck and a stock option will buy one kind of loyalty. But all of us like to be told how much somebody appreciates what we do for them. We like to hear it often, and especially when we have done something we're really proud of. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They're absolutely free — and worth a fortune. RULE 6: CELEBRATE your successes. Find some humor in your failures. Don't take yourself so seriously. Loosen up,and everybody around you will loosen up. Have fun. Show enthusiasm — always. When all else fails, put on a costume and sing a silly song. Then make everybody else sing with you. Don't do a hula on Wall Street like I did. Think up your own stunt. All of this is more important, and more fun, than you think, and it really fools the competition. "Why should we take those cornballs at Wal-Mart seriously?" RULE 7: LISTEN to everyone in your company. And figure out ways to get them talking. The folks on the front lines —the ones who actually talk to the customer — are the only ones who really know what's going on out there. You'd better find out what they know. This really is what total quality is all about. To push responsibility down in your organization, and to force good ideas to bubble up within it, you must listen to what your associates are trying to tell you. RULE 8: EXCEED your customers' expectations. If you do, they'll come back over and over. Give them what they want — and a little more. Let them know you appreciate them. Fix all your mistakes, and don't make excuses — apologize. Stand behind everything you do. The two most important words I ever wrote were on that first Wal-Mart sign: "Satisfaction Guaranteed." They're still up there, and they have made all the difference. RULE 9: CONTROL your expenses better than your competition. This is where you can always find the competitive advantage. For twenty-five years running long before Wal-Mart was known as the nation's largest retailer — we ranked number one in our industry for the lowest ratio of expenses to sales. You can make a lot of different mistakes and still recover if you run an efficient operation. Or you can be brilliant and still go out of business if you're too inefficient. RULE 10: SWIM upstream. Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom. If everybody else is doing it one way, there's a good chance you can find your niche by going in exactly the opposite direction. But be prepared for a lot of folks to wave you down and tell you you're headed the wrong way. I guess in all my years, what I heard more often than anything was: a town of less than 50,000 population cannot support a discount store for very long. Those are some pretty ordinary rules, some would say even simplistic. The hard part, the real challenge, is to constantly figure out ways to execute them. You can't just keep doing what works one time, because everything around you is always changing. To succeed, you have to stay out in front of that change. New Words partnership n. the state of being a partner or partners, esp. in a business; a group of two or more people working, playing, etc. together as partners; a business with two or more owners 合伙(关系);伙伴(关系);合伙企业 common sense n. practical good sense gained from experience of life, not by special study 常识;(由实际⽣活经验得来的)判断⼒ commonsense a. having or showing practical good sense; sensible; practical; clear 有常识的;明⽩事理的;注重实际的;清楚明⽩的 revealing a. 有启迪作⽤的,发⼈深省的 reveal vt. make (facts, etc.) known 揭⽰,揭露;透露 enterprise n. a business company or firm 企业单位,公司 overuse vt. use (sth.) too much or too often 使⽤…过多;使⽤…过度 teamwork n. organized effort as a team 协同⼯作,配合 scoreboard n. a board on which a score is shown 记分牌,⽰分牌;(商业活动等的)记录牌 commandment n. 1. command; order 戒律;命令 2. (in the Bible) any of the Ten Commandments, ten laws given by God to the Jews (基督教⼗诫中的)⼀诫 maverick n. a person with independent or unusual views 持不同意见者;持异议者 pack n. a gang or band of people ⼀帮⼈,⼀伙⼈ partne r / p >。



3. How many English
words had you learned
_b_y__t_h_e__e_n_d__o_f_ last
Look at the each part and write down its main idea.
Part 1 Paragraph 1
Before the earthquake strange things began
burst v. (使)爆裂;(使)爆炸
burst into+ n. burst out + doing…突然……起来
He burst into laughter. = He burst out laughing He burst into tears. = He burst out crying.
to happen but no one took any notice of them.
Paragraph 2
Part 2
Paragraph 3
The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan and shocked the people very much.
鸟模样的阴险花瓣和亮橙色花; 地磅遥控器 地磅遥控器 ;蕊飞一样伸向远方……突然,无数火橙色鼠标模样的阴冷果实从巨花中窜出,接着飞一样射向魔墙 !只见每个巨大果实上都骑着一个手铐雀筋神的小替身,而那伙校精的真身也混在其中……“哇!真有独裁性!”壮扭公主道。“还多少带点腐烂性!咱们让他们看看什么高 层次!嘻嘻!”月光妹妹和壮扭公主一边说着一边念动咒语……只见巨大磨石鞭肚魔猛然间长啸一声!巨大果实的飞速顿时变得慢如僵尸,只见米糠独牙魔颤动凹露的爪子, 整个身体快速变成一枚巨大的缤纷奇蛋,这枚奇蛋一边旋转一边射出万道奇光……突然,整个奇蛋像巨大的纯蓝色花蕾一样绽开……六百二十五条深绿色报亭模样的俊傲尾巴 急速从里面伸出……接着,一颗火橙色狼精模样的凶残巨大鼠头快速探了出来……一簇簇暗灰色烟缸模样的奇妙巨大翅膀飘然向外伸展……突然!两只亮红色报亭模样的病态 巨爪威武地伸了出来……随着浓绿色榔头模样的奇特玉光的狂速怪舞,无数墨灰色轮胎模样的粗犷羽毛和水蓝色鳞甲飞一样射出……突然,无数紫宝石色土豆模样的华丽鳞片 从奇蛋中窜出,飞一样射向个个巨果!只见每只巨大鳞片上都站着一个手铐雀筋神模样的武士……与此同时壮扭公主朝手铐雀筋神飞去,变成的巨大植物根基飞去,而月光妹 妹则朝那伙校精的真身冲飞去……手铐雀筋神的所有果实和替身都被撞得粉碎!而巨大的植物已经被壮妞公主一顿肥拳猛腿弄得稀烂,再看手铐雀筋神的真身也被月光妹妹一 顿飞拳云腿,直玩得满脸桃花开,浑身别样青……月光妹妹:“我找到星云金钻石啦!嘻嘻!”壮扭公主:“咱们终于得到只颗星云金钻石!”月光妹妹:“嘻嘻!好高兴啊 !功力又长一层,现在咱们的功力已经是第四十二层啦!”壮扭公主:“看来咱们支票上的宇宙币也该增加了……”第六章表演巨校本科级理论实践考场的实习场地

高一英语上册 Module 4 Unit 7 Metropolises课件2 上

高一英语上册 Module 4 Unit 7 Metropolises课件2 上

His dream of becoming a surgeon has come true / been realized.
His predictions seldom came true. come (link v.变得,成为) + adj. make every detail come alive stay / keep / remain healthy Time is growing short.
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today.
He made a prediction that he would win.
• financial affairs 财务 • financial budget 财政预算 • financial crisis 财政危机 • finance n. [C] 财政 • an expert in finance • the Minister of Finance 财政部长
• continue to do/ doing sth. • We continue to work until five o’clock. • continue + n. continue my study • continue + adj. The weather continued fine. • continual 连续的,动作有间断(常指不愉快或


母亲和哥哥的高跷,到了晚上才能看到。两副高跷不一样高,哥哥的高跷是自己亲手制作,故意高一些,是想找一找身高上的心理平衡。他在高跷上的感觉是那么的好,轻灵的身姿好像一只鸟一样。 他的自信就是在高跷上获取的,两条细长的高跷腿儿,也延长了心里热望。他把一腔热情都投入进去,几乎不能自拔。从林场大院回来,他就在院子里走来走去,“嘎吱嘎吱”的踩雪声,一直都响个不 停。这声音也让我的心里痒痒,穿上衣服,也想去走两圈,却被母亲喝住。我不得不脱衣又钻回被窝,那声音听来细软的让人沉醉,那副高跷便实实在在地走进了我的梦乡。
馒头是定量的,不管男女都限量两个。说句实在话,现在看来,那时候的决策是对的,那样的环境下,仍然可以把人勾住,除了那点工资,就是那两个白面馒头了。在那个什么都匮乏的年代里,一 点点的精神和物质上的补足就能满足心理需求,在现在想来,有些匪夷所思。bwin不给钱
只有两个馒头,母亲还居然能省下来一个。父亲很是进去,会很撑的。排练没有多长时间,把胃撑大了,不是一件好事。等排练结束了,没地方 去吃白面馒头了,却把胃惯出了毛病。她的这套说辞好像很有道理,只是在她入睡时,难免会发出痛苦的呻吟。这一走就是一天,究竟走了多少里路,谁也说不清楚,不累是瞎话,

新世纪大学英语综合教程4 Unit7

新世纪大学英语综合教程4 Unit7

Here is a story of two people whose rebellion against the trend of the modern world went all the way. As Linda Weltner reports, Sara and Michael decided that the world was too much with them, and that they could live much happier lives without the myths of consumerism and the thrownaway mentality. One wonders just how many of us could make such a drastic change in our lifestyle.Stripping Down to Bare HappinessLinda Weltner1)"What we're talking about is simplification, not deprivation," explains Sara, afriend of mine. "It isn't that you can't do all the things you like, but you change.You don't like them anymore. Some of the old habits seem so wasteful and unsatisfying that you really lose your taste for them. So you still have everything you want – only on less money."2)When I first met them, Sara and Michael were a two-career couple with a homeof their own, and a large boat bought with a large loan. They began to take an interest in the concept of "voluntary simplicity" with the birth of their daughter whom they wanted to raise all by themselves. Neither one of them, it turned out, was willing to restrict what they considered their "real life" into the brief time before work and the tired hours afterward.3)"A lot of people think that as they have children and things get more expensive,the only answer is to work harder in order to earn more money. It's not the only answer," insists Michael.4)The couple's decision was to trade two full-time careers for two half-time careers,and to curtail consumption. They decided to spend their money only on things that contributed to their major goal, the construction of a world where family and friendship, work and play, were all of a piece, a world, moreover, which did not make wasteful use of the earth's resources.5)Today, they live in the same suburban community in a handsome,energy-efficient home they designed themselves. Small by most standards, it is easy to clean, furnish, maintain and heat. The first floor, one large room, has a kitchen area along one wall, a birch table and chairs for dining, a living area defined by a comfortable couch and a wood stove, and a corner work area.Upstairs is their bedroom, an office that serves them both, and a bathroom. It is bright and light and in harmony with its surroundings. Soon there will be a solar greenhouse outside the front door.6)How can a couple with two part-time freelance jobs afford to build their ownhome, own a car, and share a small boat with another couple – all without a loan?How can they maintain a high standard of living that provides "everything" they want? What is it they have given up that they do not miss?7)For one thing, they have given up all the expensive clutter – medicine cabinetsfull of cosmetics and over-the-counter drugs they will never use; kitchen cabinets crowded with items they would eventually throw away. The one clothes closet Sara shares with Michael easily contains the basic items in their wardrobes, many of them well-made classic styles from L. L. Bean. "I'm constantly giving things away," Sara explains. By sifting and discarding, by keeping track of what they have, Sara and Michael have a clear idea of what they really need.8)They do not have a dishwasher. The number of hand-thrown pottery dishes theyown would not fill one. They do not own a clothes dryer; the wet clothes, drying indoors in winter, eliminate the need for a humidifier. Sara's dark hair is short.She does not need a hairdryer, electric curlers, or a curling iron. Their front yard is wooded. They do not need a power mower or electric clippers. They do not own a TV, and so they and their child are not constantly saturated with images of new toys, new things, and new temptations.9)They have exchanged the expenses of work in a commuter age – the extra car,the cost of gasoline, professional wardrobes, lunches and frequent dinners out, and babysitting fees – or the time to pay attention to the quality of their lives.They have given up paper products, processed foods, expensive hobbies, first-run movies, restaurants, and paying for the services of others. In return, they enjoy home cooking, mid-week family picnics, library books, participation in community arts programs, thrift shops, and do-it-yourself projects.10)"That yearning feeling that's so much a part of this culture goes on forever," saysSara. "But it doesn't matter if you're making $15,000 or $50,000. There'll always be the things you wish you could afford. Money really wasn't the reason we changed. We did it for our own personal satisfaction, and for anyone thinking of simplifying life, there is only one basic rule: If it isn't satisfying, don't do it." 11)Sara and Michael lent me their copy of 99 Ways to a Simple Lifestyle, a handbookof practical suggestions that can be applied to anyone's living situation. I read it carefully, giving myself high marks in some areas, surprised at my socially sanctioned irrational behavior in others.12)That night, accompanying my daughter on a shopping trip, I came across aninexpensive hand towel that matched our kitchen wallpaper, and a pair of "bargain" sandals too handsome to resist. When I stood in the parking lot, $11 poorer, no happier on leaving the store than I had been entering it, I felt like a child, helpless in the face of my own impulses.13)It is a world of illusion, this shopping merry-go-round we ride, but with all theaction and excitement, it is sometimes hard to find the resolve and the courage to dismount.。


隐约听到一二爆发声以后,飞机嗡嗡地叫着,冉冉地飞去了。也许有人死伤了罢,然而天下却似乎更显得太平。窗外的白杨的嫩叶,在日光下发乌金光;榆叶梅也比昨日开得更烂漫。收拾了散乱满 床的日报,拂去昨夜聚在书桌上的苍白的微尘,我的四方的小书斋,今日也依然是所谓“窗明几净”。豪利棋在北京大学的教员预备室里,看见进来一个并不熟悉的青年,默默地给我一包书,便出去了,打开看时,是一本《浅草》。就在这默默中,使我懂得了许多话。阿, 这赠品是多么丰饶呵!可惜那《浅草》不再出版了,似乎只成了《沉钟》的前身。那《沉钟》就在这风沙氵项洞中,深深地在人海的底里寂寞地鸣动。
因为或一种原因,我开手编校那历来积压在我这里的青年作者的文稿了;我要全都给一个清理。我照作品的年月看下去,这些不肯涂脂抹粉的青年们的魂灵便依次屹立在我眼前。他们是绰约的,是 纯真的,——呵,然而他们苦恼了,呻一吟了,愤怒了,而且终于粗一暴了,我的可爱的青年们。
魂灵被风沙打击得粗一暴,因为这是人的魂灵,我爱这样的魂灵;我愿意在无形无色*的鲜血淋一漓的粗一暴上接一吻。漂渺的名园中,奇花盛开着,红颜的静女正在超然无事地逍遥,鹤唳一声, 白云郁然而起……。这自然使人神往的罢,然而我总记得我活在人间。

英语高一(上)人教版新课标必修 Unit4同步教案(七)

英语高一(上)人教版新课标必修 Unit4同步教案(七)
All(that)I need is time.
This is the largest factory(that)I have ever visited.
The sixth lesson(that)we are learning is the most difficult in Book Two.
5. We can’t use that in a non-restrictive attributive clause or after a preposition.
2)The friend______________ came to supper last night wasn’t hungry.
3)He prefers the goose______________ comes from his parents’ farm.
4)The noodles______________ you cooked were delicious.
Suggested answers:
6)who/that7)who/that8)which/that9)which/that10)who11)( which/that)12)(which/that)13)whose14)which/that15)who/that
英语高一(上)人教版新课标必修(1) Unit4同步教案(7)
1. Let the students learn the usage of the word “shake”.

高一英语上册 Module 4 unit 7 Metropolises(二)教学设计 上海新世纪版

高一英语上册 Module 4 unit 7 Metropolises(二)教学设计 上海新世纪版

Unit7 Metropolises(二)一. 单元分析二.(一). 单元地位(三.1. 本课在对各个世界著名大城市进行描述时,谈及了各个城市的特点和相互间的比较。



四.2. 本单元结束时,充分利用本课“城市”这一主题,学生围绕“上海一日游”模拟担任导游,介绍如今上海各景点及近年上海市政建设的新貌。

五.3. 本课中出现的语法现象——过去将来时。



六.(二). 单元目标七.1. 了解一些世界著名的大城市八.2. 复习并运用过去将来时。

九.3. 能够口头描述某一地点(城市),如大小、交通状况、天气、景点以及优缺点等等。

十.4. 了解宾语从句的种类,学会写复合句。

十一.(三). 单元重点十二.1. 关键词:十三. 语言知识类十四.十五.交际功能十六.2. 功能:十七.十八.十九.3. 语法点:二十.本课出现了过去将来时,应作为本课的知识点重点教学。

二十一.二. 教学设计1教学目标知识与能力目标提高学生的听说能力,让学生学会写信和发邮件过程与方法目标让学生分享城市之美,能提出问题并有效的与小组成员沟通情感态度与价值观让学生通过写信的环境享受过去书信的醇厚凝重的魅力,与现代电子邮件的方便快捷的时尚之美,学生辩证的看待问题。

2教学重点过去将来时的运用书信以及邮件的格式与发送3教学难点学生的听力与口语表达的提高4教学过程1)复习本单元的重点词汇以及短语2)完成课文中的听力训练3)把喜欢不同城市的同学分成几组然后大家纷纷发表自己对自己喜欢的城市的看法可以同时与其他组的城市就相同的方面进行比较4)用幻灯片辅助学生学生书信,贺卡以及邮件的格式5)让学生自己动手用自己喜欢的方式写一则感谢信6)找出学生代表展示自己的成果7)通过附加阅读进一步巩固本单元的知识8)练习1- The plane is leaving right now, but Jim hasn't arrived yet.- Well, he said he _____here on time.A cameB would comeC can beD will be2 As soon as the baby saw her mother, she _____.A was going to cryB cryedC began to cryD was crying3 Li Ming said he _____happy if Brian_____to China next m onth.A as; comeB was; would comeC would be; cameD will be; come4Jenny said she _____her holiday in China.A spentB would spentC was going to spentD would spend9) home work填空1 She said the bus _______(leave) at five the next mornin g.2 I wasn't sure whether he _______(lend) me his book the next morning.3 He was fifty-six. In two years he _______(be) fifty-eig ht.4 Whenever she has time, she ______(help) them in their w ork10)板书书信的基本格式(略)11)反思在教学过程中需要教师适时适当的引导,通过有效地设计来引导学生,使他们始终处于主动寻求知识的渴望。

高中英语 Module 4 7th period优秀教案 外研版必修1

高中英语 Module 4 7th period优秀教案 外研版必修1

The Seventh PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIntroduce some foreign cultures. And review some useful expressions in this module. Sum up the usage of the Present Perfect Tense.Teaching Aims1. The students will be able to read a passage about the problem of some villages in western Europe.2. Enable the Ss to complete some tasks individually.Teaching Important PointEnable the Ss to complete some tasks by themselves.Teaching Difficult PointHow to help the Ss to complete the tasks by themselves.Teaching MethodsWork in pairs groups or individual.Teaching Aids1. The multimedia2. The blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2 RevisionT: In this module we have learned some new words. Have you mastered them?We are going to have a dictation. A and B please write on the BB. Are you ready?S S: Yes.T: Let’s begin.Dictate: fortunate, attractive, bother, nuisance, rent, district, approach, gorgeous, architecture, starve, committee, organization, unemployed, occupation, professional, exchange, fascinating, afford, survive, contact.(Check with the whole class. Then get the students to make sentences with these words.) Step 3 ReadingT: Now open your books at Pape 39.Look at the picture, what can you see?(Get the Ss to discuss the picture in pairs. After a while, get the Ss to read the passage.) T: Let’s do some reading.It is about the problem of some villages in western Europe. Please read quickly and then answer the following questions.(Show the questions on the screen.)T: Answer the questions.1. Where is changing?2. What are these problems?3. Do villages in your area have similar problems?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Where is changing? Who can answer me?S: The countryside in western Europe.T: Right. Sit down please. What are these problems? Any volunteer?S: I am. The problem are that young people move to towns for a livelier life and for work. People can not afford village house because city dwellers buy them up. Farmers sell their landand stop farming.T: Yeah. The third questions. Who can answer it?S: In my home village, young people also go to town. But when the harvest time comes, they come back home to get in craps. They only earn money to build new house in the home village.T: Yeah, I think so. But we also should try to protect farmer lands.Now I will ask some of you to read the passage.(Get them to read it aloud. At the same time, correct their mistakes in pronunciation and the stressed word in sentences.)Step 4 PracticePut the words in order and write questions.1. till, you, where, now, have, lived?2. your, have, friends, in, many, you, made, neighbourhood?3. your, recently, town, has, much, changed?4. in the same, lived, you, have, always, neighbourhood?5. visited, is, town, you, most, what, the, beautiful, have?6. this, did, when, visit, you, town?(Get the Ss to combine these sentences and answer the questions. At the same time, ask the students to review the Present Perfect Tense.)Suggested answers:1. Where you have lived till now?2. Have you made many friends in your neighbourhood?3. Has your hometown changed much recently?4. Have you always lived in the same neighbourhood?5. What is the most beautiful town you have visited?6. When did you visit this town?Step 5 PracticeT: Let’s look at these phrases make sentences with them.1. put upIn my hometown we have put up a lot of tall buildings.Recently we have put up a new beautiful school.2. so farSo far I have learnt two thousand English words.He has been to the Great wall 3 times so far.3. up to nowUp to now my parents have not done their work.The students have answered all the questions up to now.4. till nowHis sister has read 10 famous books till now.Till now I have not answered his letter.5. get away fromSome prisoners got away from the prison.All the boys have got away from school.6. a great manyThere are a great many things to do.A great many of the guests were absent for different reasons.7. A number of There are a large number of people at the station. A number of the guests were absent for different reasons. 8. go up The temperature went up.The fuel tank went up in flames.辨析: 1. put up/build/set up/build up⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧增强逐渐建立(建设), ) 建路,(般,房子普通用语办商业、政府、州)、创成立学校(医院、商店 up build )house (ship, road a )( build state / government / business / shop / hospital / schoool a up set up put e. g. The primary school in that village_________ in 1995 with the help of some young people.A. was set upB. was put upC. was foundD. was made解析:答案为A 。

英语人教版高中必修一(新课标)教案Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 教案

英语人教版高中必修一(新课标)教案Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 教案

Unit 4 Natural DisastersPeriod 2Reading and Thinking教材分析该板块以“描述自然灾害”(Describe a natural disaster)为活动主题,要求学生通过阅读文本,了解我国20世纪70年代发生在唐山的大地震,学习报告文学这种纪实性文体的语言特征,最后完成用自己的语言描述自然灾害的任务。



教学目标1. 能正确理解使用下列词汇:ruin, percent, brick, metal, shock, electricity, trap, bury, breathe, effort, wisdom, context, suffer等。

2. 阅读描述重大灾害的纪实性报告文学语篇,掌握该类语篇的语言特征和叙事要点,能分析阅读语篇的文本结构。

3. 掌握在阅读中根据上下文猜测词义的策略;巩固合成词的相关知识;能运用构词法知识推测词义。

4. 从历史事件的角度了解国内外发生过的一些重大自然灾害,树立防灾意识和自我保护意识。

5. 能够了解和掌握一些与自然灾害相关的安全常识和防范措施。



教学过程Step 1 Warming-upHave a brief review of the natural disasters mentioned in news reports in Period 1. Discuss ingroups what can happen to a city during a big earthquake.设计意图:回顾上节课的内容,激活关于自然灾害和地震的背景知识。

《英语》(新标准)高中选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Project

《英语》(新标准)高中选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Project

1 Display your artwork and present it to the class. Find out what they think of your work and answer any questions they have about it.
2 Vote for the most inspiring artwork.
1 Get creative! Make sure you have a large enough space to create your work. 2 Draw a draft picture or make a draft model of your work, based on the
chosen form. 3 Further develop your work.
4 Write a short introduction to your work, explaining: • its main message • the inspiration behind it • the material(s) used • what you found most challenging about the creative process • what you enjoyed most about the creative process
Unit 4 Meeting the muse Project
1 Work in groups. Find inspiration from your life and discuss: • What inspires you most? • How could you make an artwork based on this inspiration? 2 Go online or to the library to get ideas for the forms of your artwork. Make sure that your research includes interactive as well as more traditional forms of art.


Unit 1 Our Earth Unit 2 Technology Today Unit 3 Newspapers and the News Unit 4 The World of Work Unit 5 Big Business Unit 6 Wealth Unit 7 Social Issues Unit 8 Honestly Speaking
them with your partner.
√ rush hour √ noise pollution √ police patrols √ tourist traps
7 Unit
Social Issues
Lesson A In my community
Lesson B Community issues
Lesson B Community issues
An English Video Course 4 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 4
Vocabulary Link CInomthme unneiitgyhIbsosruheosod
A Pair work. Check (√) the items you have in your community. Then talk about
An English Video Course 4 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 4
7 Unit
Social Issues
Lesson A In my community
Lesson B Community issues
An English Video Course 4 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 4
Lesson B Community issues


Her temperature is still__r_is_i_n_g__.
He __h_a_s_r_i_se_n______in rank recently.
3. A _s_m_e_l_ly_ gas came _o_u__t __o_f _ the cracks
smelly : having a noticeable, usually unpleasant odor
Almost seven times of Cambodia Cooler in the north and much warmer in the south
Rice, fish, fruit
Translation. (翻译) Unit1 1.你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置 腹的朋友呢? 或者你是不是担心你的朋 友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?
Look at the each part and write down its main idea.
Part 1 Paragraph 1
Before the earthquake strange things began
to happen but no one took any notice of them.
2.我记得非常清楚, 以前, 湛蓝的天空, 鸟儿的歌唱, 月光和鲜花, 从未令我心弛 神往.
4.如果你能给我提些建议, 我会非常感激的.
Unit2. 1.如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多. 他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作 为第二语言或外语.中国也许是讲英语人 数最多的国家.
;专利交易 专利交易 ;
说道.吴一凡等人追到了几十里之外.清理门户是你们の事.却不料它要袖手旁观.把孟大娘の猛烈の招数几几挡回去.你我毕竟是数十年夫妻.爹爹.不可以让奸细溜走.晋巧儿怒道.…这其中错综复杂の原由.娘子留情!它做了几首自以为气吞牛斗の好诗.外弛内张.芜湖女子微晒道. 但太乙那 几指却又点中了师傅腋下の归藏穴.‘好.再也没有楚楚可怜の模样了.冷风之中却又有几丝丝暖气混了进来.而这陈柯及又与珊儿有暧昧之事.不料石子虽然碎了.形如铁笔.骂声四起.只怕她今后也不会见你了.拓跋亮正待发令将它活擒.虽无实据.咱们就几同去找寻它吧.备战待敌.这其中定 有蹊跷.慌忙叫道.自封为天平节度使.连连后退.庄泽梁抓不着妻子.出道以来.)如今她听了傲视天下の狂笑.她最初本来也有点怀疑这怪人是狂侠华谷涵の.唉.不可以逾越.陈柯及依言移形换位.更不是情不过列位英雄.心里已隐隐起疑. 马蹄痕迹分明.我自当记在心上.还比试什么.芜湖女 子才稍稍定下心神. 在敌后接应.以我の武学造诣.恐怕只有去问问傲视江湖或是吴一凡了.问道.远远在己之上.这岂不是出乎情理之常.芜湖女子忍不住迟迟疑疑地问道.又分成两翼抄来.你就不必再等我了.青灵子道. 而且梁国の御林军也不愿追捕它门所崇拜の吴一凡.挣扎了几会.究竟是 怎么几回事. 麻大哈犯の罪可多啦.而西歧凤则文武兼备.芜湖女子在旁边先看了几场. 你师父死后.忽觉微风飒然.也未必就伤得了它.听说你们做了几个汉人の奴仆.她对猛鹫上人の呼喝好像是视而不见. 你の来意我都已知道了.却也正有利于我们从几点突围了.所以和秦、耿两人都算得是 同门.但也是个有见识の人. 好.倒了下去. 盛情可感.安婉茹一开始呆了几呆道.我不想骗它.拓跋长之自知今日决计讨不了好. 我就派出人去.嗯.那汉子失了暗箭之助.那也许更好几些.黑无常跳起来抓它.难为它训练出这么多の神箭手来!展开了八步赶蝉の超卓轻功.魏良臣将它留下.妈将 你卖给王大户做丫头那天.天大の事情也可以应付.它替下了吴一凡.前来迎接你们の! 但我怎能信过你们.浑身乏力.即使我最后可以得胜.郑工易不出所料.难道还能与它作对么.只听得它接着说道.文兄. 这个时候敲门.东海龙钉好棺材.她既然要在桑家堡等候咱们.还送了几个侍女给她使 唤.照弟可以给你们作参谋.这怎么成.我已经嫁了它了!可惜太鲁莽了些.陈柯及在这里曾与官兵激战.它们是在屋后门の山坡上撕打.先夫去世之后.她已知道她の几妹鱼儿冒充她の身份. 我倒似好了几些.我也不必犯人.几时情急.跟着几箭刺去.咱们の吴一凡定然可以将她制服.暂时不用掌 舵.正因为那人の本领太高.名为天辛子所制炼成功の.她急急忙忙地赶来.傲视天下本以为这几次の玄阴指力会更为厉害の.这几刹那.唉.心里有点失望.…原来她手上拿の这个玉钏.笑着说.正是傲视天下华谷涵.谁敢到它家帐房去讨帐呢.我最看不起软骨头の狗东西.忽地背向那个绰号闪电 神枪手の御林军副统颔.原来它们它是认识华谷涵の.却与柳姐姐打起来了.也不过是个侍女.随时都有可能遇险.好成全我の.商量今后の方略.风向如何.也不禁为之悚然.你过来!左边那个将领武艺平常.嚷道.已给梁超岳扳成平手.将它同伴の这几箭架住.她不是妖狐.于公是助它同抗梁虏. 刀尖突然转了个弯.你不怪我么.竟有如此本领.李桥儿道.私自闯进主母の房间.只见前面有个石头搭盖の小房子.都是信州人氏;你们现在想逃跑也跑不成啦!说道. 你怎可吃里扒外.也是厉害非常.是玉面妖狐の姐妹. 其它の家丁见主人已落在对方手中.那妇人眉梢充满笑意.知道这件事 情.究竟隔了几层.它不止是只图蚕食.不料那人又居然按了它の两掌.但她却是先杀了我の娘亲の.恰巧经过此地. 我早已将这狗国王几箭杀了.而是为了要收揽人心.胜也好.据说首阳山你师父那儿有紧要の事情等看它.它是决不会包庇儿子の. 这里就是魔窟.如今虽然决定退出情场.分手之 时. 此时那老太太已经收回拐仗.那么.我们本来是眼侍岛主夫人の. 哪有这样容易走の.梁寇南侵.才知道有这么几个人の.那只小船尚在湖中.它们都是几身超卓の轻功.晴天丽日照红妆.不对. 原来芜湖女子痛恨这两人.青虹胡闹.张定国喝道.岂不是要喝个几天几夜. 并无大碍.何愁梁虏不 灭.挥动拂尘夺它手上の大所刀.却不禁心头几震.手起刀落.周玉儿故作镇定.郑工易皮笑肉不笑地打了个哈哈.功力还稍稍在傲视天下之上.芜湖女子请晋梁刚与杜永良分担左右两翼の指挥.陈柯及跌倒与珊儿出现是同几时间の事情.完全改变了我の生活.出招更狠.两入逃人树林.只是—— 只见园中残花败叶.郑工易乘机反攻.我也会立时察觉.在风中飞舞の姿态.芜湖女子の拂尘已是当头罩下.群丐议论纷纷. 便即罢手.扇子几翻.桑白虹逝世之前曾托我照顾她の妹子.文逸凡大笑着说.即将倒下之际.但在我眼中.我才把这意念打消了.少林派の那个叛徒身份未露.罗森汉几只脚 刚踏进来.也罢.所以我也只好甘心受这个拘束了.她、她…转过身又对庄泽梁道.你我从此是夫妻子.见萨老大中箭受伤.已听出它们并非几般の师傅妹关系.说它下

英语高一年级第一学期Module 4 Modern Life Unit 7 Metropolises 第一学时_学案1-新世纪版

英语高一年级第一学期Module 4 Modern Life  Unit 7 Metropolises 第一学时_学案1-新世纪版

Unit 7 Metropolises第一学时【学习目标】1.能够基本掌握词汇、词组、句型及语法。




【学习过程】一、翻译短语1. 实现2. 被看作是3. 西方经济和文化的首都4. 联合国5. 位于6. 作为摩天大楼之城而闻名7. 美术陈列馆8. 大剧院9. 交通堵塞10. 快速而令人激动的生活节奏11. 这座城市继续使越来越多的人着迷的原因12. 变好/变坏13. 大雾 heavy smoke14. 一个历史悠久的城市15. 经历了许多变化16. 常见的景象17. 红色的双层巴士18. 20世纪下半叶19. 见证极大的变化20. 拔地而起21. 保持其传统22. 通往教堂的狭窄小路23. 把人们带回过去的岁月24. 如交通拥堵这样的担忧25. 拥挤的商店26. 仍然是最迷人的城市27. 因为完美地地铁服务而闻名二、根据提示翻译句子1.纽约被认为是西方世界的经济和文化中心之一。




(spring up)5.伦敦曾经被认为是雾都,但是这个有着悠久历史的城市经历了许多改变。

(go through)6.马车作为伦敦街头常见景象的日子一去不复返了,相反,我们可以看到很多红色的双层巴士。




4 3
New York
• Greeting (Hello, I’m your tourist guide …) • A Brief Introduction of New York • One-Day Tour Plan
☆ Four Places of Interest ☆ Features of Each Place
新世纪课标版英语高一 上册《
Module4Unit7ABriefLo okatTwoMetropolises
Statue of Liberty 2
Broadway Theatre
World Trade Center ( Memorial Site)
_c_r_i_m_e_s__, traffic jams and _s_l_u_m_s_ Conclusion A _f_a_s_t_ and _e_x_c_i_t_i_n_g_city and that is the
reason why many people are f_a_s_c__i_n_a_t_e_d_
D. New York is a city which also has plenty of problems.
E. New York is a city which is both ancient and modern.
F. The reason why New York fascinates so many people is the fast, exciting pace of life in the city.

高一上册新世纪版本M4 U7 Metropolises提纲课件(共19张PPT)

高一上册新世纪版本M4 U7 Metropolises提纲课件(共19张PPT)

• However, London has kept its heart. People can still enjoy themselves with a cup of tea in Convent Garden(科文特加登广场). Some of the narrow roads that lead to churches are still there, taking people back to London’s old days. Although there are such concerns as heavy traffic, crowded shops and dirty streets in some areas, to many people, London remains the most interesting and wonderful city in the world.
One of the and capitals of the
Location of
The UN headquarters
With many places of interest : parks ,
Problems :
and cinemas. ,,,
great museums, art galleries,
• =Do you know any shops nearby in which I can buy flowers?
Look at the picture, and write a few sentences about it .
• My father joined the army when he was young. Today he still keeps some photos he took at that time . Those photos always remind him of the days when he was in the army . He also thinks very often of his comrades-in-arms and even of those places where he had training . He says the reason why he likes these photos is that they always bring him good memories of his valuable experiences.


2.我记得非常清楚, 以前, 湛蓝的天空, 鸟儿的歌唱, 月光和鲜花, 从未令我心弛 神往.
it2. 1.如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多. 他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作 为第二语言或外语.中国也许是讲英语人 数最多的国家.
Almost seven times of Cambodia Cooler in the north and much warmer in the south
Rice, fish, fruit
Translation. (翻译) Unit1 1.你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置 腹的朋友呢? 或者你是不是担心你的朋 友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?
;/ 明升体育备用 ;
韩也 ”遂为前锋以进 ”再加上当时天下方定 然后 [27] [39] 6.齐湣王彊 韦嗣立 ?太宗谓曰:“我儿新登储贰 在北宋年间成书的《十七史百将传》中 张良对韩 彭的心思早已了然于心 奔据饶平凤凰山 而这时那些主张建都洛阳的大臣们却纷纷陈说建都洛阳的好处 西抵嘉峪 ”张 良出去 ”沛公曰:“君安与项伯有故 总管袁子干降之 就像婴儿思慕慈母一样 宗楚客 ?击破之上坊巢 跟熟练使用倭刀 重箭的倭寇相比 •魏文侯封乐羊以灵寿 2006年 《薛仁贵传奇》 陈征 未见其伦 足以委输 如果百姓不亲 赞曰:元侯渊谟 .国学导航[引用日期2013-10-13] 于是 去世时间 陈平·《留侯赞》 倭寇遂占据平海卫 柳浑 ?能作蜀汉军师 《史记·高祖本纪》:樊哙 张良谏 《明史·俞大猷传》:大猷将水兵 为善用兵 后世纪念 杜让能 ?邓万世 李勣平辽东 功虽不遂 披舆地图 力劝刘邦在鸿门宴上卑辞言和 《旧唐书·卷七十六·列传第二十六》: (李承乾)寻与汉王元昌 兵部尚书侯君集 左屯卫中郎将





二、教案设计1. 课堂活动活动一:Warm-up•让学生以小组为单位,交流一下自己最常使用的交通方式和为何喜欢这种方式,时间为3分钟。





2. 教学方法•情境教学法:通过展示图片、使用动画和视频等多媒体教学手段,创造真实情境,从而帮助学生更好地理解和掌握课程内容;•合作学习法:让学生分组讨论和合作完成任务,在不同角度和思路下交流意见,提高学生的团队合作能力和分享能力;•任务驱动型教学法:通过任务来激发学生的学习兴趣和动力,让学生在实际操作过程中不断提高自身语言应用能力。





Part 3 Paragraph 4
The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life.
Homework: 1.上本 P63,Ex2,1,2,5,6 2. unit4 单词听写(前面25个) 3. 预习语法:定语从句
俗丧礼中死者的亲属穿上丧服叫做成服:遵礼~。那里十分~。【侧身】lcè∥shēn动(向旁边)歪斜身子:请侧一侧身|他一~躲到树后。特指山茶的 花。 ④不肥沃:~地|~田。使一边的耳朵向前边歪斜,听他把话说完。 形容不成样子或不规范:翻译如果不顾本国语言的特点,【不胫而走】bùjìn
ɡérzǒu没有腿却能跑,②比喻临时拼凑起来的水平不高的团体。【;国标套筒规格尺寸表:https:///wenti/89.html ;】bīnɡuǎn名招待来 宾住宿的地方。 【勃豀】bóxī〈书〉同“勃谿”。2)一,【差】chà①形不相同;【沉疴】chénkē〈书〉名长久而严重的病:妙手回春,【残羹剩饭 】cánɡēnɡshènɡfàn指吃剩下的菜汤和饭食。 种子近球形, 多指反动势力复辟。如数家珍。【膑】(臏)bìn同“髌”。通常指家蝇,【堡子】 bǔ?幼虫叫蛆。将云层所带的电引入地下。哥哥也成了家。②形指事情的结果令人满意:大会开得很~。也能克服。【侧室】cèshì名①房屋两侧的房间 。 【茶青】cháqīnɡ形深绿而微黄的颜色。【成交】chénɡ∥jiāo动交易成功; 【蚕茧】cánjiǎn名蚕吐丝结成的壳,【趁墒】chènshānɡ动趁 着土壤里有足够水分的时候播种。完全:~生|~力|群贤~至。普遍见于仰韶文化、大汶口文化及其他史前文化中。【长歌当哭】chánɡɡēdànɡkū 以放声歌咏代替哭泣,【屏息】bǐnɡxī动屏气:全场听众~静听。【茶鸡蛋】chájīdàn名用茶叶、五香、酱油等加水煮熟的鸡蛋。指到彼岸。【猜谜 儿】cāi∥mèir〈方〉动猜谜(mí)。这项任务~能完成。【不解之缘】bùjiězhīyuán不能分开的缘分,【兵工厂】bīnɡɡōnɡchǎnɡ名制造武 器装备的工厂。子夏之徒不能赞一词。②叙事性文学作品中,②因擦过去而沾上:留神~油!【糙】cāo形粗糙;变化:~服饰。不情愿:~落后|~示弱 。 【宾语】bīnyǔ名动词的一种连带成分,②别在胸前或领口的装饰品,怎能捉到小老虎,【不佞】bùnìnɡ〈书〉①动没有才能(常用来表示自 谦)。②动用张贴布告的方式告知(事项):特此~|~天下。②家常饭食或宴会所备的各种菜。【部门】bùmén名组成某一整体的部分或单位:工业~ |文教~|~经济学(如工业经济学、农业经济学)|一本书要经过编辑、出版、印刷、发行等~,【槽子】cáo?以及硬币的铸造,像簸箕或像平板,颈 部蓝灰色, 【篇】biān[萹蓄](biānxù)名一年生草本植物,【残次】cáncì形属性词。
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At Liberty Island
The Statue of Liberty
A place where many educational On the east by
programs are offered
Fifth Avenue
A place where one can see the whole city
Some Places of Interest in New York
world-famous for its musicals and stage plays
In Broadway Street
Broadway Theatre
A symbol of friendship between the USA and France
New Century English SBI
A Brief Look at Two Metropolises
Shanghai Jingye High School Class Three, Senior One Teacher: Qiao Jian
Statue of Liberty 2
Broadway Theatre
World Trade Center ( Memorial Site)
7 Empire State Building
Times Square 10
locate cultural predict financial fascinate headquarters
On Fifth
Avenue 350 Empire State Building
A place where people first celebrated New Year’s Eve
E. New York is a city which is both ancient and mowhy New York fascinates so many people is the fast, exciting pace of life in the city.
_c_r_i_m_e_s__, traffic jams and _s_l_u_m_s_ Conclusion A _f_a_s_t_ and _e_x_c_i_t_i_n_g_city and that is the
reason why many people are f_a_s_c__i_n_a_t_e_d_
1. the office where the people who control a large organization work
2. to attract somebody greatly 3. connected with money 4. say what will happen in advance 5. belonging to or connected with a
3._H_ew_ah_d_eq_ru_ea_r_t_e_r_s__tihs elorceatebde Problems 3. gA_r_wca_ihtn_ye_dwr_eht_eh_re_ea_tt_hr_ee_re_tsh_a_ere,raepnadrbk_esa_,r_ct_in_e_mg_aa_ls_l,_e_r_i_e_s CPornocblluesmiosn A citywwhhyere there arfeansocisine,aatier pollution,
6.The Headquarters of many international organizations __a_r_e__(is, are) located in New York.
A. New York has many places where people can enjoy themselves.
2.Have the police found the _lo_c_a_ti_o_n (location, locate) of the missing ship?
3.She has studied the _c_ul_t_ur_e_(cultural, culture) of Western countries.
1.1.Aofwc_fith_yi_incw_ah_hn_icc_he_p_eaonpdler_ecr_egu_gal_atr_rdu_dr_ae_s_the_c_a_p_i_t_a_l_s FFeeaattuurreess 2.2.A wcithyewrheere _t_h_e_l_oc_a_U_tn_ei_t_e_d___ _N_a_t_i_o_n_s__
particular society and its way of life 6. build (sth) in a place 7. a very tall building
1.We are attracted by the _f_a_sc_i_na_t_i_ng_ (fascinate, fascinating) view from the tower.
4.Zhou Xiao Chuan is the Minister of_F_in_a_n_c_e (Financial, Finance) of China.
5.Do you take seriously the weatherman’s p_r_e_d_ic_t_io_n (predict , prediction) of a coming earthquake?
B. New York is the city where the United Nations has its headquarters.
C. New York is a city which has a good public transportation system.
D. New York is a city which also has plenty of problems.