

TPO 30 大作文

TPO 30 大作文

TPO 30: 3 days with longer working hours VS 5 days with shorter working hourOutline:Relax more – less exhaustedMore efficient – more tuned第三段有退步:Thoughwe would have shorter working hours everyday, I must point out that working for 5 days straight means fewer holidays. In fact, the extra time is wasted since those fragment of time cannot be utilized altogether.Strong negative to others: thoughWeak positive to others: howeverStrong passive/ weak negative for myselfStrong negative/ weak passive for othersSOAPSOccasion: why need the writer to respond to an issue / argumentProblem:适合1000+以上的论文Respond to an explicit argument* 总结对方观点however反驳Respond to an implicit/ interred/ implicated ideaIntroduction Para第一种写法: problem 写论文一气呵成分开几天写隔天就忘了需要更多时间来回忆第二种写法Though many of my friends claim….A common sense usually acknowledges that working for 5 days a week is a proper mechanism to fit people’s need. However, it ignores some significant/ critical factors, such as more free time to relax and …. Therefore, I persist…..第三种写法指出本质Some people who insist the advantage of working for 5 days a week actually imply that they need more time fragments for trivial and tatty interests, such as walking a dag and play iPod. However, we need longer, integrated time to finish some complex and challenging tasks.Conclusion Para变换段落需要添加副词化背景、新人物,三角形With so many obvious benefits of working for 3 days, I must admit/ confess/ argue/ stand a firm ground that….. Thus, more free timeWith so… that…(可把thus的东西提前)。




The Pace of Evolutionary ChangeA heated debate has enlivened recent studiesof evolution.Darwin's original thesis,and theviewpoint supported by evolutionary gradualists,isthat species change continuously but slowly and insmall increments.Such changes are all but invisible over the short time scale of modernobservations,and,it is argued,they are usually obscured by innumerable gaps in theimperfect fossil record.Gradualism,with its stress on the slow pace of change,is a comfortingposition,repeated over and over again in generations of textbooks.By the early twentiethcentury,the question about the rate of evolution had been answered in favor of gradualism tomost biologists'satisfaction.最近的一个关于进化的研究引发了激烈的争论。




TPO 30Section1Conversation1NarratorListen to a conversation between a student and an employee at the student activity center.StudentThis is the administrative office, right?EmployeeUh-huh. How can I help you?StudentWell, I am stopping by to reserve a place for my school club that meet and work, pretty much on a regular basis. Ideally, our preference would be to have our own office.EmployeeHmm…well, we are out of private offices. But we do have some semi-private options still available.StudentWhat do you mean?EmployeeWell, it’s a setup where you’ll have a larger workspace shared by two other clubs. In other words, each club would have its own work area within that one room.StudentOh. Are there any divider, walls or anything?EmployeeOh, yes. There will be a couple of dividers, so there’s some privacy.StudentUm. We’ll work with that then. I wouldn’t want to be without an office.EmployeeOK. Here are the two forms you have to fill out. Why don’t you do it now while I set that up through out computer system.OK.EmployeeSo what’s your club’s name? And the last name of the club president.StudentOh, it’s the photography club. And it’s Williams. That’s me. John Williams.EmployeeHmm…that’s not pulling up anything on my screen. Um…let me try something else. Uh, how about your faculty advisor’s name?StudentSarah Baker. She is in the Arts Department.EmployeeHmm…No. Strange. You know your club is just not showing up in my online records. Is this an established club?StudentNo. Actually it’s a brand-new one.EmployeeHmm…have you completed the registration process?StudentYeah, last week. That was my very first step.EmployeeRight. Well, for my purposes, a club definitely has to be registered before I can proceed further. At the moment, however, it appears that there’s no record of your club’s registration.StudentReally? I thought everything was finalized last week.EmployeeWell, it is surprising. Usually there’s a 24-hour turnaround in our computer database. So then do you have the registration approval letter from the review committee? That would give me the verification I need.StudentYeah. I do. I mean, well, I don’t have it with me. But … I… I, uh, can get it from my dorm room, bring it back with me and submit it with those forms you need from me.Great! That’ll work. And just so you are aware, there’re lots of benefits to being registered.StudentOh, yeah. I think the university will give us permission to set up a website, right? I want to get students sharing their ideas on the website, you know, establish a photography blog.EmployeeYes. You’ll be able to do that. And…um…actually there’s more. You’ll be allowed the use of audiovisual equipment at no cost. You’ll receive a club mailbox and a club email address. You’ll be allowed to post your flyers and posters around the campus for publicity. And you could be eligible for funding for club events.StudentWell, we are definitely interested in hiring a professional speaker at one of our campus events at some point in the semester. And speakers almost always charge a fee. So I’ll definitely follow up on that.Lecture1NarratorListen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.ProfessorWe’ve been talking about animal cognition—the study of animal intelligence. Now, much of the research in this area is motivated by the search for animal analogues, or parallels to human cognitive processes. And one of the processes we’ve been investigating is metacognition.What is metacognition? Well, it’s being aware of what one knows or feels, uh, um… having an awareness of one’s state of mind. And making decisions about behavior based on what one knows. Researchers have long been interested in whether animals possess this capability, but…but couldn’t test it because animals aren’t able to report their feelings.But recently one group of researchers found a way to solve this problem. They did studies with…with monkeys and dolphins that provide evidence that these animals have the ability to feel uncertainty, to feel unsure about something and…and…well, to know that they are uncertain.So how could these researchers figure out if an animal feels uncertainty. Well, it began with a study one of them did on a dolphin, who had been trained to recognize a particular high-pitched tone. The dolphin was taught to press one of two paddles depending on whether it heard the high tone or one that was lower. Food was a reward for a correct response. But if the wrong paddle was pressed, the dolphin had to wait several seconds before it could try again. The task varied in difficulty according to the pitch of the second tone. The closer it came in pitch to the first one, the hard it became for the dolphin to correctly identify it as low. And the researcher noted that the dolphin is quite eager to press the paddle when it was sure of the answer, but exhibited hesitation during difficult trials.Next the researcher introduced a third option, a third paddle that would initiate a new trial, giving the dolphin the choice of passing on difficult trials. Once the dolphin figured out the result of pressing this new paddle, it did choose it frequently when the trial was difficult. The researcher took that as an indication that the animal wanted to pass because it didn’t know the answer and knew it didn’t know.But there was a problem. Other researchers protested that the…the opt-out response was simply a learned or conditioned response. You remember intro to psychology, right? In other words, by pressing the pass paddle, the dolphin avoided having to wait and hasten the possibility of a full reward by moving directly to the next trial. So the experiment didn’t necessarily indicate that the dolphin had knowledge of its own uncertainty, just that it wanted to avoid negative consequences.So more recently, our researcher and his colleagues devised a new study, this time using monkeys. In this experiment, the monkeys had to identify certain patterns displayed on a computer screen. These patterns were analogous to the tones used in the dolphin study. One type of pattern was of a specific density and was to be classified as dense, while the second type of pattern could vary in density, but was always less dense than the first one. And the monkeys’task was to identify this second type as sparse. So the denser the second type of pattern was, the more difficult the task became.And as in a previous study, the monkeys were given a third choice that would allow them to pass on to a new trial. But unlike in the dolphin experiment, the monkeys had to complete four trials before they got any feedback. They didn’t know if they responded correctly or incorrectly after each trial because there was no reward or punishment. At the end of four trials, feedback was given. The monkeys received a full reward for each correct response. And a time-out during which a buzzer was sounded for each incorrect response. But the monkeys had no way to tell which reward or punishment was associated with which response. And they didn’t get either reward or punishment for choosing the pass option, the…um…the uncertainty response. But nevertheless they still chose this option in the appropriate circumstances when the trial was particularly difficult. And this is evidence that it wasn’t a conditioned response, because that response didn’t guarantee a faster reward.So what does all this tell us about animal consciousness or animals’ awareness of themselves and their state of mind? Can we really know what’s going on in the minds of animals? No. Of course not. But exploring the metacognitive capacity of animals could become an important criterion in highlighting the similarities and differences between human and animal minds.HumanBy Michael S. n+press+paddles&source=bl&ots=co2_Da3oLo&sig=FSfz5EeoUh0j-sPyqmOfbCiSNys&hl=en& sa=X&ei=D_bjUcn9E6T7ygHE4oGQCw&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=metacognition%2 0dolphin%20press%20paddles&f=falseLecture2-PaleontologyNarratorListen to part of a lecture in a paleontology class.ProfessorAs we’ve discussed, birds are apparently descendants of dinosaurs and shared many commonalities with some dinosaur species, like…um…feathers and maybe even flight and of course egg laid. OK.So, many paleontologists, myself included, have wondered about other similarities between dinosaurs and birds. Since adult dinosaur fossils have sometimes been discovered near or on top of nests, we’ve been looking at the dinosaur parenting behavior.StudentParenting behavior, well, that sounds so gentle and caring. But dinosaurs were ferocious reptiles and reptiles don’t take care of their young, do they?ProfessorWell, some reptiles incubate their eggs, crocodiles do. And as for popular attitudes towards dinosaurs…well, take the Oviraptor for instance.In the 1920s, a paleontologist discovered the fossil remains of a small dinosaur near a nest containing eggs. He assumed the dinosaur was stealing the eggs, so he named it Oviraptor that means egg thief in Latin, which fueled the generally negative public image of such dinosaurs.But by the 1990s, other experts had convincingly made the case that instead of robbing the nest; the Oviraptor was probably taking care of the eggs. You see, dinosaurs’ closest living relatives –birds and crocodiles –display nesting behavior. And dinosaur fossils have been found in postures that we now believe to indicate brooding behavior, that is, sitting on the eggs until they hatch.So we are curious about the type of care dinosaurs gave to their young. And we’d like to figure out which dinosaur parent, the male or the female gave the care.StudentShouldn’t the behavior of crocodiles and birds give us some clues then?ProfessorWell, with crocodiles, it is the female who guards the nest, and with birds, it depends on the species, it can be the male or the female that takes care the eggs, or both. In over 90 percent ofall bird species, both parents take care of the eggs and the young birds.StudentBut sometimes it’s just the male?ProfessorWell, exclusive care by the male parent is much less common, but it does occur. Now, for animals other than birds, the care of young by both parents is pretty unusual in the animal kingdom. Males contribute to parental care in fewer than five percent of all mammalian species. It’s even less frequent among reptiles. And exclusive care by the male is very rare. So researchers have wondered about the evolution of male parenting behavior in birds for quite some time. And now there’s research showing that for some of the birds’ dinosaur relatives, it’s likely that the male parent was also in charge of taking care of the eggs.StudentHow did they figure that out?ProfessorWell, first they looked at clutch volume, that’s the number of eggs in the nest of crocodiles, birds and three types of dinosaurs, including Oviraptors that are thought to be closely related to the dinosaur ancestors of birds.So when researchers examined fossilized remains of nests, they found that the dinosaurs had larger clutch volumes, more eggs in the nests that is, than most of the crocodiles and birds that were studied. But, and this is important, their clutch volumes matched those of birds that have only male parental care. You see, bird species in which only the males take care of the nest tend to have the largest clutches of eggs.StudentSo what’s the connection between bird and dinosaur behavior?ProfessorWell, researchers now believe, because of this study, that the male parenting behavior of these birds might have its origins in the behavior of dinosaurs.StudentBased only on evidence of clutch volume size, the number of eggs?ProfessorNo, there’s more. They also examined the fossilized bones of those three types of dinosaurs that were found on or near nests to determine their sex. You see, adult female birds during egg production produce a layer of spongy bone tissue inside certain long bones. And so did female dinosaurs of the kinds that were investigated. This spongy tissue serves as a source of calcium for eggshell formation. But when the dinosaur fossils were examined, there were no spongy bone deposits.StudentMeaning that those dinosaurs on the nests were probably adult males who wouldn’t have needed calcium for making eggshells.ProfessorExactly. And then there’s this: birds like the kiwi, the ostrich and the emu; they share certain physical characteristics with these dinosaurs. And interestingly, they also show a consistent pattern of nest care by the male./wiki/Origin_of_birdsAre Bird really Dinosaurs?/diapsids/avians.html.wbu./chipperwoods/photos/dinos.htm.dino-web./birds.html9e.devbio./article.php?ch=16&id=161.%22.enchantedlearning./subjects/dinosaurs/Dinobirds.html.sciencedaily./releases/2013/04/4.htmnews.nationalgeographic./news/2008/04/080424-trex-mastodon.htmlanswers../question/index?qid=910AAkxv2nSection2Conversation2NarratorListen to a conversation between a student and his art history professor.ProfessorHow was the museum?StudentGreat. I hadn’t been there for a few years.ProfessorDid you enjoy the Van Gogh painting?StudentThat’s the thing. Looks like I have to change my topic.ProfessorHmm… we are getting close to the deadline. You were writing about the theme of night in the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh.It’s a wonderful topic.StudentI know. People don’t usually think of Van Gogh as an artist of nocturnal themes. They think of brightness, sunshine, all that yellow and orange.ProfessorYou are right of course about the intense light associated with his daytime paintings. But his night paintings don’t exactly lack brightness.StudentThat’s the paradox that I really like, the paradox of painting a nighttime scene using so much color and light. So I was planning to focus mostly on his painting Starry Night.ProfessorBut?StudentWhen I went to the museum to look at the actual painting, like you told me to. It wasn’t there.ProfessorReally? Isn’t it part of the permanent collection?StudentYes. But it’s on loan right now to a museum in Europe.ProfessorAh, I see. Well, I am strict about having students write about paintings they can observe firsthand.StudentWell, I found another painting I could study instead.ProfessorOK.StudentI read that there are two paintings called Starry Night. The first one was done by the French realist painter Millet. It may have been the inspiration for Van Gogh’s painting. Millet’s painting is located near my family’s house in Connecticut. And I am going there this weekend and could study it then. I made sure it’s not out on loan.ProfessorThat definitely would work then. Van Gogh copied many of Millet’s compositions. We know that he really admired Millet’s work. And a lot of us think Van Gogh saw this particular painting by Millet in Paris in the late 1700s.StudentYeah. Although Millet was a realist painter, and Van Gogh a post-impressionist, the two paintings still share lots of features, not just the name. The most striking shared feature has got to be the amazing light effects. I am excited to go see it. But one other thing …ProfessorUh-huh.StudentI was thinking about getting a head start on my next assignment while I am at the gallery in Connecticut, the assignment on miniatures. They have a lot of miniature portraits of children as part of their permanent collection.ProfessorAmerican miniatures?StudentYeah. So I figured I could also get started on that essay, study a few while I am there. I’d focus on the meaning of the objects that some of the children are holding, some are holding flowers,one child has a rattle, another a toy violin…ProfessorThat would be fine. Uh, those objects…we call them attributes. The attributes chosen to be included in a particular miniature was often meant to communicate parents’ hopes and dreams for their child. So I think you’ll learn a lot about how people viewed children at the time the miniature paintings were done.Lecture3-AstronomyNarratorListen to part of a lecture in an astronomy class.ProfessorThere’s been a lot of talk recently about life on Mars, at the level of microorganisms anyway, mainly because of a few important discoveries and inventions.For example, one major discovery was that at one point water was present on Mars. How do we know? Well, in 2004, an exploration robot discovered jarosite there.Jarosite is a yellowish brown mineral with a crystalline structure that’s also found on Earth. It contains iron, potassium and hydroxide. The interesting thing is that on Earth at least it needs highly acidic water to form. So we’ve got water or had it at one point. And since most planetary scientists believe that water is essential to life, the presence of jarosite means that one prerequisite for life was once present on Mars.But there’s another thing about jarosite. One step in its formation on Earth involves microorganisms; they actually speed up the formation of jarosite dramatically. Now, theoretically it is possible for jarosite to form without the help of biological life forms. But we don’t really know for sure if this happens ‘cause… well, because every corner of Earth has some form of biological life.But jarosite on Earth incorporates all kinds of microorganisms into its crystalline structure. So it’s possible that if the jarosite on Mars was also formed with the help of microorganisms, we might be able to detect remnants of them in the samples we find. And we have instruments now that will enable us to try to do this. For example, there’s a new instrument called the microfabricated organic analyzer, or M.O.A.The organic analyzer is an amazing tool. It will be able to collect soil samples and analyze them right there on Mars, pure, untouched samples. It will let us eliminate the risk we would take of contaminating the samples if they were brought back to Earth. And what they’ll look for specifically in the soil is amino acids.Amino acids, as you may know, are the building blocks of proteins. In fact, there are twenty standard amino acids involved in making proteins and lots more that aren’t.And here’s the important thing. Amino acids are what we call handed. They can exist in two forms, which are mirror images of each other like hands. Right and left hands have the same number of fingers in the same order plus one thumb. But right and left hands are not the same; they are mirror images. Well, like hands, amino acids can be right or left-handed. And thetwenty that make up the proteins on Earth are all left-handed.Now, one reason the M.O.A., the organic analyzer is so impressive is that it tests not just for the presence of amino acids but also for the handedness of amino acids. If amino acids are found, it would be especially interesting if they show a prevalence of one type of handedness, either left, like amino acids on Earth, or right.See, other physical processes in space, processes that don’t involve living organisms, can create amino acids. But the ones synthesized through abiotic processes, which is to say not involving microorganisms, occur in equal numbers of right- and left-handed.So, a prevalence of left-handed amino acids would indicate they were biological in origin, which would be amazing! A prevalence of right-handed ones…well, that would be really amazing!! Because the organisms that created them would be unlike anything we have on Earth, which produce only left-handed ones.Lecture4-Music HistoryNarratorListen to part of a lecture in a music history class. The professor has been discussing music of the twentieth century.ProfessorAnd what instrument comes to mind when you think of rock ‘n’ roll?StudentThe electric Guitar?ProfessorExactly. I think it’s fair to say that the sound of the electric guitar typifies the rock ‘n’ roll genre, which became popular in the 1950s. But really the instrument we know today was the result of a continuing development that started for our practical purposes in the 1920s.But long before that even, people were experimenting with ways to modify traditional acoustic guitars. The first guitars were wooden. This is the Spanish guitar and the strings were made from animal products. Then came steel strings. And that led to the lap guitar, which is also called the steel guitar because the player slides a steel rod up and down the neck. And those are all acoustic guitars. OK?But then eventually we have electric guitars. Over the years, many inventors and musicians contributed to the design of these instruments. And each design was intended to alter the sound in some way, at first at least with the electric guitar, to make it louder.So let’s get back to when the steel guitar was first introduced in the United States. It was right after the Spanish-American war in the late 1890s. US sailors who were stationed in Hawaii—then a US territory—were very enamored with the music they heard there. Uh, Hawaiian music was based on the steel guitar I just described. Some sailors learned how to play the steel guitar and brought it home to the States. Before long, Hawaiian steel guitar music was all the rage1 in the mainland US. It actually had a strong influence on the development of several musical genres, rock ‘n’ roll most notably, but also jazz and blues.Anyway, by the 1920s, with the advent of the public dance movement, people were gathering in large groups to listen to steel guitar music. But they had trouble hearing it, especially in large public settings. As I mentioned, the instrument was played horizontally, on the lap. Since the strings faced upward, the sound was projected toward the ceiling rather than outward toward1a widespread temporary enthusiasm or fashion: computer games are all the rage .the audience. Something had to be done, because the music venues and the audience kept getting larger and larger. So what would you do?StudentFind a way to amplify the sound?ProfessorYes. And to do that, inventors started attaching electronic devices, electrical coils to the acoustic guitars. And the electronics worked! But attaching electronics didn’t just affect how loudly you could play. It also changed the quality of the sound. These early electric guitars were hollow and these early amplifiers caused vibrations in the bodies of the instruments. So as the sound got louder, it became more distorted, fuzzy-sounding. And what musicians at the time wanted was a pure, clean sound.StudentSo where does Les Paul fit in? Wasn’t he the first to electrify acoustic guitars?ProfessorUh…no. Electrified guitars already existed by the time Les Paul came into the picture around 1940. What Paul did was experiment with ways of removing the distortions and he succeeded. He designed a guitar with a solid body that relied solely on electronics. Paul’s solid body eliminated the vibrations, and thus the distortions.StudentExcuse me. But when I think of electric guitar music, I think of Jimi Hendrix.ProfessorJimi Hendrix, one of my favorites.StudentBut Hendrix’s style really was all about distortion, that’s what’s so great about his music, all those special effects. I think a lot of rock ‘n’ roll fans prefer that to a pure sound.ProfessorYeah. You are getting ahead of me here. But good, because the point I was going to make is that the sound of rock ‘n’ roll changed over the years. And the designs and technology of electric guitars made those changes possible.So whereas Les Paul’s goal was to remove the distortion, later musicians wanted to produce it. And by the time Jimi Hendrix came around. Well, essentially, Hendrix reinvented the electric guitar, in the sense that he created amazing effects and vibrations that changed the sound of rock ‘n’roll completely. So eventually, people tried to improve on Les Paul’s model, well, to modify it I should say.。



TPO独立写作范文一、教育TPO1As people regard education as an essential part of life more and more, where the educational budgets should be devoted to rises to a hot topic. Some people hold the view that money is supposed to be put into classes and libraries, while others believe that an equal amount of financial support should be given to sports and social activities at universities and colleges. From my perspective, sports and social activities make a complete campus life together with classes and libraries, so I firmly agree with the statement.First of all, playing sports makes a person healthy and energetic to face the future challenges. It can be seen everywhere that more and more students wear glasses, and too much reading along with facing computers for a long time makes it even worse. Then they may suffer from rye problems or other physical diseases. The only way of improving this case is to encourage them to take some time relaxing in sports. Furthermore, playing a ball game together is the best method to promote teamwork spirit. After a period of playing together, members will develop a way to solve problems and achieve their common goal. Therefore, sports strengthen one’s body as well as enhance the spirit of teamwork.Besides, social activities can help foster abilities that students cannot gain during classes orself-studying. Though being smart and diligent, some students are called pedants because of not being able to exchange ideas with others freely. Only if a person is equipped with knowledge and is capable of expressing it can he become competent. So, it is significant for them to take part in social activities with the aim of lifting their communication skills. When pedants are forced to talking with others, it’s a great chance for them to make new friends and express their thoughts, which may be an opportunity for their future career.Last but not the least is that the places provided for sports and social activities are in need of money. It is common that the school will spend a large sum of money to purchase updated books and facilities to fulfill the requirements of classes and libraries. However, finding a suitable place to play sports or hold social activities is always hard. Take my university as an example, if I want to read a book, I can easily find a seat in the library, but if I want to run for half an hour, the crowded gym will just turn me into an upset mood. Then, requiring the same amount of financial support to ameliorate the condition is just reasonable.In a nutshell, financial support should be contributed to sports and social activities just like classes and libraries, for they help with strengthening bodies, making progress in communication skills and they are in shortage of fund.TPO29With the rapid development of society, more and more elites are required for advance science and technology. So how to improve the quality of higher education becomes an emergency problem for universities. Improve the facilities and equipments,design attracting courses,introducing famous professors,elevate salaries for professors or provide more resources for students like holding international communicating meetings,all these strategies will solve the problem. So I think universities should prefer to take multiple methods to improve the quality of education rather than just spending money on professors.As a boast enrollment in universities nowadays,there are so many students attend college that willrequire more funding and resource. Universities should employ more faculties,purchase more facilities to cope with the increase population in campus. Only that happens that every student will get equal chance to gain knowledge and share the colorful campus life. For instance,when I was a fresh student in my college,owing to so many students want to study in library that I need get up early and rush the way to get a seat. Limited seats in the library influences students’ study passion which leads to the decline of the quality of education in the end. So I think the most important thing to improve quality of education is to make the facilities prefect.What’s more,universities should hold some international communicating meetings and introduce professors who are talented,knowledgeable and prestigious. So students can brave more opportunities to share the advanced achievements directly and communicate with the professors who are famous in their interested field. I think that will inspire students’ creativity,intelligence and imagenation which need in the college study,then they will contribute more to the university and the society.Admittedly,universities should increase the salaries for professors. A college teacher is more responsible for the quality of education because college life maybe the last stage of students’ study period before taking a job. What can a student do depend on what knowledge and skills they gained from school and from professors. So professors will be more dedicated to their work with high pay which leads to more useful people graduate from school.All in all,if universities have enough money they should take variety ways to improve the quality of education,especially what I mentioned above.二、工作TPO20We are all interested to find out how successful people gain success. A majority of people claim that successful people tend to take risks and avoid only doing what they have already know. This statement is somewhat reliable since successful people indeed do something unusual. However, their unusual behavior is based on things that have been known for a long time.Let’s take Albert Einstein as the first example. As we all know, he invented the theory of Quantum Mechanics, which is so different from what we have already known in physics. This theory led to his personal success in the field of theoretical physics. However, almost all of us ignore the fact that he also did really well in traditional physics. He made his discovery based on his research on traditional physics. A more recent example is Steve Jobs, who is the chief executive officer of Apple. We usually oversee his achievement in the innovative Apple. We usually oversee his achievement in the innovative Apple system and applications. In fact, without deep knowledge of basic computer system or electronic devices, he cannot put his innovation into use. Actually, successful people do take risks after they have done what they have known for sure.Basic things can provide proof for innovative actions. Before taking risks, we just need to evaluate the risks and its proof. Anything in the world should have solid proof, or it can never become reality. To become successful, we just need to learn better about basic things, or things we have already known well, in the first place. Just as Steve and Albert, suppose they have no background knowledge at all, how can they take risks challenging?Another importance of things we know is that they can provide some enlightens. By the time we do things that are quite familiar well, we can easily find out their limitations and come out with some methods of improvement. Einstein first did his research on lights, which is so familiar with people at time, and find out some limitations of the characters of lights. Without backgroundinformation, we just cannot see the little faults, let alone take risks doing something unusual.All in all, people who get final success actually do try things and take risks, but actually their risky behavior is based on what they have already know well. So the basic step for their success is to do familiar things well. This must be the philosophy of any successful people, and, is should also be the philosophy of any successful people, and, is should also be the philosophy of all of us as well.三、青年TPO25Since the end of last century, a lot of criticism of the young generation has diffused trough out the world. T ill now those young people have been yet labeled as “selfish”, “apathetic” and “lazy”. Particularly, someone point out that, the youth are tepid in their participant in community activities. However, such a presumptuous judgment neglects the simultaneous change of human society, and deliberately covers the contributions made by the young.Decades ago, frequent exchanges within one community were significantly in need as to ensure the quality of people’s daily life. The youth regarded as the most energetic group, therefore, should take more responsibilities to contribute to the whole community. Whereas, time has changed, with the boom of service industry and the great development of artificial intelligence, people became more autonomic-we are not like people before need much physical help from our neighbors. For example, before, the old in one community might need young people to take care of their daily life. But recently, we have more service agencies to look after the old. Staffs there are well educated and have rich professional knowledge about how to take account of the aged. Moreover, people are liberated from tedious housework-we have cleaners to sweep the floor and dishwasher to wash the dirty plates, and, those artificial machines are also easy-use for the old. In this sense, people now are more independent than ever before, and need less help from the outside. Hence, it could be understandable that the youth reduce their work time in the communities.Although the development of technology and a finer division of labor free us from some bland work in a community, young people attempt to contribute more to the community and do what they could do as they are. If we look around, we could find those cherubic teenagers active in kindergarten, nursing home and orphanage-playing with kid, accompanying the lonely lad and brining their own books and clothes to those orphans. For instance, several friends of mine, even though they are quite busy with their academic study, they still keep going to a nursing home every weekend to cook with that ole, and have lunch together. Also, they go to a local kindergarten each month to play with those kids: teach them drawing and recognizing the national flags. The youth are doing more than we expect, and they do care about the others especially those who are vulnerable. therefore,it would be prejudicial and unfair if we yet claim that the young people nowadays have not put in the time to their communities, and ignoring effort they made.Society should be more lenient to the youth, at least, not harsh. On one hand, we should understand the change of the world, and the potential influence such a change might bring to our life. We could not falsely conclude the development of our human society into complain about the teenagers. On the other hand, we should notice and admit every attempt made by the young people they are doing their best.四、儿童TPO34It is universally acknowledged that various technologies such as cell phone, online games, andsocial networking Web sites play a more important role on in education than before. In my opinion, I disagree with the statement that nowadays it is more difficult to educate children than in the past because children can take advantage of those high-technologies to enhance their study.First and foremost, compared to in the past, at present the cell phone can is enabled to create a good positive effect on children’s study. Thanks to various of advanced software on the cell phone, student find it not difficult to grasp the most scientific leaning methods. Off instance, in the past, children learned the new words by the text book without audio format, which led to the children couldn’t speak the words with correct pronunciations children’s false pronunciations or even mute English; while today, children can are allowed to study those new words by the cell phone and they can imitate the native speaker’s voice through the audio format in the cell phone. As a result, more and more children can speak English fluently. From this fact, we can learn that the cell phone makes educating children much easier and comprehensive than before.Furthermore, teaching children is easier than before by the way of the obvious benefit that playing online games which can cultivate children’s ability of cooperation cannot be ignored. Through competing and interacting with others in the online games which can be called as a miniature of society, children can experience a sense of cooperation and responsibility intangibly. For example, due to the limitation of real situation, children had few opportunities to practice the ability of cooperation before. Nevertheless, it is much easier today, since in an online game, children are assigned to different tasks. Only when they cooperate well, can they get final success. From this experience, children can have a sense of teamwork, which cannot be learned from the class. This example tells us. Obviously, in the modern society, children have kinds of chances to practice their cooperation’s ability as a result of internet, which is better for their education.Finally, contract to the past, today social networking can expend children’s horizon, which is also beneficial for their education. Various information filling in the web provides children with more broaden world without stepping outside. For example, ten years ago, with limited technology, only through travel can children learn different cultures and languages. However, it spent cost more money and more time; what’s more, children were too young to go for a trip by themselves. So it was not easy to come true. But today, children just need to sit in front of the computer and type some key words through Google, and then they can get plenty of information as they want immediately. In addition, children can learn other countries’ culture and languages by watching the video online. Consequently, we can realize that social network Web site is a useful way to educate children.In a nutshell, I strongly disagree with the statement. With the advanced technology like cell phone, online games, and social networking Web site it can facilitate children’s education and help them be successful easier more easily in their future.五、社会TPO04At first I would say I disagree with the statement according to which the use of cars would decrease in the following twenty years. Indeed, the world’s population is expected to grow drastically in the next decades. Population in Western countries is likely to grow at the same pace it is growing today, but the most important contribution to the global population growth will certainly come from developing countries. And to my opinion, a growth in the use of cars will accompany this growth in population. People in developed countries are largely accustomed to using cars, therefore a great change in habits would be needed to curb the growth in cars use. Moreover, studies show that people live further and further from their work place, and therefore have to use their car more often. As for developing countries, a rapid economic growth is expectedto along with population growth in a good deal of countries. These countries are likely to reach the development level of Western countries within the next couple of decades. Unless these countries can develop their own pattern, which I doubt, they will use more and more cars. Nevertheless, some hope remains that the growth in the use of cars can be slowed in the future. People and governments are becoming more and more aware of environmental issues linked to the use of cars, and some experiments aiming at reducing it have been conducted in some places (e.g. the toll in the London downtown, or the alternate circulation in Paris on high pollution rate days). Although these measures certainly have a positive effect on pollution and traffic. I don’t think they’re viable in the long run. To curb environmental problems linked to cars, the only solution is to develop new clean technologies. This way pollution rates would drop, but we would still use more and more cars. So as for traffic in big cities in twenty years, I’m very pessimistic!六、媒体TPO08Coincident with most people’s notion is my heartfelt belief that television advertising directed toward young children should not be allowed. Since the advent of television, advertising has permeated every corner and every minute of our life. It is not uncommon to observe the large amounts of television advertising aiming at innocent young children. My reasons for opposing advertising directed toward young children are as follows.In the first place, advertising may waste money and cause emotional torture of parents when they fail to fulfill their children’s unreasonable demands. However, nowadays, regardless, of what children’s true need, most of advertising are promoting a large number of products that is useless of unsuitable to children. For example, when a family is having a pleasant dinner together on Christmas Eve, a cartoon figure- lion king would appear on screen and hold a tub of popcorn to attract children’s attention. It is a typical advertising strategy-host sale. By combining popular cartoon figures and products, advertising could draw children’s attention and achieve a better sale. However, it may cause some problems; first, some children may be easy to be drawn into the content in the advertising; second, if children are attracted by it and they insist on purchasing it while parents consider the products as a piece of meaning less junk, cry and screams could drive their parents crazy. Therefore, advertising could cause problems not only for children to understand but also may bother and upset their parents.Furthermore, advertising could mislead children for major goal of most of advertisings is to make profits whereas children between age two to five lack ability of understanding and judgment. Children are easily influenced by outside world, and admittedly television advertising play a negative role in this aspect for they tend to exaggerate the advantage of their products. For example, my two-year old younger brother is attracted to Transformer, Spiderman and Superman models. In his mind, these toys are magic, fantastic and powerful as imparted by advertising. In fact, they cannot fly, climb mountains or save people’s life. Some two year old boys even are just babbling instead of speaking clearly, not to mention identifying misleading messages conveyed in the advertisings. Thus, these advertising has misled and distorted children’s vision toward reality. All in all, though there are some undeniable benefits of advertising for children; for example, advertising could open an amazing world of imagination and innovation for children by informing them what a fabulous Barbie or a magnificent castle is. However, these advantages could be ignored when its disadvantages are taken into consideration. It would mislead the children, distort their vision toward reality and even cause quarrels and financial burdens for parents.七、家庭TPO13The extended family was of great importance in the good old days, but is it still of great importance in our modern society? In my point of view, though the extended family is still important, it is really less important that it was before because of the development of the new society.One of the important uses of the extended family is to help with family affairs and housework. Meanwhile, nowadays people tend to turn to the community service to help with housework. Under this circumstance, we can hire someone else, who doesn’t belong to our whole family, to help us with family work. For instance, my mom was brought up with the help of her grandparents. But I was taken care of by the baby-sitter, whom may parents hired from the community service center. The community service center provides good service with a reasonable price.Another important thing that extended family can to is to provide information to and educate family members. However, in the modern society, we have schools to get our education. We have several methods, such as Television and Internet, to get information. These are resources which can be easily had access to. We do not depend on our family members to get knowledge of the world we live in any longer.In addition, nowadays people tend to live alone with their small care family rather than live with many family members within a big family. Therefore, we have our own circle of communication and we have less in common between different families. Taking my own family as an example, my family and my uncles are living in the different cities. We usually get together only on Spring Festival. We have different friends and interest, so some times we just find it hard to have something in common. Thus, if we really have something in trouble, we can hardly turn to them for help.All in all, although extended family is still essential to us to some extent it is less useful with the development of the modern society. The importance of extended family is now fading.八、生活方式TPO37With the pace of live speeding up, people usually need to do several things at the same time to gain high efficiency. However, some people argue that they can’t produce high-quality results when they need to cope with different things in the meantime. From my point of view, I suppose that one can do several things together given a well-scheduled plan and good sense of responsibility.To begin with, the determinant factor of achievement is one’s effort rather than the number of things he is doing. A person who owns strong sense of responsibility can handle several tough tasks at the same time. In contrast, if he isn’t willing to make a good effort, his work will be ended up in a mess even if only one task is given to him once. People who believe that one can never handle different things at the same time ignore the power of subjective initiative ans human potential. Undoubtedly, we can’t expect a person to handle hundreds of things during a short period, but it is possible for most of us to deal with several missions well in the meantime. Furthermore, another crucial element which will influence one’s work results is his ability to make comprehensive arrangements. It will become much easier for a man who can properly allocate his time to solve concurrent problems. Comprehensive consideration will contribute a lot to the good accomplishment of multiple simultaneous projects. The techniques about properly scheduling cannot only eliminate the waste of time but also economize our input of energy. Take this case for example: with a bottle filled with cold water and raw coffee beans, how can you make yourself a cup of coffee as quickly as possible? The best plan is to prepare coffee beans while waiting for cold water to boil instead of handling the coffee beans after water is heat up. It is a convincing example recovering the importance of comprehensive arrangements.Last but not least, sometimes different missions can have mutual promotion to each other. For example, college students who have both a math major and a finance minor will to further into both subjects. Math can provide a more solid foundation to finance can offer application opportunities to the principles of mathematics. The interaction between two subjects deepens students understanding to both of them.To sum up, it is feasible for us to do a couple of things together without spoiling any of them. Provided a carefully arranged time schedule and a high sense of responsibility, most of us can cope with several tasks in the meantime. In addition, we can sometimes get mutual promotion when there are related missions.九、科技TPO09Are our kids becoming lazier and less creative, less imaginable than before as a consequence of highly advanced technology? My answer is no, and just the opposite, technology has apparently assisted our kids to become more creative.First and foremost, technology has provided children with easy access to scientific and liberal are resources which are their best source of inspiration. For example, children could now easily gain access to academic databases through iPad screen, read classical works on Kindle, or watch historic documents on Internet. These great works are essentially helpful to arousing their curiosity and prepares them with key knowledge necessary for any creation. However, these wonderful equipment’s and facilities are never as handy in the past, when kids could only reach limited resources in public libraries or schools. In this sense, technology has provided the possibility for children to be more creative.Second, technology has equipped children with professional apparatus which could finally realize their imagination. This takes form particularly as computer software and applications, such as Photoshop for creative graphic design, Overture for easily composing a piece of music, 3DMAX for building up a virtual world, etc. All the softwares were never as handy as they are at present, and this would absolutely provide our children an effective tool for realizing their creativity.Third, technology itself is a market place where creative ideas are economically encouraged. Steve Jobs earned millions of dollars a year for his unparalleled creation, and Mark Zuchberg gained his reputation for the genius social network. Therefore, technology has provided children the internal motive to develop their creativity.However, it is undeniable that technology might make children become lazier and be comfortable with what is already available because everything is so convenient nowadays and there seems to be no way to improve them. Children lost in pc games or blindly pursuing every single piece of tech apparatus is a relevant example. Thus, it is always necessary to keep children’s mind active in the marvelous world of technology.In a nutshell, I still regard children as becoming increasingly creative in technology development, although it might bring minor side effect. As long as we keep a balanced mood on children enjoying the fruit of technology, they are sure to contribute more to innovation than in the past.十、抽象TPO02With some changes of social values nowadays, the importance of always telling the truth in relationship is questioned among the public. However, as far as I am concerned, I still strongly believe that always telling the truth is the most important consideration in relationships. Generally, telling the truth helps to build up and maintain trust for work and love.First of all, always telling the truth creates trust between clients and companies, between employers and employees, and among colleagues. For instance, when I was an intern at an insurance company, I heard from my manager about an event which caused a lot of loss to our company. There was a client whose car was hit in an accident. According to his contract with our company, he could receive little insurance payment. However, in order to get more money, this client lied to prevent our employees from investigating the scene. He took the pictures of his “broken” car, and he changed some details of the pictures on his computer for exaggerating his loss in that accident. As a result, our company paid him a great deal of money. Later, our company realized the scandal and accused him for his crime. He finally got severe punishment and lost support from all insurance companies. Although this client was punished for his misdeeds, our company suffered great loss in the whole case. Therefore, telling the truth is the most important consideration in at work, for it not only helps to build up trust between new business partners, but also maintain trust between new business partners, but also maintains treasuring the cooperation, which brings more benefits and convenience at work. Telling lies at work may badly effect the cooperation at work, or even make oneself involve in more serious troubles.Secondly, love also requires telling the truth. Love is a kind of fantastic affection which brings two strangers together or even leads them to be a couple. Therefore, telling the truth is the most important consideration in this relationship, because it creates and maintains trust between lovers or couples, which can keep their love or marriage for longer time. It is quite common that one of the lovers tells lies to the other, which destroys their love or even their marriage. If a man meets a female friend by himself in the evening, but he tells his girlfriend or wife that he worked overtime, the result may turns out rather terrible when his girlfriend or wife knows the truth later. This man may tell white lie to avoid some meaningless quarrel, but this actually triggers more misunderstanding. Therefore, telling the truth at first-time is more appropriate and correct to maintain a relationship, especially the relationship of love. Telling the truth should always be the most important consideration in love. And the worry about its results can be removed by the techniques of telling the truth.It is understandable that some people think that always telling the truth may hurt people’s feelings. If a doctor tells his patient the truth that he is diagnosed with cancer, these patients may lose his hope and give up this life easily. In this circumstance, telling the truth seems not appropriate. However, if telling the truth more euphemistically, the patient may accept his disease more easily. Nevertheless, telling the truth to the patient’s family is still a right decision. Therefore, telling the truth is still a very important consideration in relationships.All in all, always telling the truth is the most important consideration in relationships, for it creates and maintains trust among people, which brings more harmony and peace to the whole society.十一、政府TPO36Along with the rapid development of our society, people tend to attach more and more。



Do you agree or disagree:Celebrities are more important to younger people than they are to older people.写作思路:题目太抽象了,结果写了两个小时。






相对年轻人,可能大家对他们的认识不会太多,所以相对而言名誉也就更重要.When we think about the importance of celebrities for a person, we can say it's more important for a younger people to have good celebrities than older people. There are several reasons for that, such as the social relationship for young people, the younger needing to find a good job and people's cognition to them.First, younger people have wider social relationship than the elderly. Young people always have a lot of friends and they also like to make friends with other people. If a young people have a good reputation, people may like to build a relationship with him or her. For example, my friend Sally is a beautiful and hot-heart girl, she likes to help other people no matter what kind of problems they meet, so she gets a good reputation in our college. One day, one of my friends coming from another college asked me if I was acquainted with sally and he wanted to make friends with her. I was surprised since Sally was unlikely to have any interactions with him. Then I know the reason that it's the Sally's good fame making people like my friend want to make friends with her. However, the elderly have a relatively small social relationship and do not need to make many friends. Thus the celebrities to them are comparatively less important than then the younger.Besides, since young people have little working experience, their boss may value their celebrities much more. When the young people go to find some jobs, their employers know little about them. So they would prefer to ask their school teachers for advice, if the young people have left good impression in their teachers. They may have more chances to get their jobs. Even some teachers would recommend best students who have good celebrity in school to big companies. But when it comes to older people, due to their lots of working experience, their employer may concern more about if their working experience are suitable for their company not the fame. From this point of view, the celebrities to younger people are more important. Finally, because the elderly have been familiar by others, they can easily get the trust from other people, while a young people may need a good reputation to get others'trust. As we know, many old people have worked for dozens of years, their boss and coworkers already have a great acquaintance with them, what kind of character they are, what they like and dislike. So it's easier for them to get trust from those persons. But for a new young employee, many people do not know them. If they want to get same trust as the older, they need to accumulate their good fame. A good celebrity can make unfamiliar people trust young people and help them get involved in the company.In the nutshell, celebrities are of more significance for younger people and have a more impact their lives. Therefore, for younger people, celebrities are more important than the older people.。



官方材料题材分类文学艺术Applied arts and fine arts (OG)Early Cinema (OG/TPO-2)Artisans and Industrialization (OG)The origins of Theater TPO-1-2Cave Art in Europe TPO-4 -2Wiliam Smith TPO-6-2Loie Fuller - OGAncient Egyptian Sculpture TPO-11-1Chinese Pottery TPO-10-1Lascaux Cave Paintings - online testArchitecture TPO-3-1Transition to sound in film TPO-12-2Rock art of the Australian oborigins TPO-23-3生物Swimming Machines OG-6The origins of cetaceans OG/TPO-2Opportunists and Competitors - online testDeer populations of the puget sound TPO-4-1The cambrian explosion TPO-5-3The arrival of plant life in Hawaii TPO-9-3Feeding habits of east African Herbivores (OG)Orientation and Navigation TPO-11-2Begging by Nestlings TPO-11-3Biological clocks TPO-13-2A warm-blooded turtle TPO-15-2Animal signals in the rain forest TPO-17-2Symbiotic relationships TPO-17-3Extinction of the dinosaurs TPO-8-2Spartina TPO-22-1自然Desert Formation OG/TPO-2Geology and landscape - OGTimberline vegetation on mountains TPO-1-1Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer TPO-3-3The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems TPO-3-2Minerals and Plants TPO-5-1Green icebergs - OGVariations in the climate TPO-10-2Water in the desert TPO-12-3Glacier formation TPO-15-1Lightning TPO-18-3Succession, climax, and ecosystems TPO-19-2Running water on Mars TPO-8-3Lake water TPO24-1环境类Petroleum Resources TPO-4-3Ground water TPO-1-3Geothermal energy TPO - 21-1Urban climate TPO-23-1Electricity from wind - online test地理The geologic history of the Mediterranean TPO-7-1The rise of Teotihuacan TPO-8-1心理与生理Aggression (OG)Infantile Amnesia TPO-6-3Methods of studying infant perception TPO-13-3Children and advertising TPO-14-1The mystery of yawning TPO-18-2 也可归入生命类Autobiographical memory TPO - 21-3Breathing during sleep TPO24-2科学技术Development of the periodic table TPO-16-2The birth of photography TPO22-2政治&社会&文明探奇Powering The Industrial revolution TPO-6-1Ancient Rome and Greece TPO-7-2Agriculture,Iron,and the Bantu peoples TPO-7-3Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coast TPO-9-1Seventeenth-century European Economic Growth TPO-10-3Which hand did they use? TPO-12-1Types of social groups TPO-13-1Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia TPO-14-3Maya water problems TPO-14-2Trade and ancient Middle East TPO-16-1Europe's early sea trad with Asia TPO-17-1Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia-TPO-18-1The Roman army's impact on Britain TPO - 19-1Westward migration TPO - 20-1The origins of agriculture TPO-21-2The rise of Teotihuacan TPO-8-1 也可划入人类学Reflection in teaching TPO-9-2考古、地质与人类学Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction - official sample testExtinction of the Dinosaurs TPO-8-2Mass extinctions TPO-15-3Discovering the Ice Ages TPO-19-3Early settlements in Southwest Asia TPO-20-2Forssil preservation TPO-20-3Seventeenth-century Dutch agriculture -TPO23-2Moving into Pueblos TPO24-3The origin of the pacific island people TPO-5-2天文学Running water on mars TPO-8-3Planets in our solar system -TPO-16-3The Allende meteorite - TPO-22-3分类方式可能也有争议之处,仅作为复习参考。



Role of Play in DevelopmentPlay is easier to define with examples than withconcepts. In any case, in animals it consists ofleaping, running, climbing, throwing, wrestling, andother movements, either along, with objects, or withother animals. Depending on the species, play may be primarily for socialinteraction,exercise, or exploration. One of the problems in providing a clear definition of play is that itinvolves the same behaviors that take place in other circumstance—dominance, predation,competition, and real fighting. Thus, whether play occurs or not depends on the intention ofthe animals, and the intentions are not always clear from behaviors alone.用例证来定义玩耍要比用概念简单得多。




tpo 30 task 3 口语范文

tpo 30 task 3 口语范文

主题:口语范文内容:1. 开场白尊敬的考官,您好。


2. 正文我认为口语交流在现代社会中扮演着非常重要的角色。









3. 结尾口语交流在当今社会中占据着非常重要的地位,我们应该重视和提高自己的口语表达能力。


4. 结语以上就是我对口语交流这一主题的见解和观点,希望能够得到您的认可和赞同。
















Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.The convenience of preparing food today is amazing. Even stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hours preparing a home-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus, there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave, and lunch at work is quick and easy.Food preparation today allows for more variety. With refrigerators and freezers, we can preserve a lot of different foods in our homes. Since technology makes cooking so much faster, people are willing to make several dishes for even a small meal. Parents are more likely to let children be picky, now that they can easily heat them up some prepackaged macaroni and cheese on the side. Needless to say, adults living in the same house may have very different eating habits as well. If they don’t want to cook a lot of different dishes, it’s common now to eat out at resHealthy eating is also easier than ever now. When people cook, they use new fat substitutes and cooking sprays to cut fat and calories. This reduces the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. Additionally, we can buy fruits and vegetable fresh, frozen or canned. They are easy to prepare, so many of us eat more of those nutritious items daily. A hundred years ago, you couldn’t imagine the process of taking some frozen fruit and ice from the freezer, adding some low-fat yogurt from a plastic cup and some juice from a can in the refrigerator, and whipping up a low-fat smoothie in the blender!Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. What new food preparation technology has given us is more choices. Today, we can prepare food that is more convenient, healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history.以上就是小编摘取托福综合作文听力TPO(1-33)原文全集的部分内容,大家一定要认真看认真揣摩,这样我们的备考才能达到最大的效果,希望对大家有帮助。






托福独立写作题目及范文:工作时间Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more enjoyable to have a job and you work only three days a week withlong hours rather than work five days a week with shorter hours.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分类: 独立写作话题: 建造问题托福TPO30独立写作题目翻译:你是否同意以下观点:一份工作时间长但是一周只有三天的工作比一周工作五天每天时间少的工作更舒服。

审题关键词:enjoyable, long hours, three days, five days, shorter hours论证分析:同意:Use the four days to take a tripFour days a week are more than enough time to engage in one’s hobbies不同意:Long hours of work do not provide enough restContinuous hours at job exhaust nerves, lead to psychological disorders inthe long runTPO30独立写作范文:The average American works five days a week. We are long used to the socialnorm “eight hours labor, eig ht hours recreation, eight hours rest.” However, ithas little to do with efficiency or productivity. Personally speaking, I prefer working long hours instead of spending time traveling to work on dailybasis.First, working long hours means one can have more time for vacation. For one thing, time professionals spent commuting everyday can be spent with their families, doing exercise routine, or taking care of diet. In this way, when they come back to work, employers will have energetic workers with clear mind, thus boosting their output and profit as a result. If it’s not enough, people who have long time to relax have been proved to be more creative and productive.When Henry Ford in 1914 famously took the radical step of doubling his workers’pay, and cut shifts in Ford plants from nine hours to eight, he got bitterly criticized by the association of manufacturers. However, when his competitors saw Ford’s business boomed in the next few years, they adopted the same hourly rate. Especially in innovative industries, employees with more spare time always tend to be more creative, for they have more time to reflect on their current works and breed new ideas.Second, working long hours also means achieve consistency. People cannotguarantee that all ones’ works c an be finished within eight hours. Here comes the dilemma. One can either working late tofinish it, or restart the work next day. Anyone who has been in this situation knows the latter one means spending more time on it and low efficiency, while the first one means, willingly or not, one has to work in unpaid overtime. In this respect, allowing people to arrange their time flexibly is a way to fix this problem. If employees choose to work long hours to finish their work within a day, they should get paid and be allowed to rest in the following day to compensate “off-the-clock” hours. Admittedly, working long hours can increase health risks and generate more stress. But we are not talking about it as daily routine. We are talking about having this schedule less than half of a week. So by allocating time wisely, in most cases one can avoid those negative impacts and enjoy their lives more. People take for granted of the eight hour workday, rarely raising questions about the efficiency and the effectiveness as consequences. If professionals are given other options, I believe they will appreciate the shorter week more, and so as for employers.。




The Invention of the Mechanical Clock In Europe,before the introduction of themechanical clock,people told time by sun(using,for example,shadow sticks or sun dials)and waterclocks.Sun clocks worked,of course,only on cleardays;water clocks misbehaved when the temperature fell toward freezing,to say nothing oflong-run drift as the result of sedimentation and clogging.Both these devices worked well insunny climates;but in northern Europe the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time,while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night. 在欧洲,在机械表被引入以前,人们利用太阳(比如棍子的影子和日晷)和水钟来确定时间。



Medieval Europe gave new importance to reliable time.The Catholic Church had its sevendaily prayers,one of which was at night,requiring an alarm arrangement to waken monksbefore dawn.And then the new cities and towns,squeezed by their walls,had to know andorder time in order to organize collective activity and ration space.They set a time to go tosleep.All this was compatible with older devices so long as there was only one authoritativetimekeeper;but with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals,discrepancy broughtdiscord and strife.Society needed a more dependable instrument of time measurementand found it in the mechanical clock. 中世纪欧洲使得可靠的时间变得更重要。

TPO 30 托福综合写作范文

TPO 30 托福综合写作范文

TPO 30 综合写作In both reading and listening, they talk about whether Greek use “burning mirror” as an efficient weapon or it does not exist at all. The reading passage thinks that there are three things that can prove the burning mirror is just a myth. However, the listening thinks that the all three reasons are not convincing.To start with, the article believes that ancient Greeks’ technology is not advanced enough to have this kind of device since the mirror have to have a precise parabolic curvature and need to be very large. But the professor dose not think so. She thinks that Greeks did not need to directly use a single piece of copper to make a large parabolic mirror, they can use dozens of small and flat pieces of polished copper to make it parabolic and large.Then, the author thinks that it will take a very long time to set the ships on fire. Also, during that time, the ship needs to be stopped. So it is a impractical and ineffective weapon. However, the lecture argues that reading’s thought assumes that the burning mirror was used to set the wood boat on fire and Roman boats were not made only by wood. They used a waterproof material called pitch and pitch catches fire in seconds. Also, the fire can be spread while the ship is moving. So a burning mirror could have worked quickly enough to be an effective weapon.In the end, the reading thinks that burning mirror is not weapon that as advanced as flaming arrows, and flaming arrows are effective than burning mirror. However, the professor casts doubt on it. She argues that the opposite side would see the fire and would be ready to put out the fires of they might cause, but they can only see the mirror instead of burning ray. It is much more surprising and efficient than flaming arrows.学生作文。



tpo31写作范文The reading passage refutes the idea that the lines in the Sinosauropteryx fossil indicated a feathered dinosaur by demonstrating several counterarguments. The lecturer, however, is strongly convinced that lines could represent feathers through addressing the questions advanced by the reading.To start with, according to the reading, those lines may derive from decomposition of a died dinosaur’ skin instead of being part of a living one. The lecturer does not believe this point for the reason that other animals’ fossils that are buried at the same site have not shown such kind of decomposition; instead, their functional skin structures have been perfectly preserved in the volcanic ash. Therefore, these lines are likely to be well-preserved feathers instead of fibers.Moving on, the reading proposes that the lines may be the frills rather than remains of feathers. The listening argues this is not true. She further explains that there is an apparent chemical difference between feathers and frills. Feathers contain protein called beta-keratin while frills do not. And the chemical analysis suggested that Sinosauropteryx’sstructures contain protein beta-keratin.Last but not least importantly, the reading puts emphasis on such a fact that lines around the backbone and the tail of the Sinosauropteryx cannot play the role of helping it fly or regulating its body temperature but common feathers have these functions. The lecturer, by contrasts mentions other functions of the feathers by using peacock as an example. The peacock has colorful feathers in its tail to attract the mate. Recent analysis has found that Sinosauropteryx’s structures are also colorful, which can also be used for display.Lastly, the author argues that the burning mirror is less effective and flexible than flaming arrows. Thus ancient Greek won’t bother to devote much effort to build such a useless weapon. Nonetheless, the lecturer argues that since flaming arrows are usual weapons used so much, Roman soldiers were familiar with them and knew how to protect the ship from burning by flaming arrows. But on the other hand, it was extremely hard to predict where the burning mirror would fire the ship. Thus it is more effective to use a burning mirror than flaming arrows.。





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托福阅读tpo30R-3原文+译文+题目+答案+背景知识原文 (1)译文 (4)题目 (7)答案 (15)背景知识 (16)原文The Invention of the Mechanical Clock①In Europe,before the introduction of the mechanical clock,people told time by sun(using,for example,shadow sticks or sun dials)and water clocks.Sun clocks worked,of course,only on clear days;water clocks misbehaved when the temperature fell toward freezing,to say nothing of long-run drift as the result of sedimentation and clogging. Both these devices worked well in sunny climates;but in northern Europe the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time,while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night.②Medieval Europe gave new importance to reliable time.The Catholic Church had its seven daily prayers,one of which was at night,requiringan alarm arrangement to waken monks before dawn.And then the new cities and towns,squeezed by their walls,had to know and order time in order to organize collective activity and ration space.They set a time to go to sleep,to open the market,to close the market,to leave work,and finally a time to put out fires and to go to sleep.All this was compatible with older devices so long as there was only one authoritative timekeeper;but with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife.Society needed a more dependable instrument of time measurement and found it in the mechanical clock.③We do not know who invented this machine,or where.It seems to have appeared in Italy and England(perhaps simultaneous invention) between1275and1300.Once known,it spread rapidly,driving out water clocks but not solar dials,which were needed to check the new machines against the timekeeper of last resort.These early versions were rudimentary,inaccurate,and prone to breakdown.④Ironically,the new machine tended to undermine Catholic Church authority.Although church ritual had sustained an interest intimekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome,church time was nature’s time.Day and night were divided into the same number of parts,so that except at the equinoxes, days and night hours were unequal;and then of course the length of these hours varied with the seasons.But the mechanical clock kept equal hours,and this implied a new time reckoning.The Catholic Church resisted,not coming over to the new hours for about a century.From the start,however,the towns and cities took equal hours as their standard, and the public clocks installed in town halls and market squares became the very symbol of a new,secular municipal authority.Every town wanted one;conquerors seized them as especially precious spoils of war; tourists came to see and hear these machines the way they made pilgrimages to sacred relics.⑤The clock was the greatest achievement of medieval mechanical ingenuity.Its general accuracy could be checked against easily observed phenomena,like the rising and setting of the sun.The result was relentless pressure to improve technique and design.At every stage, clockmakers led the way to accuracy and precision;they became masters of miniaturization,detectors and correctors of error,searchers for new and better.They were thus the pioneers of mechanical engineering andserved as examples and teachers to other branches of engineering.⑥The clock brought order and control,both collective and personal.Its public display and private possession laid the basis for temporal autonomy:people could now coordinate comings and goings without dictation from above.The clock provided the punctuation marks for group activity,while enabling individuals to order their own work(and that of others)so as to enhance productivity.Indeed,the very notion of productivity is a by-product of the clock:once one can relate performance to uniform time units,work is never the same.One moves from the task-oriented time consciousness of the peasant(working on job after another,as time and light permit)and the time-filling busyness of the domestic servant(who always had something to do)to an effort to maximize product per unit of time.译文机械钟的发明①在欧洲,人们在引进机械钟之前通过太阳(例如使用影子棒或日晷)和水钟来报时。



Titles of All the 90 Reading Passages from TPO (1-30) 阅读题目汇总1.Groundwater2.The Origin of Theatre3.Timberline Vegetation on Mountains4.The Origins of Cetaceans5.Desert Formation6.Early Cinema7.Architecture8.Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer9.The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems10.Deer Populations of the Puget Sound11.Cave Art in Europe12.Petroleum Resources13.Minerals and Plants14.The Origin of the Pacific Island People15.The Cambrian Explosion16.Powering the Industrial Revolution17.William Smith18.Infantile Amnesia19.The Geologic History of the Mediterranean20.Ancient Rome and Greece21.Agriculture, Iron, and the Bantu Peoples22.The Rising of Teotihuacan23.Extinction of the Dinosaur24.Running Water on Mars25.Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coast26.Reflection in Teaching27.The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii28.Chinese Pottery29.Variations in Climate30.Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth31.Ancient Egyptian Sculpture32.Orientation and Navigation33.Begging by Nestlings34.Which Hand did They Use?35.Transition to Sound in Film36.Water in the Desert37.Types of Social Groups38.Biological Clocks39.Methods of Studying Infant Perception40.Children and Advertising41.Maya Water Problems42.Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia43.A Warm-Blooded Turtle44.Mass Extinctions45.Glacier Formation46.Trade and the Ancient Middle East47.Development of the Periodic Table48.Planets in Our Solar System49.Europe's Early Sea Trade with Asia50.Animal Signals in the Rain Forest51.Symbiotic Relationships52.Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia53.The Mystery of Yawning54.Lightening55.The Roman Army's Impact on Britain56.Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems57.Discovering the Ice Ages58.Westward Migration59.Early Settlements in the Southwest Asia60.Fossil Preservation61.Geothermal Energy62.The Origins of Agriculture63.Autobiographical Memory64.Spartina65.The Birth of Photography66.The Allende Meteorite67.Urban Climates68.Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture69.Rock Arts of Australia Aborigineske Water71.Breathing During Sleep72.Moving into Pueblos73.The Surface of Mars74.The Decline of Venetian Shipping75.The Evolutionary Origin of Plants76.Energy and the Industrial Revolution77.Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions78.Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East79.Crafts in the Ancient near East80.The Formation of Volcanic Islands81.Predator-Prey Cycles82.Groundwater83.Early Saharan pastoralists84.Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes85.Characteristics of Roman Potterypetition87.The History of Waterpower88.Role of Play in Development89.The Pace of Evolutionary Change90.The Invention of the Mechanical Clock91.92.93.友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!94.。



TPO综合写作范文TPO16The professor explained three aspects of the new guidelines adopted in the United Kingdom, each of which has successfully addressed the problems mentioned in the reading passage concerning the preservation of artifacts, the funding of archaeological research, and career opportunities in archaeology.First, the professor pointed out that according to the new guidelines, any construction project must undergo an evaluation process in order for the archaeological value of the site to be ascertained. If a site is determined to contain precious objects, a panel of experts is convened to draw up a preservation plan. This measure has proven very effective in addressing the first problem mentioned in the reading – careless and irresponsible construction projects being pursued without any regard for archaeological preservation.Second, the lecturer explained that the new guidelines shifted the responsibility for funding archaeological work, from initial examination to future preservation, from the gov ernment to construction companies. As a result of this shift, the second problem highlighted in the reading concerning insufficient government funds for archaeological research has been significantly addressed.The professor’s last point concerned the fi nal problem raised in the reading material – a decline in archaeology-related job opportunities. She argued that thanks to the new guidelines, many skillful, full-time archaeological experts and professionals are now needed to handle work at various stages of archaeological investigation, research, and preservation.TPO15The lecturer argues against the three measures mentioned in the reading passage to reduce the population of the cane toad, a species introduced to the Australian continent.The lecturer argues that the first measure, a national fence, would not prevent the flow of streams or rivers and, therefore, would allow young toads or toad eggs to travel to the other side of the fence. The reading passage, however, argues that such a fence would effectively cut off the route that animals use to establish colonies and expand in population.Regarding the second measure, recruiting a large group of volunteers, the lecturer explains that volunteers often have difficulty distinguishing between cane toads and native frogs, an endangered species; therefore, they might kill members of both species. The reading passage gives the opposite view: Organizing a large group of volunteers to join an extermination campaign would speed the destruction of cane toads.Finally, the lecturer objects to the third measure—using an infectious virus. She points out that a virus intended to eliminate Australia’s cane toad population could be transmitted through animal transportation to other continents where cane toads are an essential part of the ecosystem. This is in direct contradiction with the claim in the reading passage that an infectious virus could be developed to stop the reproduction of cane toads without harming other species.TPO14The lecturer and the reading passage hold completely different views toward the practice of salvage logging, which is the removal of dead trees from a forest after a fire or a storm.First, the lecturer states that removing dead trees is not good for the health of a forest because it deprives it of the nutrients necessary for future tree growth, which dead trees release into the soil as they decompose. In contrast, the reading passage states that removing old trees provides more space in which new generations of fresh trees can grow more healthily.Second, the lecturer argues that some insects and birds that inhabit dead trees are beneficial for tree growth, so salvage logging may cause unwanted damage to the forest in the long run. The reading, however, points out that some of these insects are harmful to trees; thus, because clearing the forest of dead trees also destroys the habitat of these harmful insects, it ensures the healthy recovery of a forest after a fire.Finally, with regard to economic impact, the lecturer argues against salv age logging because the dead trees can only be salvaged at a very high cost, and the employment associated with salvage logging is often temporary and taken by non-native residents. On the other hand, the reading argues that this practice provides many industries with the wood necessary to sustain their production and offer employment opportunities to local people.TPO13The lecturer rejects the ideas presented in the reading passage about the problems involved with the booming business of commercial fossil trading. In her opinion, the benefits of this new development outweigh its negative consequences.The lecturer does not agree with the first point made in the reading-that private collectors will keep their fossil collection away from the public. She contends that the commercial trading of fossils actually makes them available to a wider public, because everyone with a budget, such as private schools and libraries, can purchase them for study and exhibition.The lecturer goes on to refute the claim in the reading that fossil trading business prevents scientists and public museums from benefiting from fossil finds, as these parties cannot compete with wealthy private buyers to acquire important fossils for research purpose. On the contrary, she argues, scientists themselves are the first to evaluate any important fossil before it can be sold in the commercial market at a price, so the academic community does not miss any opportunity to study privately traded fossils.Additionally, the lecturer challenges the final downside of fossil trading mentioned in the reading. The lecturer reminds us that the damages, if any, caused by private collectors in their field operations are more than offset by the effort they have made to increase the number of fossils available to the public that would otherwise remain undiscovered.TPO12The reading passage suggests that three pieces of evidence provide support that a portrait recently put up for sale by a member of Jane Austen’s family is of Jane Austen herself when she was a teenager. However, the lecturer rejects such evidence and argues that the painting could not be a portrait of Jane Austen.First, the lecturer argues that the portrait first appeared 70 years after Jane Austen’s death, suggesting that members of her extended family might have commissioned the portrait without having actually seen her in person. Therefore, the fact that the portrait had been commissioned by her family members does not necessarily prove that it is a portrait of Jane Austen.Second, the lecturer argues that the resemblance between the portrait and an authentic sketch of the adult Jane Austen could be explained by the hypothesis that the portrait is of a relative of Jane Austen when the relative was a teenager.Finally, the lecturer argues that despite the style of the painting, which links it to the exact period when Jane Austen was a teenager, the stamp on the back of the canvas indicates that the portrait was painted at least 27 years after Jane Austen’s birth, indicating that the portrait was of someone else who was much younger than Jane Austen.TPO11The lecturer raises several arguments to counter the reading passage’s strong criticism of the general public’s declining interest in reading literature.The lecturer argues that literature is only one among many forms of reading genres from which the public can benefit intellectually. The public also benefits from reading works of science fiction and historical novels, among other reading genres. Therefore, the reading is woring to claim that the public is suffering great losses by not reading literature.Furthermore, the lecturer explains that even if it is true that the public is reading fewer books and watching more television and films instead, it does not necessarily mean culture is in decline. Television and film are simply modern forms of cultural expression that are also intellectually stimulating and directly relevant to contemporary life.Finally, the lecturer admits a decline in audience and support of literature in today’s soc iety, but she attributes it to the authors themselves, who have alienated themselves from the reading public by using overly complex language. The reading, however, blames the lowering standards of the public for the declining interest in reading great works of literature.TPO10The lecturer and the reading passage suggest two competing theories, the predation theory vs. the pollution theory, to explain why the sea otter population is in rapid decline.The professor reasons that the absence of dead sea otters washed up the coast suggests that their decline is not caused by sea pollution but rather by sea predators who consume their bodies after killing them. In contrast, the reading passage attributes the death of sea otters to pollution, citing evidence of increased sources of ocean contaminants which lead to greater vulnerability to infections.Furthermore, the lecturer argues that orcas are likely factors in the disappearance of sea otters, because the scarcity of whales, their usual prey, has left them with no other choice but to start hunting smaller mammals like the otters for food. The reading passage, on the other hand, rules out this theory based on the orca’s praying habit, and instead approves of the pollution theory as the only explanation for the decline of both large and small sea mammals across the entire ecosystem. Finally, according to the lecturer, the uneven pattern of sea otter decline corresponds to the distribution of the orcas; she argues that the fact that their population has declined most rapidly where orcas are most prevalent further validates the predation theory. However, the reading passage argues that changeable environmental factors, which lead to different concentrations of pollutants, better explains the varying pattern of sea otter decline.TPO9The lecturer points out several problems with the use of hydrogen-based fuel-cell engines in support of her claim that substituting them for internal-combustion engines is technologically unfeasible, environmentally unfriendly, and economically unviable.First, the lecturer argues that it is impractical to replace internal-combustion engines with fuel-cell engines because using the latter requires hydrogen, which is technologically challenging to both obtain and store. However, the reading touts it as an attractive advantage because hydrogen is an infinite source of energy.Second, the lecturer refutes the claim in the reading that hydrogen cells are environmentally friendly. She argues that although engines that use hydrogen cells produce less pollution, the manufacturing of hydrogen cells generates large amounts of harmful by-products due to the burning of fossil fuels in the purification process.Third, although the reading suggests that hydrogen-based engines are more fuel-efficient and thus economically competitive than internal-combustion engines, the professor argues that such an advantage is undermined by the fact that fuel-cell engines are extremely expensive to manufacture because they require the addition of platinum, a very rare and expensive material.TPO8The reading passage raises several doubts about the accuracy of the memoir written by the Chevalier de Seingalt, whereas the professor defends the memoir in the lecture by clarifying the seeming contradictions in the Chevalier’s accounts.The professor argues that because the Chevalier was rich in assets but poor in cash while he was living in Switzerland, he occasionally had to borrow funds to pay for expensive recreational activities. According to the professor, having low am ounts of cash is not the same as being financially poor. The reading, however, holds that as someone who had to borrow large amounts of money from others, the Chevalier must have fabricated stories of his wealthy life in Switzerland.Moreover, the professor challenges the skepticism expressed in the reading regarding the reliability of the conversations with Voltaire that the Chevalier recorded in his memoir. She explains that because the Chevalier had a habit of recording each conversation with Voltaire in a diary immediately afterward, he was able to recall those discussions in detail even years later.Finally, the professor rejects the claim in the reading that the Chevalier bribed his way out of a prison in Venice. She says that the fact that none of the other prisoners, even those with better resources, had been able to do so shows that bribery was unlikely. Furthermore, she points to a government paper that recorded the repair work done to the Chevalier’s prison cell, citing this as strong evidence that the account of his escape from the prison was indeed accurate.TPO7The lecture and the reading passage give contradictory opinions on the topic of ecocertification, a form of accreditation conferred by an international agency in recognition of a company’s ecofriendly practices. The passage explains that it is not necessary for American wood companies to pursue ecocertification while the lecture provides several counterarguments to this view.First, the lecturer argues that the reading passage is too general in its statement that American consumers reject advertising completely. He asserts that Americans do not trust advertising claims for a product only when these claims are made by the company that sells the product. When a claim is made by an independent third party such as a wood certification company, he posits, consumers respond very positively with strong acceptance of the certified product.The lecturer also refutes the second point in the reading – that price-sensitive American consumers are likely to choose cheap wood products without certification. The professor contends that certified wood is only slightly (less than 5%) more expensive than uncertified wood, and therefore, he argues, consumers will tend to ignore the price difference and choose the eco-friendly product.Finally, receiving eco-certification is, according to the professor, an important strategy used by American wood companies to ensure that their products can compete against ecocertified wood products imported into the domestic market from foreign countries. According to the reading, however, this strategy is unnecessary because American consumers are likely to be content with domestically manufactured products, even if they are not ecocertified.TPO6The lecturer addresses each of the three criticisms of communal online encyclopedias mentioned in the reading passage.The lecturer admits that communal online encyclopedias, like any reference book, may contain errors, but she claims that these errors can be corrected much more easily and quickly than those printed in a paper encyclopedia. The reading passage, in contrast, points to the inaccuracy of information in online encyclopedias, presenting the argument that errors in these resources are due to lack of professional knowledge among contributors.The lecturer then gives two strategies that have been proven very effective in protecting online encyclopedias from malicious alteration. She explains that contents that consist of indisputable facts are stored and presented in a read-only format so that nobody can make changes to them. In addition, she says, there are specialists who constantly monitor contents online so that they can quickly remove a suspicious change once it is detected.The lecturer also challenges the final point in the reading regarding the nature of topics covered in online encyclopedias. She says that because of virtually unlimited space on the Internet, there is no need to worry about what is important enough for inclusion in an online encyclopedia. Moreover, the greater variety of topics in online encyclopedias more truly reflects the genuine interests of the general public, even if some of these topics are less serious or academic than those in traditional encyclopedias.TPO5The author of the reading passage proposes three theories as likely explanations of the primary function of Chaco Canyon houses, giant structures built in the 12th century. The lecturer, however, points to the inaccuracies in each of these theories.The lecturer argues that the modest number of fireplaces in these structures is in contradiction with the huge size of these houses, indicating that these structures could not have been used for residential purposes. The reading, however, draws comparisons between the Chaco houses and other similar large residential structures in support of the―residential‖ theory.The second theory, that the houses were used for food storage, is also rejected by the lecturer. He explains that a place that had been used for storing maize would have many traces of scattered maize, which is not the case in the area of the Chaco Canyon houses. This proves that the ―food storage theory‖ is unlikely.Finally, regarding the third theory, the ―ceremony theory‖, the lecturer contends that the presence of broken pots close to the great houses does not offer sufficient proof that this was a place for ceremonial activities. He argues that there are other materials such as pieces of construction trash found along with the broken pots, which suggest that these pots were probably not used for ceremonial purposes but instead were discarded by construction workers upon completion of the great houses.TPO4下面这篇作文是针对TPO第四套的综合写作(关于恐龙是否是恒温动物)写的,虽然有一些小错误,但ETS评分为满分。

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