关键词:《推销员之死》;女性主义;“美化的”形象;恋母情结中图分类号:i106 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-03-0076-01一、引言《推销员之死》(1949)是美国著名剧作家阿瑟·米勒的代表作。
关键词:戏剧《推销员之死》 “美国梦” ⼥性主义解读⼥主⼈公琳达悲剧命运1949年,当代美国剧作家阿瑟·⽶勒发表了代表作《推销员之死》。
惑 ,“在 我 的 戏 剧 中 ,《 送 冰 的 人 来 了 》 是 对 任 何 一 种 信 仰 经 历 的 拒 绝 , 这 一 创 作 使 我 把 自 己 锁 在 过 去 的 记 忆 中 了 ”( Cohn, 406) 。无论是希基的布道, 还是基督的福音, 抑或是剧中人拉 里、帕里特曾拥抱过的无政府主义都无法实现对现代人灵魂 的拯救。现代人否定了一切宗教意义上的救赎, 从而陷入了精 神危机和心灵空虚的煎熬中。作为一个现代人, 奥尼尔在青年 时代就放弃了他曾热情笃信的天主教信仰。尼采曾经把上帝 称 作“死 亡 的 说 教 者 ”, 认 为 他 们 看 起 来 是 在 宣 扬 一 种 治 疗 疾 病的方式, 可是这种治疗, 却是通过劝导病人去死的方式来摆 脱疾病的( 尼采, 19) 。在《送冰的人来了》中, 尼采对奥尼尔的 影响是很明显的。然而, 奥尼尔并不完全接受尼采的思想。尼 采所推崇的以梦境和迷醉状态为代表的狄奥尼修斯精神也不
文教资料 2006年11月号中旬刊 ○ 文学研究
— ——浅析《推销员之死》的主题之一
( 曲阜师范大学 外国语学院, 山东 曲阜 273165)
摘 要:《推销员之死》是美国戏剧大师阿瑟·米勒的代表 作 。它 一 直 以 其 深 刻 的 社 会 寓 意 及 影 响 而 吸 引 世 人 的 目 光 。通 过 描 写 推 销 员 威 利·罗 曼 悲 惨 的 一 生 而 抨 击 美 国 梦 的 虚 伪 性 的评论比比皆是。本文将另辟视角, 把重点放到这部戏中另一 个出彩的主题上— ——背叛, 尝试分析在美国当时的社会大环 境下, 发生在这部戏剧中人物身上的几种背叛。
文教资料 ○ 文学研究 2006年11月号中旬刊
《推销员之死》主人公的悲剧成因分析作者:毛丽巍来源:《青年文学家》2015年第03期摘 ;要:《推销员之死》是美国著名戏剧作家阿瑟·米勒的代表作品。
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2015)-03-0-02本戏剧的男主人公威利,是一家服装公司的推销员,有一个爱他的妻子琳达,有两个威利十分疼爱的儿子比夫和哈皮。
T e W o l & C o g i g Vo. 8 N . 0 h r d h n qn 12 o 92 1 1
重庆 与世界 21年第2 卷第9 01 8 期
爱 的 悲 剧
《 推销 员之死》 达 ・ 林 洛曼形 象分析
罗 小 丽
( 南京 审计 学院 外 国语 学院 , 南京 211) 18 5
林 达不能 畅所 欲 言 ; 所能 做 的就 是 “ 心翼 翼 ” “ 她 小 地 顺
着 ” 权 威 , 可 权 威 的 绝 对 地 位 。林 达 总 是 “ 限 地 耐 … 认 无
心” 和威利 说话 , 威利 感觉 他 在家庭 中的 主导 地 位 , … 让 但威利 却从 没有 认 真倾 听过妻 子 的想 法。他 总是 发火 咆 哮, 无缘无故 打断 林达 , 或是答 非所 问。因此戏 剧 开 场 的 谈话更像 是威利 的独 白。林 达 与威利 交谈 的间 断性 和不
反先前 的冷漠 , 积极为儿子 出谋划策 。 林达运用智慧逐渐化 解父 子冲突 , 消解 了儿 子的破 坏
力 量 。深 知 威 利 心 病 的林 达 明 白 , 有 让 威 利 在 被 视 为 自 只
敬, 依靠 自己的品德获得了相 当财富 。
但是威利并没用认识 到 , 残酷 的现代商 业社 会遵循 的
摘要 i 戏剧《 推销 员之 死》 描述 了推销 员威利 ・ 洛曼的悲剧 。威利 的妻 子林达 ・ 曼温柔体 贴 , 爱 着丈夫。但 洛 深 是 看似 逆来顺受林达却用 自己的爱为威利虚构 了“ 美国梦” 的幻境 , 纵 了丈夫的言行 , 操 最终促成威 利 自杀身亡。
林 达 ・ 曼 正 是 以 其 平 凡 的 爱 将 丈 夫 推 向死 亡 的 深 渊 , 就 了平 凡 人 的 悲剧 。 洛 谱
文学评论·影视文学关于阿瑟•米勒《推销员之死》的悲剧氛围探析郝倩倩 河南广播电视大学摘 要:《推销员之死》是美国剧作家阿瑟•米勒创作的一部两幕剧。
[中图分类号]:J8 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2018)-12-166-01《推销员之死》的主人公威利是一个一生都被“美国梦”的虚化光晕笼罩着的推销员,从业三十余年、已经六十多岁的他依旧没有达到心目中功成名就的高度,由于失业打击、家庭矛盾和对于死亡保险金的幻想等原因的驱动,最终他选择了自杀。
14论《推销员之死》的悲剧内涵■葛 锦/湖南师范大学文学院摘 要:《推销员之死》是美国现代著名戏剧家阿瑟·米勒的代表作,塑造出了激起强烈悲剧审美情感的威利·洛曼这一人物形象。
关键词:《推销员之死》 威利·洛曼 悲剧内涵美国著名戏剧家阿瑟·米勒的代表作《推销员之死》,探讨了美国的社会问题以及梦想与现实之间的冲突问题,是一部现实主义的悲剧作品,其塑造的威利·洛曼并不是古典式的传统悲剧人物——他没有高贵的出身和斐然的名声,他只是一个再普通不过的美国公民。
《推销员之死》1949 年2 月10 日在百老汇一经推出就轰动一时,引起了广大观众和读者的共鸣。
《戏剧之家》2017年第14期总第254期从马斯洛顆驗SM《關敗死》巾劇•M醜剧人生刘慧(广西师范大学外国语学院,广西桂林541006)【摘要】本文运用人本主义者马斯洛的需要层次理论,探究阿瑟•米勒的经典剧作《推销员之死》中威利•洛 曼悲剧人生背后的深层动因,逐层揭示了“小人物”的苦难,展示了现代人为满足自身的需求而导致对人生的迷 茫和绝望。
【关键词】需要层次理论;悲剧;人生价值中图分类号:J805 文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-0125(2017)14-0018-02阿瑟•米勒(Arthur Miller,1915-2005),享誉世界文坛的美国现实主义剧作家,一生创作了众多闻名于世的剧作。
其中被称为“一部十足的美国戏剧的经典作品”[1]的《推销员之死》(Death of a Salesman, 1949),无疑是最成功的一部。
该剧讲述了一位勤勉、敬业的推销员威利•洛曼,为了实现心中美好的“美国梦”,整日奔走于大街小巷,逐渐迷失在一片视金钱和 物质为上帝、以牺牲他人而获取成功为最高目标的社会 丛林里,最终在孤寂、迷惘、绝望中死去。
如果说,残 酷的社会现实是迫使威利自杀的外因,那么,内因则是 他内在的需求。
马斯洛基于人类的需求,在1943年的《动机与人格》中,首次提出了著名的“人类需要层次理论”〇⑴该理论指出,人类的需要分为生理需要、安全需要、归属与 爱的需要、受尊重的需要、自我实现的需要等五方面。
其中生理上、安全上和情感上的需要属于低一级的需要,这些需要通过外部条件就可以得到,而尊重和自我实现 的需要是高级需要,它们必须通过个体的内部因素才能 得到,且人类对尊重和自我实现的需要是无止境的。
m 基于此,本文以该理论作为指导,逐层分析威利•洛曼 孤寂、迷惘、绝望和永无休止的人生困境背后的深层动因。
一、为满足生理需要生理需要指的是满足个体生存所必需的一切物质方 面的需求,如空气、水、食物、居住环境等。
[中图分类号]:J8 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2017)-21--01《推销员之死》是美国剧作家阿瑟·米勒的杰作,威利·洛曼是这部作品中的中心人物。
最新 《推销员之死》中威利的悲剧形象-精品
这部剧作的批判现实主义是很明显的,但问题是,既然“美国梦想” 如此虚幻,剧中的查理和伯纳德何以实现了这个梦想了呢?“该制度看来还在公正地运转着,这是针对查理和伯纳德而讲的。
1 威利的丈夫身份乔德罗曾经说:“女性承担的母亲角色决定了女性的主要位置是在家庭领域,同时为家庭和社会的结构区分奠定了基础。
大理大学学报JOURNAL OF DALI UNIVERSITY 第1卷第11期2016年11月Vol.1No.11Nov.2016[DOI]10.3969/j.issn.2096-2266.2016.11.007《推销员之死》是犹太裔美国著名剧作家阿瑟·米勒的经典之作,一举囊括了托尼奖、普利策奖和纽约剧评界奖,该剧讲述了美国社会一名普通的推销员威利·洛曼在执著追求美国梦道路上陨落的故事,为观众展现了一个在理想与现实中挣扎纠结的小人物形象。
评电影《推销员之死》的悲剧性[摘要] 《推销员之死》是阿瑟?米勒的经典剧作之一,大部分评论文章都认为该剧是关于美国梦破灭的悲剧,但笔者通过细读文本和观看电影,发现人物之间关系的破裂是导致该悲剧的一个重要主题。
[关键词] 融洽; 冲突; 缓和?ブ魅斯?威利陷入一种近乎虚幻、不现实的境界?┲小?―脱离现实,把周围的一切,包括人与人之间的关系都置于自己美好的想象中,从而导致主人公的悲剧命运。
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(2013)届本科生毕业设计(论文)题目On Inevitability of Willy Loman’s Tragedy inDeath of a Salesman论《推销员之死》中威利·罗曼的悲剧必然性专业英语院系外国语学院论《推销员之死》中威利·罗曼的悲剧必然性摘要:《推销员之死》是美国著名戏剧大师阿瑟·米勒的作品,被誉为“美国梦不在”的代表作。
关键词:推销员之死;悲剧;必然性;矛盾冲突;社会现实On Inevitability of Willy Loman’s Tragedy in Deathof a SalesmanAbstract:Death of a salesman is a famous work of the great American playwright Arthur Miller, which is a typical work about absence of American dream.The play premiered on in February 1949 and made a great success.Some reviewers view it as one of the great tragedies in American literature. The protagonist is a salesman named Willy Loman but all kinds of conflicts led to his final death. This thesis makes a thorough research on the inevitability of Willy Loman’s tragedy in Death of a Salesman on the basis of Hegel's theory of tragedy. The thesis mainly includes two parts: one is the analysis of the social environment, the other is the analysis of conflicts in this work, through which we can get the conclusion that Willy’s tragedy is inevitable. This thesis also makes a research about the writer’s attitude towards the social reality at that time and the universality of Willy’s tragedy.Key Words: Death of a salesman, tragedy, inevitability, conflicts, social realityContents1. Introduction (1)2. The social background of Death of a Salesman (1)The social factors in the 1940s (2)The influence of social background on the tragic plot (2)The influence of social background on the tragic character (3)The influence of social background on the inevitability of the tragedy (4)3. The conflicts in Willy Loman’s life (4)The conflict between Willy’s American dream and the reality (4)The conflict between Willy and his sons (6)The conflict between Willy and other characters (7)4. The inevitability of Willy Loman’s tragedy (8)5. Conclusion (10)Bibliography (11)Acknowledgement (12)1.IntroductionArthur Miller is a great American playwright and essayist. Death of a Salesman is generally acknowledged as his most remarkable masterpiece, which makes him well known around the world. It was the recipient of the 1949 and . The play premiered on in February 1949, which caused a tremendous sensation. Such a play full of melancholy and tragedy actually stirred the whole literary world and still occupied an important position in American literary.Death of a salesman tells a story of a four-number family, in which each of them is busy all day to satisfy their inner desire. Willy Loman, the protagonist of the play, is an ordinary salesman. He is 60 years old and very unstable, tending to imagine events from the past as if they are real. There is an irreconcilable conflict between Willy’s dream and the reality. Linda Loman is Willy's wife. She always smiles and nods when Willy talks unrealistically about hopes for the future. They have two sons, Biff and Happy, who also have their respective problems in their life. The conflicts still exist between Willy and other characters. Willy’s family was under great depress, and Willy got some metal illness. Their life is not so smooth and everyone in this family is weighted down by life.As Hegel argued that the tragedy is caused by conflicts. All the conflicts are divided into two groups. Firstly, some conflicts are caused by objective factors. Then the rest of conflicts are caused by psychological status, which are the most ideal conflicts in Hegel’s opinion. All conflicts would lead to two results, die or peace1 Atkinson,the famous critic of the New York Times, ever said, “Death of a salesman is a great work filled with humanistic concern. That is because Mr. Miller sympathetically had a insight into the inner world of ordinary Americans and quietly presented the pain into the stage.” In China, many scholars speak highly of this great play. Ying Ruocheng, a famous translator and performing artist in China, views Death of a salesman as one of the greatest play in America. But few scholars pay close attention to the inevitability of Willy’s tragedy. The study of the inevitability of Willy’s tragedy has its practical significance and academic value. The research on the inevitability of the tragedy is to have a deep understanding of the American society in the 1940s and explore the practical significance.2. The social background of Death of a salesmanThe social background is the cornerstone of the play. The study of social background is great of importance to the literature and literary study. This play was written in 1949. In that period, America achieved greatly success in economy. Most1of the people had blind optimism, so it was high time that artists sounded the alarm for people. Social background and the function of the social reality to Willy’s tragedy will be introduced in this part.The social factors in the 1940sThe play, Death of a salesman, which caused a great sensation, premiered on in February 1949 after the Second World War. American economy in that period had a rapid development. When America entered a glowing period after the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale. Its scientists were the best; its workers the most skilled. All Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams. But it didn’t mean everything went well. At least, life is not so easy for ordinary people.Some serious social problems still existed. To begin with, although the American economy had a rapid development, it was in shadow of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Some social problems under the capitalist market economy, such as inflation, unemployment, still perplexed the ordinary Americans. In the next place, the cruel disordered competition of capitalist market economy caused a value which viewed the profits and wealth as the most important things. Some old people are eliminated by the society. Furthermore, most of Americans at that time were addicted in the pursuit of wealth and ignored other happiness, such as the family, friendship and so on. The value destroyed the nature of kindness and the harmony of society.The story of Death of a salesman happened in this settings. Willy Loman is an ordinary salesman. In general view, he was a man full of happiness. He had a beautiful wife and two sons, a house in downtown, a car and a steady work. But he didn’t feel satisfied until his death. In his mind, wealth and fame is the only thing which he pursues. He failed, so he wanted his sons to make his dream come true. At last, nothing went well. Misery over misery, he was fired by his boss although he had been working for the company for 34 years, so he ended his life at last. Therefore it’s not only a tragedy of Willy Loman, but also a tragedy of the American society.The influence of social background on the tragic plotThe social background has an influence on the development of plot in this play. Plot is the series of events which form the story of a novel, a play or a film. The plot and the reality have a close relationship. The development of the plot is not beyond the reality, that is to say, the plot should obey some rules which come from social reality in literature. The plot of Death of a salesman is deeply rooted in the society.Firstly, Willy Loman chose salesman as his ideal job when he was young. The choice is deeply influenced by the social background. In the 1910s, salesman is anideal and steady job. When Willy was young, he met an old salesman who could make money at the age of 84. From then on, Willy chose salesman as his lifelong job. His choice is obviously influenced by the social reality. The choice in the 1910s is the start of development of the plot.Secondly, salesman was on longer an ideal and steady job with the development of the society. The World War in the 1930s created much economic bubble in America. The impact of greatest economic crisis in 1939 on American economy existed. All these curbed consumption to some extent, which made salesman was not so steady in the 1940s. The change of social background deeply influenced on the development of the plot. Willy’s life should be better and better, but things don’t turn out the way he wants, his career was at a mess. At the same time, the relationship between Willy and his family turned complicated. Willy sticks to his original dream, but his son Biff wants to be a farmer to get away from the pressure from the society. The conflict between Willy and Biff become acute. The social background pushes Willy to the cliff step by step.Thirdly, the society is full of the law of jungle. Almost everyone pursues their success by hook or by crook and . This is the by-product of the high-speed development of economy. The social background impulses the development of the plot again. Willy was fired by his boss. In eyes of the boss, Willy was too old to create surplus value. Capitalists batten on the surplus value created by workers. It is inevitable for Willy to be fired by his boss. The change directly pushes the plot to a new high.Obviously, the plot is rooted in the social background. The function of the social background to the development of plot is great of importance.The influence of social background on the tragic characterThe tragic character in the play is also influenced by social background. Society is constituted by people, on the other hand, society also influences on individuals. Willy Loman is the one who is influenced by social reality.Firstly, the influence of social background on the tragic character reflects on the impact of the American Dream on Willy. The America dream is a belief which is rooted in the whole American society. Willy always sticks to his American dream, he don’t want to yield to the social reality. T he American dream has a great influence on Willy. On one hand, Willy is crazy for his dream, which makes him blind and paranoid. On the other hand, his fanaticism about his dream is unrealistic, which makes him frustrated. The two points cause his personality weakness, which is related to his tragedy.Secondly, the mainstream values also influence on Willy’s tragedy. Values are beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life. Values originate in society and are rooted in social reality. In the 1940s, the cruel disordered competition of capitalist market economy caused a value which viewed the profits and wealth as the most important things. Willy is deeply influenced by the value. He was always crazy for fame and wealth. His craze was blind, which made him ignore the essence of life. This point directly causes the conflict between Willy and his family, which lead to his tragedy.It is obvious that the social background has a great impact on Willy and his tragedy.The influence of social background on the inevitability of Willy Loman’s tragedyFrom the analysis, we learn that social background has an impact on the plot and the tragic character. The plot and personality weaknesses are two factors in Willy’s tragedy. The two factors are both rooted in social background. In Hegel’s theory of tragedy, there is a kind of conflict which is caused by objective factors. Social background is sorted into objective factors, and is independent from individual’s will. Society is the accelerator of the tragedy. Specifically, the high-speed development of economy in that period made Willy crazy for wealth and fame. And the reality is so cruel. When Willy got old, he was fired by his boss. That directly caused his death. According to the analysis, we can safely get the conclusion that the inevitability of Willy’s tragedy is influenced by the social background.All in all, it is necessary to have a research on the social background. Social reality is not only the cornerstone of this work but also the environment of the story. Society’s function in this play is great and can’t be ignored.3. The conflicts in Willy Loman’s lifeIn Hegel’s idea, the basic factors which caused Willy’s tragedy are conflicts. Conflict is a situation in which people, groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument. This part will be divided into three parts to study the importance of conflicts in Willy’s life.The conflict between Willy’s American Dream and the realityThe America dream is a belief which is rooted in the whole American society. The American dream, originating from the colonization time, not only inspirits people to be successful but also is the spine of the American literature. The American Dream is a national of the , a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward achieved through hard work.2this play, the protagonist, Willy Loman, also had his own American dream. He wanted to be successful, and he also imposed his dream onto his sons. But he failed at last.The society is full of the law of the jungle. Not everyone is the winner, loser is everywhere as well. Willy Loman was a man who was eliminated by the increasingly fierce social competition. On the other hand, Willy's neighbor,Charley, and his elder brother, Ben who became a diamond tycoon after a detour to Africa were successful. Willy is jealous of them. The comparison between Willy and the other two successful men also made Willy frustrated.In Willy’s mind, he should be the same successful as them, but the reality played a joke to him. In fact, his life is not so well. His two sons had conflicts with him, and they also didn’t achieve success. His salary was not high enough for him to repay the loan. He also had metal illness. All in all, there is a big psychological gap between his American dream and the reality.First of all, there is a big contrast between the job in his mind as a salesman and the job in reality. When he was young, he thought that a salesman was the best job because he met a successful salesman who could make money when he was 84 years old. From then on, he chose to become a salesman. But things went athwart. The job was full of difficulties. He didn’t make enough money when he was old. The worst thing was that he was fired by his boss. Everything was changing: profit was the highest standards to measure the value of a man. All those made him painful in his later life.Moreover, there is a conflict between his dream about his sons and cruel reality. He thought his son, Biff who was a football star with lots of potential in high school would have a rosy future, but Biff failed. He failed in the exam and lost the chance to become a football star. On the other hand, Bernard, Charley's son became a very successful lawyer. In Willy's flashbacks, he was a nerd. Willy was not reconciled to his failure. He still thought Biff had the potential to achieve success, but he wanted to become a farmer and failed over and over again. This is another gap between his dream and the reality. But Willy always had the confidence on Biff who was his last hope. Things don't turn out the way he wants, so Biff failed at last.Once more, he always boasted to his wife that he did well in his job, but in fact, he didn’t sell anything. He always said that he had a good relationship with his clients, but in fact, he did not have good relationships with his clients. This also made him painful in his life. It is also a conflict between his dream and the reality.Lastly, there is a conflict between the failure of Willy and the success of Ben and Charley. He couldn’t accept the fact that he failed while others achieved success2because he was a perfect man in his mind. He thought himself as a good husband, good father, good friend and good salesman, while in fact he didn’t do well as a father, husband, friend and a salesman.The conflict between his American dream and the cruel reality caused his metal illness. He was always addicted in the memory. Maybe it is a way for him to escape from the cruel reality.All in all, there is a big conflict between his American dream and the reality. According to Hegel's theory of tragedy, the conflict between his American dream and the reality belongs to the category which is caused by the psychological status. Meanwhile the conflict is unavoidable. There is an irreconcilable conflict between Willy’s American dream and the reality, so it determines the inevitability of his tragedy.The conflict between Willy and his sonsWilly had two sons, Biff Loman and Happy Loman. There were irreconcilable differences between Willy and his two sons. The conflict between them was very obvious.In the first instance, there is a conflict between Willy and Biff. Biff was a football star with lots of potential in high school, but he failed when he grew up. He went between going home to try to fulfill Willy's dream for him to be a businessman and ignoring his father and going out West to be a farmhand where he could find himself. Nevertheless Willy hoped that Biff came back to the city and work hard to achieve success.Biff liked being outdoors and working with his hands, while Willy wanted him to do something worthwhile which could make him proud. Willy had always been proud of him when Biff was a football player. Over time, they had different views, so they had a strained relationship between them. There are some factors which cause the strained relationship between them.Firstly, they have a different view of the world. Overall Biff remains a realist, and he ever informed Willy that he was just a normal guy, and would not be a great man. On the other hand, Willy is a man who never gives up and a man full of great ambitions. Then Biff had a prejudice on his father. When he was a little boy, his father was a hero with countless friends. Willy’s words were truth in little Biff’s mind. As he grew up, he found that his father was not such a hero and an ordinary man who always . He thought that all families were telling lies. Biff ever said to Willy, “The man doesn’t know who we are! The man is going to know! We never told the truth for ten minutes in this house!” Once more, he attributed his failure to Willy. He said to Willy, “And I never got anywhere because you blew me so full of hot air I could neverstand taking orders from anybody! Whose fault it is! ”Lastly, because of his father Biff failed math in his senior year. Meanwhile Biff dropped out of summer school due to finding Willy with another woman while visiting him in Boston. Such things made him upset. From then on, they had a strained relationship. They always quarreled with each other, and Biff knew that Willy wanted to kill himself.The conflict between Willy and Biff is enormous and unavoidable. Neither of them would compromise to each other.In the next place, there is a conflict between Willy and Happy. Happy Loman was Willy's younger son. He lived in the shadow of his older brother Biff most of his life. He always was ignored by his father, but he still tried to be supportive towards his family. He had a very restless lifestyle as a womanizer. He dreamed of moving beyond his current job as an assistant to the assistant buyer at the local store, but he didn’t make it.He was always looking for approval from his parents, but rarely gets any, and he even went as far as to make things up just for attention, such as telling his parents he is going to get married. In fact, he didn’t get enough attention from his father, because Happy wasn’t Willy’s hope, he never achieved success which made Willy proud. So he always lived in the shadow of Biff. The conflict between Happy and Will is also obvious.Generally speaking, the conflict among them was inevitable. Firstly, neither of the two subjects of the conflict would compromise. Then, the conflict is the inevitable production of Willy’s education method. The last, the conflict between two generations was common in America in 1940s. This conflict also attributes to Willy’s tragedy.The conflict between Willy and other charactersIn the play, Willy also had a close relationship to other characters. These characters include his wife, his neighbor, his uncle and his boss. There also exist irreconcilable conflicts between Willy and them.Firstly, the conflict between Willy and his wife, Linda, plays an important role in Willy’s tragedy. Linda Loman is Willy's wife. She always smiled and nodded when Willy talked unrealistically about hopes for the future, although she seemed to have a good knowledge of what was really going on. She was the first to realize Willy was contemplating suicide at the beginning of the play, and urged her two sons to make something for Willy. She didn’t prevent Willy herself, because she loved him too much to expose his secret. Linda’s love to Willy and Willy’s vanity was a pair of conflict, which accelerated Willy’s death.There is a conflict between Willy and the Charley’s. Charley is Willy'sneighborhood. He pitied Willy and frequently lent him money and came over to play cards with Willy, although Willy often treated him poorly. Bernard is Charley's son. In Willy's flashbacks, he was a nerd, who turned to be a very successful lawyer, married, and rich.The conflict is obvious. Willy was jealous of Charley because his son was more successful than Willy's. Meanwhile Charley’s success also made him jealous. Consequently Willy was hostile to them. Charley offered Willy a job many times during visiting to his office, yet Willy declined every time, even after he lost his job as a salesman. He didn’t want to yield to him. Furthermore, he was confused about Charley’s success.Uncle Ben also played an important role on Willy’s death. Uncle Ben is Willy's older brother who became successful after a detour to Africa. He had been dead but Willy frequently spoke to him in his hallucinations of the past. He went into the jungle when he was 17 and returned at 21 very rich. He was Willy's role model, although he was much older and had no real relationship with Willy. He represented Willy's idea of the . In Willy’s mind, Uncle Ben is a real successful man.There is a conflict between Willy and Howard Wagner. Howard is Willy's boss. He was named by Willy, and yet he saw Willy as a liability for the company and let him go, ignoring all the contribution that Willy has devoted to the company. Howard is the representative of the upper class in America, who views profit as only chase. In their eyes, there was nothing except money. He fired Willy, which made Willy lose all his hope directly and lead him to solve all the problems by suicide.All these conflicts come together to accelerate Willy’s death.4. The inevitability of Willy Loman’s tragedyThe death of Willy Loman is a tragedy of an age which is inevitable and common. Meanwhile the tragedy of Willy is also one of the great tragedies in English literature. Different from Shakespeare's tragedy, Death of a Salesman concentrates on the influence of the society and personality. The whole play is full of conflicts, which caused Willy’s death. All these factors come together to contribute to Willy’s death.All the conflicts are divided into two parts, one is caused by social environment and the other is caused by some factors which are deep down in his heart.The first group of conflicts which come from social environment is inevitable. There was a big irreconcilable gap between different classes. The upper class controlled most of the wealth in America, while the lower class still worked hard to get rid of poverty. The whole social is full of greedy egotism and vanity. As ordinary salesman, Willy has to accept the mainstream thoughts and work hard for it. That isto say, the first group of conflicts is inevitable. And the death of Willy is the tragedy of the age in 1940s.The second group of conflicts which come from Willy’s inner world is also inevitable. Specifically, Willy is a man with a lot of ambitions. As a salesman, he always made great efforts to achieve his so called success, but in vain. He was 60 years old and had some metal illness, tending to imagine events from the past as if they were real. Maybe the contrast was too obvious for him. He vacillated between different perceptions of his life.All in all, all kinds of conflicts in Willy’s life are inevitable. Willy is only a representative of such people. In Arthur Miller’s mind, he just wants to express that the society is full of the cruel disordered competition of capitalist market economy. This kind of competition caused a value which viewed profits and wealth as the most important things. Consequently, these conflicts in Willy’s life are universal and inevitable. And his tragedy is caused by these conflicts. These conflicts are not only the part of Willy’s life but also a part of the society in 1940s.Now we can safely get the conclusion that Willy’s tragedy is inevitable. That isn’t the final aim for which Arthur Miller to write this play, it has a deeper implication.Plays are s of society. Through all kinds plays we can peek at every aspects of reality. Art derives from life but it is beyond life. Meanwhile, the implication of art is the reflection of life and an instrument to guide life. Death of a salesman is a great work which makes readers deeply thinking.American dramatist Arthur Miller exposed the cruelty of disorderly competition under the capitalist market economic system in America through the play. In this play people establish a value of money as successful criterion which makes people cold-blood. It destroys the good and honest nature of human being to some extent. Meanwhile Miller expresses an idea that the weak are the prey of the strong in Death of a salesman. Consequently, the inevitability of Willy Loman’s tragedy has its representativeness. In America there is thousands of Willy working hard for a vain future. Miller wants to arouse the public attention through the play.There is some practical significance of the play. The practical significance is not only for America but also for China. The first, the government should pay a great attention to the education about shaping good values. Profit should not be the only social standard. Then, we should have a rational knowledge to success. Success is not all-powerful. Success is different from happiness. It’s not rational to be crazy for success ignoring other factors in life. In the next place, governments should create the Medicare insurance program for the elderly. Maybe it is one of the measures to reduce the tragedy of Willy Loman. The last, a great attention should be paid to thefamily education. The pattern of Willy’s is failure. Parents should set a good example to children. In one word, some measures should be taken to reduce the tragedy of Willy in society.All in all, the conflicts from society and individuals are both unavoidable. All the conflicts are rooted in objective reality which isn’t influenced by individual will. The inevitability of conflicts determines the inevitability of Willy’s tragedy. The inevitability of the tragedy makes the study of practical significance necessary.5. ConclusionThis thesis discusses the inevitability of Willy Loman’s tragedy in Death of a salesman. To analyze the inevitability of Willy Loman is mainly from two aspects, the social background and the conflicts in Willy’s life. Through the analysis of the social reality, the readers get to know that the tragedy is rooted in society. There is a close relationship between the social real ity and the tragedy. Willy Loman is just a representative of the age. From the analysis of the conflicts in Willy’s life, we learn that the all the conflicts are unavoidable. Conflicts are the most important factors in Willy’s tragedy. The tragedy is inevitable automatically because of the unavoidable conflicts.All in all, Willy Loman’s tragedy is inevitable. The social reality and the conflicts cause Willy’s tragedy. It is of great significance to study the inevitability of Willy Loman’s tragedy and excavate its practical significance and academic values to guide our life.Bibliography[1] Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman [M]. London: Penguin, 2000.。