


定义正文样式 定义一级标题 定义二级标题 定义三级标题
生成目录 修改格式
小贴士 有的文档要求一级标题为“第一章……”,二级标题为“1.1……”,这个可 以在定义多级编号的时候,选择编号样式为“一,二,……”即可,但会出现图片 题注中出现“一.1”这样的别扭显示,如何解决此类问题?
编辑页眉 LOGO+文档名称
在插入页眉的时候,有的页面不需要页眉,即可删掉了还是会在页面处增加一条横线, 实际是为页眉文字加了一条下边框,虽然删除了文字,段落符号还在,所以横线还在,去除 的方法就是:
➢ 选中页眉中的段落标记,【开始】| 【边框与底纹】--去掉下边框。
1 页面布局 2 模板调用 3 模板设计 4 小技巧
1 • 基本设置 • 页眉页脚
文档的页面布局是排版的第一步,利用它可以规范文档在使用哪种幅面的纸张, 文档的书写范围,装订线等信息。
➢ 直接点击橡皮擦,清除格式即可。
通过导入预先设计好的模板文档,即可快速调用定义好的样式,在此基础上进 行修改。






解决这个问题的方法有很多,下面列举几种常见的解决方案:1. 检查字体是否安装完整:有时字体文件缺失或损坏会导致字体格式乱码。


2. 检查字体设置:有时字体设置不正确也会导致字体格式乱码。


3. 清除格式:有时文档中存在不兼容的字体格式,也会导致字体乱码。



下面是一些解决方案:1. 使用“拖放”功能:我们可以将图片文件拖放到Word文档中,这样可以确保图片的位置准确无误。

2. 调整图片布局:有时图片的布局设置不正确也会导致位置错误。


3. 使用“浮动”功能:如果我们希望图片可以在文档中自由移动,可以将图片设置为“浮动”状态。



下面是一些解决方案:1. 使用“样式”功能:Word提供了丰富的样式功能,我们可以使用样式来设置文档的格式。


OFFICE Word中的通配符

OFFICE Word中的通配符

OFFICE Word中的通配符2010-09-28 10:18:59| 分类:工程相关| 标签:word 通配符|字号大中小订阅在Word中有一项“查找”的功能,利用它我们可以迅速地找到要编辑或者修改的文字,该功能的使用方法如下:单击“编辑”菜单中的“查找”命令,即可弹出“查找和替换”对话框,在“查找内容”中我们可以输入要查找的内容,Word查找不但支持像“*”和“?”这样的常见通配符,还支持像“[]”、“@”等不常见的通配符,要使用这些不常见的通配符必须进行如下设置:在“查找和替换”对话框中,单击“高级”按钮,选中“使用通配符”复选框即可。













Word文字处理(真题)解答1.请打开(D:\exam\2222222222)下的WORD文件“WORD0009.doc”完成以下操作:(1)将文档的标题“校园信息范围....”,加上双下划线;(2)将第一段(为了培养具有良好....),首行缩进0.75厘米(不能使用空格代替缩进);(3)在文档的最后加上一个2 2的空表格;(4)将文档中的剪贴画环绕方式设置为“四周型”;操作完成后以原文件名保存在(D:\exam\2222222222)下。

参考操作步骤:(1)单击考试界面下方的WORD按钮,进入WORD,单击“打开”按钮,选择D:\exam\2222222222下的“WORD0009.doc” WORD文件;(2)将文档标题选中,单击“格式”菜单中“字体”,在线型处选择双下划线,确定;(3)将光标定位在为了培养具有良好....处,单击“格式”菜单中“段落”,点“特殊格式”下拉列表,选首行缩进,在度量处输入0.75厘米,确定;(4)将光标移到文档的最后,单击“表格”按钮,拖动鼠标画2 2的空表格;(5)选中文档中的剪贴画,点右键“设置图片格式”,在“版式”卡中选“四周型”,确定;(6)最后点击“保存”按钮即可。


参考操作步骤:(1)单击考试界面下方的WORD按钮,进入WORD,单击“打开”按钮,选择D:\exam\8888888888下的“37A.doc” WORD文件;(2)将光标定位在文档第一行,输入“敦煌之子---常嘉煌”,回车;(3)选中“敦煌之子---常嘉煌”单击“复制”按钮,将光标移到文章最后(不另起一段)单击“粘贴”按钮;(4)选中文章中的“‘220”,单击“格式”菜单中“字体”,在效果处将上标前的勾打上,然后确定;(5)将光标移到文章最后,单击“插入”菜单中“图片”,选中D:\exam\8888888888下的图片pic7.jpeg,单击“插入”;(注意:如果在D:\exam\8888888888下没有看到图片pic7.jpeg,就要点文件类型下拉框,选“所有文件”,这时图片pic7.jpeg就会显出);(6)最后点击“保存”按钮即可。

word 教学大纲

word 教学大纲

word 教学大纲Word教学大纲Word是微软公司开发的一款文字处理软件,广泛应用于办公、教育和个人使用中。



























学号0909131109毕业论文(设计)课题基于颜色识别的自动分拣系统设计学生姓名石亚娟系别电气工程系专业班级通信工程一班指导教师崔雪英二○一三年六月目录摘要 ...................................................... Abstract .. (I)第一章绪论 .............................................. - 0 -1。

1 颜色分拣系统设计的意义............................ - 0 -1。

2系统示意图 ........................................ - 0 -第二章系统的硬件设计 .................................... - 1 -2。

1 单片机最小系统.................................... - 1 -2.1.1 结构及原理图.................................. - 1 -2。

1.2功能......................................... - 1 -2.2转轮驱动的电路设计及其功能 ......................... - 2 -2。


1步进电机原理及结构.......................... - 2 -2。


2步进电机的功能.............................. - 3 -2.2.3霍尔开关...................................... - 3 -2.3颜色识别的硬件设计 ................................. - 4 -2。


1颜色传感器TCS3200的原理、结构及功能........ - 4 -2.3.1红外传感器的原理及功能........................ - 6 -2。



我下载安装了trados准备学着用,同时也使用了RA Y提供的license文件激活,但不知为什么现在我的word一打开就跳出VB对话框,里面说什么“运行时错误“5”,无效的过程调用或参数”,点击结束后一切正常,请问这是怎么回事啊?你打开C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP 文件夹,将里面的TRADOSX.dot 文件和其它* .tmp文件删掉,然后打开C:\Program Files\TRADOS\T7_FL\TT\Templates文件夹,将里面的TRADOSX.dot 文件拷贝到C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP里面。

如果还不行,试着卸载word,把C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP文件夹删掉,重新安装word。

yanbingao 2007-10-08 19:21我也有这个问题,版主的方法都试了还是不可以。

RAY 2007-10-08 21:05我最早在办公室的两台电脑上也遇到过同样的问题,一直不知道如何解决,好象不影响正常使用,后来的解决办法都是:重新安装系统nicoleee 2007-10-30 19:18我遇到的问题是,一打开金山词霸,WORKBENCH就报错。

seclusive 2007-10-30 19:21QUOTE:引用第6楼nicoleee于2007-10-30 19:18发表的“”:我遇到的问题是,一打开金山词霸,WORKBENCH就报错。

trados 和金山词霸的取词功能相冲突使用trados 时应关闭取词功能另这个问题在本版多次提及请细阅相关贴子luoguozhu 2007-10-31 18:27这个问题可以通过直接把startup目录下的Normal.dot这个模块删除解决。

计算机文化基础 word习题

计算机文化基础 word习题

计算机文化基础 word习题计算机文化基础-word习题一、单选题解释:为了便于您复习,答案已调整为选项a.03_1_s012002年12月,()被列入科技部“863”重大专项立项。




C.用鼠标拖动工具栏左侧的虚线,可以改变工具栏在窗口中的位置d.任务栏中的内容可以根据需要进行修改03_1_u8; s08word通用工具栏中未包含的按钮为()。












Word文件结构1.1 Word文件结构一个Word文件至少包括主流(Main stream)和表流(Table stream)两个流。





因此,将主要关注主流(Main stream)所包含的主要内容和存储格式。

以下是一些关于文件格式的一些术语:  页(Page):Word文件主流中开始于512字节边界的长度为512字节的文本段(字节0-511为0页,字节512-1023为1页,等)。

在Word文件的数据结构中用两子介无符号整形PN(Page Number)来表示页码。

 字符位置CP (Character Position):四字节整数表示文件中字符在文本流中的逻辑坐标。

 文件字符位置FC( File Character position):四字节整数表示从文件开始处计算的字符位置。


 文件头FIB (File Information Block):位于Word文件的开始,记录了文本流的开始位置(FIB.fcMin),文本流的长度和文件状态等信息。

 段(Paragraph):文本流中由段标记,标格标记,行标记分隔的连续的字符序列。

 段属性PAP (PAragraph Properties):此数据结构描述了某一特定段的属性。

 段属性偏移PAPX (PAragraph Property EXception):此数据结构描述了某一特定段的属性与标准段属性相比的偏移。






























通配符你绝对不知道的Word中的高级替换(超详细)展开全文小技巧Pro 7个小技巧 2020-07-09 08:322020年07月08日 11:03:25先来看两道题:思考一下,答案在最后通配符是什么?通配符是一种特殊语句,主要有星号(*)和问号(?),用来模糊搜索文件。


实际上用“*Not?pad”可以对应Notepad\MyNotepad【*可以代表任何字符串;?仅代表单个字符串,但此单字必须存在】;Notep[ao]d可以对应Notepad\Notepod【ao 代表a与o里二选一】,其余以此类推。

Word里的通配符查找、替换在哪里?快捷键Ctrl+H 调出如下窗口,并勾选“使用通配符”:Word 查找栏代码· 通配符一览表[一-龥] 或 [一-﨩] [!一-龥^1-^127]注:要查找已被定义为通配符的字符,该字符前键入反斜杠\ ,要查找?、 *、 (、 ) 、 [ 、 ] 等的代码分别是\?、 \*、 \(、 \)、 \[、\]Word 替换栏代码· 通配符一览表注意:选中“使用通配符”复选框后,Microsoft Word 不识别在“查找内容”框中输入的用于下列项目的代码:尾注和脚注标记、域、段落标记、分节符、空白区域若要搜索这些项目,可以在“查找内容”框中键入下列替换代码。

(注意:没有可用于域的替换代码)项目代码备注若要查找脚注或尾注标记键入“^2”注意:Word 无法区分脚注和尾注标记。

若要查找段落标记键入“^13”注意:^p不再起作用若要查找分节符键入“^12”Word 将搜索手动分页符和分节符。


如:输入? 国就可以找到诸如“中国”、“美国”、“英国”等字符;输入国可以找到“孟加拉国”等字符。

Word 在试图打开文件时遇到错误

Word 在试图打开文件时遇到错误

Word 在试图打开文件时遇到错误。

请尝试下列方法……2009-06-09 11:25word 在试图打开文件时遇到错误。










注意: 如果打开的是附加到电子邮件上的文件,建议在试图恢复或修复文件前,先将其保存到本地硬盘上。




系统资源(磁盘空间或 RAM)可能不足,或者系统中的其他程序已经占用了所有可用内存。





其他用户可能已打开该文件,或与该文件链接的另一个应用程序已在该文件上设置排它锁,因而不允许 Word 打开该文件。



大部分转换器都已安装,有一些可选转换器可以根据 Office 的版本通过“控制面板”中“添加或删除程序”工具进行安装(需要执行高级自定义安装,并在功能树中搜索“Office 共享功能” \ “转换器和过滤器”)。

其他转换器可以从Office 资源工具包中获得。



篇一:计算机基础训练实验报告-word基本操作电子信息工程学系实验报告——适用于计算机课程课程名称:计算机基础训练实验项目名称:word基本操作实验时间:班级:姓名:学号:实验目的:1. 掌握文档页面、字体、段落格式的设置2. 掌握在文档中插入图片、图形、表格、艺术字等各种对象及组合的方法3. 掌握word中表格的创建方法及属性设置实验环境:pcwindows xpoffice xp实验内容及过程:1、熟练掌握word的启动与退出2、掌握word窗口的组成,文档视图模式的切换及不同视图的用法,并能够根据需要调整文档的显示比例3、熟练掌握文档的创建、保存、打开、关闭等操作4、熟练掌握word基本编辑操作(文本的选定、插入、删除、复制、移动等)5、掌握撤销/恢复,查找和替换等操作6、熟悉文档编辑中有关工具(如拼写与语法、字数统计)的使用7、熟练掌握文档的总体版面设置(如分节、纸张、页边距、页眉页脚、字符网格等)8、熟练掌握段落格式化的基本操作(如对齐方式、缩进方式、行距、段间距、项目符号与编号、分栏等)9、熟练掌握文本格式化的基本操作(如设置字体、字号、字形、下划线、边框、底纹、字符缩进、动态效果、格式刷等)10、熟悉文档的预览与打印输出11、熟练掌握在word文档中插入剪贴画、来自文件的图片的方法12、学会插入和编辑各种自选图形、艺术字的方法13、灵活应用文本框14、熟练掌握规范表格(简单表格)和自由表格(复杂表格)的制作15、掌握“表格和边框”工具栏的使用16、掌握表格修饰和表格格式化的各种方法实验结果及分析:1:(1)打开word案例.doc,在左下角选择页面视图的图标→单击;在工具栏里选择显示比例为100%。

(2)选择文件→页面设置→纸张大小b5(3)页面设置→页边距→上下页边距为2厘米,左右边距为2.5厘米(4)页面设置→文档网格→制定行和字符网格→调整为每页40行,每行35字符2:键入标题“”,选择格式→样式和格式→选择“标题1”添加副标题“《网页设计》大赛”→选择样式为标题23:在标题1里下拉→修改为宋体、三号、居中→确定在标题2里下拉→修改为黑体,四号,居中→确定4:(1)按住ctrl键再选中小标题“一、大赛说明”、“参赛要求及方式” ???选择格式→字体→修改为黑体、四号,加粗(2)选择格式→段落→间距设置段前和段后距为0.5行。

高考历史二轮复习试题09 古代时期的世界 Word版含解析

高考历史二轮复习试题09 古代时期的世界 Word版含解析

解密09 古代时期的世界1.(2022年四川盐亭中学一模)公元前4世纪,雅典法律规定,无根据地说一个人是杀人犯、打父母的人或扔下他的盾牌(逃跑)的人,都是不允许的;也不许讽刺任何在广场上做生意或从事其他职业的人,否则要处500德拉克马的罚款。









(完整word版)投资学第7版Test Bank答案09

(完整word版)投资学第7版Test Bank答案09

Multiple Choice Questions1. In the context of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) the relevant measure of riskisA) unique risk.B) beta.C) standard deviation of returns.D) variance of returns.E) none of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: Once, a portfolio is diversified, the only risk remaining is systematic risk,which is measured by beta.2. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) a well diversified portfolio's rateof return is a function ofA) market riskB) unsystematic riskC) unique risk.D) reinvestment risk.E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: With a diversified portfolio, the only risk remaining is market, or systematic, risk. This is the only risk that influences return according to the CAPM.3. The market portfolio has a beta ofA) 0.B) 1.C) -1.D) 0.5.E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: By definition, the beta of the market portfolio is 1.4. The risk-free rate and the expected market rate of return are 0.06 and 0.12, respectively.According to the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), the expected rate of return on security X with a beta of 1.2 is equal toA) 0.06.B) 0.144.C) 0.12.D) 0.132E) 0.18Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: E(R) = 6% + 1.2(12 - 6) = 13.2%.5. The risk-free rate and the expected market rate of return are 0.056 and 0.125,respectively. According to the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), the expected rate of return on a security with a beta of 1.25 is equal toA) 0.1225B) 0.144.C) 0.153.D) 0.134E) 0.117Answer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: E(R) = 5.6% + 1.25(12.5 - 5.6) = 14.225%.6. Which statement is not true regarding the market portfolio?A) It includes all publicly traded financial assets.B) It lies on the efficient frontier.C) All securities in the market portfolio are held in proportion to their market values.D) It is the tangency point between the capital market line and the indifference curve.E) All of the above are true.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The tangency point between the capital market line and the indifference curve is the optimal portfolio for a particular investor.7. Which statement is not true regarding the Capital Market Line (CML)?A) The CML is the line from the risk-free rate through the market portfolio.B) The CML is the best attainable capital allocation line.C) The CML is also called the security market line.D) The CML always has a positive slope.E) The risk measure for the CML is standard deviation.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Both the Capital Market Line and the Security Market Line depict risk/return relationships. However, the risk measure for the CML is standard deviation and the risk measure for the SML is beta (thus C is not true; the other statements are true).8. The market risk, beta, of a security is equal toA) the covariance between the security's return and the market return divided by thevariance of the market's returns.B) the covariance between the security and market returns divided by the standarddeviation of the market's returns.C) the variance of the security's returns divided by the covariance between the securityand market returns.D) the variance of the security's returns divided by the variance of the market's returns.E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Beta is a measure of how a security's return covaries with the market returns, normalized by the market variance.9. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the expected rate of return onany security is equal toA) R f+ β [E(R M)].B) R f + β [E(R M) - R f].C) β [E(R M) - R f].D) E(R M) + R f.E) none of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The expected rate of return on any security is equal to the risk free rate plus the systematic risk of the security (beta) times the market risk premium, E(R M - R f).10. The Security Market Line (SML) isA) the line that describes the expected return-beta relationship for well-diversifiedportfolios only.B) also called the Capital Allocation Line.C) the line that is tangent to the efficient frontier of all risky assets.D) the line that represents the expected return-beta relationship.E) the line that represents the relationship between an individual security's return andthe market's return.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The SML is a measure of expected return per unit of risk, where risk isdefined as beta (systematic risk).11. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), fairly priced securitiesA) have positive betas.B) have zero alphas.C) have negative betas.D) have positive alphas.E) none of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A zero alpha results when the security is in equilibrium (fairly priced for the level of risk).12. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), under priced securitiesA) have positive betas.B) have zero alphas.C) have negative betas.D) have positive alphas.E) none of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate13. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), over priced securitiesA) have positive betas.B) have zero alphas.C) have negative betas.D) have positive alphas.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A zero alpha results when the security is in equilibrium (fairly priced for the level of risk).14. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM),A) a security with a positive alpha is considered overpriced.B) a security with a zero alpha is considered to be a good buy.C) a security with a negative alpha is considered to be a good buy.D) a security with a positive alpha is considered to be underpriced.E) none of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A security with a positive alpha is one that is expected to yield an abnormal positive rate of return, based on the perceived risk of the security, and thus isunderpriced.15. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), which one of the followingstatements is false?A) The expected rate of return on a security decreases in direct proportion to a decreasein the risk-free rate.B) The expected rate of return on a security increases as its beta increases.C) A fairly priced security has an alpha of zero.D) In equilibrium, all securities lie on the security market line.E) All of the above statements are true.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Statements B, C, and D are true, but statement A is false.16. In a well diversified portfolioA) market risk is negligible.B) systematic risk is negligible.C) unsystematic risk is negligible.D) nondiversifiable risk is negligible.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Market, or systematic, or nondiversifiable, risk is present in a diversified portfolio; the unsystematic risk has been eliminated.17. Empirical results regarding betas estimated from historical data indicate thatA) betas are constant over time.B) betas of all securities are always greater than one.C) betas are always near zero.D) betas appear to regress toward one over time.E) betas are always positive.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Betas vary over time, betas may be negative or less than one, betas are not always near zero; however, betas do appear to regress toward one over time.18. Your personal opinion is that a security has an expected rate of return of 0.11. It has abeta of 1.5. The risk-free rate is 0.05 and the market expected rate of return is 0.09.According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model, this security isA) underpriced.B) overpriced.C) fairly priced.D) cannot be determined from data provided.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 11% = 5% + 1.5(9% - 5%) = 11.0%; therefore, the security is fairly priced.19. The risk-free rate is 7 percent. The expected market rate of return is 15 percent. If youexpect a stock with a beta of 1.3 to offer a rate of return of 12 percent, you shouldA) buy the stock because it is overpriced.B) sell short the stock because it is overpriced.C) sell the stock short because it is underpriced.D) buy the stock because it is underpriced.E) none of the above, as the stock is fairly priced.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 12% < 7% + 1.3(15% - 7%) = 17.40%; therefore, stock is overpriced and should be shorted.20. You invest $600 in a security with a beta of 1.2 and $400 in another security with a betaof 0.90. The beta of the resulting portfolio isA) 1.40B) 1.00C) 0.36D) 1.08E) 0.80Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 0.6(1.2) + 0.4(0.90) = 1.08.21. A security has an expected rate of return of 0.10 and a beta of 1.1. The market expectedrate of return is 0.08 and the risk-free rate is 0.05. The alpha of the stock isA) 1.7%.B) -1.7%.C) 8.3%.D) 5.5%.E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 10% - [5% +1.1(8% - 5%)] = 1.7%.22. Your opinion is that CSCO has an expected rate of return of 0.13. It has a beta of 1.3.The risk-free rate is 0.04 and the market expected rate of return is 0.115. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model, this security isA) underpriced.B) overpriced.C) fairly priced.D) cannot be determined from data provided.E) none of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 11.5% - 4% + 1.3(11.5% - 4%) = -2.25%; therefore, the security isoverpriced.23. Your opinion is that CSCO has an expected rate of return of 0.1375. It has a beta of 1.3.The risk-free rate is 0.04 and the market expected rate of return is 0.115. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model, this security isA) underpriced.B) overpriced.C) fairly priced.D) cannot be determined from data provided.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 13.75% - 4% + 1.3(11.5% - 4%) = 0.0%; therefore, the security is fairlypriced.24. Your opinion is that CSCO has an expected rate of return of 0.15. It has a beta of 1.3.The risk-free rate is 0.04 and the market expected rate of return is 0.115. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model, this security isA) underpriced.B) overpriced.C) fairly priced.D) cannot be determined from data provided.E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 15% - 4% + 1.3(11.5% - 4%) = 1.25%; therefore, the security is under priced.25. Your opinion is that Boeing has an expected rate of return of 0.112. It has a beta of 0.92.The risk-free rate is 0.04 and the market expected rate of return is 0.10. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model, this security isA) underpriced.B) overpriced.C) fairly priced.D) cannot be determined from data provided.E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 11.2% - 4% + 0.92(10% - 4%) = 1.68%; therefore, the security is underpriced.26. Your opinion is that Boeing has an expected rate of return of 0.0952. It has a beta of0.92. The risk-free rate is 0.04 and the market expected rate of return is 0.10.According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model, this security isA) underpriced.B) overpriced.C) fairly priced.D) cannot be determined from data provided.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 9.52% - 4% + 0.92(10% - 4%) = 0.0%; therefore, the security is fairly priced.27. Your opinion is that Boeing has an expected rate of return of 0.08. It has a beta of 0.92.The risk-free rate is 0.04 and the market expected rate of return is 0.10. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model, this security isA) underpriced.B) overpriced.C) fairly priced.D) cannot be determined from data provided.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 8.0% - 4% + 0.92(10% - 4%) = -1.52%; therefore, the security is overpriced.28. The risk-free rate is 4 percent. The expected market rate of return is 11 percent. If youexpect CAT with a beta of 1.0 to offer a rate of return of 10 percent, you shouldA) buy stock X because it is overpriced.B) sell short stock X because it is overpriced.C) sell stock short X because it is underpriced.D) buy stock X because it is underpriced.E) none of the above, as the stock is fairly priced.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 10% < 4% + 1.0(11% - 4%) = 11.0%; therefore, stock is overpriced andshould be shorted.29. The risk-free rate is 4 percent. The expected market rate of return is 11 percent. If youexpect CAT with a beta of 1.0 to offer a rate of return of 11 percent, you shouldA) buy stock X because it is overpriced.B) sell short stock X because it is overpriced.C) sell stock short X because it is underpriced.D) buy stock X because it is underpriced.E) none of the above, as the stock is fairly priced.Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 11% = 4% + 1.0(11% - 4%) = 11.0%; therefore, stock is fairly priced. 30. The risk-free rate is 4 percent. The expected market rate of return is 11 percent. If youexpect CAT with a beta of 1.0 to offer a rate of return of 13 percent, you shouldA) buy stock X because it is overpriced.B) sell short stock X because it is overpriced.C) sell stock short X because it is underpriced.D) buy stock X because it is underpriced.E) none of the above, as the stock is fairly priced.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 13% > 4% + 1.0(11% - 4%) = 11.0%; therefore, stock is under priced. 31. You invest 55% of your money in security A with a beta of 1.4 and the rest of yourmoney in security B with a beta of 0.9. The beta of the resulting portfolio isA) 1.466B) 1.157C) 0.968D) 1.082E) 1.175Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 0.55(1.4) + 0.45(0.90) = 1.175.32. Given the following two stocks A and BIf the expected market rate of return is 0.09 and the risk-free rate is 0.05, which security would be considered the better buy and why?A) A because it offers an expected excess return of 1.2%.B) B because it offers an expected excess return of 1.8%.C) A because it offers an expected excess return of 2.2%.D) B because it offers an expected return of 14%.E) B because it has a higher beta.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A's excess return is expected to be 12% - [5% + 1.2(9% - 5%)] = 2.2%. B's excess return is expected to be 14% - [5% + 1.8(9% - 5%)] = 1.8%.33. Capital Asset Pricing Theory asserts that portfolio returns are best explained by:A) economic factors.B) specific risk.C) systematic risk.D) diversification.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: The risk remaining in diversified portfolios is systematic risk; thus, portfolio returns are commensurate with systematic risk.34. According to the CAPM, the risk premium an investor expects to receive on any stockor portfolio increases:A) directly with alpha.B) inversely with alpha.C) directly with beta.D) inversely with beta.E) in proportion to its standard deviation.Answer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: The market rewards systematic risk, which is measured by beta, and thus, the risk premium on a stock or portfolio varies directly with beta.35. What is the expected return of a zero-beta security?A) The market rate of return.B) Zero rate of return.C) A negative rate of return.D) The risk-free rate.E) None of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: E(R S) = r f + 0(R M - r f) = r f.36. Standard deviation and beta both measure risk, but they are different in thatA) beta measures both systematic and unsystematic risk.B) beta measures only systematic risk while standard deviation is a measure of totalrisk.C) beta measures only unsystematic risk while standard deviation is a measure of totalrisk.D) beta measures both systematic and unsystematic risk while standard deviationmeasures only systematic risk.E) beta measures total risk while standard deviation measures only nonsystematic risk.Answer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: B is the only true statement.37. The expected return-beta relationshipA) is the most familiar expression of the CAPM to practitioners.B) refers to the way in which the covariance between the returns on a stock and returnson the market measures the contribution of the stock to the variance of the marketportfolio, which is beta.C) assumes that investors hold well-diversified portfolios.D) all of the above are true.E) none of the above is true.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Statements A, B and C all describe the expected return-beta relationship.38. The security market line (SML)A) can be portrayed graphically as the expected return-beta relationship.B) can be portrayed graphically as the expected return-standard deviation of marketreturns relationship.C) provides a benchmark for evaluation of investment performance.D) A and C.E) B and C.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The SML is a measure of expected return-beta (the CML is a measure of expected return-standard deviation of market returns). The SML provides the expected return-beta relationship for "fairly priced" securities; thus if a portfolio manager selects securities that are underpriced and produces a portfolio with a positive alpha, thisportfolio manager would receive a positive evaluation.39. Research by Jeremy Stein of MIT resolves the dispute over whether beta is a sufficientpricing factor by suggesting that managers should use beta to estimateA) long-term returns but not short-term returns.B) short-term returns but not long-term returns.C) both long- and short-term returns.D) book-to-market ratios.E) None of the above was suggested by Stein.Answer: A Difficulty: Difficult40. Studies of liquidity spreads in security markets have shown thatA) liquid stocks earn higher returns than illiquid stocks.B) illiquid stocks earn higher returns than liquid stocks.C) both liquid and illiquid stocks earn the same returns.D) illiquid stocks are good investments for frequent, short-term traders.E) None of the above is true.Answer: B Difficulty: Difficult41. An underpriced security will plotA) on the Security Market Line.B) below the Security Market Line.C) above the Security Market Line.D) either above or below the Security Market Line depending on its covariance withthe market.E) either above or below the Security Market Line depending on its standard deviation.Answer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: An underpriced security will have a higher expected return than the SML would predict; therefore it will plot above the SML.42. The risk premium on the market portfolio will be proportional toA) the average degree of risk aversion of the investor population.B) the risk of the market portfolio as measured by its variance.C) the risk of the market portfolio as measured by its beta.D) both A and B are true.E) both A and C are true.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The risk premium on the market portfolio is proportional to the averagedegree of risk aversion of the investor population and the risk of the market portfolio measured by its variance.43. In equilibrium, the marginal price of risk for a risky security must beA) equal to the marginal price of risk for the market portfolio.B) greater than the marginal price of risk for the market portfolio.C) less than the marginal price of risk for the market portfolio.D) adjusted by its degree of nonsystematic risk.E) none of the above is true.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: In equilibrium, the marginal price of risk for a risky security must be equal to the marginal price of risk for the market. If not, investors will buy or sell the security until they are equal.44. The capital asset pricing model assumesA) all investors are price takers.B) all investors have the same holding period.C) investors pay taxes on capital gains.D) both A and B are true.E) A, B and C are all true.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: The CAPM assumes that investors are price-takers with the same single holding period and that there are no taxes or transaction costs.45. If investors do not know their investment horizons for certainA) the CAPM is no longer valid.B) the CAPM underlying assumptions are not violated.C) the implications of the CAPM are not violated as long as investors' liquidity needsare not priced.D) the implications of the CAPM are no longer useful.E) none of the above is true.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: This is discussed in the chapter's section about extensions to the CAPM. It examines what the consequences are when the assumptions are removed.46. The value of the market portfolio equalsA) the sum of the values of all equity securities.B) the sum of the values of all equity and fixed income securities.C) the sum the values of all equity, fixed income, and derivative securities.D) the sum of the values of all equity, fixed income, and derivative securities plus thevalue of all mutual funds.E) the entire wealth of the economy.Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The market portfolio includes all assets in existence.47. The amount that an investor allocates to the market portfolio is negatively related toI)the expected return on the market portfolio.II)the investor's risk aversion coefficient.III)the risk-free rate of return.IV)the variance of the market portfolioA) I and IIB) II and IIIC) II and IVD) II, III, and IVE) I, III, and IVAnswer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The optimal proportion is given by y = (E(R M)-r f)/(.01xAσ2M). This amount will decrease as r f, A, and σ2M decrease.48. One of the assumptions of the CAPM is that investors exhibit myopic behavior. Whatdoes this mean?A) They plan for one identical holding period.B) They are price-takers who can't affect market prices through their trades.C) They are mean-variance optimizers.D) They have the same economic view of the world.E) They pay no taxes or transactions costs.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Myopic behavior is shortsighted, with no concern for medium-term orlong-term implications.49. The CAPM applies toA) portfolios of securities only.B) individual securities only.C) efficient portfolios of securities only.D) efficient portfolios and efficient individual securities only.E) all portfolios and individual securities.Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The CAPM is an equilibrium model for all assets. Each asset's risk premium is a function of its beta coefficient and the risk premium on the market portfolio.50. Which of the following statements about the mutual fund theorem is true?I)It is similar to the separation property.II)It implies that a passive investment strategy can be efficient.III)It implies that efficient portfolios can be formed only through active strategies.IV)It means that professional managers have superior security selection strategies.A) I and IVB) I, II, and IVC) I and IID) III and IVE) II and IVAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The mutual fund theorem is similar to the separation property. The technical task of creating mutual funds can be delegated to professional managers; thenindividuals combine the mutual funds with risk-free assets according to theirpreferences. The passive strategy of investing in a market index fund is efficient.51. The expected return -- beta relationship of the CAPM is graphically represented byA) the security market line.B) the capital market line.C) the capital allocation line.D) the efficient frontier with a risk-free asset.E) the efficient frontier without a risk-free asset.Answer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: The security market line shows expected return on the vertical axis and beta on the horizontal axis. It has an intercept of r f and a slope of E(R M) - r f.52. A “fairly priced” asset liesA) above the security market line.B) on the security market line.C) on the capital market line.D) above the capital market line.E) below the security market line.Answer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: Securities that lie on the SML earn exactly the expected return generated by the CAPM. Their prices are proportional to their beta coefficients and they have alphas equal to zero.53. For the CAPM that examines illiquidity premiums, if there is correlation among assetsdue to common systematic risk factors, the illiquidity premium on asset i is a function ofA) the market's volatility.B) asset i's volatility.C) the trading costs of security i.D) the risk-free rate.E) the money supply.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The formula for this extension to the CAPM relaxes the assumption thattrading is costless.54. Your opinion is that security A has an expected rate of return of 0.145. It has a beta of1.5. The risk-free rate is 0.04 and the market expected rate of return is 0.11. Accordingto the Capital Asset Pricing Model, this security isA) underpriced.B) overpriced.C) fairly priced.D) cannot be determined from data provided.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 14.5% = 4% + 1.5(11% - 4%) = 14.5%; therefore, the security is fairlypriced.55. Your opinion is that security C has an expected rate of return of 0.106. It has a beta of1.1. The risk-free rate is 0.04 and the market expected rate of return is 0.10. Accordingto the Capital Asset Pricing Model, this security isA) underpriced.B) overpriced.C) fairly priced.D) cannot be determined from data provided.E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 4% + 1.1(10% - 4%) = 10.6%; therefore, the security is fairly priced.56. The risk-free rate is 4 percent. The expected market rate of return is 12 percent. If youexpect stock X with a beta of 1.0 to offer a rate of return of 10 percent, you shouldA) buy stock X because it is overpriced.B) sell short stock X because it is overpriced.C) sell stock short X because it is underpriced.D) buy stock X because it is underpriced.E) none of the above, as the stock is fairly priced.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 10% < 4% + 1.0(12% - 4%) = 12.0%; therefore, stock is overpriced and should be shorted.57. The risk-free rate is 5 percent. The expected market rate of return is 11 percent. If youexpect stock X with a beta of 2.1 to offer a rate of return of 15 percent, you shouldA) buy stock X because it is overpriced.B) sell short stock X because it is overpriced.C) sell stock short X because it is underpriced.D) buy stock X because it is underpriced.E) none of the above, as the stock is fairly priced.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 15% < 5% + 2.1(11% - 5%) = 17.6%; therefore, stock is overpriced and should be shorted.58. You invest 50% of your money in security A with a beta of 1.6 and the rest of yourmoney in security B with a beta of 0.7. The beta of the resulting portfolio isA) 1.40B) 1.15C) 0.36D) 1.08E) 0.80Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 0.5(1.6) + 0.5(0.70) = 1.15.。



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