excellent in all aspects of the work area
comprehensive and sufficient understanding in work area 10 considerable understanding in work area
never ask for leave, be late or leave early
seldom ask for leave, be late or leave early ecsept for reas10 ask for leave, be late or leave early occasionally
delay the main work for personal reasons
great innovation ability and play a significiant role
with innovation abilty and can cope with the job
work only follow the instruction and need monitor
effective cooperation with workmates or supervisor, ready to accept new 9-10
good cooperation, willing to accept new methods
1 work quality
20 generally good with little errors some time
Performance Management Form绩效管理表式Values / 标准•Seek solutions, not problems / 找解决问题的方法。
而不是找茬•Keep it simple / 尽量简单•Take ownership / 要有主人翁态度•Think new - act fast / 思维创新–马上行动This form is to be used for the performance review and personal development exercise. It is highly recommended that employee could conduct a self-appraisal of his/her performance against the performance objectives in advance. The form needs to be completed & agreed by the line manager and employee during an open discussion.此表格用作雇员绩效评估和个人发展讨论,建议在评估和讨论之前,雇员可根据考核目标先行自我评估。
PART I: Performance Review / 第一部分:绩效评估PART II: Personal Training and Development第二部分:培训和发展Appraisee’s signature Date 被考核人签字:日期:Appraiser’s signature Date 考核人签字:日期:Manager’s signature: Date 主观经理签字:日期:。
5%Leabharlann 退费出现学员退费,此项不得分
被考核人: 考核日期:
KPI 日常绩效考核表
部门: 教务部
序 考评内容( KPI 指标)
评价 人
教师妆容及岗前检查 ( 仪表 到岗 1
工作牌 板书) 教学准备(备课教案、周计划、 2 PPT 、课前板书)
不符合每 1 项每次减 前台3-5
缺少一项或不达标,每次每 务 教务
项减 10 分
前台 减 10 分 &教
7 课前班级秩序维护与巡检
前务台 5 分 &教
学生考勤统计上报及检查(点名 8
5 分教务
课堂掌控技巧程度(教学氛围 9 师及学生状态、关注学生、评价
情况不符合级别每次 分,三次不达标降级
减 教1务0
学生) 10 按照教案计划完成教学
不符合要求使用减 极运用创新反馈结果加
人 5 分,教积务
10 教分务
14 上课激情状态
很有激情 加 5 分 教务
15 教师课堂教学质量评估
教师课堂教学质量评估平均分 数低于 70 分,扣 KPI 10 分教,务
低于 60 分,扣 KPI 20 分
活动产能(积极参与和排练师、 35
5-10 分教务
低于达标值 , 级别评定依据 教务
Communication Skills: internal & external Time Management Skills Decision Making Ability Organizational Ability Technical Skills Analytical Skills Problem Solving Skills Initiative/ Spirited Leadership & Coaching Skills Negotiation Skills Task Ownership Teamwork Customer Dealing: internal & external Flexibility Dependability Overall Evaluation
Position/ Title Company Entity Direct Report HK/ PRC
Employee’s Name
Date Joined
Appraisal Period
Appraisal Venue
Ratings Unsatisfactory Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding
2. _____/ 25 _____/ 25 _____/ 25 _____/ 25 _____/ 100
绩效指标及考评表-- KPI
98% 0/≤0.3%
98%≤ 0 0
出勤率 工作态度及维护公司利益
请事假不超4小时, 超1小时扣2分,2小时扣4分,直至扣完4分; 4小时内事假不加分; 全勤,加2分
目标值 实际值 0% ≤1
在同等质量条件下,采购价格不高 超一种扣2分,超2种扣4分,累计上限扣4分
1种超出市场水平 不加分
无超出市场水平 加2分
提高作业品质意识,降低不必要的 物料损耗
一次性通过率为98%, 低2%扣2分,低4%扣4分 累计上限扣4分; 达样100%以下不加分; 100% 加2分 电源,散热器,灯板0损耗,其他物料损耗不超0.3% , 超0.1%或超1个扣1分,累计,累计上限扣4分; 达标加2分
实际生产数量/需求生产数量*100%,大于98%, 降低2%扣2分,4%扣4分,累计上限扣4分; 达成小于100%不加分; 100%达成加2分
未维护为0, 一次未维护扣2分,2次未维护扣分,累计上限扣分4 分; 达标加2分
按计划达成100%, 未达成1次扣2分,2次未达成扣分; 达成加2分
部门 一、职 能绩效 考核 类别
序号 KPI(定量指标) 1 订单交付及时率
2 产线待料次数 3 采购物料价格合理性
4 产线直通率 5 生产物料损耗
达标值 100%
挑战值 数据来源 120%
质量安全 中心
考核期: 2019 年1 月1 日- 2019 年12 月 31 日
自评 得分
主管评 得分
来料检验合格率(公司 出图的需委外加工件)
考核期内属公司出图,供方 按图纸制作的物料,采购来 料合格的数量占总来料数量
提高供应商质量管理水 原材料成本返还率60% 平,优化物料首件认
证,提升供应商来料合 物料首件认证覆盖率90% 格率
40% 30%
供应商质量问题改善关闭率 60%
自评 效果
0 效率
主管评 效果
0 评分
Байду номын сангаас
平时关键时间记录、总结汇报及周 报、月报按时提交
涉及本部门责任的一般 EHS事故,超出目标值一 次扣5分。(目标值0)
指标评分 得分=指标评分×权重
附注: 1、月度重点工作考核项中,“效率”选项为“准时、滞后”;“效果”选项为“优秀、良好、合格、待改进”。 2、辅助考核项根据部门需求设置,不强制性设置,可为加减分项。 3、加分项:提出合理化建议、参与重大项目并做出重要贡献、在某方面起模范带头作用或其他被认为值得鼓励的事项;需另附说明材料;每项酌情加分1-10分不等;由主管、经理评定 。 4、扣分项:造成公司事实经济损失、影响公司对外品牌名誉、内部发出负面言论或发生不当行为及其他被认为必须严厉禁止的事项;一般EHS事故;每项酌情扣分1-10不等;由主管、 经理评定。
SQE 绩效考核 (KPI)
岗位: 一般考核项目 KPI I 配分 工作任务 15 考核对象姓名: 评价内容及标准 能时时跟进,追踪工作,提前完成任务 能跟踪, 按期完成任务 能在监督下完成任务 在指导下,偶尔完不成任务 出色,准确,无任何差错 完成任务质量尚好,但还可以再加强 工作疏忽,偶尔有小差错 工作质量不佳,偶尔有小差错 有相当的工作技能,足以应付本身工作,书面报告等 有责任心,能自觉完成任务 技能略不足,执行任务常需要请教他人 对工作技能不熟悉,日常工作难以完成 工作努力,积极主动,态度端正,能较好的完成分内工作 有责任心,能自觉完成任务 交付的工作需督促方能完成 敷衍了事,无责任心,对工作粗心大意 为完成工作尽最大努力与人协调 常协助别人,有较好的团队合作意识 应别人要求帮助别人 尽在必要时与人协调合作 散漫不肯与他人合作 自觉遵守和维护公司各种规章制度,履行保密要求 能自觉遵守公司规章制度,但在督导下才能履行保密要求 纪律观念不强,偶尔违反公司规章制度,履行保密要求 经常违反公司规章制度,不履行保密要求 原则性强,为质量问题敢于坚持到底 原则性强,是非分明,能展开批评与自我批评 一般情况下,能坚持原则,但不能碰硬 原则性较差,有时为了情面放弃原则 原则性差,是非不分,常拿原则做交易 质量目标达成 KPI II LRR 直通率 新产品首 批合格率 新产品送 样合格率 (FAI) 配分 12 12 6 评价内容及标准 月主要供应商进料批退货率在上一年目标基础上上升/下降0.5%,绩效罚/ 奖励2分 熔模,压铸,机加工,橡塑等产线基准92%一次通过率,上升/下降0.5%, 绩效罚/奖励1分
备注:“工作任务”项目,必须另附上周工作计划及工作总结供参考,工作内容见SQE 岗位职责明确
考核月份: 自评得分 15 12--14 8--11 0--7 15 12--14 8--11 0--7 8 5--7 2--4 0--1 8 5--7 2--4 0--1 7 6 4--5 1--3 0 5 4 2--3 0--1 7 6 4--5 1--3 0 基准值 实际值 得分 主管评价 年 月 得分纪要
绩效考核英文缩写【篇一:绩效考核英文缩写】企业关键绩效指标(kpi:key performance indicator)是通过对组织内部流程的输入端、输出端的关键参数进行设置、取样、计算、分析,衡量流程绩效的一种目标式量化管理指标,是把企业的战略目标分解为可操作的工作目标的工具,是企业绩效管理的基础。
公司战略目标是长期的、指导性的、概括性的,而各职位的关键绩效指标内容丰富,针对职位而设置,着眼... 企业关键绩效指标(kpi:key performance indicator)是通过对组织内部流程的输入端、输出端的关键参数进行设置、取样、计算、分析,衡量流程绩效的一种目标式量化管理指标,是把企业的战略目标分解为可操作的工作目标的工具,是企业绩效管理的基础。
物业公司各部门绩效考核表英文回答:Performance assessment is an essential tool for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of different departments within a property management company. It allows us to measure the performance of each department and identify areas that need improvement. The assessment process involves setting specific goals and objectives for each department, monitoring their progress, and evaluating their results.For example, let's consider the maintenance department. One of the key performance indicators for this department could be the response time to maintenance requests. We can set a target of responding to all requests within 24 hours. By tracking the response time for each request and comparing it to the target, we can assess the department's performance in meeting this goal. This assessment will help us identify any bottlenecks or inefficiencies in themaintenance process and take corrective actions accordingly.Another important aspect of performance assessment is measuring customer satisfaction. This can be done through surveys or feedback forms that are provided to residents or tenants. By analyzing the responses, we can gauge the level of satisfaction with the services provided by different departments. For instance, if the survey reveals a highlevel of dissatisfaction with the response time of the maintenance department, we can prioritize improving this aspect of their performance.In addition to individual department assessments, it is also crucial to evaluate the overall performance of the property management company. This includes assessing the company's financial performance, such as revenue growth and profitability, as well as its operational efficiency, such as cost management and resource allocation. These assessments help us identify the strengths and weaknessesof the company as a whole and make informed decisions to drive improvement.中文回答:绩效考核是评估物业管理公司各部门效益和效率的重要工具。
绩效考核表英文自我评价员工绩效考核表 英文
绩效考核表英文自我评价|员工绩效考核表英文In 2021, I can support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the four basic principles, conscientiously study the rules and regulations, abide by the rules and regulations of the country, in the work of hard work, hard working, on time to complete the leadership layout The task,to unite the relationship between colleagues in the completion of their own work, and actively help the needy colleagues. Principle of strong, positive hard work, serious and responsible, have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. To deal with the problem in an orderly manner, act neat and accurate; the overall concept, to unite colleagues, to complete the task. In the completion of their own work, and actively help the needy colleagues.1, to learn new business knowledge, to consolidate the original knowledge, based on the self-conscious and constantly enrich their knowledge and work skills, in order to clear the use of all systems and familiar with the maintenance methods. In addition to the perfect system, in addition to the international business of gold trading, the other such as fmis, cms, thepeople's anti-money laundering system, personnel management systems, trade union financial systems, and so the system has been replaced by web version, each update a system, Will take the initiative to understand the relevant operation and technical conditions, through continuous learning and humbly ask, so that their never backward.2, deal with the relationship between colleagues, so that the fastestspeed to solve the problem, such as a moment to go, will explain the reasonsfor all failures as far as possible within two working days to solve,especially important departments, such as the fifth floor of the President of the Office of the Office of the boss and the computer, there is a failure todo to solve immediately. Often remind colleagues in a timely manner to backup, important documents must be stored in the non-system disk, and patientlyanswer a variety of computer colleagues questions. Usually think colleagues think, urgent colleagues urgency, through patient and meticulous work, notonly won the recognition of colleagues also increased the status of theMinistry of Science and Technology in the organs.3, encountered a computer hardware damage, promptly notify the manufacturers to replace the equipment, branches are now the majority of computers are newer, there is no warranty period, when there are bad pieces,the timely notification of over 800 manufacturers to replace parts, to protect the system Of the normal operation.4, sort out the various departments of the equipment, will be eliminated and not used the old computer: the departments are still a lot of phase-out and old computers such as debris-like stack, in addition to leaving a small amount of configuration as a backup machine, With all the old computer on the collection, so that after the asset clean-up to reduce a lot of work.5, the management gradually standardized: the majority of the current branch of the computer are dell and Lenovo, there are a small number of Founder.Dell in the 520 and 320 are equipped with a system CD, when the two computer systems crash, with a random CD to restore the genuine winxp system.6, pay attention to the safe operation of computer environment, the existing branch of more than 200 sets of computers, each machine has its own professional software, in order to ensure the normal work of each system, each machine is installed provincial bidding pc cillen antivirus software, In order to prevent the spread of Trojans, in the pc cillen based on the installation of 360 security guards and other security software.7, the maintenance of the sub-camp, sub-camp in the branch building, in addition to reception of ordinary customers, the organs of all employees in this business, sometimes two floors of the workload even more than the entire branch, including the Internet, office Network and production network, due to a high degree of concentration, the smooth flow between the network and the network has become the most important work, followed by the normal operation of various equipment, such as video check system, check printing system, type of business inquiries, to ensure external Within the normal business, often overtime to rule out the fault.I am from the middle of October into the news and information department, although never before come into contact with this sector, it is not much understanding, but slightly know that it is my work of the Department of publicity one of the window through the reporting system related activities , To improve the influence of my department in the yard, in addition, also participate in the construction of departmental website management, and through news photography, communication, DV shooting and other forms of work for the group work. However, I have been holding a serious and responsibleattitude, the use of their good learning ability, from bit by bit the little things to learn, start, never dare to have a trace of a sloppy.Through this period of internship, whether it is dealing with others or the coordination of the organization, my comprehensive ability has a new improvement, I always good at their duties to find and find fun, the successful completion of the work and I learned from the things that I feel very full and full of sense of accomplishment, which gave me a steady stream of power, let me hold a firm belief to work hard to adhere to.My language skills have been praised by the teacher, but when I write a press release, I still encounter a bottleneck, the sentence is not refined, the details are not vivid description, the reader can not attract muchinterest in reading, and timely press release Is very strong, its language is short and refined, logical, and there is no lack of vividness, to write in a very short period of time, really need to practice the process of continuous modification and summary."Mentality decides everything", maintain a good attitude is essential, more girls really not easy to get along, it is easy to produce contradictions, and so far with the members of the department to get along very well, everyone is very happy to work together, This has nothing to do with the balance of my heart, no matter what the external factors, to do their part; good at discovering the merits of others; do not make irresponsible remarks about others; generally decent , Will never go to preoccupied; more help, understanding of others, ask the views of others, so get along will be a lot of pleasure. In addition, before each event I will try to be prepared in advance, do not understand where to open to consult, activities will immediately do a good job summary, learn from the experience and lessons. No one will naturally know how to do something, are acquired through the efforts of the learned, even if I still have some good enough place, but I have been working with, persisted, with this unit tenacity, I believe I can!Xxxx years, I am keen on their own work, strict demands on themselves, straighten the workplace, always keep humble, cautious, self-disciplined attitude, in the leadership of the cultivation of care and the help of colleagues to support, always diligent study, proactive, Self-improvement, and always work hard, conscientiously complete the task, perform good job responsibilities, excellent performance in all aspects, has been the leadership and the masses affirmed. Now a year to study and work summarized the following:First, self-discipline, and consciously strengthen party spirit, political and ideological consciousness to progress.Over the past year, we have consistently applied Marxist-Leninist attitudes, perspectives, and methods to uphold the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and used them to guide our own study, work andlife practice.Love the motherland, love the party, love of socialism, a firm belief in communism, and party organizations to maintain a high degree of consistency. Conscientiously implement the party's line, principles, policies, work proactive, hard work, not afraid of arduous, due diligence, hard working, in ordinary work to make whatever contribution.First, earnestly study the important thinking of the Three Represents, thoroughly understand its scientific connotation, earnestly study the report of the 16th CPC National Congress and the spirit of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 16th CPC Central Committee. In particular, in the second batch of educational campaigns to maintain the advanced nature of CPC members, which began in July this year, we have carefully and systematically studied the Party's basic knowledge and various theoretical works, further consolidated the theoretical foundations and advanced party spirit. Moral quality.The second is to seriously learn business knowledge, and always maintain a modest and eager attitude towards business knowledge of learning. Over the past year, under the guidance of the teacher Pan Xiangzhang, take the village households, to participate in the village representatives, seminars and other meetings, to production, construction site visits, learning a lot of rural work methods, but also directly with the masses directly Contact, really deep into the masses. Usually, more to see, ask, think, take the initiative to the leadership, to the masses to ask questions, organs of learning, a variety of work meetings are a good opportunity for my study. In addition, seriously participate in various types of training, a year to participate in the civil service training, anti-drug urine training, e-government training, are excellent results through the assessment, skilled grasp of business skills. Business knowledge of the study so that I grew up in work quickly.Third, hard work, conscientiously complete the task.Over the past year, I always adhere to strict demands on themselves, hard work, always bear in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and strive to make their own work. Because I rarely work staff, especially incharge of the party and government office and comprehensive management office of a fellow, my task is more important, now work mainly has two large, one party and government work, One is the comprehensive management of work, in addition to part-time safety inspectors, food quality monitoring, thousands of members of the Office and other duties. A year of work due diligence, hard working, and strive to do a good job in the service work, a good consultant assistant.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
1. 背景
2. KPI考核表格结构说明
2.1 目标设定
绩效考核办法Performance Appraisal Procedure一、目的Purpose为了调动员工积极性,不断提升工作技能,增强工作责任心,同时实现人员优胜劣汰,特制定绩效考核办法。
In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees,constantly improve their work skills,enhance their sense of responsibility,and achieve the survival of the fittest. The Company constituted this procedure。
二、考核方式Assessment method以部门为单位组织考核,每月/季度考核一次,年度内所有月度/季度考核得分的平均分作为年度考核得分。
We have annual assessment and monthly assessment。
And departments organizes the assessments each month。
The average score of all months assessment scores in the year is taken as the annual assessment score.三、适用范围Scope本办法适用公司所有白领员工以及生产领班。
This procedure covers all HT Solar white collar employees and shift leaders。
四、绩效考核管理委员会Performance Appraisal management Committee领导:总经理Committee leader:General Manager成员:行政副总、运营总监、人力资源经理Committee Member: Admin Vice General Manager、Operation Director、HR Manager。
EMPLOYEE SELF EVALUATION HANDBOOKTable of ContentsPurpose of Performance Evaluations (3)Barriers to Effective Performance Evaluations (3)Performance Evaluation Process (3)Questions to Help Develop the Self Evaluation (4)General Definitions of Performance Levels (5)Sample Employee Self Evaluation Form (7)Guidelines for Employee Performance Evaluation (19)Performance Management Policy (19)Performance Evaluation Meeting (20)Sample The Company Employee Performance Evaluation (21)Purpose of Performance EvaluationsWhy do Performance Evaluations?•Identifies any performance concerns which may need improvement•Sets future goals and objectives•Motivates and develops employees•Signals to employees that you care•Develops you as a supervisorBarriers to Effective Performance Evaluations•Evaluating a person’s performance can raise uncomfortable feelings•Dislike “confrontation”•Risk of offending the employee•Too busy with other pressing issues•Lack of confidence inability to write an effective evaluation•Form is intimidating – takes too much time to completePerformance Standards should be:•Measurable – quantity, quality, timeliness•Observable – able to see it happen or identify the effect or outcome•Reliable – criteria has been established and agreed to•Achievable – the employee must be able to control the outcome•Active – describes the outcome wanted, not what is not wantedPerformance Evaluation ProcessStep 1⇒Human Resources generates the Employee Performance Evaluation in accordance with the employee’s probationary evaluation cycle or notifies the program area through the annual performance evaluation cycleprocess.Step 2⇒Employees are encouraged to utilize the Employee Self-Evaluation to cite specific accomplishments and provideother relevant information.Step 3⇒Each supervisor completes an Employee Performance Evaluation for staff employees he/she supervises directly.Step 4⇒Supervisor reviews performance evaluation with area director or executive director.Step 5⇒The supervisor and employee meet to discuss the performance evaluation. Prior to signing the form, theemployee may include a written response.Step 6⇒The Employee Performance Evaluation Form is provided to the employee for final review, comment, and finalsubmission to the immediate supervisor.Step 7⇒The Employee Performance Evaluation and Employee Self-Evaluation Forms (if completed) are sent to HumanResources for processing and are placed in the employee’s permanent personnel file. Questions to Help Develop the Self Evaluation(1)What portions of your work do you feel you do best?(2)Do you find there is opportunity in your work to do the things you do best?(3)Do you feel that you have an adequate understanding of the requirements of your position? For which responsibilitieswould a clearer understanding be particularly helpful?(4)What are some of the things you like most about your current job?(5)Looking at your position as a whole, what would you say you have learned in the past year?(6)Again, looking at your current position as a whole, what would you say you have contributed in the past year?(7)Are there any specific areas of your position for which you believe you need more experience or training?(8)What changes do you think could be made to help you do your current job better or more easily?(9)Do you have any other comments or suggestions you want to make about your position?General Definitions of Performance LevelsINEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review and action. •Performance is consistently below established expectations, requirements, or standards.•Ineffectively applies or lacks job knowledge/skills to meet standards.•Demonstrates failure to initiate improvement to complete objectives.•Delivers inaccurate and generally undependable results.•Displays behaviors and actions which are detrimental to co-workers, teamwork, and/or customers.•May also have poor attendance which hinders workflow and organizational objectives.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls short of desired results. •Performance does not fully meet established expectations, requirements, or standards.•May fail to pursue developmental opportunities and/or apply new skills to meet standards.•Exhibits difficulty adjusting to changing situations or work assignments.•May not exhibit proactive problem-solving to improve and/or adjust work processes.•Performs inconsistently, possibly leading to some inaccurate, untimely, and/or undependable results.•At times, displays actions which are detrimental to customer service relationships. May behave in a manner which is detrimental to the work group.•May display irregular attendance that impacts workflow and organizational needs.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may on occasion generate resultsabove those expected of the position.•Performance consistently meets established expectations, requirements, or standards. •Effectively applies and pursues opportunities to increase job knowledge/skills to complete objectives.•Readily adjusts to changing situations and work assignments.•Demonstrates proactive problem-solving to improve and/or adjust work processes. •Produces results dependably, timely, and accurately.•Effectively meets the needs of customer services relationships. Exhibits expected workplace courtesy and respect.•Work behaviors positively influences work group.•Displays regular attendance to meet organizational needs.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superior manner toinnovations both technical and functional.•Performance frequently exceeds established standards, expectations, and requirements. •Customarily increases job knowledge/skills to accomplish goals; often seeks, accepts and achieves noteworthy success on additional responsibilities.•Actively supports and embraces changing situations and additional work assignments. •Regularly develops approaches and implements solutions to projects/problems.•Produces superior work quality and productivity beyond standards.•Regularly seeks/implements improvements in customer service relationships. Strongly exhibits positive work behavior which promotes and influences cooperation from others.•Often demonstrates flexibility to meeting organizational needs.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position. Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of the organization.•Performance consistently surpasses established performance standards or expectations. •Continually applies ever-increasing job knowledge and skills to address challenges and/or lead new initiatives.•Anticipates and proactively responds to changing situations and additional work assignments.Encourages in others a supportive response to change.•Contributes significantly to the organization’s success well beyond job requirements.•Routinely seeks, accepts, and achieves extraordinary success on additional responsibilities. •Contributes and leads innovative, workable solutions to projects/problems. Accomplishes high work quality and productivity, even amidst obstacles.•Demonstrates constant commitment to continuous improvement in customer service. Exhibits leadership behavior which enhances work group performance.•Offers and applies high flexibility and dedication to meet organizational goals.Sample Employee Self Evaluation FormONE EXAMPLE OF EMPLOYEESELF EVALUATIONThe purpose of the one company Employee Performance Evaluation is to assist in the professional development of one company’s employees, enhance communication between supervisor and employee, recognize areas of strength, and suggest areas for improvement. (Refer to Performance Management in the Personnel Policy Manual)Employee NameJob TitleEvaluator NameJob TitleEvaluation Period: 7/1/00 to 6/30/01Instructions:ONE COMPANY’s Employee Performance Evaluation includes eight rated performance factors. Each ofthese factors consists of five descriptive phases indicating varying levels of performance. Evaluate each factor related to your position. Please keep in mind that the descriptions under each factor are not all inclusive andall items may not be relevant to your position. The ratings which closely reflect your performance should be noted. To support the performance ratings, you must provide specific examples of each performance behavior including areas of strengths and areas that need improvement. The ratings are based on your job responsibilities, goals, and standards established at the beginning of the rating period.Please rate using the following:Job Knowledge - understanding of job duties and responsibilities; having necessary job skills and knowledge; understanding/promoting company missions and values; keeping current with new developments and existing policies and procedures; etc.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position. Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of the organization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may on occasiongenerate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls short ofdesired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.N/A: Not applicable or no opportunity to observeN/A 1 2 3 4 5Please support your rating in the narrative section below using specific examples:Quality of Work - ability to provide neat, accurate, and thorough quality work; accuracy and attention to detail; commitment to quality standards; making continuous improvements; monitoring quality levels; develops and implements effective solutions; effectiveness, completeness, and adherence to safety policies; etc.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position.Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of theorganization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may onoccasion generate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls shortof desired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.N/A: Not applicable or no opportunity to observeCheck OneN/A 1 2 3 4 5Please support your rating in the narrative section below using specific examples:Productivity - managing workload; managing priorities; developing work procedures; time management; meeting deadlines; etc.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position.Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of theorganization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may onoccasion generate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls shortof desired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.N/A: Not applicable or no opportunity to observeN/A 1 2 3 4 5Please support your rating in the narrative section below using specific examples:Working Relationships - responding to internal and external customers; working on team projects exchanging ideas and opinions; conflict resolution working with others; flexibility and open-mindedness; promoting mutual respect; networking and building relationships; ensuring and providing customer satisfaction, meeting commitments to customers; etc. Effectively represents students on issues involving campus life, making certain that the voice of the student is heard and recognized by Cal Poly and the Community.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position.Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of theorganization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may onoccasion generate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls shortof desired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.N/A: Not applicable or no opportunity to observeN/A 1 2 3 4 5Please support your rating in the narrative section below using specific examples:Initiative/Innovation - tackling problems; taking independent action; seeking out new responsibilities; recognizing and acting on opportunities; generating new ideas; self development; creative problem solving; adapting to change; etc.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position.Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of theorganization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may onoccasion generate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls shortof desired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.N/A: Not applicable or no opportunity to observeN/A 1 2 3 4 5Please support your rating in the narrative section below using specific examples:Communication - verbal and written communication; producing accurate and punctual reports; delivering presentations; sharing information with others; listening skills; etc.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position.Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of theorganization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may onoccasion generate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls shortof desired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.N/A: Not applicable or no opportunity to observeN/A 1 2 3 4 5Please support your rating in the narrative section below using specific examples:Dependability - working independently; meeting commitments and work standards; accepting accountability; handling change; staying focused under pressure; meeting attendance requirements; meeting deadlines; etc.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position.Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of theorganization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may onoccasion generate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls shortof desired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.N/A: Not applicable or no opportunity to observeN/A 1 2 3 4 5Please support your rating in the narrative section below using specific examples:Management - establishing a focus and direction; implementing company policies and procedures; conflict resolution; establishing clear performance standards; resolving performance problems; providing feedback and coaching; defining roles and responsibilities; delegating responsibility; collaborative management; creating accurate budgets; meeting budget goals; making thoughtful and systematic decisions; etc.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position.Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of theorganization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may onoccasion generate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls shortof desired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.N/A: Not applicable or no opportunity to observeN/A 1 2 3 4 5Please support your rating in the narrative section below using specific examples:GoalsUse the space below to list goals from previous review and describe how employee has/has not met these goals (attach additional sheets if needed).Completed1. Progress1. goals for next year will be established during the Long -Term Planning process and forwarded to Human Resources when completed.Overall PerformanceBased on the above ratings and their importance to the position, please rate the employee’s overall performance.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position.Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of theorganization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may onoccasion generate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls shortof desired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.1 2 3 4 5Areas of strength:Areas for improvement:_______________________________Employee Signature DateGuidelines for Employee Performance EvaluationThe Employee Performance Evaluation provides a direct link between the evaluative criteria and assigned job functions as describedon the employee’s Position Description.Supervisors must rate demonstrated performance for each job function based on all applicable factors such as: job knowledge; quality of work; productivity; working relationships; initiative/innovation; communication; dependability; management; and any other factors that may impact job performance. The performance evaluation form provides space for narrative comment by the supervisor on performance of job function. An Employee Self-Evaluation is also available for use in the evaluation process. Employees are encouraged to utilize the Self-Evaluation Form to identify specific accomplishments during the rating period.For employees with lead or supervisory responsibilities, the Employee Performance Evaluation identifies additional evaluation factors including promoting a safe work environment, demonstrated commitment to equal employment opportunity and diversity, and creation of a climate promoting customer service, collaboration and teamwork.For ease of use, the Employee Self-Evalaution forms are available using Microsoft Word and can be accessed on the Web at thefollowing location:Copies of the forms can also be obtained by contacting Human Resources at ext. 6-5800. Performance Management PolicyAn employee evaluation program has been developed to improve employee performance, to improve supervisor/employee relationships and to establish clearly understood duties and responsibilities expected of each employee based upon agreed/established performance standards and goals. It is the responsibility of each supervisor to assure that all performance evaluations are completed in a timely fashion and in full recognition of their importance to both the employee and employer.New or Transferring EmployeesPerformance evaluations are required at six (6) months for new and transferring employees.Annual Performance EvaluationFor all other employees, performance evaluations will be conducted annually usually at the end of the fiscal year.The following procedures shall be followed:▪Employees and supervisors will set goals and standards for the upcoming year. Goals and standards shall reflect the overall goals of ONE COMPANY.▪Employees and supervisors will meet for a mid-year update on progress towards goals. Goals should be modified as needed.▪Input will be solicited from other employees and students who can attest to the employee’s performance. Blank review forms are distributed to 5-10 individuals (5 maximum fornon-administrative staff and 10 maximum for administrative staff) selected by the employee.Selected names should include subordinates, colleagues, and students who are familiar with the employee’s work and can comment appropriately. The completed reviews are then submitted to the immediate supervisor directly to ensure confidentiality. The Human Resourcedepartment will facilitate this process. Solicitation for input is conducted annually for all staff with the exception of the Executive Director and Associate Executive Director. The Executive Director and Associate Executive Director shall follow the performance evaluation process as outlined by their contract.• A completed self-evaluation is forwarded to the immediate supervisor.• A final performance evaluation is written with consideration for input from students, colleagues, and subordinates and self-evaluation, along with the goals and standards set at the beginning of the evaluation year.•The final performance evaluation will be discussed between the supervisor and employee;appropriate signatures and comments will be received.•Completed performance evaluation shall be forwarded to Human Resources designee to be placed in the employee’s personnel file.Special EvaluationsA supervisor or employee may request a performance evaluation at any time or on as-needed basis. Appropriate justification for a request by an employee must have the concurrence of the affected supervisor.Performance Evaluation MeetingThe performance evaluation meeting is a critical component of the evaluative process. The meeting provides the supervisor and employee with an opportunity to engage in an open and constructive discussion regarding the employee’s job performance, accomplishments, areas of needed improvement, training and development, and future performance goals and expectations. During the meeting, the supervisor should solicit the employee’s comments and suggestions and create an atmosphere in which the employee is encouraged to speak candidly and reply to criticisms or suggestions offered by the supervisor.Sample One Company Employee Performance EvaluationONE COMPANY EMPLOYEEPERFORMANCE EVALUATIONThe purpose of the company Employee Performance Evaluation is to assist in the professional development of the company’s employees, enhance communication between supervisor and employee, recognize areas of strength, and suggest areas for improvement. (Refer to Performance Management in the Personnel Policy Manual)_______________________________ _________________________________Employee Name Evaluator Name__________________________ ____________________________Job Title Job TitleEvaluation Period: 7/1/00 to 6/30/01Instructions:The company’s Employee Performance Evaluation includes eight rated performance factors. Each of these factors consists of five descriptive phases indicating varying levels of performance. Evaluate each employee on those factors related to his/her position. Please keep in mind that the descriptions under each factor are not all inclusive and all items may not be relevant to each employee’s position. The ratings which closely reflect the employee’s performance should be noted. To support the performance ratings, the supervisor must provide specific examples of each performance behavior including areas of strengths and areas that need improvement. The ratings are based on t he employee’s job responsibilities and goals set at the beginning of the rating period.Please rate using the following:Job Knowledge - understanding of job duties and responsibilities; having necessary job skills and knowledge; understanding/promoting company missions and values; keeping current with new developments and existing policies and procedures; etc.EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE (5): Performance that is extremely effective in the expectations of the position. Their performance results in extraordinary achievements, with significant contributions to objectives of the organization.EFFECTIVE (4): Consistently generates results above those expected of the position. Contributes in a superiormanner to innovations both technical and functional.MODERATELY EFFECTIVE (3): Moderately effective in fulfilling all position requirements and may on occasiongenerate results above those expected of the position.INCONSISTENT (2): Performance sometimes meets position requirements. Seldom exceeds and often falls short ofdesired results.INEFFECTIVE (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards. Situation requires immediate review andaction.N/A: Not applicable or no opportunity to observeN/A 1 2 3 4 5Please support your rating in the narrative section below using specific examples:。
Weighted-average Credit
Review Period:
Total Score=A*%+B*%
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13 认真听评课、听学课,及时小结交流 14 上课激情状态 带动学生 15 教师课堂教学质量评估 课 16 课后把上课内容发到家长群并与孩子互动 17 家校联系手册认真负责填写 18 及时、记录完整、与家长沟通及时 19 对缺勤学生的回访、补课、登记
教务 教务 教务 教务
部门: 序 号 教务部 考评内容(KPI 指标) 课 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 教师妆容及岗前检查(仪表 到岗 工作牌、教室 桌椅摆放 ) 教学准备(备课教案、工作计划、课件、奖励 机制、把教学内容发到家长群) 教具(包含教学用具、学生名单、家校联系策 、作业) 说练课、教研、会议讨论 学生情况分析 提前5-10分钟进教室 课前30分钟迎接孩子 课 8 9 学生考勤统计上报及检查(点名、上报、抽 查) 中 不符合要求每次减 5 分 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 前 不符合每1项每次减 3-5 分 缺少一项或不达标,每次每项减 10 分 每缺一项减 5 分,教具新颖创新加5分 不认真准备、不按时、未完成任务、不参与,不 记录 每次减 5-10 分, 有特别贡献的加 3-5 分 没按要求完成 减 5 分 不在岗 减 10 分 不达标减 5 分 秘书& 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 秘书& 教务 前台& 教务 评分标准 评价人 年 月 日 至 月 日
姓 得
名 分
21 归还教具 22 检查教案整理及归档情况 23 课程目标及效果课后调研(教学效果抽检、学 生沟通、上课感受、课程评估表)
24 抽查学生安全强调、通知下达准确及时 25 教室物资管理、教室卫生管理 用电管控(关灯、关空调、关多媒体、关电 脑,设施设备的报修及保养) 教室管理:教室卫生、座椅摆放、关窗、墙面 27 卫 生与布置 26 28 听评课反馈 29 信息反馈及时
Байду номын сангаас
未完成每项减10分,月排名前二名的加5、4分 不符合要求减 5-10 分 低于达标值,级别评定依据 每个加10分
活动产能(积极参与和排练师、生节目,量 积极参加付出加5分,无故不配合不支持减10分 多,获奖) 企 业 规 章 制 度
36 按《员工手册》规定执行 量化考核综合得分(基分100分) 上报统计人: 部门签字: 最后得分
姓 得
名 分
课堂掌控技巧程度(教学氛围 老师及学生状态 情况不符合级别每次 减 10 分,三次不达标降级 、关注学生、评价学生) 检查到没带教案减 3 分,完全或大部分不相符减 10 按照教案计划完成教学 10-15 分 不符合相关规定减 5-10 分 11 严谨教学,不做与教学无关的事 12 课件的使用情况 不符合要求使用减 5 分,积极运用创新反馈结果 加 5 分 不符合相关要求减 10 分 很有激情 加5分 教师课堂教学质量评估平均分数低于70分,扣KPI 10分,低于60分,扣 KPI 20分 后 不符合要求减10-15分 不及时完成,不符合要求减10分 不符合要求减10分 没按规定要求减 5 分,没做的减 10 分
部门: 序 号 20 教务部 考评内容(KPI 指标) 评分标准 评价人 课后小结及时认真 不达标减 5 分 不及时没按要求减 5-10 分 不符合要求减 5-10 分 不达标减 5-10 分 不及时没按要求减 10 分 不符合要求减 5-10 分 未按相关管理规定减 5- 10 分 不达标 减 5-10 分 不认真及时减 5 分 不符合规定减 5 分,严重减 10 分 绩 30 确保教学计划和任务按质按量完成 31 确保教学质量、班级管理达标 32 退费率、转班率、出勤率 33 转介绍 34 效 产 能 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务 教务& 秘书 秘书 秘书 秘书 教务 教务 年 月 日 至 月 日