

我的家乡 English PPT

我的家乡 English PPT

选用优质鲜鱼、 精盐、茨粉等原 料,采用传统工 艺精工制作,营 养丰富,鲜香可口, 富含人体必须的 钙、铁、磷等营 养元素,是一种 高蛋白、低脂肪、 低胆固醇,是真 正的纯天然传统 食品。为佐膳佳 品,也可做主食。 它不含任何色素、 添加剂。其味鲜 香、爽滑、柔韧、 适口。
Selection of highquality fresh fish, salt, CIpowder raw materials, using traditional craft Seiko production, nutrient rich, delicious taste, rich in the human body must be of calcium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients is a kind of high protein, low fat, low cholesterol, is truly pure natural traditional food. As with food Jiapin, also can be the staple food. It does not contain any pigment, additives. Its taste delicious, smooth, flexible, palatability.
Gan Zhou
NGanzhou is an ancient city, it has been 2100 years of history since the Han Emperor for six years (201 BC) established the county so far. In ancient times, a research into the origin who have, also known as Tiger Town people. History has been Ganzhou Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and the southern city of communication, Su called "Fujian throat" always with the Guangdong and Southeast Asia has a

江苏省句容市八年级英语上册课件:Unit4 Main Task 4

江苏省句容市八年级英语上册课件:Unit4 Main Task 4

Part B1
Finally, we’d like to_t_h_a_n_kthe people who have donated time and materials to help make this show possible. We want to thank our teachers for their help and support, the Sunshine Department Store for the costumes and Sunshine Advertisement Agency for the __p_o_s_te. r
Price ¥20 Donations are welcome
7:30 p.m. Introduction 7:40p.m. Magic show
8:00 p.m. Musical performance 8:30p.m.
9:00p.m. Drama
Information to be included
Name of the show
Sunshine For All
Beijing sunshine secondary school
29th April
We hope to raise money to help poor children go to school
raise money for Project Hope.
Part B1
Project Hope helps build school. It also helps poor children go to school. We think it’s important that all children learn to read and write. However, some children don’t go to school because their parents are to poor their families have no money so the children have to go to work instead of going to school.



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The Landscape of Dandong
• Dandong is one of the most attractive sightseeing cities in the world,such as the Yalu River,Tianhua Mountain Scenery Area,etc.
Ethnic Food
• If you have the opportunity of doing some sightseeing in Dandong, I recommend you to taste my hometown’s specialties. There are two kinds of famous dishes in Northeast China: Stewed young chicken with mushroom (小鸡炖蘑菇)and Stewed Pork with Vermicelli (猪肉炖粉条).
The Culture of Dandong
• It also enjoys great reputation for culture. There are not only rich varieties of modern entertainment facilities, but also some special entertainment items only for Dandong, such as Yangge Dance and Errenzhuan, which is a song-and-dance duet in the Northeast of China.
Incredible Beauction
My hometown is the city of Dandong, Liaoning Province. It’s not very large, but it’s very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Dandong than in other cities of Liaoning. In recent years, Dandong has undergone a drastic change. When you are walking on this modern and civilized city, you cannot fail to feel the vitality and prosperity of this city.



句容历史文化悠久,名胜古迹众多。句容于西汉朔 元年(公元前128年)置县,迄今已有2000余年的 历史(1995年4月经国务院批准撤县设市)。境内 气候温和,山水秀丽,人文荟萃,古迹众多,是中 国优秀旅游城市、全国科技工作先进市、全国卫生 城市、江苏省卫生城市、江苏省双拥模范城和江苏 省文化工作先进市。市区东南坐落着著名的道教圣 地茅山。山峰峻峭,洞天争奇,素有道家“第一福 地、第八洞天”之称,在东南亚地区享有盛名,为 江南历史名胜,江苏省甲级风景区,国家AAAA级 风景名胜区。市区西北有我国佛教“律宗第一名山” 宝华山。其“林麓之美、峰峦之秀、洞壑之深、烟 霞之胜”被视为四大奇景。独特的自然景观和人文 景观,为句容发展旅游事业提供了得天独厚的条件。
汇自然人文 聚天下俊杰 -----句容茅山
爱上一个地方的美食和人,你便 深深地爱上了那个地方·····
南京的后花园 -----句容
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 中文名 称: 句容市 外文名称: Jurong City 别名: 金陵句容 行政区类别: 县级市 所属地区: 中国华东 下辖地区: 华阳镇、下蜀镇 政府驻地: 华阳镇 电话区号: 0511、025 邮政区码: 212400 地理位置: 江苏省西南部 面积: 1385平方公里 人口: 60万人 方言: 南京官话 气候条件: 亚热带季风气候 著名景点: 茅山风景区 机场: 南京禄口国际机场 火车站: 京沪铁路下蜀站、沪宁高铁 宝华站 车牌代码: 苏L
那 时似 的乎 我好 们久 真没 的有 很轻 开轻 心贴 ,近 很家 幸乡 福了 。。 。。 。。
对着清晨的第一 缕阳光喊出我们的心 声···那是专属于 我们的青春···



My Hometown -Jurong第一篇Good morning/afternoon. My name is [Your Name] and I come from Jiangsu Province in China. Specifically, I come from a town called Jurong.My hometown, Jurong city, is located in the eastern part of China's Jiangsu province. It is a beautiful city that boasts a rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking natural scenery.In terms of human geography, Jurong city covers an area of 1029 square kilometers and has a population of over 600,000. It is home to various ethnic groups, including the Han, the Hui, and the Manchu. The people of Jurong are known for their warm hospitality, hardworking nature, and entrepreneurial spirit.Jurong is also steeped in history and culture. It was first established over 2,500 years ago during the Spring and Autumn period. The city has since developed into an important cultural and economic center of the region. One of its most famous historical attractions is the Tianhou Palace, which was built during the MingDynasty and is dedicated to the goddess Mazu.Besides, Jurong has many scenic spots and historical sites. The most famous attraction is undoubtedly the Xijin Ferry, which is a large-scale ecological tourism project with the characteristic of water and land integration. It is located in the west of Jurong City and covers an area of about 300 mu. In addition to the ferry tour, there are also other activities such as boating, fishing, and tasting some of the local specialties.Talking about food, Jurong has a rich culinary culture. The local cuisine is influenced by both northern and southern styles of cooking, and it is well known for its sweet and sour flavors. Some of the most famous dishes include braised pork with soy sauce, boiled sliced fish, and fried bean curd with salted egg yolk.In terms of economic development, Jurong has made great strides in recent years. It has become a key industrial town for machinery, textiles, and electronic products. The city is also famous for its agricultural products, including rice, wheat, and vegetables.In conclusion, Jurong city is a fascinating place that offers aunique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. It is an ideal destination for travelers who want to explore the rich cultural heritage of China and experience traditional customs and delicious food.That's all for my introduction of Jurong. If you have any questions about my hometown, feel free to ask me. Thank you!第二篇Jiangsu Province's Jurong City is located in the eastern region of China and is a city with a rich cultural heritage, historical significance, and vibrant economy. The city is situated in the northern part of Jiangsu Province, and is bordered by Anhui Province to the west and the Yangtze River to the east. The city covers an area of around 1,215 square kilometers and has a population of 810,000.GeographyJurong City is located in the north of Jiangsu Province, and is nestled between the Yangtze River and the Huai River. The city experiences a humid subtropical climate, with hot summers and mildwinters. The city is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has an abundance of natural resources.History and CultureJurong City is an ancient city with a rich cultural history. The city has been inhabited since the Neolithic period and has been ruled by various dynasties throughout its history. The city has played a significant role in Chinese history, with many important figures and events having connections to the region.The city has many cultural landmarks and heritage sites that showcase its rich history. Some of the most famous landmarks include the Wuyi Palace, which was built during the Han Dynasty, and the Tong Palace, which was built during the Tang Dynasty. The city is also home to many temples, such as the famous Xianfo Temple, which was built during the Southern Song Dynasty.Tourism ResourcesJurong City is a popular tourist destination, thanks to its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. The city has many famous attractions, including the picturesque Tianmu Lake, which is situated in the southwestern part of the city, and the beautiful Plum BlossomGarden, which is located in the eastern part of the city.The city has many other attractions, including the Tongshan Ancient Town, which is known for its well-preserved traditional architecture, and the Xianhe Temple, which is famous for its stunning natural scenery. Additionally, the city is an important stop on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, making it easily accessible to tourists.Specialty CuisineJurong City is known for its delicious and unique cuisine, which includes many local specialties. Some of the most famous dishes include braised crab with wine, double cooked pork, and stewed chicken in casserole. The city is also known for its traditional snacks, such as sugar-coated lotus root and a type of steamed bun called "chao bao."Economic DevelopmentJurong City is one of the most rapidly developing cities in Jiangsu Province. The city has a diversified economy, with a focus on industries such as machinery, electronics, and food processing. The city is also a center for education and research, with many universities and research institutions located in the region.Jurong City is a vibrant and historic city, with a rich cultural heritage and a thriving economy. The city has many famous attractions, delicious cuisine, and an abundance of natural resources, making it a popular destination for tourists from around the world.That's all for my introduction of Jurong. If you have any questions about my hometown, feel free to ask me. Thank you!。

江苏省句容市八年级英语上册课件:Unit5Wild animas r

江苏省句容市八年级英语上册课件:Unit5Wild animas r

Wild animals are in danger:
Because people kill them. ( because of being killed by people)
Because their living areas are fewer and fewer. ( because of the loss of living areas)
Because people cut down trees and forests, destroy forests to build roads and make farmland from forests
(because of the loss of living areas)
Because their food is less and less. (because of the loss of food)
ewveonrldin? danger.
Why ? What happened
to them?
Because people kill them for their furs, bones, meat and money.
(because of being killed by people for their furs,bones and money.)
2.They__w_i_ll_h_a_v_e_(have) more food if we__a_s_k_(ask)hunters
not to hunt seals.
3.The weather_w_i_ll__ge_t_(get) better if we__t_e_ll_(tell) people

江苏省句容市八年级英语上册课件:Unit5 Welcome to t

江苏省句容市八年级英语上册课件:Unit5 Welcome to t

Language Practice
Eddie wants to e_x_e_rc_i_se__ today. He says that he will c_li_m_b_ a hill. Hobo is very happy to hear that because he thinks that Eddie n_e_e_d_s to do that and k_ee_p_s_ f_i_t __. But Eddie says he just wants to e_x_e_rc_i_se__ but not k_e_ep_ f_i_t__. Hobo can’t understand it, so he f_o_ll_o_w_s_ Eddie. To his surprise, he finds so much food like a h_il_l _ outside and Eddie is shouting nearby, “C_o_m_e_ on. Let’s enjoy o_u_r_s_e_lv_e_s_.
Unit 3 Welcome to the unit
Hale Waihona Puke Reading taskRead the conversation between Eddie and Hobo, see if you can find out the answers to these questions:
1. What is Eddie going to do?
Language study:
1. I’m going _t_o_e_x_e_r_c_is_e__ (exercise), Hobo. 2. Are you going _t_o_c_l_im_b___ (climb) the hill? 3 3. You need _t_o_e_x_e_r_c_is_e__ (exercise) and keep fit. 4 4. I want __to__e_x_er_c_is_e__ (exercise) but not keep fit.


xx k
5.Did the writer survive when the earthquake was over? Yes, he did. 6.why must’t the writer eat up the packet of chocolate? Because he knew he might be trapped for a long time.
7.Was the writer saved at last? Yes, he was.
8.What time did the earthquake take place(发生), at night or in the day? It took place in the day.
Important phrases: •in all directions •feel a slight shaking •run out of through--•try/do one’s •hear a big noise best (to do) like thunder •run out to •look at each •fall down other in fear
Volcanic eruption
mud-rock flow seismic sea wave
1.Timmy was in a restaurant restaurant Shopping centre when the earthquake started. F 2.Timmy heard a loud noise of thunder at first. F



Break time
What can we do to make the accident
happen less often during the break time? A. To run after each other. B. To go up and down stairs on the right C. To throw books to classmates.
What’s the weather like? It’s sunny. How is the weather?zxxk
Ask and answer with your partner
What’s the weather like? It’s cloudy.
What’s the weather like?
thunder and lightning
thunder and lightning
It washes away everything.
forest fire
It burns everything in the forest.
The floor is all wet. Who’s going to mop all the water up if you don’t come with me?
One day, Hobo came to Eddie’s house, because his own house was ________ all wet . He _____________when it began to _____. rain was sleeping But he didn’t hear the rain zxxk______________________. He asked until half an hour later Eddie to _________________because he go home with him wanted Eddie to ___________________. mop all the water up



Para3-5 1.What did they see at the entrance?
The whale fountain. 2.Why couldn’t Kitty stop taking photos with Disney characters?
Because they all looked nice and cute.
the Great Wall
There are many places of interest in other places of the world.
What places have you been to? Have you been to Hong Kong?
Disneyland a theme park include
1. Space Mountain is not very interesting. F
2. The parade of Disney character was the best of the day.
T 3.Tourists cannot take photos with those Disney characters.
Kitty: Disneyland is the most famous theme park in
the world. I visited the one in Hong Kong.
Look at these photos. Julia: Who is this?
Kitty:This is Cinderella!She looks so beautiful
Para6 What will kitty do when she come back?
She will show the photos to Millie.

江苏省句容市八年级英语上册课件:Unit 6 Reading I

江苏省句容市八年级英语上册课件:Unit 6 Reading I
Unit 6 Natural disasters
•Look at the pictures
Do you know the names of natural disasters
typhoon rainstorm
thunder and lightning
flood drought
They ran in all directions.
5.Did the writer survive when the earthquake wYaess,ohveerd?id.
6.why must’t the writer eat up the packet of chocolate?
Because he knew he might be trapped for a long time.
4.Timmy was trapped in a dark place when the earthquake stopped. T
5.Timmy had nothing to eat
a packet of chocolate.
when he was trapped under the bricks and stones. F
•pieces of glass •say to oneself
•come down •a moment of
•calm down fear go through
•be dark around my mind
•shout for help
•stay/be alive
•a packet of chocolatexx k
•run out of
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