



Science &Technology Vision科技视界0引言高级英语是英语专业高年级阶段的必修课。





Lakoff 与Johnson 在他们合著的《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书中把隐喻的功能提到前所未有的高度,认为我们的生存离不开隐喻,隐喻不仅贯穿于语言,而且贯穿于我们的思维和行为中;隐喻不仅仅是一种语言修辞手段,而且是一种认知思维方式,是人们认识世界和语言发生变化的重要手段之一[1]。







很多语言学家注意到隐喻的语篇功能,比如Lakoff 与Johnson 早在1980年就论述了隐喻的连贯功能;在国内,冯晓虎的专著《隐喻》的副标题就是“思维的基础,篇章的架构”,主要论述了将概念隐喻理论运用于篇章分析之中,证明概念隐喻能够保证各种类型的篇章之连贯;廖美珍在1992年论述过隐喻的衔接功能,2007年他在《外语教学与研究》上发表的“隐喻语篇组织功能研究—标题与正文之间的组织关系”一文探讨了汉语的语篇功能。



中图分类号 TU986.1 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1003-739X (2023)06-0100-04 收稿日期 2022-08-04摘 要 文人园林是我国古典文化重要的组成部分,也是我国古代文人抒发情怀的物质载体。




关键词 文人园林 情景关系 发展演变 特征Abstract Literati garden is an important part of Chinese classical culture, and also is the material carrier for ancient Chinese literati to express their feelings. From the Tang Dynasty, the popularity of literati gardening flourished until the Ming Dynasty reached its climax. During this period, the gardening changed from modelling mountains and waters to creating new ideas, which also reflected the change of the main body of gardening in the perception of objects. Starting with the situational relationship, the core concept of gardening that reflects literati gardens, we select Wangchuanbieye, Duleyuan and Humble Administrator's Garden, which are well-known in the Tang, Song and Ming dynasties as examples, through literature review, we compare and analyze the feedback of the gardening subject and different objects on the same cognitive object garden, and attempt to explore the characteristics of the performance of situational relations in China's literati gardens, then we sort out the progressive development context of "borrowing scenery to express feelings, blending feelings and scenes, and adapting scenes". We hope to provide the relevant historical theoretical basis for understanding the gardening concept of literati gardens and the interactive relationship between the adopted techniques and objective perception, and we also hope to provide reference and enlightenment for modern people to understand and further create the garden space design with cultural origin, cultural characteristics and cultural confidence.Keywords Literati gardens, Situational relationships, Development and evolution, Features文人园林的情景关系发展研究——以辋川别业、独乐园、拙政园为例The Development of Situational Relationships in Literati Gardens: Taking Wangchuan Bieye, Duleyuan and Humble Administrator's Garden as Examples自从陈从周先生将诗法画理、戏曲品鉴等纯艺术领域的视角与分析方法引入中国古典园林研究,提出了“中国园林是文人园林”的观点之后,对于园林中景与境的评论、欣赏就被赋予了超越物质实体而通达意境、虚幻的多重性质,物质与情感紧密地联系了起来。






”(Landry & Bourhis,1997)。










国际汉语教育(中英文) 第 5 卷 2020 年第 4 期
马克斯 · 韦伯,2005. 社会学的基本概念 [M]. 顾忠华,译 . 桂林:广西师范大学出版社 . 亓海峰,邵滨,2018. 高校汉语国际教育专业硕士人才培养的问题与思考 [J]. 辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)(4):38-43. 田欣儿,2014. 汉语国际教育专业硕士研究生专业课程设置及就业前景分析 [J]. 安阳师范学院学报(3):132-134. 吴应辉等,2018. 美国就业汉教硕士成长历程的叙事比较研究及其对国际汉语师资培养的启示 [J]. 国际汉语教学研究(1):
/Article/CDMD-10762-1017830244.htm. 张晓静,姜敬槐,2012. 汉语国际教育硕士专业学生就业观念调查报告:以华中师范大学 2010 级学生为例 [J]. 华中人文论丛
(1):213-215. 周红,2019. 从学位论文选题看汉语国际教育专业硕士人才培养 [J]. 国际汉语教育(中英文)(2):41-52. 邹影,2016. 西安高校汉语国际教育硕士研究生就业情况调查 [D/OL]. 兰州:西北大学 [2020-10-25]. /
65-72. 伍星明,2017. 基于经济学视角下的广西高校汉语国际教育硕士专业毕业生就业问题研究 [D/OL]. 桂林:广西大学 [2020-10-
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全书理论与实践相结合,内容翔实,通俗易懂, 为广大读者提供了语料库语言学方面的工具、方法 和真实案例介绍,能很好地满足汉语研究者对于语 料库语言学的学习需求。



湖畔派诗人(Lake Poets)是指19世纪初期英国浪漫主义诗歌流派中的一群诗人,主要包括华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)、柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)和骚塞(Robert Southey)。





翻硕(Translation and Interpreting)是指翻译和口译的专业学位,是我国硕士研究生教育体系中的一门重要学科。






伊丽莎白•毕晓普诗歌中的客观想象力内容摘要:作为20 世纪杰出诗人之一,伊丽莎白?毕晓普的诗歌独树一帜。


关键词:伊丽莎白?毕晓普意象视角转换反讽伊丽莎白?毕晓普( Elizabeth Bishop,191-1979 )是20世纪美国重要女诗人之一。


谢默斯?希尼(Seamus Heaney 1939-)在《数到一百:论伊丽莎白?毕晓普》中称赞她是“最缄默和文雅的诗人”与同时代的自白诗人不同,毕肖普在诗歌中避免个人情感的表达和宣泄,她通过准确无误的意象描写,反讽的运用以及视角转换,不动声色地将诗人与诗歌主体分离,让自己的声音超然物外而又无处不在,赋予诗歌以无穷的张力和理解的空白,带给诗歌一种独特的想象力,让读者和自己一起探索,去发觉作品中的思想意蕴和审美内涵,引发读者的思考与感悟。

Peggy Rizza曾一针见血的指出,“她具备客观想象力”T.S艾略特提出的非个人化理论对现代诗歌的写作有着重要的影响。

在创作的过程中,艾略特提出了“客观对应物”的概念――“用艺术形式来表现情感的唯一方法是寻找一个客观对应物' ,换句话说,是用一组实物,一个场景,连串的事件,来表现特定的情感。



如《佛罗里达》一诗,这首诗的排列像一串串珠子:一连串奇怪的个体形象挂在起,“红树林的根” ,“活牡蛎”,“鸟”等。

“ the skeleton of the mangrove roots ,and the tantrum of the hysterical birds ,the clowning of the pelicans ,”依靠skleton ,tantrum ,clowning 这些词语的使用,每个意象都变得生动立体,颇有画面感,引发读者的遐想。



















言语交际学 重点

言语交际学 重点

















Brief introduction of William Faulkner and his achievement William Faulkner is a successful novelist of American literature in the period of Southern Renaissance. He was deeply influenced by his family tradition and the local custom of the South. His works are obviously marked by the humor solely boasted by southerners. His spiffy works formed a contradiction of his personification. Faulkner is a productive writer, and stream of consciousness, multi-angle narration and time transformation during descriptions are freely applied in his works.[1]Among all the great works produced by him, A Rose for Emily is one of the most significant achievements as his masterpiece. It keeps him unparalleled position in the field of American literature. A Rose for Emily, a short story, tells an affecting but horrible love story in a southern town of America. An unnamed narrator details the strange circumstances of Emily’s life and her odd relationships with her father, who thought that insulation is the best protection for Emily and controlled and manipulated her. Then she fell in love with a northerner--the Yankee road worker Homer Barron. From the townspeople’s gossip, the romance between Homer and her is bound to be tragic because the marriage between the two at last became impossible. When Homer Barron threatens to leave her, she is seen buying arsenic, which the townspeople believe she will commit suicide with. After this, Homer Barron is not heard from again, and is assumed to have returned north. Though she does not commit suicide, the townspeople of Jefferson continue to gossip about her and her eccentricities, citing her family's history of mental illness. She is heard from less and less, and rarely ever leaves her home. Unbeknownst to the townspeople until her death, in her upstairs room she hides all day with the corpse of Homer Barron, which explains the horrid stench that emits from Miss Emily's house.[2]A Rose for Emily becomes a masterpiece for its labyrinthine story and delicate structure. Although the title of the short story i“s A Rose for Emily”, yet till in the last it mentions“rose”: after Emily dies, in her room there is a brida“l: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights”. In this way, the writer provides his story much food for thought. In addition, the way deepens the theme that Emily's love is a sad story.[3]In people's eyes, Emily is sacrifice in that society, she is a pity woman. Rose is a symbol of love, but for Emily the rose only can be a cadaver in that kind of circs. Faulkner expressed extreme displeasure to the society according narrating Emily's forlorn love. What caused Emily’s tragedy? Many different literary critics have different views. In my mind, humanity’s insensibility of every figure in the story is the root of Emily's tragedy. 1st. Emily's father is insensible. He is so cruel; the father in him was numb. He was persevering at living in the history forever, bloated, asocial, out of step with the tenor of modern life. When he is alive, what he instills his daughter is to possess the glory as the last of a long line of the southern aristocrats. To him, the empty glory of desolate aristocrats is more important than his daughter's happiness. So, In Emily's younger years, the father had driven all her suitors away. Without a doubt, Emily suffered from loneliness, and her father's restrictions on her life helped cause this. These restrictions, however, were part of the ideologies of the traditional south that gave white men power over white women and all blacks, and indeed her father was a powerful man. The narrator describes Emily’s relationship to him through a very strong image:“We had long thought of them as a tableau, Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a straddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to



Chapter 8 Language, Culture, and Society Chapter 9 Cognitive Linguistics Chapter 10 Pragmatics Chapter 11 Issues of Stylistics Chapter 12 Computational Linguistics Chapter 13 Second Language Acquisition Chapter 14 Modern Theories and Schools of Linguistics
Chapter 5 Functional Syntax
5.1 Vilém Mathesius 5.2 Frantiek Dane 5.3 Michael Halliday 5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Semantics
6.1 Introduction 6.2 Meanings of “Meaning” 6.3 The Referential Theory 6.4 Sense Relations 6.5 Componential Analysis 6.6 Sentence Meaning
Chapter 3 Morphology
3.1 Morphemes, Morphs and Allomorphs 3.2 Classification of Morphemes 3.3 Morphemization 3.4 Allomorphy 3.5 Word, Wordform and Lexeme 3.6 Morphology and Wordformation 3.7 Approaches and Problems
第1章 语言学——一门导向性科学 第2章 音位分析 第3章 形态学 第4章 生成句法 第5章 功能句法 第6章 语义学 第7章 对比语言学



1.epic 史诗An epic is a long oral narrative poem that operates on a grand scale and deals with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance .Most epics deal with the exploits of a single individual and also interlace the main narrative with myths, legends, folk tales and past events; there is a composite effect, the entire culture of a country cohering in the overall experience of the poem . Epic poems are not merely entertaining stories of legendary or historical heroes; they summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a significant or crucial period of its history.2.caesura 停顿a break or pause in a line of poetry, dictated by the natural rhythm of the languageand sometimes enforced by punctuation. In Old English verse, such as Beowulf, the caesura was used rather monotonously to indicate the half line.3.alliteration 头韵the repetition of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are close to each other. It is a feature of Beowulf and other Old English poems.4.alliterative verse 头韵诗poetry written in alliteration. Nearly all Old English verse, including Beowulf, is heavily alliterative, and the pattern is fairly standard –with either two or three stressed syllables in each line alliterating.5.kenning 隐喻语a metaphor usually composed of two words and used for description andassociation. Beowulf is full of kennings, such as “helmet bearer” for “warrior” and “swan road” for “sea”.6.protagonist 主角the principal character of a drama or fiction. Hamlet is the protagonist of William Shakespeare’s drama Hamlet.7.antagonist 反角In drama or fiction the antagonist opposes the hero or protagonist. In Hamlet Claudius is antagonist to Hamlet.8.romance 传奇a type of literature that was popular in the Middle Ages, usually containingadventures and reflecting the spirit of chivalry. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was a great verse romance, but its author remains unknown.9.bob and wheel诗节末尾的短行与叠唱a rhyming section of five lines that concludes a stanza in Sir Gawain and theGreen Knight. The “bob” is a very short line, sometimes of only two syllables, followed by the “wheel”, longe r lines with three stresses and internal thyme.10.poet’s corner 诗人角a part of Westminster Abbey, London, which contains the tombs or monuments ofsome famous English poets, such as Geoffrey Chaucer and John Milton.11.heroic couplet 英雄双韵体Two successive lines o f rhymed poetry in iambic pentameter. Geoffrey Chaucer’smasterpiece The Canterbury Tale was written in heroic couplet.Named from its use by Dryden and others in the heroic drama of the late 17th century, the heroic couplet had been established much earlier by Chaucer as a major English verse-form for narrative and other kinds of non-dramatic portry: it dominated English poetry of the 18th century, notably in the couplets of Pope, before declining in importance in the early 19th century.12.ballad meter 民谣体traditionally a four-line stanza containing alternating four-stress and three-stress lines, usually with a refrain and the rhyme scheme of abcb. Robert Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose” is a great love ballad.13.refrain 叠句,副歌a phrase, line or lines repeated at intervals during a poem and especially at the endof a stanza. It is very often found in English ballads, such as Robert Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose”.14.English Renaissance 英国文艺复兴the literary flowering of England in the late 16th century and early 17th century, with humanism as its keynote. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is considered the summit of this renaissance.Renaissance(文艺复兴)The word “renaissance” means rebirth or revival. It is commonly applied to the movement or period in western civilization , which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world . It sprang up first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe, the date differing for different countries. The Renaissance indicates a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism. The study and propagation of classical learning and art was carried on by the progressive thinkers of the humanists. They held their chief interest not in ecclesiastical knowledge, but in man, his environment and doings and his brave fight for the emancipation of man from the tyranny of the church and religious dogmas.Because in the ancient Greek and Roman mythology were found the ideas of universal love, respect to human beings and approval of man’s power, ability and knowledge. And at the same time worldly enjoyment on the earth was affirmed. In short, man became the center of the world instead of God as upheld in the Middle Ages. The Renaissance Movement is a great revolution carried out in the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century Europe. It broke the chain and bondage of feudal and theological ties and brought human wisdom and capacity into full play.15.Elizabethan literature 伊丽莎白时代的文学literature written in the Elizabethan Age (1558-1603). William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet was a masterpiece of this period.16.sonnet 十四行诗a fixed form consisting of fourteen lines of 5-foot iambic verse. It first flourishedin Italy in the 14th century. William Shakespeare was a great English sonnet writer famous for his 154 sonnets.17.iambic pentameter 五步抑扬格the basic line in English verse, with five feet in a line, usually an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable. It was probably introduced by Geoffrey Chaucer and certainly established by him in The Canterbury Tales.18.meter 格律the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in verse. In English verse a line may have a fixed number of syllables and yet have a varying number of stresses;the commonest meter is iambic. William Shakespeare’s so nnets are written in iambic.19.foot 音步a group of syllables forming a metrical unit. We measure feet in terms of syllablevariation: long and short syllables, stressed and unstressed. The commonest foot in English verse is iamb; the commonest line is five-foot line, called pentameter.William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18” contains fourteen iambic pentameter lines. 20.rhyme scheme 押韵格式the pattern of end-thymes in a stanza or poem, generally described by using letters of the alphabet to denote the recurrence of rhyming lines. For example, heroic couplets are “aabbcc” and so on.21.quatrain 四行诗节a stanza of four lines, rhymed or unrhymed. It is the commonest of all stanzaicforms in English poetry. Robert Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose” has four quatrains.22.image 意象a concrete representation of an object or sensory experience. Typically, such arepresentation helps evoke the feelings associated with the object or experience itself. Many images are conveyed by figurative language. An image may be visual, olfactory, tactile, auditory, gustatory, abstract and kinaesthetic. The rose in Robert Burns’ poem “A Red, Red Rose” is a beautiful image.23.poetic license 诗的破格the liberty allowed to the poet to wrest the language according to his needs in the use of figurative speech, archaism, rhyme, strange syntax, etc. An example is the last sentence of “A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns –“Tho’ it were ten thousand mile!”24.verse drama 诗剧drama written in the form of verse. It was most widely used in the Elizabethan Age. William Shakespeare’s dramas are all verse dramas, Hamlet being the most famous.25.blank verse 无韵诗,素体诗unrhymed iambic pentameter, the most widely used of English verse forms and usually used in English dramatic and epic poetry. William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is written in blank verse.26.Globe Theatre 环球剧场One of the most famous of all theatres, it was built in 1599, with three stories. The roof was thatched, with the centre open to the sky. Many of William Shakespeare’s plays were performed in it. It was destroyed by fire in 1613, rebuilt the next year and finally demolished in 1644. Again it was rebuilt in 1997.27.essay 散文a composition, usually in prose, which may be of only a few hundred words or ofbook length and which discusses, formally or informally, a topic or a variety of topics. It is one of the most flexible and adaptable of all literary forms. Francis Bacon is a great essayist; his “Of Studies” is a model of good essay.28.English Romanticism 英国浪漫主义a literary movement that aimed at free expression of the writer’s ideas and feelingsand flourished in the early 19th century England. A great representative of this movement is Percy Bysshe Shelley, the author of “Ode to the West Wind”.ke poets 湖畔诗人are a group of English poets who all lived in the Lake District of England at the turn o f the nineteenth century. They are considered part of the Romantic Movement. The thr ee main figures of what has become known as the Lakes School are William Wordswo rth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey.30.poet laureate 桂冠诗人A poet honored for his artistic achievement or selected as most representative of his countryor era; in England, a court official appointed by the sovereign, whose original duties included the composition of odes in honor of the sovereign’s birthday and in celebration of state occasions of importance. William Wordsworth became poet laureate in 1843.31. Humanism(人文主义)Broadly, this term suggests any attitude which tends to exalt the human element or stress the importance of human interests, as opposed to the supernatural , divine elements ---or as opposed to the grosser, animal elements.In a more specific sense, humanism suggests a devotion to those studies supposed to promote human culture most effectively----in particular, those dealing with the life,thought, language, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. It proclaimed that man is the most important noble creature in the world; the goal of life is to enjoy oneself in this present world instead of afterlife. According to the humanists ; both man and world are hindered by external checks from infinite improvement. Man could mould the world according to his desires, and attain happiness by removing all external checks by the exercise of reason. In literary history the most important use of the term is to designate the revival of classical culture which accompanied the Renaissance.32. Ode(颂歌) Long, often elaborate formal lyric poem of varying line lengths dealing with a subject matter and treating it reverently. It aims at glorifying an individual, commemorating an event, or describing nature intellectually rather than emotionally. Conventionally, many odes are written or dedicated to a specifie subject. For instance,Ode to the West Wind is about the winds that bring change of season in England. Ode to the Nightingale is about the nightingale that lures the poet temporarily away from his great misery. The earliest English odes include the Epithalamion and the Prothalamion,or marriage hymns by poet Edmund Spenser. 33. Romanticism(浪漫主义)The term refers to the literary and artistic movements of the late 18th and early 19th century. Romanticism rejected the earlier philosophy of the Enlightenment, which stressed that logic and reason were the best response humans had in the face of cruelty, stupidity, superstition, and barbarism. Instead ,theRomantics asserted that reliance upon emotion and natural passions provided a valid and powerful means of knowing and a reliable guide to ethics and living.The Romantic movement typically asserts the unique nature of the individual, the privileged status of imagination and fancy, the value of spontaneity over “artifice” and “convention”, the human need for emotional outlets, the rejection of civilized corruption, and a desire to return to natural primitivism and escape the spiritual destruction of urban life Their writings are often set in rural, or Gothic settings and they show an obsessive concern with “innocent”characters----children, young lovers, and animals. The major Romantic poets included William Blake, William Wordsworth, John Keats , Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Lord Gordon Byron.34. Aestheticism( 美学主义)The basic theory of the Aesthetic movement----“art for art’s sake”----was set forth by a French poet, Theophile Gautier. The first Englishman who wrote about the theory of aestheticism was Walter Pater, the most important critical writer of the late 19th century. The chief representative of the movement in England was Oscar Wilde,with his Picture of Dorian Gray. Aestheticism places art above life, and holds that life should imitate art, not art imitate life. According to the aesthetes, all artistic creation is absolutely subjective as opposed to objective. Art should be free from any influence of egoism. Only when art is for art’s sake,can it be immortal They believed that art should be unconcerned with controversial issues, such as politics and morality, and that it should be restricted to contributing beauty in a highly polished style. This was one of the reactions against the materialism and commercialism of the Victorian industrial era, as well as a reaction against the Victorian convention of art for morality’s sake, or art for money’s sake.35. Stream of Consciousness(意识流)(psychol organized by William James) individual conscious experience regarded as continuously moving forward in time in an uneven flow. In creative writing the interior monologue makes use of this to reveal character and comment on life.(由威廉·詹姆士创立的心理学)个人的内心体验以不平衡的方式不断流动着。


专题 / 景观图式语言
中图分类号 : T U 9 8 6
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pa t t er n l a ngu a ge o f l an ds c ap e d es i gn f r 0 m f i v e s t a ge s o f h i s t o r i c al p er i od B0UL TS’ t h o ug h t s h a s i mp or t a n t ac a de mi c v al u e a n d pr ac t i ca l s i gn i f i c a n c e i n i t s e s s e nc e
al l s t u d i e s Ba s ed on t h e c or e c o nc e p t o f B0UL T S’i de ol og y . t h i s pa pe r an a l y z e s t h e di f f e r e n t ba s i c c on c ep t s. ba s i c de s i gn p r i n c i p l e s a n d de s i gn v oc a bul a r i es of
收 稿 日期 :2 0 1 4 — 1 2 — 1 8 修 回 日期 :2 0 1 5 — 01 — 2 5
基 于风 景 园林设计发展历史 的伊 丽莎 白 ・ 伯顿 图 式 语 言 思 想
On El i z a b e t h BOUL TS’ St u d y o f Pa t t er n L a n g u ag e i n Hi s t or y o f L a n d s c a p e





)《园林设计*造园意匠论》(日)小形研三等著索靖之等译(虽然老了点,但对于设计细节的探讨仍然是最好的.)《总体设计》k林奇〈风景建筑学导论>(an introduction to landscape architecture—-—Michael Laurie)《大众行为与公园设计》(美)拉特利奇著王求是,高峰译(经典的“人看人”在这本书里论述得是最为透彻完善的.)《外部空间设计》芦原义信著尹培桐译园林设计和园林艺术--孙筱祥《人性场所:城市开放空间设计导则》Clare Cooper Marcus; Carolyn Francis 主编俞孔坚、孙鹏、王志芳等译中国建筑工业出版社2001《风景园林设计》王晓俊编评:适用于初学者「现代景观规划设计」著者:刘滨谊,东南大学出版社,1999《风景园林设计要素》美国《西方造园变迁史》针之谷钟吉《中国古典园林史》周维权「图解人类景观」译著者:刘滨谊,(台湾)田园城市出版社〈西方现代景观设计的理论与实践〉王向荣林菁210.00《外国造园艺术》陈志华著,河南科技出版社评:早先曾在台湾出版,中西方园林交流一节尚有些见解,如果讲历史没法和《西方造园变迁史》相比《世界园林发展概论——走向自然的世界园林史图说》张祖刚著评:100个古今中外的实例按照时间顺序穿起来《环境设计史纲》吴家骅编著评:“景观"换成了“环境设计”,买不到《图解人类景观》的人可以看看《造园史纲》童jun 评:最简短的造园史施工手册MC-GrawHill的Timesaver standards for landscape architexture。



高一英语诗人名称单选题40题1.Who is the author of “Ode to a Nightingale”?A.William WordsworthB.Percy Bysshe ShelleyC.John KeatsD.George Gordon Byron答案:C。

约翰·济慈的作品有《 夜莺颂》等。

威廉·华兹华斯的代表作品是 抒情歌谣集》等,他的诗歌多描写自然。

珀西·比希·雪莱的代表作品有《 西风颂》等,其诗歌风格充满激情和理想主义。

乔治·戈登·拜伦的代表作品有《 唐璜》等,他的诗歌充满浪漫主义色彩和冒险精神。

2.Which poet is famous for his pastoral poems?A.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB.Alfred Lord TennysonC.William WordsworthD.Robert Browning答案:C。


塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治的代表作品有《 古舟子咏》等,充满奇幻色彩。

阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生的诗歌风格庄重,代表作品有《 悼念》等。


3.“Don Juan” was written by which poet?A.George Gordon ByronB.Percy Bysshe ShelleyC.John KeatsD.William Blake答案:A。


珀西·比希·雪莱的代表作品有《 西风颂》等。

约翰·济慈的作品有《 夜莺颂》等。

威廉·布莱克的代表作品有 天真与经验之歌》等。

4.Which poet’s works often explore the themes of beauty and mortality?A.Elizabeth Barrett BrowningB.Matthew ArnoldC.John KeatsD.Robert Louis Stevenson答案:C。

lake poets名词解释英国文学

lake poets名词解释英国文学

湖畦派(Lake Poets)是指一群生活在18世纪末、19世纪初英国湖区的诗人,主要包括威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)、塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)和罗伯特·南希(Robert Southey)。


















【作者单位】北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院建筑系北京 100044
1.英汉时空隐喻的图形—背景观——基于“前后”图式、“上下”图式分析 [J], 张斌
2.基于景观图示语言的《富春山居图》生态智慧解析 [J], 王诗丽;王凤珍;史豪祥
3.基于景观图示语言的《富春山居图》生态智慧解析 [J], 王诗丽;王凤珍;史豪祥
4.景观基因图示视角下的江西省瓘山村景观结构解析 [J], 蔡彩红;吴建楠;江俊杰
5.基于景观图示语言的个园分析 [J], 孙玉玉



语言景观的研究内容、研究方法及困境-社会语言学论文-语言学论文——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——1.引言在过去十几年中,语言景观(linguistic landscape)成为社会语言学领域的一个研究热点,在符号学、应用语言学、社会学、心理学等学科也日益引起重视。








2.语言景观的概念、功能及研究内容2.1 语言景观的界定现实环境中用以陈列展示语言文字的物质载体称作语言标牌(linguisticsigns),如路牌、街牌、广告牌、警示牌、店铺招牌等。


Landry Bourhis(1997:25)最先提出并使用语言景观的概念,并将其界定为:出现在公共路牌、广告牌、街名、地名、商铺招牌以及政府楼宇的公共标牌之上的语言共同构成某个属地、地区或城市群的语言景观。










论伯顿.华兹生的中国古诗英译摘要美国当代著名的汉学家、翻译家Burton Watson从上个世纪50年代初至今已经翻译出版了大量的中国古典文学作品,其中包含许多中国古诗。








关键词:伯顿•华兹生;翻译策略;层次;意义;局限性AbstractAmerican contemporary famous Sinologist and translator Burton Watson have translated a large quantity of Chinese ancient poems since 1950s. He has a special style in translation, not following the beaten track. It is of great significance to analyses his translation strategies to improve international influence of Chinese ancient poetry. Here his translation will be analyzed from four strata, that is, phonetic stratum, semantic stratum, visualization stratum and entity stratum. Burton Watson’s translation is very popular among western common readers, because his versions are in remarkably simple language, clear and easy to understand. It proves to be feasible to analyze his translation strategies from the above four strata, namely, phonetic stratum, semantic stratum, visualization stratum and entity stratum. He tends to use literal translation and prefers to obey the rules of the target language; therefore he is outstanding among western translators. However, there are obvious limitations in his translation. The first one is mistakes in explanation of Chinese words. The second one, also the major one, is his blank verse which to great extant, cuts down the original value of art.Key Words: Burton Watson; translation strategies; strata; significance; limitations全英文本科毕业论文伯顿·沃森英译中国典籍之描写研究魏家海【摘要】:中国典籍是中国文化的瑰宝,也是世界文化的财富。

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作者简介:王云才/1967年生/男/陕西人/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院景观学系副系主任、教授、博士生导师/同济大学高密度人居环境与节能教育部重点实验室/研究方向:景观规划设计、生态规划设计(上海200092)崔莹/1983年生/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院景观学系博士生/研究方向:景观生态规划设计(上海200092)1 风景园林设计发展史的研究方法1.1“风景园林”的历史属性及表达“风景园林”和“景观”一词从其起源而言,就成为多个学科共同研究的领域,其中建筑学、艺术、地理学的内涵属性占据主导。


“风中图分类号:TU986文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1530(2015)02-0050-08DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2015.02.0050.08收稿日期:2014-12-18修回日期:2015-01-25基于风景园林设计发展历史的伊丽莎白伯顿图式语言思想On Elizabeth BOULTS’ Study of Pattern Language in History of LandscapeDesign王云才 崔莹WANG Yun-cai CUI Ying摘要:“风景园林”的历史属性是人类适应自然和塑造满足自身需要的空间并改变其内涵的历史过程,对这一过程的研究形成了以现象认知为途径的地理学和景观诗学研究方法、以时间轴线为途径的编年史和断代史研究方法以及以图解(图式)为途径的设计语言研究方法3大领域,其中伊丽莎白伯顿基于风景园林设计历史发展的图式语言思想是图式学研究中的代表。



关键词:景观设计;园林史;伊丽莎白伯顿;图式语言基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目:传统文化景观空间的图式语言及形成机理(51278346)Abstract:The history of landscape architecture is the historical process of human’s adaptation to natural environment, the shaping of space for their needs and the change of space’s connotation. The study of the process has formed three fields and methods, which are: the geography and landscape poetics research method based on cognitive phenomena, the chronicle and periodic history research method based on time axis, and the pattern language research method based on illustration or pattern ways. Elizabeth BOULTS’ thought on pattern language based on the pattern language of landscape design is the most representative among all studies. Based on the core concept of BOULTS’ ideology, this paper analyzes the different basic concepts, basic design principles and design vocabularies of pattern language of landscape design from five stages of historical period. BOULTS’ thoughts has important academic value and practical significance in its essence of landscape design and methods to explore the design ideas of landscape architecture, but its complexity and diversity in the vocabulary of design language for the research subjects from diff erent regions, cultures and time periods are still incomplete and remains to be further developed.Key words: Landscape Design; Landscape History; Elizabeth BOULTS; Pattern LanguageFoundation item: Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China: Pattern Language and its Formation Mechanism of Traditional Cultural Landscape Space (51278346)景园林”的历史性,可以从2个方面进行解读。











其中,德国人文地理学家,景观学说的提出者之一施吕特尔(Andreas Schlüter)重视运用历史地理的方法分析景观历史,先定义“原始景观”[2],然后追溯从原始景观向文化景观转变的一系列过程 [3]。

历史地理学者霍斯金斯(W. Hoskins)《英国景观的形成》(The Making of EnglishLandscape),从英国人定居之前的景观、英国人定居点、中世纪英国的拓殖、 黑死病及以后、都铎王朝至乔治时期、议会圈地与景观、工业革命与景观、运河与铁路、城镇景观、今日景观等角度阐释了英国地理景观形成的全景图式,是英国地方史、景观史、环境史的奠基之作[4]。



1.2.2以时间轴线为途径的编年史和断代史研究方法与 “形象认知学”角度不同,无论是景观客体还是风景园林设计发展过程,都与人类历史发展长河相一致。


英国学者伊恩D怀特 (Ian D. Whyte)《16世纪以来的景观与历史》(Landscape andHistory Since 1500)就是按照时间顺序,通过案例、文献、插图等方法,研究封建时期、启蒙时期、工业革命、帝国主义时期以及现代社会的景观变迁,全过程探究16世纪以来景观与历史之间的关系,大量引用绘画、诗歌、小说和地图,来展现景观认知和描绘的变化。



