Homotopy approach to quantum gravity
可以使用以下哈密顿量来描述一维Ising模型:$$H = -J\\sum_{i=1}^{N}s_is_{i+1}$$其中,J为相邻自旋之间的交换耦合常数,s i为第i个自旋的取向。
常见的一维Heisenberg模型可以使用以下哈密顿量来描述:$$H = \\sum_{i=1}^{N} J\\mathbf{S}_i \\cdot \\mathbf{S}_{i+1}$$其中,$\\mathbf{S}_i$为第i个自旋的自旋算符,J为自旋间的交换耦合常数。
玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚模型可以使用用薛定谔方程来描述:$$i\\hbar\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t}\\Psi(\\mathbf{r},t) = -\\frac{\\hbar^2}{2m}\ abla^2\\Psi(\\mathbf{r},t) +V(\\mathbf{r})\\Psi(\\mathbf{r},t) +g|\\Psi(\\mathbf{r},t)|^2\\Psi(\\mathbf{r},t)$$其中,$\\Psi(\\mathbf{r},t)$是波函数,m是粒子的质量,$V(\\mathbf{r})$是外势场,g是粒子之间的相互作用常数。
这种电池是并不是所有设备的最理想配件,但它们可能在未来大有用处,如智能化包装、RFID 应用以及电子纸产品。
Invariants of 2+1 Quantum Gravity
a r X i v :h e p -t h /9209031v 1 10 S e p 1992DFTT 46/92.August 1992Invariants of 2+1quantum gravityJ.E.Nelson and T.ReggeDipartimento di Fisica Teorica dell’Universit`a di Torino Via Pietro Giuria 1,I-10125,Torino.Abstract.In [1,2]we established and discussed the algebra of observables for 2+1gravity at both the classical and quantum level.Here our treatment broadens and extends previous results to any genus g with a systematic discussion of the centre of the algebra.The reduction of the number of independent observables to 6g −6(g >1)is treated in detail with a precise classification for g =1and g =2.P.A.C.S.04.601.IntroductionIn previous articles [1,2]we analysed the algebra of quantum observables for 2+1gravity on an initial data Riemann surface of genus g .The homotopy group π1(Σ)of the surface is defined by generators t i ,i =1···2g +2and presentation:t 1t 2···t 2g +2=1,t 1t 3···t 2g +1=1,t 2t 4···t 2g +2=1(1.1)The integrated anti-De Sitter connection in the surface defines a represen-tation S :π1(Σ)→SL (2,R ).The n (n −1)/2gauge invariant trace elements αij =αji =1K−1(a jm −a jk a km )(1.3)(a jk,a kl)= 1−1K (a jl a km−a kl a jm)(1.5)is the cosmological constant and h is Planck’s where K=4α−ih3α2constant.The classical limit K→1,a ih→αih of[1.2-5]are the Poisson brackets[,] defined by(A,B)+j−1.2The algebra of observables of2+1classical gravity for an initial data surface Σof genus g can be identified with a particular factor algebra of K(2g+2)as explained in[2].There exists a group D(n)of automorphisms on K(n)and A(n) implemented through exponentiated canonical transformations and induced by the mapping class group[3]as follows.Let a jk=cos(ψjk)2 .The algebra A(n)can be enlarged to B(n)by including non-periodic functions ofψjk,D(n)is then an inner group of automorphisms in B(n).Define:F(ψjk)=exp −iψ2jkElement in A(n)Imagea kl(1+K)a jk a kl−Ka jla km a mja mj(1+K)a jk a mj−Ka km(1.7)a lj a kla lm a lm−(1+K)a kl a km−(K+K2)a jl a jm+(1+K2)a jk a kl a mjThe elements a pq not listed in the table and a jk are invariant under D jk. Givenχ∈D(n)we denote by D(W,χ)the image of W under the mapχ.The action of D(n)on K(n)follows from(1.7)in the classical limit K→1, a ih→αih,i,h=1···n.In Section2we determine for each n a set of p linearly independent central (i.e invariant under(1.7))elements A nm,m=1···p in K(n)where n=2p or n=2p+1.In Section3we analyse the trace identities which follow from the presentation(1.1)of the homotopy groupπ1(Σ)and a set of rank identities with focus on g=1,2.These identities together generate an ideal I(n)⊂K(n). Finally in Section4we discuss the quantum counterpart of I(n)and of the central elements(Casimirs)A nm in B(n).2.The centre of K(n).Consider the n×n classical matrix C(β)with elements:C ij=e iβαij i>j(2.1)C ij=e−iβαij i<jC ii=cos(β)whereβis real and arbitrary.Note thatC(β)=−C(β+π)=C(β)†(2.2)C(−β)=C(β)Tand that C π2 T so that Det C(β)is real,even inβand Det C(β+π)= (−1)n Det C(β).C(0)has at most rank4(See Section3).The Fourier expansion of Det C(β)isDet C(β)=21−n cos(nβ)+pm=1cos((n−2m)β)A nm(2.3)where p=n2.LetΩ(γ)be the n×n matrix defined recursively byΩ η,γ = Ω(η),γ − Ω(γ),η +Ω(η)Ω(γ)−Ω(γ)Ω(η)(2.4) whereη,γ∈K(n)and by the initial conditionsΩ(αi,i+1)km=0k=i,i+1or m=i,i+1Ω(αi,i+1)ii=αi,i+1Ω(αi,i+1)i+1,i+1=−αi,i+1Ω(αi,i+1)i,i+1=−1Ω(αi,i+1)i+1,1=1(2.5)Letγ∈K(n)and[C(β),γ]the n×n matrix of elements[C(β)km,γ]then it can be verified that[C(β),αi,i+1]=Ω(αi,i+1)C(β)+C(β)Ω(αi,i+1)T(2.6) and by recursion that[C(β),γ]=Ω(γ)C(β)+C(β)Ω(γ)T(2.7) From the identity[Det M,γ]=Det M Tr(M−1 M,γ )(2.8) and(2.6)it follows that[Det C(β),αi,i+1]=Det C(β)Tr(Ω(αi,i+1)+Ω(αi,i+1)T)=0(2.9) But since theαi,i+1generate K(n)through their Poisson brackets we obtain the general result Det C(β),γ =0and therefore from(2.3) A nm,γ =0.Similarly let Y(λ)be the n×n matrix defined recursively byY(ηλ)=Y(η)Y(D(λ,η)),λ,η∈D(n)and Y(D i,i+1)km=0if k=m and(k=i,i+1or m=i,i+1)Y(D i,i+1)ii=2αi,i+1,Y(D i,i+1)i+1,i+1=0Y(D i,i+1)i,i+1=1,Y(D i,i+1)i+1,i=−1Y(D i,i+1)kk=1if k=i,i+1thenD(C(β),D i,i+1)=Y(D i,i+1)T C(β)Y(D i,i+1)(2.10)D(C(β),λ)=Y(λ)T C(β)Y(λ)(2.11)Since Det Y(λ)=1,from(2.10-11)it follows that Det C(β)is invariant under the action of D(n).For n=3there is only one central element:3A31=(1−α212−α213−α214−α223−α224−α234)+2α12α23α31+α12α24α41+α13α34α41+α23α34α42−2α12α23α34α411A42=A41−2 .For g=2,n=6this isΠ2=α16α25α34−α15α26α34−α16α24α35+α14α26α35+α15α24α36−α14α25α36+α16α23α45−α13α26α45+α12α36α45−α15α23α46(2.14)+α13α25α46−α12α35α46+α14α23α56−α13α24α56+α12α34α56 whereas the remaining2Casimirs follow from(2.3).3.The ideal I(n).3.1.Arbitrary genus.Let d ik=t i t i+1···t k−1represent the diagonal(seefigure)from P k to P i with.d ii=1,d j,j+1=t j,d ik d km=d im,d ki=d−1ikLet q be afixed but otherwise arbitrary point and write1αik=(Tr(u)Tr(v)−Tr(u v))(3.2)2which reduces to1∂k Det M(β)∂βk β=0=0,0≤k≤q(3.5) and in particularDet(C(0))=2−2g−1+g+1m=1A2g+2,m=0(3.6)for g>1.(3.5)reduces the number of linearly independent Casimirs A2g+2,m from g+1to2.Lowering the rank of an n×n symmetric matrix to n−k implies k(k+1)2−(n−4)(n−3)2,A42=34with A31given by(2.8).3.3g= 2.The relators t1t3t5=1,t2t4t6=1can be rewritten asd−112d13d−114d15d−116=1d12d−113d14d−115d16=1or asd−112d13d−114=d16d−115d12d−113d14=d−116d15(3.7)Tracing both of(3.7)and taking the difference and using now(3.3)with u=1,v=d12,x=d13,y=d14we see that there is a linear homogenous relation in u,v,x,y and that the Gram determinant of these4vectors vanishes. This is precisely the minor of C(0)restricted toαkm,k,m=1···4.By applying D(n)to this minor wefind that any diagonal minor of C(0)of dimension4must vanish.Therefore also all off-diagonal minors of C(0)of dimension4vanish and the rank of C(0)reduces to3.The lowering of the rank increases the number of rank identities to6and reduces the number of independent traces to9.The sum of the traces in(3.7)together with(3.4)lead to the remaining3 conditions which all follow fromΠ1−α56=α12α34+α14α23−α13α24−α56=0(3.8)and its images under D(n).The ideal I(6)is then generated by3trace identities(3.8)and the6rank identities reducing the number of independent traces from15to6.Besides(3.8) the ideal includes all its images by the action of D(6).By using I(6)we can expressαil forfixed l,i=1···6as polynomials in theαkm,k=1,m=1and show thatΠ2=1.We conjecture thatΠg=1mod I(2g+2).Further,all the tracesαkm can be expressed as polynomials or algebraic functions involving square roots,in terms of the single traceαj5for somefixed j and the restricted setαkm,k,m=1···4.However this restricted set satisfies the condition that the minor of C(0)restricted to k,m=1···4vanishes.Therefore the number of independent traces is precisely6.4.The quantum algebra.There are quantum Casimirs(ordered as in Section1)Q nm,T g which have A nm andΠg as classical limit but we have not been able to derive a generatingfunction for Q nm similar to Det C(β).By direct check we found the following quantum CasimirsQ31=3Ka12a13a23Q41=1K a12a13a23+a23a24a34+K−2a12a14a24+K−2a13a14a34 −(1+K)2References1.Nelson J.E.,Regge T.:C.M.P.141,211(1991).2.Nelson J.E.,Regge T.:Phys.Lett.B272,213(1991).3.Birman J.S.:Braids,links,and the mapping class group.Ann.Math.Stud.Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press1975.4.Nelson J.E.,Regge T.,in preparation.5.Nelson J.E.,Regge T.,Zertuche F.:Nucl.Phys.B339,516(1990):ZertucheF.,Ph.D.Thesis,SISSA(1990),unpublished.。
二、技术特点1. 高效能:超低温螺旋型磁约束粒子托特马克超回旋设备采用辅助磁场,能够在极低温度条件下实现对等离子体的高效磁约束,实现更高效的能量输出。
2. 稳定性:该设备利用螺旋线圈产生的磁场,使得等离子体能够在超低温条件下保持稳定的运行状态,提高了聚变反应的稳定性。
3. 节能环保:相对于常规托特马克设备,超低温螺旋型磁约束粒子托特马克超回旋设备能够在更低的温度条件下运行,减少了能耗,减轻了对环境的影响。
普朗克量子假说的基本内容一、普朗克与量子假说的提出马克斯·普朗克(Max Planck)是二十世纪初最杰出的物理学家之一。
斯特恩-盖拉赫量子叠加态-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述斯特恩-盖拉赫量子叠加态是量子力学中一个备受关注的概念,其由德国物理学家奥托·斯特恩和沃尔夫冈·保罗·盖拉赫于20世纪初提出。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容应该包括描述整篇文章的章节组成和每个章节的主要内容,以便读者能了解整篇文章的框架和主题内容。
一般情况下,文章结构部分应该包括以下内容:1. 引言部分,介绍文章的主题和目的,引导读者进入文章主题。
2. 正文部分,按照逻辑顺序展开主题,介绍相关概念、实验和影响。
3. 结论部分,总结文章的主要内容,提出未来研究方向和结论。
1.3 目的本文的主要目的是探讨斯特恩-盖拉赫量子叠加态在量子力学中的重要性和影响。
mvr = nh/2π
绕z 轴旋 转 :
、c 上 0 , 厶 \O , o /
( r ) = 了 1 m 2 『 V o f L一 r 。 ¨= 1 h f V o f / - 一 r o ) 1 ,
收 稿 日期 : 2 0 1 4—1 2— 0 5 ;修 回 日期 : 2 0 1 5—0 2—1 3
基金项 目: 国家 自然 科 学 基 金 ( 9 1 4 3 0 1 0 9 ) , 高 等学 校 博 士 学 科 点 专 项 科 研 基 金 ( 2 0 1 1 1 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 )及 山西 省 自然 科 学 基 金 ( 2 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 5
环 形 势 阱 中旋 转 玻 色 爱 因 斯 坦 凝 聚 体 的 基 态
刘 燕 , 张 素英
( 山西 大 学 理论 物 理 研 究 所 ,山 西 太 原 0 3 0 0 0 6 )
摘 要 : 应 用 托 马斯 一费米 近似 和虚 时演 化 数 值 方 法 研 究 环 形 势 阱 中 旋 转 玻 色 爱 因 斯 坦 凝 聚 体 的基 态 密 度 分 布 . 当增 加 其 旋 转 角 频 率 , 或 者 增 加 环 形 势 阱 的宽 度 及 相 应 的 中 心 高 度 , 凝 聚 体 基 态 密 度 分 布 均 从 涡 旋 晶 格 相 转 变 为 巨涡 旋 相 . 当旋 转 角 频 率 为 零 时 , 增 加环 形 势 阱 的 宽度 及 相 应 的 中心 高度 , 凝 聚 体 基 态 密 度 分 布 从 一 个 圆 盘 变 为 圆 环. 解 析 结 果 与 数值 结果 相互 吻合 . 关键词 : 托 马 斯 一费米 近 似 ;中心 洞 ;巨涡 旋
哈及伦-赫伯特方程(Hilbert-Einstein equation),又称为亨德森-哈塞尔巴尔赫方程,是一个描述宇宙结构形成的物理方程。
它是20世纪物理学诺贝尔奖获得者阿尔伯特·亨德森(Albert Einstein)与荷瑟里安.哈及伦(Herbert Hilbert)的结合结果。
1.《对玻恩及其学派的系列研究》连载(14)——哪位物理学家首先提出了可观察性原则? [J], 厚宇德
2.推动暗物质探索的九位科学大家——艾萨克·牛顿提出万有引力定律和三大运动定律 [J], ;
3.美物理学家找到测量万有引力常数新方法 [J],
4.万有引力实验新方法 [J],
5.美物理学家测定万有引力常数的最新值 [J],
在这门学科中,学习者需要掌握一些基础的英语词汇和表达方式,例如“wave-particle duality”(波粒二象性)、“superposition”(叠加原理)、“entanglement”(纠缠)等等。
除了基础的词汇,学习者还需要掌握一些相关实验和理论的英语名词和概念,例如“Schrdinger equation”(薛定谔方程)、“Heisenberg uncertainty principle”(海森堡不确定性原理)、“quantum tunneling”(量子隧穿)等等。
- 1 -。
【摘要】目前,宇宙论已发展到探讨引力场的量子引力阶段.本文以各向同性均匀宇宙为基础模型,讨论成为弯曲源的标量场,文中对场的传播函数推出局部渐近的展开,Dp_((?))为实粒子的传播函数,局部项精确到粒子诞生效应.整个传播函数局部近似为 D_p_(loc),表示场源分化为极化部分与自洽引力场相互作用的实粒子贡献.我们认为弯曲宇宙中存在着各样的量子效应.
1.宇宙相对论时空映射及引力与量子力学的研究 [J], 武圆
2.弯曲时空共形(Weyl)规范理论及引力荷、惯性因子和宇宙常数 [J],
3.诱生引力理论中的量子虫洞与宇宙量子场论 [J], 沈有根
4.研究人员最终测量到第四种基本力的微弱量子效应万有引力跃入量子世界 [J], 席鹏
5.量子引力理论与量子宇宙学 [J], 朱宗宏
贝特与兰姆位移摘要:贝特是20世纪天才的理论物理学家,他在众多领域作出了重要贡献,本文通过他在解决兰姆位移这一问题时所用的“重正化”方法,充分展现了贝特在物理学研究中惯常所用的点睛之笔.关键词:贝特兰姆位移重正化量子电动力学Bethe and Lamb ShiftAbstract:Bethe was topping theoretical pyhsicst in 20th century.He has made splendid contribution in many scientific areas.In the paper,Bethe's research technique was fully shown through the reforming methodto solve Lamb Shift.Keywards:Bethe,Lamb Shift,Renormalization,Quantum electrodynamics德国出生的美籍物理学家汉斯·贝特(H.Bethe)是20世纪天才的理论物理学家,他在粒子物理学、原子核物理学、天体物理学和量子理论等众多领域作出了一流的贡献.特别是他在解决兰姆位移(Lamb Shift)这一问题时所用的“重正化”方法,充分突出了贝特工作的一大特色,这一方法对量子电动力学费曼形式的建立产生了直接的推动作用.1.氢光谱研究的历史氢光谱作为最典型、最简单的一种原子光谱,它的研究历时100多年之久.1885年巴耳末发现14根氢谱线的波长可以用一简单的公式表示,这就是巴耳未公式.但随后不久,1887年迈克耳孙(A.Michelson)和莫雷(Moley)发现这一谱系的第一条谱线Hα线有精细结构,当时由于谱线本底太强,无法分辨结构的细节,只能认为是由双线组成.后人根据谱线强度的包络线作出种种猜测,例如,有人认为是里面包含有五条强度不等的细线.1913年,玻尔提出定态跃迁原子模型,成功地推出了巴耳未公式,然而仍不能解释精细结构.1916年索末菲对玻尔理论作了相对论修正,计算出了双线的理论值,与实验所得基本吻合.1926年,海森伯等人用量子力学计算能级,与索未菲稍有出入.1928年狄拉克用相对论量子力学,考虑到自旋-轨道耦合,提出狄拉克方程,可以描述氢原子的能级.据此得出氢谱Hα的精细结构.只是由于与Hα有关的能级中22S1/2和22P1/2,32S1/2和32P1/2,32P3/2和32D3/2能级分别相等,所以实际上Hα只有五个成分.为了检验狄拉克理论的预计,人们对氢谱结构作了大量光谱学实验,均未有定论.其中只有加州理工学院的豪斯顿(W.V.Houston)和谢玉铭的氢谱实验取得了明确的结论,他们的实验结果表明,氢谱的双线间隔比狄拉克理论预计的大约窄了3%,超出了实验误差,并且指出,可能是狄拉克未考虑电子与辐射场的相互作用所致.据此,帕斯特奈克(S.Pastemack)提出,只要假设子能级22S1/2比22P1/2高0.033 cm-1,就可以使这一分歧解除.2.兰姆位移1947年6月2日至4日在长岛顶端的谢尔特岛拉姆斯赫德酒店举行.会议的正式主题是“量子力学和电子问题”,而在科学史上被称为“谢尔特岛(Shelter Island)会议”.与会者有24人,都是美国一流的物理学家,其中有加利福利亚大学的奥本海默(Oppenheimer)、康奈尔大学的贝特、贝特的同事年轻物理学家费曼(Feymman)和哈佛大学的施温格尔(Schwinger)等人.在谢尔特岛会议上的讨论热点乃是几周前,由哥伦比亚大学的兰姆(W.E.Lamb)及其同事拉瑟福德(R.C.Retherford)在实验中发现的.他们所用的微波束探测技术,是从兰姆在二战时用于雷达的一项技术直接发展起来的,后来他们用微波束来测量氢原子中的电子的能级,实际上,他们测量了各个能级之间的能量差.按照狄拉克的理论,氢原子的一个电子可以有能量完全相同的两种量子态,类似于在同一个梯级上有一个双重的台阶.但兰姆发现,两者中有一个量子态的能量比狄拉克理论的预言值略高一些,因此在这两个能级间有个微小的能级分裂.有一个能级轻微地移位了,好比梯级中这对本应一般高的台阶却有一个比另一个稍微高了一点,后来称这个现象为“兰姆位移(Lamb Shift)”.1945年夏季,兰姆从文献中得知曾有人试图检测气体放电中氢原子的短波射频吸收,却由于微波技术欠佳而未获成功.现在,微波技术发展了,应该能够做出判决性的结果,于是他就说服了他的学生雷瑟福和他一起做这件事情.然而,开始的实验都不成功,气体放电中氢原子的短波射频吸收受到强烈的干扰.兰姆分析,必需创造一种条件,以便利用氢原子中可能具有的亚稳性的22S1/2态来做实验,当氢原子发生射频辐射而跃迁到22P1/2态时,亚稳性将会消失,大约在10-9秒内发出辐射而回到基态,就可以使亚稳态原子减少.兰姆和雷瑟福经过几次失败后,终于建立了成功的实验装置(如右图),氢气输入2500 K高温的加热炉中约有64%的氢分子离解,形成氢原子束,在输出的途中被加速到10.2 eV的横向电子束激发到n=2的各个状态.而处于22P1/2,22P3/2态的氢原子在很短的时间内就会自发地跃迁到基态12S1/2,22S1/2处于态的氢原子受选择定则的限制不能作这样的跃迁,因而形成亚稳态.当亚稳态和基态氢原子打到钨接收板时,因为钨的逸出功小于10.2eV,亚稳态氢原子有足够的能量使之电离,而基态氢原子则不能.另有一集电极A对P保持3V~4V电压,从P逸出的电子被集电极收集形成集电极电流,送往静电计测量.从电子轰击器发出的氢原子束还要经过一个射频区域,这是磁共振方法的基本部件,由电磁铁和微波系统组成.电磁铁提供0.3T以上的连续可调的恒定磁场,其作用是使氢原子产生塞曼能级分裂.微波系统可使氢原子产生2S和2P态的塞曼能级之间的共振跃迁.不同的磁场强度相应于不同的共振频率,这样就可以通过调整磁场强度,选择共振频率,微波的频率则是固定的.共振时,2S亚稳态氢原子由于跃迁到2P态而减少.兰姆和雷瑟福的实验结果确切地证明了根据狄拉克理论计算的共振频率与实际测量的共振频率相差为l000 MHZ,正好等于预期的位移值0.033 cm-1.进一步改进设备和测量方法后,兰姆和雷瑟福得到的谱线移动为1057.77±0.10 MHz.从某种意义上讲,兰姆移位的发现暗示了狄拉克理论不够完善.但是物理学家们已经知道这一点了,这是从他们试图计算电子在电磁场中的自相互作用时,无穷大进入量子电动力学(QED)的方式而获悉的.如果源于自相互作用的无穷大项是真实的话,那么,不管它的意义可能是什么,它会对应一个无穷大的“兰姆移位”.因此,在另一种意义上讲,兰姆的工作表明狄拉克的理论毕竟还不太糟糕,因为与实验不符的,远不是无穷大,而是一个对应于非常小的能级移位的很小的数.如果兰姆发现的移位是零,那就意味着狄拉克完全正确,这就会让我们面对的都是已知的东西,从那种意义上来讲就是一个坏消息.可是兰姆移位告诉在谢尔特岛的物理学家,他们必须要努力去找的不是零或者无穷大,而只是一个很小的有限的而且现在已经准确知道了的一个量.他们认为,他们应该能处理这个量,能把真正的数目放在面前的桌子上.3.贝特的重正化方法既然狄拉克理论有不足之处,那么量子理论是否能预言能级改变的正确数量呢?当时,贝特有个暑期工作,在纽约州的斯克内克塔迪的通用电器公司的研究实验室当顾问.在谢尔特岛会议散会后,当他还在从纽约到斯克内克塔迪的火车上时,氢原子中电子能量的兰姆移位的第一次“重正化”计算.虽然不是很好但很有启发性.贝特有在火车上工作的习惯,他于1938年在华盛顿特区参加的会议后返回康奈尔的火车上,解决了原子核裂变反应如何使太阳保持灼热的问题的工作荣获了诺贝尔奖.现在,他找到了一种技巧,能摆脱量子电动力学中的无穷大,只剩下一个对应于兰姆移位的小而有限的相互作用量.这里隐伏着一个困难,因为在解决这个问题的第一个回合中,他没有考虑相对论效应,只对移位做了非相对论的计算,但这仍是向正确方向迈进了一大步.所谓“重正化”计算,就是把理论上能够通过重新定义电子的电荷e0、质量m0和场量ψ这些发散量吸收过去.例如可以重新定义电子质量(称为重正化质量)m e=m0+δm,此处δm是各级修正中的发散量.然后把m e 解释为实验观测的电子质量.至于m0,它是不可观测的,因为它代表中磁场不存在时的电子质量,而不和电磁场相互作用的电子是根本不存在的.经过重正化的处理后,各阶修正的结果都不再包含发散,计算的各阶辐射修正可和实验进行比较;这一方法给出了兰姆移位的正确答案.实际上,贝特所做的就是计算氢原子中电子的能量,结果是通常的无穷大加上一个因附近的原子核(在此例中就是单个质子)之存在而引起的一个修正值.然后,他从中减去一个自由电子的能量,即无穷大量,而只剩下能量移位所要求的那个修正值.这种称为“重正化”的方法,最初源自荷兰物理学家克拉默斯(Hendri Krame),谢尔特岛会议的另一名参加者)在解决量子理论中另一个无穷大问题时的工作,不过无济于事.无穷大是个滑稽的东西,无穷大加一个小量仍是无穷大,而且在某种程度上你可能会认为贝特所做的两数相减无穷大加一小量再减去无穷大应该得零.另一方面,你可以设想通过把所有现有的整数相加来“制造”无穷大,再将每个整数加倍后再相加制造另一个无穷大.奇怪的是,第二个无穷大居然比第一个小,因为它只包含了偶数,而第一个无穷大既包含了所有偶数也包含了所有奇数.如果你从第一个无穷大中减去第二个无穷大,这时你得到的又是一个无穷大,即只剩下所有奇数之和.实际上数学家可以通过无穷大与无穷大相减而得出几乎是你想要的任何结果.事实上,正如贝特所发现的,确实可以用这种方法让量子方程中的无穷大相互抵消掉,从而给出兰姆移位的正确答案.这一点,在一些人眼中是奇迹,在另一些人眼中是诡计,而在多数物理学家看来,这是贝特对这个世界运作方式的一个基本发现,尽管他们并不太清楚这个发现究竟是什么.这一发现突出了贝特工作的一大特色,他抓住一种合适的理论,把它给出的某一个数与实验相联系,并用其中的细微之差攻其要害,直到要么它崩溃,要么迫使它与实验一致.“重正化”方法是贝特在物理学研究方面惯常所用的点睛之笔.4.量子电动力学的费曼形式当贝特做的事一传开,许多物理学家就试图寻找一种方法,去发展所需方程的相对论形式.费曼最初是在贝特从斯克内克塔迪打来的一个很兴奋的电话中听到这一消息的,但他并未马上理解到它的重要性,只是在贝特返回康奈尔大学就此发现做了一个正式的报告,并在报告的结尾处指出了相对论性不变形式对于计算的必要性之后,费曼才完全醒悟.报告一结束,费曼就找到贝特说:“我可以为你做到这一点,明天我给你讲我的方法.”1947年夏秋几个月,费曼一直是钻研如何计算自能和所有那些被忽视的问题,然后再来解决兰姆移位的问题.终于有一天在计算结果中发现无穷大消失了,方程是收敛的,而用的就是正确的“重正化”方法.1948年4月召开科学史上第二次重要会议—“波科诺(Pocono)会议”.在这次会议上,费曼公布了他已做完了他荣获诺贝尔奖的那项工作的全部事情,其中包括把正电子看做在时间上往回走的电子的最新讨论.费曼用他自己的新的量子力学,能解决贝特用重正化方法所能解决的每一个问题,而且都得到相同的答案.费曼还能解决用旧的量子力学无法处理的许多问题.费曼是以形象化的方式来思考,对习惯于用哈密顿方法和薛定谔方程来思考问题的普通物理学家要想抓住费曼的思路是实为困难的.他那形象化的方式使他对世界如何运作有一个鲜明的物理绘景,这种绘景给予他新的见解,从而用很少方程就能解决复杂的问题.波科诺会议后,费曼真正开始用一系列明晰而又深刻的论文发表了他的工作.按量子电动力学的计算,氢原子n=2时,兰姆位移的理论值为1057.56±0.10 MHz(实验值为:1057.77±0.10 MHz),两者相符甚好.因此兰姆移位实验与电子回旋比和μ子反常磁矩实验一起构成了量子电动力学的三大实验支柱.参考书目:[1].Mehra J.The beat of a different drum:the life and science of Richard Feynman.Oxford:Oxford University Press.1994.[2].约翰·格里宾玛丽·格里宾著江向东译《迷人的科学风采——费曼传》.上海:上海科技教育出版社.1999.114~119.(Gribbin J & Gribbin M.Richard Feynman:A Life in Science.Arts & Licensing International,Inc.,USA.Copyright © 1996.)[3].郭奕玲沈慧君著.诺贝尔物理学奖.北京:高等教育出版社.海德堡:施普林格出版社.1999.245~247.302~305.[4].钱临照许良英主编.世界著名科学家传记(物理卷Ⅳ)北京:科学出版社.1995.33~42.。
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a rXiv:g r-qc/6886v 118Aug26Homotopy approach to quantum gravity David Ritz Finkelstein ∗February 7,2008Abstract I construct a finite-dimensional quantum theory from general relativity by a homotopy method.Its quantum history is made up of at least two levels of fermionic elements.Its unitary group has the diffeomorphism group as singular limit.Its gravitational metrical form is the algebraic square.Its spinors are multivectors.1Strategy I report here on progress in the search for a physical theory that covers both general relativity and quantum theory.Segal 1951made a key con-tribution when he pointed out that both theories made a basic classical Lie algebra simple or at least simpler by a homotopy that introduced a small non-commutativity,with homotopy parameters having as their final values the physical constants h and c .He proposed to carry this to its logical limit,a homotopy to a simple Lie algebra,requiring additional parameters.Classical physics flattens this simple Lie algebra.The strategy of full quantization isto “flex”it back to its natural simple form.Canonical quantization in a nut-shell is a homotopy that “replaces Poisson Brackets by commutators”.Full quantization similarly compressed is a homotopy that “replaces commutator Lie algebras by simple Lie algebras”.Einstein and Heisenberg effected three homotopies,with parameters c ,G ,and .Full quantization extends all three homotopies to one that leads to a simple Lie algebra.One may explain the drift toward a simple Lie algebra,and thus both relativization and quantization,in Darwinian terms.Within the class of Liegroups,the simple Lie groups are stable against small changes in the struc-ture tensor,and the Lie groups of classical mechanics and canonical quantum mechanics are compound(not semi-simple)and are not stable.In the popula-tion of competing theories,stable ones probably survive longer and have more offspring than unstable ones.Flexing stabilizes,and so promotes survival.Each epoch defines its own stability construct.For example,Segal stabi-lized Lie algebras against variations in the Lie product but not in the Jacobi identity or co-commutativity.I follow the same strategy because it has not yet been fully executed for any physical theory.When we smash a regular algebraflat,it becomes singular and unstable. One can make itfinite by chopping it into bits of our choosing—discrete elements—and discarding all but afinite number,but this removes it even further from nature.Simple algebras havefinite-dimensional representations giving all dynamical variables discrete bounded spectra.Such a quantum theory decides its ownfinite quantum elements.In some cases,oneflexing can quantize the theory,relativize it,stabilize it,and regularize it.It does not preserve the symmetry group of theflattened structure identically like renormalization,nor break it completely like lattice regularization,butflexes it,and so slightly that it continues tofit past experiments.1.1FlexingLetΛbe the manifold of Lie algebra structure tensors on afixed vector space V.Let C n={p kcontaining allegedly absolute constructs.Therefore every physical theory has limited validity,by the nature of the enterprise.The goal of physics is therefore not afinal theory but the next step in an on-going Darwinian process of theory-selection.The universe will probably always surprise us.The search for some theoretical framework for this process sent me back to the classic work of Inonu and Wigner1952on group contraction,which now sent me to the work of Segal1951on the inverse process to group contraction, here calledflexing.In his sole illustration,Segalflexed the Heisenberg commu-tation relations for one coordinate variable q and momentum p to orthogonal group relations(qp−pq=i,iq−qi=0,pi−ip=0)=(qp−pq=r,rq−qr=αp,pr−rp=βq),(1)limα,β→0,r→1adjoining and thawing a variable r frozen in the singular limit.Segal’s proposal influenced the study of contraction and the Galilean limit by In¨o n¨u and Wigner1952,and the Gerstenhaber1964cohomological theory of Lie algebra stability.These in turn had many effects,many of themfirst brought out for me at this meeting(Oberwohlfach2006).Vilela Mendes1994first applied the stabilization strategy to a relativistic physical theory.He stabilized the Poincar´e algebra and the Heisenberg algebra of Minkowski space,using a fundamental length that could well be the one that Heisenberg prophesied a half-century earlier.His quantum space is a matrix geometry in the sense of Dubois-Violette et al1989except for the theory of connections and gravity.It is more matricial than the Matrix Model of Banks1977in that its time variable too is a matrix,and it goes beyond the deformation quantization of Flato1982in that its end Lie algebra is simple.Vilela space combines and unifies not only the homotopies of Einstein and Heisenberg,but also those of de Sitter,Snyder,and others who navigated without the stability compass and so never reached simplicity.It has the simple group SO(6;σ)of a quadratic space with somewhat unspecified signatureσ.To apply the stabilization strategy to statistics I define:Definition2A paleo-bosonic statistics is one defined by a simple Lie alge-bra having the bosonic Lie algebra as singular limit.Then the Vilela quantum space is an aggregate of paleo-bosonic sub-events that have a real six-dimensional ket space of non-Euclidean signature(§2.9). Its event coordinate operators x, p, ırepresent elements of d SO(6;σ).The dimension of the representation is unspecified but is presumably allowed to be large,since Vilela1994uses an infinite-dimensional representation for a singular limit.3The dynamics of linear systems like the harmonic oscillator is expressible by a Lie algebra and is thereforeflexible.Shiri-Garakani and Finkelstein2005 constructed a stable dynamics for such a system byflexing the usual unstable one.Theyfind that different time-eigenvalues define subspaces of different di-mensionalities,so there is no one-parameter unitary group of time translations, except in the singular limit of classical space-time.Near the beginning and end of a system time t,when|t|∼±l X,the multiplicities of the eigenvalues of|t|vary linearly in|t|−max t|and unitarity is a bad approximation.This makes room for a quantum version of the black hole.In the middle times, |t|≪max t|,unitarity is a reasonable approximation.Baugh2004flexed the Poincar¨e group to an A group,independently of the work of Vilela Mendes with a D group.The quantum event of Baugh space is an aggregate of paleo-bosonic sub-events with a six-dimensional complex ket space.For possible future needs I generalize Baugh space from dimension6to an extended event space of any dimensionalityνand signatureσ.The event coordinate operators x, p, ıthen represent elements of d SU(ν;σ).1.3OutlineIn§2I extend full quantization to the history Lie algebra,as required for gen-eral relativity,formulating a strategy of general quantization.In§3I generally quantize the Einstein space,algebra,and group.In§4I generally quantize the Einstein kinematics and discuss the spin-statistics correlation.In§5I describe a general quantum gravity.I stop in the middle of the work.It remains to reconstruct classical gen-eral relativity as singular limit of this quantum theory,verifying the heuristic arguments used to construct the theory,and to work out the experimental consequences that differ from the classical theory.The main indication that the theory worked would be getting some of the particle spectrum and forces right.The immediate problem is to get any particles and forces at all,for they live one or two levels above the level of events.2General quantization2.1ForegroundHeisenberg,emulating Einstein,set out to work solely with observables,and ultimately his quantum theory encodes operations of observation in single-time operators Q(0).But Heisenberg’s dynamical equations dQ(t)/dt=[H(t),Q(t)] do not relate these alleged observables,they relate observable-valued functions4of time Q(t),histories.A history of an observable is not an observable in the Heisenberg sense.When he works with admittedly non-observable entities Heisenberg does not yet strictly conform to his own operational principle.In a regular theory we can come closer to operationality with the following strategy: Attach observables to histories,not instants.To formulate quantum dynamics in classical space-time in a covariant way, Dirac,Schwinger,and Feynman already replaced probability amplitudes for the instantaneous system by probability amplitudes for system histories.I do the same for quantum dynamics in a quantum space of events.Continuum theories of history have been singular in the extreme,with operations like “integrating over all histories”that were programmatic rather than defined mathematical processes.Flexing,however,makes the quantum history more docile than a quantum crystal.In the fully quantum theory,sums over all histories are merely traces offinite-dimensional matrices,while for crystals today the analogous matrices are infinite-dimensional and almost all the traces diverge.To form a general quantum theory I construct a classical history Lie alge-bra(§2.2),flex it(§2.3),and represent it in a Fermi algebra(§2.10).These steps have singular correspondents in canonical quantization,which is an ini-tial stage of general quantization that does not yet require us to append frozen variables.Instead of a Fermi algebra representation,the Heisenberg Lie algebra uses the infinite-dimensional representation R fixed by Planck’s constant.Its unitaryflex has instead an infinite number offinite-dimensional non-faithful ir-reducible representations R Jfixed by weights.The Clifford and Fermi algebras that arise in general quantization define their own unique faithful irreducible representations up to isomorphism.2.2Unified historyTo start with the easiest fully quantum relativistic dynamics,Finkelstein2005flexed a real scalar mesonfield.The point of this example was to quantize the history Lie algebra as a unit,not thefield variables and the space-time variables separately.I recapitulate some necessary concepts:Definition3A q/c system is one with quantum variables and classical com-muting time and possibly space coordinates,as in canonical quantum theory; c/c and q/q systems are similarly defined.A c/c history space is the space of all possible state functions(q(t),p(t)).A c/c history algebra is the algebra of all scalar functions of the history.A c/c history Lie algebra is the trivial commutator algebra of the history algebra,which is commutative.5In the q/c case,replace real-valued functions q(t),p(t)by operator-valued functions in the above definitions.In the q/q case,the history space is a quantum space defined by its coordi-nate algebra,aflex of a q/c or c/c one.A history ket defines a fully quantum dynamics by assigning a probability amplitude to any other history ket.Toflex classical general relativity I retrace Einstein’s path to gravity at the full quantum level of resolution,one or two levels beneath classical space-time, starting from the equivalence principle andflexing as I go.Invariance under the Einstein group,the principle of general covariance, incorporates the equivalence principle and led Einstein to describe gravity with the chronometric quadratic form gµν.The Einstein group is defined by singular relations like[∂µ,xν]=δνµ,so it is an unstable compound group,ripe forflexing.Unlike canonical quantization,flexing is not intended to preserve general covariance and the classical Einstein group exactly.General covariance is clas-sical and unstable.Flexing replaces it with a stable quantum correspondent, general quantum covariance.2.3Unified algebraQuantum theory has one product while general relativity has many.Part of the solution is inspired by conversations with Aage Petersen1970: Quantization merges products.This already happens in canonical quantization,which merged(1)the commu-tative algebraic product of functions on phase space and(2)the non-associative Poisson bracket product of the same functions.Heisenberg recovered both from the non-commutative product of quantum mechanics as leading terms in an power series.General quantization merges(1)the commutative inner product v·w and (2)the anti-commutative Lie product[v,w]Lie,two products of space-time vec-torfields.These derive from two associative products on the vectorfields:the differential-operator product and the Clifford product.I merge them into one Fermi algebra of general quantum gravity,which is also the operator algebra of the quantum system,and a Clifford algebra.The history ket space of the system is then a multivector space for this Fermi algebra,and a spinor space for this Clifford algebra.A further plurality of products in the theory arises from the plurality of levels.62.4No-field theoryHilbert varied gravitationalfield variables gµν(x)without varying coordinates x=(xκ).In the resulting Poisson Bracket Lie algebra,gµνcommutes with xκ.There are no such coordinates in real life.The lattice of rods and clocks imagined by Einstein provides such coordinates at low resolution but would obliterate the system at high resolution.Our actual physical coordinates xµare all based on weak signals,usually electromagnetic,that carry us information about the intervening gravitationalfield as well as the remote event,as in thefirst astronomical observations of the solar deflection of star images.Such coordinates are more relative than general relativity,relative to thefield as well as to the frame of reference.Coordinates in the small that commute with each other and the gravitationalfield are unnatural in the canonical theory too,as Bergmann and Komar1972and Bergmann1979point out.Once coordinates fail to commute we can dispense with quantumfields,which re-emerge in the singular limit of classical space-time.One way to unifyfields is to eliminate them all together.As a classical prototype,the gravitationalfield emerges from a no-field the-ory that imbeds space-time in a higher-dimensionalflat space.In the quantum correspondent,we imbed a quantum space of actual events within a quantum space of possible events.Quantum logic originally forced me to avoid the usualfield concept.Quan-tum logic has an invariant construct of subset but no general construct of functional relation between given quantum variables,as discussed in Finkel-stein1969.In general quantum gravity the main variable,the history,is a quantum set of actual events,a variable subset of afixed quantum space of possible events.In fully quantum gravitational dynamics,gravity is already present in the quantized event coordinates.The quadratic form of general quantum gravity is defined by the Fermi-algebra product,which is also a Clifford-algebra product.If v=lim0 v is a classical vectorfield and the singular limit of an operator v in the Fermi algebra,then the value of the gravitational operator-valued quadratic form isg(v)=gµν(x)vµ(x)vν(x)( v)2.(2)=limClifford algebra guides our general quantization much as the Poisson Bracket Lie algebra guides canonical quantization.72.5Unified statisticsThe quantum event of Vilela space has a paleo-bosonic coordinate algebra of x and∂x,as though the event itself is a paleo-bosonic aggregate.And the space is cold,so most of its constituents could occupy one ket.If the Vilela Mendes quantization is correct,it is odd that history does not consist of one ground event that occurs very many times and many rare events.Instead history behaves like a fermionic aggregate;even a crystal(as Newton noted)with its transverse waves.Crystals are stabilized against collapse by the fermionic statistics of electrons;I stabilize history by a similar strategy:Analyze paleo-bosonic events into fermionic ones.(§2.13,§2.10).This also permits a formulation of the spin-statistics correlation that makes it natural to extend it to other levels.The model studied here is fermionic to its bottom,several levels of quantification down.Standard quantumfield theory works with at least the following successive levels of aggregation,listed from the top down:1.the many-quantum orfield operator historyˇψ(x),2.the single-quantum ketψ(x),3.the coordinate x= dx,4.the differential dx.Quite different bridges connect these levels.We pass from4to3by integration, from3to2by quantization,and from2to1by quantification.Each of these levels has its own algebraic structure,4and3being classical and2and1 quantum.This arrangement seems unphysical,since surely the microworld is quantum.For the purely classicalfield theory of the19th century one mode of aggre-gation,set formation,would have sufficed to express all aggregates and bridge between them.Canonical quantization must us classical modes of aggregation on some levels and quantum on others.General quantization reopens the pos-sibility of a uniform aggregation process or statistics,now quantum instead of classical.Definition4(M andµ)If S is a system(classical or quantum)then M S designates an aggregate whose generic element is S.M is for Many-,Meta-,or Menge.If A is an aggregate then in generalµA designates the generic element or quantum of A;µis for mini-,mero-,or micro-.µn and M n designate n-fold iterates ofµand M.V S designates the ket space of S,with norm ψ =ψ†ψdefined by a hermitian form†.8A S designates the coordinate†algebra of system S,the endomorphism algebra of V S.The multivalued operation Min accepts an algebra and returns a minimal left ideal of the algebra.The prefix M can designate any quantification process depending on context or labeling.In a given contextµand M are inverses of each other(as in the metric system).I designate the history that we analyze by H,and its constituent events by E=µH.Assumption1There is one basic quantifier M and it is fermionic.This is a typical assumption of the uniformity of nature,based on solid igno-rance.The quantum event is still out of reach,the chronon more so.We have a chance of describing it correctly only if it repeats what wefind on the higher levels.At least this assumption does not require us to express bosons like photons in terms of fermions like neutrinos,as de Broglie proposed.I propose to analyze all the gaugefields as I analyze gravity,into fermionic quantum events,not particles.Segal’s three variables p,q,r generate the algebra d SU(2)=d SO(3),in both the A and B series.In higher dimensions,however,one must choose between the A series of groups SU(n)on complex vector spaces and the B and D series of orthogonal groups SO on real vector spaces.This choice must correlate with the choice of statistics.There are some tentative indications that the relativity group is in the A series and that there is a basic Fermi statistics:1.The i-invariance of ordinary complex quantum theory breaks down in thereal B and D series and survives in the A series.2.The singular limit that recovers classical mechanics from quantum me-chanics automatically converts the complex theory into a real one.3.Four obvious candidates for a basic quantifier are Cliff,Min Cliff,Fermiand Min Fermi.Iterating Cliffor Fermi violates the spin-statistics corre-lation.4.Min Cliffhas afixed point at dimensions2and4,blocking analysis intobinary elements.5.Min Fermi=Grass= =M is singled out because it respects thespin-statistics correlation and permits analysis into binary elements. 6.The internal groups of the Standard Model are all unitary but not allorthogonal groups,thanks to SU(3).97.The paradigm of universal quantification theories,classicalfinite set the-ory,is an iterated fermionic statistics over the binaryfield of scalars2.8.Fermi quantification has a stable group.9.Fermi quantification accounts for both Fermi and Bose statistics at once(§2.11),and also for spin(§2.10).10.The Spin Lie algebra of Minkowski space-time is the Lie algebra of anorthogonal group,not a unitary group;but it is a singular limit of a unitary group,in the same limit that produces classical space-time. 11.Classical gravity is described by a Clifford ring;but this is a singularlimit of a Fermi algebra.(§4.1,§5).The last two indicators originally pointed to the D series but I have re-aligned them by ad hoc assumptions to secure consistency.The Kaluza-Klein strategy imbues space-time with extra internal compact dimensions.This created the compactification problem:What compactifies these dimensions?Einstein and Mayer1931evaded this problem by adding extra components to the tangent vectors of the c space-time manifold but no dimensions to the base manifold itself.Connes1994makes a similar theory in a mixed c-q event space,attaching quantum spinlike variables to a classical manifold.Assembling history from fermionic quantum events permits me to emulate them at a fully quantum level.One must posit that these quantum events bind along some dimensions of their ket space to form the macroscopic space-time dimensions,leaving all other dimensions small,on the chronon scale,like a soap bubble that is only one molecule thick in one direction but macroscopic in the other three space-time directions.The compactification problem is replaced by the extension problem:What makes some dimensions extend to macroscopic sizes?As with soap bubbles, this is a matter of the structure of the molecular elements.I do not reach this problem here.2.6RegularizationAlmost all quadratic forms are regular,almost all matrices have inverses,al-most all determinants are non-zero.The divergent cases are exceptional,rare. Therefore any singular theory is not based entirely on experiment,which is always generic,but also on belief in some occurrence of zero probability.Flex-ing eliminates such singularities as the Wronskian singularity of gauge theories and the singularities of propagators.Instead of infinite renormalizationsflex-ing introduces quantum constants that are up front andfinite.Vilela space has three new homotopy parameters and quantum constants:a space quantum X,10a momentum quantum P,and a large quantum number N,in addition to the usual quantum of action and angular momentum .The scalar meson in Minkowski space-time and general relativity both have Lie algebras which are infinite dimensional because their elements depend on arbitrary functions,for example functions of time.General quantization re-places these Lie algebras by ones of high butfinite dimensionality.2.7System structureTo structure the history H we must analyze aggregates into elements more than once.Present quantumfield theory uses several traditionally distinct aggregation processes:1.Summation makes a whole that is“the sum of its parts,”at least forsome properties such as charge.2.Integration generates quantities from their differentials.3.Quantification creates an aggregate of elements.The logician WilliamHamilton introduced“quantification”to transform yes-or-no questions about an individual into how-many questions about an aggregate.4.Exponentiation creates F X as an aggregate of F-systems,one at eachpoint of the set X.5.Group generation createsfinite transformations from infinitesimal ones.This constructs groups from their infinitesimal Lie algebras.6.Quantization can be regarded as atomization followed by quantification(§2.8).In general quantum relativity all these are provisionally replaced by one ag-gregation process.2.8Quantization and quantificationQuantification in the quantum domain,usually Bose or Fermi,formally resem-bles quantization so closely that atfirst it was called“second quantization”, although quantification converts c systems into c,and q systems into q,while quantization converts c systems into q.Nevertheless the two are related.Assertion1Quantization is quantum atomization followed by quantification.Argument(heuristic).Quantization begins by forming a Lie algebra.The vector space supporting the Lie algebra can be interpreted as the input/output11vector space of a constituent or“atom”of the system.The relations of the Lie algebra define a quantification for this atom.For example,to canonically quantize the linear harmonic oscillator,with coordinate x and momentum p,one can:(1)Posit a boson“atom”B whose sole attribute is existence,with one-component complex normalized kets|B and bras B|;and then(2)Quantify B,forming a bosonic aggregate M B with two dimensionless Lie-algebra generators,a B-creator b†= β|B and a B-annihilator b= B|β , subject to[b†,b]=c(3) where c is a third basis element that is central.Here β|is an operator-valued form converting kets into bosonic creation operators.Finally one chooses a representation.In this example the representation isfixed by the value it assigns to the central invariant c=i .The Heisenberg relations are satisfied byx=X (b+b†)2i(4)X,P are dimensional constants required for homogeneity of units,with XP=: .The classical limit is →0.Quantum electrodynamics too has been quantized by(1)atomization and (2)quantification.Akhiezer and Berestetskii1953(1)reinterpret Maxwell’s Equations as a one-photon Schr¨o dinger Equation,and(2)quantify this photon with boson statistics.2.9Paleo-bosonsBaugh2004flexed the Heisenberg Lie algebra into the unitary Lie algebra. His homotopy can also be applied to the bosonic commutation relations by a change of basis.Vilela space and Baugh space are related by an extension of the Weyl unitary trick.For brevity I write V⊕2as V.Definition5A unitarization(relative to an orthonormal basis B in a real quadratic space V with bilinear metric form hµν)is a process that1.replaces(V,hµν)→(V⊗C,hµ∗ν),(5)a complex†space with Hermitian sesquilinear metric form.2.imbeds V⊂V⊗C as the vectors with real coordinates in B.123.maps SO(V)→SU(V⊗C),keeping the same matrix elements in thebasis B.4.replaces Clifford generatorsγαobeying{γµ,γν}=2hµν(6) by Fermi generatorsγα,γ†αobeying{γα†,γβ}=2hα∗β,{γα,γβ}=0,{γα†,γβ†}=0.(7) The grade-2elementsγαβare paleo-bosonic,of even exchange parity,but the underlying grade-1generatorsγαare now odd,fermionic.2.10Fermionic aggregatesIf the Fermi-algebraic quantum theory of gravity is correct,space-time is a singular limit of a fermionic aggregate.In any case,the main sources of gravity are fermionic,not bosonic,so we require the familiar algebra of an aggregate M E of fermionic entities E(soon to be events).Assertion2A spin1/2is a fermionic aggregate.Argument:M V= V=Min Fermi V=Min CliffDup V=Spin Dup V(8) with Dup of Definition15,§9,and†induced by that of V.To see the last equality in(8),recall that for Cartan1935and Chevalley1954, V is the pro-totype spinor space for a neutral quadratic space isomorphic to V⊕V D.That is,the kets supporting the algebra Fermi V are the columns of a faithful irre-ducible representation of CliffDup V,hence spinors;and are also multivectors of the Grassmann algebra V.Usually one expresses gravity using spinors of the Minkowskian tangent space.This clashes with canonical quantum theory.Spinors require a bilinear form‡,canonical quantum theory a Hermitian form†.This discord already exists between Minkowski space-time and Hilbert space.Since we now regard the usual real Minkowski space-time as a singular limit of a quantum space-time with a Hermitian form,the discord disappears.We can expressflexed gravity using multivectors over a fermion ket space.13。