Catalytic Wet Oxidation of Phenol with Mn Ce-Based Oxide catalyst
温度 ℃
在湿式氧化过程中,废水中的COD成分氧化放出的热量 靠增加反应器内水温而消耗,在反应压力一定的情况 下,反应器内水温达到饱和温度时,氧化废水中COD放 出的热量就被用于蒸发水。所以处理水的COD和空气供 应量的确定是保证反应器内水保持液相不被蒸干的重 要条件。下面举一例说明: 反应器在289℃ ,105.5 kg/cm2条件下操作。每一公 斤干空气要2公斤水蒸汽饱和。通过计算在这个条件下 废水的最大处理COD为104 g/L.。为了使氧化反应顺利 进行,水在气相与液相的分布比例以不大于85:15为好。 则进水COD浓度应不超过 90 g/L.。
反应器 加热炉 热交换器 废 水 碱 空 气 冷却器 压缩机 处理水 泵 尾 气 气液分离器
废水首先收集在废水罐中,调节pH值后,经高压进料 泵加压后与从空气压缩机来的空气混合,送入换热器 与从反应器来的热物料换热,然后进入加热炉加热到 反应温度,导入湿式氧化反应器,反应后的物料经与 进料换热,在进一步在冷却器冷却后进入气液分离器, 分离出未利用的尾气和二氧化碳,尾气直接排空,分 离的液体排出到进一步处理系统。
导致COD减少及BOD和挥发酸增加。随着COD的继续 下降使BOD达到最大值和挥发酸的继续增加。最终因 挥发酸等中间产物的完全氧化,COD、BOD和挥发酸 浓度都将降低,生成二氧化碳和水。总之在WAO过程 中,复杂的有机物降解成简单的有机物,这种降解比 COD的下降更快,因而,即使是低氧化度的WAO,也 将显著提高废水的BOD/COD比值而改善生物可处理性。 在WAO过程中,废水中的氰化物、亚硝酸盐和硫代氰 酸盐等分子量较小的毒基化合物也能迅速被氧化,各 种无机硫化物、硫醇及酚等也能被破坏。
Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation of phenol over iron containing pillared clays
Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation of phenol over iron containing pillared clays E. Guélou a, J. Barrault a, J. Fournier b and J.M. Tatibouët aa)Laboratoire de Catalyse en Chimie Organique – UMR CNRS 6503Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Poitiers, Université de Poitiers40, avenue du Recteur Pineau, 86022 Poitiers Cedex (France)b)Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface - UMR CNRS 7609Université Pierre et Marie Curie4, place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05 (France)IntroductionAlthough wet oxidation is not a new technology, considerable improvements have been proposed and performed in the last 10 years in order to oxidize organic pollutants into carbon dioxide or into products which are able to be eliminated by biological treatment.The catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) appears to be potentially a more efficient process than the catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) since the oxidizing properties of hydrogen peroxide are stronger than those of molecular oxygen allowing to perform the reaction at conditions close to the ambient ones.Among the different catalysts able to fully oxidized phenol or its substituted forms, only few of them show a significant catalytic activity and stability in aqueous media. Due to their low cost and high efficiency, the clay based catalysts appears to be very attractive.ExperimentalWe have chosen to study the catalytic phenol oxidation by hydrogen peroxide on iron containing (Fe=3.01-2.45 wt%) pillared clays prepared according to a procedure allowing to pillar the starting clay (natural bentonite) by aluminum-iron complexes, so that after calcination a part of the iron species be associated with the pillars (see Table).The reaction was performed in a semi-batch reactor under a flow of air bubbling in the solution, at pH=3.7, with a continuous addition of the hydrogen peroxide solution so that the stoichiometric excess of the hydrogen peroxide was only 1.14 after 4 hours of reaction.Results and discussionAt 70°C, after 4 hrs of reaction, the TOC abatement was close to 80%, with a total phenol conversion. A very low iron leaching was observed since after more than 350 hrs of use in a continuous flow reactor, less than 3% of the initial iron content has been lost (catalyst #3).The characterization of the catalysts by ESR spectroscopy (see the figure below) has shown that the iron is present as isolated species (sharp signals centered at g= 4.3 and 2.1) and oxide clusters (broad signal centered at g= 2.5-2.6). The decrease of the intensity of the signal at g=2.1 with the estimated amount of iron associated with thepillars allows to unambiguously assigned this signal to the isolated iron species associated with the aluminum pillars as substituting cations or extra species. Table : Main characteristics of the catalystsCatalyst BET surface area (m 2/g) d 001-spacing (Å) Fe content (wt %) Fe added by pillaring (wt %)TOC abatement* (%)1 111 18.0 2.45 0 352 183 17.0 2.67 0.22 51 3-fresh 180 17.5 3.01 0.56 65 3-used 200 17.0 2.96 0.51 64 * After 4 hrs of reaction (T=25°C; catalyst=5 g/L; H 2O 2=2.10-4 mol/h)The others isolated species characterized by a signal centered at g=4.3 belong likely on the clay framework since this signal is present on all the samples, whatever the amount of iron added during the pillaring operation.Figure: ESR spectraat 77K under vacuum a = 1; b = 2; c = 3-used; d = 3-freshThe catalytic reaction performed on these catalysts has shown that the TOC abatement increases with the amount of iron added during the pillaring procedure, (see Table) strongly suggesting that the isolated iron species associated with the pillars (ESR signal centered at g=2.1) are highly reactive towards the complete mineralization of organic compounds dissolved in water.By using a spin-trapping technique we have shown by ESR that the reaction proceeds mainly by HO° formation without significant formation of electrophilic oxygen species.ConclusionThe high stability of this pillared clay catalyst in the reaction conditions and its high efficiency towards the phenol elimination without excessive hydrogen peroxide consumption allows to use it in a continuous process of organic pollutants elimination in water.010002000300040005000。
的.应选择40 C;C:为最佳条件,此时HCHO和TOC去
表3 非均相氧化实验效果
O 1 2 3 4 5 6
2.O 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.O
· 44万方· 数据
90 80 70
更\斟篮悄。雹u雹 60
25薷 篮
20学 o -_一
图4 反应时间对HCHO和TOC去除率的影响
2.2 最优化处理效果实验 在[H2 02]/[HCHO]=4.2,NaOH投加量为2 g/
L,反应时间为45 min的条件下,反应温度为40 C;C:的 条件下对HCHO含 量 为1 000 mg/L的模拟废水进行 氧化处理,处理效果见表2. 2.3 初始甲醛浓度对反应的影响
1 试剂、仪器与实验方法
1.1 主要试剂与仪器 主要试剂:过氧化氢溶液(30%,优级纯);甲醛
(36~38%,分析纯),乙酰丙酮(分析纯);冰醋酸(分 析纯);乙酸铵(分析纯);氢氧化钠(分析纯)
主要仪器:723型分光光度计(上海精密科学仪 器有限公司)、数显恒温水浴锅(金坛市仪器有限公 司),总有机碳测定仪(日本岛津) 1.2试验方法 1.2.1 氧化处理实验
摘 要:本研究通过单因子最优水平实验确定了碱性碱式过氧化氢氧化处理甲醛废水的最佳条件.实验证实:
高级氧化技术处理苯胺废水应用进展张海兵1,周亚松1,郭绍辉1,吕秀荣2(1.中国石油大学(北京),北京102249;2.中国石油克拉玛依石化有限责任公司,新疆克拉玛依834000)[摘要]综述了催化湿式氧化法、类Fenton 法、过氧化盐法、臭氧催化氧化法、电化学氧化法、光催化氧化法等高级氧化技术在难降解苯胺废水处理中的研究应用进展,具体包括各技术处理的条件、效果和限制工业化应用的原因。
[关键词]苯胺废水;高级氧化;电化学氧化;光催化氧化[中图分类号]X703[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1005-829X (2021)06-0167-06Advances of advanced oxidation process to treat aniline wastewaterZhang Haibing 1,Zhou Yasong 1,Guo Shaohui 1,L üXiurong 2(1.China University of Petroleum (Beijing ),Beijing 102249,China ;2.Petrochina Karamay Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.,Karamay 834000,China )Abstract :The research and application progress of advanced oxidation technologies such as catalytic wet oxidation ,Fenton ⁃like ,peroxide salt ,ozone catalytic oxidation ,electrochemical oxidation and photocatalytic oxidation in thetreatment of refractory aniline wastewater were reviewed ,detailed contents including treatment condition ,effect and the reason of limiting industrial application of each process.It turns out that the peroxide salt method has oxidizabilityitself and the reaction conditions are mild.The electrochemical oxidation and photocatalytic oxidation have the cha ⁃racteristics of easy generation of oxidizing groups ,no transportation and storage need ,wide application range ,littleion interference (and possibly promoting effect )and no secondary pollution.Thus ,the above three method will have a better prospect in the industrial application of aniline wastewater treatment in the future.Key words :aniline wastewater ;advanced oxidation ;electrochemical oxidation ;photocatalytic oxidation[基金项目]中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区引进人才科研启动项目(RCYJ2016B-02-005)苯胺是目前最重要的染料原材料,美国和中国的苯胺年产量分别超过45.7万t 和8万t 。
国内农药废水的治理始于上世纪六七十年代80 年代后逐步展开。
1.药剂氧化法包括氯氧化法、Fenton 试剂法、臭氧氧化法等。
2.光催化氧化技术是利用锐钛型二氧化钛在紫外光的照射下产生氧化性极强的 OH将有机物质转化为CO2 、H2O 以及无机物,降解速度快,无二次污染。
Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering 2008, 1, 27-40271874-4788/08 $100.00+.00© 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.Surface Chemical Functional Groups Modification of Porous CarbonWenzhong Shen*,1, Zhijie Li 2 and Yihong Liu 11State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil, China University of Petroleum, Dongying, Shandong, 257061, P. R. China2Department of Applied Physics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610054, P. R. ChinaReceived: August 29, 2007; Accepted: September 11, 2007; Revised: November 2, 2007Abstract: The surface chemistry and pore structure of porous carbons determine its application. The surface chemistry could be modified by various methods, such as, acid treatment, oxidization, ammonization, plasma, microwave treatment, and so on. In this paper, the modification methods were illustrated and compared, some new methods also reviewed. The surface chemical functional groups were determined by the treatment methods, the amminization could increase its basic property while the oxidization commonly improved its acids. In the end, the commonly characterization methods were also mentioned. Some interesting patents are also discussed in this article.Keywords: Porous carbon, surface chemical groups, modification, characterization. 1. INTRODUCTIONPorous carbons had been widely used as adsorbents, catalyst/catalyst supports, electronic material and energy storage material due to its higher surface area and larger pore volume.The specific surface area, pore structure and surface chemical functional groups of porous carbon determined its applications [1-2]. The pore structure of porous carbon could be controlled by various routes, such as, activation conditions (activation agent, temperature and time), precursor, templates, etc. The surface chemical functional groups mainly derived from activation process, precursor, heat treatment and post chemical treatment.The surface functional groups anchored on/within carbons were found to be responsible for the variety in physicochemical and catalytic properties of the matters considered [3-5]. So, many researchers focused on how to modify as well as to characterize the surface functional groups of carbon materials in order to improve or extend their practical applications [5-7]. Ljubisa R. Radovic reviewed the carbon materials as adsorbents in aqueous solution and pointed out that the control of chemical and physical conditions might be harnessed to produce carbon surfaces suitable for particular adsorption applications [8]. Carlos Moreno-Castilla compared the surface chemistry of the carbon has a great influence on both electrostatic and non-electrostatic interactions, and can be considered the main factor in the adsorption mechanism from dilute aqueous solutions [9].Modification of the surface chemistry of porous carbons might be a viable attractive route toward novel applications of these materials. A modified activated carbon containing*Address correspondence to this author at the State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil, China University of Petroleum, Dongying, Shandong, 257061, P. R. China; Tel: +86-546-8395341; Fax: +86-546-8395395; E-mail: shenwzh2000@ different functional groups could be used for technological applications such as extracting metallic cations from aqueous and nonaqueous solutions, in catalysis, for treatment of waste and toxic effluents produced by a variety of chemical processes, and so on.The heteroatoms on the surface of activated carbon took significant role on its application. The heteroatoms of porous carbon surface mainly contained oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, halogen, etc, which bonded to the edges of the carbon layers and governed the surface chemistry of activated carbon [10]. Among these heteroatoms, the oxygen-containing functional groups (also denoted as surface oxides) were the widely recognized and the most common species formed on the surface of carbons, which significantly influenced their performance in sensors [11], energy storage and conversion systems [12-14], catalytic reactions [15], and adsorptions [16-18]. The surface oxygen-containing functional groups could be introduced by mechanical [19, 20], chemical [21, 22], and electrochemical routes [23]. The employment of oxidizing agents in wet or dry methods was reported to generate three types of oxygen-containing groups: acidic, basic, and neutral [24-27]. Based on the above modifications, a continuous supply of suitable oxidizing agents into the pores of a carbon matrix was believed to be a key factor determining the successful introduction of reliable oxygen-containing functional groups onto the surface of carbon materials.In addition, the nitrogen-containing groups generally provide basic property, which could enhance the interaction between porous carbon and acid molecules, such as, dipole-dipole, H-bonding, covalent bonding, and so on. The nitrogen groups were introduced by ammine treatment, nitric acid treatment and some containing nitrogen molecule reaction.In this review, we focused on the introducing oxygen and nitrogen heteroatoms on traditional porous carbon (activated carbon and activated carbon fiber) by various methods; the improved application property of modified porous carbon28 Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering, 2008, Vol. 1, No. 1 Shen et al. was also illustrated. In the end, the ordinarily character-rization means of oxygen and nitrogen groups were listed.2. METHODS FOR SURFACE MODIFICATIONThe nature and concentration of surface functionalgroups might be modified by suitable thermal or chemicalpost-treatments. Oxidation in the gas or liquid phase couldbe used to increase the concentration of surface oxygengroups; while heating under inert atmosphere might be usedto selectively remove some of these functions. It was shownthat gas phase oxidation of the carbon mainly increased theconcentration of hydroxyl and carbonyl surface groups,while oxidations in the liquid phase increased especially theconcentration of carboxylic acids [2]. Carboxyl, carbonyl,phenol, quinone and lactone groups on carbon surfaces wereshown in Fig. (1) [28].While, the ammonization could introduce the basicgroups, such as, C-H, C=N groups, amino, cyclic amides,nitrile groups, pyrrole-like structure [29]; which were shownin Fig. (2) [30]. In addition, the halogen-containing groupscould produce through porous carbon reacted with halogen atmoderate temperature, this modified porous carbon showedpotential application in electrochemistry or batteries [31].2.1. Acid TreatmentAcid treatment was generally used to oxidize the porouscarbon surface; it enhanced the acidic property, removed themineral elements and improved the hydrophilic of surface.The acid used in this case should be oxidization in nature;the nitric acid and sulfuric acid were the most selected.Liu et al. reported that coconut-based activated carbonwas modified by nitric acid and sodium hydroxide; it showedexcellent adsorption performance for Cr (VI) [32].Modification caused specific surface area to decrease and thetotal number of surface oxygen acidicgroups to increase. Nitric acid oxidization produced positiveacid groups, and subsequently sodium hydroxide treatmentreplaced H+ of surface acid groups by Na+, and the acidity ofactivated carbon decreased. The adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) was increased from 7.61mg/g to 13.88mg/g due to thepresence of more oxygen surface acidic groups and suitablesurface acidity after modification.Shim et al. also modified the pitch-based activatedcarbon fibers with nitric acid and sodium hydroxide [6]. Thespecific surface area of the activated carbon fibers decreasedafter oxidation with 1 M nitric acid, but the total acidityincreased three times compared to the untreated activatedcarbon fibers, resulting in an improved ion-exchangecapacity of the activated carbon fibers. The points of zerocharge of the activated carbon fibers that affect theselectivity for the ionic species changed from pH 6 to pH 4by 1 M nitric acid and to pH 10 by 1 M sodium hydroxidetreatment. The carboxyl acid and quinine groups wereintroduced after nitric acid oxidation. The carboxyl groups ofactivated carbon fibers decreased, while the lactone andketone groups increased after the sodium hydroxidetreatment. The adsorption capacity of copper and nickel ionis mainly influenced by the lactone groups on the carbonsurface, pH and by the total acidic groups.Coal-based activated carbons were modified by chemicaltreatment with nitric acid and thermal treatment undernitrogen flow [33]. The treatment with nitric acid caused theintroduction of a significant number of oxygenated acidicsurface groups onto the carbon surface, while the heattreatment increases the basicity of carbon. The porecharacteristics were not significantly changed after these Fig. (1). Simplified schematic of some acidic surface groups bonded to aromatic rings on AC [28].Fig. (2). The nitrogen functional forms possibly present in carbonaceous materials [30].H HO-Pyrrole Pyridine Pyridinium Pyridone Pyridine-N-oxideHCarboxyl Quinone HydroxylCarbonyl Carboxylic anhyride LactoneSurface Chemical Modification of Porous Carbon Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering, 2008, Vol. 1, No. 1 29modifications. The dispersive interactions are the most important factor in this adsorption process. Activated carbon with low oxygenated acidic surface groups has the best adsorption capacity for benzene and toluene.The coconut-based activated carbon was pretreated with different concentrations of nitric acid (from 0.5 to 67%) and was selected as palladium catalyst support [34], the result showed that the amount of oxygen-containing groups and the total acidity on the activated carbons, the Pd particle size and catalytic activity of Pd/C catalysts are highly dependent upon the nitric acid concentration used in the pretreatment. The pretreatment of activated carbon with a low concentration of nitric acid could increase the structure parameters due to removal of the impurities, would be beneficial to create an appropriate density of total acidity environment, and would further improve the Pd dispersion and the catalytic activity of Pd/C catalysts. Meanwhile, a too-large amount of oxygen-containing groups assembling densely on the activated carbon could influence the Pd dispersion on the activated carbon well.Peach stone shells were pretreated by H3PO4 and pyrolysis at 500o C for 2 h, then, it was prepared by changing the gas atmosphere during thermal treatment (no external gas, flowing of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, steam or air [35]. High uptake of p-nitrophenol appears, affected to low extent with gaseous atmosphere except steam which raises adsorption considerably. Flowing air was the most effective in enhancing the adsorption of methylene blue, which was attributed to the formation of oxygen-functionalities with acidic nature, and to enhancement of wider microporosity. The removal of lead ions was considerably enhanced by running air during thermal treatment (two-fold increase) due to the formation of acidic oxygen-functionalities associated with metal exchange by the negatively charged carbon surface. Li describes the method of eliminating residual carbon from flow able oxide [36].The activated carbon derived from poly(VDC/MA) was treated with HNO3/H2SO4 solutions and heat-treatment in Ar [37]. Acid-treatment increased the adsorption of methyl mercaptan compared with the original activated carbon, and the adsorbed amounts increased with ratio of H2SO4 in HNO3/H2SO4 solutions. Hydrogen bonding between acidic groups formed by acid-treatment and thiol-groups methyl mercaptan played a role in adsorption of methyl mercaptan on activated carbon. Hasenberg et al. shows a process and catalyst blend for selectively producing mercaptans and sulfides from alcohols [38].Surface modification of a coal-based activated carbon was performed using thermal and chemical methods [39]. Nitric acid oxidation of the conventional sample produced samples with weakly acidic functional groups. There was a significant loss in microporosity of the oxidized samples which was caused by humic substances that were formed as a by-product during the oxidation process. However, thermal treatment produced a carbon with some basic character while amination of the thermally treated carbon gave a sample containing some amino (-NH2) groups.The formation of the weakly acidic functional groups on porous carbon surface were thought to be similar to the reaction involving the oxidation of 9,10-dihydrophen-anthrene and diphenylmethane with nitric acid [40], and the mechanism was displayed in Fig. (3). The formation of the dicarboxylic group was thought to occur on the aliphatic side of the molecule especially if the side chains consisted of more than one carbon atom (reaction (a)). The reaction was initiated by the splitting of the C-C at the a-position of the benzylic carbon atom. Oxidation involving a methylene (-CH2-) group would result in the formation of a ketone as shown in reaction (b). Nitrogen could be added to the carbon by a similar reaction as in the nitration of benzene. The mechanism would involve the formation of the highly reactive nitronium ion (NO2-), which would ultimately form the nitrated product as shown in reaction (c).The amination reaction was achieved via a two stage process. The first stage was the nitration stage where the nitric acid was mixed with concentrated sulphuric acid to form the nitronium ions which then reacted via electrophilic substitution of the hydrogen ion of the carbon matrix as shown in reaction (d). The formed nitro-species formed was reduced using a suitable reducing agent and in this case sodium dithionite was employed. This result then showed the effectiveness of the reduction reaction shown in reaction (e). This modification process was another example of the application of a classic organic reaction on activated carbon modification. The reaction was shown in the illustration of the amination of phenanthrene.Calvo et al. reported that the surface chemistry of commercial activated carbon was one of the factors determining the metallic dispersion and the resistance to sintering, being relevant the role of surface oxygen groups [41]. The surface oxygen groups were considered to act as anchoring sites that interacted with metallic precursors and metals increasing the dispersion, with CO-evolving complexes significantly implied in this effect. On the other hand, CO2-evolving complexes, mainly carboxylic groups, seemed to decrease the hydrophobicity of the support improving the accessibility of the metal precursor during the impregnation step. The treatment of activated carbons with nitric acid led to a higher content in oxygen surface groups, whereas the porous structure was only slightly modified. As a result of oxidation, the dispersion of Pd on the surface of activated carbon was improved.Santiagoet al. compared several activated carbons for the catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol solutions [42]. Two commercial activated carbons were modified by HNO3, (NH4)2S2O8, or H2O2 and by demineralisation with HCl. The treatments increased the acidic sites, mostly creating lactones and carboxyls though some phenolic and carbonyl groups were also generated. Characterisation of the used activated carbon evidenced that chemisorbed phenolic polymers formed through oxidative coupling and oxygen radicals played a major role in the catalytic wet air oxidation over activated carbon.Also, citric acid was used to modify a commercially available activated carbon to improve copper ion adsorption from aqueous solutions [25]. It was found that the surface modification by citric acid reduced the specific surface area by 34% and point of zero charge (pH) of the carbon by 0.5 units. But the modification did not change both external diffusion and intraparticle diffusion.30 Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering, 2008, Vol. 1, No. 1 Shen et al.2.2. Ammonia TreatmentIt was well known that nitrogen-containing surfacegroups gave to activated carbons increased ability to adsorb acidic gases [43]. Practically, nitrogen was introduced intostructure of activated carbon according to several proceduresincluding treatment with ammonia or preparation of theadsorbent from nitrogen-containing polymers (Acrylictextile, polyaryamide or Nomex aramid fibers) [44-46].Heating of phenol-formaldehyde-based activated carbon fiber in the atmosphere of dry ammonia at severaltemperatures ranged from 500o C to 800o C resulted in aformation of new nitrogen-containing groups in the structureof the fiber including C-N and C=N groups, cyclic amides,nitrile groups (C N) [47], and pyrrole-like surface structures with N-H groups [48]. Despite the changes in the surface chemistry, an outcome of heating of activatedcarbons in ammonia atmosphere might also be changed inporosity of the treated carbon. As it reported, extensive heat-treatment with gaseous ammonia might cause changes in therelative amounts of macropore, mesopore and micropores ofcommercial activated carbon [42].In any case, since introducing of nitrogen-containingsurface groups made activated carbon more alkaline and soincreased adsorption of acidic agents is expected.The commercial activated carbons were treated by gaseous NH3 ranging from 400o C to 800o C for 2 h [49]. The CH and CN groups appeared after NH3 treatment. It demonstrated enhanced adsorption of phenol from water due to the formation of nitrogen-containing groups during ammonia-treated, which could form hydrogen bond with phenol.A series of activated carbon fibers were produced by treatment with ammonia to yield a basic surface [47]. The adsorption isotherms of an acidic gas (HCl) showed a great improvement in capacity over an untreated acidic fiber. The adsorption was completely reversible and therefore involved the enhanced physical adsorption instead of chemisorption. This demonstrated that activated carbon fibers could be tailored to selectively remove a specific contaminant (acidic gas) based on the chemical modification of their pore surfaces.Commercial activated carbon and activated carbon fiber were modified by high temperature helium or ammonia treatment, or iron impregnation followed by high temperature ammonia treatment [50]. Iron-impregnated and ammonia-treated activated carbons showed significantly higher dissolved organic matter uptakes than the virgin activated carbon. The enhanced dissolved organic matter uptake by iron-impregnated was due to the presence of iron species on the carbon surface. The higher uptake of ammonia treated was attributed to the enlarged carbon pores and basic surface created during ammonia treatment.A commercial raw granular activated carbon was modified by polyaniline to improve arsenate adsorption [51].Fig. (3). The formation of acidic functional groups by nitric acid and amination reaction by thermal treatment [38].5HNO32HNO3HNO3HNO3NH3NO22HNO2+++++H2O24+OHH2OHH(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)224OOHO++Surface Chemical Modification of Porous Carbon Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering, 2008, Vol. 1, No. 1 31It was found that the modification did not change the specific surface area. The content of the aromatic ring structures and nitrogen-containing functional groups on the modified granular activated carbon was increased. The surface positive charge density was dramatically increased in acidic solutions. The presence of humic acid did not have a great impact on the arsenic adsorption dynamics. The modification significantly enhanced the adsorption of humic acid onto the carbon. Meanwhile, the arsenate was reduced to arsenite during the process.Lin et al. provided a method for minute deposition of polyaniline onto microporous activated carbon fabric could enhance the capacitance of the carbon serving as electrodes for electrochemical capacitors [52]. The result demonstrated that a capacitance enhancement of 50% in comparison with bare carbon could be achieved with minute polyaniline deposition (5wt%) using the deposition method, while only 22% was reached using the conventional method.2.3. Heat TreatmentThe nature and concentration of surface functional groups might be modified by suitable thermal or chemical post-treatments. Heating oxidation in the gas or liquid phase could be used to increase the concentration of surface oxygen groups, while heating under inert atmosphere might be used to selectively remove some of these functions. Thermal treatments had been used to produce activated carbons with basic character and such carbons were effective in the treatment of some organic hydrocarbons [53].Heat treatment of carbon in an inert atmosphere or under inert atmospheres (hydrogen, nitrogen or argon) flow could increase carbon hydrophobicity by removing hydrophilic surface functionalities, particularly various acidic groups [54-57]. It had been shown that H2 was more effective than inert atmospheres because it could also effectively stabilize the carbon surface by deactivation of active sites (i.e., forming stable C-H bonds and/or gasification of unstable and reactive carbon atoms) found at the edges of the crystallites. H2 treatment at 900o C could produce highly stably and basic carbons [52, 55], and the presence of a platinum catalyst could considerably lower the treatment temperature [56]. H2-treated carbons were expected to demonstrate much lower reactivity toward oxygen or chemical agents compared to carbons that were heat-treated in an inert atmosphere. The hydrophobic porous carbon effectively removed the non-polar organic molecules from aqueous solution. However, in order to prepare hydrophobic porous carbon, it needed high temperature and inert/reductive atmospheres to remove the heteroatoms on the surface of porous carbon.The wood, coal-based activated carbons and a commer-cial activated carbon fiber with different physicochemical characteristics were subjected to heat treatment at 900o C under vacuum or hydrogen flow [58]. Oxygen sorption experiments showed lower amounts of oxygen uptake by the H2-treated than by the vacuum-treated carbons, indicating that H2 treatment effectively stabilized the surfaces of various carbons. At low pressures, from 0.001 mmHg to 5 mmHg, adsorption of oxygen was governed by irreversible chemisorption, which was well described by the Langmuir equation. At higher pressures oxygen uptake occurred as a result of physisorption, which was in agreement with Henry’s law. Kinetic studies showed that oxygen chemisorp-tion was affected by both carbon surface chemistry and porosity. The results indicated that oxygen chemisorption initially started in the mesopore region from the high energetic sites without any mass transfer limitation; thus a constant oxygen uptake rate was observed. Once the majo-rity of these sites were utilized, chemisorption proceeded toward the less energetic sites in mesopores as well as all the sites located in micropores. As a result, an exponential decrease in the oxygen uptake rate was observed.Different precursors resulted in various elemental compositions and imposed diverse influence upon surface functionalities after heat treatment. The surface of heat-treated activated carbon fibers became more graphitic and hydrophobic. Polyacrylonitrile- and rayon-based activated carbon fibers subjected to heat treatment [59]. The presence of nitride-like species, aromatic nitrogen-imines, or chemi-sorbed nitrogen oxides was found to be of great advantage to adsorption of water vapor or benzene, but the pyridine-N was not. Unstable complexes on the surface would hinder the fibers from adsorption of carbon tetrachloride. The rise in total ash content or hydrogen composition was of benefit to the access of water vapor.2.4. Microwave TreatmentThe main advantage of using microwave heating was that the treatment time could be considerably reduced, which in many cases represented a reduction in the energy con-sumption. It was reported that microwave energy was derived from electrical energy with a conversion efficiency of approximately 50% for 2450 MHz and 85% for 915 MHz [60].Thermal treatment of polyacrylnitrile activated carbon fibers had been carried out using a microwave device [61]. Microwave treatment affected the porosity of the activated carbon fibers, causing a reduction in micropore volume and micropore size. Moreover, the microwave treatment was a very effective method for modifying the surface chemistry of the activated carbon fibers with the production of pyrone groups. As a result very basic carbons, with points of zero charge approximately equal to 11, were obtained.Microwave heating offered apparent advantages for activated carbon regeneration, including rapid and precise temperature control, small space requirements and greater efficiency in intermittent use [62]. Quan et al. investigated the adsorption property of acid orange 7 by microwave regeneration coconut-based activated carbons[63]. It was found that after several adsorption-microwave regeneration cycles, the adsorption rates and capacities of granular activated carbons could maintain relatively high levels, even higher than those of virgin Granular activated carbons. The improvement of granular activated carbons adsorption properties resulted from the modification of pore size distribution and surface chemistry by microwave irradiation.2.5. Ozone TreatmentOzone as a strong oxidization agent was widely applied in organic degradation; it could also oxidize the carbon material surface to introduce oxygen-containing groups. The32 Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering, 2008, Vol. 1, No. 1 Shen et al.ozone dose and oxidization time affected the resultant oxygen-containing groups and the oxygen concentration on the carbon surface. The result of bituminous origin-based activated carbon oxidization with ozone showed that the higher the ozone dose, the higher was the oxidation of the carbon and the greater was the number of acid groups present on the carbon surface, especially carboxylic groups, whereas the pH of the point of zero charge decreased [64]. The surface area, micropore volume, and methylene blue adsorption all reduced with higher doses. These results were explained by the ozone attack on the carbon and the fixation of oxygen groups on its surface. Jackson introduces a method for supercritical ozone treatment of a substrate [65].The impact of ozonation on textural and chemical surface characteristics of two coal-based activated carbons and their ability to adsorb phenol, p-nitrophenol, and p-chlorophenol from aqueous solutions had been investigated by Alvarez et al. [66]. The porous structure of the ozone-treated carbons remained practically unchanged with regard to the virgin activated carbon. At 25o C primarily carboxylic acids were formed while a more homogeneous distribution of carboxylic, lactonic, hydroxyl, and carbonyl groups was obtained at 100o C.2.6. Plasma TreatmentThe plasma treatment was regarded as a promising technique to modify the surface chemical property of porous carbon since it produced chemically active species affecting the adsorbability. During the plasma treatment, the slower chemical reaction by chemically active species took place only on the surface of activated carbon without changing its bulk properties at low pressure by long time treatments. It was possible to create any ambiance for oxidative, reductive, or inactive reaction by changing the plasma gas [67]. Plasma could introduce basic and acid functional groups that were determined by the gaseous resource. The semi-quantitative analysis of the surface acidic functional groups showed that a difference in treatment conditions affected the quality and quantity of the functional groups [68].Some experimental efforts had been reported on activated carbon treatment with oxygen-included plasmas. The negative charge of activated carbon was brought after the plasma treatment was due to dissociation of newly formed acidic groups. The hydrophilicity of plasma-treated carbons did not change significantly. The oxygen plasma appeared not to reach the smallest micropores of the carbon, indicating that the reaction took place only near the external surfaces of the particles [69, 70]. The surface area of activated carbon that was treated by oxygen non-thermal plasma was decreased, and the concentrations of acidic functional groupsat the surface were increased and the saturated adsorption amount of copper and zinc ion was considerably increased [71-74]. Oxygen species produced during the discharge react on the activated carbon surface resulting in the creation of weakly acidic functional groups that played an important role in adsorbing metal cations. Improvement in the adsorbability was attributed to the change in the surface chemical structure of the commercial activated carbon rather than the modification of the surface physical structure [75]. For example, the CF4 plasma treatment could effectively improve the hydrophobic property, polarization and power density of the activated carbon fibers [76]. The activation of the carbon-surface by the nitrogen radio frequency plasma yielded a significant increase in adhesion for Cu-coatings [77]. The submicron vapor grown carbon fibers preserved their general smoothness upon plasma oxidation and the structural changes brought about by this treatment essentially took place only at the atomic scale [78]. The vapor grown carbon fibers were modified using NH3, O2, CO2, H2O and HCOOH plasma gases to increase the wettability and the results show that the oxidation strength was O2>CO2>H2O>HCOOH [79]. The polyacrylonitrile fibers were treated with the nitrogen glow discharge plasma and the hydrophilic groups (N-H, C=N) were introduced on the fiber surfaces [80]. The air and nitrogen glow discharge were usedto modify the activated carbon fibers, their surface became rough and several types of polar oxygen groups were introduced into the carbon fiber surface [81].The invention by Miller et al. induces the steps of evaporation for regeneration of commercial activated carbon[82].Viscose-based activated carbon fibers were treated by a dielectric-barrier discharge plasma and nitrogen as deed gas at different conditions [83]. It showed that the nitrogen plasma modification could remarkably change the distribution of the oxygen functional groups on the activated carbon fibers surface and there were more nitrogen atoms incorporated into the aromatic ring.Different plasma treatment and the changes of related chemical functional groups were listed in Table 1.In addition, space charge density could be improved by nitrogen plasma surface treatment of carbon materials [84].Recently, atmospheric pressure plasma could treat various materials even those which were low temperatureTable 1. The Related Chemical Groups Change at Different Plasma Treatment ConditionsPlasma gaseous Increased chemical groups Decreased chemical groups O2– C-OOH, C=O – C-OH, C-O-C [72]N2– C-OH, C-O-C–, O=C-O, pyridine and quaternary nitrogen – C=O (aromatic ring) [79]NH3 N-H[70]CO2– C-OOH, C=O [76]H2O – C-OOH, C=O [76]。
Figure 1. 通过不同策略合成碳催化剂的过程示意图。
Figure 2. (a-d)不同样品的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)图像。
Figure 3(a)不同碳催化剂的X射线衍射(XRD)谱图,和(b)拉曼光谱。
Figure 4不同碳催化剂的(a)吸附和(b)降解曲线,以及(c)反应速率常数。
Figure 5(a)N,S-G,N,S-G-KOH和N,S-G-CO2的降解性能,以及(b)菲的化学结构。
反应条件:菲的浓度为1 ppm,催化剂的浓度为100 mg/L,PMS的浓度为3.2 mM,温度为25°C。
该研究工作由天津大学Wenchao Peng课题组联合澳大利亚阿德莱德大学Xiaoguang Duan于2021年发表在ACS Catalysis期刊上。
外文翻译(原文)Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of azo dye (Congo red) using modified Y zeolite as catalystAbstractThe present study explores the degradation of azo dye (Congo red) by catalytic wet peroxide oxidation using Fe exchanged commercial Y zeolite as a catalyst. The effects of various operating parameters like temperature, initial pH, hydrogen peroxide concentration and catalyst loading on the removal of dye,color and COD from an aqueous solution were studied at atmospheric pressure. The percent removals of dye, color and COD at optimum pH07, 90◦C using 0.6 ml H 2 O2/350 ml solution and 1 g/l catalyst was 97% (in 4 h), 100% (in 45 min) and 58% (in 4 h), respectively. The % dye removal has been found to be less in comparison to % color removal at all conditions, e.g. dye removal in 45 min and at above conditions was 82%, whereas the color removal was 100%. The results indicate that the Fe exchanged Y zeolite is a promising catalyst for dye removal. Fe exchanged catalyst is characterized using XRD, SEM/EDAX, surface area analyzer and FTIR. Though the dye, color and COD removals were maximum at pH02 but as the leaching of Fe from the catalyst was more in acidic pH range, pH0 7 was taken as operating pH due to almost comparable removals as of pH0 2 and no leaching of Fe ions.© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1. IntroductionReactive azo dyes from textile and dyeing industries pose grave environmental problem. An estimate shows that textiles account for 14% of India’s industrial production and around 27% of its export earnings[1]. Production during 2006 registered a growth of about 3.5% at 29,500 tonnes and the textile industry accounts for the largest consumption of dyestuffs at nearly 80% [2]. The waste containing these azo dyes is non-degradable. The process of dyeing is a combination of bleaching and coloring, which generates huge quantities of wastewaters causing environmental problems. The effluents from these industries consist of large quantities of sodium, chloride, sulphate, hardness, carcinogenic dye ingredients and total dissolved solids with very high BOD and COD values over 1500 mg/l and over 5000 mg/l, respectively [3]. Various methods have been used for dye removal like adsorption, coagulation, electrocoagulation, Fenton’s reagent and combination of these processes. Though these treatment processes are efficient in dye removal, they generate adsorbed waste/sludge, etc. which further causes a secondary pollution. In wet oxidation the sludge is disposed off to a great extent by oxidizing the organic pollutant. Catalytic wet oxidation method (CWAO and CWPO) is gaining more popularity. CWPO process using H2O2, in particular has advantages like better oxidation ability thanusing oxygen,as the former is carried out at lower pressure (atmospheric pres-sure).WAO usually acts under high temperatures (200–325◦C)and pressure (50–150 bar). A comparable oxidation efficiency is obtained at a less temperature of 100–120◦C when using hydrogen peroxide as the oxi dizing agent instead of oxygen [4].WAO is capital intensive whereas WPO needs limited capital but generates little higher running costs [4].Rivas et al.[5] showed that the addition of H2O2(as a source of free radicals) enhanced wet air oxidation of phenol, a highly non-degradable substance and found that the combined addition of H2O2 and a bivalent metal (i.e. Cu, Co or Mn) enhanced the rate of phenol removal. Various oxidation catalysts have been studied for the removal of different compounds like phenol, benzoic acid, dyes, etc. by CWPO process. Catalysts like Fe2O3/CeO2and WO3/CeO2 in the removal of phenolic solution, (Al–Fe) pillared clay named FAZA in the removal of 4-hydroxy benzoic acid, mixed (Al–Fe) pillared clays in the removal of organic compounds have been used[6–8] .Removal of dyes by CWPO process is gaining importance in recent times with a large number of catalysts. Kim and Lee [9] used Cu/Al2O3 and copper plate in treatment of dye house effluents. Liu and Sun [10] removed acid orange 52, acid orange 7 and reactive black 5 using CeO2doped Fe2O3/ -Al2O3 from dye waste water. Kim and Lee [11] reported the treatment of reactive dye solutions by using Al–Cu pillared clays as catalyst.Among these catalysts, modified zeolites are preferred for improved efficiency, lower by-product formation and less severe experimental conditions (temperatures and pressures). Theimproved efficiency of the catalyst is ascribed to its structure and large surface area with the ability of forming complex compounds. Zeolites can be ion exchanged using transition metal ions like Fe,Cu, Mn and others like Ca, Ba, etc. Zeolites are negatively charged because of the substitution of Si(IV) by Al(III) in the tetrahedral accounts for a negative charge of the structure and hence the Si/Al ratio determines the properties of zeolites like ion exchange capacity [12] . These metal ions neutralizethe negative charge on zeolites and their position, size and number determine the properties of zeolite. These metal ions are fixed to the rigid zeolite framework which prevents leaching and precipitation in various reactions[13–21] .In this work, catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of Congo red azo dye using Fe exchanged Y zeolite has been presented. Effect of variables like temperature, initial pH, peroxide concentration and catalyst loading on catalytic wet peroxide oxidation were examined and the optimum conditions evaluated.2.Materials and methods2.1. ChemicalsHydrogen peroxide (30% analytical grade), manganese dioxide,sodium hydroxide pellets (AR) and hydrochloric acid were obtained from RFCL limited (Mumbai), India. Congo red was obtained from Loba Chemie Pvt. Ltd. (Mumbai) and were obtained from RFCL limited (Mumbai), India.Commercial Na–Y zeolite was obtained from Sud chemie Pvt.Ltd. (Baroda), India. Commercial catalyst was iron exchanged with excess 1 M Fe(NO3)3 at 80◦C for 6 h. The process was repeated three times and the sample was thoroughly washed with distilled water and dried in oven in air at60◦C for 10-12 h. The amount of iron exchanged was 1.53 wt% estimated by A.A.S.2.2. Apparatus and procedureThe experimental studies were carried out in a 0.5 l three-necked glass reactor equipped with a magnetic stirrer with heater and a total reflux (Fig. 13). Water containing Congo red dye was transferred to the three-necked glass reactor. Thereafter, the catalyst was added to the solution. The temperature of the reaction mixture was raised using heater to the desired value and maintained by a P.I.D. temperature controller, which was fitted in one of the necks through the thermocouple. The raising of the temperature of the reaction mixture to 90◦C from ambient took about 30 min.The total reflux prevents any loss of vapor and magnetic stirrer to agitate the mixture. Hydrogen peroxide was added, the runs were conducted at 90◦C and the samples were taken at periodic intervals. The samples after collection were raised to pH-11 by adding 0.1N NaOH (so that no further reaction takes place) and the residual hydrogen peroxide was removed by adding MnO2 which catalyzed the decomposition of peroxide to water and oxygen. The samples were allowed to settle for overnight or one day (or centrifuged) and filtered. The supernatant was tested for color and COD. After the completion of the run, the mixture was allowed to cool and settle overnight.2.3. CharacterizationThe determination of structure of the heterogeneous catalyst was done by X-ray diffractometer (Bruker AXS, Diffraktometer D8,Germany). The catalyst structure was confirm ed by using Cu Kα as a source and Ni as a filter. Goniometer speed was kept at 1cm/min and the chart speed was 1 cm/min. The range of scanning angle(2θ) was kept at 3–60◦. The intensity peaks indicate the values of2θ , where Bragg’s law is applicable. The formation of compounds was tested by comparing the XRD patternusing JCPDS files (1971).The determination of images and composition of catalyst were done by SEM/EDAX QUANTA 200 FEG. Scanning for zeolite samples was taken at various magnifications and voltage to account for the crystal structure and size. From EDAX, the composition of the elements in weight percentage and atomic percentage were obtained along with the spectra for overall compositions and particular local area compositions. BET surface area of the samples was analyzed by Micromeritics CHEMISORB 2720. The FTIR spectra of the catalyst was recorded on a FTIR Spectrometer (Thermo Nicolet, USA, Software used: NEXUS) in the 4000–480 cm−1wave number range using KBr pellets. The internal tetrahedra and external linkage of the zeolites formed are identified and confirmed by FTIR. The IR spectra data in Table 2 is taken from literature[22] .2.4. AnalysisThe amount of the dye present in the solution was analyzed by direct reading TVS 25 (A) Visible Spectrophotometer. The visible range absorbance at the characteristic wavelength of the sample at 497 nm was recorded to follow the progress of decolorization during wet peroxide oxidation.The COD of the dye solution was estimated by the Standard Dichromator Closed Reflux Method (APHA-1989) using a COD analyzer (Aqualytic, Germany). The color in Pt–Co unit was estimated using a color meter (Hanna HI93727, Hanna Instruments, Singapore) at 470 nm and the pH was measured using a Thermo Orion, USA make pH meter. The treated dye solutions were centrifuged (Model R24, Remi Instruments Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India) to obtain the supernatant free of solid MnO2.A.A.S (Avanta GBC, Australia) was used to find the amount of iron exchanged and leached.3. Results and discussionDue to the iron present after the exchange process, the Y peaks diminished along with the rise in Fe peaks. Similar phenomena has also been observed by Yee and Yaacob [23] who obtained zeolite iron oxide by adding NaOH and H2O2(drop wise) at 60◦C to Na–Y zeolite. XRD pattern ( Fig. 2) showed diminishing zeolite peaks along with evolution of peaks corresponding to y-Fe2O3 with increasing NaOH concentration. The IR assignments from FTIR (Fig. 3) remain satisfied even after iron exchanging. The EDAX data (Table 1) show clearly an increase in the value of Fe conc. after ion exchange of Y-zeolite. The BET surface area (Table 1) has been found to decrease from 433 to 423 m2/g after Fe exchange. SEM image is shown in Fig. 1 . Table 2 presents FTIR specifications of zeolites (common to all zeolites).The effect of temperature, initial pH, hydrogen peroxide concentration and catalyst loading on catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of azo dye Congo red were investigated in detail.Fig. 1. SEM image of Fe-exchanged Y zeolite.Fig. 2. XRD of commercial and Fe-exchanged commercial Y zeolite.BET surface area (commercial Na–Y): 433.4 m2/g.BET surface area (Fe exchanged commercial Na–Y): 423 m2/g.Table 2Zeolite IR assignments (common for all zeolites) from FTIR.3.1. Effect of temperature on dye, color and COD removalThe temperatures during the experiments were varied from50◦Cto100◦C. A maximum conversion of dye of 99.1% was observed at 100◦C in 4 h (and 97% at 90◦C). The dye rem ovals at 80◦C, 70◦C, 60◦C and 50◦C and at 4 h are 56%, 52%, 42% and 30%,respectively. Fig. 4 shows that at a particular temperature, the dye concentration gradually decreases with time. The initial red color of the dye solution decreased into brown color in due course and finally the brown color disappeared into a colorless solution. Dye concentration decreases at faster rates with temperatures for initial 30 min and thereafter it decreases from 1 h to 2 h. The initial concentrations of dye did not change after a brief contact period of dye solution with the Fe-exchanged zeolite catalyst (before CWPO)confirming that there is negligible adsorption of the dye by the catalyst.Fig. 5 shows the results obtained for color removal as a function of time and temperature. The maximum color removal (100%) is obtained at 100◦C in 30 min and also at 90◦C in 45 min. At a particular temperature, the color continuously decreases with time atFig. 3. FTIR of Fe-exchanged Y zeolite.Fig. 4. % dye removal as function of temperature.faster rate in first few minutes until a certain point ( t = 45 min) and then remaining almost unchanged. At 50◦C, the color removal is very low, whereas at 60◦C, there is a sudden shift towards its greater removal. The color removal is much higher at higher temperatures(70–100◦C).Fig. 6 depicts the results obtained for %COD removal as a function of time and temperature. A maximum COD removal of 66% was obtained at 100◦C (at 4 h) followed by 58% at 90◦C (at 4 h). Until60◦C, the rate of COD removal is less and during 70–100◦C, the rate is much faster.3.2. Effect of initial pH on dye, color and COD removalThe influence of initial pH on dye (Congo red) removal was studied at different pH (pH0 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 11) without any adjustment of pH during the experiments. A maximum conversion of 99% was obtained at pH0 2 followed by 97% at pH0 7. The dye removal at pH0 4, 8, 9 and 11 were 94%, 29%, 5% and 0.6%, respectively. All the runs were conducted for 4 h duration. The color of the solution is violet blue at pH0 2 (a colloidal solution) and greenish blue at pH0 4 (colloidal solution). In neutral and basic pH0(7, 8, 9 and 11) range, color of the solution did not change during treatment and was same as original solution, i.e. red color. Fe cations can leach out from zeolite structure into the solution causing secondary pollution. Leaching of Fe cations out of zeolitesFig. 5. % color removal as function of temperature.Fig. 6. %COD removal as function of temperature.Fig. 7. % color removal as function of pH0depends strongly on pH of the solution. The leaching of iron ions was enhanced at low pH values [24,25] . In order to determine dissolved Fe concentration, final pH values of the solutions were analyzed by A.A.S. At initial pH0 2 and 4, Fe detected in the solution was 7.8 ppm and 3.9 ppm, respectively. At pH0 7 and in alkaline range, there wasFig. 8. %COD removal as function of pH0.Fig. 9. % color removal as function of peroxide concentration.Fig. 10. %COD removal as function of peroxide concentration.almost no leaching. pH0 7, therefore, was chosen to be optimum pH for future experiments. The final pH values pH f after the reaction corresponding to pH0 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 11 were 2.1, 4.2, 7.2, 7.7 and 8.7, respectively. This show that the pH f tend to reach to neutral pH for all starting pH values.Fig. 7 presents the results obtained for color removal as a function of time and pH0. A maximum color removal of 100% was obtained at pH0 2 (in 10 min) and also at pH0 7 (in 45 min). The color removal at a particular pH0 decreases at a faster rateinitially (0–1 h) and thereafter it has a slower rate. The lowest removal was observed at pH0 11 with almost no removal.Fig. 11. % color removal as function of catalyst loading.Fig. 12. %COD removal as function of catalyst loading.The results obtained for COD removal as a function of time and pH0 are shown in Fig. 8 . A maximum COD removal of 69% was obtained at pH0 2 in 4 h followed by 63% at pH0 4 and 58% at pH0 7in4h.Fig. 8 shows maximum decrease in COD value in the initial 30 mines at all pH0. The decrease in COD is not appreciable thereafter. The COD removal is more in acidic range with a maximum removal of 69%, moderate in neutral region and least in basic region.3.3. Effect of peroxide concentration on dye, color and COD removalThe influence of H2O2 concentration on dye removal was investigated at different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (in the range 0–6 ml). A maximum removal of 99.02% was obtained at H2O2 concentration of 3 ml per 350 ml of solution, followed by 98.3% at 1ml and 97% at 0.6 ml. The dye removal at H2O2concentrations of 6 ml,0.3 ml and 0 ml (and at 4 h) were 94%, 82% and 8%, respectively. The dye removal rate at 90◦C temperature is gradual at all conc entrations of peroxide. At peroxide concentration of 0 ml, there is very little removal of dye, hardly 8%. Hence, it can be inferred that catalytic thermolysis (a process of effluent treatment by heating the effluent with/without catalyst) is not active and cannot be applied for dye removal.At the beginning of the reaction, the OH•radicals which are produced additionally when peroxide concentration is increased,speeds up the azo dye degradation. After a particular peroxide concentration, on further increase of the peroxide, the dye removal isFig. 13. Schematic diagram of the reactor.not increased. This may be because of the presence of excess peroxide concentration, hydroperoxyl radicals (HO2•) are produced from hydroxyl radicals that are already formed. The hydroperoxyl radicals do not contribute to the oxidative degradation of the organic substrate and are much less reactive. The degradation of the organic substrate occurs only by reaction with HO•[26] .The % color removal at a particular peroxide concentration increases at a faster rate in the initial 45 min and then at slower rates afterwards (Fig. 9). As H2O2 concentration increases, the rate of removal is much faster, reaching 100% in 45 minusing 6 ml H2O2 per 350 ml solution, whereas it is 100% in 1 h for both 0.3 ml and3ml.Fig. 10 shows the results obtained for COD removal as a function of time and H2O2 concentration. The maximum COD removal, 63% is obtained for H2O2 conc. 3 ml at 90◦C, pH0 7 and 2 h duration.3.4. Effect of catalyst loading on dye, color and COD removalThe influence of catalyst concentration on dye removal was investigated at different concentrations (in the range 0.5–1.5 g/l). A maximum dye removal of 98.6% was observed at 1.5 g/l followed by 98.3% at 1 g/l and 87.3% at 0.5 g/l in 4 h duration. The % dye removal without catalyst was very low with only 36% dye removal in 4 h. By comparing the results for the dye removal without catalyst and1.5 g/l catalyst, the removal for 1.5 g/l is approximately three times to that of without catalyst. The rate of removal is also more for higher concentrations of catalyst and increases with it.Fig. 11 shows the results obtained for color removal as a function of time and catalyst concentration. The maximum color removal of 100% was obtained using 1.5 g/l catalyst conc. in 1.5 h and also using 1 g/l catalyst in 3 h.Fig. 12 presents the results obtained for %COD removal as a function of time and catalyst concentration. A maximum COD removal of 58% was obtained at catalyst conc. 1 g/l, 51.8% at 1.5 g/l and 50.5% at 0.5 g/l in 4 h. Without catalyst, the COD removal was only 35%.4. ConclusionsThe % removals of dye, color and COD by catalytic wet peroxide oxidation obtained at 100◦C, 4 h duration using 0.6 ml H2O2/350 ml solution, 1 g/l Fe–Y catalyst and pH0 7 were 99.1%, 100% (30 min)and 66%, respectively. As at 100◦C the solution has tendency to vaporize during the operation, 90◦C was taken as operating temperature. The corresponding % removals at 90◦C were 97% dy e, 100%color (in 45 min) and 58% COD. Acidic range gave higher % removals in comparison to neutral and alkaline range. At pH0 2, the dye, color and COD removals of 99%,100% (in 10 min) and 69% were observed after 4 h duration. As at pH0 2, the leaching of Fe ions from Y zeolite catalyst is predominant,pH0 7 was taken as operating pH. Fe concentration of 7.8 ppm was observed in the solution at pH0 2. The values of removals, however,are comparable to pH0 2, with dye removal of 97%, color removal of100% (in 45 min) and COD removal of 58% in 4 h.The H2O2concentration was found to be optimum at 3 ml/350 ml solution giving dye, color and COD removals of 99%,100% (in 1 h) and 63%, respectively.The study on the effect of catalyst loading revealed 1.5 g/l as best among the catalyst concentrations studied. The results with 1 g/l and 1.5 g/l catalyst concentration were almost comparable.外文翻译(译文)使用改性Y沸石为催化剂湿式催化过氧化氢氧化偶氮染料(刚果红)摘要本研究主要探讨了使用改性Y沸石固载铁离子作为催化剂湿式催化过氧化氢氧化降解偶氮染料(刚果红)。
电催化氧化处理苯酚废水张闯; 贾志奇; 赵永祥【期刊名称】《《化学与生物工程》》【年(卷),期】2019(036)011【总页数】5页(P47-51)【关键词】苯酚废水; 电催化氧化; 处理【作者】张闯; 贾志奇; 赵永祥【作者单位】山西大学化学化工学院山西太原 030006; 精细化学品教育部工程研究中心山西太原 030006; 山西大学固废利用襄垣研发基地山西太原 030006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X703.1在我国水污染控制中,含酚废水被列为重点解决的有害废水之一。
第44卷第 2 期2024年2月Vol.44 No.2Feb.,2024 工业水处理Industrial Water TreatmentDOI:10.19965/ki.iwt.2022-1313非均相催化剂催化臭氧氧化含酚废水的研究进展夏龙祥,何昊东,吴登峰(北京化工大学化学工程学院,北京 100029)[摘要]催化臭氧氧化技术在深度处理含酚有机废水方面具有操作简单、氧化效率高、二次污染小等优点。
[关键词]催化臭氧氧化;酚类化合物;催化剂;催化剂载体[中图分类号]X703 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005-829X(2024)02-0001-10Research progress on the treatment of phenol containing wastewater byheterogeneous catalyst ozonationXIA Longxiang,HE Haodong,WU Dengfeng(School of Chemical Engineering,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China)Abstract:Catalytic ozonation process has the advantages of simple operation,high oxidation efficiency and low sec⁃ondary pollution in the advanced treatment of phenol containing organic wastewater. However,its large-scale appli⁃cation depends on the development of heterogeneous catalysts with high activity and stability. Herein,the mecha⁃nism of hetergeneous catalytic ozone oxidation reaction in catalytic ozonation technology was introduced. The re⁃search status of heterogeneous catalysts for catalytic ozonation of phenolic compounds was reviewed from two as⁃pects of non-supported and supported catalysts,and the characteristics and limitations of non-supported catalysts,single active component supported catalysts and multi-component supported catalysts were mainly analyzed. Multi-component supported catalyst is the main research object since its advantages on improving ozone utilization rate,re⁃ducing ozone emission and great potential of performance optimization. To develop highly efficient catalysts,the opti⁃mization strategy on composition,size and defect site of catalyst was proposed from the perspective of geometric structure and electronic structure. Finally,the research progress of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation catalysts for re⁃moval of phenolic compounds was summarized and prospected in order to provide reference for the development of efficient catalysts for catalytic ozonation technology.Key words:catalytic ozonation;phenolic compounds;catalyst;catalyst support酚类化合物及其衍生物是工业废水中最常见的难降解污染物种类之一。
第19卷第3期唐山学院学报Vol.19No.32006年09月Journal of Tangshan College Sep.2006 收稿日期:20051018 作者简介:王春敏(1971-),女,讲师,硕士,主要从事水污染控制技术教学与研究。
有机废水处理的高级氧化技术王春敏,步启军,王维军(唐山学院土木工程系,河北唐山063000)摘要:综述了近年来有机废水处理的高级氧化技术,主要包括Fenton 氧化、臭氧氧化、超声声化学氧化、湿式氧化、超临界水氧化及光催化氧化技术等;介绍了各种处理技术的基本原理、特点及研究进展。
关键词:高级氧化;降解;废水处理中图分类号:X703.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672349X (2006)03010003Advanced Oxidation Processes for Organic W aste w aterWANG Chun 2min ,BU qi 2jun ,WANG Wei 2jun(Department of Civil Engineering Tangshan College ,Tangshan 063000,China )Abstract :This paper reviews advanced oxidation p rocesses for organic wastewater ,such as Fento n oxidation ,ozo ne oxidation ,ult rasonic wave oxidation ,wet air oxidation ,supercritical water oxida 2tion and p hotocatalytic oxidation ,and describes t heir principles ,characteristics and research pro 2gress.K ey Words :advanced oxidation p rocesses ;degradation ;wastewater t reat ment 当今废水处理最常用的方法是生物法,据统计全世界生物法处理的废水量占处理水总量的65%。
别;按照GBZ 159—2004《工作场所空气中有害物质监测的采样规范》[2]的要求,选择有代表性的工作地点进行粉尘、二甲基甲酰胺、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、丁酮、环己酮、异丙醇、苯、甲苯、二甲苯现场采样。
依据GBZ 2.1—2019《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值第1部分:化学有害因素》[3]、GBZ/T 229.1—2010《工作场所职业病危害作业分级第1部分:生产性粉尘》[4]、GBZ/T 229.2—2010《工作场所职业病危害作业分级第2部分:化学物》[5]、GBZ/T 229.4—2010《工作场所职业病危害作业分级第4部分:噪声》[6]对检测结果定量分级并评价。
2 生产工艺流程聚氨酯合成革(湿法)生产工艺包括配料、涂布、研磨、印刷处理和检验;聚氨酯合成革(干法)生产工艺包括配料、涂布、揉纹、印刷处理和检验;聚氯乙烯合成革生产工艺包括配料、涂布、印刷处理和检验;工程塑胶粒生产工艺包括配料、混合、压出、切粒、干燥、包装。
3 职业病危害因素调查及评价3.1 职业病危害因素调查合成革涂料配料时为人工投料,投料物质包括树脂、钛白粉、纤维素粉、钙锌复合安定剂、碳酸钙粉等,投料工人操作位0 引言塑胶应用非常广泛,是家电、汽车、手机、PC 、医疗器械、照明电器中不可或缺的部件。
1 对象和方法1.1 对象某塑胶企业于2003年8月正式投产,主要从事聚氨酯合成革、聚氯乙烯合成革、工程塑胶粒等的生产与销售。
一线作业人员156人,实行两班倒工作制,每天工作12 h 。
究最多是Cu ,近年来出现大量以Cu 作为活性组分的催化剂研究。
对于稀土金属,目前以Ce 为代表的稀土氧化物已被广泛应用于非均相催化剂中[7-10]。
1 实验部分1.1 主要仪器和试剂仪器:KHCOD-8Z 型COD 消解装置(南京环科分析仪器有限公司)、pHS-3C 型pH 计(上海雷磁仪器厂)、TFM-500型高压反应釜(北京世纪森郎实验仪器有限公司)、SG-XL1600型马弗炉(上海光学精密机械研究所)。
试剂:浓硫酸、重铬酸钾、硫酸银、硫酸汞、硫酸亚铁、硫酸亚铁铵、硝酸铜、硝酸铈、硝酸锰、ZrOCl 2·8H 2O 溶液、氨水、乙醇、TiO 2粉末等,所用溶液皆为分析纯。
0 引言考虑到对于湿式催化氧化法,均相催化剂和非均相催化剂都有着各自的优点和缺点,并且对于不同种类的废水都有着各自的最佳适用范围,因此本文将选择多种类型催化剂进行研究,以筛选出效果最佳的催化剂。
常温常压催化湿式氧化中Mo-Mn-Al-O催化剂的制备及活性许银;孙德智【摘要】以Mn-Al-O为载体,钼酸盐为活性成分的前驱体,采用共沉淀-浸渍法制备出Mo-Mn-Al-O催化剂,使用ICP-OES、BET、XRD和XPS方法对其进行表征,研究其在常温常压下催化湿式氧化阳离子型染料废水的催化活性.实验结果表明,Mo的浸渍浓度为1.5 mol·L-1、浸渍温度为55℃、焙烧时间为3h和焙烧温度为400℃下制备出的Mo-Mn-Al-O催化剂对阳离子红GTL、阳离子红X-GRL、阳离子黄X-GL和阳离子蓝X-BL都有较好的催化性能.特别是,当催化剂投加量为2.72g·L-1时,反应1h后对阳离子红GTL的脱色率和TOC去除率分别达到74.8%和64.5%.%To overcome some drawbacks of catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO), higher temperature pressure is required. Mo-Mn-Al-O catalyst was prepared by co-precipitation and impregnation with Mn-Al-O as carrier and molybdate as precursor, and its catalytic activity for degradation of cationic dye wastewater under room temperature and atmospheric pressure was investigated. ICP-OES, BET, XRD and XPS were employed to characterize the Mo-Mn-Al-O catalyst. The results showed that the optimal preparation parameters were as follow: salts concentration was 1. 5 mol · L-1, dipping temperature 55°C , calcination time a nd temperature 3 h and 400℃ respectively. Furthermore, the degradation performance obtained for cationic dyes in wastewater cationic red GTL, cationic red X-GRL, cationic yellow X-GL and cationic blue X-BL showed that the catalytic activity of Mo-Mn-Al-0 catalyst was good whenamount of Mo-Mn-Al-O catalyst was 2. 72 g · L-1 , it can be removed 74. 8% of cationic red GTL and 64. 5% of TOC after 1 h oxidation.【期刊名称】《化工学报》【年(卷),期】2012(063)005【总页数】7页(P1415-1421)【关键词】Mo-Mn-Al-O催化剂;阳离子型染料废水;催化湿式氧化【作者】许银;孙德智【作者单位】北京林业大学北京市水体污染源控制技术重点实验室,北京100083;北京林业大学北京市水体污染源控制技术重点实验室,北京100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X505催化湿式氧化(catalytic wet air oxidation,CWAO)技术由于可将废水中有毒有害有机物有效氧化分解,且具有适用范围广、流程简单、停留时间短、二次污染小和占地面积小等特点,被认为是一种极具潜力处理含高浓度有毒有害有机物废水的高级氧化工艺,特别是非均相CWAO技术[1-2]。
湿式氧化法去除铝酸钠溶液中有机物的研究陈文汨;张浩【摘要】有机杂质在拜耳法生产氧化铝中的逐步积累,给生产带来负面影响,在众多有机物去除方法中,湿式氧化法是一种较理想的方法,它具有不需要太大额外投资,也不会给体系引入新的杂质,方便实现等一系列优势.文章重点研究湿式(催化)氧化法去除铝酸钠溶液中有机物,得出260℃,氧气分压为1 MPa,反应lh之后,有机物的转换率达到641%,3h之后能够达到79%.有催化剂CuO存在时(GuO 5 g/L).有机物分解得更快且更加彻底,温度260℃,氧气分压为l MPa,反应1h之后,有机物的转换率达到86.2%,3h之后能够达到94.6%,草酸钠也完全被分解.【期刊名称】《湖南有色金属》【年(卷),期】2011(027)005【总页数】4页(P35-37,74)【关键词】拜耳法;湿式(催化)氧化法;总有机碳;草酸钠;碳酸钠【作者】陈文汨;张浩【作者单位】中南大学冶金科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410083;中南大学冶金科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF114.1生产中有机物一直是困扰着人们的问题,它主要存在于生产过程中的溶液和废水中,集中于氧化铝工业[1~3]、石油化工[4,5]、造纸[6,7]和化工[8,9]生产中的溶液介质,有机物的存在,降低生产效率和给污水处理带来难度。
本文采用催化臭氧氧化工艺对该种废水进行深度处理,考察了催化剂装填量、臭氧投加量、pH值以及投加H2O2对COD 去除率的影响。
[关键词]催化臭氧氧化;H2O2;扑热息痛废水;深度处理Experimental study on advanced treatment of paracetamol wastewater by catalytic ozonationWu Xiaosong,Zhu Chongbing,Chu Feihu(AQUA Worth ( Suzhou) Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd,Suzhou215011,China)Abstract:The biochemical pond effluent of paracetamol wastewater treatment system has the characteristics of complex composition and difficult degradation. The catalytic ozonation process was used forthe advanced treatment of this wastewater, and the effects of catalyst loading amount, ozone dosage, pH value and H2O2 dosage on COD removal rate were investigated. The experimental results show that, for this kind of wastewater, under the conditions of ozone dosage of 2g/h, catalyst dosage of 400g/600mL wastewater, pH=9, reaction time of 60min, COD removal rate can reach 73.8%, H2O2 and ozone have obvioussynergistic effect, when the molar ratio of H2O2 and O3 is 0.5, The COD removal rate of catalytic ozone oxidation can reach 81.5%, and the COD of ozone effluent is 42mg/L, which can meet the discharge requirements.Key words:catalytic ozone oxidation; H2O2; paracetamol wastewater; advanced treatment扑热息痛是重要的非甾体解热镇痛药,经过长期生产实践,扑热息痛的生产已经形成了一套较为成熟的工艺路线,即传统二步生产法,是以对硝基氯苯为原料,经水解、酸化、还原制得对氨基酚,再经酰化得到对乙酰氨基酚。
水法热合成的K-OMS-2催化剂上甲苯气相氧化制苯甲醛反应研究李安;罗才武;冯丹丹;晁自胜【摘要】采用水热法制备了氧化锰八面体分子筛(K-OMS-2),对其进行了XRD,FT-IR,N2-低温物理吸附和SEM表征,并考察了其对甲苯气相氧化制苯甲醛反应的催化性能.研究结果表明,所制备的K-OMS-2具有纳米纤维状形貌(直径约为30 nm、长度大于1μm).相对于固相法和热回流法,水热法制备的K-OMS-2催化剂上苯甲醛选择性和收率更高.【期刊名称】《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2013(040)012【总页数】4页(P80-83)【关键词】水热法;氧化锰八面体分子筛;氧化;苯甲醛;甲苯【作者】李安;罗才武;冯丹丹;晁自胜【作者单位】湖南大学化学化工学院,化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室,湖南长沙410082;湖南大学化学化工学院,化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室,湖南长沙410082;湖南大学化学化工学院,化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室,湖南长沙410082;湖南大学化学化工学院,化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室,湖南长沙410082【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O643.322OMS-2是一种由[MnO6]八面体共用棱而构成的链之间共用顶角氧所形成的特殊结构的新型材料.根据[MnO6]八面体组合方式的不同,可存在层状(OL-1)或孔道状(OMS-1和OMS-2)晶型结构[1],其中,OMS-2由2×2共边的八面体[MnO6]链构成,顶点的氧原子相连构成大约0.46 nm× 0.46 nm的一维孔道[2].OMS-2具有温和的表面酸碱性和优异的离子交换性能,晶格中同时存在Mn2+,Mn3+和Mn4+,因此具有良好的氧化还原性.文献报道中,均采用固相法或热回流法制备得到OMS-2,可用作苯甲醇选择性氧化制苯甲醛[3],苯酚液相氧化[2],低温氧化甲醛[4]等反应的催化剂.甲苯部分氧化是芳烃氧化反应重要组成部分,氧化产物苯甲醛在香料、医药、染料和化妆品等行业具有广泛的应用.目前,甲苯部分氧化催化剂研究主要集中在V [5],Mo[6],Sb[7]等催化剂体系,但是均存在选择性不高的问题.本文首次采用水热晶化法制备了K-OMS-2催化剂,通过与固相法、热回流法合成K-OMS-2进行对比,考察了其对甲苯气相氧化制苯甲醛反应的催化性能,发现其表现出较高选择性.MnSO4·H2 O,均为分析纯试剂,购于国药集团化学试剂有限公司.1.2.1 固相法[8]按照摩尔比2∶3的比例,将KMnO4和Mn(Ac)2·4 H2 O混合并研磨均匀,然后在常压和80℃条件下处理4 h,得到黑褐色粉末,依次用蒸馏水和乙醇洗涤,在120℃烘干,于450℃焙烧4 h,得到催化剂A.1.2.2 回流法[9]按照摩尔比2∶3的比例,将KMnO4和Mn(Ac)2·4H2 O混合并研磨至均匀,然后在常压和80℃条件下处理4 h,得到黑褐色粉末,依次用蒸馏水和乙醇洗涤数次,在120℃烘干,于450℃焙烧4 h,得到催化剂B.1.2.3 水热法按照摩尔比3∶4的比例,将MnSO4溶液(1.75 mol/L)加入KMn O4溶液(0.4 mol/L)中;缓慢滴加6.8 m L浓硝酸至p H为2~3;在100℃晶化24 h;抽滤,洗涤;在120℃烘干;于450℃焙烧4 h,得到催化剂C.X-射线衍射(XRD)谱图在德国Bruker D8 ADVANCE型X射线衍射仪上采集;傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)在美国Varian 3100型红外光谱仪上测定.低温N2物理吸附实验在美国Quantachrome Autosorb-1物理吸附仪上进行.扫描电镜表征采用日本JEOL JSM-6700F SEM场发射扫描电子显微镜.甲苯气相氧化制备苯甲醛反应在固定床石英管式反应器(Φ8 mm×300 mm)中进行.20~30目颗粒度的催化剂(0.50 g)装填在固定床反应器的恒温区.反应前先通入空气于设定温度下活化催化剂2 h,然后用恒流泵将甲苯打入到反应器中进行反应.改变反应温度或空气流速以考察反应条件的影响.反应产物混合物采用Varian GC-MS(CP8944毛细柱)进行分析.由图1可看出,采用不同方法制备的催化剂在2θ=12.6°,17.9°,28.7°,37.5°,41.9°,49.9°和60.1°处均出现了衍射峰,表明催化剂具有八面体[Mn O6]孔道结构[8].在各催化剂中,水热晶化法合成的K-OMS-2的衍射峰强度最高,表明其具有最高的结晶度.由图2可看出,不同合成方法制备的K-OMS-2在1 143 cm-1,710 cm-1,522 cm-1处均出现了吸收峰.1 143 cm-1,710 cm-1,522 cm-1处吸收峰分别归属于催化剂中Mn3 O4中Mn O伸缩振动、Mn O2中Mn O伸缩振动和Mn—O键的伸缩振动[10].该结果表明,K-OMS-2中的Mn存在着+2,+3和+4 3种不同的价态.由表1和图3可看出,相较A和B,C具有较大的比表面积、孔容以及较为规则的孔径分布.由图4可看出,A和B催化剂上的形貌与文献报道一致[8].C催化剂在溶剂的存在下,有利于晶体的定向生长,能形成较好的纳米纤维状形貌(直径约为30 nm、长度大于1μm).由表2可知,随反应温度升高,A和B催化剂苯甲醛选择性下降,C催化剂上苯甲醛选择性略微增加再下降,说明C有较宽的适宜反应温度范围.温度升高所导致的苯甲醛选择性和产率的下降,是由于发生了苯甲醛深度氧化和甲苯歧化反应,这可以从二甲苯、苯和CO x等副产物选择性的升高得到佐证.反应的最佳温度为350℃,苯甲醛选择性可达81.3%.由图5可知,随空速增加,甲苯转化率降低,苯甲醛选择性先增加再下降.这是由于随空速的增加,停留时间减小,不仅降低了反应物甲苯与催化剂的接触时间,也促使反应产物苯甲醛快速离开催化剂表面而避免了深度氧化.但过高的空速也导致甲苯难以在催化剂表面充分活化而转化,不利于其目标产物苯甲醛,相反,甲苯可能主要发生非催化的气相反应,导致苯甲醛选择性下降[11].由图6可知,随着进料比n(air)∶n(toluene)增大,甲苯转化率上升,苯甲醛选择性下降,苯甲醛收率先上升再下降.因为随着进料比n(air)∶n(tolu-ene)的增加,反应物混合物中氧含量增加,促进了甲苯氧化转化反应,但甲苯也更易发生歧化反应和深度氧化等副反应,从而降低了苯甲醛选择性.1)与固相法和热回流法相比,水热法制备的KOMS-2具有更大的比表面积和较规则的孔径分布;K-OMS-2中的Mn存在着+2,+3和+4三种不同的价态.2)水热法合成的K-OMS-2催化剂气相氧化甲苯制备苯甲醛反应的适宜条件为:催化剂用量为0.50 g,反应温度为350℃,空气空速为2 400/h,进料比n (air)∶n(toluene)=5.0.在此条件下,甲苯的转化率为5.12%,苯甲醛的选择性为81.30%,苯甲醛的收率为4.16%,催化剂催化效果较好.†通讯联系人,E-mail:zschao@【相关文献】[1] LUO J,ZHANG Q,GARCIA M J,etal.Adsorptive and acidic properties,reversible lattice oxygen evolution,and catalytic mechanism of cryptomelane-type manganese oxides as oxi-dation catalysts[J].Journal of the American Chemical Society,2008,130(10):3198-3207.[2] ABECASSIS W M,JOTHIRAMALINGAM R,LANDAU M V,etal.Cerium incorporated ordered manganese oxide OMS-2 materials:improved catalysts for wet oxidation of phenol compounds[J].Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,2005,59(1/2):91-98. 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湿式氧化法处理工业废水的实验教学设计李道圣;王小聪;占伟;康建雄;刘冬啟【摘要】To combine the experimental teaching with scientific research tightly, an experiment was designed to treat industrial wastewater by catalytic wet air oxidation. The impacts on the oxidation efficiencies of the type of the catalysts, reaction temperature, and catalyst contents were studied, and the bioability of the wastewater after treatment was also investigated. This proposal provided the students with a better understanding and mastering of the detection principle, the operation procedure and the analysis method.%为实现实验教学与科研工作的紧密结合,该教学设计采用催化湿式氧化技术对工业废水进行处理.通过研究催化剂种类、反应温度和催化剂的投加量对处理效果的影响、考察处理后废水的可生化性变化,使学生更好地理解和掌握催化湿式氧化技术处理工业废水的基本原理、操作步骤及结果分析方法.【期刊名称】《实验技术与管理》【年(卷),期】2012(029)007【总页数】3页(P143-145)【关键词】工业废水;催化湿式氧化(CWAO);MnCe催化剂;可生化性【作者】李道圣;王小聪;占伟;康建雄;刘冬啟【作者单位】华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院,湖北武汉 430074;华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院,湖北武汉 430074;华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院,湖北武汉 430074;华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院,湖北武汉 430074;华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院,湖北武汉 430074【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G424.31随着工业的发展,工业废水的产量骤增,环境污染日益严重。
异丙醇和苯液相烷基化反应制备异丙苯王高伟;魏一伦;高焕新【摘要】研究MWW结构的有机硅微孔沸石催化剂在苯和异丙醇液相烷基化反应中的性能,考察反应温度、反应压力和空速等对催化剂催化性能的影响.结果表明,反应温度低于150℃时,催化剂活性和稳定性较差,主要反应为烷基化反应及异丙醇的分子内脱水和分子间脱水反应,反应产物为异丙苯、丙烯和异丙醚.反应温度高于170℃时,催化剂活性和稳定性良好,异丙醇接近完全转化,主要反应为烷基化反应,主要产物为异丙苯和多异丙苯.随着原料空速的增大,异丙醇转化率和异丙苯选择性降低,异丙醚和丙烯选择性增大.反应压力(1.5~2.5) MPa时,反应为液相烷基化过程,反应压力的变化对催化剂催化性能影响较小.【期刊名称】《工业催化》【年(卷),期】2015(023)010【总页数】5页(P802-806)【关键词】有机化学工程;苯;异丙醇;液相烷基化;异丙苯;分子筛【作者】王高伟;魏一伦;高焕新【作者单位】中国石化上海石油化工研究院,上海201208;中国石化上海石油化工研究院,上海201208;中国石化上海石油化工研究院,上海201208【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ426.94;TQ241.1+5异丙苯是重要的有机化工原料,主要用于生产苯酚和丙酮。
异丙苯法苯酚生产工艺是以丙烯和苯为原料,在催化剂作用下,丙烯与苯经烷基化反应生成异丙苯,异丙苯经空气氧化生成过氧化氢异丙基苯,过氧化氢异丙基苯经酸分解得到苯酚和丙酮,每生产1 t苯酚约副产0.62 t丙酮,全球近97%苯酚和90%丙酮通过该法生产[1]。
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Catalytic Wet Oxidation of Phenol with Mn-Ce-Based Oxide Catalysts:Impact of Reactive Adsorption on TOC RemovalM.Abecassis-Wolfovich,†ndau,*,†A.Brenner,‡and M.Herskowitz†Chemical Engineering Department,The Blechner Center for Industrial Catalysis and Process Development,and Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering,Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,Beer-Sheva84105,IsraelCatalytic wet oxidation of phenol solutions at low temperatures of80-130°C and space velocitiesof1-100h-1using Mn-Ce catalysts was studied with an emphasis on the reactive adsorptionmechanism and total organic carbon(TOC)removal.Eight catalysts(Mn/Ce)6:4)were activatedunder different conditions and promoted with alkali metals(K,Cs)or noble metals(Pt,Ru).The compositions and physical properties of all catalysts were measured.Preliminary runs wereconducted in a batch reactor,but most experiments were carried out in a continuous-flow trickle-bed reactor.Catalysts containing mixed Mn3O4-CeO2phases pure and promoted with alkalimetals displayed a higher activity and a higher adsorption of organic deposits on their surface.Noble metals had little effect on process performance.The adsorption capacity of the catalystswas found to be considerably higher than that reported for activated carbon.Furthermore,complete regeneration of a catalyst in three consecutive tests was demonstrated under relativelylow temperature and with no loss of activity.The selectivity toward reactive adsorption washighest on Mn-Ce-Cs catalysts.Low space velocity yielded essentially complete adsorption ofphenol,resulting in deposits on the catalyst surface.The conversion of phenol to water-solubleoxygenates was found to increase water toxicity.The catalytic reactive adsorption-regenerationprocess should become an attractive treatment method for phenol solutions and other complexwaste streams.IntroductionCatalytic wet oxidation(CWO)with heterogeneous catalysts is a method for the treatment of dilute aqueous waste streams containing a variety of organic pollutants such as phenols.1,2It can be used to mineralize organic contaminants to CO2and H2O or to convert them into nontoxic and biodegradable products.CWO has also become an alternative to the traditional treatment of wastewater with activated carbon,in a periodic adsorp-tion-regeneration process.3,4CWO needs to be con-ducted at relatively low temperature to exclude water evaporation and condensation,short space-time to save reactor volume,and with a high-recovery regeneration procedure to ensure economic feasibility.Many catalysts have been tested in CWO of phenols: Pt;Pd;Ru/C;5CuO-ZnO/Al2O3;6,7Ru/CeO2;8Pt/CeO2;9 and bulk manganese-cerium oxide composites,pure10-12 or doped with Pt,13Pt-Ag,14or K.15,16Only composites based on manganese-cerium oxides have displayed the ability to remove phenol efficiently at low temperatures of e100°C.At low temperatures,Mn-Ce-based cata-lysts convert phenol to polymeric carbonaceous deposits produced on cerium-related sites that cause substantial catalyst deactivation due to surface blocking.10,12,17The amount of carbon on a spent Mn-Ce catalyst could reach about23wt%.11Introduction of Pt decreases the amount of carbonaceous deposits,13whereas promoting the Mn-Ce catalyst with potassium achieves the op-posite effect.15Pintar and Levec7measured the formation of poly-meric deposits on the catalyst surface during phenol CWO on CuO-ZnO/Al2O3.They assumed that poly-merization was promoted by the partial oxidation of phenol to aldehydes followed by condensation with phenol.Such polymerization usually occurs on basic catalysts.18It is therefore consistent with promotion of carbon deposition on Mn-Ce composites on cerium-related sites,10,12,17which are more basic than the surface of manganese oxide.19,20The polymeric deposi-tion on the catalyst surface can be considered as the “reactive adsorption”of phenol caused by the catalytic material.Its contribution to TOC removal in phenol CWO reached50-70%.7,13Mn-Ce-based catalysts were tested in phenol CWO at low temperature only in a batch reactor,10,11,13although it was already postulated that the process should be more efficient in a trickle-bed reactor because of the higher solid-to-liquid ratio.7,21 No information has been published on the regeneration of Mn-Ce-based catalysts after deactivation during the CWO of phenol.The scope of the present study was to demonstrate a controlled reactive adsorption mechanism as a means to improving TOC removal in the CWO of phenol with Mn-Ce-based catalysts in a fixed-bed reactor.Oxidative regeneration procedure to recover the initial catalyst activity was also developed.The information obtained was compared to the conventional adsorptive removal of phenol from wastewater by activated carbon. Experimental WorkCatalyst Preparation.Two samples of manganese and cerium oxide composite(atomic ratio Mn/Ce)6:4) were prepared by coprecipitation from mixed aqueous*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:†The Blechner Center for Industrial Catalysis and Process Development,Chemical Engineering Department.‡Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering.5089Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.2004,43,5089-509710.1021/ie049756n CCC:$27.50©2004American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web07/13/2004solutions of manganese(II)chloride(MnCl2‚4H2O,Sigma Chemical Co.)and cerium(III)chloride(CeCl3‚7H2O, Sigma Chemical Co.)as described by Imamura et al.22 One hundred milliliters of this solution was poured into 200mL of3M aqueous sodium hydroxide(NaOH,97%, Aldrich Chemicals),and the resulting precipitate was separated by filtration,washed,dried in air at100°C for16h,and then calcined at350°C for3h under a vacuum of85mbar(Mn-Ce-1)or in air(Mn-Ce-2). Addition of potassium or cesium to these Mn-Ce catalysts was done by incipient wetness impregnation that was performed after drying the Mn-Ce precipitate at100°C.The samples were impregnated with aqueous solutions of potassium nitrate(KNO3,Aldrich Chemi-cals)or cesium nitrate(CsNO3,Aldrich Chemicals)to gain4wt%of the alkaline metal.The samples were evacuated at350°C for4h(Mn-Ce-K-1,Mn-Ce-Cs-1)or calcined in air under the same conditions(Mn-Ce-K-2,Mn-Ce-Cs-2).Addition of platinum or ruthe-nium was performed by incipient wetness impregnationof Mn-Ce catalyst after treatment in a vacuum at350°C for3h with5mg/L aqueous solutions of H2PtCl6or H2RuCl6(Aldrich Chemicals)to gain3wt%of the noble metal.After the samples had been dried at100°C,they were activated in hydrogen for3h at350°C(Mn-Ce-Pt and Mn-Ce-Ru).Catalyst Characterization.The chemical composi-tions of the catalysts(weight percentage,average of five measurements at different points of the solid)were measured by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(JEOL JEM5600scanning electron microscope).Surface areas and pore volumes were obtained from N2adsorption-desorption isotherms using the conventional BET and BJH methods.The calcined samples were outgassed under vacuum at250°C.Isotherms were measured at liquid nitrogen temperature with a NOVA-2000(Quan-tachrome,Version7.01)instrument.The phase compo-sitions of the catalysts were tested by X-ray diffraction (XRD).The XRD patterns were collected on a Philips diffractometer PW1050/70(Cu K R radiation)with a graphite monochromator at diffracted beam.Data were recorded at a0.02°step size for2s at each step.The peak positions and the instrumental peak broadening ( )were determined by fitting each diffraction peak by means of APD computer software.The crystal domain size was determined using the Scherrer equation where K)1.000, )0.1°,λ)0.154nm,and B is the peak broadening at2θ)30-45°for different manga-nese oxides and at2θ)48°for cerium oxide.Temper-ature-programmed reduction(TPR)and temperature-programmed oxidation(TPO)experiments were carried out in an AMI-100Catalyst Characterization System (Zeton-Altamira)equipped with a mass spectrometer for outlet component identification(Ametek1000).Catalyst (0.2g)was loaded and treated in10vol%H2-Ar,25 cm3/min(TPR),or5vol%O2-He,25cm3/min(TPO), as the temperature was increased from ambient to420°C at5°C/min.Catalyst Testing Procedures.The wet oxidation of phenol(Sigma Chemical Co.)was carried out in batch and fixed-bed reactors.The preliminarily tests were performed in a stirred autoclave reactor[steady state (SS),300mL,Bu¨chi]at100°C,under a10atm oxygen pressure,with a stirring speed of800rpm,a catalyst loading of2g/L,and a phenol concentration of0.2g/L. Catalyst(0.3g in a powder form to avoid any diffusion limitations)and110mL of distilled water were fed to the reactor,which was pressurized with oxygen to9 atm,and the mixture was then heated under agitation using an oil bath.After the desired reaction temperature had been attained,25mL of concentrated phenol solution(1.2g/L)was loaded into the reactor using an Eldex piston pump.One-milliliter samples were taken periodically for HPLC analysis(GBC,LC1205instru-ment,Zorbax ODS-5C18reverse-phase column,mobile phase acetonitrile/distilled water mixture(8:2vol ratio), 1cm3/min flow rate,UV spectrophotometer for detec-tion,λ)260nm)to determine the phenol concentration. Selected catalysts were tested in a continuous mode using a fixed-bed reactor(SS,20-mm i.d.,24-cm length). CWO was performed at80-130°C with10bar of oxygen pressure and a liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV)of1-100h-1in a fixed-bed reactor rig(Figure 1).The reactor was heated with an electric coil con-trolled by a Eurotherm PID controller.A K-type ther-mocouple was positioned in the center of the catalyst bed.Two independently controlled heating zones kept the axial temperature gradient in the reactor to less than5°C.The oxygen was fed by a Brooks mass controller to a preheater at a rate of25-100mL min-1 (STP conditions)before entering the reactor at the selected temperature.The tested solution containing1 g/L phenol(doubly distilled water)was fed to the reactor by a high-pressure metering pump(SSI HPLC series II isocratic)at20-52mL/h and reaction pressure. Catalyst pellets(0.3-11g,0.4-0.5mm fraction)were diluted with quartz particles of the same size in order to keep a fixed volume of catalyst layer inside the isothermal zone.The liquid effluent was collected in periods of time and analyzed by HPLC to detect the residual phenol concentration.The liquid outlet stream was also analyzed for TOC(total organic carbon)using an Apollo9000HS model TOC combustion analyzer (Tekmar Dohmann)equipped with a nondispersive infrared(NDIR)detector.Testing of phenol oxidation at100°C in a reactor loaded only with glass Raching rings showed that the phenol conversion was below1%. The phenol conversion(X PhOH,%)and TOC conversionl)Kλ[(B2- 2)0.5cos(2θ/2)]Figure1.Fixed-bed reactor rig for phenol oxidation:1,oxygencylinder;2,flowmeter;3,preheater;4,fixed-bed reactor;5,temperature controller;6,separator and liquid sampling cell;7,gas sampling;8,nitrogen cylinder;9,liquid pump;10,feed tank.5090Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.,Vol.43,No.17,2004(X TOC,%)were calculated asandwhere C PhOH is the phenol concentration,with the subscripts0and t representing the initial concentration for the batch reactor or the concentration at the inlet for the fixed-bed reactor(C PhOH,0)and the final concen-tration for a batch reactor or the concentration at the outlet for the fixed-bed reactor(C PhOH,t).C TOC is the TOC concentration measured at the fixed-bed reactor inlet or outlet.The reaction rate constants of phenol trans-formation in the batch reactor were calculated assuming first-order kinetics with respect to phenolTo examine the leaching of the metal ingredients,the effluent stream was also analyzed for the presence of Mn and Ce by an inductively coupled plasma(ICP) technique,using an Optima3000Perkin-Elmer ICPOES system.In addition,toxicity bioassays based on the relative inhibition of bioluminescence of marine bacteria were conducted.Toxicity was determined by the Vibrio fischeri bioluminescence assay method,using a model ToxAlert10luminometer(Merck K G a A,Darmstadt, Germany).The Vibrio fischeri bioluminescence assay has been successfully employed for the evaluation of toxicity in complex waste samples and has shown a high sensitivity to the presence of toxicants as well as a good correlation to other toxicity bioassays(Bulich et al.23).A working solution of luminescent bacteria was pre-pared by reconstituting a vial of freeze-dried Vibrio fischeri cells,purchased from Merck,using1mL of2% (w/v)NaCl.Luminescence of a tested solution and a control having the same amounts of reconstituted bacteria at pH6-8were conducted simultaneously. Toxicity was calculated as the percent decrease in luminescence of the tested solution,compared to the control,and is termed here the percent inhibition. Catalyst Regeneration.The amount of the carbon-aceous material adsorbed on the catalyst surface in continuous runs was calculated according to the time profile of CO2formed during oxidative regenerative treatment.In this treatment the spent catalyst was heated in the reactor under a50mL/min flow rate of oxygen and heating rate of3°C/min up to the required temperature and kept at this temperature until no carbon dioxide was detected at the reactor outlet.A gas sample was taken every few minutes from the exit pipe of the system and analyzed by GC(Gow-Mac580 instrument equipped with a TCD detector and a Pora-pack Q packed column;L)6ft,o.d.)1/8in.,i.d.)3 mm).Integration of the CO2concentration versus time data using Polymath5.1(Simpson method)yielded the total amount of CO2produced during oxidative regeneration. The corresponding mass of phenol on the surface (m PhOH,s)was calculated from this value and compared with the mass of reacted phenol(m PhOH,r).The ratio between those two values represents here the selectivitytoward reactive adsorption(SRA)and was calculatedasThe catalyst adsorption capacity(CAC)was calculatedaswhere m cat is the catalyst mass.When the regenerationwas performed after a small decline in phenol conver-sion(the start of visible deactivation),the ratio of phenolamount on the surface to the amount of catalyst wasdefined as the steady-state catalyst adsorption capacity(SS-CAC).When the regeneration was performed afterfull deactivation(X PhOH e30%),the ratio was defined as the total catalyst adsorption capacity(total CAC).SRA and CAC measurements and calculations wereperformed three times with an accuracy of5-10%. Results and DiscussionCatalyst Properties.Mn-Ce catalysts containingdifferent promoters(that affect polymeric deposition)were tested in a batch reactor.The catalysts testedincluded a mixed oxide with optimal CWO Mn/Ceatomic ratio of6:4established in previous investiga-tions.12,22This mixed oxide was modified with potas-sium,cesium,and noble metals(i.e.,platinum orruthenium)to examine its ability to accumulate car-bonaceous deposits during phenol CWO due to differentsurface basicity(K,Cs)and oxidation activity(Pt,Ru).The texture parameters of the different catalysts as wellas their phase compositions are listed in Table1.Thecatalysts were treated(1)in air or(2)under vacuumatmosphere,which caused a change in the structure ofmanganese oxide component from Mn5O8to Mn3O4.XRD diffractograms of samples Mn-Ce-1and Mn-Ce-2(Figure2)shows sharper peaks for Mn-Ce-1,indicatinga lower dispersion of Mn3O4compared to Mn5O8(crystalsizes of23-25and9-10nm,respectively)and similardispersion of the CeO2phase(4-5nm)(Table1).Therelatively high surface area of the mixed oxides(about100m2.g-1)is determined mostly by the CeO2phase,which displayed a much higher dispersion and com-prised about60%of the catalyst by weight.Taking intoaccount the theoretical densities of Mn5O8and CeO2of4.933and7.214g/cm3,respectively,the calculation ofcorresponding surface areas according to formula(where F is the density,d is the crystal diameter)gives 208m2/g for CeO2and122m2/g for Mn5O8.The weight ratio of these phases in the Mn-Ce catalyst treated in air is CeO2/Mn5O8≈1.5,and the measured surface area is128m2/g.This figure compared with the weighted contributions of the calculated surface areas of the oxide components,174m2/g,means that∼75%of the oxide crystal surface in the composite is accessible for reacting molecules.Evacuated Mn-Ce-1catalyst had a lower surface area relative to the air-treated Mn-Ce-2be-cause of the lower dispersion of the manganese oxideXPhOH (%))(1-C PhOH,t C PhOH,0)×100X TOC (%))(1-C TOC,outletCTOC,inlet)×100-ln(1-X PhOH100))ktSRA)mPhOH,smPhOH,rCAC)mPhOH,smcatSA)6000F dInd.Eng.Chem.Res.,Vol.43,No.17,20045091phase (23-25nm,Table 1).It is important to note that the final treatment affected only the manganese oxide phase and not the cerium oxide phase.Modification of Mn -Ce mixed oxide with alkaline and noble metals created substantial changes of its surface area and pore diameter,with no effect on the crystal dimensions of the main phases or appearance of novel phases in the case of alkaline metals (Table 1).Because the amount of inserted modifiers was relatively small (<5wt %),this could indicate a change of the manganese and cerium oxide crystal packing mode during metal addi-tion.Batch Reactor Experiments.The rate constants and phenol conversions of the different catalysts in batch reactor experiments are presented in Table 2.The manganese oxide component in the form of Mn 3O 4phase yielded a higher catalyst activity relative to that in the form of Mn 5O 8,which was obtained according to a known preparation procedure.22The increase of specific activity by 40%measured for Mn -Ce-1catalyst (vacuum treated)compared with Mn -Ce-2(air treated)corre-sponds to a decrease of the oxidation state of the Mn ions from 3.2(Mn 5O 8)to 2.6(Mn 3O 4).The same trend was observed for Mn -Ce catalysts modified with alka-line metals.To examine the effect of the different phases on the redox cycle,TPO and TPR experiments were performed (Figure 3a,b).According to the TPO spectra (Figure 3a),treatment in a vacuum shifts the oxygen consumption peak to higher temperature as a result ofTable 1.Textural and Structural Properties of Manganese -Ceria-Based Catalystscrystal size (nm)catalyst surface area (m 2‚g -1)pore diameter(nm)pore volume (cm 3‚g -1)phase composition MnO x CeO 2Mn -Ce-19814.80.36Mn 3O 4,CeO 2254Mn -Ce-212811.50.37Mn 5O 8,CeO 2104Mn -Ce -K-17420.00.37Mn 3O 4,CeO 2244Mn -Ce -K-25422.80.25Mn 5O 8,CeO 210 4.5Mn -Ce -Cs-111114.60.40Mn 3O 4,CeO 223 4.5Mn -Ce -Cs-25319.30.25Mn 5O 8,CeO 210 4.5Mn -Ce -Pt 8314.00.32Mn 5O 8,CeO 225 5.0Mn -Ce -Ru7713.30.31Mn 5O 8,CeO 2244.5Figure 2.X-ray diffractograms of Mn -Ce catalysts:(a)Mn -Ce-1,(b)Mn -Ce-2.Table 2.Phenol Conversions and Rate ConstantsMeasured with Mn -Ce-Based Catalysts in Batch Reactor after 60min acatalyst phenol conversion (%)rateconstant,k(10-3L ‚g -1‚min -1)specific rate constant,k ′(10-6L ‚m -2‚min -1)Mn -Ce-1808.990Mn -Ce-2707.765Mn -Ce -K-18713.2178Mn -Ce -K-2728.4155Mn -Ce -Cs-19317.8160Mn -Ce -Cs-2607.8147Mn -Ce -Pt 829.0108Mn -Ce -Ru8310.2130a[C PhO ]0)0.2g ‚L -1,T )100°C,P O 2)10bar,[C cat ])2g ‚L -1.Figure 3.(a)TPO and (b)TPR spectra of Mn -Ce-based catalysts.5092Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.,Vol.43,No.17,2004the lower manganese oxidation state (2.6).In the TPR spectra (Figure 3b),the lack of the low-temperature peak that is assigned to the high-oxidation-state man-ganese species 15corresponded to the formation of the Mn 3O 4phase with a lower oxidation state of Mn ions and a lower dispersion.Most oxygen consumption during O 2treatment and removal during H 2treatment of the evacuated Mn -Ce-1catalyst proceeded at higher temperature (300-350°C)relative to that of air-calcined Mn -Ce-2(150-300°C).This could result in lower efficiency of evacuated Mn -Ce catalyst in phenol con-version to deep oxidation products,facilitating the reactive adsorption of phenol at the catalyst surface.The diminishing redox ability was further observed after addition of alkaline metals.This addition substantially decreased the amount of oxygen adsorbed in TPO experiments by evacuated Mn -Ce catalysts without changing the shape of the TPO (Figure 3a)and TPR (Figure 3b)spectra.Introduction of K and especially of the more basic Cs strongly increased the rate of phenol conversion (Table 2).Treatment in a vacuum along with the addition of alkaline metals increased the rate of phenol oxidative conversion by a factor of 1.6(K)and 2.2(Cs).Introduc-tion of Pt to the more active evacuated Mn -Ce catalyst had no substantial effect on phenol conversion in agreement with the results of Hamoudi et al.13The same result was measured with Ru promoter.Both noble metals increased the specific rate of phenol conversion (normalized per unit of catalyst surface)by a factor of 1.7-2.Contribution of Reactive Adsorption to TOC Removal.The evacuated Mn -Ce-based catalysts that displayed higher activities relative to the air-calcined samples were tested in a fixed-bed reactor.The phenol and TOC conversions and product distributions between solid (due to reactive adsorption)and liquid (due to partial oxidation to low-molecular-weight oxygenates)6,7are shown in Table 3.The parameters were measured in a steady-state parison of the phenol conversions in Tables 2and 3shows that,in both systems (batch and continuous mode),the same ranking of the samples according to their activities was obtained.In all of the continuous-mode experiments,70-94%of the converted phenol was removed through reactive adsorption and CO 2formation.The carbon mass balance based on the amount of carbon detected in the treated water and on that accumulated on the spent catalyst was 96-100%(Table 3).This indicates that negligible CO 2was formed at the selected testing conditions {T )100°C,WHSV (weight hourly space velocity))0.1g of phenol/[(g of catalyst)‚h],LHSV )100h -1},so almost all of the organics removed from the water remained on the catalyst surface,as shown in Table 3.This obser-vation is different from the results reported by Hussain et al.15for phenol CWO in a batch reactor,where the mineralization selectivity toward CO 2formation reached 33%with Mn -Ce and 95%with K -Mn -Ce catalysts even at lower contact times.This difference in product distributions is a result of the different catalyst activa-tion procedure applied,as,in the present study,an evacuation procedure was used instead of air calcina-tion.This yielded a Mn phase with a lower oxidation state of the metal ions and a lower dispersion.Testing of the Mn -Ce-2catalyst that was calcined in air yielded a lower phenol conversion and a reduction of the deposits on the solids surface.In this case,only 68%of the removed organics remained in the catalyst (Table 3).The remaining 32%was converted to CO 2in agree-ment with the data reported previously.13,15Testing of the evacuated Mn -Ce catalysts showed that the alka-line metals increased the phenol conversion and the contribution of reactive adsorption to phenol conversion (Table 3).It was also found that Pt decreased this contribution (in agreement with the results of Hamoudi et al.13),whereas Ru had no effect.Figure 4shows phenol conversions obtained with the evacuated Mn -Ce-1catalyst as a function of phenol load for various LHSVs.Two periods can be identified:(i)a steady-state period at a fixed phenol conversion and (ii)a deactivation period displaying a decline of phenol conversions to e 30%.The deactivation is a result of surface blocking with carbonaceous deposits formed in the catalyst pores by copolymerization of phenol with products of its partial oxidation.7Figure 5and Table 4compare the textural properties of fresh and spent Mn -Ce-1catalysts.After deactivation (phenol conversion e 30%),the wide pore size distribution of the fresh Mn -Ce-1catalyst with a maximum in range of 10-20nm was narrowed,and its maximum was shifted to 4nm because of the formation of a thick carbonaceous depos-its layer on the walls of catalyst pores.This is also confirmed by the decreasing values of the surface area,pore diameter,and pore volume (Table 4).Effects of Additives,LHSV,and Temperature.The steady-state catalyst adsorption capacity (SS-CAC)and the total CAC (measured after X PhOH e 30%)depend on modifiers (K,Cs,Pt,Ru),contact time (LHSV),and temperature,as shown in Tables 5-7.The effect of the addition of alkaline and noble metals on the catalyst operation time,SRA,SS-CAC,and total CAC is shown in Table 5.Addition of basic additivesTable 3.Phenol and TOC Conversions and Product Distributions Measured with Mn -Ce-Based Catalysts before Visible Deactivation aconversion (%)product distribution (%)catalyst phenol TOC liquid solid Mn -Ce-160462377Mn -Ce -K-173621284Mn -Ce -Cs-18275691Mn -Ce -Pt 70493070Mn -Ce -Ru 66522278Mn -Ce-252372950aReaction conditions:[C PhOH ]0)1g ‚L -1,T )100°C,P O 2)10bar,LHSV )100h -1.Figure 4.Phenol conversion as a function of amount of phenol flow through catalyst at different LHSV (T )100°C,P O 2)10bar,[C PhOH ]0)1g ‚L -1,Mn -Ce-1catalyst).Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.,Vol.43,No.17,20045093(K,Cs)reduced both steady-state and deactivation periods,hence reducing catalyst stability.18These find-ings and the steady-state conversions and product distribution presented in Table3indicate that decreased stability is caused by polymer accumulation.The de-crease of the steady-state period and SS-CAC seems to be a result of blocking of the basic sites related to K and especially Cs,being highly reactive in polymeriza-tion reactions.The results for unpromoted Mn-Ce catalyst and that promoted with noble metals,which are shown in Table5,were similar for the steady-state region(duration of operation period and SS-CAC). However,both the deactivation period and the total CAC were smaller with the promoters.This is in agreement with the results of Hamoudi et al.,13who found that Pt-promoted Mn-Ce catalyst is sensitive to deactivation.The effect of increasing LHSV on phenol and TOC conversions,CAC,and SRA are presented in Table6 for the Mn-Ce-1catalyst.The increase in LHSV had little effect on SS-CAC and total CAC.It substantially affected the period of steady-state operation,phenol conversion,and SRA,as shown in Table6.In addition, as the space time increased,the phenol transformation gradually shifted to reactive adsorption.The increase of space time(lower LHSV)also decreased the specific load(grams of phenol on stream per gram of catalyst) as shown in Figure4,allowing longer operation time and higher phenol conversion.On the basis of the TOC balance,it can be concluded that the higher phenol conversion caused by higher amounts of carbonaceous solids deposited on the catalyst surface(Table6)also results in a higher SRA.It is important to mention that the Mn-Ce-1catalyst at100°C removed95-100% phenol from contaminated water at LHSVs of10-1h-1 with SS-CACs of120-130mg of phenol/g of catalyst (Table6).The effect of temperature on the phenol and TOC conversions and on the CAC and SRA are presented in Table7for the Mn-Ce-1catalyst.Decreasing the reaction temperature from130to80°C for a steady LHSV gradually enhanced the SRA,SS-CAC,and total CAC.The same trend was obtained when the LHSV was decreased for a steady temperature.Although the phenol conversion decreased with temperature,the selectivity toward reactive adsorption(SRA)increased, due to the fact that there is a higher amount of unreacted phenol that is free to be adsorbed on the catalyst surface(which has a high affinity to adsorb carbonaceous deposits).In this process,more polymeric deposits are adsorbed with lower deactivation ability yielding an increase of SS-CAC and total CAC to170 and420mg of phenol/g of catalyst,respectively(Table 7).Decreasing SS-CAC,total CAC,and SRA with increasing temperature,in the absence of CO2emission, corresponded to production of more liquid products and not to oxidation of carbonaceous deposits.For a deeper understanding of the observed effects of additives,LHSV,and temperature on the performance of the Mn-Ce catalysts and the reactive-adsorption phenomena,it will be helpful to collect direct informa-tion about the nature of carbonaceous deposits as aFigure5.Pore size distributions of fresh,spent,and regenerated Mn-Ce-1catalyst.Table4.Textural Properties of Mn-Ce-1Catalystsample surface area(m2‚g-1)pore diameter(nm)pore volume(mL‚g-1)fresh9814.80.36 spent56 3.80.05 regenerated11511.20.30 Table5.Steady-State and Deactivation Periods,Phenol Adsorption Capacities,and Selectivities toward Reactive Adsorption as a Function of Catalyst Composition acatalyst steady-stateperiod(h)deacti-vationperiod(h)SS-CAC(mg ofphenol/g ofcatalyst)total CAC(mg ofphenol/g ofcatalyst)SRA(mg ofphenol/g of reactedphenol)Mn-Ce-1 2.514.4120300500Mn-Ce-K-10.610.540310670Mn-Ce-Cs-10.6550320810Mn-Ce-Pt 2.56130270550Mn-Ce-Ru 2.5 4.2150240660a Reaction conditions:LHSV)100h-1,[C PhO]0)1g L-1,T) 100°C,P O2)10bar.Table6.Phenol Adsorption Capacity and Reactive Adsorption Selectivity of Mn-Ce-1Catalyst as aFunction of Catalyst Composition aLHSV(h-1):11050100 phenol conversion b(%)100957560 TOC conversion b(%)100886246 SS-CAC(mg of phenol/g of catalyst)120130130120 total CAC(mg of phenol/g of catalyst)300300290300 SRA(mg of phenol/g of reacted phenol)1000690500500 steady-state period(h)7876 2.5 deactivation period(h)340402514.4 product distribution b(%)liquid071723 solid100938377a Reaction conditions:[C PhO]0)1g‚L-1,T)100°C,P O2)10bar.b Before visible deactivation.Table7.Phenol Adsorption Capacity and Reactive Adsorption Selectivity of Mn-Ce-1Catalyst as aFunction of Reaction Temperature atemperature(°C):LHSV(h-1):80101001080100100100130100 phenol conversion b(%)8995526075 TOC conversion b(%)8488474647 SS-CAC(mg of phenol/g of catalyst)160130170120110 total CAC(mg of phenol/g of catalyst)420300320300280 SRA(mg of phenol/g of reacted phenol)790690530500410 product distribution b(%)liquid57102337 solid9593907763a Reaction conditions:[C PhO]0)1g‚L-1,P O2)10bar.b Before visible deactivation.5094Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.,Vol.43,No.17,2004。