“Dual-broadband multistandard



四核包囊 小肠下段脱囊 4个核滋养体
邹褶或隐窝,二分裂繁(以细菌粘膜 肠内容

已消化食物为食) 胞质分泌囊液
虫体团缩形成囊前期 包囊
组织内(肠壁、肝脑) 、
染色后胞核形态特征是医学原虫病 原诊断的重要依据
1、增殖作用:大量增殖到一定数量后引起 损害,血液、体液及分泌物中原虫的检查 可为临床诊断提供可靠信息。
2、播散作用:由于快速增殖而具有的全身 播散的倾向。病原学诊断不仅要考虑原发 病灶,而且还要考虑到继发病灶乃至全身 各器官。
3、机会致病:有些原虫对健康宿主不表现 出明显致病性,但当宿主免疫功能低下时, 可导致严重甚至致死性的感染。
1、生物学分类:隶属于4个纲: 动鞭纲 叶足纲 孢子纲 动基裂纲 (鞭毛虫)(阿米巴)(孢子虫) (纤毛虫) 2、按寄生部位分类:腔道内寄生原虫(肠
道、阴道)和血液及组织内寄生原虫(红 细胞内、有核细胞内、肝、肺、脑及其他 组织内寄生)。
以伪足为运动细胞器,多数生 活史有滋养体和包囊两个时期, 滋养体期为运动、摄食、繁殖和 致病期,包囊为静止期,是阿米 巴传播期。
对成形粪便,用碘液染色法查包囊。包囊形成有 间歇,故检查时应隔日1次并连续3次以上送检 为宜。 (2)十二指肠液或胆汁检查滋养体 (3)肠检胶囊法。 (4)小肠活组织检查,利用纤维胃镜取小肠粘 膜组织检查。
、分布: 1本病在发达与发展中国家均有流行,我国平均 感染率为2.65%



膝下皮质 脚间窝核 舟骨下结节 锁骨下入路 顶下动脉 胸膜下淋巴结 幕下疝 肩胛下动脉 幽门溃疡 蝶鞍下肿瘤 顶下静脉 膝下束 脚间窝区 舟骨下韧带 锁骨下臂丛 顶下小叶病变 胸膜下积液 幕下病变 肩胛下滑囊炎 幽门狭窄 蝶鞍下脓肿 顶下小叶癫痫 膝下通路 脚间窝综合征
123、 infrascaphoid fracture 124、 infraclavicular lymph node 125、 infraparietal lobe atrophy 126、 infrapleural metastasis 127、 infratentorial mass 128、 infrascapular nerve injury 129、 infrapyloric obstruction 130、 infrasellar cyst 131、 infraparietal lobe tumor 132、 infragenual lesion 133、 infrapeduncular hematoma 134、 infrascaphoid dislocation 135、 infraclavicular block 136、 infraparietal lobe infarction 137、 infrapleural abscess 138、 infratentorial hematoma 139、 infrascapular pain 140、 infrapyloric inflammation 141、 infrasellar aneurysm 142、 infraparietal lobe hemorrhage 143、 infragenual white matter 144、 infrapeduncular cavernoma 145、 infrascaphoid arthritis 146、 infraclavicular nerve entrapment



主题索引适宜于检索专题文献。其主题词来源 于《医学标引总表》(Master Lister of Medical Indexing Terms, MALIMET),含18万条词目,其规 范程度远不如MeSH。由于规范程度低,检索时遇到 一词有多个同义或近义词时,须注意尽量用多个词检 索才能查全。
Cosachov J. 320 Frieri M. 320
美国《工程索引》(The Engineering Index, EI)是报道工程技术方面文献的文摘性检索工具。收 录美、英、德、日、法、俄等48个国家15种文字2400 多种科技期刊及1000多种世界范围的会议录、论文集、 学术专题报告和科技图书、年鉴、标准等特种文献, 英文资料占50%以上。收录期刊论文和会议文献较全, 但不收录纯基础理论文献和专利文献。科技报告、学 位论文和政府出版物也很少。
EM所用检索词是由专家从文献篇名、文摘及原 文中抽取出来的,并适当规范化处理后进行轮排(主 题词轮流处于检索入口词的位置,以黑体字形式印刷, 其余主题词列于其后,对检索词起说明或限定作用。 从其中任一个主题词入手都可查到同一篇文献)。轮 排的目的就是增加检索入口。
由著者姓名和文摘号组成,与文摘部分著者姓名的著 录格式一样,姓在前、名(缩写)在后。文献中每一 位著者姓名后均有文摘号,可从任一著者姓名入手查 到同一篇文献。
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EI月刊本(The Engineering Index, Monthly) 1962年开始出版 ,每月一期,每年一卷 ,时差一般 为2-3个月 。


• City dwellers are deprived of all these valuable things in the concrete jungle.
⑨ The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. ⑩ Obviously, it has not been planned for the good of its inhabitants.
• ancestor • forefather • forebear
• predecessor successor
• be descended from.... • We are all descended from Yandi and Huangdi. • We are all descendants of Yandi and Huangdi.
• What a relief it was when the boulders suddenly disappeared, giving way to a stretch of plain where the only obstacles were clumps of bushes.
• The shop gives credit to its customers.
and vegetables.
• out of necessity • Women increasingly went out to work, usually out of economic








[关键词] 2型糖尿病周围神经病变;达格列净;贝前列素钠;血糖;有效率;不良反应[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2024)02(b)-0183-04Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Efficacy of Dapagliflozin Combined with Beraprost Sodium in the Treatment of Patients with Peripheral Neu⁃ropathy in Type 2 Diabetes MellitusSHEN Canfang1, LIN Guanrong2, YANG Rongsi1, WANG Zhiwei11.Department of Neurosurgery, Shishi General Hospital, Shishi, Fujian Province, 362700 China;2.Department of Endo⁃crinology, Shishi General Hospital, Shishi, Fujian Province, 362700 China[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect and efficiency of dapagliflozin combined with beraprost sodium in the treatment of patients with peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods A total of 88 patients with type 2 diabetic peripheral neuropathy from Shishi General Hospital from September 2021 to October 2023 were selected for this study. They were divided by lot method. The control group (44 cases) was treated with beprost sodium, while the observation group (44 cases) was treated with dagaglizin and beprost sodium, and the blood glucose, conduction speed, clinical efficacy and adverse reactions of the two groups were compared. Results After 4 weeks of treatment, all blood glucose levels in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, all nerve conduction veloci⁃ties were higher than those in the control group, and the clinical treatment effectiveness was higher than that in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (all P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion Dapagliflozin and beraprost so⁃dium combination can effectively treat type 2 diabetic peripheral neuropathy, with a significant decrease in blood glu⁃cose, significantly accelerated nerve conduction velocity, with fewer adverse reactions.[Key words] Type 2 diabetes mellitus peripheral neuropathy; Dapagliflozin; Beraprost sodium; Blood glucose; Effec⁃tive rate; Adverse reaction[作者简介]沈灿芳(1988-),男,硕士,主治医师,研究方向为神经外科。




膀胱三角trigone of bladder在膀胱底内面,有一个三角形区域,位于左右输尿管口和尿道内口之间,此处膀胱粘膜与肌层紧密连接,缺少黏膜下层组织,无论膀胱扩张或收缩,始终保持平滑,称膀胱三角。

胆囊三角Calot's Triangle/hepatobiliary triangle胆囊管、肝总管及肝脏脏面三者构成的三角形区域。


海氏三角inguinal Hesselbach triangle位于腹前壁下部,由腹直肌外侧缘、腹股沟韧带和腹壁下动脉围成的三角区。

胸导管thoracic duct是全身最大的淋巴管,在第一腰椎前方由左右腰干和肠干汇合而成。

腹股沟管inguinal canal为男性精索或女性子宫圆韧带所通过的肌和腱之间的一条裂隙,位于腹前外侧壁的下部,在腹股沟韧带内侧半的上方,由外上斜贯向下。



动脉韧带arterial ligament由肺动脉干分叉处稍左侧连至主动脉弓下缘的纤维结缔组织索,是胎儿时动脉导管在出生后闭锁的遗迹。


十二指肠悬韧带suspensory ligament of duodenum/ligament of Treitz十二指肠悬肌和包绕于其下段表面的腹膜皱襞共同构成十二指肠悬韧带。


弹性圆锥conus elasticus是圆锥形的弹性纤维膜,起自甲状软骨前脚后面,呈扇形向后、向下止于杓状软骨声带突和环状软骨上缘。





As a high school student with a deep appreciation for music, Ive always been fascinated by the diverse genres that exist around the world. One such genre that has caught my attention is British Blues music. This unique style of music, which originated in the United States but found a significant following in the UK, has a rich history and has influenced countless musicians across the globe.My journey into the world of British Blues began with a chance encounter at a local music festival. I was browsing through the stalls when I stumbled upon a vinyl record of John Mayall the Bluesbreakers. Intrigued by the album cover, I decided to give it a listen. The moment the first notes of All Your Love filled my ears, I was hooked. The raw, emotive sound of Eric Claptons guitar and Mayalls soulful vocals transported me to a different time and place.From that moment on, I became determined to learn more about British Blues music. I delved into the history of the genre, discovering that it was first introduced to the UK in the 1950s and 1960s by American musicians who were touring the country. The British audiences were captivated by the soulful, emotional sound of the Blues, and soon a new generation of musicians began to emerge, inspired by the likes of Muddy Waters, B.B. King, and John Lee Hooker.One of the most influential British Blues musicians is John Mayall himself. As the founder of the Bluesbreakers, he played a pivotal role in shaping the sound of British Blues. His band served as a launching pad for many legendary musicians, including Eric Clapton, Peter Green, and Mick Taylor.Mayalls music is characterized by its rich, harmonicadriven sound and his distinctive piano playing, which adds a unique touch to the traditional Blues style.Another notable figure in the British Blues scene is the late, great Stevie Ray Vaughan. Although he was an American musician, his influence on the British Blues scene cannot be overstated. Vaughans virtuosic guitar playing and soulful vocals inspired countless British musicians, including Gary Moore and Jeff Beck. His album Texas Flood is a testament to his incredible talent and has become a staple in the British Blues music library.As I continued to explore the world of British Blues, I was struck by the diversity of the musicians and the different styles they brought to the genre. From the gritty, raw sound of Peter Greens Fleetwood Mac to the more polished, melodic style of Dire Straits, there is something for everyone in the world of British Blues.One of the most striking aspects of British Blues music is its ability to evoke emotion. The lyrics often tell stories of heartbreak, loss, and struggle, which resonate with listeners on a deep level. The music itself, with its slow, mournful melodies and powerful guitar riffs, has the power to transport you to a different place, allowing you to feel the raw emotion of the music.In conclusion, my exploration of British Blues music has been an enriching and enlightening experience. The genre, with its rich history and diverse range of musicians, has left an indelible mark on the world of music. From the early pioneers like John Mayall to the modernday innovators, BritishBlues continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world. As a high school student, I am grateful for the opportunity to have discovered this incredible genre and look forward to continuing my musical journey.。

ESI 来源期刊列表及期刊研究方向列表

ESI 来源期刊列表及期刊研究方向列表

Acta Paulista de Enfermagem(保利斯塔职业学报) ACTA PAUL ENFERM ACTA RADIOLOGICA(放射学报) ACTA RADIOLOGICA Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa(葡萄牙皮肤病学报) ACTA REUMATOL PORT ACTA TROPICA(热带学报) ACTA TROP Actas Urologicas Espanolas(西班牙泌尿学报) ACTAS UROL ESP Acupuncture in Medicine(针灸学杂志) ACUPUNCT MED ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY QUARTERLY(适应性体育活动季刊) ADAPT PHYS ACT QUART ADDICTION(成瘾) ADDICTION Adicciones(瘾癖) ADICCIONES ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY(解剖病理学进展) ADV ANAT PATHOL Advances in Cancer Research(癌症研究进展) ADVAN CANCER RES Advances in Cardiology(心脏病学进展) ADVAN CARDIOL ADVANCES IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE(慢性肾病学进展) ADV CHRONIC KIDNEY DIS Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine (临床和实验医学进展) ADV CLIN EXP MED Advances in Clinical Chemistry(临床化学进展) ADVAN CLIN CHEM Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (实验医学和生物学进展) ADVAN EXPERIMENT MED BIOL Advances in Medical Sciences(医学科学进展) ADV MED SCI ADVANCES IN NURSING SCIENCE(护理科学前沿) ADVAN NURS SCI Advances in Skin & Wound Care(皮肤及伤口护理进展) ADV SKIN WOUND CARE AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY(美容整形外科学会学报) AESTHET PLAST SURG Aesthetic Surgery Journal(美容外科杂志) AESTHET SURG J African Health Sciences(非洲保健科学) AFR HEALTH SCI African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative AFR Medicines J TRADIT (非洲传统补充和替代药物杂志) COMPLEMENT ALT M AGE(年龄) AGE AGE AND AGEING(年龄与衰老) AGE AGEING AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS(衰老研究评论) AGEING RES REV AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH (衰老的临床和实验研究) AGING CLIN EXP RES Aging Male(中老年男性期刊) AGING MALE AKTUELLE RHEUMATOLOGIE(风湿病学动态) AKTUEL RHEUMATOL AKTUELLE UROLOGIE(泌尿外科学动态) AKTUEL UROL ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM(酒精与酗酒) ALCOHOL ALCOHOLISM Alcohol Research-Current Reviews(酒精当前研究评论) ALCOHOL RES-CURR REV ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH (酒精中毒临床与实验研究) ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES IN HEALTH AND MEDICINE (医疗卫生中的替代疗法) ALTERN THER HEALTH MED ALTEX-Alternatives to Animal Experimentation (动物实验中的ALTEX替代) ALTEX-ALTERN ANIM EXP AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN(美国家庭医生) AMER FAM PHYSICIAN AMERICAN HEART JOURNAL(美国心脏杂志) AMER HEART J
















I、分泌脂质性癌 lipid-secreting carcinoma (富于脂质性癌)皮脂腺样型、大汗腺样型
J、分泌性癌 secretroy carcinoma K、派杰病 paget’s disease
(湿疹样癌) L、炎症样癌 inflammatory carcinoma M、源自纤维腺瘤性癌
(3)特殊型浸润癌 A、典型髓样癌 classical medullary carcinoma(髓 样癌、软癌、囊性髓样癌) B、乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma 长分枝型 短乳头型 车辐状型 筛状型 部分乳头状癌
C、粘液癌 mucinous carcinoma(粘液腺癌、胶样癌、 印戒细胞癌、混合型粘液癌)
2. 原位癌 Carcinoma in situ (1) 小叶原位癌 lobu lobular neoplasia, type A ② 乙型小叶瘤 lopular neoplaisa, type B (2) 管内癌 intraductal carcinoma ①实体型管内癌 ②粉刺型管内癌 ③筛状型管内癌 ④小管型管内癌 ⑤低乳头状管内癌 ⑥混合型
乳腺癌的组织形象十分复杂,类型甚多,同 一瘤内可有两种以上类型同时并存,致使分类困 难。在文献中所见到分类法繁多。主要有国内全 国肿瘤防办统一命名分类,国际卫生组织的乳腺 癌分类法。
(一) 全国肿瘤防办 非浸润性癌:小叶原位癌、实性管内癌、筛 状管内癌、低乳头状管内癌、乳头状癌
(三) 乳腺癌病理组织学分类 按癌前病变、原位癌、微小癌到浸润的发生发
展来叙述: 1. 癌前病变/瘤前病变 (1) 导管上皮增殖 ductal epithelial hyperplasia (2) 异型导管增殖 atypical ductal hyperplaisa (3) 异型小叶增殖 atypical lobular hyperplasia



不同脑小血管病负荷评分与伴无症状腔隙的脑小血管病患者认知功能的关系杜晓光,魏荣,刘琦慧,于力群,周丽摘要:目的 探讨不同脑小血管病(CSVD)负荷评分与伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者认知功能的关系。

方法 纳入2021年7月—2023年10月就诊于潍坊市人民医院神经内科的128例伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者,运用蒙特利尔量表(MoCA)、CSVD总负荷评分和改良负荷评分统计受试者的认知功能和CSVD负荷,分为认知障碍组(MoCA<26分)和无认知障碍组(MoCA≥26分),比较两组患者的人口社会学信息、血管病危险因素及CSVD负荷评分的差异。

采用线性回归分析MoCA评分与两种CSVD负荷评分的关系,采用趋势检验分析伴无症状腔隙的CSVD 患者认知障碍的发病趋势。

结果 研究共纳入伴无症状性腔隙的CSVD患者128例,其中认知障碍组68例(53.1%),无认知障碍组60例(46.9%),两组患者人口社会学信息及血管病危险因素差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。


Spearman秩相关分析显示,CSVD 总负荷评分和改良负荷评分均与MoCA评分呈负相关(P<0.001)。

线性趋势χ2检验分析显示,伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者认知障碍发病风险随CSVD改良负荷评分增加而增加(P trend<0.05),该发病风险与CSVD总负荷评分间趋势分析无统计学意义(P trend=0.069)。

结论 CSVD总负荷评分和改良负荷评分均可用于筛检伴无症状腔隙的CSVD认知障碍患者。


关键词:脑小血管病;认知;腔隙中图分类号:R743 文献标识码:ARelationship between cerebral small vessel disease burden scores and cognitive function in patients with cerebral small vessel disease with asymptomatic lacunes DU Xiaoguang,WEI Rong,LIU Qihui, et al.(Department of Neurol⁃ogy, Weifang People′s Hospital, Weifang 261000, China)Abstract:Objective To investigate the relationship between cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) burden scores and cognitive function in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes.Methods A total of 128 patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes who visited the Department of Neurology of Weifang People′s Hospital from July 2021 to October 2023 were included. All the patients were scored using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) for cognitive function and using the total CSVD score and the modified CSVD score for CSVD burden. They were divided into cognitive impairment group (MoCA score<26)and non-cognitive impairment group (MoCA score≥26).The demographic information,vascular disease risk factors, and the CSVD scores of the two groups were compared. A linear regression analysis was performed to as⁃sess the relationship between the MoCA score and the two CSVD scores. A trend analysis was conducted to analyze the trend of incidence of cognitive impairment in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes.Results Among the 128 patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes, 68 (53.1%) were in the cognitive impairment group and 60 (46.9%) were in the non-cognitive impairment group. There were no significant differences in the demographic information and vascular disease risk factors between the two groups (P>0.05). The total CSVD score and the modified CSVD score differed significantly be⁃tween the two groups (P<0.05). The Spearman correlation analysis showed that the total and modified CSVD scores were sig⁃nificantly negatively correlated with the MoCA score (P<0.001). The chi-square test for linear trend revealed that the cogni⁃tive impairment risk increased significantly with the modified CSVD score in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes (P trend<0.05), but with no significance for the total CSVD score (P trend=0.069).Conclusion Both the total and modified CSVD scores are useful tools to detect cognitive impairment in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes, and the modi⁃fied CSVD score may be superior in identifying patients at high risk of cognitive impairment.Key words:Cerebral small vessel disease;Cognition;Lacune脑小血管病(cerebral small vessel disease,CSVD)是血管性认知障碍的主要原因[1]。


维普资讯 出 :戥 魁
复 学 业 。 从 此 他 致 力 于 探 索 治 疗 手 张 力 障 碍 症 的 训 练 方 法 , 参 加 由 E. 尔 滕 米 勒 教 授 并 阿 领 导 的 “ 乐 家 生 理 学 和 医 学 研 究 所 ”的 研 究 音 项 目 。 从 而 在 生 理 学 原 理 与 解 剖 学 和 神 经 运
1 英 圆钢 琴 家 、 乐 著作 末杰里 米 ・ 蕾 9 音 西
性 棵 索 . 连 同 预 防 和 治 疗 手 张 力 障 碍 都 取 得 成 效 . 在 欧 洲 、 圆 、 圃 和 日 本 等 主 持 过 曾 蔓 韩
相 关 的 大师班 。 任 科 莫湖 圆际 钢 琴 学院 “ 现 膏
量 , 纽 约 曼 内斯 音 乐 学院 修 完钢 翠 、 挥 、 在 指 理 论 和 作 品 分 析 诸 课 程 】 6 9 4年 移 居 伦 敦 . 叉 拜 师 钻 研 作 品 分 析 和 师 从 彼 得 ・ 伊 希 特 万 福

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格 ( tr F u h wa g r深 迪 钢 琴 后 受 聘 于 伦 Pee e c t n e )
乐生 理 学” 任 兼教 师。 从 2 0 主 0 5年 起 还 任 法 固库 尔 谢 韦 尔 暑期 学 院 “钢 琴 技 术 与 生 理
学 ” 师 他 是 “ 国 音 乐 家 医 学 协 会 ” 柏 教 德 和



wilson病金标准什么是Wilson病?Wilson病,又称为Wilsonian hepatolenticular degeneration(温氏病),是一种常见的遗传代谢疾病,主要影响肝脏和中枢神经系统。








以下是常见的Wilson病症状和体征:1. 肝脏问题:肝脏是Wilson病最常受累的器官,患者可能会出现肝功能异常、肝炎、肝肿大等症状。

2. 神经系统问题:Wilson病可以影响中枢神经系统,导致运动和认知功能的障碍。


3. 眼部问题:Wilson病可能导致Kayser-Fleischer环(铜环)的形成,即角膜边缘处黄棕色环状沉着物。


4. 其他器官问题:Wilson病还可能对其他器官产生损害,如肾脏问题导致肾小管酸中毒,胰腺问题导致胰岛素分泌不足等。


以下是常用的诊断方法:1. 血铜和蓝斑(Ceruloplasmin)测定:通过血液检查可以发现血铜水平异常升高和蓝斑降低,这两个指标对于Wilson病的诊断具有较高的特异性和敏感性。

碳化硅 405nm 激光 光谱

碳化硅 405nm 激光 光谱






三、碳化硅在405nm激光器中的应用1. 激光打印随着激光打印技术的发展,碳化硅在405nm激光打印机中得到了广泛应用。



2. 医疗设备在医疗设备领域,405nm激光被广泛应用于激光治疗、激光雕刻等方面,而碳化硅作为其材料基底,其稳定的光学性能和耐高温性能使得医疗设备的效果得以提升。


3. 高端光学仪器在高端光学仪器领域,405nm激光光谱的应用日益广泛,例如高清晰度投影仪、显微镜等。


四、碳化硅在405nm激光光谱方面的研究进展1. 光学透过率研究发现,碳化硅在405nm激光光谱中的光学透过率高达80以上,表现出优异的透射性能。


2. 光学散射特性由于其优异的晶体结构和表面光洁度,碳化硅在405nm激光光谱中表现出较小的光学散射特性,能够有效减小光学仪器中的背景噪声,提高检测灵敏度。

3. 光学吸收损耗在405nm激光光谱中,碳化硅的光学吸收损耗较小,这意味着其在激光器领域能够有效地减小能量损耗,提高能源利用率。



音乐疗法联合被动静力性拉伸训练对高龄重度阿尔茨海默病病人的影响方开琴,徐必芹,刘 楠,杨 阳,蒋新锋,唐 俊,徐建丽摘要 目的:探讨音乐疗法联合被动静力性拉伸训练对高龄重度阿尔茨海默病(A D )病人屈肘肌群肌张力及足下垂发生率的影响㊂方法:便利选取2021年9月1日 2022年3月31日江苏省扬州五台山医院老年精神科及神经内科41例高龄重度A D 病人作为研究对象㊂将老年精神科病人20例设为观察组;将神经内科病人21例设定为对照组,研究中脱落2例,完成研究19例㊂对照组遵医嘱给予病人促认知及必要的抗精神病药物治疗,给予A D 常规护理及康复运动训练㊂观察组在此基础上增加音乐疗法联合被动静力性拉伸训练㊂比较两组病人屈肘肌群肌张力分级㊁足下垂发生率㊂结果:干预前两组病人屈肘肌群肌张力分级比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);干预6个月后,观察组病人屈肘肌群肌张力分级明显优于对照组(P <0.05)㊂干预前两组病人足下垂发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);干预6个月后,观察组病人足下垂发生率明显低于干预前,且明显低于对照组(P <0.05)㊂结论:音乐联合被动静力性拉伸训练可在一定程度上改善高龄重度A D 病人屈肘肌群肌张力,降低足下垂发生率㊂关键词 重度阿尔茨海默病;音乐疗法;静力性拉伸;肌张力增高;足下垂K e yw o r d s s e v e r eA l z h e i m e r 's d i s e a s e ;m u s i c t h e r a p y ;s t a t i c s t r e t c h i n g ;h y p e r m y o t o n i a ;d r o p f o o t d o i :10.12104/j.i s s n .1674-4748.2023.36.026 阿尔茨海默病(A l z h e i m e r 'sd i s e a s e ,A D )是一种起病隐匿呈进行性发展的神经系统退行性疾病,临床主要表现为渐进性记忆障碍㊁语言障碍及认知功能障碍等[1]㊂重度A D 病人各项功能严重受损,生活自理能力丧失,具有四肢肌张力增高㊁呈屈曲性强直的体征,药物治疗效果差[2],多数病人只能长期处于卧床状态,存在足下垂的发生风险㊂音乐[3]㊁运动疗法[4-5]等非药物治疗对改善A D 病人认知及生理功能有重要作用㊂静力性拉伸是人体利用自身力量或借助外力,对锻炼部位的肌肉㊁韧带等软组织进行拉长,到达一定程度时,保持拉伸动作一定时间,使人体各肌肉群得到充分伸展[6];是一种稳定㊁缓慢且安全的拉伸方法,常被应用于运动员训练前热身运动中,对增加肌肉柔韧度㊁关节灵活性有重要意义[7]㊂静力性拉伸分主动拉伸与被动拉伸两种类型,鉴于高龄重度A D 病人的智能低㊁活动耐力差㊁对康复训练干预依从性低等特点,有研究选择由医护人员协助其进行被动拉伸训练㊂有专家指出,痴呆病人在认知功能产生严重退化的情况下,一般保留了对音乐的反应能力[8]㊂聆听或经常哼唱音乐可以改善A D 病人的认知功能及情绪㊂本研究将音乐与被动拉伸训练作充分融合,在音乐播放的情况下引导病人接受医护人员对其目标肌肉进行被动静力性拉伸,旨在延缓高龄重度A D 病人四肢肌张力继续增加作者简介 方开琴,副主任护师,本科,单位:225003,江苏省扬州五台山医院;徐必芹(通讯作者)㊁刘楠㊁唐俊单位:225003,扬州市精神卫生防治中心;杨阳㊁蒋新锋㊁徐建丽单位:225003,江苏省扬州五台山医院㊂引用信息 方开琴,徐必芹,刘楠,等.音乐疗法联合被动静力性拉伸训练对高龄重度阿尔茨海默病病人的影响[J ].全科护理,2023,21(36):5147-5150.的进展速度,降低足下垂的发生率㊂取得了预期效果,现报道如下㊂1 对象与方法1.1 研究对象便利选取2021年9月1日 2022年3月31日江苏省扬州五台山医院老年精神科及神经内科长期卧床的高龄重度A D 病人为研究对象㊂纳入标准:1)由老年精神科及神经内科主治医师根据2018年中国痴呆与认知障碍诊断指南(二)阿尔茨海默病诊治指南[9],选取重度A D ㊁A s h w o r t h 量表[10]评定上肢屈肘肌群肌张力1+级~3级的病人;2)年龄ȡ80岁;3)卧床半年以上;4)入组前至少1个月药物治疗剂量稳定;5)监护人知情同意㊂排除标准:1)美国纽约心脏病学会(N Y HA )心功能分级为Ⅲ级㊁Ⅳ级;2)患有严重脏器衰竭㊁伴有运动禁忌的肌肉骨骼系统疾病者㊂研究设定老年精神科病人为观察组,共入组20例,全部完成研究;将神经内科病人设定为对照组,共入组21例,在研究过程中死亡1例,发生病情变化1例,视为脱落处理,19例完成研究㊂两组病人年龄㊁性别㊁病程等一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),具有可比性,见表1㊂伦理批号:WT S Y Y 2023003㊂表1 两组病人一般资料比较项目例数性别(例)男女年龄(岁)病程(年)观察组2051586.60ʃ4.888.50ʃ2.69对照组1941585.89ʃ2.858.26ʃ2.05统计值χ2=0.09t =0.55t =0.31P0.770.580.761.2 干预方法㊃7415㊃全科护理2023年12月第21卷第36期1.2.1对照组遵医嘱给予病人促认知及必要的抗精神病药物治疗,给予A D常规护理及康复运动训练㊂根据能量需求合理供应营养,给予陪护人员生活料理及健康教育指导,协助生活料理,鼓励家人多探视病人,与其多说话,一起看老照片,讲述往事给病人听,给予情感慰藉㊂由医务人员定时翻身㊁叩背,协助病人做肩关节㊁髋关节等全范围关节运动及踝泵运动,四肢良肢位摆放㊂1.2.2观察组在对照组基础上增加音乐疗法联合被动静力性拉伸训练,具体如下㊂1.2.2.1组建重度A D病人被动静力性拉伸训练康复小组小组成员包括护理研究生1人㊁精神康复及运动康复治疗师各1人㊁老年精神专科医生2人,3个病房护士长及各1名责任组长组成,老年科九病区护士长任组长㊂护理研究生查阅相关文献,寻找与静力性拉伸训练相关研究作为依据,初步拟订干预方案㊂康复治疗师㊁专科医生及护士长根据临床实践经验㊁专业知识结合此类病人智能水平低㊁高龄㊁四肢肌张力高㊁卧床㊁潜在足下垂风险等特点进行会议讨论,修改确定最终干预方案㊂方案拟定对病人双上肢手肘屈肌㊁手腕屈肌㊁双下肢腘绳肌㊁比目鱼肌进行被动静力性拉伸训练,训练中配合播放病人既往熟悉的音乐旋律;病房护士长负责方案临床实施过程中的质量控制;康复治疗师分别对研究组成员及病房护士进行研究方案相关知识及技能的培训,培训后学员间以角色扮演的方式进行考核,所有学员均通过考核;护理研究生和责任组长负责方案实施及研究数据整理分析㊂1.2.2.2干预方案组织实施1)完成研究相关评估(时间1周)㊂此期工作的重点是完成病人身体全面检查,全方位接触㊁观察病人,与家属进行相关沟通交流,评估入组病人的生理(形态㊁心肺㊁肌肉㊁运动㊁代谢)㊁心理(认知㊁行为障碍等)㊁社会功能,了解病人平时喜爱的音乐类型及可能喜欢的歌手或某几首常听音乐,观察病人听音乐后的情绪反应,进行必要调整,确定干预时播放的歌曲㊂完成基线数据收集㊂建立 A D训练记录本 ,一人一本,挂于床边㊂2)研究干预期(1周+6个月)㊂责任护士对病人进行试干预1周㊂选择病人非睡眠状态下,房间温湿度适宜,告知病人 给你听听音乐 给你活动活动手脚,放松放松 等,播放评估期选择好的音乐,鼓励㊁引导其哼唱㊂病人身穿宽松㊁舒适衣裤,取平卧位,先协助其进行3m i n四肢放松热身运动,然后按序对其进行右手肘屈肌㊁手腕屈肌ң左手肘屈肌㊁手腕屈肌ң右下肢腘绳肌ң左下肢腘绳肌ң右下肢比目鱼肌ң左下肢比目鱼肌被动静力性拉伸训练㊂结束前整理运动:虚掌拍打病人四肢肌肉3~5m i n㊂边做边观察病人的情绪及肢体反应,引导病人配合㊂1周后,由责任护士对病人进行正式干预,训练遵循动作规范㊁把握适合病人幅度及安全性的原则㊂被动静力性拉伸训练分2个步骤进行,具体方法如下㊂步骤一:上肢手肘屈肌㊁手腕屈肌被动静力性拉伸训练㊂病人取仰卧位,护士承托病人的右手肘,先以握手的方式握着病人的手掌,然后将其手肘关节尽可能拉直,并将病人的手掌心转向上,最后将其手腕慢慢向下压,直至感到有阻力,维持其姿势最少30s,休息10s,重复2次或3次,同法换左上肢进行㊂步骤二:下肢腘绳肌被动静力性拉伸训练㊂病人继续取仰卧位,陪护人员稳定病人左腿,护士右手握住病人右踝关节,左手下按膝关节,保持膝关节伸展直至感到有阻力,维持其姿势最少30s,休息10s,重复2次或3次,同法换左下肢腘绳肌进行训练㊂然后练习比目鱼肌,护士握住病人的右侧足踝,手掌贴着病人的脚掌,另一手按住病人的右侧膝部并保持相对稳定,再将脚掌尽量屈起,脚趾尖向上,直至感到有阻力,维持其姿势最少30s,休息10s,重复2次或3次,同法换左足进行㊂边练习,边引导病人哼唱歌曲,运动结束时询问其放松后的感受,或给予 舒服多了 之类的积极暗示㊂所有被动静力性拉伸训练必须以慢的速度及轻柔的力度进行,切忌用力过度及过快㊂每次干预后在床边记录本做相应记录㊂干预时间6个月,每周4~6次, 14:30~16:30为运动时间㊂病房护士长和/或责任组长在相应时间内加强病房巡视,给予必要的监督与指导㊂组长㊁护理研究生㊁康复治疗师经常到病房进行随访指导㊂1.3评价指标1.3.1两组病人干预前后上肢屈肘肌群肌张力分级比较评价工具选择改良A s h w o r t h量表[10],将肌张力分为0~4级,临床上一般用于上肢肌张力测评㊂0级:未出现肌张力升高㊂1级:肌张力轻度增高,表现为检测部位被动屈曲或伸展时出现卡住感和释放感,或在关节活动范围的最后部分出现轻微阻力㊂1+级:肌张力轻度增高,表现为出现卡住感,并在其后的关节活动范围全程内(小于总范围的1/2)有轻微阻力㊂2级:肌张力明显增高,大于活动总范围的1/2关节活动㊃8415㊃C H I N E S EG E N E R A LP R A C T I C E N U R S I N G D e c e m b e r2023V o l.21N o.36度内存在阻力,但是能够开展被动活动㊂3级:肌张力显著提升,被动活动难度较大㊂4级:肢体出现僵硬,并呈屈曲或伸展状态㊂比较两组病人干预前后双上肢屈肘肌群肌张力分级㊂上肢屈肘肌群肌张力分级由运动康复治疗师在干预前(基线值)及干预6个月后进行评价㊂1.3.2 两组病人干预前后足下垂的发生率比较协助病人取坐位,双腿自然下垂,足部处于跖屈位且无自主背屈和内外翻动作,踝关节不能背屈或背屈功能减弱,视为足下垂[11]㊂比较两组病人干预前后足下垂的发生率㊂足下垂发生情况由运动康复治疗师在干预6个月后进行统计㊂1.4 统计学方法采用S P S S21.0软件对数据进行统计分析㊂符合正态分布的定量资料采用均数ʃ标准差(x ʃs )表示,比较采用t 检验;定性资料采用例数㊁百分比(%)表示,比较采用χ2检验及F i s h e r 确切概率法;以P <0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2 结果表2 两组病人干预前后上肢屈肘肌群肌张力分级比较单位:例组别例数 干预前 1+级2级3级4级 干预6个月后1+级2级3级4级观察组20497061310对照组196761072χ2值0.70212.874P0.7040.012表3 两组病人干预前后足下垂发生率比较单位:例(%)组别例数 干预前 足下垂无干预6个月后足下垂无P 观察组207(35.00)13(65.00)1(5.00)19(95.00)0.044对照组199(47.37)10(52.63)11(57.89)8(42.11)0.746P 0.523<0.0013 讨论3.1 高龄重度A D 病人需要安全㊁可行的运动干预处方据世界卫生组织‘2022年世界阿尔茨海默病报告“的统计,2020年全球痴呆病人总数约5000万例,每年新增病例达1000万例[12];到2050年,65岁及以上老年人患A D 的人数预计将达到1270万例[13]㊂在我国,A D 的发病率和死亡率逐年上升,已成为我国城乡居民的第五大死因[14]㊂重度A D 病人认知功能严重缺失,完全丧失生活自理能力,难以与人交流,不少病人终日卧床,四肢屈曲性僵硬㊂大部分病人在进入此期后只有2年的生存期[2]㊂病人肌张力高,处于痛苦但不能确切表达或不自知的状态,生活质量降低㊂运动作为一种无创干预手段,可以延缓A D 病人的病理进程[15-17],但运动本身具有一定的风险,高龄重度A D 病人的认知和运动能力严重退化,且对运动康复的依从性差㊂有研究指出,形成针对老年病人的阿尔茨海默病运动处方必须遵循安全㊁可行㊁针对性的原则[4]㊂音乐疗法有利于提升痴呆病人的依从性和合作性[18]㊂本研究所采用的被动静力性拉伸训练是由经过专业培训的医护人员主导进行的康复运动,其方法安全㊁可行,并具有针对性,且有病人喜爱的音乐配合,一定程度上提高了病人对康复训练的依从性,有可能会延缓高龄重度A D 病人四肢肌张力增高的进展速度,降低足下垂发生率㊂3.2 音乐疗法联合被动静力性拉伸训练可在一定程度上缓解高龄重度A D 病人屈肘肌群肌张力持续增高的进展速度目前,在与A D 运动干预相关研究报道中,以主动运动干预形式为主,干预人群多数为轻㊁中度病人,少有重度及被动运动相关的报道,与四肢肌张力相关的研究更少见㊂本研究对重度A D 病人的肌张力增高症状进行针对性干预,采用了由经过培训的护理人员主导进行有序的四肢被动静力性拉伸训练,可以在一定程度上刺激交感神经兴奋,促进机体的新陈代谢,提升肌肉的力量与韧性[3,6],增加关节活动范围及灵活度[7]㊂A D 的病理进展被认为与脑内由A β42诱导的神经炎症反应相关,运动作为一种非药物干预手段,可以抑制脑内炎症反应,保护神经功能,达到延缓A D 病理进程的目的[18],有效阻止或延缓A D 高龄病人屈肘㊃9415㊃全科护理2023年12月第21卷第36期肌群肌张力进展速度㊂高龄重度A D病人在无法与人进行言语交流时,音乐是一种很好的替代交流方式㊂听音乐可促进病人大脑释放内啡肽㊁多巴胺等生化介质,使A D病人身心得到放松[3,19],尤其是播放病人熟悉的音乐后,病人对被动拉伸训练的依从性明显增加㊂在经过一段时间的干预后,不少病人在每次的被动拉伸训练后面部呈现愉悦状态㊂本研究结果显示,干预前两组病人屈肘肌群肌张力分级比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);干预6个月后,观察组病人屈肘肌群肌张力分级明显优于对照组(P<0.05)㊂3.3音乐疗法联合被动静力性拉伸训练可降低重度A D病人足下垂发生率临床观察发现,重度A D病人足下垂发病率偏高,究其原因可能与以下因素相关:病人高龄,机体肌肉㊁韧带功能衰退,且处于长期卧床状态,再加上认知功能障碍,主动活动少,及时有效的康复功能训练不到位;此外,重度A D病人四肢的去皮质强直性痉挛加速了跖足㊁足内翻等足下垂症状的出现㊂对照组给予病人每天2次的踝泵运动,在预防静脉血栓形成的同时对改善足下垂有一定的作用,但踝泵运动对踝关节跖屈功能缺陷干预不如对比目鱼肌重复拉伸效果明显,本研究对比目鱼肌的重复静力性拉伸,不仅增加了目标关节及其附近肌肉的血液循环,而且是对踝关节附近相关肌肉痉挛状态的直接拮抗,上下肢肌肉的重复拉伸对增加足部及脑部血液循环,减轻去皮质强直性痉挛的严重程度,都起到了一定程度的协同作用,从而达到了减少或纠正此类病人足下垂发生的目的㊂本研究结果显示,干预前两组病人足下垂发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);干预6个月后,观察组病人足下垂发生率明显低于干预前,且明显低于对照组(P<0.05)㊂4小结A D具有发病隐匿㊁病情进展呈不可逆性的特点,适当运动可以促进机体血管生成㊁神经生长㊁突触发生,诱导大脑在解剖㊁细胞及分子水平的变化,减少炎症标志物收缩蛋白和白细胞介素-6[20-21],延缓病情进展速度㊂长期卧床㊁重度A D病人的四肢肌张力增高及足下垂症状呈不可逆加重倾向,音乐疗法联合被动静力性拉伸训练可在一定程度上改善高龄重度A D病人的屈肘肌群肌张力,降低足下垂发生率,提高病人晚期的生活质量㊂本研究为高龄病人临床运动康复医学提供了一条新思路,但本研究缺少神经电生理方面的观察指标比较,需要在以后相关临床研究中用相对严谨的观察指标来衡量干预效果㊂参考文献:[1]曹海信,王小梅.有氧运动可保护β-淀粉样蛋白1-42诱导老年痴呆模型大鼠的大脑[J].中国组织工程研究,2021,25(11):1675-1681.[2]陆林.沈渔邨精神病学[M].6版.北京:人民卫生出版社,2018:708-709.[3]倪爽旻,杨振东,俞玮,等.音乐疗法改善阿尔茨海默病认知功能的研究进展[J].国际精神病学杂志,2022,49(6):980-982;987. 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Parrots are among the most fascinating and intelligent birds in the world.They are known for their vibrant colors,social behavior,and,most notably,their ability to mimic human speech.Here is a detailed introduction to these remarkable creatures:Origin and Habitat:Parrots are native to tropical and subtropical regions,with the majority of species found in South America,Central America,Africa,and Southeast Asia.They inhabit a variety of environments,including rainforests,savannas,and mangroves.Physical Characteristics:Parrots are characterized by their strong curved beaks,which are adapted for cracking seeds and nuts.They have strong legs with zygodactyl feet,meaning two toes point forward and two backward,which is an adaptation for perching.Their plumage is typically colorful and can vary greatly between species,from the bright green of the budgerigar to the striking blue and yellow of the macaw.Diet:Parrots are omnivorous,with their diet consisting mainly of fruits,nuts,seeds,and sometimes insects.Some species have even been known to eat small animals and snails.Social Behavior:Parrots are highly social birds.They often live in flocks and communicate with a variety of calls and sounds.They are known for their playful and curious nature,which makes them popular pets.Reproduction:Parrots usually mate for life.They build nests in tree cavities or cliffs,and the female lays a clutch of eggs which both parents take turns incubating.After hatching,the chicks are fed by the parents with a special nutrientrich food called crop milk.Cognitive Abilities:Parrots are renowned for their intelligence.They have the ability to learn and mimic sounds,which includes human speech.Some species,like the African Grey parrot,are known to have a vocabulary of several hundred words and can understand the context in which words are used.Conservation Status:Unfortunately,many parrot species are threatened due to habitat loss,poaching for the pet trade,and the illegal wildlife trade.Conservation efforts are in place to protect these birds and their habitats.Caring for Parrots as Pets:If you decide to have a parrot as a pet,its important to provide a large cage with plenty of space to fly,a varied diet,and plenty of mental stimulation.Parrots are social creatures and require interaction to stay happy and healthy.Cultural Significance:In many cultures,parrots are seen as symbols of freedom,love,and beauty.They are also featured in various mythologies and folklore,often as messengers or guides.In conclusion,parrots are not just beautiful to look at but are also intelligent and social creatures with unique behaviors and needs.Understanding and respecting these aspects of their nature is crucial for anyone who wishes to share their life with a parrot.。



In the heart of the city, where the modern skyline meets the echoes of the past, a lecture on traditional musical instruments unfolded. It was a gathering of the curious and the knowledgeable, all drawn by the allure of sounds that have shaped the cultural tapestry of civilizations long gone. The speaker, a seasoned musician and scholar, embarked on a journey through time, sharing the stories and significance of these timeless instruments.The lecture hall was adorned with a variety of traditional instruments, each with its own unique story to tell. The air was thick with anticipation as the speaker began with the ancient lyre, an instrument that dates back to the time of Homer. Its delicate strings resonated with the tales of heroes and gods, evoking a sense of nostalgia for a time when music was the heartbeat of daily life.As the lecture progressed, the audience was introduced to the ethereal sounds of the guqin, a Chinese zither that has been played for over 3,000 years. The speaker demonstrated how the instruments simplicity belies its depth, each note carrying the weight of centuries of philosophical thought and artistic expression. The guqins music is not just a melody it is a reflection of the human condition, a dialogue between the player and the cosmos.The lecture also delved into the rich tapestry of Indian classical music, highlighting the sitar and tabla. The sitars intricate fingerwork and the tablas rhythmic complexity captivated the audience, illustrating the mathematical precision and spiritual depth inherent in Indian music. Thespeaker shared anecdotes of legendary musicians who have transcended the boundaries of time and space with their mastery of these instruments, leaving a lasting impact on the world.The audience was then transported to the Andean highlands with the hauntingly beautiful sounds of the pan flute. The speaker explained how this instrument, made from hollowedout bamboo, has been used in ceremonies and rituals for thousands of years. The pan flutes music is a testament to the enduring spirit of the indigenous people, a reminder of the deep connection between humans and the natural world.As the lecture drew to a close, the speaker returned to the theme of the universality of music. Despite the vast differences in cultures and eras, traditional instruments have a common thread: they are the voice of the human spirit. They have the power to evoke emotions, tell stories, and bring people together, transcending the barriers of language and geography.The lecture concluded with a live performance, a harmonious blend of the instruments discussed. The audience was treated to a symphony of sounds that spanned the globe, a testament to the enduring beauty and power of traditional instruments. As the last notes faded away, the hall was filled with a profound silence, a moment of reflection on the journey through the ages that the lecture had taken them on.The experience was more than just an academic exercise it was a celebration of the rich heritage of music that has shaped the humanexperience. It was a reminder that, despite the relentless march of time and the everchanging landscape of culture, the soul of music remains unchanged. Traditional instruments are not relics of the past they are living, breathing testaments to the enduring power of human creativity and expression.As the audience filed out of the lecture hall, they carried with them not just knowledge, but a deeper appreciation for the instruments that have been the soundtrack of humanitys journey. The lecture was a reminder that, in a world that often seems to prioritize the new and the fleeting, there is still beauty and meaning to be found in the echoes of the past.。

3B Scientific PAT 儿童耳朵听心器官模拟器说明书

3B Scientific PAT 儿童耳朵听心器官模拟器说明书

MORE INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE AT PAT ®Pediatric Auscultation TrainerPediatric Normal Heart and Variants (10 sounds)Pediatric Continuos Murmurs (4 sounds)90.Pleural Rub Left Normal Right 1.Fourth Heart Sound 75 BPM 47.Patent Ductus Arteriosus PDA 90 BPM 91.Pneumonia Lobar 2.Fourth Heart Sound 90 BPM 48.Patent Ductus Arteriosus PDA 75 BPM 92.Pneumothorax 3.Normal Heart Sounds 110 BPM 49.Venous Hum 90 BPM 93.Pulmonary Edema 4.Normal Heart Sounds 90 BPM 50.Venous Hum 75 BPM94.Stridor 5.Normal Heart Sounds 75 BPM Pediatric Ejection Sounds (10 sounds)Bowel (4 sounds)6.Normal Heart Sounds 60 BPM 51.Congenital Aortic Stenosis 90 BPM 95.Diarrhea7.Summation Sound 52.Congenital Aortic Stenosis 75 BPM 96.Hyperactive 10-year old 8.Third Heart Sound 90 BPM 53.Mitral Valve Prolapse 90 BPM 97.Hyperactive 2-year old 9.Third Heart Sound 75 BPM54.Mitral Valve Prolapse 75 BPM 98.Normal 4-year old10.Third Heart Sound Gallop 110 BPM 55.Pulmonary Stenosis 90 BPM Pediatric Systolic Murmurs (22 sounds)56.Pulmonary Stenosis 75 BPM 11.Aortic Stenosis Mild 75 BPM 57.Systolic Ejection Clicks 90 BPM 12.Aortic Stenosis Mild 90 BPM 58.Systolic Ejection Clicks 75 BPM 13.Aortic Stenosis Severe 75 BPM 59.Tetralogy of Fallot 90 BPM 14.Aortic Stenosis Severe 90 BPM60.Tetralogy of Fallot 75 BPM15.Aortic Stenosis Severe, S2 Absent, 75 BPM Pediatric Complex Anomalies (3 sounds)16.Aortic Stenosis Severe, S2 Absent, 90 BPM 61.Ebstein's Anomoly 100 BPM 17.Congenital Aortic Stenosis 90 BPM 62.Eisenmenger's Syndrome 90 BPM 18.Congenital Aortic Stenosis 75 BPM 63.Eisenmenger's Syndrome 75 BPM 19.Innocent Systolic Murmur 90 BPM Other Pediatric Heart Sounds (6 sounds)20.Innocent Systolic Murmur 75 BPM64.Coarctation of the Aorta 90 BPM 21.Innocent Systolic Murmur Vibratory 90 BPM 65.Coarctation of the Aorta 75 BPM22.Innocent Systolic Murmur Vibratory 75 BPM 66.Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy 90 BPM 23.Mitral Regurgitation Mild 90 BPM 68.Pericardial Rub 90 BPM (Acute Pericarditis)24.Mitral Regurgitation Mild 75 BPM 69.Pericardial Rub 75 BPM (Acute Pericarditis)25.Mitral Valve Prolapse 90 BPM Pediatric Heart-Lung Combinations (7 sounds)26.Mitral Valve Prolapse 75 BPM 70.Atrial Septal Defect 90 BPM 27.Pulmonary Hypertension 90 BPM 71.Atrial Septal Defect 75 BPM 28.Pulmonary Hypertension 75 BPM 72.Congestive Heart Failure 90 BPM 29.Pulmonary Stenosis 90 BPM 73.Congestive Heart Failure 75 BPM 30.Pulmonary Stenosis 75 BPM 74.Paradoxical Splitting of Second Sound 31.Tetralogy of Fallot 90 BPM 75.Ventricuar Septal Defect VSD 90 BPM 32.Tetralogy of Fallot 75 BPM 76.Ventricuar Septal Defect VSD 75 BPM Pediatric Diastolic Murmurs (4 sounds)Pediatric Normal Breath Sounds (2 sounds)33.Aortic Regurgitation 90 BPM 77.Bronchial Breath Sounds34.Aortic Regurgitation 75 BPM78.Normal Vesicular Breath Sounds Pediatric 35.Atrial Septal Defect w/ Diastolic Murmur 90 BPM Pediatric Adventitious Breath Sounds (5 sounds)36.Atrial Septal Defect w/ Diastolic Murmur 75 BPM 79.Crackles Fine Pediatric Systolic and Diastolic Murmurs (10 sounds)80.Crackles Medium 37.Aortic Stenosis & Regurgitation 90 BPM 81.Crackles Very Coarse 38.Aortic Stenosis & Regurgitation 75 BPM 82.Wheeze End Expiratory 39.Coarctation of the Aorta 90 BPM 83.Wheeze Low Pitched Rhoncus40.Coarctation of the Aorta 75 BPM Pediatric Diseases or Conditions of the Lung (11 sounds)41.Eisenmenger's Syndrome 90 BPM 84.Acute Bronchitis 42.Eisenmenger's Syndrome 75 BPM 85.Asthma Severe 43.Pericardial Rub 90 BPM (Acute Pericarditis)86.Atelectasis 44.Pericardial Rub 75 BPM (Acute Pericarditis)87.Bronchitis Chronic 45.Pulmonary Hypertension 90 BPM 88.COVID-1946.Pulmonary Hypertension 75 BPM89.Emphysema。

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Dual-broadband multistandard printed slot antenna with a composite back-patchJ.-Y.Sze,C.-I.G.Hsu and S.-C.HsuAbstract:A square slot antenna fed by a coplanar waveguide for dual-band multistandard appli-cations is presented.Printed on the back of the square slot is a composite patch formed by anannular metal ring inscribed by a circular patch.Appropriate design of the composite back-patchresulted infive resonant bands,thefirst(last)two of which were combined to form a lower(upper)operating band.The ratio of the two operating band centre frequencies can be tuned larger than2.5.A pair of notches was embedded in the annular metal ring to further broaden the lower(upper)operating band up to a fractional bandwidth of37%(20%).The measured results indicatethat the proposed antenna can cover the frequency bands of the following wireless communicationstandards:digital communication system,personal communication services,universal mobiletelecommunications system and2.4/5-GHz wireless local-area networks.1IntroductionDual-broadband antennas have become very important in the applications of mobile communications and wireless local-area networks(WLANs)that employ multiple stan-dards.Among these standards,digital communication system(DCS)requires a band of1710–1880MHz,personal communication services(PCS)a band of1850–1990MHz, universal mobile telecommunications system(UMTS)a band of1920–2170MHz[1–6],IEEE802.11b/g a band of 2.4–2.484GHz,IEEE802.11a a band of 5.15–5.35GHz and an additional band of 5.725–5.825GHz and HiperLAN2a band of5.47–5.725GHz in addition to the band of 5.15–5.35GHz[7].Since these standards may be used simultaneously in many systems,there is a need for designing a single antenna that can cover all these bands.This need can be fulfilled if the designed antenna is capable of supporting two wide frequency bands,one being1720–2500MHz and the other5150–5850MHz(whose fractional bandwidths are about37.5% and12.7%,respectively).In recent years,printed slot anten-nas(PSAs)fed by a coplanar waveguide(CPW)have drawn much attention because of their wide impedance band-widths,low profile,easy integration with active devices or MMICs and higher antenna gains than those of printed monopole antennas.Some CPW-fed PSAs employed mul-tiple ring slots to obtain two or multiple operating bands [8–11],whereas others used only one ring slot or circular slot in conjunction with a back-patch[12,13],a slit back-patch[14]or double T-match stubs[15]to generate two operating bands.Although these antennas can support dual-band operations,they suffer from a relatively small bandwidth for their lower operating bands.Hence,the two operating bands of each of these antennas cannot simul-taneously cover all the ones needed by the multiple stan-dards that include DCS,PCS,UMTS and 2.4/5-GHz WLANs.For achieving two separate frequency bands broad enough to cover completely all the frequency ranges of the abovementioned wireless communication standards, the authors propose a novel CPW-fed PSA with a properly designed composite patch printed on the backside of the square slot in this paper.The presence of the back-patch can lead tofive resonant bands,thefirst(last)two of which are sufficiently closer to each other to form a single wide lower(upper)operating band and the middle of which is not well matched in input impedance.Even though wide enough,these two operating bands may not be located at proper frequency positions to enclose the entire multiple-standard frequency bands of interest.By carefully examining the simulated current distributions on the back-patch and the ground plane of the proposed antenna for the four centre frequencies,one can create notches in the back-patch in a clever way to shift the two operating bands to appropriate frequency positions so that the design goal can be achieved.2Antenna designThe structure of the proposed dual-broadband antenna is shown in Fig.1.The antenna is designed on a square micro-wave substrate with a side length of G,a thickness of h,a dielectric constant of1r,and a loss tangent of tan d. Etched at the centre of the top-side ground plane is a square slot with a side length of L s,which is fed by a 50-V CPW consisting of two identical g wide slots and, in between,a signal line having a width of w f.The signal line of the CPW is protruded into the slot by a length of t, which can be adjusted for optimum impedance matching in the designed operating bands.Printed on the other side of the substrate(opposite to the square slot)is a composite back-patch,comprised of an annular ring and,inscribed to it in theÀy direction,a circular patch.The outer and inner#The Institution of Engineering and Technology2008doi:10.1049/iet-map:20070102Paperfirst received30th April and in revised form12th November2007J.-Y.Sze is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chung Cheng Institute of Technology,National Defense University,Ta-shi, Tao-yuan335,Taiwan,Republic of ChinaC.-I.G.Hsu and S.-C.Hsu are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Da-Yeh University,112Shan-Jeau Rd,Da-Tsuen,Changhua515,Taiwan, Republic of ChinaE-mail:jeffszejy@radii of the annular metal ring and the radius of the circular patch are R 1,R 2and r ,respectively.The lowermost point of the composite back-patch,when projected onto the ground plane,is tangent to the lower edge of the square slot.In the antenna design,the first resonance of a convention-al slot antenna without any back-patch occurs when the slot size is approximately half a guided wavelength l g .That is to say,the resonant frequency (f r )of the fundamental res-onant band of a square slot antenna can be estimated byf r (GHz)’300l g ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1eff p ¼300(2L s )ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1effp (1)In (1),l g and L s are in the unit of millimetres and the effec-tive dielectric constant 1eff for the slot can be estimated by the so-called zero-order solution [16,17]1eff ¼1þ1r 2(2)which,although crude,is quite useful for practical design purposes.In fact,the above formulas have been confirmed to yield acceptably accurate fundamental resonant-band centre frequencies after extensive experiments.In this design,commercially available FR4substrates (1r ¼4:4,tan d ¼0.02and h ¼0.8mm)are adopted for antenna circuit implementation.Structural parameters,such as G ¼75mm,L s ¼40mm,w f ¼4.2mm and g ¼0.3mm,are fixed throughout the study.The side length L s of the square slot is appropriately chosen so as to excite a fundamental mode with its resonant frequency close to the desired lower operating frequency of 2.3GHz.The annular ring and circular patches that consti-tute the composite back-patch can be considered as parasitic elements of the square slot for exciting additional resonant modes.The annular metal ring can be appropriately designed to excite an additional resonant mode which is close to the desired upper operating band.The circular patch can be used to excite three more resonant modes by properly adjusting the radius (r ).Two of the extra resonant bands can be located close enough to the two exist-ing ones to form two wide operating bands,and,meanwhile,the other extra resonant band can be made poorly impedance-matched.On the basis of the current distri-butions on the back-patch and the ground plane of the pro-posed antenna at the resonant-band centre frequencies,notches can be etched in the annular metal ring at appropri-ate positions to make the two operating bands cover the frequency ranges of the desired wireless communication standards.3Experimental results and discussion3.1Effects of the composite back-patch on return-loss characteristicsIn this study,the return losses of the fabricated antenna pro-totypes were measured using an Agilent N5230A network analyser.The effect of the composite back-patch on return loss of the square PSA is studied in detail in this subsection.The measured return loss of the antenna with the absence of the back-patch (denoted by reference)is shown in Fig.2.The fundamental resonant band of the square PSA is around 2.3GHz.For the case of only an annular metal ring on the back (i.e.no circular patch in the com-posite back-patch)with R 1¼19.5mm (’0.49L s )and R 2¼16.5mm (’0.41L s ),the antenna (designated as Antenna 1)has not only a fundamental resonant band around 2.55GHz,which is very close to that of the refer-ence antenna,but also an additional resonant band around 5.3GHz.In the presence of the complete composite back-patch,formed by adding a circular patch with r ¼13mm (’0.325L s )to the annular metal ring of Antenna 1,the antenna (called Antenna 2)is observed to have three additional resonant bands.Hence for Antenna 2in the fre-quency range of interest,there are five resonant bands in total,which are termed the first,second,delta,third and fourth resonant bands in the sequence of the resonant-band centre frequencies from low to high.The reason why the middle one is called the delta resonant band is that the input impedance in this band is mismatched in the final design.In addition,the radiation patterns in the delta res-onant band were found to have relatively large cross-polarisation levels (not shown in the paper),when compared with those in the other resonant bands.Note that the centre frequency of the first resonant band is lower than that of the fundamental resonant band of the reference antenna,whereas the centre frequency of the fourth resonant band is higher than that of the second resonant band of Antenna 1.Since the first (last)two resonant bands are very close to each other,they combine into a broader oper-ating band with a centre frequency of around 2116MHz (5478MHz)and a fractional bandwidth of up to 30%(15%).These measured data are not only shown in Fig.2,but summarised in Table 1also.The simulated RL curve of Antenna 2shown in Fig.2was obtained by using Ansoft HFSS and appeared to have a trend similar to that of the measured one,except for small discrepancies in the centre frequencies of the two higher resonant bands.Fig.3shows on the ground plane and the composite back-patch of Antenna 2the current distributions re-sketched from the simulated results using Ansoft HFSS.ShowninFig.1Geometry of the proposed dual-broadband square slot antenna with a compositeback-patchFig.2Return losses of the reference antenna and Antennas 1and 2;the structural parameters of the antennas are shown in Table 1Fig.3a is the current distribution at the simulated lowest resonant-band centre frequency(1.96GHz).Each half-guided-wavelength current is distributed in a quarter of the edge of the circular patch and a quarter of the annular metal ring and has a maximum magnitude near the junction of the circular patch and the annular metal ring.The half-guided-wavelength routes of the current dis-tributions are denoted by the dashed lines drawn aside. Figs.3b–3e illustrate the current distributions at the centre frequencies(2.39,5.35,5.93and3.07GHz)of the second,third,fourth and delta resonant bands,respectively. Although the input impedance in the delta resonant band is mismatched,still included here for reference is the associ-ated current distribution,whose half-guided-wavelength routes in the annular ring are shorter than those correspond-ing to second resonant band and longer than those pertain-ing to the third resonant band.It appears that the second and third resonant modes have weaker currents distributed in the circular patch than do thefirst and fourth resonant modes.Hence,the centre frequencies of the second and third resonant bands are,when compared with those of the first and fourth resonant bands,relatively insensitive to the variation of the radius(r)of the circular patch,a phenomenon which can be observed in Fig.4.As r increases,the route of the current distribution for thefirst resonant mode is lengthened,causing the corresponding res-onant band to decrease and separate further from the second resonant band(see Fig.4).The simulated current distri-butions for r¼14(’0.35L s)and15mm(’0.375L s)are not shown here for brevity.These current distributions in conjunction with the ones shown in Figs.3d and3e revealed that for a larger value of r,the routes of the current distri-butions for the fourth and delta resonant modes on the annular metal ring are slightly shorter.Hence,the centre fre-quency of the fourth resonant band increases and separates further from that of the third resonant band as r increases.In addition,the centre frequency of the delta resonant band also increases with r.With r¼14mm,although the antenna is impedance-matched in the delta resonant band, thefirst two resonant bands cannot be combined to form a wide operating band.Likewise,the antenna with r¼15mm havefive discrete impedance-matched resonant bands,none of which,however,can be combined with the adjacent one to constitute a wide operating band.On the other hand,Antenna2(with r¼13mm),although not pos-sessing an impedance-matched delta resonant band,does feature two wide operating bands.Note that the two operating bands of Antenna2cannot completely cover the operating bands of the desired wireless communication standards.To achieve the design goal,the second operating band(consisting of the last two resonant bands)should be greatly lowered,whereas thefirst one (formed by thefirst two resonant bands)can be lowered only slightly.Observe that the current distributions on the annular metal ring for the third and fourth resonant bands reach maxima around the rightmost and leftmost points of the annular metal ring,whereas those for thefirst and second resonant bands around the same points arerelativelyTable1:Characteristics of some antenna prototypes with1r54.4,tan d50.02,h50.8mm,G575mm,L s540mm, w f54.2mm and g50.3mmR1,mm R2,mm r,mm l n,mm w n,mm t,mm f,MHz BW1,MHz(%)f2,MHz BW2,MHz(%)reference—————20.02295622(27.1)——antenna119.516.5———36.32553137(5.4)5347417(7.8) antenna219.516.513——20.02116641(30.3)5748882(15.3) antenna319.516.51310224.42100792(37.7)53871126(20.9)f1and f2are the centre frequencies of thefirst and second operating bands;the impedance band is the frequency range where VSWR2Fig.3Electric current distributions on the ground plane and the back-patch of Antenna2at the simulated centre frequenciesa1960MHz(thefirst resonant band)b2390MHz(the second resonant band)c5350MHz(the third resonant band)d5390MHz(the fourth resonant band)e3070MHz(the delta resonant band)weak.This suggests that embedding notches around those two points in the annular ring will effectively lengthen the routes of the current distributions for the last two resonant bands,but only slightly affect those for the first two resonant bands.When an indent with a depth of w n ¼2mm and a width of ‘n ¼10mm is etched from the annular ring around each of its rightmost and leftmost points (namedAntenna 3),the first (second)operating band with a centre frequency of 2100MHz (5387MHz)and a fractional band-width of 37.7%(20.9%)is obtained,as demonstrated in Fig.5and Table 1.These two operating bands are seen broad enough to support the desired wireless communi-cation standards.3.2Radiation characteristicsThe far-field patterns of Antenna 3in both the yz plane (E -plane)and xz plane (H -plane)at its four resonant-band centre frequencies were measured and are shown in Fig.6.These four resonant modes have broadside radiation patterns with very low cross-polarisation levels and are pretty similar to those (not shown here)of the reference antenna at its fundamental resonant-band centre frequency.These measured radiation patterns were also validated by the ones simulated using Ansoft HFSS and good agreement is shown for the co-polarised radiation.The measured antenna gain shown in Fig.7in the lower operating band ranges from 4to 5dBi,which is very close to that (5dBi)of the reference antenna,whereas the higher operating band has an antenna gain of 5–6dBi.4ConclusionIn this paper,a CPW-fed square-slot antenna with a novel composite back-patch has been proposed and studied.The designed antenna has exhibited two wide operating bands,each of which is formed by jointing two adjacent resonant bands.These operating bands are broad enough to support many wireless communication standards,such as DCS,PCS,UMTS and 2.4/5-GHz WLANs.The designed antenna at the desired resonant-band centre frequencies has broadside radiation patterns with very low cross-polarisation levels.The antenna gain is larger than 4dBi in its operating bands,making this antenna design attractive for many practical applications.5AcknowledgmentThe authors are grateful to the reviewers for their careful review and helpful suggestions.The authors are also grate-ful to the National Center for High-Performance Computing for computer time and facilities.This work was supported by the National Science Council,Taiwan,Republic of China,under Grant NSC 93-2213-E-014-006.6References1Ciais,P.,Staraj,R.,Kossiavas,G.,et al .:‘Compact internal multiband 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