

六年级下册语文补充习题答案05 05网人教版

六年级下册语文补充习题答案05 05网人教版

六年级下册语文补充习题答案05 05网人教版1、1“今宵酒醒何处?”的下两句是“杨柳岸,晓风残月”。

[判断题] *对(正确答案)错2、保尔·赖特等认为锻炼在动物游戏中的意义是最主要的。

下列哪一项不是“自娱说”否定“演习说”的论据()[单选题] *游戏行为并不限于幼小动物,成年动物也同样需要。



3、70. 下列选项中,“而”的用法与所给例子相同的一项是: ()例子:而计其长曾不盈寸。

[单选题] *A、化而为鸟。



(正确答案)4、下列语句不是出自《红楼梦》的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.字字看来皆是血,十年辛苦不寻常。



(正确答案)D.世人都晓神仙好,惟有功名忘不了!5、下列句子括号中成语使用不恰当的一项是()[单选题] *A.中国山水画不在乎让观赏者(身临其境)地进入其中,更讲求山水画的意境,而意境的产生依赖于对事物的深入认识。




6、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、粗糙(cāo)饿殍(piǎo)脍炙人口(zhì)(正确答案)B、旖旎(nǐ)旮旯(lá)游目骋怀(pìn)C、凫水(fú)尴尬(gān)自惭形秽(suì)D、自诩(yǚ)恬淡(tián)好高骛远(wù)7、1“氓之蚩蚩,抱布贸丝。










A、00100101B、01010010C、10101101 C、110110101010、当晶振频率为6MHz、定时/计数器工作于方式1,最大定时时间为(D)。








第五章化学平衡(-)辅导:1.重要概念⑴.标准平衡常数K© :在指定温度下,反应达到平衡时的压力商.(2) .平衡转化率又称理论转化率或最大转化率,指当反应达到平衡后,反应物转化为产物的百分数. (3) .平衡产率也称理论产率或最大产率,指当反应达平衡后,指定产物的实际产量与按反应式计算应得量Z 比.(4) .化学平衡:在指定温度及压力卜;参与反应各物的组成不随时间的变化而变化.2. 重要公式⑴.标准平衡常数定义:K e(2).范特霍夫等温式:(3).由范特霍夫等温式定义标准平衡常数:K 0 =exp(-A r G^ /RT)或=-RTlnK 0⑷.标准平衡常数与温度的关系:In = 学K1(5). Ke,K e p ,K e x ,K^,K c ^K n 间的关系: K 3 =K 3p =Y[^ =K p (P e y^p—n %)j (务)DTK ,(务)工*< =§ RD% 口(涉=# RT^Vj K :=(加D K c 耳)-(七)“口"八 宀)“岛pnpnpdlnK 0 A H 0(6) .范特霍夫方程:=2dT RTQlnK?(7) .标准平衡常数与压力的关系:(----- )r =0dp ⑻.浓度平衡常数与压力的关系:(匹红)丁 =(匹乞)『=0dp dp(9).物质的量商及摩尔分数常数与压力的关系:(警)厂(警)"丑opopP例I 1. p280.已知1000K 时生成水煤气的反应:C(s) + H2O (g )= CO(g) + H2(g )在2X101. 325 kPa 时,由2mol 水蒸汽与过量炭反应,其平衡转换率a = 0.7438.求:=-RTWK° +RT\nJ p =平衡兀屛加o/ 2(1-a) 2a la 2(1 +a)所以:K e p即2x3.85%a — --------------1 + 3.85%=7.415xl02(1).标准平衡常数K壯(2).平衡压力为101. 325kPa时的平衡转化率.解:⑴.据题有:C(s) + H 20(g) == CO(g) + H2(g)总量/mol平衡分压旳一-1 + Qi山i “0 (Pco IP°)X(P H I U p a2 p 贝i:K p =才= -T^x-T =——P H.O1 P6I" P°I F P°1+ Q或・K—K (丄产=3)2 x[—P—尸=丄』戏卩A np e) 2(1-a) L2(l + «)/J1-a2p eJ斗旦—Q1-a2 p e 1-0.74382p e⑵.设此时的平衡转化率为%,则前步得:K :x £_l-a2 p3代入已知数据得:2.477 = -^x^-,解之得:a = 0.844l-a2 p d攸!J 2: P448. 5.合成氨时所用的氢和氮的比例按3:1,在673K, 10132. 5kPa压力卜;平衡混合物中氨的摩尔百分数为3. 85%.⑴.求N2(g) + 3H2(g)=== 2NH3(g)的K;.⑵.在此温度下,若要得到5%的氮总压应为多少Pa.解:解法一.(1).设反应达平衡时的转化率为a,则有:小仗)+ 3日2仗)==2A®3(g)l-a 3(1 - a) 2a则平衡时体系中各物质的总量为:1 — a + 3(1 — a) + 2tz = 2(2 - a)据题给条件知:—=3.85%2(2 —a)则"K吩产r <;L)严;心16a"2-a)2 p^_ 2 _ 16x0.07415"2-0.07415)2 101325 227(1-A)4p _ 27(1-0.07415)4 1013250 ⑵.由: = 1.644x1072a2(2-a)得: a = 2x5% =0095241 + 5%代入:1 砂(2-叭心2 =1 644x10^ 27(1-cr)4p得:p= ______3A/3X1.644X10-4 (1 - a)24x0.09524x(2-0,09524)x1013253J3xl.644x10^(1 — 0.09524)2=1.348 xlO6(P«)解法二(1).设反应达平衡时的NH3的摩尔分数为X,则:N2(g) + 3H2(g)==2NH3(g)1 3—(1 — x) — (1 - x) x4 4K e=K (丄)工________________________ (_L)2仁几二疋尸” x p e, (17)3(17)3 \昇3\l-x yp,4 4256x0.03852 , 101325 门,一” in_4= ------------------------- x ( ------------ ) =1.644x1027x(1 — 0.0385)4 1013250d4 r2 0(2).由:—_-—- (^―)2 = 1.644 x 10 “33(1-X)4P得:P =42xp03A/3X 1.644 x IO-4 (1 - x)216x0.05 xx 1013253A/3X 1.644 x IO-4 (1 - 0.05)2=1.348xl06 (Pa)某合成氨厂用的氢气是由天然气CH4(g)与水蒸气H20(g)反应而而来,其反应为:CH4(g) + H2O(g)== CO(g)+3H2(g)已知此反应在1000K时进行,其平衡常数= 26.56.若起始时CH/g)与H2O(g)的物质的量比为1:2,试求算欲使CH/g)的转化率为78%,反应系统的压力应为多少?解:设甲烷CH/g)的物质的量为lmol,且转化率为a ,则:CH/g) + H 20(g) = CO(g) + 3H2(g)1-a 2-a a 3a由:治K”(气)D 27/np 总的物质的量3 + 2a(l-a)(2-a)、3 + 2a)p°K°(l — a)(2 —a) (3 + 2a) e、' P3a226.56x(1-0.78)(2-0.78) (3 + 2x0.78)、,““*X - X JL U JL 3/D3x0.782= 3.902x10’伙Pa)据: 即K( P= x(l + x)” np e (l-x)(5-x) =5.509x2 -68x + 55 = 0,解之得:x =0.921 l(mo/)干燥气量2+ .x据:K e n 0= X(l + X)”np9 (1 - x)(/z -x)=5.50注意:此吋H 20(g)的转化率为:| = 39%.(1).即使是对同一条件下的同一化学反应,转化率对不同的反应物,其大小是不同的.只有当各反应物的物质的量与其计量系数的比值相同时,各反应物的转化率才相同.⑵.在温度和体系总压及反应物的总的物质的量相同的条件下,反应的转化率随反应物的物质的量Z 比的变化而变化,呈现■条向上凸起的有极值的曲线.可以证明,其极值点正是反应物的物质的量之比等于其计量系数之比的情况.亦即说明,当反应物的物质的量之比等于计量系数之比时,反应具有最大的转化率!例:由1. Omol CO(g)和1. Omol H2(g)组成的水煤气与5. Omol的水蒸气混合,在500°C及下,通过催化剂发生下列反应:CO(g) + H2O(g) == CO2(g) + H2(g) K e = 5.50反应后将混合气体冷却使剩余的水蒸气凝结而得到干燥的气体.试计算:(1).所得干燥气中CO(g)的摩尔分数为若干?⑵.若在500°C及5 P9下进行,则CO(g)的转化率为多少?⑶.如欲将组成为1:1的水煤气中的CO(g)转化为生(8),且转化后的干燥气体中,CO(g)的体积比低于1%,则H20(g)的量该如何控制?解:(1).设反应掉的的CO(g)的量为xmol,则:CO(g) + H2O(g) == CO2(g) + H2(g) 总的物质的量1-x 5-x x 1 + x 7mol由于冷冻T燥只是去掉水蒸气,其它气休可以认为没有损失,则CO(g)在干燥气体中所占的摩尔分数为:1-x 2 + x1-0 9211= =0.02701 = 2.701% 2 + 0.9211(2).因本反应中有:工片=0,即K x = K n=K^=K9 ,即反应不因其压力的变化而发生移动, 故CO(g)的转化率与上题相同,即:Xa 一= 92.11%1⑶.如欲使转化后的干燥气体中CO(g)的体积比低于1%,设需加的水蒸气的量为n mol,则:CO(g) + H2O(g)==CO2(g) + H2(g)平衡气总量1 一x n -x x 1 + x n + 2y 1 _ r而:co(g)=——<0.01,即:X > 0.9703Y朗噪气体2 + x 所以:(1 + X)、c crcc 「l+ 0.9703 [n = x[————+ 1]> 0.9703 x [ ------------------------------------ +1]5.50(1-%) 5.50x(1-0.9703)=12.674(加引)即:n > I2.614molv dV dS 旦 dT — 吕 dp v , T dT p dp△〃S巴dT a唧,I n X B,0 X Bn .n 8X B _ X B,0,nm l一叫,0-哮m lm 8 W ;_W B ,O,mdlnp _ \apH m dTRT 2n x l B -XgdlnK 0 A H e r m dTdT RT 2QlnK 'T dp V ;K 宀"np例:已知反应:C(s) + 02(g) = C0?(g) Kf2CO(g) + O 2(g)== 2CO 2(g) K :试求反应的:C(s) + *。


▪从三个角度分析: 振荡旳产生——能量和频谱旳角度。 振荡旳平衡——非线性旳角度。
▪分析三个条件:起振 、平衡和稳定条件。
1. 环路旳起振条件
Vo et
(P258) R
▪LC谐振回路是LC振荡器旳主要构成部分,正弦波振荡器则是 基于二阶RLC回路旳自由振荡现象。
A F 2n
AF 1
1 LC
5.2.2 振荡旳起振 、平衡和稳定条件旳分析
▪回答两个问题: •振荡是怎样产生旳? •振荡又是怎样平衡旳?
5.2.3 自给偏置对振荡状态旳影响 iC gm
Rb1 Cb
Rb 2
Re Ce
0 Vth
5.2.3 自给偏置对振荡状态旳影响(续1)
▪合理选择元件旳参数值,使起振前电路旳静态工作点Q位于 伏安特征段旳中点。
▪振荡器进入平衡状态后,假设受到外界旳扰动,那么将会破 坏其原来旳平衡状态。
•干扰消失后,振荡器若能自动恢复到原来旳平衡状态, 则称之为是稳定旳;

统计 习题课件CH05教学文案

统计 习题课件CH05教学文案

4. 正态分布的两个参数 μ 与 σ,
A. 增大 μ B. 减小 μ C. 增大 σ D. 减小 σ E. 增大 μ 同时增大 σ
A. n 50 B. 0.5 C. n 1 D. 1 E. n 5
X 1.96S
其中, X 和 S 分别为样本的均数和标准差
第三节 正态分布
1.二项分布的正态近似 随着 n 的增大,二项分布趋于对称。理论上可以 证明:当 n 相当大时,只要 π 不太靠近 0 或 1, 特别是当 nπ 和 n(1-π)都大于 5 时,二项分布近似于正态分布。
第三节 正态分布
2.Poisson 分布的正态近似 随着总体均数 的增大,Poisson 分布趋向对称。理论上可以证明, 随着
,Poisson 分布也渐近正态分布。一般,当 20 时 Poisson 分布资料可按 正态分布处理。
和二项分布相同,Poisson 分布也是离散型变量分布。为了借用连续型变量 的分布函数计算概率,也要对概率函数作校正。校正后 Poisson 分布的正态近似 计算方法为
n! X (1 )nX
X 0
X 0 X!(n X )!
第二节 Poisson分布
一、Poisson 分布的概念与特征 基本概念:Poisson 分布可以看作是每个观察对象阳性结果的发生概率很
小,而观察例数 n 很大时的二项分布。除二项分布的三个基本条件以外,Poisson 分布还要求 接近于 0。有些情况和 n 都难以确定,只能以观察单位(时间、 空间、面积等)内某种稀有事件的发生数 X 来近似。



习题一、选择题1. 面向对象程序设计的基本特征是(BCD)。


(多选)A.类是Java 语言中的一种复合数据类型。



D.Java 语言的类只支持单继承。

















目标Байду номын сангаас
本章学习目标: 本章学习目标: 使用 Path,File,FileInfo,Directory,DirectoryInfo, , , , , , DriveInfo 和 FileSystemWatcher 类管理文件系统 使用 Stream,FileStream,MemoryStream 和 , , BufferedStream 类使用字节流 使用 DeflateStream,GZipStream,IsolatedStorageFile , , 和 IsolatedStorageFileStream 类压缩并保护流信息 使用 TextReader,TextWriter,StreamReader, , , , StreamWriter,StringReader,StringWriter, , , , BinaryReader 和 BinaryWriter 类管理应用程序数据 使用 StringBuilder 类来高效地操作字符串 使用正则表达式类来使用正则表达式
GetFileName GetFullPath
GetRandomFileName GetTempPath
使用 File 和 FileInfo 类 访问文件
File 类中的可用方法
成员 Create Copy Delete Exists 创建一个文件. 复制一个文件. 删除一个文件.
5.1.2 使用 File 和 FileInfo 类访问文件
代码示例C# 代码示例
代码示例VB 代码示例
使用字节流 (续)
5.2 使用字节流 .NET Framework 提供了 Stream 类来管理字节流.Stream 类是一个抽象 类来管理字节流. 中所有流类的基本功能. (MustInherit)类,它提供 .NET Framework 中所有流类的基本功能. )

05 生物化学习题与解析--脂类代谢解析

05 生物化学习题与解析--脂类代谢解析

脂类代谢一 . 选择题(一) A 型题1. 食物中脂类消化产物不包括A. 甘油一酯B. 甘油二酯C. 脂肪酸D. 胆固醇E. 溶血磷脂2. 小肠消化吸收的甘油三酯到脂肪组织中的储存,其运输载体是A. CMB. LDLC. VLDLD. HDLE. LP(α)3. 脂肪动员的限速酶是A. 甘油激酶B. 甘油一酯脂肪酶C. 甘油二酯脂肪酶D. HSLE. LPL4. 具有抗脂解作用的激素为A. ACTHB. 肾上腺素C. 胰岛素D. 胰高血糖素E. 去甲肾上腺素5. 有关脂肪酸活化错误的是A. 增加水溶性B. 消耗 ATPC. 增加代谢活性D. 在线粒体内进行E. 由脂酰CoA 合成酶催化6. 不能氧化利用脂酸的组织是A. 脑B. 心肌C. 肝脏D. 肾脏E. 肌肉7. 脂酰 CoA 在线粒体进行β-氧化顺序的正确是A. 加水、脱氢、硫解、再脱氢B. 脱氢、再脱氢、加水、硫解C. 脱氢、加水、再脱氢、硫解D. 脱氢、脱水、再脱氢、硫解E. 硫解、脱氢、加水、再脱氢8. β-氧化第一次脱氢的辅酶是A. 乙酰 CoAB. FADC. FMND. NADP +E. NAD +9. 1mol 软脂酸( 16 碳)彻底氧化成 H 2 O 和 CO 2 可净生成的 ATP 摩尔数是A. 38B. 22 C . 106 D. 36 E. 13110. 1mol 甘油彻底氧化成 CO 2 和 H 2 O 可净生成的 ATP 摩尔数是A. 20B. 11 C . 18.5 D. 18 E. 2411. 脂肪动员加强,脂肪酸在肝内分解产生的乙酰 CoA 最易转变生成A. 丙二酸单酰 CoAB. 胆盐C. 酮体D. 胆固醇E. 胆汁酸12. 长期饥饿后血液中下列哪种物质的含量增加A. 酮体B. 乳酸C. 丙酮酸D. 血红素E. 葡萄糖13. 不属于酮体的物质是A. 乙酰乙酸B. 甲羟戊酸C. β-羟丁酸D. 丙酮E. 以上都是14. 脂肪动员加强时,肝内乙酰 CoA 主要去向是合成A. 葡萄糖B. 酮体C. 胆固醇D. 脂肪酸E. 草酰乙酸15. 脂肪酸β- 氧化酶系存在于A. 胞液B. 微粒体溶酶体C. 溶酶体D. 线粒体内膜E. 线粒体基质16. 脂肪酸β- 氧化过程中不出现的反应是A. 加水反应B. 脱氢反应C. 脱氧反应D. 硫解反应E. 再脱氢反应17. 脂肪酸生物合成所需要的乙酰 CoA 由A. 胞液直接提供B. 线粒体合成并转化成柠檬酸转运至胞液C. 胞液的乙酰胆碱提供D. 线粒体合成,以乙酰 CoA 的形式运输到胞液E. 胞液的乙酰磷酸提供18. 脂肪酸生物合成所需的氢由下列哪一递氢体提供A. NADPB. FADH 2 C . FAD D. NADPH+H + E. NADH+H +19. 脂肪酸从头合成叙述正确的是A. 不能利用乙酰 CoAB. 仅能合成少于十碳的脂肪酸C. 需丙二酰 CoA 作为活性中间体D. 在线粒体中进行E. 以 NAD + 为辅酶20. 乙酰 CoA 羟化酶的变构抑制剂是A. 柠檬酸B. cAMPC. CoAD. ATPE. 长链脂酰 CoA21. 乙酰 CoA 羟化酶的变构激活剂是A. cAMPB. 柠檬酸C. CoAD. ATPE. 长链脂酰 CoA22. 下列哪种物质不参与由乙酰 CoA 合成脂肪酸的反应A. CO 2B. ATPC. NADPH+H +D. CH 3 COCOOHE. HOOCOH 2 CO ~ SCoA23. 由乙酰 CoA 在胞液中合成 1 分子软脂酸需要多少分子 NADPH+H +A. 16B. 7 C . 14 D. 18 E. 924. 脂肪酸合成酶系正确的是A. 催化不饱和脂肪酸合成B. 催化脂酰 CoA 延长 2 个碳原子C. 是多酶复合体,由一个核心蛋白和七种酶蛋白组成D. 催化乙酰 CoA 生成丙二酰 CoAE. 催化脂肪酸活化25. 胞质中合成脂肪酸的限速酶是A. β-酮脂酰合成酶B. 水化酶C. 乙酰 CoA 羧化酶D. 乙酰转移酶E. 硫酯酶26. 合成甘油三酯能力最强的组织是A. 脂肪组织B. 肝脏C. 小肠D. 肾脏E. 肌肉27. 下列哪种情况机体能量的提供主要来自脂肪A. 空腹B. 剧烈运动C. 进餐后D. 禁食E. 安静状态28. 饥饿时尿中含量较高的物质是A. 丙酮酸B. 乳酸C. 尿酸D. 酮体E. 葡萄糖29. 乙酰 CoA 不能参加下列哪种反应A. 氧化分解B. 合成糖原C. 合成脂肪酸D. 合成酮体E. 合成胆固醇30. 下列哪种生化反应在线粒体内进行A. 甘油三酯的生物合成B. 胆固醇的生物合成C. 脂肪酸的生物合成D. 脂肪酸β-氧化E. 脂肪酸的活化31. 脂肪细胞合成甘油三酯所需的甘油A. 主要来自葡萄糖B. 由糖异生产生C. 由脂解作用产生D. 由氨基酸转化而来E. 由磷脂分解产生32. 脂肪酸生物合成错误的是A. 存在于胞液中B. 生物素作为辅助因子参与C. 合成过程中 NADPH+H + 转变成 NADP +D. 不需 ATP 参与E. 以 COOHCH 2 CO ~ SCoA 作为碳源33. 关于酮体代谢叙述不正确的是A. 肝不能氧化利用酮体B. 生成酮体是肝特有的功能C. 饥饿时酮体生成增多D. 糖尿病患者酮体生成可减少E. 脑不能氧化脂肪酸,但能利用酮体34. 长链脂酸合成的脂肪吸收后进入血液的方式A. 脂肪酸及甘油B. 乳糜微粒C. 甘油三酯D. 甘油二酯及脂肪酸E. 甘油一酯及脂肪酸35. 下列哪种情况可导致脂肪肝的发生A. 高糖饮食B. 脑磷脂缺乏C. 胆碱缺乏D. 胰岛素分泌增加E. 肾上腺素分泌增加36. 卵磷脂合成所需要的供体是A. ADP 胆碱B. GDP 胆碱C. CDP 胆碱D. TDP 胆碱E.UDP 胆碱37. 含有胆碱的磷酸是A. 卵磷脂B. 脑磷脂C. 磷脂酸D. 心磷脂E. 脑苷脂38. 下列哪个因素与磷脂合成无关A. 胆碱B. CTPC. 甘油三酯D. 丝氨酸E. S—腺苷甲硫氨酸39. 在脑磷脂转化成卵磷脂过程中,需下列哪种氨基酸A. 蛋氨酸B. 天冬氨酸C. 谷氨酸D. 精氨酸E. 鸟氨酸40. 甘油磷脂中,通常哪一位碳原子或基团连接有不饱和脂肪酸A. 甘油的第二位碳原子B. 甘油的第一位碳原子C. 甘油的第三位碳原子D. 胆碱E. 乙醇胺41. 不具有环戊烷多氢菲骨架的化合物是A. 维生素 D 3B. 胆红素C. 类固醇D. 类固醇激素E. 胆汁酸42. 体内可直接合成胆固醇的化合物A. 丙酮酸B. 草酸C. 苹果酸D. 乙酰 CoAE. α- 酮戊二酸43. 合成胆固醇的限速酶是A. HMG CoA 合成酶B. HMG CoA 还原酶C. HMG CoA 裂解酶D. 甲羟戊酸激酶E. 鲨烯环氧酶44. 参与合成一分子胆固醇需乙酰 CoA 的分子数是A. 10B. 14 C . 16 D. 18 E. 2045. 胆固醇是下列哪一种化合物的前体A. CoAB. 泛醌C. 维生素 AD. 维生素 DE. 维生素 E46. 胆固醇在体内不能转化成A. 胆汁酸B. 肾上腺皮质激素C. 胆色素D. 性激素E. 维生素 D 347. 肝病患者血浆胆固醇降低的原因是A. LDL 活性增加B. LCAT 减少C. 胆固醇酯酶活性增加D. 胆固醇酯酶活性减少E. 胆固醇合成减少48. 细胞内催化脂酰基转移至胆固醇生成胆固醇酯的酶是A. LCATB. 脂酰转运蛋白C. 脂肪酸合成酶D. 肉碱脂酰转移酶E. ACAT49. 血浆中催化脂肪酰基转运至胆固醇生成胆固醇酯的酶是A. LCLTB. ACATC. 磷脂酶D. 肉碱脂酰转移酶E. 脂酰转运蛋白50. 内源性甘油三酯主要由下列哪一种血浆脂蛋白运输A. CMB. LDLC. VLDLD. HDLE. HDL 351. 内源性胆固醇主要有下列哪一种浆脂蛋白运输A. HDLB. LDLC. VLDLD. CME. HDL 352. 脂肪酸在血中的运输方式是A. 与球蛋白结合B. 与清蛋白结合C. 与 CM 结合D. 与 VLDL 结合E. 与 HDL 结合53. 正常人空腹时,血浆中主要的脂蛋白是A. CMB. VLDLC. LDLD. HDLE. 脂肪酸—清蛋白复合物54. 运输外源性脂肪的血浆脂蛋白是A. CMB. VLDLC. LDLD. HDLE. 清蛋白55. 生成 LDL 的部位是A. 脂肪组织B. 红细胞C. 肠粘膜D. 血浆E. 肝脏56. HDL 的生理功能是A. 运输外源性 TGB. 运输内源性 TGC. 运输胆固醇从肝外到肝内D. 运输胆固醇从肝内到肝外E. 肝脏57. 脂蛋白中含蛋白质较高的是A. CMB. VLDLC. LDLD. HDLE. IDL58. 引起家族性高胆固醇血症的原因是A. 肝内缺乏 HMG CoA 还原酶B. 肝内缺乏 HMG CoA 裂解酶C. LDL 受体缺陷D. ACAT 活性降低E. 由 VLDL 生成 LDL 增加59. 血浆脂蛋白密度由低到高的正确顺序A. LDL 、 VLDL 、 CMB. CM 、 VLDL 、 LDLC. VLDL 、 LDL 、 CMD. CM 、 VLDL 、 LDL 、 HDLE. HDL 、 VLDL 、 CM60. 高胆固醇饮食可使A. 肝细胞内硫解酶活性降低B. 小肠粘膜细胞内 HMGCoA 还原酶减少C. 肝细胞内 HMGCoA 还原酶合成减少D. 小肠粘膜内 HMGCoA 合成酶活性降低E. 肝细胞内 HMGCoA 合成酶活性降低61. 在 HDL 成熟的过程中,使胆固醇酯化的酶是A. 胆固醇酯酶B. 乙酰基转移酶C. 脂酰 CoA 转移酶D. ACATE. LCAT62. 含载脂蛋白 B 100 最多的血浆脂蛋白是A. HDLB. LDLC. VLDLD. CME. CM 残粒63. 含载脂蛋白 B 48 的血浆脂蛋白是A. HDLB. IDLC. LDLD. CME. VLDL64. 载脂蛋白CⅡ 是下列哪种酶的激活剂A. LPLB. LCATC. 肝脂肪酶D. 胰脂酶E. ACAT65. 血浆脂蛋白有抗动脉粥样硬化作用的是A.CMB.LDLC.VLDLD.HDLE.IDL66. 下列哪种血浆脂蛋白参与胆固醇的逆向运转A.LDLB.CMC.VLDLD.IDLE.HDL67. 下列哪一种化合物不以胆固醇为原料合成A. 胆汁酸B. 胆红素C. 雌二醇D.1 , 25-(OH) 2 -D 3E. 醛固酮68. 对胆固醇生物合成有促进作用的因素是A. 食物胆固醇摄入B. 饥饿及禁食C. 胰高血糖素D. 高淀粉、高饱和脂肪膳食E. 皮质醇69. 当丙二酰 CoA 浓度增加时,可抑制A. HMG CoA 合成酶B. 乙酰 CoA 羟化酶C. 肉碱脂酰转移酶ⅠD. 脂酰 CoA 脱氢酶E. 乙酰 CoA 合成酶70. 类脂在体内的主要功能是A. 保持体温防止散热B. 保护内脏器官C. 氧化供能D. 维持生物膜的正常结构和功能E. 空腹和禁食时体内能量的主要来源(二) B 型题A. 乙酰 CoA 羟化酶B. HMG—CoA 还原酶C. 肉碱脂酰转移酶ⅠD.LPLE.HSL1. apoCⅡ 可激活2. apoCⅢ 可抑制3. 丙二酰 CoA 可竞争抑制4. 激素可活化5. 柠檬酸可激活6. 胆固醇反馈抑制7. 长链脂酰 CoA 可抑制A. β- 脂蛋白B. 前β- 脂蛋白C. α- 脂蛋白D. 乳糜微粒E. 白蛋白8. 转运外源性甘油三酯9. 转运内源性甘油三酯10. 逆向转运胆固醇11. 转运外源性胆固醇12. 转运自由脂肪酸13. HDL14. VLDL15. CMA. 胞液及内质网B. 线粒体内C. 胞液D. 内质网及线粒体内E. 内质网16. 胆固醇合成部位17. 胆汁酸合成部位18. 脂肪酸合成部位19. 酮体合成部位20. 磷脂合成部位A. 胆固醇B. 血红素C. 油酸D. 软脂酸E. 花生四烯酸21. 前列腺素的前体22. 维生素 D 的前体23. 白三烯的前体24. 胆红素的前体A. 血浆游离脂肪酸升高B. 脂肪酸酯化作用增强C. 血浆 HDL 明显降低D. 空腹 12 小时后,血浆 CM 显著增加E. 空腹 12 小时后,血浆 Ch > 6000mg/L25. 脂蛋白脂肪酶缺乏时26. 糖尿病时27. 肥胖时28. Ⅰ 型高脂蛋白血症时29. LDL 受体缺陷时30. α- 脂蛋白缺乏时( 三 ) X 型题1 .人体的必需脂肪酸是A. 软油酸B. 亚油酸C. 亚麻酸D. 花生四烯酸E. 油酸2. 脂解激素有A. 肾上腺素B. 去甲肾上腺素C. 胰高血糖素D. 胰岛素E. 醛固酮3. 抗脂解激素有A. 胰岛素B. 胰高血糖素C. 前列腺素 E 2D. 肾上腺素E. 肾上腺素4. 脂肪酸β- 氧化在细胞内进行的部位是A. 细胞浆B. 细胞核C. 微粒体D. 线粒体E. 内质网5. 甘油激酶活性低的组织是A. 肝脏B. 肾脏C. 脂肪组织D. 骨骼肌E. 肺6. 不饱和脂肪酸之间的区别主要在于A. 碳链长度B. 双链位置C. 双链数目D. 甲基数目E. 羧基数目7. 能代谢产生乙酰 CoA 的物质有A. 胆固醇B. 脂肪酸C. 酮体D. 葡萄糖E. 氨基酸8. 乙酰 CoA 可用于合成下列那些物质A. 胆固醇B. 脂肪酸C. 酮体D. 葡萄糖E. 必需氨基酸9. 胆固醇在体内可以转变成A. 胆汁酸B. 类固醇激素C. 维生素 D 3 的前体D. CO 2 和 H 2 OE. 葡萄糖10. 肝脏特有的功能为A. 合成酮体B. 合成尿素C. 脂肪酸异生成为葡萄糖D. 合成各种脂蛋白E. 合成胆固醇11. 合成酮体和胆固醇均需要A. 乙酰 CoAB. NADPH+H +C. HMG CoA 合成酶D. HMG CoA 还原酶E. ATP12. 能将酮体氧化利用的组织细胞是A. 心肌B. 肝C. 成熟红细胞D. 脑E. 肾13. 可引起血浆酮体含量升高的因素有A. 长期饥饿B. 缺氧C. 高糖饮食D. 糖尿病E. 高脂饮食14. 关于酮体说法正确的是A. 水溶性比脂肪酸大B. 可随尿排出C. 血中过高可引起酸中毒D. 是机体各组织可利用的能源E. 分子比脂肪酸小15. 脂肪动员加强时会引起A. 血浆中甘油升高B. 血浆游离脂肪酸下降C. 血浆低密度脂蛋白升高D. 血浆游离脂肪酸升高E. 血糖升高16. 细胞中胆固醇的作用有A. 抑制细胞本身胆固醇的合成B. 抑制细胞 LDL 受体的合成C. 被细胞膜摄取,构成细胞膜D. 激活 ACATE. 激活 LPL17. 脂肪的生理功能包括A. 构成生物膜B. 氧化供能C. 储存能量D. 提供必需脂肪酸E. 保持体温18. 血浆中胆固醇酯化需要A. 脂酰 CoAB. 乙酰 CoAC. 卵磷脂D. LCATE. ACAT19. 血浆甘油三酯主要存在于哪些物质内A. CMB. VLDLC. LDLD. HDLE. IDL20. 关于低密度脂蛋白叙述正确的是A. 在血浆中由前β- 脂蛋白转变而来B. 在肝中合成C. 它将胆固醇由肝外运至肝内D. 血浆中含量持续升高可引起动脉粥样硬化E. 主要转运内源性甘油三酯21. 新生成的 HDL 可来源于A. 小肠B. 肝脏C. 外周组织D. CM 、 VLDL 代谢E. 肾脏22. 高脂蛋白血症病人哪种脂蛋白含量升高A.CMB. VLDLC. LDLD.HDLE. IDL23. 严重糖尿病人的代谢特点是A. 糖异生加强B. 脂解作用加强C. 酮体生成增加D. 胆固醇合成减少E. 尿糖增加24. 脂肪肝形成的原因有A. 营养不良B. 胆碱缺乏C. 必需脂肪酸缺乏D. 蛋白质缺乏E. 酒精或药物中毒25. 脂蛋白运输脂质过程中需要哪些酶A. LPLB. 组织脂肪酶C. ACATD.LCATE. CPS-Ⅰ26. 不贮存甘油三酯的组织是A. 肾脏B. 肝脏C. 脂肪组织D. 小肠粘膜细胞E. 脑组织27. HMG CoA 合成酶受抑制可影响A. 磷脂的合成B. 胆固醇的合成C. 酮体的合成D. 脂肪酸的合成E. 甘油28. 正常人 12 小时空腹血浆胆固醇主要分布于A. CMB. VLDLC. LDLD.HDLE. IDL29. 空腹甘油三酯显著升高的可能原因有A. LPL 缺乏B. apoCⅡ 缺乏C. HL 缺乏D. apoB 缺乏E. apoCⅢ 缺乏30. 抑制胆固醇合成的因素有A. HMG CoA 还原酶的活性下降B. 体内胆固醇含量升高C. 胰岛素D. 肾上腺皮质激素 ( 皮质醇 ) 和胰高血糖素E. 血糖升高二 . 是非题• 同样重量的脂肪、糖或蛋白质产生的能量一样多。

ch5 Fixed income securities课后习题答案

ch5 Fixed income securities课后习题答案
ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS: 1. a b. c. d. e. Indenture - the contract between the issuing firm and the lenders in a debt obligation, specifying the nature of the debt issue, the manner in which the principal must be paid, and the restrictions (covenants) placed on the firm by the lenders. Covenants – the indenture lists any restrictions placed on the firm by the lenders. These restrictions are called covenants, and the firm must satisfy them to keep from defaulting on its obligations. Trustee - the bondholders representative in a public debt offering. The trustee is responsible for monitoring the borrower's compliance with the terms of the indenture. Call feature - a provision that permits the bond issuer to retire the obligation prior to its maturity. Sinking fund - a method of providing for the gradual retirement of a bond issue. The sinking fund requirement can be met by depositing a certain amount of money annually in a sinking fund account. Alternatively, the firm can either purchase a portion of the debt each year in the open market or, if the debt is callable, use a lottery technique to determine which actual bonds will be called and retired each year. Conversion feature - a provision that allows the holder to exchange the bond for shares of the company's common stock at the option of the holder. Coupon rate - the annual rate of interest paid to bondholders. It is expressed as a percentage of par value. Yield to maturity - a bond is the discount rate that equates the present value of all expected interest payments and the repayment of principal from a bond with the present bond price. Yield to call – for bonds with a call feature, the expected yield to call can also be computed. This is done by replacing the maturity value by the call price and the number of years until maturity by the number of years until the company can call the bond.



[第05章卤代烃]一、单项选择题1、下列物质与AgNO3 醇溶液反应最活泼的是(A )A.CH2=CH—CH2Br B.CH2=CH—CH2 CH2 Br C.CH3—CH=CH Br D.C6H5—Br2、在加热条件下,.CH3—CH(CH3)—CH(Cl)—CH2 CH3与KOH的醇溶液作用,生成的主要产物是(B)A.4—甲基—2—戊烯 B. 2—甲基—2—戊烯 C.2—甲基—2—戊醇 D.2—甲基—3—戊烯3、下列卤代烃中卤素原子活性最强的是( A )A、CH2=CHCH2ClB、CH3CH=CHClC、CH3CH2CH2ClD、CH3CHClCH34、下列物质中能发生消除反应的是(A)A、丙烷B、丙烯C、1-氯丙烷D、环丙烷5、此反应CH3CH2CH2Cl + NaOH(水溶液)—→CH3CH2CH2OH + NaOH 属于(A )A、取代反应B、消除反应C、氧化反应D、加成反应6、此反应CH3CH2CH2Cl+ NaOH(醇溶液)—→CH3CH=CH2 + HCI 属于(B )A、取代反应B、消除反应C、氧化反应D、加成反应7、下列与AgNO3醇溶液立刻产生沉淀的是(B )A、CH3CH=CHClB、CH2=CHCH2ClC、CH3CHClCH3D、CH3CH2CH2Cl8、下列卤素的活性排列正确的是( A )A、CH2=CHCH2Cl >CH3CH2CH2Cl >CH3CH=CHClB、CH3CH=CHCl >CH3CH2CH2Cl >CH2=CHCH2ClC、CH2=CHCH2Cl >CH3CH=CHCl >CH3CH2CH2ClD、CH3CH2CH2Cl >CH2=CHCH2Cl >CH3CH=CHCl9、仲卤烷和叔卤烷在消除HX生成烯烃时,遵循(D )A、马氏规则B、反马氏规则C、次序规则D、扎依采夫规则10、卤代烃发生消除反应所需要的条件是(C)A、AgNO3醇溶液B、AgNO3水溶液C、NaOH醇溶液D、NaOH水溶液11、下列卤代烃中,最容易发生脱水的是( D )A、CH3CH2CH2CH2BrB、CH3CH2CHBrCH3C、(CH3)2CHCH2Br D(CH3)3CBr12、扎依采夫规则应用于下列哪个卤代烃的消除反应(B )A、CH3CH2CH2CH2BrB、CH3CH2CHBrCH3C、(CH3)2CHCH2BrD、CH3CHBrCH313、下列有机物是卤代烃的是(D)A、异丙烷B、丁烯C、环戊烷多氢菲D、四氯化碳14、下列有机物属于多元卤代烃的是(B )A、氯苯B、氯仿C、2-氯甲苯D、烯丙基氯15、卤代烃与氨反应的产物是(C)A、腈B、醇C、胺D、醚16、烃基相同时,RX与NaOH/H2O反应速率最快的是( A)A、RFB、RClC、RBrD、RI17、下列化合物中属于烯丙型卤代烃是(B)A、CH3CH=CHCH2CIB、CH2=CHCH2 CH2CIC、CH3CH2CH2CID、CH3CH2CHCI CH318、在制备格氏试剂时,可以用来作为保护气体的是(A)A、N2B、O2C、HClD、CO219、叔丁基溴与KOH的醇溶液共热,主要发生(D )A、亲核取代反应B、亲电取代反应C、加成反应D、消除反应20、常用于格氏试剂的通式是(B)A 、R 2MgB 、RMgXC 、RXD 、MgX 2 二、写出下列化合物的名称和结构简式 1、CHCl 3 三氯甲烷 2、3、苄氯三、写出下列反应的主要产物1、CH 3-ch2、[第06章 醇、酚、醚]一、单项选择题1、下列说法正确的是( C )A 、含有羟基的化合物一定是醇类B 、醇与酚具有相同的官能团因而性质相同C 、醇类的官能团是醇羟基D 、分子中含有羟基和苯环的化合物一定是酚 2、下列关于苯酚的叙述错误的是( B ) A 、苯酚俗称石 炭 酸 B 、苯酚易发生取代反应C 、苯酚与三氯化铁溶液作用显紫色D 、苯酚的酸性比碳酸强3、禁用工业酒精配制饮料酒,是因为工业酒精中含有( B ) A 、甲醇 B 、乙醇 C 、丙醇 D 、丙三醇4、下列各组物质互为同分异构体的是( A )A 、甲醇和甲醚B 、乙醇和甲醚C 、丙醇和丙三醇D 、苯酚和苄醇 5、下列物质能氧化生成丙酮的是( B )A 、B 、C 、D 、6、下列哪一种醇与卢卡斯试剂反应,活性最强 ( )Cl ClCH 3 C H CH 2 CH 3NaOH/H 2OClCH 3 C H CH 2 CH 3醇KOH /CH 3 C H 2 C H 2 O H CH 3 C H C H 3OHCH 3CH 3 C C H 3OHCH 3 C H C H 2 C H 3OHA 、1—丁醇B 、2—丁醇C 、2—甲基—2—丁醇D 、3—甲基—2—丁醇 7、醇、酚、醚都是烃的( A )A 、含氧衍生物B 、同系物C 、同分异构体D 、同素异形体 3、下列有机化合物不属于醇类的是( ) A 、芳环上的氢原子被羟基取代后的化合物 B 、芳环侧链上的氢原子被羟基取代后的化合物 C 、饱和烃分子中的氢原子被羟基取代后的化合物 D 、脂环烃分子中的氢原子被羟基取代后的化合物 6、下列物质中不属于醇的是( C )A 、B 、C 、D 、7、下列属于仲醇的是( B )A 、B 、C 、D 、8、乙醇俗称( D )A 、木醇B 、木精C 、甘油D 、酒精 9、苯酚俗称(D )A 、甘油B 、苄精C 、酒精D 、石 炭 酸 10、丙三醇的俗名是( A )A 、甘油B 、苄醇C 、酒精D 、石 炭 酸 11、发生分子内脱水反应时,主要产物是(B )A 、1—丁烯B 、2—丁烯C 、1—丁炔D 、2—丁炔 12、能与溴水反应生成白色沉淀的是( B )A 、乙醚B 、苯酚C 、乙烯D 、乙醇 13、临床上常用消毒酒精的浓度为( C )A 、30%B 、50%C 、75%D 、95% 14、下列物质中,能与三氯化铁溶液发生显色反应的是( B ) A 、乙醚 B 、苯酚 C 、苯甲醇 D 、乙醇 15、苯甲醇的俗名是( B )A 、甘油B 、苄醇C 、酒精D 、石 炭 酸 16、下列物质中,不能与金属钠反应的是( A )A 、乙醚B 、苯酚C 、丙三醇D 、乙醇 17、下列物质中,酸性最强的是( B )A 、碳酸B 、苯酚C 、水D 、乙醇 18、可用来鉴别简单的伯醇、仲醇、叔醇的试剂是( B )OHCH 2OHCH 3OH CH 3CH 3 C C H 3OHCH 3 C H 2 C H 2 O H CH 3 C H C H 3OHCH 3CH 3 C C H 3OHCH 2OHCH 3 C H C H 2 C H 3OHA、溴水B、卢卡斯试剂C、三氯化铁D、新制的氢氧化铜19、“来苏儿”常用于医疗器械和环境消毒,其主要成分是( C )A、苯酚B、肥皂C、甲酚D、乙醇20、临床上把加入少量苯甲醇的注射用水称为“无痛水”,是因为苯甲醇具有( B )A、氧化作用B、麻醉作用C、还原作用D、防腐作用21、检查乙醚中含有过氧化乙醚的试剂是()A、碘化钾B、淀粉C、淀粉碘化钾试纸D、硫酸22、下列基团中,属于巯基的是(D )A、—CH3B、—OHC、—XD、—SH23、下列各组物质,能用Cu(OH)2区别的是(A )A、乙醇与乙醚B、乙醇与乙二醇C、乙二醇与丙三醇D、甲醇与乙醇24、羟基直接与芳环相连的化合物属于(B )A、醇B、酚C、醚D、卤烃25、下列物质中,既能使三氯化铁显色,又能与溴水反应的是(A )A、苯酚B、甘油C、苄醇D、溴苯二、填空题26~27(2)、乙醇俗称,它与醚互为同分异构体。

ch05-Java Web程序设计(第3版)-微课视频版-郭克华-清华大学出版社

ch05-Java Web程序设计(第3版)-微课视频版-郭克华-清华大学出版社
✓ 表单中可以输入一些内容,这些输入功能由控件 提供,叫做表单元素
✓ 表单中一般都有一个按钮负责提交 ✓ 点击提交按钮,表单元素中的内容会提交给服务器
端 ✓ 表单元素放在<form></form>之间
表单是提交给服务器的,如何确定到底提交给 哪一个界面?
✓ 用<form>中的action属性确定。如:
注意:如果表单中没有name=account的表单元素,str 为null;如果在表单元素account中没有输入任何内容就 提交,str为""。
<input type="submit" value="登录">表示提 交按钮,可以写普通按钮吗?
✓ 不行,如果将该按钮改为:<input type="button" value="登录">,显示效果一样,但是点击,没有提交 功能。不过可以用JavaScript进行提交。
✓ 方法如下:变量(字符串 )= new String(变量 (字符串 ).getBytes("ISO-8859-1"),"gb2312")
直接修改 request 的编码
✓ 可以将 request 的编码修改为支持中文的编码, 这样,整个页面中的请求,都可以自动转为中文
✓ request.setCharacterEncoding("gb2312")
<form action="page.jsp"> 请您输入账号:<input name="account" type="text"><BR> 请您输入密码:<input name="password" type="password"><BR> <input type="submit" value="登录">


现值 –例 2
• 你想开始为你女儿的大学教育存钱,你估计她 在17年后需要15万美元。如果你自信你可以每 年赚8%,你现在需要投资多少?
▪ N = 17; I/Y = 8; FV = 150,000
▪ CPT PV = -40,540.34
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• 我今天需要投资多少才能在未来得到一 些钱?
▪ FV = PV(1 + r)t ▪ 重新整理得 PV = FV / (1 + r)t
• 当我们讨论折现时,我们指的是找出未 来金额的现值
• 当我们谈论某物的“价值”时,我们谈论
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现值 – 重要关系一
• 对于给定的利率,时间越长,现值越低
▪ 5年后500美元的现值是多少?十年?折现率 是10%
▪ 5年: N = 5; I/Y = 10; FV = 500 CPT PV = -310.46
▪ 10年: N = 10; I/Y = 10; FV = 500 CPT PV = -192.77
快速测验 – 第二部分
• 现值和终值之间的关系是什么? • 假设3年后你需要15000美元。如果你每年能赚
• 如果你能以8%的利率投资,你会投资更多还是 更少?多少钱?
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[单选题] *只有才不仅还不但而且不是就是(正确答案)2、《雨中登泰山》作者是[单选题] *李建李健吾(正确答案)李白李康3、下列选项中,与加着重号字的注音完全相同的一项是()[单选题] *A、鲜(xiān):鲜红新鲜屡见不鲜鲜为人知B、强(qiǎng):坚强牵强强词夺理博闻强识C、供(gōng):供给供应提供供不应求(正确答案)D、当(dāng):当家当代门当户对安步当车4、下面对有关名著《红楼梦》的理解,不正确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.《红楼梦》判词中“可叹停机德,堪怜咏絮才”分别写的是薛宝钗和林黛玉。





[判断题] *对错(正确答案)6、25.下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确的一组是()[单选题] *A.妯娌(zhóu)酒肆(sì)镌刻(juān)暴风骤雨(zhòu)(正确答案)B.狡黠(xié)挟持(xié)胡髭(zī)惨绝人寰(yuán)C.燥热(cào)翘首(qiào)嶙峋(xún)言不由衷(zhōng)D.私塾(shú)遁形(dùn)糜子(mí)日夜不辍(zhuì)7、1写说明文要根据说明对象的特点及写作目的,选用最佳的说明方法。

第二章 均相反应动力学习题

第二章 均相反应动力学习题

第二章 均相反应动力学习题1. 【动力学方程形式】有一气相反应,经实验测定在400℃下的速率方程式为:23.66AA dP P dt= 若转化为2(/.)A kC A r mol hl =形式,求相应的速率常数值及其单位。

2. [恒温恒容变压定级数]在恒容等温下,用等摩尔H 2和NO 进行实验,测得如下数据: 总压(MPa )0.0272 0.0326 0.038 0.0435 0.0543 半衰期(s ) 256 186 135 104 67 求此反应级数3.[二级反应恒容定时间]4.醋酸和乙醇的反应为二级反应,在间歇反应反应器中,5min 转化率可达50%,问转化率为75%时需增加多少时间?4、【二级恒容非等摩尔加料】溴代异丁烷与乙醇钠在乙醇溶液中发生如下反应: i-C 4H 9Br+C 2H 5Na →Na Br+i-C 4H 9 OC 2H 5(A)(B) (C) (D)溴代异丁烷的初始浓度为C A0=0.050mol/l 乙醇钠的初始浓度为C B0=0.0762mol/l,在368.15K 测得不同时间的乙醇钠的浓度为:t(min) 0 5 10 20 30 50 C B (mol/l) 0.0762 0.0703 0.0655 0.0580 0.0532 0.0451已知反应为二级,试求:(1)反应速率常数;(2)反应一小时后溶液中溴代异丁烷的浓度;(3)溴代异丁烷消耗一半所用的时间。

5. [恒温恒容变压定级数]二甲醚的气相分解反应CH 3OCH 3 → CH 4 +H 2 +CO 在恒温恒容下进行,在504℃获得如下数据:t (s ) 0 390 777 1195 3155 ∞Pt ×103(Pa ) 41.6 54.4 65.1 74.9 103.9 124.1试确定反应速率常数和反应级数6.[恒温恒压变容定常数]气体反应2A→B,经测定该反应为一级,压力保持不变,组分A为80%,惰性物为20%,三分钟后体积减小了20%,求反应速率常数。



数学分析课本(华师大三版)-习题及答案05第五章 导数和微分习题§5.1导数的概念1、已知直线运动方程为2510t t s +=,分别令01.0,1.0,1=∆t ,求从t=4至t t ∆+=4这一段时间内运动的平均速度及时的瞬时速度。


3、设4)(,0)(0='=x f x f ,试求极限xx x f x ∆+∆→∆)(lim 00。

4、设⎩⎨⎧<+≥=,3,,3,)(2x b ax x x x f 试确定的a,b 值,使f在x=3处可导。

5、试确定曲线y x ln =上哪些点的切线平行于下列直线:(1);1-=x y (2)32-=x y6、求下列曲线在指定点P 的切线方程与法线方程:(1)).1,0(,cos )2();1,2(,42p x y p x y ==7、求下列函数的导函数: ⎩⎨⎧<≥+==,0,1,0,1)()2(;)()1(3x x x x f xx f8、设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠=,0,0,0,1sin )(x x xx x f m(m 为正整数),试问:(1)m 等于何值时,f 在x=0连续;(2)m 等于何值时,f 在x=0可导; (3)m 等于何值时,f '在x=0连续。

9、求下列函数的稳定点:(1)f(x)=sinx-cosx ;(2)x x x f ln )(-=。

10、设函数f 在点0x 存在左右导数,试证明f 在点0x 连续。

11、设0)0()0(='=g g ,⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠=,0,0,0,1sin )()(x x xx g x f求)0(f '。

12、设f 是定义在R 上的函数,而且对任何Rxx ∈21,,都有)()()(2121x f x f x x f =+。

若1)0(='f ,证明对任何R x ∈,都有)()(x f x f ='。

离散数字信号处理 奥本海姆 第三版 第五章 习题答案 英文版精编版

离散数字信号处理 奥本海姆 第三版 第五章 习题答案 英文版精编版

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5.4.1 持有期收益率
HPR= (股票期末价格-期初价格+现金红利)/ 期初价格 (5-10)
本例中 :
5.4.2 期望收益率与标准差
由于一年之后每份基金价格和股利收入的不确定性,你 很难确定你的最终总持有期收益率,我们试图将市场状况和 股票指数状况进行情景分析,如表5 - 4所示,我们将可能 性分为四种情况。
表5-4 股票指数基金持有期收益率的情景分析
定理1 在任何情况下,资产的平均或期望收益 (率)就是其收益(率)的概率加权平均值。P(s) 表示s情况下的概率, r(s)为该情形下的收益 (率),那么预期收益(率)E(r)为:
E(r) P(s)r(s)
p(s) = 状态S的概率 r(s) =状态S的持有期收益率HPR 状态: 从1到S
5.4.2 期望收益与标准差
显然,对于潜在的投资者而言,更加担心的是收益为 -52%这一情形出现的概率有多大,而不是收益为31%的这 一情形。收益率的标准差并未将两者加以区分,它仅仅简 单地表现为是对二者中值的偏离。只要概率分布或多或少 与中值是对称的,σ就可以精确测度风险,特别地,当我
• R(1-t)-i=(r+i)(1-t)-i=r(1-t)-it (5-5)
• 假设你的税率是30%,你投资的回报率为12%,通 胀率为8%,试求你税后的实际收益率。
• 解:税后实际收益率=r(1-t)-it =(12%-8%)(1-30%)-8%×30%=0.4%




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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS:Quick Quizzes1. The price elasticity of demand is a measure of how much the quantity demanded of a goodresponds to a change in the price of that good, computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price.The relationship between total revenue and the price elasticity of demand is: (1) when demand is inelastic (a price elasticity less than 1), a price increase raises total revenue, and a pricedecrease reduces total revenue; (2) when demand is elastic (a price elasticity greater than 1), a price increase reduces total revenue, and a price decrease raises total revenue; and (3) whendemand is unit elastic (a price elasticity equal to 1), a change in price does not affect totalrevenue.2. The price elasticity of supply is a measure of how much the quantity supplied of a good respondsto a change in the price of that good, computed as the percentage change in quantity supplieddivided by the percentage change in price.The price elasticity of supply might be different in the long run than in the short run becauseover short periods of time, firms cannot easily change the size of their factories to make more or less of a good. Thus, in the short run, the quantity supplied is not very responsive to the price.However, over longer periods, firms can build new factories, expand existing factories, or closeold ones, or they can enter or exit a market. So, in the long run, the quantity supplied canrespond substantially to the price.3. A drought that destroys half of all farm crops could be good for farmers (at least thoseunaffected by the drought) if the demand for the crops is inelastic. The shift to the left of thesupply curve leads to a price increase that raises total revenue because the price elasticity is less than one.Even though a drought could be good for farmers, they would not destroy their crops in theabsence of a drought because no one farmer would have an incentive to destroy his crops, since he takes the market price as given. Only if all farmers destroyed their crops together, forexample through a government program, would this plan work to make farmers better off. Questions for Review1. The price elasticity of demand measures how much the quantity demanded responds to a changein price. The income elasticity of demand measures how much the quantity demanded responds to changes in consumer income.2. The determinants of the price elasticity of demand include how available close substitutes are,whether the good is a necessity or a luxury, how broadly defined the market is, and the timehorizon. Luxury goods have greater price elasticities than necessities, goods with closesubstitutes have greater elasticities, goods in more narrowly defined markets have greaterelasticities, and the elasticity of demand is higher the longer the time horizon.3. An elasticity greater than one means that demand is elastic. When the elasticity is greater thanone, the percentage change in quantity demanded exceeds the percentage change in price.When the elasticity equals zero, demand is perfectly inelastic. There is no change in quantitydemanded when there is a change in price.90 Chapter 5/Elasticity and Its Application4. Figure 1 presents a supply-and-demand diagram, showing equilibrium price, equilibrium quantity,and the total revenue received by producers. Total revenue equals the equilibrium price timesthe equilibrium quantity, which is the area of the rectangle shown in the figure.Figure 15. If demand is elastic, an increase in price reduces total revenue. With elastic demand, thequantity demanded falls by a greater percentage than the percentage increase in price. As aresult, total revenue declines.6. A good with an income elasticity less than zero is called an inferior good because as income rises,the quantity demanded declines.7. The price elasticity of supply is calculated as the percentage change in quantity supplied dividedby the percentage change in price. It measures how much the quantity supplied responds tochanges in the price.8. The price elasticity of supply of Picasso paintings is zero, since no matter how high price rises, nomore can ever be produced.9. The price elasticity of supply is usually larger in the long run than it is in the short run. Overshort periods of time, firms cannot easily change the size of their factories to make more or less of a good, so the quantity supplied is not very responsive to price. Over longer periods, firmscan build new factories or close old ones, so the quantity supplied is more responsive to price. 10. OPEC was unable to maintain a high price through the 1980s because the elasticity of supply anddemand was more elastic in the long run. When the price of oil rose, producers of oil outside of OPEC increased oil exploration and built new extraction capacity. Consumers responded withgreater conservation efforts. As a result, supply increased and demand fell, leading to a lowerChapter 5/Elasticity and Its Application 91 price for oil in the long run.Problems and Applications1. a. Mystery novels have more elastic demand than required textbooks, because mysterynovels have close substitutes and are a luxury good, while required textbooks are anecessity with no close substitutes. If the price of mystery novels were to rise, readerscould substitute other types of novels, or buy fewer novels altogether. But if the price ofrequired textbooks were to rise, students would have little choice but to pay the higherprice. Thus the quantity demanded of required textbooks is less responsive to price thanthe quantity demanded of mystery novels.b. Beethoven recordings have more elastic demand than classical music recordings ingeneral. Beethoven recordings are a narrower market than classical music recordings, soit's easy to find close substitutes for them. If the price of Beethoven recordings were torise, people could substitute other classical recordings, like Mozart. But if the price of allclassical recordings were to rise, substitution would be more difficult (a transition fromclassical music to rap is unlikely!). Thus the quantity demanded of classical recordings isless responsive to price than the quantity demanded of Beethoven recordings.c. Heating oil during the next five years has more elastic demand than heating oil duringthe next six months. Goods have a more elastic demand over longer time horizons. Ifthe price of heating oil were to rise temporarily, consumers couldn't switch to othersources of fuel without great expense. But if the price of heating oil were to be high fora long time, people would gradually switch to gas or electric heat. As a result, thequantity demanded of heating oil during the next six months is less responsive to pricethan the quantity demanded of heating oil during the next five years.d. Root beer has more elastic demand than water. Root beer is a luxury with closesubstitutes, while water is a necessity with no close substitutes. If the price of waterwere to rise, consumers have little choice but to pay the higher price. But if the price ofroot beer were to rise, consumers could easily switch to other sodas. So the quantitydemanded of root beer is more responsive to price than the quantity demanded of water.2. a. For business travelers, the price elasticity of demand when the price of tickets rises from$200 to $250 is [(2,000 - 1,900)/1,950]/[(250 - 200)/225] = 0.05/0.22 = 0.23. Forvacationers, the price elasticity of demand when the price of tickets rises from $200 to$250 is [(800 - 600)/700] / [(250 - 200)/225] = 0.29/0.22 = 1.32.b. The price elasticity of demand for vacationers is higher than the elasticity for businesstravelers because vacationers can choose more easily a different mode of transportation(like driving or taking the train). Business travelers are less likely to do so since time ismore important to them and their schedules are less adaptable.3. a. If your income is $10,000, your price elasticity of demand as the price of compact discsrises from $8 to $10 is [(40 - 32)/36]/[(10 - 8)/9] =0.22/0.22 = 1. If your income is$12,000, the elasticity is [(50 - 45)/47.5]/[(10 - 8)/9] = 0.11/0.22 = 0.5.b. If the price is $12, your income elasticity of demand as your income increases from$10,000 to $12,000 is [(30 - 24)/27] / [(12,000 - 10,000)/11,000] = 0.22/0.18 = 1.22.If the price is $16, your income elasticity of demand as your income increases from92 Chapter 5/Elasticity and Its Application$10,000 to $12,000 is [(12 - 8)/10] / [(12,000 - 10,000)/11,000] = 0.40/0.18 = 2.2.4. a. If Emily always spends one-third of her income on clothing, then her income elasticity ofdemand is one, since maintaining her clothing expenditures as a constant fraction of herincome means the percentage change in her quantity of clothing must equal herpercentage change in income. For example, suppose the price of clothing is $30, herincome is $9,000, and she purchases 100 clothing items. If her income rose 10 percentto $9,900, she'd spend a total of $3,300 on clothing, which is 110 clothing items, a 10percent increase.b. Emily's price elasticity of clothing demand is also one, since every percentage pointincrease in the price of clothing would lead her to reduce her quantity purchased by thesame percentage. Again, suppose the price of clothing is $30, her income is $9,000, andshe purchases 100 clothing items. If the price of clothing rose 1 percent to $30.30, shewould purchase 99 clothing items, a 1 percent reduction. [Note: This part of theproblem can be confusing to students if they have an example with a larger percentagechange and they use the point elasticity. Only for a small percentage change will theanswer work with an elasticity of one. Alternatively, they can get the second part if theyuse the midpoint method for any size change.]c. Since Emily spends a smaller proportion of her income on clothing, then for any givenprice, her quantity demanded will be lower. Thus her demand curve has shifted to theleft. But because she'll again spend a constant fraction of her income on clothing, herincome and price elasticities of demand remain one.5. a. With a 4.3 percent decline in quantity following a 20 percent increase in price, the priceelasticity of demand is only 4.3/20 = 0.215, which is fairly inelastic.b. With inelastic demand, the Transit Authority's revenue rises when the fare rises.c. The elasticity estimate might be unreliable because it is only the first month after thefare increase. As time goes by, people may switch to other means of transportation inresponse to the price increase. So the elasticity may be larger in the long run than it isin the short run.6. Tom's price elasticity of demand is zero, since he wants the same quantity regardless of the price.Jerry's price elasticity of demand is one, since he spends the same amount on gas, no matterwhat the price, which means his percentage change in quantity is equal to the percentagechange in price.7. To explain the fact that spending on restaurant meals declines more during economic downturnsthan does spending on food to be eaten at home, economists look at the income elasticity ofdemand. In economic downturns, people have lower income. To explain the fact, the incomeelasticity of restaurant meals must be larger than the income elasticity of spending on food to be eaten at home.8. a. With a price elasticity of demand of 0.4, reducing the quantity demanded of cigarettes by20 percent requires a 50 percent increase in price, since 20/50 = 0.4. With the price ofChapter 5/Elasticity and Its Application 93 cigarettes currently $2, this would require an increase in the price to $3.33 a pack usingthe midpoint method (note that ($3.33 - $2)/$2.67 = .50).b. The policy will have a larger effect five years from now than it does one year from now.The elasticity is larger in the long run, since it may take some time for people to reducetheir cigarette usage. The habit of smoking is hard to break in the short run.c. Since teenagers don't have as much income as adults, they are likely to have a higherprice elasticity of demand. Also, adults are more likely to be addicted to cigarettes,making it more difficult to reduce their quantity demanded in response to a higher price.9. You’d expect the price elasticity of demand to be higher in the market for vanilla ice cream thanfor all ice cream because vanilla ice cream is a narrower category and other flavors of ice cream are close substitutes for vanilla.You'd expect the price elasticity of supply to be larger for vanilla ice cream than for all ice cream.A producer of vanilla ice cream could easily adjust the quantity of vanilla ice cream and produceother types of ice cream. But a producer of ice cream would have a more difficult time adjusting the overall quantity of ice cream.10. a. As Figure 2 shows, in both markets, the increase in supply reduces the equilibrium priceand increases the equilibrium quantity.b. In the market for pharmaceutical drugs, with inelastic demand, the increase in supplyleads to a relatively large decline in the price and not much of an increase in quantity.Figure 294 Chapter 5/Elasticity and Its Applicationc. In the market for computers, with elastic demand, the increase in supply leads to arelatively large increase in quantity and not much of a decline in price.d. In the market for pharmaceutical drugs, since demand is inelastic, the percentageincrease in quantity will be less than the percentage decrease in price, so total consumerspending will decline. In contrast, since demand is elastic in the market for computers,the percentage increase in quantity will be greater than the percentage decrease in price,so total consumer spending will increase.11. a. As Figure 3 shows, in both markets the increase in demand increases both theequilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity.b. In the market for beachfront resorts, with inelastic supply, the increase in demand leadsto a relatively large increase in the price and not much of an increase in quantity.c. In the market for automobiles, with elastic supply, the increase in demand leads to arelatively large increase in quantity and not much of an increase in price.d. In both markets, total consumer spending rises, since both equilibrium price andequilibrium quantity rise.Figure 312. a. Farmers whose crops weren't destroyed benefited because the destruction of some ofthe crops reduced the supply, causing the equilibrium price to rise.b. To tell whether farmers as a group were hurt or helped by the floods, you'd need toknow the price elasticity of demand. It could be that the additional income earned byfarmers whose crops weren't destroyed rose more because of the higher prices thanfarmers whose crops were destroyed, if demand is inelastic.13. A worldwide drought could increase the total revenue of farmers if the price elasticity of demandfor grain is inelastic. The drought reduces the supply of grain, but if demand is inelastic, thereduction of supply causes a large increase in price. Total farm revenue would rise as a result.If there's only a drought in Kansas, Kansas’ production isn't a large enough proportion of thetotal farm product to have much impact on the price. As a result, price does not change (orchanges by only a slight amount), while the output of Kansas farmers declines, thus reducingChapter 5/Elasticity and Its Application 95 their income.14. When productivity increases for all farmland at a point in time, the increased productivity leads toa rise in farmland prices, since more output can be produced on a given amount of land. Butprior to the technological improvements, the productivity of farmland depended mainly on theprevailing weather conditions. There was little opportunity to substitute land with worse weather conditions for land with better weather conditions. As technology improved over time, it became much easier to substitute one type of land for another. So the price elasticity of supply forfarmland increased over time, since now land with bad weather is a better substitute for landwith good weather. The increased supply of land reduced farmland prices. As a result,productivity and farmland prices are negatively related over time.。
