SAT 第三讲 例题
如果某个考生答对了51道题,答错了2道多项选择题和1道非多项选择题,那么该考生的C=51,W=1(2*1/4=0.5, 四舍五入),所以R=C-W=51-1=50;由下表得知该考生的SAT数学得分是710。
表5-1-1 原始分数和最终分数的一个换算表原始分数和最终分数的一个换算表本章将通过如下四节内容使读者对SAT数学有一个清晰的认识和基本的了解:SAT数学考核什么能力;SAT数学的内容;SAT数学的特点;SAT数学的典型试题。
第一题:题目:求解以下方程:3x + 5 = 20解析:要求解方程3x + 5 = 20,我们首先将5从等式两边减去,得到3x = 15。
然后,我们将方程两边都除以3,即x = 5。
因此,方程的解为x = 5。
第二题:题目:计算以下比例的值:5:8 = x:40解析:要计算比例5:8与x:40的值,我们可以采取交叉乘法的方法。
计算过程如下:5 * 40 / 8 = 200 / 8 = 25因此,比例5:8与x:40的值为25。
根据勾股定理,我们有:高的平方= 边长的平方- 底边的一半的平方。
设高为h,则有 h^2 = 12^2 - (12/2)^2= 144 - 36= 108因此,高h = √108 = 6√3由于等边三角形的高等于边长的一半乘以根号3,所以面积S可以计算为:S = 1/2 * 12 * 6√3= 6 * 6√3= 36√3因此,该等边三角形的面积为36√3。
已知宽度为2米,则长度为3 * 2 = 6米。
因此,花坛的面积为2 * 6 =12平方米。
• 将其余变量的值固定,对这几个变量使用局部随机搜索
• 假设仍无法到达最优解,那么认为当前解为局部极小值,更 新其余解
maxTimes=200, vmax=2; size=100,c1=c2=2.0,w=0.8,i=1,currentTimes=0; initialize population; while i<=size do
• Riccardo Poli, James Kennedy, Tim Blackwell, • “Particle swarm optimization〞
Thanks for Listening!
• 将X中所有变量的一个赋值方案记为 • a={a1,a2,…,an}
• 那么原问题转化为判断上述函数最小值 • 能否到达0
• 爬山法
• 模拟退火
• 遗传算法
• J. Kennedy,R. C. Eberhart(1995)
• 第i个粒子的状态用三元组(ai,vi,pi)表示 • ai:当前解 • vi:粒子运动速度 • pi:该粒子到达过的最优解
• 一个8/7-近似算法
• 假设在一个3-SAT问题中每个语句恰好包含3个
• 首先,考虑在一随机指派下满足语句个数的期望
智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料SATOG3阅读填空解析(三)-智课教育出国考试很多美国高校在录取新生时是要特别查看SAT阅读考试理解部分的成绩,本文为大家讲SATOG3阅读填空解析,仅供大家参考。
Section7词汇题1-5题1. Although the archaeologist _________the symbols on the cave wall, she was unable to _________them because they weretoo faint.(A) replicated v. 复制...ignore v. 忽视(B) perused v. 审阅...discard v. 丢弃(C) obliterated v. 除去,擦掉...translate v. 翻译(D) recollected v. 想起...conceal v. 隐瞒(E) scrutinized v. 详细检查...decipher v. 解密,解释答案:E解析:此题考查因果关系句意:虽然考古学家仔细检查山洞墙壁上的符号,她不能够解密它们是因为它们太淡了。
2. Popular interest in music performed by folk singer Jean Ritchie acted as a __________because it __________a wider interest in the music of Ritchie's native Kentucky.(A) deterrent n. 妨碍物unched v. 发射(B) panacea n. 万能药...overcame v. 克服(C) barrier n. 障碍物...awakened v. 唤醒(D) catalyst n. 催化剂...stirred v. 搅动(E) provocation n. 激怒...mitigated v. 使缓和答案:D解析:此题考查因果关系句意:大众对简瑞奇的音乐感兴趣相当于催化剂因为这样激起了了对瑞奇老家肯塔基更大的兴趣。
所以一开始就要把成人的鸟赶出去,这个过程中socially 很重要。
原文:In the spring of 1879, Hermann Lau shot two white-winged choughs,Corcorax melanorhamphos, off their nest in Queensland, Australia. He watched asadditional choughs continued to attend the nest, proving that a cooperativegroup shared parental care ( 1). Since then, cooperatively breeding birds havehad a starring role in efforts to explain the evolution of complex animalsocieties. We now know that “helpersat-the-nest”who forgo reproduction areoften relatives of the breeding pair. Genetic payoff is, thus, one of severaladvantages that helpers can gain from their superfi cially altruistic behavior (2). On page 1506 of this issue, Feeney et al. ( 3) show that collective defenseagainst brood parasites (see the figure) can enhance such benefi ts ofcooperation. Why do some bird species cooperate and others do not? Globalanalyses have shown that cooperative breeding (now known from 9% of species) isassociated with a slow pace of life (characterized by high survival rates andlow turnover of breeding territories) ( 4), monogamy (which facilitates kinselection within families) ( 5), and unpredictable environments (such as aridzones) that might favor cooperation as a bet-hedging strategy ( 6). But thesefactors often fail to predict the incidence of cooperation among relatedspecies or within geographical regions ( 7). Feeney et al.’s study is built onthe premise that brood parasitism—reproductive cheating by species such ascuckoos and cowbirds, which exploit other birds to raise their young—is asevere selection pressure on their hosts’ breedingstrategies. Parasitizedparents typically not only lose their current offspring but also waste a wholebreeding season raising a demanding impostor. The best way to avoid parasitismis to repel adult parasites from the nest. Feeney et al. show that socialitycan be pivotal to this process. The authors begin by unfolding a new map. Usingdata compiled by BirdLife International, they show that the global distributionof cooperatively breeding birds overlaps strikingly with that of broodparasites. This overlap need not refl ect a causal relationship: The same unpredictable environments thatfavor cooperation could also favor alternative breeding strategies such asparasitism. However, the authors go on to show that even within geographicalregions rich in both parasites and cooperators—Australia and southern Africa—cooperativebreeders are much more likely than noncooperative species to be targeted bybrood parasites. To determine the reasons for this correlation, Feeney et al.studied cooperative breeding in superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus) inAustralia. Horsfield’s bronze-cuckoos (Chalcites basalis) should benefi t fromtargeting larger groups of fairy-wrens because more helpers mean faster chickgrowth. Yet, data from a 6-year field study show that in practice, cuckoosrarely experience this advantage, because larger groups of fairywrens much moreeffectively detect and repel egg-laying intrusions by cuckoo females,mobilizing group defenses with a cuckoospecifi c alarm call. Thus, cooperationand parasitism could reciprocally infl uence one another: Cooperators might bemore attractive targets because they make better foster parents, but once exploited by parasites, they are alsobetter able to fi ght back, helping cooperation to persist ( 8). Feeney et al. find that superior anticuckoo defenses in larger groups account for 0.2 moreyoung fl edged per season on average than smaller groups—a substantial boostgiven the fairy-wrens’ low annual fecundity. These results show convincinglythat defense against brood parasites augments the benefi ts of helping, promotingthe persistence of cooperation. But as the authors note, they cannot revealwhat caused cooperation to evolve initially. Brood parasitism alone cannotresolve the question of why some birds breed cooperatively. For example,cooperative kingfi shers and bee-eaters areheavily parasitized in Africa butnot in Australasia, showing that other advantages of helping behavior are sufficient for cooperation to persist. But we should take parasitism seriously as animportant force in a cooperative life. Indeed, it may provide a mechanismcontributing to the previously discovered global correlates of cooperation (4–6). Some insight into the likely order of evolution might come from furthercomparative predictions. For instance, if cooperation arose fi rst as a defenseagainst parasitism, cooperators may be most prevalent among hosts that relyheavily on repelling adult parasites, rather than on antiparasite strategies atlater reproductive stages, such as egg or chick discrimination ( 9). Incontrast, if parasites target existing cooperators because they providesuperior care, this should be especially true of parasites whose chicks havethe most pressing needs—for instance, those in parasitic families with largebody size relative to their hosts or those whose chicks do not kill host youngand therefore must share their foster parents’ care. Could there be a similarassociation between cooperation and parasitism among other highly socialanimals? Cooperation in mammals clearly persists irrespective of parasitism, giventhat there are no known brood-parasitic mammals (perhaps because it would bediffi cult for a mammal to insert live young into another’s care). Butrepelling parasitic egg-laying intrusions is crucial to many hosts of sociallyparasitic insects and has shaped sophisticated adaptations and counterdefensesfor and against brute force and secrecy ( 10). It will be fascinating toexplore how selection for antiparasitic defense has interacted with monogamyand defensible resources as forces favoring kin-selected cooperation ininvertebrates, touching on an active debate in evolutionary biology. Answers tosuch comparative questions will ultimately be limited by our knowledge ofnatural history. The work by Feeney et al. is testament to the evolutionaryinsights enabled by careful long-term fi eld studies, together with thecumulative legacy of those naturalists who made the unglamorous effort torecord and publish observations of real animals in real places.。
1. 第一题解析该题目是一道代数题,要求求解方程:3x + 5 = 20。
解题思路:将方程中的变量与常数项分离,得到:3x = 20 - 5。
计算得:3x = 15,再将等式两边同时除以3,得到:x = 5。
因此,方程的解为x = 5。
2. 第二题解析该题目是一道几何题,要求计算三角形的面积。
直接使用三角形面积公式:面积 = 底边长度 ×高 ÷ 2。
代入已知的数值进行计算:面积 = 6 × 8 ÷ 2 = 24。
3. 第三题解析该题目是一道概率题,要求计算从一副标准扑克牌中随机抽取一张牌,该牌为红桃的概率。
因此,红桃牌的概率为:概率 = 红桃牌数目 ÷总牌数目。
代入已知数值进行计算:概率 = 13 ÷ 52 = 1 ÷ 4 = 0.25。
4. 第四题解析该题目是一道函数题,要求计算函数的值。
解题思路:已知函数 f(x) = 2x^2 + 3x + 1,需要计算当 x = 2 时的函数值。
将 x = 2 代入函数表达式中,得到:f(2) = 2 × 2^2 + 3 × 2 + 1。
计算得:f(2) = 8 + 6 + 1 = 15。
因此,当 x = 2 时,函数 f(x) 的值为15。
5. 第五题解析该题目是一道统计题,要求根据给定的数据计算平均数。
解题思路:已知一组数据为:10, 12, 15, 18, 20。
平均数的计算公式为:平均数 = 总和 ÷数据个数。
2017年5月SAT亚太真题阅读(3)第三篇自然科学 Pluto是否通过Ceres给我们传递了信息This passage is adapted from David Shiga, “HasPluto Sent Us a Message in Ceres?” ©2008 by Reed Business Information,Ltd.题目:Pluto是否通过Ceres给我们传递了信息【解析】Pluto 冥王星。
Ceres(谷神星) 估计没几个考生认识这个单词,具体意思不重要,根据文章内容推断出一个和Pluto类似的,位于小行星带的星体就可以了。
1DoesPluto have a wayward cousin lurkingin the inner solar system? 2Thedwarf planet Ceres—and other icy chunks—may have been born in thesame realm as Pluto, but travelled all the way to the asteroid belt between theorbits of Mars and Jupiter.3 Ifso, it would be further evidence that a massive upheaval rearranged the earlysolar system.【阐释】第一段,重点细读。
a wayward cousin lurking in inner solarsystem。
没关系,一般SAT都会跟着further explanation。
2024 SAT考试数学历年题目精粹
2024 SAT考试数学历年题目精粹SAT考试是许多学生考入大学的重要考试之一,其中数学部分是考生需要面对的一项挑战。
第一部分:选择题题目1:一个矩形的宽度是它的长度的一半,若该矩形的面积为12,求其周长是多少?A. 12B. 14C. 16D. 18解析:设矩形的长度为l,则宽度为l/2。
A. 9B. 10C. 11D. 12解析:由题意可知,f(2)=3*2+1=7。
A. 3n-1B. 3n-2C. 3n-3D. 3n-4解析:设等差数列的首项为a,第n个数为an。
第三部分:解答题题目:一辆汽车以40 mph的速度行驶了3小时,另一辆汽车以50 mph的速度行驶了t小时。
A. 如果从每个盒子中取出一个红球和一个白球,则两个盒子中剩下的球的颜色种类一定相同。
B. 如果从每个盒子中取出一个红球和一个白球,则两个盒子中剩下的球的颜色种类一定不同。
C. 如果从每个盒子中取出一个红球和一个绿球,则两个盒子中剩下的球的颜色种类一定相同。
D. 如果从每个盒子中取出一个红球和一个绿球,则两个盒子.
A. 甲是律师,乙是医生,丙是教师。
B. 甲是医生,乙是律师,丙是教师。
C. 甲是教师,乙是医生,丙是律师。
D. 甲是律师,乙是教师,丙是医生。
sat考试真题及分析答案解析SAT考试真题及分析答案解析近年来,SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test)考试已成为全球范围内高中学生普遍参加的标准化考试之一。
SATOG3阅读填空解析(一)-智课教育出国考试智课网 S A T 备考资料SATOG3阅读填空解析(一)-智课教育出国考试对于备考SAT考试的同学来说,阅读是复习的重点。
Section4词汇题1. Extensive travel afforded Langston Hughes a ____ perspective, but it was Harlem that served as the creative ____ for his writing.(A) cosmopolitan adj. 世界主义的...defense n. 防卫(B) worldly adj. 世间的... inspiration n. 灵感(C) moral adj. 道德的...obligation n. 义务(D) stunted adj. 发育不良的...condition n. 情况(E) limited adj. 有限的 n. 中心答案:B解析:此题考查转折关系句意:大量的旅行让Langston Hughes得到了一个广泛的视角,不过是Harlem才给他的写作提供了创意性的灵感。
2. One requirement of timeless art is that it deepen and_________our awareness, not that it merely confirm what we already know.(A) hinder v. 阻碍(B) reconcile v. 使和解(C) control v. 控制(D) soothe v. 安慰(E) extend v. 延伸答案:E解析:此题考查解释关系句意:永恒艺术的一个要求是它能加深和扩展我们的认识,而不只是确认我们已经知道了的。
① 对于正常语序的主谓一致,需要注意一下敏感的动词,比如:当题中出现 动词/助动词 has/have 及系动词 am/is/are/was/were 时,要优先注意其 主语(助动词has/have及系动词属于敏感考点)
The field of consumer electronics have been never been fixed; DVDs
2. Between the small shops and boutiques of Greenwich Village and the
giant department stores of midtown Manhattan lie the ethnically varied residential neighborhood of Chelsea. No error (完全倒装:介宾完全倒装) 3. Also supported by the commission was the proposed health clinics and the proposed center to distribute information on job-training
② 出现特征:动词引导的虚拟语气
表示建议:recommend, suggest, advice 表示要求:insist, demand, request 表示命令:command, order
In trying to capture the essence of a portrait, the artist
touring the capitol’s sights. No error
新SAT语法练习详解(Diagnostic Test 3)
may seem fantastical, but one engineer is working to make this scenario possible. Dr.
Toshio Fukuda is a pioneer in the field of medical robotics. In designing his medical
Imagine a world in which it’s (1) casual for a doctor to prepare for a difficult
surgery by “operating” on a full-sized, electronically responsive model of a patient. It
Working together, (5) innovators in robotics and medicine share their expertise to save lives. According to Fukuda, “medical robotics is a very interdisciplinary area.” It draws upon the expertise of surgeons, medical researchers, robotics engineers, and even computer programmers.
解析:考查指示代词运用。本句想表达的意思是,今天, Dr. Fukuda已经从微型机器人的世界(the world of the micro-robot)进入了大型机器人的世界(the world of the macro-robot)。that在句子中可指代the+n.sing./u.n.,而 those 在 句 子 中 指 代 , 所 以 这 里 答 案 应 该 选 B , that相当于the world.
2. SAT强化班三四节课
SAT强化班三、 SAT强化班三、四节课 强化班三 ---吴 ---吴 鹏
Question Patterns in SAT wupeng
II. 2 Reference Question
Reference Question Examples
Sometimes, to be sure, the fit is excellent---either because the reader achieves the right neutrality, allowing the voice to become a clear medium for the text, or because the interpretation somehow accords with my own expectations (OG P783,17) In line 29, the “clear medium” refers to situation in which (A) the voice of the audio-book speaker does not interfere with the listener’s enjoyment (B) a person enjoys listening to an audio book more than reading silently (C) an audio book leads to a greater appreciation of a writer’s intent than a printed book does (D) the gender of an author cannot easily be determined (E) the listener’s tastes do not color his or her response to a book
所谓“临阵磨枪,不快也光”很多同学都在刷题了,那么你知道SAT 考试题型吗?还不清楚这一项的考生,一定要看下文小编的详解,清楚掌握考试题型才能事半功倍!SAT考试总时长3小时45分钟(225分钟),共有批判性阅读(Critical Reading)、数学(Mathematics)和写作(Writing)三个科目。
批判性阅读一、题目分配结构批判性阅读(下称CR)部分共67道题目,包括:19道完成句子(Sentence Completion,下称SC)和48道文章阅读(Passage-Based Reading)。
二、搭配形式25分钟区:5道SC+短文章(两篇独立/一组对比)+两篇长文章(一组对比文章算为一篇)25分钟区:8道SC+短文章(两篇独立/一组对比)+一篇长文章(一组对比文章算为一篇)20分钟区:6道SC+一篇长文章( 一组对比文章算为一篇)三、完成句子在一个句子中,抠掉1或2个词(词组),给出5个选项,根据给出的句子部分,选择最合适的填入,主要考察词汇量。
长文章或文章组每篇(组)总词数介于400到800之间附:一部分批判性阅读试题,大家可以试着练习下~1、Critical Reading > Sentence CompletionsChoose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.Exotics and indigenous weeds include some of the most ------- species: their visual impact often eclipses that of nearby plants.(A) lethal(B) diffuse(C) varied(D) striking(E) resilient正确答案:D解析:从冒号后面的句子来分析,它主要讲了其他植物被遮蔽,文中填空处需要填入一个与遮蔽相反的词,那么根据选项来看,只有D选项最符合,是“醒目的”意思~2、Critical Reading > Sentence CompletionsChoose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.Demographers and anthropologists have corrected the notion that European explorers in North America entered a ------- territory by showing that the land in some areas was already as densely ------- as parts of Europe.(A) fertile . . settled(B) colossal . . wooded(C) desolate . . populated(D) valuable . . exploited(E) hostile . . concentrated正确答案:C解析:只有“荒凉的……人口”呈现出句子所需的对比度。
SAT 03
Equilateral triangles Isosceles triangles Right triangles
Elementary Probability
There are 5 red balls and 8 green balls in a box. What is the probability of choosing a red ball at random?
Page 804 Page 916
Independent and Dependent Events
10人抽签值日. 10张纸条,其中一张写有”值 日”. 第一个人上前随机抽签并打开,如未 抽中,销毁该空白纸条,并由第二人上前继续 抽. 求第10人抽到值日的概率.
Geometric Probability
LIM 林东海
Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
Data Analysis Statistics Probability
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Circle Graphs (Pie Charts) Line Graphs Bar Graphs Pictographs
Page 396
Page 670 Page 786
Page 531 Page 651
Page 734 Page 848
Page 717 Page 831
Page 680 Page 796
Arithmetic mean Median Mode Weighted average Average of algebraic expressions Using averages to find missing numbers
2021高考英语专题 第三讲 词性转换(构词法)
第三讲词性转换(构词法)语法填空【典题试做】1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been poorly(poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide.2.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut have reported increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a belief(believe) that populations are increasing.3.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Her years of hard work have finally(final) been acknowledged after a customer nominated(提名) her to be Cheshire’s Woman Of The Year.4.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)We are so proud of her.It’s wonderful(wonder).5.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)When they were free from work, they invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting competition(compete) to watch, together with the story behind it.6.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)They also shared with us many traditional(tradition) stories about Hawaii that were hugely(huge) popular with tourists.7.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ) Running is cheap, easy and it’s always energetic(energy).8.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)A taste for meat is actually(actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle.9.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30 percent of total global(globe) fertilizer consumption.10.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)I’m a scientist(science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys.11.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)This development was only possible with the introduction(introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts.12.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)The Central London Railway was one of the most successful(success) of these new lines, and was opened in 1900.1.给出其他词性形式(通常为动词、形容词)提示词,填写名词;2.考查形容词和副词之间的词性转换。
3-sat 证明 -回复
3-sat 证明-回复以下是我写的一篇题为:“3SAT问题的简介与证明方法”的文章。
因此,证明3SAT 问题的方法对计算机科学的研究和实践都具有重要意义。
1. 假设我们有一个布尔表达式,其中每个子句最多包含三个变量。
2. 我们将每个变量表示为图中的一个节点。
3. 现在,我们需要证明的是:如果存在一组变量的赋值,使得整个布尔表达式为真,则存在一个图中的顶点覆盖(vertex cover),覆盖每个子句的辅助节点。
4. 我们可以使用以下方法来证明这一点:- 首先,我们假设存在一组变量的赋值,可以使整个布尔表达式为真。
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例题:1.In 1984, the United States defeated rival countries to win its first Olympic all-around gold medal in gymnastics, even so, they did not win again until2004.A.gymnastics, even so, theyB.gymnastics, so theyC.gymnastics, theyD.gymnastics; as a result itE.gymnastics, but it2.According to Greek myth, Zeus’s inability to control his lust, this made his wife, Hara, extremely angry.A.Zeus’s inability to control his lust, this made his wifeB.when out of control, his lust made his wifeC.Zeus’s inability at controlling his lust was making his wifeD.Zeus’s inability to control his lust made his wifeE.the lack of control over his lust that Zeus exhibited made his wife3.The lions, a strong offensive team, compete against the Cowboys, they play tough defense.A.Cowboys, they playB.Cowboys, who playC.Cowboys, having playedD.Cowboys; playingE.Cowboys; for playing4.The others in my horseback riding class are very accomplished; they win ribbons in every competition they enter.A.accomplished; they winB.accomplished; which allows them to winC.accomplished, they have been winnersD.accomplished, and so they would winE.accomplished, by winning5.Although a few studies have shown that a disproportionate number of artistic people are left-handed, the connection between left-handedness andcreativity remains highly debated.A.Although a few studies have shown thatB. A few studies have shown thatC.Therefore, a few studies have shownD.Where a few studies have shown thatE.Conversely, a few studies have shown6.The marathon runner’s early burst of speed had been exciting to some, she was slower after several mile.A.had been exciting to some, she wasB.had been exciting to some; however, she wasC.had been exciting to some; and she had beenD.excited some; while she wasE.excited some, but she is7.The nondisclosure agreement protects the company’s trade secrets, but signing it is required of all new employees.A.but signing it is required of all new employeesB.therefore the signing of it is required of all new employeesC.signing it is required of all new employeesD.and they required all new employees to sign all new employees are required to sign it8.In the sixteenth century a group of Scottish nobles ended their traditional French alliance, they joined forces with the King of England in hopes ofcombing the two kingdoms.A.alliance, they joined forcesB.alliance; they had joined forcesC.alliance; they joined forcesD.alliance, and so they would join forcesE.alliance; in this way joining forces9.The quarterback’s lack of aim had been exasperating to his team and he was more accurate after several games.A.had been exasperating to his team and he was moreB.had been exasperating to his team; but he had beenC.had been exasperating to his team, but he became moreD.exasperated his team, however he becameE.exasperated his team, while he was10.Saxophone playing must be enjoying a surge in popularity, nearly 25 members of our matching band play the sax.A. a surge in popularity, nearly 25 membersB. a surge in popularity, although 25 membersC. a surge in popularity, and nearly 25 membersD. a surge in popularity; nearly 25 membersE. a surge in popularity, while nearly 25 members11.Out-of-state students usually do not end up receiving as much financial aid as local students do, this being why so many students choose to attendcollege in their home, this being why so many, this is why so many; this fact explains why so many; this fact explaining the reason for why so many; explaining why so many students例题:1. Word had it that employees using the latest version of word processing software to produce documents streamlining the week’s work schedule.A. using the latest version of word processing software to produce documents streamliningB. using the latest version of word processing software to produce documents and streamlineC. using the latest version of word processing software and producing documents, they streamlinedD. were using the latest version of word processing software to produce documents, thus streamliningE. used the latest version of word processing software, so streamlining methods of2. The problem of bias in journalism, often exacerbated in some countries because the government controls the media.A. journalism, often exacerbated in some countriesB. journalism, often exacerbated in some countries andC. journalism, often exacerbated in some countries whenD. journalism is often exacerbated in some countries whereE. journalism is often exacerbated in some countries so3. The solution to global warming, not completely agreed upon around the world because of various political and corporate interests.A. warming, not completely agreed upon around the world becauseB. warming, not completely agreed upon around the world andC. warming, not completely agreed upon around the world whenD. warming is not completely agreed upon around the world becauseE. warming is not completely agreed upon around the world and4. Both Cinderella and Snow White being dependent on a prince to rescue them from unfortunate circumstances.A. Both Cinderella and Snow White being dependent on a prince to rescue them from unfortunate circumstances.B. Both Cinderella and Snow White were dependent on a prince to rescue them from unfortunate circumstances.C. Dependent on a prince to rescue them from unfortunate circumstances being both Cinderella and Snow White.D. Unfortunate circumstances were what both Cinderella and Snow White were dependent on a prince to rescue them from.E. Dependent on prince to rescue them from unfortunate circumstances was both Cinderella and Snow White.5. The mule refused to eat the oats, he kicked over the bucket to show his displeasure.A. The mule refused to eat the oats, heB. The mule, having refused to eat the oats, heC. In addition to refusing to eat the oats, the muleD. The oats, which the mule refused to eat, wereE. The oats were initially refused by the mule, then6. D.H. Lawrence, one of the most prolific novelists of his time, writing more than 40 volumes of fiction, poetry, and drama from 1911 to 1930.A. time, writing more than 40 volumes of fiction, poetry, and drama from 1911 to 1930.B. time, writing more than 40 volumes, which he wrote from 1911 to 1930 in the areas of fiction, poetry, and dramaC. time, and he wrote more than 40 volumes of fiction, poetry, and drama from 1911 to 1930D. time, wrote more than 40 volumes of fiction, poetry, and drama from 1911 to 1930E. time, his fiction, poetry, and drama amounting to more than 40 volumes from 1911 to 19307. Scientists once believed that the universe was decelerating, the reason was that they believed gravity would slow acceleration by pulling the planets towards each other.A. decelerating, the reason was that they believed gravity would slow accelerationB. decelerating, it is believed gravity would slow accelerationC. decelerating; because they believed gravity would slow accelerationD. decelerating because they believed gravity would slow accelerationE. decelerating because their belief had been that gravity would slow acceleration8. Although most people think of Egyptian papyrus as the earliest paper, during the Han Dynasty, the Chinese developing a process to create paper from individual plant fibers that was much closer to techniques used in modern papermaking.A. the Chinese developing a process to create paper from individual plant fibers thatB. the Chinese developing a process and creating paper from individual plant fibers thatC. the Chinese developing a process to create paper from individual plant fibers, itD. the Chinese developed a process to create paper from individual plant fibers, itE. the Chinese developed a process to create paper from individual plant fibers that9. The young pianist’s beautiful melodic line and tone is remarkably like her mother’s violin playing, in which warmth, imagination, and speedy fingering are elegantly combined.A. tone is remarkably likeB. tone, remarkably likeC. tone, remarkable and likeD. tone are remarkably likeE. tone remarkable similar to例题:1. Returning to work after a long and relaxing vacation, the office seemed duller to Boris than it had been before he left.A. Returning to work after a long and relaxing vacation, the office seemed duller to BorisB. Having returned to work after a long and relaxing vacation, it seemed a much duller office BorisC. When Boris returned to work after a long and relaxing vacation, the office seems much dullerD. Boris returned to work after a long and relaxing vacation, the office was seemingly much dullerE. When Boris returned to work after a long and relaxing vacation, the office seemed much duller to him.2. Hauling the laundry basket up the fifth flight of stairs, exhaustion forced Maria to stop and sit down on the landing for a moment.A. exhaustion forced Maria to stop and sit downB. exhaustion was what forced Maria to stop and sit downC. it was exhaustion that forced Maria to stop and sit downD. Maria, forced by exhaustion to stop and sit downE. Maria was forced by exhaustion to stop and sit down3. Jumping over fantastic obstacles in the video game, right before the player a dragon roared.A. right before the player a dragon roaredB. a dragon, right before the player, roaredC. there was a dragon roaring right before the playerD. the player saw right before him a dragon was roaringE. the player saw a dragon roaring right before him4. Costing much less than imported coffee, a third of Fiji’s coffee supply now comes from locally grown coffee.A. a third of Fiji’s coffee supply now comes from locally grown coffeeB. of Fiji’s coffee supply, a third now comes from locally grown coffeeC. Fiji now supplies a third of its total coffee from locally grown coffeeD. locally grown coffee now provides a third of Fiji’s coffee supplyE. Fiji’s coffee supply from locally grown coffee produces about a third of it5. Staring out over the ocean, the waves gave the sailor a sense of stability.A. the waves gave the sailor a sense of stabilityB. the sailor gave a sense of stability to the wavesC. the sailor felt a sense of stability from the wavesD. waving gave the sailor a sense of stabilityE. the waves gave the sailor a sense of stability to the sailor6. Used as either playthings or modes of transportation, scooters, they are increasingly trendy on city streets.A. scooters, they are increasingly trendy on city streetsB. their trend on city streets has increasedC. they have become more trendy on city streetsD. scooters are increasingly trendy on city streetsE. scooters, they are trendy on city streets。