

becky 10 trade 4 friday

8:10am-10:10am room 301 today, i feel very sorry and ashamed to write down this

essay for you to say about my bad behaviour in class. this essay also shows my deep

thinking about making such a mistake and my decision that never make such mistakes


i still remember that, at the first class, you have stressed and repeated many

times that we should be responsible to ourselves, and nobody have to be responsible

to us. in fact, i was deeply shocked by what you said and suddenly clearly understand

the importance of independence at that time.i really agreed with your idea . all of

us are adults now, we are not children anymore, and we can not relay on our parent

just as when we were little. we must learn how to solve problems by ourselves. but

it is a difficult process to make theory into pratice. in china education, it does

not stress that us we should be responsible to ourselves, and our parents also do

everything they think they can do for us. this is the education situation of china.

so as time went by, we just get used to relying on others and do not try to do things

by ourselves even we can do it easily. over the past 19 years, i get used to doing

things what parents and teachers told us to do. but now, you insist that we have to

be independent. suddenly,i can not depend on anyone. as a result, i feel very difficult

to do everything and try every way to get help from others and we also feel nora is

a very strict teacher and really afraid of you, tough all of us know that we can learn

many things from nora. but we can not adore you at once,because what you teach is

so different from our culture. that means we need time to get used . that we should read the number first, then read the word ,definition and the

sentence we write. but when in my turn, which word is no number,i do not know how

to express where the word is . while i asked my deskmate what should i do , nora just

told me that i need to write a essay. in fact, at first, i feel very unfair because

i just do not know how to express where the word is. if this condition was put forward

in chinese class, we can just put forward our problems and then the teachers would

help us to solve it. but now, no explain, no excuse, just write an essay as punishment.

i suffered from injustice and really want to cry at that time. then i

1 explained that is life means that if you can not change the situation,then you

just do it. in fact,there are many things that we can not change in our life. maybe

when we meant without explain and excuse. at this case, the only solution is change

ourselves to adjust the situation. as a matter of fact, 1000 words essay is a long

essay for me. but after having a deep thinking, i understand that nora just use this

way to teach us the principle that is life. at the same time, we also can pratice

our writing skills. so, i really enjoy writing this essay,because in order to write

something that i have to think deeply. as a result, i understand many things and feel

ashamed for i misunderstand nora. sorry !nora.

i also have a deep impression in you said that we will be busy-bees because our

class will begin earlier and end later than normal. i nora, now, i realize my error. i did not read the material out chop chop, and

it is a bad behaviour that wastes the time of not only you but also my classmates.

i have no right to do that. however, a person lives without faults will never be found.

of course, i do not mean to use it as an excuse, and i just want to obtain your

forgiveness. i keep in mind to correct this weakness and try to get a greater progress.

in addition, i hope nora can continue supervise us that we can make greater progress.

and most of important, i really appreciate you. you teach us to use a different light

to see ourselves and open our eyes to the culture of america. nora,thank you! thank

you in my heart deeply! word number:1004





good good study, abide by the rules and disciplines is each of us students should do, is also the fine traditions of the chinese nation virtue, but we as

contemporary students but no better put it continue down. like many chinese young

people all dont know how the double ninth festival, but solemn been to christmas.

we are all in ignorance lost discipline, do not understand their own learning


take the loving water gravity, an information class, noisy boiling, the teacher

you several times sorrowful, cichou difficult to disappear in the heart, for our

ignorance, especially to your review. first of all, i as xuewei no organized students quiet in class, cause the

classmates speak seriously. but the most direct reason is that our own binding sent,

the classroom content is finished, feel nothing to do; indirect reason is that we

want to do something outside of their things, unavoidable mutual exchanges, voice unscrupulously, slowly information lesson is boiling. of course, this cant be zixike

dont abide by the rules of the reason. lu xun said... goethe said... we only have

the earnest resonsideration, looking for error behind the deep roots, to recognize

the essence of the problem, can give the collective and own a hand over to treat,

thus to progress.

the top self-study speech against the class gauge, influence the normal operation

of the work, this is not loyal, a sin. and have failed to live up to the great parents

to i sincerely hope that, what a waste of time to study at school, but unfilial, two

sin. more let teacher you for this effort, sad disappointed, this is heartless, three

sin... in writing this review, i feel their own ignorance, very regret. finally, the trouble the teacher time consuming to review we write self-criticism,

i now thoroughly understand the teacher education of our well-meaning... zixike dont

abide by the rules, is not a

negligible things! as long as we both have very good constraint ability,

independent learning ability, in the zixike there would be no excuses, no reason for

speech exculpate! we have only conscientious thinking life have so much to do, so

many burdens to carry, there is no reason in normal zixike class the dont abide by

the rules.

in order to thank the teachers chun chun teachings, i hereby guarantee if there

is an important

opportunity to put in my in front, i do i can management students, never let the

teacher disappointed. please teacher understanding me this one mistake!篇三:英文

检讨书自己写的不会和别人一样字数小多~ first of all ,i must say sorry again ,for my fault to waste of your time. at the same time ,im awfully sorry for the mistake i did .after have i received

the letter your answer me ,i called on my memories when i took the examination.

i never would have thought of it if you not stressed how serious situation was.

i was thinking that exchange the few of answers is not so serious as plagiarism

cheating and similiar anti-intellectual behavior. but now after you tell me the

grave consequences and involvement personality , the forming of quality,i am really

convinced of my error,and promised there wont be a next time . i hope this will teach

myself a lesson and i must reflecte my behavior and my moral character. ive already been an univesity student, and i should honest and brave in the face

of my wrong.i tremble to think of the consequences,but i know i should take it and

i need learn the painful way.

thank you so much for you make allowance for my feeling ,i have to prepare my

re-examination at 3 oclock .and after that i will return to zhuhai as quickly as i

can .and ill reflect and rethink my mistake ,if you have anytime ,i hope make apologize to you face to face and want to account for my wrong.

i am terribly sorry for inconvenience caused of you .篇四:英语检讨书100字









xxx 年月日









xxx 年月日







xxx 年月日篇五:抄英语检讨书400字


















很深刻的! xxx 年月日


















业。我不想背负罪恶感,我不会也不敢抄作业了! xxx







篇一:英语作业检查情况 英语作业检查总结 2014.5.20 本次英语作业检查了三种作业,5分钟测试小卷,活动手册和单元卷,情况如下: 一、作业情况: 1、教师布置的作业量适度,作业次数适量,作业批改及时,每次批改完后都有日期,大部分都批改了20多次。 3、活动手册上的习题有详尽的批改,每道题都有批改,对的打对号,错的打了斜线,便于学生修改后再进行二次批改,可见老师批改作业下了很大功夫。 4、作业和单元卷都能做到认真全批全改,四个单元批改了三个单元,并且有家长的签字。 二、不足及改进措施: 1、从检查的作业情况看,各年级普遍存在学生书写不规范,潦草现象,例如字母书写不规范,句子首字母没有大写,单词书写错误等等。老师要在上课时规范学生作业格式,强调书写要求。督促学生书写整洁、认真,让学生养成良好的学习习惯。 2、对于作业中的小错误,有的老师没有进行认真的纠正,学生书写过程中出现的小错误,老师要及时给予纠正,订正的作业教师应做二次批改,避免学生在订正中再出现错误。 3、部分教师在批改的时候,评价语太单一。可以给予多种评价方式,如:笑脸、加油、good、写简短的有针对性的评语、贴画等,来激励学生学习,激发学生兴趣。篇二:英语作业检查总结 英语作业检查总结 为了提高教学质量,了解教学情况,教导处又一次对英语作业进行了检查。总结如下: 一、作业的优点 1、本面整洁,作业写有针对性,有目标性。单词、词组、句子、课文内容一目了然,不杂乱。 2、教师批改及时。即使有学生错的再多,教师都认真批改,做到有错必纠。在批改中,教师给予多种评价方式,如:a、b等不同等第给予学生鼓励。这些做法激励学生学习,激发学生兴趣。 3、学生订正认真,各班的订正要求统一。 二、存在的不足 1、个别班级订正的批改不及时,个别学生的订正有漏批现象。 三、改进的措施 1、加强作业批改,提高批改质量,教师亲自认真批改,有利于评价学生,认识教学中的不足之处。 2、督促学生书写整洁、认真并及时给予纠正让学生订正,订正作业教师应批改,避免学生在订正中再出现错误。 教导处 2012、5、10篇三:小学英语作业检查小结 英语作业检查反馈 为了提高教学质量,了解教学情况,学校在组织了各学科作业检查活动。5月—6月教务处对英语组进行了作业检查。总结如下: 一、总体情况 教师都能按要求布置作业,在保证数量的基础上有所增加,作业能做到及时批改、师改,格式正确,作业上交率较高,并能督促学生订正。本次检查发现,大部分老师在平时都是认真对待,在批改中,老师们采取了等级制及多样的评价方式:小红旗、笑脸、加分、good/ great/ excellent等等,极大地鼓励了学生,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。 二、值得表扬之处


初中学生英语考试检讨书800字 尊敬的老师: 您好! 这次期中考试,我考的很差,对此在这检讨,希望以后不要再考这个分。英语,最重要的就是读,听,背,只要这三个你能100%做到的话,你的英语成绩,没有90分,也能85分。 但是,我却偏偏相反了,没有听,没有写,没有背,自以为事,以为自己多聪明,所以什么都只做了三分之一,导致成绩不理想,以后,我决定了,好好学习,天天向上,在此,我订了一份每天必做的一份学习计划,我必须照做: 1.每天读英语课文,十次或五次。 2.每天不断的背单词,重复的背,直到背得滚瓜烂熟。 3.每天听写课文,直到会默为止。 4.上课认真听讲,思维跟着老师走,积极思考问题。 5.下课后,把老师上课讲的内容复习一遍,不懂的一定要提问。 6.认真完成作业。 7.不能经常开电脑,开电脑就得先读英语。 8.回到家里预习。 9.将家长买来的练习认真地完成。 10.请一个家教,让他把我的英语成绩提高起来,多给我讲讲语法的知识。

11.睡觉前,想想英语课讲了什么。 我一定,必须每天做到以上的所有学习计划,并且尽量的更正学习的态度!!! 我在此发誓: 我一定要好好学英语,每时每刻按照自己拟定的学习计划,不得违抗,否则考试考得不好!!! 今天,我怀着愧疚的心情,写下这份检查.以向您表示我的决心和悔改之意,只希望老师能够给我一个改正错误的机会。 以前我没有意识到自己的散漫和无知,上课总是不认真听讲,导致我考试没考好。 现在我十分重视,并从内心上谴责自己,反省自己。要从自己身上找错误,查不足,深刻的反醒。 我知道,错了并不重要,重要的是在自己做错事的时候,能够正确的认识到自己的错误,并且知道如何改过自身,所以我在以后的日子里,会格外的严格要求自己。 现在我对自己的学习也有了新的要求。 我一定不会在同一地方摔倒。做事情,要有始有终,学习更是一样,不能够半途而废。 我现在已经深刻的认识到了自己的错误,找到了自己身上存在的不足。所以,我要感谢老师让我写了这份检查,让我更加深刻的认识到自己的错误, 希望老师能够再给我一次机会,我一定会好好努力,不再让老师及


没参加考试的检讨书(精选多篇) 尊敬的学校领导: 关于运动会我们没有来当观众的事情,在此我们全班递交这样一份检讨书,以深刻反省我们的过错。希望通过检讨,我们能够认清错误,改正错误,并且积极悔改错误。 回顾错误,运动会当天全校热闹非凡、锣鼓喧天。我们班级同学因此沉浸在学校广播所播放出的美妙音乐当中,一曲《千山万水》勾起了我们很多感触。我们班级的文艺委员更是闻着音乐翩翩起舞,这一舞不要紧,关键是他的舞步太优美,着实让我们班级同学都跟着学了起来。此刻,我们由于过于开心,过于沉浸在艺术熏陶当中,就忘记了学校

安排我们到c片区当观众的任务,等到班长意识到运动会也早已经到了中午时间。当时,班长非常苦恼非常沮丧,我几次过去安慰班长,都被他臭骂一顿。 关于错误的具体情况就是这样。怎么说呢?这个错误暴露出我们班级缺乏纪律、不听从管理安排。要知道学校举办运动会是一次大事情,运动会是激励同学们在田径场上奋勇拼搏的活动。想想看一些同学在田间场地卖力劳苦的奔跑,那我们又不去当观众呐喊助威实在是非常不厚道啊。 现在看来,我们是的的确确得错了,为此我们要好好反省。在此向领导保证:我们班级一定要从这次错误当中吸取经验教训,在今后的学习生活当中一定要服从学校安排。 此致! 考试没考好检讨书 我怀着愧疚的心情,写下这份检查。以向您表示我的决心和悔改之意,只希望老师能够给我一个改正错误的机会。

以前我没有意识到自己的散漫和无知,上课总是不认真听讲,导致我考试没考好。 我认为,这次考试考不好还有两个大的原因。 一是学习不用功。这么说有些笼统,其实它可以分为很多小原因。也许您知道也许您不知道。前段时间不是因为月考成绩看得过去有所松懈,而是一直就不紧张:早读有一半的时间用来犯困,另一半时间中的效率也不高,有时还哼首歌什么的。上课时,尤其是数学和英语,一有听不懂的情况就犯困,越困越听不懂。然后,我不知道什么时候有了个大毛病----发呆。这的确浪费了很多时间。只要一闲下来就发呆。所以,以后打算把日程排满,充实自己,改掉这个自杀式的烂毛玻还有,我有个不爱写作业的毛玻尤其是上了高中后作业多了起来。以后要勤快些。其实这也是学习态度的问题。 二是学习态度不端正。我常把自己


英语考试检讨书范文6篇 英语作为一门外语言,需要多应运。除了课堂效果之外,还需要多读,多讲,多练。下面是为大家带来的英语考试检讨书,欢迎大家阅读! 英语考试检讨书1 尊敬的英语老师: 此番我在英语考试当中基础题目失分太大,这导致我虽然在后面的阅读作文部分取得了还算可以的分数,但是却因为英语题目失分太大,导致我的英语成绩位于班级倒数几名。 回顾错误,我深刻地意识到了您对我的批评是对我的。向我这样的错误是很愚蠢的,相当于有点"捡芝麻扔西瓜"的情况。众所周知,英语的难题部分往往是不好拿分的,往往绞尽脑汁也只能够得一点点分。可是英语的基础题目就很简单可以拿分啊,简直就是在送分,我为什么要丢失呢。很显然,我这样的错误发生,充分地暴露出我平时不注意基础知识的积累,片面地追求难题攻坚,这是导致我错误的主要原因。 现如今,我知道自身错误所在了。从今往后,我一定要认清英语考试的分数分配问题。重点将精力花在基础题目训练当中,

在保证基础题目有足够时间训练基础上,然后再投入时间攻坚英语难题。最后,我恳求老师能够原谅我的错误。 检讨人: 英语考试检讨书2 期中考试结束了,考试结束后,我对我任教的班级进行了客观、详细的质量分析,随后根据本次考试情况总结了半个学期以来教学方面所取得的成绩,同时也指出了考试中暴露出来的教学问题,要求老师立足岗位,踏实教学,提高质量意识。 1.从学生来看,就是学生的层次不同,一部分是学优生和中等生,另一部分是学困生。平时学习行为习惯比较好的学生,考试基本上都考出了好成绩。而学困生上课注意力不集中,课后惰性强,不及时进行复习和预习,他们往往没有良好的适合自己的学习方法。在英语的学习上存在许多不足:比如,听说读写的能力较差,学习没有兴趣,掌握单词,语言信息量不足,等等,所以考试成绩不尽人意。 2.其次,从试卷上分析 本次试卷印刷质量不佳,很多图和单词看不清楚,而且卷子本身错误较多,由于考试时间短,我兼顾的班级较多,我没有及时发现题目要求的错误,四年级最后一题“正确的用F错误的用T”这个要求是错误的,而同学们很细心按照要求去做,造成全部失


英语考试检讨书800字 英语考试检讨书800字(一)尊敬的老师: 您好! 期中考试结束了,我所剩下的中学生活随着一次又一次的考试逐渐变短,这次考试比上次有些退步,我认真分析了原因: 1、在考试前我并没有深入复习,只不过是看了看书。 2、临阵磨枪,突击,平时不善于积累。 3、复习没有重点。 主要拉分的是。 其实英语一直是我这五科中最不理想的科目,我对此也非常的着急,所以我在今后的学习中会更加重视英语学习。 努力,是我们熟得不能再熟的字眼,但这两个字就够一个人做一辈子的了,而且它是永远做不完的。所以我更应该珍惜时光,为自己的目标而奋斗!好的成绩是靠良好的学习方法。 学习的方法因人而异,因学科而异,正如医生用药,不能千人一方。同学们应当从实际出发,根据自己的情况,发挥特长,摸索适合自己特点的有效方法。但良好的学习方法绝对离不开预习、认真听课和课后复习。然而在这三点中,我认为听讲是最重要的,或许这已经是老生常谈了,但是,只有听讲你才能取得事半功倍的效果。认真听老师的讲课,甚至比做10道练习题还要好。

预习,不仅仅是简单的看书,英语只要了解基本的句型构成,再多背几个单词就可以了。人长得越大,记忆力就越是递减。因此,常常复习很重要。不过不必天天复习,毕竟我们也没有那么多的时间。你可以把学的知识积累下来,利用周末的时间复习。每周都是这样,一个月后,来一次总的复习,把前四周的内容再巩固一下。如果一个月后你记住了这些新知识,那么,以后,只要你有空的时候再看看,就一定可以牢牢记住了。 除了这三点,还有三个“必须”。 1.学习必须循序渐进。只有地基打牢固了,高楼大厦才不会倾斜;只有走稳了,才会轻松地跑。学习任何知识,必须注重基本训练,要一步一个脚印,由易到难,扎扎实实地练好基本功,不要前面的内容没有学懂,就急着去学习后面的知识;更不能基本的习题没有做好,就一味去钻偏题、难题。这是十分有害的。比如学习数学时,我就先做那些基础题,熟练的掌握公式,之后再去做那些比较难的题。这样,你就能打好基础,学习成绩自然而然的就上来了。 2.学习必须勤于思考。中学是一个重要的学习阶段。在这个期间要注意培养独立思考的能力。要防止死记硬背。学习中要多问几个为什么。比如学英语,一个句子可以用多种方法去做,举一反三,灵活运用,使你的大脑思维更加活跃。 3.学习必须一丝不苟。学习切忌似懂非懂。例如,习题做错了,这是常有的事,重要的是能自己发现错误并改正它。这就要求我们对解题中的每一步推导能说出正确的理由,每一步都要有根据,不能想当然,马马虎虎。只要做到了这些,再加上一些自己适


becky 10 trade 4 friday 8:10am-10:10am room 301 today, i feel very sorry and ashamed to write down this essay for you to say about my bad behaviour in class. this essay also shows my deep thinking about making such a mistake and my decision that never make such mistakes anymore. i still remember that, at the first class, you have stressed and repeated many times that we should be responsible to ourselves, and nobody have to be responsible to us. in fact, i was deeply shocked by what you said and suddenly clearly understand the importance of independence at that time.i really agreed with your idea . all of us are adults now, we are not children anymore, and we can not relay on our parent just as when we were little. we must learn how to solve problems by ourselves. but it is a difficult process to make theory into pratice. in china education, it does not stress that us we should be responsible to ourselves, and our parents also do everything they think they can do for us. this is the education situation of china. so as time went by, we just get used to relying on others and do not try to do things by ourselves even we can do it easily. over the past 19 years, i get used to doing things what parents and teachers told us to do. but now, you insist that we have to be independent. suddenly,i can not depend on anyone. as a result, i feel very difficult to do everything and try every way to get help from others and we also feel nora is a very strict teacher and really afraid of you, tough all of us know that we can learn many things from nora. but we can not adore you at once,because what you teach is so different from our culture. that means we need time to get used . that we should read the number first, then read the word ,definition and the sentence we write. but when in my turn, which word is no number,i do not know how to express where the word is . while i asked my deskmate what should i do , nora just told me that i need to write a essay. in fact, at first, i feel very unfair because i just do not know how to express where the word is. if this condition was put forward in chinese class, we can just put forward our problems and then the teachers would help us to solve it. but now, no explain, no excuse, just write an essay as punishment. i suffered from injustice and really want to cry at that time. then i 1 explained that is life means that if you can not change the situation,then you just do it. in fact,there are many things that we can not change in our life. maybe when we meant without explain and excuse. at this case, the only solution is change ourselves to adjust the situation. as a matter of fact, 1000 words essay is a long essay for me. but after having a deep thinking, i understand that nora just use this way to teach us the principle that is life. at the same time, we also can pratice our writing skills. so, i really enjoy writing this essay,because in order to write something that i have to think deeply. as a result, i understand many things and feel ashamed for i misunderstand nora. sorry !nora. i also have a deep impression in you said that we will be busy-bees because our class will begin earlier and end later than normal. i nora, now, i realize my error. i did not read the material out chop chop, and it is a bad behaviour that wastes the time of not only you but also my classmates.


英语考试检讨书范文6篇 尊敬的XXX: 在英语考试中,本人由于想通过考试,平时又不努力,因此在考试中想利用作弊来通过,对这件事我在此检讨,诚恳反省。在考试时想着作弊不会被老师发现,但事实证明我错了,站在讲台上的老师对的一举一动看得清清楚楚。 事后,班主任也找了我谈话,让我更深层次的认识到了错误,自己也反省了好几天,我真的错了,要想通过考试,只有靠平时的努力,不应该像我这样在考试中作弊。像我这样不仅让自己走错路,还让同学帮我,也使他做错事,想想作弊真的是害人害己啊!老师经常教育我们做人要诚信,不应该在考试中作弊,而 ___听从老师的教诲,___不仅让自己难堪,更让丢脸,让班主任丢脸。 英语 ___说明我是一个不讲诚信的人,同学会从此看扁我,老师会看轻我,走上社会,人人都会看不起我,这样对自己影响实在太大了,但自己毕竟已经犯了这样的错误了,后悔也没用了。只有好好读书,不再犯错,希望早日找回诚信,早日得到同学们的信任,早日恳求学校的原谅,因为我真的知道错了。认识错误未必需要长篇大论,在此诚恳接受学校处罚,因为错了,会改正,希望老师和同学和学校监督我,让我更正确地走我的人生。

XXX 时间 XX: 我由于在英语四级考试的时候写答案给我别的同学,造成了作弊行为,当时监考老师对我进行了教育,但是本人还未认识到这件事情的严重性,于是监考老师将此事告知系里,希望系里老师能教育我。在学校老师的教育和同学们的帮助下,我终于意识到自己犯的错误的严重性。 在考试时想着作弊不会被老师发现,但事实证明我错了,站在讲台上的老师对同学的一举一动看得清清楚楚。 事后,班主任也找了我谈话,让我更深层次的认识到了错误,自己也反省了好几天,我真的错了,要想通过考试,只有靠平时的努力,不应该像我这样在考试中作弊。 像我这样不仅让自己走错路,还让同学帮我,也使他做错事,想想作弊真的是害人害己啊!


英语检讨书 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! the mistakes that he would like a lot of things,reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful,very air itself committed to the iron law school,but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes,committed by their own error is a shame。 schools in a school on the repeated injunctions,has repeatedly stressed that school discipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules,but i did not,then schools and teachers in mind,there is no attention to the teacher to say,there is no emphasis on the promulgation of the important issues in schools,as if they were heeded,these should not be。is also a lack of respect for teachers。teachers should bear in mind that in mind,then,the school discipline school rules promulgated minds。 after that,i would like to cool for a long time,the mistakes i have not only brought trouble to their own,held up their own learning。such an act and i also


英语考试没考好检讨书(2) 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于英语考试没考好检讨书集锦的文档,希望对你能有帮助。英语考试没考好检讨书集锦 我知道,错了并不重要,重要的是在自己做错事的时候,能够正确的认识到自己的错误,并且知道如何改过自身,所以我在以后的日子里,会格外的严格要求自己。 现在我对自己的学习也有了新的要求。 我一定不会在同一地方摔倒。做事情,要有始有终,学习更是一样,不能够半途而废。 我现在已经深刻的认识到了自己的错误,找到了自己身上存在的.不足。所以,我要感谢老师让我写了这份检查,让我更加深刻的认识到自己的错误, 希望老师能够再给我一次机会,我一定会好好努力,不再让老师及家长失望。请老师看我的实际行动吧,我会努力学习的。 检讨人:xxx xxxx年xx月xx日 篇(三) 尊敬的英语老师: 时间过得飞快,期末考试落下了帷幕。在每一次期末考试之后,始终有人高兴有人伤感。不幸的是,这一次我成了后者。半载艰苦卓绝的学习,到头来期末成绩不理想,让我深深地怀有一份失落感。

期末英语成绩不理想,就为本学期的情况画了失败的标签。因此,我要做了一个深刻反思,经过深思熟虑,我了解到了自身存在的问题,也请多多批评指正。 1,思想意识水平不够高。思想意识是一个学生成才、提高成绩的基本条件,我没有清晰地意识到什么是学生的基本任务,学生的基本任务就是学习。 2,没有正确的学习态度。思想与态度是互补的关系,一个端正的学习态度,塑造一个认真学习的学生,是提高成绩的重要基础。用正确的学习态度对待学习,以正确的思想觉悟看待考试,将每一阶段的学习、测验重视起来,没有提高不了的学习成绩。 3,基本知识不扎实。英语学习讲究平时积累,考试零食抱佛脚是作用不大的。我平时就是少了一些英语知识积累,这是不可否认的缺点。 总而言之,学习成绩的提高,可以通过练习达到目标,可这不是一朝一夕的事,“千里之行始于足下”,我要从基础抓起,纠正我的这些小毛病、小问题。从今往后,我要一步步踏实巩固基础知识,努力奋斗,艰苦卓绝,精益求精,争取在下一年期末考出理想的好成绩! 检讨人:xxx xxxx年xx月xx日 篇(四) 尊敬的英语老师: 此番我在英语考试当中基础题目失分太大,这导致我虽然在后面的阅读作文部分取得了还算可以的分数,但是却因为英语题目失分太大,导致我的英语成绩位于班级倒数几名。


检讨书英语测试没考好 【篇一:英语不及格检讨书300字】 英语不及格检讨书300字 1、英语不及格检讨书 敬爱的英语老师: 您好! 由于这次测试成绩不理想,我的心里万分愧疚。我有负您一直以来 对我的深切教诲和深深期盼,但是我已经努力了。这个成绩并不是 我想要的结果,因为我也曾在考前做过认真的复习和准备。也许是 我平时真的练习和认真上有些不够的话,我以后会更加努力的去弥 补过去的不足。我知道上课的时候我有时候没有认真的抄笔记,课 后也没有和同学去交流,但是我以后会把这些都做好,不会再考出 这样的成绩来让您担心。 我知道您对我的关心和关注,所以,我不会让您再对我担心和失望。虽然我这次测试失败了,但是我并不会放弃以后等待您表扬的机会,我会继续努力,因为我想看到您对我赞赏的眼光。老师,对于这场 测试,我知道说对不起是没用的。所以,希望您给我一次证明的机会,证明我可以考出更好的成绩。我明白您也会一直支持我的。在 此说声谢谢您。老师,请您原谅我这次的失误,也希望您下次看到 我的试卷给我一个欣慰的眼光。 xxx 2、英语测试不及格检讨书 尊敬的老师: 我深深地为我的卑劣行径而忏悔。我平日成天游手好闲,无所事事,目空一切,终於酿成了这个恶果。

当我看到这个惨不忍睹的分数时,我潸然泪下,继而泪如泉涌,转 瞬间便泪流成河。这泪,是内疚的泪,是自责的泪,是悔恨的泪! 这泪,如沉重的水银,落在、打在、冲击在我的心上! 也许有人说,两分不算什麼。然而在我看来,哪怕是小小的0.5分,都至关重要!这白 丢了的十多分,如刀锋一般,在我的心上深深地刻下了一道长长的 伤痕,令我悲痛欲绝! 因此,我深深的反省自己,并发誓以後一定竭尽我的全部力量,艰 苦奋斗,赴汤蹈火,学好思想政治,让自己成为党的合格的接班人!我上课时如有任何一秒钟没有集中全部精力听讲,情愿受到任何惩罚,皮开肉绽亦不在乎! 下一次测试中,为了我自己,为了家长,为了老师,为了人民,为 了我们的党,为了社会主义建设,为了祖国和民族的未来,我发誓 一定要上九十分!否则今後馀生世人共戮! xxx 3、英语测试不及格的检讨书 尊敬的老师: 您好! 时光匆匆,转眼间测试也已结束,试卷也发下来了。望着试卷上的 分数,我惊讶了。因为这和我应有的水平相差甚远,我在此向你说 一声对不起,我辜负了您对我的殷切希望。在这次期末英语测试中 我成绩十分不理想,不仅伤透了你的心,也让我无地自容。于是, 今天,我怀着十二万分的愧疚和懊悔写下这份检讨书,以向您表示 我对不好好学英语这种恶劣行为的歉意及打死也不再不好学英语的 决心。


【篇一】英语考试检讨书范文500字 尊敬的XXX: 光阴似箭日月如梭,终于迎来了这次英语考试。面临这次政治考试,我非常的害怕,因为上课总是不认真听讲,说话,做小动作,老师讲的知识原封不动地还给了老师。在考场上,很多题都不会,虽然很简单,但是上课没有认真听讲,当然都不会,在考场上我才明白。 老师和家长督促我们学习都是为了我们的未来着想,为了让我们有一个美好的未来,才会对我们要求严格,经过了这次英语考试,我深深地认识到了自己的错误,上课应该好好听讲,不能三心二意,这样,才能对的起父母的根根白发,老师的条条皱纹。老师!对不起。这次我知道自己错在了哪里,所以我会在这里重新站起来,向更高的目标看齐! 检讨人: 日期:XX年XX月XX日 【篇二】英语考试检讨书范文500字 尊敬的英语老师: 此番我在英语考试当中基础题目失分太大,这导致我虽然在后面的阅读作文部分取得了还算可以的分数,但是却因为英语题目失分太大,导致我的英语成绩位于班级倒数几名。 回顾错误,我深刻地意识到了您对我的批评是对我的。向我这样的错误是很愚蠢的,相当于有点"捡芝麻扔西瓜"的情况。众所周知,英语的难题部分往往是不好拿分的,往往绞尽脑汁也只能够得一点点分。可是英语的基础题目就很简单可以拿分啊,简直就是在送分,我为什么要丢失呢。很显然,我这样的错误发生,充分地暴露出我平时不注意基础知识的积累,片面地追求难题攻坚,这是导致我错误的主要原因。 现如今,我知道自身错误所在了。从今往后,我一定要认清英语考试的分数分配问题。重点将精力花在基础题目训练当中,在保证基础题目有足够时间训练基础上,然后再投入时间攻坚英语难题。最后,我恳求老师能够原谅我的错误。 检讨人: 日期:XX年XX月XX日 【篇三】英语考试检讨书范文500字


英语检讨书 the mistakes that he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes, committed by their own error is a shame. schools in a school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school discipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules, but i did not, then schools and teachers in mind, there is no attention to the teacher to say, there is no emphasis on the promulgation of the important issues in schools, as if they were heeded, these should not be. is also a lack of respect for teachers. teachers should bear in mind that in mind, then, the school discipline school rules promulgated minds. after that, i would like to cool for a long time, the mistakes i have not only brought trouble to their own, held up their own learning. such an act and i also created the school and its adverse effects, damage to the school's management system. in the middle of the students also led to adverse effects. since i am a person's mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class discipline, grade discipline, the discipline of the school is also a kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents is also a types of injury, as well as other students in an irresponsible parent. each school will wish to see their students achieve high academic achievers, all-round development and establish a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. students have every hope that a good school for their own learning environment to study and life. including myself, have to have a good learning environment, but a


亲爱的朋友,很高兴能在此相遇!欢迎您阅读文档英语没考好检讨书,这篇文档是由我们精心收集整理的新文档。相信您通过阅读这篇文档,一定会有所收获。假若亲能将此文档收藏或者转发,将是我们莫大的荣幸,更是我们继续前行的动 力。 英语没考好检讨书 英语没考好检讨书 在学习、工作或生活中出现了过错后,我们要认真地反思检讨,请注意写检讨要把原因讲清楚。什么样的检讨书才是好的检讨书呢?以下是小编为大家收集的英语没考好检讨书,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语没考好检讨书1 我怀着愧疚的心情,写下这份检查。以向您表示我的决心和悔改之意,只希望老师能够给我一个改正错误的机会。 以前我没有意识到自己的散漫和无知,上课总是不认真听

讲,导致我考试没考好。 我认为,这次考试考不好还有两个大的原因。 一是学习不用功。这么说有些笼统,其实它能分为很多小原因。也许您清楚也许您不清楚。前段时间不是因为月考成绩看得过去有所松懈,而是一直就不紧张:早读有一半的时间用来犯困,另一半时间中的效率也不高,有时还哼首歌什么的(由此决定以后少听歌)。上课时,特别是数学和英语,一有听不懂的情况就犯困,越困越听不懂(最近课前开始仔细预习了,上课听懂了就不犯困了,这方面有了改善)。然后,我不清楚何时有了个大毛病————发呆。这的确浪费了很多时间。只要一闲下来就发呆。所以,以后打算把日程排满,充实自己,改掉这个自杀式的烂毛病。还有,我有个不爱写作业的毛病。特别是上了高中后作业多了起来。以后要勤快些。其实这也是学习态度的问题。 二是学习态度不端正。我常把自己定位为"厌恶学习的孩子"。其实这是消极的心理暗示。事实上我已经开始对许多的科目产生兴趣了。心理暗示也是蛮重要的。 现在我十分重视,并从内心上谴责自己,反省自己。要从自己身上找错误,查不足,深刻的反醒。我清楚,错了并不重要,重要的是在自己做错事的时候,能够正确的认识到自己的错误,并且清楚如何改过自身,所以我在以后的日子里,会格外的严格


英语考试检讨书900字2019 英语考试检讨书900字2019(一)尊敬的老师: 您好! 时间过得飞快,期末考试落下了帷幕。在每一次期末考试之后,始终有人高兴有人伤感。不幸的是,这一次我成了后者。半载艰苦卓绝的学习,到头来期末成绩不理想,让我深深地怀有一份失落感。 期末英语成绩不理想,就为本学期的情况画了失败的标签。因此,我要做了一个深刻反思,经过深思熟虑,我了解到了自身存在的问题,也请多多批评指正。 1,思想意识水平不够高。思想意识是一个学生成才、提高成绩的基本条件,我没有清晰地意识到什么是学生的基本任务,学生的基本任务就是学习。 2,没有正确的学习态度。思想与态度是互补的关系,一个端正的学习态度,塑造一个认真学习的学生,是提高成绩的重要基础。用正确的学习态度对待学习,以正确的思想觉悟看待考试,将每一阶段的学习、测验重视起来,没有提高不了的学习成绩。 3,基本知识不扎实。英语学习讲究平时积累,考试零食抱佛脚是作用不大的。我平时就是少了一些英语知识积累,这是不可否认的缺点。 此致 敬礼!

检讨人:xxx 2019年x月x日 英语考试检讨书900字2019(二)尊敬的老师: 您好! 这次期中考试,我考的很差,对此在这检讨,希望以后不要再考这个分数。学英语,最重要的就是读,听,背,只要这三个你能100%做到的话,你的英语成绩,没有90分,也能85分。 但是,我却偏偏相反了,没有听,没有写,没有背,自以为事,以为自己多聪明,所以什么都只做了三分之一,导致成绩不理想。以后,我决定了,好好学习,天天向上,在此,我订了一份每天必做的一份学习计划,我必须照做: 1.每天读英语课文,十次或五次。 2.每天不断的背单词,重复的背,直到背得滚瓜烂熟。 3.每天听写课文,直到会默为止。 4.上课认真听讲,思维跟着老师走,积极思考问题。 5.下课后,把老师上课讲的内容复习一边,不懂得一定要提问。 6.认真完成作业。 7.不能经常开电脑,开电脑就得先读英语。 8.回到家里预习。 9.将家长买来的练习认真地完成。 10.请一个家教,让他把我的英语成绩提高起来,多给我讲讲语法的知识。 11.睡觉前,想想英语课讲了什么。


英语检讨书4篇 英语检讨书 themistakesthathewouldlikealotofthings,reflectonalotofthingsthattheyareveryremorseful,veryairitselfcommittedtotheironlawschool,butalsoaprofoundunderstandingoftheseriousnessoftheirmistakes,committedbytheirownerrorisashame. schoolsinaschoolontherepeatedinjunctions,hasrepeatedlystressedthatschooldisciplineschooltoremindstudentsnotinvio lationofschoolrules,butididnot,thenschoolsandteachersinmind,thereisnoattentiontotheteachertosay,thereisnoemphasisonthepromulgationoftheimportantissuesinschools,asiftheywereheeded, theseshouldnotbe.isalsoalackofrespectforteachers.teachersshouldbearinmi ndthatinmind,then,theschooldisciplineschoolrulespromulgatedminds. afterthat,iwouldliketocoolforalongtime,themistakesihavenotonlybroughttroubletotheirown,helduptheirownlearning.suchanactandialsocreatedtheschoolanditsadverse effects, damagetotheschool'smanagementsystem.inthemiddleofthestudentsalsoledt oadverseeffects.sinceiamaperson'smistakes,itmaycauseotherstudentstofollow,theimpactofclassdiscipline,gradediscipline,thedisciplineoftheschoolisalsoakindofdestruction,butalsohavegreatexpectationsoftheirteachersandparentsisalsoatypesofinjur y,aswellasotherstudentsinanirresponsibleparent. eachschoolwillwishtoseetheirstudentsachievehighacademicachievers,all-rounddevelopmentandestablishagoodimage,butalsotomakeourschoolshaveagoodimage.studentshaveeveryhopethatago odschoolfortheirownlearningenvironmenttostudyandlife.includingmyself,


英语考试检讨书500字范文 【一】 尊敬的老师: 我深深地为我的卑劣行径而忏悔。我平日成天游手好闲,无所事事,目空一切,终于酿成了这个恶果。 当我看到这个惨不忍睹的分数时,我潸然泪下,继而泪如泉涌,转瞬间便泪流成河。这泪,是内疚的泪,是自责的泪,是悔恨的泪!这泪,如沉重的水银,落在、打在、冲击在我的心上! 也许有人说,两分不算什么。然而在我看来,哪怕是小小的分,都至关重要!这白丢了的十多分,如刀锋一般,在我的心上深深地刻下了一道长长的伤痕,令我悲痛欲绝! 平均分,像一道墙一样,把我死死地拦在了外面。我曾想侥幸地冲过去,却一头撞上,头破血流,粉身碎骨! 这么多惨痛至极的教训,怎能不给我以发自内心最深处的启迪 学习,这件多么高尚的事情,怎能在我手中被玷污 思想政治,这门多么至关重要的学术,怎能在我的手中被亵渎 我这样不努力学习,怎么对得起我自己怎么对得起生我养我的父母怎么对得起引导我做人的老师怎么对得起引领我

们的伟大祖国走向光明的伟大的中国共产党啊 因此,我深深的反省自己,并发誓以后一定竭尽我的全部力量,艰苦奋斗,赴汤蹈火,学好思想政治,让自己成为党的合格的接班人!我上课时如有任何一秒钟没有集中全部精 力听讲,情愿受到任何惩罚,皮开肉绽亦不在乎! 下一次考试中,为了我自己,为了家长,为了老师,为了人民,为了我们的党,为了社会主义建设,为了祖国和民族的未来,我发誓一定要上九十分!否则今后余生世人共戮! 检讨人:xxx 20xx年xx月xx日【三】 尊敬的老师: 您好! 时光匆匆,转眼间考试也已结束,试卷也发下来了.望着 试卷上的分数,我惊讶了.因为这和我应有的水平相差甚远,我在此向你说一声对不起,我辜负了您对我的殷切希望。在这次期末英语考试中我成绩十分不理想,不仅伤透了你的心,也让我无地自容。于是,今天,我怀着十二万分的愧疚和懊悔写下这份检讨书,以向您表示我对不好好学英语这种恶劣行为的歉意及打死也不再不好学英语的决心。 早在您刚带我们的时候,您就已经三令五申,一再强调,
