



精心整理ATV312施耐德变频器参数设置MODE--模式切换 ESC---退出键盘中间---进入/确认 RUN---运行STOPRESET-停止/复位注:全新变频器默认运程模式(左边 3个灯循环闪烁,此模式不可设参数) 按MOD 键3秒至灯不闪烁,进入本地模式才可以设置参数。

每次按键盘中间进入或者确认,按 ESC 退出,旋转键盘可选择参数。

必设参数:1、电机参数(根据电机铭牌设置) drC---nCr (电机额定电流) bFr (电机标准频率) nSP (电机额定转速) UnS (电机额定电压)2、SEt---ltH 电机热电流(按电机额定电流1.2倍设置) HSP 上限频率(默认50HZ,电机是60HZ 的要设置60HZ )一、面板操作 1、 CtL---LAC---L3( 按键盘中间2秒确定) CHCF--SEPCdI---LOC (本地) FrI---AIUIrOt--dFr 电机正转(drs ,电机反正) 2、 rEF---AIUI 运行频率(100对应HSP 设置频率,50/60HZ )进到该参数里面,再旋转键盘可调频率。

二、 端子控制1、 CtL---LAC---L3( 按键盘中间2秒确定) CHCF--SEP CdI---tEr (端子控制)FrI---AIUI2、 rEF---AIUI 运行频率(100对应HSP 设置频率,50/60HZ )三、 压力传感器控制4-20mA (AI3端子控制) 1、CtL---LAC---L3( 按键盘中间2秒确定) CHCF--SE CdI---tEr (端子控制)FrI---AI3(给定通道)七、监控SUP —rFr 输出频率 LCr 电机电流 ULn 电机电压OPr 电机功率 八、故障代码OCF-MSOHF-变频器过热 OLF …电机过载 OPF …电机玦相SOF —电机超速 筑F-电机短路(相』地〉 O5F —电源过压 PHF—电源玦相 USF —线路电源灵压电机缺相屏FLt —OPL —no 九、在端子控制且设蚤好对应裁数的前提下, 不修改蚩数讣变频器运行方法(只作调试用兀 用一条线短接变频器上的端子:正转一矩接23端子与U1端子 反转一短接2蛀端子与LI2鯛子2、I-O----CrL3 控制最小值9.2 (计算公式:16-40x 压力+4, CrH3控制最大值 11.2 (9.2-11.2 对应 13-18MPa 稳定在 15,16MPRAOIt--4A (传感器接线:上面有1,2,3,4角,1角是电源线,2角是信号线)精心整理3、FLt ——rsf---LI5 故障复位点五、 变频器运行信号输出设置(默认输出端子R2A.R2C ) 1 ■ 1_0_ —*「2 rUri六、 R 专京补偿设蚤(系统默认20%)SEt^uFr-(根据需求设置,每次増加波)40是传感器量程)精心整理四、恢复出厂设置DrC---FCS---lnl (按键盘中间2秒,切换到no)精心整理。

飞纳经纬 FRII 接收机用户手册说明书

飞纳经纬 FRII 接收机用户手册说明书

飞纳经纬FRII接收机版本:2021/1/23用户手册前言关于本手册对FRII Receiver系列接收机的安装、使用方法及有关技巧进行了详细的介绍。



目录1.连接示例 (3)硬件准备 (3)串口连接 (5)网口连接 (10)2.配置示例 (12)RTK配置 (12)Ntrip移动站配置 (17)PPK后处理差分技术 (20)简易输出配置 (21)3.附录 (23)产品特点 (24)GNSS性能 (25)电气特性 (25)物理特性 (26)接口及定义 (27)指示灯状态 (31)FRII Receiver尺寸 (32)4.使用注意事项 (33)1. 连接示例硬件准备器材清单:名称数量备注FRII接收机1台4G天线1根GNSS天线1个SIM卡1个5芯LEMO连接器1根电源线9芯LEMO连接器1根数据线7芯LEMO连接器1根数据线(选配)GNSS天线馈线1个网口线1根客户自备串口线1根客户自备电脑1台客户自备硬件连接1将FRII安装到载体上;2将FRII接收机安装4G天线;3将FRII接收机装入SIM卡;注意安装时SIM卡时,如图所示,缺口向右,芯片向上。

4将FRII接收机通过GNSS馈线与GNSS天线相连(注意天线应安装在四周空旷无遮挡的地方);5 将FRII数据线按颜色安装到FRII上。

6 将9芯LEMO连接器的网口或串口与笔记本连接。

7 将5芯LEMO连接器供电9-36V(推荐12V)串口连接串口连接有如下3种方式:1. USB NET模式连接用USB线连接电脑,USB默认工作在USB NET模式下,将IP地址192.168.42.129输入到浏览器,便可以通过网页对接收机进行操作。

注:工作在USB NET模式下,WINDOWS 7系统电脑上网会受到影响,WINDOWS 10上网不会受到影响。



dIXELL目录1. 注意事项1. 注意事项_______________________________22. 用户界面_______________________________33. 远程面板 VICX610_______________________54. 面板的显示信息________________________5 ∙ 此手册作为产品的一部分应放在控制器附近,以便快速查阅。

5. 蜂鸣器静音_____________________________66. 首次安装使用___________________________6 ∙此控制器不得作以下说明以外的其他用途,不得作安全保护设备使用。

7. RTC 内置时钟的设置____________________6 8. 如何使用“HOT KEY ”热键编程钥匙________6 ∙控制器投入运行前检查应用量程。

9. 使用面板上的键盘进行参数编程_________710. 更改密码_______________________________7 11. 启动/停止制冷或热泵工作模式___________8 12. 待机功能_______________________________8 ∙ 进行连接前确认电源电压是否正确。

13. “menu” 功能菜单_________________________8 ∙不要让温控器在有水或潮湿的环境中使用:温控器只能在使用环境限定的条件下使用,应避免在高湿度环境下温度的剧烈变化而使得水蒸气凝结在内部的电路板上。

14. 键盘功能_______________________________9 15. 远程开关机_____________________________9 16. 在线关闭压缩机_______________________10 ∙ 注意:在检修前请断开温控器电源,最好断开所有连接线路,以防止意外发生。
































⑩ 想要设置一个固定的温度,我们就需要分别设置最大值(H)和最小值(L)。
①要取消这个功能,依次按“JOLLY”键、L1+和L2+大约10秒钟,显示器上将会 显示信息"UT OT"
②按住“JOLLY”键3秒钟,信息"UT OT"将会在显示器上闪动4次,温度锁定将 会被取消.所有设置的温度界限将会被取消.
感谢您对我们产品的信任和购买,我们真诚的建议您能仔细阅读我们的产品说明书。它 包含了产品所有必要的技术特性,以及正确安装和使用此温控器的有效信息。
由于技术和材料的不断提高,如果没有超前的意识,我们产品的规格和使用也会赶不 上日新月异的变化。
警告! 为了将来也能够参阅此书,请将说明书放置于干燥处,以防毁坏。 键: ① 数字时钟显示器
⑩ 提前编程(滚动)选择键
⑾当前时间调节(滚动选择)键 h(用笔摁住此键选择时间)
⑿当前日期调节(推动选择)键 d(用笔摁住此键选择 日期)
(I)= 推动选择
(S)= 滚动选择
这种有着精美外观的温控器可以根据不同需求搭配各种各样颜色的门,使之显现出独 特的个性。
⑨ 我们住 PROG DAY 键)由此类 推,周三、周四……都可以用这样的方法复制程序。
⑩ 另外,如果要求每一天的程序都不同的话,按住 PROG DAY 键选择需要日期,根据需 求编程。
② 温度设置键(confort L1) ③ 温度设置键(Risparmio L2) ④盖 ⑤ 电池盒盖 ⑥ 自动/手动/关闭按钮 ⑦ 选择(推动选择)/编程输入温度值键 confort L1 ⑧ 选择(滚动选择)/编程输入温度值键 Risparmio L2


l 单卷每 100 平方码 40 分以下为 A 等,40 分以上为 B 等。 l 所有检验布匹的平均分低于每 100 平方码 28 分。 l 以上条件需同时满足,即使单卷评分均低于 40 分,但平均分仍大于 28 分的话,结论
亦判定为不合格。 l 不同的面料可以有不同的合格分数要求,合格的分数也可由采购商和供应商共同协定
1.在公司进行资料的审核 从 Section. Head 处得到全部相关资料和样板,审核资料,如有疑问要与 Section.
Head 澄清,离开前带上资料以及必备的检验工具。
2.工作现场验货前的准备工作 -- 穿好制服、带上胸卡。
-- 同工厂负责人或代理人联系,递交公司廉正通知,简述工作流程。
布匹检验常见的评分方法是“四分制评分法”和 “十分制评分法”。
一分: 疵点长度为 3 寸或低于 3 寸 两分: 疵点长度大于 3 寸小于 6 寸 三分: 疵点长度大于 6 寸小于 9 寸 四分: 疵点长度大于 9 寸
注意事项: 1. 每码扣分不超过 10 分。 2. 整匹布存在经向或纬向连续性疵点即降等。 3. 同一码中所有经纬向的疵点扣分不超过 10 分。 4. 除破损外,两边布边半英寸范围内疵点不计分。 5. 除非特殊规定,通常只需检验布的正面,.如织物反面有严重疵点影响到正 面的,视其影响程度评分。 6. 疵点长度按经或纬最大方向量记,两种及以上疵点混合在一起时,以最大疵 点单位计算。 7. 断续或者分散间距较小的疵点,如果分别计量评分大于全部计量评分的,则
接受范围:幅宽 50 英寸以下每百码扣分数不超过 100 分, 幅宽 50 英寸以上每百码扣分数 不超过 110 分。



服务器按键说明 LCB2菜单树状图LCB2菜单树状图续5 M-1-1-1召唤模式A – 01 IDL M - ] [ ] [C U00 D00 EA – 01 IDL M - ] [ ] [C U00 D00 EA – 01 IDL M - ] [ ] [C U00 D00 EA – 01 IDL M - ] [ ] [ C U00 D00 E1)轿厢标识 描述 A 群控主梯/单梯B 群控二号梯 C 群控三号梯2)运行方向 描述 - 停止没有运行方向U 电梯上行方向 D 电梯下行方向3)位置显示 描述01 当前位置显示** 没有位置显示4)操作模式 描述 IDL 当前操作模式(空闲)INS 当前操作模式(检修)NAV 当前操作模式(不能服务)1)2)3)4)6 M-1-1-1召唤模式A – 01 IDL ST ] [ ] [C U00 D00 A 1CAu – 00 NOR FR ] [ ] [ C>02 U00 D00 A 1C门状态 描述1) ][ ][ 前后/门状态 ][前门关闭[]前门打开 <>开门中 ><关门中 **没有定义门状态事件信息 描述2) >TCI-LOCK 轿顶检修锁定>LS-FAULT 1LS或2LS故障>Start-DCS 启动门测试呼叫 呼叫类型/楼层数3) C 轿厢呼叫 u 厅外上呼 D 厅外下呼 E 医院紧急呼叫4) 02 输入02电梯运行到三层 A – 01 >TCI-LOCK ! C U00 D00 A 1C1)2)4)3)7M-1-1-1召唤模式Au00 NOR FR ] [ ] [C> U01 D00 A 1C 呼梯状态 描述1) 01 向上呼梯数量2) 00 向下呼梯数量载重状态 描述A 防捣乱F 满载 P 高峰O 超载D 默认群组电梯信息1C 群组里可用电梯数量电源供应信息C 正常电源E 紧急电源供应 1)2)Au00 NOR FR ] [ ] [C> U01 D00 A 1C Au00 NOR FR ] [ ] [C> U01 D00 A 1C Au00 NOR FR ] [ ] [C> U01 D00 A 1C8M112监控输入信号A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ ins es DW DFC上图显示输入状态,字母小写表示没有动作,字母大写表示动作,按GO ON或GOBACK件可以循环查看所以输入状态信号状态 描述1) ins 检修2) es 急停3) DW 厅门4) DFC 轿门1)2)3)4)9M113监控输出信号A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [ U d T g 1)2)3) 4)左图显示输出状态,字母小写表示没有动作,字母大写表示动作,按GO ON 或GOBACK 件可以循环查看所以输入状态信号状态 描述1) U 上行2) d 下行3) T 快速4) g 慢门10M114 监控群控信号A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [B – 03 IDL ST ] [ ] [3台群控 A 、B、C电梯,按GO ON或 GO BACK件可以循环查看A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [C – 07 IDL ST ] [ ] [A – 00 IDL ST ] [ ] [*** *** *** ****单台电梯“GO ON”11M121 故障记录 (快捷键 shift+6)00000 total runs00000 minutes on0400 RSL parity C002 t00001 P**1) 00000 电梯运行次数2) 00000 系统上电分钟数 故障记录3) 0400 RSL parity 故障代码和信息 4) C002 故障次数5) t00001 故障时间6) P ** 故障时没有定义位置标识解释1)2)3)4)5)6)M121 故障记录13M124进入远程站测试功能M124进入远程站测试功能15M1311设置安装参数 (快捷键 shift+4) INSTALL-MENU >01 SYSTEM 000 System newTOP = 004>安装功能下共有十组菜单,按相应数字健或GO ON或GO BACK键ENTER可以进入。



焊接质量管理信息系统用户使用手册(Reference to Control WQ MIS Software)目录前言......................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。

1.软件简介.. (3)2.系统登陆 (3)3.焊接信息管理模块操作说明 (5)3.1.焊接信息管理(Isome. Dwg. And Joint Data) (6)3.2. 试压信息管理(Test loop Registration) (13)3.3. 设计变更信息管理(FRI Information) (15)4. 无损检测信息管理模块操作说明 (18)4.1. RT检测 (19)4.2. Other NDT 检测 (31)5. 报表及信息查询管理模块操作说明 (40)5.1. 焊工信息查询及报表(Welder Details) (42)5.2. 进度信息查询及报表(Process Status Report) (44)5.3. 无损检测信息查询及报表(NDT/RT Report) (62)6. 系统设置管理操作说明 (63)6.1. 标准数据定义(Standards Data) (64)6.2. 焊工及焊接指导手册信息管理(Welder/WPS No. list) (75)6.3. 系统数据库管理(System Data ) (76)6.4. 用户权限管理(User Management) (80)7. 材料库信息管理操作说明 (82)7.1. 炉批号信息管理(Heat No. List) (83)1.软件简介本焊接质量管理信息系统(WQ MIS)为合作开发的质量管理软件,其目的为提高企业的焊接质量管理控制水平,推进规范化管理进程,满足科学质量管理的需要,将质量管理的过程透明化,流程化。



1Fristam离心泵FPE/FP..V 系列21. 拆卸 4 1.1 总则 4 1.2 叶轮 4 1.3 完全拆卸 42. 装配 4 2.1 总则 4 2.1.1 设定间隙 4 2.1.2 螺钉紧固扭矩 5 2.2 FPE的装配 5 2.3 FPE带双轴封5341. 拆卸1.1 总则1. 切断泵的电源使之不工作.2. 若已安装就位,关闭吸入管和流出管的截止阀. 3. 拆除吸入口和排出口的连接,从系统中移出泵.如果泵送的是危险品,必须遵守安全生产法则.高抛光表面: 在拆装叶轮螺母的时候,请使用软金属工具(例如铜),以避免损伤.1.2 叶轮与轴封旋开泵盖排空泵,如有必要请清洁. 旋下叶轮螺母.把叶轮从轴和滑键上取出. 参照相关说明,小心取下轴封.1.3 完全拆卸旋下位于泵壳和卡盘间的六角螺钉(仅适用于1051/2, 1151/2, 1231/2, 1251/2, 101/102-200, 101/102-250). 拆下泵壳.旋开电机法兰与卡盘间的紧固螺丝. 取下卡盘.旋开胀紧套上的螺丝. 从箝位环上释放压紧环. 从电机轴上取下泵的套轴. 从泵的套轴上取下胀紧套.2.装配2.1 总则装配泵以前,必须完成以下几点: 清洁各部件. 清洁各密封面.为了保证精确安装,必须检查所有部件,如必要,损坏的部件应重新加工,但不包括轴封的滑动表面. 必须更换已磨损的部件. 装配前必须更换O 型圈和垫圈.2.1.1 设定间隙泵的间隙须根据表1重新设置.泵的型号轴向间隙 叶轮/泵盖 轴向间隙 叶轮/泵壳711/712 721/722741/7423401/3402 3521/35220.5mm 3531/3532 0.5mm 1.0mm 3541/3542 3451/34523551/3552 751/7521.0mm1051/1052 0.7mm 0.6mm 1151/1152 2.0mm 1231/12321251/1252 1.0mm 1.5mm101/102-200101/102-2500.5mm 1.2mm表1 间隙尺寸52.1.2 螺钉紧固扭矩必须遵守下表的螺钉紧定扭矩.M6 M8 M10 M12 M16M20Nm 10 25 49 85 210420表2:等级8.8钢螺钉M6 M8M10 M12 M16 M20Nm 7.3 17.5 35 60144281表3:不锈钢螺钉 A2-70 和 A4-702.2 泵的装配1. 从电机轴上取下滑键.2. 擦净电机轴上的油脂,套上泵的套轴. 3. 把滑键嵌入电机轴(仅适用电机> 30 kW). 4. 在电机轴肩处涂一圈密封胶(例如Stucarit 309). 5. 把带胀紧套的套轴推至电机轴轴肩处. 6. 旋紧胀紧套上的内六角螺钉至十字位置(见表4).M5 M6 Nm 612 表4: 胀紧套上的锁紧螺钉紧定扭矩 7. 检查套轴的同心度和直线度,同心度依据下表: 电机功率 ≤ 30 kW > 30 kW mmmax. 0.06max. 0.088. 把卡盘装在电机法兰上. 9. 将轴封壳或带密封的静环嵌入泵壳,确保安装可靠(依照相关的说明文件). 10. 用螺钉把泵壳与卡盘固定在一起,并用手拧紧. 11. 安装轴封的前端密封,剪断尼龙环,嵌入轴螺纹后端的凹槽中. 12. 在叶轮螺母中嵌入O 型圈,把叶轮推入泵轴,在确保不翘曲时旋紧叶轮螺母,紧定扭矩为100Nm. 13. 通过调整泵壳进入卡盘的距离来设置泵盖/叶轮/泵体间的间隙, (仅适用于711/2,721/2,741/2)通过在泵壳和法兰装上薄垫片来调整间隙(仅适用于1051/2, 1151/2, 1231/2, 1251/2, 101/102-200, 101/102-250) (参见表1).卡盘连接法兰连接14. 用下面的力矩来旋紧卡盘紧固螺钉:- M10 用 45 Nm - M12 用 75 Nm或者根据指定扭矩旋紧六角螺钉.泵壳上并旋紧.2.3 带双轴封的泵1. 从电机轴上取下滑键.2. 擦净电机轴上的油脂,套上泵的套轴.对于FPE 带径向垫圈的需先将径向垫圈安装到轴护套上.3. 用一段空心管(大约长120mm~150mm)把轴护套推到轴上.空心管内径:23 mm (用于22 mm 轴), 36 mm (用于35 mm 轴).仅适用FPE 带 22mm 轴: 把安上径向垫圈的泵盖装在泵壳上,进液管必须保持垂直,然后用手旋紧调整螺钉.4. 把滑键嵌入电机轴(仅适用电机> 30 kW ).5. 在电机轴肩处涂一圈密封胶(例如Stucarit 309). 6. 把带胀紧套的套轴推至电机轴肩处. 7. 旋紧胀紧套上的内六角螺钉至十字位置(见表4).8. 检查套轴的同心度和直线度,同心度依据下表:电机功率 ≤ 30 kW > 30 kWmmmax. 0.06 max. 0.0869. 把卡盘装在电机法兰上.仅适用FP...V: 把轴封的后密封装到轴上(依照相关的说明文件). 10. 将轴封壳或带密封的静环嵌入泵壳,确保安装可靠(依照相关的说明文件). 11. 把泵壳与卡盘间安在一起,用手拧紧螺钉. 12. 进液管在旋入密封盖之前,须把密封胶涂在螺纹上. 13. 安装轴封的前端密封,剪断尼龙环,嵌入轴螺纹后端的凹槽中. 14. 在叶轮螺母中嵌入O 型圈,把叶轮推入泵轴,在确保不翘曲时旋紧叶轮螺母,紧定扭矩为100Nm. 15. 通过调整泵壳进入卡盘的距离来设置泵盖/叶轮/泵体间的间隙, 通过在泵壳和卡盘装上薄垫片来调整间隙(仅适用于1051/2, 1151/2, 1231/2, 1251/2, 101/102-200, 101/102-250) (参见表1).16. 用下面的力矩来旋紧卡盘紧固螺钉:- M10 用 45 Nm - M12 用 75 Nm或者根据指定扭矩旋紧六角螺钉. 17. 把带O 型圈的泵盖装在泵壳上并旋紧.在装配叶轮时,必须检查尼龙环是否就位,以及叶轮是否能自由转动.7Fristam自吸泵FZ 系列89目 录1. 概论 10 7. 取消运转 14 1.1 产品应用 108. 保养 142. 安全 10 8.1 概述14 2.1 操作手册中的标识说明 10 8.2 保养说明 14 2.2 人员资格及培训 10 8.2.1 A,B,C,D 形式 142.3 不遵守安全说明的危害 10 8.2.2 用于轴承座形式的电机 14 2.4 自觉安全生产 11 8.2.3 K-和KF-轴承支架 形式 142.5 对于用户和操作者的安全说明 11 8.2.4 轴承座 114 2.6 对于保养,检查和安装的安全说明 11 8.2.5 轴承座 2,3,3V,414 2.7 未经授权的更改和备件加工 11 8.2.6 双轴封14 2.8 不允许的操作方法 11 8.3 润滑剂图表15 11 8.4 拆卸 153. 运输与储存 11 8.4.1 叶轮和轴封15 3.1 安全措施 11 8.4.2 更多的拆卸16 3.2 运输 11 A,B,C,D 形式(特殊电机)16 3.3 泵的储存 12 K 和KF 形式16 3.4 外界环境变化而采取的保护措施 12 轴承座形式16 8.5 装配16 4. 泵和其它附件 12 8.5.1 概述 164.1 概述 12 轴向间隙16 4.2 型号 12 螺钉紧固扭矩16 8.5.2 FZ 的装配16 5. 安装和固定 13 A,B,C,D 形式(特殊电机)17 5.1 了解安装现场的信息 13 K 和KF 形式17 5.2 安装前的检查 13 轴承座形式17 5.3 电力安装13 17 5.4 管路 13 9. 备件 17 5.4.1 概述13 5.4.2 液位 13 10. 问题,原因,采取措施18 5.4.3 拆焊流体管路 136. 投入运转 136.1 概述13 6.2 特别提醒14 6.2.1 双轴封14 6.2.2 轴承座 14 6.2.3 控制和监测设备 14101. 概论此操作说明书适用于所有FZ 系列.在安装和操作泵之前,请认真阅读此说明书和安全说明.1.1 产品应用参见订单文件,适用于下列产品:奶制品: 原料奶, 奶油,乳清.食品: 动物和植物油,稀脂肪,蛋黄酱,香精,全蛋.酿造: 酵母水,啤酒,CIP 溶液.不含酒精饮料: 浓缩果汁,葡萄汁,浓缩果浆.酒精工业: 葡萄酒,利口酒,蒸馏液.医药/化妆品/生物工程: 植物精华液, 香水, 洗(发,肤)液,有毒溶液,含酒精溶液,营养液.化学品: 显影乳液, 清洁液,酸碱溶液.并且可以在以下生产过程中应用:CIP 系统中循环清洁液 酿酒厂中取样(FZP) 乳化和均质排泄生产线废液 填充和排空罐 水处理排空桶,容器,坑和井的液体 支持过滤和灌装设备 萃取 排空瓶 发酵2. 安全此操作手册中包含在安装,操作,保养过程中,几个必须遵守的重要基本指示.因此,装配工,操作工,保养工人必须阅读此手册,并且在机器系统现场时,请将此手册放在手边,以便随时查阅.除了包含在安全标题,特殊安全提示(例如特别提醒)下的安全说明,其它标题下的安全说明也必须遵守.2.1 操作手册中的标识说明如果不遵守手册中的安全说明,对于将会危及人身安全的,我们用通用危险符号来警示.安全标志依照 DIN 4844-W9 或通过电压警告标志来警示.安全标志依照 DIN 4844-W8对于会危及机器或其机能的,我们用嵌入框中的 CAUTION 来警示.对于至关重要的警示,我们将直接标在机器上,例如: 旋转方向箭头 流体连接标志请遵守这些警示并保持警示完好无损.2.2 人员资格及培训担任操作,保养,检查和安装的人员,须有相应的资格.人员的责任,义务,管理的范围必须被明确的确定.如果不具备相应的知识,就应接受培训或教育.如需要,可由机器的制造商或销售商来培训. 此外,用户须确保相关人员完全理解本手册内容.2.3 不遵守安全说明的危害不遵守安全说明将会危及人身安全,环境和机器. 不遵守安全说明将会失去得到赔偿的权利.下面是一些由于不遵守安全说明而导致危险的例子:重要的机器/系统功会出现故障 进行保养和维修时会出现问题 由于电,机器,化学品而导致的人身危害由于危险物质泄漏而导致的环境危害112.4 自觉安全生产操作手册中包含的安全说明,现有的国家事故防范条例和用户自行发布的任何内部工作,操作及安全规则都必须遵守.2.5 对于用户和操作者的安全说明●过热或过冷的机器部件会带来危险,用户要确保它不会被身体触到.●机器运转时,要远离活动部件(例如连轴器).●处理危险流体(例如爆炸,有毒,高温)的泄漏(例如轴密封损坏),要用对人身和环境无害的方式进行.必须遵守法规规定.●须防止因电力产生的危险(例如阅读德国电力工程师协会的出版物(VDE),以及本地电力公司的详细资料).2.6 对于保养,检查和安装的安全说明用户必须确保在所有的保养,检查,安装工作中,都须由真正的具有相关知识的有资格的人员来进行,而且必须深入的学习此操作手册.须将机器停止后才能进行上述工作,必须严格遵守此手册中规定的关机程序.必须消除泵或泵送装置输送的会危及健康的介体带来的危险.完成工作后,所有的安全和保护装置必须被重新装好,恢复到原来状态.在进入或回到运行状态之前,须遵守标题为”投入运转”章节下的几点说明(见第6章).2.7 未经授权的更改和备件加工要更改或改造机器,必须与制造商咨询后才能进行.由制造商授权的原装备件和附件能提高安全性.对于使用其它厂家部件而导致的后果是不负责任的.2.8 不允许的操作方法只有当正确使用时,机器的运转才能确保安全.不允许超越此系列文件规定的限定值.3. 运输与储存 3.1 安全措施在运输泵之前,须保证泵不会掉下,例如:检查吊绳是否牢靠 检查吊钩螺栓是否松动3.2 运输根据泵的重量和大小来选择运输方式. 运输泵可用吊车,低起升托盘叉车或手动叉车,例如: a)用吊车吊车和吊绳须保证有足够的承受力和强度.电机的吊钩并不适合用来吊升或运输泵.b) 用低起升托盘叉车或手动叉车123.3 泵的储存储存泵的地方应满足下列条件:干燥 防灰温度大约20-25摄氏度 通风良好泵在储存前必须清洗干净.否则泵送介质的残渣会变硬而损害泵.泵在清洗后,在密封吸入口和排出口前,泵内部须擦干保持干燥.3.4 外界环境变化而采取的保护措施当空气湿度很高时(>50%),建议用硅胶涂满泵身达到密封作用.当泵用防水油布包裹时,要注意防止水汽的凝结.当储存泵的时间很长(超过6个月),在投入使用时,要小心检查密封,轴承,润滑油.另外,活动部件每3个月要转动一次.4. 泵和其它附件4.1 概述除了FZP 10 以外,所有的FRISTAM FZ 离心泵都是自吸式的.FZ 泵能使吸入管线自己排气,并且能输送含大量气体的流体.FRISTAM FZP 10离心泵是一种不能自吸的取样泵.FZ 和FZP 10都能达到很高的出口压头和陡峭的Q-H 性能.其功耗随着渐增的流量而减小.由于我们使用了致密的铸造和锻造不锈钢,从而保证了FRISTAM 离心泵的高可靠性.我们使用的是开式叶轮.根据需要,FZ 可以安装单轴封或双轴封.根据需要,泵壳和泵盖上可以安装加热冷却罩.4.2 型号A,B,C,D: 特殊电机K: 紧凑型轴承支架和IEC 标准电机B3/B5规格KF: 带底座的紧凑型轴承支架和IEC 标准电机B5规格L: 带连轴器的轴承底座,连轴器防护罩,IEC 标准电机B3规格,都安装在底座上的型式.FZP 10: 带卡盘的IEC 标准电机B3/B5规格以上型式都可以带卫生防尘罩和调整脚.135. 安装和固定5.1 了解安装现场的信息在安装泵之前必须确保:1. 底座能完全承受泵的重量.2. 安装面是水平的.3. 有足够的空间进行维修工作.4. 电机风扇后面有适当的空间,保证充分的空气流通以使电机冷却.5. 安装房间的声音特性应符合法律所允许的最大声压的规定.6. 安装的地点应适合泵的运行,例如泵不能运行在有潜在爆炸危险的环境中.如果泵没装备防爆电机,则绝对不能在易爆的环境操作.在安装过程中,要小心操作,确保泵没有受外力的影响而变形.避免泵的变形要做到:对齐泵与管线的连接用角尺调整对齐在泵前或泵后的管线安上支撑托减轻管线对泵的压力5.2 安装前的检查泵在运转前必须清洗干净.而且须确保没有杂质通过系统进入泵.5.3 电力安装遵守关于电的有关规定.注意铭牌上的额定负载,不准超过其值.只有有资格的人员才能安装泵与电源的连接.请依照接线盒里的电路图来接电. 注意保护接线盒和电缆护套,防止受潮.5.4 管路5.4.1 概述要确保泵运行过程中没有麻烦,必须遵守下列安装指示:避免突然的管路过渡避免沉积要保持管路内的低阻力,尽可能少的安装阀,弯头,节流片等等.5.4.2 液位在运转前,泵吸入端口和泵都须用泵送介质充满,至少要超过排出端口.泵在运转期间,要确保不能空转.泵的流量至少要达到Q/H 曲线规定的最小值.5.4.3 拆焊流体管路在输送管路中安装节流阀. 在排出管路中安装流量表.6. 投入运转6.1 概述清洗泵清洗管路系统用水预清洗泵及管路然后排空确保泵的排出管路系统没有关闭,因为这会导致泵流量小于Q/H 曲线上的最小流量,会使泵损坏,以及流体品质的下降.141. 把泵送流体注满泵.如果配备,以规定的压力(参见表1)启动密封液系统.2. 允许泵启动一下,但最多不超过一秒钟.3. 如果电机风扇是顺时针方向旋转的,则表明电机连接正确.检查旋转方向在干式环境下运转泵会损害轴密封.泵是双轴封时,必须确保在运转前,已经有流体流过轴封.错误的旋转方向会损坏单旋向的轴封. 过长时间的关闭排出管路,会损害泵送流体,也有可能损坏泵送设备.最大转速不能超过1800 rpm.6.2 特别提醒6.2.1 双轴封确保冲洗压力是正确的(见表1). 密封液必须是干净的,不含磨蚀的成分.密封液的温度不能超过 70 摄氏度.6.2.2 轴承座检查油位,必要时加满. 装上连轴器防护罩.6.2.3 控制和监测设备如果配备,请看订单文件相关详细的介绍7. 取消运转如果配备,关闭吸入管路和排出管路中的阀. 排空泵 清洗泵 干燥泵保护泵免受环境影响(注意防灰,防湿,防热等等).8. 保养8.1概述对泵时常进行保养是必要的,否则泵的效率和使用寿命都会受到影响.在进行任何保养工作之前,必须先切断电源.切断电源8.2 保养说明8.2.1 A,B,C,D 形式电机有一个固定轴承在驱动端.电机轴承是永久润滑的不能再加润滑油.电机轴端的尺寸必须保证至少要达到,表3中规定的最小轴向间隙的要求.8.2.2 用于轴承座形式的电机电机轴承不能再注油润滑.如果磨损了,则必须更换轴承.8.2.3 K-和KF-轴承支架 形式圆柱滚子轴承应该每工作3000小时就上一次润滑油(参见8.3润滑剂图表).滚珠轴承不能再加润滑油.在运转阶段,一个新的轴承温度会很高,运转一段时间后温度就会降低. 电机轴端的尺寸必须保证至少要达到,表3中规定的最小轴向间隙的要求.8.2.4 轴承座 1轴承应该每工作3000小时就应清洁一次并且上一次润滑油(参见8.3润滑剂图表).8.2.5 轴承座 2,3,3V,4定期检查油位.请参见8.3润滑剂图表来更换润滑油.运行时的温度会使油渐渐挥发. 在重新密封前,清洗排油塞和密封.电机轴端的尺寸必须保证至少要达到,表3中规定的最小轴向间隙的要求.8.2.6 双轴封检查密封液的压力,请与表1里的信息相一致.轴密封型式最大冲洗压力P[bar]面对面 P=0.2背对背P=系统压力+0.5表1 冲洗压力对于特殊型式的请参见订单文件.8.3 润滑剂图表润滑剂更换间隔润滑剂数量A,B,C,D,形式深槽滚珠轴承为终生润滑.如必要,请更换整个轴承.深槽滚珠轴承轴承为终生润滑.如必要,请更换整个轴承.圆柱滚子轴承Darina Grease 2 3000小时规格1:大约20g规格2:大约40g规格3:大约60g紧凑型轴承支架形式IEC标准电机轴端COPASLIP 每次装配前大约5g轴承座1 Darina Grease 2 3000小时每个轴承大约20g 轴承座2 AralubVitamDE46 3000小时大约1升IEC标准电机参见电机操作手册中的润滑说明表 2润滑剂图表也可使用其它牌子的润滑剂,但等级和粘度必须相符. 润滑剂型号ARAL BP DEA/Texaco ELF ESSO MobilShell紧凑型轴承支架圆柱滚子轴承AralubHTR 2EnergreaseHTGParagonEP 2GRX500HTGrease275Mobiltemp SHC100DarinaGrease 2轴承座 1 AralubHTR 2 EnergreaseHTGParagonEP 2GRX500HTGrease275Mobiltemp SHC100DarinaGrease 2轴承座 2 VitamDE 46 EnergolHLP-DActisHLPD46ElfolnaHLPDHLPD-Oel 46HLPD46HydrolDO 468.4 拆卸切断泵的电源(参见8.1)如果配备,关闭吸入管路和排出管路中的阀.拆下吸入/排出管接头,把泵从系统中取下.如果泵送的是危险流体,必须遵守法规和安全生产的规定.8.4.1 叶轮和轴封旋下泵盖倒空泵,如有必要请清洗.旋下叶轮螺母.把叶轮从轴上取下,并取下传动键.参见订单文件的说明,小心拆下轴封的可拆的零件.158.4.2 更多的拆卸8.4.2.1 A,B,C,D形式(特殊电机)卡盘连接的泵- 旋下卡盘螺丝- 从卡盘中拉出泵壳. K和KF 形式两种连接形式的差别:卡盘连接- 旋下卡盘螺钉.- 取下泵壳.- 旋下电机和轴承座间的螺钉.- 取下电机.法兰连接- 旋下轴承座和泵壳间的螺钉.- 取下泵壳.- 取下薄垫片.- 旋下电机和轴承座间的螺钉.- 取下电机. 轴承座形式卡盘连接- 旋下卡盘螺钉.- 取下泵壳.- 移走连轴器罩.- 依照订单文件的说明拆下联轴器. - 旋下电机和轴承座上的底座螺钉.法兰连接- 旋下轴承座和泵壳间的螺钉.- 取下泵壳.- 取下薄垫片.- 移走连轴器罩.- 依照订单文件的说明拆下联轴器. - 旋下电机和轴承座上的底座螺钉.8.5 装配8.5.1 概述在装配泵之前,必须完成下列操作:清洗零件.清洗密封面.检查所有零件的精度, 如有必要请重新加工.除了轴封的滑动表面.更换磨损的零件在装配前,通常须更换密封. 轴向间隙请参见表3设定轴向间隙值.泵的轴向间隙不能小于表3规定的最小值.泵的型号轴向间隙泵壳/叶轮叶轮螺母紧固扭矩FZP 100.3mm 42NmFZ 150.15-0.2mm 60NmFZ 170.15-0.2mm 100NmFZ 200.25-0.3mm 100NmFZ 220.35-0.4mm 70NmFZ 250.45-0.5mm 120Nm表3 间隙值8.5.1.2 螺钉紧固扭矩请遵照下表中的紧定扭矩.M6 M8 M10M12M16Nm10 25 49 85 210表4强度等级8.8的钢螺钉M6 M8 M10M12M16Nm7.3 17.5 35 69 144表5不锈钢螺钉A2-70和A4-708.5.2 FZ的装配两种连接形式的差别:卡盘连接法兰连接以上两种形式都可以装备单轴封或双轴封.装配轴封:装单轴封请执行步骤II.和III.装双轴封请执行步骤I.和III.请参见相关的订单文件.泵带卡盘连接:1.步骤I.在泵轴上推入后密封(驱动端).2.步骤II.把带密封的整个轴封壳装入泵壳中,注意不要移位.3.把泵壳推入卡盘,用手旋紧卡盘螺钉.4.步骤III.在轴上推入前密封(产品端).5.嵌入滑键,装上定位环和叶轮.6. 在叶轮螺母里嵌入密封环.确保叶轮没有翘曲,用100Nm的力矩旋紧螺母.167.通过移动卡盘接缝里的泵壳,来设定泵盖/叶轮和叶轮/泵壳的间隙尺寸(参见表3的间隙尺寸).8.根据下面的力矩值旋紧卡盘螺钉: - 特殊电机 M10用36 Nm- 其它 M10用45 NmM12用75 Nm9.把带密封的泵盖装到泵壳上,并旋紧泵盖螺母.每次安装叶轮时,须确保叶轮不能接触到泵壳的任何点.泵带法兰连接:1.步骤I.在泵轴上推入后密封(驱动端).2.步骤II.把带密封的整个轴封壳装入泵壳中,注意不要移位.3.旋紧泵壳,用薄垫片垫入传送部件(例如轴承座).4.步骤III.在轴上推入前密封(产品端).5.嵌入滑键,装上叶轮,并旋紧叶轮螺母.6.依照表3设定泵盖/叶轮和叶轮/泵壳的间隙尺寸.如果需要,请在泵壳和泵套筒之间装上薄垫片.7.定位住叶轮,依照表3的力矩旋紧螺母.8.把带密封的泵盖装到泵壳上,并旋紧泵盖螺母.每次安装叶轮时,须确保叶轮不能接触到泵壳的任何点. A,B,C,D形式(特殊电机)泵带卡盘连接:卡盘连接总是附在特殊电机上的.泵带法兰连接:泵壳和电机之间是连有泵罩的.在安装电机前,泵罩必须旋紧到泵壳上. K和KF 形式电机的安装1.在电机延伸轴上嵌入一个塑料键.2.用含铜的润滑脂涂满电机延伸轴和塑料键.3.把紧凑型轴承架和电机连接起来并旋紧.只能嵌入塑料键. 轴承座形式轴承座,连轴器,电机的安装.1.把轴承座旋紧到底座上.2.在轴承座和电机间嵌入连轴器并且对齐(参见订单文件).3.把电机旋紧到底座上.4.装上连轴器防护罩.5.检查润滑油液位,必要时加满(不支持轴承座1).9. 备件仅允许使用Fristam原厂备件,我们不授权使用别的厂家的配件.为了确保能及时的提供备件,我们需要下列信息:1. 泵的型号及编号.2. 组件清单序列号.Components list no.3. 相关的备件编号.4. 所要求的材料.5. 相关的备件数量171810. 问题 原因采取措施a.电机旋转方向错误电机上的电线接头错误,打开接线盒重新连接b.电机转速太低(电压错误) 根据机器铭牌检查供电电压 c.叶轮没有设定正确 检查叶轮间隙并重新设定 输出压力太小d.泵送介质粘度太高联系Fristam 技术部门a.电机旋转方向错误电机上的电线接头错误,打开接线盒重新连接b.吸入管路和/或排出管路阻力太大 增加管路直径和/或减少管弯头和阀的数量 c.泵送介质粘度太高 联系Fristam 技术部门 流量太低d.叶轮没有设定正确检查叶轮间隙并重新设定 a.泵送介质粘度太高 联系Fristam 技术部门 b.叶轮没有设定正确检查叶轮间隙并重新设定电机功耗过高c.排出管路阻力太小(流量太高)控制速度,例如用变频器,或在排出管路中安装一个控制阀a.吸入管路阻力太高 增加吸入管路直径和/或减少吸入管路长度b.叶轮碰到泵壳 检查叶轮间隙并重新设定 噪声过大c.轴承磨损更换轴承如果您不能确定以及采取措施后仍不能解决问题,我们Fristam 技术部门将随时为您服务.联系我们时,请提供下列信息:1. 运行条件,状况,环境.2. 请您详细准确的描述出现的问题.3. 泵的型号规格及序列号.4. 如果可能,请画一张泵的安装草图.19Fristam转子泵FL/FKL 系列2021目 录1. 概论 22 5.4.5 排出管路 25 1.1 产品应用 22 5.4.6 拆焊流体管路 252. 安全 22 6. 投入运转 26 2.1 操作手册中的标识说明 22 6.1 概述 26 2.2 人员资格及培训 22 6.2 特别提醒 26 2.3 不遵守安全说明的危害 23 6.2.1 双轴封 26 2.4 自觉安全生产 23 6.2.3 控制和监测设备 26 2.5 对于用户和操作者的安全说明 23 2.6 对于保养,检查和安装的安全说明 23 7. 取消运转 26 2.7 未经授权的更改和备件加工 23 2.8 不允许的操作方法 23 8. 保养 268.1 概述 26 3. 运输与储存 23 8.2 双轴封 26 3.1 安全措施 23 8.3 润滑剂图表 27 3.2 运输 23 8.3.1 FLFN 用润滑油和润滑油脂 27 3.3 泵的储存 24 8.3.2 FKL 用润滑油 27 3.4 外界环境变化而采取的保护措施 248.4 拆卸 28 4. 泵和其它附件 24 8.4.1 拆卸泵头 28 4.1 概述 24 8.5 装配 28 4.2 型号 24 8.5.1 概述 28 4.2.1 凸轮转子泵FL 的类型 24 螺钉紧固扭矩 28 不检查转子间隙的装配 288.5.2 检查转子间隙的装配 29 5. 安装和固定 25 测量转子间隙前的工作 29 5.1 了解安装现场的信息 25 设定完间隙后的装配 30 5.2 安装前的检查 25 5.3 电力安装 25 9. 备件 30 5.4 管路 25 5.4.1 概述 25 10. 问题,原因,采取措施 31 5.4.2 吸入管路 25 5.4.3 输送管路 25 5.4.4 液位25221.概论此操作说明书适用于所有FL 系列. 在安装和操作泵之前,请认真阅读此说明书和安全说明.1.1 产品应用下列应用范围会随产品的变化而变化,但基本可以包括:奶制品: 奶油,酸乳酪,酸奶,牛奶冻,黄油,牛奶,脱脂奶和浓缩奶,甜品,乳清,涂布干酪.食品: 动植物油和脂肪,沙司, 汤,蛋类产品,预制谷粉,色拉,蛋糕混合粉,果酱,番茄酱,婴儿食品,蜂蜜,苹果泥.酿造酒,非酒精及酒精饮料:蛋黄酒,汽酒,酵母,浓缩果汁,糖浆,麦芽汁.医药/化妆品: 预制油膏,洗(发,肤)液,植物精华液,泡沫浴露,香波,化妆面霜,牙膏.生物工程; 细胞悬浮液,营养液,酶.食糖/糖果: 糖浆,糖蜜,淀粉液,巧克力,煮沸的糖果液,太妃糖,甘草液,果仁馅料,软糖.化学品: 显影乳剂,胶水,合成树脂溶液,明胶,塑料分散液.肉和鱼制品: 血,香肠馅料,鱼籽酱,肉鱼色拉酱.并且可以在以下生产过程中应用:填充和排空 加压 蒸发浓缩 增稠浓缩 乳化 排气 萃取 发酵 过滤 均质 结晶 析出分离 传输 干燥2. 安全此操作手册中包含在安装,操作,保养过程中,几个必须遵守的重要基本指示.因此,装配工,操作工,保养工人必须阅读此手册,并且在机器系统现场时,请将此手册放在手边,以便随时查阅.除了包含在安全标题,特殊安全提示(例如特别提醒)下的安全说明,其它标题下的安全说明也必须遵守.2.1 操作手册中的标识说明如果不遵守手册中的安全说明,对于将会危及人身安全的,我们用通用危险符号来警示.安全标志依照DIN 4844-W9 或通过电压警告标志来警示.安全标志依照 DIN 4844-W8对于会危及机器或其机能的,我们用嵌入框中的 CAUTION 来警示.对于至关重要的警示,我们将直接标在机器上,例如: 旋转方向箭头 流体连接标志请遵守这些警示并保持警示完好无损.2.2 人员资格及培训担任操作,保养,检查和安装的人员,须有相应的资格.人员的责任,义务,管理的范围必须被明确的确定.如果不具备相应的知识,就应接受培训或教育.如需要,可由机器的制造商或销售商来培训. 此外,用户须确保相关人员完全理解本手册内容.。



DEEP FAT FRYERMODEL 510FStarManufacturing International Inc.10 Sunnen Drive St. Louis, MO 63143Phone: (314) 781-2777Fax: (314) 781-3636Installationand Operating Instructions2M-Y9203 Rev. E 2/18/04SPECIFICATIONSMODEL 510F 120VCapacity:10 Lbs. FatElectrical:120V; 50/60 cycle; single phase; 1.8kw; 15A Dimensions:18" D x 11" W x 14" HNet Weight:20 Lbs.MODEL 510F 120V CSACapacity:10 Lbs. FatElectrical:120V; 50/60 cycle; single phase; 1.8kw; 15A, Cord rated 20A Dimensions:18" D x 11" W x 14" HNet Weight:20 Lbs.MODEL 510F 240VCapacity:10 Lbs. FatElectrical:240V; 50/60 cycle; single phase; 2.6kw; 10.8A Dimensions:18" D x 11" W x 14" HNet Weight:20 Lbs.This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance instructions in the manual accompanying the appliance.RETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCENOTICEUsing any part other than genuine Star factory supplied parts relieves the manufacturer of all liability.NOTICEStar reserves the right to change specifications and product design without notice. Such revisions do not entitle the buyer to corre-sponding changes, improvements, additions or replacements for previously purchased equipment.MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRSContact your local authorized service agent for service or required maintenance. Refer to the authorized service center listing provided with the unit. The Star Service Help Desk (1-800-807-9054) is available during normal business hours to answer any questions that may arise. Please have your model number and serial number for faster service.SAFETY SYMBOLCAUTIONThis equipment is designed and sold for commercial use only by personnel trained and experienced in its operation and is not sold for consumer use in and around the home nor for use directly by the general public in food service locations. INSTALLATIONThese fryers are equipped for the voltage and wattage indicated on the nameplate mounted to the element housing and are designed for use on alternating current (AC) only.CAUTIONDO NOT CONNECT TO DIRECT CURRENT (DC).GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS These fryers are designed to a 10 lb. maximum capacity of fat.Follow these simple steps for setting up the fryer: 1.Be sure the switch is in the OFF position. Plug thecord into a suitable receptacle. The receptacle should match the plug.2.Adding Fat: Replace kettle and swing the elementdown, making fryer ready for use. Add fat. A fat level line on the rear of the kettle will guide you in determining the minimum cold fat level (the fryer has a 10 lb. capacity). A higher fat level can be used when frying bulky foods, such as chicken or fish cakes. The fat level should be chosen carefully so that the foaming action of the fat does not spill out of the kettle. If solid shortening is used, pack carefully around the element.3.Controls:a.ON/OFF Two-Pole Switch - Located on thefront control panel is a two-pole switch whichturns power on or off. An indicator light (top)is located on the control housing.b.Thermostat Control - Located on the controlhousing, this control allows you to select thedesired frying temperature. A signal light(bottom) indicates when the element is on.When the light goes off, the desiredtemperature has been reached.c.HI-Limit Thermostat - Should fat temperaturesreach 450°, this control will shut off the power.Both lights on the control panel will go out.The fat temperature must cool to 400° F andthe manual reset button located on the backpanel of the control housing must be pressedto restore operation. Should HI-Limit controlactivate twice in succession, the primarythermostat should be checked for malfunctionby a qualified service technician.4.Frying: After fat has been added, turn the switchon and set the thermostat at 200°. After the fat has melted, turn the thermostat to the desired setting.Included in this instruction manual is a frying chart and some helpful hints on fat use. After the selected fat temperature has been reached, slowly lower 1/3 filled basket into the fat. Do not overload basket, as this causes foods to be improperly fried. NOTE: Baskets should be allowed to drain after frying cycle. The kettle handles serve as basket holders.CAUTIONHOT FAT IS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS. DO NOT COME IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH HOTFAT.5.Idling: During idle periods turn thermostat controlto approximately 200°. The fast recovery fryers can be brought up to frying temperature in a matter of minutes. Lowering the temperature during idle periods saves fuel costs and prolongs fat life.6.Draining kettle: Turn switch to "OFF". Raise elementto the first stop and allow to drain. Raise the element to the vertical position and siphon the oil out of the kettle. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE KETTLE FILLED WITH HOT OIL. If you do not have a siphon, order one from your dealer or dip the oil out and strain into a container. After oil has been removed, remove the kettle and clean.7.Cleaning the exterior: The exterior surfaces canbe cleaned by regularly wiping with a soft cloth.Any discoloration can be removed with a non-abrasive cleaner.CAUTIONDO NOT OPERATE UNIT WITHOUT FAT. CHECK FAT LEVEL FREQUENTLY.DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER AT ANY TIME. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRSContact the factory or one of its representatives or a local service company for service or maintenance if required.RETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCECAUTIONS FOR ALL DEEP FAT FRYERSNEVER LEAVE AN OPERATING FRYER UNATTENDEDREMEMBER HOT OIL IS DANGEROUS - RESPECT IT!9.Be sure your energy supply is installed properly and in accordance with the lo-cal and national codes. There should be a convenient switch or gas valve, readily available, close to the fryer for such a shut-offprocedure.10.See that all of your help understand thehazards of hot fat. Instruct them on the proper action to take if something does not seem to be acting properly.11.Instruct your personnel on what to do ifthere is a fat fire. Do not use water on an oil fire! Use only fire extinguishers of the approved type and never direct such extinguishers so as to blow the oil out of the oil container.12.Never allow water to get in hot fat.It can explode!1.Hot oil is dangerous - Severe burns can result when hot oil contacts the skin.2.Locate your fryer in a protected place so it cannot be knocked over or off its support.3.Keep your floors clean and free of grease so no one slips accidentally and contacts the hot fryer.4.Hot oil is flammable - Keep open flames away from it and its vapors.5.Keep areas and filters clean above your fryer - Oil soaked lint or dust can ignite easily and flames will spread rapidly.6.Install an automatic fire extinguisher over the fryer and in the exhaust duct.7.Have your equipment checked regularly to insure its safe and proper functioning.8.If your fryer starts to smoke or boil ab-normally, cut off the energy supply im-mediately and determine the reason for the smoking or boiling before attempt-ing to use it again.A number of commercial devices and materials are avail-able to aid in eliminating fat impurities. There are sev-eral excellent models of pressure filters as well as strainer-type filters, which, if used regularly, will prolong life of fat.However, no purification device will renew broken down or rancid fat or put new life into it. Once you have al-lowed fat to break down it becomes unsuitable for fry-ing — in fact browning is impossible.In addition to filtration, you can prolong the usefulness of fat by sweetening it with fresh compound every day -replacing about 15% of the bulk you started with. If you do enough frying so that normal absorption of fat in food amounts to 15% to 20% of the capacity of your kettle every day - then you can call that your turn-over food. It means you can add the recommended 15% of fresh fat without discarding any of the old.In three to six months you may spend as much for fat as you paid for your kettle. So fat is an item you want to know all about; how to select it; how to manage it. The more production you can get from each pound of fat,the more profitable your frying operation will be.To get a high rate of production per pound of fat you have to avoid two things. One is early breakdown and spoilage of the compound so that you have to throw it away before it does enough work to "earn its keep." The other is excessive sponging up of fat by the food being fried.The main cause of fat breakdown is excessive heat. On the other hand abnormal absorption is caused by frying too long at too low temperatures. One answer to both problems is exact control of heat — so that fat neither smokes up nor soaks up.Of course, no fat "keeps" forever. Not only heat, but air and moisture, salt particles and crumbs of food work to break it down. But you can slow up fat deterioration by maintaining proper temperatures and by draining your kettle, filtering or straining the fat once or twice a day and by keeping the kettle itself absolutely clean.1.Choose a fat that does not break down quickly.Hydrogenated shortening, corn, and peanut oils are less likely to break down under high temperatures.2.Do not fry foods at temperatures above those rec-ommended. The higher the fat temperature, the more rapid the rate of fat deterioration. Above 400°F fats quickly deteriorate.3.During short intervals between frying, turn the heat down. Do not keep heat on for long periods be-tween batches.4.Keep fat clean. Strain or filter daily or at end of each shift. Add at least 15% fresh fat to your kettle daily.5.At least once a day, cool a small amount of fat and taste it to see if it has picked up foreign flavors.6.Discard fat that tends to bubble excessively before food is added.7.Do not overload baskets-pieces should not touch when frying. Shake baskets to prevent food from sticking together. Fry similar sizes together.8.Never salt foods directly over fat, salt in fat re-duces its life.9.Raw, wet foods, such as potatoes and oysters,should be drained or wiped dry before frying to extend the life of the frying fat. Have foods to be fried at room temperature.10.Keep fat temperatures below smoking point to mini-mize frying odors.10 POINT PROGRAMTO PRESERVE FAT AND PRODUCE THE FINEST FRIED FOODSCARE OF FATHANDY FRYING CHARTTIME IN FOOD COATING PROCEDURE TEMP MINUTESPOTATOESStandard French Fries Cut in uniform pieces 1/2”3505-7 Blanch Only square the long way3503-1/2 Brown Only3503-1/2Long Branch Cut in uniform pieces 3/4”square the long way3507-10 Julienne (shoe string)Cut in uniform pieces 1/8”to 1/4” square the long way3503-6Chips Soak in cold running wateruntil water does not run milky3502-3CHICKENLarge Pieces Batter or Some prefer rolling in3259-1lSmall Pieces Breading seasoned flour, dipping in egg3407-10Pre-cooked wash, and frying3503-4FISHFillets (Large)Breading Select fillets of uniform3504Fillets (Small)or Batter size, skin out and dry.3503Oysters Breading Use Oyster liquor in batteror Batter or breading3505Clams Batter3501 Scallops Breading3504Shrimp Batter Some prefer soaking 1/2 hourin cold seasoned milk3503Smelts Breading Cut spinal cord several3504places to prevent curlingMEATSChicken Fried Steak Breading Sever all connecting membranesat one inch intervals to preventcurling3603-4 Cutlets Breading3503-4Chops Breading3403-4Meat Balls Breading orrolled in flour3404-6Brains Breading3403-5VEGETABLESAsparagus Batter or crumbs Pre-cook in salted water3503 Cauliflower Batter or crumbs Pre-cook and separate flowers3503Egg Plant Crumb Breading Peel, cut cross-wise into 1/4”slices3503Onions Light batter Slice thin, soak in milk fortwo hours3503FRITTERSFruit (bananas, pineapples, apricots, berries)Serve with fruit juice3503-5Corn Batter Serve with syrup or jelly3503-5 Vegetable (peas, green beans)Serve with tomato cheese sauce3505-8MISCELLANEOUSCroquettes Breading3603 Chinese Noodles3751-2 French Toast3751DOUGHNUTSCake3751-1/2 - 2 Yeast, raised3751Part# 2M-4497-2 11/03 RBThe foregoing warranty is in lieu of any and all other warranties expressed or implied and constitutes the entire warranty.FOR ASSISTANCEShould you need any assistance regarding the operation or maintenance of any Star equipment write, phone, fax, or e-mail our Service Department.In all correspondence mention the model number and the serial number of your unit and the voltage or type of gas you are using.ALL:* Pop-Up Toasters * Butter Dispensers * Pretzel Merchandisers * Pastry Display Cabinets * Nacho Chip Merchandisers * Accessories of any kind * Sneeze Guards * Pizza Ovens * Heat Lamps * Hot Cups * PumpsVisit our Website at: E-mail: ******************** For Fax-On-Demand Literature: (800) 807-9814THOROUGHLY INSPECT YOUR UNIT ON ARRIVALThis unit has been tested for proper operation before leaving our plant to insure delivery of your unit in perfect condition. However, there are instances in which the unit may be damaged in transit. In the event you discover any type of damage to your product upon receipt, you must immediately contact the transportation company who delivered the item to you and initiate your claim with same. If this procedure is not followed, it may affect the warranty status of the unit.LIMITED EQUIPMENT WARRANTYAll workmanship and material in Star products have a one (1) year limited warranty on parts and labor in the United States and Canada. Such warranty is limited to the original purchaser only and shall be effective from the date the equipment is placed in service. Star's obligation under this warranty is limited to the repair of defects without charge, by the factory authorized service agency or one of its sub-agencies. Models that are considered portable (see below) should be taken to the closest Star service agency, transportation prepaid.>Star will not assume any responsibility for loss of revenue.>On all shipments outside the United States and Canada, see International Warranty.*The warranty period for the JetStar series six (6) ounce popcorn machines is two (2) years.*The warranty period for the Chrome-Max Griddles is five (5) years on the griddle surface. See detailed warranty provided with unit.* The warranty period for Teflon/Dura-Tec coatings is one year under normal use and reasonable care. This warranty does not apply if damage occurs to Teflon/Dura-Tec coatings from improper cleaning, maintenance, use of metallic utensils, or abrasive cleaners. This warranty does not apply to the "non-stick” properties of such materials.>This warranty does not apply to "Special Products" but to regular catalog items only. Star's warranty on "Special Products" is six (6) months on parts and ninety (90)days on labor.>This warranty does not apply to any item that is disassembled or tampered with for any purpose other than repair by a Star Authorized Service Center or the ServiceCenter's sub-agency.>This warranty does not apply if damage occurs from improper installation, misuse, wrong voltage, wrong gas or operated contrary to the installation and operatinginstructions.>This warranty is not valid on Conveyor Ovens unless a "start-up/check-out" has been performed by a Factory Authorized Technician.PARTS WARRANTYParts that are sold to repair out of warranty equipment are warranted for ninety (90) days. The part only is warranted. Labor to replace the part is chargeable to the customer.SERVICES NOT COVERED BY WARRANTYPORTABLE EQUIPMENTStar will not honor service bills that include travel time and mileage charges for servicing any products considered "Portable" including items listed below. These products should be taken to the Service Agency for repair:1.Travel time and mileage rendered beyond the 50 mile radius limiteage and travel time on portable equipment (see below)bor to replace such items that can be replaced easily during a daily cleaning routine, ie; removable kettles on fryers, knobs, grease drawers on griddles, etc.4.Installation of equipment5.Damages due to improper installation6.Damages from abuse or misuse7.Operated contrary to the Operating and Installation Instructions 8.Cleaning of equipment 9.Seasoning of griddle plates10.Voltage conversions 11.Gas conversions12.Pilot light adjustment 13.Miscellaneous adjustments14.Thermostat calibration and by-pass adjustment 15.Resetting of circuit breakers or safety controls 16.Replacement of bulbs 17.Replacement of fuses18.Repair of damage created during transit, delivery, &installation OR created by acts of God* The Model 510F Fryer* The Model 526TO Toaster Oven* The Model J4R, 4 oz. Popcorn Machine * The Model CFS Series Food Steamer * The Model 526WO Warming Oven* The Model 518CM & 526CM Cheese Melter* The Model 12MC & 15MC & 18MCP Hot Food Merchandisers * The Model 12NCPW & 15NCPW Nacho Chip/Popcorn Warmer* All Hot Dog Equipment except Roller Grills & Drawer Bun Warmers* All Nacho Cheese Warmers except Model 11WLA Series Nacho Cheese Warmer * All Condiment Dispensers except the Model CSD, HPD, & SPD Series Dispenser* All Specialty Food Warmers except Model 130R, 500, 11RW Series, and 11WSA SeriesP ARTS LISTIMPORTANT: WHEN ORDERING, SPECIFY VOLTAGE OR TYPE GAS DESIRED PAGE INCLUDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER OFSome items are included for illustrative purposes only and in certain instances may not be available. Number Per Unit Description MODEL Part Number KeyNumber1E1-510013 1 KETTLE ASSEMBLY 2E1-Y9052 1 BODY 3E1-Y9051 1 BOTTOM 42C-Y7565 4 NUT RETAINER 52A-Y7555 4 LEG-FOOT 6E1-Y9174 1 BRACKET RIGHT 7E1-Y9173 1 BRACKET LEFT 8E1-510027 1 ELEMENT HOUSING ASSEMBLY 92P -Y9176 3 SNA P -BUTTON 10E1-Y9175 2 BRACKET-GUIDE 112I-5659 2 GROMMET 12B4-Y6205 1 CLI P 13E1-Y9058 1 COVER ELEMENT HOUSING 14E1-510004 1 LEAD IN CORD 15A, 120VE1-510005 1 LEAD IN CORD 240VEE1-510007 1 LEAD IN CORD 20A, 120V 152K-8043 1 BUSHING HEYCO 16E1-510010 2 P ILOT LIGHT 120VE1-510011 2 P ILOT LIGHT 240V 172E-Y5166 1 CIRCUIT BREAKER 182T-Z7208 1 THERMOSTAT 192T-Y1668 1 THERMOSTAT (HIGH LIMIT) 202R-Z6328 1 KNOB-THERMOSTAT 212N-Y9169 1 ELEMENT-HEATER 120V2N-Y9170 1 ELEMENT-HEATER 240V 222P -5737 4 CLI P CA P ILLARY 232P -Y3406 2 WIRE S P ACER 242P -Y3453 2 WIRE S P ACER 25E1-510012 1 HANDLE ASSEMBLY 26E1-Y9321 1 BAR-HANDLE 272B-510009 1 BASKET, 1 LB. (O P TIONAL)2B-510015 1 BASKET, .5 LB. L/H (not shown)2B-510016 1 BASKET, .5 LB. R/H (not shown) 28E1-Y9450 1 P LATE (BASKET RACK) 292I-Y9535 4 FOOT, RUBBER 302M-Z6225 1 FACEPLATE (For Superior Models order part 2M-Z6376) 31 2M-Z7219 1 INDICATOR DIAL1 1510F 120V/240VE Deep Fat Fryer。

Philips 零油脆皮烤箱说明书

Philips 零油脆皮烤箱说明书

PremiumFat Removal technologyRapid Air technologyBlack, 0.8 kg+ 1 accessoryHD9745/90Maximum taste, minimum fatCrispy taste, reduces fat others leave behind*The Philips Airfryer uses hot air to fry your favourite food with little or no addedoil. New Fat Removal technology is designed to extract and capture fat from thefood, making this the healthiest way to fry for you and your family.The healthiest way to fry*Fat Removal technology separates and captures excess fatRapid Air technology for delicious crispier resultsFry with little or no oilDesigned for your daily cookingDigital display with 4 preset cooking programs1.5 times faster than an oven*QuickClean and dishwasher-safe for all removable partsOur most compact Airfryer fits 0.8 kg of friesVariety of cooking possibilitiesFry. Bake. Grill. Roast. And even reheat.Hundreds of recipes in app and free recipe book includedHighlightsFat Removal technologyEat healthier dishes with excess fat removed from food. The Philips Airfryer is the only Airfryer with Fat Removal Technology that separates and captures excess fat. Enjoydelicious food that’s crispy on the outside and tender on the inside with maximum taste and minimum fat.Digital display with 4 presetsThe digital interface is easy to use with preset cooking programs for one-touch cooking of frozen fries, meat, fish and chicken drumsticks.A QuickControl dial sets both temperature and cooking time.Compact size, big capacityYou don’t need a lot of space for an Airfryer.The new Philips Airfryer is 20%* more compact – but cooks the same amount of food that it always has. That’s 0.8kg of fries, up to 4portions. So you can easily keep it on your kitchen countertop, and use it everyday.Rapid Air technologyPhilips' Rapid Air technology creates 7x faster airfow for deliciously crispy results*. Enjoy healthier and tasty snacks and meals that are crisped to perfection yet tender on the inside1.5 times faster than an ovenCooking is faster and more convenient than ever with the Philips Airfryer. Thanks to our instant heat and Rapid Airflow technology,your food will cook 1.5 times faster than in an oven. Best of all you don't need to preheat your AirFryer. Just turn it on and start cooking.Bake. Grill. Roast. Or reheatYou can make hundreds of dishes in your Airfryer. Fry, bake, grill, roast and even reheat your meals. Every bite is as delicious as the last thanks to Philips Air flow and starfish design. It cooks food uniformly from all sides for perfect meals every time.Fry with little or no oilThe Airfryer uses hot air to cook your favorite food with little or no added oil, so you can fry with up to 90% less fat*. Enjoy great-tasting,crispy results like deep fried, with the least amount of fat.QuickClean & dishwasher-safeClean-up is fast and easy thanks to the Airfryer QuickClean basket with removable non-stick mesh insert. Both the basket and removable drawer with non-stick coating are also dishwasher-safe for no-fuss cleaning.Inspiring recipesFrom quick healthy snacks to full family meals,our free recipe book has more than 30delicious ideas and easy-to-follow instructions from professional chefs. Our Philips Airfryer app is full of more tips, tutorials and easy-to follow recipes.SpecificationsDesign and finishingWeight of product: 5.3 gColor of control panel: BlackAccessoriesIncluded: Baking trayAccessories includedLED DisplayRecipe bookletPatented Rapid AirGeneral specificationsProduct features: Automatic shut-off, Cool wall exterior, Cord storage, Dishwasher safe, On/off switch, Ready signal, Temperature control, Power-on light, Quickclean, Advanced Rapid Heat, Non-slip feet, Patented Rapid Air, Preset cooking function, Time control Technology: Twin TurboStar technologyTime control: Up to 60 minutesPrefix programs: 4Service2-year worldwide guaranteeSustainabilityPackaging: > 90% recycled materialsUser manual: 100% recycled paperTechnical specificationsPower: 1500 WKeep warm buttonInstant on/no pre-heatPre-set buttonPrograms: 4 presetsSave your cooking settings: NoInterface: DigitalFat Removal technologyBasket capacity: 0.8 kg of friesCord length: 0.8 mVoltage: 220 VCapacity basket: 0.8 kgWeight and dimensionsDimensions of product (LxWxH):365x266x280 mmWeight of product: 5.3 kgDesignColor: BlackFinishingMaterial of main body: Plastic* versus Philips Viva Collection Airfryer, total capacity canfit 800 gr of fries* *Compared on fat content of chicken and pork versus adeep fat fryer and wok frying* *Compared to French fries and chicken drum sticks in aconventional oven* *Rapid Air Technology increases the ariflow speed inthe basket by 7 times, compared to airflow speed in aPhilips Viva Airfryer with flat bottom* * Compared to fresh fries prepared in a conventionalPhilips fryer© 2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2020‑11‑18 Version: 6.0.1。

Fri-Jado HI 120 制冷机操作手册说明书

Fri-Jado HI 120 制冷机操作手册说明书

USER MANUALEuropean Model HI 120American Model HI 48WARNINGRead this manual before using the machine.KEEP THIS USER MANUAL FOR FUTURE USE© 2018 Fri-Jado B.V., Etten-Leur, The Netherlands.We advise you to contact your supplier for the guarantee period and conditions. Further we refer to our General Terms and Conditions for Sales and Delivery that are available upon request.The manufacturer does not accept any liability for damage or injury caused by failing to adhere to these regulations or by not observing the usual caution or care in actions, operation, maintenance or repair activities, even if not explicitly described in this manual.As a result of constant commitment to improvement, it may happen that your unit deviates in detail from what is described in this manual. For this reason, the given instructions are only a guideline for the installation, use, maintenance and repair of the unit referred to in this manual. This manual has been composed with the utmost care. The manufacturer shall, however, not be held responsible for any mistakes in this manual nor for any consequences thereof. The user is allowed to copy this manual for own use. Further all rights are reserved and nothing in this manual may be reproduced and/or made public in any way.ModificationsIn case of unauthorized modifications in or on the unit, every liability on the part of the manufacturer becomes null and void.CONTENTS1.INTRODUCTION (4)1.1General (4)1.2Identification of the unit (4)1.3Pictograms and symbols (4)1.4Safety instructions (5)1.4.1General (5)1.4.2Moving (6)1.5Hygiene (6)1.6Service and technical support (6)1.7Storage (6)1.8Disposal (6)2.DESCRIPTION OF THE UNIT (7)2.1Technical description (7)2.2Intended use (7)2.3Accessories (7)3.INSTALLATION AND FIRST USE (8)3.1Assembling the middle panes (9)3.1.1Upper pane (9)3.1.2Bottom pane (10)4.OPERATION AND USE (11)4.1Switch on (11)4.2Checking the temperature in the unit (12)4.3Checking the product temperature (12)4.4Switch off (12)5.DAILY MAINTENANCE (13)6.MALFUNCTIONS AND SERVICE (14)6.1Temperature fault (14)6.2Replacing a lamp (15)6.3Placing a price strip (15)6.4Replacing the child guard (16)6.5Replacing the mains cord (16)7.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (17)8.ACCESSORIES (18)1.INTRODUCTION1.1GeneralThis manual is intended for the user of the Hot Island (HI). The features and controls are being described, along with directions for the safest and most efficient use, in order to guarantee a long life of the unit.All pictograms, symbols and drawings in this manual apply to the Hot Island model.1.2 Identification of the unitThe identification plate can be found on the outside of the machine, and contains the following data:∙ Name of the supplier or the manufacturer ∙ Model∙ Serial number∙ Year of construction ∙ Voltage ∙ Frequency∙ Power consumption1.3 Pictograms and symbolsIn this manual, the following pictograms and symbols are used:WARNINGPossible physical injury or serious damage to the unit, if the instructions are not carefully followed .WARNINGHazardous electrical voltage .WARNINGDanger of getting injured by hot surfaces .Suggestions and recommendations to simplify indicated actions .Recycling symbol .Direction of view symbol .1.4Safety instructionsWARNINGThe top and bottom of the trays and columns at the back of the unit can be very hot.WARNINGThe maximum load on top of the unit may never exceed 50 kg (110 lbs).WARNINGThe maximum load per shelf may never exceed 35 kg (77 lbs).WARNINGThe maximum load of the drawer may never exceed 25 kg (55 lbs).WARNINGAlways use the brakes on both front wheels:1.4.1 GeneralThe user of the unit will be fully responsible for abiding the locally prevailing safety- rules and regulations.The pictograms, labels, instructions and warning signs attached to the unit, are part of the safety measures. They may never be covered or removed, and have to be clearly visible during the entire lifetime of the unit.Immediately repair or replace damaged or illegible pictograms, warnings and instructions.∙ Only pack the products in bags or containers that are suitable for this purpose.1 ∙ To ensure good contact with the heated trays, only place a single layer of products.∙ Make sure that the air slots at the front of the shelf as well as those in the middle of the unitremain free from obstructions.∙ The unit must be cleaned regularly to ensure proper functioning.∙ To avoid short-circuiting, never clean the unit using a water hose. For cleaning instructions,see section 5.∙ This device can be used by children ages 8 and up and person with no experience orknowledge of physics or people with limited physical, sensory or mental capacities, provided they are trained for and supervised in a safe manner with the use of the unit and they are aware of and understand the risks involved with operating the unit.∙ Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.∙ Cleaning and maintenance of the device may not be executed by children, unless they areunder direct supervision.1The packaged material used must be heat resistant to at least 95 °C (203°F)1.4.2 MovingWhen moving the unit:∙ Before moving the unit, first switch off the mains voltage by pulling the plug from the wallsocket.∙ To avoid damage, remove the lower skirts when necessary.∙ The unit is not suited to pass ledges or obstacles higher than 10 mm (0.4 inch). ∙ Make sure that the wheels can move freely, so they never touch the power.1.5 HygieneThe quality of a fresh product always depends on hygiene.It is essential that products are packaged immediately after preparation. At that moment, the core temperature of the products should at least be 85°C (185°F).Immediately remove products in damaged packaging from the equipment. Clean all components that that have come in contact with products from damaged packaging. Refer to the cleaning instructions of section 5.1.6 Service and technical supportThe electrical schematics of your unit is included. In case of malfunctions you can contact your dealer/service agent. Make sure you have the following data available: ∙ Model.∙ Serial number.This data can be found on the identification plate.1.7 StorageIf the unit will not be used temporarily, and will be stored, follow these instructions: ∙ Clean the unit thoroughly.∙ Wrap the unit from getting dusty.∙ Store the unit in a dry, non-condensing environment.1.8 DisposalDispose of the machine, any components or lubricants removed from it safely in accordance with all local and national safety and environment requirements.2. DESCRIPTION OF THE UNIT2.1 Technical descriptionThe unit uses convection heat. The plating of the unit is made of stainless or coated steel and shatter-resistant clear side glass.2.2 Intended useThe HI has been designed to maintain products at a minimum temperature at 65°C (150°F). Any other use will not be regarded as intended use.The manufacturer accepts no liability whatsoever for loss or injury caused by failing to strictly adhere to the safety guidelines and instructions in this manual or due to carelessness during installation, use, maintenance and repair of the unit referred to in this manual and any of its accessories.Use the unit in perfect technical condition only.2.3 AccessoriesYour unit contains the following standard accessories:User manual.3. INSTALLATION AND FIRST USEAll packing materials used for this unit are suited for the transporter within fifteen working days after receiving the goods.1. Remove all packaging materials from the unit.2. Remove the protective foil from the plateaus and sides.3. Remove all temporary tape4. Before starting to use the unit, clean the inside with a damp cloth.5. Avoid excessive use of water on the shelves. Make sure no water goes into the airslots.6. Clean the side, top and middle glass both inside and out. Avoid scratches on all plasticand varnished parts, do NOT use aggressive detergents.7. In case the panes for the middle are packed separately, refer to paragraph 3.1 forinstallation instructions.3.1 Assembling the middle panes3.1.1 Upper paneNote:Follow the procedure in reverse order for removing the upper pane. Always be sure the glass cannot fall during installation by either making use of suction cups or supporting it from both sides.3.1.2 Bottom paneNote:Follow the procedure in reverse order for removing the bottom pane. Always be sure the glass cannot fall during installation by either making use of suction cups or supporting it from both sides.4. OPERATION AND USE4.1 Switch onNote: The heating and lighting cannot be switched separately.4.2 Checking the temperature in the unit4.3 Checking the product temperature4.4 Switch off5. DAILY MAINTENANCE6. MALFUNCTIONS AND SERVICE 6.1 Temperature fault6.2 Replacing a lamp6.3 Placing a price strip6.4Replacing the child guard6.5Replacing the mains cordWARNINGHazardous electrical voltage.If the mains cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, his service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid hazards.7. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSConsult the identification plate to get the proper specifications of the unit. Theelectrical data may vary from country to countryEuropean ModelAmerican ModelNote 1:Unit supplied with 3 phase cord and plug. Single phase to be converted in the field. Required plug NEMA6-30P and cable 12 AWG.8. ACCESSORIESFor the HI the following accessories are available: ∙Bumper Set *∙Cross-selling basket* Note: standard on American Models.NotesFri-Jado B.V.Oude Kerkstraat 24878 AA Etten-LeurNederlandTel: +31 (0) 76 50 85 400 Fax: +31 (0) 76 50 85 444。

Philips 电饭煲用户手册说明书

Philips 电饭煲用户手册说明书

USER MANUALPLEASE READ THIS USER MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE MACHINE.Register your product and get support at /welcome l i sType HD8855 / HD8857E N0202IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:1. Read all instructions.2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.3. To protect against fire, electric shock and injury to persons do not immerse cord, plugs, or appliance in water or other liquid.4. Close supervision is necessary when the appliance is used by or near children.5. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to cool before putting on or taking off parts, and before cleaning the appliance.6. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the appliance malfunctions, or has been damaged in any manner. Return appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment.7. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may result in fire, electric shock or injury to persons.8. Do not use outdoors.9. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.10. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or in a heated oven.11. A lways attach plug to appliance first, then plug cord into wall outlet. To disconnect, turn any control to “off”, then remove plug from wall outlet.12. D o not use appliance for other than intended use.13. S ave these instructions.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSCAUTIONThis appliance is for household use only. Any servicing, other than cleaning and user maintenance, should be performed by an authorized service center. Do not immerse machine in water. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not disassemble the machine. There are no parts inside the machine serviceable by the user. Repair should be done by authorized service personnel only.1. Check voltage to be sure that the voltage indicated on the nameplate corresponds with your voltage.2.Never use warm or hot water to fill the water tank. Use cold water only.3.Keep your hands and the cord away from hot parts of the appliance during operation.4.Never clean with scrubbing powders or harsh cleaners. Simply use a soft cloth dampened with water.5. For optimal taste of your coffee, use purified or bottled water. Periodic descaling is still recommended every 2-3 months.6.Do not use caramelized or flavored coffee beans. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE POWERSUPPL Y CORDA. A short power-supply cord (or detachable power-supply cord) is to be provided to reduce risks resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.B. Longer detachable power-supply cords or extension cords are available and may used if care is exercised in their use.C. If a long detachable power-supply cord or extension cord is used,1. The marked electrical rating of the detachable power-supply cord orextension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance2. If the appliance is of the grounded type, the extension cord should be agrounding-type 3-wire cord, and3. The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over thecounter top or table top where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over.3ESPRESSO, COFFEE AND LONG COFFEE BREWING (23)Espresso, coff ee and long coff ee brewing using coff ee beans (23)Espresso, coff ee and long coff ee brewing using pre-ground coff ee (24)MILK CARAFE (26)Filling the milk carafe (26)Inserting the milk carafe (27)Removing the milk carafe (28)Emptying the milk carafe (29)CAPPUCCINO BREWING (30)Adjusting the cappuccino length (32)LATTE MACCHIATO BREWING (33)Adjusting the latte macchiato length (35)SPECIAL BEVERAGES (36)Hot milk (36)Hot water dispensing (37)Steam dispensing (38)BEVERAGE PROGRAMMING (39)Cappuccino programming (40)Hot water programming (41)MACHINE PROGRAMMING (42)General menu (43)Display menu (43)Water menu (44)Maintenance menu (45)Factory Setting (45)CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE (46)Daily cleaning of the machine (46)Daily cleaning of water tank (47)Daily cleaning of the milk carafe: AUTO CLEAN cycle (after each use) (48)Weekly cleaning of the machine (48)Weekly cleaning of the milk carafe (50)Weekly cleaning of the brew group (52)Monthly cleaning of the milk carafe (54)Monthly lubrication of the brew group (57)Monthly cleaning of the brew group with “Coff ee Oil Remover” (58)Monthly cleaning of the coff ee bean hopper (60)DESCALING (61)MEANING OF THE DISPLAY (65)TROUBLESHOOTING (67)ENERGY SAVING (70)Stand-by (70)Screen saver (70)Disposal (71)TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (72)GUARANTEE AND SERVICE (72)Guarantee (72)Service (72)ORDERING MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS (73)4ENGLISHENGLISH5258ENGLISH5 Open the lid and remove the water tank by the handle.6 Rinse the water tank under fresh water.7 Fill the tank with fresh water up to the MAX level and re-insert it intothe machine. Make sure it is fully inserted.Caution:Never fi ll the water tank with warm, hot, sparkling water or any other liquid, as this may cause damage to the water tank and the machine.8 Open the lid of the coff ee bean hopper and take out the inner lid.9 Slowly pour coff ee beans into the hopper. Put the inner lid back andclose the lid.Note:Do not pour too many coff ee beans into the coff ee bean hopper as this will reduce the grinding performance of the machine.Caution:Only coff ee beans must be put into the coff ee bean hopper. Ground coff ee, instant coff ee, caramelized coff ee or any other object maydamage the machine.Press the “” button to confi into the compartment.nished, empty the container and place itOK” to select HOT WA-lter (see next chapter for this).MENU” but-Press the “” button to scroll down the pages. Press “OK” to selectPress the “” button to select WATER MENU. Press “OK” to confi rm.OK” button and set the waterMENU” button to access the machine main menu.Press the “” button to scroll down the pages. Press “OK” to selectPress the “” button to select WATER MENU. Press “OK” to confi rm.OK”.OK” button to confi rm that you want to start the fi lter activa-this icon is displayed “”= The beverage is brewed by using the pre-ground coffthis icon “” is begins to pour out of the dispen-ee brewing stops automatically when the pre-programmed level isESC” button.ees using pre-groundee ee grounds is poured into the compartment, only water will beee are used,ee will be discharged into the coff ee grounds drawer.ESC” TheESC” button.nished, remove the milk carafe and put it“ESC” ee. The “ESC” button.nished, remove the milk carafe and put it。

Frymaster 电子炸锅使用说明书

Frymaster 电子炸锅使用说明书

Frymaster L.L.C., PO Box 51000, Shreveport, Louisiana 71135-1000 Shipping Address: 8700 Line Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana 71106FRYMASTER ELECTRIC FRYERS ARE MANUFACTURED FOR USE WITH THE TYPE VOLTAGE SPECIFIED ON THE FRYER RATING PLATE LOCATED ON THE FRYER DOOR. FOR PROPER INSTALLATION PROCEDURES IN THE UNITED STATES, REFER TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE ANSI/N.F.P.A. NO. 70; IN CANADA, CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE PART 1, CSA-22.1. INFORMATION ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF VENTILATING HOODS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE LATEST EDITION OF THE "STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF SMOKE AND GREASE LADEN VAPORS FROM COMMERCIAL COOKING EQUIPMENT", N.F.P.A. NO. 96. COPIES OF THESE ELECTRICAL STANDARDS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, BATTERY MARCH PARK, QUINCY, MASS. 02269THE FRYER(S) MUST BE INSTALLED WITH A 15 CM (six inch) CLEARANCE AT BOTH SIDES AND ADJACENT TO COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION. A MINIMUM OF 60 CM (24-inches) SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT THE FRONT OF THE FRYER(S)DOOR.THIS MANUAL SHOULD BE KEPT IN A CONVENIENT LOCATION AND REFERRED TO WHEN ANY PROBLEM OCCURS AND FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.FOR YOUR SAFETY, DO NOT STORE OR USE GASOLINE OR OTHER FLAMMABLE VAPORS AND LIQUIDS IN THE VICINITY OF THIS OR ANY OTHER APPLIANCE.TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGE ORDERING/SERVICEINFORMATION (2)1. PARTSINFORMATION (2)2. IMPORTANTINSTRUCTIONS (4)3. INSTALLATION4. INITIAL STARTUP INSTRUCTIONS (5)5. DAILYOPERATIONS (7)6. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE (9)PROCEDURES (10)7. SERVICEDIAGRAMS (11)8. WIRINGLIST (12)9. PARTS1. PARTS ORDERING/SERVICE INFORMATIONParts orders must be placed directly with your local Frymaster Parts Distributor. A list of International Factory Authorized Service Centers was included with the fryers when shipped from the factory. If you do not have access to this list, please contact the Frymaster Technical Services Department at 1-800-551-8633 or 1-318-865-1711.To help speed your order, the following information is required:Model Number:Serial Number:Type of Gas or Voltage:Part Number:Service information may be obtained by calling your local Factory Authorized Service Center. A list of these agencies was packed with your fryer.Service information may also be obtained by calling the Frymaster Technical Services Department. When calling, please have the following information available:Model Number:Serial Number:Type of Gas or Voltage:Nature of Service Problem:Please have ready any other information that you think may be helpful in solving your service problem.PARTS ORDERING/SERVICE INFORMATION CANADA -- Garland Commercial Ranges, Ltd., 1177 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4W1X4.Note: Retain and store this manual in a safe place for future use. Additional copies may be obtained from your authorized service center.2. IMPORTANT INFORMATION2.1. IntroductionThe V-14 and V-17 Series are deep-well, open-pot fryers designed for cooking a variety of fried products. Read the instructions in this manual thoroughly before attempting to install, operate or service this equipment.2.2. Operating, Installation, and Service PersonnelOperating information for FRYMASTER equipment has been prepared for use by qualifiedand/or authorized operating personnel only.All installation and service on FRYMASTER equipment must be performed by qualified,certified, licensed, and/or authorized installation or service personnel.Service may be obtained by contacting your local Factory Authorized Service Center.2.3. DefinitionsQualified and/or Authorized Operating PersonnelQualified or authorized operating personnel are those who have carefully read the information in this manual and have familiarized themselves with the equipment functions or have hadprevious experience with the operation of equipment covered in this manual.Qualified Installation PersonnelQualified installation personnel are: individuals, a firm, corporation, or a company whicheither in person or through a representative are engaged in, and are responsible for theinstallation of electrical wiring from the building electric meter, main control box, or service outlet to the electrical appliance. Qualified installation personnel must be experienced in such work, be familiar with all electrical precautions required, and have complied with allrequirements of applicable national, European Community and local codes.Qualified Service PersonnelQualified service personnel are those familiar with FRYMASTER equipment and have been authorized by THE FRYMASTER CORPORATION. All authorized service personnel are required to be equipped with a complete set of service parts manuals and stock a minimum amount of parts for FRYMASTER equipment.A list of Frymaster Factory Authorized Service Centers was included with the fryer whenshipped from the factory. If you do not have access to this list, please contact the FrymasterCustomer Service Department, using the number listed on the front of this manual. Failure to use qualified service personnel will void the Frymaster warranty.2.4. Shipping Damage Claim ProcedurePlease note that the FRYMASTER equipment was carefully inspected and packed by skilled personnel before leaving the factory. The transportation company assumes full responsibility for safe delivery upon acceptance of the equipment.What to do if equipment arrives damaged:A. File Claim for Damages Immediately--Regardless of extent of damage.B. Visible Loss or Damage--Be sure this is noted on the freight bill or express receipt and issigned by the person making the delivery.C. Concealed Loss or Damage--If damage is unnoticed until equipment is unpacked, notifyfreight company or carrier immediately and file a concealed damage claim. This should bedone within 15 days of date of delivery. Be sure to retain container for inspection.FRYMASTER DOES NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITYFOR DAMAGE OR LOSS INCURRED IN TRANSIT3. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSPROPER INSTALLATION IS ESSENTIAL TO EFFICIENT AND TROUBLE-FREE OPERATION. ANY ALTERATION OF THE EQUIPMENT VOIDS THE FRYMASTERWARRANTY.Note: Before installing the newly-arrived equipment, inspect it carefully for visible and concealed damage. See Section Caster/Leg InformationIf it is necessary to install legs or casters, follow the instructions provided in the accessories package shipped with the fryer.3.2. LevelingPlace a carpenter’s spirit level across the top of the fryer and level the unit both front-to-back and side-to-side. If it is not level, the unit may not function efficiently, the oil may not drain properly for filtering and in a line-up it may not match adjacent units.If the floor is uneven or has a decided slope, a smooth platform is recommended for placingthe unit on and not relying on leg/caster thread adjustment.3.3. Electrical ConnectionsPOWER REQUIREMENTSThe electrical power supply for the fryers MUST be the same as indicated on the rating and serial number plate located on the fryer door.MODEL VOLTAGE PHASE WIRESERVICE MIN.SIZEAWG(mm2)AMPS PER LEGL1 L2 L3V14 230/380 3 4 6 (16) 21 21 21 V14 240/415 3 4 6 (16) 20 20 20 V17 230/380 3 4 6 (16) 26 26 26 V17 240/415 3 4 6 (16) 24 24 24Plan and carry out installation in accordance with local codes.Connections: Connections to the terminal block and grounding lug should be made through the hole provided for this purpose in the junction box.Wiring Diagram: It is attached to the inside of the fryer door. Amperage for each unit depends on the type of installation and accessories supplied with the unit.4. INITIAL STARTUP INSTRUCTIONS4.1. CleaningNew units are wiped clean with solvents at the factory to remove any visible signs of dirt, oil, grease, etc. remaining from the manufacturing process, then coated lightly with oil. Wash thoroughly with hot, soapy water to remove any film residue and dust or debris before food preparation, then rinse out and wipe dry. Wash any accessories shipped with the unit as well.Close the drain valve completely and remove the crumb screen. Make sure the screws holding the thermostat and high-limit control sensing bulbs into the vessel are tight.4.2. Heating The VesselThis step checks heater element operation, initial thermostat calibration, and cleans the vessel for initial food production.A. Fill the fryer vessel with hot or cold water to the oil level line scribed in the back of thetank.B. Set the thermostat/temperature controller dial to approximately 105ºC (220ºF), just abovethe boiling point of water.C. Turn the power switch to ON. The heater elements will begin heating.D. When the water starts to boil, turn the dial to below 100ºC (210ºF). The elements willturn off and the water will stop boiling.E. When satisfied that the elements and thermostats operate properly, drain the vessel anddry thoroughly. Refill fry vessel with shortening as directed in Section Fill With Cooking Oil/ShorteningNote: Cooking oil/shortening capacity of Value-H14 and Value-H17 Series fryers is 25 liters. (50 lbs.) at 21ºC (70ºF).A. Close the frypot drain valve.B. Place the power switch to the OFF position.C. Remove the baskets and basket support rack.D. When using liquid shortening, fill the empty frypot to the bottom oil-level line.E. When using solid shortening, either melt it first, or cut into small pieces and pack intocool zone (bottom) of the frying vessel. Be careful to not leave any air spaces or disturbthe thermostat and high limit bulbs. Continue to tightly pack the shortening, then lowerthe elements. Pack additional shortening in between and on top of the elements until levelwith the bottom oil level line.F. Replace the basket support rack on top of the heating element.G. Place the ON/OFF switch in the ON position. Melt shortening by turning the heaters“ON” for about five or ten seconds, “OFF” for a minute, repeating cycle until shorteningis melted. If oil starts to smoke while melting this way, shorten the “ON” cycle andlengthen the “OFF” cycle. Smoke shows that you are scorching the shortening and cuttingits useful life.H. Once the shortening is melted, set the thermostat for normal cooking temperature.4.4. Before Relocating Fryermoving. If a leg becomes damaged during movement, contact your service agent forimmediate repair/replacement.A. Turn fryer ON/OFF switch to OFF. Unplug the power cord from the source.B. Relocate the fryer for service accessibility.C. After servicing is complete, return the fryer to the operating position. Plug all powercords into source. Attach the restraining devices.5. DAILY OPERATION5.1. General UseA. For consistent quality product, convenience and long-term savings, use a high-qualityliquid frying oil.B. Although a temperature of 177ºC (350ºF) is recommended for most cooking operations,set the fryer at the lowest possible temperature which produces a high quality end productwhile ensuring maximum life of frying oil/shortening.C. When the fryer is not in use, the thermostat should be set lower than that used duringcooking.5.2. Turn On ProceduresA. Always be sure vessel is full before turning fryer on. Follow instructions in Section 4.3.B. Turn fryer on, and set thermostat to the desired cooking temperature.5.3. FilteringAlways consult the filter manufacturer's operation instructions for the recommended filtering procedure.The following procedure is recommended to drain and filter your cooking oil/shortening whena filter machine is not available:A. Turn the fryer ON/OFF switch to the OFF position. Screw the drain pipe (provided withfryer) into the drain valve. Make sure the drain extension is firmly screwed into the drain valve and that the curved end is pointing down.B. Position a metal container with sealable cover under the drain extension. The metal containerand cover must be able to withstand the hot cooking oil/shortening and hold hot liquids.Frymaster recommends that a Frymaster filter cone holder and filter cone be used when a filter machine is not available. If you are using the Frymaster filter cone holder and cone, be sure that the cone holder rests securely on the metal container.C. Open the drain valve slowly to avoid splattering. If splattering occurs, exercise extremecaution.D. If the drain valve becomes clogged with food particles, use the Fryer's Friend (poker-liketool). Use this tool from the inside of the frypot ONLY. Grip the tool on the handle as far as possible away from the cooking oil/shortening in the frypot. DO NOT hammer on the drain valve. This damages the drain valve ball.Note: For safe, convenient draining and disposing of used oil/shortening, Frymaster recommends the use of the Frymaster shortening disposal unit (SDU). The SDU is available through your local distributo r.E. After draining the oil/shortening, clean all food particles and residual oil/shortening fromthe frypot before refilling.F. Close the drain valve and refill the frypot with clean, filtered oil/shortening.5.4. ClosingA. When closing for the night, turn the fryer ON/OFF switch to OFF position.B. Filter oil in fryers.C. Put frypot cover in place over frypot.5.5. ShutdownWhen shutting down for periods longer than overnight, drain the frying oil/shortening andclean the vessel thoroughly. Either discard the frying oil/shortening or filter it and return it to the vessel and cover the vessel. Turn the power switch and the thermostat to OFF.If the vessel is not stainless steel, and it is to be left empty, apply a light coat of shortening to the entire interior of the vessel to prevent corrosion and possible rust.6. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE6.1. General:Any piece of equipment works better and lasts longer when maintained properly and keptclean. Cooking equipment is no exception. The fryer should be kept clean during theworking day and thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day.6.2. Daily:Wash all removable parts. Be sure to dry all parts thoroughly. Clean all exterior surfaces of the fryer. Do not use cleansers, steel wool, or any other abrasive material on the stainlesssteel or enamel surfaces.Filter the cooking oil and replace if necessary. Under heavy use conditions, the oil should be filtered more often than once a day.6.3. WeeklyA. Completely drain the oil from the fryer into either the filter or a steel container. Do notuse a glass or plastic container.B. Clean the vessel in the following manner:1. Close the drain valve and refill with either a good commercial cleaning solution andwater, or water and strong detergent.2. Set the operating thermostat to 104ºC (220ºF). Bring to a rolling boil, then turn theheat down to a simmer and let the mixture stand until the deposits and/or carbon spots canbe readily removed with scrub pad or scrub brush.3. Scrub the vessel walls, bottom and heating elements.4. Drain vessel and rinse with clean water.5. Refill with water, set operating thermostat to above 100ºC (212ºF), and boil again.Once boiling is completed, turn operating thermostat off, drain, rinse, and dry thevessel and elements thoroughly.C. Immediately refill with cooking oil or frying compound as directed in Section PeriodicThe fryer should be checked and adjusted periodically by qualified service personnel as partof a regular kitchen maintenance program.6.5. Stainless Steel CareAll stainless steel fryer cabinet parts should be wiped regularly with hot soapy water duringthe day, and with a liquid cleanser designed for stainless steel at the end of each day.A. Do not use steel wool or abrasive cloths, cleansers or powders.B. Do not use a metal knife, spatula or any other metal tool to scrape stainless steel!Scratches are almost impossible to remove.C. If it is necessary to scrape the stainless steel to remove any encrusted materials, soak thearea first to soften the deposit, then use a wood or nylon scraper only.7. SERVICE PROCEDURES7.1. Thermostat CalibrationA. Insert a good grade thermometer or pyrometer probe approximately 8-10cm (3-4 inches)into the cooking oil/shortening near the fryer temperature sensing probe.B. Turn thermostat knob to the desired frying temperature.C. Turn the fryer ON/OFF switch to the ON position and heat the shortening to thethermostat temperature setting. Stir if necessary to get all cooking oil/shortening in bottomof frypot melted.D. Allow the heating elements to cycle ON and OFF three times after reaching the thermostattemperature setting. When the elements come on the fourth time, the thermometer readingshould be within 2ºC (5ºF) of the thermostat knob setting. If it is not, calibrate as follows:1. Remove the thermostat knob by pulling straight out on the knob with a firm steadypull.2. Insert a small flat blade screwdriver into the center of the thermostat shaft and turn theadjusting screw clockwise to decrease and counter-clockwise to increase. DO NOTallow the thermostat shaft to turn while turning the adjusting screw. Turn the screw in¼ turn increments, checking calibration after each adjustment.3. After each adjustment, reinstall the thermostat knob, and allow the shortening to cooluntil the heating element comes on.4. Compare the thermometer or pyrometer reading and the thermostat knob setting whenthe elements come on.5. Repeat Steps 5.a. through 5.d. until thermometer or pyrometer reading and knobsetting agree within 2ºC (5ºF).6. If calibration cannot be obtained for any reason, call a Factory Authorized ServiceCenter.7. Remove thermometer or pyrometer probeNote: The heating element must cycle ON at the calibration point.8. WIRING DIAGRAM9. PARTS LISTS9.1. Control/Component BoxItem No. Part Number Description1 807-1692 Thermostat, SunneThermostat816-0139 Knob,2 807-0044 Switch, Red On/Off3 810-1202 Contactor, 40 Amp, 3 Pole4 807-1169 Transformer,208-220-240 / 24 volt5 807-1174 Fuse, 250V, 3 Amp, Slow Blow6 807-1268 Terminal Block, Single Pole (Neutral)7 807-0065 Terminal Block, Field Wiring8 807-0070 Terminal Lug, Ground9.2. Miscellaneous PartsItem No. Part Number Description1 810-0356 Caster, 5” without Brake2 806-5043 Leg* 806-3811 Legs (Package of 4)3 810-0357 Caster, 5”, With BrakeAssembly4 806-4926 DoorHanger5 803-0028 BasketCap6 910-4408 Topthermostat* 807-0063 Hi-Limit* 910-1614 Guard, Operating Thermostat* 806-6993 Drain Valve, 1-1/4”* 810-0820 Handle, Drain ValveExtension* 812-1226SP DrainV14/17* 823-1775SP Frypot,* 807-2645 Heating Element, V14 / 220V* 807-2641 Heating Element, V17 / 220V* 807-2644 Heating Element, V14 / 240/415V* 807-2645 Heating Element, V17 / 240/415V* 807-2647 Heating Element, V14 / 380V* 807-2648 Heating Element, V17 / 380VFrymaster, L.L.C., 8700 Line Avenue, PO Box 51000, Shreveport, Louisiana 71135-1000Shipping Address: 8700 Line Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana 71106 TEL 1-318-865-1711FAX (Parts) 1-318-219-7140(Tech Support) 1-318-219-7135Price: $6.00 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATESSERVICE HOTLINE 1-800-551-8633819-5250。

Philips 食品加热器使用说明书

Philips 食品加热器使用说明书

635272112MAX.21247101418811151959121620MAX.361317212223241225291233303431272628325ENGLISHContentsImportant 6Introduction11General description 11Before first use12Using the appliance12Ingredients and steaming time 19Cleaning and descaling 20Storage 22Recycling22Guarantee and service 22Troubleshooting22Technical specifications26Refer to the pictures on the folded pages at the front and back of theuser manual.6ENGLISHImportantRead this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and save it for future reference.Danger-Never immerse the main unit in water or any other liquid.Do not rinse it under the tap.Warning-Check that the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage before youconnect the appliance.-Do not use the appliance if the plug, the power cord or the appliance itself is damaged. If the power cord isdamaged, you must have it replaced by Philips; a service center authorised by Philips or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.-This appliance can be used by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack ofexperience and knowledge if they have been givensupervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and if they understand the hazards involved. -Children shall not play with the appliance (including the accessories).-This appliance shall not be used by children. Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach of children (including the accessories).-Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children.-Do not touch the blades, especially when the appliance is plugged in. The blades are very sharp.-Take care when handling the sharp blades, emptying the jar, and during cleaning.-If the blades become stuck, unplug the appliance before you remove the ingredients blocking the blades.-The appliance gets hot during or shortly after steaming (especially surfaces with this symbol “”) and maycause burns when touched. Only lift the jar by its handle.ENGLISH7 -Hot steam comes out of the jar during steaming and when its lid is removed.-Beware of hot steam that comes out of the water tank when you open its lid.-When the steaming cycle is finished, hot steam will continue to come out of the steam outlet on the water tank lid and the steam hole in the jar for some time. Be careful when you lift the jar off the main unit.-If the appliance is used improperly, hot steam could escape from the edge of the water tank lid. Refer to the “Troubleshooting” chapter for preventing or resolvingthis.-Take extra caution when pouring hot liquid into the jar as the liquid may splash.-Always put previously blended food in the storage pot if you want to reheat or defrost food with this appliance.-Do not use this appliance to chop hard and sticky ingredients.-Never use bleach or chemical sterilizing solutions/tablets in the appliance.-Never use scouring pads, abrasive cleaners or aggressive liquids such as gasoline, acetone or alcohol to clean the appliance.-Always let the appliance cool down for 10 minutes after one steaming cycle before you start steaming again.-Do not let the appliance blend for more than 30 seconds at a time. If you have not finished blending after 30seconds, release the button to stop blending and waita few seconds before you continue. If the main unitbecomes hot, let it cool down for a few minutes before you continue.-Never put water or any other liquid in the jar for steaming to avoid damaging the appliance.-Always remove the storage pot lid before using the pot to heat up food in a microwave.8ENGLISHCaution-Never use any accessories or parts from other manufacturers or that Philips does not specificallyrecommend. If you use such accessories or parts, your guarantee becomes invalid.-Do not place the appliance on or near an operating or still hot stove or cooker.-Always switch off the appliance and disconnect from supply when it is left unattended and before assembling, disassembling, changing accessories, cleaning orapproaching parts that move in use.-Always unplug the appliance and let it cool down before you clean it.-Always turn the control knob to the off position (OFF) every time after steaming, reheating, or defrosting.-Never use the jar or any other part of the appliance (except the storage pots) in a microwave, as the metal parts of the jar handle and blade unit are not suitable for this use.-Never sterilize the jar or any other part of the appliance (except the storage pots) in a sterilizer or in a microwave, as the metal parts of the jar handle and blade unit are not suitable for this use.-This appliance is intended for household use only. If the appliance is used improperly or for professional or semi-professional purposes or if it is not used according to the instructions in the user manual, the guarantee becomes invalid and Philips refuses any liability for damagecaused.-Place the appliance on a stable, horizontal, and level surface. The appliance emits hot steam during use. Make sure there is enough free space around it to preventdamage to cabinets or other objects.-Do not use the appliance if it has fallen or is damaged in any way. Take it to an authorized Philips service center for repair.-Never use the steam function without water in the water tank.ENGLISH9 -Make sure that the water in the tank does not exceed the MAX water level marking on the side of the water tank(250 ml) or the MAX water level indication in the watertank.-Make sure the water tank lid is correctly locked before putting the jar on the main unit.-When you steam ingredients, make sure that you do not fill the jar beyond the top of the plastic part of blade unit (fig b).-When you blend liquids, do not exceed the MAX fill level indicated on the jar (720 ml) (fig. c).-Do not lift and move the appliance while it is in operation.-Do not insert any object into the steam outlet on the water tank lid or the steam inlet on the jar lid.-Never refill the water tank during steaming, as hot water and steam may come out of the appliance.-Always make sure that the jar lid has cooled down after steaming before you open it to add more ingredients for blending.-Never run this appliance’s power supply through an external switching device, such as a timer, or connect it to a circuit that is regularly switched on and off.-Always check the temperature of the cooked food on the back of your hand to make sure it is safe for your baby.-Always check the consistency of the food for your baby.For guidance on what food consistencies are appropriate for different ages, refer to the professional weaningadvice that comes with this appliance, or seek advicefrom a doctor or consultant.-Only use the provided spatula for taking food out of the jar.-Regular descaling prevents damage to the appliance.-The storage pot provided with this appliance is not a children feeding utensil. Do not feed children directlyfrom the storage pot.10ENGLISH-Before using the storage pot, clean it thoroughly, and then sterilize it with a Philips Avent sterilizer or placethe storage pot in boiling water for 5 minutes. This is to ensure hygiene. Make sure that there is enough waterin the container when using boiling water to sterilizethe storage pot, and that the pot does not contact the container for too long, to avoid heat deformation.-Make sure that the amount of food in the storage pot does not exceed the maximum scale marked on the side of the pot, otherwise the pot may leak.-When reheating or defrosting food, make sure that the storage pot lid is closed tightly before putting the storage pot in the jar, otherwise the pot may leak when you take it out of the jar.-Heating food with the provided storage pot in a microwave may produce localized high temperatures in the food and may affect its nutritional value. Always stir heated food to ensure even heat distribution and testthe temperature before serving.-Do not select the grill function if you use a combination microwave (with grill function) to reheat or defrost food with the storage pots. If you have just finished a grilling process, wait until the microwave has cooled downbefore putting the storage pots in it, as the residual heat can cause damage to the storage pots.Safety systemsFor your safety during use, this appliance is equipped with a built-in safety lock. This appliance will only function if all parts have been assembled correctly. Assembling all parts correctly will disarm the built-in safety lock.This appliance is also equipped with an overheat safety stop function. Overheating can occur if the time between two steaming cycles is too short. If the appliance’s overheat safety stop activates during a steaming cycle, turn the control knob back to the off position (OFF) and let the appliance cool down for a few minutes. After this, you can use the appliance again.Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.ENGLISH11Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips Avent! To fully benefit from the support that Philips Avent offers, register your product at/welcome.This 4-in-1 healthy baby food maker helps all parents in preparing nutritious meals for their babies with steaming and blending functions combined in one appliance. You can also use the baby food maker to defrost and warm up baby food.Product overview (fig. a)A Lid tabB Connector on the jar lidC Jar lidD Sealing ringE Locking pinF SieveG Blade unitH Blade unit holderI JarJ Water tank lidK Water level markingsL MAX water level indicationM Water tank (not detachable)N BoilerO Main unitP Control knobQ Blending buttonR Power cordS Locking area on the water tankControls overview (fig. a)T Defrost settingU Reheat setting for the 240 ml storage potV Reheat setting for the 120 ml storage potW Steaming lightAccessories (fig. a)X Storage potY Storage pot lidZ SpatulaStorage1 Empty the water tank before you store the appliance (Fig. ‚).2 Make sure all parts are clean and dry before you store the appliance (refer tothe chapter “Cleaning and descaling”).3 Store the appliance with the blade unit in the jar to prevent damage.4 Always make sure that the lids for both the water tank and the jar arecorrectly locked in place for storage.RecyclingDo not throw away the product with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment.Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products. Correct disposal helps prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health.Guarantee and serviceIf you need information or if you have problems, please visit the Philips websiteat www. p hilips. c om /a vent or contact the Philips Customer Care Center in your country (refer to the enclosed worldwide guarantee leaflet for details). If there is no Customer Care Center in your country, go to your local Philips dealer.TroubleshootingThis chapter summarizes the most common problems you could encounter with the appliance. If you are unable to solve the problem with the information below, contact the Consumer Care Center in your country.Problem Possible cause SolutionThe appliance does not work.This appliance isequipped with asafety lock. Thisappliance will notwork if the partsare not assembledcorrectly onto themain unit.Assemble all parts correctly. Beforesteaming, the jar should be placed onthe main unit vertically with the jar lid onthe bottom; before blending, put the jaron the main unit with the lid on the top,and lock the jar by turning it clockwise.The steaming light does not turn on.The appliance is notconnected to thepower supply.Put the plug in the outlet.23ENGLISH Problem Possible cause SolutionThe jar is not placed on the main unit correctly.Place the jar on the main unit correctly with the jar lid on the bottom.You have started a second steaming cycle immediately after the previous one has finished.Switch off the appliance and allow it to cool down for 10 minutes before you start a second steaming cycle.The control knob has not been turned to the off position (OFF) after the previous steaming cycle was finished.Turn the control knob to the off position (OFF) first, and then turn it again to choose the operating time.The water tank gives off an unpleasant smell during the first few times of use.You have not pre-washed the watertank before use.Refer to the chapter “Cleaning anddescaling” to clean the water tank, andthen finish a steaming cycle with anempty jar.The appliance does not generate steam.You have not putwater in the watertank.Switch off and unplug the appliance,and then add water to the water tank.There is too muchlimescale buildup inthe water tank.Descale the water tank. Refer to thesection “Descaling” in the chapter“Cleaning and descaling”.Steam is leaking from the water tank.The water tank lid isnot closed correctly.Close the water tank lid correctly. Makesure the icon on the water tank lid islined up with the icon on the watertank.The jar is notassembled correctlyon the main unit.Place the jar correctly on the main unit.The steam outleton the water tanklid is blocked bycontamination orlimescale buildup.Clean the steam outlet on the water tanklid.The steam inlet onthe jar lid is blockedby contamination.Clean the steam inlet on the jar lid.The ingredients are not completely heated through.The pieces in the jarare too big.Cut the food into smaller pieces (cubesno bigger than 1 cm).24ENGLISHProblem Possible cause SolutionThere is too muchfood in the jar.Decrease the amount of food in the jar.There is too much or too little water in the water tank.Add the correct amount of water according to the steaming time. Check the recipe booklet and/or the table in the chapter “Ingredients and steaming time” to make sure that you add the correct amount of water according to the steaming time for the ingredients you want to steam or the recipe you want to prepare.The steaming time is too short.Select a longer steaming time (30 minutes tops).The jar is not placed on the main unit correctly.Place the jar on the main unit correctly with the jar lid on the bottom.There is too much limescale buildup in the water tank.Descale the water tank. Refer to the section “Descaling” in the chapter “Cleaning and descaling”.The jar lid leaks.There is too muchfood in the jar.Switch off the appliance and process a smaller quantity.The jar lid is not locked onto the jar correctly.Place the jar lid on the jar and turn it clockwise to close it securely.The sealing ring around the jar lid is not assembled correctly or is not assembled. Make sure the sealing ring is correctly assembled around the jar lid with the flat side facing out.The blending function does not work.There is too muchfood in the jar.Switch off the appliance and process asmaller quantity. Raw food put in the jarshould not exceed top of the blade unit. The jar is not placedon the main unitcorrectly.Place the jar on the main unit with thelid on the top, align the icon on the jarwith the icon on the main unit, andturn the jar clockwise to securely lock itin place on the main unit.The jar lid is notlocked onto the jarcorrectly.Place the jar lid on the jar and turn itclockwise to close it securely.You are using theappliance to blendsticky food such ascheese.Check the recipe booklet and useappropriate ingredients to blend.25ENGLISH Problem Possible cause SolutionYou have been using the blending function continuously for more than 30 seconds.Stop blending and let the appliance cool down for a few seconds and then start blending again.The appliance makes a lot of noise, produces an unpleasant smell, is hot to touch, emits smoke, etc.There is too muchfood in the jar.Switch off the appliance and process asmaller quantity.You have been usingthe blending functionfor too long.Do not let the appliance blendcontinuously for more than 30 secondsat a time.The appliance produces a lot of noise and vibration during blending.The sieve is notattached to the jar lid.Make sure that the sieve is attached tothe jar lid.Temperature of the defrosted food is still low.There is too muchfood in the storagepot.Make sure that the amount of food inthe storage pot does not exceed themaximum scale marked on the side ofthe pot.Food in the storagepot is too viscous.Let the appliance cool down for 10minutes and defrost again.The storage pot leaks during reheating/ defrosting.The storage pot lid isnot closed correctly.Before putting the storage pot in the jarto reheat/defrost, make sure that the lidis closed correctly.Water in the water tank hasan unusual color when you pour it out of the water tank or when it enters the jar during steaming, or the water in the water tank has an unpleasant smell.Food particles haveentered the watertank during use.Clean the water tank according to theinstructions in the chapter “Cleaning anddescaling”. Use the appliance strictlyaccording to the instructions. Make sureyou do not overfill the water tank withwater (max. 250 ml) and that you do notoverfill the jar with food (do not fill thejar past the top edge of the plastic partof blade unit). Do not steam the sameingredients for more than 30 minutes oradd liquid to the jar to steam. After youhave put liquids in the jar, never put thejar in the steaming position with the jarlid on the bottom.26ENGLISHProblem Possible cause SolutionThere are white spots on the water tank, water tank lid, jar, jar lid and sieve.There is limescalebuildup on theseparts.This is normal. Remove the limescaleperiodically. Clean the water tank lid,jar, jar lid and sieve with a moist cloth.Descale the water tank. Refer to thesection “Descaling” in the chapter“Cleaning and descaling”.The surfaces that come into contact with food are discolored.Food colorings maydiscolor the parts thatcome into contactwith food.This is normal. All parts are still safe touse and will do no harm to the cookedfood.The appliance sounds 5 times and the steaming light flashes during steaming, reheating or defrosting.The jar is out ofposition or removedfrom the main unitduring processing.Turn the control knob to the off position(OFF), check the water amount in thewater tank, place the jar on the main unitcorrectly, and reselect the processingtime to start again.Water in the watertank is not enoughfor the selectedprocessing time.Turn the control knob to the off position(OFF), and add enough water for theselected processing time.There is too muchlimescale buildup inthe water tank.Descale the water tank. Refer to thesection “Descaling” in the chapter“Cleaning and descaling”.There are food residues in the inner layer at the bottom of the jar.Small food residueparticles get into theinner layer at thebottom of the jarduring cleaning.Remove the jar from the main unit. Removethe jar lid and blade unit from the jar.Flip the jar, align the small hole on thebottom to a tap and flush water into thesmall hole. Use warm water to achieve abetter cleaning result.Hold the jar handle and shake the jar forabout 15 seconds to mix the water withthe accumulated residues.Pour out the water from the small hole.Repeat above steps for several timesuntil the residues are cleaned.Technical specifications-Voltage/wattage: See type plate on the bottom of the appliance -Maximum water capacity of the water tank: 250 ml-Maximum capacity of the jar: 1050 ml-Operating temperature: 10°C to 40°C-Protection: Temperature-controlled heating system繁體中文27請參考用戶手冊正背面折疊頁上的圖片。


进入 校正 界面,根据使用的事充注枪 1(计量器 1)或者 2(计量器 3),输入充注的设定量和称重量,点击相应 计量器的 OK 按钮即可:
校准应执行以下流程: A、对校准罐抽真空 B、将校准罐放到电子秤上去皮重 C、在工作模式下,选择一个工作流程进行充注 D、称重,读取实际充注量 E、重复步骤 A~D 三次以上,计算实际称重的平均值 F、进入校正界面输入 设定剂量 和 称取剂量,点击 OK 按钮。 注意: a、设备开机后前一两次充注量可能有浮动,如需校准,应排除前几次充注。 b、在执行校正时,输入两个剂量后只能点一次 OK 按钮, 如果仍后误差,应重复整个校准流程 A~F 校正步骤。
编码:在工作状态为手动情况下,可以手动输入一个条形码。 条形码:显示手动模式下通过 编码 按钮输入的条形码或者自动模式下通过读码器扫描的条码。
上次工作报告:通过此按钮可以查看上一次充注的详细信息:抽真空、检漏压力值,冷媒压力值、冷媒类型、 充注量等。
Tel.: +86-22-23539921,23539929; Fax: +86-22-23539923 Member of Galileo TP Process Equipment Group
流程选择:列出所有工作流程,并可以看到每个工作流程的参数信息。 流程编号:直接输入一个流程编号,在熟悉各工作流程的情况下可以快速选择。
编程 冷媒类型 计量器 计量器 1 计量器 2 计量器 3 计量器 4 工作流程 总体编程 工作流程管理 充注枪管理 快速接头管理 条形码 流程选择方式 条码记忆管理 编码管理 通用 选择语言 测量单位 系统时间 通讯参数 原始设置恢复 退出



11.28fnirs操作报告——杨波FNIRS操作步骤详解——杨波2014201059 在命令窗口输入NIRS_SPM,打开nirs操作界面一、数据转换(covert)在这一步骤中,主要是用Beer-Lambert定律来计算氧化和脱氧血红蛋白在光学密度上的变化,并将这种浓度变化存储为'* .mat'文件。

●点击主控制界面上的covert●选择Hitachi ETG-4000(HbO、HbR、HbT)——日立ETG 4000系统●LOAD(依提示依次载入HbO、HbR、HbT光密度变化数据)●点击保存(选择存储位置,设置保存的文件名称,格式为 .mat)采样的频率及通道数量都会在这一步被读出二、Stand-alone & Spatial Registration根据Horn的算法研究,将真实的坐标位置与在解剖图像上的位置进行位置匹配,显示与真实坐标之间的关系,即近红外通道的位置空间配准●勾选主控制界面上的Stand-alone,点击Spatial Registration●勾选with 3D digitizer●Select the file (Reference position in REAL space),选择demo_origin.csv文件●Select the file (Optode and Channel position in REAL space) 选择demo_others.csv文件——脑模板点击Registration (use the NFRI function),出现下列1、2两个界面点击Project MNI Coordinate to Rendered Brain,会出现图3界面●点击Save,选择保存位置及设置文件名称,格式为 .mat●●三、Model Specification,ReviewNIRS数据的统计分析使用基于一般线性模型(GLM)的质量单变量方法。



#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 12307495Hanger, Basket Two Station11a2307497Hanger, Basket Three Station128030197Fryer’s Friend138030398Frypot Brush148237263Connecting Strip, Frypot151068325Cover, Full-Vat Frypot15a1068329Cover, Dual-Vat Frypot168030132Rack, Full-Vat Basket Support178030136Basket Support Screen, Full Vat1#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 11084351Replacement M3000 Manual LOV Controller1[1] 21065980SP Contactor Box Harness Assembly Dual Vat1131066031SP Contactor Box Wiring Assemblies – 12-Pin Full-Vat C-1,Contactor Box Harness Assembly Full Vat Standard EPRI41068744SP6-Pin, 14/17 kW Mechanical Contactor14a1068745SP9-Pin, 14/17 kW Mechanical Contactor151065750SP Full Vat Control Harness J4 to J21[2] 61065751SP Dual Vat Control Harness J4 to J1 and J21[2] 71080490SP Filter Pump C2 to Component Box Wiring Harness188074546Controller Communication1[3]8a8074573Controller Locator Wire1[4] 98074552Communications Terminator1[5] 108074660PK SMT Pin Service Repair Kit1[1] 10a2302345SMT Pin Extractor1[1] PART NOTES:[1]-Recommended Stock Part[2]-Standard[3]-used from Controller to Controller[4]-used from Controller to Interface Board[5]-used on Controller pin J6 to terminate network#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 12310323SP Side, Standard Cabinet Left SS122320323SP Side, Standard Cabinet Right SS138101105Door Magnet - Vertical1[1]3a8102346Door Magnet - Horizontal1[2] 41064397Door - Left/Right1[3] 52304960Handle, Eurolook Door161064067SP Door Pin Assembly178261343Spring - Door Pin Hinge188090970Retaining Ring192307192Hinge, Door Lower1102108288Panel, Universal Door1112206097Holder, Manual1128100327Caster 4” without Brake1138100944Caster 3” with Brake1148237891Tilt Housing, Two Station, S/S114a1080131Tilt Housing, Two Station, S/S1[4] 14b9102441Tilt Housing, Two Station, S/S1[5] 14c8237892Tilt Housing, Three Station, S/S114d1080132Tilt Housing, Three Station, S/S1[4] 14e9102440Tilt Housing, Three Station, S/S1[5] 14f8237893Tilt Housing, Four Station, S/S114g1080133Tilt Housing, Four Station, S/S1[4] 14h9102439Tilt Housing, Four Station, S/S1[5] 14i8236243Tilt Housing, Five Station, S/S114j1080138Tilt Housing, Five Station, S/S1[4] 14k9109447Tilt Housing, Five Station, S/S1[5] 151067835Top Cap Two Station115a809007810-32 Nutserts115b1065979Top Cap Three Station115c1067576Top Cap Four Station115d1067841Top Cap, Five Station1168236420Cap-N-Splash, Two Station116a8236421Cap-N-Splash, Three Station116b8236422Cap-N-Splash, Four Station116c8236887Cap-N-Splash, Five Station1PART NOTES:[1]-vertical[2]-verticalhorizontal over filter pan[3]-Left shown – move handle to bottom for right[4]-Aluminized Steel[5]-Hoodstrip#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 18238141Drain Tube, Dump Full-Vat Left Closed/Right End Open128238142Drain Tube, Dump Dual-Vat Left Closed/Right End Open138238143Drain Tube, Dump Full-Vat Left Closed Both Ends13a8237939Drain Tube, Dump Single Full-Vat Left Closed Both Ends148238144Drain Tube, Dump Dual-Vat Left Closed Both Ends14a8237936Drain Tube, Dump Single Dual-Vat Left Closed Both Ends158238145Drain Tube, Dump Full-Vat Left Closed Both Ends15a8238128Drain Tube, Dump Full-Vat Left Closed/Right End Open168238146Drain Tube, Dump Dual-Vat Left Closed Both Ends16a8238129Drain Tube, Dump Dual-Vat Left Closed/Right End Open178234643Drain Tube, Full-Vat, Short, Open Both Ends188237905Drain Tube, Dual-Vat, Short, Open Both Ends198122336Drain Tube - 3.0" x 8.0" L1108103551Drain Tube, Long, Open Both Ends1118234625Drain Tube, Short Full-Vat Left Open/Right End Closed1128237906Drain Tube, Short Dual-Vat Left Open/Right End Closed1138234639Drain Tube, Long Full-Vat Left Open/Right End Closed1148237908Drain Tube, Long Dual-Vat Left Open/Right End Closed1158234641Drain Tube, Long Full-Vat Open Both Ends1168237907Drain Tube, Long Dual-Vat Open Both Ends1178160772Sleeve1188090969Clamp 3”1198160630Cap, Vinyl Black1208111071Tube, 0.25-inch OD Teflon Manifold Vent1[1] 218237915Guard, Filter Lid Splash1221082451SP Valve, Assembly Drain FV OCF with Filter122a1082452SP Valve, Assembly Drain DV OCF with Filter1238090540Nut, Lock 0.5-inch-13 Hex 2-Way ZP1249002936Retainer Nut (FV)1252309334Handle - Drain Valve - Left125a2309333Handle - Drain Valve - Right1268160639Cap, Vinyl Red1279012348Cover, Dual-Vat Left Drain Safety Switch1288074936Switch, Micro Gold Plated1298160220Insulation, Microswitch1302006496Support, Drain Tube1312208162Bracket, Single 1.25-inch Drain Valve131a1082453Bracket Assy, Drain Switch1328160135O-ring1338101018Drain Valve, 1.25”, Left1348075159Harness, Drain FV1[2] 34a8075160Harness, Drain DV1[2]PART NOTES:[1]-sold by the foot[2]-connects from drain switch to rear of controller#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 11065592Box Assembly, Component122003300Bracket, Component Box Strain Relief138070012Filter Relay - 18A 24VAC1[1] 48070670Relay, 24V DPDT1[1] 58074770Relay, DPDT 20A 240V1[1]5a8074346Relay, DPDT 20A 120VAC1[2] 68070037Terminal, 0.25-inch Push-on178070121Bushing, Heyco SB-625-500188070922Holder, Bus Fuse198072278Fuse, 20 Amp1[1] 108102446Plug - 0.5" Heyco Double “D”1118074036Switch1[1] 11a8073575Plug, Carling Switch Hole1[3] 128071947Plug, .8751138071321Holder, Fuse1[4] 148071597Fuse - 3amp Slo-Blow1151065750SP Full Vat Control Harness J4 to J21161065751SP Dual Vat Control Harness J4 to J1 and J21178070855Transformer - 120V/50-60 Hz - 12V 20VA1[1] 188070800Transformer, 100-120V/24V 50VA Filter and MIB1[1] 198070680Transformer, 208V, 50/60Hz –24V 20VA1[1] 208072191Transformer - 208-240V -12V 30VA1[1] 218070979Transformer, 208V/240V/12V1[1] 228072180Transformer - 208-240V/24V 50A1[1] 238122126Transformer, 208-250V 24V 75VA w/o Fuse1[5] 248074967Transformer, 100-120V 75VA1[5] 258074968Transformer, 208-250V 75VA1[5] 268262260Standard Interface Board1[6] 26a8074403Speaker SMT1278090349Spacer, 4mm X 6mm Aluminum1288160217Insulation, Terminal Block Paper1298100045Bushing, .875 Dia. Hole 0.6875”1308069495SP Terminal Block and Wire Assembly1318074346Relay, DPDT 20A 120VAC1[7] 31a8074770Relay, DPDT 20A 240V1[8] 328072659Switch, Momentary1[9] 332305038Guard, Switch1348071174Fuse, 3 AMP, 250V, Slow-Blow1[1] 358102445Plug, Button .625 Heyco Double “D”1362205038Guard Finger OCF without JIB136a8262249RE Hood/Ansul Interlock Kit1[10] PART NOTES:[1]-Recommended Stock Part[2]-used in Canadian models onlyRecommended Stock Part[3]-used on some models without a switch[4]-Some models use item 10 here.#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note[5]-Used in DV component boxesRecommended Stock Part[6]-includes sound harnessRecommended Stock Part[7]-used for control power reset in right hand boxes only in domestic and Canadian unitsRecommended StockPart[8]-used for control power reset in right hand boxes only in international units; some international units haveone located in each control boxRecommended Stock Part[9]-used to reset control power, in right hand boxes only[10]-includes terminal block, wires and connectors#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 11068658Box Assembly, Left Contactor121068660Box Assembly, Right Contactor132210482Cover, Left Contactor Box142220482Cover, Right Contactor Box158070070Terminal, Ground Lug168072284Contactor, 24V 50 Amp Mechanical1[1] 78101202Contactor, 24V 40 Amp Mechanical1[2] 88071683Relay, 12VDC Secondary Blower Fan to cool frypot198070922Holder, Bus Fuse1108072278Fuse, 20 Amp1118070064Transformer, 480V/120V 150 VA1122210610Bracket, Left Hand Mounting112a2220610Bracket, Right Hand Mounting1138074316Power Cords, 120V 5-wire, w/grounded plug BIRE/MRE113a8074317Cord, Power – Euro 3-Wire 230/240V1148070012Filter Relay - 18A 24VAC1PART NOTES:[1]-HeatRecommended Stock Part[2]-LatchRecommended Stock PartBIEL14 Manual LOV Series Electric Fryers Electronics and Wiring Components - Heating Element Assemblies and HardwareElectronics and Wiring Components - Heating Element Assemblies and Hardware#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note18262198Element Kits - 200V - 17.0 kW1[1]1a8262192Element Kits - 208V - 17.0 kW1[2]1b8262200Element Kits - 220V - 17.0 kW1[3]1c8262193Element Kits - 230V - 17.0 kW1[4]1d8262199Element Kits - 230V - 18.5 kW1[5]1e8262194Element Kits - 240V - 17.0 kW1[4]1f8262196Element Kits - 480V - 17.0 kW1[4]28262212Temperature Probe Kit1[6]38160681Grommet, Probe148160480Plug, .375-inch Dome158160688Gasket, Element168091003Screw - #10-32 x 0.375" Hex Trim Head SS16a8090766Nut, 10-32 Keps Hex SS16b2304028Wrench, Element Tube Nut Spanner172303714Bracket, Temperature Probe 7.0 kW17a2300784Bracket - Temperature Probe 8.5/11 kW1[7]82200464Bracket, Lower Spring199102042Clamp, Element1[8]102300781Key Operated Switch Ice With Keys1[9]112304902Support, Full-Vat Element Rear1122304101Support, Full-Vat Element Front1138090567Tie-Wrap - Metal1142304903Support, Dual-Vat Element Rear Dual Vat114a2308163Support, Dual-Vat Element Bottom Rear1[10]152304103Support, Dual-Vat Element Front Dual Vat 14kW1168103030Spring, Element Lift Left116a8103131Spring, Element Lift Right1172200733Bracket, Lower Spring Mating1181080297SP Tube Assembly, Full-Vat 14kW118a1080293Tube Assembly, Full-Vat 171191080298SP Tube Assembly Dual-Vat 14kW119a1080295Tube Assembly Dual-Vat 171208103246Bushing and Tube Assembly, Dual-Vat1211080315Bracket Assembly, LH Element Tube Support1221080316Bracket Assembly, RH Element Tube Support1232200122Plate, Element Tube Support Inner1242200123Plate, Element Tube Support Outer1251067651SP Bracket Assembly, LH Upper Spring125a1066569Bracket Assembly, LH Upper Spring1[11]261067652SP Bracket Assembly, RH Upper Spring126a1066570Bracket Assembly, RH Upper Spring1[11]278102992Tube, Full Vat Element Mounting1288102993Bushing, Tube End Teflon1298262598Kit, Tilt Switch1308074742Switch, Long Lever High Temp1Electronics and Wiring Components - Heating Element Assemblies and Hardware #PART #DESCRIPTION QTY NotePART NOTES:[1]-includes gaskets, grommets, tie wraps, screws and nuts220V 8.5kW used in some export 3-phase 4-wire WYE units[2]-includes gaskets, grommets, tie wraps, screws and nutsRecommended Stock Part[3]-includes gaskets, grommets, tie wraps, screws and nuts240V 8.5kW used in some export 3-phase 4-wire WYE units[4]-includes gaskets, grommets, tie wraps, screws and nuts[5]-includes gaskets, grommets, tie wraps, screws and nutsused in some export 3-phase 4-wire WYE units[6]-Recommended Stock Part[7]-used in some export 3-phase 4-wire WYE units[8]-ShortShort[9]-Long[10]-fish vat[11]-17kW#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 18237910Lid, Half Size Filter Pan128103288Crumb Tray138103289Hold-Down Ring - 11.2 x 19.1148122024SanaGrid Filter Screen, Standard Size Filter Pan151083872SP Pan, Half Size Filter Pan with casters15a8130568Plug, 0.125” SS NPT, Sq-Head1[1] 568261392O-Ring5[2] 68102807Caster - 2" Rigid178236458Suction Tube Assembly182306616Rail, Upper Filter Pan Left/Right192306619Rail, Lower Filter Pan Left/Right1102203275Support, Left Filter Pan Two Vat1112203710Support, Right Filter Pan1128101055Flexline - 0.625" OD x 11.5" L1138261785Motor and Gasket Kit - 100V/50-60 Hz113a8261712Motor and Gasket Kit - 115V/50-60 Hz1[3] 13b8261756Motor and Gasket Kit - 208V/50-60 Hz1[3] 13c8261270Motor and Gasket Kit - 220-240V/50-60 Hz113d8261755Motor and Gasket Kit - 250V/50-60 Hz1148261264Pump Kit - 4 GPM1[4] 14a8160093Gasket - Pump/Motor1158090514Cap Screw - 0.3125" 18 NC Hex1[5] 15a80711973Pump Seal Kit - Viking115b1080649SP Heater Strip Assembly - 100-120V/25W - 18"115c1065912Heater Strip Assembly - 208-250V/25W - 18"1168072484Solenoid Valve - 0.25"1178101055Flexline - 0.625" OD x 11.5" L1188101057Flexline - Oil Return - 13" L1198130838Nipple - 0.25" NPT1208101668Male Adaptor - 0.625" OD x 0.5"1218101669Female Adaptor - 0.875" OD x 0.5"1228130298Nipple, 0.5” x 2.00” NPT BM Pipe122a8111071Tube, 0.25-inch OD Teflon Manifold Vent1[6] 238130022Nipple, 0.5” Close NPT BM1248130165Elbow - 0.5" x 90° NPT Street1258130304Bushing, 0.5-inch NPT to 0.25-inch NPT Flush Reducing1268130530Tee, Reducing 0.5-inch x 0.25-inch x0.5-inch1278130537Nipple - 0.25" x 2"1288130543Elbow, Street 0.25” NPT1PART NOTES:[1]-used with Item 5; two required[2]-used with Item 5Recommended Stock Part[3]-Recommended Stock Part[4]-includes gasket and cap screws below[5]-Connects pump to motor.[6]-sold by the foot#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 18238948SP Frypot, Full-Vat Manual LOV128238957SP Frypot, Dual-Vat Manual LOV12a8242210Riser, DV Frypot13a8261177Thermostat, High-Limit 425°F/218°C1[1]3b8262456Thermostat Assembly - High-Limit - 435°F1[2]3c8068035SP High-limit Thermostat1[3]3d8262455Thermostat Assembly - High-Limit - 415°F1[4]3e8068132High-Limit Thermostat, CE other than 22kW1[5] 42005438Handle, Rear Flush Valve14a9002935Retainer, Nut Oil Return Valve158100278Valve, 0.5” Ball168130165Elbow - 0.5" x 90° NPT Street178130298Nipple, 0.5” x 2.00” NPT BM Pipe188101067Flexline - Oil Return - 0.625" OD x 8.5" L198101668Male Adaptor - 0.625" OD x 0.5"1PART NOTES:[1]-218°C14 and 17kW FV[2]-224°C17kW and 14kW DV[3]-224°C17kW and 14kW DV Color Coded Red[4]-213°C14kW and 17kW CE[5]-Color-Coded Yellow213°C14kW and 17kW CEColor-Coded Yellow#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note111082433Handle Assembly, Full-Vat and Right Dual-Vat Rear FlushComplete21082432Handle Assembly, Left Dual-Vat Rear Flush Complete131065595Bracket Switch Assembly142005401Bracket, Handle Retainer158072103Microswitch168090601Clip, Clevis178103887Handle, Oil Return Left Dual Vat Rod188103886Handle, Oil Return Right Dual Vat and Full Vat Rod198160220Insulation, Microswitch1108160643Grip, Oil Return Valve Handle1118130907Cap, 0.9375-inch Valve Safety1128103015Manifold, Two-Station Fryer112a8103016Manifold, Three-Station Fryer112b8103017Manifold, Four-Station Fryer112c8103018Manifold, Five-Station Fryer1#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 18070154Power Cord - 120V w/Ground Plug11a8074317Cord, Power – Euro 3-Wire 230/240V11b8071685Power Cord - 450V - 18A - 110-inch, 3-wire, 16-gauge11c8074316Power Cords, 120V 5-wire, w/grounded plug BIRE/MRE111d8073817Power Cord - 208-250V/3 Ph - 74A - 96" - 4-wire w/plug 8awg11e8075105Power Cord - 208-240V/3 Ph - 105" - 4-wire w/ground plugCE 4 battery or larger280710682-Pin Female1380701586-Pin Female1480701569-Pin Female15807015912-Pin Female16807087515-Pin Female1780710672-Pin Male1880701576-Pin Male1980701559-Pin Male1 10807016012-Pin Male1 11807080415-Pin Male1128261341Terminal, Female Split Pin25138261342Terminal, Male Split Pin25148072518Plug, Mate-N-Lock1[1] 158070928Extract Tool Pin Pusher1168064855Pin Pusher Screwdriver Assy1172302345SMT Pin Extractor117a8074660PK SMT Pin Service Repair Kit1188090429Bolt - 0.25"– 20 x 2.00" Hex Head ZP Tap118a8261389Screw - 0.25"-20 x 0.75" Hex Head ZP1198091020Cap Screw, 0.3125”-18 5.50” NC Hex1[2] 208090448Clip, Tinnerman1218261366Nut - #4-40 Keps Hex121a8261366Nut - #4-40 Keps Hex2521b8261358Nut, 6-32 Keps Hex121c8261358Nut, 6-32 Keps Hex2521d8090247Nut - #8-32 Keps Hex121e8261376Nut - #10-32 Keps Hex121g8090766Nut, 10-32 Keps Hex SS121h8090581Nut, 0.5 NPT Locking1228090020Nut Cap 10-24 NP1238261372Nut Grip 0.25-inch 0.25-20 Hex NP1248261368Nut - 0.25-20 Serrated Flange1258090535Nut, "T" 0.25-inch-20 x 0.4375 SS125a8090495Nut, 0.25-inch - 20 Press125b8090540Nut, Lock 0.5-inch-13 Hex 2-Way ZP1268261359Screw - #4-40 x 0.75" Slotted Round Head1278261365Screw, 6-32 x 0.375-inch Slot Head127b8090357Screw, 6 x 0.375-inch Phillips Head NP1288090359Screw, 8 x 0.25-inch Hex Washer Head1#PART #DESCRIPTION QTY Note 28a8090360Screw, 8 x 0.375-inch Hex Washer Slot Head128b8261371Screw - #8 x 0.5" Hex Head ZP128d8090364Screw - #8 x 0.625" Hex Washer Head ZP128e8090518Screw, 8-32 x 0.375-inch Hex Washer Slotted Head SS128f8090104Screw, 8-32 x 0.5-inch Slotted Head ZP128g8261363Screw - #8-32 x 0.5" NP1298261360Screw - #10-24 x 0.3125" Round Slot Head ZP129b8261330Screw, 10-32 x 0.375-inch Slot Head SS129d8091003Screw - #10-32 x 0.375" Hex Trim Head SS129e8090270Screw, 10-32 x 0.5-inch Phillips Head ZP129f8261375Screw - #10-32 x 0.75" - Hex Trim Head SS129h8091000Screw - #10-32 x 1.25" - Hex129i8261374Screw - #10 x 0.5" Hex Head129k8090266Screw, 10 x 0.5-inch Phillips Head ZP129l8090475Screw - #10-32 x 0.3125" Hex129m8090123Screw - #10 x 0.75" - Slot Head1308261389Screw - 0.25"-20 x 0.75" Hex Head ZP1318090582Washer 0.5 NPT Locking131a8090184Washer, #10 LK ZP131b8090190Washer, .625 X .275 X 40 Flat SS131c8090191Washer, Lock 0.25 Spring ZP131d8090193Flat Washer - 0.25" Nylon131e8090194Flat Washer - 0.3125" ZP1PART NOTES:[1]-Dummy Pin[2]-Connects pump to motor.。








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F.R.I. TRAY RATING PROGRAMREVISION 1.0May, 2002OVERVIEWRevision 1.0 of the F.R.I. Tray Rating Program is a standalone program, which runs under Windows 98/2000/NT operating system. The program is used to evaluate and rate baffle, dualflow, sieve, and valve trays using F.R.I. correlations. For baffle trays, system limit, jet flooding capacity and pressure drop is evaluated. For the dualflow trays in addition to the system limit and the jet flooding capacity, the efficiency is calculated using two film and vapor density methods.For sieve and valve trays, the program calculates the hydraulics performance that includes the system limit, jet flooding, downcomer backup, and pressure drop. For sieve trays, the program can also calculate entrainment, weeping and efficiency using variety of the F.R.I. correlations. F.R.I. has not developed any correlation for the entrainment, weeping or efficiency of the valve trays. In the minimum input mode, the program calculates and displays the dimensions of the sieve and valve trays using a few specified dimensions and geometric relationships. The program handles 1-pass, 2-pass, 3-pass, and 4-pass sieve and valve trays. For 3-pass and 4-pass trays, the program has automatic hydraulic balancing with and without vapor tunnel in the off-center downcomer. In such cases, it calculates dimensions for either equal bubbling area or equal flow path length trays. The downcomer may be straight, sloped, semi-sloped or stepped. There are options for seal pan, swept-back weir and inlet weirs. Both US engineering and Metric units may be used for either input or output; the program has an automatic unit conversion feature.A Fortran Dynamic Link Library (Tray01.dll) and two visual basic modules perform the calculation and formatting of the input and output. The program uses various F.R.I. correlations to calculate:1. System Limit (all trays)2. Jet Flooding (all trays)3. Downcomer Backup (sieve and valve)4. Pressure Drop (all trays)5. Entrainment (sieve)6. Weeping (sieve)7. EfficiencyThe user has the option of specifying the correlations to be used and a few default values by editing an ini file (Tray01.ini). There are also options to print, print preview, export to an Excel or a tab delimited file for both the input and output results. The program warns the user for inconsistent entries, and the missing required input data on the status bar. No calculation is done if the required inputs have not been entered. However, the program calculates a few physical properties for vapor and liquid based on default values if efficiency calculation has been requested.INSTALLATIONTo install Tray1.0 on your system, place the CD-ROM in the drive. From Windows Explorer locate your CD-ROM and double click on it to display the files on the CD-ROM. If the operating system recognizes Autorun file, it would automatically install the program once the program CD has been inserted in the CD ROM drive; otherwise, click on FRITray.exe to start the installation process. You may also install the program by clicking on Start button in the Windows status bar and selecting the Run option form the displayed menu, then typing CD-ROM drive name and FRITray in the command line (ex. D:\FRITray), or click Windows Explorer to locate the FRITray.exe file. Click OK or press the Return key to begin the installation. At this point, you may get a setup warning indicating some system files are out of date on your system. Click OK if you would like the setup to update these files. You will need to restart Windows before you can run the installation program again. Click Cancel to exit setup without updating your system files.To download the program from the F.R.I. homepage use the following procedure:1. Open your Internet browser.2. Type in as the URL address and press Enter.3. Click on Member Company Access and type your User Name and Password and click onOK.4. Under the Password Protected area, on the left side of your screen, click on Programs.5. Click on F.R.I. Tray Rating Program Revision 1.0(Windows 95/98/NT) May 2002.6. Enter your User Name and Password for downloading the F.R.I. programs.7. The program FRITray.exe will be downloaded to your default download directory.8. Double Click on FRITray.exe and follow the instructions.After the installation is started, the Program Title and then the Welcome screens will be displayed. Click on Next to proceed to the next step. At this point, the Customer Information screen is displayed with User Name and Organization entries. You may revise and edit the two entries. Click Next to continue to the next screen, which is the Destination Folder. The default directory for the program destination is C:\Program Files\FRI_Rating\Trays\. The program directory can be changed by clicking on the Change. If a non-existing directory is specified, the user is requested to confirm the creation of the new directory. Click on Next to proceed to the Ready to Install the Program screen, which displays a summary of Setup type, Destination Folder and the User Information. You may click on < Back to go back to the previous screens and revise the entries. Otherwise, click on Install to continue the installation.Installshield copies the necessary files to the specified program directory, C:\Windows and C:\Windows\System directories. It also creates a program icon, named FRI Tray Rating, on your desktop and registers the program with the Windows Registry. You may be requested to reboot the computer in order to complete the installation process. The destination directory will contain 34 files 14 of which are input example files with a .TR1 and .SV7 file extensions. The program file is FRITray01.exe. There are 13 drawing files with a .jpg extension. Tray01_Hlp.doc is this file, which is in Microsoft Word 6.0/95 format.The standard input files have .TR1 extensions, may be opened, and edited using Notepad. Double clicking any of the input files results in running FRITray01.exe with automatic loading of the data from the input file. The input files handle one process stream with four devices. Whenever an input file with extension .TR1 is double clicked, the program is opened for the device that the file was saved for. Thus if a user runs a case with a sieve tray, then switches to baffle tray and saves the file, the next time the saved input file is opened, it opens in baffle tray section. There are four example input data files with the extension .TR1. These are Baffle.TR1, Dualflow.TR1, Sieve.TR1, and Valve.TR1. The name is an indication of which device was rated last, when the example input file was saved. There are also 11 example cases for sieve tray input data file. The calling convention for the sieve tray example files with extension .SV7is XpassY.SV7. The prefix, X, is a number ranging from 1 to 4 indicating number of passes. The postfix Y may be NH,which means the example case is using the Consistent Hydraulics correlations, Met indicating Metric units or Min, which means the case is a Minimum input example. The Dynamic Link Library Tray01.dll, which resides in C:\Windows\System directory or an equivalent, is a library that in addition to having the various correlations for all trays, it contains all the geometric calculations and hydraulic balancing for 3-pass and 4-pass sieve and valve trays.Tray01.iniThis is an initialization (ini) file containing default values for certain variables and correlations. This file is not expected to be changed or edited on daily basis. The file is usually edited after the initial installation, mainly changing the input and output units according to the company standard. The file may be edited using Notepad. There is a description line before each entry indicating the acceptable values.Revision 1.0 of the F.R.I. Tray Rating program contains the following items in the Tray01.ini with the default values in parentheses:1. [FRITray01] version number to indicate the input file format for backward compatibility2. Input units 0 = US Engineering, 1 = MetricInUnits = (0)3. Output units 0 = US Engineering, 1 = MetricOutUnits = (0)4. Target Jet Flood Confidence Limit (for sieve and valve trays)JetfldConLmt = (95.0)5. Target Downcomer Confidence Limit (applicable to sieve and valve trays onlyDCFldConLmt=(98.0)6. System Limit 0=No 1=TR34, 2=TR125s, 3=TR136 (all trays)SysLimit = (3)7. Jet Flood 0=No, 1=TR62, 2=TR 112, 3=TR 138 (all trays)Jetflood=(3)8. Downcomer flood 0=No, 1=TR 64, 2=TR101, 3=TR123 (sieve and valve trays only)DCFlood=(3)9. Pressure drop 0=No, 1=TR 88, 2=TR 119 (all trays)PressDrop = (2)10. Entrainment 0=No, 1=TR 82, 2=TR 112, 3=TR 138 (sieve tray only)Entrainment =(3)11. Weeping correlation 0=No, 1=TR 86, 2=TR 119 (sieve tray only)Weeping = (2)12. Efficiency correlation 0=No, 1=TR 79, 2=TR 126 and TR 128 ( sieve trays only)Efficiency =(2)13. Consistent Hydraulics Package 0=No, 1=TR119, and TR 123NewHydraulic=(1)14. Hole Edge facing vapor flow 0=Sharp, 1=Smooth (dualflow and sieve trays only)HoleEdge=(0)15. Specified Entrainment fraction (sieve tray only)SpecEntrFrac=(0.250)16. Specified Weep Fraction (sieve tray only)SpecWeepFrac=(0.150)NOTE: The user can set the correlation ID number, by editing the input data file using Notepad or any other word processor. The specified correlations, set in an input data file, must be consistent with one another. For example, for a sieve or a valve tray, one cannot select the Consistent Hydraulic package and specify TR 88 for the pressure drop correlation. The program checks for such inconsistencies and resets the correlations on a consistent basis, the user is warned about the correlation changes. If the user has setthe correlation ID numbers in Tray.ini to an inconsistent basis after the initial installation, the program warns the user about the inconsistencies and takes corrective action for the case. However, the values in the ini file are not changed. It is suggested that for such cases the user revise Tray01.ini immediately, and select the correlations on a consistent basis. Since the 3-pass and 4-pass sieve and valve trays must go through hydraulic tray balancing, if the required correlations (TR 119 &TR 123 for the consistent hydraulics package and TR 64 & TR 88 for previous correlations) ID have been set to 0, the program warns the user and selects the consistent correlations. If an input file is opened, which has different input and output units and different correlation from the Tray01.ini defaults, it will over write the values of the .ini file.RUNNING THE PROGRAMTo rate a tray using the F.R.I. Tray Rating Program Revision 1.0, double click either on FRITray01 icon in the directory where you installed the program or on the icon, which has been created on your desktop. This opens the Device Selection Form, shown in Figure 1. The form consists of five radio buttons, one of which (Bubble Cap) is disabled. It is intended to add the bubble cap tray rating in the future revisions of the program. The default tray type selection is Sieve, the user may select other devices by clicking on the enabled radio buttons, pressing and holding down Alt and the underlined letter combination, or using Arrow Up or Arrow Down keys. The user may terminate the program by clicking on the Exit button, or pressing Alt+x keys simultaneously. Once a device is selected, the user clicks on the Next button to proceed to the next step. The program opens a tab-formatted form with several buttons and a main menu bar.Figure 1. Device Selection FormSIEVE AND V ALVE TRAYSThe menu items and the displayed buttons depend on the selected device. The sieve and valve trays have many shared tabs and buttons. Figure 2 shows the form for the selection of the sieve tray menu option. The main menu items are File, Sieve, Change Device, and Help. There are two buttons at the top labeled Input and Output. The Output button is disabled before any calculation is performed. There are six tabs for input data labeled Title, Settings, Process, Sieve Tray, Downcomers, and Weir & Seal Pans. The user either enters the input data in the input boxes or reads the data from a previously saved data file. There are four buttons below the tab strip, which are labeled Verify, Cancel, Clear, and Calculate. There is a status bar at the bottom of the form, which gives a brief instruction for each input entry. The user has the option of pressing F1 function key to get more detailed information and help instructions about the particular entry point. Once all the required input have been entered and the user is satisfied with the entries, clicks on Verify to indicate acceptance of all entries. Initially only Verify and Clear are enabled, and Cancel and Calculate are disabled. If Clear is clicked, Cancel becomes enabled which undoes the action of the Clear button. When sufficient data has been entered, clicking Verify enables Calculate; otherwise, Calculate remains disabled. In case of missing input data, the status bardisplays a red colored text indicating the required input data. If there are several input data missing, the program displays their requirement one at a time; i.e., once the first missing data is entered and Verify button is pressed, the program displays on the status bar the next missing data if any.Figure 2. Input Form for Sieve TrayWhen Calculate is enabled, it can be clicked and the program will proceed with the calculations. If there are no fatal errors in the entries, the input tabs become hidden and seven output tabs are displayed. At thispoint Output button becomes enabled. Before any change is made to any input data, one can switch between theinput and output tab by clicking on Input and Output respectively. If any input is changed and Verify is clicked, Output becomes disabled and one must go through a calculation stage before the output tabs become available again. Figure 3 shows the Output tabs. The output tabs are Output Summary; Jet Flood; Downcomer Flood; PD, Entrain, Weep; Efficiency; Safety Factors/Error messages; and output details. In addition to the input and output tabs, there is a hidden tab which is labeled preview tab. This tab becomes visible whenever a user selects Preview option from the Print menu under File option. Clicking on any other tab, results in hiding the Preview tab. When the output tabs are visible, all four buttons below the tab strip are disabled. The title bar includes an icon and path to the input data file. For aMay, 2002 Page 10New case the file name is Untitled. Once the input data are saved in a directory, the saved name is displayed in the title bar.Input Tabs - Following is a brief description of the input tabs:Title - Figure 4 shows the Title tab, which is one of the shared tabs among all the devices. This tab contains three entries:Figure 3. Output Tabs1. Case I.D. Number - a combination of alphanumeric identifying the case.2. Case Title - a one-line description of the case title that is part of the header of the printedinput or output.3. Case Description - a scrollable window containing a few lines of notes applicable to thecase. The notes are saved as part of the input data file, and partially are printed when theinput is printed.It must be noted that pressing the enter key results in cursor movement from one input box to the next, similar to pressing the tab key; the exception being the Case Description box which results in introducing a line feed and Carriage return action. However, if one presses tab when the user is in the Case Description box the cursor moves to the case I.D. number box.Settings - Figure 5 displays the Settings tab. This tab is shared between the sieve and valve trays. Most entries in this tab are read from Tray01.ini, however the user has the option to over write some of the entries.1. Input Units - A radio selection box that one can use by pressing the arrow keys or the left mouseFigure 4. Title Tabbutton to select either US engineering or Metric units. The input units and values are automatically converted once the units are changed.2. Output Units - Similar to the Input Units radio selection box except it is applied to the output. If the Output Units are changed before any calculation is made, once the Calculate button is clicked the results would be displayed in the selected units. If the Output Units are changed after the calculations have been made, all the units and output are converted to the new units automatically.3. Target Confidence Limit - there are two fields to specify, the confidence limit for the Jet-Flood and the Downcomer Flood. The two values are read from ini file for each new case. The user has the option to over write both values.4. Calculation Options- There are check boxes for Efficiency, Minimum Input and Display Geometry in this frame. If an efficiency calculation is selected, the selected efficiencycorrelation in the ini file is displayed in the F.R.I. Correlations frame. If no efficiency correlation is specified in the ini file, the user is asked whether to use TR 126 or TR 79 depending on the specification of the Consistent Hydraulics package by the user or not. If the user does not accept the acceptable efficiency correlation, the Efficiency calculationFigure 5. Settings Tabcheck box is de-selected. It should also be noted that the auxiliary properties frame in the Process tab is disabled if no efficiency calculation is to be performed. In the case of an efficiency calculation request, if some of the auxiliary properties have not been specified, the program will generate default values using the other specified physical properties. Since F.R.I. has not developed a correlation for the valve tray efficiency, this check box is disabled and no efficiency correlation is displayed in the F.R.I. Correlations frame.Selecting the Minimum Input check box disables some sieve and valve tray input dimensions. Once the calculate button is pressed, all the tray dimensions are calculated and placed in the proper input fields. If the user needs to revise some of the input dimensions, the Minimum Input check box can be deselected, which leaves the numbers in their respective input fields and enables data entry in the previously disabled fields. One must note that in addition to each panel dimension, the user cannot enter any value in Vertical height above and below Slope, DC Escape Area, Outlet Weir Length, and thedimensions for a Seal Pan. For 3- pass and 4-pass cases, Tray Panel Type frame becomes enabled. The user must specify whether the panels are Equal Bubbling Area (default) or Equal Flow Path length tray, giving the user the option to change the calculated numbers. It is recommended to use this procedure if not all the dimensions for the tray are known.Display Geometry is another option to give the user the ability to calculate the tray dimensions without going through hydraulic and efficiency calculations. The tray geometries are calculated and displayed with a minimum number of entries. Figure 6 shows the Settings tab with the Display Geometry check box being selected. Once the Display Geometry check box is selected, the Minimum Input check box is also automatically selected. Deselecting the Minimum Input check box also results in the automatic de-selection of the Display Geometry. It should also be noted that the label of the Calculate button is changed to Geometry, indicating a different type of calculation. Once the tray dimensions are calculated and displayed, the Geometry button caption is switched back to Calculate. The Display Geometry check box is de-selected after the calculation has been made.If the user enters Diameter, Top and Bottom Fractional downcomer Areas or Widths, the program calculates bubbling area, free area, flow path length and width. It also calculates and displays the top and the bottom downcomer widths or fractional area depending which one has been specified in the input. If swept-back weir is not specified, the program shows the outlet weir length for each panel. For sieve tray, if the Average % Hole Area (in the Tray Geometry frame) is specified, the program calculates the hole area for each panel assuming they have the same percent hole area. If the Hole Diameter is entered, the number of holes is also calculated. For valve tray, if the total number of valves or the valve density per unit area is specified, the program calculates and displays the number of valves for each panel. Specifying the downcomer Clearance results in the calculation of downcomer escape area using the specified downcomer clearance and the calculated weir length.Figure 6. Display Geometry Check Box5. Entrainment and Weep Spec (Sieve Tray only)- There are two fields, one for entrainment and one for weep fraction specification. These values are initially read from the ini file. If no value has been specified in the ini file, both fields will be blank. The user has the option of over writing both fields. Once a value is specified, the program calculated the vapor rates required to generate the fraction entrainment or weeping specified in this frame. No such calculation is performed if the fields are blank. Note these entries are blank and disabled for valve trays.6. F.R.I. Correlations - All the fields in this frame are disabled. The user has no option to change the specified correlation within the program. The only way the selected correlations can be changed is to edit the ini file. The only exception is the efficiency, if no efficiency correlation has been specified in the ini file. Selecting the Efficiency calculation in such a case, results in display of a dialog box indicating a choice between TR 126 or TR 79 (depending on the selection of Consistent Hydraulics or not in the ini file) efficiency calculation or canceling the efficiency calculation all together. The daily user is not supposed to change the correlations used in the calculations. These are selected by each member company and the IT manager or the individual in charge of the maintenance of the F.R.I. program; the only persons who should have permission to edit the ini file and set the default values.Since the valve tray correlations are based on TR 119, TR 123, TR 136, and TR 138, the user does not get a choice to specify the valve tray correlations in the ini file. Only sieve tray correlations are displayed in the ini file. Changing the device type results in the display of the applicable correlations in the F.R.I. Correlations fields.It should be mentioned that the correlations saved with an individual case, take priority over the default correlations saved in the ini file. One may choose to edit a saved input file, using the Notepad, to change the correlations used by that case.For valve trays, there is a red note indicating that F.R.I. has not developed any correlations for the entrainment, weeping and the efficiency of the valve trays at the time of issuing the program to the membership.Process - Figure 7 displays the process tab, which is shared among all devices. Thus, the Tray01 program is a single process multiple device program.There are three input frames in the process tab: vapor, liquid and the auxiliary properties. Theauxiliary properties frame is disabled for baffle, valve and for a sieve tray for which no efficiency calculation is to be performed. The frame is always enabled for dualflow trays.1. Vapor - This frame contains the vapor phase process conditions. It includes entry fields for the mass flow rate and density, which are required for all hydraulic calculations, and vapor viscosity and molecular weight. Molecular weight is an optional entry and is set equal to the liquid phase molecular weight, if it is left blank and a value is specified for the liquid molecular weight. The molecular weights are used to calculate the molar rates, Lambda, and m-value if they have not been specified and are needed for the efficiency calculations. For baffle tray, the vapor viscosity field is disabled because its value is not needed for any baffle tray correlations.Figure 7. Process Tab2. Liquid- This frame contains the liquid phase process conditions. The frame includes fields for the liquid mass flow rate and density that are required for all hydraulic calculations, liquidviscosity, surface tension and the molecular weight. Liquid molecular weight is an optional entry and set equal to the vapor molecular weight if no value is specified for it. For baffle tray, the liquid viscosity field is disabled because its value is not needed for any baffle tray correlations.3. Auxiliary Properties - This frame contains those physical properties, which are used in the efficiency calculations. If no efficiency calculation is requested this frame is disabled. If some of the input data in this frame are missing, the program uses defaults and calculates the remaining properties. The default and the calculated values in the auxiliary properties frame are displayed in green. The auxiliary variables include the vapor and the liquid diffusivities and Schmidt number, m-values and Lambda. Default values used are:Vapor Viscosity = 0.01 CPVapor Schmidt Number = 0.8Liquid Schmidt Number =515.3 (Liquid Viscosity) 1.5Lambda = 1One must note that deselecting the efficiency calculation, results in disabling the auxiliary properties frame and hiding the entered or calculated values in that frame.Sieve Tray - Figure 8 shows the sieve tray tab. There are two frames in this tab: one for TrayFigure 8. Sieve Tray TabGeometry and one for Panel Geometry. Tray Geometry contains fields for Diameter, Tray Spacing, Deck Thickness, Hole Diameter, Average % Hole Area, and Hole Edge facing Vapor, which may be sharp or smooth. For a multi-panel tray, it is assumed all panels have the same deck thickness, hole diameter and hole edge-facing vapor. Once a number is entered in percent hole area, the same number is displayed for all panels. However, the user has the option to over write the displayed numbers. After the Verify button is clicked, the program takes the average of % hole area from all the panels and corrects the average % hole area in the Tray Geometry frame. When a value is entered for the Average % Hole Area in the Tray Panel, the program checks for the value of the Percent Hole Area for each panel. If there is no value, the average value is placed in the blank field; otherwise, the value is not changed.If a Minimum Input case has been specified, the Panel Geometry frame is disabled and no field is available for data entry. For the cases that the Minimum Input check box (in the Settings tab) has not been checked, one or more panels and their respective field are enabled. The number of enabled panels is the same as the number of passes specified in the Settings tab. Each panel in the Panel Geometry frame includes Bubbling Area, Free Area, Flow Path Length, Flow Path Width, Percent Hole Area, HoleArea, and Number of Holes. Percent Hole area, Hole Area and Number of Holes are interrelated.Specifying one of these variables, provided the Bubbling Area has been specified, fixes the other two values. Black color indicates which variable has been specified and blue color shows the calculated values. The flow path width is defined as an arithmetic average of wall-to-wall distance at the inlet, center and outlet of panel. However, when the value is calculated by the program, the actual value is calculated by dividing the panel area by the flow path length.Downcomers (Sieve and Valve Trays only)- The program handles Straight, Sloped, Semi-Sloped, and Stepped downcomers. Figure 9displays the Downcome r tab for a 3-pass example case.There are four downcomer columns available for the data entry. The first column is for the Side downcomer that is always enabled. The second is for the Center downcomer, which is enabled for 2-pass and 4-pass trays only. The third and the fourth columns are for the Off-Center downcomer that is enabled just for 3-pass and 4-pass trays. The third column is for the side of the off-center downcomer that is the farthest away to the tray center. The additional dimensions for the side of the off-center downcomer nearest to the tray center are specified in the fourth column.Figure 9. Downcomer TabFor each downcomer, one can specify the Width or the Fractional Area at the top or bottom. If。
