Word test 21-22 B keys
(A)执行"编辑"菜单中的"全选"命令或按Ctrl+A组合键(B)将光标移到文档的左边空白处,当光标变为一个空心箭头时,按住Ctrl键,单击鼠标(C)将光标移到文档的左边空白处,当光标变为一个空心箭头时,连续三击鼠标(D)将光标移到文档的左边空白处,当变为一个空心箭头时,双击鼠标5.把单词cta改成cat,再把teh改成the后,单击"撒消上一次"按钮会显示:(A)cta (B)cat (C)teh (D)the6.下列操作中,执行不能在Word文档中插入图片。
沪科版 九年级上册 数学第21 22章测试卷(word版)
学校 姓名 成绩九年级数学第21 22章测试卷(本卷共八大题23小题,考试时间120分钟,满分150分)一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,满分40分)1.若x∶y =1∶3,2y =3z ,则 2x +yz -y 的值是( )A .-5B .-10 3 C . 103D .5 2.若二次函数y =x 2+4x -1配方后为y =(x +h )2+k ,则h 、k 的值分别为( ) A .2,5 B .4,-5 C .2,-5 D .-2,-5 3.二次函数y =x 2+2x -5有( )A .最大值-5B .最小值-5C .最大值-6D .最小值-6 4.如图,已知点C 是线段AB 的黄金分割点,且BC >AC .若S 1表示以BC 为边的正方形面积,S 2表示长为AB 、宽为AC 的矩形面积,则S 1与S 2的大小关系为( ) A .S 1>S 2 B .S 1=S 2 C .S 1<S 2 D .不能确定 5.如图,已知直线y =-2x +4与x 轴、y 轴分别相交于A 、B 两点,C 为OB 上一点,且∠1=∠2,则S △ABC =( )A .1B .2C .3D .46.如图,在△ABC 中,A 、B 两个顶点在x 轴的上方,点C 的坐标是(-1,0).以点C 为位似中心,在x 轴的下方作△ABC 的位似图形△A 1B 1C ,并把△ABC 的边长放大到原来的2倍.设点B 的对应点B 1的横坐标是a ,则点B 的横坐标是( )A .- 1 2(a -1)B .- 1 2aC .- 1 2(a +1)D .- 12(a +3)7.若当x >1时二次函数y =-x 2+2bx +c 的值随x 值的增大而减小,则b 的取值范围是( ) A .b ≥-1 B .b ≤-1 C .b ≥1 D .b ≤18.如图,AB =4,射线BM 和AB 互相垂直,点D 是AB 上的一个动点,点E 在射线BM 上,BD =2BE ,作EF ⊥DE 并截取EF =DE ,连接AF 并延长交射线BM 于点C .设BE =x ,BC =y ,则y 关于x 的函数解析式是( )A .y =- 12x x -4B .y =- 2x x -1C .y =- 3x x -1D .y =- 8xx -49.如图,正方形ABCD 的顶点B 、C 在x 轴的正半轴上,反比例函数y = kx (k >0,x >0)的图象过点A (m ,2)和CD 边上的点E (n , 23),过点E 的直线l 交x 轴于点F ,交y 轴于点G (0,-2),则点F 的坐标是( )A .( 5 4,0)B .( 7 4,0)C .( 9 4,0)D .( 114,0)第9题图GOyB F CADExABCDEF PBEC MFDA 第8题图第10题图y B12AC OxCA yx BA 1B 1 O CABS 2 S 1第4题图第5题图第6题图10.如图,点P 是菱形ABCD 的对角线AC 上的一个动点,过点P 垂直于AC 的直线交菱形ABCD的边于E 、F 两点.设AC =2,BD =1,AP =x ,△AEF 的面积为y ,则y 关于x 的函数图象大致形状是( )二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)11.如图,AB ∥DE ,若AC =4,BC =2,DC =1,则EC =____________.12.若抛物线y =ax 2+bx +c 经过点(-3,0)且对称轴是直线x =-1,则a +b +c= .13.如图,一次函数y 1=ax +b 与反比例函数y 2= kx的图象交于A (1,4)、B (4,1)两点.若使y 1>y 2,则x 的取值范围是 .14.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知直线l :y =-x -1,双曲线y = 1x.在l 上取点A 1,过点A 1作x 轴的垂线交双曲线于点B 1,过点B 1作y 轴的垂线交l 于点A 2,请继续操作并探究:过点A 2作x 轴的垂线交双曲线于点B 2,过点B 2作y 轴的垂线交l 于点A 3,…,这样依次得到l 上的点A 1,A 2,A 3,…,A n ,….记点A n 的横坐标为a n ,若a 1=2,则a 2014= .三、(本大题共2小题,每小题8分,满分16分)15.如图,在边长为1个单位长度的小正方形组成的网格中,给出了格点△ABC (注:网格线的交点称为格点).(1)将△ABC 向上平移3个单位得到△A 1B 1C 1,请画出△A 1B 1C 1;(2)请画出一个格点△A 2B 2C 2,使△A 2B 2C 2∽△ABC ,且相似比不为1.16.已知反比例函数y = kx的图象与二次函数y =ax 2+x -1的图象相交于点(2,2).(1)求a 和k 的值;OOOOxx x x y y y y 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 A .B .C .D . y第14题图第13题图xOABOyA 1B 1A 2l xAB C第15题图(2)判断反比例函数的图象是否经过二次函数图象的顶点并说明理由.四、(本大题共2小题,每小题8分,满分16分)17.如图,抛物线y =-x 2+2x +c与x 轴交于点A (-1,0)、B ,对称轴与x 轴交于点D ,过顶点C 作CE ⊥y 轴于点E ,连接BE 交CD 于点F . (1)求该抛物线的解析式及顶点C 的坐标;(2)求△CEF 与△DBF 的面积之比.18.如图,在□ABCD 中,E 、F 分别是边BC 、CD 上的点,且EF ∥BD ,AE 、AF 分别交BD于点G 和点H .已知BD =12,EF =8,求:(1)DFAB的值;(2)线段GH 的长.ABC DEF第17题图y x第18题图ABC D E F GH五、(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,满分20分)19.反比例函数y=kx 在第一象限的图象如图所示,过点A(1,0)作x轴的垂线,交反比例函数y=kx的图象于点M,△AOM的面积为3.(1)求反比例函数的解析式;(2)设点B的坐标为(t,0),其中t>1.若以AB为一边的正方形有一个顶点在反比例函数y=kx的图象上,求t的值.20.某商店经过市场调查,整理出某种商品在第x(1≤x≤90)天的售价与销量的相关信息如下表:时间x(天)1≤x<50 50≤x≤90售价(元/件)x+40 90每天销量(件)200-2x已知该商品的进价为每件30元,设销售该商品的每天利润为y元.(1)求出y与x的函数关系式;(2)问销售该商品第几天时,当天销售利润最大,最大利润是多少?AO xMy第19题图y /℃1000六、(本题满分12分)21.(12分)如图,△ABC 和△CEF 均为等腰直角三角形,E 在△ABC 内,∠CAE +∠CBE=90°,连接BF .(1)求证:△CAE ∽△CBF . (2)若BE=1,AE=2,求CE 的长.七、(本题满分12分)22.某研究所将一种材料加热到1000℃时停止加热,并立即将材料分为A 、B 两组,采用不同工艺做降温对比实验,设降温开始后经过x min 时,A 、B 两组材料的温度分别为y A ℃、y B ℃,y A 、y B 与x 的函数关系式分别为y A =kx +b 、y B = 14(x -60)2+m (部分图象如图所示),当x =40时,两组材料的温度相同.(1)分别求y A 、y B 关于x 的函数关系式;(2)当A 组材料的温度降至120℃时,B 组材料的温度是多少? (3)在0<x <40的什么时刻,两组材料温差最大?八、(本题满分14分)23.(14分)(2016•南宁)如图,已知抛物线经过原点O,顶点为A(1,1),且与直线y=x ﹣2交于B,C两点.(1)求抛物线的解析式及点C的坐标;(2)求证:△ABC是直角三角形;(3)若点N为x轴上的一个动点,过点N作MN⊥x轴与抛物线交于点M,则是否存在以O,M,N为顶点的三角形与△ABC相似?若存在,请求出点N的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.1~5:ACDBC 6~10:DDACC11.2 12.0 13.x<0或1<x<4 14.215.解:如图(注:相似三角形的画法不唯一).…每画对一个得4分.16.解:(1)∵函数y=ax2+x-1与y=kx的图象交于点(2,2),∴2=4a+2-1,2=k2.∴a=14,k=4.………3分(2)反比例函数的图象经过二次函数图象的顶点.………4分由(1)知,二次函数和反比例函数分别是y=14x2+x-1和y=4x.∵y=14x2+x-1=14(x+2)2-2,∴二次函数图象的顶点是(-2,-2).………6分在反比例函数中,当x=-2时,y=4-2=-2,∴反比例函数的图象过二次函数图象的顶点.………8分17.解:(1)根据题意,得-(-1)2+2×(-1)+c=0,即c=3.∴y=-x2+2x+3.∵y=-x2+2x+3=-(x-1)2+4,∴顶点C(1,4).………4分(2)∵A(-1,0),抛物线的对称轴为直线x=1,∴点B(3,0).∴CE=1,BD=2.∵CE∥BD,∴△CEF∽△BDF.∴S△CEF∶S△BDF=(CE∶BD)2=(1∶2)2=1∶4.………8分18.解:(1)∵EF∥BD,∴CFCD=EFBD.………2分∵BD=12,EF=8,∴CFCD=23,DFCD=13.………3分∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴AB=CD.∴DFAB=13.………4分(2)∵DF∥AB,∴FHAH=DFAB=13,AHAF=34.………6分∵EF∥BD,∴GHEF=AHAF=34,GH=34EF=6.………8分19.解:(1)设点M的坐标为(m,n)(其中m、n>0),则k=mn,S△AOM=12mn=12k=3.∴k=6,反比例函数解析式为y=6x.………3分(2)若以AB为一边的正方形ABCD的顶点D在反比例函y=6x的图象上,则D点与M点重合,即AB=AM.把x=1代入y=6x,得y=6.ABCA1A2C2C1B1B2∴点M 坐标为(1,6). ∴AB =AM =6.∴t =1+6=7.………6分若以AB 为一边的正方形ABCD 的顶点C 在反比例函数y = 6x的图象上,则AB =BC =t -1,点C 坐标为(t ,t -1).∴t (t -1)=6,解得 t 1=3,t 2=-2(舍去).………9分 ∴t 的值为3或7.………10分20.解:(1)当1≤x <50时,y =(200-2x )(x +40-30)=-2x 2+180x +2000;当50≤x ≤90时,y =(200-2x )(90-30)=-120x +12000.∴y =⎩⎨⎧-2x 2+180x +2000(1≤x <50),-120x +12000(50≤x ≤90).………5分(2)当1≤x <50时,二次函数的图象开口下、对称轴为x =45, ∴当x =45时,y 最大=-2×452+180×45+2000=6050; 当50≤x ≤90时,一次函数y 随x 的增大而减小, ∴当x =50时,y 最大=6000.………9分∴综上所述,该商品第45天时,当天销售利润最大,最大利润是6050元. (10)分21.【解答】(1)证明:∵△ABC 和△CEF 均为等腰直角三角形, ∴==,∴∠ACB=∠ECF=45°, ∴∠ACE=∠BCF , ∴△CAE ∽△CBF ;(2)解:∵△CAE ∽△CBF , ∴∠CAE=∠CBF ,==,又∵==,AE=2∴=,∴BF=,又∵∠CAE +∠CBE=90°, ∴∠CBF +∠CBE=90°,∴∠EBF=90°, ∴EF 2=BE 2+BF 2=12+()2=3,∴EF=,∵CE 2=2EF 2=6, ∴CE=. 22.解:(1)∵抛物线y B = 14(x -60)2+m 经过点(0,1000),∴1000= 1 4(0-60)2+m ,解得 m =100. ∴y B = 14(x -60)2+100.………2分当x =40时,y B = 14×(40-60)2+100,解得 y B =200.∵直线y A =k x +b ,经过点(0,1000)与(40,200),则⎩⎨⎧b =1000,40k +b =200,解得 ⎩⎨⎧b =1000,k =-20.∴y A =-20x +1000.………5分 (2)当A 组材料的温度降至120℃时,有 120=-20x +1000,解得 x =44.当x =44,y B = 14(44-60)2+100=164(℃),即B 组材料的温度是164℃.…8分(3)当0<x <40时,y A -y B =-20x +1000- 1 4(x -60)2-100=- 1 4x 2+10x =- 14(x -20)2+100.23.【解答】解:(1)∵顶点坐标为(1,1),∴设抛物线解析式为y=a (x ﹣1)2+1,又抛物线过原点,∴0=a (0﹣1)2+1,解得a=﹣1,∴抛物线解析式为y=﹣(x ﹣1)2+1,即y=﹣x 2+2x ,联立抛物线和直线解析式可得,解得或,∴B (2,0),C (﹣1,﹣3);(2)如图,分别过A 、C 两点作x 轴的垂线,交x 轴于点D 、E 两点,则AD=OD=BD=1,BE=OB +OE=2+1=3,EC=3,∴∠ABO=∠CBO=45°,即∠ABC=90°,∴△ABC 是直角三角形;(3)假设存在满足条件的点N ,设N (x ,0),则M (x ,﹣x 2+2x ),∴ON=|x |,MN=|﹣x 2+2x |,由(2)在Rt △ABD 和Rt △CEB 中,可分别求得AB=,BC=3,∵MN ⊥x 轴于点N∴∠ABC=∠MNO=90°,∴当△ABC和△MNO相似时有=或=,①当=时,则有=,即|x||﹣x+2|=|x|,∵当x=0时M、O、N不能构成三角形,∴x≠0,∴|﹣x+2|=,即﹣x+2=±,解得x=或x=,此时N点坐标为(,0)或(,0);②当=时,则有=,即|x||﹣x+2|=3|x|,∴|﹣x+2|=3,即﹣x+2=±3,解得x=5或x=﹣1,此时N点坐标为(﹣1,0)或(5,0),综上可知存在满足条件的N点,其坐标为(,0)或(,0)或(﹣1,0)或(5,0).。
21-22第二学期中职英语基础模块2复习题答案一. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。
1. Which color do you p , red or blue?2. Chinese silk blouses are in s now.3. Cwhat s does your son wear ? --Extra Large.4. I want to do some s in the supermarket.5. Just tell you wife to wash them g in cold water.6. I’ll take both of them. How much is it in t ?7. Don’t w . I’ll help you.8. M I help you, madam ?9. Thank you for shopping with us. It’s my p .10. W you mind coming with me to the cashier ?二. 根据句子意思及汉语提示完成句子。
1. Are these dresses for us made (手工) ?2. (成千上万的) buildings fell down in the earthquake.3. Today, (打扫教室) is our group’s task.4. The small town is (因…而闻名) the old temple.5. How much are the books (总共),please ?6. The old house near the park will (重建)next month.7. We bought a lot of fruits yesterday, (比如)apples,oranges,pears and so on.8. The road (通向)the valley.9. Could you please let me (把门关上).10. You should tell your brother (试穿)the shirt first.三. 单项选择。
计算机二级操作题第21套一、选择题1. 在Word文档中,若要将文档中的所有“计算机”一词替换为“电脑”,应使用以下哪个功能?A. 格式刷B. 查找和替换C. 插入D. 批注2. 在Excel中,若要将一个单元格的格式设置为货币格式,应使用以下哪个选项?A. 常规B. 数字C. 日期D. 文本3. 在PowerPoint中,若要将幻灯片的布局设置为标题和内容,应选择以下哪个布局?A. 标题幻灯片B. 标题和内容C. 标题、内容和图表D. 空白4. 在Access数据库中,若要创建一个查询,以便显示所有客户的姓名和地址,应使用以下哪种查询?A. 选择查询B. 交叉表查询C. 参数查询D. 操作查询5. 在Outlook中,若要将一封邮件标记为重要,应使用以下哪个选项?A. 标记为已读B. 标记为重要C. 标记为垃圾邮件D. 标记为后续跟进二、填空题6. 在Word中,若要设置文档的页边距,应使用“页面布局”选项卡下的_________工具。
7. 在Excel中,若要对数据进行排序,可以使用“数据”选项卡下的_________功能。
8. 在PowerPoint中,若要将一张幻灯片复制到另一张幻灯片,可以使用“开始”选项卡下的_________功能。
9. 在Access中,若要创建一个新的表,应使用“创建”选项卡下的_________工具。
10. 在Outlook中,若要创建一个新的联系人,应使用“开始”选项卡下的_________命令。
三、简答题11. 请简述在Word中如何插入一个表格,并设置其列宽和行高。
12. 请简述在Excel中如何使用公式计算一列数据的总和。
13. 请简述在PowerPoint中如何设置幻灯片的切换效果。
14. 请简述在Access中如何使用查询来筛选出特定条件的记录。
15. 请简述在Outlook中如何设置邮件规则,以便自动将收到的邮件分类到不同的文件夹。
四、操作题16. 打开附带的Word文档,按照以下要求进行操作:a. 将文档标题设置为“计算机二级考试指南”。
七年级上学期期中考试(英语)(考试总分:100 分)一、听力(本题共计1小题,总分20分)1.(20分)第一节听下面5 段对话。
( )1. What's the girl's first name?A.Gina.B. Brown.C. Linda.( )2. What's the girl's phone number?A.423-3565.B. 423-3655.C.432-3565.( )3. Who is that ?A.Tom's father.B. Tom’s uncle.C. Tom's brother.( )4. Is that Jim's key?A.It’s Jim’s.B. No,it isn't.C. Yes, it is.( )5. Where is the baseball?A.Under the table.B. On the sofa.C. Under the sofa.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。
( )6. Is the bag Tom's?A.Yes,it is.B. No,it isn't.C. No, it is.( )7. What color is Lily’s bag?A.Green.B. Red.C. Green and red.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。
( )8. Where is Tom's watch?A.In the bookcaseB. In his backpack.C. On the sofa.( )9. What's under the sofa?A. Tom's backpack.B. Dad's books. B. Mom 's watch.听下面一段独白,回答第10至第12三个小题。
2024-2025学年度东莞市第一学期五校联考高一英语第二部分阅读理解(共两节:每小题2.5分, 分50分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项, 并在卡上将该项涂黑。
AThe Lake District Attractions GuideDalemain Mansion & Historic GardensHistory, Culture & Landscape(景观). Discover and enjoy 4 centuries of history, 5 acres of celebrated and award-winning gardens with parkland walk. Owned by the Hasell family since 1679, home to the International Marmalade Festival. Gifts and antiques, plant sales, museums & Mediaeval Hall Tearoom.Open: 29 Mar-29 Oct. Sun to Thurs. 11:15-16:00.Town: PenrithAbbot Hall Art Gallery & MuseumThose viewing the quality of Abbot Hall's temporary exhibitions may be forgiven for thinking they are in a city gallery. The impressive permanent collection includes Turners and Romneys and the temporary exhibition programme has Canaletto and the artists from St Ives.Open: Mon. to Sat. and Summer Sundays. 10:30-17:00 Summer.10:30-16:00 Winter.Town: KendalTullie House Museum & Art GalleryDiscover, explore and enjoy award-winning Tullie House, where historic collections, contemporary art and family fun are brought together in one impressive museum and art gallery. There are four fantastic galleries to visit from fine art to interactive fun, so there's something for everyone!Open: Mon. to Sat. 10:00-17:00.Town: CarlisleDove Cottage & The Wordsworth MuseumDiscover William Wordsworth's inspirational home. Take a tour of his Lakeland cottage, walk through his hillside garden and explore the riches of the collection in the Museum. Visit the shop and relax in the cafe. Exhibitions, events and family activities throughout the year.Open: Daily, 09:30—17:30(last admission 17:00).Town: GrasmereWhen is the House at Dalemain Mansion & Historic Gardens open on Sundays in JulyA.11:15-16:00.B.12:00-16:30.C.09:30-17:30.D.10:30-16:00.What can visitors do at Abbot Hall Art Gallery& MuseumA. Learn the history of a family.B. Attend a famous festival.C. Have some interactive fun.D. Enjoy Romney's works.13. Where should visitors go if they want to explore Wordsworth's lifeA. Kendal.B. Grasmere.C. Penrith.D. Carlisle.B“Is everybody ready " the teacher asked, I certainly wasn't. It was the early 1980s and 1 was in my high school typing class. I took it as an elective(选修的) course because learning French or Spanish seemed too difficult, After some time, I wished I hadn't picked it, I had thought we would just be learning to touch type(自打), but not be tested on speed and accuracy(准确率), In addition to this, l was the only freshman in the class, Most of the other students were juniors or seniors.“Hands on home keys. Eyes on the book, Ready Type," said the teacher, Suddenly the room was alive with 30 electric typewriters’ keys being pounded(猛击) on, I tried my best to keep up, but it was clear being a clerk wasn't in my future. Though I didn't make many errors, my typing speed was very slow and I knew I wasn’t going to get a good grade on this test. I really regretted taking this class and wished I could be learning phrases in French instead.Now 43 years later I am so happy that I took that class and learnedhow to type. It has helped me write countless stories with inspiration(灵感) flowing through my heart and mind and into the keys on my computer keyboard. It has helped me to write letters and e-mails full of kindness to share with friends and family. It has helped me to do what I was meant to do and share what I was meant to share in this life. I am thankful to take that class.We may meet difficulties in life. There are people we need to meet, skills we need to learn, talents we need to have and love we need to share. We'd better accept them all with a grateful heart, even when we don't know why sometimesWhy did the author choose the typing classA. She could type quickly and accurately.B. She could learn from others as a freshman.C. She wanted to work as a clerk in the future.D. She thought it was easier than other elective courses.15. What could be inferred from the author's type learning experienceA She was not fit for it.B. She was truly good at it.C. She developed a great interest in it.D. She could depend on it for her future job.16. What can we learn from the third paragraphThe author benefited from learning typing.The author enjoyed herself at the typing class.Learning typing changed the author's personality.D. The author became a great writer thanks to learning typing.17. What does the author want to tell us through the textA. Life is difficult sometimes.B. We should master some skills.C. Learn to accept everything in life.D. Wait and see the results of our effortsCDuring the five day International Labor Day holiday that began on April 30, tourist attractions that offered ancient Chinese or guofeng experiences attracted a lot of people, some of whom wore traditional clothing and makeup to enhance the pleasure of their experiences.Qujiang New District in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, charmed tourists with a new attraction on the theme of a TV serial The Longest Day in Chang'an. It offered visitors a chance to "travel back in time" and experience a day in the life of people living in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Xi'an, known as Chang'an back then, was the capital. The World Rural Tourism Town in Huzhou, Zhejiang province, held a cultural festival with a silk and Song Dynasty(960-1279)theme.During the first three days of the holiday, the place received nearly 30,000 visits, putting it into an online list of the 10 most popular Huzhou attractions.The Jizhouyao scenic area in Jiangxi province held a tourism festival with a Song Dynasty theme.Tourists, wearing period costumes and makeup, tried their hand at the ancient Chinese game of touhu—throwing arrows into a distant pot—and tasted yonghe tofu, one of the top 10 Jiangxi dishes.COVID-19 has accelerated changes in the needs of consumers, who are increasingly pursuing comfortable and safe tourism products that benefit both the environment and people's health. For tourism businesses, it's important to highlight the cultural elements of tourism products by drawing inspiration from China's traditional culture.Hotels also took advantage of the guofeng craze to feed the growing passion for traditional Chinese culture. A guofeng hotel provided replica (仿制品)costumes from online games based on the Chinese classic Journey to the West, which the guests could try on for photos.What does the underlined word"enhance"in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Increase.B. Explore.C. Seek.D. Examine.19. Oujiang New District attracted tourists because of .A. Its delicious food.B. Its beautiful scenery.C. Its themed tourist attraction.D. Its geographical location.20. What did the World Rural Tourism Town and the e Jizhouyao scenic area have in common?A. They featured local snacks.B. They were popular online.C. They offered traditional costumes.D. They shared the Song Dynasty theme.21. What is the best title for the text?A. Guofeng Varies from Place to PlaceB. The Traditional Culture Brings ChangesC. COVID-19 Affects China's TourismD. The Ancient Culture Adds to Holiday AttractionDChildren are more creative when they learn in natural surroundings, according to new research from Curtin University. Primary school students in Australia and England were put to the test to see whether writing poetry in a natural outdoor setting produced more creative outcomes than writing in a classroom, and the answer was yes.Dr Paul Gardner and Sonja Kuzich from Curtin’s School of Education ran comparative trials with 10-year-old students in both countries and the results, recently published in the Cambridge Journal of Education, gave a big thumbs-up to the positive influence of natural settings. “We found that students who had direct contact with nature by immersing (沉浸) themselves in a bush or forest setting were much more descriptive and vivid in the language they used than the classroom-based writers who‘imagined’ being in nature through photos,” Dr Gardner said.In total, 97 students took part in the study, split across four classrooms, including two based at an English primary school and two from a primary school in Western Australia. In each country one class visited a natural bush or forest before writing a poem based on what they saw, smelt and felt. The other class viewed a pile of images of the same bush or forest setting.Ms Kuzich said the difference in creative language used between the classes was obvious with twice as many UK forest students using figurative (比喻的) language compared with their class-based counterparts. In Australia that figure rose to more than four times when comparing the poetry of the bush-based students with those who remained at school.The researchers say further studies of larger groups are nowrecommended to gain greater understanding of the influence of natural spaces and “green learning” in schools. Future research may also be needed to examine if the green learning can be translated into other learning themes or context to see if there is a flow on effect in different environments.22. Why were the students placed outdoors in natureA. To get more outdoor exercise.B. To experience nature in depth.C. To understand poems about nature better.D. To prove nature’s effect on creativity.23. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk aboutA. The specific steps of the experiment.B. New findings about students’ writing.C. The steps of training the children.D. The purpose of performing the test.24. What can we infer about the result of the studyA. Students in Australia prefer to study poems.Students in classrooms are not good at poems.Students in forests are more creative in writing poems Students in the UK and Australia have different writing skill preferences.25. What does the last paragraph implyA. Green learning is becoming a trend.B. Further studies are to be carried out.C. Green learning has been applied in school.D. Future research is of little significance.第二节七选五(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
Practice Test 1Section 1 Q1-10Q1-5Circle the appropriate letter.What does her briefcase look like?ABCDWhich picture shows the distinguishing features?A B C D3 What did she have inside her briefcase?A B wallet, pens and novelpapers and wallet C Dpens and novel papers,pens and novelWhere was she standing when she lost her briefcase?ABCDWhat time was it when she lost her briefcase?ABCDQ6-10Complete the form Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.SECTION 2 Questions 11-21Q11-13Tick the THREE other items which are mentioned in the news headlines.Q14-21Complete the notes below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the spaces provided.The Government plans to give (14)$ ................................................ to assist the farmers. This money was to be spent on improving Sydney’s (15) ........................................................................ but has now been re-allocated. Australia has experienced its worst drought in over fifty years. Farmers say that the money will not help them because it is (16) ............................................................. .An aeroplane which was carrying a group of (17) ..................................................was forced to land just (18) ................................................. minutes after take-off. The passengers were rescued by (19) ............................................................ .The operation was helped because of the good weather. The passengers thanked the (20)............................................................... for saving their lives but unfortunately they lost their (21) .................................................................. .SECTION 3 Questions 22-31Q22-25Circle the appropriate letter.22 The orientation meetingA B C D took place recently. took place last term.will take place tomorrow. will take place next week.23 Attendance at lectures isA B C D optional after 4 pm. closely monitored. difficult to enforce. sometimes unnecessary.24 Tutorials take placeA B C D every morning.twice a week.three mornings a week. three afternoons a week.25 The lecturer’s name isA B C D Roberts. Rawson. Rogers. Robertson.Q26-31Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.SECTION 4 Questions 32-41Q32-33Circle the appropriate letter.32 The speaker works within the Faculty ofA Science and Technology.B Arts and Social Sciences.C Architecture.D Law.33 The Faculty consists firstly ofA subjects.B degrees.C divisions.D departments.Q34-36Complete the notes m NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.The subjects taken in the first semester in this course are psychology, sociology, (34) ................………………………….and.…….....................………………. .Students may have problems with (35) ................…………………………. and(36) ………………..................………. .Q37-41Circle the appropriate letter.37 The speaker says students can visit herA every morning.B some mornings.C mornings only.D Friday morning.38 According to the speaker, a tutorialA is a type of lecture.B is less important than a lecture.C provides a chance to share views.D provides an alternative to groupwork.39 When writing essays, the speaker advises the students toA research their work well.B name the books they have read.C share work with their friends.D avoid using other writers’ ideas.40 The speaker thinks that plagiarism isA a common problem.B an acceptable risk.C a minor concern.D a serious offence.41 The speaker’s aims are toA introduce students to university expectations.B introduce students to the members of staff.C warn students about the difficulties of studying.D guide students round the university.Practice Test 1SECTION 1R = ReceptionistW = WomanP = Police OfficerR: Good evening, City Police Station. Can I help you?W: Oh hello, I’d like to report a stolen briefcase, please. Example R: Just a minute and I’ll put you through.RepeatP: Lost property. Can I help you?W: Oh, yes. I’ve had my briefcase stolen.P: OK … I’ll take some details … Tell me what it looks like, first of all.W: Well … it’s a soft leather one, you know, not a heavy box-type like a man’s.P: Mmm … and how does it close?W: It’s got buckles at the front ... two of them They’re gold-plated ones. Q1P: Fine … Was it locked?W: No, I’m afraid not.P: Never mind. Any distinguishing features?W: Pardon?P: Any marks or badges on it that make it stand out?W: Only the brand name.P: And where’s that?Q2 W: It’s on the back … at the bottom in the left-hand corner. It’s Sagi. Oh andthere’s a scratch … it’s quite bad but small … directly above the brand name. Idid it recently putting it on my bike.P: Right, got that. So, what did you have inside the briefcase?W: Well all my papers from college. It’s so frustrating but, thank goodness for computers, I haven’t lost them completely!W: I had my wallet in my pocket so I didn’t lose that but there were also mypens which I got for my birthday and a novel I was planning to read on thetrain.P: Right. Where exactly did you lose the briefcase?Q3W: Well … I couldn’t believe it. I was standing on the platform … it was right nextto me.P: You were holding it?Q4 W: I’d just put it down on the floor but I could almost feel it beside me. I was watching for my tram because sometimes it comes early and then next time I looked, my briefcase wasn’t there.P: And what time was this?W: Ah … it was … it must have been about 5.20 … no a bit later. I’d say 5.30Q5 because it was just getting crowded and the train normally comes at abouttwenty-five to six.P: W: P: W: P: W: P: W: P: W: P: W: P:W: P: W:P:W: P: Right, if you’ll just give me some personal details ...Yes.What name is it?I’m Mary Prescott.Can you spell that?Yes, it’s P-R E-S-C-O-T-T.And your address?Flat 2, 41, Fountain Road, Canterbury.Fountain Road.Yes, number 41.And have you got a contact telephone number?Yes, it’s 7-5 double2-3-9. 7-5-double 239. Fine. One last question —what would you say thevalue of Q9 your briefcase is?Including the contents?Yes, Just a rough estimate is fine.I’m not sure. Well, the briefcase itself is quite new; I bought it last month for£40. I suppose about £65. The contents are worth about 20 or 25 pounds atleast.That’s fine. Well, if you could come down to the station tomorrow, you cansign this form an d have a look at what we’ve got here.OK, thanks. 'Bye.Goodbye.Q6 Qs 7and 8Q10SECTION 2Newsreader: This is the 6 o’clock news for Tuesday 25 November. And first the headlines:The Prime Minister has promised to help the drought stricken farmers in the northern part of the country who haven’t seen rain for nearly two years. And in Sydney a group of school children are successfully rescued from a plane which landed in the sea shortly after take-off. Transport workers are on strike in Melbourne over a pay claim and the strike looks set to spread to other states. And on a fashionable note, there s to be a new look for the staff of QANTAS, Australia’s national airline. Example Q11 Q12 Q13The Prime Minister has pledged today that he will make two hundred and fifty million dollars available to help the drought stricken farmers who have not seen ram for years, get through the next five years. Money that was to have been spent on the re-structuring of Sydney’s road system has been re-allocated to what the Prime Minister described as 'a more worthy cause'. Farmers are to receive financial assistance to help see them through the worst drought in over 50 years. Many farmers feel that while the money is welcome it has come too late to save them and their farms from financial ruin and are angry that the government did not act sooner. Q14 Q15 Q16A group of school children who were travelling in a privately chartered aeroplane from Sydney to Queensland to take part in a musical concert found themselves swimming for the shore when their aeroplane had to land in the sea just three minutes after taking off from Sydney airport. The pilot managed to bring the aircraft and its 50 passengers down safely in the calm waters of Botany Bay where boats and pleasurecraft were able to come to the rescue of the boys. The fact that it was a weekend meant that there were hundreds of boats in the bay enjoying the good weather and this undoubtedly helped the rescue operation. 'We owe our lives to the skill of the pilot,' said one of the boys, but the pilot replied modestly that it was 'all part of a day’s work'. However, all their musical instruments were lost and they never got to play at their concert. Q17Q18Q19Q20 Q21SECTION 3M = male studentF = female lecturerM: Hello can I come in?F: Oh yes, come in. How can I help you?M: I was looking for the Economics office. I’ve been all over the Arts Faculty buildinglooking for it but I could only find the School of Accounting and Economic History. Isthis the right place?ExampleF: Yes this is the School of Economics.M: Oh good. Um, I’m a new student and I was wondering if someone could give me some information.F: Well I might be able to help. I lecture on that program. What do you need to Know?M: Quite a few things, actually. Firstly, how many lectures a week do I have to Attend?F: Ah, well, the Economics I course is a double unit so there are two lectures a weekand one tutorial. The lectures are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday.M: What time?Q22 F: Let me see … You know this information is all in the handout which you should have received yesterday at the orientation meeting.M: Oh, was there a meeting yesterday? I didn’t know about that … no one mentioned …F: Yes, there was, but never mind. Now lectures are at four m the afternoon.M: Four’s a bit late. I’ve got a part time job that starts at four thirty.F: Well, you can’t be in two places at once, can you, and attendance at lectures isQ23 necessary. We expect at least 90% attendance at this university you know.M: 90%! That’s high. Do they enforce that rule?F: Yes, we do. We’re pretty strict about it actually.M: And what times have been set down for the tutorials —do you have that Information?Q24 F: That’s a very well attended course so there’s a number of tutorial times. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, all at 9 o’clock. Yours will be allocated at the first lecture.M: Can’t I choose the time?Q25F: Maybe, maybe not.. You’ll have to talk to the lecturer on the course. Dr.Roberts is his name.M: Oh, OK.F: Anything else I can help you with while you’re here?M: Well, yes, actually. Do you know what the course requirements are? I mean, how much work is expected for this course?F: Well, you have to complete a tutorial paper.M: What does that involve?F: Well, it’s a piece of work on a given topic based on some set reading texts.You’ll have to give a small talk to your tutorial group ... Q26M: How long does that have to be?F: Oh, about 25 minutes usually.M: I have to talk for 25 minutes?Q27F: Yes, that’s right. And then you have to write up your piece of work and give it to the lecturer to be marked.M: Right. And is that all?F: No. You also have to complete a 3,000 word essay on a topic.M: Can I choose the topic?F: Yes, usually you can. Q28 M: Right. That shouldn’t be too bad.F: And in addition to that there is an exam.M: An exam! What sort of exam?F: Well, it’s an open book exam. Q29 M: Does that mean I can have the text book with me during the exam?F: Yes, that’s right.M: And can you give me any idea about the content of the first year of Economics so that I can get into some reading?F: Well, you’ll be getting the reading list next week when lectures start. All the books are in the library.M: Yes, but won’t everyone else take them out as soon as they get the reading list too?F: Well, yes, they might. But most of the important ones are held in Closed Q30 Reserve ... that’s a part of the library where you can go to read books butyou can’t take them out of the building.M: What did you call that section of the library?F: Closed Reserve. However, we do recommend that you buy the core books.You’ll find them useful and you’ll need them for the exam.M: Yes, I suppose I will. But what is the focus of the course?F: Well, the course at this university has a vocational focus, that is a focus on Q31 preparing its graduates for work, so we’re orientated very much towardsemployment.M: So my chances of getting a job are good?F: Well, provided you get good results.M: Well look thanks for your time. You’ve been really helpful.F: That’s fine. See you next week then.SECTION 4Lecturer:Good morning and welcome to the University of Westlands. My name is Marcia Mayhew and I’m the co-ordmator of the Bachelor of Social Science degree. This morning I’d like to tell you about the structure of the university and about someof the requirements of the degree that you’re about to enter. The Bachelor ofSocial Science is in one faculty within the university, that is the faculty where I Q32 work, known as Arts and Social Sciences. Here on this campus we also have the faculties of Architecture, Law and Science and Technology among others.It’s important to know something about the structure of the faculty because, asyou go through your course, you may need to call on members of the staff tohelp you.At the top of the faculty we have a dean and below the dean we have three Q33divisions; each division has a divisional head and your degree is located in the Division of Social Sciences. Within each of the divisions, there are the departmentsand each of these offers the different degrees. For instance two of the departmentswhich offer the major subjects for your award are Sociology and Psychology. Eachhas a departmental head but for practical purposes the people you are going tosee the most of are myself as coordinator of the social sciences degree and theactual lecturers who are teaching the subjects that you are taking. For instanceinthe first semester you’ll be doing four subjects psychology sociology history and Q34 economics.If you have any problems or difficulties, not that I’m anticipating you will, butyou never know, then you should go and see your lecturers. For instance, youmay find that you can’t meet a deadline for an essay or perhaps you re having Q35Q36 problems with attendance. These seem to be the two most common problemsthatstudents face.If your lecturers are unavailable, you can always come and see me in my office.I’m available on Wednesday and Thursday mornings and on Friday afternoons Q37 Outside these hours, perhaps you could ring the secretary and make an appointment.Now you’ll note that all of the subjects which you undertake in the first yearare composed of lectures and tutorials. A lecture is about an hour long and atutorial usually runs for about two hours. A lecture is rather like what I am doingnow where one person will talk to all of you together on a subject. We do askyouto try to attend the lectures.A tutorial is perhaps where most of the learning occurs at a university. You willbe divided into groups of between 12 and 15 students and each week one ofyouwill have to present a piece of work to the group as a whole and then the groupwill discuss what you’ve said. It’s this discussion, this exchange of ideas, which Q38 really constitutes the basis of university learning, in my view. Listening to lecturesin many ways is just giving you information that you could access for yourself inthe library but the discussion at the tutorial is very important. This doesn’t meanthat you shouldn’t go to the lectures though!Other factors to be particularly concerned about are the structure of essays anddelivery of written material and in particular I would like to mention the questionof plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking other people’s work without acknowledging it,that is, without saying where it comes from. Of course all essays are based on research done by other people but you must remember to attribute the work tothe original writer. And while it’s a good idea to work with other people don’thand in work which is exactly the same as your friend’s work because we willnotice! If you don’t acknowledge the source of your information then you runthe risk of failing the subject or in very serious cases you might be denied entryto the university. Q39 Q40Last but not least, stay in touch with us. If things are getting you down, don’t go and hide. Come and talk to us about it. That’s what we are here for. Right, thank you very much for coming along today. Q41 tests global understanding of the talkAnswer keysLISTENINGSection 11 A2 C3 D4 D5 C6Prescott (must be correct spelling with capital “P”)7 418 Fountain (must have capital “F”)9 75223910 £65Section 211E12F13H14 $250 million15 roads//road system16 too late17 school children//boys18 319 boats//pleasure crafty/boats andpleasure craft20 pilot21 (musical) instrumentsSection 322 A 23 B 24 C 25 A 26 talk//give a talk 27 write up work 28 can choose 29 open book 30 closed reserve 31 vocational (subjects)//(preparing for) work/employmentSection 432B33C34history and economics35 (meeting) deadlines (for essays)36 attendance37 B38 C39 B40 D41 A。
A.元音元音字母B.元音元音C.元音字母元音D.元音字母元音字母6、There is some ____ in my purseA. moneyB. photosC. cardsD. keys7、The twins are____.A. on the different rowB. in different rowC. in the different rowD. in different rows8、In an English-Chinese dictionary ,the word “act” comes___“all”A. afterB. beforeC. inD. to9、___ funny time to make breakfast with you!A. What isB. HowC. what aD. How a10、--Kate , I’m sorry I’m late. --_____A. RightB. All rightC. That’s all rightD. You are right11、There are about forty __in our school.A.man teacherB. man teachersC. men teachersD. men teacher12、- Meimei, it’s kind of you to help me with my English.-____.A. My pleasureB. You’re all rightC. No problemD. It’s my work13、The river is too deep. You’d better __ it by yourself.A. don’t crossB. not do crossC. not acrossD. not cross14、Henan is in the __ of China.A. southB. northC. westD. east15、I have no brothers __ sister.A. butB. andC. orD. /16、A famous boy was born __ a cold morning in 1995.A. atB. inC. onD. /17、which is your kite , Tom?The red __ in the sky.A. itB. thisC. thatD. one18、-How do you like the red coat?-______.A. Yes , I like its colorB. Yes. I don’t like itC. I like it very muchD. No, I don’t like it19、They like going to the movies with their friends in China and __ sports.A.playB. playsC. to playD. playing20、___ are all in Class Eight.A. You, I and sheB. I you and sheC. She , you and heD. You , she and I二、阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,计40分)(A)Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a big clock in London. London is the capital of England. This clock has four faces. So no matter where you stand, you can read thetime on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a bus. The hands are about four meters long. It is about the size of two people standing on top each other. If you go to London, you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the Houses of Parliament. You will probably hear it and see it. The big clock makes such a loud noise, “Ding dong, ding dong ”. It goes, every quarter of an hour.The name of Big Ben comes from a big builder.21、Big Ben is____.A. a busB. a clockC. the name of BenD. a house22、Big Ben is in ____.A. ChinaB. the USAC. JapanD. the UK23、The clock strikes(敲打) every ___ of an hour.A. ten minutesB. fifteen minutesC. thirty minutesD. forty – five minutes24、You can read the time of Big Ben____.A.at the top of the clock towerB.in the Houses of ParliamentC. on the hands of the huge clockD. on the four faces of the clock25、The underlined(画线部分)word “hands”means__ in Chinese.A. 手B. 标志C. 指针D. 发条(B)Do you know the tree frog?Birds live in trees. Squirrels live in trees. But do you know that some frogs live in trees, too?The tree frog is hard to find. It can change its color. On green leaves, it stays green. On a brown branch, it turns brown. Some tree frogs can change from green to gold or blue.Tree frogs have legs and wide feet They have sticky pads(黏性的肉趾) at the end of their toes These sticky toe pads keep the tree frogs from falling. Tree frogs have different colors and markings(斑点) on their skins. Their eyes are different, too. Some have green eyes, and others have bright red ones.The sounds they make are different, too. One frog makes a sound like a dog barking. Another frog makes a loud noise like a snore. There is even a frog that whistles!26、Tree frogs are hard to find because ____.A. they stay in treesB. they can change their colorsC. they have sticky padsD. they make surprising sounds27、If it is spring, the color of tree frogs is ____.A. goldB. brownC. greenD. blue28、Tree frog can stay in trees because___.A. they have sticky padsB. they can change their colorsC. they make surprising soundsD. they have green or bright red eyes29、The underlined word “whistles” means__ in Chinese.A. 跳高B. 吹口哨C. 爬树D. 千变万化30、The passage is mainly about ___ .A. the colors of a special frogB. the sounds of a special frogC. the eyes of a special frogD. a special frog(C)Today, many people don’t carry a lot of coins or even paper money with them. They use bankcards. Bankcards are small, plastic cards that computers in stores can read. The computers tell the band to pay the storeowner for what someone buys in a store. The person needs to pay the bank.Plastic bankcards can be useful. People don’t have to carry around lots of coins or paper money. Computers can keep track of (与…保持联系)lost bankcards. However, bankcards are not money. People need to pay the bank for the things they buy.31、what are bankcards? They are __.A. paper money that people buy at a storeB. plastic cards that people can use like moneyC. computers that give people moneyD. plastic cards that a person can buy at a store32、If we want to use bankcards, what should we do?A. We should buy a card at a storeB. We should have some gold and silverC. We should have plasticD. We should put money in the bank33、Why do people think of using bankcards to pay the bank?A. Because they don’t have to carry around lots of coins or paper moneyB. Because they don’t have any moneyC. Because they don’t want to leave their coins at storesD. Because they are coins or paper money34、Which of the following is NOT true?A. Bankcards are very usefulB. Computers can keep track of lost bankcardsC. Many people use bankcardsD. People don’t have to pay the bank35、What should we do if our bankcards are lost?A. We should call the policeB. We should buy a new oneC. The computers can keep track of the lost bankcardsD. We will not use them again(D)In our school we can do a lot of sports. The school says we must all learn to swim, so we go swimming once a week all the year. We can do other sports, too. The girls and boys sometimes play different sports. For example, about 90% of the boys but only half of the girls go running every morning.In winter we do some sports and in summer we do other sports. In winter about 80% of the boys play football. Just over half of the boys play basketball, but only a few play volleyball( they think it’s a girl’s game). In summer about 70% of the boys play crieket and only 30% play tennis.In winter, the girls can now play football, too. But only a few choose it. About two third of the girls play volleyball, and a quarter play basketball. In summer, a lot of girls play tennis, about 60%, and about 40% do aerobics(健美操).36 、How many times do the students go swimming in a year?37、Which sports do boys do in winter?38、If there are 240 girls in this school, how many of them will play basketball in winter?39、Most of the boys think____ is a girl’s game.40、Which sports do girls do in summer?三、完形填空(共10题,共10分)根据Jimmy 的时间和活动安排,完成他的日记,每空一词。
SWR拼写测试1 Spell to Write and Read - Spelling_Diagnostic_Test_1
1 262 273 284 295 306 317 328 339 3410 3511 3612 3713 3814 3915 4016 4117 4218 4319 4420 4521 4622 4723 4824 49Spell to Write and ReadDiagnostic Spelling Scale: Appendix B © 2009 Wanda SanseriAPPENDIX B: Diagnostic Spelling Scale These eight interchangeable standardized tests contain 50 words arduously arranged by increasing difficulty by Leonard P. Ayres. All words are also included in Wise Guide . Who Should Take this Test?STUDENTS WHO CAN READ take the test immediately at the beginning of a new school year. Use the results to determine skill-level placement in the Wise List, and to establish a bench-mark for measuring improvement throughout the year. Results are often dramatic.BEGINNING NON-READERS take this test after covering the first 140 spelling words in Wise Guide (about two months into the program).ALL STUDENTS should be tested periodically throughout the year. Subsequent tests, ad-ministered every month or so, can confirm progress and identify places needing extra attention. What is the Purpose of this Test?MONITOR PROGRESS. We can determine spelling mastery from 1.0 (beginning first grade) to 13.0 (post-college). This objectively records the pace of development. Do NOT show student the corrected test. To do so would invalidate this tool for future use.EV ALUATE ACHIEVEMENT. The diagnostic tests sample the section levels in the Wise List. See the degree to which previously covered words are retained. Observe how a student at-tacks a word not yet taught. If long term mastery is weak, increase reinforcement activity. How Should We Give this Test?TEST MULTIPLE LEVELS AT ONCE. Since the words are progressively difficult you can test many levels together, if need be. Younger students may stop after ten or fifteen words, second graders after twenty-five to thirty-five words, while third graders and above may attempt all fifty words. Assure students before you begin that they will probably not spell all the words correctly yet. Someday they will be that proficient, if you continue in this program.ROTATE THE TESTS. With eight interchangeable tests, you could give a new test each month for a year. The following year start back over with test one.ADMINISTER THE TEST. Read these instructions word for word: I will dictate each spelling word, read a sentence containing that word, and then say the word again. You will prob-ably not spell all the words correctly, but do your best. I cannot give you any hints. We are testing for what you already know, not teaching you at this time. Dot your I's and cross your T's. Enunciate each word clearly, as in normal speech. Collect the student's paper as soon as he is finished. Do NOT show him this paper again.197© 2009 Wanda Sanseri Appendix B: Diagnostic Spelling Scale Spell to Write and Read WORDS GRADE SPELLING WORDS GRADE SPELLING CORRECT STATUS* SECTION CORRECT STATUS* SECTION 0 1.0 26 4.9 Q 1 1.3 A 27 5.1 Q 2 1.5 A 28 5.2 R 3 1.7 A 29 5.4 R 4 1.8 A 30 5.6 R 5 1.9 A 31 5.8 S 6 2.0 A 32 6.0 S 7 2.1 H 33 6.2 T 8 2.2 H 34 6.4 T 9 2.3 I 35 6.6 T 10 2.4 I 36 6.8 U11 2.5 J 37 7.0 U 12 2.6 J 38 7.3 V 13 2.7 K 39 7.5 V 14 2.9 K 40 7.7 V 15 3.1 L 41 8.0 W 16 3.3 L 42 8.4 W 17 3.4 M 43 8.8 W 18 3.5 M 44 9.3 X 19 3.7 N 45 9.8 X 20 3.9 N 46 10.5 X 21 4.1 O 47 11.2 Y 22 4.2 O 48 11.7 Y 23 4.3 O 49 12.5 Y 24 4.5 P 50 13.0 Z 25 4.7 P *Grade 1.0 means beginning first grade. Grade 1.3 means first grade, third month.How is the test scored?Any mistake, including uncrossed T's or incorrectly capitalized words, makes a word incor-rect. Write the proper spelling beside words missed. See Step 11, especially page 65 for placement ideas.DETERMINE GRADE LEVEL. Find the number right on the chart below and follow across to the column titled "Grade Status" to determine grade equivalent. A student with ten correct words is spelling at 2.4 (second grade, fourth month). Record this information on the test form.IDENTIFY TENSION-OF-LEARNING LEVEL. Find the first word missed. Look in the third column for the corresponding Spelling Section. The letter shows the tension-of-learning level or a place where the student can comfortably work and still be challenged. If a student missed any of the first ten words, in most cases you should begin a new year in Section A. If a student misses only one word such as "led" (number 8 in test one) but does not miss again until number 18, you may place him in M. All of the A-I words will be reviewed in Sections M-N.EV ALUATION TABLE198Spell to Write and Read Diagnostic Spelling Scale: Appendix B© 2009 Wanda Sanseri Diagnostic Test 11. go I will go to the store..........................................................................................go2. last The last person in line will shut the st3. will Will you help me, please?..............................................................................will4. all I want all of you to join me in the circle..........................................................all5. over When the concert is over we will go home...................................................over6. hot The hot desert sands burned my feet...............................................................hot7. his Tell Mike his papers are ready (i)8. led He led the way to the prayer meeting..............................................................led9. spent She spent all her money foolishly, and now she’s sad..................................spent10. spring Spring blossoms decorate the trees and bushes...........................................spring11. card Write your memory verses on a 3X5 card.....................................................card12. blue The sky is painted a peaceful blue color........................................................blue13. mail We eagerly wait for each day’s mail delivery...............................................mail14. stamp Do you have a stamp from Germany in your collection?..........................stamp15. within I will finish reading the book within the time allotted................................within16. body My body ached all over after that exercise session.......................................body17. provide Parents provide for their children.............................................................provide18. born I was born on Columbus Day........................................................................born19. suffer We often suffer for wrong choices..............................................................suffer20. rule I know a spelling rule that helps explain that word.......................................rule21. elect The people did not elect a ruler with integrity .............................................elect22. request May I please request a favor?...................................................................request23. address My mailing address will be changing next month...................................address24. nearly I nearly dropped the flower vase but caught it just in time........................nearly25. carried I watched as waves carried the bottle out to sea......................................carried26. employ Dad’s boss wanted to employ my brother, too.........................................employ27. connection Is there a connection between the season and my allergy?.................connection28. entertain Jan will entertain our guest while I finish cooking supper.....................entertain29. publication I read the Sunday publication of the newspaper ................................publication30. treasure Dan tried to dig for Blackbeard’s hidden treasure...................................treasure31. piece He looks ragged with a piece torn from his pants......................................piece32. therefore Debt creates bondage; therefore, I will not be in debt...........................therefore33. official The report with the official statement arrived today.................................official34. concern A compassionate person shows concern for others.................................concern35. various I enjoy cooking, gardening, and various other activities..........................various36. relief The rain came as a relief after the long drought...........................................relief37. foreign A foreign student from Japan visited our family.......................................foreign38. association A wise man avoids deep association with fools.................................association39. discussion The discussion stimulated my thinking................................................discussion40. career The teaching profession is a satisfying career............................................career41. athletic Athletic training is useful in sports...........................................................athletic42. disease Louis Pasteur discovered that germs cause disease..................................disease43. convenient The store on the corner is convenient..................................................convenient44. familiar The girl looked familiar, but I could not remember her name.................familiar45. accommodate How many people can this room accommodate?...........................accommodate46. parliament Parliament was formed to restrain the king........................................parliament47. acquaintance Paul was not a close friend, only an acquaintance..........................acquaintance48. physician He went to the physician when he was ill.............................................physician49. appropriate That song was not appropriate for the wedding................................appropriate50. occurrence A comet is an unusual occurrence......................................................occurrence199。
工厂安全培训试题word版单位:_______ 姓名:_______ 时间:_______ 分数:______ 满分:100一、单选题(25题每题1分,共25分)1.某中央企业按照《企业安全生产责任体系五落实五到位规定》(安监总办(2015)27号)要求,进一步健全“五落实、五到位”安全生产责任体系,强化安全生产主体责任落实,采取的以下做法中,符合“五落实”要求的是( )。
A.董事长、总经理对本企业安全生产工作负全部领导责任B.董事长或总经理担任本企业安全生产委员会主任C.定期向董事会和国家安全监管部门报告安全生产情况D.定期向业务考核部门和所在省安全监管部门报告安全生产情况2.当遇到火灾时,要迅速向( )逃生。
A.着火相反的方向B.人员多的向C.安全出口的方向3.四种防火的基本措施是:消消除着火源、( )、隔绝空气、阻止火势爆炸波的蔓延。
A.控制火源B.控制可燃物C.控制火势的蔓延D.掩埋沙土4.生产经营单位应当加强( ),开展安全文化创建活动,不断提高从业人员的安全意识和自我防范能力。
A.安全生产宣传教育B.安全生产培训考核C.安全生产应急演练5.生产经营单位必须依法参加( ),为从业人员缴纳保险费。
A.零线B.零线C.地线9.高处作业是指在基准面在( )以上,有可能坠落的作业。
A.1米B.2米C.3米10.下列关于安全生产工作方针的表述,最准确的是( )。
A.以人为本、安全第一、预防为主B.安全第一、预防为主、政府监管C.安全第一、预防为主、综合治理D.安全第一、预防为主、群防群治11.干粉灭火器不适宜扑灭( )火灾。
1. ……と思いますと:格助词,后接思维性动词表示内容。
高一英语下学期练习21一、阅读理解AThere are a number of reasons that can be given as to why children should be taught swimming at a young age. If your child knows the basic swimming skills, you can be at peace when your child is near the water. If you are in the process of teaching your child how to swim, then here are some points that you should keep in mind.♦ Help your child pick a bathing suit. If you child wants to wear bathing suit and get wet then it is certain that your child will be able to handle the water.♦If the pool has steps, then it is great. Start from these to help your child gain some confidence. You should make sure that there is one place in the pool where your child can be left safely.♦ The best way to teach your children to swim is to make them join swimming classes. In this way, you will be at peace because there is a professional trainer around your children who can teach them all the tricks of swimming. You can join in the parent-child lessons to make your child feel comfortable. If your child is a bit older, then get permission and sit by the pool to watch him/her learn. When you get your child admitted to swimming classes, make sure that the lessons go according to the swimming goals that you have set for your child.Swimming is a fun activity and you can make it easy for your children to understand and coordinate(协调)the movements of their arms and legs will take some time. But, with regular practice and training this can be overcome. So, start with the basics and be around your children when they are learning how to swim. Once they know how to swim, then you can be at peace when they play around the water.1. The pool with steps can make your children ________.A. excited and calmB. confident and relaxedC. nervous and uneasyD. strange and unusual2. According to the text the best way for children to learn swimming is to ________.A. train themselves with their skilled parentsB. learn from morning till night without breakC. join swimming classes with professional trainersD. get a chance to sit by the pool to watch trainers swim3. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. Teaching Your Children to Swim.B. Gaining Experience of Swimming.C. Learning to Swim with Your Child.D. Swimming Can Make People Healthy.BMy challenge for you is this:to read a book for 15minutes every single day for a month.Let me explain a bit, by telling you where the challenge came from. I have many things in common with my dad, like music taste and sense of humor, but sadly reading isn't one of them. I can happily spend a whole day with a book, but my dad can't read a book for longer than about 5 minutes. He reads emails, websites and papers for work, but not books. He's busy, so I think sitting down to read for just 15minutes a day is a good way to relax and to introduce him toreading.My dad is not the only person who avoids books. I know lots of people would rather relax on their computers or in front of the TV. Everyone is different and has their own interests, but I think there are lots of benefits to reading, which screen﹣based activities don't have.Firstly, it's better for your eyes. Looking at screens can be very stressful for your eye muscles, and clearly you should avoid looking at screens for an hour before bed, to get a good night's sleep.One thing I personally love reading, is being transported to another world﹣I often forget the time or things around me! Reading is a great way to switch off before you go to bed, because you think more about the world of the book, rather than the real world, so you can truly relax. I know you can be transported to a different world in a film or a TV show, but I think books do it better.I also enjoy hearing what people are doing and finding out what they think. Reading gives me the chance to get to know hundreds of new people! It also teaches you to see things from other people's point of view, and understand other people's decisions or opinions. With a book, you can hear everything a character is thinking or feeling﹣you really can be inside someone else's head!So give it a go! Take 15 minutes when you are waking up, going to bed, eating lunch, or having a coffee. If you read a lot, why not try 15 minutes of an English book, or pass the challenge on to someone else? Good luck, and happy reading!4. The author mentions his father in the text to show.A. his father is busyB. reading is importantC. his father likes readingD. many people have no habit of reading5. The author writes the text mainly basing on.A. his personal experienceB. some scientific experimentsC. his father's personal adviceD. knowledge from books6. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 5 refers to.A. helping readers sleep wellB. making readers feel relaxedC. transporting readers to a different worldD. reminding readers of the real world7. What is the author's attitude to reading?A. Negative.B. Uncertain.C. Supportive.D. Doubtful.二、七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
历年成考试题及答案英语一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The weather is getting colder and colder. It's time to ________.A. put on more clothesB. take off more clothesC. keep warmD. stay cool2. I ________ to the cinema last night, but I had to finish my homework.A. wentB. didn't goC. would goD. was going3. ________ the morning of July 4th, we went to the beach.A. OnB. InC. AtD. For4. She is ________ to play the piano.A. enough oldB. old enoughC. enough youngD. young enough5. ________ I saw the movie, I didn't like it.A. FirstB. AlthoughC. UnlessD. Once6. He ________ his homework before his mother came back.A. finishedB. was finishingC. has finishedD. had finished7. ________ he is very old, he still works very hard.A. BecauseB. AlthoughC. IfD. Unless8. The book is ________ interesting ________ I can't put it down.A. so, thatB. such, thatC. too, toD. very, but9. She ________ her keys in the office.A. leftB. forgotC. lostD. missed10. ________ the meeting, he had to leave early.A. AttendB. To attendC. AttendingD. For attending二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. If you ________ (be) more careful, you wouldn't have made so many mistakes.12. She ________ (not see) the film before she read the book.13. ________ (not worry) about the test; I'm sure you'll do well.14. The children ________ (play) in the park when it started to rain.15. I ________ (be) to Paris twice, but I've never been to Rome.16. ________ (not forget) to turn off the lights when you leave the room.17. He ________ (study) hard since he entered the university.18. While I ________ (wait) for the bus, I met an old friend.19. She ________ (not start) working until she finishes her degree.20. ________ (be) there any problems, please let me know.三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答21-30题。
(完整word版)新概念英语第一册Lesson 21-22练习题(无答案)
Lesson 21 and Lesson 22一根据所给汉语提示填词,使句意完整。
(10)1. (给)me a book,please.2。
(哪个) book is yours?3. The glass is (空的)。
4. This bottle is (大的).5。
The knife is (锋利的).6. That pencil is (钝的)。
This (罐头盒) is new。
This (叉子) is large.9. That (勺子) is small。
That cup is (满的)。
A: Give me a cup,please? B: cup? This new one?2。
This glass isn’t empty. It’s .3. The shop is shut。
It's not .4. This is a large bottle。
It isn’t a one。
5. This is Mr。
Richards. These are employees.6. This knife is sharp。
It is not 。
7. This is a little box. It isn't .8。
Are these the children’s books? No,they are not. Books are red。
This is Helen’s dog。
is brown and white。
10. What are their ? They’re sales reps。
(10分)1. (give)me some glasses,please。
Here you are.2. Which (box) are big?3. All the (knife) are sharp.4。
Word 22 答案1.【分析】翻开考生文件夹下的“ Word 素材 .docx”文件,单击“文件”选项卡下的“另存为”按钮,翻开“另存为”对话框,在“文件名”中输入文字“”,将保存路径设置为考生文件夹,单击“确立”按钮。
在“页边距”选项卡中“页边距”分组中将上、下页边距设置为 2.5 厘米,左、右页边距设置为 3 厘米。
3.【分析】步骤 1:选中“德国主要城市”,在“开始”选项卡“字体”分组中设置字体为“微软雅黑”,字形为“加粗”,字号为“小初”,文本成效为“填补 -橄榄色 ,重申文字颜色 3,轮廓 -文本 2”。
步骤 2:选中“德国主要城市”,在“字体”分组中单击“字体”对话框启动器,翻开“字体”对话框。
单击“高级”选项卡中“字符间距”分组中的“间距”后边的选项,选择为“加宽”,磅值设置为“ 6 磅”。
步骤 3:单击“段落”分组中的“段落”对话框启动器。
在翻开的“段落”对话框中,设置“惯例”分组中的对齐方式为“居中”,设置“间距”分组中的段前间距为“ 1 行”,段后间距为“ 1.5 行”。
4.【分析】步骤 1:选中文中绿色文字,而后单击“插入”选项卡中“表格”分组中的“表格”下拉按钮,选择“文本转变成表格”,单击“确立”按钮,达成文字转变成表格。
步骤 2:选中整个表格,单击“表格工具”|“布局”选项卡中“表”分组中的“属性”按钮,翻开“表格属性”对话框。
步骤 3:单击“表格属性”对话框中的“边框和底纹”按钮,在弹出的“边框和底纹”对话框中,选择“边框”选项卡“设置”中的“无”,而后单击“确立”按钮。
步骤 4:选择“表格”选项卡中“对齐方式”分组中的“居中”,选中“尺寸”分组中的“指定宽度”复选框,在“胸怀单位”后的组合框中选择“百分比”,在“指定宽度”后边输入“80%”,单击“确立”按钮。
小学下册英语第六单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do you call a person who studies marine life?A. Marine biologistB. OceanographerC. Aquatic scientistD. All of the aboveD2.How many teeth does an adult human typically have?A. 28B. 30C. 32D. 343.I can't wait to __________ (动词) with my __________ (玩具名) again.4.Which instrument has keys and is played with fingers?A. GuitarB. FluteC. PianoD. ViolinC5.My favorite _________ (玩具) is one that can transform into different shapes.6.The children are ________ in the playground.7.What is the capital city of France?A. LondonB. BerlinC. ParisD. Madrid8.What is the name of the famous mountain range in Europe?A. HimalayasB. AndesC. AlpsD. RockiesC9.What do we call the parts of a plant that attract insects?A. RootsB. StemsC. FlowersD. LeavesC10.She is a great ________.11.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing?A. GuitarB. DrumsC. PianoD. Violin12.The _______ (鳄鱼) lives in rivers and lakes.13.What is the name of the famous ancient structure in Egypt?A. ColosseumB. PyramidsC. ParthenonD. StonehengeB14.The __________ (历史的整合) reveals patterns.15.We enjoy ______ (cooking) together.16.I love exploring new places. Traveling allows me to experience different cultures and meet new people. One place I dream of visiting is __________ because __________.17.How many zeros are in one thousand?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 418.Which country is known for the Eiffel Tower?A. SpainB. ItalyC. FranceD. GermanyC19.What is the opposite of 'light'?A. BrightB. DimC. DarkD. ClearC20. A _____ has feathers and can sing.21. A ______ is a type of insect that can be very small.22.What is the name of the famous Greek philosopher?A. PlatoB. AristotleC. SocratesD. All of the above23.What is the name of the famous wizarding school in Harry Potter?A. HogwartsB. BeauxbatonsC. DurmstrangD. IlvermornyA24.Did you hear the _____ (小狗) howling at the moon?25.What color is the grass?A. BlueB. GreenC. RedD. Yellow26.I have a _____ (音乐盒) that plays a nice tune. 我有一个播放美妙旋律的音乐盒。
21-22版:Reading and Thinking—Comprehending(步步高)
Reading and Thinking—ComprehendingLearning Aims(学习目标)1.Learn some new words.2.Grasp the general idea of the passage.(重点难点)3.Learn some important sentences.(重点难点)阅读下列课文原句,写出黑体词汇的汉语意思1.PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas:narrow,dry,flat land running along the coast...狭窄的平坦的2.In the 1400s and 1500s,Peru was the centre of the powerful ancient Inca Empire.The Inca emperor lived in the now-famous site Machu Picchu.Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821.强大的帝国皇帝景点西班牙控制3.The Inca emperor lived in the now-famous site Machu Picchu.皇帝地点4.Stay in a local hotel,visit the museums,admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food,and go shopping at the local markets.崇拜;欣赏建筑5.After reaching your destination,you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city.目的地惊奇的Task 1宏观架构整体理解Ⅰ.Read the passage to find out the general idea of the text and fill in the chart below.Introduction to PeruParagraph General idea Detailed information1 Geography Peru has three main 1.areas:2.narrow,dry,flat land;the Andes Mountains;the Amazon3.rainforest2 History In the 1400s and 1500s:the 4.powerful ancient Inca EmpireIn the 16th century—1821:Spain 5.took control of PeruLanguage:6.SpanishTravel PeruTask 2微观剖析细节把握1.We can learn from the first text that .A.Peru is a coastal country with a pleasant living conditionB.Spain controlled Peru for about three centuriesC.the Andes Mountains surround PeruD.Spanish is the second language of Peru答案 B2.Where can you explore the Incas’ dry stone method of building?A.In the Amazon Rainforest.B.In Machu Picchu.C.In Cusco.D.Near the Lake Titicaca.答案 B3.Which statement is NOT true about travelling in Peru?A.You can take a boat to the accommodation in the middle of Amazon forest.B.To enjoy the amazing paths through the Andes Mountains,you can take the walking tour. C.In Cusco,you can enjoy the unique plants and animals.D.Inca builders were skilled at making the perfect fit of the stones to hold walls together.答案 C4.The word “fit” in the second part probably means “”.A.enough space for people or thingsB.a very strong emotion that you can’t controlC.the way that something is suitable for a particular person,space,etc.D.a short period of time when someone stops working答案 C5.The author wrote this passage in order to .A.help people learn more about PeruB.encourage people to travel moreC.tell people to stay outdoors longerD.recommend four tourist attractions of Peru答案 DTask 3文本理解美句欣赏1.Read the passage carefully and find out the sentences to describe the geography.(细读短文并找出描写地形的句子)答案PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas: narrow,dry,flat land running along the coast,the Andes Mountains,and the Amazon rainforest. 2.Read the passage carefully and find out the sentences to describe the history.(细读短文并找出描写历史的句子)答案(1)In the 1400s and 1500s,Peru was the centre of the powerful ancient Inca Empire.(2)Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821.3.Read the passage carefully and find out the sentences to describe the means of transport.(细读短文并找出描写交通方式的句子)答案(1)A short flight from Cusco takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest.(2)This four-day walking tour will take you on amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu.(3)There,a boat will take you to stay with a local Uros family on an island for three days.Task 4读后升华思维品质Ⅰ.After reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks.Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of South America,1.which includes three main areas.One of them is the dry flat land 2.running(run) along the coast in the belt shape.The other two are the Andes Mountains and the Amazon rainforest.In ancient times,Peru was the centre of the 3.powerful(power) Inca Empire,whose emperor chose to live in Machu Picchu,one of the famous tourist 4.sites(site) now.Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century,so Spanish is5.officially(official) spoken on many occasions.Finally Peru6.gained(gain) its independence from Spain.In the Amazon rainforest tour,you can enjoy the plants and animals unique 7.to the rainforest.In the four-day Machu Picchu tour,you will be 8.amazed(amaze) by the Incas’dry stone method of building.The Cusco tour can make you enjoy the unique Spanish and local Indian culture high in the Andes at Cusco,9.the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century.You can also spend a day 10.driving(drive) along the new highway to enjoy the beautiful countryside in the Lake Titicaca tour.Ⅱ.Discuss with your partners and then answer the following questions.1.If you’re interested in different cultures,where will you like to travel? Why?2.If a foreigner asks you to recommend a tourist attraction in China,what will you recommend? Why?译文:正因为如此,西班牙语是秘鲁主要的官方语言。
21-22《办公高级》复习题您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________您的班级: [单选题] *○20计1 ○20计2○20计3在幻灯片浏览视图中不可以进行的操作是()。
[单选题] *A除幻灯片B.编辑幻灯片内容(正确答案)C.移动幻灯片D.设置幻灯片的放映方式在Word2010中,不能在打印命令中设置的是( [单选题] *A.打印份数B.打印范围C.页码位置(正确答案)D.页边距在Word 2010中,不缩进段落的第一行,而缩进其余的行,是指()。
[单选题] *A.首行缩进B.左缩进C.悬挂缩进(正确答案)D.右缩进要在Word文档中查找所有姓“邓”的名字,则查找内容可输入() [单选题] *邓?邓邓*(正确答案)*邓在Excel2010中,可利用()功能实现将满足条件的数据自动复制到指定工作表中。
[单选题] *A.自动筛选B.高级筛选(正确答案)C.排序D.分类汇总在Excel2010中,要表示C1,C2,D1,D2,D3,E2,E3这七个单元格构成的区域。
[单选题] *C1:D2,D2:E3C1:D2,D3,E2:E3C1:D3,E2:E3(正确答案)C1:D1,C2:E2,D3:E3在Excel2010中,()能得到10。
[单选题] *A.100/10B. =’10D.“10”Word2010的“查找和替换”功能非常强大,下面的叙述中正确的是()。
[单选题] *A.不可以指定查找文字的格式,只可以指定替换文字的格式B.可以指定查找文字的格式,但不可以指定替换文字的格式C.不可以按指定文字的格式进行查找及替换D.可以按指定文字的格式进行查找及替换(正确答案)当移动包含公式的单元格时,公式中的单元格的引用将()。
[单选题] *A.视情况而定B.改变C.不改变(正确答案)D.公式引用不存在了在Word2010中,用鼠标选择矩形文字块的方法是()。
青霉素钠、K2Cr2O3、Na2S2O3、无水 Na2CO3、碘、KI、无水乙酸钠、冰醋酸、NaOH、浓 HCl、可溶性淀粉、乙酸丁酯、浓硫酸。
(1)Na2S2O3(0.1mol/L) 取 Na2S2O3约 2.6g 与无水 Na2CO3 0.02g,加新煮沸过的冷蒸馏水适量溶解,定容到 100ml。
word 格式-可编辑-感谢下载支持
授课内容 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点
实训五 青霉素的萃取与萃取率的计算
教材教具 教学内容(含教学步骤、时间分配、教法学法、作业布置等)
(2)测定空白消耗的碘 另取 5ml 定容好的青霉素钠溶液于棕色瓶中,加入 5ml 乙酸-乙酸钠缓冲液,再精密
加入碘滴定液(0.1mol/L)5ml,摇匀,密塞,在 20~25℃暗处放置 20min,用 Na2S2O3 滴 定液(0.1mol/L)滴定,临近终点时加淀粉指示剂 3ml,继续滴定至蓝色消失,记录 Na2S2O3 消耗的体积(V 空白)。
word 格式-可编辑-感谢下载支持
(6)H2SO4(1mol/L)55.5ml/L (7)淀粉指示剂
称取可溶性淀粉 0.5g,置于玛瑙研钵中,加少量除盐水研磨成糊状物,徐徐加入到 100mL 煮沸的除盐水中,继续煮沸 1min,冷却后备用。该试剂不宜存放,应在使用时配制。 四、实验步骤
1、Na2S2O3 的标定 取 K2Cr2O3 0.15g 于棕色瓶中,加入 50ml 水使之溶解,再加 KI 2g,溶解后加入稀 H2SO4
Word 21 答案1.【解析】打开考生文件夹下的“Word素材.docx”文件,单击“文件”选项卡下的“另存为”按钮,打开“另存为”对话框,在“文件名”中输入文字“Word.docx”,将保存路径设置为考生文件夹,单击“确定”按钮。
3.【解析】步骤1:按<Ctrl+A>组合键选中所有文本,然后单击“开始”选项卡中“字体”分组中的字体启动器,在弹出的“字体”对话框中设置“中文字体”为“仿宋”,设置“西文字体”为“Times New Roman”,“字号”设置为“四号”。
6.【解析】步骤1:选中表格标题“表1 质量信息表”和表格,单击“页面布局”选项卡中“页面设置”分组中的面设置启动器,打开“页面设置”对话框,设置“纸张方向”为横向,“应用于”为所选文字,单击“确定”按钮。
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Word test (units21—22) --- B keys
I. Put the following into English(2*20)
1. 发音n. pronunciation
2. 确实的;积极的;肯定的a. p ositive
3. 压力;压强;压迫n. pressure
4. 实用的;实际的a. practical
5. 取得进步phrase m ake progress
6. 意图;目的n. purpose
7. 争吵n. quarrel
8. 种族的a. racial
9. 质量;性质n. quality
10. 接到;收到v. receive
11. 提及;参考(书)n. reference
12. 教授n. professor
13. 相当;十分ad. quite
14. 准时的a. punctual
15. 过程;程序;手续n. procedure
16. 潜在的;可能的;潜力 a.&n. potential
17. 政策;方针;保险单n. policy
18. 最初的;首要的;主要的n. primary
19. 受…欢迎phrase be popular with
20. 而不是;非;不愿phrase rather than
II. Put the following into Chinese(2*20):
21. primitive 原始的;早期的
22. rare 稀少的
23. radiation 辐射
24. previous 先前的;在…之前
25. recipe 菜谱
26. recreation 娱乐;消遣
27. rank 军衔;等级
28. quit 离开;退出;停止
29. put on weight 增重
30. psychology 心理学
31. in the process of 在…过程中;在进行中
32. preserve 保护;保存;腌制
33. prayer 祷告
34. porter 搬运工
35. postage 邮费
36. on the point if …正要…之际
37. polish 磨光;润饰
38.popcorn 爆米花
39. prejudice 偏见
40. preview 预览;预演;预展
III. Word formation(2*10)
41. prevent (v.) --- __prevention__ (n.)
42. protect (v.) --- _protective___ (a.)
43. real (a.) --- __reality__ (n.)
44. precise (a.) --- __imprecise__ (ant.)
45. reduce (v.) --- __reduction__ (n.)
46. read ---__read; read_ (过去式;过去分词)
47. refuse (v.) --- __refusal_ (n.)
48. refer (v.) --- __referring___ (现在分词)
49. prefer (v.) --- __preference__ (n.)
50. possible (a.) --- __impossible_ (ant.)。