

署理民政事務局常任秘書長於《經濟、社會及文化權利國際公約》審議會上致 辭全文 **********************************
以 下 為 署 理 民 政 事 務 局 常 任 秘 書 長 余 志 穩 今 午( 日 內 瓦 時 間 四 月 二 十 七 日 ) 在聯合國經濟、社會及文化權利委員會的審議會上的致辭全文(中譯本) : 主席女士、各位委員: 十分感謝你們和沙祖康大使,讓我們今天有機會在這裏介紹香港的報告。 首先,我想跟各位介紹我們的成員。 身為署理民政事務局常任秘書長,我十分榮幸能夠擔任中國代表團的副代 表,率領來自香港的成員出席這次審議會。我們的成員包括: -我在民政事務局的同事田卓玄先生、楊蕙心女士、唐文光女士; -律政司法律政策專員區義國先生和他的同事吳雪晶女士; -生福利及食物局副秘書長甄美薇女士和社會福利署代表何穎女士; -勞工署助理署長杜彭慧儀女士; -房屋署副署長譚榮邦先生;和 -教育統籌局首席助理秘書長林樊潔芳女士。 主要關注事項 我知道委員會打算在這次審議會上,集中跟進去年就香港部分的報告向我 們提出的問題。我希望先藉這個機會,簡介其中幾項重點議題。首先是種族歧 視問題。 種族 我相信委員會會歡迎我們在二零零三年六月宣布立法禁止種族歧視的決 定。我也很高興告知委員會,我們已經就立法建議完成了為期五個月的公眾諮 詢,現時有關的法律草擬工作也取得良好的進展;我們希望在本年稍後向立法 會提交條例草案。由於我們應公眾要求延長了諮詢期,而且在諮詢期間接獲許 多寶貴的意見,我們需要時間詳加考慮,所以禁止種族歧視的立法工作,看來 要比我們原定的計劃稍為延遲了。各位委員如果需要更多、更詳細的資料,我 們非常樂意進一步提供。
平等機會委員會 現在,我想談談另一項大家關注的議題,就是平等機會委員會。相信各位 已從一些非政府機構方面得知有關平等機會委員會在過去兩年所發生的爭議。 我希望藉這個機會,向大家解釋事情的始末。 在二零零三年九月,平機會新任主席與一位剛獲聘用但未正式上班的平機 會僱員解除合約,這宗事件引起了很大的爭議,最後致使這名主席自己也辭了 職。隨後,民政事務局在二零零四年五月委任了一個獨立調查小組,負責就這 宗事件和有關事宜進行調查。小組在今年二月完成所有工作,並提交了有關的 報告,當中就鞏固平機會的組織架構、進一步改善其服務表現,以及恢復其公 信力提出了70項建議。 另一方面,香港政府已經在今年一月委任了新的平機會主席,他今天也在 這裏。新主席是一位資深的律師,曾任個人資料私隱專員。此外,我們也剛剛 在上星期宣布委任一個全新的委員會。香港政府在平機會事件的處理上,已經 竭盡所能,務求恢復平機會在公眾心目中的公信力,使其能夠繼續執行既定的 工作。 性傾向 另外一項我想提出的課題,是我們對性傾向歧視的看法。委員會在二零零 一年的審議結論第15(c)段中,建議香港特區政府立法禁止性傾向歧視。 其後我們在第二次履約報告第354(b)段對建議作出了回應。我理解到委 員會可能對我們的回應感到失望;然而,我們希望委員會明白,面對社會上根 深蒂固的道德思想和傳統觀念,政府要落實這個建議,實在非常困難。 香港社會和其他已發展的地區一樣,正在不斷轉變;舊的觀念日漸薄弱, 而新的一代也不再認同昔日的偏見。香港政府一直致力消除歧視,並培養互相 包容和尊重的文化。我希望能夠用一點時間,向各位委員簡介我們在這方面的 工作。 政 府 的 第 一 步 工 作 , 是 在 二 零 零 四 年 九 月 設 立「 少 數 性 傾 向 人 士 論 壇 」 ,為 政府和不同性傾向人士提供正式的溝通渠道。這個論壇定期舉行會議,至今反 應良好。另外,在未來幾個月內,我們會在民政事務局轄下,成立一個以局內 「 種 族 關 係 組 」為 藍 本 的「 性 別 認 同 及 性 傾 向 小 組 」 ,進 行 為 期 兩 年 的 試 驗 計 劃 。 至 於 「 種 族 關 係 組 」的 工 作 , 我 們 已 在 報 告 第 3 5 2 段 闡 述 。 「性別認同及性傾










让负责编纂里根日记、并两次出席晚宴的douglas brinkley留下最深刻的印象是,奥巴马已找到了行为榜样。












国内外主要机构组织中英文名称国务院组成部门Ministries and Commissions under the State Council中华人民共和国外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs中华人民共和国国防部Ministry of National Defense中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission中华人民共和国教育部Ministry of Education中华人民共和国科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology中华人民共和国工业和信息化部Ministry of Industry and Information Technology中华人民共和国国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission中华人民共和国公安部Ministry of Public Security中华人民共和国国家安全部Ministry of State Security* 中华人民共和国监察部Ministry of Supervision中华人民共和国民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs中华人民共和国司法部Ministry of Justice中华人民共和国财政部Ministry of Finance中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security中华人民共和国国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources中华人民共和国环境保护部Ministry of Environmental Protection中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development中华人民共和国交通运输部Ministry of Transport中华人民共和国铁道部Ministry of Railways中华人民共和国水利部Ministry of Water Resources中华人民共和国农业部Ministry of Agriculture中华人民共和国商务部Ministry of Commerce中华人民共和国文化部Ministry of Culture中华人民共和国卫生部Ministry of Health中华人民共和国国家人口和计划生育委员会National Population and Family Planning Commission中国人民银行People's Bank of China中华人民共和国审计署National Audit Office(* 监察部与中共中央纪律检查委员会机关合署办公,机构列入国务院序列,编制列入中共中央直属机构。



首相兼第一财政大臣、文官大臣:特雷莎· 梅(Theresa May) 财政大臣:菲利普· 哈蒙德(Philip Hammond) 内政大臣:安布尔· 拉德(Amber Rudd) 外交大臣:鲍里斯· 约翰逊(Boris Johnson) 大法官兼司法大臣:莉兹· 特拉斯(Liz Truss) 国防大臣:迈克尔· 法伦(Michael Fallon) 掌玺大臣兼上院领袖埃:文斯女男爵(Baroness Evans) 就业和养老金大臣:达米安· 格林(Damian Green) 卫生大臣:杰里米· 亨特(Jeremy Hunt) 枢密院大臣兼下院领袖:戴维· 利丁顿(David Lidington) 国际发展大臣:普利提· 帕特尔(Priti Patel) 教育大臣兼妇女事务大臣:贾斯汀· 格里宁(Justine Greening) 交通大臣:克里斯· 格雷林(Chris Grayling) 北爱尔兰事务大臣:詹姆斯· 布罗肯希尔(James Brokenshire) 环境、食品和乡村事务大臣:安德烈娅· 利德索姆(Andrea Leadsom) 社区和地方政府事务大臣:萨义德· 贾维德(Sajid Javid) 威尔士事务大臣:阿伦· 凯恩斯(Alun Cairns) 兰卡斯特公爵郡大臣:帕特里克· 麦克洛克林(Patrick Mcloughlin) 文化、媒体和体育大臣:卡伦· 布拉德利(Karen Bradley) 苏格兰事务大臣:戴维· 芒德尔(David Mundell) 商业、能源和产业战略大臣:格雷格· 克拉克(Greg Clark) 脱欧大臣:戴维· 戴维斯(David Davis) 国际贸易大臣:利亚姆· 福克斯(Liam Fox)

这部剧,无论在口碑,还是在评论家那里, 都取得了巨大的成功。它获得了五个 BAFTAs(英国电影和电视艺术学院电视 奖),另有三个BAFTAs提名。 2004年的 时候,它在英国最佳情景喜剧的投票中名 列第六。这部电视剧被英国电影学院评为 史上十大最佳节目之一。



英国政府机构名称Names of Organizations of British Government英国政府机构名称Parliament 议会House of Lords (Upper House) 贵族院(上议院)Lord High Chancellor 议长Deputy Speaker 副议长Member of the House of Lords 议员House of Commons (lower House) 众议院(下议院)Speaker 议长Deputy Speaker 副议长Member of the House of Commons 议员Government 政府Cabinet 内阁Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury 首相、第一财政大臣兼文官大臣and Minister for the Civil ServiceSecretary of Foreign Affairs 外交大臣;外相Secretary of State for Foreign and 外交和联邦事务大臣Commonwealth Affairs Lord Chancellor 大法官Chancellor of the Exchequer 财政大臣Secretary of State for Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰事务大臣Secretary of State for Defence and Minister 国防大臣兼航空供应大臣of Aviation SupplySecretary of State for the Home Department 内政大臣Lord President of the Privy Council and 枢密院长兼下院领袖Leader of the House of CommonsSecretary of State for Social Services 社会事务大臣Secretaryof State for the Environment 环境事务大臣Secretary of State for Education and Science 教育和科学大臣Secretary of State for Scotland 苏格兰事务大臣Secretary of State for Trade and Industry 贸易工业大臣and President of the Board of TradeChancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 兰开斯特公爵郡大臣Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House 掌玺大臣兼上院领袖of Lords Secretary of State for Wales 威尔士事务大臣Secretary of State for Employment 就业大臣Minister of Agriculture, Fishery and Food 农业、渔业和粮食大臣Secretary of State for Prices, Consumer 物价、消费者保护和公平贸易大臣Protection and Fair TradingSecretary of State for Energy 能源大臣Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food 农业、渔业和粮食部Civil Service Department 文官部Department of Education and Science 教育和科学部Department of Employment 就业部Department of Environment 环境事务部Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交和联邦事务部Department of Healthy and Social Security 卫生和社会保险部Home Office 内政部Northern Ireland Office 北爱尔兰事务部Scottish Office 苏格兰事务部Department of Trade and Industry 贸易工业部The Treasury 财政部Ministry of Post & Telecommunications 邮电部Welsh Office 威尔士事务部Ministry of Defence 国防部Court 法院House of Lords 上议院(最高司法机构)Court of Appeal 上诉法院High Court of Justice 高等法院County Court 郡法院Crown Court 刑事法院Magistrates’ Court 地方法院Attorney General 检察总长Lord Advocate 苏格兰检察总长Solicitor General 副检察总长Solicitor-General for Scotland 苏格兰副检察总长。



1.国际贸易中心International Trade Centre (ITC)2.联合国难民署Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR)3.联合国儿童基金会United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)4.联合国贸易和发展会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD)5.联合国开发计划署United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)6.联合国资本发展基金United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)7.联合国职员人员United Nations V olunteers (UNV)8.联合国国际药物管制规划署United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime(UNODC)9.联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)10.联合国人类住区规划署United Nations Human Settlements Programme(UN-HABITAT)11.联合国人口基金United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)12.联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处United Nations Relief and WorksAgency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (NURWA)13.世界粮食计划署United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)1.联合国裁军研究所United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research(UNIDIR)2.联合国训练研究所United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)3.联合国区域间犯罪和司法研究所United Nations Interregional Crime and JusticeResearch Institute (UNICRI)4.联合国社会发展研究所United Nations Research Institute for SocialDevelopment (UNRISD)1.国际电子计算中心International Computer Centre (ICC)2.联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署Joint United Nations Programme onHIV/AIDS (艾滋病规划署UNAIDS)3.联合国大学United Nations University (UNU)。



2021年英语翻译之高级口译技巧口译技巧1.句式调整同传在词语的翻译上可以做到地道和相对准确,但句子结构不可能像交传那样按照中文的句式习惯组织安排,对于英汉传译,往往需要采用英语句式的顺序: 【例】Frankly, ideas and goods will travel around the globe with or withoutour help.【译】坦率地讲,思想和商品都将会在全球流通,不管有没有我们的帮助.2.断句和巧用连词处理长句是同传的基本功之一.翻译长句,除了断成译群外,还有一个关键要掌握,即英文句子之所以长是因为要避免重复使用同一个词,于是用who.which.that 来代替主语或宾语,使得句子很长,而在中文中就不怕重复使用.【例】That is the single monetary policy which will be discussed at the ne_tEuropean Union conference.【译】那就是单一货币政策 // 该政策将在下一届欧盟会议上讨论.为了保证译出语的连贯性和准确性,同传时尽量使用译入语的文法结构,在将其断为多个句群后可以使用一些润滑剂,即连词,将单个的句群联系起来.3.调整顺序在一些有after和before的句子中可以将其反说,比如:【例】I would like to make one point clear before I move on to the ne_tpoint.【译】我想先澄清一下,然后再讲下一部分.【例】I would like to move on to the ne_t part after I clarify one point.【译】我想谈下一部分,在这之前先澄清一点.4.转换词性☆ 名词转动词【例】the development and application of new telecom service【译】如果听到整句主语后才开始切入翻译会稍显滞后,此时可以试着将这些名词译成动词,这样其实也符合英语的表达方式.可译为:开发和运用新的电信业务.【例】In China, the full opening up and the profound reform in the publicservices areas to the foreign encounter parts greatly give impetus to thedevelopment of the tertiary industry.【译】可将此句译成:在中国, 全面开放和深化改革公共服务领域,并将其向国外同行开放,这会极大推动第三产业的发展.还有一些同类表达:clear evidence of 清楚地表明give impetus to 有力地推动an obvious violation of 显然违反了☆ 被动转主动英语中大量使用被动句,目的主要是为了强调或者平衡句子结构.这种表达方式与汉语有较大差别,造成翻译英语中的被动语态时比较吃力,特别是当句子主语较长时,在这种情况下,建议将语态由被动转成主动,往往会有柳暗花明之感: 【例】Arrangement must be made to guarantee the basic life necessities couldbe available to the people in the earthquake hit areas.【译】必须做出安排……【译】China’s diplomatic practice is seriously guided by the five principlesof mutual peaceful coe_istence.【译】中国的外交活动是严格遵循原则的,即和平共处五项原则.5.及时调整错误一般来说,在同传中不会有回过头来重新改正自己错误的可能性,但也不绝对,所以,如果具备了改错空间,当然提倡有错必改.调整是同声翻译中的校译过程,是译员根据接收到的新内容调整信息.纠正错译.补充漏译的重要环节.如英语中的时间.地点状语等大多出现在句尾,在使用〝顺句驱动〞翻译时,会出现译完主句又出现状语的情况._年翻译资格考试一级笔译英译汉练习题Climate Change: A Race We Must WinWe face a new era of climate crisis. July _ is the hottest month onrecord, and we are on track for _ to _ to be the five hottest years inhuman history. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere is at its highest point inhuman history; climate-related devastations strike more often than ever, withdroughts, hurricanes, heatwaves and landslides regularly attacking our planet,bringing high tolls and casualties, causing huge economic loss to countriesandto individuals, particularly affecting the most vulnerable in societies. Thelatest report of UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacificshows that natural disasters in the region are currently responsible foreconomic losses of up to US$675 billion annually and affecting close to _0million people.考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间.The clock is ticking. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange, we need to collectively ensure that global temperature rise does not gobeyond 1.5 degrees. This means we must reduce emissions by 45 percent by _and achieve carbon neutrality by 2_0. Such goals might seem too ambitious, butclimate change is not a standalone issue that can be ignored given the profoundimplications it has for all countries and all peoples, including the younggeneration who will be living with the ever-increasing consequences of globalwarmings.Faced with this reality, it is impossible to ignore that human developmentcan only flourish if the natural world flourishes. This is the premise of theUN’s Sustainable Development Goals that have become more urgent looking forwardto the ne_t decade. How can we as the global community work together as one?To boost ambition, reinforce strong political will and encourage concreteactions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the UNSecretary-General António Guterres will host the _ Climate Action Summit on23 September during the UN General Assembly. The Summit will bring togethergovernments, the private sector, civil society, local authorities and otherinternational organizations to develop ambitious solutions in si_ areas: aglobal transition to renewable energy; sustainable and resilient infrastructuresand cities; sustainable agriculture and management of forests and oceans; resilience and adaptation to climate impacts; and alignment of public and private finance with a ‘net zero’ economy. The message is clear: we need concrete, realistic plans to enhance countries’ nationally determinedcontributions by _, in line with reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45 percent over the ne_t decade, and to achieve ‘net zero’ emissions by 2_0. As the second largest economy in the world, China has played a criticalpart in committing to the Paris Agreement and its leadership and commitment iscrucial in achieving the goals. The country has made remarkable progress indeveloping its green economy, with more than US$_5 billion dollars’investmentin renewable energy in _. New renewable energy jobs in China now outnumberthose created in the oil and gas industries. Under the _th Five-Year Plan,China has already e_ceeded full three per cent of its target, to reduce energyintensity by _ percent. The country is also the global leader in the adoptionof electric buses, with an estimation of _% of China’s total bus fleet beingelectrified according to research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Thisdemonstrates a significant increase in the importance of non-fossil fuel fromprevious five-year plan targets. The benefits China has reaped from fosteringits renewable energy sector and the green economy also offer a primecounter-e_ample to the mistaken belief that economic vitality and growth isincompatible with efforts to combat climate change.As the global challenge that does not respect national borders, climatechange is an issue that requires solutions to be coordinated at theinternational level, with demand for all developed countries taking up greaterresponsibilities, and for developing countries moving toward low-carbon economy.In the meantime, as the world’s most populous country and one of the largest carbon emitters, China can play an even more vital role in tackling globalclimate change by ma_imizing its enormous potential for emission reduction andaccelerating the current positive.The UN is committed to working with the government of China, the private sector, NGOs, youth and other key stakeholders to support climate changereduction efforts in China, to raise awareness and build the ne_t generation ofclimate leaders, as well as China’s growing support to other developingcountries. Under initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, UN and Chinacan work closely together to make the best use of the investment ininfrastructure to promote the transition from fossil fuel-intensive economy togreen and low-carbon economy in developing countries and ensure the initiativesare in line with sustainable development goals. South-South Cooperation can alsofacilitate the e_changes of climate solutions – bringing China’s successfulpractices to developing world and customize the methodology to best serve thelocal conte_t and needs. Considering the scale of China’s commitments, thepotential impact these global engagements will have is unparalleled. Therefore,the UN is ready to continue its partnership with China to ensure that an agendaof environmental sustainability, of climate change mitigation and resilience isplaced first and foremost at the head of China’s global development initiativesand investments.Climate change is running faster than we are and we need to have a muchmore ambitious approach in what we do in order to defeat climate change – asthis is a race that we can and must win.气候变化:一场我们必须打赢的比赛我们面临着气候危机的新时代._年7月是有记录以来最热的一个月,_年至_年有望成为人类历史上最热的5年.大气中的二氧化碳含量达到了人类历史上的最高点.与气候变化有关的自然灾害比以往任何时候都更加频繁,干旱.飓风.热浪和山体滑坡的频发造成了大范围人员伤亡,给许多国家和人民造成了巨大的经济损失,尤其是社会中最脆弱的群体受影响最为严重.联合国亚太经济社会委员会最新报告显示,该地区自然灾害造成的经济损失高达每年6750亿美元,影响近1.5亿人.时间一分一秒地过去.政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange)的报告表明,我们需要共同确保全球气温上升不超过1.5摄氏度.这意味着我们必须在_年前减少45%的排放量,并在2_0年前实现碳中和.这些目标似乎过于雄心勃勃,但考虑到气候变化对所有国家和人民所产生的深远影响,全球变暖日益严重所产生的后果年轻一代将首当其冲,我们绝不能将气候变化孤立开来,不能小觑其可能产生的后果和影响.面对气候变化的现实,我们需要清醒地认识到,人类的发展只有在自然界繁荣的情况下才能蓬勃发展.这是联合国可持续发展目标的前提,展望未来十年,这些目标变得更加紧迫.我们该如何作为一个国际社会共同努力?联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯将于9月23日在联合国大会期间主持_年气候行动峰会,以提振雄心,增强政治意愿,鼓励落实《巴黎气候变化协定》的具体行动.首脑会议将汇集各国政府.私营部门.民间社会.地方当局和其他国际组织,在六个领域制定雄心勃勃的解决办法:全球范围内向可再生能源过渡;可持续和适应力强的基础设施和城市;可持续农业和森林及海洋管理;对气候影响的恢复力和适应能力;公共和私人金融向〝净零〞经济看齐.峰会要传递的信息很明确:我们需要具体.现实的计划,到_年提高各国的自主贡献,在未来10年将温室气体排放量减少45%,到2_0年实现〝净零〞排放.作为世界第二大经济体,中国在履行《巴黎协定》方面发挥了重要作用,中国的领导和承诺对实现《巴黎协定》的目标至关重要.中国绿色经济发展取得了显著进展,_年可再生能源投资超过_50亿美元.目前,中国可再生能源新增就业人数已超过石油和天然气行业.在十三五计划实施期间,中国已经超额完成目标的3%,降低能源强度_%.中国还是全球率先使用电动公交车的国家,根据彭博新能源财经研究估计,_%中国公交车汽车实现电气化.这表明,与之前的五年计划目标相比,非化石燃料的重要性显著提高.中国从发展可再生能源产业和绿色经济中获益的事实也为有些人错误地认为经济的活力和增长与应对气候变化不可兼得提供了一个主要的反例.全球性挑战向来不受国境线的限制,气候变化这一全球性议题需要在国际层面协调解决方案,要求所有发达国家承担更大的责任,发展中国家向低碳经济迈进.作为世界上人口最多的国家和最大的碳排放国之一,中国可以在应对全球气候变化方面发挥更重要的作用,最大限度地发挥其巨大的减排潜力,进一步加快进度.联合国致力于与中国政府.私营部门.非政府组织.青年和其他主要利益攸关方一道,支持中国减少气候变化的努力,提高认识,培养下一代气候领导人,并不断加大对其他发展中国家的支持力度.在各项倡议的支持下,例如一带一路倡议,联合国和中国可以紧密合作,充分利用基础设施投资,促进发展中国家从化石燃料密集型的经济向绿色和低碳经济的过渡,确保项目符合可持续发展目标.南南合作也可以促进气候解决方案的交流,将中国的成功经验推广到发展中国家,并根据当地的实际情况和需求,因地制宜地调整方法论.考虑到中国承诺的规模,这些全球合作的潜在影响将是巨大的.因此,联合国愿继续与中国保持伙伴关系,确保将环境可持续性.减缓气候变化和提高适应能力置于中国全球发展倡议和投资的首位.如果将气候行动比作一场比赛,那么气候变化现在的速度比我们快,我们需要更大的决心来应对这一挑战,因为这是一场我们能够而且必须获胜的比赛._年翻译资格考试一级口译实务材料常驻联合国代表张军大使在安理会中导问题公开会上的发言Statement by Ambassador Zhang Jun at Security Council onIntermediate-RangeNuclear Forces Treaty_年8月_日_ August _主席女士,Madam President,我认真听取了中满泉副秘书长所作通报.I have listened carefully to the briefing by USG Nakamitsu._87年美苏达成的《中导条约》是军控与裁军领域的重要条约.条约明确将加强战略稳定作为目标,有效缓解了美苏在欧洲的中导军备竞赛,有利于增进大国战略互信,缓和国际关系,推进核裁军进程.TheIntermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) signed between the US and theUSSR in _87 is an important treaty on arms control and disarmament. Takingstrengthening strategic stability as its objective, the treaty effectivelymitigated the arms race on intermediate-range missiles between the US and USSRin Europe and helped to enhance strategic mutual trust between major powers,ease international relations and advance nuclear disarmament process.进入新世纪以来,维护《中导条约》有效性,不仅对美俄两国,也对国际和地区的和平与安全具有重要现实意义.美俄本应通过对话协商妥善处理关于履约问题的分歧,切实维护条约有效性.但美国单方面退约导致条约失效,将对全球战略平衡与稳定.欧洲和亚太地区安全及国际军控体系产生深远消极影响,国际社会应对此保持清醒认识.在《中导条约》问题上,中方已多次表明立场,拿中国作为退约借口是不可接受的.中方拒绝美方的无理指责.Entering the new century, safeguarding the effectiveness of the INF treatyis of great practical significance not only to the United States and Russia butalso to international and regional peace and security. The two countries shouldhave properly handled differences over treaty compliance through dialogue andconsultation to earnestly safeguard the effectiveness of the treaty.However,the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the treaty led to the demiseof the treaty, which will have a far-reaching negative impact on globalstrategic balance and stability, regional security in Europe and Asia as well asinternational arms control regime. The international community should be clearheaded about this impact. On the INF issue, China has made clear its position onmany occasions. It is unacceptable to use China as an e_cuse for leaving thetreaty, and China rejects the baseless accusation by the United States.主席女士,Madam President,当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局,和平.发展.合作.共赢的时代潮流不可逆转,和平力量的上升远远超过战争因素的增长.同时,国际安全面临的不稳定性不确定性更加突出.多边主义是应对共同挑战的有效途径,各国应坚定维护以国际法和《联合国宪章》宗旨原则为核心的国际秩序,秉持共同.综合.合作和可持续的新安全观,充分尊重各国正当合理安全关切,努力塑造和平稳定的国际安全环境,推动构建人类命运共同体.The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Peace,development and win-win cooperation remain the irreversible trends of the times,with forces for peace predominating over elements of war. At the same time,there are prominent destabilizing factors and uncertainties in internationalsecurity. Multilateralism is the effective means to address common challenges.All countries should resolutely safeguard international order with internationallaw and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter at its core, embrace aconcept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, fullyrespect the legitimate security concerns of all countries, work hard for apeaceful and stable international security environment and promote a communityof a shared future for mankind.《联合国宪章》赋予安理会维护国际和平与安全的重要职责,安理会成员应展现责任担当,各国均应避免采取损害别国安全利益的举动.美方在正式退出《中导条约》前即宣称计划加快中导研发和部署,并已于日前试射新型陆基巡航导弹.中方强烈敦促有关国家本着高度负责的态度,保持克制,切实维护现有军控体系,维护全球战略平衡与稳定,维护国际和地区和平与安宁.这是国际社会的共同呼声.The UN Charter entrusts the Security Council with the importantresponsibility of maintaining international peace and security. Council membersshould earnestly fulfill their responsibilities in this regard. All countriesshould refrain from taking actions that undermine the security interests ofother countries. Prior to its official withdrawal from the INF treaty, the United States already announced its plan to accelerate the development and deployment of intermediate range missiles. And lately, it conducted a testlaunch of land-based cruise missile. China strongly urges the relevant countryto take a highly responsible attitude, e_ercise restraint and earnestlypreservethe e_isting arms control regime in an effort to safeguard global strategicbalance and stability and international and regional peace and security. This isthe shared message from the international community.退出《中导条约》是美国奉行单边主义.推卸国际义务的又一消极举动,其真实目的是自我松绑.谋求单方面绝对军事优势.中国始终奉行防御性的国防政策,拥有的陆基中程导弹全部部署在本国境内,完全出于防御目的,不威胁任何国家.中方坚决反对美国在亚太地区部署陆基中导,要求美方在此方面保持理性和克制.Withdrawal from the INF treaty is yet another act of unilateralism andescape from international obligations by the United States. It is aimed atrelieving restrictions and seeking absolute military advantage. China pursues anational defense policy that is defensive nature. China’s land-basedintermediate range missiles are all deployed within the Chinese territory. It isfor defense purposes only and poses no threat to any country. China firmly opposes US deployment of land-based intermediate range missiles in theAsia-Pacific and urges the United States to be cool-headed and e_erciserestraint.主席女士,Madam President,国际军控与裁军条约体系是全球战略平衡与稳定的基石,与国际和平安全息息相关.核裁军是《不扩散核武器条约》的三大支柱之一,是核领域全球治理的重要组成部分.各国应遵循〝维护全球战略稳定〞和〝各国安全不受减损〞等原则,循序渐进推进核裁军进程.拥有最大核武库的国家应切实履行核裁军特殊.优先责任.我们支持俄罗斯在此方面作出的政治外交努力,支持并鼓励俄罗斯和美国就战略安全和双边核裁军问题保持对话,致力于《美俄关于进一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器措施的条约》延期,并继续以可核查.不可逆.具有法律约束力的方式大幅削减核武库,为推进多边核裁军进程创造必要条件.The international arms control and disarmament treaty system, as thecornerstone of global strategic balance and stability, bears on internationalpeace and security. Nuclear Disarmament, as one of the three pillars of the NPT,constitutes an important part of global governance in the nuclear field. Allcountries should follow the principles of 〝maintaining global strategic stability〞 and 〝undiminished security for all〞 and advance disarmamentprocessin a step-by-step manner. Countries with the largest nuclear arsenals have special and primary responsibility for nuclear disarmament. We support thepolitical and diplomatic efforts made by Russia, support and encourage Russiaand the United States to maintain dialogue on strategic security and bilateralnuclear disarmament issues, commit themselves to the e_tension of the New STARTTreaty, continue to make substantive reduction in their nuclear arsenals in averifiable, irreversible and legally binding manner with a view to creating necessary conditions for advancing multilateral nuclear disarmamentprocesses.我要强调,任何军控谈判都应充分考虑各国整体军事实力,并遵循〝各国安全不受减损〞这一国际军控基本原则.中方已多次就所谓〝中美俄军控谈判〞提议表明立场,现阶段中方无意也不会参加所谓〝中美俄军控谈判〞.I must emphasize that for any arms control negotiation, it is imperative tofully consider the overall military capabilities of countries and follow theprinciple of 〝undiminished security for all〞, a basic principle of internationalarms control. China has repeatedly stated its position on the so-called armscontrol negotiation with the United States and Russia. China has no interest andwill not be part of it.中国始终不渝奉行防御性国防政策,中国自卫防御的核战略完全透明,中国的核政策高度负责,中国的核武库规模极为有限,从不对国际和平与安全构成威胁.几十年来,中国一贯积极参与联合国.裁军谈判会议等多边机制框架下的军控磋商与谈判,反对军备竞赛,维护全球战略平衡和稳定.未来中方将继续坚定维护多边主义,积极参与多边军控进程,为维护国际和平与安全贡献力量.China unswervingly pursues a national defense policy that is defensive innature. China’s nuclear strategy for self-defense is completely transparent andits nuclear policy is highly responsible. China’s nuclear arsenal is e_tremelylimited in scale, and poses no threat to international peace and security. Fordecades, China has actively participated in arms control consultations andnegotiations under multilateral mechanisms and frameworks including those of theUnited Nations and Conference on Disarmament. China opposes arms race and worksto safeguard global strategic balance and stability. Moving forward, China willcontinue to firmly uphold multilateralism, actively participate in multilateralarms control processes to contribute to the maintenance of international peaceand security.谢谢主席女士.Thank you, Madam President.英语翻译。



议员本人竞选时承诺当选后会推动立新法,修法,或废法的个 别议题 民间个人或利益团体的诉求;政治说客(Lobbyist) 州的立法机构要求通过法案或决议案去纪念某人或某事 总统本人;内阁成员;行政部门首长 总统向国会报告的国情咨文(State of the Union)演说中提出 的推荐性的,有必要的 COMMITTEES
Aging老龄人的照顾 Agriculture农业 Appropriation拨款 Armed Services武装部队 Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs银 行,住房,市政 Budget年度开支预算 Commerce, Science & Transportation 商业,科技,运输 Energy & National resources能源资源 Ethics道德操守 Environment & Public Works环境基建 Finance关税,社保,财政收入 Foreign Relations对外关系 Health, Education, Labor & Pensions 健康,教育,劳工,长俸 Homeland Security & Government Affairs国土安全 Indian Affairs印第安人事务 Intelligence情报 Judiciary司法 Rules & Administration院的规章 Small Business & Entrepreneurship小 公司,个体经营 Veterans’ Affairs退伍军人事务
主讲: 关敬之 2011年11月10日于湖北大学
关敬之先生(George Kwan)简介 武汉大学博士研究生,专业:国际关系与中国外交, 研究方向:中 美关系. 持有工商管理学士学位, 金融硕士学位 美国籍华人. 1971年开始在美国从事金融行业, 在美国银行 Bank of America,摩根大通Morgan Chase,富达Fidelity,夏 威夷银行Bank of Hawaii等大型国际金融机构任职从基层 科员到高层管理等职位.期间被派驻伦敦,东京,新加坡,香港 等世界级金融中心任职一线国际业务岗位. 退休前为中国 工商银行ICBC香港地区营运总监







OHCHR的职责OHCHR的主要职责包括:1. 监督全球人权状况OHCHR对全球所有国家和地区的人权状况进行监督,特别是那些处于危险之中的国家和地区。


2. 支持建立人权保护机制OHCHR支持国家、民间社会和其他利益相关方建立和加强人权保护机制。


3. 促进人权标准的制定和应用OHCHR通过项目、倡议、标准和国际法律来促进人权标准的制定和应用,并与联合国其他机构和国家政府合作,确保在法律、政策和实践层面上充分推广和保护人权。

4. 保护受到侵犯人权的个人和群体OHCHR特别关注那些受到侵犯人权的个人和群体。


OHCHR的工作重点OHCHR的工作重点包括:1. 暴力和歧视的消除OHCHR致力于消除暴力和歧视,并保护受到侵犯人权的个人和群体。


2. 政府和社会的责任和问责制OHCHR鼓励国家政府和民间社会承担起保障人权的责任,并推进问责机制,确保人权违法者受到惩罚。




The flag consists of two vertical bands, one of gold or yellow and one of white with the crossed keys of Saint Peter and the Papal Tiara centered in the white band. The crossed keys consist of a golden and a silver key, in which the silver key is placed in the dexter 右侧 的position.
Vatican Has its own independent
banking system and currency which is current with the Italian lira(里拉).
Nowadays it has more than 80 countries and regions that have sent envoys (外交使 节, 特使) to station in the Vatican ,in Rome Catholic priests, through their control of the activities of their host countries, and participate in international political and economic activities.
And in 1929, an agreement hammered out by the Italian government and the Pope, established Vatican City as a country which is governed by Catholicism led by the Pope.



警卫常用英语词汇警卫局.....................Security Guard Bureau警卫工作 service警卫人员 agent警卫车队...................the guards' motorcade警卫部署 deployment警卫对象 of security随身警卫...................bodyguard安全系数 factor危险评估...................danger assessment情报信息...................intelligence / information外宾.......................foreign guest领导人.....................leader政治局.....................political bureau国务院.....................the State Council总统.......................President总理.......................premier常委.......................member of the standing committee 议长.......................speaker部长.......................minister市长.......................mayor代表团.....................delegation随行人员...................entourage安全官 officer公安局.....................Public Security Bureau局长(副局长)...............Chief (deputy chief)处长.......................Director领导.......................superior同事.......................colleague警察.......................policeman交通警察...................traffic police武装警察...................armed police便衣警察...................plain clothes police护照.......................passport大使馆.....................embassy领事馆.....................consulate消防 service消防警官 fighter消防安全检查...............inspection of fire control work 消防车 engine消防通道 escape急救中心...................first-aid center应急医院...................emergency hospital救护车.....................ambulance救护人员...................ambulance personnel药物.......................medicine直升机.....................helicopter通信munication设备/设施..................facility手枪.......................handgun微行冲锋枪 machine gun爆炸.......................explosion安全检查 inspection爆炸物品...................explosive article金属物品...................metal article托盘.......................tray口袋.......................pocket找出…的位置...............locate+ d5 m防爆安全检查...............anti-explosion safety inspection 防爆器材...................flame-proof equipment安全门 (xi)封条.......................seal封闭区域...................restricted area人口.......................entrance安检通道...................metal detector way安检门.....................walk-through metal detector证件.......................credentials专用通行证.................special permit请柬.......................invitation规章/规定..................rule/regulationX光行检查仪..............luggage X-ray要人保卫...................dignitary protection 随身警卫...................bodyguard住地警卫...................residential guard路线警卫...................route guard现场警卫...................on-the-spot guard 路线.......................route现场.......................site现场会.....................on-the-spot meeting 开道车.....................leading car前卫车.....................convoy礼宾车.....................the protocol car后卫车.....................the follow-up car备用车.....................spare car收尾车.....................the last car武装护卫车.................armed convoy car 救护车.....................ambulance行车.....................luggage van停车场.....................parking lot地下停车库.................underground parking lot 上车点.....................boarding area下车点.....................alighting area国有企业...................state-owned enterprise 宾馆.......................hotel公园.......................park博物馆.....................museum大学.......................university幼儿园.....................kindergarten剧场.......................theatre故宫.......................the Imperial Palace颐和园.....................the Summer Palace教堂.......................church交通法规...................traffic regulations机场.......................airport专机.......................special plane班机.......................flight卫士长.....................chief guard哨兵.......................sentry固定哨.....................fixed sentry临时哨.....................temporary sentry武装哨.....................armed sentry便衣哨.....................plain clothes sentry要害部门...................important department宾馆外围...................periphery of hotel制高点.....................overlooking point备用路线...................spare circuit备用通道...................spare passageway紧急疏散通道...............emergency evacuation passageway 急救中心...................first-aid center急救药箱/药品..............first-aid kit / medicine警卫值班室 for the guards on duty对讲机.....................walkie-talkie警戒线.....................police line紧急避险...................avoid imminent risks国际恐怖主义 terrorism恐怖活动...................acts of terrorism恐怖分子...................terrorist限制区域...................restricted zone指定位置...................designated place宴会厅.....................banquet hall门厅.......................lobby走廊.......................corridor衣帽间.....................cloakroom洗手间.....................restroom/wash room 休息室.....................lounge服务台.....................reception desk电梯.......................lift/elevator楼梯.......................staircase自动扶梯...................lift新闻记者...................journalist摄影记者...................photographer新闻中心rmation center新闻发布会 briefing拍照.......................take photograph采访.......................interview拥挤.......................rush往后退.....................step back秘书处.....................secretariat观察团.....................observation group外事办公室.................foreign affairs office 翻译主.....................interpreter访问.......................visit日程.......................itinerary/schedule 旅行.......................trip合作.......................cooperate讨论.......................discuss约会.......................appointment会谈.......................conference问题.......................issue提前 advance推迟.......................postpone调整.......................adjust邀请.......................invite服务.......................service准备.......................prepare安排.......................arrange具体案...................concrete plan通知rm/notify暂定的.....................tentative预定的.....................reserved暂时的.....................temporary工作/职责..................business建议.......................recommendation 协议.......................agreement要求.......................requirement联系.......................contact信赖/依靠..................count on认识.......................realize安置/安装..................install饮食习惯...................dietary确保.......................ensure/assure控制.......................control指挥.......................instruction密部署...................tight measures确保安全...................ensure the security 危险/冒险..................risk责任.......................responsibility威胁.......................threaten伤害/损害..................injure违背.......................violate失误.......................fault立即.......................immediately细节.......................detail打扰.......................bother可/允..................permission有效的.....................valid当然/一定..................certainly舒适的fortable特殊的/专门的..............special体谅的/体贴的..............thoughtful/considerate必要的.....................necessary谈到/提到..................mention总的.......................general妥善地.....................properly可能的.....................possible完美的.....................perfect简单的.....................brief要员保护VIPPU very important私营军事承包商PMC private military contractor 私营安全承包商PSC private security指挥官OC officer commanding军需官QM quarter master通讯员messenger司机DRV driver保镖bodyguard安全警卫,保安security驻地警卫RG resident guard。



The rise of the nationalist movement in Malawi
• Mawlawi's nationalist movement dates back to the end of the nineteenth Century.
• The most famous is the 1915 J. Chiren boue uprising. The outbreak of the first World War, many people were forced into nyasaland. But the colonial government against the family of the deceased refused to grant pension. Chilembwe leadership Africans petition of protest. In January 1915 23 organized mass attack white manor, seize the armory. Soon, the uprising troops was suppressed. Chiren boawlawi as an agricultural country, more than 90% of the population engaged in agriculture, the economy is very backward, is the United Nations to determine the least developed countries, economic development depends heavily on foreign aid. The main cultivation of tobacco, cotton, corn, etc., is one of Africa's major tobacco producing countries, tobacco exports accounted for 70% of the country's foreign exchange earnings. Its white rib tobacco quality, reputation in the world of tobacco industry.



经济社会及文化权利国际公约英文版The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is a multilateral treaty adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 16, 1966, and in force from January 3, 1976. It commits its parties to work toward the granting of economic, social, and cultural rights to the Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories and individuals, including labor rights and the right to health, the right to education, and the right to an adequate standard of living.As of 2023, the Covenant has 171 parties. A further four countries have signed but not ratified the Covenant. The Covenant is monitored by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.The Covenant is part of the International Bill of Human Rights, along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which was adopted in 1966 and entered into force in 1976.The Covenant recognizes the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their family, includingadequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions. It also recognizes the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger.The Covenant also recognizes the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. The Covenant requires the creation of conditions that would assure medical service and medical attention to all in the event of sickness.The Covenant recognizes the right of everyone to education. It provides for compulsory and free primary education, and the progressive introduction of free secondary and higher education.The Covenant recognizes the right of everyone to take part in cultural life, to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, and to benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.The Covenant requires that the rights it recognizes be exercised without discrimination of any kind as to race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.The Covenant requires that developing countries, with due regard tohuman rights and their national economy, determine to what extent they would guarantee the economic rights recognized in the present Covenant to non-nationals.The Covenant requires that states parties undertake to guarantee that the rights enunciated in the present Covenant will be exercised without discrimination of any kind as to race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.The Covenant requires that states parties undertake to take steps, individually and through international assistance and co-operation, especially economic and technical, to the maximum of their available resources, with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of the rights recognized in the present Covenant by all appropriate means, including particularly the adoption of legislative measures.The Covenant requires that states parties undertake to submit reports on the measures they have adopted and the progress made in achieving the observance of the rights recognized in the Covenant.The Covenant establishes a Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to oversee the implementation of the Covenant. The Committee is composed of 18 experts who are elected for a term of four years by the Economic and Social Council.The Covenant also provides for the possibility of inter-state complaints, where a state party claims that another state party is not fulfilling its obligations under the Covenant. However, this procedure has never been used in practice.The Covenant has been criticized by some for not being as strong as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as it does not provide for individual complaints or an enforcement mechanism. However, the Covenant has been an important tool in the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights around the world.Overall, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is a significant international human rights treaty that has played a crucial role in the development and promotion of economic, social and cultural rights globally. Its implementation and enforcement remain an ongoing challenge, but the Covenant continues to be an important instrument in the struggle for a more just and equitable world.。



英国萨顿信托基金会分析新内阁成员教育背景作者:暂无来源:《世界教育信息》 2018年第5期据英国萨顿信托基金会(Sutton Trust)网站2018年1月9日消息,该基金会通过分析英国现任首相特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)新内阁成员的教育背景发现,这届内阁中有私立教育背景的人数比例略高于上届内阁。

分析显示,新内阁中有34%的人有私立教育的背景,这一数据略高于特蕾莎·梅2016年的第一届内阁(30%);新内阁中有24%的人就读过选拔性的公立学校,这一数据明显高于戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)2015年的内阁(7%),略低于特蕾莎·梅2016年第一届内阁(26%);新内阁中有41%的人就读过综合性公立学校,这一数据略低于特蕾莎·梅第一届内阁(44%)和戴维·卡梅伦2015年的内阁(43%);新内阁中有48%的人毕业于牛津大学或剑桥大学,这一数据略高于特蕾莎·梅第一届内阁(44%),但略低于戴维·卡梅伦2015年的内阁(50%);总的来说,新内阁中有66%的人就读过综合性或选拔性公立学校,这一数据略低于特蕾莎·梅2016年第一届内阁(70%),但明显高于戴维·卡梅伦2015年的内阁(50%)。

据悉,在戴维·卡梅伦2015年的内阁中有50%的人有私立教育的背景,其2010年的内阁中有62%的人有私立教育的背景;早期保守党约翰·梅杰(John Major)1992年的内阁中有71%的人有私立教育的背景,而玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)1979年的内阁更是有高达91%的人有私立教育的背景。




常见国际组织机构名称United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国粮食农业组织Security Council 联合国安理会Economic and Social Council 经济与社会理事会United Nation Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金组织United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划处International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织ITU=International Telecommunications Union 国际电信同盟UNIDO=United Nations Industrial Development Organization 联合国工业开发组织IBRD=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴与开发银行IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会(=CIO)IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定常见巴以冲突问题新闻词汇Jewish settler 犹太定居者assassination 暗杀cease-fire 停火Gaza Strip 加沙地带conflict 冲突withdrawal 撤退P.L.O (缩) Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织Fatah 法塔赫(巴解组织最大的一支游击队)West Bank 约旦河西岸Oslo agreement 奥斯陆协定evacuate 疏散Likud party 利库德集团Middle East 中东targeted elimination 定点清除unilateral action 单边行动2. 灾难新闻与灾害、灾难有关用词rescue official 援救人员capsize (特指船)倾覆volcano eruption 火山爆发flood 洪水mudslide 泥石流drought 干旱depredate 掠夺,毁坏death toll 死亡人数refugee 难民tsunami 海啸earthquake 地震snowstorm 暴风雪fatality 不幸,灾祸,天命humanitarian 人道主义者afflicted district 受灾地区sandstorm 沙尘暴tornado 龙卷风plague 瘟疫,麻烦,苦恼,灾祸doom 厄运,毁灭,死亡natural calamity 自然灾害4. 经济新闻常见经济用词an economic forum 经济论坛venture 投机,风险trade disputes 贸易争端deficit 赤字depreciation 贬值devaluation (货币)贬值budget 预算amortize 分期清偿launch 投放市场brand 商标,牌子debenture 债券deflate 紧缩(通货)depression 萧条,不景气bankroll 资金arbitrage 套汇antitrust 反托拉斯的,反垄断的常见财经证券新闻词汇DOW: Dow Jones industrial average (DJIA) 道琼斯工业指数Tokyo’s Nikkei average 东京日经平均指数a bull market 牛市bonus share 红股The standard and Poor’s 500 标准普尔500指数NYSE, New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所NASDAQ: National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations 纳斯达克指数a bear market 熊市blue chip 绩优股inscribed shares 记名式股票5. 民生调查环境、健康卫生用语air quality monitoring system 空气质量监测系统life-span 寿命mortality 死亡率chronic 慢性的non-infection 非传染avian influenza 禽流感taint 感染venom 毒;毒物toxin 毒素noxious 有害的placebo 安慰剂immunize 使免疫fungus 真菌remedy 药物,治疗法sanitary (有关)卫生的,(保持)清洁的,清洁卫生的HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) 人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒thermal pollution 热污染tropical island effect 热岛效应acid rain 酸雨desertification (土壤)荒漠化,沙漠化soil erosion 水土流失教育用词curriculum 课程academy (高等) 专科院校,研究院,学会,学术团体,学院semester 学期guest professor 客座教授statistics 统计学president 校长ethics 伦理学plagiarism 剽窃,剽窃物能源、交通用词van 有篷货车trolley 电车,(电车)滚轮,手推车shuttle 往返汽车(列车、飞机),航天飞机unleaded 无铅的nuclear 原子能的petroleum 石油lorry 铁路货车vehicular 车的,用车辆运载的commuter 通勤者,经常往返者solar energy 太阳能heat energy 热能6. 恐怖主义与恐怖主义有关的词汇explode 爆炸sponsor terrorism 赞助恐怖主义body bomb 人体炸弹suicide attacks 自杀性袭击sympathizers of AI Qaeda 基地组织的支持者hostage 人质terrorism’s financer 恐怖主义资助者assassination 暗杀casualty 伤亡terrorist suspects 恐怖主义嫌疑犯abduct 绑架loot 抢劫ransom 敲诈,勒索反恐常用词汇the bomb squad防爆小组Britain’s 2000 Terrorism Act 英国《2000年反恐怖主义法案》bulletproof 防弹的convoy 护航7. 政治新闻政治用词consulate 领事,领事馆ally 同盟cabinet <美>内阁demonstration 游行示威removal 免职protest 抗议dignitary 高官chancellor 长官,大臣poll 投票选举,民意测验rally 集会rebel 造反,反叛suffrage 投票,选举权,参政权stump 在(某地)做政治巡回演说caucus (政党的)领导人秘密会议,核心小组会议bureaucracy 官僚作风,官僚机构despotism 专制containment 围堵政策,牵制政策impeach <主美>弹劾,怀疑prerogative 特权anarchism 无政府主义summitry 高峰会campaign 竞选运动bicameral 两院制的,有两个议院的hegemony 霸权enfranchise 给予选举权,给予自治权propaganda 宣传multi-party elections 多党选举8. 科技新闻网络科技新闻用词online service在线服务searching engine 搜索引擎digital divide 数字鸿沟Internet-based 以网络为基础的e-commerce 电子商务SPAM messages 垃圾电子邮件cyber phobia 计算机恐惧症online transaction 网上交易BBS 电子布告栏系统browser 浏览器electronic platform 电子化平台community portal 社区门户online consultation 在线咨询electronic banking 电子银行e-government 电子政务junk-e-mail 垃圾电子邮件interface 界面航天科技新闻用词unmanned probe 无人探测the launch tower 发射塔shuttle 航天飞机definitive orbit 既定轨道external tank 外壳lunar module 登月舱manned spacecraft 载人宇宙飞船the re-entry capsule 返回舱emergency landing 紧急降落Telstar 通讯卫星command module 指令舱multistage rocket 多级火箭其他科学、科技词汇fossil 化石evolution 演变,进化semiconductor 半导体radiation 放射线,放射物handset 手机,手持机dinosaur 恐龙origin 起源,由来relic 遗物,遗迹breakthrough突破voice recognition system 语音识别系统mechanistic 机械论学说的,机械论的videophone 电视电话9. 旅游新闻娱乐、文化、艺术、旅游用词theme park 主题公园showgirl 歌舞女郎DINK 丁克一族:有双薪收入而没有孩子的夫妇Emmy 艾美奖videoporn <口>色情电视,黄色录像Warner Brothers 华纳兄弟娱乐公司choreographer 舞蹈指导Broadway 百老汇baroque 巴洛克时期艺术和建筑风格telecopter 空中电视台tent pole movie 大片Hollywood 好莱坞film fans 影迷premiere 初次公演,初演主角pop chart 流行榜box office 票房Soap Opera 肥皂剧signature 签名show tour 巡演10. 体育新闻体育组织名称FIFA=Federation Internationale de Football Association,国际足球联盟IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会(=CIO)International Amateur Athletics Federation 国际运动员协会比赛有关用词tournament 锦标赛,联赛final 决赛riot 球场骚动round-robin 循环赛world record 世界纪录Master’s Champion 大师赛count out 数十:从一秒数到十秒,在此期间被击倒的拳手必须站起来,不然便被宣布失败Grand Prix 国际汽车大奖赛cheerleader 啦啦队队长elimination match, knock-out 淘汰赛grouping 分组ranking 排名Championship 冠军赛Formula One 一级方程式赛车体育用词stadium 露天大型运动场judo<日> 柔道javelin throwing 标枪billiards 台球,桌球Karate 空手道grand slam(棒球) 大满贯hockey 曲棍球discus 铁饼,掷铁饼rugby 橄榄球archery 剑术Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会aerobics 有氧运动soccer 英式足球taekwondo 跆拳道smash 扣球口译热词翻译!!2011-02-14 15:49 |(分类:默认分类)一、政治类:1. 日益昌盛 become increasingly prosperous2. 快速发展 develop rapidly3. 隆重集会 gather ceremoniously4. 热爱和平 love peace5. 追求进步 pursue progress6. 履行权利和义务 perform the responsibilities and obligations7. 回顾奋斗历程 review the course of struggle8. 展望伟大征程 look into the great journey9. 充满信心和力量 be filled with confidence and strength10. 必胜 be bound to win11. 主张各国政府采取行动 urge governments of all countries to take action12. 和平共处 coexist peacefully13. 对内开放和对外开放 open up both externally and internally14. 经历两个不同时期 experience two different periods15. 战胜无数的困难 overcome numerous difficulties16. 赢得一个又一个胜利 win one victory after another17. 完全意识到 be fully aware that18. 迈出重要的一步 make an important step19. 采取各种措施 adopt various measures20. 得出结论 ,告一段落 draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion21. 实现民族独立 realize national independence22. 追求真理 seek the truth23. 建立社会主义制度 establish a socialist system24. 根除 (防止,消除)腐败 root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption25. 响应号召 respond to the call26. 进入新时期 enter a new period27. 实行新政策 practice new policies28. 展现生机和活力display one’s vigor and vitality29. 增强综合国力 enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and和国际竟争力 international competitiveness30. 进入世界先进行列 edge into the advanced ranks in the world31. 解决温饱问题 solve the problem of food and clothing32. 吸收各国文明的先进成果 absorb what is advanced in other civilizations33. 与日俱增 increase every day34. 实现夙愿 fulfill the long-cherished wishes35. 必将实现 be bound to come true36. 锻造一支人民军队forge a people’s army37. 建立巩固的国防 build a strong national defense38. 进行和谈 hold peace talks39. 修改法律 amend the laws40. 在...中起(至关) play a major的(crucial, an important ) role in重要作用41. 对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great, major )contributions to42. 遵循规则 follow the principles43. 把理论和实际结合起来integrate theory with practice …44. 把...作为指导take… as the guide45. 缓和紧张状况 ease the tension46. 高举伟大旗帜 hold high the great banner47. 解决新问题 resolve new problems48. 观察当今世界 observe the present-day world49. 开拓前进 open up new ways forward50. 增强凝聚力 enhance the rally power51. 结束暴力,开始和平谈判 end the violence and resume peace talks52. 进行战略性调整 make strategic readjustment53. 开始生效 go into effect / enter into force54. 就...接受妥协 accept a compromise on55. 接受...的采访 be interviewed by56. 把……看成社会公敌look upon … as a threat to society57. 把……捐给慈善机构donate …to charities58. 维护世界和平 maintain world peace59. 摆脱贫穷落后 get rid of poverty and backwardness60. 实现发展繁荣 bring about development and prosperity61. 反对各种形式的恐怖主义 be opposed to all forms of terrorism62. 宣布。


英联邦(Commonwealth of Nations)是一个国际组织,由56个 [1]独立主权国家(包括附属国) 所 组 成 , 成 员 大 多 为 前 英 国 殖 民 地 或 者 保 护 国 , 现 任 英 联 邦 元 首 查 尔 斯 ·菲 利 普 ·亚 瑟 ·乔 治 ·蒙 巴 顿 -温莎国王则身兼包括英国在内的15个英联邦王国的国家元首,此15国构成了一个现代版的共主 邦联。
● 第一次世界大战后,英国势力遭到削弱,各殖民地人民纷纷要求独立,兴起民族解放运动,本土 与自治领之间的矛盾也日益加剧,殖民体系渐趋瓦解。为挽救颓势,1926年,英国被迫承认自治 领在内政外交方面获得独立。自治领与宗主国以“共同忠于(英国)国王”而组成英联邦,双方 权利平等,互不隶属。1931年,英国议会通过《威斯敏斯特法案》,批准上述决议,确定各英属 自治领都获得完全独立的主权,大英帝国名存实亡,英联邦正式形成。英联邦不是一个国家,也 没有中央政府。英国国王是英联邦名义上的君主与国家元首。英联邦不设权力机构,英国和各成 员国互派高级专员为外交代表。
● 主要组织机构:联邦政府首脑会议、亚太地区英联邦政府首脑会议、联邦财政部长会议及其他部 长级专业会议。1965年起设立英联邦秘书处,其职责是促进英联邦各国的合作,筹划英联邦各级 会议。秘书处设在英国伦敦。
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The Private Sector Council would like to thank the following participants of the Acquisition Innovation pilot project for their contributions, insights, and demonstrated commitment to strengthening federal contract management.
Today’s acquisition workforce is understaffed and overtaxed. It is responsible for managing procurement activities that have shifted in nature and financial obligations that have grown exponentially. Addressing the country’s needs in this area requires immediate and long-term action. Many agencies have already launched reforms, and these efforts are making a difference. But more change is needed—change that will enable our government to enhance its procurement activities now, without reversing the important progress already made. In late 2005, the Partnership for Public Service’s Private Sector Council (PSC) approached me to discuss their concerns about this matter. After countless conversations with federal and corporate officials at all levels and across several agencies, PSC recognized that the more immediate needs of the government’s acquisition community—needs critical to our country’s health and security—were either being overlooked or improperly addressed. Due to the heavily politicized nature of the matter, reactionaries have tended to use every allegation of deficiency or scandal—whether real or imagined—as an excuse to call for “reform” by way of stricter guidelines and more narrow rules. Unfortunately, this practice of “legislation by anecdote” risks turning back the clock on the significant progress that has already been achieved. Given the stakes, I was eager to work with PSC to facilitate a more promising solution. The experts that PSC convened for this purpose represent more than 500 years of procurement experience. Even more extraordinary is their recognition of the importance of this initiative: despite the hectic schedules that each participant juggles as a top level executives in the federal or private sector, they remained—and still remain—committed to this project’s success.
Shay Assad, Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Department of Defense (DOD) Darlene Bullock, Contracting Officer, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Robert Burton, Associate Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Carol Chan, Contracting Officer, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Paul Denett, Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) David Drabkin, Acting Assistant Commissioner for Acquisition, Federal Technology Service, General Services Administration (GSA) Elaine Duke, Chief Procurement Officer, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Barbara English, Director, Small Business Programs, Defense Contracting Management Agency (DCMA) Keith Ernst, Acting Director, Defense Contracting Management Agency (DCMA) Terri Everett, Senior Procurement Executive, Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
It was important to the gathered participants that this effort be pragmatic. Accepting and appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of the current situation, and pledging to work with what we have—rather than what we would ideally have—is what has separated this effort from others. Recognizing the reality that many of today’s contracts are likely to lack optimal and comprehensive planning on the front end, the group chose to provide program and contracting officials with the tools they need to effectively manage service contracts post-award. In this risk-averse and politically divisive environment, I am proud to have partaken in a truly collaborative and substantive discussion resulting in the material herein. It has been a pleasure facilitating this process, and I am eager to continue working with PSC and project participants throughout the pilot phase of this project. The focus of this effort is to get useful tools into the hands of federal project and contract teams. It represents a solution set built from the perspective of top acquisition officials who are convinced of the need for strong collaborative partnerships. I am confident that the work of this group represents the first step in meeting the needs of today’s government, and enhancing our government’s ability to better serve its customers—the American people. I want to thank the Private Sector Council and the Partnership for Public Service of which it is a part. I especially want to thank Dr. Barbara Male and Beth Landes for the preparation of this document. Finally, a very sincere thank you to the federal and private sector participants, whose continued commitment to this process has been unwavering, and whose intellectual capital is represented in the following pages.