



A .形成该细胞过程中发生了基因突变和染色体畸变
B.该细胞含有 3 个四分体, 6 条染色体, 12 个 DNA 分子
C.该细胞每条染色体的着丝粒都连有两极发出的纺锤丝 D.该细胞分裂形成的配子的基因型为 aBX 、 aBX A、 AbY 、bY

A .自然选择是生物进化的重要动力
D .自然选择作用于对个体存活和繁殖有影响的变异性状
5.某二倍体高等动物 (2n=6) 雄性个体的基因型为 AaBb ,其体内某细胞处
· 2·

A .本活动运用了同位素示踪和密度梯度离心技术
B. a 管的结果表明该管中的大肠杆菌是在含
14 NH 4CI 的培养液中培养的
C. b 管的结果表明该管中的大肠杆菌的 DNA 都是 14 N –15N-DNA
D.实验结果说明 DNA 分子的复制是半保留复制的

A .甲状态时不存在水分子跨膜运输进出细胞的现象 B.甲 → 乙变化的原因之一是结构①的伸缩性比②的要大 C.乙 → 丙的变化是由于外界溶液浓度小于细胞液浓度所致 D .细胞发生渗透作用至丙状态,一段时间后该细胞会破裂 3.某研究小组进行 “探究 DNA 的复制过程 ”的活动,结果如图所示,其中培养大肠杆菌的唯一氮源 是 14NH 4Cl 或 15NH 4Cl 。a、b、c 表示离心管编号,条带表示大肠杆菌 DNA 离心后







西周的这套做法A.打破了工商食官局面 B.强化政治等级制度C.促进国家管理制度化D.不利于工商业发展26.初唐科举考试分为“秀才”“明经”“明法”“明书”“明算”和“进士”六科,除了最后的进士一科外,皆可以上溯至汉代,只是以前是察举,现在改用考试登进而已。










a、b、c表示离心管编号,条带表示大肠杆菌DNA离心后在离心管中的分布位置,下列叙述错误的是()A.本活动运用了同位素示踪和密度梯度离心技术B.a管的结果表明该管中的大肠杆菌是在含14 NH4CI的培养液中培养的C.b管的结果表明该管中的大肠杆菌的DNA都是14 N –15N-DNAD.实验结果说明DNA分子的复制是半保留复制的4.下列关于自然选择的叙述错误的是( )A .自然选择是生物进化的重要动力B .自然选择加速了种群生殖隔离的进程C .自然选择获得的性状都可以通过遗传进行积累D .自然选择作用于对个体存活和繁殖有影响的变异性状5.某二倍体高等动物(2n=6)雄性个体的基因型为AaBb ,其体内某细胞处于细胞分裂某时期的示意图如下。

下列叙述正确的是( )A .形成该细胞过程中发生了基因突变和染色体畸变B .该细胞含有3个四分体,6条染色体,12个DNA 分子C .该细胞每条染色体的着丝粒都连有两极发出的纺锤丝D .该细胞分裂形成的配子的基因型为aBX 、aBX A 、AbY 、bY6.生物兴趣小组调查人群中某单基因遗传病发病率时获取如表所示数据,下列叙述中正确的( )A.此遗传病在人群中发病率表示为(a+b )/(A+B)×100%,在男性中发病率表示为a/(A+B)×100%B.若此单基因遗传病由显性基因控制,则a/A×100%与b/B×100%必然相等C.若此遗传病的控制基因只位于X 染色体上,则a/A×100%必然小于b/B×100%D.若此遗传病为抗维生素D 佝偻病,则b/B×100%高于调查女性中此病致病基因频率7.下列说法正确的是A. 石英玻璃、分子筛的主要成分是硅酸盐B. 分散系可分为溶液、浊液和胶体,浊液的分散质粒子大小介于溶液和胶体之间C. 铁在氧气中燃烧生成氧化铁,镁在空气中燃烧生成氧化镁、氮化镁D. 针对埃博拉病毒扩散情况,可选用含氯消毒剂对疫区可能的污染区域进行消毒预防8.设为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是 调查性别男性 女性 调查人数A B 患者人数 a bA. 的溶液中含有的数目为B. 1 mol苯乙烯中含有的碳碳双键数为C. 加热条件下,金属Na与足量反应的产物中阳离子和阴离子总数为D. 常温时,1 的硝酸铵溶液中,和总数为9.增塑剂DCHP可由邻苯二甲酸酐与环己醇反应制得.下列说法正确的是A. 邻苯二甲酸酐的二氯代物有2种B. 环己醇分子中所有的原子可能共平面C. DCHP能发生加成反应、取代反应、消去反应D. 1molDCHP可与氢氧化钠溶液反应,最多可消耗2molNaOH10.已知A、B、C、D、E是短周期中原子序数依次增大的5种主族元素,其中元素A、E的单质在常温下呈气态,元素B的原子最外层电子数是其电子层数的2倍,元素C在同周期的主族元素中原子半径最大,元素D是地壳中含量最多的金属元素下列说法正确的是A. B的单质在自然界只有一种核素B. 元素C、D、E的简单离子的半径依次减小C. A、E分别与C形成的化合物中含有一种相同类型的化学键D. 这几种元素可能形成的简单离子中E的简单离子的还原性最强11.下列有关实验操作或判断正确的有①用10mL量筒准确量取稀硫酸溶液;②用干燥的pH试纸测定氯水的pH;③能说明亚硝酸是弱电解质的是:用溶液作导电试验,灯泡很暗;④使用容量瓶配制溶液时,俯视液面定容后所得溶液的浓度偏大;⑤将饱和溶液滴入蒸馏水中即得胶体;⑥圆底烧瓶、锥形瓶、蒸发皿加热时都应垫在石棉网上;⑦除去铁粉中混有的少量铝粉可加入过量的氢氧化钠溶液,完全反应后过滤;⑧为测定熔融氢氧化钠的导电性,可在瓷坩埚中熔化氢氧化钠固体后进行测量; ⑨用食醋除去水壶中的水垢.A. 3个B. 4 个C. 5个D. 6个12.下列实验装置能达到目的是选项 A B C D 装置 目的快速制取少量HCl 气体测定不同浓度的溶液对产生速率的影响 制备并收集乙酸乙酯 从小苏打溶液中提取晶体A. AB. BC. CD. D 13.如图为溶液分别滴定的HA 和HB 的滴定曲线下列说法错误的是己知 A. HB 是弱酸,b 点时溶液中B. a 、b、c 三点水电离出的: C. 滴定HB 时,不宜用甲基橙作指示剂D. 滴定HA 溶液时,当时溶液pH 约为二、选择题(本小题共8个小题,每小题6分,共48分。

内蒙古北重三中2018届高三数学第九次调研考试试题 理

内蒙古北重三中2018届高三数学第九次调研考试试题 理

北重三中2017-2018学年度第二学期高三年级第九次调研理科数学一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 已知集合},41|{N x x x A ∈≤≤-=,B=}1,0,1{-,则B A ⋂=( )}1,1.{-A }1,0.{B }1,0,1.{-C }21|.{≤≤-x x D2. 若08)31(2=+-i z ,其中i 为虚数单位,则=z ( )A.i 31+B. i 31-C. i -3D. i +-33.如图是某三棱锥的正视图与俯视图,已知网格纸上小正方形的边长为a ,则该三棱锥的侧视图可能为( )4.据统计,连续熬夜48小时诱发心脏病的概率为0.055,连续熬夜72小时诱发心脏病的概率为0.19.现有一人已连续熬夜48小时未诱发心脏病,则他还能继续连续熬夜24小时不诱发心脏病的概率为( ) A.76 B. 353 C. 3511C.0.195. 某校高一年级进行研究性学习,得出五个百货商场今年6月份的销售情况统计图,如图,下列陈述正确的是( )①这五个商场中销售额与去年同期相比增长率排序居同一位的只有1个; ②与去年6月份相比,这五个商场的销售额均在增长;③与去年6月份相比,A 的增长率最大,所以A 的销售额增量也最大; ④去年6月份C 比D 的销售额大.A. ①②B.①②④C.②③④D.①③④ 6.已知函数|1|)(-=x ex f ,则下列说法错误的是( )A.)1()1(,000x f x f R x -≠+∈∃B.1)(,≥∈∀x f R xC.函数)1(+x f 是偶函数D.x x f R x ≥∈∀)(,7.过圆422=+y x 外一点)2,4(P 作圆的两条切线,切点分别为A ,B ,则ABP ∆的外接圆的方程为( )A. 1)2()4(22=-+-y x B. 4)2(22=-+y x C. 5)1()2(22=+++y x D. 5)1()2(22=-+-y x 8.如图,函数)sin()(ϕω+=x A x f (其中2||,0,0πϕω≤>>A )的图像与坐标轴的三个交点分别为R Q P ,,,若)22(),0,1(-M P 为线段QR 的中点,则A 的值为( )A.32B.337 C.338 D.34 9.下图是用秦九韶算法求2=x 时多项式x x x x x f -+-=2452)(的值的程序框图,其中543210,,,,,a a a a a a 是按x 的降幂排列的多项式各项系数,则输出v 的值是( ) A.32 B. 22 C. 11 D.610.在区间[2,4]和[1,5]上分别随机取一个数,记为b a ,,则双曲线)0,0(12222>>=-b a b y a x 的离心率⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡∈5,25e 的概率为( )A.32 B. 325 C. 3227 D.8711. 已知平面α过正方体ABCD D C B A -1111的顶点B ,D ,且平面⊥α平面1BDC ,设平面⋂α平面m A ABB =11,则异面直线m 与11D B 所成角的余弦值为( )A.510 B. 515 C.21 D. 0 12. 定义在R 上的函数)0()(32018>-+=m m mx ex f x,当121=+x x 时,不等式)(cos )()(sin )(2221θθf x f f x f +>+在R ∈θ时恒成立,则实数1x 的取值范围是( )A. ),1[+∞B.[1,2]C.(1,2)D.),1(+∞ 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.已知向量,满足32|2|,1||=-=,在方向上的投影为21,则._____)2(=+⋅14.已知531⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+x a x x 的展开式的常数项为10,则=+⎰a dx x x 02)sin (__________.15.已知抛物线x y 42=,点A ,B 在抛物线上,弦AB 的中点为M(2,1),则AOB ∆(O 为坐标原点)的面积为_________.16.如图,在ABC ∆中,332sin=∠ABC ,点D 在线段AC 上,且AD=2DC ,BD=334,则ABC ∆的面积的最大值为___________.三、简答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.第17~21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. 17.(本小题满分12分)数列}{n a 为递增的等比数列,135{,,}{8,3,2,0,1,4,9,16,27}a a a ⊆---,数列}{n b 满足n n n a b b b 82,211=-=+.(1)求数列}{n a 和}{n b 的通项公式;(2)设数列}{n c 满足14+⋅=n n nn b b c ,且数列}{n c 的前n 项和n T ,并求使得m n a T 1>对任意都成立的正整数的最小值.18.(本小题满分12分)如图,在三棱柱111C B A ABC -中,ABC ∆为等边三角形,过C A 1作平面CD A 1平行于1BC ,交AB 于点D. (1)求证:点D 为AB 的中点;(2)若四边形11B BCC 是边长为2的正方形,且51=D A ,求平面CD A 1与平面111C B A 所成的锐二面角的余弦值.19.(本小题满分12分)某瑜伽俱乐部为吸引顾客,推出优惠活动:对首次消费的顾客,按50元/次收费,并注册成为会员,对会员逐次消费给予相应优惠,标准如下表:该俱乐部从注册的会员中,随机抽取了100位进行统计,得到统计数据如下表: 假设该俱乐部一次瑜伽的成本为20元,根据所给数据,解答下列问题: (1)估计该俱乐部一位会员至少消费两次的概率;(2)某会员消费三次,求三次消费中,该俱乐部获得的平均利润;(3)假设每个会员每星期最多消费4次,以事件发生的频率作为相应事件发生的概率,从该俱乐部的会员中随机抽取2位,记俱乐部从这2位会员的消费中获得的平均利润之差的绝对值为X ,求X 的分布列和数学期望)(X E .20.(本小题满分12分) 如图,设椭圆的中心为原点O ,长轴在x 轴上,上顶点为A ,左,右焦点分别为1F ,2F ,线段1OF ,2OF 的中点分别为1B ,2B ,且21B AB ∆ 是面积为4的直角三角形.(1)求该椭圆的离心率和标准方程;(2)过1B 做直线l 交椭圆于Q P ,两点,使22QB PB ⊥,求直线l 的方程.21.(本小题满分12分)已知函数),0(1)(2R n m nemx x x f x∈≤++=,且函数)(x f 的图像在点))2(,2(f 处的切线的斜率为21e m +-. (1)求n 的值,并讨论函数)(x f 的极值;(2)若)0,1(-∈m ,证明:对任意的5)(4],1,1[,2121<+-∈x x f m x x .选考题:共10分.请考生在第22、23题中任选一题作答.如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分. 22.(本小题满分10分)在直角坐标系xOy 中,曲线1C 的参数方程为)(sin 1cos 为参数ααα⎩⎨⎧+==y x ,以坐标原点为极点,x 轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线2C 的极坐标方程为θθρsin 8cos 2=.(1)将1C 的参数方程化为极坐标方程,将2C 的极坐标方程化为直角坐标方程;(2)已知直线l 的参数方程为为参数)t t y t x (233213⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+=+=,直线l 与曲线1C 交于A 点,直线l 与曲线2C 交于B 点(A ,B 非原点O ),求|AB |.23.(本小题满分10分)已知函数.1)(|,2||22|)(+=---=x x g x x x f (1)求不等式)()(x g x f <的解集;(2)设1-<a ,当]1,2(a a x +-∈时,)()(x g x f ≥成立,求实数a 的取值范围.九调理科数学参考答案1-5BBCAB ,6-10ADCBC ,11-12AD 13. 34 14.2cos 311-16.2317..解:(1)数列为递增的等比数列,则其公比为正数,又,当且仅当时成立。



内蒙古北方重工业集团有限公司第三中学2018届高三第九次调研考试数学(文)试题一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分)1.已知集合A={y|y=√9−x2},B={y|y=2x},则图中阴影部分表示的集合为()A. (0,3]B. [0,3)C. (−3,3)D. [−3,3]【答案】A【解析】解:集合A={y|y=√9−x2}={y|0≤y≤3},B={y|y=2x}={y|y>0},∴图中阴影部分表示的集合为A∩B={y|0<y≤3}=(0,3].故选:A.先分别求出集合A,B,图中阴影部分表示的集合为A∩B.本题考查交集的求法,考查交集、不等式性质等基础知识,考查运算求解能力,是基础题.2.已知平面向量a⃗=(1,2),b⃗ =(m,−4),且a⃗//b⃗ ,则a⃗⋅b⃗ =()A. 4B. −6C. −10D. 10【答案】C【解析】解:平面向量a⃗=(1,2),b⃗ =(m,−4),且a⃗//b⃗ ,∴1×(−4)=2m,解得m=−2,则a⃗⋅b⃗ =1×(−2)+2×(−4)=−10,故选:C.先根据向量的共线求出m的值,再根据向量的数量积求出即可本题考查了向量的坐标运算和向量的共线和向量的数量积公式,属于基础题3.已知复数z=1+i+i2+⋯i10,则复数z在复平面内对应的点为()A. (1,1)B. (1,−1)C. (0,1)D. (1,0)【答案】C【解析】解:∵i2=−1,i3=−i,i4=1,∴1+i+i2+i3=0,i4+i5+i6+i7=i4(1+i+i2+i3)=0,i8+i9+i10=i8(1+i+i2)=(1+i−1)=i,∴z=1+i+i2+⋯i10=i,其在复平面内对应的点为(0,1),故选:C.找出规律1+i+i2+i3=0,计算即可.本题考查虚数的运算,注意解题方法的积累,属于中档题.4.下列命题错误的是()A. 命题“若p则q”与命题“若¬q,则¬p”互为逆否命题B. 命题“∃x∈R,x2−x>0”的否定是“∀x∈R,x2−x≤0”C. ∀x>0且x≠1,都有x+1x>2D. “若α,β是第一象限角且α<β,则tanα<tanβ【答案】D【解析】解:命题“若p则q”与命题“若¬q,则¬p”互为逆否命题,故A正确;命题“∃x∈R,x2−x>0”的否定是“∀x∈R,x2−x≤0”,故B正确;∀x>0且x≠1,x+1x >2√x⋅1x=2,都有x+1x>2,故C正确;若α,β是第一象限角且α<β,可取α=π6,β=13π6,可得tanα=tanβ=√33,故D错误.故选:D.由互为逆否命题的形式可判断A;由特称命题的否定为全称命题可判断B;由基本不等式可判断C;由正切函数的单调性可判断D.本题考查简易逻辑的知识,考查四种命题和关系,考查命题的否定和不等式恒成立问题,以及正切函数的单调性,考查运算能力和推理能力,属于基础题.5.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的外接球的球面面积为()A. 5πB. 12πC. 20πD. 8π【答案】A【解析】解:三视图复原的几何体是底面为长、宽分别为3,4的长方形,侧棱垂直于底面的四棱锥;把它扩展为长方体,则长、宽、高分别为1,1,√3,则它的外接球的直径就是长方体的对角线的长,所以长方体的对角线长为:√1+1+3=√5所以球的半径为:R =√52. 这个几何体的外接球的表面积是:4πR 2=5π.故选:A .三视图复原的几何体是底面为长、宽分别为3,4的长方形,侧棱垂直于底面的四棱锥;把它扩展为长方体,它的外接球的直径就是长方体的对角线的长,求出对角线长,即可求出外接球的表面积.本题是基础题,考查几何体的外接球的问题,空间想象能力,逻辑思维能力,和计算能力,注意本题中三棱锥的外接球与长方体的外接球是同一个球.6. 已知圆C 1:x 2+y 2=4,与圆C 2:(x −a)2+y 2=9,若在区间[−10,10]上随机选取一个数a ,则事件“圆C 1与圆C 2有公共点”发生的概率为( )A. 25B. 15C. 12D. 310【答案】A 【解析】解:圆C 1:x 2+y 2=4,圆心为(0,0),半径为2,圆C 2:(x −a)2+y 2=9,圆心为(a,0),半径为3,∵圆C 1与圆C 2有公共点,∴1≤|a|≤5,∵在区间[−10,10]上随机选取一个数a ,∴所求概率为P =2(5−1)10+10=25, 故选:A .圆C 1与圆C 2有公共点,可得1≤|a|≤5,结合在区间[−10,10]上任取一个数a ,即可求出概率.本题主要考查了几何概型的概率,以及圆与圆有公共点的性质,解题的关键弄清概率类型,同时考查了计算能力,属于基础题.7. 已知函数f(x)={e x ,x ≥0ln|x|,x<0,F(x)=f(−x),则函数F(x)的图象是( ) A. B.C. D.【答案】D。



北重三中2017~2018学年度第二学期高三年级第九次调研考试英语试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AChinese Traditional Chamber ConcertDate: Sept 4 - 2 pmVenue: Shanghai Concert HallPrice: 80-100 yuanTraditional Chinese Chamber Concert is a brand-new series created for Shanghai Concert Hall 2018-19 season. Bearing the mission to promote Chinese folk music, the series features exquisite solo, duet, and trio concerts of erhu, bamboo flute, guzheng and other Chinese instruments, along with a rare exhibition of traditional Chinese instruments. Starting this season, Traditional Chinese Chamber Concert takes place every first Sunday of the month at Shanghai Concert Hall, showcasing the elegance of Chinese folk music.Thoroughly Modern Millie JuniorDate: Aug 28-Sept 4 - 7 pmVenue: Xiqu Theater, BeijingPrice: 70-180 yuanBased on the Tony Award-winning musical and Academy Award-winning film, a small town girl searches for a new life under the bright lights of 1920s New York City. Thoroughly Modern Millie JR. is a clever adaptation of the six-time-Tony-Award-winning Best Musical and the Academy Award-winning film. It is the high-spirited musical romp (妙趣横生的电影) that has all of New York dancing the Charleston!2018 MTA FestivalDate: Sept 3-4 - 10 amVenue: Sky Desert Natural Scenic AreaPrice: 600-800 yuanThe newly launched Chinese music festival is a collection of trending music, the experience of emerging technology, multimedia art performances, installation art exhibitions and much more. With their amazing spirit, artists will transform the desert into a new galaxy, creating a dreamy experience of antigravity, surrounded by nine “planets”.2018 Longines Beijing MastersDate: Sept 3-4 - 10 amVenue: National StadiumPrice: 50-5,800 yuanThe three-day 2018 Longines Beijing Masters will involve four classes. Each class will engage more than 140 of China’s finest show-jumping (骑马越障表演) horses worth more than 100 million yuan ($15 million). There will be about 100 professional housekeepers taking care of the horses in temporary tents. The course routes are designed by Frank Rosenberg, an international four-star (highest level) course designer who was part of the designof show-jumping routes for the Olympic Games and many impressive international events.1. If you are interested in Chinese folk music, you can go and enjoy ________.A. 2018 MTA FestivalB. 2018 Longines Beijing MastersC. Thoroughly Modern Millie JuniorD. Chinese Traditional Chamber Concert2. Suppose you want to enjoy 2018 MTA Festival, how much at the least you should pay for the admission?A. 500 yuanB. 600 yuanC. 700 yuanD. 800 yuan3. In which column of a newspaper will the text probably appear?A. news reportB. lifestyleC. advertisementD. sportsBTiny water plants called phytoplankton (浮游植物) serve as food for many sea creatures, including whales, shrimp, jellyfish and snails.Phytoplankton do well in cold water. But if water temperatures rise by only two degrees Celsius, the phytoplankton struggle. That is what happened in the last three or four years in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Researchers say an unusual area of warm wat er spread throughout the Northern Pacific. Scientists called the warm water “the blob,” as if it were a character in an old science fiction movie. At its largest, the blob stretched 1,600 square kilometers and reached depths of 91 meters. This large mass of warm water had a damaging effect on the ocean food chain. Many fish that depend on phytoplankton swam away from the area. As a result, sea birds and sea lions that eat those fish starved.Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Washington have found that the warm ocean “blob” caused a harmful algae bloom. That fast growth in algae hurt fishing grounds along the U.S. West Coast and Canada’s British Columbia. The researchers recently published their study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. They looked at the algae, called P. australis. They found that the algae can grow much faster than normal if it is exposed to warm water. The higher levels of algae also produced more of a poisonous chemical that can cause problems for everything from shellfish to dolphins to sea lions. It also causes problems for humans if too much of the chemical builds up in their blood.Researchers say algae blooms like this one will continue as ocean waters warm. The algae will hurt sea animals, birds, and fish. It may damage food resources for humans all over the world, the scientists say.4. The root cause of the starvation of sea birds or sea lions is ________.A. the depths of the vase seaB. the large mass of warm waterC. the large amount of polluted sea waterD. the increasingly reduced phytoplankton in the sea5. From the text, we can know that P. australis is the name of a(n) ________.A. phytoplanktonB. fishC. algaeD. bird6. The following statements are true EXCEPT ________.A. Generally, the algae grow much faster than normal if exposed to cool water.B. The phytoplankton is very sensitive to the rise of water temperature.C. More algae can bring about a poisonous chemical which endangers sea creatures.D. Algae blooms will affect not only the existence of sea creatures but also that of humans the world over.7. The text is most probably taken from ________.A. a research paperB. a geography textbookC. a class presentationD. a newspaper reportCThe World Health Organization says that 92 percent of the world’s population lives in areas of high air pollution. Experts say much of that pollution comes from vehicles fueled by diesel (柴油). Many cities in Europe have called for ending the production of diesel cars. They hope to replace them with electric vehicles as battery life for those vehicles improves.London is one of the most heavily polluted cities in Europe. Levels of harmful gases in the city are regularly higher than limits set by the European Union.Martin Williams, with King’s College London, says pedestrians (行人) often do not realize how close they are to air pollution sources because they cannot see them. “One of the difficulties of getting the message across to the public a t large these days is that air pollution, although it’s a major public health problem, is actually invisible. Not like the smogs of the 1950s and 60s when not only could you see it, you could barely see anything else.”Williams adds that toxic gases (有毒气体) from diesel cars have led to public health concerns. He says people across Great Britain have died too early because of the pollution. “The main problem that you are breathing in are the particulates, the soot (烟尘) largely from diesel exhausts, which is the primary problem as far as public health is concerned. The other pollutant that’s more recently become an issue is nitrogen dioxide, again largely from diesel.”Areeba Hamid is with the environmental group Greenpeace. She says, “It’s quite clear that th e car industry is feelingthe pressure of a public health crisis owing to air pollution in big cities in particular and the aftermath (后果) of the diesel-gate’ scandal, which is the reason why it’s looking to produce new electric models.”Experts say electric cars could offer the answer to air pollution in major cities. They add, however, that the electricity should be created using renewable energy.8. The underlined word “invisible” (Paragraph 3) probably means ________.A. cannot be feltB. cannot be seenC. be very seriousD. be uncontrollable9. According to the text, the following are the main pollutants from the diesel cars EXCEPT ________.A. toxic gasesB. sootC. nitrogen dioxideD. water vapor10. The author develops the 3rd paragraph mainly ________.A. by exampleB. by processC. by contrastD. by classification11. According to the text, the key to solving air pollution in major cities is to ________.A. replace diesel cars with electric onesB. reduce the number of diesel cars running on the roadsC. ask more citizens to live far away from big citiesD. improve the quality of oil used in diesel carsDResearchers at a university in Hungary say there is truth to what many dog owners always believed. Dogs do understand what humans say.The researchers made images of the brains of 13 dogs using a machine that records brain activity. The dogs were trained to lie down in the machine for seven minutes. During that time, they listened through headphones to their tra iners’ voices.Dog owners may think the news is not surprising. But scientists are impressed. Brian Hare is a professor at Duke University. He called one of the findings a “shocker.”The brain imaging showed dogs processed words using the left side of their brains, just as humans do. They use the right side of their brains to understand tone and pitch (音调). The study showed dogs understand words and how they are said. Meaningful words said in a neutral (中性的) way did not have the same effect as the same words said in an encouraging way.Attila Andics was the lead researcher on the project. “Dog brains care about both what we say and how wesay it,” he said. Researchers say they think dogs are tuned in to what people say because dogs have lived with people for a long time. Andics said he thinks other animals probably can understand human language like dogs do. But those animals are not very interested in what humans have to say.People reacted to the story on Facebook and Twitter. They said they always knew their pets could understand them. And they were happy to see scientific support for what they experienced every day. One reader from Virginia said she thought her dog could probably read her mind, too. Someone in California joked that he always knew his dog ignored him. And Greg Matos in Boston called the study “fascinating!”12. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Humans use the left side of the brains to process words.B. Dogs have no difficulty understanding words said in a neutral way.C. Other animals can also understand human language just as dogs do.D. Dog owners can hardly believe the story that Dogs do understand what humans say.13. What does the word “they” in the 4th paragraph refer to?A. researchersB. dogsC. dog ownersD. people in general14. The method the author uses to develop the last paragraph is ________.A. offering analysesB. providing explanationsC. giving examplesD. making comparisons15. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.A. compare and evaluateB. debate and explainC. argue and discussD. inform and explain第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。





























1.“风塔”底部的气流运动方向是A.上升辐散B.下沉辐散C.下沉辐合D.上升辐合2. 与“风塔”原理相同的是A.温室大棚气温较高B.锋面暖气团的上升运动C.秘鲁沿岸的上升流D.水库蓄水区比周边降水少亚健康群体的高比例和社会老龄化的发展趋势,使得中国社会在城市化推进过程中的住宅需求呈现多元化,养生地产已经被列为了住宅产业的稀缺产品。



3. 养老小镇兴起的主要原因是A.我国的老龄化日趋严重,城市养老条件差B.独生子女养活不了老人C.经济发展水平高,老人们喜欢安静D.老龄化与城市病问题交织产生的需求4. 下列有关养老小镇的建设不正确的是A.在远离城市的山区,生态环境好、不受外界影响的地方建设养老小镇B.可在小镇上为老年人提供适当的再就业机会,体现其社会价值C.可依托自然景观,打造旅游、养生于一体的养老小镇D.养老小镇要注重健康保健需求方面的设计和配置5. 下图养生小镇规划图,字母所示功能区正确的是A.A区建设成接待中心B.B区最适合发展为商业区C.C区更适合发展养生地产D.D区适合发展养生中心阿瓦什国家公园(图1)野生动物种类繁多。







2018届内蒙古北方重工业集团有限公司第三中学高三第九次调研考试文综-历史试题(解析版)1. 中国是一个文明传统悠久深厚的国度,又是一个广土众民的国度,其文化的时代性演进和地域性展开呈现婀娜多姿的状貌。

读图,下列思想与地域的搭配中,正确的是A. 俭节则昌,淫佚则亡B. 安时而处顺,哀而不能入也C. 寄治乱于法术,托是非以赏罚D. 谨庠序之教,申之以孝悌之义【答案】D【解析】试题分析:依据材料内容可知,“文化的时代性演进和地域性展开呈现婀娜多姿的状貌”,即文化和地域有一定的关系。








2. 《周礼》记载:西周时期,国家对市场有一套管理制度,市场设专职官吏——“司市”来进行管理,下面设辨别货物真假的“胥师”,掌管物价的“贾师”,维持秩序的“司虣”,管理度量衡的“质人”。

西周的这套做法A. 打破了工商食官局面B. 强化政治等级制度C. 促进国家管理制度化D. 不利于工商业发展【答案】C【解析】试题分析:从材料中“市场设专职官吏——‘司市’来进行管理,下面设辨别货物真假的‘胥师’,掌管物价的‘贾师’……”等体现出的是国家对工商业管理的制度化,故答案为C项。



北重三中2017~2018学年度第二学期高三年级第九次调研考试英语试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AChinese Traditional Chamber ConcertDate: Sept 4 - 2 pmVenue: Shanghai Concert HallPrice: 80-100 yuanTraditional Chinese Chamber Concert is a brand-new series created for Shanghai Concert Hall 2018-19 season. Bearing the mission to promote Chinese folk music, the series features exquisite solo, duet, and trio concerts of erhu, bamboo flute, guzheng and other Chinese instruments, along with a rare exhibition of traditional Chinese instruments. Starting this season, Traditional Chinese Chamber Concert takes place every first Sunday of the month at Shanghai Concert Hall, showcasing the elegance of Chinese folk music.Thoroughly Modern Millie JuniorDate: Aug 28-Sept 4 - 7 pmVenue: Xiqu Theater, BeijingPrice: 70-180 yuanBased on the Tony Award-winning musical and Academy Award-winning film, a smalltown girl searches for a new life under the bright lights of 1920s New York City. Thoroughly Modern Millie JR. is a clever adaptation of the six-time-Tony-Award-winning Best Musical and the Academy Award-winning film. It is the high-spirited musical romp (妙趣横生的电影) that has all of New York dancing the Charleston!2018 MTA FestivalDate: Sept 3-4 - 10 amVenue: Sky Desert Natural Scenic AreaPrice: 600-800 yuanThe newly launched Chinese music festival is a collection of trending music, the experience of emerging technology, multimedia art performances, installation art exhibitions and much more. With their amazing spirit, artists will transform the desert into a new galaxy, creating a dreamy experience of antigravity, surrounded by nine “planets”.2018 Longines Beijing MastersDate: Sept 3-4 - 10 amVenue: National StadiumPrice: 50-5,800 yuanThe three-day 2018 Longines Beijing Masters will involve four classes. Each class will engage more than 140 of China’s finest show-jumping (骑马越障表演) horses worth more than 100 million yuan ($15 million). There will be about 100 professional housekeepers taking care of the horses in temporary tents. The course routes aredesigned by Frank Rosenberg, an international four-star (highest level) course designer who was part of the design of show-jumping routes for the Olympic Games and many impressive international events.1. If you are interested in Chinese folk music, you can go and enjoy ________.A. 2018 MTA FestivalB. 2018 Longines Beijing MastersC. Thoroughly Modern Millie JuniorD. Chinese Traditional Chamber Concert2. Suppose you want to enjoy 2018 MTA Festival, how much at the least you shouldpay for the admission?A. 500 yuanB. 600 yuanC. 700 yuanD. 800 yuan3. In which column of a newspaper will the text probably appear?A. news reportB. lifestyleC. advertisementD. sportsBTiny water plants called phytoplankton (浮游植物) serve as food for many sea creatures, including whales, shrimp, jellyfish and snails.Phytoplankton do well in cold water. But if water temperatures rise by only two degrees Celsius, the phytoplankton struggle. That is what happened in the last three or four years in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Researchers say an unusual area of warm water spread throughout the Northern Pacific. Scientists called the warm water “the blob,” as if it were a character in an old science fiction movie. At its largest, the blob stretched 1,600 square kilometers and reached depths of 91 meters. This large mass of warm water had a damaging effect on the ocean food chain. Many fish that depend on phytoplankton swam away from the area. As a result, sea birds and sea lions that eat those fish starved.Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Washington have found that the warm ocean “blob” caused a harmful algae bloom. That fast growth in algae hurt fishing grounds along the U.S. West Coast and Can ada’s British Columbia. The researchers recently published their study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. They looked at the algae, called P. australis. They found that the algae can grow much faster than normal if it is exposed to warm water. The higher levels of algae also produced more of a poisonous chemical that can cause problems for everything from shellfish to dolphins to sea lions. It also causes problems for humans if too much of the chemicalbuilds up in their blood.Researchers say algae blooms like this one will continue as ocean waters warm. The algae will hurt sea animals, birds, and fish. It may damage food resources for humans all over the world, the scientists say.4. The root cause of the starvation of sea birds or sea lions is ________.A. the depths of the vase seaB. the large mass of warm waterC. the large amount of polluted sea waterD. the increasingly reduced phytoplankton in the sea5. From the text, we can know that P. australis is the name of a(n) ________.A. phytoplanktonB. fishC. algaeD. bird6. The following statements are true EXCEPT ________.A. Generally, the algae grow much faster than normal if exposed to cool water.B. The phytoplankton is very sensitive to the rise of water temperature.C. More algae can bring about a poisonous chemical which endangers sea creatures.D. Algae blooms will affect not only the existence of sea creatures but also that of humans the world over.7. The text is most probably taken from ________.A. a research paperB. a geography textbookC. a class presentationD. a newspaper reportCThe World Health Organization says that 92 percent of the world’s population lives in areas of high air pollution. Experts say much of that pollution comes from vehicles fueled by diesel (柴油). Many cities in Europe have called for ending the production of diesel cars. They hope to replace them with electric vehicles as battery life for those vehicles improves.London is one of the most heavily polluted cities in Europe. Levels of harmful gases in the city are regularly higher than limits set by the European Union.Martin Williams, with King’s College London, says pedestrians (行人) often do not realize how close they are to air pollution sources because they cannot see the m. “Oneof the difficulties of getting the message across to the public at large these days is that air pollution, although it’s a major public health problem, is actually invisible. Not like the smogs of the 1950s and 60s when not only could you see it, you could barely see anything else.”Williams adds that toxic gases (有毒气体) from diesel cars have led to public health concerns. He says people across Great Britain have died too early because of the pollution. “The main problem that you are breathing in ar e the particulates, the soot (烟尘) largely from diesel exhausts, which is the primary problem as far as public health is concerned. The other pollutant that’s more recently become an issue is nitrogen dioxide, again largely from diesel.”Areeba Hamid is wit h the environmental group Greenpeace. She says, “It’s quite clear that the car industry is feeling the pressure of a public health crisis owing to air pollution in big cities in particular and the aftermath (后果) of the diesel-gate’ scandal, which is the re ason why it’s looking to produce new electric models.”Experts say electric cars could offer the answer to air pollution in major cities. They add, however, that the electricity should be created using renewable energy.8. The underlined word “invisible” (Paragraph 3) probably means ________.A. cannot be feltB. cannot be seenC. be very seriousD. be uncontrollable9. According to the text, the following are the main pollutants from the diesel cars EXCEPT ________.A. toxic gasesB. sootC. nitrogen dioxideD. water vapor10. The author develops the 3rd paragraph mainly ________.A. by exampleB. by processC. by contrastD. by classification11. According to the text, the key to solving air pollution in major cities is to ________.A. replace diesel cars with electric onesB. reduce the number of diesel cars running on the roadsC. ask more citizens to live far away from big citiesD. improve the quality of oil used in diesel carsDResearchers at a university in Hungary say there is truth to what many dog ownersalways believed. Dogs do understand what humans say.The researchers made images of the brains of 13 dogs using a machine that records brain activity. The dogs were trained to lie down in the machine for seven minutes. During that time, they listened through headphones to their trainers’ voices.Dog owners may think the news is not surprising. But scientists are impressed. Brian Hare is a professor at Duke University. He called one of the findings a “shocker.”The brain imaging showed dogs processed words using the left side of their brains, just as humans do. They use the right side of their brains to understand tone and pitch (音调). The study showed dogs understand words and how they are said. Meaningful words said in a neutral (中性的) way did not have the same effect as the same words said in an encouraging way.Attila Andics was the lead researcher on the project. “Dog brains care about both what we say and how we say it,” he said. Researchers say they think do gs are tuned in to what people say because dogs have lived with people for a long time. Andics said he thinks other animals probably can understand human language like dogs do. But those animals are not very interested in what humans have to say.People reacted to the story on Facebook and Twitter. They said they always knew their pets could understand them. And they were happy to see scientific support for what they experienced every day. One reader from Virginia said she thought her dog could probably read her mind, too. Someone in California joked that he always knew his dog ignored him. And Greg Matos in Boston called the study “fascinating!”12. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Humans use the left side of the brains to process words.B. Dogs have no difficulty understanding words said in a neutral way.C. Other animals can also understand human language just as dogs do.D. Dog owners can hardly believe the story that Dogs do understand what humans say.13. What does th e word “they” in the 4th paragraph refer to?A. researchersB. dogsC. dog ownersD. people in general14. The method the author uses to develop the last paragraph is ________.A. offering analysesB. providing explanationsC. giving examplesD. making comparisons15. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.A. compare and evaluateB. debate and explainC. argue and discussD. inform and explain第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

内蒙古北重三中2018届高三第九次调研考试英语试卷 Word版含答案

内蒙古北重三中2018届高三第九次调研考试英语试卷 Word版含答案

北重三中2017~2018学年度第二学期高三年级第九次调研考试英语试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AChinese Traditional Chamber ConcertDate: Sept 4 - 2 pmVenue: Shanghai Concert HallPrice: 80-100 yuanTraditional Chinese Chamber Concert is a brand-new series created for Shanghai Concert Hall 2018-19 season. Bearing the mission to promote Chinese folk music, the series features exquisite solo, duet, and trio concerts of erhu, bamboo flute, guzheng and other Chinese instruments, along with a rare exhibition of traditional Chinese instruments. Starting this season, Traditional Chinese Chamber Concert takes place every first Sunday of the month at Shanghai Concert Hall, showcasing the elegance of Chinese folk music.Thoroughly Modern Millie JuniorDate: Aug 28-Sept 4 - 7 pmVenue: Xiqu Theater, BeijingPrice: 70-180 yuanBased on the Tony Award-winning musical and Academy Award-winning film, a small town girl searches for a new life under the bright lights of 1920s New York City. Thoroughly ModernMillie JR. is a clever adaptation of the six-time-Tony-Award-winning Best Musical and the Academy Award-winning film. It is the high-spirited musical romp (妙趣横生的电影) that has all of New York dancing the Charleston!2018 MTA FestivalDate: Sept 3-4 - 10 amVenue: Sky Desert Natural Scenic AreaPrice: 600-800 yuanThe newly launched Chinese music festival is a collection of trending music, the experience of emerging technology, multimedia art performances, installation art exhibitions and much more. With their amazing spirit, artists will transform the desert into a new galaxy, creating a dreamy experience of antigravity, surrounded by nine “planets”.2018 Longines Beijing MastersDate: Sept 3-4 - 10 amVenue: National StadiumPrice: 50-5,800 yuanThe three-day 2018 Longines Beijing Masters will involve four classes. Each class will engage more than 140 of China’s finest show-jumping (骑马越障表演) horses worth more than 100 million yuan ($15 million). There will be about 100 professional housekeepers taking care of the horses in temporary tents. The course routes are designed by Frank Rosenberg, an international four-star (highest level) course designer who was part of the design of show-jumping routes for the Olympic Games and many impressive international events.1. If you are interested in Chinese folk music, you can go and enjoy ________.A. 2018 MTA FestivalB. 2018 Longines Beijing MastersC. Thoroughly Modern Millie JuniorD. Chinese Traditional Chamber Concert2. Suppose you want to enjoy 2018 MTA Festival, how much at the least you should pay for theadmission?A. 500 yuanB. 600 yuanC. 700 yuanD. 800 yuan3. In which column of a newspaper will the text probably appear?A. news reportB. lifestyleC. advertisementD. sportsBTiny water plants called phytoplankton (浮游植物) serve as food for many sea creatures, including whales, shrimp, jellyfish and snails.Phytoplankton do well in cold water. But if water temperatures rise by only two degrees Celsius, the phytoplankton struggle. That is what happened in the last three or four years in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Researchers say an unusual area of warm water spread throughout the Northern Pacific. Scientists called the warm water “the blob,” as if it were a character in an old science fiction movie. At its largest, the blob stretched 1,600 square kilometers and reached depths of 91 meters. This large mass of warm water had a damaging effect on the ocean food chain. Many fish that depend on phytoplankton swam away from the area. As a result, sea birds and sea lions that eat those fish starved.Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Washington have found that the warm ocean “blob” caused a harmful algae bloom. That fast growth in algae hurt fishing grounds along the U.S. Wes t Coast and Canada’s British Columbia. The researchers recently published their study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. They looked at the algae, called P. australis. They found that the algae can grow much faster than normal if it is exposed to warm water. The higher levels of algae also produced more of a poisonous chemical that can cause problems for everything from shellfish to dolphins to sea lions. It also causes problems for humans if too much of the chemical builds up in their blood.Researchers say algae blooms like this one will continue as ocean waters warm. The algae will hurt sea animals, birds, and fish. It may damage food resources for humans all over the world, the scientists say.4. The root cause of the starvation of sea birds or sea lions is ________.A. the depths of the vase seaB. the large mass of warm waterC. the large amount of polluted sea waterD. the increasingly reduced phytoplankton in the sea5. From the text, we can know that P. australis is the name of a(n) ________.A. phytoplanktonB. fishC. algaeD. bird6. The following statements are true EXCEPT ________.A. Generally, the algae grow much faster than normal if exposed to cool water.B. The phytoplankton is very sensitive to the rise of water temperature.C. More algae can bring about a poisonous chemical which endangers sea creatures.D. Algae blooms will affect not only the existence of sea creatures but also that of humans the world over.7. The text is most probably taken from ________.A. a research paperB. a geography textbookC. a class presentationD. a newspaper reportCThe World Health Organization says that 92 percent of the world’s population lives in areas of high air pollution. Experts say much of that pollution comes from vehicles fueled by diesel (柴油). Many cities in Europe have called for ending the production of diesel cars. They hope to replace them with electric vehicles as battery life for those vehicles improves.London is one of the most heavily polluted cities in Europe. Levels of harmful gases in the city are regularly higher than limits set by the European Union.Martin Williams, with King’s College London, says pedestrians (行人) often do not realize how close they are to air pollution sources because they cannot see them. “One of the difficulties of getting the message across to the public at large these days is that air pollution, although it’s a major public health problem, is actually invisible. Not like the smogs of the 1950s and 60s when not only could you see it, you could barely see anything else.”Williams adds that toxic gases (有毒气体) from diesel cars have led to public health concerns. He says people across Great Britain have died too early because of the pollution. “The main problem that you are breathing in are the particulates, the soot (烟尘) largely from diesel exhausts, which is the primary problem as far as public health is concerned. The other pollutant that’s more recently become an issue is nitrogen dioxide, again largely from diesel.”Areeba Hamid is with the environmental group Greenpeace. She says, “It’s quite clear that the carindustry is feeling the pressure of a public health crisis owing to air pollution in big cities in particular and the aftermath (后果) of the diesel-gate’ scandal, which is the reason why it’s looking to produce new electric models.”Experts say electric cars could offer the answer to air pollution in major cities. They add, however, that the electricity should be created using renewable energy.8. The underlined word “invisible” (Paragraph 3) probably means ________.A. cannot be feltB. cannot be seenC. be very seriousD. be uncontrollable9. According to the text, the following are the main pollutants from the diesel cars EXCEPT ________.A. toxic gasesB. sootC. nitrogen dioxideD. water vapor10. The author develops the 3rd paragraph mainly ________.A. by exampleB. by processC. by contrastD. by classification11. According to the text, the key to solving air pollution in major cities is to ________.A. replace diesel cars with electric onesB. reduce the number of diesel cars running on the roadsC. ask more citizens to live far away from big citiesD. improve the quality of oil used in diesel carsDResearchers at a university in Hungary say there is truth to what many dog owners always believed. Dogs do understand what humans say.The researchers made images of the brains of 13 dogs using a machine that records brain activity. The dogs were trained to lie down in the machine for seven minutes. During that time, they list ened through headphones to their trainers’ voices.Dog owners may think the news is not surprising. But scientists are impressed. Brian Hare is a professor at Duke University. He called one of the findings a “shocker.”The brain imaging showed dogs processed words using the left side of their brains, just as humans do. They use the right side of their brains to understand tone and pitch (音调). The study showed dogs understand words and how they are said. Meaningful words said in a neutral (中性的) way did not have the same effect as the same words said in an encouraging way.Attila Andics was the lead researcher on the project. “Dog brains care about both what we say and how we say it,” he said. Researchers say they think dogs are tuned in to what people say be causedogs have lived with people for a long time. Andics said he thinks other animals probably can understand human language like dogs do. But those animals are not very interested in what humans have to say.People reacted to the story on Facebook and Twitter. They said they always knew their pets could understand them. And they were happy to see scientific support for what they experienced every day. One reader from Virginia said she thought her dog could probably read her mind, too. Someone in California joked that he always knew his dog ignored him. And Greg Matos in Boston called the study “fascinating!”12. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Humans use the left side of the brains to process words.B. Dogs have no difficulty understanding words said in a neutral way.C. Other animals can also understand human language just as dogs do.D. Dog owners can hardly believe the story that Dogs do understand what humans say.13. What does the word “they” in the 4th paragraph re fer to?A. researchersB. dogsC. dog ownersD. people in general14. The method the author uses to develop the last paragraph is ________.A. offering analysesB. providing explanationsC. giving examplesD. making comparisons15. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.A. compare and evaluateB. debate and explainC. argue and discussD. inform and explain第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



48小时诱发心脏病的概率为0.055,连续熬夜72小时诱发心脏病的概率48小时未诱发心脏病,则他还能继续连续熬夜 24小时不诱发心脏病的概率为(② 与去年6月份相比,这五个商场的销售额均在增长;③与去年6月份相比,A 的增长率最大,所以 A 的销售额增量也最大;内蒙古北方重工业集团有限公司第三中学 2018届高三数学第九次调研考试试题理一、选择题:本大题共 12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有 一项是符合题目要求的 1.已知集合 A ={x | -1 乞 x 乞 4, x :二 N},B={ -1,0,1},则 A 一 B =( ) A.{ -1,1} B.{0,1} C.{ -1,0,1} D.{x| -1 _ x_2} 2.若z (13i )2 £ =0,其中i 为虚数单位,则z 二( ) A. 1 , 3i B. 1 - , 3i C. •. 3 - i D. - , 3 i 3.如图是某三棱锥的正视图与俯视图, 图可能为( ) 已知网格纸上小正方形的边长为 a ,则该三棱锥的侧视俯视图A. -B. —C. 7 35 11C.0.19355.某校高一年级进行研究性学习, 得出五个百货商场今年 6月份的销售情况统计图,如图,下列陈述正确的是( ①这五个商场中销售额与去年同期相比增长率排序居同一位的只有1个;EOOO5 000 4IKNIi2 D00Iow5 0034 652♦ #0% -35* ♦ 3M -25% 20%-IMARC4.据统计,连续熬夜 为0.19.现有一人已连续熬夜④去年6月份C 比D 的销售额大.A.①②B. ①②④C. ②③④D. ①③④ 6.已知函数f (x)二e |x 11,则下列说法错误的是()A. -l x 。

R, f (1 X 。

)= f (1 -X o )B. -x := R, f (X )_1C.函数 f (x 1)是偶函数D.-x^R, f(x)_x7.过圆x 2 y 2 =4外一点P(4,2)作圆的两条切线,切点分别为A , B,则;ABP 的外接圆的方程为( )A. (x-4)2 (y _2)2 =12 2B.x (y - 2) =4C. (x 2)2(y 1)2 = 5 D. (x -2)2 (y -1)2 =58.如图,函数 f (x)二 Asin(,x 「) (其中A 0^ 0,P :|)的图像与坐2标轴的三个交点分别为 P,Q,R ,若P(1,0), M (2-2)为线段QR 的中点,贝U Ay |A,■ 0M *的值为(B.7、3 3C.83 3D. 4,39.下图是用秦九韶算法求X 二2时多项式f (x)值的程序框图,其中 a °,a 1,a 2,a 3,a 4,a 5是按x 的降幕排列的多项式各 项系数,则输出 v 的值是( ) A.32 B. 22C. 11D.610.在区间[2,4]和[1,5]上分别随机取一个数,记为 a,b ,则双曲线L 壬=1(a0,b 0)的离心率e —a b|L 2市,切的概率为A 』B.5mx ‘ -m(m 0),当 % x 2 = 1 时,不等式f (X 1) f (sin 2 ^) - f (X 2) f (cos^)在匚三R 时恒成立,则实数 为的取值范围是()A. [1, ::)B.[1,2]C.(1,2)D.、填空题:本大题共 4小题,每小 题5分,共20分.—■—■—■f ——!»■ —»■ 413.已知向量a,b 满足|a|=1,|2a -b|=2、.3 , a 在b 方向上的投影为 -,则2b ()26 = ________ .15.已知抛物线y 2 =4x ,点A ,B 在抛物线上,弦 AB 的中点为M(2,1),则 AOB ( O 为坐标原点)的面积为 __________三、简答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤 .第17〜21题为必考题, 每个试题考生都必须作答.第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答.A. 2B. —C. 3 3227 D. 7 32811.已知平面:-过正方体A i B iG D i -ABCD 的顶点B , D,且平面平面BDC 1,设平面ac 平面ABBA =m ,则异面直线m 与B 1D 1所成角的余弦值为()12.定义在R 上的函数f(x)=e 2018x14.已知a210,则 ° (x sin x)dx =16.如图,在ABC 中,Sin ABC3,点 D则占ABC 的面积的最大值为 _____________的展开式的常数项为17. (本小题满分12分)数列{a n}为递增的等比数列,佝忌怎}{-8^3,-2,0,1,4,9,16,27},数列{b n}满足b1 = 2,b n 1 - 2b n = 8a n -(1)求数列{a n}和{b n}的通项公式;(2 )设数列{C n}满足C n4,且数列{C n}的前n项和T n,并求使得T n 丄对任意b n ,b n ■+am历二山都成立的正整数的最小值•18. (本小题满分12分)如图,在三棱柱ABC-ABG中,ABC为等边三角形,过AC作平面ACD平行于BC1,交AB于点D.(1)求证:点D为AB的中点;(2)若四边形BCC1B1是边长为2的正方形,且AQ = 5,求平面ACD与平面AB1G所成的锐二面角的余弦值19. (本小题满分12分)某瑜伽俱乐部为吸引顾客,推出优惠活动:对首次消费的顾客,按50元/次收费,并注册成为会员,对会员逐次消费给予相应优惠,标准如下表:消费次第第1次第2次第3次第4次及以后收费比例10.950.900.85该俱乐部从注册的会员中,随机抽取了100位进行统计,得到统计数据如下表:消费次数1次2次3次4次频数60201010假设该俱乐部一次瑜伽的成本为20元,根据所给数据,解答下列问题: (1)估计该俱乐部一位会员至少消费两次的概率;(2) 某会员消费三次,求三次消费中,该俱乐部获得的平均利润;(3) 假设每个会员每星期最多消费 4次,以事件发生的频率作为相应事件发生的概率,从该 俱乐部的会员中随机抽取 2位,记俱乐部从这 2位会员的消费中获得的平均利润之差的绝对 值为X ,求X 的分布列和数学期望 E(X).20. (本小题满分12分)如图,设椭圆的中心为原点 0,长轴在x 轴上,上顶点为 A ,左, 右焦点分别为F 2,线段OR , OF 2的中点分别为B i , B 2,且 AB]B 2是面积为4的直角 三角形•(1)求该椭圆的离心率和标准方程;(2)过B i 做直线l 交椭圆于P,Q 两点,使PB 2 - QB 2,求直线l 的方程.点(2, f (2))处的切线的斜率为(1)求n 的值,并讨论函数 f (x)的极值;(2)若 m (-1,0),证明:对任意的 [1,1 -m],4f (xj - x 2 5.21.(本小题满分12分)已知函数f(x)二2x mx 1xne(m 空0, n • R),且函数f (x)的图像在选考题:共10分.请考生在第22、23题中任选一题作答.如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分X = COS a 22. (本小题满分10分)在直角坐标系xOy 中,曲线C 1的参数方程为」y =1 + sin a以坐标原点为极点,X 轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线 C 2的极坐标方程为2p cos B = 8sin 0.(1)将C i 的参数方程化为极坐标方程,将 C 2的极坐标方程化为直角坐标方程;x =U3 + — t2(2)已知直线丨的参数方程为 (t 为参数),直线丨与曲线G 交于|y =3+迢I 2与曲线C 2交于B 点(A , B 非原点C ),求|AB|.23. (本小题满分 10 分)已知函数 f (x) =|2x-2| - | x-2 |, g(x) = x 1.(1) 求不等式f(x):::g(x)的解集;(2) 设a ”「1,当(2a,-1,a ]时,f(x)_g(x)成立,求实数a 的取值范围(a 为参数),A 点,直线l要使得'':对任意n € N*都成立,结合(I )的结果,只需,故正整数m 的最小值为4.12 分1-5BBCAB 6-10ADCBC 11-12AD 13. 343/7 216. 3 2J l I17..解:(1)数列/,:为递增的等比数列,则其公比为正数,又「二上「川」 当且仅当-1-时成立。




全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分)14.关于物理学研究思想和方法,下列叙述中不正确的是()A.库仑扭秤的实验中运用了控制变量的思想方法B.悬挂法确定物体重心运用了等效替代的方法C.伽利略在做斜面实验的过程中采用了微量放大的方法D.用点电荷来代替实际带电体采用了理想模型的方法15.下列说法正确的是()A. 太阳辐射的能量主要来自太阳内部的核裂变反应B。




质量为M=1kg的木板静止在粗糙水平面上,木板与地面动摩擦因数μ1,在木板的左端放置一个质量为m=1kg,大小可忽略的铁块.铁块与木板间的动摩擦因数μ2,g=10m/s2若在铁块右端施加一个从0开始增大的水平向右的力F,假设木板足够长,铁块受木板摩擦力f 随拉力F如图变化。










4D. μ1=0。



A、B两颗质量相同卫星绕中心天体匀速圆周运动,r A>r B,则卫星与中心天体球心连线在单位时间扫过的面积S A>S BB。



精品学习内蒙古北重三中2018届高三数学第九次调研考试试题 理

精品学习内蒙古北重三中2018届高三数学第九次调研考试试题 理

北重三中2017-2018学年度第二学期高三年级第九次调研理科数学一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 已知集合},41|{N x x x A ∈≤≤-=,B=}1,0,1{-,则B A ⋂=( )}1,1.{-A }1,0.{B }1,0,1.{-C }21|.{≤≤-x x D2. 若08)31(2=+-i z ,其中i 为虚数单位,则=z ( )A.i 31+B. i 31-C. i -3D. i +-33.如图是某三棱锥的正视图与俯视图,已知网格纸上小正方形的边长为a ,则该三棱锥的侧视图可能为( )4.据统计,连续熬夜48小时诱发心脏病的概率为0.055,连续熬夜72小时诱发心脏病的概率为0.19.现有一人已连续熬夜48小时未诱发心脏病,则他还能继续连续熬夜24小时不诱发心脏病的概率为( ) A.76 B. 353 C. 3511C.0.195. 某校高一年级进行研究性学习,得出五个百货商场今年6月份的销售情况统计图,如图,下列陈述正确的是( )①这五个商场中销售额与去年同期相比增长率排序居同一位的只有1个; ②与去年6月份相比,这五个商场的销售额均在增长;③与去年6月份相比,A 的增长率最大,所以A 的销售额增量也最大; ④去年6月份C 比D 的销售额大.A. ①②B.①②④C.②③④D.①③④ 6.已知函数|1|)(-=x ex f ,则下列说法错误的是( )A.)1()1(,000x f x f R x -≠+∈∃B.1)(,≥∈∀x f R xC.函数)1(+x f 是偶函数D.x x f R x ≥∈∀)(,7.过圆422=+y x 外一点)2,4(P 作圆的两条切线,切点分别为A ,B ,则ABP ∆的外接圆的方程为( )A. 1)2()4(22=-+-y x B. 4)2(22=-+y x C. 5)1()2(22=+++y x D. 5)1()2(22=-+-y x 8.如图,函数)sin()(ϕω+=x A x f (其中2||,0,0πϕω≤>>A )的图像与坐标轴的三个交点分别为R Q P ,,,若)22(),0,1(-M P 为线段QR 的中点,则A 的值为( )A.32B.337 C.338 D.34 9.下图是用秦九韶算法求2=x 时多项式x x x x x f -+-=2452)(的值的程序框图,其中543210,,,,,a a a a a a 是按x 的降幂排列的多项式各项系数,则输出v 的值是( ) A.32 B. 22 C. 11 D.610.在区间[2,4]和[1,5]上分别随机取一个数,记为b a ,,则双曲线)0,0(12222>>=-b a b y a x 的离心率⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡∈5,25e 的概率为( )A.32 B. 325 C. 3227 D.8711. 已知平面α过正方体ABCD D C B A -1111的顶点B ,D ,且平面⊥α平面1BDC ,设平面⋂α平面m A ABB =11,则异面直线m 与11D B 所成角的余弦值为( )A.510 B. 515 C.21 D. 0 12. 定义在R 上的函数)0()(32018>-+=m m mx ex f x,当121=+x x 时,不等式)(cos )()(sin )(2221θθf x f f x f +>+在R ∈θ时恒成立,则实数1x 的取值范围是( )A. ),1[+∞B.[1,2]C.(1,2)D.),1(+∞ 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.已知向量,满足32|2|,1||=-=,在方向上的投影为21,则._____)2(=+⋅14.已知531⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+x a x x 的展开式的常数项为10,则=+⎰a dx x x 02)sin (__________.15.已知抛物线x y 42=,点A ,B 在抛物线上,弦AB 的中点为M(2,1),则AOB ∆(O 为坐标原点)的面积为_________.16.如图,在ABC ∆中,332sin=∠ABC ,点D 在线段AC 上,且AD=2DC ,BD=334,则ABC ∆的面积的最大值为___________.三、简答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.第17~21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. 17.(本小题满分12分)数列}{n a 为递增的等比数列,135{,,}{8,3,2,0,1,4,9,16,27}a a a ⊆---,数列}{n b 满足n n n a b b b 82,211=-=+.(1)求数列}{n a 和}{n b 的通项公式;(2)设数列}{n c 满足14+⋅=n n nn b b c ,且数列}{n c 的前n 项和n T ,并求使得m n a T 1>对任意都成立的正整数的最小值.18.(本小题满分12分)如图,在三棱柱111C B A ABC -中,ABC ∆为等边三角形,过C A 1作平面CD A 1平行于1BC ,交AB 于点D. (1)求证:点D 为AB 的中点;(2)若四边形11B BCC 是边长为2的正方形,且51=D A ,求平面CD A 1与平面111C B A 所成的锐二面角的余弦值.19.(本小题满分12分)某瑜伽俱乐部为吸引顾客,推出优惠活动:对首次消费的顾客,按50元/次收费,并注册成为会员,对会员逐次消费给予相应优惠,标准如下表:该俱乐部从注册的会员中,随机抽取了100位进行统计,得到统计数据如下表: 假设该俱乐部一次瑜伽的成本为20元,根据所给数据,解答下列问题: (1)估计该俱乐部一位会员至少消费两次的概率;(2)某会员消费三次,求三次消费中,该俱乐部获得的平均利润;(3)假设每个会员每星期最多消费4次,以事件发生的频率作为相应事件发生的概率,从该俱乐部的会员中随机抽取2位,记俱乐部从这2位会员的消费中获得的平均利润之差的绝对值为X ,求X 的分布列和数学期望)(X E .20.(本小题满分12分) 如图,设椭圆的中心为原点O ,长轴在x 轴上,上顶点为A ,左,右焦点分别为1F ,2F ,线段1OF ,2OF 的中点分别为1B ,2B ,且21B AB ∆ 是面积为4的直角三角形.(1)求该椭圆的离心率和标准方程;(2)过1B 做直线l 交椭圆于Q P ,两点,使22QB PB ⊥,求直线l 的方程.21.(本小题满分12分)已知函数),0(1)(2R n m nemx x x f x∈≤++=,且函数)(x f 的图像在点))2(,2(f 处的切线的斜率为21e m +-. (1)求n 的值,并讨论函数)(x f 的极值;(2)若)0,1(-∈m ,证明:对任意的5)(4],1,1[,2121<+-∈x x f m x x .选考题:共10分.请考生在第22、23题中任选一题作答.如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分. 22.(本小题满分10分)在直角坐标系xOy 中,曲线1C 的参数方程为)(sin 1cos 为参数ααα⎩⎨⎧+==y x ,以坐标原点为极点,x 轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线2C 的极坐标方程为θθρsin 8cos 2=.(1)将1C 的参数方程化为极坐标方程,将2C 的极坐标方程化为直角坐标方程;(2)已知直线l 的参数方程为为参数)t t y t x (233213⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+=+=,直线l 与曲线1C 交于A 点,直线l 与曲线2C 交于B 点(A ,B 非原点O ),求|AB |.23.(本小题满分10分)已知函数.1)(|,2||22|)(+=---=x x g x x x f (1)求不等式)()(x g x f <的解集;(2)设1-<a ,当]1,2(a a x +-∈时,)()(x g x f ≥成立,求实数a 的取值范围.九调理科数学参考答案1-5BBCAB ,6-10ADCBC ,11-12AD 13. 34 14.2cos 311-16.2317..解:(1)数列为递增的等比数列,则其公比为正数,又,当且仅当时成立。

精品学习内蒙古北重三中2018届高三数学第九次调研考试试题 文

精品学习内蒙古北重三中2018届高三数学第九次调研考试试题 文

内蒙古北重三中2018届高三数学第九次调研考试试题 文一、选择题(共12小题,每小题5分,共计60分) 1. 已知集合}9|{2x y y A -== ,}2|{x y y B == ,则图中阴影部分表示的集合为 A .]3,0(B .)3,0[C .)3,3(-D . ]3,3[-BA2. 已知平面向量)2,1(=a ,)4,m (-=b ,且b a //,则b a ⋅= A .4 B .-6 C .-10 D .103. 已知复数1021i i i z +++=,则复数z 在复平面内对应的点为 A .(1,1) B .(1,-1)C .(0,1)D .(1,0)4.下列命题错误的是 A .命题“若p 则q ”与命题“若q ⌝,则p ⌝”互为逆否命题;B .命题"0,"2>-∈∃x x R x 的否定是"0,"2≤-∈∀x x R x ; C . 0>∀x 且1≠x ,都有21>+xx ; D . “若βα,是第一象限角且βα<,则βαtan tan <.5. 某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的外接球的球面面积为A .π5B .π12C .π20D .π86. 已知圆C 1:422=+y x ,与圆C 2:9)(22=+-y a x ,若在区间]10,10[-上随机选取一个数a ,则事件“圆C 1与圆C 2有公共点”发生的概率为A .52 B .51 C . 21 D . 103 7. 已知函数⎩⎨⎧≥<=0,0|,|ln )(x e x x x f x ,)()(x f x F -=,则函数)(x F 的图象是8. 在一次国际学术会议上,来自四个国家的五位代表被安排坐在一张圆桌,为了使他们能够自由交谈,事先了解到的情况如下: 甲是中国人,还会说英语. 乙是俄国人,还会说法语. 丙是英国人,还会说俄语. 丁是法国人,还会说汉语.戊是俄国人,还会说德语. 则这五位代表的座位顺序应为A .甲丙丁戊乙B .甲丙戊乙丁C .甲丁丙乙戊D 甲乙丙丁戊 9.若直线b kx y +=与曲线xe y C +=3:1和曲线22:+=x ey C 同时相切,则=bA .23ln 2329- B .2ln 2- C .21ln 21- D .3ln 3-10. 中国古代名词“刍童”原来是草堆的意思,古代用它作为长方棱台(上、下底面均为矩形的棱台)的专用术语,关于“刍童”体积计算的描述,《九章算术》注曰:“倍上袤,下袤从之,亦倍下袤,上袤从之,各以其广乘之,皆六而一.”其计算方法是:将上底面的长乘二,与下底面的长相加,再与上底面的宽相乘,将下底面的长乘二,与上底面的长相加,再与下底面的宽相乘,把这两个数值相加,与高相乘,再取其六分之一。



北重三中2017~2018学年度第二学期高三年级第九次调研考试英语试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AChinese Traditional Chamber ConcertDate: Sept 4 - 2 pmVenue: Shanghai Concert HallPrice: 80-100 yuanTraditional Chinese Chamber Concert is a brand-new series created for Shanghai Concert Hall 2018-19 season. Bearing the mission to promote Chinese folk music, the series features exquisite solo, duet, and trio concerts of erhu, bamboo flute, guzheng and other Chinese instruments, along with a rare exhibition of traditional Chinese instruments. Starting this season, Traditional Chinese Chamber Concert takes place every first Sunday of the month at Shanghai Concert Hall, showcasing the elegance of Chinese folk music.Thoroughly Modern Millie JuniorDate: Aug 28-Sept 4 - 7 pmVenue: Xiqu Theater, BeijingPrice: 70-180 yuanBased on the Tony Award-winning musical and Academy Award-winning film, a smalltown girl searches for a new life under the bright lights of 1920s New York City. Thoroughly Modern Millie JR. is a clever adaptation of the six-time-Tony-Award-winning Best Musical and the Academy Award-winning film. It is the high-spirited musical romp (妙趣横生的电影) that has all of New York dancing the Charleston!2018 MTA FestivalDate: Sept 3-4 - 10 amVenue: Sky Desert Natural Scenic AreaPrice: 600-800 yuanThe newly launched Chinese music festival is a collection of trending music, the experience of emerging technology, multimedia art performances, installation art exhibitions and much more. With their amazing spirit, artists will transform the desert into a new galaxy, creating a dreamy experience of antigravity, surrounded by nine “planets”.2018 Longines Beijing MastersDate: Sept 3-4 - 10 amVenue: National StadiumPrice: 50-5,800 yuanThe three-day 2018 Longines Beijing Masters will involve four classes. Each class will engage more than 140 of China’s finest show-jumping (骑马越障表演) horses worth more than 100 million yuan ($15 million). There will be about 100 professional housekeepers taking care of the horses in temporary tents. The course routes aredesigned by Frank Rosenberg, an international four-star (highest level) course designer who was part of the design of show-jumping routes for the Olympic Games and many impressive international events.1. If you are interested in Chinese folk music, you can go and enjoy ________.A. 2018 MTA FestivalB. 2018 Longines Beijing MastersC. Thoroughly Modern Millie JuniorD. Chinese Traditional Chamber Concert2. Suppose you want to enjoy 2018 MTA Festival, how much at the least you shouldpay for the admission?A. 500 yuanB. 600 yuanC. 700 yuanD. 800 yuan3. In which column of a newspaper will the text probably appear?A. news reportB. lifestyleC. advertisementD. sportsBTiny water plants called phytoplankton (浮游植物) serve as food for many sea creatures, including whales, shrimp, jellyfish and snails.Phytoplankton do well in cold water. But if water temperatures rise by only two degrees Celsius, the phytoplankton struggle. That is what happened in the last three or four years in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Researchers say an unusual area of warm water spread throughout the Northern Pacific. Scientists called the warm water “the blob,” as if it were a character in an old science fiction movie. At its largest, the blob stretched 1,600 square kilometers and reached depths of 91 meters. This large mass of warm water had a damaging effect on the ocean food chain. Many fish that depend on phytoplankton swam away from the area. As a result, sea birds and sea lions that eat those fish starved.Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Washington have found that the warm ocean “blob” caused a harmful algae bloom. That fast growth in algae hurt fishing grounds along the U.S. West Coast and Can ada’s British Columbia. The researchers recently published their study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. They looked at the algae, called P. australis. They found that the algae can grow much faster than normal if it is exposed to warm water. The higher levels of algae also produced more of a poisonous chemical that can cause problems for everything from shellfish to dolphins to sea lions. It also causes problems for humans if too much of the chemicalbuilds up in their blood.Researchers say algae blooms like this one will continue as ocean waters warm. The algae will hurt sea animals, birds, and fish. It may damage food resources for humans all over the world, the scientists say.4. The root cause of the starvation of sea birds or sea lions is ________.A. the depths of the vase seaB. the large mass of warm waterC. the large amount of polluted sea waterD. the increasingly reduced phytoplankton in the sea5. From the text, we can know that P. australis is the name of a(n) ________.A. phytoplanktonB. fishC. algaeD. bird6. The following statements are true EXCEPT ________.A. Generally, the algae grow much faster than normal if exposed to cool water.B. The phytoplankton is very sensitive to the rise of water temperature.C. More algae can bring about a poisonous chemical which endangers sea creatures.D. Algae blooms will affect not only the existence of sea creatures but also that of humans the world over.7. The text is most probably taken from ________.A. a research paperB. a geography textbookC. a class presentationD. a newspaper reportCThe World Health Organization says that 92 percent of the world’s population lives in areas of high air pollution. Experts say much of that pollution comes from vehicles fueled by diesel (柴油). Many cities in Europe have called for ending the production of diesel cars. They hope to replace them with electric vehicles as battery life for those vehicles improves.London is one of the most heavily polluted cities in Europe. Levels of harmful gases in the city are regularly higher than limits set by the European Union.Martin Williams, with King’s College London, says pedestrians (行人) often do not realize how close they are to air pollution sources because they cannot see the m. “Oneof the difficulties of getting the message across to the public at large these days is that air pollution, although it’s a major public health problem, is actually invisible. Not like the smogs of the 1950s and 60s when not only could you see it, you could barely see anything else.”Williams adds that toxic gases (有毒气体) from diesel cars have led to public health concerns. He says people across Great Britain have died too early because of the pollution. “The main problem that you are breathing in ar e the particulates, the soot (烟尘) largely from diesel exhausts, which is the primary problem as far as public health is concerned. The other pollutant that’s more recently become an issue is nitrogen dioxide, again largely from diesel.”Areeba Hamid is wit h the environmental group Greenpeace. She says, “It’s quite clear that the car industry is feeling the pressure of a public health crisis owing to air pollution in big cities in particular and the aftermath (后果) of the diesel-gate’ scandal, which is the re ason why it’s looking to produce new electric models.”Experts say electric cars could offer the answer to air pollution in major cities. They add, however, that the electricity should be created using renewable energy.8. The underlined word “invisible” (Paragraph 3) probably means ________.A. cannot be feltB. cannot be seenC. be very seriousD. be uncontrollable9. According to the text, the following are the main pollutants from the diesel cars EXCEPT ________.A. toxic gasesB. sootC. nitrogen dioxideD. water vapor10. The author develops the 3rd paragraph mainly ________.A. by exampleB. by processC. by contrastD. by classification11. According to the text, the key to solving air pollution in major cities is to ________.A. replace diesel cars with electric onesB. reduce the number of diesel cars running on the roadsC. ask more citizens to live far away from big citiesD. improve the quality of oil used in diesel carsDResearchers at a university in Hungary say there is truth to what many dog ownersalways believed. Dogs do understand what humans say.The researchers made images of the brains of 13 dogs using a machine that records brain activity. The dogs were trained to lie down in the machine for seven minutes. During that time, they listened through headphones to their trainers’ voices.Dog owners may think the news is not surprising. But scientists are impressed. Brian Hare is a professor at Duke University. He called one of the findings a “shocker.”The brain imaging showed dogs processed words using the left side of their brains, just as humans do. They use the right side of their brains to understand tone and pitch (音调). The study showed dogs understand words and how they are said. Meaningful words said in a neutral (中性的) way did not have the same effect as the same words said in an encouraging way.Attila Andics was the lead researcher on the project. “Dog brains care about both what we say and how we say it,” he said. Researchers say they think do gs are tuned in to what people say because dogs have lived with people for a long time. Andics said he thinks other animals probably can understand human language like dogs do. But those animals are not very interested in what humans have to say.People reacted to the story on Facebook and Twitter. They said they always knew their pets could understand them. And they were happy to see scientific support for what they experienced every day. One reader from Virginia said she thought her dog could probably read her mind, too. Someone in California joked that he always knew his dog ignored him. And Greg Matos in Boston called the study “fascinating!”12. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Humans use the left side of the brains to process words.B. Dogs have no difficulty understanding words said in a neutral way.C. Other animals can also understand human language just as dogs do.D. Dog owners can hardly believe the story that Dogs do understand what humans say.13. What does th e word “they” in the 4th paragraph refer to?A. researchersB. dogsC. dog ownersD. people in general14. The method the author uses to develop the last paragraph is ________.A. offering analysesB. providing explanationsC. giving examplesD. making comparisons15. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.A. compare and evaluateB. debate and explainC. argue and discussD. inform and explain第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

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1. 下列说法正确的是
A. 石英玻璃、分子筛的主要成分是硅酸盐
B. 分散系可分为溶液、浊液和胶体,浊液的分散质粒子大小介于溶液和胶体之间
C. 铁在氧气中燃烧生成氧化铁,镁在空气中燃烧生成氧化镁、氮化镁
D. 针对埃博拉病毒扩散情况,可选用含氯消毒剂对疫区可能的污染区域进行消毒预防
2. 设为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是
A. 的溶液中含有的数目为
B. 1 mol苯乙烯中含有的碳碳双键数为
C. 加热条件下,金属Na与足量反应的产物中阳离子和阴离子总数为
D. 常温时,1 的硝酸铵溶液中,和总数为
3. 增塑剂DCHP可由邻苯二甲酸酐与环己醇反应制得,下列说法正确的是
A. 邻苯二甲酸酐的二氯代物有2种
B. 环己醇分子中所有的原子可能共平面
C. DCHP能发生加成反应、取代反应、消去反应
D. 1molDCHP可与氢氧化钠溶液反应,最多可消耗2molNaOH
4. 已知A、B、C、D、E是短周期中原子序数依次增大的5种主族元素,其中元素A、E的单质在常温下呈气态,元素B的原子最外层电子数是其电子层数的2倍,元素C在同周期的主族元素中原子半径最大,元素D是地壳中含量最多的金属元素下列说法正确的是
A. B的单质在自然界只有一种核素
B. 元素C、D、E的简单离子的半径依次减小
C. A、E分别与C形成的化合物中含有一种相同类型的化学键
D. 这几种元素可能形成的简单离子中E的简单离子的还原性最强
5. 下列有关实验操作或判断正确的有
①用10mL 量筒准确量取稀硫酸溶液;
A. 3个
B. 4 个
C. 5个
D. 6个
6. 下列实验装置能达到目的是
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
7. 如图为溶液分别滴定的HA和HB的滴定曲线下列说法错误的是()
A. HB是弱酸,b点时溶液中
B. a、b、c三点水电离出的:
C. 滴定HB时,不宜用甲基橙作指示剂
D. 滴定HA溶液时,当时溶液pH约为
8. 过氧化钙晶体较稳定,呈白色,微溶于水,能溶于酸性溶液广泛应用于环境杀菌、消毒等领域。





9. 水钴矿中除SiO2外,还有
9.24% CoO、2.78% Fe2O3、0.96% MgO、0.084%CaO。

_ _Fe2(SO4)3+ H2O + Na2CO3== Na2Fe6(SO4)4(OH)12↓+Na2SO4 + CO2↑
(3) “除钙、镁”的原理反应为:;已知
(4) “沉淀”中含杂质离子主要有、、_________和__________;“操作X”包括_________和

10. 碳、氮和铝的单质及其化合物在工农业生产和生活中有重要的作用.
后,只改变某一条件,反应重新达到平衡,根据上表中的数据判断改变的条件可能是___________ 填字母编号.
通入一定量的NO b.加入一定量的活性炭

11. A、B、C、D、E、F为前四周期原子序数依次增大的六种元素,A、C、D原子均有两个未成对电子,

(6)“砒霜”是一种含C,F的化合物,其分子结构如图1所示,该化合物的分子式为F4C6,F原子采取______杂化;C,D,E组成的化合物的晶胞如图2,其晶胞参数为a pm,则其密度为___________________g/cm3(列出式子即可,阿伏伽德罗常数为N A mol-1)。

12. 羰基庚酸是一种重要的化工中间体,下面合成它的流程图:
(1)反应的条件是_______________ ;1mol化合物C完全燃烧需要消耗O2 ___________ mol
(2)G所含的官能团的名称是_____________________ ;
(3)下列说法中正确的是______________ :


