1.The SAIMM publishes technical and associated legal and economic information on all aspects of the minerals and metals industry and uses the following:1.11The SAIMM JournalThe Journal is made up of:The Transactions which are refereed, scientific research and development papers in line with international standards for reporting major advances in mining, minerals and metals technology. Items in the Transactions will be eligible for the Institute’s gold or silver medal award and certificate of merit.The Journal section which contains articles, reports and news items on new developments related to the industry but which are not subject to the rigid refereeing procedures of the transaction section. The items are selected by the Publications Committee from many sources including the colloquia and seminar presentations of the Institute. Authors may specify Transaction or Journal Papers, whichever would be most appropriate. An author may request that a contribution to colloquium or to the Journal may be submitted for refereeing for publication in the Transactions.1.2 Monograph SeriesThese are high quality books which provide detailed discussions on specialized topics. They are usually compiled by authors and editors at the invitation of the Institute.1.3 Symposium SeriesThese consist of the proceedings of international conferences and congresses that are presented or supported by the SAIMM.1.4 School, Seminar and Colloquia NotesThe papers from all such activities of the SAIMM are published and distributed to delegates and made available for sale after the event.1.5 Special Publications SeriesThese cover books, brochures and printed items which do not form part of the monograph or symposium series.The Transactions which are refereed, scientific research and development papers in line with international standards for reporting major advances in mining, minerals and metals technology. Items in the Transactions will be eligible for the Institute’s gold or silver medal award and certificate of merit.The Journal section which contains articles, reports and news items on new developments related to the industry but which are not subject to the rigid refereeing procedures2.GENERAL STANDARDSTo merit consideration, papers should conform to the high standards that have been established over many years. Papers on research and scientific items should contain matter that is new, interpretations that are novel or of new significance and conclusions that cast a fresh light on old ideas. Descriptive papers should not be a repetition of well-known practices or concepts but should incorporate developments that would be of interest to technical people and of benefit to the industry. Well prepared and original review papers will be considered for publication. All papers, particularly research papers, no matter how technical the subject, should be written with the average professional reader in mind and with sufficient background to enable the implications of the work to be easily understood. The amount of text book material should be kept to the minimum essential to the argument. The length of a paper is not the criterion of its work and all submissions should be as brief and concise as possible. Although reference to the name of new products, processes and services is not restricted, it is not the SAIMM's policy to allow editorial matter to be used for blatant advertising purposes.3.COPYRIGHTCopyright and first publication rights for all contributions to be published or presented at SAIMM meetings are strictly reserved by the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Reproduction of material is permitted and indeed encouraged provided there is full acknowledgement of the source.4. PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF CONTRIBUTIONSAuthors may submit their paper in printed or electronic (e-mail) format or on CD. Details of the word processing package or other programs that is/are used to prepare the paper should be provided. Please note that diagramscannot be accessed electronically unless a programme that is compatible with the Apple Macintosh system is used. Diagrams should be saved TIFF, EPS or JPEG files or downloaded on the SAIMM website. Should you need assistance in this regard, please call the Journal co-ordinator, Ms Abigail Lawrence.Papers submitted through the post should be sent to:The SAIMM, P O Box 61127, Marshalltown, 2107, South Africa. Attention of Ms A Lawrence.or E-mail address: journal@saimm.co.za5. LAYOUT AND STYLEThe manuscript must be typed double-spaced, on one side only on white bond paper A4 (295 x 210mm) size paper leaving a left hand and right hand margin of 30mm. Pages must be numbered.Be objective. Do not include irrelevant or extraneous matter. Avoid unnecessary use of capitals and hyphens; punctuation's should be used sparingly and be governed by the needs of sense and diction. Sentences should be short, uninvolved and unambiguous. Paragraphs should be short and serve to separate basic ideas into compact groups. Quotation marks should be the 'single' type for quotations and "double" for quoted matter within quotations. Words representing quotations from elsewhere should be printed in italics. If an italic typeface is not available they should be underlined singly.Bold typeface can be used for emphasis rather than uppercase or underlined text.Headings should be kept to a maximum of three levels.All illustrations and tables should appear on separate sheets at the end of the text. However, as a guide to the printer, authors should indicate by means of notes in the typescript where tables and illustrations, etc. are to appear in the text. Illustrations should be clearly identified in the text and should be referred to as Figure 1 and not Fig. 1.A few well-selected illustrations are often more pertinent than an amorphous mass of text.Interpretations in the text should be marked off by parentheses ().If there is any problem in producing formulae accurately by word processor, they should be hand written in ink. Equation numbers should be placed in square brackets on the right-hand side of the page, thus [1]. Abbreviations and symbols are laid down in British Standard 1991. Where acronyms (e.g. UNO) are used for the first time the full words must be given with the abbreviation in brackets thereafter. Abbreviations are the same for the singular and plural, e.g. cm for centimetre and centimetres, kg for kilogram and kilograms. Percentages arewritten in the text as 'per cent', the use of the symbol, %, is restricted to tables. A full stop after an abbreviation is only used when the last letter of the abbreviation is not the last letter of the word.Units should be in metric terms and should conform to SI conversions.Authors are urged to have a colleague check their paper for clarity of presentation and typographical errors.The use of capitals for captions, headings or references must be avoided, because that means resetting. The typesetter can change lower case to upper case with the push of a button, but upper case letters need to be reset in order to get lower case letters.6. REFERENCESReferences must follow the British Standard BS 4148. Number your references in the text in order of appearance with superscripts (without brackets) e.g. according to Blum1,or …research2. References should be listed in numerical order at the end of th e text.Reference to articles in publications should be given as follows:Lewis, J.R. Physical properties of stainless steel. Handbook of stainless steels. Peckner, D., and Bernstein, I.M. (eds). New York, McGraw-Hill, 1977. Pp. 19-36.b)Reference to papers presented at conferences or congress should be given as follows:Dresler, W., Jena, B.C., and Mclean, A. Carbothermic reduction and desulphurization of chromite with nickel oxide and sulphide. INFACON 6. Proceedings 1st International Chromium Steel and Alloys Congress, Cape Town. Glen, H.W. (ed.). Johannesburg.The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1992. Vol. 2, pp. 111-116.c)Patents should be listed as follows:Ingram, Sir Herbert. Improvements in or relating to electrical condensers. Brit Pat 552, 707: Appl. 18 July 1941: Acc. 18 November 1943.7. ILLUSTRATIONS, TABLES AND PHOTOGRAPHSAll illustrations (this includes line diagrams, maps, charts and graphs) should be of good quality, preferably in black and white. All the lettering and lines should be of consistent density. Please insure that diagrams are 100 per cent square on the paper. All illustrations, tables and photographs must appear on separate pages. Authors areadvised to consult a draughts person or another experienced colleague on the quality required and, if possible, to use such help when preparing the illustrations. Computer printouts, especially in dot matrix lettering, do not reproduce well, and should therefore be avoided. Where printouts are essential, the material should be black and of equal density, and the paper must be white.A laser printer should be used. As a last resort, a 24-pin dot matrix printer might be acceptable but a 9-pin one is always unacceptable.7.1 IllustrationsThe numbering of figures should be in Arabic numerals, e.g. Figure 1 and Figure 2. Each figure must have a short title. Illustrations should be clearly identified in the text on the actual page where the figure appears and should be clearly marked with the surname of the senior author and the number of the figure. The style of the illustration for a particular paper should be uniform i.e. typeface of wording, line widths, etc. The use of a san-serif typeface like Helvetica is preferable. The illustrations should be as simple as possible and should contain only essential wording such as the indication of nature and units on the axes of graphs. Please keep in mind that your illustration will be reduced to fit in the most appropriate of the following section column widths of 65, 103, 135 and 175mm. Lettering should therefore be big enough on the original to still be legible on the reduced final product.7.2 TablesThe numbering of tables must be with Roman numerals, e.g. Table I, Table II, etc. Tables should be set out clearly and each table should have a short title (heading).7.3 PhotographsHigh resolution colour photographs are acceptable and should be saved as TIFF, EPS or JPEG files.8. REVISION PROCEDUREThe initial manuscript will be read by a minimum of two referees who will recommend acceptance, provisional acceptance with revision, or rejection. After revision, papers must be submitted to the SAIMM to ensure that all recommended modifications have been satisfactorily carried out as requested by the Publications Committee.9. FINAL MANUSCRIPTOne copy of the revised and final manuscript should be submitted, in double line spacing. Illustrations should not be folded, pinned or stapled together.10. CORRECTION OF THE PROOFSThe papers will be returned to the authors in proof form for final checking and authors are urged to ensure that the final version conforms to their requirements. It must be emphasised that proofs are supplied to correct errors made by the typesetter and not in order to provide the author the opportunity to rewrite or update the material. The revised and final paper must be returned together with the signed copyright forms and author’s approval.。
来稿如获得有关研究基金或课题资助需提供基金名称及编号(亦需中英文对照)、并提供第一作者的姓名、性别、出生年、职称、学位以及联系人姓名、职称、电话、传真及E-mail 地址。
international journal of steel structures投稿要求(一)
《International Journal of Steel Structures》投稿要求:
1. 文章结构完整:文章应具备引言、方法、结果、讨论和结论等基本部分,确保文章内容完整,逻辑清晰。
2. 小节论述,层次清晰:文章应该分成小节进行论述,确保层次清晰,每
3. 字数要求:文章内容字数在1500字左右,确保篇幅适中,不过分冗长或
4. 不涉及政治:文章内容不能涉及政治内容,确保文章专注于学术研究领域,避免引起不必要的争议和误解。
5. 不出现无关内容:文章内不可出现html字符,也不可出现网址、图片及
以上就是《International Journal of Steel Structures》投稿要求的相关内容,希望对创作者有所帮助。
2.投稿要求和注意事项2.1 来稿应观点明确,论据充分、数据可靠,层次分明,文理通顺。
文题、作者姓名(一 般不超过6人),作者单位及所在城市和邮编、摘要、关键词均需中英文对照。
来稿如 获得有关研究基金或课题资助需提供基金名称及编号(亦需中英文对照)、并提供第 一作者的姓名、性别、出生年、职称、学位以及联系人姓名、职称、电话、传真及E- mail地址。
2.2 摘要内容应包括论文的研究目的、方法及研究结果等。
2.3 文中量、单位及符号的使用应符合国际标准和国家标准。
注意容易混淆的外文字母的 文种、大小写、正斜体及上下角标的正确书写。
2.4 图(含照片)、表和公式应通篇分别编号,图题、表题应有中英文对照。
曲线图应直观、简洁,图中文字用英文、量的名称及符号、坐标要准确、清晰( 物理量符号用斜体,单位用正体)并与文中一致,曲线图的尺寸(高*宽)以100× 130mm(分栏)、200×260mm(通栏)为宜,曲线线宽为0.7mm,边框及坐标线宽为 0.4mm左右,标值与目标间的距离为5mm,字体采用Arial,4号字(24磅),应采用计 算机绘图,激光打印机打印。
中国有色金属学报英文版投稿指南Title: Guidelines for Manuscript Submission to the English Edition of the Journal of Chinese Nonferrous Metals Introduction:The Journal of Chinese Nonferrous Metals (JCNM) publishes high-quality research in the field of nonferrous metals. Submission to the English edition of JCNM offers authors the opportunity to disseminate their research findings to an international audience. This document provides comprehensive guidelines for authors intending to submit their manuscripts to the English edition of JCNM.1. Manuscript Preparation:1.1 Title: The title of the manuscript should be concise, informative, and accurately reflect the content of the research.1.2 Abstract: A well-written abstract should summarize the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study in a clear and concise manner.1.3 Keywords: Authors should provide a list of keywords that accurately represent the content of the manuscript, aiding in indexing and searchability.1.4 Text: The main body of the manuscript should be organized into sections such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion, as appropriate for the research type.1.5 Figures and Tables: All figures and tables should be numbered sequentially and accompanied by clear, descriptive captions. Authors should ensure that figures and tables are of high quality and effectively support the findings.1.6 References: Citations within the text and the reference list should follow a consistent style, preferablyAPA or IEEE format. Authors must ensure the accuracy and completeness of all references cited.2. Manuscript Submission:2.1 Language: Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise English, adhering to grammatical and syntactical conventions.2.2 Formatting: Authors should submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). Text should be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and a readable font size (e.g., Times New Roman, 12-point).2.3 Cover Letter: Authors should include a cover letter with their submission, providing essential information such as the title of the manuscript, corresponding author details,a statement of originality, and any conflicts of interest.2.4 Ethical Considerations: Authors must adhere toethical standards in research conduct and manuscriptpreparation, including proper citation practices and avoidance of plagiarism or data fabrication.2.5 Submission Process: Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the JCNM online submission system. Authors are encouraged to carefully review the submission guidelines and requirements before initiating the submission process.3. Peer Review Process:3.1 Editorial Evaluation: Upon receipt, manuscripts undergo initial screening by the editorial team to assess suitability for peer review.3.2 Peer Review: Submissions deemed suitable are assigned to expert reviewers for thorough evaluation of scientific quality, originality, and significance.3.3 Decision: Based on reviewer feedback, the editorial team makes a decision regarding acceptance, revision, orrejection of the manuscript. Authors will be promptlynotified of the decision along with reviewer comments.3.4 Revision and Resubmission: If revisions are required, authors should address all reviewer comments and suggestionsin a timely manner before resubmitting the revised manuscript.4. Publication Policies:4.1 Copyright: Authors retain copyright of theirpublished work, granting JCNM the right to distribute and disseminate the manuscript.4.2 Open Access: JCNM offers authors the option topublish their work under open access, facilitating broader accessibility and visibility.4.3 Publication Fees: Authors may be required to payarticle processing charges (APCs) upon acceptance for publication, depending on the journal's policies and funding availability.4.4 Corrections and Retractions: In cases of errors or misconduct, JCNM follows established protocols for issuing corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern as necessary.Conclusion:Submission to the English edition of JCNM provides researchers with a platform to showcase their contributions to the field of nonferrous metals on an international scale. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this document, authors can enhance the quality and impact of their manuscripts, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the scientific community.。
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( ) 术论 文 : 者. 4学 作 学位论 文名 [ . D] 出版地 : 存单 位 , 保 出版年 . () 5 报告 : 者. 告名 [ . 作 报 R] 出版地 : 存单位 , 保 出版年 . () 际、 6国 国家标 准 : 准编 号 , 准 名称 [ ] 标 标 S. () 7 专利 文献 : 专利 所有 者. 专利题 名 : 专利 国别 , 专利 号 [ ] 公告 日期 或公 开 日期. P. 注意事 项 : 考文 献表 中的作 者 、 者 、 者 不 超 过 3人 时全 部 写 出, 过 时 只 写 前 3名 , 参 编 译 超 其后 用 “ ” 西文 用“t l , 文用 “ 等 , ea” 俄 H印 ” 日文 用 “ 王 ” “ ; 写外 国人 名 时 , 前 名后 , 全部 大 写 , , 6 或 岛” 书 姓 姓
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3 标 题 不超过 2 . 0个汉 字 ; 摘要 应 具 有独 立性 , 包括 目的 、 法 、 方 结果 、 结论 4部分 , 字数在 2 0 0 o —3 0 个; 关键 词 3 5个 ; — 参考 文献 选 最主要 且公 开发表 的 列在 文后作 为 正式参 考 文献 , 文章 中 出现 的先后 按 顺序 编号 , 文稿 不 可缺 少参 考文献 一项 ; 引用 的是 未公 开发 表 的 资料 或协 作 成 果 , 以脚 注 的方 式顺 若 请 序标 明在 文章 出现 处的 当页地 脚 处. 4 文 中使 用的 外文 字母 、 . 符号 , 必须 分清 大 小写 、 斜 体 , 些 易混 淆 的 字母 请 用铅 笔 在 其 旁标 明 ; 正 一 文 中量和 单位 的使 用参 照最新 国家标 准 G 30 9 ,11 9 ,12— 3 B 10— 3 30 — 330 9 . 5 插 图力求 简 明清晰 , . 用计 算机 清绘 , 条要 匀, 宽 O 2 m 图 中文 字 、 号 、 线 线 . m, 符 纵横 坐标 必 须与 正 文一 致 ; 照片要 求 黑 白清 晰 , 次分 明 , 明 比例尺 ; 层 标 表格 采 用三 线表 的形 式 , 图表 名 应 附相 应 的英 文名.
中国有色金属学报英文版投稿指南全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys! Do you want to submit an article to the Journal of China Nonferrous Metals Society? Here's a guide for you!First, make sure to check if your article follows the journal's scope and format. The journal welcomes original research papers, review articles, technical notes, and letters to the editor related to nonferrous metals.Next, prepare your manuscript following the journal's guidelines. Make sure to include a title, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, and references. Don't forget to use clear and concise language!When citing references, follow the journal's citation style. Make sure to list all references used in your article and format them correctly.Lastly, before submitting your article, make sure to proofread it for any grammatical or spelling errors. You can also ask a friend or colleague to review it for you.Once your article is ready, you can submit it through the journal's online submission system. Good luck with your submission!篇2Hey guys, have you ever heard of the "Journal of Chinese Nonferrous Metals"? It's a super cool magazine all about metals like copper, aluminum, and zinc! If you want to submit your own article to the English version of the journal, here are some tips for you!First of all, make sure your article is written in English. Don't worry if you're not a native English speaker, just do your best and ask for help if you need it. Your article should be at least 2000 words long, so make sure you have a lot to say about your research or topic.Next, think about the structure of your article. It's a good idea to include an abstract at the beginning to give readers an overview of what your article is about. Then you can dive into the introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections. Makesure you explain your research clearly and back up your findings with data and analysis.When you're writing, try to be clear and concise. Avoid using too much jargon or technical language that might confuse the reader. Remember that the goal is to communicate your research effectively to a wide audience.Finally, don't forget to proofread your article before you submit it. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes, and make sure your formatting is consistent throughout. It's always a good idea to have someone else read over your article to catch any errors you might have missed.So there you have it, all the tips you need to submit a great article to the "Journal of Chinese Nonferrous Metals" English edition. Good luck, and happy writing!篇3Hey guys, do you know that there's this cool journal called "China Nonferrous Metals Society" that has an English edition? Yeah, it's super awesome! And guess what? They're looking for submissions! So I thought I'd share with you all the guidelines for submitting your work to the journal.First off, make sure your paper is written in English because the journal is in English. The journal accepts original research articles, reviews, and short communications on all aspects of nonferrous metals, so make sure your paper fits into one of those categories.When you're writing your paper, remember to be clear and concise. Make sure your paper has a clear title, an abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. Don't forget to include any tables, figures, or equations that are relevant to your research.Before you submit your paper, make sure it adheres to the journal's formatting and style guidelines. You can find these guidelines on the journal's website. Also, make sure to check your paper for any grammar or spelling errors before submitting it.Once you've got everything ready, you can submit your paper through the journal's online submission system. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and submit all the required information.And that's it! Now you're ready to submit your paper to the "China Nonferrous Metals Society" English edition. Good luck, and happy writing!篇4Hey guys! Do you want to submit your research to the Journal of Chinese Society for Metals in English? Here's a guide to help you out!1. Make sure your research is original and hasn't been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is a big no-no!2. Use clear and concise language in your paper. Avoid jargon and complicated sentences.3. Your paper should be well-organized and have a clear structure: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.4. Don't forget to include your references at the end of your paper. Cite all the sources you used in your research.5. Check your grammar and spelling before submitting your paper. You want to make sure it's easy to read and understand.6. Submit your paper through the journal's online submission system. Follow the instructions carefully and provide all the necessary information.7. Be patient! The review process can take some time, but hang in there. Your hard work will pay off in the end.So there you have it, guys! Good luck with your submission to the Journal of Chinese Society for Metals in English! Keep up the great work and keep shining bright!篇5Hey guys, have you ever thought about submitting an article to the China Nonferrous Metals Society's Journal in English? It's super cool! Here are some tips to help you out:First of all, make sure your article is at least 2000 words long. Don't worry, you can do it! Just share all your awesome ideas and research.Next, remember to include an abstract at the beginning of your article. This is like a summary of what your article is about. It's super important because it helps people know what to expect when they read your article.Also, when you're writing your article, make sure to use clear and simple language. Don't try to sound too fancy or use big words that you don't understand. Just be yourself and explain your ideas in a way that everyone can understand.And don't forget to check your grammar and spelling before you submit your article. You want to make sure everything is perfect so that your article can get published.So there you have it, guys! With these tips, you'll be on your way to submitting an awesome article to the China Nonferrous Metals Society's Journal in no time. Good luck!篇6Hey guys!Today I want to share with you some tips on how to submit your articles to the Journal of Chinese Nonferrous Metals in English! Cool, right?First of all, make sure your article is written in good English. You can ask a teacher or an adult to help you check it for any mistakes. It's gotta be top-notch!Next, you need to include a title that clearly describes what your article is about. The editors need to know what they're getting into, right?Don't forget to include an abstract - a short summary of your article at the beginning. It's like a sneak peek for the editors!When you're writing your article, make sure to divide it into clear sections with headings. It makes it easier for the readers to follow along.Oh, and don't forget to include references to any sources you used in your article. It's important to give credit where credit is due!Lastly, before you submit your article, make sure to read the journal's guidelines carefully. Each journal has its own requirements, so make sure you follow them to a T.And there you have it - your very own guide to submitting articles to the Journal of Chinese Nonferrous Metals in English! Good luck, and happy writing!篇7Hey guys, do you know about the China Nonferrous Metals Society? They have this cool journal called "The Chinese Journalof Nonferrous Metals", and guess what? They also have an English version called "China Nonferrous Metals Journal"!If you wanna submit your work to this awesome journal, here are some tips for you:1. Make sure your article is original and hasn't been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is a big no-no!2. Format your article according to the journal's guidelines. They have specific requirements for things like font size, spacing, and reference style.3. Write a clear and concise abstract that summarizes your research in a nutshell. This helps readers know what your article is all about.4. Include keywords that will help others find your article when searching online.5. Make sure your figures and tables are high-quality and clearly labeled. Nobody likes squinting at blurry images!6. Double-check your references to make sure they are accurate and complete. You don't want to give credit to the wrong person!7. Finally, proofread your article before submitting it. Typos and grammar mistakes can be embarrassing!So there you have it, guys! Follow these tips and you'll be on your way to getting your work published in the China Nonferrous Metals Journal. Good luck!篇8Title: Submission Guidelines for the Journal of China Nonferrous MetalsHey guys! Have you ever thought about submitting your research to a scientific journal? If you're interested in nonferrous metals like copper, aluminum, or zinc, then the Journal of China Nonferrous Metals is the place for you!First things first, make sure your paper follows all the guidelines for submission. Your paper should be written in English and should be at least 2000 words long. Don't forget to include a title, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and references.When you're ready to submit your paper, make sure to include a cover letter with your contact information and a brief explanation of why your research is important. This will help theeditors understand why your paper should be published in their journal.Before you submit, double-check that all of your data is accurate and that your conclusions are supported by your results. It's also important to follow the journal's citation style and format your references correctly.Remember, publishing your research in a journal is a great way to share your findings with the scientific community and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field. So don't be shy, get your paper ready and submit it to the Journal of China Nonferrous Metals today! Good luck!篇9Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about how to submit a paper to the English edition of the China Nonferrous Metals Society's journal. So listen up!First, make sure your paper is original and has valuable research content. No copying from other papers, okay? Your paper should also be well-structured with a clear introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.Next, make sure your paper is written in good English. Don't use Google Translate, it won't give you the best results. If you're not confident in your English, get someone to help you out.Also, make sure your paper follows the journal's formatting guidelines. Use the correct font and size, spacing, and citation style. If you don't follow the guidelines, your paper might be rejected.When you're ready to submit your paper, make sure you have all your materials ready. This includes your paper, any figures or tables, and a cover letter explaining why your paper is important.Finally, when you submit your paper, be patient. It may take some time for the journal to review your paper and give you feedback. Don't worry, just be patient and keep working on your research.And that's it! Now you know how to submit a paper to the China Nonferrous Metals Society's English edition journal. Good luck, and happy writing!篇10Hi guys! Today I want to talk to you about the submission guidelines for the China Nonferrous Metals Society Journal (English Edition). If you want to submit your paper to this journal, here are some things you need to know:1. Make sure your paper is original and hasn't been published elsewhere. The journal only accepts original research papers, reviews, and technical notes.2. Your paper should be written in English and follow the journal's formatting guidelines. This includes using a clear and concise writing style, proper grammar and spelling, and appropriate referencing.3. When submitting your paper, you should include a cover letter with your contact information, a brief description of your study, and a declaration that the paper has not been published elsewhere.4. The journal uses a double-blind peer review process, so the identities of both the authors and reviewers are kept confidential. This helps ensure a fair and unbiased review process.5. Once your paper is submitted, it will be reviewed by experts in the field who will provide feedback and suggestionsfor improvement. You may be asked to revise your paper based on the reviewers' comments before it is accepted for publication.So there you have it, guys! If you want to submit your paper to the China Nonferrous Metals Society Journal (English Edition), make sure to follow these guidelines and you'll be on your way to getting your research published. Good luck!。
«材料与冶金学报»征稿要求«材料与冶金学报»(CN:21 1473/TFꎬISSN:1671 6620ꎬ季刊ꎬ2002年3月创刊)是由东北大学主办㊁公开发行的专业性学术期刊ꎬ开辟的主要栏目有冶金㊁材料㊁材料制备㊁其他.本刊主要报道我国材料㊁冶金学科及相关领域的最新研究成果ꎬ介绍国外相关学科的新动态㊁新理论和新技术ꎬ促进学术研究㊁学术讨论㊁学术交流ꎬ以及科研成果的推广和应用.1.来稿要求论点明确㊁论据充分㊁层次分明㊁条理清晰㊁语句通顺㊁文字精练㊁标点符号正确㊁数据可靠ꎬ文稿打印或书写的顺序规定为:标题ꎬ作者姓名ꎬ单位及所在省㊁市㊁邮政编码(加括号)ꎬ中文摘要ꎬ关键词ꎬ中图分类号(第4版)ꎬ与中文相对应的英文标题ꎬ作者姓名的汉语拼音及单位英文译名ꎬ英文摘要ꎬ英文关键词ꎬ正文ꎬ参考文献.2.如论文属于某科研课题或基金项目ꎬ在首页地脚处写出项目名称及编号ꎻ在首页地脚处写清第一作者姓名(出生年 )㊁性别㊁职称ꎬ除第一作者外其他作者中如具有正高级技术职称ꎬ也请注明与第一作者要求一致的各项内容.将稿件联系人的通讯地址㊁联系电话和E-mail地址写清ꎬ附在文章后面ꎬ以便联系.3.标题不超过20个汉字ꎻ摘要应具有独立性ꎬ包括目的㊁方法㊁结果㊁结论4部分ꎬ字数在200 300个ꎻ关键词3 5个ꎻ参考文献选最主要且公开发表的列在文后作为正式参考文献ꎬ按文章中出现的先后顺序编号ꎬ文稿不可缺少参考文献一项ꎻ若引用的是未公开发表的资料或协作成果ꎬ请以脚注的方式顺序标明在文章出现处的当页地脚处.4.文中使用的外文字母㊁符号ꎬ必须分清大小写㊁正斜体ꎬ一些易混淆的字母请用铅笔在其旁标明ꎻ文中量和单位的使用参照最新国家标准GB3100-93ꎬ3101-93ꎬ3102-93.5.插图力求简明清晰ꎬ用计算机清绘ꎬ线条要匀ꎬ线宽0 2mmꎬ图中文字㊁符号㊁纵横坐标必须与正文一致ꎻ照片要求黑白清晰ꎬ层次分明ꎬ标明比例尺ꎻ表格采用三线表的形式ꎬ图表名应附相应的英文名.6.来稿必须做到清稿㊁最后定稿ꎬ一经排版不得作任何改动ꎬ用计算机方式录入论文(小4号字通栏排在A4复印纸上并设1 5倍的行距ꎬ方正㊁Word或纯文本文件均可).7.参考文献书写格式:(1)期刊文章:作者.文章题目[J].刊名ꎬ年ꎬ卷(期):起止页码.(2)图书㊁专著:作者.书名(专著名)[M].出版地:出版社ꎬ出版年:起止页码.(3)论文集析出文章:文章作者.文章题目[C]//文集编者.论文集名.出版地:出版社ꎬ出版年:起始页码-终止页码.(4)学术论文:作者.学位论文名[D].出版地:保存单位ꎬ出版年.(5)报告:作者.报告名[R].出版地:保存单位ꎬ出版年.(6)国际㊁国家标准:标准编号ꎬ标准名称[S].(7)专利文献:专利所有者.专利题名:专利国别ꎬ专利号[P].公告日期或公开日期.注意事项:参考文献表中的作者㊁编者㊁译者不超过3人时全部写出ꎬ超过时只写前3名ꎬ其后用 等 ꎬ西文用 etal ꎬ俄文用 идр ꎬ日文用 ほが 或 ら ꎻ书写外国人名时ꎬ姓前名后ꎬ姓全部大写ꎬ名用缩写ꎬ不加缩写点.8.对不符合上述要求的稿件ꎬ编辑部有权修改ꎬ来稿一经发表ꎬ即付稿酬(本刊论文如被其他检索刊物及数据库收录ꎬ不再支付稿酬)ꎬ并赠送当期学报2本ꎬ不拟刊登的稿件恕不退还.9.请作者自留底稿ꎬ以备遗失补救之用.10.编辑部收到稿件后ꎬ需经专家审阅和编委会讨论ꎬ在3个月内决定刊用与否ꎬ3个月后作者未收到编辑部的答复ꎬ可自行处理ꎬ此期间内收到修改通知或录用通知者ꎬ不得另投他刊.11.在采用的稿件中如有政治错误及侵权或泄密行为ꎬ作者应负全部责任并承担由此带来的经济损失.12.稿件通过电子信箱网上投稿.E-mail:huji@chinajournal net cnꎻ编辑部电话:024-83687664.«材料与冶金学报»编辑部2020年6月14日。
材料类期刊投稿指南SCI(EI)收录的科技期刊(2003)1 NATURE NATURE 自然0028-0836 27.955/2 SCIENCE SCIENCE 科学0036-8075 23.329/3 SURF SCI REP SURFACE SCIENCE REPORTS 表面科学报告0167-5729 14.091/science/journal/016757294 PROG MATER SCI PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE 材料科学进展0079-6425 14http//www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/4/1/4/5 PROG SURF SCI PROGRESS IN SURFACE SCIENCE 表面科学进展0079-6816 7.96/science/journal/007968166 PHYS REV LETT PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 物理评论快报0031-9007 6.668 /7 MAT SCI ENG R MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING R-REPORTS 材料科学与工程报告0927-796X 6.143/science/journal/0927796X8 ADV POLYM SCI ADVANCES IN POLYMER SCIENCE 聚合物科学发展0065-3195 6.053/science/journal/007967009 ADV MATER ADVANCED MATERIALS 先进材料0935-9648 5.579http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2089/10 ANNU REV MATER SCI ANNUAL REVIEW OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 材料科学年度评论0084-6600 5.405/loi/matsci?cookieSet=111 APPL PHYS LETT APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 应用物理快报0003-6951 3.849 /aplo/12 PROG POLYM SCI PROGRESS IN POLYMER SCIENCE 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