Family Dollar升级IT技术
在没有进行角色划分前,员工工作职责不明确,踢皮球现象时有发生。致使工作进度严 重滞后,IT 运维得不到保障,从而影响到核心业务的开展。
4.1. 系统的合规性...............................................................................................................3 4.2. 单点登录.....................................................................................错误!未定义书签。 4.3. 流程/表单自定义特性.................................................................................................4 4.4. 预定义十三种角色.......................................................................................................4 4.5. 预定义 ITIL 标准流程.................................................................................................6 4.6. 服务目录.......................................................................................................................7 4.7. 服务级别管理...............................................................................................................8 4.8. 资产配置关系遵从国标...............................................................................................9 4.9. 可扩展的 CI 模型.........................................................................................................9 4.10. 多维度可视化视图.....................................................................................................10 4.11. 与 IT 服务流程无缝集成...........................................................错误!未定义书签。 4.12. 智能化报表分析......................................................................................................... 11 5. 产品价值.................................................................................................................................12 IT 运维服务标准化、规范化................................................................................................12 全方位管理 IT 资产...............................................................................................................12 提升企业 IT 投资回报率.......................................................................................................12 缩短故障影响时间 ................................................................................................................. 12 便捷请求 IT 服务...................................................................................................................12 提高 IT 服务质量...................................................................................................................12 提高客户满意度 ..................................................................................................................... 13 提高服务组织内员工的工作成就感 ..................................................................................... 13 6. 典型客户.................................................................................................................................13 7. 联系我们.................................................................................................................................14
ALU 产品手册
目录总体描述 (4)行业解决方案 (5)全业务传送网解决方案 (5)城域网解决方案 (8)骨干网解决方案 (9)数据中心网络解决方案 (10)数据中心互联/出口解决方案 (11)电力数据调度网与综合数据网解决方案 (12)专业DNS_DHCP_IPAM系统解决方案 (13)无源局域网解决方案(POL) (15)端到端L TE解决方案 (17)IMS/NGN解决方案 (19)产品系列 (21)光传送 (21)OTN/WDM 产品-1830 PSS系列产品 (21)PTN-1850 TSS系列产品 (23)MSTP系列产品 (24)微波传输 (25)中短距分组微波-9500 MPR系列产品 (25)长距微波-9600 LSY系列产品 (26)数据承载 (27)骨干/核心路由平台-7950 XRS (27)城域业务路由-7750 SR/7705 SAR (28)MES系列交换机 (30)软件定义网络– Nuage SDN (32)VitalQIP:面向IPv4、IPv6的下一代IP地址管理解决方案 (33)超宽带接入 (34)PON OL T局端设备-7360 ISAM FX (34)丰富的光终端(ONU)系列 (34)LTE无线产品 (37)业务核心网 (38)IMS产品 (38)NGN产品 (38)总体描述通信网的未来将会何去何从?企业期望应对动态的市场和客户需求,实施新的业务策略并开拓新的市场机会,今天的网络已经无法应对日益增长的海量数据,我们需要一个灵活敏捷、伸缩自如的人性化网络,基于IP的网络演进势在必行,而这一切必须以网络为基石。
电子人工智能进入新时代,开启算力需求新篇章伴随着OpenAI 推出的AIGC 产品功能逐渐强大,由此而带来了新的供给。
AIGC 已逐渐跑通成熟的商业模式,并且模型快速迭代,国内厂商奋起直追,促使整个社会对于算力需求的快速提升。
➢ 伴随着OpenAI 推出的AIGC 产品功能逐渐强大,由此而带来了新的需求。
伴随着AIGC 产品的应用场景逐渐丰富,无论是to B 端还是to C 端,都创造出了新的需求。
➢ OpenAI 已逐渐跑通成熟的商业模式,主要采用按量收费方式。
其次最新发布插件功能ChatGPT Plugins 可以帮助客户访问最新信息、运行计算或使用第三方服务。
➢ 算力需求指数级提升,国产替代随之而来。
伴随着AIGC 模型快速迭代,在模型性能实现飞跃式提升的同时,模型所使用参数量与预训练数据量也呈现指数级增长,与之相对应的便是整个社会对于算力需求的快速提升。
➢ 投资建议:我们认为,AIGC 应用面逐渐越来越广,国内各大厂商奋起直追,整个社会对于算力的需求将呈现指数级增长,叠加美日荷对我国半导体行业的掣肘,国产替代随之而来。
重点关注: ➢ 1)GPU 厂商:景嘉微、海光信息;➢ 2)CPU 厂商:海光信息、龙芯中科;➢ 3)FPGA 厂商:紫光国微、复旦微电、安路科技;➢ 4)AI 芯片厂商:寒武纪、国芯科技;➢ 风险提示:AIGC 行业发展进程不及预期;国内厂商由于起步较晚而无法与国际巨头竞争;国产替代进程不及预期。
重点关注标的:简称EPS PE CAGR-3评级22A/E 2023E 2024E 22A/E 2023E 2024E 景嘉微 0.68 0.79 0.90 165.46 142.42 125.01 15% / 寒武纪 -2.91 -1.79 -1.19 -76.22 -123.91 -186.39 36% / 紫光国微 3.10 4.03 5.12 36.23 27.87 21.94 29% 买入复旦微电 1.32 1.85 2.36 48.45 34.57 27.10 34% 增持 安路科技 0.15 0.26 0.49 475.20 274.15 145.47 81% 增持 海光信息 0.35 0.54 0.85 258.71 167.69 106.53 56% / 国芯科技 0.35 0.941.49 206.37 76.84 48.48 106% /数据来源:公司公告,iFinD ,国联证券研究所预测,股价取2023年4月19日收盘价 证券研究报告 2023年04月20日投资建议: 强于大市(维持评级)上次建议: 强于大市相对大盘走势Table_First|Table_Author 分析师:熊军执业证书编号:S0590522040001 邮箱:*****************.cn分析师:孙树明执业证书编号:S0590521070001 邮箱:**************.cn联系人 刘欢宇邮箱:**************.cn相关报告1、《北方华创业绩超预期,设备材料有望维持高增长电子》2023.04.152、《周期复苏叠加AI 创新有望推动电子大行情电子》2023.04.083、《美光释放乐观预期,存储芯片有望迎来周期拐点电子》2023.04.03本报告仅供 y bj ie s ho u @e a s t m o n e y .c o m 邮箱所有人使用,未经许可,不得外投资聚焦研究背景北京时间3月14日晚间,谷歌宣布将进一步在其产品中引入人工智能(AI )技术,北京时间2023年3月15日凌晨,OpenAI 宣布正式推出GPT-4。
Deflation通货紧缩Economy of scale;scaled economy经济规模Slack(sluggish,sagging,inactive)market市场疲软Brisk(flourishing,active)market市场火旺Market access市场准入Buyer’s/seller’s market买方/卖方市场Quote a price;give a quotation报价Hot money from abroad国际游资Absorb idle fund吸收游资Invite tenders(bids)/submit a tender/win(get)the tender招标/投标/中标The system of public bidding for projects招标投标制Trade surplus/deficit贸易顺差/逆差Trade(trading)partner贸易伙伴Customs barrier;tariff wall关税壁垒Win-win result for both A and B;benefit both sides双赢Multi-win/multiple-win result多赢Annual business volume(turnover)年营业额Invite investment招商Popular investment spot;hot destination for investment;investment hot spot投资热点Investment infixed assets固定资本投资Infrastructure基础设施Make the economy more market-oriented使经济进一步市场化The globalization trend in economic development经济发展全球化的趋势Economic globalization经济全球化The joint stock system股份制The joint stock cooperative system股份合作制Who holds the controlling shares?谁控股?Debt-to-equity swap债转股Economic depression(slump,recession)/economic take-off/economic boom经济萎缩/起飞/兴旺Curb inflation/hyperinflation遏制通货膨胀/恶性通货膨胀City Council市议会Trust fund信托基金BRICs“金砖四国”(巴西,俄罗斯,印度,中国)第一/第二/第三产业the primary/secondary/tertiary industry(the service sector)国内生产总值GDP(Gross Domestic Product)举办2010年世博会host the2010World Exposition(Expo)消费者物价指数CPI(Consumer Price Index)技术/劳动/资本/知识密集型产业technology-intensive/labor-intensive/capital-intensive/knowledge-intensive industries经济体制改革economic restructuring经济市场化/私有化the marketization/privatization of the economy恶性循环vicious cycle/circle良性循环beneficent/virtuous cycle鼓励兼并,规范破产encourage mergers and standardize bankruptcy procedures公司分立与解散separation an dissolution of a company国家控股公司state-controlled share company控股公司holding company创业园,孵化器high-tech business incubator;pioneer park企业孵化器enterprise incubator新的经济增长点new point of economic growth外向型经济/城市export-oriented economy/a foreign-oriented city,international city涉外经济foreign-oriented/foreign-related business长江三角洲the Yangtze River delta经济技术开发区economic and technological development zone采取市场多元化战略adopt the strategy of a multi-outlet market刺激内需stimulate domestic demand保持良好的增长势头maintain the healthy(good)momentum of growth可持续发展sustainable development防止经济过热prevent an overheated economy(overheating of the economy)防止国有资产流失prevent the loss of state assets减轻就业压力ease the pressure of unemployment(the employment pressure)防止泡沫经济avoid a bubble economy(too many bubbles in the economy)政企分开separate administrative functions from enterprise management;separate administration from management实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制practice the system of the general-manager responsibility under the leadership of the board of directors(BOD)总裁president首席执行官CEO(chief executive officer)管理层收购MBO(Management Buying Out)收购、合并acquisition and merger技术更新/改造technological updating/renovation亏损企业money-losing(debt-ridden,loss-making,unprofitable)enterprises;enterprises that operate at a loss扭亏为盈turn losses into profits减员增效increase efficiency by reducing(downsizing,cutting)the staff;downsize for efficiency 增强竞争力enhance(increase sharpen)the competitiveness(the competitive ability)私人企业private enterprises(companies,firms,businesses)外资企业foreign-invested(foreign-funded,foreign-financed,foreign-owned)enterprises外商独资企业wholly(solely)foreign-owned enterprises中外合资企业100强the top100sino-foreign(Chinese-foreign)joint ventures跨国公司a transnational corporation(a transnational,a multinational corporation,a multinational)母公司/子公司/分公司/办事处the parent company/subsidiary/branch/representative office吸引外资attract foreign capital;lure overseas funds全面投产(开工)go into(enter)full operation;become fully operational获薄利earn(make)narrow profits获厚利earn(make,reap)substantial profits总产值创历史最高纪录Total output value bit a record high(an all-time high)扣除通货膨胀因素后的人均实际年收入the annual per-capita income in real terms(allowing for inflation)人均住房per-capita housing商品房空置的想象the vacancy problem in commercial housing按揭贷款mortgage loan按揭购房buy an apartment on a mortgage期房forward delivery housing物业管理estate management,property management住房公积金housing provident fund;public accumulation fund for housing;public housing reserve fund经济适用房affordable apartment;economical housing廉租房low-rent housing/apartments增值的valued added技术密集型特长technology-intensive;technologically intensive海外侨胞overseas compatriot创业活动entrepreneurial activity信息技术产业IT(information technology)industries/sectors贸易逆差trade deficit机电产业electro-mechanical products与时俱进keep pace with the times互利共赢mutual benefit and win-winBanknote/a five-pound note/a ten-dollar bill钞票/一张五镑的钞票/一张十美元钞票The exchange rate between the US dollar and the British pound美元与英镑之间的兑换率The period of(an)economic boom/depression经济繁荣/萧条(不景气)时期Good/brisk/bad/slack business繁荣、活跃/疲软、萧条的商务Deposit money in the bank把钱存在银行内Draw money from the bank/from one’s account从银行/从自己的存款中取钱Current/savings/check account活期/储蓄/支票账户Traveler’s checks/cheques旅行支票The principal and the interest本金与利息Credit card信用卡Commercial bank商业银行Issue stocks and bonds发行股票、债券Financing;fund-raising融资Financing channel融资渠道Financial crisis(turmoil)金融危机The depreciation(devaluation)pressure on the US dollar美元贬值的压力Devaluation of currency/the US dollar货币/美元的贬值Appreciation of the Japanese yen日元的升值The Japanese yen appreciated steadily against the US dollar日元对美元稳步升值Stagnant debts and bad debts;non-performing funds呆账与坏账Euro/Euroland欧元/欧元区The Dow Jones industrial average道琼斯工业平均指数The NASDAQ(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system)Index 纳斯达克指数The Hang Seng Index(香港)恒生指数The Nikkei Index日经指数中国的黄金储备/外汇储备China’s gold reserve/foreign exchange reserve通货膨胀已得到控制The inflation has been brought under control人民币对美元汇率升值the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate against the USD最终将实现人民币自由兑换The free convertibility of the Renminbi will eventually be instituted./The RMB will finally become a convertible currency与美元联系汇率制the system of pegging the currency to the U.S.dollar依法收税levy taxes according to law加强税收tighten tax collection增值税value-added tax(VAT)个人所得税individual income tax个人收入应税申报制度the system of the declaration of individual incomes for tax payment出口退税export tax rebate;refunding export taxes;refunding taxes to exporters保护性关税protective tariffs反倾销anti-dumping补贴与反补贴措施subsidies and countervailing measures流动资金circulating funds(floating capital)上海证券交易所the Shanghai Securities Exchange股市指数the stock market(exchange)index股票热降温了。
© 2014厦门融通信息技术有限责任公司版权2目录1综述 (6)1.1国际水准的资金管理模式分享 (6)1.1.1完整的资金业务体系 (6)1.1.2相对独立的资金管理部门 (7)1.1.3先进的资金管理模式与应用系统 (7)1.2系统建设目标 (10)1.2.1搭建集团资金监控管理平台 (10)1.2.2提高资金管理信息收集能力,辅助集团资金管理决策101.2.3整合内部资源,提高业务处理效率,降低业务交易成本101.2.4进行集中管理,实现规模优势,提高集团信用度,增强外融资能力 (11)1.2.5规范资金管理业务流程,提升管理控制能力,防范资金风险111.2.6搭建集团资金管理服务平台,提高资金管理服务质量111.3系统设计原则 (12)1.3.1技术先进性 (12)1.3.2管理适用性 (12)1.3.3应用集成性 (12)1.3.4标准化和可重用 (13)1.3.5可靠性和易用性 (13)1.3.6可扩展性和可维护性 (14)2基于业务的产品解决方案 (15)2.1产品概述 (15)2.1.1综述 (15)2.1.2对集团企业的价值 (16)2.1.3产品特点 (19)2.2系统架构 (22)2.2.1应用架构 (22)2.2.2技术架构 (23)2.2.3架构优势 (24)2.3企业金融应用平台 (25)2.3.1平台概述 (25)2.3.2平台特点 (26)2.3.3平台介绍 (26)2.3.4基础数据管理 (28)2.3.5参数管理 (52)2.3.6客户管理 (72)2.3.7账户管理 (78)2.4资金管理业务功能 (99)2.4.1资金集中 (99)2.4.2银企网关 (106)2.4.3资金结算 (107)2.4.4资金监控与分析 (115)2.4.5资金预算与计划 (116)2.4.6存款管理 (121)2.4.7贷款管理 (125)2.4.8票据管理 (149)2.4.9筹融资管理 (157)2.4.10报表管理 (161)2.4.11风险管理 (163)2.5客户服务业务功能 (177)2.5.1客户服务系统 (177)2.5.2电子回单及对账 (201)3技术解决方案 (204)3.1网络拓扑图和系统部署 (204)3.2客户化开发 (206)3.2.1业务流程模板开发 (206)3.2.2应用组件的配置 (206)3.2.3个性化业务开发 (206)3.2.4外部系统接口实现 (206)3.2.5报表开发 (206)3.2.6数据迁移 (207)3.3系统环境 (207)3.3.1运行环境 (207)3.3.2开发环境 (207)3.3.3测试环境 (207)3.3.4生产环境 (208)3.4系统性能 (208)3.4.1性能设计的主要策略 (208)3.4.2性能设计目标 (209)3.5数据存储、备份及故障恢复 (209)3.5.1数据存储和备份 (209)3.5.2备份计划 (210)3.5.3数据恢复 (210)3.6系统应急措施 (210)3.7系统配置建议 (211)3.7.1配置原则 (211)3.7.2配置策略 (212)1综述1.1国际水准的资金管理模式分享1.1.1 完整的资金业务体系完整的资金业务体系不仅包括业务处理部分,还应该包括管理分析与控制部分。
着眼大金融,业务格局清晰,张弛有度 ............................................ 4
应用软件产业的升级路径 ............................................................................. 4 恒生电子符合大数据趋势之行业垂直整合 .................................................... 5 恒生电子的产业格局和演进方向 .................................................................. 6
净利润增长率 市盈率(倍) 行业优化平均市盈率(倍) 净资产收益率 每股净资产(元) 每股经营性现金(元) 发行股数(百万股)
2010 0.351 6.35% 57.76 60.85 22.07%
1.59 0.28 623.75
2011 0.408 16.35% 30.01 48.97 20.89%
金融大创新,恒生新机遇 ................................................................. 8
证券行业——业务创新,恒生先行............................................................... 8 基财行业——引领商业模式的变革............................................................. 12 银行业——聚焦财富管理,通过收购实现跨越式增长 ................................ 13
世纪商务英语Unit 11
Unit 11 名人Background KnowledgeI. Michael DellMichael Dell is the founder and CEO of Dell computer corporation that is the world’s largest direct computer company. He is also the youngest person ever to head a Fortune 500 firm. And he is the longest-serving CEO in the computer industry.Michael Dell is clearly a genius in the computer world and business field. At age 13, he got a knack for taking apart the motherboard of his Apple II computer; when he was a senior in high school, he began to show his talent in business. He sold so many newspapers subscriptions that he was able to pay cash when he bought a BMW; In 1983, at 18, as a freshman at the University of Texas, Austin, Dell started selling custom-made personal computers and components out of his dorm room; A year later, with $ 1000 in startup capital, he set up his business and dropped out of university. The day his former classmates were graduating, his sales had already hit $ 70 million a year; At 33, the visionary CEO of Dell Computer is at the pinnacle of the entire PC industry. Today, he runs the second largest (after the HP-Compaq merger) and still fastest growing PC maker in the world with a market capitalization of well over $ 100 billion. What’s more, his revolutionary insights into busines s processes provide invaluable lessons for many other industries as well.What qualifications or achievements make him a leader?(1) He knew his goal clearly and unwaveringly focused on it. When he was a freshman incollege, Michael Dell declared that he wanted to beat IBM. In the following years, he started his own business and achieved his goal unceasingly, no matter what difficulties he faced with. Today, Dell company revenues are about $ 7.8 billion a year. He has passed IBM in annual sales, and is closing in on industry leader Compaq.(2) He has strong sense of innovation. As a successful entrepreneur, he is fond of doingsomething new and takes a risk and works hard to make them work. He also cherishes difference and thinks difference can breed innovation. He hired a diverse work force in his teams with different angles on problems.He dares to change his position and do something new. When he saw opportunity ahead that selling custom-made PCs and components was very profitable, he made a decision to d rop out of university and started his own business. Dell’s sense of innovation makes him hold lots of number 1 record in computer industry. Dell was first in the PC industry to pioneer high-quality, low-cost, direct selling model to end-user. He was also a pioneer to use the World Wide Web to sell products. His company now sells approximately $50 million worth of products on the Net daily, making it one of the world’s largest Windows-based e-commerce sites.(3) He has full responsibility either for business or for family and keeps good balancebetween work and life. He worked hard to create tremendous value for its customers, itsemployees and shareholders. In the spare time, he also spent more time with his wife and kids and wants to be a great dad and a great husband. Every day he drives his kids to school; he always makes pancakes for his kids.(4) Michael Dell has a powerful vision for the future and develops unique business philosophy.He wants his company to have an unrivaled speed to market; an unwavering dedication to customer service; a fierce commitment to producing consistently high-quality, low-priced, custom-made machines; and a shrewd exploitation of the Internet. The vision makes Dell computer successful and unique in the world. What is more, he knows how to use the vision to communicate and motivate his employees and get people excited what he is doing. Dell says ―A lot of businesses get off track because they don’t communicate an excitement about being part of a winning team that can achieve b ig goals.‖II. David Beckham, Soccer Player⊙Born: 2 May 1975⊙Birthplace: Leytonstone, England⊙Best Known As: English soccer midfield star and Mr. Posh SpiceDavid Beckham is a leading English footballer whose popularity extends beyond the field and into international celebrity. Beckham was already a crowd-pleasing star for Manchester United when he married Spice Girls star Victoria Adams (―Posh Spice‖) in July of 1999; the combination of the two heartthrobs proved irresistible to the press and public, and they became one of Britain's most famous couples. As a player Beckham is particularly known for his free kick expertise and spectacular long-range shots (including a famous goal from midfield against Wimbledon in 1996). Manchester United sold Beckham to the Spanish team Real Madrid for a transfer fee of 35 million euros (about 25 million British pounds) in June of 2003. Beckham was disqualified from the 1998 World Cup for a rough foul in England's loss to Argentina, but returned to play in the 2002 and 2006 World Cups. He was captain of the English national team from 2000 until 2006, when he stepped down from the role after a loss to Portugal in the World Cup quarterfinals. In 2007 he signed a multi-million dollar contract to leave Real Madrid and move to the United States and play for the L.A. Galaxy; he first suited up for his new team in a "friendly" match against Chelsea on 21 July 2007.Beckham typically plays midfield. His popular nickname is ―Becks‖. He has three sons with Victoria Beckham: Brooklyn (b. 4 March 1999, Romeo (b. 1 September 2002) and Cruz (b. 20 February 2005). Beckham wore uniform number 7 with Manchester United; upon joining Real Madrid he switched to number 23, with 7 already taken by his teammate Raul; he kept the jersey number with the Galaxy. Real Madrid was already home to several other superstars, including Luis Figo, Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidane. The 2002 film Bend It Like Beckham (starring Keira Knightley) was a fictional tale about a soccer-loving teenager. Beckham didn’t star in the movie, but the title has become synonymous with his name. The title refers to Beckham’s skill at curling shots around defenders.Fast Facts⊙Captain of England’s team in the 2006 World Cup games⊙At age 12, won a Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills award, including a trip to Nou Camp stadium, Barcelona⊙Among his many tattoos, are the names of his sons, his wife Victoria’s name in Hindi, a guard ian angel, cherubs and Michelangelo’s image of heaven, with rays coming from a sun and clouds floating behind⊙Married to former Spice Girl Victoria Adams⊙He and his wife are students of Kabbalah; both have tattoos with phrase from Song of Songs, ―I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me...‖⊙Won 1997’s PFA Young Player of the Year⊙Wears a new pair of football boots every game he plays at an estimated cost of £300 ($565)a pair⊙An experiment at Manchester United showed that he ran an average 8.8 miles per game –more than any other player on the team⊙After playing with Manchester United from 1994-2003, signed three-year £25 million ($47 million) contract with Real Madrid (2003)⊙His goal for Manchester United over the head of the Wimbledon goalkeeper from the halfway line was selected Premier League Goal of the Decade in 2003Quotes⊙―One thing will not change —we will be going out to win.‖ — David Beckham⊙―People react to criticism in different ways, and my way is definitely to com e out fighting.‖ — David BeckhamReading Skill FocusPractice 3Automation is the introduction of electronic control and automatic operation of productive machinery, which reduces human factors and increase productivity.Reading MosaicComprehensive Reading迈克尔·戴尔:个人电脑产业的革新者1 迈克尔·戴尔,1965年2月生,1984年从他得克萨斯大学的宿舍里走上成功之路,以1000美元和一个为大学生提供买得起的个人电脑的想法起家。
PQ R 分析
— Step 1: Obtain at least 6 months of data on products made and production output quantities. (If known, future production quantities would be better.)
在多种类小批量生产的工厂里(如图3所示),通过对工艺路线的分析, 识别 成组技术和产品系列(下部分会讲到). 在下面的图表里, A组部件占了生产 总量的70%.这就说明了需要一条单独的生产线.
B组和C组的产品占了30%--39%, 我们将把他们作为一组或是一个系列.
Wide Variety—Small Lot Production
▪ Products falling into groups B&C represent the remaining 30-39%, and will be reviewed for a group or family.
Wide Variety—Small Lot Production
历年高级口译考题翻译部分精解第一套英译中Since Darwin, biologists have been-firmly convinced that nature works without plan or meaning, pursuing no aim by the direct road of design. But today we see that this conviction is a fatal error. Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational? Do not aircraft design engineers work, at precisely that point where specific calculations and plans give out, according to the same principle of evolution, when they test the serviceability of a great number of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel, in order to choose the one that functions best? Can we say that there is no process of natural selection when nuclear physicists, through thousands of computer operations, try to find out which materials, in which combinations and with what structural form, are best suited to the building of an atomic reactor? They also practise no designed adaptation, but work by the principle of selection. But it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational.中译英1995年10月,黄浦江上又一座大桥凌空飞架,将浦南与奉贤连接起来,成为继徐浦、南浦、杨浦三座大桥之后建成通车的第四座大桥——奉浦大桥。
历年高级口译考题翻译部分精解第一套英译中Since Darwin, biologists have been-firmly convinced that nature works without plan or meaning, pursuing no aim by the direct road of design. But today we see that this conviction is a fatal error. Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational? Do not aircraft design engineers work, at precisely that point where specific calculations and plans give out, according to the same principle of evolution, when they test the serviceability of a great number of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel, in order to choose the one that functions best? Can we say that there is no process of natural selection when nuclear physicists, through thousands of computer operations, try to find out which materials, in which combinations and with what structural form, are best suited to the building of an atomic reactor? They also practise no designed adaptation, but work by the principle of selection. But it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational.中译英1995年10月,黄浦江上又一座大桥凌空飞架,将浦南与奉贤连接起来,成为继徐浦、南浦、杨浦三座大桥之后建成通车的第四座大桥——奉浦大桥。
《大模型时代的基础架构》读书笔记目录一、内容描述 (2)二、大模型时代的挑战与机遇 (3)2.1 大模型带来的挑战 (5)2.1.1 计算资源的限制 (6)2.1.2 数据隐私与安全问题 (7)2.1.3 模型可解释性与透明度 (9)2.2 大模型带来的机遇 (10)2.2.1 新算法与新架构的出现 (11)2.2.2 跨领域合作与创新 (12)三、大模型时代的基础架构 (14)3.1 硬件架构 (15)3.1.1 GPU与TPU的发展与应用 (16)3.1.2 其他硬件技术的发展 (18)3.2 软件架构 (19)3.2.1 深度学习框架的功能与特点 (21)3.2.2 软件架构的可扩展性与灵活性 (22)3.3 优化与加速 (23)3.3.1 模型压缩技术 (24)3.3.2 知识蒸馏技术 (26)四、大模型时代的基础架构发展趋势 (27)4.1 技术融合与创新 (28)4.1.1 硬件与软件的融合 (29)4.1.2 多种技术的综合应用 (31)4.2 用户需求与市场导向 (32)4.2.1 用户需求的变化 (34)4.2.2 市场导向的影响 (35)五、结论 (37)一、内容描述《大模型时代的基础架构》是一本关于人工智能和深度学习领域的重要著作,作者通过对当前最先进的技术和方法的深入剖析,为我们揭示了大模型时代下的基础架构设计原则和实践经验。
数字金融对居民消费升级的挑战 与问题
一些用户对数字金融的安全风险认识不足,容易被钓鱼网站、恶意软件等攻击, 造成财产损失。
由于技术漏洞,可能会导致用户信息泄露或资金被盗,如账户被黑客攻击、系统 故障等。
数字银行能够突破地域限制,提供更加便捷的金融服务,使得更多人能够享受到金融服务 ,从而提高了整体的消费水平。
数字银行提供的各种优惠活动和奖励政策,激发了消费者的购买欲望,从而推动了消费升 级。同时,数字银行提供的理财产品和服务,也能够帮助消费者实现财富增值,进一步提 高消费者的消费能力和意愿。
数字金融能够快速、便捷地满足消费 者对金融服务的需求,提高金融服务 的普及率和覆盖面。
消费升级是指消费者在购买力提 高、消费观念转变的基础上,对 消费品的需求层次、品质、结构 等方面进行的升级。
随着经济发展和人民生活水平的 提高,消费升级已成为当前及未 来一段时期内社会经济发展的重 要趋势。
建立用户信息保护制度, 明确信息使用范围和保护 措施,确保用户信息的安 全性和隐私性。
惠普SWOT案例分析目录一、内容概览 (2)1.1 分析背景与目的 (3)1.2 分析范围与方法 (3)二、惠普概况 (4)2.1 公司简介 (5)2.2 业务范围 (6)三、惠普优势 (7)3.1 技术创新 (9)3.2 品牌影响力 (10)3.3 全球市场布局 (11)四、惠普劣势 (12)4.1 高度依赖技术创新 (13)4.2 竞争激烈 (15)4.3 高运营成本 (16)五、惠普机会 (17)5.1 新兴市场增长 (18)5.2 云计算发展 (19)5.3 企业数字化转型 (21)六、惠普威胁 (23)6.1 激烈的市场竞争 (24)6.2 法规政策变化 (25)6.3 技术变革风险 (26)七、结论与建议 (28)7.1 结论总结 (29)7.2 发展战略建议 (30)一、内容概览本文档旨在深入剖析惠普(HP)公司的SWOT分析,全面评估其优势、劣势、机会与威胁。
华为 3 升 级 日本银行 网络 o C m
据 华 为 a o 海 外 I 程 师介 绍 , 为客 户提 供 专业,快捷 、规 范的服 Cm 短短 两年半 的时间 华 为 3 o 公司 的成长令人 瞩 目。在坚持 以客户 Cr n 个 P电话 系统 由于分批 务 目前 已在北京等地 设有 5 客 需 求为导 向的策略 指引下 华 为3 o 在广 泛服务 国内各行 业信息 化建设 原新 生银行 的 i Cr n
的同时 .华 为3 o 在 海外市 场赢得 了包 括 日本 新生银 行 、标志 一雪铁龙 Cr n 公 司 泰国宋卡 太子大学 等一 系列国际 客户的信 赖与认 可。 在此 我们 希望通过 ~个个鲜 活的 案例 ,跟 随华为 3 o 国际化市 场 Cr n
购 买不 同品 牌 ,在供 电标 准以及协 户服 务中心 ,建 立 了全球 客户 问题 O 议 方 面相 当复杂,S 9 2 IP R的 统一 处理平 台,还 在国内建立 了5  ̄ 5E w V i L N ( oeVA c 综合语 音虚拟 局域 网) 个 区域 服 务中心 和 区域备 件 系统 , 确保 了与其他厂 商的非标 准协议 兼 在 饿 罗 斯 、 法 国 、 德 国 、 巴 西 等 地 容的成功应 用 ,并通过设 计兼容 其 建 有海外 区域备件 中心 ,并 通过先
技 术 后 ,尽 管 火 线 能 再 片 ,但 决 方案 ,主 动干扰是 一种能 够让用 j RF D测 读 仍然 能够 直接读 取标 户主动 使削 广播 干扰 信 号的 设备 , 各式 各样 的 R I标签 I F D 签 内容 。
用 来十扰周 围的合法 R D系统, FI 目
难题 二 ;干 扰信号读 取
现实 的应用场 景 巾, a能 会 r
myfamilyrulers英语作文初一My Family RulesAh, families! They're the people who are supposed to love us unconditionally, guide us, and teach us right from wrong. But let's be real, they can also be a bunch of crazy rule-makers that drive us nuts sometimes! In my house, we've got a whole bunch of rules that my parents enforce, and I'm here to spill the tea on all of them.Rule #1: No Screens During MealtimesThis one is an absolute classic! My parents are adamant that family mealtimes should be sacred, tech-free zones where we can all connect and catch up on each other's lives. Sounds great in theory, but have you ever tried having a conversation with your little brother who's obsessed with Minecraft? It's like talking to a brick wall!Rule #2: Bed by 9 PM on School NightsUgh, this rule is the bane of my existence! Just when I'm getting into the groove of binge-watching my favorite show or gaming with my friends online, my parents barge in and start nagging about getting enough sleep. Hello, I'm 13 years old, not 5! I think I can handle staying up a little later.Rule #3: No Leaving the House Without Telling UsThis one is for our "safety," apparently. My parents want to know our every move, just in case we get abducted by aliens or something. Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but still, it's annoying having to check in with them every time I want to hang out with my friends.Rule #4: Chores, Chores, and More ChoresIn the [Your Last Name] household, we're all expected to pitch in and do our fair share of chores. From washing dishes to mowing the lawn, there's always some task waiting for us. And if we slack off, you can bet your bottom dollar that we'll get an earful from our parents about "responsibility" and "pulling our weight."Rule #5: Straight A's or BustAcademics are a big deal in my family, and my parents expect nothing less than straight A's from us. They're always harping on about how good grades will open doors for us in the future, blah blah blah. Sometimes, I just want to scream, "Can't I enjoy being a kid for a little while longer?!"Rule #6: Family Game NightEvery Friday night, we have to put aside our phones, turn off the TV, and engage in good old-fashioned family bonding time. This usually involves playing board games or card games that my parents insist are "fun" but are really just thinly veiled attempts to torture us with boredom.Rule #7: No Swearing, EverMy parents have zero tolerance for foul language, even if it's just a harmless word like "crap" or "dang." They claim it's unbecoming and disrespectful, but let's be real, we're teenagers – a little bit of swearing is practically a rite of passage!Rule #8: Curfew on WeekendsJust when we think we might get a break from all the rules, my parents hit us with the weekend curfew. We have to be home by a certain time, usually around 10 or 11 PM, or else we'll face the wrath of our angry parents. It's like they think we'll turn into pumpkins or something if we stay out too late!Rule #9: Mandatory Family OutingsAt least once a month, my parents insist that we go on a "fun" family outing together. This usually involves dragging us to some boring museum or nature hike that we have zero interest in. Can't we just stay home and veg out for once?Rule #10: Respecting Our EldersThis one is drilled into us from the moment we can understand English. We're expected to show respect to our grandparents, aunts, uncles, and anyone else who's older than us. It's all about using proper titles, keeping our voices down, and generally acting like little angels whenever we're around older relatives.Phew, that's a lot of rules to keep track of! But I guess that's just part of being a kid in my family. Sure, some of the rules might seem a little overboard or outdated, but deep down, I know my parents only want what's best for us. And who knows, maybe one day when I'm a parent myself, I'll be enforcing my own set of crazy rules on my kids. It's just the never-ending cycle of family life!。
1. 金融科技的背景金融科技的兴起源于对传统金融行业的不满。
2. 金融科技的应用领域金融科技的应用领域广泛,几乎涵盖了金融行业的各个方面。
以下是几个重要的金融科技应用领域:2.1 金融支付传统的金融支付方式通常需要人们到银行柜台或者ATM机上处理,手续繁琐且需要时间。
2.2 金融借贷金融科技的另一个重要应用领域是借贷服务。
2.3 金融投资金融科技还为个人和机构提供了更多的投资机会和工具。
2.4 金融风险管理金融科技还应用于风险管理领域。
Tell me the current rate for RMB, please.请告诉我人民币的现价。
What's your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today?你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少?What's the dollar going for today?美圆今天的售价是多少?Our buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 dollars.我们100美圆的现钞买入价是523元。
It's 200 French francs at today's selling rate.今天的卖出价是200法国法郎。
The buying rate of U.S. dollar notes is 460 yuan per hundred dollars.美圆现钞买入价是100美圆付460元。
And how much will it be in Japanese currency?换成日本币是多少?How much would I get for 300 Japanese yen?300日圆可兑换多少钱?Useful Phrases:buying rate 买进价格selling rate 卖出价格I'd like to know the exchange rate for German marks.我想知道德国马克的兑换率。
What rate are you giving?你们提供的兑换率是多少?What's the exchange rate today?今天的兑换率是多少?Please tell me what you would give me for my U.S. dollars.请告诉我这些美圆可以兑换多少钱。
Please tell me the current rate for sterling.请告诉我英国货币的现行兑换率。
1. What will Lucy do at 11:30 tomorrow?A. Go out for lunch.B. See her dentist.C. Visit a friend.2. What is the weather like now?A. It’s sunny.B. It’s rainy.C. It’s cloudy.3. Why does the man talk to Dr. Simpson?A. To make an apology.B. To ask for help.C. To discuss his studies.4. How will the woman get back from the railway station?A. By train.B. By car.C. By bus.5. What does Jenny decide to do first?A. Look for a job.B. Go on a trip.C. Get an assistant.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What time is it now?A. 1:45.B. 2:10.C. 2:15.7. What will the man do?A. Work on a project.B. See Linda in the library.C. Meet with Professor Smith.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
初级口语:A Ten-Dollar Bill
初级口语:A Ten-Dollar BillLesson 25Text AA Ten-Dollar BillSam waited patientlythe long line at the grocery store. He had comepick up a few items for his mother. He often did Chores for his parents after school. He enjoyed helping out at Homes, As he waited, he daydreamed about the new camera he Wantedbuy. He wantedbuysoon because his family v'as ;oinga vacation, and he wanted.take picturestheir trip. There was only one problem. He needed seven more dollarshuy the camera. His lawn-mowing job at the Smith's should provide the money shortly.Suddenly Sam was roughly shoved aside. He recognized Mrs Sanders, an unkind and unfriendly person who livedhis block. She had shovedfronthim without even smiling. Just as Mrs Sanders received her change and her purchases, a ten-dollar bill flew outher hand and fell at Sam's feet. Mrs Sanders, however, was too busy criticizing the cashier for bis slownessnotice. As Sam bentpick up the money, he thought quickly. The money did belongMrs Sanders, but she deservedloseafter the way she had behaved, and, with it, he could buy the camera.Text BA Baby-sitterColintalkingJack about yesterday evening. Jack went out, but Colin hadstay at home. JACK: Why did your parents make you stay at home?CoLIN: They wantedgo out , and so they made me look aftermy baby brother.JACK:Didn't you mind doing it?COLIN: No,didn't. My brother was very good anddid quite a lothomework.JACK: Didn't you even wantgothe cinema?COLIN: Not really.watched television for an hour.JACK: What wastelevision last night?CoLIN: Boxing. It was excellent.JAcK: Oh.enjoy watching boxingtelevision, too.What a pitymissedlast night!CoLIN: What did you do last night?JACK: wenta boxing-matchthe sports stadium.QuestionText B7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the storyyour partner.Miss Green was very fat. She weighed 00 kilos, and shewas getting heavier every month , so she wentsee her doctor. , He said, "You need a diet, Miss Green, and I've got a goodone here. "He gave her a small book and said, "Read this carefully and eat the thingspage every day. Then come back and see metwo weeks' time. "Miss Green came again two weeks later, but she wasn't thinner; she was fatter. The doctor was surprised and said, "Are you eating the thingspage the small book?""Yes , doctor , she answered.The next day the doctor visited Miss Green during her dinner. She was very surprisedsee him."Miss Green," he said, "Why are you eating potatoes and bread? They aren'tyour diet. ""But, doctor," Miss Green answered, "I ate my diet atlunch time. Thismy dinner.。