2012年第11期吉林省教育学院学报No.11,2012第28卷JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JILIN PROVINCEVol .28(总311期)Total No .311收稿日期:2012—07—27作者简介:马莉(1980—),女,湖北洪湖人。
初试准考证号 100689050200328 100689050200402 100689050200412 100689050200324 100689050200420 100689050200353 100689050200309 100689050200357 100689050200405 100689050200415 100689050200301 100689050200316 100689050200338 100689050200351 100689050200332 100689050200256 100689050200418 100689050200404 100689050200329 100689050200358 100689050200306 100689050200337 100689050200313 100689050200333 100689050200414 100689050200255 100689050200252 100689050200303 100689050200319 100689050200254 专业 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 英语语言文学 专业(方向) 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 英语翻译理论与实践 姓名 安世月 苑婷婷 齐若楠 王彦彤 任泽鹏 贾志欣 安素艳 王倩 赵欣 王燕燕 杨朔 魏然 张雪莹 丁家善 王艳丽 姜玥 吴巧媛 田双 高俊清 张敏 韩立美 高谊静 赵汝宁 张肖肖 祁宏 侯姝彤 孙明宇 胡苗苗 尹微笑 姜旗 复试成绩 初试成绩 录取成绩 82.22 83.12 79.72 80.2 79.16 76.72 75.64 79.54 69.46 70.34 77.54 72.82 72.54 72.58 69.62 69.38 68.46 68.14 64.56 64.98 69.02 65.58 67.32 69.86 69.36 66.5 65.8 65.2 64.46 60.84 392 382 389 386 382 393 389 364 404 398 362 384 385 382 390 388 388 386 401 397 374 391 378 362 362 372 363 362 356 355 80.31 79.76 78.76 78.7 77.78 77.66 76.72 76.17 75.13 74.97 74.97 74.81 74.77 74.49 73.81 73.49 73.03 72.67 72.38 72.19 71.91 71.89 71.46 71.13 70.88 70.45 69.2 68.8 67.83 65.92
到 自己的进 步会 更加 热爱语 音学 习 。 5 . 不 断提 高教 师 的业务 水平 。语 音教 师不 仅要 加强 自
5 . 教 师的发 音不 准 。教 师 自身水 平不 够也 是影 响 同学
发音 的重 要 因素 。由于 师资 来源 不 同 ,各 地教 师 自身 的教 身 的语音 水平 ,勤学 苦练 、精益 求精 ,还要 不断 创新 ,研
容乐 观 ,很 少有 大学 生 的英语 语 音达 到标 准 的程度 ,甚 至 外 国人 理解 和接受 只能 靠运气 了 。
在他们 毕业 走 向工 作 岗位时 ,这个 问题 仍 旧困扰着 他们 。
二、解 决对 策 鉴于 以上 的种种 因素 的存在 ,语 音 的好 坏 势必 会影 响
语 音教 学存 在问题 的原 因
大学英语语 音教学方法有效性 探微
◎许 颖
随着 外语教 学在 我 国 的普及 与深 入 ,越 来 越多 的大 学 之 一 ,越来 越 多 的外 国人来 到 中国工 作 和学 习。所 以 ,见 生意识 到 了英语 的重要性 ,但 是 英语语 音 的教 学现 状却 不 到外 国人 的几率 会越 来 越高 ,至 于语 音不 够标 准还 能否 被
间 因家乡 不 同而不 能理解 对 方 的汉语 意思 。也恰 恰 是这 种
力 的发展 同样 遇到 阻碍 ,更 别说 综合 能力 中 的阅读 理解 、 1 . 弱化 方 言影 响 。尽 量让 同学在英 语 发音 时忘 记与 母 带或 光盘 上 的原声 材料 。多 听多 说多 练是 改善 英语 语音 的 2 . 加大 英语 学 习早 期阶 段重 视程 度 。建议 中小 学老 师
浓重 的地 方音 更加 影 响了英 语表 达 ,时常 造成 外 国人 听不 写作 、翻译 了 。因此 英 语语 音教学 改革 势在 必行 。 懂 、中国人 听不 明 白的尴尬 局面 。 师偏 重于语 法 教学 。 只重 视 写 的能力 而忽 视 了听说 技巧 。 个, 每 个该 怎样正 确发 音 , 更无 从谈 起 发音规 则和 技巧 了。
年级 的 学 生进 行 问卷 调 查 , “ 大 部分 同 学 ( 6 1 %)
了使 用语 言 的能 力 。 l 】 0 j C a n a l e和 S w a i n将 交 际能力
划 分为语 法能 力 、 社 会语 言能力 、 话语 能力 和策 略能 力, [ 1 1 1 社会语 言 能 力 、 话 语 能 力 和语 音 学 习有 着 密
此, 在 教学 过程 中创 造 机会 让 学 生 通 过 学 习语 音 学 会交际。 ”… 如何 在语 音 教 学 中设 计 以交 际 目的为
指导 的课 堂活动 是每 一位高 校英语 专 业教 师必 须思
考 的问题 。 二、 英 语专 业学 生语音 程度 现状
次英语演讲 比赛上 , 3 O 名最终进入决赛的选手是 从 全校 1 5 0 0名新 生 中筛 选 出来 的 。可 如果 不 看 文 稿, 评委 们 没 办 法 完 全 听懂 他 们 在 说 什 么 。 ”l 7 另
语 调 的变化来示 意 听者 , 懂 得何 时转换 角色 , 让 听者
作 者简 介 : 李正鸿( 1 9 7 2 一) , 女, 四川岳池人 , 副教授 , 硕士 , 研 究方 向: 英语教 学法, 二语 习得 , 跨文化交 际。
9 7
成都 师 范学 院学 报
2 0 1 3年 1 1 月
李 正 鸿
( 天津外 国语大学 英语 学院 英语语言文化与文学系, 天津 3 0 0 2 0 4 ) 摘 要: 英语 专业学生的交际能力和语 音能力 密切相 关。文章 以三个 实际课 堂活动为例 , 探讨 了以交际为导
向的语 音教 学。在教 学中, 教师要 针对学生现存的语音 问题 , 引导他们认识到语音 学习的重要性 , 以培 养学 生交际 能力为原则, 在激发学生学 习兴趣的 同时 , 可以开展 多样有 效的课 堂活动 , 帮助学生掌握 语音知识 以及 提 高语音 能
关键词:听力教学交际教学法听力理解1 对交际教学法定义的理解交际教学法是以语言的功能项目为纲,着力培养学生语言交际能力的一种外语教学方法体系。
2 交际法在听力教学中运用情况的调查笔者以调查问卷的方式对50名大学英语老师进行调查,目的是了解交际法在听力教学中的使用情况以及教师对交际法的了解程度。
课程名称:大学英语语音授课对象:大学英语一年级学生课时:2课时教学目标:1. 认知目标:使学生掌握英语音标的基本知识,了解英语语音的特点。
2. 功能目标:培养学生正确的发音方法,提高英语口语交流能力。
3. 意义目标:增强学生对英语语音学习的兴趣,提高英语学习的自信心。
教学重点:1. 英语音标的认读和拼读。
2. 英语语音的节奏和语调。
教学难点:1. 音标与音素的关系。
2. 语音的节奏和语调对口语表达的影响。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师简要介绍英语语音在英语学习中的重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 展示一段英语口语视频,让学生感受英语语音的美感。
二、讲解英语音标1. 介绍英语音标的分类(元音和辅音)。
2. 讲解元音音标和辅音音标的发音方法。
3. 通过图片、动画等形式展示音标的发音部位和发音方法。
三、练习1. 学生跟读音标,教师纠正发音。
2. 学生分组练习,互相纠正发音。
四、总结1. 教师总结本节课的学习内容,强调音标的重要性。
2. 学生分享学习心得,提出疑问。
第二课时一、复习1. 教师检查学生对音标的掌握情况。
2. 学生跟读音标,教师纠正发音。
二、讲解英语语音的节奏和语调1. 介绍英语语音的节奏和语调的特点。
2. 讲解如何通过调整语调来表达不同的语气和情感。
三、练习1. 学生跟读句子,教师纠正发音和语调。
2. 学生分组练习,互相纠正发音和语调。
四、角色扮演1. 学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学语音知识进行对话。
2. 教师巡回指导,纠正发音和语调。
五、总结1. 教师总结本节课的学习内容,强调语音的节奏和语调对口语表达的重要性。
2. 学生分享学习心得,提出疑问。
教学反思:1. 本节课通过多种教学手段,使学生掌握了英语音标的基本知识和发音方法。
2. 在练习环节,教师应注重个别指导,帮助学生纠正发音错误。
3. 在角色扮演环节,教师应鼓励学生大胆开口,提高英语口语表达能力。
课后作业:1. 学生跟读教材中的句子,注意发音和语调。
g m d e a d i a e lr 。 个讲解理 论 u r g n s N oa 这 i 性很强 , 很专业 , 对于大一新生来说 , 也 但
运 用 三 到 四 个 口腔部 位 的 英 文 专 业 术 语 , 来 解 释 两 个 他 们 本 来 就 学 过 的 辅 音 , 使 会 很多学生感到迷 茫。 而直 接用 中文解释 会更清晰 明确 , 也 易 于学 生 实 际掌 握 正 确 的 发音 方 法 。 如 , 例 “ m/ 双 唇鼻 辅 音 。 音 时 软 颚 下 垂 , / 是 发 双 唇 紧 闭 , 流 从 鼻腔 送 出 ; n 是 舌 尖 齿 龈 气 // 鼻辅 音。 音时舌尖抵上齿龈 , 颚下垂 , 发 软 气 流 从 鼻 腔 送 出 。 ” 2. 口腔分 区圈辅 助教 学 2 图 l “ 音 器 官 图” 绍 了 口腔 内 的 的 发 介 发 音部 位 。 授 语音 系统 课 程 前 , 让 学生 教 先 了解 口腔 发 音 部 位 , 方 便 后 面 课 程 的开 可 展。 介绍 图 1 , 点应 指 明齿 龈 、 腭 和软 时 重 硬 腭 的 位 置 。 之 后 语 音 教学 过 程 中 , 图 2 在 以 标 准 元音 图为 基 础 , 点 教授 元 音 。 国语 重 英 音 学 家D・ 斯 的 标 准元 音 图(o e ,9 0 琼 J n s 16 ) 以 简 单 的 四边 形 代 表 口腔 , 一 种 语 言 的 把 元 音 前 后 高 低 ( 要 是 参 考 舌 位 ) 置 标 在 主 位 图 上 , 出 各元 音 的 特 点 , 此 可 以 帮 助学 指 据 话 人 自行 练 习 发音 , 便 于教 学 。 也 这种 四边 形 图 , 以 前 语 音 老 师 普 遍 使 用 的 口腔 侧 比 面 音 位 图( 图 3 图4 要 更 加 简 单 明 了 , 见 和 ) 清晰 明确 。 而且 它具 有 很 强 的可 操 作 性 , 老 师 可 以 随 时 根 据 自己 教学 的 需 要 , 黑 板 在 或 白板 上 画 出 四边 形 , 出 准备 讲 解 的 元 点 音 的 位 置 , 且 特 别 易 于 比较 两 个 类 似 元 并 音 的舌位差 别。 例 如 , 解长 短 元 音 /9 / /0/ 发 讲 :和 的
《现代大学英语 语音教程(第二版)》 (2)
(A.P.R.Howatt 1984: 172)受到“改革运动”的影响,Henry Sweet, Wilhelm Vietor和Paul Passy成立了国际音标协会,同时确定了国际音标符号。
20世纪40, 50年代,以结构主义语言学理论为基础而崛起的“听说教学法”更加重视句型的操练以及学习者发音习惯的培养,语音教学得到了进一步的发展。
如th ing[θiŋ]读成了[siŋ]。
1 当前整体教学环境众所周知,英语专业的教学任务是对学生听、说、读、写四项基本技能的训练。
2 语音课程教学改革针对当前整体的教学环境我们做出如下的教改尝试,旨在能够有更多的时间、更专业的教师、更有针对性的去帮助学生解决语音问题。
课程名称:大学英语语音授课对象:大学一年级学生课时:2课时教学目标:1. 认知目标:使学生掌握英语音标的基本知识,包括元音和辅音的发音规则和特点。
2. 功能目标:提高学生的英语发音准确性,增强学生的听力理解能力。
3. 意义目标:通过语音学习,帮助学生更好地进行英语听说交流,提高英语综合运用能力。
教学重点:1. 元音和辅音的发音规则。
2. 英语句子节奏和重音的把握。
教学难点:1. 辅音的发音位置和发音方法。
2. 节奏和重音在句子中的运用。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 引导学生回顾初中阶段所学的音标知识,激发学生学习兴趣。
2. 提问:大家在学习英语过程中,有没有遇到发音不准确的问题?二、新课导入1. 讲解元音的发音规则,通过图片、视频等多媒体手段展示元音的发音特点。
2. 演示元音的发音方法,并让学生跟读练习。
三、课堂练习1. 分组练习,每组选出一个代表进行发音展示,其他组员进行纠正和评价。
2. 播放元音发音标准录音,让学生跟读,教师逐一纠正发音错误。
四、总结1. 强调元音发音的重要性,要求学生课后多加练习。
2. 布置作业:模仿元音发音标准录音,进行跟读练习。
第二课时一、复习1. 回顾上节课学习的元音发音规则。
2. 让学生进行元音发音展示,教师点评。
二、新课导入1. 讲解辅音的发音规则,通过图片、视频等多媒体手段展示辅音的发音特点。
2. 演示辅音的发音方法,并让学生跟读练习。
三、课堂练习1. 分组练习,每组选出一个代表进行发音展示,其他组员进行纠正和评价。
2. 播放辅音发音标准录音,让学生跟读,教师逐一纠正发音错误。
四、节奏和重音1. 讲解英语句子节奏和重音的把握方法。
2. 演示节奏和重音在句子中的运用,让学生跟读练习。
五、总结1. 强调节奏和重音在英语发音中的重要性,要求学生课后多加练习。
2. 布置作业:模仿节奏和重音标准录音,进行跟读练习。
教学反思:1. 教师应关注学生的发音情况,及时纠正发音错误,提高学生的发音准确性。
应用型大学商务英语实践教学探究作者:赵欣康宁赵莹来源:《文学教育》 2020年第22期赵欣康宁赵莹内容摘要:2018年1月教育部正式发布了《商务英语专业本科教学质量国家标准》,结合当前应用型大学商务英语实践教学的现状,高校开设商务英语实训课程十分必要。
1.大学英语教学中语音学习探究 [J], 张博
2.闽南方言对英语语音学习的负迁移大学英语教学 [J], 吴菲娜
3.大学英语语音学习中障碍与解决方法 [J], 郑楠
4.汉语对英语语音学习的负迁移及大学英语教学对策 [J], 吴真贞
5.大学英语语音学习探讨 [J], 赵爽;田碧涵;杨玲玲
【作者单位】长春师范学院国际交流学院,吉林长春 132000;长春师范学院国际交流学院,吉林长春 132000
1.交际教学法在小学英语听力教学中的运用 [J], 赵增庆
2.运用交际教学法优化军校英语听力教学 [J], 胡岚;朱勤芹
3.交际教学法在大学英语听力教学中的应用 [J], 王倩;刘孟兰;洪丽凤
4.交际教学法在西藏班高中英语听力教学中的应用 [J], 孙艳燕
5.西藏高中英语听力教学中交际教学法的有效运用探索 [J], 亚崩
主题发言:卜友红教授(上海师范大学):English Phonetics and the Teaching of Pronunciation
⑶冯蔚(广东外语外贸大学英文学院):Aneed-based analysis for English pronunciation course
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内蒙古工业大学学报(社会科学版)Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Technology第21卷第2期(Social Sciences )Vol.21No.22012*收稿日期:2011-07-18基金项目:内蒙古工业大学教改项目(200806)作者简介:赵欣(1976-),女,内蒙古工业大学外国语学院副教授,英语语言文学硕士,主要研究方向为二语学习策略和研究方法。
Pronunciation Teaching Integrated into Communicative Language Teaching Framework in Tertiary Level StudentsZhao Xin ,Ji Jingtong ,Wang Siqin ,Su Guimei(College of Foreign Languages of Inner Mongolia University of Technology ,Inner MongoliaHohhot 010080)Abstract :This article presents a survey of first -year English majors (n =76)at Inner MongoliaUniversity of Technology regarding their pronunciation beliefs and their perception of teachers ’practice.It touches on two sets of questions.First ,it refers to students ’viewpoints regarding the importance of pronunciation ,their perceived goal ,and experienced difficulty in the learning of pronunciation.Second ,from the perspective of students ,it tries to ask about teacher ’s pronunciation teaching practice ,including teaching emphasis ,classroom techniques and teachers ’evaluation of students ’pronunciation performance.It is concluded that there are mismatches between students ’perception of their pronunciation needs and the instruction they received.This paper ends with suggestions from the perspective of teaching methods ,classroom evaluation and instructional materials.Keywords :Communicative Language Teaching (CLT );pronunciation teaching ;feedback and evalua-tion ;phonological features中图分类号:G420文献标识码:A1IntroductionPronunciation ,vocabulary as well as grammar are three basic components of a language.But with the in-fluence of the cognitive approach in the 1960s ,lan-guage was viewed as a rule -governed behavior ,deem-phasizing pronunciation in favor of grammar and vocab-ulary.Pronunciation began to be studied systematically only a short time after Communicative Language Teach-ing (CLT ),which holds that communication is the pri-mary purpose of language.This focus on language com-munication brings renewed urgency to the teaching of pronunciation.Empirical evidence indicates that there is a threshold level of pronunciation for nonnative speakers of English ;if they fall below this threshold level ,they will have oral communication problems no matter how excellent and extensive their control of Eng-lish grammar and vocabulary might be (Hinofotis &Bailey 1980[1]).Chinese tertiary level students have undergone a systematic instruction of English for at711least6years before they are enrolled in university.However,most of them are confronted with oral com-munication problems.Certainly,oral communication problems arise from many factors,but this paper main-ly focuses on to what extent pronunciation is likely to lead to breakdown in communication,and in turn,sur-veys how teachers can most effectively teach aspects of the sound system to English majors at Inner Mongolia University of Technology,at the same time aligning pronunciation instruction with the principles of commu-nicative language teaching.2Research on the Acquisition of PronunciationRecently,the overriding concern of pronunciation experts has been with the emphasis given in the classroom to segmental and suprasegmental aspects of the second language.The segment-based approach involves the elicitation of individual sound and syllables,while the suprasegmental approach focuses on larger units incorporating stress,rhythm and intonation that transcend the segmental level.The findings of a number of classroom-based studies suggest the teaching of segmentals did not result in significant improvement in spontaneously produced speech(Brown1995[2];Elliott1997[3]),while other studies show that suprasegmental instruction had improved significantly in both comprehensibility and fluency by the end of course(Derwing et al,1998[4]).Despite these findings,there is a lack of a clear consensus regarding the best way to teach pronunciation.In matters of the teaching of pronunciation,pronunciation’s importance has always been determined by intuition rather than research (Levis2005,369[5]).Very little attention was paid to second language students’own perception of their needs.Marianne Celce-Murcia et al.(2010[6])suggests that to better meet our students’needs,we need to take into consideration such factors as our learners’age,exposure to the target language,amount and type of prior pronunciation instruction,etc.In view of these,the researchers examined students’prior background and their beliefs concerning the importance of pronunciation,the perceived goal of pronunciation and experienced difficulties in the learning of pronunciation.This paper also examined the pronunciation from the perspective of students to find whether there were mismatches between students’perception of their pronunciation needs and the instruction they received.3Study Design3.1Subjects76first-year English majors from3regular classes at Inner Mongolia University of Technology participated in this study(Altogether there should be 78students,but two students were absent on that day).75(98.68%)participants reported they had not had separate pronunciation class in middle school or high school.Pronunciation teaching and practice were integrated into regular English class.Teachers did spend some sections of time exclusively on pronunciation.A majority of participants(65.79%)reported only20percentage of time was devoted to pronunciation training or practice,in which teachers focused on leading students to read new words and then providing correction.Only4(5.26%)participants reported that teachers made a particular attempt to focus on individual consonant and vowel sounds.3.2InstrumentsThe main research instrument used for this study was a copy of questionnaire which contains22 questions,including both closed and open-ended questions.The first part of the questionnaire provided the participants prior profile in terms of their exposure to target language learning and the amount and type of prior pronunciation instruction.The rest of the questionnaire consisted of three types of questions.The first set of questions(Questions5-8)asked about the participants’views concerning the importance of pronunciation,their perceived goal,and experienced difficulty in the learning of pronunciation.The second set(Questions9-18)asked about teacher’s pronunciation teaching practice,including teaching emphasis,classroom techniques and teachers’evaluation of students’pronunciation performance from the perspective of students.The last set questions (Questions19-21)asked about participants’811evaluation of the textbook.The last one(Question22)was an open-ended question in search of participants’suggestions on the improvement of pronunciation teaching.3.3Data Collection and Data AnalysisThe questionnaire was pilot-tested with20first year English majors in the mid-term and then revised.It was originally written in English.With the feedback from pilot survey,Chinese equivalents were provided for some technical terms in order for students to better understand.Besides,some questions were added on the evaluation of the final pronunciation test.After that,a large-scale survey was administered to first year English majors at Inner Mongolia University of Technology at the end of December of2010.A total of76questionnaires were distributed.The response rate was100percent.4Results and Discussion4.1Beliefs Concerning the Importance of Pro-nunciation,Perceived Goal of Pronunciation and Expe-rienced Difficulties in the Learning of Pronunciation.Question5asked students to rank,among gram-mar,vocabulary and pronunciation,which aspect was the most important.Vocabulary(55.25%)ranked first,followed by grammar(25%)and pronunciation (19.75%).In terms of their current situation of pro-nunciation,the great majority of students(80.26%)were not so much satisfied or not satisfied at all.As far as perceived goal of pronunciation learning is con-cerned,47(61.84%)students aimed to approximate native or native-like pronunciation,while28(36.84%)students strived to be understood by listen-ers.When asked about the difficulties they experi-enced speaking in English,46participants perceived that pronunciation was a contributing factor to their communication problems.When asked about what pro-nunciation problems they typically experienced,stress,rhythm and intonation were all mentioned as major are-as of difficulty.From these data,it can be seen clearly that more efforts should be made to raise students’awareness of the significance of pronunciation.Probably,with the influence of prior teaching practice and college en-trance examination,students tend to attach great im-portance to vocabulary and grammar.It is illustrated by the open-ended question,in which some students re-ported they had been directed to do exercises with an emphasis on reading,grammar and vocabulary,neg-lecting pronunciation to a certain extent.Teachers sel-dom systematically introduced the concept of the sylla-ble,stress,tone and rhythm,etc.Therefore,the pri-ority is to help them transform their conception in the teaching of pronunciation:pronunciation is no less im-portant than vocabulary and grammar in language com-munication.It is noteworthy that a great majority of students (80.26%)are not satisfied with their pronunciation and a majority of students((61.84%)consider ap-proximation of native-like pronunciation as their pro-nunciation goal.For one thing,it shows students have a strong desire to improve their pronunciation.For an-other,an unrealistic and impractical goal of pronuncia-tion might be frustrating because seeking for a native-like pronunciation is likely to form a negative image of oneself.If one sees himself as a failed speaker,it im-pedes one’s progress.So as early as1949,Abercrom-bie argued that“most language learners need no more than a comfortably intelligible pronunciation.”(120[7]).Intelligibility refers to the extent to which a listener actually understands an utterance or message (Derwing&Munro2005[8]).Therefore,teachers of pronunciation should help students adjust their view of pronunciation learning and set realistic goals for in-struction.Pronunciation instruction should be viewed in a much more positive light rather than as a way of fixing or removing an obstacle.In terms of their perceived difficulties,students for the most part(77.63%)indicated that supraseg-mentals including stress,rhythm and tone were difficult for them.These features cause difficulty partly because they are inherently difficult to teach or to learn.It might also be a matter of salience.Segmentals have the advantage of being represented orthographically,and despite the lack of many consistent sound/symbol cor-respondences in English,the basic relationship be-tween segmentals and letters is obvious to students.Rhythm,intonation and stress are much less obvious properties of speech partly because they are not repre-sented in standard orthography.Awareness of supraseg-mentals,especially in the absence of instruction,is911limited.Therefore,suprasegmentals are likely to be-come quite elusive for students to capture.4.2Teachers’Pronunciation Teaching Practice from the Perspective of StudentsThe goal of this study was to examine pronuncia-tion from the perspective of students.The researchers also asked about students’anticipation from the class and their observation of teachers’teaching practice in terms of teaching focus,classroom techniques and classroom evaluation.11(14.47%)participants reported,at the be-ginning of pronunciation class,they had expected more attention or instruction time would be paid to the in-struction of vowels and consonants,20(26.32%)participants cited stress and rhythm,27(35.53)par-ticipants reported connected speech like assimilation,linking and elision,and another18(23.68%)indica-ted prominence and intonation in discourse.Whereas,in teaching practice,29(38.16)participants reported that teachers had focused their attention on the instruc-tion of vowels and consonants,11(14.47%)partici-pants reported teachers’emphasis on stress and rhythm,19(25%)participants reported teachers’fo-cus on connected speech,and17(22.37%)partici-pants reported teachers’stress on prominence and in-tonation in discourse.When asked about classroom techniques in the teaching of pronunciation,the top five in terms of fre-quency are chanting(61response),minimal pairs (58response),drills(52response),video(32re-sponse)and pair work(30response)(allowed for more than one choice per person).However,when it comes to the most helpful classroom techniques to their learning of pronunciation,43(56.68%)participants reported they benefited most from teachers’articulatory explanation and description of phonetic symbols,16 participants(21.05%)reported visual aids like vide-os,pictures and slides,11(14.47)participants felt imitation and individual repetition such as chanting,minimal pairs and drills were most helpful,and6(7.8%)participants reported pair work and group in-teraction.In terms of how evaluation is carried out,50(65.79%)participants reported they did not have any other kind of testing and evaluation except the final exam,and26(34.21%)participants reported they had a midterm exam,but the test only examined their ability to listen to certain words and sentences,i.e.their ability to perceive,neglecting their ability to pro-duce.As to the final examination,41(53.95%)par-ticipants reported the final examination could reflect and check their pronunciation proficiency little or not at all,22(28.95%)participants reported to a certain extent and2(17.1%)participants reported completely or largely.The results of the survey indicate that there are mismatches between the students’perceptions of their pronunciation needs and the instruction they received.Apparently,students are more apt to be exposed to teaching that focuses on the articulation of segmentals although attention to suprasegmentals is strongly advo-cated by students,as suggested by the survey.There are two possible reasons for this.For one thing,teach-ers lack a principled methodology of teaching pronunci-ation effectively because of lack of training.It is repor-ted30%of ESL teachers had formal training in the teaching of pronunciation(Macdonald,Yule&Powers 1994[9]).Similarly,there are limited numbers of Eng-lish teachers in the Chinese context who have received training in teaching pronunciation.For another,teach-ers lack the knowledge of students need even though they are equipped with certain phonological knowl-edge.Therefore it might be better for teachers to make a need analysis in advance which would provide a basis for designing lessons.There also exist mismatches between the methods used by teachers and favored by students.Firstly,methods like chanting,drills and minimal pairs em-ployed most frequently by teachers are reported to be less helpful.One possible reason might be that all these methods and activities are primarily segment-based,that is,they focus on the perception and pro-duction of individual phones,words or isolated sen-tences.These techniques seem to require that students direct their attention to the forms which can not lead to a spontaneous production of learning.Secondly,a ma-jority of(56.68%)participants reported they benefi-ted most from teachers’articulatory explanation and description of phonetic symbols,and6(14.47%)participants reported pair work and group interaction are most beneficial to their learning of pronunciation.That does not necessarily mean articulatory explanation021and description of phonetic symbols are more beneficial to students pronunciation improvements than interactive group work.It is possibly due to a focus on the tradi-tional teacher-led activities such as drills and minimal -pair work in the teaching of pronunciation.As a re-sult,students have little or no access to some integra-tive communicative activities like role-play and group work in class.In fact,experts strongly suggest students be encouraged to work together in class to rehearse real -life language.(Scales et al.2006,735[10]).In this way,not only can students become more engaged and involved in class,but also they can get feedback from their peers and monitor each other.It is surprising to note that evaluation is carried out scarcely,only once or once every the other month over the whole semester and with a pure emphasis on listening.An important point to remember is that pro-nunciation involves not only perception,but also pro-duction and the application of relevant phonological rules.Therefore,pronunciation assessment could be one component of a formal oral proficiency test,or on-going evaluation with feedback including self-monito-ring,peer feedback and teacher correction,or class-room achievement.Many participants expressed their desire for more practice opportunities in class and more individual feedback regarding their pronunciation.Feedback may be delivered either by peers or by the teacher.Normally,feedback from peers is more ac-ceptable and more accessible than feedback from teach-ers(Celce-Murcia,2010),which makes it a valua-ble aid to improved pronunciation.Therefore,it is rec-ommended that group work be organized to optimize the limited class time so that more students can be involved and get guidance and assistance either from the teacher or their peers.4.3Students’Evaluation of the Textbook and Their Own PerformanceAs to the pronunciation textbook used currently,7(9.21%)students reported the textbook contributed to the improvement of their pronunciation greatly,35(46.05%)students reported the textbook was kind of helpful to the improvement of their pronunciation,34(44.74%)students reported the textbook did little help,and even some of them seldom spent time read-ing it.When probing into the reason for that,some students thought there were too many complicated tech-nical terms in the text which hindered their comprehen-sion,and some complained the textbook is too monot-onous and obscure.By analyzing the textbook currently used,we found,like most other course books for pronunciation,a phonemic alphabet is used and important phonologi-cal features are referred to.It deals with the widest range of features:vowels and consonants,clusters,linking,stress,rhythm,pitch and intonation.It focu-ses on oral and written illustration of how the feature is produced and when it occurs within spoken discourse.The exercises mainly involve listening discrimination for students to discriminate the feature and oral read-ings of minimal-pair sentences,short dialogues,etc.with special attention paid to the highlighted feature.Obviously,the practice does not extend beyond the controlled phase of repetition or oral reading.No won-der students complain its monotonousness and are un-willing to read it and practice.Celce-Murcia(2010,44)suggests classroom materials and the associated tasks should reflect the interests and needs of the learn-ers and create a desire in them to communicate in the target language.Therefore,more work needs to be done to supplement the textbook.For example,more exercises like information-gap activities,cued dia-logues,role play and problem-solving activities could be incorporated into the textbook so that students can use the newly acquired feature in more creative or com-municative exchanges.5Conclusions and ImplicationsThe researchers found there were mismatches be-tween students’perception of their pronunciation needs and the instruction they received,and accordingly,students were not quite satisfied with their respective improvements in pronunciation and their teachers’pro-nunciation teaching practice.Based on these findings,some suggestions from the perspective of teaching methods,classroom evaluation and instructional mate-rials were put forward.Firstly,teachers of pronunciation should help students raise their awareness of the significance of pro-nunciation and adjust their view of pronunciation learn-ing and set realistic goals of pronunciation.Secondly,a need analysis must be made before-121hand to select and order the phonological features to be practiced so as to target learners’needs in a principled way.Thirdly,pronunciation should not be taught to learners as an isolated phenomenon.Instead,pronun-ciation practice should be integrated into a broadly communicative language framework by providing students with more interactive activities.Fourthly,testing and evaluation should be unde-niably interwoven and essential to the entire process and cycle of curriculum development and teaching.Finally,with respect to the textbook,we argue the attention be paid to both the traditional teacher-led activities and communicative activities that contrib-ute to develop learners’communicative ability as well as the ability to perform a given feature successfully.Further research can also be conducted to survey teachers’attitudes regarding their pronunciation beliefs to find whether there exists mismatch between their be-liefs and practice.Bibliography:[1]Hinofotis,F.&Bailey,K.M.American undergradu-ates’reactions to the communication skills of for-eign teaching assistants[J].In J.C.Fisher,M.A.Clarke,&J.Schachter(Eds.)On 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