呼啸山庄WUTHERING HEIGHTS英文读后感(优秀7篇)
呼啸山庄WUTHERING HEIGHTS英文读后感(优秀7篇)《呼啸山庄》英文读后感篇一The feeling of 《pride And prejudice》Then man treat great event in one’s life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle cla of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself’s marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too 。
So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter 。
She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage ,and regard men and women’s emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage 。
The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord’s family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused.Elizabeth’s misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason, but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes the thes of the west in fact status’ the reflections of difference, existthis kind arrogant, Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth, the marriage that can not have lofty ideals 。
外国名著英语读书笔记 Wuthering Heights
外国名著英语读书笔记 Wuthering Heights第一篇:WutheringHeightsmyfeelingsafterreadingWutheringHeights第二篇:WutheringHeightsoldearnshawadoptsanorphanandnamedhimheathcliffandloveshimverymuch.hindleyisjealousofhimsoheteatedhimbadlyafterthedeathofhisfather.hindley hasasister called catherine ,whogrowsup together with heathcliff andinlovewitheach other.but catherine marries edgar because heathcliff ispoor. heathcliff leavesandbacktothetown3yearslaterasarich man.he marries edgar’sasrevenge.besides,hetakesallthepropertyofhindleyandtreats hindley’ssonharetonasaslave.catherine diedduetoherillnesswhileheathcliffcannotformtheloseof catherine,he makes edgar’s daughter cathy marrieshissicksonlinton,after linton’s deathherealizedthe meaningless ofhisrevengeandallows haretontobeinlovewithcathy.attheendhediesofhungerforhedoesn’teatanything.第三篇:WutheringHeights英文原著阅读报告阅读书目Wuthering Heights专业班级姓名学号指导老师完成时间review onWutheringHeightsi.introductionWutheringheight was written by emily bronte, who wasa famous female writer. emily bronte was bornin 1818. andshe lived mostofherlifeintheyorkshire moorsthatshe immortalized in Wuthering Heights.shewasthefifthinafamilyofsix children, growingupinastone personageinavillagecalledrsdidshe become truly alive.infact, during thebrief timesshespent awayfrom haworth, atschoolin brussels with charlotte asayoungwoman.shebecame homesickandphysically ill.thoughbeing confronted withsuch difficulties, shekeptwriting. when Wuthering Heightswaspublishedin1847,thepennameshechose caused much confusion anditwasoften assumed thatjaneeyreand Wuthering Heights were written bythesame person. emily’s novel wasbadly edited andreceived mixed reviews. nonetheless, emilybegantoworkonhersecond novel.in1848,ayearafterthe publication of Wuthering Heights, emilycaughtacoldata funeral, which, withher typical stoicism, she ignored. thecold steadily developed intoafarmore serious illness, butemily refused all medical advice. atlast,barely capableof breathing without goingintoafitof coughing, she steadfastly attendedtoherusual chores. afteremilyhadbeenillfornearlytwo months,december 19, 1848,shebroke down. shortly after,shedied.andyet,sheis remembered as charlotte once described her: “stronger thanaman, simpler thanchild,hernature stoodalo ne.”chen yafei, class1,2020, foreign languages schoolwhen thenovel began,itwas1801.mr. lockwood, thenarratorofthestory arrivedthrushcross grange,agrand housethathewasrenting from heathcliff, wholivedatnearby Wuthering Heights.hespentanightat Wuthering Heightsandhadterrifying dream. later, lockwood askedthe housekeeper mrs.nellydeantotellthestoryof heathcliff and Wuthering Heights.itwasastorythat flashed backthirty yearsto1771, whenmr. earnshaw broughtastreet orphan home.hecalledhim heathcliff and intended toraisehim alongside hisown children, catherine andhindley. hindleywas intensively jealousofthenewarrivalandsawhimasaninterloper andrival. however, catherine became heathcliff’s inseparable friendandfellinlovewithhim.aftermr. earnshaw’s death, hindley tookoverthe estate.he brutalized heathcliff, forcinghimtoworkasahired hand.andheforbadehissistertobewith heathcliff. later, catherine becameafriendofedgar,whowasamildandrefined youngmanandagreedtomarryhim. heathcliff wasverydepressed andangry,thenheleft Wuthering Heights. sometimelater,hereturnedandhehad mysteriously becomevery wealthy.hebegantotake revengeonthosewho prevented himfrombeingwith catherine. through his efforts, hetook ownership of Wuthering Heights upon hindley’s death. intentonruining edgar, heathcliff married edgar’s sisterisabella, whichplacedhiminapositiontoinherit thrushcross grangeafter edgar’s death. catherine becameveryillafter heathcliff’s returnanddiedafewhoursafterbirthtoadaughter alsonamed catherine. later, heathcliff becamemorebitterand revengeful. hiswifeisabellalefthimand subsequently gavebirthtoaboy,meanwhile, heathcliff succeeded intaking ownership of Wuthering Heights andvowedtoraise hindley’s son, harenton. then,inordertorulethe property ofhis enemy,he persuaded catherine tomarry linton. soonafter, edgarlinton died, followed shortlybylinton heathcliff. thisleft catherineawidowat Wuthering Heights,as heathcliff hadgained compete controlofboth Wuthering Heightsand thrushcross grange. eventhus,hewasnothappyatall.atlast,he committed himselfandhewasburiednearto catherine. thewhole storywasreallya tragedy. mr. lockwood was shockedbythestoryandthestory concluded withmr. lockwood visiting the grave.thedivides into several chapters, andeach chapter seemstosetupalessonforusto learn. wheniwas reading this novel, what impressed mewasthe unhappy marriages. inthisnovelthere existed several unhappy marriages. oneofthe examples wasthe marriage between isabella and heathcliff. isabella didn’t knowheathcliff wellwhenshemarried him.shewasjust attractedbyhis appearance, butlatersherealizedthat heaththcliff wasnotagentlemanatall.asaresult, whatsheonly coulddowastoregretfor herself. another example had happened between catherine and edgar. although shehadbeen happyatthe beginningthe marriage, afterawhile,she became boredandshealso realized thathertruelovewas heathcliff. inmy opinion, her choosingtomarryedgarjustbecauseshewantedtoberichandtobethegreatest womaninthe neighborhood. tillnow,ican remember clearlythat catherine saidtodean:“itwould degrade metomarry heathcliff now.”fromher words,wecanseethatshecared wealthandsocial status morethantrue love,which shouldbe responsible forher unhappy marriage.inourdaily lives, therealsoexistmanypeoplewhosharethesame opinion with catherine. thereisnothattheyalsohave sufferedalotfromtheir unhappy marriages. itismy personal beliefthata successful marriage shouldnotbebasedon wealth,orsocial status. however, thetrue love, respect, knowing abouttheoneyou choose arethe essential factorsin marriage. to everyone, marriage seemstobeoneofthemost important thingsinlife.ithasgreat influenceonourdailylives,ourphysicalandmental health,oursocial relationship andevenourfate.so,weshould takeour marriage seriously and choosetheonewhoisreally rightforus.thus,canwehavea successful marriage andahappylife.after readingthewhole story,iwasshockedby heathcliff’s revengeandlearnedalotfromit.becauseofthe animosities between himselfandothers,heathcliff usedallmeanshecouldtotake revengeonthem.notonlydidhiswicked actionsdolotsofharmto others, butalsothese actionshurt himselfalot.duringtheprocessoftaking revengeonothers,hissenseof superiority hadfaded away.thenhis appearance begantoreflectthestateofhismind.hiswalklacked confidence; helooked disagreeable, andspoke seldom.eventhoughhesucceededintaking possessionofallthewealth,hewasnothappyatall.atlast, hecommitted himself.asitsaysthat “whoever seeks revenge shoulddigtwo graves.”justlike heathcliff, ifhecould recognize this principlefollow it,allthe tragedies couldbe avoided. itiswidely knownthattoforgive andforget offenses enable imperfect peopletogrowand improve. maybe,iseasiersaidthan done. however, thelongeryouwaittoforgive someone, thees.inourdaily lives,itis unavoidable tohurtothersorbehurtby others.ifwearetoo sensitive toitandpaymuch attention onit,we’llbe unhappy alldayandwecannot。
《呼啸山庄》英文读后感篇一:呼啸山庄英文呼啸山庄英文读后感In this summer, I read another book Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights is written by Emily Bronte. After reading that book, the love and the hatred between Catherine and Heath Cliff still linger in my head.The story begun with a mistake that made by Lockwood, a temporary resident. He is seeking shelter from the blizzard he staggers through the door of Wuthering Heights, finding the atmosphere inside is just as cold as ice. The master of the house, Heath Cliff, provides a bed reluctantly and it seems like that he feels ill at ease with his visitor’s ing. There's a sad tale behind his indifference, one which the elderly housekeeper Nelly Dean is happy to share.Forty years ago, Wuthering Heights was filled with light, warmth and happiness. Mr.Earnshaw, a congenial gentleman farmer, lives happily with his boisterous children Cathy and Hindley. However, being a kind and generous fellow, he can't help rescuing a poor starving wretch off of the streets of Liverpool, a gypsy child named Heath Cliff. In time Heath Cliff bees one of the family, loved by all people except Hindley,the son of Mr.Earnshaw . Cathy is an especially good childhood friend, spending many a happy day playing on the moor with Heath Cliff. Unfortunately Mr.Earnshaw dies suddenly; Hindley is able to express his enmity with damning cruelty. In order to air his grievance, he reduced Heath Cliff to a servant.Later, Catherine is forced to marry Edgar. Heath Cliff’s heart is broken, so he leaves Wuthering Heights. After three years, he es back to Wuthering Heights with wealth. Catherine has married Edgar, but not happiness. Heath Cliff begins to revenge crazily. He takes away Hindley’s belongings by gambling. Then,Hindley gets drunk and die, his son Hareton became slaves. Heath Cliff also marries Edgar's sister Isabella deliberately and persecute her in all the ways. Catherine is miserable inside and then dies of dystocia. Ten years later, Heath Cliff makes Edgar’ daughter Catherine marry to his dying son Linton. Edgar and small Linton dies, Heath Cliff owes Edgar’s property finally. Heath Cliff revenges successfully, but he couldn’t stop missing the dead Catherine, and then he dies. Small Catherine and Hareton inherit all the property and they finally fall in love with each other.Actually, there isn’t such a character that I really like in Wuthering Heights. Every character seems teemed with agony and animosity, especially Heath Cliff. Heath Cliff is an orphan before Mr. Earnshaw adopts him, and in the novel, Mr. Earnshaw treats Heath Cliff even nicer than his own son, Hindley Earnshaw. It’s quite amazing that in spite of Earnshaw’s nice treatment, Heath Cliff has no gratitude at all, he revenged Hindley and Catherine,even their heirs. After reading Heath C liff’s story, my feeling is plicated, although he is the avenger who dominate the whole story by using his vengeful machinations, he is also the most pitiful guy in Wuthering Heights; he doesn’t know what is love and don’t know how to love. Heath Cliff has lived with the Earnshaws for more than 10 years, but there is no attachment between him and the whole family except Catherine. However, even Catherine was died because of Heath Cliff’s torture. When he is torturing others, he is also giving himself a suffering.Catherine, the heroine in the book, is described as a capricious and selfish girl. She is just like Heath Cliff, doesn’t know how to love at all.Anyway, Wuthering Heights left an indelible impression on me, cold and withering. However, at the end of the book, the author shows us that the human being’s kindness is not diminished at Wuthering heights, even though the wind can break off a tree, that doesn’t mean it can break off the whole forest. Even though hatred destroyed Heath Cliff, Catherine,Edg ar and Elizabeth’s happiness, that doesn’t mean Cathy and Hareton’s happiness.篇二:《呼啸山庄》英文读后感呼啸山庄英文读后感/r/nIn this summer, I read another book Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights is written by Emily Bronte. After reading that book, the love and the hatred between Catherine and Heath Cliff still linger in my head./r/nCatherine, the heroine in the book, is described as a capricious and selfish girl. She is just like Heath Cliff, doesn’t know how to love at all./r/n Anyway, Wuthering Heights left an indelible impression on me, cold and withering. However, at the end of the book, the author shows us that the human being’s kindness is not diminished at Wuthering heights, even though the wind can break off a tree, that doesn’t mean it can break off the whole fo rest. Even though hatred destroyed Heath Cliff, Catherine, Edgar and Elizabeth’s happiness, that doesn’t mean Cathy and Hareton’s happiness./r/n【相关文章】呼啸山庄英文读后感/r/nUncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships. Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his father. This separation continued until after Mr. Earnshaw had died.Another example is between Hindley and Hareton. Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young Hareton. This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as well. One primary example of an uncaring parent is shown between Heathcliff and his son Linton.Heathcliff did not even want his son for anything except enacting a part of his revenge. This is shown by Linton's fear of Heathcliff and Heathcliff's enmity toward his son. Linton even says "... my father threatened me, and I dread him - I dread him!"(244) to express his feeling about Heathcliff.The hostility and separation between father and son in this book showsthat uncaring parents can cause serious damage in relationships with their children./r/n世界上许多人都是试图找到一个完美的伴侣。
Wuthering Heights读书报告读后感
My understanding of Wuthering HeightsIn the past 100 years, Emily Bronte and her only novel Wuthering Heights have attracted countless readers’attention and different people have different understanding and explanation. Emily almost stayed at home for all her life except several experience away from home which made her as strong as a man while as pure as a child. She refused the realty and lived on her high level imagination. Out of touch with society, she is absorbed in her meditation. Under that pliant exterior, she is ardent and passionate. Wuthering Height is more an expression for life than a vent to her hidden passion. It is a sharp contrast to her life.Wuthering Heights is on the subject of love, telling us the complex entanglement between two old families, the Earnshawn family living in Wuthering Heights and the Linton family living in Thrushcross Grange. Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange are two manors locating in wilderness of north England. They have similarities. They are both away from the popular and the people there live a traditional life in peace. Fathers have high prestige and control the whole family. However, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange are totally different. Wuthering Heights represents storm while Thrushcross Grange represents peace and silence. The owner and the children are self-indulgent, fierce and wild, uncontrolled like the north wind in Wuthering Heights. Thrushcross Grange is a very solemn place, grand, wealthy, respectable, inorder and guarded by dogs. The people here are gentle, elegant and behave decently and children are obedient. But they are selfish, cowardly and lifeless.Everything went well before Old Earnshaw adopted a “Gipsy” child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soul mate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries Edgar, and Heathcliff leaves. After 4 years later, he comes back for revenge and finds that Catherine is married. He uses Edgar’s sister Isabella by marrying her to get the wealth of Thrushcross Grange. Then Catherine she gives birth to a daughter, Cathy, shortly after dies. Isabella also gives birth to a son Linton who is taken by Heathcliff. He forces Cathy to marry Linton so that he can be the heir of Thrushcross Grange. Shortly after, Edgar dies. After that, as master of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, Heathcliff compels Cathy to live with him and Hareton. Then Hareton had an accident and was confined to the farmhouse. During his convalescence, he and Cathy became close. While their friendship developed, Heathcliff began to act strangely and had visions of Catherine. He stopped eating and after four days was found dead in Catherine's old room. He was buried next to Catherine.The love between Heathcliff and Catherine is above race and morality andis ahead of time. It is beyond our grasp and is a little bit sick. In Emily’s novel, we can see that on the one hand she likes as well as commiserates this tragedy figure, Heathcliff. He lives for the only reason: love for Catherine. On the other hand, she also describes the disaster and pain he brings. He is a complex figure, an alien to the people living in Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange and even to the real England. He has nothing like the ideal English man. He is primitive, wild, riotous and energetic. At the same time, he is an evil with awesome destructive power, resulting from the suffering and torture he gets in his childhood. He gives all his love and tenderness to Catherine. So he is mean and cruel to others, even to himself and his son. His son is merciless, selfish and cowardly educated by Heathcliff. Revenge is usually reasonable for its aim of punishing bad people. Instead, Heathcliff’s revenge brings hate and fear. His lover, Catherine, shares something with him. As the daughter of Wuthering Height’ master, she is wild and cruel too. That’s the reason why she loves Heathcliff rather than Edgar. She loves Heathcliff so intensely that she claims they are the same person. However, her actions are driven in part by her social ambitions, which initially are awakened during her first stay at the Lintons, and which eventually compel her to marry Edgar. Catherine is free—spirited, beautiful, spoiled, and often arrogant, she is given to fits of temper, and she is torn between her both of the men who love her. The location of her coffin symbolizes the conflict that tears aparther short life. She is buried in a corner of the Kirkyard.I like Edgar. Edgar grows into a tender, constant, but cowardly man. He is almost the ideal gentleman. However, this full assortment of gentlemanly characteristics, along with his civi lized virtues, proves useless in Edgar’s clashes with his foil. He sees his wife obviously in love with another man but unable to do anything to rectify the situation. I like him because even though he knows his wife loves Heathcliff, he still loves his wife heart and soul. When his wife goes away, unlike Heathcliff, he tries his best to take care of his daughter. He is a good husband and a good father. Symbolism in wide rang is a distinctive feature of this novel. For example, Thrushcross Grange is the symbol of the exclusivity and Wuthering Heights is chaos and disorder. In this story, almost everything has their meanings, even a dream. There is a lot of description of nature, which indicates the figure’s emotions and inside feelings and shows the close relationship between human and nature. Meanwhile, the open fresh nature has a clear contrast with the two manors which is closed and oppressive.During the process I read this novel, I feel depressed. The only relief is that in the end Hareton and Cathy fall in love and gets married. They are another Heathcliff and Catherin; more important, they are much luckier than them. I also feel relieved for Heathcliff that he finally gets his humanity back.。
Wuthering Heights 读后感
Wuthering Heights is the first English novel which I had read. Before that I used to heard Jane Eyre, and I’m very familiar with its Chinese version. Therefore when our professor asked me to read an English novel, I chose the Wuthering Heights written by Emily Bronte who was Jane Eyre ‘s writer-Charlotte Bronte’s young sister and a genius female writer in Britain in the 19th century.Wuthering Heights was Emily’s first masterpiece novel as well as the unique one. Moreover Emily was an excellent poet. In her novel, I can always feel the mysterious and horrible atmosphere that was reflected not only by the changeable weather but also the cold-blooded and hypocritical people such as Heathcliff、Joseph、Hindley as well as Catherine. Emily told a long story about different personality individuals living in two villas on a great sheet of wasteland.After finishing the novel, I searched it on the internet and curiously found that unlike her sister Charlotte Emily didn’t have an actual love and marriage experience. All of those vivid figures and complex plots in her novel were imaginary.Usually the literature works mirror out the author’s real life and living environment. Emily Bronte lived thirty years of British society was the age of turbulence. Her family settled down on a remote nook of wilderness (next to the Chillingworth industrial estate ) just like the place where the Wuthering Heights located. Besides, in her novel she didn’tmention Catherine’mother very much due to Emily lost her mother in her early age, and long-term alcohol and drug taking led the death of her brother Branwell which was the real model of Hindley . What’s more , Petrick Bronte, Emily’s father, who was a radical conservative, opposed Luddite movement in his early years, and gave help to the Chillingworth workers and supported their strike. Relatively the figure of her father in her novel was Mr. Earnshaw who adopted Gypsy foundling--Heathcliff and brought him up. It was inherited from their father that Emily and her sisters had more mercy on craftsmen.In Emily’s real life, her brother 、her sisters and she were all educated at home, thus they often killed time by reading books、poetry writing and making up romaunt together. Sometimes they went for a walk on the wilderness, it was there Emily had a good advantage to be closed to the nature then merged her emotions into her works especially the poems. It was said that Emily often alone walked around the wilderness and experienced the instant Which the nature and people could extreme meet. All of her those feelings were expressed in her representative poem works such as souvenir 、prisoner and night breeze. Britain well-known poet and critic Matthew spoke highly of her, “after Baron era, nobody could matched----the most outstanding poet”. Unfortunately I haven’t read her poem, but I will find some in my spare time.。
《咆哮山庄》(Wuthering Heights)500字读后感
《咆哮山庄》(Wuthering Heights)500字读后感《咆哮山庄》是一部令人陶醉的文学巨著,Emil Brontë以深邃的文笔勾勒出令人叹为观止的爱情悲剧。
Emil Brontë通过其深刻的洞察和独特的叙述风格,创造了一部永不过时的文学巨作,揭示了人性的阴暗面,同时让读者沉浸在纯粹而复杂的爱情之中。
呼啸山庄英文版读后感1500字1Wuthering Heights,the only fiction of Emily Bronte, was published in 1847. It is a story about love and revenge. After finishing the novel, most people including me would appreciate Heathcliff for his pure, simple and untamed love which would never change until death. On the other hand, it is difficult to understand his abnormal, callous and his love for Catherine. Heathcliff was an illiberal and unscrupulous person. He loved Catherine and was willing to give up everything for her. In the north of England where the wind blew hard, the black and dirty child, Heathcliff, fell in love with a little girl, Catherine who gave him love and also misery.Wuthering Heights is an ideal heaven for those misanthropists to escape from the real life. In this beautiful but desolate world, Heathcliff as a stranger appeared. When he was 6 or 7 years old and at the edge of starving, Mr. Earnshaw, the owner of wuthering heights, saved him. Heathcliff’s childhood was unfortunate. Before he came to the wuthering heights, he was almost dead. When he was at Mr. Earnshaw’s home, he was bullied and maltreat by Mr. Earnshaw’s son, Hindley Earnshaw. However, at that moment, Catherine Earnshaw saved him, and everything became different. Catherine was a crazy and wild girl. The writer described as follows: Her spirits were always at high-water mark, her tongue always going--singing, laughing, and plaguing everybody who would not do the same. A wild, wicked slip she was. However, she was goodness and pretty. The relationship between them was developing under the lack of civilized education. Their life was tightly held together, they had to face Hindley. But their friendship broke when Catherine was 12 years old, when she met Edgar Linton a wealthy and handsome boy from Thrushcross Grange. Three years later, she agreed to marry Edger. In Heathcliff’s mind, it was Edgar who bore away his love. Thus, when he came back to wuthering heights and began his cruel revenge.Catherine lost her childhood at the time when she started to consider her future. She totally knew that it was impossible to be together with Heathcliff. She had to find the future, a wealthy, handsome husband who could give her steady life and reputation while Heathcliff had nothing. But when she married Edgar, she didn’t feel happy at all. Sh e remembered that she had betrayed Heathcliff and herself. Money and house brought her into nothingness. She began to cherish the memory of Heathcliff, cherished the little boy stood by her. There was no etiquette and standard but sincerity. In the wuthering heights, happiness was gone forever. Because of Hindley, Heathcliff lost the chance to learn and he was almost lost himself. Fortunately, Catherine did not give up him. He abandoned himself for his self-abased. In their love, even at that storming night, Heathcliff left. They never thought about their future, their life. Thus, shall we ask that love should be based on what? Catherine loved Edgar, but she also said to Nelly: you think me a selfish wretch; but did it never strike you that if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars? whereas, if I marry Linton, I can aid Heathcliff to rise,and place him out of my brother"s power. Before the difficulty, she chose to confront. On the contrary, Heathcliff chose to escape, because he had no courage to overcome it. Catherine was 15 while Heathcliff was 16, they were children. They didn’t understand what love was. They just found the happiness they had in common.We can suppose that if Heathcliff didn’t leave, and he lived with Catherine, were they happy? Were they at ease? What life did they live? Can they run crazily on the wild land? Catherine looked down upon Heathcliff’s cowardice, once she talked about Heathcliff to Isabella: Tell her what Heathcliff is: an unreclaimed creature, without refinement, without cultivation: an arid wilderness of furze and whinstone. But she had never suspected her courage. She loved Heathcliff undoubtedly, but she was afraid to be with him. Heathcliff had questioned her: You teach me now how cruel you"ve been--cruel and false. Why did you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, Catherine? If they loved each other, why did cheat their heart? Compared with Catherine, is Heathcliff more forgivable for his insistence and self-abased?In the end, Catherine died. She was 19, and Heathcliff was 20. However, the story was not end. After Catherine’s death, Heathcliff was not likable. His maniac revenge seemed no endless. He even took vengeance on their children. Is this love? Is this resentment? Did Heathcliff love Catherine more or he hate the world more? What did he revenge for? Does for Catherine or him? They tortured each other, but they still loved each other. We can not find out the answer. But we can know that at last, they finally stayed with each other and no one can take them apart. And if she had been dissolved into earth, or worse, what would youhave dreamt of then?" I said. Of dissolving with her, and being more happy still!" he answered. No matter how much misunderstanding, regret and pain they received before, now they rest in peace. Just like Catherine said: Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same。
a reading report of wuthering heights
the book i have read this term is wuthering heights. emily bronte
(1818-1848) is perhaps the greatest writer of the three bronte sisters——charlotte bronte, emily, and anne bronte. emily bronte published only one novel, wuthering heights (1847). some of her best lyric are also rated with the best in english poetry. her famous poems are love and friendship, the bluebell.
they can stay happy all their lives.
after reading, i have a better understanding of love. if you really love
someone, his or her happiness is the most matters. not having a right understanding of and attitudes towards love will only result in hurting yourself as well as the one you love. in a ward, love is the permanent theme of literature and human beings. people often struggle in those troubling romantic notions. to be or not to be, it’s really a question. however, which kind of marriage one should choose depends all on his or her character and experience, no one else can make choice for them and that’s why every love story is unique.
《咆哮山庄》(Wuthering Heights)1000字读后感
《咆哮山庄》(Wuthering Heights)1000字读后感《咆哮山庄》是一部深邃而引人深思的文学杰作,Emily Brontë通过她独特的叙事方式和丰富的人物描写,创造了一部令人难以忘怀的小说。
这是一篇《咆哮山庄》1000字的读后感:在《咆哮山庄》中,我沉浸在Emily Brontë的独特叙述风格中,感受到了一场挑战传统爱情观的心灵之旅。
小说以Nelly Dean的口吻展开,她作为叙述者穿越时间,揭示了庄园中发生的种种故事。
《呼啸山庄》英文读后感篇一:呼啸山庄英文读后感A Book Report of Wuthering Heights英语三班王璇 20123704Wuthering Heights is a book of Emily Bronte, published in 1847.Wuthering Heights was not well received or appreciated by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when Wuthering Heights received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature. It is in my middle high school that the first time I read its Chinese version and I indulged in its intricate plot and love and hate between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathclif. Hitherto, I wander why the title of this book named Wuthering heights instead of Thrushcross Grange, or Heathclif Vengeance. As a matter of fact, when I read twice in English version and look up some information online, I seem to understand the intention of the author a bit. Wuthering is used to describe Yorkshire how bad weather it is. We can find “?Wuthering? being a provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather” in book. Meanwhile, “Wuthering” implyauthor tell readers a twisting and sad story.To return to the novel itself, I am quite curious about the gothic elements reflected in Wuthering Heights. After finishing reading the whole story, it casts a gloom over my heart. I consider it contributes to the characters? unfortunate and miserable lives and grieve for them. At present, I learn a new writing style “ the Gothic novel”.The Gothic creates feelings of gloom, mystery, and suspense and tends to the dramatic and the sensational, like incest, diabolism, necrophilia, and nameless terrors. It crosses boundaries, mixed daylight and the dark side, life and death, consciousness and unconsciousness. Most of us immediately recognize the Gothic elements when we encounter it in novels, poetry, plays, movies and TV series. Gothic elements have made their way into mainstream writing. They are found in Charlotte Bronte?s Jane Eyre, Samuel Coleridge?s Christabel and so on.In order to create a horrible and mysterious atmosphere, the story of Wuthering Heights takes place in Yorkshire moors. In addition, Emily? s life experience coincides with those of Gothic heroines:loss of love, struggle, and death.The love between Heathcliff and Catherine is the main striking plot. Sunshine, sweet, and smile are not the main parts of their love, by contrast, the mixture of gloom, hatred , and misunderstanding becomesdominant tone in their love. This is why their love is being gradually developed into crazy and tragedy.As matter of fact, Heathcliff and Catherine are the leading role in this novel. Through Emily?s graphic description, the images of them are vigorous. As for Heathcliff, he is a gypsy looking little boy that he was brought to Catherine?s house by her father. However, he was bullied by Catherine?s brother and he lives a very hard time in this house. Apart from Catherine, she is kind to him and loves him. Hence, Heathcliff grows brutal and sullen. When he is informed of Catherine marring Edgar Linton, who is richer and higher status than himself, all his power to endure abuse are impaired immediately. Afterwards, Heathcliff run away. Three years later, he returns Wuthering heights with a big sum of money. Superficially, he is gentle and cultivated; actually, he burns a fire of revenge within his heart. He revenges himself on those who has hurt him in planned, such as, prevailing on Hindley gambling so as to squander all of his money; maltreating Hindley? son and teaching him abused words and ordering him to do servant?s jobs; inheriting Isabella?s family estate by means of cheating. Everyone will grit your teeth resentfully. In additional, the author doesn?t tell readers how Heathcliff becomes a richer and what methods used within three years to earn those money. We can imagine that he must employ the meanest of tricks due to his lack of educationand know-how basing on the society.Undeniably, it is Heathcliff that cause a serial of unfortunate things led to the misery of the two family, three households, and three generations.As a saying goes, “a person?s poor situation can always attribute to h is own fault.” Vice versa: maybe a hateful person has to do something bad for some reasons. In Heathcliff?s opinion, everything he did is regarded as a sign of loving Catherine, who betrayed him and become the Edgar?s wife though. Therefore, Heathcliff is the most tragic figure who has to suffer from the pain of lost loved one, and experiences persistent distress and annoy in the process of revenging. Summing up his life, Heathcliff is in constant sorrow through his days. In the end, I don?t hate him; on the contrary, the one thing I learned is tolerance and appreciation of people surrounding you.Catherine is an innocent and kind-hearted girl. She is the only one who cares about Heathcliff when he is discriminated and ill-treated after Mr. Earnshaw?s death. Meanwhile, she is peacockish, willful. When she is faced with choices which one she should marry, Heathcliff or Linton, she finally decides to marry a rich second generation, Edgar Linton. The reason is that marring Linton could make her become a much richer person and live a decent life while marring Heathcliff will turn out to be beggar. And all of her characteristics are closely connectedwith her family, and living environment and noble status.Admittedly, it?s hard to say whether Heathcliff and Catherine will live a happy life or not if she waits Heathcliff?s come and marries him; it?s also hard to say whether those figures in the novel has good results ornot in life. Methinks, I cannot rewrite the ending of this story. Just like a famous saying: character depends on destiny because their fate has been destined at the onset of this story.Alexander Pope once said, “always forgives your enemies--nothing annoys them so much.” What I have learned from their story is that if you are deliberately trying to hurt others, it will hurt yourself in return, and you will be the most miserable person. Therefore, be kind to those who once hurt you. Hard as forgiveness is, it is the first step to regain the life of well-being.篇二:呼啸山庄英文读后感Wuthering HeightsLove belongs to the best part of human nature; "" Hate "is the distortion ofhumanity, is the fall of humanity. The hero of the novel heathcliff's" love ", due to the setbacks made him become callous, terminating, his revenge to Wuthering Heights and thrushcross grange two families has brought severe disaster. He tried to freeze humanaround his absolute rule set up by using the "hate".But in the younger generation of hareton. Earnshaw and Catherine. Between linton, and finally to establish a sincere love, frozen, numbness of recovery of humanity, suppressed the human nature in the "love" the return of the liberation, the people have hope again. Through the novel, the author want to tell people in the world: "hate" destroy love, "love" more powerful than hate. In the real world, the last is "love" in the world. Emily. Bronte was born and live in a remote region of Yorkshire in northern England, "Wuthering heights" is the story happened. She and her sister charlotte. Bronte sister and angem. Bronte is the middle of the 19th century British famous novelist. She was born of a poor family pastor, since childhood love of literature, in the short life wrote many literary works.Around 1846, she began writing the novel Wuthering Heights, the second year in a novel published, in the third year of the disease was mercilessly killed the young life, the genius writer when she was only 30 years old.Wuthering heights was published, came under heavy criticism of blame, wasmocked as terrible, terrible, disgusting novels, nearly half a century of time can not get social recognition. Until into the 20th century, the genius of Emily and her wuthering heights was widelyrecognized gradually by the literary, and herreputation is becoming more and more high. The famous British writer maugham also list "Wuthering Heights" as one of the world's top ten novels.I really love this novel because it teaches me how to love and what is love.篇三:Book Review of Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄英文读后感Book Review of Wuthering Heights Wuthering heights is a famous book written by Emily Bronte. Emily is one of the outstanding poets in 19th-century. In 1819, Emily Bronte was born in a poor priest family, her father Pater Rick Brandt is an Irish priest, and her mother gave birth to six children. The Bronte sisters, two daughters and a son. Because of the family backgrounds, Emily was borned to be independent, open-minded, pure, and introverted."Wuthering Heights" is one of the works of Emily Bronte, also is one of the masterpieces in the 19th century of British literature. This is a story of love and revenge. "Wuthering Heights" is written by the time span of thirty years, describes a complex emotional relationships of two generations between the Earnshaw family and Linton family. The whole novel can be divided into four parts. The first phase describes the daily life of Heathcliff and Catherine's childhood, their special affection is formed in this particular environment aswell as their revolt against the tyrannical Hindley. The second phase focuses on the Catherine pursuit of the traditional of human love and betrayed Heathcliff and she became the mistress of thrush. She admitted to Donnelly that her love to Linton who is young, handsome man. He loves her as well as her wealth, let her to become the most distinguished woman. Catherine has said: "In my heart and soul, I clearly know I was wrong." Because she also loves Heathcliff. The third stage use a large pen and ink describingthat Heathcliff’s revenge. The last part of nove l is the death of Heathcliff, but revealed a new change in the thinking experience - the recovery of humanity when he understood the love between Hareton and Catherine' so we can see a bunch a hope in the tragic love story. In the novel, all of the author's effort was to create the image of Heathcliff where she pinned all her indignation, compassion and ideals. This orphan has been deprived all of the warmth of human, Hendry’s hit let him tasted the cruel of life, also he knows that his gave up to life can not change the fate of their own humiliation. He chose to resist. Catherine had been his loyal partners. However, Catherine finally betrayed Heathcliff, married Edgar Linton. This is her own choice between the loves. At the end of the book, there are three tombs on the fields, the Linton tomb, the Heathcliff, the middle is Catherine's tomb. Catherine's betrayal of their marriageand miserable fate is the most significant turning point in the book. Catherine’s death is the objective of Heath cliff. His revenge not only let Hendry and Edgar died miserable, but also made the next generation to suffer the bitter pills. This crazy revenge is ueasonable but vividly expressed the hate and love. In the minds of women writers, love and hate is opposition but can be transformed into each other. Therefore, love and hate are opposite to each other, but also with each other uniform.Undeniable, Heathcliff and Catherine loved each others but they all lost themselves in the love relationships. Catherine married Linton because of vanity, Heathcliff thought that he had been betrayed and began to crazy avenges. Their love is the most wonderful part of the novel also the source of the tragic.I want to use one sentence to conclude the whole novel, it could be that everyone made their wrong choice in a wrong time and eventually made the tragic life, everyone regretted in the end of their life and let the next generations to suffer. We all know that the ending can’t be revolted but we’d like to see that everyone has struggled for love and happiness.王钰20123949125班外国语声明:本文来源于网络,著作权属归原创者所有。
呼啸山庄英文读后感第1篇The bookWuthering Heihts written in 1847by Emily Bronte。
It is a very good novel。
The story in this novel deeply moved everyone who had read it and the structure of this novel is very fresh。
At first I will tell you the main plot about Wuthering Heights。
The story is narrated by Lockwood a gentleman visiting the Yorkshire moors where the novel is set and of Mrs Dean housekeeper to the Earnshaw Family who had been witness of the interlocked destinies of the original owners of the Heights。
Described the love and enmity between Earnshaw and Linton’s family especially Heathcliff and Catherine’s deeply love。
Heathcliff is brought to Heights from the streets of Liverpool by Mr Earnshaw。
Heathcliff is treated as Earnshaw’s own children Catherine and Hindley。
Heathcliff is bullied by Hindley after Earnshaw death and his lover Catherine marries Edgar Linton for many factors。
Reading wuthering heights, I felt an unmarried woman can can write so deep love, hate such a profound novel, is amazing。
Wuthering heights have been popular in the city and control the influence of paint a pletely original landscape of mountain wilderness。
Enable people to enjoy a totally different world。
Retains the original character of the book: desperate love, hate up regardless of the consequences。
Everything in our these the restraint of traditional etiquette for along time people it seems it is very special, very fresh。
《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)是19世纪英国作家艾米莉·勃朗特的一部小说,被认为是英国文学史上最伟大的作品之一。
Wuthering Heights读后感英语
其他作品:190多首诗歌,如《贡代尔传奇》,《Old Stoic》等故事概要:小说描写吉卜赛弃儿Heathcliff被山庄老主人收养后,因受辱和恋爱不遂.外出致富。
Wuthering Heights,the only fiction of Emily Bronte, was published in 1847. It is a story about love and revenge. After reading the masterpiece, this book gave me a kind of depression and made me confuse what love on earth is. I think all the people in this novel are pitiful. Somebody even is lamentable. Everyone who read this novel would be moved.This novel is narrated by the Heathcliff, a Gypsy founding who is adopted by the owner of wuthering heights, Mr.Earnshaw. But unfortunately, he was bullied and maltreat by Mr. Earns haw’s son, Hindley and also at the same time, Heathcliff’s sweetheart Catherine who is a goodness and pretty girl forced to marry the gentle and quiet young Edgar of thrush farmstead. Heathcliff felt very angry and went out to earn more money. In Heathcliff’s mind, it was Edgar who bore away his love. Thus, when he came back to wuthering heights and began his cruel revenge.Heathcliff formed the strong love and hate in cruel life. Hindley’s torment makes him get a taste of the miserable life, and also teaches him how to weak-spiritedly yield the fate of unchangeable shame, so he chooses to rebel. Catherine was ever his loyal partner and they germinated true love in common revolt. However, finally, because of her vanity and ignorance betrayed Heathcliff who always madly loves her. This section is the significant turning point of the whole novel. It makes Heathcliff’s full of love become matchless hate. Catherine’s death makes Heathcliff’s hate burst out like a volcano, and becomes the crazy revenge power. Heathcliff’s purpose has been achieved. He not only makes Hindley and Edgar die miserably, dominate exclusively their possessions, but also let their next innocent generation suffer the consequences. This crazy revenge is seemed to be against the convention, but incisively and vividly expresses his extraordinary spirit of rebelliousness. This kind of special revolt is determined by the special environment and special character. Heathcliff’s tragedy of love is the tragedy of social, and also is the tragedy of the time.The love between Heathcliff and Catherine can be described as “Crazy”. Sunshine, sweet, and smile are not the main parts of their love, by contrast, the mixture of gloom, hatred, and misunderstanding become dominant tone in their love. This is why their love is being gradually developed into crazy and tragedy.The unswervingly loyal love between Heathcliff and Catherine in the novel is also a form of tough resistance to the vicious power. In spite of their resistance is weak, but their love in the author's pen eventually overcome death. The recovery of humanity is a spiritual sublimation andreflects the humanitarian ideals.The end of the novel was that Heathcliff committed suicide. His death is a die for their love, and expresses his undying love for Catherine. Before he died, he gave up the revenge of the next generation. This reflects that he actually has a good virtue, but the cruel reality makes him lose his virtue. It reveals complexity and depth of the human nature; it involves passion in love and hate.In Emily's pen, a person who is filled with the feelings of great holy to love, after he lost this holy, he took the cruel torment and revenge his adversary. Also this behavior unexpectedly accompanied his rest of life. What a tragic and miserable story!Our ancient story of the butterfly lovers may be able to compare tragedy with them, but how to compare miserableness with them?In the novel, the author takes all her effort on portraying Heathcliff’s image, she leaves all her indignation, sympathy and ideal in this character. It in some extent reflects what kinds of social background the author suffered. Better yet, Emily purposely created an eerie and exaggerated atmosphere.Some of the plot even seems to be something mysterious different from real world.In addition, Wasteland gives Wuthering Heights rare vigor, charm, mysterious and full of passion. It makes story carry with legendary and incisively and vividly shows the deepest love, the obsessed persistence, and the most painful struggle.Wind, rain, heavy snow, dark night and natural wild bring out the best in each character’s feeling; the bleak, profound and changeable wasteland highlights the personal characters, shows deep love from human nature and powerfully shakes the person's soul.Wuthering Heights explores the philosophy of humanity. The characters in the novel are full of boldness, wildness and passion which are the human nature and instinct that free from restriction of social civilization. In this novel, passion is the key to bring the readers into the story, it does not matter of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, it’s a real existence for us to experience and think.In generally, this novel is so excellent and is worth reading, it can arouse a deep deliberation among us.。
《呼啸山庄》英文版读后感英语作文1After reading the English version of "Wuthering Heights", I was deeply moved and couldn't help but immerse myself in its complex and profound world. The story is a masterpiece that weaves a web of intense emotions and dramatic events.The complex emotional entanglements of the main characters, such as Heathcliff and Catherine, struck a chord within me. Their love-hate relationship was so intense and passionate that it made me feel the power and pain of love at the same time. Heathcliff's unwavering obsession and Catherine's inner conflict were depicted vividly, making me ponder on the nature of true love and the consequences of our choices.The unique narrative technique of the book also fascinated me. The shifting perspectives and the interweaving of past and present added depth and mystery to the story. It was as if I was being led through a maze, constantly discovering new clues and revelations. This style of storytelling made it impossible for me to put the book down, as I was always eager to uncover the next layer of the plot.In conclusion, "Wuthering Heights" is not just a novel, but a journey into the human soul. It has made me think more deeply about love, revenge, and the complexity of human nature.After reading "Wuthering Heights", I was deeply moved and couldn't help but reflect on the profound issues it presented. The novel vividly portrays the stark class differences that existed in society, which led me to think seriously about social fairness. The contrast between the privileged and the oppressed is so distinct, making me question the injustice and inequality that persist even to this day.For instance, the fate of Heathcliff, an outcast due to his humble background, shows how societal prejudice can shape a person's life. His struggle and vengeance are not just personal, but a reflection of the unfairness he endured. This made me realize that social status should not determine one's worth or opportunities.The twists and turns of the main characters' destinies also gave me insights into the unpredictability of fate. Catherine's choice between love and social status ultimately led to her unhappiness, demonstrating that sometimes our decisions, influenced by external factors, can have tragic consequences. It made me understand that we should stay true to our hearts and not be swayed by superficial considerations.In conclusion, "Wuthering Heights" is not just a story but a mirror that reflects the flaws and complexities of human nature and society, leaving me with much food for thought."Wuthering Heights" is a remarkable novel that has left an indelible mark on my literary journey. The exquisite environmental descriptions within the book are truly captivating. The wild moors, the howling wind, and the desolate mansion all contribute to creating a tense and oppressive atmosphere, enhancing the emotional impact of the story. For instance, the description of the stormy night when Heathcliff's passion reaches its peak intensifies the drama and makes the reader feel as if they are right there in the midst of the turmoil.The author's unique writing style is another aspect that deserves admiration. The complex and intertwined relationships between the characters are depicted with such depth and intricacy that it sets a precedent for subsequent literary works. The raw emotions, the intense love and hate, are presented in a way that is both powerful and thought-provoking.This novel not only showcases the author's brilliant literary talent but also offers profound insights into human nature and the power of passion. It reminds us of the complexity and depth that classic literature can possess, and for that, it deserves our utmost respect and appreciation.4After reading "Wuthering Heights", my heart was deeply touched and my mind was filled with countless thoughts. This novel is like a powerfulstorm that sweeps through the soul, leaving an indelible mark.The characters in the story, with their persistence and struggles, have taught me valuable lessons. Heathcliff's unwavering determination to seek revenge, despite the pain and suffering it brings him, made me realize the destructive power of hatred. However, Catherine's inner conflict between love and social status also showed me the complexity of human emotions.From the entire story, I have comprehended the true meaning of love and hate. Love is not always smooth and beautiful; it can be intertwined with pain and confusion. Hate, on the other hand, often blinds us and leads us down a dark path. The conflicts and reconciliations between the characters made me understand that only by letting go of hatred and embracing love can we find true peace and happiness.This book has not only been a literary enjoyment but also a spiritual journey for me. It has made me reflect on my own emotions and actions, and has encouraged me to face life's challenges with courage and wisdom.5" Wuthering Heights " is a masterpiece that has left an indelible mark on the landscape of English literature. The novel, with its complex characters and intense emotions, is a captivating exploration of human nature and passion.The use of symbolism in the book is truly remarkable. The wild and desolate moors, for instance, not only serve as a backdrop but alsosymbolize the raw and unrestrained nature of the characters' emotions. They represent a realm beyond the constraints of society, where love and hate can rage freely.Furthermore, the narrative structure of " Wuthering Heights " is highly innovative. The story is told through multiple narrators, adding layers of complexity and depth to the plot. This technique allows the reader to gain different perspectives and form a more comprehensive understanding of the events and characters.In terms of its contribution to British literature, the novel stands as a bold departure from traditional literary conventions. It challenges the norms of its time with its dark and intense themes, and paves the way for a more diverse and daring exploration of human psychology in literature.Overall, " Wuthering Heights " is not merely a story but a profound study of the human soul. It continues to inspire and provoke thought, inviting readers to delve deep into the mysteries of love, revenge, and redemption.。
外国名著英语读书笔记 Wuthering Heights
外国名著英语读书笔记 Wuthering Heights第一篇:Wuthering Heightsmy feelings after reading Wuthering Heights第二篇:Wuthering Heightsoldearnshawadoptsan orphan and named himheathcliff and loveshim very much.hindley is jealous of him so he teated him badly after the death of his father .hindley has a sister called catherine , who grows up together with heathcliff andin love with each other.but catherine marries edgar because heathcliff is poor. heathcliff leaves and back to the town 3 years later as a rich man.he marries edgar’s sister asrevenge .besides, he takes all the property of hindley and treats hindley’s son hareton as a slave.catherine died due to her illness while heathcliff can not recover form the lose of catherine,he makesedgar’s daughter cathy marries his sick son linton,after linton’s death he realized the meaningless of his revenge and allows hareton to be in love with cathy.at the end he dies of hunger for he doesn’t eat anything .第三篇:Wuthering Heights英文原著阅读报告阅读书目Wuthering Heights专业班级姓名学号指导老师完成时间review on Wuthering Heightsi. introductionWuthering height was written by emily bronte, who was a famous female writer. emily bronte was born in 1818. and she lived most of her life in the yorkshire moors that she immortalized in Wuthering Heights. she was the fifth in a family of six children, growing up in a stone personage in a village called haworth. when emily was only two years old, their mother maria was died. the young brontes weresent to a school for poor children of clergymen, a dreadful place that inspired the fictional school in emily’s sister charlotte bronte’s jane eyre. later, they came home to haworth, where they were cared by an aunt. poetry, history, and politics were among the conversation topics at home. such talk fed the active imaginations of the bronte children. of the three writing bronte sisters, emily was the most peculiar one. reclusive and nontalkative, she attended to her chores with a dutiful, stoic nature. only while roaming the moors did she become truly alive. in fact, during the brief times she spent away from haworth, at school in brussels with charlotte as a young woman. she became homesick and physically ill. though being confronted with such difficulties, she kept writing. when Wuthering Heights was published in 1847, the pen name she chose caused much confusion and it was often assumed that jane eyre and Wuthering Heights were written by the same person. emily’s novelwas badly edited and received mixed reviews. nonetheless, emily began to work on her second novel. in 1848, a year after the publication of Wuthering Heights, emily caught a cold at a funeral, which, with her typical stoicism, she ignored. the cold steadily developed into a far more serious illness, but emily refused all medical advice.at last, barely capable of breathing without going into a fit of coughing, she steadfastly attended to her usual chores. after emily had been ill for nearly two months, on december 19, 1848, she broke down. shortly after, she died. and yet, she is remembered as charlotte once described her: “stronger than a man, simpler than a child, her nature stood alone.”chen yafei, class 1, 2014, foreign languages schoolwhen the novel began, it was 1801. mr. lockwood, the narrator of the story arrived at thrushcross grange, a grand house that he wasrenting from heathcliff, who lived at nearby Wuthering Heights. he spent a night at Wuthering Heights and had a terrifying dream. later, lockwood asked the housekeeper mrs. nelly dean to tell the story of heathcliff and Wuthering Heights.it was a story that flashed back thirty years to 1771, when mr. earnshaw brought a street orphan home. he called him heathcliff and intended to raise him alongside his own children, catherine and hindley. hindley was intensively jealous of the new arrival and saw him as an interloper and rival. however, catherine became heathcliff’s inseparable friend and fell in love with him. after mr. earnshaw’s death, hindley took over the estate. he brutalized heathcliff, forcing him to work as a hired hand. and he forbade his sister to be with heathcliff. later, catherine became a friend of edgar, who was a mild and refined young man and agreed to marry him. heathcliff was very depressed and angry, then he left WutheringHeights. some time later, he returned and he had mysteriously become very wealthy. he began to take revenge on those who prevented him from being with catherine. through his efforts, he took ownership of Wuthering Heights upon hindley’s death. intent on ruining edgar, heathcliff married edgar’s sister isabella, which placed him in a position to inherit thrushcross grange after edgar’s death. catherine became very ill after heathcliff’s return and died a few hours after giving birth to a daughter also named catherine. later, heathcliff became more bitter and revengeful. his wife isabella left him and subsequently gave birth to a boy, linton. meanwhile, heathcliff succeeded in taking ownership of Wuthering Heights and vowed to raise hindley’s son, harenton. then, in order to rule the property of his enemy, he persuaded catherine to marry linton. soon after, edgar linton died, followed shortly by linton heathcliff. this left catherine a widow at Wuthering Heights, as heathcliff hadgained compete control of both Wuthering Heights and thrushcross grange. even thus, he was not happy at all. at last, he committed himself and he was buried near to catherine.the whole story was really a tragedy. mr. lockwood was shocked by the story and the story concluded with mr. lockwood visiting the grave.the novel divides into several chapters, and each chapter seems to set up a lesson for us to learn.when i was reading this novel, what impressed me most was the unhappy marriages. in this novel there existed several unhappy marriages. one of the examples was the marriage between isabella and heathcliff. isabella didn’t know heathcliff well when she married him. she was just attracted by his appearance, but later she realized that heaththcliff was not a gentleman at all. as a result, what she only could do was to regret for herself. another examplehad happened between catherine and edgar. although she had been happy at the beginning of the marriage, after a while, she became bored and she also realized that her true love was heathcliff. in my opinion, her choosing to marry edgar was just because she wanted to be rich and to be the greatest woman in the neighborhood. till now, i can remember clearly that catherine said to mrs. dean: “it would degrade me to marry heathcliff now.”from her words, we can see that she cared wealth and social status more than true love, which should be responsible for her unhappy marriage. in our daily lives, there also exist many people who share the same opinion with catherine. there is no doubt that they also have suffered a lot from their unhappy marriages. it is my personal belief that a successful marriage should not be based on wealth, beauty or social status. however, the true love, respect, knowing about the one you choose are the essential factors in marriage. toeveryone, marriage seems to be one of the most important things in life. it has great influence on our daily lives, our physical and mental health, our social relationship and even our fate. so, we should take our marriage seriously and choose the one who is really right for us. thus, can we have a successful marriage and a happy life.after reading the whole story, i was shocked by heathcliff’s revenge and learned a lot from it. because of the animosities between himself and others, heathcliff used all means he could to take revenge on them. not only did his wicked actions do lots of harm to others, but also these actions hurt himself a lot. during the process of taking revenge on others, his sense of superiority had faded away. then his appearance began to reflect the state of his mind. his walk lacked confidence; he looked disagreeable, and spoke seldom. even though he succeeded in taking possession of all the wealth, he was not happy at all. at last, hecommitted himself. as it says that “whoever seeks revenge should dig two graves.”just like heathcliff, if he could recognize this principle and follow it, all the tragedies could be avoided. it is widely known that to forgive and forget offenses enable imperfect people to grow and improve. maybe, it is easier said than done. however, the longer you wait to forgive someone, the harder it becomes. in our daily lives, it is unavoidable to hurt others or to be hurt by others. if we are too sensitive to it and pay much attention on it, we’ll be unhappy all day and we can not get along well with others around us. our society worships harmony. being tolerant and having a harmonious relationship with others will benefit us a lot. next time when you get hurt, remember the saying “to err is human; to forgive, divine.”and follow those instructions. only in this way can we live happily and make our society more harmonious.all in all, i really learned a lot from this novel. it deserves ourreading.第四篇:读后感Wuthering HeightsWuthering Heightsemily published only one novel, Wuthering Heights, but this single work has its place among the masterpieces of english literature. emily was born in thornton, yorkshire, in the north ofengland and died of tuberculosis in the late 1848. when bronte sisters are young, their father asked them to read many books: the bible, homer, virgil, shakespeare, milton, byron, scott and many others. the children also read enthusiastically articles on current affairs.unlike charlotte, emily had no close friends. she wrote a few letters and was interested in mysticism. her first novel, Wuthering Heights, a story-within-a-story, did not gain immediate success as charlotte's jane eyre, but it has got later fame as one of the mostintense novels written in the english language. in contrast to charlotte and anne, whose novels take the form of autobiographies written by authoritative and reliable narrators, emily introduced an unreliable narrator, lockwood.lockwood, the narrator, is a gentleman visiting the yorkshire moors where the novel is set, and of mrs. dean, housekeeper to the earnshaw family, who had been witness of the life of the original owners of the Heights. bronte draws apowerful picture of the strange man heathcliff, who is brought to Heights from the streets of liverpool by mr. earnshaw. heathcliff is treated as earnshaw's own children, catherine and hindley. after mr. earnshaw’s death heathcliff is bullied by hindley, who loves catherine, but she marries edgar linton. heathcliff 's destructive force is unleashed, and his first victim is catherine, who dies giving birth to a girl, another catherine. isabella linton, edgar's sister,whom he had married, flees to the south. their son linton and catherine are married, but always sickly linton dies. hareton, hindley's son, and the young widow became close. increasingly isolated and alienated from daily life, heathcliff experiences visions, and he longs for the death that will reunite him with catherine.in early time, there are many critics on this novel. somepeople called it a "strange, inartistic story", but commented that every chapter seems to contain a "sort of rugged power". it supported the second point made in the athenaeum, suggesting that the general effect of the novel was "inexpressibly painful", but adding that all of its subjects were either "utterly hateful or thoroughly contemptible".there some symbols in the novel, for example, the moorsand the ghosts.the constant emphasis on landscape within the text ofWuthering Heights endows the setting with symbolic importance. moorland cannot be cultivated, and its uniformity makes navigation difficult. it features particularly waterlogged patches in which people could potentially drown. thus, the moors serve very well as symbols of the wild threat posed by nature. as the setting for the beginnings of catherine and heathcliff’s bond, the moorland transfers its symbolicassociations onto the love affair.ghosts appear throughout Wuthering Heights, as they do in most other works of gothic fiction, yet bronte always presents them in such a way that whether they really exist remains ambiguous. thus the world of the novel can always beinterpreted as a realistic one. certain ghosts—such as catherine’s spirit when it appears to lockwood in chapter iii—may be explained as nightmares. the villagers’alleged sightings ofheathcliff’s ghost in chapter xxxiv could bedismissed as unverified superstition. whether or not the ghosts are “real,”they symbolize the manifestation of the past within the present, and the way memory stays with people, permeating their day-to-day lives.i think the novel suggests us that lovers should have a healthy love, and put the needs of the beloved first.第五篇:Wuthering Heights 读后感Wuthering Heights is the first english novel which i had read. before that i used to heard jane eyre, and i?m very familiar with its chinese version. therefore when our professor asked me to read an english novel, i chose the Wuthering Heights written by emily bronte who was jane eyre ?s writer-charlotte bronte?s young sister and a genius female writer in britain in the 19th century.Wuthering Heights was emily?s first masterpiece novel as well asthe unique one. moreover emily was an excellent poet. in her novel, i can always feel the mysterious and horrible atmosphere that was reflected not only by the changeable weather but also the cold-blooded and hypocritical people such as heathcliff、joseph、hindley as well as catherine. emily told a long story about different personality individuals living in two villas on a great sheet of wasteland.after finishing the novel, i searched it on the internet and curiously found that unlike her sister charlotte emily didn?t have an actual love and marriage experience. all of those vivid figures and complex plots in her novel were imaginary.usually the literature works mirror out the author?s real life and living environment. emily bronte lived thirty years of british society was the age of turbulence. her family settled down on a remote nook of wilderness (next to the chillingworth industrial estate ) justlike the place where the Wuthering Heights located. besides, in her novel she didn?tmention catherine?mother very much due to emily lost her mother in her early age, and long-term alcohol and drug taking led the death of her brother branwell which was the real model of hindley . what?s more , petrick bronte, emily?s father, who was a radical conservative, opposed luddite movement in his early years, and gave help to the chillingworth workers and supported their strike. relatively the figure of her father in her novel was mr. earnshaw who adopted gypsy foundling--heathcliff and brought him up. it was inherited from their father that emily and her sisters had more mercy on craftsmen.in emily?s real life, her brother 、her sisters and she were all educated at home, thus they often killed time by reading books、poetry writing and making up romaunt together. sometimes theywent for a walk on the wilderness, it was there emily had a good advantage to be closed to the nature then merged her emotions into her works especially the poems. it was said that emily often alone walked around the wilderness and experienced the instant which the nature and people could extreme meet. all of her those feelings were expressed in her representative poem works such as souvenir 、prisoner and night breeze. britain well-known poet and critic matthew spoke highly of her, “after baron era, nobody could matched----the most outstanding poet”. unfortunately i haven?t read her poem, but i will find some in my spare time.。
Wuthering Heights_呼啸山庄英语读后感600字
Wuthering Heights_呼啸山庄英语读后感600字The story describes Heathcliff and Catherine stay together morning and night's childhood life; special feelings of a foundling and a lady formed in this special environment, as well as their Hindley tyrannical revolt. Later, Catherine deserted Heath Cliff because of vanity, ignorance and ignorance, and became the mistress of the grange. Then how Heath Cliff filled with hatred and despair to recover the ashes strategy and action. Although the only account of the final stage of Heathcliff's death, but which reveal when he understood that Hareton and Katie love, a new change of the human nature thought the experience of recovery, which makes it a terrorist with color love tragedy revealed a bundle of joy is the light of hope.The love in Wuthering Heights is so special that it is different from the love created in any novel so far. This' Emily 'type of love is so sincere, frank, and never self-conscious affectation half. Only this kind of emotion, is really from the heart of human beings, is from the human nature. Everything in it is so naked that there is no half a prison, and never thought of imprisonment. This is themost real portrayal of lust, Emily never gave it a kind of so-called 'literary one. Emily created the hero, love is so strong, beyond everything, even if it is not the distance between life and death. Love is deep, pain is cut. The hatred of Heath and Clif is so strong, true and powerful. This desire for revenge is so powerful that it can destroy everything around him. The fire of revenge burned the two families. He was so miserable when Catherine died. Catherine took away his love and took him away. Although he is still alive, he is no different from death. Even if he gets so much, it's not enough to fill his loss, his heart's trauma. Because Catherine died, his life was meaningless. When he calls his lover day and night like a ghost, he never gets it again. He tortured others, also not to hurt his injured all over the body every hour and moment. His revenge was reported, and he got so many people's property, but he lost the last pillar to support his survival, so at this moment, he died.In the novel, the author of all efforts in the condensed Schiesz Cliffe image portray, she placed all their sympathy and indignation, ideal here. This has been deprived of human warmth of the outcast in real life, cultivate loveand hate strongly, Hindley. He tasted the cruelty of life, also taught him to understand that it cannot change the destiny of their own humiliation. He chose rebellion. Catherine finally betrayed Heathcliff married, she did not understand it does not love Edgar Linton. Catherine's betrayal and after marriage sorrow destiny, is the most important turning point in the book. It made Heath Cliff's full love turn into incomparable hate; Catherine died, the cavity hatred erupted like a volcano, and became a crazy revenge power. His objective was achieved, he not only made Hindley and a miserable death, dominate the two industrial estates, but also let them innocent next generation also suffered a bitter defeat.。
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Book Review of Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄英文读后感 3700字
三一文库()〔Book Review of Wuthering Heights 呼啸山庄英文读后感 3700字〕Book Rvi o urig igs urig igs is a amousbook ri by mily Bro. mily is o o ousadig pos i 19-cury.I 1819, mily Bro as bor i a poor pris amily, r ar ParRick Brad is a Iris pris, ad r mor gav bir o six cildr.Bro sisrs, o daugrs ad a so. Bcaus o amily backgrouds,mily as bord o b idpd, op-midd, pur, ad irovrd."urig igs" is o o orks o mily Bro, also is o o masrpics i 19 cury o Briis liraur. is is a sory o lovad rvg. "urig igs" is ri by im spa o iry yars, dscribsa complx moioal rlaiosips o o graiosb arsa amily adLio amily.ol ovl ca b dividd io our pars. irs pas dscribs第1页共4页daily li o acli ad Caris cildood, ir spcial acio is ormdi is paricular virom as ll as ir rvol agais yraicalidly. scod pas ocuss o Cari pursui o radiioal o umalov ad brayd acli ad s bcam misrss o rus. S admid oDolly a r lov o Lio o is youg, adsom ma. lovs r as llas r al, l r o bcom mos disiguisd oma. Cari as said:"I my ar ad soul, I clarly ko I as rog." Bcaus s alsolovs acli. ird sag us a larg p ad ik dscribiga acli’s rvg. las par o ovl is da o acli, bu rvalda cag i ikig xpric - rcovry o umaiy udrsood lovb aro ad Cari so ca s a buc a op i ragic lov sory.I ovl, all o auors or as o cra imag o acli r spid all r idigaio, compassio ad idals. is orpa as bdprivd all o arm o uma, dry’s i l im asd crul o li,also kos a is gav up o li ca o cag a o ir o umiliaio.cos o rsis. Cari ad b is loyal parrs. ovr, Cari iallybrayd acli, marrid dgar Lio. is is r o coic b lovs.A d o book, r ar r ombs o ilds, Lio omb, acli,middl is Caris omb. Caris brayal o ir marriag ad misrabla is mos sigiica urig poi i book. Cari’s da is24。
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This novel is a wild, passionate story of the intense and almost demonic love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, a foundling adopted by Catherine's father. Humiliated by Catherine's brother and wrongly believing that his love for Catherine is not reciprocated, Heathcliff seeks revenge After reading this book, I felt for Heathcliff at first. Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool, and then he tyrannized by Hindley Earnshaw. But he becomes a villain when he acquires power and returns to Wuthering Heights with money and the trappings of a gentleman. His malevolence proves so great and long—lasting. As he himself points out, his abuse of Isabella—his wife is purely sadistic, as he amuses himself by seeing how much abuse she can take and still come cringing back for more.
At first I will tell you the main plot about Wuthering Heights. The story is narrated by Lockwood, a gentleman visiting the Yorkshire moors where the novel is set, and of Mrs Dean, housekeeper to the Earnshaw Family, who had been witness of the interlocked destinies of the original owners of the Heights. Described the love and enmity between Earnshaw and Linton’s family, especially Heathcliff and Catherine’s deeply love. Heathcliff is brought to Heights from the streets of Liverpool by Mr Earnshaw. Heathcliff is treated as Earnshaw’s own children, Catherine and Hindley. Heathcliff is bullied by Hindley after Earnshaw death and his lover Catherine marries Edgar Linton for many factors. This made Heathcliff mad, his destructive force is unleashed and
his first victim is his beloved, Catherine, who dies giving birth to a girl, another Catherine(Kathy). Edgar’s sister, whom he had married, flees to the south. Their son Linton and Kathy are married, but always sickly Linton dies. After that, Hareton, Hindley’s son and the young widow fall in love. Increasingly isolated and alienated from daily life, Heathcliff experiences visions, and he longs for the death that will reunite him with Catherine.
The story is wonderful, and the structure is also extremely excellent.The author Emily Bronte use a series of flashbacks and time shifts draws a powerful picture of this story. Because of its wonderful story, excellent structure and graceful language, the book left a deep impression on me.
From this book, we understand the deeply love and enmity. We find that the enmity always touched by deeply love at the end of the story, true feelings and true love always moved everyone. So we must treat others with true feelings.
Catherine represents wild nature, in both her high, lively spirits and her occasional cruelty. She loves Heathcliff so intensely that she claims they are the same person. However, her actions are driven in part by her social ambitions, which initially are awakened during her first stay at the Lintons, and which eventually compel her to marry Edgar. Catherine is free—spirited, beautiful, spoiled, and often arrogant, she is given to fits of temper, and she is torn between her both of the men who love her. The location of her coffin symbolizes the conflict that tears apart her short life. She is buried in a corner
of the Kirkyard. In contrast to Catherine, Isabella Linton—Catherine’s sister—in—law represents culture and civilization, both in her refinement and in her weakness. Ultimately, she ruins her life by falling in love with Heathcliff. He never returns her feelings and treats her as a meretool in his quest for revenge on the Linton family.
Just as Isabella Linton serves as Catherine’s foil, Edgar Linton serves as Heathcliff’s. Edgar grows into a tender, constant, but cowardly man. He is almost the ideal gentleman. However, this full assortment of gentlemanly characteristics, along with his civilized virtues, proves useless in Edgar’s clashes with his foil. He sees his wife obviously in love with another man but unable to do anything to rectify the situation. Heathcliff, who gains power over his wife, sister , and daughter.。