



托福必备词汇1. IntroductionThe TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized test that assesses the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers. It is a widely recognized test used for college admissions and visa applications. One of the key components of the TOEFL is the vocabulary section, which tests the candidates’ understanding and usage of various words and phrases in English. In this document, we provide a comprehensive list of TOEFL essential vocabulary that test-takers should focus on.2. TOEFL Essential Vocabulary2.1 Nouns•Academic: pertaining to education; related to schools, colleges, and universities.•Analysis: the process of examining or studying something in detail.•Approach: a way of dealing with a situation or problem.•Argument: a statement or series of statements for or against something.•Assumption: something that is believed to be true without proof.•Authority: the power or right to give orders, make decisions, or enforce obedience.•Behavior: the way in which someone conducts oneself.•Benefit: an advantage or profit gained from something.•Challenge: a difficult task or situation that requires effort to overcome.•Choice: an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.•Communication: the imparting or exchange of information or news.•Comparison: an examination of the similarities and differences between two or more things.•Conclusion: a judgment or decision reached after consideration.2.2 Verbs•Analyze: to examine or study something in detail.•Assess: to evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of something.•Contrast: to compare or show the differences between two things.•Define: to state or describe the exact meaning of something.•Demonstrate: to show or prove something by giving evidence or examples.•Determine: to decide or settle something conclusively.•Evaluate: to form an idea of the amount, number, or value of something.•Explain: to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving reasons for it.•Identify: to recognize, distinguish, or select something.•Illustrate: to provide examples, charts, or diagrams to make something clear or explain it.•Interpret: to explain the meaning of something.•Summarize: to give a brief statement of the main points of something.2.3 Adjectives•Accurate: correct, exact, or without any mistakes.•Cautious: careful to avoid problems or potential dangers.•Convincing: capable of causing someone to believe or accept something.•Efficient: achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.•Influential: having great influence or power over others.•Objective: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering or representing facts.•Significant: important, meaningful, or relevant.•Substantial: of considerable importance, size, or worth.•Valid: legally or officially acceptable, or logically correct.3. ConclusionIn order to succeed in the TOEFL, it is important to have a strong grasp of English vocabulary. This document provides a comprehensive list of TOEFL essential vocabulary, categorizedinto nouns, verbs, and adjectives. By studying and practicing the words and phrases listed here, test-takers can enhance their vocabulary skills and improve their performance on the TOEFL examination. Remember to use these words in context when practicing, as understanding their meanings and usage in real-life situations is crucial. Good luck with your TOEFL preparation!。



2012口语机经2012-1-8 2010-3-20NA•Describe a celebration or activity you participated in recently. Did everyone have a good time on that day?•Are 16-year-old teenagers mature enough to drive cars?2012-1-14•Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person•Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always study in quiet places2012-2-5 2011.4.15NA-1, 2010.3.6NA-2•What can universities do to help protect the environment?•If you are interested in a new book or movie, do you prefer to buy or to rent it?2012-2-11•Y our friend is considering keeping a pet. What kind of pet will you suggest and what advice will you give to him?•Do you agree or disagree: it is more enjoyable to read fiction than non-fiction literature.2012-2-17•Describe the differences between two singers that you are familiar with. Include reasons and examples to support your response•Some people prefer to get advice from their parents or grandparents. Others prefer to get advice from their peers.Which do you prefer and why?2012-2-24 2010.2.13NA•Q1:What kinds of activities do you enjoying doing most at school? Explain why you enjoy doing this activity. •Q2:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Artists (painters, musicians, etc.) are born and not taught.2012-2-25 2010.12.18NA•Is it good to keep pets? What can you benefit from such an experience?•Some students prefer to choose career before getting into college. Others prefer to choose career after taking some university courses. Which do you prefer and why?2012-3-4 2012.3.3NA•The University decides to set a cooking module for students to let them have better understanding of nutrients and health. Do you think it is a reasonable decision or not?•Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children can learn better from teachers who are kind (amiable) and friendly?2012-3-10 2011.6.17NA•Every examination, your friend can not get high marks, so she want to improve scores, what advice you may give her?•When you play the games or sports, you play for fun or win the games, which one you prefer?2012-3-18 2010.8.28NA;2012.5.25NA•Please describe: Internet plays an important role in your life. And Use specific examples and details to support your answer;•Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: peop le today have a healthier lifestyle than 100 years before;2012-3-24 2010.10.30NA task2 2010.3.12NAtask3、6•Task 1:Discuss the advantages (or disadvantages) of letting students evaluate their professor at the end of the semester.•Task 2:Agree or disagree: Gifts that people make by themselves are more meaningful than those bought in store.2012-4-14•Which one do you prefer? Shopping in a store or online shopping? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.•Which one do you prefer? Taking part in physical activities at the beginning of your university or two years later?2012-4-22 2010.6.19NA-1; 2010.12.3NA-2•If your friend is dropping out of the college, do you think it is a good thing?•Do you agree or disagree that assignments handed in after the deadline should receive lower score?2012-4-28 2010.10.30NA-1•Describe the place that you think is best for studying.•Some people prefer a job which deals with the same tasks every day. Others prefer a job which deals with many different tasks. Which do you prefer and why?2012-5-12 2011.4.2NA•What suggestions do you have on food and location for your friend who wants to have a restaurant?•Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students nowadays work harder in study than before. W: Which one do you prefer when you choose a university, the one in which students get better jobs after graduation, or the one with famous professors?2012-5-20 (2010.8.21NA)(2012.6.8NA)•Y our friend has won a lottery. What are your suggestions to spend all those money?•Agree or disagree: It is important to wear fashionable clothes.2012-5-26 (2012.5.20NA)•Air pollution is getting more and more serious. What suggestions do you have to solve this problem?•Do you like to live in ancient houses or modern buildings?W: Do you think teachers have greater influence on young children in the past than today?2012-6-9 2009-4-3NA-2•What suggestions do you have for your friend who hasn’t got enough money for something he really wants tobuy?•Do you like to be busy all the time or not?W: 搬家到新城市。



鑫哥11月吊炸天机经词汇【通用版】1. 机经词汇我是从14 年3 月开始公开在网络上,每场考试都会给大家做一些更新但是最近各种大大小小的机构都开始在盗用我的机经词汇,还标注是他们原创, 甚是气愤,大家支持原创,多多扩散2. 本月机经词汇分为通用版+考前点词2 部分;大家先背好通用版,如果有补充或者重点预测,就来【考前点词】【免费】所以每次考前点词都特别特别重要!3. 【考前点词务必都来】【9.11 考前点词逆天命中11 个词汇题】11月吊炸天鸡精词汇【通用版】1 a case in point a good example2 a glimpse of brief view3 a surge of a sudden increase in4 a wealth of an abundance of5 abandon no longer occupied/left6 abnormal unusual7 abrupt sudden8 absolutely definitely9 abundant plentiful10 accelerate speed up11 accompany occur with12 accordingly correspondingly13 account for explain14 accumulation buildup15 acknowledge admit16 acquire obtain17 actual fact18 acute severe19 adapt adjust20 adequate suitable21 adherent supporter22 adhesive sticky23 adjacent nearby24 adjoining border25 admitted accept truth26 adopting starting to use27 advantageous favorable28 advent arrival29 adverse unfavorable30 advocate promote31 aggregation group/collection32 aid assist33 aim to do intend to do34 albeit even though35 allegedly supposedly36 allow for make possible37 alteration modification38 alternate take turns39 altogether fully40 amass accumulate41 ambiguous open to various interpretations42 ambitious impressive but difficult to achieve43 ample plentiful44 annihilate destroy45 anonymous unidentified46 anticipate expect47 anxiety worry48 apparent noticeable49 apparently seemingly50 appeal attraction51 approach near52 appropriate suitable53 approximately roughly54 ardent enthusiastic55 artificial not real56 assess evaluate57 associate connect58 assorted various59 assume take on60 astonishment surprise61 at intervals periodically62 attest to provide evidence of63 attribute to responsible for64 augment add to65 authority expert66 autonomous independent67 backing up supporting68 baffled puzzled69 barely just70 barren unable to sustain life71 barring excluding72 be coupled with add to73 besides in addition to74 breakthrough development75 brew develop76 bulk large77 burdensome difficult78 burgeon rapidly expanding79 by and large for the most part80 capacity ability of storage81 catastrophic disastrous82 cautious careful83 cease stop84 characteristic typical85 chronological time86 cited mentioned87 cling to attach to88 cluster group89 coexisted lived together90 coincide at the same time91 collaborate work jointly92 collective all together93 colossal huge94 combination mixture95 commonplace ordinary96 communal cooperative97 comparable similar98 compatible consistent99 compelling convincing100 compensate make up for101 compile put together102 complexity sophistication103 component element104 compose consist of105 compounded added to106 comprehensible understandable107 comprise consist of108 concealed hidden109 concede accept as true110 conceivable imaginable111 concentrate increase the density of population 112 concise brief and to the point113 conducive favorable114 configuration arrangement115 confined limited116 confirm prove117 congestion overcrowding118 congregate gather119 consensus agree on120 considerable significant121 conspicuous visible122 constant continual123 constituent component 124 constraint limit125 consult ask126 consume use up127 contention argument128 contiguous neighboring 129 continuous unceasing130 contradicting conflicting 131 contribute
give/add to 132 controversy disagree133 conventional standard 134 converge come together 135 convert change136 convey communicate137 coordinate accommodate 138 coping with managing 139 correspond to matches 140 counter combat141 counterpart equivalent 142 countless innumerable 143 couple with combined with 144 courteous polite145 criteria standards146 crude initial/primitive147 culmination high point 148 curious strange149 cushioned protected150 decipher decode151 decisive determining152 decline refuse153 decomposed decay154 deep profound155 defeat conquer156 defer delay157 deficient not enough158 defining identifying159 deflect direction160 deliberately intentionally 161 demonstrate indicate162 denser more crowded 163 dependable reliable164 deplete exhaust165 deposit sediment166 depression hole167 derive obtain168 desiccated dry169 designate identify170 detach separate171 detect notice172 deter stop173 determinant causes174 devastate destroy175 differential uneven176 diffuse spread out177 dilemma problem178 dim weak179 diminish reduce180 discard throw away181 discontent unhappiness 182 discrepancy inconsistency 183 discrete separate184 disguise hide185 dismissed rejected186 dispersal distribution 187 disrupt disturb188 dissemination disperse 189 distant far190 distinct separate191 distinctive characteristic 192 distortions irregularities 193 disturbance upset194 diversify vary195 divert redirect196 document record197 domain field of expertise 198 domestic household199 dominate control200 dormant inactive201 doubtless certain202 dramatic striking203 drastic extreme204 drawback disadvantage 205 drawn to attractive206 durable lasting207 dwelling live208 dynamic active209 edible eaten210 elaborate complex/detail211 elevate raise212 eliminate get rid of213 elite upper class214 elongate stretch215 elusive hard to identify216 embody incorporate217 embraced adopted218 eminent distinguished219 emit discharge220 enabling allowing221 encompass include222 encounter meet223 encourage promote224 endorse support225 endure persistent/lasting/survive 226 engage participate227 enhance improve228 enormous very large229 ensure guarantee230 entirely completely231 envision picture232 episode occurrence233 epitomize exemplify234 equivalent comparable235 era period236 eradicate eliminate237 erased eliminated238 erect construction239 erroneous wrong240 essential fundamental241 estimate judge242 evade escape243 evenly equally244 evident obvious245 evolve develop246 excavate dig out247 exceed beyond248 exceedingly extremely249 exceptional superior250 excessive extreme251 exclude keep out252 excrete release253 exercise applied254 exhaust use up255 exhibit show/display256 exotic foreign257 expelled from left by258 experimental trial259 explicit specific260 exploit take advantage of 261 exposed unprotected262 extensive large263 extract remove264 extreme great265 facilitate make easier266 faithful accurate/exact 267 favor prefer268 favorable advantageous 269 feasible practical270 flee run away271 flexible bendable272 flourish prosper273 fluctuate vary274 focus concentrate275 formation of establishment 276 formulate construct277 fortunately luckily278 foster encourage279 foundation basic280 founding establishment 281 fragile break/delicate282 fragment pieces283 freestanding no attached 284 frigid cold285 fuel provide energy286 fulfill achieves287 function purpose288 fundamental basic289 furnished equipped290 generally usually291 generate produce292 gesture movement293 giant huge294 gradual slow295 habit behavior296 hairline slight297 halt stop298 harness use299 harsh severe300 hasten fast/speed up301 hazard dangerous302 heavily intensively303 heightened increased304 hence therefore305 henceforth from this time on306 hierarchical having several levels of authority 307 highlighten emphasize308 hinder hamper309 hitherto up to now310 homogeneous unvaried311 ideal perfect312 ignored paid no attention313 imitator someone who copied his work314 imminent about to happen315 impeded restricted316 impetus motivation317 implement put into effect318 implication consequence319 imply suggest320 impractical unrealistic321 impressive striking322 impulse motive323 in essence basic324 in profile view from the side325 in retrospect looking back326 in some degree to a certain extent327 in the long run eventually328 inadvertently unintentionally329 incentive motive330 incidental temporary331 incited stimulated332 inconclusive not decisive333 incredible impossible to believe334 indefinite unlimited335 indicative suggesting336 indigenous native337 indiscriminate random338 indispensable essential339 induce cause the formation of340 inevitable unavoidable/certain341 inflicting bring about342 ingenuity cleverness343 inhibit restrict344 inhospitable unfavorable345 initial beginning346 innumerable countless347 inspect examine348 install put in place349 institute establish350 intact whole351 integral essential352 integrate unite/combine353 intended desired354 intensive strong355 intermittent start and stop often356 interrupt break in357 interval periodical358 intimate familiar with359 intricate complex360 intriguing strong and interesting361 inventive creative362 inviting tempting363 invoke call on364 invulnerable indomitable365 irreversible permanent366 irritating annoying367 isolated separated368 just fair369 justify provide a rational basis for370 keenly deeply371 keep in check limited372 keep tune to maintain373 kept pace with matched with increase374 lag delay375 lateral side376 launch start377 lethal deadly378 likewise similarly379 literacy reading and writing380 little short of miraculous amazing because almost impossible 381 lucrative profitable382 magnitude size383 maintenance supporting384 mandated required385 manifestation expression386 manipulated skillfully used387 margins limits388 massive tremendous389 mastered become skillful at solving 390 meager scanty; thin391 mean average392 merely simply/only393 methodical systematic394 might strength395 mimic reproduce396 minute tiny397 modest reasonable398 modify change399 moist damp400 monotonous unchanging401 monumental enormous402 moral lesson403 mortality death404 mundane ordinary405 mutilate intentionally destroy406 mysteriously enigmatically407 needless to say obviously408 negligible minor409 nevertheless but410 no wonder unsurprising411 norm common412 notable particularly413 notion conception414 novel new415 now and then occasionally416 objection arguments in opposition 417 obligated required418 obscure unclear419 obsolete out of date420 obvious clear421 occasional infrequent422 offset counterbalance423 on balance overall424 ongoing continuing425 oppose object426 optimal most favorable427 optimistic hopeful428 ornament decoration429 outbreak sudden increase430 outlying far431 output production432 outweigh exceed433 overall general434 overlap in common435 overlook miss / ignore436 oversee supervise437 overwhelmingly by far438 painstaking taking great effort to439 parallels matches440 particular specific441 peculiar strange442 penetrate pass through443 perceive see444 perfected improved445 perilous dangerous446 perishable decay447 permanent forever448 perpetuate accept the idea last too long 449 perplexing puzzling450 persistent continue451 persuasively convincingly452 pertinent relevant453 pervasive widespread454 pioneered introduced455 plague problem456 plausible reasonable457 point out state458 pointless of no use459 ponder think of460 portable movable461 pose present462 posterity next generation463 postulate hypothesized464 potential latent/possible465 practically almost466 pragmatic practical467 precipitous sharp468 precise exact469 preclude prevent470 predominate are in the majority471 preeminent foremost472 premature too early473 premise assumptions474 preoccupation concern475 prerequisite requirement476 preservative keep food fresh477 prestige high regard478 presumably reasonable assumption 479 prevailing generally accepted480 previously formerly481 principal most important/major 482 profound very strong483 progressively increasingly484 prohibit prevent485 projected shown486 proliferate rapid production487 prolific productive488 prolong extend489 prominent important490 promote encourage491 prompt stimulate492 pronouncement statement493 propagate proliferate494 proper appropriate495 proponents supporters496 proportion size497 propose offer the theory498 prosper succeed499 prosperity wealth500 protract length501 provided if502 pursue practice/engage in503 quest search504 radical extreme505 random chance506 rapport bond507 rarely seldom508 readily easily509 recall remember510 reciprocal mutual511 recognized accepted512 redundancy surplus513 refinement improvement514 reflect indicate515 refute disproved516 regime government517 regulate control518 reinforce strengthen519 relative compare to520 relay deliver521 release set free522 relentless unceasing523 reliance dependable524 reluctant unwilling525 remarkable marvelous526 remnant remain527 remote isolated/distant528 renew restore529 repel back530 replenish restore531 replicate copy532 repulse driven back533 resemble look like534 resilient lively535 resistance obstruction536 respectively separately537 restrict limit538 resultant consequent539 retain kept540 retard slow541 retrieve recover542 retrospect looking back543 revered honored544 revive recover545 rigors difficulties546 rival competitor547 roughly approximately548 routinely regularly549 rudimentary primitive550 ruled out excluded551 rupture break552 sabotage intentionally damage 553 scale size554 scanty few555 scarce short in supply556 scatter separated557 scenario situation558 scrutiny close observation 559 secrete produce560 sedentary inactive561 segregate separate562 seldom rarely563 sequence order564 setback failure565 severely intensely566 severity harshness567 shallow having little depth568 shortcoming weakness569 significance important570 signifying indicating571 simulation imitation572 simultaneous at the same time573 skepticism doubt574 sleek smooth575 slight small576 solely only577 somewhat in some degree578 sophisticated highly developed579 sought tried to obtain580 sparser more thinly distributed581 specified typical582 spectacular remarkable583 speculate suppose/puts forward as a possibility 584 spurt a sudden increase585 stable firmly established586 stagnation lack of growth587 stamina endurance588 startled surprised589 stationary immobile/static590 steadily unvaried591 stimulate activate592 straightforward simple593 stream current594 strenuous put more energy595 striking noteworthy596 struggled tried hard597 subdue defeat598 subsequent later599 subsistence survival600 substantial considerable601 subtly slightly602 successive continuous/one after another603 suffice be enough604 supplanted replaced605 supplement addition606 suppress stop607 surge sudden increase608 surplus superfluous609 susceptible influence610 suspect doubt611 suspend float612 sustain support/maintain/keep613 swift fast614 switch on activate615 synthesize combine616 systematically methodically617 tactic strategy618 take precedence over important than 619 tandem together620 tangible physical621 tantamount equivalent622 task job623 tedious tiresome624 temporarily briefly625 tenacity persistence626 tending taking care of627 terminal final628 the norm common629 thereby consequently630 thrill excitement631 ties connections632 trace evident633 trait feature634 transparent easy to notice635 traumatic upsetting636 tremendous enormous637 triggered initiated638 trivial small639 troublesome difficult640 twenty or so roughly641 typical common642 ultimately eventually643 unambiguous clear644 undergo experience645 underlie basic646 undermine weaken647 unexpectedly surprisingly648 unfavorable adverse649 uniform same650 unintentional unplanned651 uninterrupted steady652 unique only one653 unprecedented novel/unexampled654 unpromising unfavorable655 unrivaled unequal656 valid well-founded657 vast huge658 viability ability to exist659 vicinity region660 vigorous strong661 virtually nearly662 virtue moral excellence663 vital necessary664 vulnerable harm665 were persistently viewed continue to be viewed 666 whereas however667 whereby via668 widely extensively669 widespread widely separated670 with no warning without any indication beforehand 671 worshiper who visit the temples。



occupy: v. 占有, 占领, 侵占, 使从事, 使忙碌 oc- [prf.] (在字母c之前) = ob- [prf.] = towards (朝着某个目标去拿就是想) 占有 e.g. object occupant: n. 占有人, 所有人, 占用者, 居住者 -ant [n. suf.] = operator
tachycardia: n. 心动过速, 心搏过速 tachy- [prf.] = rapid, swift e.g. tachymeter cardinal: n. & adj. 1)、鲜红, 深红, 红衣大主教; 2)、重要的, 基本的, 鲜红的. (心脏是)重要的, (也是)鲜红色的
cordial: n. & adj. 1)、有兴奋作用的食品; 2)、热情友好的, 真诚的, 令人兴奋的. -ial [adj. suf.] = relate to (用心的招待别人就是) 热情友好的, 真诚的 cordiality: n. 热情友好, 真挚 -ity [n. suf.] = quality, condition
principal: adj. & n. 1)、最重要的, 主要的, 资本的; 2)、首领, 长官, 校长. prin- [prf.] = prim- [prf.] = first e.g. primeval, prime prin (first) + cip (take) + al (adj. suf.) (第一个拿的人当然是)最重要的
receive: v. 收到, 接到, 得到, 接受, 采纳 re- [prf.] = backwards e.g. recall, revert re (backwards) + ceive (take) 收到 (就要拿回来)






一、名词(Nouns)1. Application 申请2. Aspect 方面3. Benefit 利益4. Challenge 挑战5. Concept 概念6. Development 发展7. Effect 效果8. Factor 因素9. Goal 目标10. Impact 影响11. Issue 问题12. Knowledge 知识13. Limitation 限制14. Method 方法15. Opportunity 机会16. Principle 原则17. Resource 资源18. Solution 解决方案19. Strategy 策略20. Technique 技巧二、动词(Verbs)1. Analyze 分析2. Comprehend 理解3. Determine 确定4. Evaluate 评估5. Expand 扩大6. Illustrate 说明7. Improve 提高8. Maximize 最大化9. Organize 组织10. Promote 促进11. Recognize 认识到12. Require 需要13. Stimulate 刺激14. Suggest 建议15. Undermine 削弱16. Utilize 利用17. Verify 验证18. Weigh 权衡19. Yield 产生三、形容词(Adjectives)1. Accurate 准确的2. Appropriate 适当的3. Authentic 真实的4. Comprehensive 全面的5. Crucial 关键的6. Efficient 高效的7. Flexible 灵活的8. Inevitable 不可避免的9. Major 主要的10. Significant 重要的11. Substantial 大量的12. Unique 独特的13. Valuable 有价值的14. Versatile 多功能的15. Widespread 广泛的四、副词(Adverbs)1. Convenient 方便地2. Effectively 有效地3. Gradually 逐渐地4. Inevitably 不可避免地5. Moreover 此外6. Particularly 特别地7. Properly 正确地8. Significantly 显著地9. Simultaneously 同时地10. Virtually 实际上五、连词(Conjunctions)1. Although 尽管2. Furthermore 此外3. Hence 因此4. Moreover 此外5. Consequently 结果6. Nonetheless 然而7. Accordingly 相应地8. Likewise 同样地六、介词(Prepositions)1. Above 在...之上2. Below 在...之下3. Among 在...之间4. Beyond 超出5. Into 进入6. Throughout 贯穿7. Amongst 在...之中8. Within 在...内部七、代词(Pronouns)1. Each 每个2. Either 任何一个3. Both 两个/所有的4. Itself 它自己5. Somebody 某人6. Nobody 没有人八、名词性从句(Noun Clauses)1. That 该2. What 是什么3. Where 哪里4. When 何时5. Who 谁6. How 如何九、形容词性从句(Adjective Clauses)1. Who 谁2. Which 哪一个3. Whom 谁4. Whose 谁的5. Where 哪里十、副词性从句(Adverbial Clauses)1. Since 因为2. Although 虽然3. While 在...期间4. Before 在...之前5. After 在...之后以上是高频托福核心词汇表的一部分,掌握这些词汇将有助于你在托福考试中取得更好的成绩。



2009年1月10日托福机经1月10日托福机经阅读:第一篇: functionism(忘了是这个词还是functional) culture第一段先举了生物学的例子,这里有题,问为什么要举生物学的例子。




第一个人的意思是每一个文化主要取决于大众的需要,并且大众的需要分两层,第一是basic demand,衣食住行,第二层是宗教,政治还是什么的。













加试:电报电话在欧洲和美国的发展,鸟类学说话1月10日托福机经听力:1. 学生放假忘了cancel电话服务,暑假的时候貌似他的宿舍有人住,电话打爆了,她的电话费就奇高无比。





雅思听力机经单词总结(经验贴)1. laser printing 激光打印2. media service 媒体服务3. reference 推荐信/参考书目4. referee 推荐人/裁判5. confirmation 确认6. local agency 当地的中介7. diagnose 诊断8. chest infection 胸部感染9. revolution 革命, 旋转10. evolution 进展, 发展, 演变, 进化10. solar power 太阳能11. communication technology 交流技术12. modular course 单元课程13 sustainable development 可持续性的发展14 independence 独立15 learning styles 学习风格16 observation 观察, 观测, 观察资料(或报告)17 distance learning 远程学习18 approach 接近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径,19 scientific 科学的20 artistic 艺术的, 有美感的, 风雅的21 gym membership 健身会员22 running facilities 跑步设备23 out of stock 无存货24 sport articles 体育用品25 administrator 管理人, 行政官26 virtual learning 虚拟学习27 sound quality 音质28 fossil 化石29 exhibition 展览会30 delicate 精巧的,脆弱的, 灵敏的31 Bank Holiday 银行休假日32 external organization 外部机构33 communicating bases 交流基础34 presentation 介绍, 陈述, 赠送, 表达35 seminar 研究会, 讨论发表会36 objective 目标, 目的37 project outline 项目计划大纲38 academic conference 学术会议39 car parking 停车40 restaurant 餐厅41 volcanoes 火山42 volcanic dust 火山灰43 magma 岩浆44 lava 熔岩45 crater 火山口46 active volcano 活火山47 extinct volcano 死火山48 dormant volcano 休眠火山49 telescope 望远镜50 flexible 灵活的51 gust 阵风, 一阵狂风52 gale 大风53 typhoon 台风54 hurricane 飓风55 tornado 龙卷风56 drizzle 细雨,毛毛雨57 shower 阵雨58 avalanche 雪崩,山崩59 drought 干旱60 thunder 打雷,雷声61 frost 霜冻62 Jupiter 木星63 Mars 火星64 Mercury 水星65 Venus 金星66 Saturn 土星67 Pluto 冥王星68 Uranus 天王星69 Neptune 海王星70 meteor 流星71 comet 彗星72 orbit 绕...轨道而行,轨道73 tape recorder 录音机74 statistics 统计学,数据75 green waste 无污染垃圾76 pigeon holes 开放式邮箱77 College Dining Room 大学食堂78 enquiry desk 问询处79 medical center 医疗中心80 satellite TV station 卫星电台81 folder 文件夹, 折叠器, 折叠机82 binder 活页夹83 legal problems 医疗问题84 dictation 听写,口述,命令85 subtitles 副题, 说明对白的字幕86 eye contact 眼神交流87 TV chat show 电视访谈秀88 registered mail 挂号信89 special mail 特殊邮件90 parcel 包裹91 contract 合同,契约,感染疾病92 case study 案例分析93 grasp the skills to learn independently 掌握独立学习的技巧94 wear fancy dress 穿着花哨的衣服95 book in advance 提前预订96 check the websites 查询网站97 cult 宗教崇拜,宗教仪式,98 badminton 羽毛球99 mature student 成年学生100 bedsit 卧室兼起居室101 temperature 温度102 Lord Mayor 市长103 vocational course 职业课程104 domestic work 家务活105 labor 劳动, 努力, 工作, 劳工106 childcare 儿童护理107 insomnia 失眠108 subway 地铁109 dark room facilities 暗室设备110 cash 现金111 suburb 市郊,郊区112 internet access 网络接口113 golf club 高尔夫俱乐部114 seek help 寻求帮助115 weapon 武器116 exaggerated by the media 被媒体夸大117 theft 偷盗118 awareness 意识119 presentation with visual aids 带有视觉辅助的讲座120 structure skills 写作中的结构技巧121 subjects 学科/受实验者122 organic fiber 有机纤维123 nature fiber 天然纤维124 cotton 棉花125 wool 羊毛126 linen 亚麻127 retard 延迟, 使减速, 阻止, 阻碍128 water proof 防水129 top shelf 顶层130 supervise teams 监管队伍131 enrollment fees 注册费用132 distribute newsletters 分发简讯133 excursion 短程旅行134 casual clothes 休闲服装135 Politics 政治学136 Nursing 护理学137 under pressure 处于压力之下138 pension 养老金139 crisis 危机140 psychology 心理学141 campus crime 校园犯罪142 bank transfer 银行间的转帐143 wheel chair 轮椅144 nut 坚果145 chestnut 栗子146 land marks 地面标记147 good eyesight 好的视力148 robot 机器人149 rats 老鼠150 rocky 多岩石的, 坚固的,困难的151 muddy road 泥泞的道路152 boots 靴子153 wrecked/broken boat 已经被破坏了的船154 castle 城堡155 tower 塔156 brother-in-law 姊妹的丈夫157 dentist 牙医158 water pipes 水管159 chewing gum 口香糖160 pine trees 松树161 habitant 居住者162 torch 火把163 survival 生存,幸存164 young teenagers 十几岁的青少年165 junior 年少者, 晚辈, 下级166 honey 蜂蜜167 plague 瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼, 灾祸168 insects 昆虫169 amber 琥珀170 jewel/jewellery 珠宝171 intermediate 中级的172 attachment 附件, 附加装置, 配属173 data analysis 数据分析174 presentation 介绍, 陈述, 赠送, 表达175 silver 银176 natural medicine 天然药物177 loan 贷款178 alarm clock 闹钟179 clerk 职员, 办事员180 rubber blanket 橡胶垫181 fold 折叠182 paper jam 复印机夹纸183 railway track 铁轨184 delivery 传送,运送,说话/演唱风格185 plate 盘子,金属板,地质板块186 air pump 气筒187 technology appeals to her 她感兴趣的技术188 goose 鹅189 swan 天鹅190 stressful 紧张的,有压力的191 unique 独特的,唯一的192 recycle 回收193 warehouse 仓库,货栈, 大商店194 refund 退款195 film 胶卷,薄膜196 harbor 港口,码头197 spider 蜘蛛198 gallery 画廊199 literature 文学200 literate 有文化的,有读写能力的201 immune system 免疫系统202 garage 车库203 drawer 抽屉204 night table 床头柜205 fitted light 按放置位置定作的灯206 crocodile 鳄鱼207 cave 岩洞208 migration pattern 迁徙途径209 desert 沙漠210 wetland 湿地211 workshop车间,工场/研讨班212 office layer 办公室等级213 designer 设计师214 accountant 会计215 engineer 工程师216 loyal 忠诚的217 fitness center 健身中心218 city council 市议会219 misinterpret 误解,误以为220 irrelevant 不相关的221 out of temper 发脾气222 emu/kiwi/ostrich/kaka 鸸鹋/几维鸟/鸵鸟/一种鹦鹉223 shortage of food 食物短缺224 steam 蒸汽225 coach 教练/大巴226 cycling 骑自行车227 fishing 钓鱼228 hiking 远足,徒步旅行229 squash 壁球230 tennis 网球231 property owner 房东232 sample 样品233 Chemistry Lab 化学实验室234 safety regulation 安全制度235 container 容器,货柜,集装箱236 material 材料237 texture 质地,外观,手感238 deposit 押金/存钱239 mammal 哺乳动物240 wasp 黄蜂241 bee 蜜蜂242 carnivore/carnivorous 食肉动物/食肉动物的243 herbivore/herbivorous 食草动物/食草动物的244 jaw 下颚245 tongue 舌头246 sting 蛰刺,蛰针247 self-defense 自我防卫248 scent 气味/嗅出,闻出249 fur trade 皮毛贸易250 emotion and mood 情绪和心情251 companion 同伴,伙伴252 community 社区253 extinction of one animal 动物的灭绝254 conservation 保护255 sea-otter 海獭256 sea-urchin 海胆257 kelp forest 大型褐藻群258 whale 鲸鱼259 minke whale 小须鲸260 northern right whale 北露脊鲸261 sperm whale 抹香鲸262 dorsal fin 背脊263 blow-hole 鲸鱼的鼻孔264 choppy 指海洋有浪花起伏的265 charity 慈善266 volunteer 志愿者267 random selection 随意选取268 reinforced by wood and steel 用木头和钢铁加固269 student card 学生卡270 bank statement 银行对帐单271 fiction 小说272 non-fiction 记实性的散文文学273 retired 退休274 financial goals 财务目标275 grant 助学金276 optional expenses 可选择的花费277 budgeting advice 预算建议278 student debt 学生债务279 first-aid kit 急救箱280 curtain 窗帘281 handle 把手282 weed 杂草283 booklist 书单284 donation 捐赠285 workload 工作量,工作负担286 torn 破损的287 money lender 放贷人288 journalism 新闻学289 journalist 新闻记者290 street children 街头流浪儿童291 bed and breakfast 旅馆夜宿兼包次日早餐292 isolated spot 被隔离的地点293 countryside 农村294 bathroom 卫生间295 handout 讲义296 OHP(overhead projector) 投影仪297 interview 面试/访谈298 questionnaire 问卷调查299 drop-off site 回收垃圾的地点300 plastic collection 塑料收集301 sweater 毛线衫302 raincoat 雨衣303 photocopy 复印304 install 安装305 motivation 动力306 sacked from the former job 以前的工作被解聘了307 wildlife 野生动物308 poultry 家禽309 livestock 牲畜310 tower 塔311 idle place 闲置的地方312 ruined village 被破坏的村庄313 trousers and boots 裤子和靴子314 dayshift 白班315 nightshift 晚班316 jacket 夹克317 editor 编辑318 publisher 出版商319 vacancy 空缺320 domestic 国内的/家庭的,家务的321 reliable 可靠的322 scarce 稀少的,匮乏的323 lake and dam 湖和大坝324 contaminate 污染325 purify 净化326 entertainment 娱乐327 passengers 乘客328 underground 地下329 cable 电缆330 sewage 下水道污物331 catalogue 目录332 towel 毛巾333 journal 期刊334 allergy 过敏335 bad eyesight 视力不好336 interrupt the work 中断工作337 recipe 食谱338 optic examination 视力检查339 violent 暴力的,激烈的340 identity 身份341 insurance 保险342 headphone 耳机343 resistance 抵抗,对抗344 polish the car and furniture 打磨抛光车和家具345 wax 蜡346 candle 蜡烛347 costly 昂贵的348 qualification 资历349 temple 寺庙350 waterfall 瀑布351 rainfall 降雨量352 weaving village 从事编制业的村庄353 drop out 中途放弃做某事354 carpet 地毯355 carve wood 雕刻木头356 fit 健康357 intermediate 中等的,中级的358 mental ability 智力,脑力359 internal clock 生物钟360 articles 物品,用品/文章361 rank 等级362 intact 无损伤的,完整的363 magic 有魔力的364 leaflet 散页印刷品,单叶365 piano 钢琴366 instrument 器械367 epidemic 流行性的,流行病368 precaution 预防措施369 leprosy 麻风病370 commercial bank 商业银行371 seven-screen cinema 多屏幕影院372 cassette recorder 录音机373 juggling 杂耍374 mine 采矿375 comedy 喜剧376 tragedy 悲剧377 timber 木材378 film 电影/胶片/薄膜379 refund 退款380 self-funded 自费381 challenging 有挑战性的382 award 奖品383 reward 回报384 repair 修理385 power steering 动力转向装置386 shelter 遮蔽,庇护,庇护物387 ignorance 忽视388 genetic factor 基因因素389 antibiotic 抗生素390 baldness 秃顶,脱发391 ulcer 溃疡392 oral exam 口试393 souvenir 旅游纪念品394 string 绳子395 measurement 衡量,测量396 water-skiing 滑水397 fever 发烧398 bloom 开花399 tram 有轨电车400 toy 玩具401 gender 性别402 goat 山羊403 hens 母鸡404 cow 奶牛405 speaker 扩音器/说话者406 embassy 大使馆407 blond 金发的408 intelligent 聪明的409 smelly cage 难闻的笼子410 chin 下巴411 scar 伤疤412 slim 消瘦的413 cable car 缆车414 swimming costume 泳衣415 ankle 脚踝416 elbow 肘417 cramming 填鸭式学习,复习418 panic 恐慌419 currency 货币420 cashier 收银员421 spiral 螺旋形的,盘旋的422 margin 边缘423 mustache 嘴上的胡须424 beard 下巴上的胡子425 frontier 国界,边界426 breeding 生育,繁殖,饲养动物427 toe 脚趾428 bacteria 细菌429 reverse 相反的430 chick 雏鸟,小鸡431 recruit 吸收某人为新成员,征募432 tent 帐篷433 portable 便携式的,手提式的434 canvas 帆布,画布435 military 军队的436 wave 波浪437 tide 潮,潮汐438 cattle 牛的总称439 safety helmet 安全头盔440 regrettable 令人遗憾的441 shear sheep 剪羊毛442 guided tour 有向导指引的观光443 ferry 渡船444 tile 瓦,瓷砖,板445 polished silver 抛光的银446 velvet 立绒,天鹅绒447 magician 魔术师448 resit 重考,补考449 omnivore 吃杂食的450 insect 昆虫451 prey 猎物452 appetite 食欲,胃口453 creature 生物,动物454 microbe 微生物455 scale 规模,程度,鱼鳞456 bud 花蕾457 petal 花瓣458 bark 树皮459 lawn 草坪,草地460 leaf 树叶461 toxic 有毒的462 decibel 分贝463 acid rain 酸雨464 host World Expo 举办世界博览会465 strike 罢工466 murder 谋杀467 multimedia materials/resources 多媒体材料/资源468 pursue similar goals 追求相似的目标469 automobiles 机动车辆470 tailor 裁缝471 pre-booking 提前预订472 tropical disease 热带疾病473 venomous snakes 毒蛇474 amusement park 娱乐园475 theme park 主题公园476 bed sheet 床单477 desk lamp 台灯478 barbecue 烧烤479 sport injury 运动伤害480 draft 草稿481 standpoint 立场,看问题的角度482 squirrel 松鼠483 arm badge 臂章,徽标484 ambulance 救护车485 craft fair 手工业品博览会486 fringe stage 边台487 blood flow 血流488 armchair (单座的)沙发489 card index 卡片索引490 food processing 食物加工491 man-made dams 人造大坝492 filter 过滤器493 water disposal 水处理494 tunnel 通道,隧道495 cross passages 横向通道496 seating capacity 容纳客人的能力497 administrator 行政人员498 sediment 沉淀物499 mineral 矿物质500 necessity 必要性,必需品501 picture frame 画框502 backing materials 背衬材料503 distribute 分发,分配504 vitamin 维他命505 italic 斜体506 corporative loans 商业贷款507 on-line shopping 网上购物508 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳509 curriculum vitae 个人简历,履历510 head teacher 教学主任511 junction 交叉路口512 approval 赞成,认可,同意513 committee 委员会514 refreshment 精神恢复,食物饮料515 Forbes 福布斯杂志516 Spoon 勺子517 Drowsy/drowsiness 昏昏欲睡518 side effects 副作用519 tunes 音调,曲调520 resin 树脂521 monopoly 专卖权,专利权522 royal commission 皇家调查团523 vegetation 植被524 health check 身体检查525 national park 国家公园526 heater 暖气527 petrol 汽油528 poster 海报529 subtopics 副标题530 rock track 石路531 landscape 风景,景色532 stretching movements 伸展运动533 mat 垫子534 sun-total block 防晒霜535 piano 钢琴536 violin 小提琴537 guitar 吉他538 laptop 手提电脑539 monitor 监视器,监测器540 submit questions 提交问题541 brick 砖542 evaporate 蒸发543 marine 近海的,海中的,海运的544 integrate 结合,融合545 postgraduate 硕士生546 philosophy 哲学547 basement 地下室548 season 风干549 reflection rate 反光率550 scissors 剪刀551 abbreviation 缩写552 canoe 独木舟553 current 水流554 high energy snack 高能量零食555 disguise 伪装,假装556 restriction 限制557 leather 皮革558 MSG (monosodium glutamate) 味精559 bitterness 苦560 minerals 矿物质561 metal 金属562 dock 码头563 cigar 雪茄烟564 food intake 食物摄入565 hovercraft 气垫船566 roadworthy 适宜于在公路上行驶的567 life cycle 生命周期。



托福考试常用词汇abundant—plentiful 丰富的-丰富的accelerate—increase 加速-增加accessible—reachable 可到达的-可到达的accordingly—for that reason因此-因此account for—explain说明accumulate—collect积聚-收集acute—intense急性的-剧烈的adhere—stick粘附-粘附adjunct—addition辅助-附加adorn—decorate装饰--装饰adverse—negative相反的-负面的advocate—proponent提倡者-支持者aesthetical—artistic审美的-艺术的astound—surprise令人极为惊讶的-令人惊讶attachment (to)—preference (for)喜爱-喜爱attain—achieve获得-获得attendant—accompanying伴随的-伴随的attire—clothing衣服-衣服attribute—characteristic特征aviation—navigation航空-航空barren—infertile贫瘠的-贫瘠的bias—prejudice偏见-偏见bizarre—odd-奇异的-奇怪的boost—raise促进-提高bound—limit限制-限制break (with)—departure (from)与…相分离-与…相分离 bring about—cause导致-导致calculate—determine计划-决定carry—support支撑-支撑cast off—get rid of丢弃-抛弃cease—stop终止-停止celestial—astronomical天上的-天文的chance—unplanned偶然的-未计划的characterized—distinguished具有特色的-杰出的classify—categorize分类-分类coarse—rough 粗糙-粗糙cohesion—unity凝聚-结合,统一coin—create创造,杜撰-创造collectively—together共同的-一起comparably—similarly类似-同样地compile—put together收集-收集compose—create创作-创作,创造comprise—consist of 由…组成-由…组成conceal—hide 隐藏-隐藏concentrate—cluster集中-集中conclusive—definitive最后的,结论性的-最后的,确定性的 concomitant with—in conjunction with与…相一致-与…相一致 condone—mercy宽恕-宽恕confined—limited被限制的-限制的conflict—opposition冲突-相反conjectural—based on guessing 推测的-给予猜测的 consciously—on purpose 有意识地-有目的地conserve—retain保存-保存considerable—great(数量、程度)巨大的-巨大的 considerable—much大量的-大量的,坚实的 considerable—substantial 大量的-大量的,坚实的 consort—associate合伙人,伴侣-合伙人,伙伴conspicuous—noticeable明显的-明显的 constituent—component组成部分-成分constitute—make up构成-构成consult—counsel商量-商量consumption—eating消费-吃contemporary—existing 当代的-现存的counteract—negate 抵消-取消,否定counterpart—version副本-版本crucial—essential重要的,关键的-重要的,基本的 cumbersome—burdensome麻烦的-麻烦的customary—usual习俗的-一般的dampen—moisten使潮湿-使潮湿daring—bold大胆的-大胆的deft—skilled灵巧的-熟练的deliberate—careful深思熟虑的-小心的demand—order要求-命令demonstrate—show 证明-显示dense—thick 密集的-稠密的depress—lower降低-降低depressed—saddened沮丧的-悲伤的,沮丧的derive—obtain取得,获得-获得detect—discover the presence of 发现-发现…的存在 detectable—measurable可察觉的,可测出的-可测量的 detectable—sizable可察觉的,可测出的-巨大的 devastate—ruin损坏-毁灭devote—dedicate投身-致力dictate—determine规定-确定diffuse—travel扩散-传播dirt—soil土壤-土壤disaster—catastrophe灾祸-大灾祸新托福词汇表avow v.公开承认, 公开宣称badge n.徽章, 证章 (以示身份)badger v.一再烦扰,一再要求 n.獾 (一种动物)bait v.以饵引诱 (动物); 把饵装上 n.诱饵,引诱物balk vi.1.阻碍 2.犹豫,不愿做n.选票ballotbanal a dj.陈腐的bandit n.强盗n.(善意地) 取笑, 逗弄 v.善意的与人开玩笑bantern.野蛮人barbariann.1.火力网,弹幕 2.(言语等) 猛烈轰击barragebarricadev.设栅阻挡 n.栅栏; 障碍物adj.害羞的,难为情的bashfulbask v.晒太阳,取暖baste vt.1.(烤肉时) 涂油, 把油涂在 (肉上) 2.殴打;公开责骂 batter v.打坏, 猛击 n.击球手becoming a dj.合适的, 相称的vt.1.使酒醉昏迷 2.使迷惑, 使迷糊befuddlebeget v t.引起, 产生begrudge v.1.嫉妒 2.吝啬,舍不得给; 勉强给behold v.目睹,看见vt.轻视,贬低belittleadj.交战的; 好斗的, 好战的belligerentn.行善者,捐助者benefactoradj.慈善的,仁义的benevolentbenign adj.1.(人) 亲切和蔼的 2.(病) 良性的bequeath v.遗赠, 遗留v.猛烈责骂beratebereave v.剥夺,夺去beseech v.祈求,恳求vi.口角, 斗嘴bicker固执己见的bigotedblackmail vt.勒索blasphemous a dj.亵渎神明的, 不敬神的blemish n.缺点, 污点 v.玷污adj.喧闹的,欢闹的boisterousbombastic adj.夸大的,言过其实的bondage n.奴役; 束缚brace n.支柱;撑子 vt.支撑, 撑牢, 振作amass v t.收集, 积聚anarchy n.无政府, 混乱adj.辅助的ancillaryanguish n.极度的痛苦, 苦闷annals n.编年史v.注解, 注释annotateannul v.废除, 取消anomalous adj.反常的, 不规则的v.提早日期antedateapathy n.冷漠, 无兴趣n.开口, 孔apertureaphorism n.警句, 格言vt.使惊骇, 使恐怖apothappallappease vt.使平静; 满足adj.适当的, 恰切的appositeappraise v.估计, 评价apprehend v.1.逮捕 2.领会, 理解 3.忧虑, 畏惧apprehension n.1.担心, 害怕 2.理解apprehensive adj.恐惧的, 忧虑的, 担心的悲惨的wretched adj.wring vt.绞,拧,扭yarn n.纱,纱线yelp v.狗吠yield v.1.生产;产生 2.放弃;投降 n.产量;收益yolk n.蛋黄zeal n.热心, 热情, 热忱n.顶点, 顶峰zenithabash vt.使羞愧abate v.(数量、程度等) 减少; 减轻, 缓解v.1.让位, 辞职 2.放弃 (权利或责任)abdicateabduct v.绑架, 拐走abet vt.帮助; 教唆abridge 缩短, 删节absolve v.1.(宗教上的) 宽恕 2.赦免 (罪行、过失等) ; 解除 (责任等) abstain v.自制; 自动放弃, 戒绝adj.难懂的, 深奥的abstruseabyss n.深渊, 深坑v.突出, 强调accentuateaccomplice n.同谋者, 帮凶accostv.向人搭话adj.想获得的; 贪得无厌的acquisitivev.宣告无罪acquitadage n.格言, 谚语adamant adj.固执的, 坚定不移的adjourn v.延期adore v.1.崇拜, 崇敬 2.极喜爱adj.熟练的, 灵巧的adroitv.充气, 让空气进入; (水, 饮料等) 加气 aerateaffable adj.易接近的, 和蔼可亲的aghast adj.惊骇的, 吓呆的v.1.鼓吹, 煽动 2.使激动, 使恼怒 agitatev.宣称, 主张, 断言allegev.缓和, 减轻alleviatev.间接提到, 暗指alludeallure v.引诱 n.诱惑, 吸引n.利他主义altruismadj.利他的, 无私心的altruisticalumnus n.男校友amalgamate v.混合, 合并n.附近,接近vicinityvie v.竞争vigilancen.警戒,警惕vine n.葡萄藤, 蔓adj.病毒的viraln.粘度,粘性viscosityn.景色vistaadj.大声叫的, 喊叫vociferousvoid n.空间, 空旷 adj.无效的adj.挥发性的volatilevoracious adj.狼吞虎咽的,贪婪的vow v.宣誓, 发誓wade v.涉水, 费力行走wagon n.四轮马车waive v.放弃;免除walnut n.胡桃,核桃树wane v.减少, 衰落wanton a dj.肆意的ward off 防止,挡住warily adv.留心地, 小心地, 警惕地wary adj.小心翼翼的, 机警小心的wax n.蜡weary a dj.疲倦的;令人厌烦的weatheringn.风化wedge-shaped a dj.楔形的weed n.杂草weep vi.哭泣whet v.激起whim n.随意, 冲动whisk off 突然带走whit n.一点儿,少量v.切,削whittlewholesale adj.1.批发的 2.大规模的wield v t.支配,控制; 使用 (武器,工具等); 运用 (权力) , 施加 (影响) wind up 结束, 终止wipe out 毁灭,破坏wither v.(使) 枯萎,凋谢worship v.崇拜, 尊敬wrangle n.口角, 吵嘴wrath n.愤怒总结在飞机场常见的托福词汇1、Business Hours 营业时间2、Office Hours 办公时间3、Entrance 入口4、Exit 出口5、Push 推6、Pull 拉7、Shut 此路不通8、On 打开 ( 放)9、Off 关10、Open 营业11、Pause 暂停12、Stop 关闭13、Closed 下班14、Menu 菜单15、Fragile 易碎16、This Side Up 此面向上说明17、Introductions18、One Street 单行道19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过21、Wet Paint 油漆未干22、Danger 危险23、Lost and Found 失物招领处24、Give Way 快车先行安全第一25、Safety First加油站26、Filling Station27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟28、No Photos 请勿拍照29、No Visitors 游人止步30、No Entry 禁止入内31、No Admittance 闲人免进32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭33、Parting 停车处34、Toll Free 免费通行35、F.F. 快进36、Rew. 倒带37、EMS (邮政)特快专递此处插入38、Insert Here39、Open Here 此处开启40、Split Here 此处撕开41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车44、No U Turn 禁止掉头45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯校内禁止骑车46、No Cycling in the School47、SOS 紧急求救信号48、Hands Wanted 招聘49、Staff Only 本处职工专用50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸52、Keep Silence 保持安静53、On Sale 削价出售54、No Bills 不准张贴恕不出售55、Not for Sale56、Pub 酒店57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆58、Bar 酒巴59、Laundry 洗衣店60、Travel Agency 旅行社61、In Shade 置于阴凉处避光保存62、Keep in Dark Place63、Poison 有毒/毒品64、Guard against Damp 防潮谨防扒手65、Beware of Pickpocket66、Complaint Box 意见箱灭火专用67、For Use Only in Case of Fire68、Bakery 面包店69、Keep Dry 保持干燥70、Information 问讯处71、No Passing 禁止通行72、No Angling 不准垂钓禁止打猎73、Shooting Prohibited74、Seat by Number 对号入座75、Protect Public Propety爱护公共财物:Booking Office)售票处76、Ticket Office(or来宾登记77、Visitors Please Register78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土79、Men“s/Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所女厕所80、Women“s/Ladies/Ladies“ Room81、Occupied (厕所)有人82、Vacant (厕所)无人83、Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便84、Net(Weight) 净重85、MAN:25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日86、EXP:25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日87、Admission Free免费入场自行车存车处88、Bike Park(ing)妇女、儿童优先89、Children and Women First90、Save Food 节约粮食91、Save Energy 节约能源92、Handle with Care 小心轻放93、Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内94、Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火95、Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶96、Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行97、Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立98、Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind当心不要丢失东西用毕放回架上99、Please Return the Back After Use100、Luggage Depository 行李存放处托福词汇:房地产英语词汇overproduction 生产过剩glut 供过于求high-technology 高科技investment strategy 投资策略circulation 发行量entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家coliseum 大体育场,大剧院chambers(商业资本家联合组织的)会所arena 室内运动场socioeconomic status 社会经济地位amenities 便利设施condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权income bracket 收入档次tenement 分租合住的经济公寓area code (电话)地区代码community 社区assessment 估价housing residences 住宅purchasing power 购买力property trust 物业信托equity 资产净值cash flows 现金流量appreciation 增值disposition 处置hedge 保值措施income tax shelter 收入税的庇护downturn (经济)衰退wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比) forecast 预测rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法mortgage lender 抵押放贷者vacancy 空房discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型 expectation 期望值letting 出租equity reversion 权益回收bad debts 坏帐depreciation allowances 折旧提成supplies 日常用品utilities 公共事业设备allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额stamp duty 印花税recession 衰退public utilities 公共设施urban planning 城市规划state-owned land 国有土地fiscal allotment 财政拨款grant or transfer 出让或转让the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局 infrastructure 基础设施financial budget 财政预算public bidding 公开招标auction 拍卖negotiation /agreement 协议land efficiency 土地效益location classification 地段等级projecting parameter 规划参数government assignment 政府划拨administrative institution 行政事业单位key zones for development 重点开发区tract 大片土地biding document 标书competent authorities 主管部门construction project 建设项目planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证go through the formalities 办手续comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区reconstruction of old area 旧区改造property 资产property right 产权subsidiary 附属机构,子公司valuation 评估open market value 公开市场价值leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产)on a residual basis 剩余法capital value 资本价值cost of development 开发费professional fee 专业费用finance costs 融资成本sale proceeds 销售收益floor area 建筑面积plaza 购物中心land use certificate 土地使用证commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用) Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同land use term 土地使用期project approval 项目许可planning approval 规划许可commission 佣金permit 许可证business license 营业执照strata-title 分层所有权新托福考试前必背词汇汇总enroll to one = combinecomplement = supplement = add tosubstitute = replaceso far = until present = up to nowrooted in = based onmake their way = travelvulnerable--open to break-open to attack -- weak --susceptibleperishable 容易腐烂的= easy to spoilSeething 沸腾的 --- overflowing/excited/activefloat = stay on the topbe consistent with = be compatible with名词意为"特征,属性") property 财产,特征 = characteristic = attribute (simulated ---- artificialsort --- type -- kindstaggering摇晃的; 犹豫的; 压倒的(多数) =overwhelmingstring线, 绳子; 一行, 一系列 =seriesswell -- enlargement --- expandtract- area - terrainsymmetric 对称的,均衡的 --- balance收缩taper 逐渐变小 --- diminish ---tenet --- principle/beliefturn = changevast - immense - extensivewith the ordinary citizen’s pocketbook = affordableadvent = arrivalaffair = matterchronic --- constant - confirmed慢性的;证实的consequence = result/importancecounter = oppose补偿,抵消; 对抗 = compensate/opposecountervaildistinction = differentiation/excellence/honordistribution = dispersion = dispersalembed = implanteuphoric = extremely happyflake = fragmenthinder 阻碍,打扰= interfere withladings 船货= cargos shipmentmandatory = required, obligatorymundane 世俗的,平凡的= ordinaryprerequisite = something required (something needed to happen) rather = instead在tain相反地/ in some degreesank (sink的过去式)= descended; dropped to the bottomscant = minimumsited = locatedsophisticated = refined /elaborated /complexubiquitous 到处存在的 = commonunanimity = total agreementspectator = viewersporadic = intermittent /irregularstylus 铁笔,针状物 = penunconceivable = unimaginableuniformly = evenly/ without variation/consistently unique = sole/ distinctwarranted = authorized授权的/justified假设assume=take on 呈现/ suppose, positfoster=promote ,encouragePlumage羽毛=featherComposition作文,成分,混合物=mixture=comparativelyrelativelysubstitute=replacementpremise= assumptionwithin= insidehave nothing to do = in no relation tovigorous= strongscope=extent异常的,例外的 extraordinary非凡的,特别的= exceptionaluneasy心神不安的,不稳定的=unstablebulk大小,体积,大多数=majorspeed 加速 = increase the rate of散布,分布spread=distribute进取心,干事业endeavor 努力= enterpriseproximity 接近= nearness转动,旋转rotate=turnassertion主张,断言 = strongly statementevidence = proofpreeminent卓越的 =foremost 最重要的barrier障碍物=obstacleprimitive = earlysort = typerudiment=basicintact未被碰过的=unaffectedprize珍视 = value有利可图的= profitablelucrativeineffectively=with out any resultmisleading =inaccuracy结构,建筑物architecture =structureaccomplished完成的,熟练的=skilled,embedded内含的,嵌入的=enclosed 被附上的 collaboration协作=joint effectsidentical=the sameallow=enabledispersal 分散,散布= distributionhampering妨碍,牵制 = restrictingcherished珍爱的=valuableprecision = accuracybroadly = extensivelyyearly = annualtracking = followingtolerant = endurerather than = instead oftransformation = conversionsample=examplecrawl爬行=movehobby业余爱好 = pastime 消遣,娱乐inherent in = characteristic ofrecharge再充电=refill再装满devise设计,发明=create证明--confirm,attest toreplicas复制品--copies,extant 现存的=not extinctbe closer resemblance to=. be more like indicate =demonstratethrive=flourishfluctuating=changingmirror反映=reflectprocure获得=obtainparadoxically=seemingly contradictory counsel劝告,忠告=advice.mock嘲弄,模仿 = pretendspectacular引人入胜的 = impressive 印象深刻的 最新托福考试听力必备词汇正大光明的fair and squarea knockout 引人注目不如意的日子a rainy day与某人一样时髦as mod as sb.了如指掌at one's finger's tips混乱的at sixes and sevensbackseat driver指手划脚的人大发脾气bite one's head offblack sheep 不孝子女使蓬勃发展get the ball rolling先说重要的first things first沉默寡言的人a man of few wordsall thumbs 笨手笨脚的;一窍不通的坐立不安ants in one's pants (skirt)尽释前嫌;握手言和forgive and forgetbackroom boys 幕后英雄beyond compare 绝佳的,最棒的break even 不赔不赚by the book 照章办事非常清楚as clear as a bell消除误会clear the aircome to terms 达成协议走捷径cut corners行为规范do's and don't's面对现实face the music空中楼阁castles in the sky / air泼冷水,是蒙上阴影cast a cloud over假装哭泣,假慈悲shed crocodile tears不够水平,不合格below the mark = not measure upbucket down = rain very heavily瓢泼大雨学会这100句,混过美国人1. How are you doing?(你好吗?)2. I’m doing great.(我过得很好。



托福核心词汇(优质5篇)1.托福核心词汇第1篇dangle=hung hangdaring=bold(daring 大胆的)dawdle=decrease wood dawdling supplydebate=arguedebilitating=weakeningdeceptive=misleadingdeceptively=noticeably?迷惑的,虚伪的/显著的decline 拒绝, 衰落下倾, 下降, 下垂, 斜面, 斜坡, 衰败, 衰落) decomposition分解,腐烂,decrease=declinedecretivedeem=considerdeep=thoroughdefying=resistingdelibaretedelineate=trace描的外形, 画的轮廓, 勾画;述, 描写delusion=can not concentrate(delusion 错觉)demand=needdemise=decline死亡, 君权的转移或授与, 让位, 禅让让渡, 遗赠, 转demolish破坏demonstrations=displaysdense=thickdependable(反)depicted=presentedv描述,描写deposit=placedepredation=destructiondepth=thoroughnessderive=origin追朔,源于designed:deterioration=declinedetermining=calculating(句中选)detractor=critic(detractor 诽谤者, 恶意批评者)detriment=harmfuldevoid=emptydevoted to=concentrated ondevoted to=dependent on/concentrated on/related todichotomy=divisiondiffuse=travel(笔试:diffuse = travel)n传播,流传;扩散,弥漫) diffusion=diffusion n传播,流传;扩散,弥漫)dim=faintdimension=sizediminished=reducedadj减少的disappear=vanish, fade, to stop existingdiscern=ascertaindischarge=release发现,学会disguise=concealmentdisintegrated动使分解;使崩解dislodge=remove驱逐迁移散布, 分散, 消散, 驱散, 疏散2.托福核心词汇第2篇floating=c文中选flockingflourish=prosperflourishing=thrivingfoliage=vegetationfor instance=for examplefor its own sake=has no practical purpose infor the sake of为了,为了…的利益forageforbidden=bannedforefront=spotlightforestall=preventforfeit=relinquishformation 形成, 构成, 编队)former=previousformerly=in the pastformidable=great形可怕的;难轻视的forsake=forsook)------leave(left)forsook=left(forsake放弃)founded=establishedfragment=break upfragment=incompletelyfragments=particlesfreezing=halting(忧郁的,蹒跚的freshly=recentlyfringe=borderfrom time to time=now and thenfull=complete漂洗工functions=rolesfundamental=basicGgained=attainedgame=animals?gap=gap缺口,裂口 = opening)generate产生, 发生get over to爬过,克服,熬过,恢复,原谅giant=dwarfgigantic=enormousgigantic=huge高频 adj 巨大的give way togivenglance=to peek brieflygleaming=shininggracious亲切的gradually=little by little逐渐地gratifying=satisfyinggroundless=unfoundedHhabitat=homehalt=stophamper=make difficulty(hamper 妨碍, 牵制)3.托福核心词汇第3篇enclosure=surrounding(enclosure 围住, 围栏, 四周有篱笆或围墙的场地)encompass=include高频 v包含某东西鼓励,促进,发扬encroachment=invasionencyclope encyclopaediaendangered=abundant(反义词,句中选)endorseendue=followendure=persevereenduring=lastingenergetic=vigorous精力旺盛的engage=involveenhance=improveenhance=rising( 文中找)enhance=improve凶暴的,巨大的enrich=enhance(Enrich 使富足, 使肥沃, 装饰, 加料于, 浓缩)ensue=followentail=involve entail: 使必需, 使蒙受, 使承担, 遗传给enter=go into全部的, 完整的, 整个)entire=completeentirely=thoroughlyenvironment=ecosystemenvisioned=conceived ofv想象,预想,构思era=perioderoded=deterioratederratic=inconsistenterratic=irregular(不稳定的,古怪的)espanse=areaessential=fundamentaladj基础的,本质的,基本的establishedestablishment=formation(establishment 确立, 制定, 设施, 公司, 军事组织) estimate=calculateetch=cut腐蚀evaluate=judgeevaporated=disappearedeven=already(恰好,正当)(在But, even by the end of时间……)evenly=equally(evenly 均匀地, 平坦地 )evenly=uniformlyeventually=ultimatelyevetionevident=apparentevoke=stimulateexacerbate=intensifyexaggerate=embellishexceed=go beyondexceeded=surpassedexceedingly=extremely(exceedingly 非常地, 极度地) execrate4.托福核心词汇第4篇one-act play 独幕剧opera 歌剧puppet show 木偶戏(a play) in three acts and five scenes 三幕五场(剧) comedy 喜剧operetta 小歌剧pantomime 哑剧playwright 编剧,剧作家dress rehearsal 彩排traditional theatrical pieces 传统剧目director 导演climax 高潮libretto 歌剧脚本intermezzo 间奏曲to rehearse 排演to play the role of …… 扮演(某一角色)to put on a play 演出,上演announcer, master of ceremonies 报幕员episode 情节中的插曲character 人物stage version 上演本(one’s) lines 台词prologue 序幕leading role (character) 主角chief actress 女主角chief actor 男主角part, role 角色title role 剧名角色rehearsal 排演plot 情节to present on the stage 搬上舞台scene-man 布景员properties, props 道具property man 道具管理员top light 顶灯repertoire 保留节目(总称) scenery, decor 布景scene-painter 布景画家setting designer 布景设计人make-up 化装make-up man 化装师dressing room 化装室foot light 脚灯costume 服装farewell performance 告别演出back stage 后台applause 喝采farce 滑稽戏,趣剧(stage) play 话剧Beijing opera 京剧historical play 历史剧synopsis 剧情简介company, troupe 剧团spotlight 聚光灯5.托福核心词汇第5篇生物学biology生物学marine biology海洋生物学entomology昆虫学ornithology鸟类学microbiology微生物学genetics遗传学speciology物种学parasitology寄生虫学paleontology古生物学paleontologist古生物学家dinosaur恐龙die out / extinction灭绝mammal哺乳动物carnivore食肉动物rodent啮齿类动物underwater水下的marine海洋的scuba水下呼吸器diving潜水 / 跳水one-celled organism单细胞有机体tissue(动植物细胞的)组织protective camouflage保护色predator捕猎者oceanic snail蜗牛animal adaptation动物适应性survival of the fittest适者生存origin of species物种起源wild environment野生环境insecticide杀虫剂prenatal care产后护理habitat栖息地tentacle触须prey捕食navigate导航tiny receptor接收器nerve / specimen物种amphibian两栖类动物decline in the number数量减少gene基因genetic基因的,遗传的endangered species濒危动物survival活着的transition转变/过渡microbe微生物yeast酵母(菌)bacteria细菌single-cell单细胞reptile爬行类动物hatch孵化incubation孵化nest巢offspring子孙chew up咀嚼unfertilized eggs未受精卵nutrient营养品nourishment营养品 / 食物feed喂养cannibalism同类相食respiration呼吸ingestion摄食digestion消化digestive enzyme消化酶cell细胞nucleus细胞核cytoplasm 细胞质plasma lemma / cell membrane细胞膜cell wall细胞壁protein蛋白质amino acid核酸plankton浮游生物heredity遗传mutation of species物种变异chromosome染色体genetic engineering遗传工程solitary独居social群居bio-diversity生物多样性metamorphosis变态 / 变形mutation变种variation变异。



section 1a couple 一对夫妇A3 一种复印纸规格abbreviation 缩写Aborigine 澳大利亚土著人abstract 摘要abuse 辱骂academic conference 学术会议academic qualification 学术资格academic teaching staff 师资力量accessible 可接近的accommodate 容纳accommodation 住宿Accounting 会计acrobat 杂技演员activity 活动actor 男演员additional fee 附加费Adelaide 阿德莱德admission 入场费adult 成年人advanced course 高级课程advantage 优势,有利因素advertisement 广告adviser 指导老师aerial display 空中表演aerobics 有氧运动Africa 非洲agricultural 农业的agriculture fair 农业产品展销会aim 目的,针对air 使房间透气aisle 通道alarm clock 闹钟allergic 过敏的allergy 过敏alternative 改变altitude 海拔高度amber 琥珀ambiguous 不明确的amenity 生活福利设施America 美洲amusement park 游乐场analysis 分析analytical 分析的ancient 古代的animal 动物ankle 踝annex 附楼,配楼annual fee 年费annual 每年的ant 蚂蚁Antarctica 南极洲antique 古董apartment 公寓ape 猿appeal to 有吸引力appearance 外观,外貌applicant 申请者application form 申请表application 申请appointment 预约,约会approach 方式,方法approximately 大约archaeology 考古学archery 箭术architecture 建筑Arctic 北极area 面积Art Centre 艺术中心art exhibition 艺术展artist 艺术家arts 文科Asia 亚洲assemble 组装assess 评估assessment 评分assignment (课外)作业associate with 联系Astronomy 天文学Athens 雅典atmosphere 气氛atmospheric 大气的attack 攻击attendance 出勤attraction 吸引力audience 观众,听众audio 音频的available 可用的award 奖background music 背景音乐background 背景bacteria 细菌balcony 阳台baldness 秃顶ball toss 掷球balloon 气球ban 禁止bank holiday 银行休假日bank loan 银行贷款bank 银行bar 条,棒barb 倒钩barbecue 烧烤barley 大麦barren 贫瘠的bathroom 浴室battery 电池battle 战争be prone to 有……倾向的beard 胡须beautiful 美丽的bed linen 床单bee 蜜蜂behaviour 行为belongings 财物betray 背叛binoculars 双筒望远镜biology 生物学bird 鸟birth 出生blind visitors 盲人游客blind 失明的blond hair 金发blood flow 血流量blood pressure 血压blood sample 血样bloom 开花Blue Bay 蓝色港湾Blue Whale 蓝鲸body structure 身体结构bolt 螺栓bonus 奖金,红利book in advance 提前预定book restoration 书籍修复book 预订booklet 小册子booklist 书单books fees 书本费boom 繁荣boots 靴子bowling 保龄brand 商标break down 因故障而失灵breed 繁殖brick 砖bridge 桥梁Bristol 布里斯托尔(英国西部的港口)brochure 小册子broom 扫帚brush 刷子budget advice 预算建议bungalow 平房bureaucracy 官僚机构burglar 夜贼bury 掩埋bus route map 公交线路图business opportunity 商业机会business scandal 商业丑闻business 买卖,交易butler 男管家butterfly 蝴蝶cable car 缆车cable 电缆call diversion 呼叫转移calling barrier 呼叫障碍Callisto 木卫四calm 安静Cambridge University 剑桥大学camera 照相机camp 宿营campus 校园canal 运河cancel 取消cancellation 取消candidate 候选人candle 蜡烛canoe 独木舟Gantonese 广东话capacity 容积captain 队长car park 停车场carbon dioxide 二氧化碳card 卡片cardboard 硬纸板Cardiff 加的夫(地名)career plan 职业计划carnassials 食肉的carpenter 木匠carpet 地毯cartilage 软骨cartoon 漫画carve wood 雕刻木头case study 个案研究cast iron 铸铁castle 城堡catalogue 目录catering 提供饮食及服务cattle 牛causes and effects 原因及结果cautious 谨慎的cave 岩洞cement mixer 水泥搅拌车central 中心的certificate 证书challenging 富有挑战的Chameleon 变色龙(节目名称)champion 冠军Channel Tunnel 英法海底隧道characteristic 特征charcoal 木炭charge 费用;负责charity 慈善cheese 奶酪chemist’s 药店Chemistry 化学cheque 支票childcare 照顾孩子Children’s Playground 孩子娱乐场chili 红辣椒chin 下巴chocolate 巧克力choice 选择choir 合唱团cholesterol 胆固醇choppy 波浪起伏的Christchurch 基督城church 教堂circle 圆形circulation 循环circus 马戏city council 市议会claim 要求赔偿clamp the wheel 锁轮子clarity 清楚class size 班级规模classical music 古典音乐classification 分类classify 分类cleaning maid 清洁工clear 有条理的client 顾客cliff 悬崖clinic 诊所clip 夹子closed-circuit TV 闭路电视clown 小丑coach 客车厢,旅游轿车coach coast 海岸coastal 临海的coastline 海岸线cocktail 鸡尾酒coffee maker 咖啡机collate 比较colleague 同事collection 收集colour 颜色comedy 喜剧comment 评语commerce 商业commercial exchange 商业交易commercial 电视或电台广告commission 佣金committee 委员会commonplace 平凡的communicating base 交流基础communication skills 交际技巧community 社区compete 竞赛competition 竞赛competitor 竞争对手complaint 抱怨complex 复杂compromise 妥协compulsory 必修的,强制性的computer centre 计算机中心computer technology 电脑技术concentrate 浓缩concentration 专心concern 涉及conclusion 结论concrete 混凝土conference room 大会议室conference 会议confident 自信的confined 被限制的confirm 确认confirmation 确认conflict 冲突conjunct 结合的conservation 保存construction 建筑物consulate 领事馆consult 参考,查阅,请教consumer 消费者consumption 消费contact 接触contact 接触联系container 容器contamination 污染contaminator 污染物content 内容,所含之物continent 大陆contract 合同controversy 辩论cooperate 合作cop 警察cope with 应付copy machine 复印机coral reef 珊瑚礁corporation 公司,企业corpse 尸体cosmetic 化妆品cot 婴儿床cottage 村舍cotton candy 棉花糖counsel 商议,忠告countryside 乡下couple 夫妇course work 课程论文,学年作业cousin 堂表兄弟姐妹craft fair 手工艺品市场craft goods 手工艺品craft 手工艺craftsman 工匠cramming 填鸭式学习creature 生物credit card 信用卡creek 小溪crew 船组成员critical thinking 以挑剔的眼光去考虑crocodile 鳄鱼crop rotation 轮作crop 庄稼crutch 拐杖cultivation 培养cupboard 柜橱curly 卷曲的current account 活期账户current affairs 时事current 潮流,水流customer 顾客customs 海关cycle 骑自行车cycling 脚踏车dam 坝dancing class 舞蹈课danger 危险Darwin 达尔文data analysis 分析data 数据database 资料库deadline 最后期限debt 债务decay 腐蚀decline 衰退decoration 装饰,装饰品decrease 减少defence 防御degree 学位delay 延误delegate 代表decline 下降delivery 递送delivery fee 运送费用delivery time 送货时间denomination 度量衡或货币的单位department store 百货商店departure 离开deposit account 定期账户deposit 订金,押金depth 深度desert 沙漠desire to learn 学习的愿望destroy 破坏detail 细节detect 发现deteriorate for ages 时间久了而恶化developing country 发展中国家diet 饮食digest 消化dining car 餐车dining room 饭厅dinosaur 恐龙diploma 文凭disabled facilities 无障碍设施disabled 伤残的disadvantage 劣势disagreement 意见不同discount 折扣disease 疾病disguise 掩饰dish 盘碟disorder 混乱display 展览dispute 争论dissertation 学位论文distinguished 显著的distribution 分配的distraction 纷扰disturb 打扰disturbance 干扰divorce 离婚do farm work 做农活document 文档documental 文件的dog 狗domestic job 家务工作domestic 国内的dominate 在……中占主要地位donate 捐赠donation 捐款,捐赠dolphin 海豚download 下载draft 草稿dragonfly 蜻蜓drain 流干drawback 不利条件drill 钻drinker 酒徒drinking 饮用drop-off (让某人)下车,把某人放下drop-out rate 退学率drown 溺死duration 持续的时间dust 灰尘DVD player DVD 机dye 染色dynamic 动态的echo 回音ecology 生态学economic crisis 经济危机economic system 经济系统economic 经济的economics 经济学eco-tour 生态游lecture 讲座education 教育effective 有效的effectively 有效地Egypt 埃及elbow 手肘election 选举electric vehicle 电动车辆element 要素e-mail 电子邮件emergency 紧急情况emission 散发emphasis 重点employee 员工emu 澳洲大型鸟(鸸鹋)encyclopaedia 百科全书endangered 濒危的energy industry 能源工业engine 引擎engineer room 工程师办公室Engineering 工程学England 英格兰enhance 提高enquiry desk 问讯处enroll 登记enrollment 注册entertaining 愉快的entertainment magazine 娱乐杂志enthusiasm 积极性,热情entrance 入口entrepreneurial company 企业家体制公司envelop 信封environmental science 环境科学equipment 设备escape 泄漏resource 资源essay 论文establish 建立ethical 道德的Europa 木卫二Europe 欧洲European settlement 欧洲殖民地evaporate 蒸发even 持平evenings 晚上evidence 证据exaggerated by media 被媒体夸张了examination 考试exchange 交换exclusive service 专享服务excursion 远足executive 高级主管exhibit 展览品exhibitor entrance 参展者入口exhibition 展览existence 存在existing skill 现有技能expansion 扩充expense 开支experiment 实验experimental facilities 实验设备experimental 实验的expert 专家expiry date 截止日期explosion 激增export 出口extension 分机extension延期extensive广泛的external 外国的extinction 消失extra charge 附加费extra payment 奖励extra services 额外服务extra workload 额外工作量facilitate 使便利facility 设备,设施faculty 系,学院failure 失败fair 展览会falcon 猎鹰fallow 犁过未播种的family situation 家庭情况family ticket 家庭套票farm land 农场farming animal 牲畜fatty acid 脂肪酸feature 特征fee 费用feed horses 喂马feedback 反馈female 女性的Ferris wheel 摩天轮ferry 滚轮festival 节日fiber 纤维field trip (学生)实地考察旅行field work 实习调查工作fig 无花果file 文档film studio 电影制片厂film 胶卷filter 过滤fin 鳍finance 财政,金融financial aids 金融援助financial problem 资金问题financial 财政的fine 罚款fire 火fish oil 鱼油fishing 钓鱼fit 健康的fitness centre 健身中心fitness 健康fix 固定,修改flavour 味道flexibility 弹性flexible 灵活的,柔韧性flood 淹没flourish 繁荣flow 流动fluctuation 波动focus 中心焦点food pattern 食物形式football match 足球赛forename 名(在姓前的)forest 森林forestry industry 林业formal park 修整得非常整齐的花园formula 公式fort 城堡fortnight 两周fossil 化石foyer 大厅fragrance 芬香France 法国Franklin D. Roosevelt 弗兰克林D 罗斯福总统fraud 假货free drinks 免费饮料free entry 免费进入free of charge 免费freedom 自由freelance 自由职业者freezer 冷冻室frequency 频率frequent 频繁的frequently 频繁地fridge 冰箱fringe stage 小舞台fruit 水果full scholarship 全额奖学金full-placement 全托full-time 专职的fund 资金fungi 真菌funny 有趣的fur 毛furniture 家具galaxy 星系Galileo/Galilei 伽利略gallery 画廊Ganymede 木卫三gas tank 汽油桶gas 汽油gear 齿轮general courses 公共课generate 产生Genetics 遗传学geocentric theory 地球中心论geographic location 地理位置geographical 地理的geology value 地质学价值geology 地质概况German 德国gesture 手势姿态get married 结婚glacier 冰川glass 玻璃go through 经历goat 山羊goatskin 山羊皮goes up 上升gold medal 金牌golden rush 淘金热good example 好的典范good location 好位置goose 鹅GPS=Global Position System 全球定位系统grain 谷类,谷物grant 资助graph 图表grassland 草原Greece 希腊green 绿色greyhound 长途汽车grill 烤架groundwater 地下水group discussion 小组讨论group 小组guidance 指导guidebook 旅行指南guitar 吉他gym membership 健身中心会员资格gym 健身房habitat 生活环境handball 手球handbook 手册handcraft 手工handwriting 笔迹,书写体hard-hoofed 硬蹄动物hatch 孵化head office 校长室heading 标题health benefits 健康益处health center 健康中心healthcare 卫生保健heart rate 心率height 高度helicopter 直升机helmet 头盔helper 助手hen 母鸡heritage 遗产heroine 女主角herring 鲱鱼hierarchical company 层级制公司highlight 亮点highly-trained staff 高素质的教师队伍hiking 徒步旅行historical background 历史背景historical 历史的history 历史holiday 假期home stay 寄宿家庭honey 蜂蜜horse 马hot balloon 热气球housekeeping 家务管理hovercraft 气垫船human being 人类ice-curling 冰壶ideal 理想的identify 证明idle 闲置的ignorance 无知immune system 免疫系统import 进口impose 强加in advance 预先in total 整个地inaccurate 不准确的income 收入increase 增长independently 独立地indicator 指示器indifferent 冷漠的individual 个人的industrial 工业的inexpensive 便宜的infant 婴儿informant 报告者informative 信息量大的infrequent 不常的inhabitant 居民initial 词首大写字母injection 注射injured 受伤的inland 内地insect 昆虫insomnia 失眠inspiration 灵感inspirit 激励install 安装instruction 教导,说明insurance 保险insurance office 保险办公室intelligent 有才智的intensive 集中的,强烈的intercourse analysis 交际分析interest rate 利率interest 兴趣interest-free 没有利息的interface 不同事物交会而彼此影响之处interfere with 干涉interfere 妨碍Internet addiction 网瘾Internet 互联网interrupt 打断,打扰interview 采访,面试interviewee 被采访者invitation 邀请involve 使参与lo 木卫一Ireland 爱尔兰iron 铁irregular 不规则的irrelevant 不相关的irrigation 灌溉isolated 孤独的isolation 隔离issue 问题IT 信息技术Italy 意大利Item 项目Japanese 日语jar 广口瓶jazz 爵士jewellery 饰物,珠宝job application 工作申请job interview 求职面试job title 职别journal 期刊Journalism 新闻学juggle 手技junior 低年级(组)juvenile 青少年kaka 橄榄色鹦鹉Kakadu National Park 卡卡杜国家公园kangaroo 袋鼠keep-fit 健身kelp 大型海藻kettle 水壶kilogram 千克kindergarten 幼儿园kitchen 厨房kiwi 几维鸟koala 考拉,树袋熊L.A.(Los Angeles) 洛杉矶labouring job 劳动工作lack of confidence 缺乏自信lack of facilities 设备缺乏lamp 灯landfill 垃圾填埋landlord 房东landscape 风景,地形language barrier 语言障碍laptop 笔记本电脑large scale 大规模的larger room 稍大些的屋子last 5 calls 最后五个电话latest technology 最新的技术laundry 洗衣房layer 层layout 布局leaflet 传单leaves 树叶lecture 讲座,演讲lecturer 讲座者legal problem 法律问题legislation 立法leisure center 休闲中心leisure 闲暇lengthen 延长leprosy 麻风病letterbox 信箱level 程度librarian 图书馆管理员library 图书馆light 浅的limited knowledge 有限的知识limited 有限的line manager 主管经理lineage 血统link 链接literacy training 读写能力培训literacy 有读写能力literature 文献,文学living room 起居室nationality 国籍loan 贷款local artist 当地的艺术家local history 地方志local newspaper 当地的报纸local people 当地人location 地方,位置lock-up garage 上锁的车库loose spiral notebook 活页本lotion 护肤液low pay 低收入lower 较低的luggage 行李Macquarie University 麦考瑞大学magician 魔术师maidservant 女仆Main Hall 大礼堂main stage 主舞台major 专业make 牌子mammal 哺乳动物management 管理map 地图margin 页边空白marine plant 海洋植物marine 海的market expansion 市场扩张market 市场marketing branch 行销部门Mars 火星marsh 沼泽地material 材料Mathematics 数学mature student 心智成熟的学生,好学生mature 成熟的maximum 最大量的mayor 市长medal 奖章Media Centre 媒体中心Medical Service 医疗服务meeting room 小会议室meeting 聚会,会议membership fee 会员费membership 会员,会员身份,mental 智力的merchant 商人meshing 拦鲨网metal 金属methodology 方法论Microbiology 微生物学mid-1700s 18世纪中期mid-morning 上午(10点左右)migration 移民migratory 迁徙的mileage 里程数military 军事的mill 磨mime 哑剧mine 矿山mineral 矿物,矿物质minibus 小巴minimum 最小值mining industry 矿业Minke Whale 小须鲸minority 少数miscellaneous 各种各样的misinterpret 曲解model 模式,模型modern 现代的monosodium glutamate 味精Monroe Doctrine 门罗主义more space 更多的空间motion picture 电影motivation 动机motorcycle 摩托车mountain 山moustache 小胡子movement 活动mower 割草机Mulberry Garden 桑树园muscle 肌肉museum 博物馆music equipment 音响设备music room 音乐室music 音乐name badge 胸章nap 小睡,打盹nationality 国籍natural 自然的necessity 必需品neck 颈necklace 项链negative 否定的nervous 紧张的neutral 中立的neutrality 中立New Deal 新政(指美国罗斯福在20世纪30年代实施的内政纲领名称)new methods 新方法new technology 新技术New Zealand 新西兰Newcastle 纽卡斯尔(地址)night shift 夜班nightshade 茄属植物no charge 免收费用no extra fee 没有额外费用non-medicine item 非医药物品North America 北美洲Northern Right Whale 北露脊鲸note 笔记notebook 笔记本notice board 布告牌nuclear 核的Number of exposure (底片)曝光数Nursery 托儿所observation 观察obtain 取得occasionally 偶尔地occupant 居住者occupation 职业ocean creature 海洋生物ocean floor 海底October 10月office furniture 办公家具OHP(overhead projector) 顶置投影仪old-fashioned 过时的Olympic star 奥林匹克明星Olympic 奥林匹克运动会的on site 现场online 联机的operating hours 开放时间opposite 对面的optic examination 眼部检查optional 可选择的orchard 果园organic 有机的organization 组织original 最初的orchestra 管弦乐队ostrich 鸵鸟otter 水獭out of stock 无现货out of temper 生气outline 提纲output 产出outside activity 室外活动outskirts 郊区overdraft 透支overdue 过期overgrown 疯长的overhead projector 高射投影仪overhead 企业管理费用,企业通常开支overlook 俯瞰overweight 超重Oxford University 牛津大学Pacific Clothing Firm 太平洋制衣公司Pacific 太平洋pack 打包,装箱package tour 全包游packed lunch 盒装午饭painkiller 止疼药paint 漆painting 绘画palm 棕榈树paper clip 纸夹parcel 打包,包裹park 公园parking 停车part 零件participant参与者participation 参与passenger 乘客passion fruit 热带水果pastime 消遣path 路线patient 病人peak 山顶Pear Alley 梨巷penalty 惩罚pencil 铅笔penicillin 青霉素pension 退休金perfume 香水perk 额外收入personal care 私人护理personal culture 个人文化personality 个性Personnel Manager 人事经理pesticide 杀虫剂pet 宠物phone-in 听众可来电话的直播节目phone 电话photograph 照片photojournalism 新闻摄影physical activity 体力活动physical education 体育physical 身体的physiology 生理学pigeonhole 文件架Pilates 普拉提(搏击操)pin 大头针PIN 个人识别码pine 松树pixel 像素placement 安置plague 传染病Planetology 行星学plant seeds 植物种子plant 植物plastic 塑料PO Box 邮政信箱polar bear 北极熊policy 保险单Poliomyelitis 小儿麻痹politician 政治家pollinate 对…授粉pony 小马pool 可召之即来的一伙人pool 游泳池poor quality 糟糕的质量popular 受欢迎的popularity 普及度population 人口Portland cement 普通水泥positive 肯定的postcode 邮编poster 海报postgraduate 研究生postposition 后置词pottery 陶器power company 能源公司practical 实用的predict 预测preference 偏爱premium 保险费prepare breakfast 准备早饭preposition 前置词presentation 介绍,陈述preservation 保存preservative 保存的prevention 预防previous experience 以前的经历previous 先前的prey 捕食primitive 远古的printer 打印机prison 监狱prisoner 战俘private school 私立学校private 私有的prize 奖品problem 问题process 过程product 产品profession 职业professional knowledge 专业知识professional 专业人员profile 简介profit 利润profitable 有利可图的programme 节目project 课题projector 放映机promote 促进property 财产proposal 提案,提议prospect 前景prospectus 说明书psychiatric 精神病治疗的psychiatrist 精神病专家psycholinguistics 心理语言学psychological 心理(学)的public school 公立学校public skills 公共技能pulse 脉搏pump 泵,抽水机punctual 准时的puppet 木偶purify 净化purpose 目的purse 钱包pursue 追寻qualification 资格quality 质量quarry tile 大理石地砖quarter 四分之一Queensland 昆士兰州(澳大利亚州名)question handling 处理问题questionnaire 调查问卷quotation 报价,引用radar 雷达radiation 放射线radio frequency 无线电频率radio station 广播站railway station 火车站rainfall 降雨rainforest 雨林raise fund 筹集资金raise 增加random 随意range of subject 题目范围range 范围rapidly 迅速地rare fish 稀有鱼类rarely 不常rat 老鼠readjust 再调整reception 接待,接待处recommend 介绍,推荐recommendation 建议reconstruction 重建record 纪录,录音recorded delivery 挂号邮递(收件人收到信函后,要签署姓名确认)recreation therapy 娱乐疗法recruit 征募recycle 再循环reduce 减少referee 裁判reference book 参考书reference number 保单号reference 参考,参考书目reflectance rate 折光率refreshment 茶点,点心refund 退款region 地区register 登记registered post 挂号邮递(寄信人多付钱,如有丢失或损坏,邮局补偿)regrettable 不幸的,令人遗憾的regular 定期的,有规律的regulation 规则rehearsal 排练reimburse 偿还relationship 关系relative 亲戚relatively higher 相对高的relaxation 娱乐relevant 相应的reliable 可靠的remain the current price 保持现价remote area 偏远地区removal 移走rent 租金rental 租金repair 修理repetition 重复representative 代表requirement 需求research method 研究方法research 研究reservation 保留,预定reserve 预定residence 住处resin 树脂resistance 阻力resource 资源respect 尊敬respondent 被调查者restaurant 饭馆restoration 修补restriction 限制reverse 逆反review promptly 迅速地复习review 复习,检查reviewer 评论家revision 复习reward 奖赏risk 风险rival 竞争对手river bank 河岸Road Sign 路标robot 机器人rock pool 岩礁池role culture 角色文化Rome 罗马roof 房顶row 排,行rubber tree 橡胶树ruins 废墟rural area 乡下sack 解雇safari park 野生动物园salary 薪水sale team 销售团队Sales Director 销售经理sample 样本sanitation 卫生satellite TV 卫星电视satellite 人造卫星Saturday morning 周六早晨save money 省钱scandal 丑闻scene 风景scent 香味schedule 时间表scheme 规划,计划scholarship 奖学金science 科学scientist 科学家score 记分sculpture 雕塑seat belt 安全带seat capacity 客容量seat planning 座位安排seaweed 海苔secondary 中级的,次要的second-hand book 二手书seek help 寻求帮助self-discipline 自我训练self-esteem 自尊sell new product 卖新产品sell product 卖产品semester 学期seminar 研讨班senior 高年级(组),较年长者sense of achievement 成就感sensor 传感器separate 分开serial number 序列号seriously 严重地session (进行某种活动连续的一段时间)settlement 殖民地sevenfold=seven times 7倍severe 严重的sewage 污水灌溉sewer 下水道share 分享,股份shareholder 股东shark 鲨鱼shearing 剪羊毛shelf 架子shelter 遮蔽shift work 倒班shilling 先令ship 船shoes 鞋shop 商店shoplifter 商店扒手Shopping Centre 购物中心shortage 缺点shuttle bus 往返班车side effect 副作用silence 安静silver 银色的seminar 研讨课simulate 模拟singing class 歌唱课sitting room 起居室skeleton 骨骼skip 跳slide 幻灯片slope 斜坡small-scale 小规模smoke 抽烟smoker 吸烟者snack 零食soap opera 肥皂剧Social Security system 社会保障体系social worker 社会工作者soft drink manufacturing 软饮料制造业soil 土壤sole 鞋底SONAR 声纳sound wave 声波South East Asia 东南亚south hemisphere 南半球souvenir 纪念品space 太空spacecraft 太空船spare 备用的special feature 特点special mail 专递specialized 专门的species 物种,种类specifications 规格,说明specified course 专业课speed 速度Sperm Whale 抹香鲸spinous plant 带刺的植物spoon 汤匙sport facilities 体育器材sport 运动sports centre 体育中心sportsman 运动员sportswear 运动式的休闲服square 方的squash 壁球squirrel 松鼠staff advantage 员工福利staff 员工standpoint 观点state 政府stationery 文具statistics 数据统计Statistics 统计学status 地位steam 蒸汽steamship 蒸汽船steel 钢,钢铁steer 驾驶stock market 股票市场stock 股票,库存stockroom 仓库storage 贮存storey 层straightforward 简单的stranded 搁浅strength 强项stress 压力stressful 产生压力的stretch 伸展strike 罢工structure 结构student center 学生中心Student Union 学生会studio apartment 一居室公寓住宅study aid 教具stuff 材料subcommittee 小组委员会subject 专业subjective 主观的submit 提交subscription 会员费subtitle 副标题,字幕suburb (城镇的)郊区subway 地铁sufficient 充足的suitcase 行李箱summarize 总结summary report 摘要报告sunlight 日光sunshield 遮阳板superfamily 总科supervisor 指导老师supplier 供应商surface 表面surname 姓surprising 令人惊讶的surroundings 环境survey 调查survive 生存swan 天鹅swimming pool 游泳池swimming 游泳switch on 开(用电器)Sydney 悉尼syllabus 教学大纲symbol 象征Syndicate 财团system of library 图书馆系统systematically 系统地tailor 裁缝tax 税taxi 出租车technique 技术technology 工艺telescope 望远镜temperature 温度tenant 房客tennis 网球tense 拉紧的term 学期terminal 终端terrestrial 陆地texture 质地,(皮肤)肌理the disabled 残疾人the employed 有工作者the following day 第2天the retired 退休者the unemployed 失业者theft 行窃theme park 主题公园theme 主题therapist 临床医学家therapy 治疗thoroughly clean 彻底清洁thoroughly 彻底的threaten 威胁three-dimensional 三维的Thursday 星期四Tiffany 蒂凡尼珠宝公司timber 木料time yourself 给自己计时timetable 时间表tiring 疲劳的title 题目top 盖子topic 话题torch 火把total value 总价值tourism 旅游业tourist attraction 旅游胜地tow the car 拖车towel 毛巾track 小径track 足迹tractor 拖拉机traffic jam 交通堵塞traffic safety 交通安全traffic 交通tragedy 悲剧trail 小径training 培训tram 有轨电车translate 转化transmit 传输transport 运送transportation 运输trap 使(某物)留在某处,陷入困境travel shop 旅游商店trend 动态,趋势triangle 三角形tribute 贡品triple room 三人间trolley 脚轮车trousers 长裤tube railway 地铁轨道Tuesday 周二tune 调子tunnel 隧道tutor 导师tutorial 个别辅导twin room 双人间(两张床)type 种类typical 典型的unaccompanied 无陪伴的unattractive 不吸引人的unavailable 不可用的uncommon 罕有的unconvincingly 无法令人信服地uncooperative 不合作的under water 水下的underage 未成年的undergo 经历undergraduate 本科在读生unemployed 失业的uniform (形式或特征)无变化的union 协会unique 独特的University of Technology 科技大学unsociable 不爱交际的unsuccessful 不成功的unusual 与众不同的upset 使心烦urban 城市的urchin 海胆USA 美国USSR 苏联utilities 公共设施UV 紫外的vacancy 空缺vacation 假期vaccine 疫苗vacuum 用真空吸尘器打扫vague 不清楚的valuable 有价值的value 价值variety 多样性various 多样的vegetable 蔬菜vegetation 草木,植被vehicle registration 车辆登记vehicle 交通工具venue 活动场地Venus 金星verbal description 语言的描述video 录像videotape 录像带violin 小提琴visa 签证visibility 能见度vocabulary 词汇volcano 火山volume 量,体积voluntary 自愿的volunteer worker 志愿工作者volunteer 志愿者voting system 选举制度voucher 代金券wallpaper 墙纸wardrobe 衣柜wasp 黄蜂waste of time 浪费时间watchful 留心的water 水water-proof 防水water-skiing 滑水waterway 航道wax 蜡weakness 弱点weapon 武器weather 天气weave blanket 编织毛毯website 站点Wednesday 星期三weekend 周末weight training 力量训练weight 重量Welfare Office r福利官员western Europe 西欧wetland 沼泽地whale 鲸wheelchair 轮椅width 宽wildlife 野生动植物windsurfing 帆板运动withdraw 取(钱) Wollongong University 卧龙岗大学wood carving 木雕wood 木材woodland 林地workload 工作量worksheet 工作表workshop 研讨班;作坊wrecked boat 废弃的船只Wright brothers 莱特兄弟yam 山药yoga 瑜伽young set 青年组zipper 拉链Zoology 动物学Section 2accommodation 食宿,住处additional fee 附加费advertisement 广告aerial display 空中表演Africa 非洲agriculture fair 农业产品展销会altitude 海拔高度amusement park 游乐场ancient 古代的animal 动物annual 每年的antique 古董archery 箭术architecture 建筑Art Centre 艺术中心art exhibition 艺术展artist 艺术家Asia 亚洲assessment 评估audience 观众available 可用的award 奖ball toss 掷球balloon 气球ban 禁止bank holiday 银行休假日bank 银行bar 条,棒barbecue 烧烤barren 贫瘠的bathroom 浴室battery 电池battle 战争belongings 财物bird 鸟birth 出生blind visitors 盲人游客blind 失明的bloom 开花book in advance 提前预定book 预定books fees 书本费boots 靴子break down 因故障而失灵breed 繁殖broom 扫帚brush 刷子bureaucracy 官僚机构bury 掩埋butler 男管家cable car 缆车cable 电缆calm 安静camera 照相机camp 宿营canoe 独木舟captain 队长car park 停车场Cardiff 加的夫(地名)carpenter 木匠carpet 地毯cartoon 漫画carve wood 雕刻木头castle 城堡cave 岩洞certificate 证书challenging 富有挑战的champion 冠军charity 慈善childcare 照顾孩子Children’s Playground 孩子娱乐场choir 合唱church 教堂circus 马戏团clamp the wheel 锁轮子client 顾客cliff 悬崖clown 小丑coach 旅游线路coastline 海岸线cocktail 鸡尾酒colleague 同事colour 颜色comedy 喜剧commission 佣金compete 竞赛,竞争competition 竞争computer centre 计算机中心concentrate 浓缩confirmation 确认conservation 保存consulate 领事馆consumer 消费者copy machine 复印机cot 婴儿床cottage 村舍cotton candy 棉花糖counsel 商议,忠告craft fair 手工艺品市场craftsman 工匠credit card 信用卡crocodile 鳄鱼crutch 拐杖customs 海关decrease 减少degree 学位delegate 代表denomination 度量衡或货币的单位destroy 破坏developing country 发展中国家dinosaur 恐龙diploma 文凭disabled 伤残的discount 折扣display 展览dispute 争论document 文档dog 狗domestic job 家务工作donate 捐赠donation 捐赠行为download 下载drawback 不利条件drop-off (让某人)下车,把某人放下duration 持续的时间dye 染色election 选举endangered 濒危的energy industry 能源工业engine 引擎engineering 工程entrance 入口exaggerated by media 被媒体夸张了exhibit 展览品exhibition 展览exhibitor entrance 参展者入口extension 延期failure 失败family situation 家庭情况farm land 农场farming animal 牲畜feature 特征fee 费用feed horses 喂马festival 节日fiber 纤维fig 无花果film studio 电影制片厂finance 财政,金融fine 罚款fit 健康的fitness centre 健身中心fitness 健康flexible 柔韧的,可伸展的forest 森林forestry industry 林业formal park 修整得非常整齐的花园fort 城堡fortnight 两周fossils 化石foyer 大厅fraud 假货frequency 频率fringe stage 小舞台fruit 水果full scholarship 全额奖学金full-placement 全托fur 毛gallery 画廊geology 地质概况glacier 冰川goat 山羊good location 好位置goose 鹅gym membership 健身中心会员资格gym 健身房handwriting 笔迹,书写体head office 校长室health center 健康中心height 高度helicopter 直升机helmet 头盔hen 母鸡heritage 遗产heroine 女主角highlight 亮点highly-trained staff 高素质的教师队伍hiking 徒步旅行。


move toward
not concrete
large amount
great number
account for
pile up
be accustomed to
get used to
get accustomed to



GRE 句子填空机经高频词汇1 dulcet [ˈdʌlsɪt] 悦耳的2 compunction [kəmˈpʌŋkʃən] 忧虑同义:apprehensive [ˌæprɪˈhɛnsɪv] 担忧的、领会的3 desiccated [ˈdesɪkeɪtɪd] 干燥的4 injudicious [ˌɪndʒuˈdɪʃəs] 不慎重的同义:headlong [ˈhedlɒŋ] 轻率地temerity [təˈmɛrɪti] 鲁莽cursory [ˈkə:səri] 匆忙的、草率的foolhardy [ˈfulˌhɑrdi] 鲁莽的5 earmark [ˈɪrˌmɑrk] 制定6 unallocated [‘ʌŋæləukeitid] 未分配的7 flinch [flɪntʃ] 畏缩8 stoic [ˈstoɪk] 坚韧staid [steid] 认真、沉着同义:stiffness [ˈstɪfnɪs] 强硬、坚硬9 flunk [flʌŋk] 未通过10 hangdog [ˈhæŋdɒg] 伤心的同义:lugubrious [lʊˈɡubriəs]伤心地lachrymose [ˈlækrəˌmos 流泪的11 bilious [ˈbɪljəs] 坏脾气的12 caricature ['kærɪkətʃʊə(r)] 夸张模仿13 hum [hʌm] 包含14 presumptuous [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs] 自以为是同义:swagger [ˈswæɡɚ] 吹牛pretense [prɪ‘tens] 自命不凡pedantry [ˈpɛdn:tri] 炫耀cavalier [ˌkævəˈlɪr] 傲慢vanity [ˈvænɪti] 傲慢pompous [ˈpɑmpəs] 傲慢的15 keel [kil] 倾斜同义:careen [kəˈrin] 倾斜tilt [tɪlt] 倾斜list [lɪst] 倾斜16 mendacious [mɛnˈdeʃəs] 虚假的同义:spurious [ˈspjʊriəs] 虚假的fulsome [ˈfʊlsəm] 虚情假意的17 parsimony [ˈpɑrsəˌmoni] 吝啬的18 lassitude [ˈlæsɪtju:d] 懒散同义:sloven [ˈslʌvən]19 latent [ˈletnt] 潜在的20 travail [trəˈvel]辛勤劳动21 limpid [ˈlɪmpɪd] 清楚地22 pliable [ˈplaɪəbəl]温顺同义:tractable [ˈtræktəbəl]23 nether [ˈnɛðɚ] 地下的24 nihility [naɪ'hɪlətɪ] 虚无25 oblique [əˈblik] 拐弯抹角26 pallid [ˈpælɪd] 苍白的同义:lurid [ˈlʊrɪd]27 pinion [ˈpɪnjən] 束缚同义:quell, stultify, hindrance, thwart, stymie, shackle, preclude28 roil [rɔɪl] 激怒同义:irascible, apathetic29 pontifical [pɑnˈtɪfɪkəl] 装模作样地说30 Perspicacious [ˌpə:spɪˈkeʃəs] 敏锐的31 sedate [sɪˈdet] 平息、一本正经同义:orderly /earnest /serious-minded /sobersober-sided/solemn/somber/sombre/stern/stolid/starchy/stuffy/staid 32 rollicking [ˈrɑlɪkɪŋ] 欢闹的同义:vociferous hustle33 salvation [sælˈveʃən] 救赎34 perdition [pɚˈdɪʃən] 毁灭35 sanitation [ˌsænɪˈteʃən] 卫生的36 sequestered [sɪˈkwestəd] 隐蔽的37 slant [slænt] 偏袒38 sunder [ˈsʌndɚ] 分裂同义:schism39 yoke [jok] 连接40. squalor [ˈskwɑlɚ] 肮脏同义:hackneyed timeworn ragged41 tender [ˈtɛndɚ] 提供42 trite [traɪt]陈腐的同义:hackneyed / timeworn / ragged43 verdant [ˈvə:dn:t] 郁郁葱葱的、没有经验的44 debility [dɪˈbɪlɪti]使软弱同义:wane减弱45 Wax [wæks] 增强46 abet [əˈbɛt] 教唆47 abstemious [əbˈsti:miəs]节省的同义:austere / succinct / curt / thrift / concise48 aphorism [ˈæfəˌrɪzəm] 格言49 bromide [ˈbroˌmaɪd] 平庸的50 malodor [mæl'oʊdə] 恶臭51 chortle [ˈtʃɔrtl] 咯咯笑52 expedite [ˈɛkspɪˌdaɪt] 快速处理引申:expediency权宜之计53 cryptic [ˈkrɪptɪk] 神秘的同义:esoteric / arcane54 desultory [ˈdɛsəlˌtɔri] 散漫的55 ensconce [ɛnˈskɑns] 安顿同义:nestle56 ergonomic [ˌɜ:gəˈnɒmɪk] 工效学派生:bionic仿生学57 prevarication [prɪˌværɪ‘keɪʃn]支吾其词同义:stumble支支吾吾、绊倒58 incrustation [ˌɪnkrʌˈsteʃən] 结壳59 gripe [ɡraɪp] 抱怨同义:grouse [ɡraʊs]60 indictment [ɪnˈdaɪtmənt] 起诉61 insinuation [ˌsɪnjuˈeʃən] 暗讽62 kosher [ˈkoʃɚ] 合适规定的同义:pertain63 filibuster [ˈfɪləˌbʌstɚ] 拖延引申:protracted64 vacancies ['veɪkənsɪz] 空缺65 prescriptive [prɪˈskrɪptɪv] 规定的引申:prescription处方、指令66 occultation [ˌɒkʌl'teɪʃən] 遮蔽67 slake [slek] 平息、一本正经68 surmountable [sə'maʊntəbəl] 可战胜的69 hinder [ˈhɪndɚ] 后面的70 benighted [bɪˈnaɪtɪd] 无知愚昧的71 annalistic [ˌænə'lɪstɪk] 记录的72 vogue [voɡ] 时尚73 proclivity [proˈklɪvɪti] 倾向同义:penchant / propensity74 treasurer [ˈtrɛʒəɚ] 出纳75 pastiche [pæˈstiʃ] 模仿同义:aped / parody76 ghostwriter 代笔人77 maverick ['mævərɪk] 不服从、标新立异78 predicate ['predɪkət] 谓语本质79 stilted [ˈstɪltɪd] 夸张同义:puffery / ostentatious80 notwithstanding 虽然81 encomium [ɛnˈkomiəm] 赞颂同义:commendable值得称赞的82 tainted [tent] 污染的同义:sully ['sʌlɪ]/ tarnish ['tɑ:nɪʃ]83 jolt [dʒolt] 震动84 trove [trov] 被发现的、收藏的85 sketchy [ˈskɛtʃi] 概略的同义:compendium / epitome86 impeccable [ɪmˈpɛkəbəl] 无懈可击的87 versed [və:st] 精通熟练88 chastise [tʃæsˈtaɪz] 惩罚89 inimitable [ɪˈnɪmɪtəbəl] 无法仿效的、独特的90 detractor [dɪˈtræktər] 毁誉的同义:diatribe91 onslaught [ˈɑnˌslɔt,ˈɔn-] 猛攻92 censorious [sɛnˈsɔriəs, -ˈsor-] 受批判的、挑剔的同义:taunt / reprehensive / harangue / denunciate93 prerogative [prɪˈrɑɡətɪv] 特权94 preemptory [pre’ emptəri] 断然的95 pander [ˈpændɚ] 勾引、怂恿同义:bluffing哄骗96 interference [ˌɪntɚˈfɪrəns] 干预97 beget [bɪˈɡɛt] 招致98 meretricious [ˌmɛrɪˈtrɪʃəs] 华而不实的同义:blatant喧闹的、俗丽的99 condone [kənˈdon] 宽恕同义:propitiatory抚慰、取悦100 welter [ˈwɛltɚ] 混乱101 elude [ɪˈlud] 使困难102 subsidize [ ‘sʌb sidaɪz]补助、强迫103 delineate [dɪˈlɪniˌet] 描述、划线104 voyeur [vɔɪˈjə:]偷看隐私105 belch [bɛltʃ] 吐出106 blithe [blaɪð] 欢乐、漫不经心107 overwrought [ˌovɚˈrɔt] 过度紧张108 derelict [ˈdɛrəˌlɪkt] 破败的、遗弃的109 contaminate [kənˈtæməˌnet] 抑制110 precipitate [prɪˈsɪpɪˌtet] 加速111 menial [ˈminiəl, ˈminjəl]仆人的、卑微的同义:ignoble卑贱的112 Conjure [ˈkɑndʒɚ, kənˈdʒʊr] 祈求、变魔法113 Shunt [ʃʌnt] 改变轨道、搁置114 Prescribe [prɪˈskraɪb] 命令、开处方115 hiatus [haɪˈetəs] 空隙、锻炼116 indomitable [ɪnˈdɑmɪtəbəl] 不服输的117 unwittingly [ˌʌnˈwɪtɪŋlɪ] 无意地同义:imperceptibly / inadvertent / inconspicuous 118 ravage [ˈrævɪdʒ] 荒凉的119 flout [flaʊt] 轻视、侮辱同义:disdain / cavalier / pejorative120 stark [stɑrk] 僵直、坚挺121 alleged [əˈlɛdʒd, əˈlɛdʒɪd被断言的122 weary [ˈwɪri] 不耐烦123 uncharted [ʌnˈtʃɑrtɪd] 不明的、不详的124 overbearing [ˌovɚˈbɛrɪŋ] 蛮横的125 partisan [ˈpɑrtɪzən] 拥趸126 atrophy [ˈætrəfi] 萎缩127 perceptible [pɚˈsɛptəbəl] 可感知的128 discern [dɪˈsɚn, -ˈzɚn] 分辨129 laconic [ləˈkɑnɪk] 简洁的130 magnanimity [ˌmæɡnəˈnɪmɪti] 宽容同义:charitable131 wary [ˈwɛri] 小心的同义:prudery / prudent / circumspect / stinting/ meticulous132 vigilant [ˈvɪdʒələnt] 警觉的133 arresting [əˈrɛstɪŋ] 引人注目的134 reticent [ˈrɛtɪsənt] 沉默寡言的135 eloquent [ˈɛləkwənt] 雄辩的136 silt [sɪlt] 堵塞137 chagrin [ʃəˈɡrɪn] 懊恼138 vertical [ˈvɚtɪkəl] 垂直的139 paleoanthropology [ˌpeɪlɪoʊˌænθrə'pɒlədʒɪ] 远古人类140 excoriation [ɪkˈskɔrion] 批评141 malinger [məˈlɪŋɡɚ] 装病不矫揉造作的上班142 bypass [ˈbaɪˌpæs] 忽略、绕过143 circumvent [ˌsə:kəmˈvɛnt] 包围、避开144 succumb [səˈkʌm] 屈服、死145 snub [snʌb]冷落同义:lethargic / phlegmatic / tepid / lackluster146 histrionic [ˌhɪstriˈɑnɪk] 矫揉造作的147 esoteric [ˌɛsəˈtɛrɪk] 秘密的同义:arcane148 lopsided [ˈlɑpˈsaɪdɪd] 不平衡的149 plead [plid] 辩解150 anathema [əˈnæθəmə] 令人讨厌的151 proscribe [proʊ'skraɪb] 禁止152 mettlesome ˈ[ˈmɛtl:səm]精神饱满的153 gouge [ɡaʊdʒ] 敲诈154 labyrinthine [ˌlæbə'rɪnθaɪn] 复杂的155 despicable [dɪˈspɪkəbl] 卑劣的同义:shoddy156 exorcise ['eksɔ:ˌsaɪz] 驱逐157 denotative [dɪ'noʊtətɪv] 指明的158 prohibitive [proˈhɪbɪtɪv] 过高的同义:exorbitant 159 overhaul [ˌovɚˈhɔl,ˈovɚˌhɔl] 仔细检查160 rueful [ˈrufəl] 怜悯的161 hunch [hʌntʃ] 直觉162 scintillating [ˈsɪntl:ˌetɪŋ] 才华横溢的163 chunk [tʃʌŋk] 大量164 deliberation [dɪˌlɪbəˈreʃən] 审议165 plunder [ˈplʌndɚ] 抢夺166 craven [ˈkrevən] 胆怯同义:trepid / trepidation 167 villain [ˈvɪlən] 坏人168 spurn [spə:n] 回绝同义:rebuke169 incisiveness [ɪn'saɪsɪvnəs] 果断170 ponderous [ˈpɑndərəs] 乏味的171 pious [ˈpaɪəs] 虔诚172 rift [rɪft] 分歧173 Auspices [ˈɔspɪˌsiz] 资助174 truculent [ˈtrʌkjələnt] 残酷的、野蛮的同义:surly 175 finicky [ˈfɪnɪki] 苛求的176 solicitude [səˈlɪsɪˌtud, -ˌtjud] 焦虑、担心177 presage [ˈprɛsɪdʒ] 预示同义:portend harbinger 178 forestall [fɔ:'stɔ:l] 抢先行动179 ecstatic [ɛkˈstætɪk] 高兴地同义:euphoria180 backfire [ˈbækˌfaɪr] 事与愿违181 recondite [ˈrekəndaɪt] 深奥的同义:esoteric 182 panacea [ˌpænəˈsiə] 万灵药同义:cure-all183 jarring ['dʒɑ:riŋ]冲突、不和谐184 pedestrian [pəˈdɛstriən] 平凡、通俗呆板同义:mundane 185 abhorrent [əb'hɒrənt] 厌恶186 Foe [fo] 仇人187 forgo [fɔrˈɡo, for-] 放弃188 peregrination [ˌpɛrɪɡrɪˈneʃən] 游历189 conversant [kənˈvə:sənt, ˈkɑnvə-] 熟悉的、有交情的190 hallucination [həˌlusəˈneʃən] 幻觉191 unanimity 全体一致同意192 deferential [ˌdɛfəˈrɛnʃəl] 恭敬的193 Elitism [ɪˈliˌtɪzəm, eˈli-] 精英主义194 culprit [ˈkʌlprɪt] 刑事、犯罪195 feckless [ˈfɛklɪs] 无用的196 long-winded [ˈlɔŋˈwɪndɪd, ˈlɑŋ-] 冗长的、啰嗦的197 entranced [en'trɑ:nst] 吸引人的198 snobbish [ˈsnɑbɪʃ] 势力的199 tendentious [tɛnˈdɛnʃəs] 有偏见的200 gratify [ˈɡrætəˌfaɪ] 使满足201 audacity [ɔˈdæsɪti] 鲁莽、勇猛202 antithetical [ˌæntɪˈθɛtɪkəl] 对立的203 jubilation [ˌdʒubl:ˈeʃən] 欢乐的204 tenure [ˈtɛnjɚ, -ˌjʊr] 任期205 unabashed [ˌʌnəˈbæʃt] 不吝惜、不脸红206 modicum [ˈmɑdɪkəm]少量的207 demur [dɪˈmə:] 反对208 dissect [dɪˈsɛkt, daɪ-, ˈdaɪˌsɛkt] 仔细研究209 vernacular [vɚˈnækjəlɚ]方言210 connive [kəˈnaɪv] 密谋211 obtrude [ɑbˈtrud, əb-] 打扰同义:disturb212 congenial [kənˈdʒinjəl] 情投意合的213 convergent [kən'vɜ:rdʒənt]汇聚的214 germane [dʒɚˈmen] 相关的同义:pertinent215 strewn [stru:n] 塞满216 repugnance [rɪˈpʌɡnəns] 厌恶217 exiguous [ɪɡˈzɪɡjuəs, ɪkˈsɪɡ-]细小的、少的同义:marginal218 intimidate [ɪnˈtɪmɪˌdet] 恐吓219 irenic [aɪ'ri:nɪk] 和平主义220 obviate [ˈɑbviˌet] 排除221 willful [ˈwɪlfəl] 任性的、故意的222 embellish [ɛmˈbɛlɪʃ] 修饰223 benign [bɪˈnaɪn] 仁慈、良性、亲切224 endorse [ɛnˈdɔrs] 支持225 malleable [ˈmæliəbəl] 可塑的226 nomad [ˈnoˌmæd] 流浪的同义:peripatetic227 impeccable [ɪmˈpɛkəbəl] 无瑕疵的228 interloper [ˈɪntɚˌlopɚ] 闯入者229 awash [əˈwɑʃ, əˈwɔʃ] 齐平230 treacherous [ˈtrɛtʃərəs] 背叛的231 construe [kən'stru:] 解释232 soporific [ˌsɒpəˈrɪfɪk]昏睡的同义:somnolent233 perfunctory [pɚˈfʌŋktəri] 敷衍的234 subdue [səbˈdu] 使服从、压制235 oasis [oˈesɪs] 绿洲、舒适的地方236 refuge [ˈrɛfjudʒ] 躲避、避难237 Insufferable [ɪnˈsʌfrəbl] 不可忍受的238 vainglorious [ˌveɪnˈglɔ:riəs] 虚荣的239 apportion [ə'pɔ:ʃn] 分配同义:allocation240 opprobrium [əˈprobriəm] 咒骂241 ostensible [ɑˈstɛnsəbəl] 表面的、假装的242 serendipity [ˌsɛrənˈdɪpɪti] 意外之财243 precocious [prɪˈkoʃəs] 早熟的244 Decontaminate [ˌdikənˈtæməˌnet] 净化245 fecund[ˈfi:kənd] / prolific [prəˈlɪfɪk]丰富、茂盛246 repatriate [riˈpetriˌet]遣返247 benediction [ˌbɛnɪˈdɪkʃən] 祝福248 interdiction [ˌɪntərˈdɪkʃn] 禁止249 blush [blʌʃ] 脸红辨析:flush 大量的plush 豪华的250 Infertile[ɪnˈfə:tl] / sterile[ˈstɛrəl ] / barren 贫瘠的251 exhaustive [ɪɡˈzɔstɪv]详尽的辨析:inexhaustible 用不完252 enervate [ˈɛnɚˌvet] 耗干253 deplete [dɪˈplit] 用尽254 replete [rɪˈplit] 充满的、大量的255 Plethora [ˈplɛθərə] 过量256 complement [ˈkɑmpləmənt]补充辨析:compliment 恭维257 Deflect [dɪˈflɛkt] / shrug off / disregard slight 不理会258 Inattentive / heedless / mindless / inadvertent [ˌɪnədˈvə:tn:t]/ derelict [ˈdɛrəˌlɪkt]/ negligent[ˈnɛɡlɪdʒənt] / remiss 忽视259 moderate 适度反义:excessive / exorbitant / inordinate260 Pedestrian / uninteresting / dreary / jejune / monotonous / tedious / wearisome / stale / stodgy / insipid / prosaic 无聊的261 monarch [ˈmɑnək, -ˌɑrk] 君主262 Monopolize [məˈnɑpəˌlaɪz] 垄断引申:monopoly263 Monologue [ˈmɑnəˌlɔɡ, -ˌlɑɡ]/ soliloquy [səˈlɪləkwi] 独白264 Ebullient [ɪˈbʊljənt] / exuberant [ɪɡˈzubərənt] / effervescent [ˌefərˈvesnt]/ vivacious[vɪˈveʃəs, vaɪ-]热情奔放的265 Revive [rɪˈvaɪv] 使复活266 Convivial [kənˈvɪviəl] 好交际的、欢乐的267 tepid [ˈtɛpɪd] 不热情的268 Torpid [ˈtɔrpɪd] 行动迟缓269 Torrid [ˈtɔrɪd, ˈtɑr-] 酷热270 Turbid [ˈtə:bɪd] 混浊的271 Turgid [ˈtədʒɪd] 浮夸的272 Turbulent [ˈtɚbjələnt] 吵闹的273 Glum / gloomy / melancholy / dejected / morose/saturnine[ˈsætɚˌnaɪn]/ sullen 闷闷不乐的274 jovial [ˈdʒoviəl]/ jocund [ˈdʒɑkənd, ˈdʒokənd]/ sanguine [ˈsæŋɡwɪn]/ lighthearted 高兴地275 Ecstasy [ˈɛkstəsi]/ rapture [ˈræptʃɚ]/ euphoria [juˈfɔriə]狂喜276 Circuitous [sɚˈkjuɪtəs]/ circumlocutory [ˌsɜ:kəmlə'kju:tərɪ] / diffuse / prolix / rambling / verbose / windy / wordy 啰嗦的277 Circumspect [ˈsə:kəmˌspɛkt] 谨慎的278 Circumscribe [ˈsə:kəmˌskraɪb] 限制279 Ascribe [əˈskraɪb] 归因于280 Infuse [ɪn'fju:z] 流入反义:effuse [e'fju:z] 流出281 Profuse [prəˈfju:s] / profligate [ˈprɑflɪɡɪt]挥霍282 Defuse [diˈfjuz] 平息、抚慰283 Garrulous [ˈgærələs] / loquacious [loˈkweʃəs]活多的284 Glib [ɡlɪb] 油嘴滑舌的285 Voluble [ˈvɑljəbəl]/ talkative 健谈的286 obloquy [ˈɑbləkwi] 指责287 Locution [loˈkjuʃən] 惯用语288 elocution [ˌɛləˈkjuʃən] 演说术289 interlocution [ˌɪntələ'kju:ʃən] 对话290 circumlocution [ˌsə:kəmloˈkjuʃən] 绕圈子的话291 Laconic [ləˈkɑnɪk]/reserved / reticent[ˈrɛtɪsənt] / curt / pithy [ˈpɪθi]/ succinct[səkˈsɪŋkt] / terse / compendious [kəmˈpɛndiəs] 话少的、简洁的292 Compendium [kəmˈpɛndiəm] 摘要293 Subvert [səbˈvə:t] 推翻294 Convert [kənˈvɚt] 转变295 Avert [əˈvɚt]/ avoid / escape 躲避296 austere [ɔˈstɪr]/ plain / spartan [ˈspɑrtn:]/ unadorned / spare 简朴的297 stark [stɑrk] 鲜明对比的298 Lavish / luxurious / sumptuous / pompous / baroque [bəˈrok] 豪华的299 Presumptuous [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs]傲慢的300 Extraneous [ɪkˈstreniəs] (impertinent / peripheral [pəˈrɪfərəl]/ tangent)无关的301 Penitent [ˈpɛnɪtənt]后悔的302 tangible [ˈtændʒəbəl]可触摸的303 Apposite [ˈæpəzɪt]/ apropos [ˌæprəˈpo]/ germane [dʒɚˈmen] / pertinent 相关的304 Eminent [ˈɛmənənt]/ celebrated / distinguished / renowned / notable / famed / distinct 杰出的反义:infamous / notorious [noʊ'tɔ:rɪrs]305 Extinguish [ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ]熄灭306 imminent ['ɪmɪnənt]/ pending [ˈpɛndɪŋ]即将发生的307 Celerity [səˈlɛrɪti]迅速308 mediocre [ˌmidiˈokɚ]/ undistinguished 平庸的309 Assuage [əˈswedʒ] / allay / alleviate [əˈliviˌet]/ mitigate / palliate / temper 减轻310 Unalloyed [ˌʌnəˈlɔɪd] 纯净的311 ally ['ælaɪ] 盟国312 Unchecked [ʌnˈtʃɛkt] 未受阻止的313 Lever [ˈlɛvɚ, ˈlivɚ] 杠杆314 Levity [ˈlɛvɪti] 轻浮、多变315 Leaven [ˈlɛvən] 酵母、轻松316 Aggravate [ˈæɡrəˌvet] ( exasperate / deteriorate / exacerbate )恶化317 Asperity [æˈspɛrɪti]粗暴318 Grave [ɡrev]严肃的、庄重的319 Soothe [suð]/ mollify / conciliate [kənˈsɪliˌet] / propitiate [proˈpɪʃiˌet]/ appease / pacify / placate / subdue / solace 平息320 Emollient [iˈmɒliənt] 润肤剂321 Placid [ˈplæsɪd]平静的322 Placebo [pləˈsibo] 安慰剂323 Complacency [kəmˈplesənsi] 自满的324 agitate [ˈædʒɪˌtet](gall / inflame / nettle / peeve / irritate / rile / roil / infuriate )激怒325 Inflammable [ɪnˈflæməbəl]易燃的326 Merciful [ˈmə:sɪfəl]/ clement [ˈklɛmənt]/ lenient [ˈli:niənt]仁慈的327 Discomposed [dɪskəm'poʊzd]不安的328 Reprimand [ˈrɛprəˌmænd]批评329 Apocryphal [əˈpɑkrəfəl] 假经书330 Analogous [əˈnæləɡəs] 相同的331 Nonpartisan [nɒn'pa:tɪzæn]/ disinterested 公正客观的332 Cacophony [kə'kɑ:fənɪ] 刺耳333 tranquility [træŋˈkwɪlətɪ] 平静334 Commencement [kəˈmɛnsmənt] 开始335 Counterfeit [ˈkaʊntɚˌfɪt] 假的336 Obsequious [əbˈsi:kwiəs] 拍马屁337 Deter [dɪˈtə:] 阻止、恐吓338 Disparage [dɪˈspærɪdʒ] 贬低339 Scrupulousness ['skru:pjələsnəs]/ righteousness ['raɪtʃəsnəs] 正直340 impassioned [ɪmˈpæʃənd](passionate )激情341 grandiloquent [ɡrænˈdɪləkwənt]浮夸的342 Withdrawn [wɪðˈdrɔn, wɪθ-] 隐士的、偏僻的343 perpetrate [ˈpə:pɪˌtret] 做坏事344 Ambivalent [æmˈbɪvələnt]矛盾345 personable [ˈpə:sənəbəl] 有魅力的346 self-assumption 自满347 Fathom [ˈfæðəm] 理解348 Obscure [ɑbˈskjʊr, əb-]使…不重要349 Daredevil [ˈdɛrˌdɛvəl]鲁莽的、草率的350 Sluggard [ˈslʌɡəd]吝啬351 Cogitate [ˈkɑdʒɪˌtet]/ meditate [ˈmɛdɪˌtet]思考352 Buttress [ˈbʌtrɪs] 支持353 Tumult [ˈtuˌmʌlt, ˈtju-]混乱354 perspective [pɚˈspɛktɪv] 观点355 Procure [proˈkjʊr,prə-] 获得356 Wrongheaded ['rɒŋhedɪd]/ stubborn / dogged 顽固的357 Translucent [trænsˈlusənt, trænz-]容易理解的358 Elixir [ɪˈlɪksɚ]/ panacea 万灵药359 Calamity [kəˈlæmɪti]/ catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi]大灾难360 Overbearing [ˌovɚˈbɛrɪŋ] 傲慢的361 Exacting [ɪɡˈzæktɪŋ] 苛求362 Egregious [ɪˈgri:dʒiəs]过分的、极坏的363 Gaudy [ˈɡɔdi]/ meretricious [ˌmɛrɪˈtrɪʃəs] 俗丽的364 Impersonate [ɪmˈpə:səˌnet] 模仿365 Authenticate [ɔˈθɛntɪˌket] 证实366 Eulogy [ˈjulədʒi] 歌颂的演讲367 Unearthly [ʌnˈə:θli]超俗的同义:heavenly [ˈhɛvənli] 368 Tangled [ˈtæŋɡəld] 复杂的369 Personage [ˈpə:sənɪdʒ]名人370 Undergird [ˌʌndɚˈɡɚd]/ shore up 支持371 Latitude ['lætɪtju:d]自由372 Capricious [kəˈprɪʃəs, -ˈpriʃəs] 善变的373 Nominal [ˈnɒmɪnl] 不重要的374 vindicate [ˈvɪndɪˌket]/ verify 证实375 affinity [əˈfɪnɪti] 倾向趋势376 Tirade [ˈtaɪˌred,]批评性演讲377 Unperturbed [ˌʌnpɚˈtɚbd] 平静的378 Inscrutable [ɪnˈskrutəbəl]难以理解的379 pertinacious [ˌpətnˈeʃəs] 顽固的380 inanity [ɪnˈnænətɪ] 空洞381 Retrospect [ˈrɛtrəˌspɛkt] 回顾382 Deference [ˈdɛfərəns] 尊敬383 Buffoonery [bə'fu:nərɪ] 幽默滑稽384 Propensity [prəˈpɛnsɪti] 倾向、趋势385 Impulsive [ɪmˈpʌlsɪv] 本能的386 mock [mɑk] 模仿、嘲弄387 Penetrating [ˈpɛnɪˌtretɪŋ] 尖锐的388 Squander [ˈskwɑndɚ] / spendthrift [ˈspɛndˌθrɪft] 挥霍389 Weasel [ˈwizəl] 回避390 Surmise [sɚˈmaɪz] 猜测391 Brace [breis]支持392 nonchalance [ˌnɑnʃəˈlɑns] 冷漠、不关心393 Execrate [ˈɛksɪˌkret]厌恶394 Reprehend [ˌrɛprɪˈhɛnd] 批评395 Ingrained [ɪnˈɡrend] 根深蒂固396 Rife [raɪf] 大量的397 Recollected [ˌrekə'lektɪd]平静的398 speculate [ˈspɛkjəˌlet]猜测、投机399 Adulatory [ˌædjʊ'leɪtərɪ]/ adulation [ˌædʒəˈleʃən] 拍马屁400 Denigrate [ˈdɛnɪˌɡret] 贬低401 Brazen [ˈbrezən]鲁莽、草率的402 Acquired [əˈkwaɪrd] 习得的403 Ineffectual [ˌɪnɪˈfɛktʃuəl] 无效没用的404 Glum [ɡlʌm] 闷闷不乐405 Detested [dɪˈtɛst] 厌恶406 deter [dɪˈtə:] 阻止407 Ephemeral [ɪˈfɛmərəl] 短暂的408 Scarce [skɛrs] / modicum [ˈmɑdɪkəm] 少量的409 Accord [əˈkɔrd] 同意410 Cornucopia [ˌkɔ:njʊ'kəʊpɪə] 大量同义:abundance / swarming 411 Embrace [ɛmˈbres] 拥抱、怀有412 labyrinthine·[ˌlæbə'rɪnθaɪn] 复杂的413 Affected [əˈfɛktɪd] 做作的414 Oblivion [əˈblɪviən] / oblivious [əˈblɪviəs] 遗忘415 Dissimilar [dɪˈsɪməlɚ] 不同416 Disturbed [dɪˈstɚrbd] 不安的417 Unbending [ʌnˈbɛndɪŋ] 顽固418 Liberal [ˈlɪbərəl, ˈlɪbrəl] 慷慨、大方419 forged [fɔrdʒ, fordʒ] 假的420 Intrigue [ˈɪnˌtriɡ, ɪnˈtriɡ] 密谋421 Congregate [ˈkɑŋɡrɪˌɡet] 集合422 heavy-handed [ˈhɛviˈhændɪd] 笨拙的423 Capricious [kəˈprɪʃəs, -ˈpriʃəs] / whimsical [ˈwɪmzɪkl] 善变的424 Clearheaded 头脑清晰的425 Nostalgia [nɑˈstældʒə, nə-] 回忆426 Dictum [ˈdɪktəm] 名言警句427 Stereotype ['sterɪətaɪp] 陈腐同义:banal [bəˈnɑ:l]428 Firsthand ['fɜ:st'hænd] 直接的429 Recondite [ˈrekəndaɪt] 深奥的、难以理解的430 Brook [brʊk] 容忍431 shirk [ʃə:k] 回避同义:avert / avoid / circumvent432 intelligible [ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəbəl] 容易理解的433 Debacle [dɪˈbɑkəl,-ˈbækəl] 灾难434 Depose [dɪˈpoz] 罢免435 Spurious [ˈspjʊriəs] 假的436 Fortify [ˈfɔrtəˌfaɪ] 支持437 Irrefutable [ˌɪrɪˈfju:təbl] / indisputable [ˌɪndɪˈspjutəbəl]无可争议的438 deliberate [dɪˈlɪbərɪt]有意的439 falsify [ˈfɔlsəˌfaɪ]反驳440 Relentless [rɪˈlɛntlɪs] / merciless 残忍的反义:merciful441 incumbent [ɪnˈkʌmbənt] 负责人的442 ruminate [ˈruməˌnet] 思考443 trifling [ˈtraɪflɪŋ] 不重要的同义:trivial444 render [ˈrɛndɚ] 使445 unseemly [ʌnˈsimli] 不体面的446 Simulate ['sɪmjʊleɪt] / imitate 模仿447 Aspire [əˈspaɪr] 渴望448 Proprietary [prəˈpraɪɪˌtɛri] 所有权的449 outset [ˈaʊtˌsɛt] 开始同义:commencement [kəˈmɛnsmənt] 450 Negate [nɪ'ɡeɪt] 使无效同义:invalidate [ɪnˈvælɪˌdet]451 Flustered [ˈflʌstɚ] 不安的反义:collected451 Revive [rɪˈvaɪv] 使复活453 Proclivity [proˈklɪvɪti] 趋势、倾向同义:propensity [prəˈpɛnsɪti] 454 Vanquish ['væŋkwɪʃ] 征服455 discredit [dɪsˈkrɛdɪt]不信、败坏456 maneuver [mə'nu:və] 诡计457 Uphold / prop up 支持458 Impenetrable [ɪmˈpɛnɪtrəbəl]难以理解的459 Impeach [ɪmˈpitʃ] 控告460 unintended [ˌʌnɪnˈtendɪd] 偶然的461 pernickety [pɚˈnɪkɪti]可求的、计较的462 apathetic [ˌæpəˈθɛtɪk] 冷漠的463 Allude [əˈlud] 间接提起464 Conceit [kənˈsit] 自满465 gratis [ˈgrætɪs] 免费466 steadfast [ˈstedfɑ:st]不变的467 wax [wæks] 变多、大反义:wane468 Baseness ['beɪsnɪs] 卑鄙469 Bolster [ˈbolstɚ] 支持470 scrupulous [ˈskrupjələs] 苛求的471 labile ['leɪbaɪl] 善变的472 incorruptible [ˌɪnkəˈrʌptəbl] 正直的473 Ossified [‘ɒsəfaɪd] 顽固的474 degrade [dɪˈɡred] 贬低475 Turmoil [ˈtɚˌmɔɪl] 混乱476 Assent [əˈsɛnt] 同意477 Canon [ˈkænən] 经书478 Apprehend [ˌæprɪˈhɛnd]逮捕、忐忑不安479 Gainsay [ˌɡeɪn'seɪ] 反驳、否认480 Inequitable [ɪnˈɛkwɪtəbəl] 偏见的481 Insensible [ɪn'sensəbl] 不可感知的482 Bent [bɛnt] 倾向、趋势483 garish ['ɡeərɪʃ]俗丽的484 herald [ˈhɛrəld] 预兆485 convoluted [ˈkɑnvəˌlutɪd] 复杂的486 archaic [ɑrˈkeɪk] 过时的487 Haphazard [hæpˈhæzəd] 随便的488 Forestall [fɔ:'stɔ:l]阻止489 Transient ['trænzɪənt]/ ephemeral[ɪˈfɛmərəl] 短暂的490 Pellucid [pəˈlusɪd]容易理解的491 acquit [əˈkwɪt]开脱罪名492 Incisive [ɪnˈsaɪsɪv]一针见血493 Acquiesce [ˌækwiˈɛs] 同意494 credence [ˈkridn:s]相信495 Revolve [rɪˈvɑlv] 思考496 Discursive [dɪˈskə:sɪv] 跑题的497 Elucidate [ɪˈlusɪˌdet] 清晰地说出498 Bromide [ˈbroˌmaɪd]陈腐(banal )499 acclaim [əˈklem] 赞扬(applaud)500 Belittle [bi'litəl] 贬低(disparage)501 Threadbare [ˈθrɛdˌbɛr] 陈腐的502 Flattery [ˈflætəri] / gushing [ˈgʌʃɪŋ] 拍马屁503 Abominate [əˈbɑməˌnet]仇恨504 Prehistoric [ˌpri:hɪˈstɒrɪk] 过时的(archaic)505 Ingratitude [ɪnˈgrætɪtju:d]忘恩负义506 Everlasting [ˌevərˈlæstɪŋ]持久的507 unsparing [ʌnˈspɛrɪŋ] 残忍的(merciless)508 Unflappable [ʌnˈflæpəbəl]平静的509 enduring [ɪnˈdjʊərɪŋ]持久的510 brassy [ˈbræsi]鲁莽、草率的511 ferment [ fɚˈmɛnt] 混乱512 lament [ləˈmɛnt] 哀悼513 Obsolete ['ɒbsəli:t]过时的、陈腐的514 negligible [ˈnɛɡlɪdʒəbəl]不重要的(trivial)515 admonish [ædˈmɑnɪʃ]训诫516 Burgeon [ˈbə:dʒən]变多、大(wax)517 Pertinacious [ˌpətnˈeʃəs] 不变的518 Intransigent [ɪnˈtrænsɪdʒənt]顽固的519 Setback [ˈsɛtˌbæk] 倒退520 Drain [dren] 人才流失521 Detectable [dɪˈtɛktəbl]可察觉的522 Anomalous [əˈnɑmələs] 不正常的523 Dispose [dɪˈspoz] 喜欢做524 loathe [loð] 厌恶525 Ponder [ˈpɑndɚ] 思考526 Mulish [ˈmjulɪʃ] 顽固527 Fickle [ˈfɪkəl] 善变的528 Secular [ˈsɛkjəlɚ] 俗世的529 Inculpate ['ɪnkʌlpeɪt] 使负罪530 Gullible [ˈɡʌləbəl] 轻信的531 Untenable [ʌnˈtɛnəbəl]有争议的532 husband [ˈhʌzbənd] 节省533 Collude [kəˈlud] 串通534 Dissolute [ˈdɪsəˌlut] 挥霍535 Penurious [pəˈnjʊəriəs] 吝啬536 Escalate [ˈɛskəˌlet] 变多、变大537 Overbalance [ˌoʊvə'bæləns]使不重要538 Agonizing [ˈæɡəˌnaɪzɪŋ]苛求的539 Obviate [ˈɑbviˌet]阻止540 Obdurate [ 'ɒbvɪeɪt] 顽固的541 haughty [ˈhɔti] 傲慢的542 Subjugate [ˈsʌbdʒəˌɡet] 征服543 Endorse [ɛnˈdɔrs]同意、支持544 Magniloquent [mæɡˈnɪləkwənt]浮夸的545 Sidestep [ˈsaɪdˌstɛp] 回避546 Arbitrary [ˈɑrbɪˌtrɛri] 随便的547 Balloon [bəˈlun]变多、变大548 Antiquated [ˈæntɪˌkwetɪd]过时的(archaic)549 extemporaneous [eks'tempə'reɪnɪəs]即兴的550 Temerarious [ˌtemə'rerɪrs] 鲁莽、草率的551 Byzantine [ baɪzentin]复杂的552 Outmoded [aʊtˈmodɪd] 过时的553 Concede [kənˈsid] 承认554 Sumptuous [ˈsʌmptʃuəs] 挥霍的555 sequester [sɪˈkwɛstɚ] 隐士、偏僻556 erratic [ɪˈrætɪk]随便的557 momentous [moˈmɛntəs]重要的558 diatribe [ˈdaɪəˌtraɪb]指责559 diminish [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ] 减少560 Recede [rɪˈsid]撤回561 apophasis [ə'pɒfəsɪs] 矛盾562 Commend [kəˈmɛnd]赞扬563 genuine [ˈdʒɛnjuɪn]真的564 secede [sɪˈsid]分开565 Occlude [əˈklud] 阻塞566 verisimilitude [ˌverɪsɪˈmɪlɪtju:d] 逼真567 Anarchy [ˈænəki] 混乱568 Mountebank [ˈmaʊntəˌbæŋk] 骗子569 disprove [dɪsˈpruv] 反驳570 Weighty [ˈweti] 重要的571 singular [ˈsɪŋɡjəlɚ]不正常的572 Exalt [ɪɡˈzɔlt]赞扬573 Unexceptionable [ˌʌnɪkˈsepʃənəbl]无可争议的574 Perpetual [pɚˈpɛtʃuəl] 永久的575 foregoer [foʊr'goʊr] 预兆576 Commotion [kəˈmoʃən] 混乱577 Unbiased [ʌnˈbaɪəst]公正客观的(disinterested)578 Mediate [ˈmidiˌet] 调解579 Desultory [ˈdesəltri]随便的、散漫的580 Extravagant [ɪkˈstrævəgənt]过分奢侈的581 wary [ˈwɛri] 仔细的582 Offhand [ˌɒfˈhænd]即兴的583 revoke [rɪ'vəʊk]使无效(falsify)584 Vagary ['veɪgərɪ]善变(caprice)585 indifference [ɪnˈdɪfrəns]冷漠、不感兴趣586 Forerunner [ˈfɔ:rʌnə(r)]预兆(foregoer)587 inexorable [ɪnˈɛksərəbəl]残忍的588 Antipathy [ænˈtɪpəθi]厌恶589 Jaundiced [ˈdʒɔndɪst]偏见的(biased)590 Immaterial [ˌɪməˈtɪriəl]无关的591 Trenchant [ˈtrentʃənt]一阵见血(incisive)592 Picky [ˈpɪki]苛求的593 Screen [skri:n]筛选594 Deplore [dɪ'plɔ:(r)] 哀悼595 Licentious [laɪˈsenʃəs]放荡的、放肆的596 Augment [ɔ:ɡ'ment] 增加597 Maxim ['mæksɪm]名言警句598 Succumb to 屈服[sə'kʌm]599 Serenity [sə'renətɪ] 平静(tranquility)600 Headlong [ˈhedlɒŋ] 鲁莽的、草率的601 Bombastic [bɒm'bæstɪk]浮夸的(turgid)602 Constitute ['kɒnstɪtju:t]制定、任命603 Predilection [ˌpriːdɪˈlekʃ(ə)n]倾向、趋势604 Inordinate [ɪnˈɔ:dɪnət]过度的(excessive)605 eulogize ['ju:lədʒaɪz]赞扬606 Terrestrial [tə'restrɪəl]俗世的(earthly,heavenly)607 Scattered [ˈskætəd] 随便的608 plain [pleɪn]简朴的609 Prophesy ['prɒfəsaɪ]预言610 Sham [ʃæm] 假的(spurious)611 Platitude [ˈplætɪtju:d] 陈腐的612 Backlash ['bæklæʃ] 反对613 Disclaim [dɪs'kleɪm] 否认614 Delectable [dɪˈlɛktəbəl] 美味的、愉快的615 Encomium [en'kəʊmɪəm]赞颂616 Convert [kən'vɜ:t]转变617 Liberty ['lɪbətɪ]自由618 Aversion [əˈvɜ:ʒən, -ʃən]厌恶619 Scanty ['skæntɪ]少量的620 Amorphous [ə'mɔ:fəs]不定型的621 disregard [ˌdɪsrɪ'ɡɑ:d]不理会622 hamstring ['hæmstrɪŋ]无效的、没用的615 Encomium [en'kəʊmɪəm]赞颂616 Convert [kən'vɜ:t]转变617 Liberty ['lɪbətɪ]自由618 Aversion [əˈvɜ:ʒən, -ʃən]厌恶619 Scanty ['skæntɪ]少量的620 Amorphous [ə'mɔ:fəs]不定型的621 disregard [ˌdɪsrɪ'ɡɑ:d]不理会622 hamstring ['hæmstrɪŋ]无效的、没用的631 Eternally [ɪ'tɜ:nəlɪ]持久的632 Feckless ['fekləs]无效的、没用的633 Knotty ['nɒtɪ]复杂的634 Gratuitous [ɡrə'tju:ɪtəs]无缘无故的635 Deceit [dɪˈsi:t]卑鄙636 Eschew [ɪs'tʃu:]回避637 Inappreciable [ˌɪnə'pri:ʃəbl]不可感知的638 Perfunctory [pəˈfʌŋktəri]敷衍的639 Wearisome [ˈwɪərisəm]无聊的640 Bedlam ['bedləm]混乱的641 Relenting [rɪ'lentɪŋ] 慈悲的642 Fraught [frɔ:t]大量的643 Machinate ['mækɪneɪt]密谋644 Unyielding [ʌnˈji:ldɪŋ]顽固、不妥协645 Grueling ['grʊəlɪŋ]苛求646 Inefficacious [ˌɪnefɪ'keɪʃəs]无效、无用647 belie [bɪ'laɪ]掩饰648 Insouciant [ɪn'su:sɪənt]漠不关心649 Rhetoric [ˈretərɪk]修饰的650 Levelheaded ['levl'hedɪd] 冷静的651 Egalitarian [iˌgælɪˈteəriən]平等的652 Madcap [ˈmædkæp]鲁莽、草率653 Chide [tʃaɪd]批评654 Rusty ['rʌstɪ]过时的656 Havoc ['hævək]混乱的(disarray)657 Pathetic [pəˈθetɪk]同情的658 Underpin [ˌʌndə'pɪn]支持659 Moth-eaten [ˈmɔθˌi:tən]过时的660 Baroque [bəˈrəʊk]豪华的661 unassailable [ˌʌnəˈseɪləbl]无可争议的662 Opaque [əʊˈpeɪk] 难以理解的663 Reactionary [riˈækʃənri]保守不改变的664 Mendacity [men'dæsətɪ]卑鄙665 unison ['ju:nɪsn]同意666 Epigram [ˈepɪgræm]名言警句667 Reprobate ['reprəbeɪt] 批评668 Mitigate ['mɪtɪɡeɪt] 减轻669 stray [streɪ]随便的670 Dwindle ['dwɪndl]减少(diminish)671 Punctilious [pʌŋkˈtɪliəs]苛求的672 Audacious [ɔ:'deɪʃəs] 鲁莽、草率的673 Incentive [ɪnˈsentɪv] 刺激物674 Null [nʌl] 使无效675 Orthodoxy ['ɔ:θədɒksɪ]正统676 dissipate ['dɪsɪpeɪt]挥霍(profligate [ˈprɒflɪgət])677 Inception [ɪn'sepʃn] 开始(onset)678 Impromptu [ɪm'prɒmptju:] 即兴679 Controversial [ˌkɔntrəˈvə:ʃəl]有争议的680 Calculated [ˈkælkjuleɪtɪd]有意的681 Bogus ['bəʊɡəs]假的(sham)682 Conspire [kən'spaɪə(r)] 密谋(connive)683 Extol [ɪkˈstəʊl]赞扬684 Mundane [mʌnˈdeɪn]俗世的(earthly)685 Artifice [ˈɑ:tɪfɪs] 诡计686 backslide ['bækslaɪd]堕落687 Hauteur [həʊˈtɜ:, əʊˈtɜ:r]傲慢688 Aberrant [æ'berənt]不正常的689 leery [ˈlɪəri:]不信690 fossilized ['fɒsəlaɪzd]过时的691 Dubious ['dju:bɪəs]不信692 substantiate [səb'stænʃɪeɪt]证实693 Aggrandize [ə'grændaɪz] 增加694 divergent [daɪ'vɜ:dʒənt]不同的695 Inclination [ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃn]倾向趋势696 hypocritical [ˌhɪpə'krɪtɪkl]伪善的697 Pique [pi:k]激怒698 Infuriate [ɪn'fjʊərɪeɪt]激怒699 metamorphose [ˌmetə'mɔ:fəʊz]改变700 handy ['hændɪ]灵巧的701 Intractable [ɪnˈtræktəbl]顽固的702 Painstaking [ˈpeɪnzteɪkɪŋ]苛求的703 Compendium[kəm‘pendɪəm]摘要(abstract)704 Rash [ræʃ]鲁莽草率705 Bemoan [bɪ'məʊn] 哀悼706 Premeditate [prɪ'medɪteɪt] 预谋707 Conjecture [kən'dʒektʃə(r)] 猜测708 Aphorism [ˈæfərɪzəm] 名言警句709 Unctuous [ˈʌŋktjuəs]油腔滑调、拍马屁710 Conservative [kənˈsɜ:vətɪv]保守不改变的711 Corroborate [kə'rɒbəreɪt]证实712 Shun [ʃʌn] 回避713 Concur [kən'kɜ:(r)] 同时发生714 repugnance [rɪˈpʌgnəns] 厌恶715 apprehensible [ˌæprɪˈhensɪbl] 可觉察的716 Prudent [ˈpru:dnt] 仔细的717 Adage [ˈædɪdʒ] 名言警句718 Closefisted [kləs’fistid]吝啬的719 terse [tɜ:s] 简洁的720 superfluous [su:ˈpɜ:fluəs] 过量721 economical [ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪkl] 节俭的722 wither ['wɪðə(r)] 变弱723 redundant [rɪˈdʌndənt] 过量724 sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd] 复杂的725 scrutinize ['skru:tənaɪz]仔细检查726 oxymoron [ˌɒksɪ'mɔ:rɒn] 矛盾727 parallel ['pærəlel] 相同728 willful ['wɪlfəl] 顽固的729 atypical [ˌeɪˈtɪpɪkl]不正常的730 Impartial [ɪmˈpɑ:ʃəl] 公正客观的731 cooperate [kəʊ'ɒpəreɪt] 合作732 Emulate ['emjʊleɪt] 模仿733 entertain [ˌentə'teɪn]娱乐、怀有734 wile [waɪl] 诡计735 unfathomable [ʌnˈfæðəməbl] 难以理解的736 ruthless [ˈru:θləs] 残忍的737 fusty ['fʌstɪ] 陈腐的738 Parsimony [ˈpɑ:səˌməʊni:]吝啬739 sublunary [sʌb'lu:nərɪ] 俗世的740 propitiate [prə'pɪʃɪeɪt]劝解、抚慰741 charitable [ˈtʃærətəbl] 仁慈的742 reverence ['revərəns] 尊敬743 laud [lɔ:d] 赞扬744 censure ['senʃə(r)] 批评745 illusion [ɪ'lu:ʒn] 幻觉。



affront-complimentardent热心的-indifference beholden有责任的-independent bilious坏脾气(bile)-cheerfulbilk(躲债)-deal with earnest cadenced-arrhythmic consternation(惊慌)-composure curb-abetdainty(量少而美味的/挑剔的)-coarse desiccated-succulent(多汁的) dissident(反对)-concord(和睦) docile(驯服听话的)-refractory earmarked(标记预留的)-unallocated effete(虚弱的)-haleescalate-ebbextraneous-intuitive/intrinsic extricate-embroilflinch(畏缩)-stoic(坚持)fractious-conciliatoryfragrant-rank/rancid(恶臭的) fraught(uneasy)/placidgangly-compactly builtharry(骚扰)-mollify haughty(傲慢)-humble headlong-deliberateheed(注意留心听从)-flout histrionic-unaffected immunity-liability insidious(潜在的)-open insolent-courteous(有礼貌的) laze-toil(辛勤劳动)leaden(沉重的)-vivacious majesty(威严)-abjection(卑劣) measured-heedless(不适当的) menial(卑贱的)-lofty metaphysical-concrete nadir-apogeenemesis(复仇)-benefactor nether-upperobdurate-toward(易动摇的) oblivion-famepinion(束缚)-emancipate plaudit(赞扬)-criticize recompense-penaltyrollicking(欢闹的)-orderlysacrosanct(神圣的)-vulnerable to reprobation sardonic(嘲笑的)-respectfultear-dawdle(闲逛)tender(提供/柔软/敏感)-insensitive trivialize-lionizevirile(强有力的)-flaggingvouchsafe(赠予)-withholdvulture-beneficialwhet(模块/刺激)-be flatabhorrent:objectionable=manic:excited annex:building=appendix:bookedible:consumptionartisan:potter=entertainer:comedianbrute(残忍的):urbaneness=enigmatic:lucidity celebration:lament=repugnance:innocuous chain:links=rope:knotshitch(故障):difficulty=coalition:alliance drawl:slow=bicker(口角):unpleasantoffal:butchering=dross:metal embezzlement:fraud=cronyism:favoritism flag:fatigue=mope(闷闷不乐):dejected pursue:capture=smother:choke flowchart:process=map:territoryforage:sustenance=canvass:support fustian:bombast=vile:turpitudeharry:pacific=engross:tiresomeinsipid:bore=poignant(刺激的):remember insouciant(无忧无虑的):worry=tenacious:yield invincible:conquer=irreparable:discard=scarce:hoarddine(用餐)=restaurantvillainous(坏的):miscreantmite(小孩):creature=speck:amount morass(困境):irritating conflagration(大火):firespent(失去效能的):efficacyraddled(混乱的):composurestomp(猛踩):step=slug(猛击):strike resentful(愤怒的):umbrage swashbuckler(虚张声势的人):boasting topical:currency(有关事实的)flaunt(炫耀):exhibitwistful:yearning(渴望的)yank(猛拉):extract。





托福听力讲座经济学学科词汇梳理1经济学 Economics商业 Businessprosper[?pr?sp?]vi.繁荣The dotcom crash n.互联网泡沫out of business 歇业,破产.irrational adj.不理性的boom and bust 繁荣与萧条industry n.产业,工业native to 原产至hail from 来自于,出产于remote mountainous region n.偏远山区nomad [?n?um?d]n.游牧民merchant [?m?:t??nt]n.商人diplomat [?dipl?m?t]n.外交官tulip mania n.狂热gardening=horticulture n.园艺disposable income n.可支配收入托福听力讲座经济学学科词汇梳理2luxury [?l?k??ri]n.奢侈品commodity [k??m?diti]n.商品specimen [?spes?m?n]n.样本variation [?ve?ri?ei??n]n.变种gold [g?uld]n.金子(区:goal目标)promissory note n.本票guarantee [?g?r?n?ti:]v.担保speculation [?spekju?lei??n]n.投机profit [?pr?fit]n.利润revenue =income n.收入cost [k?st]n. 成本borrowing [?b?r?ui?]n.借款mortgage [?m?:gid?]n./vt. 抵押auction [??:k??n]n./vt.拍卖bidder [?bid?]n.投标者Panic [?p?nik]n. 恐慌collapse[k??l?ps]n./vt.崩溃service[?s?:vis]n.服务product[?pr?d?kt]n.产品potential customer n.潜在客户备考托福听力都需要注意哪些问题学习托福听力的学生都知道,在托福听力学习中经常会出现一些不妥和需要加强的毛病。




托福经济类词汇11. 出租车起步价 flag down fare2. 法定准备金率 required reserve ratio3. 实体经济 real economy 虚拟经济 fictitious economy4. 反盗版 anti-piracy 知识产权 intellectual property rights5. 出口退税 tax rebates 人民币升值the yuan’s appreciation6. 信贷紧缩 credit crunch 次贷危机 subprime mortgage rate 最优惠贷款利率 prime rate7. 翻盖手机 flip/clamshell 滑盖手机 slide phone 直板手机 bar phone8. 经济适用房 economically affordable house9. 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents10 .住房保障制度 housing security system11. 大宗交易系统block trading system 竞价交易系统bid trading system12. 暴利税 windfall tax13. 整容手术 cosmetic surgery (face –lifting)14. 双眼皮手术 double eyelid operation 鼻子手术 nose job15. 从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy16. 宽松的货币政策 easy monetary policy17. 审慎的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy托福经济类词汇218. 油价飙升 oil prices surge19. 原油价飙升 crude oil prices surge20. 石油输出国组织 organization of the petroleum exportingcountries(OPEC)21. 原油储备 crude oil stockpiles22. 轻质原油 light sweet crude23. 使人均GDP翻两番 to quadruple per capita GDP24. 股权收购、股权投资 stake purchase ; take stakes25. 世界巡演 worldwide tour 复出巡演 comeback tour26. 个体工商户 self—employed people27. 房屋中介 letting agent 保险经纪人 insurance agent 地产经纪人 estate agent28. 直销 direct selling 传销 pyramid selling29. 漫游费 roaming fee 单向收费 one -way charge 来电免费业务 free incoming calls30. 吃回扣 to take/receive/get kickback31. 洗钱 money laundering32. 透支 overdraft33. 股市牛年 bullish year34. 上市子公司 listed subsidiary35. 海关税收 customs revenue托福经济类词汇336. 税收减免 tax break37. 二流货的 cut—rate38. 高端产品 high end product39. 货币升值 revaluation40. 跳槽 job—popping41. 大片 blockbuster42. 货币经纪人 money broker43. 起征点 cutoff point44. 暴发户;新贵 upstart45. 养老保险 endowment insurance46. 解雇金 severance pay47. 勾销债款 write off48. 高峰期 peak season49. 职员总数 headcount50. 买入股票 buy into51. 出境游 outbound travel52. 逃税 tax evasion53. 公开募款 initial public offering54. 新闻专线 newswire55. 衰退 downturn56. 由…推出 bow out57. 便携式游戏机 PSP58. 负有责任的 accountable59. 精炼厂,炼油厂 refinery托福经济类词汇460. 杀手 hit man61. 官方证明书 clearance62. 家禽流行病 epizonntic63. 辞职;下台 step down64. 门户网站 portal65. 小轿车 sedan66. 战略石油储备 strategic petroleum reserve67. 半导体 semiconductor68. 基准点,衡量标准 benchmark69. 出口补贴 export subsidy70. 对…不太重视 play down71. 记账卡,签帐卡 charge card72. 反托拉斯 anti—trust73. 资产负债表 balance sheet74. 最佳位置最佳时期 sweet spot75. 货存,库存量 inventory76. 集体诉讼 class action77. 反倾销 antidumping78. 不足,赤字,差额 shortfall79. 美国联邦储备系统 Federal Reserve80. 资本净值 net worth81. 汇丰银行 HSBC82. 国际货币基金组织 IMF83. 财务欺诈 accounting fraud84. 国际套利资本 hot money。

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Fangzheng050324修改美化版sulfured 硫的helium 氦methane 甲烷amino acid 氨基酸periodical 期刊frontier 边疆individualism 个人主义
continental(plate)drift 大陆漂移granite 花岗岩
social contract 社会契约sentimental style 情感方式(本善,本恶)
goodness nature & evil nature 善与恶恶性是受influence 和lure 造成的pottery 陶土poetry 诗basketry 竹篮
part time 兼职Doldrums 赤道无风带horizontal 水平的
imitation 赝品weather aging 风化年代
候鸟迁徙的原因,一个是为了食物,一个是躲避恶劣天气,北冰洋往南飞,单程1100miles. 越冷的地方,迁徙的越多,北美北,欧洲北等,都是80%,越往南越少,20%,到雨林就不迁徙了。


白天鸟儿看太阳的高度,height, latitude,决定飞,晚上看northern star,也可以确定。


有实验,在密封条件下,给鸟儿看sky的图,winter sky,它们就聚在南边,summer sky,他们就聚在北边,屡试不爽。




Weaver织布机Navajo 纳瓦获人loom 织布机innovation 革新
subdue color温色
barter易货rug,blanket(毛毯)提到chief blanket,早期是这些祭司用的,后来通过交易,开始变化。

Invasive侵入的field house 储藏室
公司里:Location ,employee的数量。


学生:要不比较product. 教授说,太有才了,还有reputation名声很重要astrobiology 天文生物学laptop 笔记本电脑
implicit memory含蓄的记忆(内显记忆)explicit memory 外显记忆maple tree 枫树sap 树液patent 专利wallpaper墙纸rock stratum 岩层
Signal transduction 信号传导spectrum 光谱pit organ 蛇的陷器官dim sighted 昏花
nomadic tribe 游牧民族Mercenary 雇佣兵well井shaft 轴
bill账单rent bill房租账单cancel account 账单
恐龙feather可以御寒,有着insulation 隔离, respiratory structure 呼吸结构mentor导师resilient 恢复力强的frustration 挫折

perspective 透视,展望,有希望的Hubble telescope 哈勃望远镜microwave radium 微波镭detect发现
Milo palace 米洛宫Inventory 存货
Fumes 烟雾Utterly=completely Fertility 富饶Plot 小块土地meteorite 陨石memory of constructive 记忆构造chemical
communication 化学交流
glow 发光发热chief 长官treaty 协议ferric(iron)ion 铁离子spinach 菠菜Brown Dwarf Star
gas (lamp burner light)煤气灯strata 是stratum 的复数gist 要点
job fair 招聘会declare 宣称断言
大繁荣后紧接着发生严重的不景气boom and bust
Tulip郁金香monsoon 季风flyer广告传单
Mediterranean 地中海Atlantic Ocean 大西洋
Alexandrian the Great Greek 亚历山大希腊
骆驼camel foster养育the Middle East 中东
farewell party 欢送会hesitate 犹豫Bulletin公报plug-in 插座
truck 卡车
birch-tree 桦树ultrasonic waves 超声波蛾:moth canoe 独木舟冰山的移动glacial movement Reward 奖蒙特利尔Montreal
construction 建造carbonate corrosion碳酸腐蚀
Proliferation 扩散彩绘玻璃Stain Glass destabilization 不稳定
Livestock 牲口Dam 坝Decimation 大量杀害
Beaver 海狸Wetland 湿地Static 静态的
atmospheric layer 大气层meteor 流星stony iron陨铁石
metal detector 金属探测器suburban 郊区passenger source 客源
器械apparatus Quick work out 快速的锻炼
protected coloration 保护色
distributive coloration & hidden coloration (斑马&蜥蜴的保护方式)
glass retort 玻璃曲颈瓶stack 书架
typist 打字员in person 亲自 a spare tire 备胎
outdated 过时的perception 感觉,认识van 篷车postpone 延迟camouflage 伪装leafy多叶的cuttlefish 墨鱼pigment 色素seafloor海底directive 指导的optical device (注意和devise 的区别)视觉设备
trace enroll 注册,入伍respond bias 回复的偏见faint 晕…accessible 可接受antics art 滑稽艺术pass-by 路人们
saccharide 糖类(carbohydrate)碳水化合物
气孔:stoma pore Supercritical Fluid 超临界流体seminar 研究班
name recognition nitrogen 氮polymorphism 基因多样性
cheat骗explosion 爆炸magnet 磁铁pollen 传粉
air mass 气团convection 对流creativity
Auto,car,traffic accident
Hopeless fodder 饲料sac 囊otolith 内耳石
Truism 常识tectonic 构造的inconclusive不确定的voice-over 话外音Acacia 洋槐hollow thorns 空心荆棘herbivore植食动物reciprocal a互惠的the program is full signed 报满了sign up 报名declarative memory和procedural memory显性隐性
hire take it for granted that 认为理所当然
sample 样本maze 迷宫statistics 统计satisfaction 满意ecosystem生态环境density 密度cone 圆锥spout茶壶等的)嘴孢子spore
parking lot 停车场garlic 蒜quit resemblance 相似horned frog角蟾
vein 叶脉toad 蟾蜍
reduce energy consumption 节电计划soap肥皂rinse浸湿suit 西服
sluggish懒散spoil坏humidity 湿度。
