IGBT型号英飞凌IGBT模块是西门子旗下infineon 公司产品,原EUPEC IGBT模块英文名:infineon IGBT模块/英飞凌IGBT模块/别名优派克IGBT模块,欧派克IGBT模块,工业自动化设备维修常用元器件,中国IGBT 代理商!一:infineon(英飞凌)IGBT单管.MOS系列,TO-247封装(电流均为100度高温条件下测试标定)IKW20N60T 20A/600V 30KHZ SKW30N60HS 30A/600V 150KHZIKW50N60T 50A/600V 30KHZ IKW75N60T 75A/600V 30KHZ SKW25N120 25A/1200V 50KHZ IKW08T120 8A/1200V 30KHZIKW15T120 15A/1200V 30KHZ IKW25T120 25A/1200V 30KHZIKW40T120 40A/1200V 30KHZ IKW15N120T2 24A/1200V 50KHZIKW25N120T2 37.5A/1200V 50KHZ IKW40N120T2 56A/1200V 50KHZ SPD07N60C3 SPD04N60C3 SPA11N60C3 SPA20N60C3 SPA07N60C3 SPP03N60C3 SPP04N60C3 SPP07N60C3 SPP11N60C3 SPP20N60C3 IPP60R385CP SPW20N60C3 SPW47N60C3 SPA11N80C3 SPA17N80C3 SPP11N80C3 SPP17N80C3 SPW11N80C3 SPW17N80C3 二:英飞凌IGBT模块/IGBT模块(电流均为80度高温条件下测试标定)IGBT 600V系列(30KHZ高频)BSM50GB60DLC 50A/600V/2U Vcesat=2.1V BSM75GB60DLC 75A/600V/2U BSM100GB60DLC 100A/600V/2U BSM150GB60DLC 150A/600V/2UBSM200GB60DLC 200A/600V/2U BSM300GB60DLC300A/600V/2UFF200R06KE3 FF300R06KE3 FF400R06KE3 400A/600V/2U英飞凌IGBT模块IGBT 1200V系列BSM50GB120DN2/DLC BSM75GB120DN2/DLCBSM100GB120DN2K/DLCK BSM100GB120DN2/DLCBSM150GB120DN2 BSM200GB120DN2FF100R12KS4 FF150R12KS4 FF200R12KS4 FF300R12KS4FF150R12KE3G FF200R12KE3 FF300R12KE3 FF400R12KE3IGBT 1700V系列BSM75GB170DN2 BSM100GB170DLC BSM150GB170DLCFF200R17KE3 FF300R17KE3英飞凌IGBT模块PIM (三相桥+七单元+温度传感器)FP10R12YT3 FP15R12YT3 BSM10GP120 FP15R12KE3GFP25R12KE3/ K T 3 FP40R12KE3/ K T 3 FP40R12KE3G/KT3G FP50R12KE3/ K T 3 FP75R12KE3/ K T 3英飞凌IGBT模块IGBT 600V/1200系列(H桥40KHZ高频)F4―50R12KS4 50A/1200V/4U+温度检测电阻NTCF4—75R12KS4 F4—100R12 KS4 F4—150R12 KS4F4—100R06KL4 F4—150R06KL4F4—200R06KL4 200A/600V/4U+温度检测电阻NTC英飞凌IGBT模块IGBT 1200V/1700V系列BSM200GA120DN2 BSM300GA120DN2 BSM400GA120DN2 FZ400R12KS4/KE3 FZ600R12KS4/KE3 FZ800R12KE3BSM300GA170DLS BSM400GA170DLS FZ400R17KE3FZ600R17KE3FS50R12KT3 FS75R12KT3 FS75R12KT3G FS100R12KT3 FS150R12KT3瑞士ABB驱动板+IGBT模块,型号如:FS225R12KE3/AGDR-71C、FS225R12KE3/AGDR-61C、FS225R12KE3/AGDR-62C、FS225R12KE3/AGDR-72C、FS225R17KE3/AGDR-71C、FS300R12KE3/AGDR-61C、FS300R12KE3/AGDR-71C、FS300R12KE3/AGDR-62C、FS300R12KE3/AGDR-72C、FS450R12KE3/AGDR-61C、FS450R12KE3/AGDR-62C、FS450R12KE3/AGDR-71C、FS450R12KE3/AGDR-72C、FS300R17KE3/AGDR-61C、FS300R17KE3/AGDR-62C、FS300R17KE3/AGDR-71C、FS300R17KE3/AGDR-72C、FS450R17KE3/AGDR-61C、FS450R17KE3/AGDR-62C、FS450R17KE3/AGDR-71C、FS450R17KE3/AGDR-72C。
TC=25°C, Transistor
+/- 20V
VR = 0V, t p = 10ms, T Vj = 125°C
2 I t
RMS, f = 50 Hz, t = 1 min.
Charakteristische Werte / Characteristic values
Transistor / Transistor
Kollektor-Emitter Sättigungsspannung collector-emitter saturation voltage Gate-Schwellenspannung gate threshold voltage Gateladung gate charge Eingangskapazität input capacitance Rückwirkungskapazität reverse transfer capacitance Kollektor-Emitter Reststrom collector-emitter cut-off current Gate-Emitter Reststrom gate-emitter leakage current IC = 200A, V GE = 15V, Tvj = 25°C IC = 200A, V GE = 15V, Tvj = 125°C IC = 8mA, V CE = VGE, Tvj = 25°C VGE(th) VCE sat
Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties
下面给大家分了几大类给大家介绍下,希望能帮到大家!英飞凌IGBT模块技术选型资料英飞凌(Infineon),优派克(eupec)-600V系列IGBT模块1200V系列IGBT模块1600V系列IGBT模块1700V系列IGBT模块3300V系列IGBT模块6500V系列IGBT模块DN2系列:频率范围10KHZ-20KHZ,饱和压降:2.5V-3.1VDN2系列:频率范围4KHZ-8KHZ,饱和压降:2.1V-2.4VKS4系列:频率范围15KHZ-30KHZ,饱和压降:3.2V-3.85VKE3系列:频率范围4KHZ-10KHZ,饱和压降:1.7V-2.0VKT3系列:频率范围8KHZ-15KHZ,饱和压降:1.7V-1.9V600V系列IGBT模块两单元 BSM-DLC (Low Loss / IGBT2): BSM50GB60DLC BSM75GB60DLC BSM100GB60DLC BSM150GB60DLC BSM200GB60DLCBSM300GB60DLCFF-KE3 (IGBT3): FF200R06KE3 FF300R06KE3 FF400R06KE3四单元 F4-KL4 (Low Loss / IGBT2): F4-100R06KL4 F4-150R06KL4 F4-200R06KL4六单元 FS-L4 (Low Loss / IGBT2): FS10R06XL4 FS15R06XL4 FS20R06XL4 FS30R06XL4 FS50R06YL4 FS75R06KL4FS100R06KL4 FS150R06KL4 FS200R06KL4BSM-DLC (Low Loss / IGBT2): BSM30GD60DLC BSM50GD60DLC BSM75GD60DLC BSM100GD60DLC BSM150GD60DLCBSM200GD60DLCFS-VE3 (IGBT3): FS10R06VE3 FS15R06VE3 FS20R06VE3_B2 FS30R06VE3FS-KE3 (IGBT3): FS50R06KE3 FS75R06KE3 FS100R06KE3 FS150R06KE3 FS200R06KE3功率集成模块PIM FP-KL4: FP10R06KL4 FP15R06KL4 FP20R06KL4BSM-GP: BSM10GP60 BSM15GP60 BSM20GP60 BSM30GP60 BSM50GP60 BSM50GP60G BSM75GP60 BSM100GP60FP-YE3: FP10R06YE3 FP20R06YE3 FP30R06YE3EUPEC 1200V IGBT模块有五种类型供用户选择(按开关频率,从后缀区分)类型 DN2系列 DLC系列 KS4系列 KE3系列 KT3系列最佳开关频率范围fs 10KHZ-20KHZ 4KHZ-8KHZ 15KHZ-30KHZ 4KHZ-10KHZ 8KHZ-15KHZ饱和压降Vce(sat) Tc=25℃ 2.5V 2.1V 3.2V 1.7V 1.7VTc=125℃ 3.1V 2.4V 3.85V 2.0V 1.9V1200V系列IGBT模块一单元 GA -DN2 (Standard): BSM200GA120DN2 BSM300GA120DN2 BSM400GA120DN2FZ -KF4 (Standard): FZ800R12KF4 FZ1200R12KF4 FZ1600R12KF4 FZ1800R12KF4 FZ2400R12KF4GA -DLC (Low Loss): BSM200GA120DLCS BSM300GA120DLC BSM400GA120DLC BSM600GA120DLCFZ -KL4C (Low Loss): FZ800R12KL4C FZ1200R12KL4C FZ1600R12KL4C FZ1800R12KL4C FZ2400R12KL4CFZ -KS4 (Fast): FZ400R12KS4 FZ600R12KS4 FZ800R12KS4_B2FZ -KE3 (IGBT3): FZ300R12KE3G FZ400R12KE3 FZ600R12KE3 FZ800R12KE3 FZ1200R12KE3 FZ1600R12KE3FZ2400R12KE3 FZ3600R12KE3二单元 GB -DN2 (Standard): BSM50GB120DN2 BSM75GB120DN2 BSM100GB120DN2K BSM100GB120DN2 BSM150GB120DN2 BSM200GB120DN2FF -KF4 (Standard): FF400R12KF4 FF600R12KF4 FF800R12KF4GB –DLC (Low Loss): BSM50GB120DLC BSM75GB120DLC BSM100GB120DLCK BSM100GB120DLC BSM150GB120DLCBSM200GB120DLC BSM300GB120DLCFF -KL4C (Low Loss): FF400R12KL4C FF600R12KL4C FF800R12KL4CFF -KE3 (IGBT3): FF150R12KE3G FF200R12KE3 FF300R12KE3 FF400R12KE3 FF600R12KE3 FF800R12KE3FF1200R12KE3FF -KT3 (Fast IGBT3): FF150R12KT3G FF200R12KT3 FF300R12KT3 FF400R12KT3四单元 F4 -KS4 (Fast): F4-50R12KS4 F4-75R12KS4 F4-100R12KS4 F4-150R12KS4 F4-400R12KS4_B2六单元 GD -DN2(Standard): BSM15GD120DN2 BSM25GD120DN2 BSM35GD120DN2 BSM50GD120DN2 BSM75GD120DN2 BSM100GD120DN2 BSM25GD120DN2E3224 BSM35GD120DN2E3224 BSM50GD120DN2E3226FS -KF4(Standard): FS300R12KF4 FS400R12KF4GD -DLC(Low Loss): BSM15GD120DLCE3224 BSM25GD120DLCE3224 BSM35GD120DLCE3224 BSM50GD120DLCBSM75GD120DLC BSM100GD120DLCFS -KS4(Fast): FS75R12KS4 FS100R12KS4FS -KE3(IGBT3): FS25R12KE3G FS35R12KE3G FS50R12KE3 FS75R12KE3 FS100R12KE3 FS150R12KE3 FS225R12KE3 FS300R12KE3 FS450R12KE3FS -KT3(Fast IGBT3): FS10R12YT3 FS15R12YT3 FS25R12KT3 FS35R12KT3 FS50R12KT3 FS75R12KT3 FS75R12KT3G FS100R12KT3 FS150R12KT3功率集成模块PIM BSM -GP(Low Loss): BSM10GP120 BSM15GP120 BSM25GP120 BSM35GP120 BSM35GP120G BSM50GP120FP –KS(Fast): FP15R12KS4C FP25R12KS4C FP35R12KS4CG FP50R12KS4CFP –KE3(IGBT3): FP10R12KE3 FP15R12KE3 FP25R12KE3 FP40R12KE3 FP40R12KE3G FP50R12KE3 FP75R12KE3FP –YT3(Fast IGBT3): FP10R12YT3 FP15R12YT3 FP15R12KT3 FP25R12KT3 FP40R12KT3 FP50R12KT3 FP75R12KT3 斩波模块choppermodules GAR: BSM75GAR120DN2 BSM300GAR120DLCGAL: BSM75GAL120DN2 BSM100GAL120DN2 BSM300GAL120DLCFD: FD200R12KE3 FD300R12KE31600V、1700V系列IGBT模块一单元 GA -DN2 (Standard): BSM200GA170DN2 BSM300GA170DN2 BSM300GA170DN2SFZ -KF4 (Standard): FZ800R16KF4 FZ1200R16KF4 FZ1800R16KF4GA –DLC (Low Loss with Emcon Diode): BSM200GA170DLC BSM300GA170DLC BSM400GA170DLCFZ -KF6C_B2 (Low Loss with Emcon Diode):FZ800R17KF6C_B2 FZ1200R17KF6C_B2 FZ1600R17KF6C_B2FZ1800R17KF6C_B2 FZ2400R17KF6C_B2FZ -KE3 (IGBT3): FZ400R17KE3 FZ600R17KE3 FZ1200R17KE3 FZ1600R17KE3 FZ2400R17KE3 FZ3600R17KE3二单元 GB -DN2 (Standard): BSM50GB170DN2 BSM75GB170DN2 BSM100GB170DN2 C# BSM150GB170DN2FF -KF4 (Standard): FF400R16KF4 FF600R16KF4GB -DLC (Low Loss with Emcon Diode): BSM100GB170DLC BSM150GB170DLC BSM200GB170DLCFF -KF6C_B2 (Low Loss with Emcon Diode): FF400R17KF6C_B2 FF600R17KF6C_B2 FF800R17KF6C_B2FZ -KE3 (IGBT3): FF200R17KE3 FF300R17KE3 FF600R17KE3 FF800R17KE3 FF1200R17KE3六单元 FS -KF4 (Standard): FS300R16KF4GD -DL (Low Loss): BSM50GD170DL BSM75GD170DLFS -KE3 (IGBT3): FS75R17KE3 FS100R17KE3 FS150R17KE3 FS225R17KE3 FS300R17KE3 FS450R17KE3斩波模块 FD -KF4 (Standard): FD400R16KF4 FD600R16KF4FD -KF6C_B2 (Low Loss with Emcon Diode): FD401R17KF6C_B2 FD600R17KF6C_B2 FD800R17KF6C_B23300V系列IGBT模块一单元 FZ - KF2C (Standard): FZ800R33KF2C FZ1200R33KF2CFZ - KL2C (Low Loss): FZ800R33KL2C FZ1200R33KL2C二单元 FF - KF2C (Standard): FF200R33KF2C FF400R33KF2C斩波模块 FD - KF2C (Standard): FD400R33KF2C FD400R33KF2C-K FD800R33KF2C FD800R33KF2C-K FD - KL2C-K_B5 (Low Loss with 10.2 kV Insulation Voltage): FD800R33KL2C-K_B56500V系列IGBT模块一单元 FZ - KF1 (Standard): FZ200R65KF1 FZ400R65KF1 FZ600R65KF1斩波模块 FD - KF1-K (Standard): FD200R65KF1-K FD400R65KF1-K。
IGBT型号大全一览型号(1U 1200V )技术指标型号(1U 1700V) 技术指标BSM200GA120DN2 200A/1200V/1U BSM200GA170DN2 200A/1700V/1U BSM300GA120DN2 300A/1200V/1U BSM300GA170DN2 300A/1700V/1U BSM400GA120DN2 400A/1200V/1U BSM400GA170DLC 400A/1700V/1U BSM200GA120DLC 200A/1200V/1U BSM200GA170DLC 200A/1700V/1U BSM300GA120DLC 300A/1200V/1U BSM300GA170DLC 300A/1700V/1U BSM400GA120DLC 400A/1200V/1U型号2U/600/1200/1700V )技术指标型号(2U 1200V/1700V) 技术指标BSM50GB60DLC 50A/600V/2U BSM75GB170DN2 75A/1700V/2UBSM75GB60DLC 75A/600V/2U BSM100GB170DN2 100A/1700V/2UBSM100GB60DLC 100A/600V/2U BSM150GB170DN2 150A/1700V/2U BSM150GB60DLC 150A/600V/2U BSM200GB170DLC 200A/1700V/2U BSM200GB60DLC 200A/600V/2U BSM25GAL120DN2 25A/1200V/2U BSM300GB60DLC 300A/600V/2U BSM50GAL120DN2 50A/1200V/2U BSM25GB120DN2 25A/1200V/2U BSM75GAL120DN2 75A/1200V/2UBSM35GB120DN2 35A/1200V/2U BSM100GAL120DN2 100A/1200V/2U BSM50GB120DN2 50A/1200V/2U BSM150GAL120DN2 150A/1200V/2U BSM75GB120DN2 75A/1200V/2U BSM200GAL120DN2 200A/1200V/2U BSM100GB120DN2K 100A/1200V/2U BSM300GAL120DN2 300A/1200V/2U BSM35GB120DLC 35A/1200V/2U BSM100GAL120DLCK 100A/1200V/2U BSM50GB120DLC 50A/1200V/2U BSM150GAL120DLC 150A/1200V/2U BSM75GB120DLC 75A/1200V/2U BSM200GAL120DLC 200A/1200V/2U BSM150GB170DLC 150A/1700V/2U BSM300GAL120DLC 300A/1200V/2U BSM100GB120DN2 100A/1200V/2U BSM75GAR120DN2 75A/1200V/2U BSM150GB120DN2 150A/1200V/2U BSM100GAR120DN2 100A/1200V/2U BSM200GB120DN2 200A/1200V/2U BSM150GAR120DN2 150A/1200V/2U BSM300GB120DN2 300A/1200V/2U BSM200GAR120DN2 200A/1200V/2U BSM100GB120(DLC 100A/1200V/2U BSM200GB120DLC 200A/1200V/2U BSM150GB120DLC 150A/1200V/2U BSM300GB120DLC 300A/1200V/2U BSM50GB170DN2 50A/1700V/2U BSM300GAR120DN2 300A/1200V/2U BSM100GB120DLCK 100A/100V/2U型号6U /600V/1200V 技术指标型号(6U /1200V/1700V) 技术指标BSM10GD60DLC 10A/600V/6U BSM25GD120DN2 25A/1200V/6UBSM15GD60DLC 15A/600V/6U BSM25GD120D2 25A/1200V/6UBSM25GD60DLC 25A/600V/6U BSM35GD120DN2 35A/1200V/6UBSM30GD60DLC 30A/600V/6U BSM35GD120D2 35A/1200V/6UBSM50GD60DLC 50A/600V/6U BSM50GD120DN2 50A/1200V/6UBSM75GD60DLC 75A/600V/6U BSM75GD120DN2 75A/1200V/6UBSM100GD60DLC 100A/600V/6U BSM50GD120DLC 50A/1200V/6UBSM100GD120DN2 100A/1200V/6U BSM75GD120DLC 75A/1200V/6U BSM100GD120DLC 100A/1200V/6U BSM35GD120DLC 35A/1200V/6UBSM150GD60DLC 150A/600V/6U BSM50GD170DL 50A/1700V/6UBSM200GD60DLC 200A/600V/6U BSM75GD170DL 75A/1700V/6UBSM10GD120DN2 10A/1200V/6U BSM100GT170DL 100A/1700V/6U BSM15GD120D2 15A/1200V/6U BSM100GT120DN2 100A/1200V/6UBSM15GD120DN1 15A/1200V/6U BSM150GT120DN2 150A/1200V/6U BSM15GD120DN2 15A/1200V/6U BSM150GT170DL 150A/1700V/6U BSM25GD120DN1 25A/1200V/6U BSM200GT120DN2 200A/1200V/6U 二.欧派克超大功率EUPEC IGBT 模块( 1200V/1600V/2500V/3300V 系列) 型号( 1 单元) 技术指标型号(1 单元) 技术指标FZ200R12KF2 200A/1200V/1U FZ1200R12KF4 1200A/1200V/1UFZ300R12KF2 300A/1200V/1U FZ1200R16KF4 1200A/1600V/1UFZ400R12KF2 400A/1200V/1U FZ1200R25KF1 1200A/2500V/1UFZ800R12KF4 800A/1200V/1U FZ1200R25KF4 1200A/2500V/1UFZ800R16KF4 800A/1600V/1U FZ1200R33KF1 1200A/3300V/1UFZ800R33KF1 800A/3300V/1U FZ1600R12KF4 1600A/1200V/1UFZ900R16KF1 900A/1600V/1U FZ1800R12KF4 1800A/1200V/1UFZ1000R12KF4 1000A/1200V/1U FZ1800R16KF4 1800A/1600V/1UFZ2400R12KF4 2400A/1200V/1U型号( 2 单元) 技术指标型号( 2 单元) 技术指标FZ200R33KF2 200A/3300V/2U FZ600R12KF4 600A/1200V/2UFZ400R12KF4 400A/1200V/2U FZ600R16KF4 600A/1600V/2UFZ400R16KF4 400A/1600V/2U FZ800R12KF4 800A/1200V/2UFZ400R33KF1 400A/3300V/2U FZ800R17KF6B2 800A/1700V/2UFZ400R33KF2 400A/3300V/2U型号( 6 单元) 技术指标型号( 6 单元) 技术指标FS300R12KF4 300A/1200V/6U FS400R12KF4 400A/1200V/6UFS300R16KF4 300A/1600V/6UFF600R12KF4FF200R33KF2 FF400R16KF4FF400R12KF4 FF400R33KF1FF400R33KF2 FF800R12KF4FF600R16KF4 FF800R17KF6B2三.西门康SEMIKRON,IGBT 模块型号( 1U 1200V) 技术指标型号(1U /1700V) 技术指标SKM200GA123D 200A/1200V/1U SKM400GA173D 400A/1700V/1USKM300GA123D 300A/1200V/1U SKM300GA173D 400A/1700V/1USKM400GA123D 400A/1200V/1U SKM500GA174D 500A/1700V/1USKM500GA123D 500A/1200V/1U SKM500GA124D 500A/1200V/1USKM600GA124D 600A/1200V/1U型号( 2U/1200V/1700V ) 技术指标型号(2U /1200V/1700V) 技术指标SKM50GB123D 50A/1200V/2U SKM145GAL123D 145A/1200V/2USKM75GB123D 75A/1200V/2U SKM150GAL123D 150A/1200V/2USKM100GB123D 100A/1200V/2U SKM200GAL123D 200A/1200V/2U SKM145GB123D 145A/1200V/2U SKM300GAL123D 300A/1200V/2USKM150GB123D 150A/1200V/2U SKM400GAL124D 400A/1200V/2USKM200GB123D 200A/1200V/2U SKM100GAL173D 100A/1700V/2USKM300GB123D 300A/1200V/2U SKM145GAL174DN 145A/1700V/2USKM400GB123D 400A/1200V/2U SKM200GAL173D 200A/1700V/2USKM75GB124D 75A/1200V/2U SKM200GAL125D 200A/1200V/2USKM100GB124D 100A/1200V/2U SKM400GAL125D 400A/1200V/2USKM145GB124D 145A/1200V/2U SKM300GB124D 300A/1200V/2USKM150GB124D 150A/1200V/2U SKM400GB124D 400A/1200V/2USKM200GB124D 200A/1200V/2U SKM200GB174D 200A/1700V/2USKM75GB173D 75A/1700V/2U SKM200GAR173D 200A/1700V/2USKM100GB173D 100A/1700V/2U SKM75GAR123D 75A/1200V/2USKM150GB173D 150A/1700V/2U SKM100GAR123D 100A/1200V/2USKM145GB174DN 145A/1700V/2U SKM145GAR123D 145A/1200V/2USKM200GB173D 200A/1700V/2U SKM150GAR123D 150A/1200V/2USKM300GB174D 300A/1700V/2U SKM200GAR123D 200A/1200V/2USKM50GAL123D 50A/1200V/2U SKM300GAR123D 300A/1200V/2USKM75GAL123D 75A/1200V/2U SKM400GAR124D 400A/1200V/2USKM100GAL123D 100A/1200V/2U SKM145GAL124D 145A/1200V/2U型号( 6U 1200V ) 技术指标型号(6U 1200V) 技术指标SKM22GD123D 22A/1200V/6U SKM75GD123D 75A/1200V/6USKM40GD123D 40A/1200V/6U SKM100GD123D 100A/1200V/6USKM40GD124D 40A/1200V/6U SKM75GD124D 75A/1200V/6U四.三菱MITSUBISHI IGBT模块+单管IGBT(TO—220、TO—3P)(耐压600/1200/1400/1700/2500/3300V)型号技术指标型号(IGBT 单管) 技术指标CT60AM-20 60A/1000V IGBT单管CT75SM-12CT30SM-12 30A/600V IGBT单管CT15SM-24 15A/1200V IGBT单管CT35SM-8 200A/400V IGBT单管CT75AM-12 75A/600V IGBT单管型号技术指标型号技术指标CM300HA-12H 300A/600V/1U CM200HA-24H 200A/1200V/1UCM400HA-12H 400A/600V/1U CM300HA-24H 300A/1200V/1UCM600HA-12H 600A/600V/1U CM400HA-24H 400A/1200V/1UCM600HU-12H 600A/600V/1U CM600HA-24H 600A/1200V/1UCM400HU-24H 400A/1200V/1U CM600HU-24H 600A/1200V/1UCM200HU-24H 200A/1200V/1U CM800HA-24H 800A/1200V/1UCM300HU-24H 300A/1200V/1U CM1000HA-24H 1000A/1200V/1UCM300HA-12E 300A/600V/1U CM200HA-24E 200A/1200V/1UCM400HA-12E 400A/600V/1U CM300HA-24E 300A/1200V/1UCM600HA-12E 600A/600V/1U CM400HA-24E 400A/1200V/1UCM600HU-12E 600A/600V/1U CM600HA-24E 600A/1200V/1UCM400HU-24E 400A/1200V/1U CM600HU-24E 600A/1200V/1UCM200HU-24E 200A/1200V/1U CM800HA-24E 800A/1200V/1UCM300HU-24E 300A/1200V/1U CM1000HA-24E 1000A/1200V/1U型号技术指标型号技术指标CM400HA-28H 400A/1400V/1U CM800HA-50H 800A/2500V/1UCM600HA-28H 600A/1400V/1U CM1200HA-50H 1200A/2500V/1U CM1000HA-28H 1000A/1400V/1U CM800HA-66H 800A/3300V/1U CM400HA-34H 400A/1700V/1U CM1200HA-66H 1200A/3300V/1U CM800HD-66H 800A/3300V/1U CM800HD-50H 800A/2500V/1UCM1200HD-66H 1200A/3300V/1U CM1200HD-50H 1200A/2500V/1U 型号技术指标型号技术指标CM50DY-12H 50A/600V/2U CM50E3Y-12E 50A/600V/2UCM75DY-12H 75A/600V/2U CM75E3Y-12E 75A/600V/2UCM100DY-12H 100A/600V/2U CM100E3Y-12E 100A/600V/2UCM150DY-12H 150A/600V/2U CM150E3Y-12E 150A/600V/2UCM200DY-12H 200A/600V/2U CM200E3Y-12E 200A/600V/2UCM300DY-12H 300A/600V/2U CM300E3Y-12E 300A/600V/2UCM400DY-12H 400A/600V/2U CM50E3U-12E 50A/600V/2UCM75DU-12H 75A/600V/2U CM75E3U-12E 75A/600V/2UCM100DU-12H 100A/600V/2U CM100E3U-12E 100A/600V/2UCM150DU-12H 150A/600V/2U CM150E3U-12E 150A/600V/2UCM200DU-12H 200A/600V/2U CM200E3U-12E 200A/600V/2UCM300DU-12H 300A/600V/2U CM300E3U-12E 300A/600V/2UCM400DU-12H 400A/600V/2U CM75DU-12E 75A/600V/2UCM50DY-12E 50A/600V/2U CM100DU-12E 100A/600V/2UCM75DY-12E 75A/600V/2U CM150DU-12E 150A/600V/2UCM100DY-12E 100A/600V/2U CM200DU-12E 200A/600V/2UCM150DY-12E 150A/600V/2U CM300DU-12E 300A/600V/2UCM200DY-12E 200A/600V/2U CM400DU-12E 400A/600V/2UCM300DY-12E 300A/600V/2U CM400DY-12E 400A/600V/2U型号技术指标型号技术指标CM50DY-24H 50A/1200V/2U CM300DY-28H 300A/1400V/2UCM75DY-24H 75A/1200V/2U CM50E3Y-24E 50A/1200V/2UCM100DY-24H 100A/1200V/2U CM75E3Y-24E 75A/1200V/2UCM150DY-24H 150A/1200V/2U CM100E3Y-24E 100A/1200V/2U CM200DY-24H 200A/1200V/2U CM150E3Y-24E 150A/1200V/2U CM300DY-24H 300A/1200V/2U CM200E3Y-24E 200A/1200V/2U CM50DU-24H 50A/1200V/2U CM50E3U-24E 50A/1200V/2UCM75DU-24H 75A/1200V/2U CM75E3U-24E 75A/1200V/2UCM100DU-24H 100A/1200V/2U CM100E3U-24E 100A/1200V/2U CM150DU-24H 150A/1200V/2U CM150E3U-24E 150A/1200V/2U CM200DU-24H 200A/1200V/2U CM200E3U-24E 200A/1200V/2U CM300DU-24H 300A/1200V/2U CM300E3Y-24E 300A/1200V/2U CM50DY-24E 50A/1200V/2U CM50DU-24E 50A/1200V/2UCM75DY-24E 75A/1200V/2U CM75DU-24E 75A/1200V/2UCM100DY-24E 100A/1200V/2U CM100DU-24E 100A/1200V/2UCM150DY-24E 150A/1200V/2U CM150DU-24E 150A/1200V/2UCM200DY-24E 200A/1200V/2U CM200DU-24E 200A/1200V/2UCM300DY-24E 300A/1200V/2U CM300DU-24E 300A/1200V/2UCM50DY-28H 50A/1400V/2U CM300E3U-24E 300A/1200V/2UCM75DY-28H 75A/1400V/2U CM400DY-50H 400A/2500V/2UCM200DY-28H 200A/1400V/2U CM400DY-66H 400A/3300V/2U型号技术指标型号技术指标CM15TF-12H 15A/600V/6U CM15TF-24H 15A/1200V/6UCM20TF-12H 20A/600V/6U CM20TF-24H 20A/1200V/6UCM30TF-12H 30A/600V/6U CM30TF-24H 30A/1200V/6UCM50TF-12H 50A/600V/6U CM50TF-24H 50A/1200V/6UCM75TF-12H 75A/600V/6U CM75TF-24H 75A/1200V/6UCM100TF-12H 100A/600V/6U CM100TF-24H 100A/1200V/6UCM150TF-12H 150A/600V/6U CM50TF-28H 50A/1400V/6UCM75TU-12H 75A/600V/6U CM50TU-24H 50A/1200V/6UCM100TU-12H 100A/600V/6U CM75TU-24H 75A/1200V/6UCM150TU-12H 150A/600V/6U CM100TU-24H 100A/1200V/6UCM15TF-12E 15A/600V/6U CM15TF-24E 15A/1200V/6UCM20TF-12E 20A/600V/6U CM20TF-24E 20A/1200V/6UCM30TF-12E 30A/600V/6U CM30TF-24E 30A/1200V/6UCM50TF-12E 50A/600V/6U CM50TF-24E 50A/1200V/6UCM75TF-12E 75A/600V/6U CM75TF-24E 75A/1200V/6UCM100TF-12E 100A/600V/6U CM100TF-24E 100A/1200V/6UCM150TF-12E 150A/600V/6U CM50TU-24E 50A/1200V/6UCM75TU-12E 75A/600V/6U CM75TU-24E 75A/1200V/6UCM100TU-12E 100A/600V/6U CM100TU-24E 100A/1200V/6UCM150TU-12E 150A/600V/6U CM50TF-28H 50A/1400V/6UCM200TU-12H 200A/600V/6U CM75TF-28H 75A/1400V/6UCM100TF-28H 100A/1400V/6U五.富士Fuji IGBT 模块( 耐压600V/1200V/1400V/1800V/2000V 系列) 型号( 1U 600V ) 技术指标型号(1U 600V) 技术指标1MBH60D-100 60A/1000V IGBT单管1MBI200NK-060 200A/600V/1U1MBI30L-060 30A/600V/1U 1MBI300L-060 300A/600V/1U1MBI50L-060 50A/600V/1U 1MBI300N-060 300A/600V/1U1MBI75L-060 75A/600V/1U 1MBI300F-060 300A/600V/1U1MBI100L-060 100A/600V/1U 1MBI400F-060 400A/600V/1U1MBI150NH-060 150A/600V/1U 1MBI400L-060 400A/600V/1U1MBI400N-060 400A/600V/1U 1MBI600LP-060 600A/600V/1U1MBI150NK-060 150A/600V/1U 1MBI600LN-060 600A/600V/1U1MBI200NH-060 200A/600V/1U 1MBI600NP-060 600A/600V/1U1MBI600NN-060 600A/600V/1U型号(1U 1200V ) 技术指标型号(1U 1200V) 技术指标1MBI200L-120 200A/1200V/1U 1MBI400NP-120 400A/1200V/1U1MBI200N-120 200A/1200V/1U 1MBI200S-120 200A/1200V/1U1MBI200F-120 200A/1200V/1U 1MBI400NN-120 400A/1200V/1U1MBI300F-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI400L-120 400A/1200V/1U1MBI300L-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI600PX-120 600A/1200V/1U1MBI300N-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI300S-120 300A/1200V/1U1MBI300JN-120 300A/1200V/1U 型号(1U1400/1800/2000V) 技术指标1MBI300JB-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI600PX-140 600A/1400V/1U1MBI300NP-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI800PN-180 800A/1800V/1U1MBI300NN-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI400L-200 400A/2000V/1U型号( 2U 600V) 技术指标型号(2U 600V) 技术指标2MBI50L-060 50A/600V/2U 2MBI200LB-060 200A/600V/2U2MBI75L-060 75A/600V/2U 2MBI300L-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI100L-060 100A/600V/2U 2MBI300LB-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150L-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI300NK-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150LB-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI300NK-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150NK-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI400NK-060 400A/600V/2U2MBI50F-060 50A/600V/2U 2MBI200KB-060 200A/600V/2U2MBI75F-060 75A/600V/2U 2MBI300F-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI100F-060 100A/600V/2U 2MBI300KB-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150F-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI300NB-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150KB-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI400NR-060 400A/600V/2U2MBI150NC-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI300N-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI50N-060 50A/600V/2U 2MBI150N-060 150A/600V/2U2MBI75N-060 75A/600V/2U 2MBI200N-060 200A/600V/2U2MBI100N-060 100A/600V/2U 2MB400N-060 400A/600V/2U2MB400L-060 400A/600V/2U 2MBI600NT-060 600A/600V/2U2MBI200NR-060 200A/600V/2U 2MBI200F-060 200A/600V/2U2MBI200NK-060 200A/600V/2U 2MBI400L-060 400A/600V/2U2MBI400N-060 400A/600V/2U 2MBI200L-060 200A/600V/2U型号( 2U 1400V ) 技术指标型号(2U 1400V) 技术指标2MBI25L-120 25A/1200V/2U 2MBI150L-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI50L-120 50A/1200V/2U 2MBI150NB-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI75L-120 75A/1200V/2U 2MBI150NT-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI100L-120 100A/1200V/2U 2MBI200L-120 200A/1200V/2U2MBI75SC-120 75A/1200V/2U 2MBI150F-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI150SC-120 150A/1200V/2U 2MBI150N-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI50N-120 50A/1200V/2U 2MBI150NC-120 200A/1200V/2U2MBI75N-120 75A/1200V/2U 2MBI150NT-120 300A/1200V/2U2MBI100F-120 100A/1200V/2U 2MBI200N-120 200A/1200V/2U2MBI100N-120 100A/1200V/2U 2MBI75P-140 75A/1400V/2U2MBI50P-140 50A/1400V/2U 2MBI200PB-140 200A/1400V/2U2MBI100PC-140 100A/1400V/2U 2MBI300P-140 300A/1400V/2U2MBI150PC-140 150A/1400V/2U 2MBI100SC-120 100A/1200V/2U2MBI100NC-120 100A/1200V/2U 2MBI100NB-120 100A/1200V/2U2MBI200S-120 200A/1200V/2U 2MBI200NF120 200A/1200V/2U2MBI300L-120 300A/1200V/2U 2MBI200NB-120 200A/1200V/2U型号( 6U 600V ) 技术指标型号(6U 600V) 技术指标6MBI10L-060 10A/600V/6U 6MBI60FA-060 60A/600V/6U6MBI15L-060 15A/600V/6U 6MBI75L-060 75A/600V/6U6MBI10F-060 10A/600V/6U 6MBI10N-060 10A/600V/6U6MBI15F-060 15A/600V/6U 6MBI75F-060 75A/600V/6U6MBI15N-060 15A/600V/6U 6MBI75N-060 75A/600V/6U6MBI15LS-060 15A/600V/6U 6MBI75FA-060 75A/600V/6U6MBI20L-060 20A/600V/6U 6MBI100L-060 100A/600V/6U6MBI30L-060 30A/600V/6U 6MBI100FA-060 100A/600V/6U6MBI20F-060 20A/600V/6U 6MBI100F-060 100A/600V/6U6MBI30F-060 30A/600V/6U 6MBI30N-060 30A/600V/6U6MBI30FA-060 30A/600V/6U 6MBI150FB-060 150A/600V/6U6MBI50L-060 50A/600V/6U 6MBI200FB-060 200A/600V/6U6MBI50F-060 50A/600V/6U 6MBI50N-060 50A/600V/6U6MBI50FA-060 50A/600V/6U 6MBI50J-060 50A/600V/6U6MBI100J-060 100A/600V/6U型号( 6U 1200V ) 技术指标型号(6U 1200V) 技术指标6MBI8L-120 8A/1200V/6U 6MBI15S-120 15A/1200V/6U6MBI8F-120 8A/1200V/6U 6MBI8N-120 8A/1200V/6U6MBI15L-120 15A/1200V/6U 6MBI25S-120 25A/1200V/6U6MBI25L-120 25A/1200V/6U 6MBI35S-120 35A/1200V/6U6MBI25LB-120 25A/1200/6U 6MBI50S-120 50A/1200V/6U6MBI50L-120 50A/1200V/6U 6MBI75S-120 75A/1200V/6U6MBI50F-120 50A/1200V/6U 6MBI50N-120 50A/1200V/6U6MBI15F-120 15A/1200V/6U 6MBI15N-120 15A/1200V/6U6MBI25F-120 25A/1200V/6U 6MBI25N-120 25A/1200V/6U6MBI50J-120 50A/1200V/6U 6MBI100S-120 100A/1200V/6U富士IGBT 六单元,小型单列直插式封装,体积小,价格低,特别适用于家用电器变频控制UPS、AC/DC伺服系统等。
IGBT型号大全一览型号(1U 1200V )技术指标型号(1U 1700V) 技术指标BSM200GA120DN2 200A/1200V/1U BSM200GA170DN2 200A/1700V/1U BSM300GA120DN2 300A/1200V/1U BSM300GA170DN2 300A/1700V/1U BSM400GA120DN2 400A/1200V/1U BSM400GA170DLC 400A/1700V/1U BSM200GA120DLC 200A/1200V/1U BSM200GA170DLC 200A/1700V/1U BSM300GA120DLC 300A/1200V/1U BSM300GA170DLC 300A/1700V/1U BSM400GA120DLC 400A/1200V/1U型号2U/600/1200/1700V )技术指标型号(2U 1200V/1700V) 技术指标BSM50GB60DLC 50A/600V/2U BSM75GB170DN2 75A/1700V/2UBSM75GB60DLC 75A/600V/2U BSM100GB170DN2 100A/1700V/2UBSM100GB60DLC 100A/600V/2U BSM150GB170DN2 150A/1700V/2U BSM150GB60DLC 150A/600V/2U BSM200GB170DLC 200A/1700V/2U BSM200GB60DLC 200A/600V/2U BSM25GAL120DN2 25A/1200V/2U BSM300GB60DLC 300A/600V/2U BSM50GAL120DN2 50A/1200V/2U BSM25GB120DN2 25A/1200V/2U BSM75GAL120DN2 75A/1200V/2UBSM35GB120DN2 35A/1200V/2U BSM100GAL120DN2 100A/1200V/2U BSM50GB120DN2 50A/1200V/2U BSM150GAL120DN2 150A/1200V/2U BSM75GB120DN2 75A/1200V/2U BSM200GAL120DN2 200A/1200V/2U BSM100GB120DN2K 100A/1200V/2U BSM300GAL120DN2 300A/1200V/2U BSM35GB120DLC 35A/1200V/2U BSM100GAL120DLCK 100A/1200V/2U BSM50GB120DLC 50A/1200V/2U BSM150GAL120DLC 150A/1200V/2U BSM75GB120DLC 75A/1200V/2U BSM200GAL120DLC 200A/1200V/2U BSM150GB170DLC 150A/1700V/2U BSM300GAL120DLC 300A/1200V/2U BSM100GB120DN2 100A/1200V/2U BSM75GAR120DN2 75A/1200V/2U BSM150GB120DN2 150A/1200V/2U BSM100GAR120DN2 100A/1200V/2U BSM200GB120DN2 200A/1200V/2U BSM150GAR120DN2 150A/1200V/2U BSM300GB120DN2 300A/1200V/2U BSM200GAR120DN2 200A/1200V/2U BSM100GB120(DLC 100A/1200V/2U BSM200GB120DLC 200A/1200V/2U BSM150GB120DLC 150A/1200V/2U BSM300GB120DLC 300A/1200V/2U BSM50GB170DN2 50A/1700V/2U BSM300GAR120DN2 300A/1200V/2U BSM100GB120DLCK 100A/100V/2U型号6U /600V/1200V 技术指标型号(6U /1200V/1700V) 技术指标BSM10GD60DLC 10A/600V/6U BSM25GD120DN2 25A/1200V/6UBSM15GD60DLC 15A/600V/6U BSM25GD120D2 25A/1200V/6UBSM25GD60DLC 25A/600V/6U BSM35GD120DN2 35A/1200V/6UBSM30GD60DLC 30A/600V/6U BSM35GD120D2 35A/1200V/6UBSM50GD60DLC 50A/600V/6U BSM50GD120DN2 50A/1200V/6UBSM75GD60DLC 75A/600V/6U BSM75GD120DN2 75A/1200V/6UBSM100GD60DLC 100A/600V/6U BSM50GD120DLC 50A/1200V/6UBSM100GD120DN2 100A/1200V/6U BSM75GD120DLC 75A/1200V/6U BSM100GD120DLC 100A/1200V/6U BSM35GD120DLC 35A/1200V/6UBSM150GD60DLC 150A/600V/6U BSM50GD170DL 50A/1700V/6UBSM200GD60DLC 200A/600V/6U BSM75GD170DL 75A/1700V/6UBSM10GD120DN2 10A/1200V/6U BSM100GT170DL 100A/1700V/6U BSM15GD120D2 15A/1200V/6U BSM100GT120DN2 100A/1200V/6UBSM15GD120DN1 15A/1200V/6U BSM150GT120DN2 150A/1200V/6U BSM15GD120DN2 15A/1200V/6U BSM150GT170DL 150A/1700V/6U BSM25GD120DN1 25A/1200V/6U BSM200GT120DN2 200A/1200V/6U 二.欧派克超大功率EUPEC IGBT 模块( 1200V/1600V/2500V/3300V 系列) 型号( 1 单元) 技术指标型号(1 单元) 技术指标FZ200R12KF2 200A/1200V/1U FZ1200R12KF4 1200A/1200V/1UFZ300R12KF2 300A/1200V/1U FZ1200R16KF4 1200A/1600V/1UFZ400R12KF2 400A/1200V/1U FZ1200R25KF1 1200A/2500V/1UFZ800R12KF4 800A/1200V/1U FZ1200R25KF4 1200A/2500V/1UFZ800R16KF4 800A/1600V/1U FZ1200R33KF1 1200A/3300V/1UFZ800R33KF1 800A/3300V/1U FZ1600R12KF4 1600A/1200V/1UFZ900R16KF1 900A/1600V/1U FZ1800R12KF4 1800A/1200V/1UFZ1000R12KF4 1000A/1200V/1U FZ1800R16KF4 1800A/1600V/1UFZ2400R12KF4 2400A/1200V/1U型号( 2 单元) 技术指标型号( 2 单元) 技术指标FZ200R33KF2 200A/3300V/2U FZ600R12KF4 600A/1200V/2UFZ400R12KF4 400A/1200V/2U FZ600R16KF4 600A/1600V/2UFZ400R16KF4 400A/1600V/2U FZ800R12KF4 800A/1200V/2UFZ400R33KF1 400A/3300V/2U FZ800R17KF6B2 800A/1700V/2UFZ400R33KF2 400A/3300V/2U型号( 6 单元) 技术指标型号( 6 单元) 技术指标FS300R12KF4 300A/1200V/6U FS400R12KF4 400A/1200V/6UFS300R16KF4 300A/1600V/6UFF600R12KF4FF200R33KF2 FF400R16KF4FF400R12KF4 FF400R33KF1FF400R33KF2 FF800R12KF4FF600R16KF4 FF800R17KF6B2三.西门康SEMIKRON,IGBT 模块型号( 1U 1200V) 技术指标型号(1U /1700V) 技术指标SKM200GA123D 200A/1200V/1U SKM400GA173D 400A/1700V/1USKM300GA123D 300A/1200V/1U SKM300GA173D 400A/1700V/1USKM400GA123D 400A/1200V/1U SKM500GA174D 500A/1700V/1USKM500GA123D 500A/1200V/1U SKM500GA124D 500A/1200V/1USKM600GA124D 600A/1200V/1U型号( 2U/1200V/1700V ) 技术指标型号(2U /1200V/1700V) 技术指标SKM50GB123D 50A/1200V/2U SKM145GAL123D 145A/1200V/2USKM75GB123D 75A/1200V/2U SKM150GAL123D 150A/1200V/2USKM100GB123D 100A/1200V/2U SKM200GAL123D 200A/1200V/2U SKM145GB123D 145A/1200V/2U SKM300GAL123D 300A/1200V/2USKM150GB123D 150A/1200V/2U SKM400GAL124D 400A/1200V/2USKM200GB123D 200A/1200V/2U SKM100GAL173D 100A/1700V/2USKM300GB123D 300A/1200V/2U SKM145GAL174DN 145A/1700V/2USKM400GB123D 400A/1200V/2U SKM200GAL173D 200A/1700V/2USKM75GB124D 75A/1200V/2U SKM200GAL125D 200A/1200V/2USKM100GB124D 100A/1200V/2U SKM400GAL125D 400A/1200V/2USKM145GB124D 145A/1200V/2U SKM300GB124D 300A/1200V/2USKM150GB124D 150A/1200V/2U SKM400GB124D 400A/1200V/2USKM200GB124D 200A/1200V/2U SKM200GB174D 200A/1700V/2USKM75GB173D 75A/1700V/2U SKM200GAR173D 200A/1700V/2USKM100GB173D 100A/1700V/2U SKM75GAR123D 75A/1200V/2USKM150GB173D 150A/1700V/2U SKM100GAR123D 100A/1200V/2USKM145GB174DN 145A/1700V/2U SKM145GAR123D 145A/1200V/2USKM200GB173D 200A/1700V/2U SKM150GAR123D 150A/1200V/2USKM300GB174D 300A/1700V/2U SKM200GAR123D 200A/1200V/2USKM50GAL123D 50A/1200V/2U SKM300GAR123D 300A/1200V/2USKM75GAL123D 75A/1200V/2U SKM400GAR124D 400A/1200V/2USKM100GAL123D 100A/1200V/2U SKM145GAL124D 145A/1200V/2U型号( 6U 1200V ) 技术指标型号(6U 1200V) 技术指标SKM22GD123D 22A/1200V/6U SKM75GD123D 75A/1200V/6USKM40GD123D 40A/1200V/6U SKM100GD123D 100A/1200V/6USKM40GD124D 40A/1200V/6U SKM75GD124D 75A/1200V/6U四.三菱MITSUBISHI IGBT模块+单管IGBT(TO—220、TO—3P)(耐压600/1200/1400/1700/2500/3300V)型号技术指标型号(IGBT 单管) 技术指标CT60AM-20 60A/1000V IGBT单管CT75SM-12CT30SM-12 30A/600V IGBT单管CT15SM-24 15A/1200V IGBT单管CT35SM-8 200A/400V IGBT单管CT75AM-12 75A/600V IGBT单管型号技术指标型号技术指标CM300HA-12H 300A/600V/1U CM200HA-24H 200A/1200V/1UCM400HA-12H 400A/600V/1U CM300HA-24H 300A/1200V/1UCM600HA-12H 600A/600V/1U CM400HA-24H 400A/1200V/1UCM600HU-12H 600A/600V/1U CM600HA-24H 600A/1200V/1UCM400HU-24H 400A/1200V/1U CM600HU-24H 600A/1200V/1UCM200HU-24H 200A/1200V/1U CM800HA-24H 800A/1200V/1UCM300HU-24H 300A/1200V/1U CM1000HA-24H 1000A/1200V/1UCM300HA-12E 300A/600V/1U CM200HA-24E 200A/1200V/1UCM400HA-12E 400A/600V/1U CM300HA-24E 300A/1200V/1UCM600HA-12E 600A/600V/1U CM400HA-24E 400A/1200V/1UCM600HU-12E 600A/600V/1U CM600HA-24E 600A/1200V/1UCM400HU-24E 400A/1200V/1U CM600HU-24E 600A/1200V/1UCM200HU-24E 200A/1200V/1U CM800HA-24E 800A/1200V/1UCM300HU-24E 300A/1200V/1U CM1000HA-24E 1000A/1200V/1U型号技术指标型号技术指标CM400HA-28H 400A/1400V/1U CM800HA-50H 800A/2500V/1UCM600HA-28H 600A/1400V/1U CM1200HA-50H 1200A/2500V/1U CM1000HA-28H 1000A/1400V/1U CM800HA-66H 800A/3300V/1U CM400HA-34H 400A/1700V/1U CM1200HA-66H 1200A/3300V/1U CM800HD-66H 800A/3300V/1U CM800HD-50H 800A/2500V/1UCM1200HD-66H 1200A/3300V/1U CM1200HD-50H 1200A/2500V/1U 型号技术指标型号技术指标CM50DY-12H 50A/600V/2U CM50E3Y-12E 50A/600V/2UCM75DY-12H 75A/600V/2U CM75E3Y-12E 75A/600V/2UCM100DY-12H 100A/600V/2U CM100E3Y-12E 100A/600V/2UCM150DY-12H 150A/600V/2U CM150E3Y-12E 150A/600V/2UCM200DY-12H 200A/600V/2U CM200E3Y-12E 200A/600V/2UCM300DY-12H 300A/600V/2U CM300E3Y-12E 300A/600V/2UCM400DY-12H 400A/600V/2U CM50E3U-12E 50A/600V/2UCM75DU-12H 75A/600V/2U CM75E3U-12E 75A/600V/2UCM100DU-12H 100A/600V/2U CM100E3U-12E 100A/600V/2UCM150DU-12H 150A/600V/2U CM150E3U-12E 150A/600V/2UCM200DU-12H 200A/600V/2U CM200E3U-12E 200A/600V/2UCM300DU-12H 300A/600V/2U CM300E3U-12E 300A/600V/2UCM400DU-12H 400A/600V/2U CM75DU-12E 75A/600V/2UCM50DY-12E 50A/600V/2U CM100DU-12E 100A/600V/2UCM75DY-12E 75A/600V/2U CM150DU-12E 150A/600V/2UCM100DY-12E 100A/600V/2U CM200DU-12E 200A/600V/2UCM150DY-12E 150A/600V/2U CM300DU-12E 300A/600V/2UCM200DY-12E 200A/600V/2U CM400DU-12E 400A/600V/2UCM300DY-12E 300A/600V/2U CM400DY-12E 400A/600V/2U型号技术指标型号技术指标CM50DY-24H 50A/1200V/2U CM300DY-28H 300A/1400V/2UCM75DY-24H 75A/1200V/2U CM50E3Y-24E 50A/1200V/2UCM100DY-24H 100A/1200V/2U CM75E3Y-24E 75A/1200V/2UCM150DY-24H 150A/1200V/2U CM100E3Y-24E 100A/1200V/2U CM200DY-24H 200A/1200V/2U CM150E3Y-24E 150A/1200V/2U CM300DY-24H 300A/1200V/2U CM200E3Y-24E 200A/1200V/2U CM50DU-24H 50A/1200V/2U CM50E3U-24E 50A/1200V/2UCM75DU-24H 75A/1200V/2U CM75E3U-24E 75A/1200V/2UCM100DU-24H 100A/1200V/2U CM100E3U-24E 100A/1200V/2U CM150DU-24H 150A/1200V/2U CM150E3U-24E 150A/1200V/2U CM200DU-24H 200A/1200V/2U CM200E3U-24E 200A/1200V/2U CM300DU-24H 300A/1200V/2U CM300E3Y-24E 300A/1200V/2U CM50DY-24E 50A/1200V/2U CM50DU-24E 50A/1200V/2UCM75DY-24E 75A/1200V/2U CM75DU-24E 75A/1200V/2UCM100DY-24E 100A/1200V/2U CM100DU-24E 100A/1200V/2UCM150DY-24E 150A/1200V/2U CM150DU-24E 150A/1200V/2UCM200DY-24E 200A/1200V/2U CM200DU-24E 200A/1200V/2UCM300DY-24E 300A/1200V/2U CM300DU-24E 300A/1200V/2UCM50DY-28H 50A/1400V/2U CM300E3U-24E 300A/1200V/2UCM75DY-28H 75A/1400V/2U CM400DY-50H 400A/2500V/2UCM200DY-28H 200A/1400V/2U CM400DY-66H 400A/3300V/2U型号技术指标型号技术指标CM15TF-12H 15A/600V/6U CM15TF-24H 15A/1200V/6UCM20TF-12H 20A/600V/6U CM20TF-24H 20A/1200V/6UCM30TF-12H 30A/600V/6U CM30TF-24H 30A/1200V/6UCM50TF-12H 50A/600V/6U CM50TF-24H 50A/1200V/6UCM75TF-12H 75A/600V/6U CM75TF-24H 75A/1200V/6UCM100TF-12H 100A/600V/6U CM100TF-24H 100A/1200V/6UCM150TF-12H 150A/600V/6U CM50TF-28H 50A/1400V/6UCM75TU-12H 75A/600V/6U CM50TU-24H 50A/1200V/6UCM100TU-12H 100A/600V/6U CM75TU-24H 75A/1200V/6UCM150TU-12H 150A/600V/6U CM100TU-24H 100A/1200V/6UCM15TF-12E 15A/600V/6U CM15TF-24E 15A/1200V/6UCM20TF-12E 20A/600V/6U CM20TF-24E 20A/1200V/6UCM30TF-12E 30A/600V/6U CM30TF-24E 30A/1200V/6UCM50TF-12E 50A/600V/6U CM50TF-24E 50A/1200V/6UCM75TF-12E 75A/600V/6U CM75TF-24E 75A/1200V/6UCM100TF-12E 100A/600V/6U CM100TF-24E 100A/1200V/6UCM150TF-12E 150A/600V/6U CM50TU-24E 50A/1200V/6UCM75TU-12E 75A/600V/6U CM75TU-24E 75A/1200V/6UCM100TU-12E 100A/600V/6U CM100TU-24E 100A/1200V/6UCM150TU-12E 150A/600V/6U CM50TF-28H 50A/1400V/6UCM200TU-12H 200A/600V/6U CM75TF-28H 75A/1400V/6UCM100TF-28H 100A/1400V/6U五.富士Fuji IGBT 模块( 耐压600V/1200V/1400V/1800V/2000V 系列) 型号( 1U 600V ) 技术指标型号(1U 600V) 技术指标1MBH60D-100 60A/1000V IGBT单管1MBI200NK-060 200A/600V/1U1MBI30L-060 30A/600V/1U 1MBI300L-060 300A/600V/1U1MBI50L-060 50A/600V/1U 1MBI300N-060 300A/600V/1U1MBI75L-060 75A/600V/1U 1MBI300F-060 300A/600V/1U1MBI100L-060 100A/600V/1U 1MBI400F-060 400A/600V/1U1MBI150NH-060 150A/600V/1U 1MBI400L-060 400A/600V/1U1MBI400N-060 400A/600V/1U 1MBI600LP-060 600A/600V/1U1MBI150NK-060 150A/600V/1U 1MBI600LN-060 600A/600V/1U1MBI200NH-060 200A/600V/1U 1MBI600NP-060 600A/600V/1U1MBI600NN-060 600A/600V/1U型号(1U 1200V ) 技术指标型号(1U 1200V) 技术指标1MBI200L-120 200A/1200V/1U 1MBI400NP-120 400A/1200V/1U1MBI200N-120 200A/1200V/1U 1MBI200S-120 200A/1200V/1U1MBI200F-120 200A/1200V/1U 1MBI400NN-120 400A/1200V/1U1MBI300F-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI400L-120 400A/1200V/1U1MBI300L-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI600PX-120 600A/1200V/1U1MBI300N-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI300S-120 300A/1200V/1U1MBI300JN-120 300A/1200V/1U 型号(1U1400/1800/2000V) 技术指标1MBI300JB-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI600PX-140 600A/1400V/1U1MBI300NP-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI800PN-180 800A/1800V/1U1MBI300NN-120 300A/1200V/1U 1MBI400L-200 400A/2000V/1U型号( 2U 600V) 技术指标型号(2U 600V) 技术指标2MBI50L-060 50A/600V/2U 2MBI200LB-060 200A/600V/2U2MBI75L-060 75A/600V/2U 2MBI300L-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI100L-060 100A/600V/2U 2MBI300LB-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150L-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI300NK-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150LB-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI300NK-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150NK-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI400NK-060 400A/600V/2U2MBI50F-060 50A/600V/2U 2MBI200KB-060 200A/600V/2U2MBI75F-060 75A/600V/2U 2MBI300F-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI100F-060 100A/600V/2U 2MBI300KB-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150F-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI300NB-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI150KB-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI400NR-060 400A/600V/2U2MBI150NC-060 150A/600V/2U 2MBI300N-060 300A/600V/2U2MBI50N-060 50A/600V/2U 2MBI150N-060 150A/600V/2U2MBI75N-060 75A/600V/2U 2MBI200N-060 200A/600V/2U2MBI100N-060 100A/600V/2U 2MB400N-060 400A/600V/2U2MB400L-060 400A/600V/2U 2MBI600NT-060 600A/600V/2U2MBI200NR-060 200A/600V/2U 2MBI200F-060 200A/600V/2U2MBI200NK-060 200A/600V/2U 2MBI400L-060 400A/600V/2U2MBI400N-060 400A/600V/2U 2MBI200L-060 200A/600V/2U型号( 2U 1400V ) 技术指标型号(2U 1400V) 技术指标2MBI25L-120 25A/1200V/2U 2MBI150L-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI50L-120 50A/1200V/2U 2MBI150NB-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI75L-120 75A/1200V/2U 2MBI150NT-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI100L-120 100A/1200V/2U 2MBI200L-120 200A/1200V/2U2MBI75SC-120 75A/1200V/2U 2MBI150F-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI150SC-120 150A/1200V/2U 2MBI150N-120 150A/1200V/2U2MBI50N-120 50A/1200V/2U 2MBI150NC-120 200A/1200V/2U2MBI75N-120 75A/1200V/2U 2MBI150NT-120 300A/1200V/2U2MBI100F-120 100A/1200V/2U 2MBI200N-120 200A/1200V/2U2MBI100N-120 100A/1200V/2U 2MBI75P-140 75A/1400V/2U2MBI50P-140 50A/1400V/2U 2MBI200PB-140 200A/1400V/2U2MBI100PC-140 100A/1400V/2U 2MBI300P-140 300A/1400V/2U2MBI150PC-140 150A/1400V/2U 2MBI100SC-120 100A/1200V/2U2MBI100NC-120 100A/1200V/2U 2MBI100NB-120 100A/1200V/2U2MBI200S-120 200A/1200V/2U 2MBI200NF120 200A/1200V/2U2MBI300L-120 300A/1200V/2U 2MBI200NB-120 200A/1200V/2U型号( 6U 600V ) 技术指标型号(6U 600V) 技术指标6MBI10L-060 10A/600V/6U 6MBI60FA-060 60A/600V/6U6MBI15L-060 15A/600V/6U 6MBI75L-060 75A/600V/6U6MBI10F-060 10A/600V/6U 6MBI10N-060 10A/600V/6U6MBI15F-060 15A/600V/6U 6MBI75F-060 75A/600V/6U6MBI15N-060 15A/600V/6U 6MBI75N-060 75A/600V/6U6MBI15LS-060 15A/600V/6U 6MBI75FA-060 75A/600V/6U6MBI20L-060 20A/600V/6U 6MBI100L-060 100A/600V/6U6MBI30L-060 30A/600V/6U 6MBI100FA-060 100A/600V/6U6MBI20F-060 20A/600V/6U 6MBI100F-060 100A/600V/6U6MBI30F-060 30A/600V/6U 6MBI30N-060 30A/600V/6U6MBI30FA-060 30A/600V/6U 6MBI150FB-060 150A/600V/6U6MBI50L-060 50A/600V/6U 6MBI200FB-060 200A/600V/6U6MBI50F-060 50A/600V/6U 6MBI50N-060 50A/600V/6U6MBI50FA-060 50A/600V/6U 6MBI50J-060 50A/600V/6U6MBI100J-060 100A/600V/6U型号( 6U 1200V ) 技术指标型号(6U 1200V) 技术指标6MBI8L-120 8A/1200V/6U 6MBI15S-120 15A/1200V/6U6MBI8F-120 8A/1200V/6U 6MBI8N-120 8A/1200V/6U6MBI15L-120 15A/1200V/6U 6MBI25S-120 25A/1200V/6U6MBI25L-120 25A/1200V/6U 6MBI35S-120 35A/1200V/6U6MBI25LB-120 25A/1200/6U 6MBI50S-120 50A/1200V/6U6MBI50L-120 50A/1200V/6U 6MBI75S-120 75A/1200V/6U6MBI50F-120 50A/1200V/6U 6MBI50N-120 50A/1200V/6U6MBI15F-120 15A/1200V/6U 6MBI15N-120 15A/1200V/6U6MBI25F-120 25A/1200V/6U 6MBI25N-120 25A/1200V/6U6MBI50J-120 50A/1200V/6U 6MBI100S-120 100A/1200V/6U富士IGBT 六单元,小型单列直插式封装,体积小,价格低,特别适用于家用电器变频控制UPS、AC/DC伺服系统等。
英飞凌1700V IGBT模块型号资料大全
2400A , 1700V , IGBT4 2400A , 1700V , IGBT4 2400A , 1700V , IGBT4 2400A , 1700V , IGBT4 3600A , 1700V , IGBT3 3600A , 1700V , IGBT4 3600A , 1700V , IGBT4
封装形式 EconoPACK 2 EconoPACK 3 EconoPACK 3 EconoPACK 3 EconoPACK 4 EconoPACK + EconoPACK 4 EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK +
英飞凌1700V IGBT模块产品型号参数资料表 按Ctrl+F可以查询型号 >>1600/1700V > 单管(1单元)
产品型号 FZ800R16KF4 FZ1200R16KF4 FZ1800R16KF4 BSM200GA170DLC BSM300GA170DLC BSM300GA170DN2 BSM400GA170DLC FZ400R17KE3 FZ400R17KE4 FZ600R17KE3 FZ600R17KE3_S4 FZ600R17KE4 FZ800R17KF6C_B2 FZ1200R17KE3_B2 FZ1200R17KE3 FZ1200R17KF6C_B2 FZ1200R17HP4_B2 FZ1200R17HP4 FZ1600R17KE3_B2 FZ1600R17KE3 FZ1600R17KF6C_B2 FZ1600R17HP4_B2 FZ1600R17HP4 FZ1800R17KE3_B2 FZ1800R17HP4_B9 FZ1800R17HP4_B29 FZ2400R17KE3 FZ2400R17KE3_B2 FZ2400R17KE3_B9 FZ2400R17KF6C_B2 参数说明 800A , 1600V , IGBT2 1200A , 1600V , IGBT2 1800A , 1600V , IGBT2 200A , 1700V , IGBT2 300A , 1700V , IGBT2 300A , 1700V , IGBT2 400A , 1700V , IGBT2 400A , 1700V , IGBT3 400A , 1700V , IGBT4 600A , 1700V , IGBT3 600A , 1700V , IGBT3 600A , 1700V , IGBT4 800A , 1700V , IGBT2 1200A , 1700V , IGBT3 1200A , 1700V , IGBT3 1200A , 1700V , IGBT2 1200A , 1700V , IGBT4 1200A , 1700V , IGBT4 1600A , 1700V , IGBT3 1600A , 1700V , IGBT3 1600A , 1700V , IGBT2 1600A , 1700V , IGBT4 1600A , 1700V , IGBT4 1800A , 1700V , IGBT3 1800A , 1700V , IGBT4 1800A , 1700V , IGBT4 2400A , 1700V , IGBT3 2400A , 1700V , IGBT3 2400A , 1700V , IGBT3 2400A , 1700V , IGBT2 封装形式 IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 190 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHMB 130 mm IHMB 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHMB 130 mm IHMB 130 mm IHM 190 mm IHMB 190 mm IHMB 190 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 190 mm IHM 190 mm IHM 190 mm
1.富士IGBT N系列(高速,低导通压降) P系列 S系列
2.EUPEC(西门子)IGBT 电流参数据库85C标称
PIM:三相桥+七单元+NTC GP系列 FP系列
MD3:单相桥+六单元 MD1:三相桥+六单元 MD:三相桥+七单元
ID=IGBT+C串二极管 DI=IGBT+串二极管
BSM100GAL120DN2K(DLC 100A/1200V/1U K) BSM100GAL120DN2(DLC) 100A/1200V/1U BSM150GAL120DN2(DLC) BSM200GAL120DN2(DLC) BSM300GAL120DN2(DLC) BSM75GAR120DN2 BSM100GAR120DN2 BSM150GAR120DN2 BSM200GAR120DN2 BSM300GAR120DLC 150A/1200V1U 200A/1200V/1U 300A/1200V/1U 75A/1200V/1U 100A/1200V/1U 150A/1200V/1U 200A/1200V/1U 300A/1200V/1U
400A/6500V1U 400A/1700V/1U 300A/1200V/1U 400A/1200V/1U
FZ1200R12KF5 FZ1200R12KL4C FZ1200R16KF4 FZ1200R25KF1(KF4) FZ1200R33KF1/KF2 FZ1600R12KF4KL4C
1200A/1200V/1U 1200A/1200V/1U 1200A/1600V/1U 1200A/2500V/1U 1200A/3300V/1U 1600A/1200V/1U 1600A/1700V/1U 1600A/1700V/1U 1600A/1700V/1U 1800A/1200V/1U 1500A/2500V1U 1800A/1600V/1U 2400A/1200V/1U 2400A1700V/1U 3600A/1200V/1U 600A/6500V/1U 1200V/1200V1U 1200V/1200V1U 1600V/1200V/1U 2400V/1200V/1U
大连总部:大连泰思曼科技有限公司联系电话:(0086)411-84754522 公司邮箱:********************公司地址:大连市高新园区任贤街16号西安分公司:泰思曼高压电源(西安)有限公司联系电话:(0086)29-88825577公司邮箱:***********************公司地址:西安市高新区纬二十六路中交科技城西区B1号楼高压电源选型手册1kV~6kV/60kW/10A,3μs~50μs,rise≤200ns,AC/Pulse 1kV~6kV/300kW/50A,1μs~5μs,1Hz,rise≤250ns,AC/Pulse1kV~40kV/1kW/25mA,8μs~50μs,1~1kHz,rise>15μs,AC/Pulse 1kV~20kV/10W~10kW/100A,1μs~DC,1Hz~10kHz,AC/Pulse ±3kV/6kV/30W/300A,1μs~5μs,1Hz,rise≤300ns,AC/Pulse ±3kV/500W/50A,1μs~5μs,80~90Hz,rise≤100ns,AC/PulseTP3011系列TP3012系列TP3080系列TP3090系列TP3096系列TP3210系列03脉冲高压电源TAP4055系列TM6010系列TDL6021系列TM6030系列TM6035系列05模块高压电源1kV~50kV/120W,AC/DC 1kV~100kV/1kW,AC/DC1kV~40kV/4.6kW,AC/DC1kV~70kV/600W,AC/DC 1.7kV/8.33W,AC/DC TNP5050系列TNP5060系列06深海变换器10kVDC转375VDC/10kW,DC/DC 恒流转恒压,48V/10kW,DC/DC定制服务典型客户08定制服务&典型客户TAC4010系列TAC4142系列04交流高压电源5kV~40kV/1kW,AC/AC 5kV~40kV/150W,AC/ACTPS7000系列TPS7001系列TPS7010系列07源表高压电源1~10kV/50W,AC/DC 1~10kV/50W,AC/DC 5kV/75W,高压放大器TRC2020系列TRC2025系列TLP2041系列TLP2081系列TD2110系列TD2200系列TD2202系列TD2204系列TD2208系列TE4020系列TC4080系列TC4160系列TCM6000i系列TCM6002系列TCM6004i系列TCM6008系列02直流高压电源1kV~100kV/300W,机架式,AC/DC 1kV~100kV/500W~1kW,机架式,AC/DC5kV~225kV/5kW~10kW,机架式,AC/DC1kV~30kV/15kW,机架式,AC/DC 1kV~60kV/5J,2Hz,机架式1kV~60kV/600W,机架式,AC/DC 1kV~150kV/2kW,机架式,AC/DC 1kV~50kV/4kW,机架式,AC/DC 50kV/8kW,机架式,AC/DC 50kV/120W,AC/DC 1kV~50kV/300W,正负极性可切换,AC/DC1kV~60kV/150W,AC/DC 1kV~30kV/30W,AC/DC 1kV~50kV/150W,AC/DC 1kV~30kV/12W,AC/DC 1kV~50kV/250W,AC/DC TXR1010系列TXR1012系列TXF1068系列TXR1110系列TXF1210系列TXLF1260系列535543454749515257596162646566737467697113151719212325272931333537394142010*********01X射线高压电源25kV~65kV/50W,DC/DC 5kV~50kV/50W,DC/DC 450kV/6kW,AC/DC 80kV/100W,DC/DC 30kV/6W,DC/DC -60kV/1200W,AC/DC泰思曼是一家面向军工、科研、以及科技前沿的高新技术企业,是中国高压电源市场的主要供应商之一。
Reverse recovery time
IF = 200 A, VR = -1200 V, VGE = 0 V
diF/dt = -1400 A/µs, Tj = 125 °C
Reverse recovery charge
IF = 200 A, VR = -1200 V, VGE = 0 V
10 2
nF C
10 1
10 0 Crss
10 -1 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 V 40 VCE
Short circuit safe operating area
ICsc = f(VCE) , Tj = 150°C parameter: VGE = ± 15 V, tSC ≤ 10 µs, L < 20 nH
di/dt = 1.5
1000A/µs 3000A/µs 5000A/µs
di/dt = 1000A/µs
4 ° allowed numbers of short circuit: <1000
° time between short 2 circuit: >1s
Switching Characteristics, Inductive Load at Tj = 125 °C
Turn-on delay time
Omega Seamaster 300M 手表说明书
Contents1. Procedure To Open The Housing2. Calibration Instructions2.1 Switch Setting2.2 Calibration Tables2.3 Calibration Instrumentation3. Connection Diagram4. Mechanical Dimensions5. Specifications1Define the desired range limits:Tmin - the temperature at which the output current is 4mA.Tmax - the temperature at which the output current is 20mA.Tspan - the difference between Tmax and Tmin.Open the transmitter according to para. #1.According to the following tables, set switches no. 4 to 6 for the Zero (Tmin), and set switches 1 to 3 for the Span (Tspan).Note: "1" represent the switch "ON" state.a.b.c.Calibrations steps:2.2 Calibrations tables "Span" TableSW 1-2-30 0 01 0 01 1 00 0 11 0 10 1 11 1 1K (oC)90 (180)175.....360250.....440420.....850820...1350 J (oC)50 (95)85....150140....250240....490480....760 T (o C)50.....8060 (105)90...165155...325310...400 E (o C)50 (95)90 (175)169 (280)270....575530....1100 B,R,S (o C)500....11001000. (1700)T/C Type3a. Set the T/C calibrator to Tmin.b. Adjust the Zero trimmer to 4.000mA.c. Set the T/C calibrator to Tmax.d. Adjust the Span trimmer to 20.000mA.e. Repeat steps a. to d. until satisfactory results are achieved.2.3 Calibration instrumentation:1. 24Vdc Power Supply 2. T/C calibrator3. High accuracy DVM4. Small screwdriverConnect the transmitter to be calibrated according to Fig #3."Zero" TableSW 4-5-60 0 00 0 10 1 00 1 11 0 01 0 11 1 01 1 1K (oC)0.....3025.....6045.....9080...120115...160150...190190...230225 (265)J (oC)0.....4230.....8570...125110...175165...215200...265250...320300 (350)T (o C)-40....-20-25. (5)0.....3025.....6055.....8580...110105...135130...160 E (o C)-100....-52-52.....5656...162162 (269)215...320 B (o C)100....465460....870865..12701270..1670T/C TypeR,S (o C)0...180120...280240...380340...480440...580540...680640 (800)4Fig.3Calibration example:Needed: T/C Type K - 200...+500o CTmin: 200o CTspan: 500-200 = 300o C1. Set the DIP switch to: 0,0,1,1,1,0 (SW1..SW6)2. Set the calibrator for 200o C calibrate "Z" to 4.000mA.3. Set for +500o C and calibrate "S" to 20.000mA.4. Repeat steps 2,3 until satisfactory results are obtained.3. Connection DiagramDRA-TCI-2Fig.454. Mechanical DimensionsDimentions are in mm (in)Fig.599(3.9)75(2.95)22.5 (0.9)82(3.23)5. SpecificationsInput: Thermocouple type K, T, J, E, B, R, S Burnout protection: UpscaleMinimum input span: 4mVOutput: 4–20mA, (25mA limited)Loop resistance: Rmax(Ω) = (Vsupply - 10)/.02 Isolation: 1500 Vdc or peak acResponse time: 160 msec (0-98%)6Calibration:Span Calibration: Three DIP switches and "Span" potentiometerZero Calibration: Three DIP switches and "Zero" potentiometerCold junction compensation error: Typical ±0.9C for 0-60C change(±3C for B, R and S)Accuracy (linearity, hysteresis and repeatability):± 0.08% of span for type K,± 0.1% to ± 0.2% for other thermocouple types, typicalTest terminals: 40 to 200mV represent 4-20mASupply voltage: 10 – 40 Vdc reverse polarity protectedSupply and load variation effect: < ±0.03% of span for full change CMR: 127db typical dc to 60 HzTemperture stability: ±0.01% of span /1COperating temperture: -20 to +70C (-4 to 158F)Storage temperture: -30 to +85C (-22 to 185F)Humidity: 5 - 95% relative humidity, non-condensingHousing: Plastic polycarbonateProtection level:Housing: According to IP-40Terminals: According to IP-20Mounting: Standard 35 mm DIN railWeight: 130 grams (4.6 oz)7WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components which wear are not warranted, including but not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or d a m a g e w h a t s o e v e r a r i s i n g o u t o f t h e u s e o f t h e P r o d u c t(s)i n s u c h a m a n n e r. 8RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department.BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible.This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 1996 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied,photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form,i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t , w i t h o u t p r i o r w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f O M E G A E N G I N E E R I N G , I N C.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have thefollowing information available BEFOREcontacting OMEGA:1. P .O. number under which the productwas PURCHASED,2. Model and serial number of the productunder warranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specificproblems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P .O. number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.Where Do I Find Everything I Need forProcess Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!TEMPERATUREߜ Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes,Connectors, Panels & Assembliesߜ Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistorߜ Calibrators & Ice Point Referencesߜ Recorders, Controllers & Process Monitorsߜ Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEߜ Transducers & Strain Gaugesߜ Load Cells & Pressure Gaugesߜ Displacement Transducersߜ Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELߜ Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow Computersߜ Air Velocity Indicatorsߜ Turbine/Paddlewheel Systemsߜ Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYߜ pH Electrodes, Testers & Accessoriesߜ Benchtop/Laboratory Metersߜ Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & Pumpsߜ Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONߜ Data Acquisition & Engineering Softwareߜ Communications-Based Acquisition Systemsߜ Plug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & Compatiblesߜ Datalogging Systemsߜ Recorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSߜ Heating Cableߜ Cartridge & Strip Heatersߜ Immersion & Band Heatersߜ Flexible Heatersߜ Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLߜ Metering & Control Instrumentationߜ Refractometersߜ Pumps & Tubingߜ Air, Soil & Water Monitorsߜ Industrial Water & Wastewater Treatmentߜ pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen Instruments M2567。
NutzungsbedingungenDie in diesem Produktdatenblatt enthaltenen Daten sind ausschließlich für technisch geschultes Fachpersonal bestimmt. Die Beurteilung der Geeignetheit dieses Produktes für die von Ihnen anvisierte Anwendung sowie die Beurteilung der Vollständigkeit der bereitgestellten Produktdaten für diese Anwendung obliegt Ihnen bzw. Ihren technischen Abteilungen.In diesem Produktdatenblatt werden diejenigen Merkmale beschrieben, für die wir eine liefervertragliche Gewährleistungübernehmen. Eine solche Gewährleistung richtet sich ausschließlich nach Maßgabe der im jeweiligen Liefervertrag enthaltenen Bestimmungen. Garantien jeglicher Art werden für das Produkt und dessen Eigenschaften keinesfalls übernommen.Sollten Sie von uns Produktinformationen benötigen, die über den Inhalt dieses Produktdatenblatts hinausgehen und insbesondere eine spezifische Verwendung und den Einsatz dieses Produktes betreffen, setzen Sie sich bitte mit dem für Siezuständigen Vertriebsbüro in Verbindung (siehe , Vertrieb&Kontakt). Für Interessenten halten wir ApplicationNotes bereit.Aufgrund der technischen Anforderungen könnte unser Produkt gesundheitsgefährdende Substanzen enthalten. Bei Rückfragenzu den in diesem Produkt jeweils enthaltenen Substanzen setzen Sie sich bitte ebenfalls mit dem für Sie zuständigen Vertriebsbüro in Verbindung.Sollten Sie beabsichtigen, das Produkt in gesundheits- oder lebensgefährdenden oder lebenserhaltenden Anwendungsbereichen einzusetzen, bitten wir um Mitteilung. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass wir für diese Fälle- die gemeinsame Durchführung eines Risiko- und Qualitätsassessments;- den Abschluss von speziellen Qualitätssicherungsvereinbarungen;- die gemeinsame Einführung von Maßnahmen zu einer laufenden Produktbeobachtung dringend empfehlen und gegebenenfalls die Belieferung von der Umsetzung solcher Maßnahmen abhängig machen.Soweit erforderlich, bitten wir Sie, entsprechende Hinweise an Ihre Kunden zu geben.Inhaltliche Änderungen dieses Produktdatenblatts bleiben vorbehalten.Terms & Conditions of usageThe data contained in this product data sheet is exclusively intended for technically trained staff. You and your technical departments will have to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of the productdata with respect to such application.This product data sheet is describing the characteristics of this product for which a warranty is granted. Any such warranty is granted exclusively pursuant the terms and conditions of the supply agreement. There will be no guarantee of any kind for the product and its characteristics.Should you require product information in excess of the data given in this product data sheet or which concerns the specific application of our product, please contact the sales office, which is responsible for you (see , sales&contact). For those that are specifically interested we may provide application notes.Due to technical requirements our product may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the sales office, which is responsible for you.Should you intend to use the Product in health or live endangering or life support applications, please notify. Please note, that for any such applications we urgently recommend- to perform joint Risk and Quality Assessments;- the conclusion of Quality Agreements;- to establish joint measures of an ongoing product survey,and that we may make delivery depended on the realizationof any such measures.If and to the extent necessary, please forward equivalent notices to your customers.Changes of this product data sheet are reserved.。
富士电机IGBT模块与优派克Eupec相应型号对照表富士电机U系列PIM模块结构电流IcTc=80oCAmps. 对应富士PIM系列型号 EUPEC DLC系列型号 EUPEC IGBT3系列型号10 BSM 10GP 12015 7MBR25UA120 BSM 15GP 120 FP 15R 12KE3G25 7MBR35UA120 BSM 25GP 120 FP 25R 12KE335 BSM 35GP 12040 7MBR50UA120 FP 40R 12KE335 BSM 35GP 120G40 7MBR50UB120 FP 40R 12KE3G50 7MBR75U4B120 BSM 50GP 120 FP 50R 12KE375 7MBR100U4B120 FP 75R 12KE3富士电机U系列IGBT模块结构电流IcTc=80oCAmps. 对应富士U4系列型号 EUPEC DLC系列型号 EUPEC IGBT3系列型号1200V 2in1 75 2MBI75U4A-120 BSM75GB120DLC100 2MBI100U4A-120 BSM100GB120DLCK100 BSM100GB120DLC150 2MBI150U4H-120 BSM150GB120DLC FF150R12KE3G200 2MBI200U4H-120 BSM200GB120DLC FF200R12KE3300 2MBI300U4H-120 BSM300GB120DLC FF300R12KE3400 2MBI400U4H-120 FF400R12KE31200V6in1 15 BSM 15GD 120DLC25 BSM 25GD 120DLC FS 25 R12KE3G35 BSM 35GD 120DLC FS 35 R12KE3G50 6MBI50U4A-120 BSM 50GD 120DLC FS 50 R12KE375 6MBI75U4A-120 FS 75 R12KE375 6MBI75U4B-120 BSM 75GD 120DLC FS 75 R12KE3G100 6MBI100U4B-120 BSM 100GD 120DLC FS 100 R12KE3150 6MBI150U4B-120 FS 150 R12KE31200V 6in1EconoPACK™ 150 FS 150 R12KE3G225 6MBI225U4-120 FS 225 R12KE3300 6MBI300U4-120 FS 300 R12KE3450 6MBI450U4-120 FS 450 R12KE31700V 2in1100 2MBI100U4H-170 BSM100GB170DLC150 2MBI150U4H-170 BSM150GB170DLC200 2MBI200U4H-170 BSM200GB170DLC FF200R17KE3300 2MBI300U4H-170 FF300R17KE3400 2MBI400U4H-1701700V 6in1 75 6MBI75U4B-170 BSM 75GD 170DLC FS 75 R17KE3G 100 6MBI100U4B-170 FS 100 R17KE3150 6MBI150U4B-1701700V 6in1EconoPACK™ 225 6MBI225U4-170 FS 225 R17KE3 300 6MBI300U4-170 FS 300 R17KE3450 6MBI450U4-170 FS 450 R17KE3长期供应西门康模块SKM75GB128DE 西门康SKM100GB128DE 西门康SKM150GB128DE 西门康SKM200GB128DE 西门康FGL60N100BNTD 仙童原装FGA25N120ANTD 仙童原装快恢复二极管肖特基二极管MURP20040CT 200A 400VMBRP400100CT 400A 100VMBRP 300200CT 300A 200VMBRP 60035CT 600A 35VMDS100-16 100A 1600VMDS150-16 150A 1600VEUPEC于富士对照表结构电流Ic Tc=80o CAmps. EUPEC DLC系列型号EUPEC IGBT3系列型号对应富士U4系列型号2管系列75 BSM75GB120DLC 2MBI75U4A-120100 BSM100GB120DLCK 2MBI100U4A-120100 BSM100GB120DLC150 BSM150GB120DLC FF150R12KE3G 2MBI150U4H-12200 BSM200GB120DLC FF200R12KE3 2MBI200U4H-12300 BSM300GB120DLC FF300R12KE3 2MBI300U4H-12400 FF400R12KE3 2MBI400U4H-1206管系列15 BSM 15GD 120DLC25 BSM 25GD 120DLC FS 25 R12KE3G35 BSM 35GD 120DLC FS 35 R12KE3G5 0BSM 50GD120DLCFS 50 R12KE3 6MBI50U4A-120 75 FS 75 R12KE3 6MBI75U4A-1207 5BSM 75GD120DLCFS 75 R12KE3G 6MBI75U4B-1201 0 0BSM 100GD120DLCFS 100 R12KE3 6MBI100U4B-12150 FS 150 R12KE3 6MBI150U4B-120 6管1 EconoPACK™ 150 FS 150 R12KE3G225 FS 225 R12KE3 6MBI225U4-120300 FS 300 R12KE3 6MBI300U4-120450 FS 450 R12KE3 6MBI450U4-120 EUPEC与SEMIKRON对照表Cies串联1Ω电阻,模拟GATEHCPL-316J,HCPL3120:IGBT驱动芯片,AGILENT公司生产DN2=123=128DLC=124FF=126STRAY INDUCTANCE=23%栅极电阻: EUPEC=8Ω;SEMIKRON=6ΩBSM50GB120DLC=SKM75GB124DBSM75GB120DLC=SKM100GB124DBSM100GB120DLC=SKM145GB124DBSM100GB120DLC=SKM150GB124DBSM150GB120DLC=SKM200GB124DBSM200GB120DLC=SKM300GB124DBSM300GB120DLC =SKM400GB124D= SKM300GB128DBSM300GA120DN2 =SKM400GAL124D=SKM400GAL125D=SKM400GAR124D=SKM400GAR125DBSM75GB120DN2 = SKM75GB128DNBSM100GB120DN2 = SKM100GB128DNBSM150GB120DN2 = SKM145GB128DNBSM200GB120DN2 = SKM200GB128DBSM300GB120DN2 = SKM300GB128DBSM400GA120DN2无可对应如果用Eupec之120DN2系列及高頻, 可全部用128DN代替.。
0,1 0,24 0,012 K/W K/W K/W
Mechanische Eigenschaften / Mechanical properties
Gehäuse, siehe Anlage case, see appendix Innere Isolation internal insulation Kriechstrecke creepage distance Luftstrecke clearance CTI comperative tracking index Anzugsdrehmoment f. mech. Befestigung mounting torque Anzugsdrehmoment f. elektr. Anschlüsse terminal connection torque Gewicht weight max. 5 Nm Al2O3
0,5 0,05 4
nF mA mA
Kollektor-Emitter Reststrom collector-emitter cut-off current
VCE = 1700V, VGE = 0V, Tvj = 125°C
Gate-Emitter Reststrom gate-emitter leakage current
2,1 2,1
2,5 2,5 V V
•莫尔条纹的特点:• 1. 莫尔条纹的移动与光栅栅距之间的移动关系,光栅移动一个条纹,莫尔条纹正好移动一•个条纹。
• 2. 莫尔条纹的放大作用:B=W/(2SIN2/2)=W/2光栅尺的作用•对刀具和工件的坐标起一个检测的作用,在数控机床中常用来观察其是否走刀有误差,以起到一个补偿刀具的运动的误差的补偿作用,其实就象人眼睛看到我切割偏没偏的作用,然后可以给手起到一个是否要调整我是否要改变用力的标准。
Medium voltage fuses Industry’s most comprehensive medium voltage circuit protectionWe have your solution For over 100 years, Bussmann TM series fuses haveprovided superior circuit protection, enhanced safety andreliable service.As the leaders in circuit protection, we’ve now expandedour medium voltage fuse portfolio. Our offering nowincludes a fusible solution for virtually every mediumvoltage application with our current-limiting E-Rated,R-Rated and PT fuses.ApplicationWe offer current-limiting E-Rated, R-Rated and PT mediumvoltage fuses to protect motors, switchgear, transformers,small power and control transformers, and feedercircuits— enabling us to provide a specialized solution foryour unique application.Available typesWhat’s more, our offering covers a wide range of physicalsizes and construction types. From our standard CLEferrule fuses to our HCL clip-lock mounted fuses, we havea solution for your needs.Ratings and featuresAdditionally, a wide range of voltages and ampacities areavailable that span 2.4 kV to 38 kV and 1 to 1350 amps.From our 0.5 amp PT fuses to our quad-barrel 1350 ampE-Rated fuse, we can provide the level of protectionneeded.Choose from fuses for both indoor and outdoor circuitprotection, with or without indication and even featuring ahermetically sealed fuse body.AccessoriesOur E-Rated, R-Rated and PT medium voltage fuseportfolio is rounded out with fuse mountings that areavailable in either disconnect or non-disconnect designsand fuseclips for a more flexible equipment design. Amicroswitch for remote indication is also available for allE-Rated and R-Rated fuses.Visit /bussmannseries for more information onour complete portfolio of medium voltage fuses.E-Rated medium voltage fuses2.75 kV - 15.5 kVOur general purpose and full range E-Rated, current-limiting medium voltage fuses are designed for feeder circuit, switchgear and transformer protection. Construction types include ferrule,bolt-on and clip lock, with special application fuses available for use with AMPGARD ® motor starters. T he ferrule fuses are available in a range of sizes to meet standard industry specifications. Additionally, fuseclips are available as well as mountings in disconnect andnon-disconnect versions with insulation material options to achieve various voltage BIL ratings.All of our E-Rated medium voltage fuses include open fuseindication with available microswitch for remote indication to speed troubleshooting and indoor/outdoor ratings are available on select fuses.R-Rated medium voltage fuses2.4 kV - 7.2 kVOur R-Rated, current-limiting medium voltage fuses are backup fuses suitable for indoor and outdoor use in applications where it is necessary to limit short-circuit currents on high capacity systems. T hey are typically used to protect medium voltage drives and starters.Construction types include ferrule and bolt-on, with special application ferrule and hermetically sealed fuses available for use with motorstarters and motor controls, including AMPGARD motor starters. Both fuse mountings and fuseclips are available.All of our R-Rated medium voltage fuses include open fuse indication to speed troubleshooting.PPT medium voltage fusesOur general purpose PT , current-limiting medium voltage fuses are designed for the protection of potential and small power transformers. Our offering includes both indicating and non-indicating versions, all of which are self-contained and non-venting for installation indoors and outdoors in an enclosure. T heir space-saving size lends flexibility to the design of new equipment while the breadth of available fuses simplifies installation in existing equipment.Although all of our PT fuses are ferrule construction, we offer a variety of physical sizes according to standard industry specifications, which provides enhanced flexibility.Many of our PT medium voltage fuses include open fuse indication to speed troubleshooting. Additionally, fuseclips or fuse mountings areavailable for all versions.2.475 kV - 38 kVAmps13.154510152530703003504508001350Portfolio of E-Rated, R-Rated and PT medium voltage fusesSizeDiameters and clip centers available for all industry standard equipment sizesConstruction typesFerrule, bolt-on, clip-lock, AMPGARD, Limitamp ® andhermetically sealed construction typesBarrelsFrom single to quad-barrelIndicationIndication standard for all E-Rated and R-Rated fuses and available on many PT fusesIndoor/outdoor useSealed ferrules allow many fuses to be applied indoors or outdoors in an enclosureWe make what matters work* *At Eaton, we know that power is a fundamental part of just abouteverything people do. T hat’s why we’re dedicated to improving people’slives and the environment with power management technologies thatare more reliable, efficient, safe and sustainable. Because that’s whatreally matters. And we’re here to make sure it works./WhatMattersProblem solverA global electrical Original EquipmentManufacturer (OEM) approached alocal Bussmann series product fieldapplication engineer about mediumvoltage circuit protection needs.The OEM was seeking a singlemedium voltage fuse supplierwho had a diverse offering toaccommodate all of their switchgearand motor control/starter productlines. Additionally, they requiredqualified custom products and asupplier that could meet that needwithin a tight deadline.With the newly expanded offering ofcurrent-limiting fuses, they turned toEaton’s Bussmann Division as a one-stop shop for all their current-limitingmedium voltage fuse applications.Our team was able to provide acustom configuration of R-Rated fusesto meet their performance and costobjectives. Furthermore, our standardE-Rated and PT fuses provided a drop-in solution for their legacy designs.Eaton, Bussmann and AMPG A RD are valuable trademarks of Eaton in the US and other countries. You are not permitted to use the Eaton trademarks without prior written consent of Eaton.Limitamp is a registered trademark of the General Electric Company.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States Bussmann Division 114 Old State Road Ellisville, MO 63021United States/bussmannseries © 2016 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 10386September 2016For Eaton’s Bussmann series product information,call 1-855-287-7626 or visit: /bussmannseriesFollow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.。
二、产品性能特点1. 高精度:信和光栅尺采用高精度光栅尺片,分辨率可达0.01mm,满足各种高精度测量需求。
2. 高分辨率:信和光栅尺具有极高的分辨率,可实现微米级的位移测量,提高测量精度。
3. 高稳定性:采用高精度制造工艺,确保光栅尺在恶劣环境下仍能保持稳定性能。
4. 抗干扰能力强:采用抗干扰设计,有效降低电磁干扰,提高测量稳定性。
5. 适用范围广:信和光栅尺适用于各种工业环境,如高温、高湿、振动等。
6. 简单安装:信和光栅尺安装简便,用户可轻松完成安装。
7. 兼容性强:信和光栅尺可与多种控制器和显示仪表相连接,满足不同用户需求。
三、产品规格参数1. 分辨率:0.01mm、0.05mm、0.1mm等2. 测量范围:100mm、200mm、300mm、500mm、1000mm等3. 线数:1000线、2000线、5000线、10000线等4. 长度公差:±0.5mm5. 温度范围:-20℃~+80℃6. 抗振性:≤0.5g7. 抗干扰性:≤10V/m四、安装使用方法1. 确认光栅尺规格与测量范围是否符合要求。
2. 根据安装环境选择合适的光栅尺型号。
3. 安装光栅尺时,确保光栅尺与测量机构平行,且光栅尺与测量机构之间无间隙。
4. 使用专用粘合剂将光栅尺粘贴在测量机构上,确保粘贴牢固。
5. 将光栅尺信号线连接到控制器或显示仪表,确保连接正确。
6. 根据控制器或显示仪表要求,设置光栅尺参数,如分辨率、测量范围等。
7. 进行校准,确保测量精度。
五、维护保养1. 定期检查光栅尺表面,清除污物,确保光栅尺清洁。
2. 避免光栅尺受到强烈振动和冲击。
3. 定期检查光栅尺信号线,确保信号线无损坏。
European Power-Semiconductor and Electronics Company07.05.1998Marketing InformationBSM 300 GA 170 DLSBSM 300 GA 170 DLS vorläufige DatenHöchstzulässige Werte / Maximum rated values preliminary data Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical propertiesKollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung collector-emitter voltage V CES1700V Kollektor-Dauergleichstrom DC-collector current T C = 80°C I C,nom.300AT C = 25°C I C600A Periodischer Kollektor Spitzenstrom repetitive peak collector current t p = 1 ms, T C = 80°C I CRM600A Gesamt-Verlustleistung total power dissipation T C = 25°C, Transistor P tot2500W Gate-Emitter-Spitzenspannung gate-emitter peak voltage V GES± 20V Dauergleichstrom DC forward current I F300A Periodischer Spitzenstrom repetitive peak forw. current t p = 1 ms I FRM600A Grenzlastintegral der Diode I2t - value, Diode V R = 0V, t p = 10ms, T Vj = 125°C I2t29000A2s Isolations-Prüfspannung insulation test voltage RMS, f = 50 Hz, t = 1 min.V ISOL3,4kV Charakteristische Werte / Characteristic values: Transistor min.typ.max. Kollektor-Emitter Sättigungsspannung collector-emitter saturation voltage I C = 300A, V GE = 15V, T vj = 25°C v CE sat-2,73,3VI C = 300A, V GE = 15V, T vj = 125°C -3,2-V Gate-Schwellenspannung gate threshold voltage I C = 14mA, V CE = V GE, T vj = 25°C v GE(th)4,55,56,5V Eingangskapazität input capacitance f = 1MHz,T vj = 25°C,V CE = 25V, V GE = 0V C ies-20-nF Kollektor-Emitter Reststrom collector-emitter cut-off current V CE = 1700V, V GE = 0V, T vj = 25°C I CES-0,10,6mAV CE = 1700V, V GE = 0V, T vj = 125°C -8-mA Gate-Emitter Reststrom gate-emitter leakage current V CE = 0V, V GE = 20V, T vj = 25°C I GES--200nA Einschaltverzögerungszeit (induktive Last)turn-on delay time (inductive load)I C = 300A, V CE = 900V t d,onV GE = ±15V, R G = 5Ω, T vj = 25°C-0,1-µsV GE = ±15V, R G = 5Ω, T vj = 125°C-0,1-µs Anstiegszeit (induktive Last)rise time (inductive load)I= 300A, V CE = 900V t rCV GE = ±15V, R G = 5Ω, T vj = 25°C-0,1-µsV GE = ±15V, R G = 5Ω, T vj = 125°C-0,1-µs Abschaltverzögerungszeit (ind. Last)turn off delay time (inductive load)I= 300A, V CE = 900V t d,offCV GE = ±15V, R G = 5Ω, T vj = 25°C-0,8-µsV GE = ±15V, R G = 5Ω, T vj = 125°C-0,9-µs Fallzeit (induktive Last)fall time (inductive load)I C = 300A, V CE = 900V t fV GE = ±15V, R G = 5Ω, T vj = 25°C-0,03-µsV GE = ±15V, R G = 5Ω, T vj = 125°C-0,03-µs Einschaltverlustenergie pro Puls turn-on energy loss per pulse I= 300A, V CE = 900V, V GE = 15V E onCR G = 5Ω, T vj = 125°C, L S = 60nH-130-mWs Abschaltverlustenergie pro Puls turn-off energy loss per pulse I= 300A, V CE = 900V, V GE = 15V E offCR G = 5Ω, T vj = 125°C, L S = 60nH-95-mWs Kurzschlußverhalten SC Data t P≤ 10µsec, V GE≤ 15V, R G = 5ΩI SCT Vj≤125°C, V CC=1000V-1200-AV CEmax=V CES -L sCE x dI/dtModulinduktivität stray inductance module L sCE-15-nH Charakteristische Werte / Characteristic values: DiodeDurchlaßspannung forward voltage I F = 300A, V GE = 0V, T vj = 25°C V F-2,22,6VI F = 300A, V GE = 0V, T vj = 125°C-2-VRückstromspitze peak reverse recovery current I F = 300A, - di F/dt = 4500A/µsec I RMV R = 900V, V GE = -10V, T vj = 25°C-220-AV R = 900V, V GE = -10V, T vj = 125°C-330-A Sperrverzögerungsladung recovered charge I F = 300A, - di F/dt = 4500A/µsec Q rV R = 900V, V GE = -10V, T vj = 25°C-34-µAsV R = 900V, V GE = -10V, T vj = 125°C-75-µAs Abschaltenergie pro Puls reverse recovery energy I F = 300A, - di F/dt = 4500A/µsec E recV R = 900V, V GE = -10V, T vj = 25°C-16-mWsV R = 900V, V GE = -10V, T vj = 125°C-31-mWs Thermische Eigenschaften / Thermal propertiesInnerer Wärmewiderstand thermal resistance, junction to case Transistor / transistor, DC R thJC--0,05K/WDiode / diode, DC--0,12K/W Übergangs-Wärmewiderstand thermal resistance, case to heatsink pro Module / per Module R thCKd Paste≤ 50µm / d grease≤ 50µm--0,012K/W Höchstzul. Sperrschichttemperatur max. junction temperature T vj--150°C Betriebstemperatur operating temperature T op-40-125°C Lagertemperatur storage temperature T stg-40-125°C Mechanische Eigenschaften / Mechanical propertiesInnere Isolation internal insulation Al2O3 Kriechstrecke creepage distance 20mm Luftstrecke clearance11mm CTI comperative tracking indexAnzugsdrehmoment f. mech. Befestigung mounting torque max.5Nm Anzugsdrehmoment f. elektr. Anschlüsse terminal connection torque terminals M4max.2Nmterminals M6max.5Nm Gewicht weight G420gMit dieser technischen Information werden Halbleiterbauelemente spezifiziert, jedoch keine Eigenschaften zugesichert. Sie gilt in Verbindung mit den zugehörigen Technischen Erläuterungen. This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. It is valid in combination with the belonging technical notes.BSM 300 GA 170 DLSBSM 300 GA 170 DLS / 1Bild / Fig. 1Ausgangskennlinie (typisch) /Output characteristic (typical)I C = f(V CE )V GE = 15V 050100150200250300350400450500550600650C [A]V CE BSM 300 GA 170 DLS / 2Bild / Fig. 2Ausgangskennlinienfeld (typisch) /Output characteristic (typical)I C = f(V CE )T vj = 125°C 0501001502002503003504004505005506006500,00,51,01,52,02,53,03,54,04,55,0VGE = 19V VGE = 15V VGE = 13V VGE = 11V VGE = 9VC[A]V CE BSM 300 GA 170 DLS / 3Bild / Fig. 3Übertragungscharakteristic (typisch) /Transfer characteristic (typical)I C = f(V GE )V CE= 20VC [A]V GE BSM 300 GA 170 DLS / 4Bild / Fig. 4Durchlaßkennlinie der Inversdiode (typisch) /Forward characteristic of inverse diode (typical)I F = f(V F )3,0050100150200250300350400450500550600650F [A]V F [V]Bild / Fig. 5Schaltverluste (typisch) /Switching losses (typical)E on = f(I C ), E off = f(I C ), E rec = f(I C )R gon = R goff = 5Ω, V CE = 900V, T j = 125°CBSM 300 GA 170 DLS / 5E[mJ]I C [A]BSM 300 GA 170 DLS / 6Bild / Fig. 6Schaltverluste (typisch) /Switching losses (typical)E on = f(R G ), E off = f(R G ), E rec = f(R G )I C = 300A, V CE = 900V, T j = 125°C[mJ]R G [Ω]BSM 300 GA 170 DLSBSM 300 GA 170 DLS / 7Bild / Fig. 7Sicherer Arbeitsbereich (RBSOA) /Reverse bias safe operation area (RBSOA)R g = 5Ω, T vj = 125°C100200300400500600020040060080010001200140016001800IC,Modul IC,ChipV CE C [A]。
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t [sec]
1234r i [K/kW] : IGBT 5,5816,1424,054,23τi [sec] : IGBT 0,00470,03560,06130,4669r i [K/kW] : Diode 22,3444,2644,269,16τi [sec] : Diode
I C [A ]
V CE [V]
Z t h J C [K / W ]
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This product data sheet is describing the characteristics of this product for which a warranty is granted. Any such warranty is granted exclusively pursuant the terms and conditions of the supply agreement. There will be no guarantee of any kind for the product and its characteristics.
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