Lab1 Spectrum Analyzer频谱分析仪的使用
LAB # 1 – ANALYZING SIGNALS IN THEFREQUENCY DOMAININTRODUCTIONYou have probably connected various equipment to an oscilloscope in order to test various characteristics; if so, you know that the oscilloscope display shows the user a graph of amplitude (voltage) vs. time. Amplitude is on the vertical axis and time is on the horizontal axis.In telecommunications, when dealing with radio frequency (RF) waves, it is often beneficial to view signals in the frequency domain, rather than in the time domain. In the frequency domain, the vertical axis is still amplitude (usually power), but the horizontal axis is frequency instead of time.TIME DOMAIN: Amplitude vs. TimeFREQUENCY DOMAIN: Amplitude vs. FrequencyIn this experiment, we will look at the characteristics of an RF signal using an oscilloscope (time domain) and using a spectrum analyzer (frequency domain). This will prepare you for future labs that deal with frequency-domain signals. MATERIALS & SETUP• 1 MHz Signal Generator• Oscilloscope•HP Spectrum Analyzer•BNC T-Connector• Coaxial Cables•RF adaptersFig. 1-1PROCEDURE1. Adjust the signal generator to produce a 1MHz sine wave signal.2. Using coaxial cables and the T-connector, split the signal output so that itcan be fed into channel 1 of the oscilloscope as well as the RF input port of the spectrum analyzer. See the setup photo (Fig.1-1) for assistance. 3. You now should have an oscilloscope and a spectrum analyzer bothreceiving an identical signal. Adjust the vertical and horizontal scales of the oscilloscope until you are able to see two cycles of the sine wave clearly.4. On the spectrum analyzer, choose a centre frequency of 1 MHz and aspan of 500 KHz. The instructor can help you if it is not obvious how to do this. HINT: look for the buttons labeled frequency and span on the spectrum analyzer.5. What do you see on each display? The oscilloscope display should looklike a traditional sine wave, while the spectrum analyzer should look like a vertical line. Believe it or not, both displays are showing you the exact same signal! It is like looking at different sides of the same coin.6. Using the appropriate knob on the signal generator, adjust the amplitudeof the signal up and down and comment on how it affects the display of both the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Using the appropriate knob on the signal generator, adjust the frequencyof the signal up and down and comment on how it affects the display of both the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. A sine wave is a single-frequency transmission. Can you explain why thesine wave in the frequency domain is simply a vertical line?___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 9. Fromoscilloscope display, use the horizontal (time) scale to determine thethe period, T, of the sine wave. Enter it below.T = __________________10. Using the formula f = 1/T, calculate the frequency of the signal and enterit below,F = __________________11. Does this result agree with the spectrum analyzer display? ___________12. Make some conclusions and observations based on your measurementsfor this part of the lab, outlining any advantages or disadvantages in using either the time domain or frequency domain.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________NOTES – LAB #1________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。
气相色谱发分析流程英文回答:Gas Chromatography Analysis Procedure.Gas chromatography (GC) is a separation technique used to analyze the chemical composition of a sample. It is based on the principle that different compounds have different affinities for a stationary phase and a mobile phase. The stationary phase is typically a solid or liquid coated onto a glass or metal column. The mobile phase is a gas that flows through the column, carrying the sample compounds with it.The sample is injected into the GC column, and the compounds are separated as they pass through the column. The compounds with the highest affinity for the stationary phase will elute (exit the column) first, followed by the compounds with the lowest affinity. The elution order of the compounds is determined by their boiling points,molecular weights, and polarity.The separated compounds are detected by a detector, which is located at the end of the column. The detector generates a signal that is proportional to the concentration of the compound in the sample. The signal is recorded on a chart or computer, and the resulting chromatogram is used to identify and quantify the compounds in the sample.GC is a versatile technique that can be used to analyze a wide variety of samples, including食品, 药品, and environmental samples. It is a powerful tool foridentifying and quantifying compounds in complex mixtures.中文回答:气相色谱分析流程。
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为 了 提取 光 谱 有效 特征 并 简 化 网络 模 型 , 用 采 主分 量分 析 对光 谱 数 据 降 维 , 由于 采 用 L OOC 进 V
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分 析 仪 器
21年第4 01 期
; 研究与讨论 : ;
恭 . 铆s 习 , 蒂 , 芥 , 带
荧 光 光谱 法 结 合神 经 网络 优化 定 量 分 析 蒽芘 混 合 物
李 小 霞 尚 丽 平 屈 薇 薇
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定 量 分 析 提 供 了新 的 手 段 , 主 成 分 回 归 ( r cp l 如 pi ia n cmp n n e rsin C 【 ] 遗 传 算 法 ( e e— o o e t ges ,P R) 、 r o _ 5 gnt i a ay i,GA) ] 支 持 向 量 机 ( u p r vco c n ls s [、 7 S p o t etr ma hn , VM )8j 神 经 网 络 ( e rln t r , c ie S _ 19和 I n ua ewok
Spectrum Analyzer
樣的,這個定義也適用在即時頻譜分析儀(real time spectrum)。
小訊號分析是一種限制。因此,FFT 式頻譜分析儀在做訊號分析時,
最小增加量的比率,稱之為動態範圍(dynamic range),通常用 dB
Rd = 20 log 2 N
N 為輸出的位元
外差式:本地振盪頻率=輸入頻率+中頻(LO=RF+IF) 內差式:本地振盪頻率=輸入頻率-中頻(LO=RF-IF) 一般均採用外差式,主要原因為當相同之射頻輸入範圍,電容之 最大與最小之比,外差較內差為小,且混波時在非線性區所產生之各 種諧波中,外差方式較易取得差頻之分離。因此,選擇 RF 頻率與本 地振盪頻率相減的信號。 (c)解析頻寬(Resolution Bandwidth,RBW)濾波器:RBW 濾波 器,也稱中頻濾波器。它的作用是將 RF 頻率與本地振盪頻率相減的 信號,也就是 IF 信號,由混波器產生的眾多頻率中過濾出來。使用 者可藉由頻譜分析儀面板上的 RBW 控制鈕,選擇不同的 3dB 頻寬的
RBW 濾波器。由圖七中可看出,RBW 設得愈窄,所觀察到的頻率分布
與掃描時間(Sweep Time;ST)及 RBW 三者之間的關係,可由下列式
分析仪器相关英文简称Analytical Instrumentation Related Acronyms1. GC: Gas Chromatography2. HPLC: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography3. FTIR: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy4. UV-Vis: Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy5. AA: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy6. ICP-MS: Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass SpectrometryICP-MS is an analytical technique used to determine the concentration of elements in a sample. It involves ionizing the sample using an inductively coupled plasma and then analyzing the resulting ions using a mass spectrometer. It is highly sensitive and widely used in environmental, food, and pharmaceutical analysis.7. AAS: Atomic Absorption SpectrometryAAS is a technique used to determine the concentration of elements in a sample by measuring the absorption of light at specific wavelengths. It is similar to AA spectroscopy but typically utilizes a flame or a graphite furnace as a vaporization and atomization source.8. XRD: X-Ray DiffractionXRD is a technique used to analyze the crystal structure of a material by measuring how X-rays are diffracted by the atomic lattice. It provides information about the arrangement of atoms in a solid, allowing the identification and characterization of crystalline materials.9. NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy10. MS: Mass Spectrometry11. SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy12. TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy13. AFM: Atomic Force Microscopy。
[Abstract] Objective To realize the rapid screening on site,Raman spectroscopy was applied to establish an identification model of paclitaxel liposome preparation. Methods Raman spectra of the whole paclitaxel liposome product with package were first collected,and principal component analysis(PCA)algorithm was then used to extract paclitaxelliposome signals from the identified signals. Classic least squares (CLS)algorithm was used to established the identification model. The threshold was determined by the positive validation and negative challenge tests,and identification results would be get by compare the the correlation coefficients with the threshold. External standard method was utilized to realize the model transfer on three different kinds of Raman spectrometer. Results The correlation coefficient between the extracted spectrum and directly-measured spectrum was 0.9744. The paclitaxelliposome identification model was built with a threshold of 0.85,and results of both positive validation and negative challenge tests were all passed. Model transfer results also indicated that with the use of transfer spectra and peak search,the method established could be used on portable Raman,microscope imaging Raman and FT-Raman spectroscopes. Conclusion The Raman method established in this study could realize expensive anticarcinogen both on-site non-invasively and laboratory use,which can provide a scientific and efficient means for regulation and crackdown on counterfeit expensive medicine.[Key words] Raman spectroscopy;Classic least squares algorithm;Paclitaxel liposome;Counterfeit medicines公安机关公布的假药案件中,假冒抗癌类药物日渐猖獗。
Agilent ESA Series Spectrum Analyzers说明书
The ESA family of spectrum analyzers have proven and guaranteed performance with the flexibility to select the right level of functionality for your test needs. Take advantage of the best overall perfor-mance on a mid-performance spectrum analyzer. Industry best typical performance•Warm up time: 5 minutes•Third order intermodulation distortion: +16 dBm •Sensitivity: -166 dBm•Amplitude accuracy: ±0.4 dB•Overall phase noise (all carrier frequencies a): •-94 dBc/Hz (10 kHz)•-122 dBc/Hz (100 kHz)•-136 dBc/Hz (1 MHz)AgilentESA Series Spectrum AnalyzersData SheetExpress analyzer configurations •Basic AnalyzerExpress Option BAS •Standard AnalyzerExpress Option STD •Communications Test Analyzer Express Option COMDefinitions and ConditionsThe distinction between specifications and characteristics is described as follows.•Specifications d escribe the performance of parameters covered by the product warranty.(The temperature range is 0 °C to 55 °C, unlessotherwise noted.)•Characteristics d escribe prod uct performance that is useful in the application of the product, but isnot covered by the product warranty.•Typical performance d escribes ad itional prod uct performance information that is not covered by the product warranty. It is performance beyondspecification that 80% of the units exhibit witha 95% confidence level over the temperature range20 to 30 °C. Typical performance does not includemeasurement uncertainty.• Nominal values indicate the expected performance, or describe product performance that is useful in the application of the product, but is not covered by the product warranty.The following conditions must be met for the analyzer to meet its specifications.•The analyzer is within the one year calibration cycle.•If Auto Align All is selected:•After 2 hours of storage within the operating temperature range.•5 minutes after the analyzer is turned on with sweep times less than 4 seconds.•If Auto Align Off is selected:•When the analyzer is at a constant temperature, within the operating temperature range, for aminimum of 90 minutes.•After the analyzer is turned on for a minimum of 90 minutes and Align Now All has been run.•When Align Now All is run:•Every hour•If the ambient temperature changes more than 3 °C•If the 10 MHz reference changes•If Auto Align All but RF is selected:•When the analyzer is at a constant temperature, within the operating temperature range, for aminimum of 90 minutes.•After the analyzer is turned on for a minimum of 90 minutes and Align Now RF has been run.•When Align Now RF is run:•Every hour•If the ambient temperature changes more than 3 °C Table of ContentsDefinitions and Conditions2 Frequency Specifications3 Amplitude Specifications7 General Specifications12 Option Ordering14E4411B Frequency range E4403B E4408B BAS configuration 9 kHz - 1.5 GHz 9 kHz - 3 GHz9 kHz - 26.5 GHzCustom configurationN/AN/A(75 Ω input Option 1DP)1 MHz - 1.5 GHzE4402B E4404B E4405B E4407B STD or COM configuration9 kHz - 3 GHz 9 kHz – 6.7 GHz9 kHz – 13.2 GHz9 kHz - 26.5 GHz Custom configurationLow frequency extension Option UKB 100 Hz a - 3 GHz100Hz a - 6.7 GHz 100Hz a - 13.2 GHz100Hz a - 26.5 GHz External mixing Option AYZAdd 18 GHz - 325 GHzFrequency range Frequency range 100 Hz - 3 GHz2.85 - 6.7 GHz6.2 - 13.2 GHz12.8 – 19.2 GHz18.7 – 26.5 GHzBand 01234Harmonic (N b ) mixing mode1-1-2-4-4-gStandard analyzerCommunications testanalyzer or ESA withOption 1D5±2 x 10–6/year ±1 x 10–7/year (Opt. 1D5)±5 x 10–6/year±1 x 10–8/year b (Opt. 1D5)±5 x 10–7/year±1 x 10–8/year (Opt. 1D5)[0.5 % + 1/ (sweep points –1) ] x span [0.5 % + 1/ (sweep points –1) ] x span10 MHz1 - 30 MHzLogarithmicN/ARange = 0 Hz (zero span), 100 Hz to maximum frequency range of the analyzer AccuracySwp type linear 1% of span ±[0.5% x span + 2 x span/(sweep points – 1)]2% of span, nominalMarker frequency counter dAccuracy = ±(marker frequency x frequency reference error + counter resolution)Counter resolution = selectable from 1 Hz to 100 kHz Frequency spanSpan coefficient (SP)c 0.75 % x spanExternal reference10 MHzTemperature stability ±5 x 10–6/year±1 x 10–8/year bSettability ±5 x 10–7/year±1 x 10–8/yearFrequency readout accuracy (start, stop, center, marker)= ±(frequency indication x frequency reference error + SP c +15% of RBW + 10 Hz + 1 Hz x N a )Aging rate ±2 x 10–6/year±1 x 10–7/yearBasic analyzer Frequency referenceFrequency reference error = ± [(aging rate x time since last adjustment )+ settability + temperature stability]Standard analyzer Communications test analyzer or ESA with Option AYXor ESA with Option B7D/B7ESpan = 0 Hz 4 ms – 4000 s 50 ns a – 4000 s25 ns a - 4000 sSpan ≥ 100 Hz4 ms – 4000 sRF burst (B7E)Span = 0 Hz 401Span ≥ 100 Hz401Delayed trigger range 1 us to 400 s Sweep (trace) points Range2 - 8192101 - 8192Accuracy± 1%Trigger type bFree Run, Single, Line, Video, Offset, Delayed, ExternalGate (1D6)Basic analyzerSweep time and trigger Range 1 ms – 4000 sCommunications test analyzeror ESA with Option 1DR and 1D5(-3 dB)1 kHz – 5 MHz 1 kHz – 5 MHz 1 Hz to 5 MHz (-6 dB EMI)9 KHz, 120 kHz 9 KHz, 120 kHz 200 Hz, 9 kHz,120 kHz With 1DR c (-3dB)Add 100 Hz, 300 Hz Add 10 Hz - 300 Hz(-6 dB EMI)Add 200 Hz 200 Hz With 1DR and 1D5d N/A Add 1 Hz and 3 HzIncluded 1 Hz to 300 Hz1 kHz to 3 MHz5 MHz100 Hz to 300 Hz1 kHz to 5 MHz Rangewith 1DR < 15:1 synchronously tuned four poles, approximately Gaussian Video bandwidths (1-3-10 sequence)30 Hz to 3 MHz Adds 1, 3, 10 Hz for RBWs less than 1 kHz± 15%± 30%Selectivity (60 dB/3 dB bandwidth ratio)< 5:1 digital, approximately Gaussian RangeIncludedAccuracy± 10%Basic analyzer Standard analyzerResolution bandwidths (1-3-10 sequence)ESA-E E4411BE4403B/08Bwith Option 120aOffset fromCW signal≥ 1 kHz ≥ 10 kHz -93, -95 dBc/Hz-90, -94 dBc/Hz -100, -105 dBc/Hz -100, -105 dBc/Hz-106, -112 dBc/Hz -106, -112 dBc/Hz -118, -122 dBc/Hz -118, -122 dBc/Hz -125, -127 dBc/Hz -127, -129 dBc/Hz -131, -136 dBc/Hz -133, -136 dBc/Hz -135, -139 dBc/Hz -137, -141 dBc/Hz-100, -102 dBc/Hz -104, -106 dBc/Hz -113, -116 dBc/Hz -90, -94 dBc/Hz ≥ 20 kHz ≥ 30 kHz ≥ 100 kHz ≥ 1 MHz ≥ 5 MHz ≥ 10 MHz Option 1D5 only 100 msOption 1DR only 20 msOption 1DR & 1D520 ms≥ 30 kHz offsetfrom carrier CW signalSystem related sidebands ≤ -65 dBc + 20logN c≤ 10 Hz x N c ≤ 2 Hz peak-to-peak x N c≤ 150 Hz x N c (100 ms)≤ 10 Hz x N c (20 ms), Option 1DR≤ 2 Hz peak-to-peak x N c , (20 ms), Option 1DR & 1D5≤ 100 Hz x N c 1 kHz RBW, 1 kHz VBW≤ 150 Hz x N c (100 ms)≤ 30 Hz x N c (20 ms), Option 1DRResidual FM (peak-to-peak)StabilityNoise sidebands offset from CW signal with 1 kHz RBW, 30 Hz VBW and sample detectorSpec, typical dBc/Hz applies to all frequencies ≤ 6.7 GHz b, c -78 dBc/Hz (Option 1D5)Basic analyzerStandard and communications test analyzerE4402B/04B/05B/07BFigure 1. Typical ESA-E Series performance at 1 GHzAmplitude SpecificationsAmplitude specificationFigure 2. Specified dynamic range for E4407B spectrum analyzerInputs/outputsFront panelInput50 Ω type N (f); 75 Ω type N (f) (Option 1DP); 50 Ω APC 3.5 (m) (Option BAB) RF out50 Ω type N (f); 75 Ω BNC (f) (Option 1DQ)Probe power+ 15 Vdc, -12.6 Vdc at 150 mA maximum (characteristic)External keyboard6-pin mini-DIN, PC keyboards (for entering screen titles and file names)Headphone Front panel knob controls volumePower output0.2 Ω into 4 Ω (characteristic)AMPT REF out50 Ω BNC (nominal)IF INPUT (Option AYZ)50 Ω SMA (nominal)LO OUTPUT (Option AYZ)50 Ω SMA (nominal)Rear panel10 MHz REF OUT50 Ω BNC (f), > 0 dBm (characteristic)10 MHz REF IN50 Ω BNC (f), -15 to +10 dBm (characteristic)GATE TRIG/EXT TRIG IN BNC (f), 5 V TTLGATE /HI SWP OUT BNC (f), 5 V TTLVGA OUTPUT VGA compatible monitor, 15-pin mini D-SUB, (31.5 kHz horizontal, 60 Hz vertical sync rates, non-interlaced analog RGB 640 x 480IF, sweep and video ports (Option A4J or AYX)AUX IF OUT BNC (f), 21.4 MHz, nominal -10 to -70 dBm (uncorrected) AUX VIDEO OUT BNC (f), 0 to 1V, characteristic (uncorrected)HI SWP IN BNC (f), low stops sweep, (5 V TTL)HI SWP OUT BNC (f), (5 V TTL)SWP OUT BNC (f), 0 to +10 V rampGPIB interface (Option A4H)IEEE-488 bus connectorSerial interface (Option 1AX)RS-232, 9-pin D-SUB (m)Parallel interface(Option A4H or 1AX)25-pin D-SUB (f) printer port onlyOption OrderingFor information on ordering options, please refer to the ESA/EMC Spectrum Analyzer Configuration Guide, literature number 5968-3412E.More InformationFor the latest information on the Agilent ESA-E Series see our Web page at:Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and Assistance Agilent T echnologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. T wo concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise”and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifica-tions and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are avail-able.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique tech-nical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, opti-mize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products./find/emailupdatesGet the latest information on the products and applications you select.Agilent T&M Software and ConnectivityAgilent’s Test and Measurement software and connectivity products, solutions and developer network allows you to take time out of connecting your instruments to your computer with tools based on PC standards, so you can focus on your tasks, not on your connections. Visit /find/connectivity for more information.By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test & measurement needsOnline Assistance:/find/assistProduct specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2004Printed in USA, April 28, 20045968-3386EPhone or FaxUnited States:(tel) 800 829 4444Canada:(tel) 877 894 4414(fax) 905 282 6495China:(tel) 800 810 0189(fax) 800 820 2816Europe:(tel) (31 20) 547 2323(fax) (31 20) 547 2390Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Korea:(tel) (82 2) 2004 5004(fax) (82 2) 2004 5115Latin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Taiwan:(tel) 0800 047 866(fax) 0800 286 331Other Asia Pacific Countries:(tel) (65) 6375 8100(fax) (65) 6836 0252Email:*******************Agilent Email Updates。
质谱分析法:mass spectrometry质谱:mass spectrum,MS棒图:bar graph选择离子检测:selected ion monitoring ,SIM直接进样:direct probe inlet ,DPI接口:interface气相色谱-质谱联用:gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS 高效液相色谱-质谱联用:high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,HPLC-MS电子轰击离子源:electron impact source,EI离子峰:quasi-molecular ions化学离子源:chemical ionization source,CI场电离:field ionization,FI场解析:field desorptiion,FD快速原子轰击离子源:fast stom bombardment ,FAB质量分析器:mass analyzer磁质谱仪:magnetic-sector mass spectrometer四极杆质谱仪(四极质谱仪):quadrupole mass spectrometer紫外-可见分光光度法:ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry;UV-vis 相对丰度(相对强度):relative avundance原子质量单位:amu离子丰度:ion abundance基峰:base peak质量范围:mass range分辨率:resolution灵敏度:sensitivity信噪比:S/N分子离子:molecular ion碎片离子:fragment ion同位素离子:isotopic ion亚稳离子:metastable ion亚稳峰:metastable peak母离子:paren ion子离子:daughter含奇数个电子的离子:odd electron含偶数个电子的离子:even eletron,EE 均裂:homolytic cleavage异裂(非均裂):heterolytic cleavage 半均裂:hemi-homolysis cleavage重排:rearragement分子量:MWα-裂解:α-cleavage 电磁波谱:electromagnetic spectrum光谱:spectrum光谱分析法:spectroscopic analysis原子发射光谱法:atomic emission spectroscopy肩峰:shoulder peak末端吸收:end absorbtion生色团:chromophore助色团:auxochrome红移:red shift长移:bathochromic shift短移:hypsochromic shift蓝(紫)移:blue shift增色效应(浓色效应):hyperchromic effect 减色效应(淡色效应):hypochromic effect 强带:strong band弱带:weak band吸收带:absorption band透光率:transmitance,T吸光度:absorbance谱带宽度:band width杂散光:stray light噪声:noise暗噪声:dark noise散粒噪声:signal shot noise闪耀光栅:blazed grating全息光栅:holographic graaing光二极管阵列检测器:photodiode array detector偏最小二乘法:partial least squares method ,PLS褶合光谱法:convolution spectrometry 褶合变换:convolution transform,CT离散小波变换:wavelet transform,WT 多尺度细化分析:multiscale analysis供电子取代基:electron donating group 吸电子取代基:electron with-drawing group荧光:fluorescence荧光分析法:fluorometryX-射线荧光分析法:X-ray fulorometry 原子荧光分析法:atomic fluorometry分子荧光分析法:molecular fluorometry 振动弛豫:vibrational relexation内转换:internal conversion外转换:external conversion 体系间跨越:intersystem crossing激发光谱:excitation spectrum荧光光谱:fluorescence spectrum斯托克斯位移:Stokes shift荧光寿命:fluorescence life time荧光效率:fluorescence efficiency荧光量子产率:fluorescence quantum yield荧光熄灭法:fluorescence quemching method散射光:scattering light瑞利光:Reyleith scanttering light拉曼光:Raman scattering light红外线:infrared ray,IR中红外吸收光谱:mid-infrared absorption spectrum,Mid-IR远红外光谱:Far-IR微波谱:microwave spectrum,MV红外吸收光谱法:infrared spectroscopy 红外分光光度法:infrared spectrophotometry振动形式:mode of vibration伸缩振动:stretching vibrationdouble-focusing mass spectrograph 双聚焦质谱仪trochoidal mass spectrometer 余摆线质谱仪ion-resonance mass spectrometer 离子共振质谱仪gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer 气相色谱-质谱仪quadrupole spectrometer 四极(质)谱仪Lunar Mass Spectrometer 月球质谱仪Frequency Mass Spectrometer 频率质谱仪velocitron 电子灯;质谱仪mass-synchrometer 同步质谱仪omegatron 回旋质谱仪。
Differences in Pulse Spectrum Analysis Between Atopic Dermatitis and Nonatopic Healthy ChildrenAbstractObjectives: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common allergy that causes the skin to be dry and itchy. It appears at an early age, and is closely associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Thus, AD is an indicator that other allergies may occur later. Literatures indicate that the molecular basis of patients with AD is different from that of healthy individuals. According to the classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body constitution of patients with AD is also different. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in pulse spectrum analysis between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals.Methods: A total of 60 children (30 AD and 30 non-AD) were recruited for this study.A pulse spectrum analyzer (SKYLARK PDS-2000 Pulse Analysis System) was used to measure radial arterial pulse waves of subjects.Original data were then transformed to frequency spectrum by Fourier transformation. The relative strength of each harmonic wave was calculated. Moreover, the differences of harmonic values between patients with AD and non-atopic healthy individuals were compared and contrasted.Results: This study showed that harmonic values and harmonic percentage of C3 (Spleen Meridian, according to Wang’s hypothesis) were significantly different. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that C3 (Spleen Meridian) is a good index for the determination of atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that the pulse spectrum analyzer is a valuable auxiliary tool to distinguish a patient who has probable tendency to have AD and/or other allergic diseases.IntroductionAtopic dermatitis (AD) is a common pruritic chronic inflammatory allergic disease. Approximately 10% of all children in the world are affected by atopicdermatitis,typically in the setting of a personal or family history of asthma or allergic rhinitis. It occurs in infancy and early childhood. Sixty percent (60%) of the symptoms manifest in the first year of life, and 85% by 5 years of age. Early onset and close association with other atopic conditions, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, make atopic dermatitis an excellent indicator that other allergies may occur later.A number of observations suggest that there is a molecular basis for atopic dermatitis; these include the findings of genetic susceptibility, immune system deviation, and epidermal barrier dysfunction. Moreover, according to the classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body constitution of atopic dermatitis patients was also different. Establishment of scientific methods using pulse diagnosis will assistthe diagnosis and follow-up of AD."Organs Resonance"brought up by Wei-Kung Wang provided a scientific explanation for "pulse condition" and "Qi." Organs, heart, and vessels can produce coupled oscil-lation, which minimize the resistance of blood flow, resulting in better circulation. The changes of radial arterial pulse spectrum can reflect the harmonic energy redistribution of a specific organ. Several of the previous studies demonstrate that variations in the harmonics of pulse spectrum can be used in many fields, including diseases, acupuncture,Chinese herbal medications and clinical observation. The new method offers an extraordinary vision of medical investigation by combining pulse spectrum analysis with Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as modern medicine. Wang proposed that the peak values of numbered harmonics might be the representations of each visceral organ,C1 for Liver, C2 for Kidney, C3 for Spleen, etc.Materials and MethodsSubjectsIn total, 60 children (3–15 years of age), comprising 30 with AD (AD group) and 30 nonatopic healthy (non-AD group),participated in the study. The diagnosis of AD was based on the criteria defined by the United Kingdom working party.Nonatopic healthy was defined as those who had no known health problems and no personal or family history of allergic diseases, such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, etc.The experiment protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of China Medical University (approval number: DMR97-IRB-087). The written informed consents were obtained from the parents of all participants before they enrolled in this study.Children with a history of major chronic diseases, such as arrhythmia, ardiomyopathy, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, hyperthyroidism, difficult asthma,malignancy, and so on were excluded from this study.Those who suffered from any acute disease (e.g., acute upper airway infection or acute gastroenteritis in recent 7days), were also excluded from this experiment. Radial arterial pulse testA pulse spectrum analyzer (SKYLARK PDS-2000 Pulse Analysis System, approved by Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. [Taiwan] with a license number 0023302) was used to record radial arterial pulse waves. The pressure transducer of the pulse spectrum analyzer detected artery pressure pulse with 100-Hz sampling rate and 25mm/ sec scanning rate. The output data were stored in digital form in an IBM PC. The subjects were asked to rest for 20 minutes prior to pulse measurements. All procedures were performed in a bright and quiet room with a constant temperature of 258C–268C. Pulses were recorded during 3:00 pm–5:00 pm to avoid the fasting or ingestion effect.Data processingWe transformed original data to spectrum data by Fourier transform as Wang et al described earlier.Briefly, original data were stored as time-amplitude. Mathematics software Matlab 6.5.1 (The MathWorks Inc.) provided Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) technique to transform time-amplitude data to frequency-amplitude data. Then regular isolated harmonic in a multiple of fundamental frequency appeared.Thefinding gave a spectrum reading up to the 10th harmonic (Cn, n¼0–10). Intensity of harmonics above the 11th became very small and was neglected. Thereafter, the relative harmonic values of each harmonic were calculated ac-cording to Wang’s hypothesis.Harmonic percentage of Cn was defined asStatistical analysisThe experimental data were analyzed by Statistical software SPSS 13.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc.). Comparisons of the harmonic values and the harmonic percentage and the agedistribution between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals were performed using the Student's two samples t test. Comparisons of the sex distribution between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals were performed using the X2 test. Comparisons of the harmonic values and the harmonic percentage between left hand and right hand were performed using the Student's pairedsamples t test. All comparisons were two-tailed, and p<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.ResultsIn total, 60 children (30 AD and 30 non-AD) participated in the study. The average age of the 60 subjects is 8.02+2.95 years. Baseline characteristics of all participants are shown in Table 1. There is no significant difference in age and gender between the two groups.Relative harmonic values of right radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 2. Relative harmonic values of left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 3. Harmonic percentages of right radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 4. Harmonic percentages of left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 5.In this study, the relative harmonic values of both right and left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are lower in the AD group. The relative harmonic values of C3 are significantly different ( p¼0.004, 0.059, respectively). Moreover, when comparingthem by parameter of harmonic percent age, C3 are significantly decreased in the AD group in both right and left radial arterial pulse spectrum analyses ( p¼0.045, 0.036, respectively). These results illustrated the close relationship between C3 (Spleen Meridian) and AD.DiscussionAccording to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine,the pathophysiologic mechanisms of AD are "inborn deficiency in body constitution, poor tolerance to environmental stimulants, Spleen Meridian not working well, interiorly generating wet and heat; infected with wind-wetness-heat-evil further, then suffering from those accumulating in skin." AD is a disease involving multiple dysfunctions of the visceral organs (Zang-Fu) rather than a constitutive skin defect.‘‘Spleen wetness’’ is usually considered a major syndrome of AD, which is compatible wi t h our findi n gs.On the other hand, there are also differences in C0 (Heart Meridian), C1 (Liver Meridian), C4 (Lung Meridian) of right hand ( p¼0.014, 0.005, 0.021, respectively) and C1 (Liver Meridian) of left hand ( p¼0.038) between the two groups.These findings appear to have a close relationship between AD and other visceral organs (Zang-Fu). It requires further research to clarify the clinical meanings of these differences.In the present experiment, the close relationship between C3 (Spleen Meridian, referred toWang’s hypothesis) and AD is illustrated. The result verifies Wang’s hypothesis about the relationship between harmonics and Meridians. Moreover,our experiment also has proved that the pulse spectrum analyzer is a suitable auxiliary tool for diagnosing and following up patients with AD.ConclusionsIn conclusion, it was determined that C3 (Spleen Meridian) is a valued index for the determination of atopic dermatitis. Also, the pulse spectrum analyzer is a practi c al noninvasive diagnostic tool to allow scientific and objecti v e di a gnosi s.However, the pulse diagnosis technique is just in the beginning stage. Even though the discovery from the present study seems clear, it deserves further study. AcknowledgmentsThis research was performed in a private clinic for pediatrics specialty, the Hwaishen clinic. The Hwaishen Clinic is acknowledged for their full support of this research. Disclosure StatementNo competing financial interests exist.。
SIGLENT SSA3000X序icide Spectrum Analyzer 快速操作手册说明书
SSA3000X Series Spectrum Analyzer Quick GuideSSA3000X Series Spectrum AnalyzerSIGLENT TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.Information in this publication replaces all previously corresponding material.SIGLENT reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications or pricing policies at company’s sole decision.Any way of copying, extracting or translating the contents of this manual is not allowed without the permission of SIGLENT .Carefully read the following safety precautions to avoid any personal injury or damage to the instrument and any products connected to it. To avoid potential hazards, please use the instrument as specified.Use Proper AC Power LineOnly the power cord designed for the instrument and authorized by local country should be used.Ground the InstrumentThe instrument is grounded through the protective earth conductor of the power line. To avoid electric shock, please make sure the instrument is grounded correctly before connecting its input or output terminals. Connect the Probe CorrectlyIf a probe is used, do not connect the ground lead to high voltage since it has isobaric electric potential as the ground.Look Over All Terminals’ RatingsTo avoid fire or electric shock, please look over all ratings and sign instruction of the instrument. Before connecting the instrument, please read the manual carefully to gain more information about the ratings.Use Proper Overvoltage ProtectionMake sure that no overvoltage (such as that caused by a thunderstorm) can reach the product, or else the operator might be exposed to danger of electrical shock.Electrostatic PreventionOperate the instrument in an electrostatic discharge protective area environment to avoid damages induced by static discharge. Always ground both the internal and external conductors of the cable to release static before connecting.Maintain Proper VentilationInadequate ventilation may cause increasing of the instrument’s temperature, which will eventually damage the instrument. So keep well ventilated and inspect the intake and fan regularly.Avoid Exposed Circuit or ComponentsDo not touch exposed contacts or components when the power is on.Do Not Operate Without CoversDo not operate the instrument with covers or panels removed.Use Only the Specified Fuse.Keep Product Surfaces Clean and DryTo avoid the influence of dust and/or moisture in the air, please keep the surface of the device clean and dry.Do Not Operate in Wet ConditionsIn order to avoid short circuiting to the interior of the device or electric shock, please do not operate the instrument in a humid environment.Do Not Operate in an Explosive AtmosphereIn order to avoid damage to the device or personal injury, it is important to operate the device away from an explosive atmosphere.SSA3000X Series Spectrum AnalyzerSafety Terms and SymbolsTerms on the product. These terms may appear on the product:DANGER Indicates direct injuries or hazards that may happen.WARNING Indicates potential injuries or hazards that may happen.CAUTION Indicates potential damages to the instrument or other property that may happen.Symbols on the product. These symbols may appear on the product:SSA3000X Series Spectrum AnalyzerCareDo not store or leave the instrument in direct sunshine for extended periods of time.Notice:To avoid damages to the instrument, please do not leave it in fog, liquid, or solvent.CleaningPlease perform the following steps to clean the instrument regularly according to its operating conditions.1. Disconnect the instrument from all power sources, and then clean it with a soft wet cloth.2. Clean the loose dust on the outside of the instrument with a soft cloth. When cleaning the LCD, take care to avoid scratching it. Notice:To avoid damages to the surface of the instrument, please do not use any corrosive liquid or chemical cleanser.Make sure that the instrument is completely dry before restarting it to avoid short circuits or personal injuries.SSA3000X Series Spectrum Analyzer1.Inspect the shipping containerKeep the damaged shipping container or cushioning material until the contents of the shipment have been completely checked and the instrument has passed both electrical and mechanical tests.2. Inspect the instrumentIf the instrument is found to be damaged, defective or fails in electrical or mechanical tests, please contact SIGLENT.3. Check the accessoriesPlease check the accessories according to the packing list. If the accessories are incomplete or damaged, please contact your SIGLENT sales representative.SSA3000X Series Spectrum AnalyzerDescriptionSSA3000X series spectrum analyzer has a frequency range from 9 kHz up to 2.1 GHz/3.2 GHz. It is lightweight, small and precise, offering a user friendly interface, clear display with plenty of RF measurement functions. The product can be used for research and development, education, production, maintenance and other relevant applications.13456811109721、User Graphical Interface2、Menu Control Keys3、Function Keys4、Numeric Keyboard5、Knob6、Arrow Keys7、RF Input8、TG Output9、Earphone interface10、USB Host11、Power SwitchThe Front PanelSSA3000X Series Spectrum AnalyzerDetails of the Various Functions:Frequency: Sets the Center Freq\Start Freq\Stop Freq\Freq StepSpan: Sets the Span\Full Span\Zero Span\Zoom In\Zoom Out\Last SpanAmplitude: Used to Set the REF Level\Attenuator\Preamp\AmplitudeAuto Tune: Automatically sets the optimal parameters according to the characteristics of the signal BW: Used to adjust the RBW,VBW,VBW/RBW Rate,Average Type (Logpower\Power\Voltage) Trace: Selects Trace\Trace setup\Trace mathSweep: Selects the Sweep time\Sweep Rule\Sweep ModeDetect: Selects the Detector typeTrigger: Used in Selecting the Free Trigger\Video Trigger\External TriggerLimit: Sets the Pass\Fail LimitTG: Sets the TG Level\TG Level offset\NormalizeDemod: Used to set the Parameters of the AM and FMMarker: Used to Select the Mark Trace and Marker mathMarker→: Sets all types of Markers to FreqMarker Fn: Selects the Noise Marker\N dB BW\Freq Counter\Read out of FreqPeak: Searches for the Peak Signal and Counts the Peak FrequencySSA3000X Series Spectrum AnalyzerMeas: Selects the Channel Power\ACPR\Occupied BW\T-PowerMeas Setup: Used to Choose the Parameters Details of Channel Power\ACPR\Occupied BW\T-PowerSystem: Selects the Language\Power on/Preset\Interface\Calibration\system information\Data&Time\Self TestMode: Selects the opretion ModeDisplay: Used to Adjust the Grid Brightness\Display LineFile: Use to Select the File systemPreset: Sets the system to default statusCouple: Used to Select the RBW\VBW\Attenuator\Freq Step\Sweep time modeHelp: Help Information SwitchSave: Save Shortcut KeySSA3000X Series Spectrum AnalyzerSSA3000X Series Spectrum Analyzer12345678The Rear Panel1、Handle2、USB Device3、LAN Interface4、10MHz REF Input5、10MHz REF Output6、Trigger In7、Safety Lock Hole 8、AC Power SocketSSA3000X Series Spectrum Analyzer1. RF INPUTTo avoid damage to the instrument, make certain that the input signal to the RF input port does not contain more than 50 Volts DC. The AC (radio frequency) input signal component should not exceed a maximum continuous power level of +30dBm.2. TG OUTPUTTo avoid damage to the tracking generator , The reverse DC voltage must not exceed 50VWARNINGWARNINGSSA3000X Series Spectrum Analyzer1、SIGLENT LOGO2、4、5:Parameters setting area3、Menu setting area6、Active parameter7、Display area1234567You can obtain the instrument information including model, serial number as well as hardware and software version numbers through System→Information. For more information of this product, please refer to the following manuals (provided in the “CD” in the accessories; you can also download them from the SIGLENT Web site):SSA3000X Series User Manual: provides detailed introductions of the functions of this product;SSA3000X Series Programming Guide: provides detailed introductions of the SCPI commands and programming of this product;SSA3000X Series Datasheet: provides the main characteristics and specifications of this product;SSA3000X Series Spectrum Analyzer。
Spectrum analyzer
专利名称:Spectrum analyzer发明人:KATAYAMA AIICHI,片山 愛一,TAKANOMITSUYOSHI,高野 光祥,OKA HIROYOSHI,岡 広芳,KON KENICHI,今 賢一申请号:JP特願平1-230515申请日:19890907公开号:JP第2766685号B2公开日:19980618专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To measure a desired section without any deterioration in performance by providing a means which supplies a select signal for selecting the object section and a control means which displays data indicating the object section on a display part selectively corresponding to the select signal. CONSTITUTION:A comparative arithmetic part 5b finds the value MX of an integer M satisfying DELTAt>=upsilon0/M from the period DELTAt0 of the select signal that a counter 5a outputs by detection, the object section DELTAt1, and a sweep time T by a sweep condition setting signal set from a console panel which is set by a user to find N satisfying T-MXDELTAt0<=t0/Mx, and Tx which equals (Nx+1/ Mx)XDELTAt0 is set in a sweep signal generator 5c with the value Nx. The sweep signal generation end 5c makes a sweep at least MX times repeatedly in a sweep period Tx to measure a spectrum over the entire frequency range.申请人:ANRITSU KK,アンリツ株式会社地址:東京都港区南麻布5丁目10番27号国籍:JP代理人:鈴江 武彦 (外3名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。
频谱分析仪测量和噪声(AN 1303)
AgilentSpectrum and Signal Analyzer Measurements and NoiseApplication Note 1303Measuring Noise and Noise-like DigitalCommunications Signals with Spectrum and Signal Analyzers3 3 3 3 6 7 8 8 9 101214 14 14 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 21 2223 23 24 25 27 28Table of ContentsPart I: Noise Measurements IntroductionSimple noise—Baseband, Real, Gaussian Bandpassed noise—I and QMeasuring the power of noise with an envelope detector Logarithmic processingMeasuring the power of noise with a log-envelope scale Equivalent noise bandwidth The noise markerSpectrum analyzers and envelope detectorsCautions when measuring noise with spectrum and Signal analyzersPart II: Measurements of Noise-like Signals The noise-like nature of digital signalsChannel-power measurements Adjacent-Channel Power (ACP)Carrier power Peak-detected noise and TDMA ACP measurements Part III: Averaging and the Noisiness of Noise MeasurementsVariance and averagingAveraging a number of computed resultsSwept versus FFT analysis Zero spanAveraging with an average detectorMeasuring the power of noise with a power envelope scale The standard deviation of measurement noise ExamplesThe standard deviation of CW measurements Part IV: Compensation for Instrumentation Noise CW signals and log versus power detectionPower-detection measurements and noise subtraction Log scale ideal for CW measurements Bibliography Glossary of Terms2IntroductionNoise. It is the classical limitation of electronics.In measurements, noise and distortion limit the dynamic range of test results.In this four-part paper, the characteristics of noise and its direct measurement are discussed in Part I. Part II contains a discussion of the measurement of noise-like signals exemplified by digital CDMA and TDMA signals. Part III discusses using averaging techniques to reduce noise. Part IV is about compensating for the noise in instrumentation while measuring CW (sinusoidal) and noise-like signals.Simple noise—Baseband, Real, GaussianNoise occurs due to the random motion of electrons. The number of electrons involved is large, and their motions are independent. Therefore, the variation in the rate of current flow takes on a bell-shaped curve known as the Gaussian Probability Density Function (PDF) in accordance with the central limit theorem from statistics. The Gaussian PDF is shown in Figure 1.The Gaussian PDF explains some of the characteristics of a noise signal seen on a baseband instrument such as an oscilloscope. The baseband signal is a real signal; it has no imaginary components.Bandpassed noise—I and QIn RF design work and when using spectrum analyzers, we usually deal with signals within a passband, such as a com-munications channel or the resolution bandwidth (RBW, the bandwidth of the final IF) of a spectrum analyzer. Noise in this bandwidth still has a Gaussian PDF, but few RF instruments display PDF-related metrics.Instead, we deal with a signal’s magnitude and phase (polar coordinates) or I/Q components. The latter are the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) parts of a signal, or the real and imaginary components of a rectangular-coordinate representation of a signal. Basic (scalar) spectrum analyzers measure only the magnitude of a signal. We are interested in the characteristics of the magnitude of a noise signal.Part I: Noise Measurements3Figure 1. The Gaussian PDF is maximum at zero current and falls off away from zero,as shown (rotated 90 degrees) on the left. A typical noise waveform is shown on the right.We can consider the noise within a passband as being made of independent I and Q components, each with Gaussian PDFs. Figure 2 shows samples of I and Q com-ponents of noise represented in the I/Q plane. The sig-nal in the passband is actually given by the sum of the I magnitude, v I , multiplied by a cosine wave (at the center frequency of the passband) and the Q magnitude, v Q , mul-tiplied by a sine wave. But we can discuss just the I and Q components without the complications of the sine/cosine waves.Spectrum analyzers respond to the magnitude of the signal within their RBW passband. The magnitude, or envelope, of a signal represented by an I/Q pair is given by:v env =√(v I 2+v Q 2)Graphically, the envelope is the length of the vector from the origin to the I/Q pair. It is instructive to draw circles of evenly spaced constant-amplitude envelopes on the samples of I/Q pairs as shown in Figure 3.Figure 2. Bandpassed noise has a Gaussian PDF independently in both its I and Q components.–3–2–10123–3–2–1123–3–2–10123–3–2–101234If one were to count the number of samples within each annular ring in Figure 3, we would see that the area near zero volts does not have the highest count of samples. Even though the density of samples is highest there, this area is smaller than any of the other rings.The count within each ring constitutes a histogram of the distribution of the envelope. If the width of the rings were reduced and expressed as the count per unit of ring width, the limit becomes a continuous function instead of a histo-gram. This continuous function is the PDF of the envelope of bandpassed noise. It is a Rayleigh distribution in the envelope voltage, v, that depends on the sigma of the sig-nal; for v greater than or equal to 0PDF (v)= (v–σ2)exp (–1—2 (v–σ)2)The Rayleigh distribution is shown in Figure 4.Figure 3. Samples of I/Q pairs shown with evenly spaced constant-amplitude envelope circlesFigure 4. The PDF of the voltage of the envelope of a noise signal is a Rayleigh distribution.The PDF is zero at zero volts, even though the PDFs of the individual I and Q components aremaximum at zero volts. It is maximum for v=sigma.5Measuring the power of noise with an envelope detectorThe power of the noise is the parameter we usually want to measure with a spectrum analyzer. The power is the heating value of the signal. Mathematically, it is the time-average of v2(t)/R, where R is the impedance and v(t) is the voltage at time t.At first glance, we might like to find the average enve-lope voltage and square it, then divide by R. But finding the square of the average is not the same as finding the average of the square. In fact, there is a consistent under-measurement of noise from squaring the average instead of averaging the square; this under-measurement is 1.05 dB The average envelope voltage is given by integrating the product of the envelope voltage and the probability that the envelope takes on that voltage. This probability is theThe average power of the signal is given by an analogous expression with v2/R in place of the "v" part:p–= ∫∞(v–R2)PDF(v)dv =2σ–R2We can compare the true power, from the average power integral, with the voltage-envelope-detected estimate ofv2/R and find the ratio to be 1.05 dB, independent of s andThus, if we were to measure noise with a spectrum analyzer using voltage-envelope detection (the linear scale) and averaging, an additional 1.05 dB would need to be added to the result to compensate for averaging voltage instead of voltage-squared.6Logarithmic processingSpectrum Analyzers are most commonly used in their logarithmic (log) display mode, in which the vertical axis is calibrated in decibels. Let us look again at our PDF for the voltage envelope of a noise signal, but let’s mark the x-axis with points equally spaced on a decibel scale, in this case with 1 dB spacing. See Figure 5. The area under the curve between markings is the probability that the logof the envelope voltage will be within that 1 dB interval. Figure 6 represents the continuous PDF of a logged signal which we predict from the areas in Figure 5.Figure 6. The PDF of logged noise is about 30 dB wide and tilted toward the high end.7Measuring the power of noise with alog-envelope scaleWhen a spectrum analyzer is in a log (dB) displaymode, averaging of the results can occur in numerous ways. Multiple traces can be averaged, the envelope can be aver-aged by the action of the video filter, or the noise marker (more on this below) averages results across the x-axis. Some recently introduced analyzers also have a detector that averages the signal amplitude for the duration of a measurement cell.When we express the average power of the noise in deci-bels, we compute a logarithm of that average power. When we average the output of the log scale of a spectrum analyzer, we compute the average of the log. The log of the average is not equal to the average of the log. If we go through the same kinds of computations that we did com-paring average voltage envelopes with average power envelopes, we find that log processing causes an under-response to noise of 2.51 dB, rather than 1.05 dB.1The log amplification acts as a compressor for large noise peaks; a peak of ten times the average level is only 10 dB higher. Instantaneous near-zero envelopes, on the other hand, contain no power but are expanded toward negative infinity decibels. The combination of these two aspects of the logarithmic curve causes noise power to measure lower than the true noise power.Equivalent noise bandwidthBefore discussing the measurement of noise with a spec-trum analyzer noise marker, it is necessary to understand the RBW filter of a spectrum analyzer.The ideal RBW has a flat passband and infinite attenuation outside that passband. But it must also have good time domain performance so that it behaves well when signals sweep through the passband. Most spectrum analyzers use four-pole synchronously tuned filters for their RBW filters. We can plot the power gain (the square of the voltage gain) of the RBW filter versus frequency as shown in Figure 7. The response of the filter to noise of flat power spectral density will be the same as the response of a rectangular filter with the same maximum gain and the same areaunder their curves. The width of such a rectangular filter is the equivalent noise bandwidth of the RBW filter. The noise density at the input to the RBW filter is given by the output power divided by the equivalent noise bandwidth.1. Most authors on this subject artifi cially state that this factor is due to1.05 dB from envelope detection and another 1.45 dB from logarithmicamplifi cation, reasoning that the signal is fi rst voltage-envelopedetected, then logarithmically amplifi ed. But if we were to measure the voltage-squared envelope (in other words, the power envelope, which would cause zero error instead of 1.05 dB) and then log it, we wouldstill fi nd a 2.51 dB under-response. Therefore, there is no real point in separating the 2.51 dB into two pieces.8The ratio of the equivalent noise bandwidth to the –3 dB bandwidth (An RBW is usually identified by its –3 dB BW) is given by the following table:Filter type Application NBW/–3 dB BW4-pole sync Most SAs analog 1.128 (0.52 dB)5-pole sync Some SAs analog 1.111 (0.46 dB)Typical FFT FFT-based SAs 1.056 (0.24 dB)The noise markerAs discussed above, the measured level at the out put of a spectrum analyzer must be manipulated in order to repre-sent the input spectral noise density we wish to measure. This manipulation involves three factors, which may be added in decibel units:1. Under-response due to voltage envelope detection (add1.05 dB) or log-scale response (add2.51 dB).2. Over-response due to the ratio of the equivalent noisebandwidth to the –3 dB bandwidth (subtract 0.52 dB). 3. Normalization to a 1 Hz bandwidth (subtract 10 timesthe log of the RBW, where the RBW is given in unitsof Hz).Most spectrum analyzers include a noise marker that accounts for the above factors. To reduce the variance of the result, the Agilent 8590 and 8560 families of spectrum analyzers compute the average of 32 trace points cen-tered around the marker location. The Agilent ESA family, which allows you to select the number of points in a trace, compute the average over one half of a division centeredat the marker location. For an accurate measurement, you must be sure not to place the marker too close to a discrete spectral component.The final result of these computations is a measure of the noise density, the noise in a theoretical ideal 1 Hz band-width. The units are typically dBm/Hz.Figure 7. The power gain versus frequency of an RBW filter can be modeled by a rectangular filterwith the same area and peak level, and a width of the “equivalent noise bandwidth.”9Spectrum analyzers and envelope detectorsA simplified block diagram of a spectrum analyzer is shown in Figure A.The envelope detector/logarithmic amplifier block is shown configured as they are used in the Agilent 8560 E-Series spectrum analyzers. Although the order of these two cir-cuits can be reversed, the important concept to recognize is that an IF signal goes into this block and a baseband signal (referred to as the “video” signal because it was used to deflect the electron beam in the original analog spectrum analyzers) comes out.Notice that there is a second set of detectors in the block diagram: the peak/pit/sample hardware of what is normally called the detector mode of a spectrum analyzer. These display detectors are not relevant to this discussion, and should not be confused with the envelope detector.The salient features of the envelope detector are two:1. The output voltage is proportional to the input voltage envelope.2. The bandwidth for following envelope variationsis large compared to the widest RBW.Figure A. Simplified spectrum analyzer block diagramFigure B. Detectors: a) half-wave, b) full-wave implemented as a “product detector,” c) peak. Practical implementations usually have their gain terms implemented elsewhere, and implement buffering after the filters that remove the residual IF carrier and harmonics. The peak detector must be cleared; leakage through a resistor or a switch with appropriate timing are possible clearing mechanisms.10Figure B shows envelope detectors and their associated waveforms in (a) and (b). Notice that the gain required to make the average output voltage equal to the r.m.s. voltage of a sinusoidal input is different for the different topologies. Some authors on this topic have stated that “an envelope detector is a peak detector.” After all, an idealized detector that responds to the peak of each cycle of IF energy inde-pendently makes an easy conceptual model of ideal behav-ior. But real peak detectors do not reset on each IF cycle. Figure B, part c, shows a typical peak detector with its gain calibration factor. It is called a peak detector because its response is proportional to the peak voltage of the signal. If the signal is CW, a peak detector and an envelope detec-tor act identically. But if the signal has variations in its envelope, the envelope detector with the shown LPF (low pass filter) will follow those variations with the linear, time-domain characteristics of the filter; the peak detector will follow nonlinearly, subject to its maximum negative-going limit, as demonstrated in Figure C. The nonlinearity will make for unpredictable behavior for signals with noise-like statistical variations. A peak detector may act like an envelope detector in the limit as its resistive load dominates and the capacitive load is minimized. But practically, the nonideal voltage drop across the diodes and the heavy required resistive load make this topology unsuitable for envelope detection. All spectrum analyzers use envelope detectors, some are just misnamed.Figure C. An envelope detector will follow the envelope of the shown signal, albeit with the delay and filtering action of the LPF used to remove the carrier harmonics. A peak detector is subject to negative slew limits, as demonstrated by the dashed line it will follow across a response pit. This drawing is done for the case in which the logarithmic amplification precedes the envelope detection, oppositeto Figure A; in this case, the pits of the envelope are especially sharp.Cautions when measuring noise with spectrum and signal analyzersThere are three ways in which noise measurements can look perfectly reasonable on the screen of a spectrum ana-lyzer, yet be significantly in error.Caution 1, input mixer level. A noise-like signal of very high amplitude can overdrive the front end of a spectrum ana-lyzer while the displayed signal is within the normal display range. This problem is possible whenever the bandwidth of the noise-like signal is much wider than the RBW. The power within the RBW will be lower than the total power by about ten times the log of the ratio of the signal band-width to the RBW. For example, an IS-95 CDMA signal with a 1.23 MHz bandwidth is 31 dB larger than the power in a 1 kHz RBW. If the indicated power with the 1 kHz RBW is –20 dBm at the input mixer (i.e., after the input attenuator), then the mixer is seeing about +11 dBm. Most spectrum analyzers are specified for –10 dBm CW signals at their input mixer; the level below which mixer compression is specified to be under 1 dB for CW signals is usually 5 dB or more above this –10 dBm. The mixer behavior with Gaussian noise is not guaranteed, especially because its peak-to-average ratio is much higher than that of CW signals.Keeping the mixer power below –10 dBm is a good practice that is unlikely to allow significant mixer nonlinearity. Thus, caution #1 is: Keep the total power at the input mixer at or below –10 dBm.Figure D. In its center, this graph shows three curves: the ideal log amp behavior, that of a log amp that clips at its maximum and minimum extremes, and the average response to noise subject to that clipping. The lower right plot shows, on expanded scales, the error in average noise response due to clipping at the positive extreme. The average level should be kept 7 dB below the clipping level for an error below 0.1 dB. The upper left plot shows, with an expanded vertical scale, the corresponding error for clipping against the bottom of the scale. The average level must be kept 14 dB above the clipping level for an error below 0.1 dB.Caution 2, overdriving the log amp. Often, the level dis-played has been heavily averaged using trace averaging or a video bandwidth (VBW) much smaller than the RBW. In such a case, instantaneous noise peaks are well above the displayed average level. If the level is high enough that the log amp has significant errors for these peak levels, the average result will be in error. Figure D shows the error due to overdriving the log amp in the lower right corner, based on a model that has the log amp clipping at the topof its range. Typically, log amps are still close to ideal for a few dB above their specified top, making the error model conservative. But it is possible for a log amp to switch from log mode to linear (voltage) behavior at high levels,in which case larger (and of opposite sign) errors to those computed by the model are possible. Therefore, caution #2 is: Keep the displayed average log level at least 7 dB below the maximum calibrated level of the log amp.Caution 3, underdriving the log amp. The opposite of the overdriven log amp problem is the underdriven log amp problem. With a clipping model for the log amp, the results in the upper left corner of Figure D were obtained. Caution #3 is: Keep the displayed average log level atleast 14 dB above the minimum calibrated levelof the log amp.In Part I, we discussed the characteristics of noise and its measurement. In this part, we will discuss three different measurements of digitally modulated signals, after showing why they are very much like noise.The noise-like nature of digital signalsDigitally modulated signals can be created by clocking a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) with the symbols (a group of bits simultaneously transmitted), passing the DAC output through apre-modulation filter (to reduce the trans-mitted bandwidth), and then modulating the carrier with the filtered signal. See Figure 8. The resulting signal is obvi-ously not noise-like if the digital signal is a simple pattern. It also does not have a noise-like distribution if the band-width of observation is wide enough for the discrete nature of the DAC outputs to significantly affect the distribution of amplitudes.But, under many circumstances, especially test conditions, the digital signal bits are random. And, as exemplified by the channel power measurements discussed below, the observation bandwidth is narrow. If the digital update period (the reciprocal of the symbol rate) is less than one-fifth the duration of the majority of the impulse response of the resolution bandwidth filter, the signal within the RBW is approximately Gaussian according to the central limit theorem.A typical example is IS-95 CDMA. Performing spectrum analysis, such as the adjacent-channel power ratio (ACPR) test, is usually done using the 30 kHz RBW to observe the signal. This bandwidth is only one-fortieth of the symbol clock rate (1.23 Msymbols/s), so the signal in the RBW is the sum of the impulse responses to about forty pseudo-random digital bits. A Gaussian PDF is an excellent approxi-mation to the PDF of this signal.Channel-power measurementsMost modern spectrum analyzers allow the measurement of the power within a frequency range, called the channel bandwidth. The displayed result comes from the computa-tion:P ch =(B s–B n)(1–N) n2i=n1∑10(p i/10)Pch is the power in the channel, Bs is the specified bandwidth (also known as the channel bandwidth), Bnis the equivalent noise bandwidth of the RBW used, Nis the number of data points in the summation, pi is the sample of the power in measurement cell i in dB units (if pi is in dBm, Pch is in milliwatts). n1 and n2 are the end-points for the index i within the channel bandwidth, thus N=(n2 – n1) + 1.Part II: Measurements of Noise-like Signals Figure 8. A simplified model for the generation of digital communications signals.The computation works well for CW signals, such as from sinusoidal modulation. The computation is a power-sum-ming computation. Because the computation changes the input data points to a power scale before summing, there is no need to compensate for the difference between the log of the average and the average of the log as explained in Part I, even if the signal has a noise-like PDF (probability density function). But, if the signal starts with noise-like statistics and is averaged in decibel form (typically with a VBW filter on the log scale) before the power summation, some 2.51 dB under-response, as explained in Part I,will be incurred. If we are certain that the signal is of noise-like statistics, and we fully average the signal before per-forming the summation, we can add 2.51 dB to the result and have an accurate measurement. Furthermore, the aver-aging reduces the variance of the result.But if we don’t know the statistics of the signal, the best measurement technique is to do no averaging before power summation. Using a VBW ≥ 3RBW is required for insignifi-cant averaging, and is thus recommended. But the band-width of the video signal is not as obvious as it appears.In order to not peak-bias the measurement, the detector must be used. Spectrum analyzers have lower effective video bandwidths in sample detection than they do in peak detection mode, because of the limitations of the sample-and-hold circuit that precedes the A/D converter. Examples include the Agilent 8560E-Series spectrum analyzer family with 450 kHz effective sample-mode video bandwidth, and a substantially wider bandwidth (over 2 MHz) in the Agilent ESA-E Series spectrum analyzer family.Figure 9 shows the experimentally determined relationship between the VBW:RBW ratio and the under-response of the partially averaged logarithmically processed noise sig-nal.However, the Agilent PSA is an exception to the relation-ship illustrated by Figure 9. The Agilent PSA allows us to directly average the signal on a power scale. Therefore, if we are not certain that our signal is of noise-like statistics, we are no longer prohibited from averaging before power summation. The measurement may be taken by either using VBW filtering on a power scale, or using the average detec-tor on a power scale.Figure 9. For VBW ≥ 3 RBW, the averaging effect of the VBW filter does not significantly affect power-detection accuracy.Adjacent-Channel Power (ACP)There are many standards for the measurement of ACP with a spectrum analyzer. The issues involved in most ACP measurements are covered in detail in an article in Microwaves & RF, May, 1992, "Make Adjacent-Channel Power Measurements." A survey of other standards is available in "Adjacent Channel Power Measurements in the Digital Wireless Era" in Microwave Journal, July, 1994.For digitally modulated signals, ACP and channel-power measurements are similar, except ACP is easier. ACP is usually the ratio of the power in the main channel to the power in an adjacent channel. If the modulation is digital, the main channel will have noise-like statistics. Whether the signals in the adjacent channel are due to broadband noise, phase noise, or intermodulation of noise-like signals in the main channel, the adjacent channel will have noise-like statistics. A spurious signal in the adjacent channelis most likely modulated to appear noise-like, too, but a CW-like tone is a possibility.If the main and adjacent channels are both noise-like, then their ratio will be accurately measured regardless of whether their true power or log-averaged power (or any partially averaged result between these extremes) is mea-sured. Thus, unless discrete CW tones are found in the signals, ACP is not subject to the cautions regarding VBW and other averaging noted in the section on channel power above.But some ACP standards call for the measurement of abso-lute power, rather than a power ratio. In such cases, the cautions about VBW and other averaging do apply.Carrier powerBurst carriers, such as those used in TDMA mobile sta-tions, are measured differently than continuous carriers. The power of the transmitter during the time it is on is called the "carrier power."Carrier power is measured with the spectrum analyzerin zero span. In this mode, the LO of the analyzer doesnot sweep, thus the span swept is zero. The display then shows amplitude normally on the y axis, and time on the x axis. If we set the RBW large compared to the bandwidth of the burst signal, then all of the display points include all of the power in the channel. The carrier power is computed simply by averaging the power of all the display points that represent the times when the burst is on. Depending on the modulation type, this is often considered to be any point within 20 dB of the highest registered amplitude. (A trig-ger and gated spectrum analysis may be used if the carrier power is to be measured over a specified portion of a burst-RF signal.)Using a wide RBW for the carrier-power measurement means that the signal will not have noise-like statistics. It will not have CW-like statistics, either, so it is still wise to set the VBW as wide as possible. But let’s consider some examples to see if the sample-mode bandwidthsof spectrum analyzers are a problem.For PDC, NADC and TETRA, the symbol rates are under25 kb/s, so a VBW set to maximum will work well. It will also work well for PHS and GSM, with symbol rates of 380 and 270 kb/s. For IS-95 CDMA, with a modulation rate of 1.23 MHz, we could anticipate a problem with the 450 kHz effective video bandwidth discussed in the section on chan-nel power above. Experimentally, an instrument with 450 kHz BW experienced a 0.6 dB error with an OQPSK (mobile) burst signal.。
专利名称:SPECTRUM ANALYZER 明人:FUREDORITSUKU JIEI UIRUSON 申请号:J P 4 1762390 申请日:19901226 公开号:J P H 04 14 0669A 公开日:19920514
摘要:PURPOSE:To enable measurement to be made even if signal is fluctuating by using two markers and the related cursor, calculating frequency difference of a plurality of cross points between this cursor and display spectrum waveform, and then performing lead-out display. CONSTITUTION:Spectrum waveforms 1-7, a marker 12 which can be moved along a frequency axis and specified a point of attention on the spectrum waveform, and a cursor 14 which can be moved along n amplitude axis and specifies an attended amplitude level are displayed on a screen. The cursor 14 s displayed at a reference amplitude level which is related in a constant amplitude difference relationship which can be selected for the marker, two points 16 and 18 on the cursor 14 which are closest to two cross points of the spectrum waveform and the cursor 14 which exist in one direction and the other direction along frequency axis from the marker are obtained, thus obtaining frequency difference between the two points 16 and 18. Thus, the cross point between the cursor 14 and the display waveform is limited on the cursor 14 and does not fluctuate in vertical direction, thus achieving a stable measurement even if the waveforms 1-7 fluctuate irregularly.
Technical N o teThe Basis of Spectrum AnalyzersSpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-11Slide3 SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-12. Measurement CategoriesSpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-12Oscilloscope waveformsSlideSpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-13SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1 4Block Diagram of the Super-Heterodyne MethodSpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-15SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1 6fSpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1narrow enough, and a high purity signal is input.IdealSpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-178 SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1=1GHz, Offset 10kHz, RBW 300Hz, VBW 10Hz Sideband Noise:–87dBc / 300Hz Æ-112dBc / HzSideband Noise: –84dBc / 10kHz Æ-124dBc / HzOffset 10kHz Offset 100kHzcarrier carrierSlide 16SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1Two input signals can be seen as two spectrum waveforms only if they exceed the 3dB bandwidth of the IF filter.The 3dB bandwidth of this IF filter is called the resolution bandwidth RBW. 4.5 Resolution bandwidth for frequency (RBW)-10kHz +10kHz -10kHz +10kHz-10kHz +10kHze.g The specification of MS8609ASpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-19SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1Pos Peak is used for Normal signal measurement, Occupied bandwidthSpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-110SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1A noisy signal can be removed by lowering the VBW. However, the signaldisappears if VBW is lowered too much when measuring a pulsed signal. SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-111SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1 1213Slide 25SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1The average noise levelincreases 10dB when RBW value is changed from 1kHz to 10kHz.The average noise level changes by 10dB when ATT value is changed by 10dB.SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1(2) Residual responseResidual response is a phenomenon that appears as anSpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1What is Second Harmonic Intercept point(SHI)?SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-114SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1What is Third Order Intercept point(TOI)?SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-115SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1 16Anritsu Corporation5-1-1 Onna, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, 243-8555 Japan Phone: +81-46-223-1111Fax: +81-46-296-1264•U.S.A.Anritsu Company1155 East Collins Blvd., Richardson, TX 75081, U.S.A. Toll Free: 1-800-267-4878Phone: +1-972-644-1777Fax: +1-972-671-1877•CanadaAnritsu Electronics Ltd.700 Silver Seven Road, Suite 120, Kanata,Ontario K2V 1C3, CanadaPhone: +1-613-591-2003Fax: +1-613-591-1006•BrazilAnritsu Eletrônica Ltda.Praca Amadeu Amaral, 27 - 1 Andar01327-010-Paraiso-São Paulo-BrazilPhone: +55-11-3283-2511Fax: +55-11-3288-6940•U.K.Anritsu EMEA Ltd.200 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU, U.K. Phone: +44-1582-433200Fax: +44-1582-731303•FranceAnritsu S.A.9 Avenue du Québec, Z.A. de Courtabœuf91951 Les Ulis Cedex, FrancePhone: +33-1-60-92-15-50Fax: +33-1-64-46-10-65•GermanyAnritsu GmbHNemetschek Haus, Konrad-Zuse-Platz 181829 München, GermanyPhone: +49-89-442308-0Fax: +49-89-442308-55•ItalyAnritsu S.p.A.Via Elio Vittorini 129, 00144 Roma, ItalyPhone: +39-6-509-9711Fax: +39-6-502-2425•SwedenAnritsu ABBorgafjordsgatan 13, 164 40 KISTA, SwedenPhone: +46-8-534-707-00Fax: +46-8-534-707-30•FinlandAnritsu ABTeknobulevardi 3-5, FI-01530 VANTAA, FinlandPhone: +358-20-741-8100Fax: +358-20-741-8111•DenmarkAnritsu A/SKirkebjerg Allé 90, DK-2605 Brøndby, DenmarkPhone: +45-72112200Fax: +45-72112210•SpainAnritsu EMEA Ltd.Oficina de Representación en EspañaEdificio VeganovaAvda de la Vega, n˚ 1 (edf 8, pl 1, of 8)28108 ALCOBENDAS - Madrid, SpainPhone: +34-914905761Fax: +34-914905762•United Arab EmiratesAnritsu EMEA Ltd.Dubai Liaison OfficeP O Box 500413 - Dubai Internet CityAl Thuraya Building, Tower 1, Suit 701, 7th FloorDubai, United Arab EmiratesPhone: +971-4-3670352Fax: +971-4-3688460•SingaporeAnritsu Pte. Ltd.10, Hoe Chiang Road, #07-01/02, Keppel Towers,Singapore 089315Phone: +65-6282-2400Fax: +65-6282-2533•P.R. China (Hong Kong)Anritsu Company Ltd.Suite 923, 9/F., Chinachem Golden Plaza, 77 Mody Road,Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong, P.R. ChinaPhone: +852-2301-4980Fax: +852-2301-3545•P.R. China (Beijing)Anritsu Company Ltd.Beijing Representative OfficeRoom 1515, Beijing Fortune Building,No. 5, Dong-San-Huan Bei Road,Chao-Yang District, Beijing 10004, P.R. ChinaPhone: +86-10-6590-9230Fax: +86-10-6590-9235•KoreaAnritsu Corporation, Ltd.8F Hyunjuk Building, 832-41, Y eoksam Dong,Kangnam-ku, Seoul, 135-080, KoreaPhone: +82-2-553-6603Fax: +82-2-553-6604•AustraliaAnritsu Pty. Ltd.Unit 21/270 Ferntree Gully Road, Notting Hill,Victoria 3168, AustraliaPhone: +61-3-9558-8177Fax: +61-3-9558-8255•TaiwanAnritsu Company Inc.7F, No. 316, Sec. 1, Neihu Rd., Taipei 114, TaiwanPhone: +886-2-8751-1816Fax: +886-2-8751-1817•IndiaAnritsu CorporationIndia Liaison OfficeUnit No. S-3, Second Floor, Esteem Red Cross Bhavan,No. 26, Race Course Road, Bangalore 560 001, IndiaPhone: +91-80-32944707Fax: +91-80-22356648Specifications are subject to change without notice.Please Contact:061121Printed on 70%Recycled PaperNo. SpectrumAnalyzer-E-E-1-(3.00) Printed in Japan 2007-1 AKD。
Spectrum Analyzer Basics 频谱分析仪是通用的多功能测量仪器。
功能范围(Functional Areas )频谱分析仪的前面板控制分成几组,包含下列功能:频率扫描宽度和幅度(FREQUENCY,SPAN&LITUDE) 键以及与此有关的软件菜单可设置频谱仪的三个基本功能。
仪器状态(INSTRUMENT STATE ):功能通常影响整个频谱仪的状态,而不仅是一个功能。
标记(MARKER) 功能: 根据频谱仪的显示迹线读出频率和幅度提供信号分析的能力。
窗口(WINDOWS) 键:打开窗口显示模式,允许窗口转换,控制区域扫宽和区域位置。
基本功能(Fundamental Function) 频谱分析仪上有三种基本功能。
与这些功能有关的量值可通过数据输 入控制进行改变。
a Sets the Center Frequencyi 二- Peaks Signal Amplitude toReference Level频率键(FREQUENCY)按下频率(FREQUENCY)键,在频幕左侧显示CENTER表示中心 频率功能有效。
中心 频率(CENTERFREQ)软键标记 发亮表示中心 频率功能有效。
激活功能框 为荧屏上的长方形空 间,其内部显示中心频率信息。
出现在功能框中的 数值可通过 旋钮,步进键或数字/单位键改变。
频率扫宽键(SPAN)按下频率扫宽(SPAN)键,(SPAN)显示在活动功能框中, (SPAN)软键标记发 亮,表明频率扫宽功能有效。
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Swept Analyzer A
Filter 'sweeps' over range of interest CRT shows full spectral display
Hale Waihona Puke f1f2f
ESA Basics
Overview Theory of Operation Specifications Features Summary
ESA Basics
Absolute Amplitude in dBm
Relative Amplitude in dB
Frequency Relative Frequency
ESA Basics
Accuracy: Frequency Readout Accuracy
ESA Basics
What Determines Resolution?
Resolution Bandwidth
Residual FM
RBW Type and Selectivity
Noise Sidebands
ESA Basics
ESA Basics
Frequency versus Time Domain
Amplitude (power)
ncy e equ fr
Time domain Measurements
Frequency Domain Measurements
ESA Basics
ESA Basics
Theory of Operation
How it all works together
0 1 2 3 (GHz ) Signal Range LO Range
f LO- f s fs
0 1
f LO
f LO+ f s
IF filter 6 6.5 3. 6 f IF detector
Different Types of Analyzers
Fourier Analyzer A
Parallel filters measured simultaneously CRT shows full spectral display
ESA Basics
Different Types of Analyzers
Log Amp
video filter
local oscillator sweep generator
Crystal Reference
CRT display
ESA Basics
Theory of Operation
f sig
f LO- f sig f sig
ESA Basics
Frequency Range Accuracy(Frequency & Amplitude) Resolution Sensitivity Distortion Dynamic Range
ESA Basics
Frequency Range
mixer input
3 3.6
sweep generator
f LO
0 3 4 3.6 5 6 6.5
ESA Basics
3 (GHz ) f
(GHz )
CRT display
Theory of Operation
Front Panel Operation
Primary functions (Frequency, Amplitude, Span)
Span Accuracy:¡Ó 0.5% of span N =LO harmonic mixing mode.
ESA Basics
Accuracy: Frequency Readout Accuracy Example
Single Marker Example:
2 GHz 400 kHz Span 3 kHz RBW
(2x10 9 Hz) x (1.3x10-7/yr.ref.error) 0.5% of 400kHz Span 15% of 3 kHz RBW 10 Hz residual error 1Hz for N=0
= 260 Hz = 2000 Hz = 450 Hz = 10 Hz 0Hz Total = + 2720 Hz _
ESA Basics
Accuracy: Relative Amplitude Accuracy
∆ RF Input attenuator ∆ Reference level ∆ Resolution bandwidth ∆ CRT scaling
ESA Basics
ESA Basics
Theory of Operation
Spectrum Analyzer Block Diagram
RF input attenuator mixer
Input signal
Pre-Selector Or Low Pass Filter
IF gain
IF filter
Resolution: Resolution Bandwidth
Input Spectrum
3 dB BW
3 dB
IF Filter/ Resolution Bandwidth Filter (RBW) Sweep
ESA Basics
ESA Basics
Accuracy: Relative Amplitude Accuracy
Display fidelity Frequency response ∆RF Input attenuator ∆Reference level ∆Resolution bandwidth ∆CRT scaling
Typical datasheet specification:
Spans < 2 MHz: ± + + + (freq. readout x freq. ref. Accuracy 1% of frequency span 15% of resolution bandwidth 10 Hz "residual error")
ESA Basics
ESA Basics
Theory of Operation
Video Filter
ESA Basics
Theory of Operation
Other Components
ESA Basics
Accuracy: Relative Amplitude Accuracy - Freq. Response
Signals in the Same Harmonic Band
+1 dB
- 1 dB
Specification: ¡Ó 1 dB
Low frequencies Low frequencies for baseband and IF for baseband and IF
Measuring harmonics Measuring harmonics 50 GHz and beyond! 50 GHz and beyond!
f LO+ f sig f LO
f LO
ESA Basics
Theory of Operation
IF Filter
Input Spectrum IF Bandwidth (RBW)
ESA Basics
Theory of Operation
Positive detection: largest value in bin displayed Negative detection: smallest value in bin displayed Sample detection: last value in bin displayed
Overview: What is spectrum analysis? What measurements do we make? Theory of Operation: Spectrum analyzer hardware Specifications: Which are important and why? Features Making the analyzer more effective Summary