High power pulsed magnetron sputtering A review on scientific and engineering state of the art


高功率脉冲磁控溅射 涂层结合力

高功率脉冲磁控溅射 涂层结合力

高功率脉冲磁控溅射(High Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering,HPPMS)是一种溅射技术,通过在溅射过程中加入高功率脉












关键词:表面性能;磁控溅射;薄膜Research Progress of Magnetron Sputtering TechnologyAbstract: Research progress of magnetron sputtering current introduced, includes the main Reactive Magnetron Sputtering,Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering,High Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering,And lists the application fields of these three new technology.Key words:Surface properties;Magnetron sputtering;Membrane薄膜技术不仅可改变工件表面性能,提高工件的耐磨损、抗氧化、耐腐蚀等性能,延长工件使用寿命,还能满足特殊使用条件和功能对新材料的要求。


1 磁控溅射技术原理溅射是指具有一定能量的粒子轰击固体表面,使得固体分子或原子离开固体从表面射出的现象。
















辉光放电是在真空度约为10-1 Pa的稀薄气体中,两个电极之间加上电压时产生的一种气体放电现象。


一般,在5-30 MHz的射频溅射频率下,将产生射频放电。







简单说:真空溅镀室先由高真空泵抽至一定压力之后,通过恒压仪器或质量流量计向溅镀室内充入惰性气体(如氩气)至一恒定压力(如2X10-1Pa或5XIO-IP a后,在磁控阴极靶上施加一定功率的直流电源或中频电源,在正负电极高压的作用下,阴极靶前方与阳极之间的气体原子被大量电离,产生辉光放电,电离的过程使氩原子电离为A叶离子和可以独立运动的电子,在高压电场的作用下,电子飞向阳极,而带正电荷的A叶离子则高速飞向作为阴极的靶材,并在与靶材的撞击过程中释放出其能量,获得相当高能量的靶材原子脱离其靶材的束缚而飞向基体,于是靶材粒子沉积在靶对面的基体上形成薄膜。


从该图可以看出溅射产额随入射离子能量的变化有如下特征:存在一个溅射阈值,阈值能量一般为20~100 eV。


通常当入射离子的能量为1~10 keV时,溅射产额可以达到一个最大值。

当入射离子的能量超过10 keV 时,溅射产额开始随入射离子的能量增加而下降。

入射离子的能量E (eV)图6.1溅射产额随入射离子能量变化的示意图2.主要溅射方式:反应溅射是在溅射的惰性气体气氛中,通入一定比例的反应气体,通常用作反应气体的主要是氧气和氮气。



万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据磁控溅射技术及其发展作者:李芬, 朱颖, 李刘合, 卢求元, 朱剑豪, LI Fen, ZHU Ying, LI Liu-he, Lu Qiu-yuan, ZHU Jian-hao作者单位:李芬,朱颖,李刘合,LI Fen,ZHU Ying,LI Liu-he(北京航空航天大学,机械工程及自动化学院,北京,100191), 卢求元,朱剑豪,Lu Qiu-yuan,ZHU Jian-hao(香港城市大学,应用物理及材料系,香港)刊名:真空电子技术英文刊名:VACUUM ELECTRONICS年,卷(期):2011(3)被引用次数:53次1.贾嘉溅射法制备纳米薄膜材料及进展[期刊论文]-半导体技术 2004(7)2.王银川真空镀膜技术的现状及发展[期刊论文]-现代仪器 2000(6)3.吴大维,曾昭元,刘传胜,张友珍,彭友贵,范湘军高速钢镀氮化碳超硬涂层及其应用研究[期刊论文]-核技术2003(4)4.孙银洁,马林,齐宏进磁控溅射法制备防水透湿织物[期刊论文]-高分子材料科学与工程 2003(4)5.王合英,孙文博,陈宜宝,何元金磁控溅射镀膜过程中非均匀磁场中电子的运动[期刊论文]-物理实验 2008(11)6.闫绍峰,骆红,廖国进,巴德纯,闻立时掺杂浓度对中频反应磁控溅射制备Al2O3:Ce3+薄膜发光性能的影响[期刊论文]-真空 2009(2)7.贾芳,乔学亮,陈建国,李世涛,王国锋磁控溅射制备AZO/Ag/AZO透明导电膜的性能研究[期刊论文]-光电工程2007(12)8.方亮,彭丽萍,杨小飞,黄秋柳,周科,吴芳,刘高斌,马勇磁控溅射制备In掺杂ZnO薄膜及NO2气敏特性分析[期刊论文]-重庆大学学报(自然科学版) 2009(9)9.林东洋,赵玉涛,甘俊旗,程晓农,戴起勋钛合金表面磁控溅射制备HA/YSZ梯度涂层[期刊论文]-材料工程 2008(5)10.Brauer G;Szyszka B;Vergohl M Magnetron Sputtering-Milestones of 30 Years 201011.戴达煌;刘敏;余志明薄膜与涂层现代表面技术 200812.赵嘉学,童洪辉磁控溅射原理的深入探讨[期刊论文]-真空 2004(4)13.郭明,王凤杰调整磁场强度分布提高靶材利用率[期刊论文]-玻璃 2003(3)14.刘翔宇,赵来,许生,范垂祯,查良镇磁控溅射镀膜设备中靶的优化设计[期刊论文]-真空 2003(4)15.常天海高磁场强度的矩形平面磁控溅射靶的设计[期刊论文]-真空与低温 2003(1)16.徐万劲磁控溅射技术进展及应用(下)[期刊论文]-现代仪器 2005(6)17.李德元;赵文珍;董晓强等离子体技术在材料加工中的应用(第1版) 200518.徐万劲磁控溅射技术进展及应用(上)[期刊论文]-现代仪器 2005(5)19.Window B;Savvides N Unbalanced DC Magnetrons as Sources of High Ion Fluxes 1986(2A)20.Savvides N;Window B Unbalanced Magnetron IonAssisted Deposition and Property Modification of Thin Films 1986(2A)21.许生,侯晓波,范垂祯,赵来,周海军,吴克坚,高文波,颜远全,查良镇硅靶中频反应磁控溅射二氧化硅薄膜的特性研究[期刊论文]-真空 2001(5)22.W. D. Sproul High-rate reactive DC magnetron sputtering of oxide and nitride superlattice coatings[外文期刊] 1998(4)23.Heister U;Krempel-Hesse J;Szczyrbowski J TwinMag II:Improving an Advanced Sputtering Tool 200024.Belkind;Freilich A;Song G Mid-Frequency Reactive Sputtering of Dielectrics:Al《'2》O《'3》 200325.赵印中,王洁冰,邱家稳,许旻,李强勇用交流孪生靶磁控反应溅射法制备ITO薄膜[期刊论文]-真空与低温2003(1)26.P. J. Kelly;J. Hisek;Y. Zhou Advanced coatings through pulsed magnetron sputtering[外文期刊] 2004(3)27.余东海,王成勇,成晓玲,宋月贤磁控溅射镀膜技术的发展[期刊论文]-真空 2009(2)28.Boo Jin-Hyo;Jung Min Jae;Park Heon Kyu High-Rate Deposition of Copper Thin Films Using Newly Designed High-Power Magnetron Sputtering Source 200429.Musil J;Vlcek J A Perspective of Magnetron Sputtering in Surface Engineering 199930.Kouznetsov Vladimir;Macak Karol;Schneider Jochen M A Novel Pulsed Magnetron Sputter Technique Utilizing Very High Target Power Densities 199931.吴忠振,朱宗涛,巩春志,田修波,杨士勤,李希平高功率脉冲磁控溅射技术的发展与研究[期刊论文]-真空2009(3)32.Ehiasarian A P;New R;Munz W D Influence of High Power Densities on the Composition of Pulsed Magnetron Plasmas 20021.王怀义.刁训刚.王聪.郝维昌.王天民.WANG Huai-yi.DIAO Xun-gang.WANG Cong.HAO Wei-chang.WANG Tian-min 一种增磁装置在磁控射频溅射制备薄膜中的应用[期刊论文]-功能材料与器件学报2011,17(3)2.林东洋.赵玉涛.张钊用磁控溅射技术制备钛合金表面HA生物涂层[期刊论文]-生物骨科材料与临床研究2004,1(5)3.钟江泉.周天勇.刘威明非平衡磁控溅射技术在刀具涂层上的应用[期刊论文]-技术与市场2011,18(5)4.丁娟.赵韦人.符史流.於元炯.DING Juan.ZHAO Wei-ren.FU Shi-liu.YU Yuan-jiong Ni52Mn26Ga22薄膜的马氏体相变和磁电阻[期刊论文]-金属功能材料2006,13(3)5.赵新民.狄国庆.朱炎外加磁场对磁控溅射靶利用率的影响[期刊论文]-真空科学与技术学报2003,23(2)6.王佐平.邢建东.胡奈赛.王伟.WANG Zuoping.XING Jiandong.HU Naisai.WANG Wei金属基类石墨复合膜微观组织结构分析[期刊论文]-热加工工艺2010,39(16)7.常立红能量过滤磁控溅射技术制备ITO薄膜及其性能研究[学位论文]20108.凌国伟.倪翰.萧域星磁控溅射技术的新进展[会议论文]-19981.张岿溅射制备材料的机理分析[期刊论文]-今日湖北(中旬刊) 2015(03)2.孙天乐脉冲磁控溅射电源关键技术研究[学位论文]硕士 20143.宁波磁控溅射电源控制系统的研究与设计[学位论文]硕士 20144.黄英,韩晶雪,李建军,常亮,张以忱直流磁控溅射中磁场强度和阴极电压对圆平面靶刻蚀形貌的影响[期刊论文]-真空 2013(03)5.王德山类金刚石碳膜磁控溅射抗剥离结合强度的实验研究[期刊论文]-廊坊师范学院学报(自然科学版)2014(06)6.马景灵,任风章,孙浩亮磁控溅射镀膜技术的发展及应用[期刊论文]-中国科教创新导刊 2013(29)7.朱明海,陈广彬,冯禹,龚楠,汪剑波磁控溅射制备Ti-Zn-O复合薄膜及其光学性质研究[期刊论文]-长春理工大学学报(自然科学版) 2014(01)8.臧侃,董华军,郭方准国产氩离子枪的研发[期刊论文]-物理 2014(01)9.崔世宇,缪强,梁文萍,徐一,杨晶晶,张志刚Ti2AlNb基合金表面磁控溅射Al/Al2O3薄膜及扩散处理对其抗高温氧化性能的影响[期刊论文]-材料保护 2015(02)10.凤权,华谦,武丁胜,马坤强,苏信基于磁控溅射技术的非织造空气过滤材料的制备及性能研究[期刊论文]-产业用纺织品 2015(01)11.张锋,翟建广,梁志敏,王广卉类金刚石薄膜电极在污水处理中的应用[期刊论文]-上海工程技术大学学报2013(04)12.孙敏制备工艺对SiO2/PET复合包装膜结合强度的影响[学位论文]硕士 201313.武世祥NiFe薄膜各向异性磁电阻研究[学位论文]硕士 201414.何光宇,李应红,柴艳,张翼飞,王冠航空发动机压气机叶片砂尘冲蚀防护涂层关键问题综述[期刊论文]-航空学报 2015(06)15.陈庆明可控光流体热透镜[学位论文]硕士 201416.黄世龙基于6sigma的F公司PVD颜色稳定性改善研究[学位论文]硕士 201217.周一帆微Schwarzschild物镜的设计与MEMS制作研究[学位论文]博士 2013引用本文格式:李芬.朱颖.李刘合.卢求元.朱剑豪.LI Fen.ZHU Ying.LI Liu-he.Lu Qiu-yuan.ZHU Jian-hao磁控溅射技术及其发展[期刊论文]-真空电子技术 2011(3)。






近年来国外发展起来了一种高速率溅射—高功率脉冲磁控溅射(high power impulse magnetron sputtering(HIPIMS))技术,大大弱化了这种限制。














外文原文与译文High-Energy Pulse-SwitchingCharacteristics of ThyristorsAbstractExperiments were conducted to study the high energy, high dildt pulse-switching characteristics of SCR's with and without the amplifying gate. High dildt. high-energy single- shot experiments were first done. Devices without the amplifying gate performed much better than the devices with the amplifying gate. A physical model is presented to describe the role of the amplifying gate in the turn-on process, thereby explaining the differences in the switching characteristics. The turn-on area for the failure of the devices was theoretically estimated and correlated with observations. This allowed calculation of the current density required for failure. Since the failure of these devices under high dildt conditions was thermal in nature, a simulation using a finite-element method was performed to estimate the temperature rise in the devices. The results from this simulation showed that the temperature rise was significantly higher in the devices with the amplifying gate than in the devices without the amplifying gate. Fromthese results, the safe operating frequencies for all the devices under high dildt conditions was estimated. These estimates were confirmed by experimentally stressing the devices under high di/dt repetitive operation.I. INTRODUCTIONRecent innovations in semiconductor device designs and advances in manufacturing technologies have helped evolve high-power thyristors. These devices are designed to operate in a continuous mode for applications such as ac- to-dc power conversion and motor drives. Until recently, their application to high-power pulse switching was mostly unknown. One of the main reasons that has discouraged the use of thyristors for high-speed, high-energy switching is their low dildt rating. The limiting value of the dildt before damage occurs is related to the size of the initial turn-on area and the spreading velocity [I]. Recent experimental results presented in [2]-[4] show that with increased gate device, SCR's and GTO's having highly interdigitated gate-cathode structures can reliably operate under high dildt conditions on a single-shot basis. Previously, SCR's have also been used for repetitive switching of 1 kA, 10 ps wide pulses having a dildt of about 10 000 Alps, at 500 and 800 Hz for a 10 h period [SI. It is reported in [6] that GTO modules (five devices in series) can block kV and switch kA pulses having a dildt of 2500 A/ks at frequencies of 100 Hz. Asymmetric devices,such as the ASCR's in a stack assisted by saturable inductors, have shown the potential to repetitively switch high-current pulses with di/dt of about 2000 Alps, on the order of kilohertz [7].Under high dildt conditions the junction temperatures can vary rapidly in high-power devices (6C s) [8]. The failure of these devices under~10/these conditions is normally thermal in nature. It has been reported [9],that the temperature of destruction due to a tum-on dildt failure is in the range of1100~1300C, below the melting point of silicon (1415°C). The rise in average temperature is therefore completely inade- quate as a measure of device applicability for pulse-switching applications. Since a simple experimental technique is not available to measure the instantaneous temperature rise, the spatio-temporal distribution of temperatures in the devices has to be estimated using computer-aided techniques.In this paper, the high dildt single-shot experimental re- sults are given in brief. A qualitative physical model is then proposed to explain the experimental results, which are presented in detail elsewhere [3]. Next, the results from the thermal analysis using FEM, given in detail in [lo], are briefly presented. The particulars of the experimental arrangement for the repetitive testing of the devices, results from these experi- ments, and their correlation with the numerical predictions are given in the discussion.11. SINGLE-SHOT EXPERIMENTSInverter-grade SCR's with the amplifying gate (unshorted device) andwithout the amplifying gate (shorted device) were used for experimentalstudies to determine the role of the amplifying gate during the turn-onprocesses of the device. The SCR's used for the tests were symmetric withinvolute gate-cathode structures. They were rated for a forward andreverse blocking voltage of kV (at 25°C) and . kV (at 125°C). Theexperimental details and results are fully presented elsewhere [3]. Theexperimental arrangement and the results are given in brief below.The devices were electrically characterized initially and recharacterizedafter testing in a type E pulse-formingnetwork (PFN) that has a totalimpedance of 0. This network delivers a 15 kA, 10 ps wide pulse whencharged to a voltage of kV. The di/dt of this 15-kA pulse is 125000 μ. The gate trigger used for switching the SCR's was a 100 A, 500 ns /A strapezoidal current di/dt of the gate pulse was 980 /A sμ.The unshorted devices failed while switching a peak anode current ofkA at a dildt of about 26000 /A sμin a PFN charged to kV. Under thesame trigger conditions, the shorted devices successfully switched 13 kAat a dildt of 100000 /A sμ, in a PFN charged to 2 kV. A comparison of theperformance of the two types of devices is presented in Table I. Theampliyfing gate seems to inhibit the tum-on speed of the device. In theunshorted devices,which failed catastrophically, the region of failurearound the amplifying gate can be seen as a hot spot. All these results point to the fact that the conduction area near the amplifying gate region in the unshorted device is very small. This leads to an increase in current density in the device and, therefore, the instantaneous rise in temperature exceeds the threshold value for failure: about 1100°C [9].TABLE1SINGLE-SHOT EXPERIMENTAL RESUILSTSFig. 1. Typical A I (CH1) and AK V (CH2) switching waveforms of the unshorted device, CH1-1931 A/div, CH2-500 V/div, Timebase-100ns/div.111. ROLEOF THE AMPLIFYING GATEThe results presented in the previous section show that the deviceswithout the amplifying gate (shorted devices) better than the devices with the amplifying gate (unshorted devices). The typical switching waveforms of the unshorted and the shorted devices are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. In the case of the unshorted device, the anode current rises to a certain value and remains at that value for about ns before rising further its peak value (when the resistance of the device reduces as a result of more turned-on area). This behavior is not seen when the shorted device is used for switching. The anode current switched by the shorted devices has a smooth rising edge. The dynamic resistance of the two devices (computed from the V,Kand .Fig. 2. Typical A I (CH1) and AK V (CH2) and power loss(MULL) of the shorted device . CH1-3190 A/div, CH2-500 V/div, baser-100ns/div.Dynamic resistance of the device versus timeis shown in Fig. 3. From this plot it can be seen that the shorted device has a lower dynamicresistance compared to the unshorted device at every instant of time during the rise- time phase of the tum-on process. The results presented so far indicate that more device area is tumed on in the shorted device as compared to that in the unshorted device. It can be concluded that the amplifying gate is inhibiting the tum-on process under high di/dt switching conditions and is therefore to the performance Of the device. This be understood by 'Onsidering the tum-on sequences in the two types Of devices with the proposed given For this the cross-sectional views of the unshorted device and that Of the shorted device are shown in Figs. 4and 5,respectively.Fig. 4. Cross-sectional view of the unshorted deviceFig. 5. Cross-sectional view of the shorted deviceTurn-on Process in the Unshorted DeviceWhen the gate current (1) is injected into the p-base through the pilot gate contact (Fig. 4), electrons are injected intothe p-base by the n+ emitter with a certain emitter injection efficiency. These electrons traverse through the p-base (time taken for this process is called the transit time) and accumulate near the depletion region. This negative charge accumulation leads to injection of holes from the anode. At this time the device turns on after a certain delay, dictated by the P-base transit time [ll], and the pilot anode current (2) begins to flow through a small region near the pilot gate contact as shown in Fig. 4. This flow of pilot anode current corresponds to the initial sharp rise in the anode current waveform (phase I) shown in Fig. 1. The device then goes into phase 11, during which the anode current remains fairly constant,suggesting that the resistance of the region has reached its lower limit. This is because the pilot anode current (2) takes a finite time to traverse through the p-base laterally and become the gate current for the main cathode area. As a result, the n+ emitters start to inject electrons, which traverse the p-base vertically and after a certain finite time (transit time of the p-base) reach the region. The time taken by the above said processes is the reason for observing this characteristic phase The width Of the phase 'I is to the switching delay, suggesting that the p-base transit time is responsible. Once the main cathode region tums on, the resistance of the device decreases and the anode current begins to rise again (transition from phase I1 to phase 111). From here on the plasma-spreading velocity will dictate the rate at which the conduction area will increase. The dip in theFig. 6. Typical IC (CHI), (CH2) and power loss (MULT) of the unshorted device. C H I 4 0 A/div, CH2-20 V/div, MULT4096 W/div. Time base-100 ns/div.gate current (G I )and the increase in the gate-cathode voltage (GK V ),shown in Fig. 6,corresponds in time, to the pilot anode current flow. This supports the above suggestion that the anode current is initially forced to flow through a small area (high resistance) near the pilot-gate contact. Therefore the current density during phase I and phase I1 is very high and leads toa considerable increase in the local temperature.It was reported earlier in [9] that failure temperature of the device is about 1200°C. Based on this the conduction area and the current density for the failure of the device can be estimated as follows. fie adiabatic heat energy of dissipation in a volume can be mathematically related to the temperature rise in the volume as given below.()E MC T ρ=∆ (1)where E is the energy dissipated in the volume, M is the mass of the volume, C ρ is the heat capacity (specific heat at constant pressure) ofthe material, and AT is the temperature rise in the volume.Equation (1) can be modified as:()E VC T ρρ=∆ (2)where ρ is the mass density of the material and V is the volume of the material = area A ⨯ thickness h. Therefore, the conduction area for failure can be estimated as()E A C h T ρρ=∆ (3)Specific heat is a function of temperature, but Saturates at about 140°C. Since the failure temperature is 1000°C, the value of specific heat used for the calculation is its saturated value. The values for the properties of silicon used in the calculations are given below.302.3/0.8//g cm C J g C ρρ==The thickness of the device is approximately 500m μ. Using these values the computed area is 2mm .A photograph of the damaged unshorted device is shown in Fig. 7. The burnt spot is visible near the pilot-gate contact, and the width of the burnt spot is about 2 mm . Assuming the current was flowing in an annular region with this width, the area of current conduction was calculated to be 23.8mm .This agrees with the value computed in terms of the energy from (3). The current density in the device during phase I1 is then 921.8610/A m ⨯. This agrees with the value given in [ 121 for the failure of the device.Turn-on Process in the Shorted DeviceThe cross-sectional view of the shorted device (in which the ampliyfing gate was bypassed) is shown in Fig. S. When the gate current is injected, it flows laterally (l), and directly tums on part of the main cathode area, and the anode current (2) starts to flow. The current rise is therefore smooth (Fig. 2) and the phase II interval observed in the switching waveforms of the unshorted device is not seen here. The resistance of the device is continually decreasing as controlled by the plasma-spreading velocity. The dynamic resistance of the shorted device is lower compared to that of the unshorted device. The fact that phase II interval is not present in the switching waveforms of the shorted device causes less power loss in the device. This is further supported by the gate waveforms shown in Fig. 8, which are not distorted when the anode current begins to flow. Therefore the shorted devices are able to switch higher currents at very high di/dt values as compared to the unshorted devices. Finally, it can be concluded that the amplifying gate structure is detrimental to the device's performance if the rise time of the anode current is comparable to the p-base transit time.IV. TRANSIENTTHERMALANALYSISThe di/dt failure is caused by the instantaneous rise in temperature in the small conduction area obtained immediately after tum-on. Transient thermal analysis was performed inFig. 8. Typical IC (CHI), (CH2) and power loss (MULT) for the shorted device. C H 1 4 0 A/div, CH2--10 V/div, MULT-2048 W/div. Time base-I00 ns/div.order to estimate the temperature rise in the shorted and unshorted devices. A general-purpose FEM program called FIDAP' was employed for this analysis. The modeling pro- cedure and all the results are presented in detail in [lo]. A brief summary of this analysis is given below.The device and the mounting structure taking the symme- tries into account were modeled as the heat flow domain. This domain was represented by specifying the actual coordinates of the various regions in the domain. Depending on the temperature gradients expected in the various regions, the number of grids required for the analysis in order to obtain accurate results was decided. The properties of the various materials, namely, thermal conductivity, specific heat, andmass density, were specified. The initial conditions were specified to be 27°C for the entire domain. The symmetry boundaries were treated as insulating boundaries and were modeled by specifying the heat flux outflow to be zero. The other boundaries were maintained at 27°C. Since the experimental tests were on a single-shot basis, the nature of the problem had to be classified as transient. The current flow paths were different in the shorted and the unshorted devices, so different domains were used for each type. Also, the peak power loss and the total energy loss during switching were higher in the unshorted device compared to that in the shorted device. Therefore, the heat source models for both cases were different. The conduction areas in the devices were estimatedand the heat generation terms ., instantaneous power loss/unit volume) were calculated and incorporated in the analysis. The procedure just outlined is discussed in more detail in [ 101. The results of this thermal analysis are briefly summarized below.From the analysis, it was seen that the temperature rise in the shorted device is about 350°C per pulse. This is much lower compared to the numerically computed temperature rise of about 1100°C per pulse in the unshorted device. These results explain the failure of the unshorted deivces under high di/dt conditions and the superior performance of the shorted devices. These results, the qualitative model and the discussion given earlier to explain the role of the ampliyfing gate duringFig. 9. Simulated cooling cycle of the unshorted device.Fig. 10. Simulated cooling cycle of the shorted devicethe turn-on process, add credibility to the conclusion that the amplifying gate structure is detrimental to the performance of the device under high dildt conditions. A large transient thermal analysis time window was used to obtain the time taken for the device and its mounting structure to cool back to room temperature. The cooling cycles for the unshorted and shorted devices are shown in'Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. Using this cooling cycle, the safe operating frequencies of the shorted devices were estimated to be in the 1-2 kHz range under these high dildt conditions. Result from the single-shot experiments and the transmit thermal analysis suggest that the device without the amplifying gate ,under high gate-drive conditions,are capable of operating reliably under high di/dt repetitive conditions.V. REPETITIVEEXPERIMENTSTest Device DetailsTwo devices were used for the experimental studies. One of the devices was an involute-structure, inverter-grade SCR, rated for a forward and reverse blocking voltage of kV (at 25). This device is 33 mm in diameter with about 252 mm of gate-cathode (G-K) periphery. The other device is a symmetric, anchor-structure GTO, rated for a forward and reverse blocking voltage of kV. This device is 51 mm in diameter with a G-K periphery of about 600 mm. From the single-shot experimental and numerical results it was seen that the devices without the amplifying gate have a better potential to operate at higher frequencies compared to the devices with the amplifying gate. Hence, for the repetitive experimental tests, both the SCR and the GTO were tested with the pilot-gate shorted to the amplifying gate.Characterization for DegradationThe devices were electrically characterized initially and recharacterized after the switching tests in the pulse-forming network (PFN), in order to evaluate the damage to the devices from the stress in the PFN. The following parameters were used as indicators.The most important parameters for damage evaluation were the forward and reverse leakage currents; it was to be used as a parameter to evaluate the condition of the three junctions in the device. The leakage currents were measured at 25 and 125°C.Low current forward and reverse V-I characteristics of the G-K junction,with the anode open circuited, were obtained using a curve tracer. These curves were used to determine any degradation that might have occurred in the G-K region.Experimental ArrangementThe experimental arrangement was designed to test devices in a burst mode at a repetition rate of 400 Hz. The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 11. The four different sections are: i) the dc power supply and the command resonant charging circuit, ii) the pulse forming network, iii) the gate drive circuit for the DUT, and iv) the timing and control circuit. Details of these circuits are given in the following subsections.Resonant Charging Circuit The resonant charging circuit consists of a dc power supply, a capacitor .bank, a charging inductor, and the command switch, and is shown in Fig. 11. The capacitor bank is first charged to a desired voltage. Then the command switch is closed, and the resonant action begins. The PFN will continue to charge until the point when the charging current starts to swing negative. At this time the voltage across the PFN would be approximately twice the Power Supply and Resonant CircuitFig. I 1. Schematic of the entire experimental arrangement.Fig. 12. Circuit diagram of the type E pulse-forming network.bank voltage. The capacitor bank has a total capacitance of I mF, and its own dump resistor and a dump switch. This capacitor bank can resonantly charge the PFN five times with a voltage droop of 25%. The charging inductor has a value of 10 mH, but has a slight nonlinear characteristic. A kV SCR was used as the command switch with an appropriate snubber circuit.Pulse-Forming Network: A type E lumped-equivalent PFN was designed and built as the energy storage circuit for the switching experiments (Fig.12). This PFN, when charged to 2 kV, delivers a 10 kA, 10 ps wide current pulse with a di/dtFig. 13. Load current delivered by the PFN-SPICE simulationof 10000 Alps, into a matched load. The ΩPFN consists of four sections in parallel, each section having a characteristic impedance of Ω. Each section is a transmission line lumped-equivalent circuit consisting of five equal capacitors, 2Fμeach, four equal inductors of 400 nH, and a 200 nH fifth inductor for the last stage. The stray inductance owing to the load and the device mounting structure is approximately equal to 50 nH, and this is compensated for by reducing the fifth inductor to 200 nH. The rise time and the pulse shape is not significantlyaltered by the stray inductance in the circuit. The load consists of twenty-seven, carborundum resistors connected in parallel. Each of these noninductive resistors can handle an average power of 375 W. A circuit simulation was done for the PFN circuit and the resulting current through the load resistor is shown in Fig. 13. The PFN was charged to 2 kV and characterized with the output shown in Fig. 14. Both waveforms are very similar in shape and magnitude. The current was measured using a current transformer placed in one of the twenty-seven return paths of the load.Fig, 14. Experimentally measured output current of the PFN.CHI-2700 A/div, Time base-2 / i s /div.Gate Drive Circuit: There is some evidence to suggest that increasing the gate current amplitude will help increase the initial tum-on area in anSCR [2],[3]. Triggering measure-ments have been performed [2], [3] to determine the switching dependence of thyristors on peak gate current, gate pulse width, and gate dig/&. Only the peak gate current was found to affect the anode current dildt. The gate drive circuit used here can deliver a 100 A pulse. The gate current risetime, with a diode as the load, was 82 ns (dildt of 980/A sμ).VI. RESULTSAND DISCLLWONThe SCR and the GTO were tested in the PFN on a single- shot basis from 500 V to 2 kV in steps of 500 V. These devices switched 10 kA, 10 ps wide current pulses having a dildt of 15000 /A sμ .when the PFN was charged to 2 kV. The devices were recharacterized by measuring the forward and reverse leakage currents at 25 and 125°C and the low current forward and reverse V-1 characteristics of the G-K junctions. The devices showed no degradation. The repetitive switching characteristics of the devices were then studied by switching a burst of five pulses. The tests were limited to a burst of five pulses since switching tests with more pulses required a larger capacitor bank and dc power supply than were available at the time. The devices were tested at frequencies from 10 to 400 Hz, at an anode-cathode voltage of kV. The typical anode-cathode voltage waveform obtained during the 1 .5 kV test at 400 Hz is shown in Fig. 15. From the figure it can be seen that the PFN charges up; after 2 ms the DUT is fired and the voltage collapses. Also it can be seen that thewaveform has a droop of 25%. The first 10-ps-wide anode current pulse of the five-pulse burst has a peak amplitude of kA and a di/dt of approximately 10 000 A/ps (Fig. 16).The 100-A gate pulse, which initiates the turn-on of the DUT, is also shown in Fig. 16. The amplitude of the fifth current pulse is 25% lower than the first pulse. These devices were tested under these conditions more than ten times and they successfully worked under these repetitive conditions. Both the devices were then characterized by measuring the foward and reverse leakage currents at 25 and 125°C. and the gate-cathode V-I characteristics. The devices showed no degradation from the switching stresses. The experimental results presented above verify the numerical analysis and results presented in [10], by confirming that these devices do have the potential to operate reliably under repetitive high dildt conditions.Fig. 15. Typical anode-cathode voltage across the thyristor under test. CH1-500 V/div. Time base-2 ms/div.Fig. 16. Gate pulse to the DUT (CH1) and anode current (CH2). CH1-20 A/div, CH2-1350 A/div. Time base-2 pddiv.VII. CONCLUSIONThe differences in the switching characteristics of the shorted and unshorted devices were explained using a physical model. The role of the amplifying gate structure in the turn- on process and its detrimental effect on the performance of the device for switching high-current pulses with risetimes on the order of 100 to 200 ns was explained. The phase I1 interval seen in the anode current waveform of the unshorted device was theoretically shown to be the time taken for the lateral and vertical transit of the carriers in the p-base. The experimentally observed burnt-spot area was correlated with theory based on the temperature for failure of the device. Using this information the current density for failure was obtained. The safe operating frequencies of the devices under highdildt conditions were estimated from the thermal analysis. Two types of thyristors, an SCR and a GTO, were tested as closing switches for switching a 400 Hz, 5-pulse repetitive burst from a PFN. Both the devices successfully switched a 5-pulse burst of 8 kA, 10 ps wide current pulses having a difdt of 10000 A/ps from a state of forward blocking at kV. The high difdt repetitive switching was made possible by driving the shorted device using 100 A, 800 ns wide gate pulses, thus ensuring that sufficient area was initially tumed on to keep the localized heating to acceptable levels. These results help verify the numerical safe operating frequency estimations. These results indicate that thyristors have the potential to replace some conventional gas switches currently being used in various pulsed power systems (in the 1-10-kV 1-100 kA range).REFERENCES(1) N. Mapham, “The rating of silicon-controlled rectifiers when switching into high currents,” IEEE Trans. Commun. Electron., vol. 83, pp. 515-519, Sept. 1964.(2) J. L. Hudgins and W. M. Portnoy, “Gating effects on thyristor anode current di/dt,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. PE-2, pp. 149-153, 1987.(3) V. A. Sankaran, J. L. Hudgins, and W. M. Portnoy, “Role of the amplifying gate structure in the tum-on process of involute structure thyristors,” IEEE Trans. Power. Electron.. vol. 5, pp. 125-132, Apr. 1990.(4) C. E. Kennedy, J. L. Hudgins, V. A. Sankaran, and W. M. Portnoy,“Comparison of GTOs and SCRs for high di/dt switching,”Conf. Rec. /AS Ann. Meeting, Oct. 1990, pp. 1643-1647.(5) J. L. Hudgins and W. M. Portnoy, “High di/dt pulse switching of thyristors,” IEEE Trans. Power Elertron., vol. PE-2, pp. 143-148, 1987. (6) K. Okamura, Y. Watanabe, I. Ohshima, and S. Yanabu, “High-speed,high-power switching of semiconductor devices,” 7thlEEE Pulse Power Conf., June 1989, pp. 836839.(7) J. Vitins, J. L. Steiner, and A. Schweizer, “Reverse conducting thyristors replace thyratrons in sub-microsecond pulse generation,” Pror. 6th IEEE Pulse Power Conf.. June 1987, pp. 591-594.(8) W. E. Newell, “Transient thermal analysis of solid-state power de- vices-making a dreaded process easy,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-12, pp. 405-420, July/Aug. 1976.(9) S. Ikeda, S. Tsuda, and Y. Waki, “The current pulse ratings of thyristors.” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-17, pp. 69M93, Sept. 1970.(10) V. A. Sankaran, J. L. Hudgins. C. A. Rhodes, and W. M. Portnoy, “A numerical approach based on transient thermal analysis to estimate the safe operating frequencies of thyristors,” to be published in the IEEE Trans. Power Electron..vol. 6, July 1991.(11) G. D. Bergman, “The gate triggered tum-on process in thyristors,” Solid-State Electron.. vol. 8, pp. 157-765, 1965.。



永磁体磁控溅射工艺英文回答:Magnetron sputtering is a widely used technique for depositing thin films onto various substrates. It is particularly useful for producing thin films with high purity and controlled thickness. The process involves bombarding a target material, typically a metal or alloy, with high-energy ions to dislodge atoms from its surface. These atoms then condense onto the substrate, forming athin film.One of the key advantages of magnetron sputtering is the use of permanent magnets to create a magnetic field near the target surface. This magnetic field enhances the sputtering process by confining the plasma and increasing the sputtering rate. It also helps to improve theuniformity of the deposited film. The use of permanent magnets eliminates the need for an external power supply to generate the magnetic field, making the process moreenergy-efficient.Furthermore, magnetron sputtering allows for precise control over the film properties, such as composition, thickness, and microstructure. By adjusting the sputtering parameters, such as the target material, gas pressure, and power density, one can tailor the film properties to meet specific requirements. This level of control is crucial for applications in industries such as electronics, optics, and coatings.One example of the application of magnetron sputtering is in the production of magnetic storage media, such as hard disk drives. The thin films deposited using this technique exhibit excellent magnetic properties, such as high coercivity and low remanence. These properties are essential for achieving high-density data storage and reliable data retrieval.中文回答:永磁体磁控溅射工艺是一种广泛应用于各种基底上薄膜沉积的技术。



高功率脉冲磁控溅射技术的特点及其研究班级:机械工程学院材料1301班学号:0335******* 作者:程乾坤摘要:本论文主要介绍高功率脉冲磁控溅射技术的主要特点以及目前的研究状况和未来的发展方向。




其中高功率脉冲磁控溅射(high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) 或high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering (HPPMS))近来使用较为普遍。



若为环形磁场,则电子就以近似摆线形式在靶表面做圆周运动,它们的运动路径不仅很长,而且被束缚在靠近靶表面的等离子体区域内,并且在该区域中电离出大量的Ar 来轰击靶材,从而实现了高的沉积速率。

随着碰撞次数的增加,二次电子的能量消耗殆尽,逐渐远离靶表面,并在电场E 的作用下最终沉积在基片上。





摘 要:采用高功率脉冲磁控溅射方法在不同基体偏压下的钢基体上沉积含 Cr 过渡层的 DLC
薄膜ꎮ 利用原子力显微镜、场发射扫描电镜、Raman 光谱、动态超显微硬度计和划痕仪对薄膜
的表面形貌、截面形貌、结构成分、力学性能进行表征ꎮ 结果表明:随着基体偏压的增大ꎬ薄膜
表面更加平整ꎬ表面粗糙度减小ꎻ不同基体偏压下制备的 DLC 薄膜与基体结合良好ꎬ厚度均匀ꎬ
500 nm
500 nma0 Vb来自-50 V500 nm
c-100 V
渡层采用相同参数ꎬ厚度基本一致ꎬ均为(250±20) nmꎮ 图
中可以看出ꎬCr 过渡层和 DLC 薄膜均呈现典型的柱状晶
结构ꎮ 当基体偏压为 0 V 时ꎬDLC 薄膜和 Cr 过渡层分界
面清晰ꎬ没有产生明显的交汇ꎬDLC 薄膜柱状晶尺寸较大ꎬ
2 结果与讨论
为0.8 Paꎬ 开 启 阳 极 源ꎬ 阳 极 源 功 率 设 定 为 100 Wꎬ 在
-300 V基体 偏 压 下 利 用 Ar 气 对 基 体 进 行 溅 射 清 洗
2.1 基体偏压对 DLC 薄膜表面形貌的影响
20 minꎬ 去 除 基 体 表 面 杂 质ꎮ 之 后 调 节 基 体 偏 压 为
.0 0
.0 0
.0 0
.0 0

High Power Pulse Magnetron Sputtering For High Asp

High Power Pulse Magnetron Sputtering For High Asp

专利名称:High Power Pulse Magnetron Sputtering ForHigh Aspect-Ratio Features, Vias, andTrenches发明人:Roman Chistyakov申请号:US12819914申请日:20100621公开号:US20100270144A1公开日:20101028专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A plasma source includes a chamber for containing a feed gas. An anode is positioned in the chamber. A segmented magnetron cathode comprising a plurality ofelectrically isolated magnetron cathode segments is positioned in the chamber proximate to the anode. A power supply is electrically connected to an electrical input of a switch. A respective one of the plurality of electrical outputs of the switch is electrically connected to a respective one of the plurality of magnetron cathode segments. The power supply generates a train of voltage pulses that ignites a plasma from the feed gas. Individual voltage pulses in the train of voltage pulses are routed by the switch in a predetermined sequence to at least two of the plurality of magnetron cathode segments.申请人:Roman Chistyakov地址:Andover MA US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:HIGH-POWER PULSED MAGNETRON SPUTTERING发明人:CHISTYAKOV, Roman申请号:US2003030427申请日:20030926公开号:WO04/031435P1公开日:20040415专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:Magnetically enhanced sputtering methods and apparatus are described. A magnetically enhanced sputtering source according to the present invention includes an anode and a cathode assembly having a target that is positioned adjacent to the anode. An ionization source generates a weakly-ionized plasma proximate to the anode and the cathode assembly. A magnet is positioned to generate a magnetic field proximate to the weakly-ionized plasma. The magnetic field substantially traps electrons in the weakly-ionized plasma proximate to the sputtering target. A power supply produces an electric field between the anode and the cathode assembly. The electric field generates excited atoms in the weekly ionized plasma and generates secondary electrons from the sputtering target. The secondary electrons ionize the excited atoms, thereby creating a strongly-ionized plasma having ions that impact a surface of the sputtering target to generate sputtering flux.申请人:CHISTYAKOV, Roman地址:US,US国籍:US,US代理机构:RAUSCHENBACH, Kurt 更多信息请下载全文后查看。



张玉鹏, 王振玉, 汪爱英, 柯培玲. 直流复合高功率脉冲磁控溅射VAlN-Ag 涂层的宽温域摩擦特性研究[J]. 摩擦学学报(中英文), 2024, 44(3): 368−378. ZHANG Yupeng, WANG Zhenyu, WANG Aiying, KE Peiling. Tribological Behavior of VAlN-Ag Coating Prepared by Direct Current Combined with High Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering Over a Wide Temperature Range[J].Tribology, 2024, 44(3): 368−378. DOI: 10.16078/j.tribology.2022265直流复合高功率脉冲磁控溅射VAlN-Ag涂层的宽温域摩擦特性研究张玉鹏, 王振玉, 汪爱英, 柯培玲*(中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所 a. 中国科学院海洋新材料与应用技术重点实验室;b. 浙江省海洋材料与防护技术重点实验室,浙江 宁波 315201)摘 要: 通过直流磁控溅射(DCMS)复合高功率脉冲磁控溅射(HiPIMS)技术制备了VAlN/VAlN-Ag 复合涂层,调控HiPIMS 靶功率控制Ag 质量分数变化范围(11.4%、19.8%、24.5%),探究了涂层在25、300和650 ℃温度下的摩擦学性能. 在室温摩擦条件下,3种涂层的摩擦系数均较高,当温度升高至300和650 ℃时,摩擦系数随Ag 含量增加而降低,高Ag 含量(质量分数24.5%)涂层摩擦系数最低,分别为0.45和0.23. 磨损率随温度升高而增加,宽温域环境中,低Ag 含量的S1 (Ag 质量分数为11.4%)涂层具有最优的力学性能和最低的磨损率,使复合涂层在宽温域内表现出良好的摩擦学性能. 复合涂层的物相结构、元素价态和化学键在中低温摩擦环境中无明显变化;经650 ℃摩擦试验后,涂层表面发生摩擦化学反应,V 和Ag 元素的价态升高,生成层状结构的AgVO 3和Ag 3VO 4高温润滑相,有效降低涂层的摩擦系数. 高温摩擦过程中伴随着元素扩散,涂层内部微结构演变成致密的Al 2O 3层包裹钒酸银润滑相的表层结构,V 2O 5和NiO 这2种物相为主的中间层,以及Ti 主导的过渡层结构. 高温磨损机制表现为黏着磨损和氧化磨损.关键词: HiPIMS 技术; VAlN-Ag 复合涂层; 宽温域摩擦; 润滑; 元素扩散中图分类号: TH117.2文献标志码: A文章编号: 1004-0595(2024)03–0368–11Tribological Behavior of VAlN-Ag Coating Prepared by DirectCurrent Combined with High Power Pulsed MagnetronSputtering Over a Wide Temperature RangeZHANG Yupeng, WANG Zhenyu, WANG Aiying, KE Peiling*(a. Key Laboratory of Marine Materials and Related Technologies; b. Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Marine Materials of Protective Technologies, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Zhejiang Ningbo 315201, China )Abstract : With the development of aviation engine technology, the high flow ratio and thrust weight ratio is gradually improved, especially components such as brush seal and foil air bearing will serve in harsh environment of high-speed and wide temperature from 25 ℃ to 650 ℃. The insufficient lubrication will cause friction and wear of surface,decreasing sealing performance, shortening service life and affecting safe and reliable operation of engine. Therefore,developing low friction coating with good lubrication, long service life and wear resistance over wide temperature rangeReceived 19 December 2022, revised 8 April 2023, accepted 12 April 2023, available online 19 April 2023.*Corresponding author. E-mail: *************.cn, Tel: +86-574-86694790.This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51875555, 51901238) and Ningbo Municipal Natural Science Foundation (202003N4025).国家自然科学基金项目(51875555, 51901238)和宁波市自然科学基金项目(202003N4025)资助.第 44 卷 第 3 期摩擦学学报(中英文)Vol 44 No 32024 年 3 月TribologyMar, 2024to prevent wear and failure of component, and improve the service life. The VAlN hard coating with high hardness, wear resistance, and good thermal stability was selected to prepare chameleon composite coating combining with soft metal Ag. In view of the high power pulsed magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) had the excellent discharge characteristics of low discharge frequency, high plasma density and high ionization rate, which was conducive to the preparation of low defect, dense and smooth surface of coatings. Meanwhile, the deposition rate of sputtering soft metal was lower than that of direct current magnetron sputtering (DCMS) under the same power. Therefore, during the preparation process, the DCMS technology combined with HiPIMS technology was utilized to prepare the chameleon composite coating by the home-made multi-target reactive magnetron sputtering equipment. Among them, DCMS technology was utilized to sputter VAl alloy targets, and regulated target power through the HiPIMS to control Ag contents, then fabricated the VAlN/VAlN-Ag composite coatings with different Ag contents (11.4%, 19.8%, 24.5%). The tribological behavior at 25 ℃, 300 ℃ and 650 °C were investigated in this article. The friction coefficient of three coatings were close to each other and relatively high at 25 ℃, but with the increase of temperature to 300 °C and 650 °C, the friction coefficient reduced with increasing of Ag content, as well as the coating with 24.5% Ag obtained the lowest friction coefficient of 0.45 and 0.23. The wear rate increased with the rise of temperature from 25 ℃ to 650 ℃, the S1 coating with the best mechanical properties possessed the lowest wear rate, the composite coatings exhibited great tribological behavior over wide temperature range. It was found that the phase structure, element valence and chemical bond of coating unchanged after friction at 25 ℃ and 300 ℃, and the behavior of elements diffusion was not obviously. The tribochemical reaction was occurred during friction test at 650 ℃, thus the valence states of V and Ag elements increased and the AgVO3 and Ag3VO4 with layered structure were mainly formed. The formed high-temperature lubricating phase played the key factor to effectively reduce friction coefficient, improve the friction and wear resistance of coatings, as well as tolerable higher temperature. The diffusion of V and Ag elements to the coating surface occurred during high temperature friction process, which adjusted the elemental composition and structure of contact interface. As a results, the internal microstructure changed obviously, which were the surface layer mainly composed of bimetallic lubricating phase and dense Al2O3 protective layer, the intermediate layer mainly composed of V2O5 and NiO phases, and the bottom layer dominated by Ti transition layer. The wear mechanism was mainly adhesive wear and oxidative wear during the friction at 650 ℃. This article provided a theoretical basis and experimental basis for the design and preparation of low friction coatings over wide temperature range.Key words: HiPIMS technology; VAlN-Ag composite coating; friction over wide temperature range; lubrication; element diffusion航空发动机逐渐向高流量比及高推重比发展,用于提高热效率和推力,因此其中一些热端部件的服役温度会随之升高. 比如发动机中的刷式密封件和箔片空气轴承等零部件,在高速运转过程中会经历室温至650 ℃的宽温域服役环境,如果润滑性不足则发生摩擦磨损,导致表面产生裂纹和损伤,密封性下降,寿命缩短,影响发动机安全可靠的运行[1-2]. 因此发展润滑性好、寿命长及耐磨损的宽温域低摩擦涂层,可以防止零部件在运行过程中磨损失效,提升服役寿命[3-4].在众多防护涂层中,VAlN、CrVN和MoVN等氮化物涂层具有表面硬度高、耐磨损以及热稳定性好等优点,在高温(>500 ℃)条件可生成层状结构的Magneli相(V2O5、Cr2O3和MoO3等)[5-9]. 这类氧化物具有高离子势(阳离子电荷/阳离子半径),其阳离子周围形成弱的共价键或离子键,存在原子空位可形成低剪切强度平面[10-11],作为高温润滑相降低摩擦系数,使其具备高温自润滑性而受到广泛研究[12-13]. 但是随温度持续升高,这些氧化物分解导致涂层润滑失效,且涂层的减摩耐磨性能仍需要提升,方可满足零部件在更高温度和更高速度下耐高温、长寿命以及低摩擦的应用需求.通过多相复配制备变色龙复合涂层是1种解决方法,即氮化物或氧化物等涂层与软金属(如Ag、Cu等)结合,涂层中的软金属随温度升高而向表面扩散,调整接触界面的元素成分和结构,在高温环境生成双金属氧化物润滑相,可降低涂层的摩擦系数,提升涂层的耐受温度和减摩耐磨性能[14-16]. 例如,将氮化物涂层和具有低剪切力的软金属Ag元素结合,在中低温环境中Ag能发生塑性变形,在高温环境中可生成双金属氧化物润滑相,较弱的Ag-O键和Ag-Ag键更容易被剪切,从而减少摩擦磨损,改善其宽温域摩擦学性能[17-22]. Xu等[23]用直流磁控溅射技术(DCMS)结合射频磁控溅射技术制备的MoN-Ag (Ag质量分数为2.2%)涂层和Mulligan等[24]制备的CrN-Ag (Ag质量分数为22%)涂第 3 期张玉鹏, 等: 直流复合高功率脉冲磁控溅射VAlN-Ag涂层的宽温域摩擦特性研究369层均能够将室温摩擦系数降低至0.55. Wang等[7]和Shtansky等[12]分别制备的MoVN-Ag和MoCN-Ag涂层,在高温条件生成具有层状结构且易剪切的Ag2MoO4和Ag3VO4等双金属氧化物高温润滑相,在500~700 ℃下摩擦系数分别降低至0.19~0.28和0.37~0.27[25],并在宽温域内保持较低的摩擦系数. Dai等[26]制备的MoNbN-Ag (Ag质量分数为10.3%)涂层在室温至800 ℃的宽温域升温摩擦过程中,先后形成MoO3、Nb2O5、AgNbO3和Ag2Mo4O13等润滑相,而且双金属氧化物的含量随温度升高逐渐增加,使涂层的摩擦系数从室温时的0.6降低至800 ℃时的0.1,极大地改善了涂层的摩擦学性能. Yu等[27]制备的VCN-Ag涂层在从25 ℃升温至500 ℃的过程中,先后形成V2O3、V2O5和Ag3VO4,涂层的摩擦系数从0.6逐渐降低至0.42. 这些涂层材料能在相应环境中发挥良好的润滑作用,但是在高温摩擦过程中,V和Ag等元素容易扩散并被氧化,导致涂层内部微结构变化,影响涂层在高温环境中的力学性能和摩擦学性能. 明晰元素的扩散机制和内部微结构演变,有助于揭示涂层的高温摩擦机理,提出改善高温力学性能的解决方案,以持续改善涂层的宽温域摩擦学性能.在涂层制备过程中,考虑到软金属元素(Ag元素)的溅射产额高,含量不易调控且分布不均匀,需选择优化的溅射技术控制其沉积速率. 高功率脉冲磁控溅射(HiPIMS)技术具备放电频率低(1~1 000 Hz)、高等离子体密度(高达1013/cm3)、高离化率以及绕镀性好等放电特性,利于制备低缺陷、致密且表面光滑的涂层,且采用相同功率时,HiPIMS技术的沉积速率比DCMS 的低,是软金属材料的理想溅射技术[28-29]. 本文中在多靶反应磁控溅射设备上,采用DCMS技术溅射VAl靶,HiPIMS技术溅射Ag靶,制备了不同Ag含量的VAlN/ VAlN-Ag复合涂层. 探究了涂层在宽温域内的摩擦学性能、涂层的物相和内部微观结构演变以及元素的扩散机制,为宽温域低摩擦涂层的设计制备提供了理论基础和试验依据.1 试验部分1.1 VAlN\VAlN-Ag涂层的制备图1所示为多靶反应磁控溅射设备,通过直流磁控溅射(DCMS)技术复合高功率脉冲磁控溅射(HiPIMS)技术,在Si片(p-100)和Ni基高温合金(GH3600)基体上沉积涂层. 沉积之前将Si片和基体在丙酮和无水乙醇中分别超声清洗20 min,随后用导电胶粘在圆形样品台上. 镀膜前先加热至350 ℃以除去基体及镀膜腔室中吸附的水蒸气等杂质. 随后通入50 sccm的Ar气体,并施加脉冲负偏压(−400 V)刻蚀基体30 min. 刻蚀结束后,用DCMS技术沉积Ti过渡层,溅射靶功率为90 W,沉积时间30 min;随后通入流量为4 sccm (标准立方厘米每分钟)的N2,工作气压为0.4 Pa,采用DCMS技术沉积VAlN层,溅射功率为150 W,沉积时间为100 min;最后,VAl靶和Ag靶共溅射,其中用HiPIMS技术溅射Ag靶,分别控制功率为10、20和30 W,沉积时间都为60 min,占空比为5%,制备不同Ag含量的VAlN\ VAlN-Ag复合涂层,样品分别命名为S1、S2及S3.1.2 摩擦试验和磨损率计算用球盘式高温摩擦试验机(Anton Paar)检测涂层的摩擦系数. 对偶球是直径为6 mm的Al2O3球,载荷为2 N,旋转速度60 r/min,摩擦半径为5 mm,频率为50 Hz,摩擦距离为60 m. 摩擦试验温度为25、300 和650 ℃.磨损率(W R/[mm3/(N·m)])根据以下公式计算而得[30]:W R=2πrh(3h2+4b2)/6bF N L式中,h、b和r分别代表磨痕的深度(mm)、宽度(mm)和半径(mm),F N和L分别表示载荷(N)和摩擦距离(m). 涂层的W R是在不同位置共测量5次后计算的平均值.1.3 表征仪器用冷场发射扫描电子显微镜(SEM,S4800)表征涂层表面和断面形貌特征. 用热场发射扫描电子显微镜(SEM,FEI Quanta FEG 250)表征磨痕形貌. 用X射线衍射仪(XRD,D8 ADVANCE)检测样品的物相结构. 用表面轮廓仪(KLA-Tencor Alpha-Step IQ)检测磨痕的深度和宽度,用于计算磨损率. 通过X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS,AXIS SUPRA)表征涂层中元素价态及化学键的状态变化. 用聚焦离子束扫描电子显微镜(FIB,DCDCHiPIMSA rN2A rN2ArN2V A lA gTiShutter SamplesSample tableShutterRotatingFig. 1 Schematic diagram of DCMS combined withHiPIMS equipment图 1 直流磁控溅射复合高功率脉冲磁控溅射设备示意图370摩擦学学报(中英文)第 44 卷Auriga)制备TEM所需样品,用透射电子显微镜(TEM,Talos F200x)表征涂层的微观结构和元素分布情况.2 结果与讨论2.1 涂层的形貌特征在不同Ag含量的S1、S2和S3涂层中,底层是Ti过渡层,中间的VAlN层呈柱状晶形貌生长,上层VAlN-Ag层的形貌和厚度则随Ag含量增加而变化,如图2所示. 当Ag靶的溅射功率为10 W时,图2(a)所示的S1涂层的过渡层厚度为0.21 μm,VAlN层厚度为0.79 μm,VAlN-Ag层厚度为0.68 μm,有较小的Ag颗粒附着或嵌入在柱状晶中,柱状晶结构逐渐消失. 从图2(b)中观察到,样品S1表面相对平整光滑,有少量直径较大的Ag颗粒以及许多Ag纳米颗粒,图2(c)显示S1涂层中的Ag的质量分数为11.4%. 当Ag靶的溅射功率为20 W 时,图2(d)观察到S2涂层中VAlN-Ag层的厚度增加至0.8 μm,且Ag颗粒较多,表面更加粗糙,涂层较为疏松. 从图2(e)中观察到S2涂层表面有大小不均匀的菜花状颗粒,多数为集聚的Ag颗粒,图2(f)显示S2涂层中Ag的质量分数为19.8%. 当Ag靶的溅射功率为30 W 时,图2(g)显示S3涂层中VAlN-Ag层厚度增加至0.9 μm,涂层疏松呈现堆积状,无柱状晶结构. 从图2(h)中观察到,由于Ag含量增加并有不同程度的集聚,表面也呈现出大小不一的菜花状颗粒,图2(i)显示S3涂层中的Ag质量分数增加至24.5%. 在3种涂层中,随Ag含量增加,涂层的整体厚度逐渐增加,表面菜花状颗粒逐渐变大,表面粗糙度显现出递增的趋势.2.2 涂层的力学性能图3所示为3种涂层的力学性能,从图3(a)中看出,随着Ag含量增加,S1到S3涂层的硬度(H)和弹性模量(E)都逐渐降低,其中S1涂层的H和E最高,分别为25.9 GPa和353.5 GPa,S3涂层的H和E最低,分别为5.3 GPa和215.2 GPa,说明硬质涂层的H和E明显受到Ag含量的影响. 然而,与文献中纯VAlN硬质涂层相5040302010V Al N AgElements17.920.446.111.44.1OAtomfraction/%5040302010V Al N AgElements12.816. Al N AgElements11.713.345.424.56.2OAtomfraction/%(c) S1(f) S2(i) S3Fig. 2 SEM micrographs of the cross-sectional and surface micrographs and elements content of(a~c) S1, (d~f) S2 and (g~i) S3 coatings图 2 涂层(a~c) S1、(d~f) S2和(g~i) S3的断面和表面形貌的SEM照片以及元素含量第 3 期张玉鹏, 等: 直流复合高功率脉冲磁控溅射VAlN-Ag涂层的宽温域摩擦特性研究371比,掺杂质量分数大约为11.4%的Ag 只是少量降低了涂层的硬度[31],当Ag 质量分数增加至大约19.8%时,涂层的硬度大幅下降至9.6 GPa. H /E 和H 3/E 2与硬质涂层的抗断裂韧性呈正相关[32-33],图3(b)显示S1涂层的H /E 和H 3/E 2值最高,分别为0.073和0.14 GPa ,意味着其力学性能最优,在摩擦过程中更具耐磨性.2.3 涂层的物相结构通过XRD 检测了3种涂层的物相结构,如图4所示. 3种涂层均在2θ位于37.9°处出现明显的衍射峰,衍射峰包括立方结构的AlN (111)相(ICDD#00-025-1495)、VN (111)相(ICDD#00-025-1525)以及Ag (111)相(ICDD#00-001-1164),空间群为Fm3m (225)[34-35].S1、S2和S3涂层在2θ位于37.9°的衍射峰强度依次升高,这是由3种涂层中的Ag 含量逐渐增加导致的. 在3种涂层中,在2θ位于64.6° (220)和77.3° (311)处也检测到单质Ag 的衍射峰,说明Ag 元素是以单质形式掺杂进VAlN 涂层中,S1和S2涂层中的Ag 含量较S3涂层的低,故Ag 的衍射峰强度相对较低. 同时在2θ位于62.6°和77.3°观察到VN 0.2 (ICDD#00-008-0380)的衍射峰. 从XRD 结果可知,VAlN-Ag 涂层由AlN 、VN 和单质Ag 组成.2.4 涂层的摩擦学性能图5(a)所示为25 ℃时,S2涂层的平均摩擦系数为0.64且缓慢增大,S1和S3涂层的摩擦系数相对平稳,其平均摩擦系数分别为0.77和0.67,说明Ag 以掺杂方式形成复合涂层,能适当降低室温摩擦环境中的摩擦系数. 图5(b)所示为300 ℃时,S1涂层的平均摩擦系数稳定在0.73,S2涂层的平均摩擦系数缓慢增大至0.65,S3涂层的平均摩擦系数最低,稳定在0.45左右,3种涂层的摩擦系数随Ag 含量增加均明显降低. 在中低温环境,氮化物涂层往往具有较高的摩擦系数,从试验数据来看,Ag 掺杂可明显降低涂层在中温环境的摩擦系数. 图5(c)所示为650 ℃的高温摩擦试验时,3种涂层的摩擦系数均有大幅降低,S1涂层在磨合阶段的摩擦曲线有浮动,随后趋于稳定,平均摩擦系数稳定在0.31.S2涂层在磨合阶段的摩擦曲线也有明显浮动,经过磨合期后,摩擦曲线逐渐上升并接近于S1涂层,平均摩擦系数为0.31. S3涂层的Ag 含量最高,其摩擦系数从开始的0.45逐渐降低并稳定在0.23. 由上述数据说明,掺杂Ag 后制备成VAlN/VAlN-Ag 复合涂层可适当降低中低温环境的摩擦系数,有效降低高温环境的摩擦系数,且摩擦系数随Ag 含量增加而减小. 图5(d)所示为3种涂层在不同温度下的W R ,W R 在室温环境下最低,650 ℃时最高,磨损程度随温度升高变得更剧烈.中低温摩擦试验后,S1涂层的W R 均最低,S3涂层的W R 均最高,这是由于随Ag 含量增加,涂层的力学性能逐渐降低而导致W R 增加. 在650 ℃高温摩擦试验后,S1涂层仍然具有最低的W R ,而Ag 含量相对高的S2和S3涂层则具有较高的W R .2.5 高温摩擦试验后涂层的物相结构随着摩擦试验温度的升高,涂层的物相结构会发生演变,以S1涂层为例,摩擦试验后的物相结构如图6CoatingsS1H /E S2S30.080.060.0730.140.0380.130.0250.0030. 3/E 2/G P aH /E H 3/E 20.150.20CoatingsS1E /G P a H /G P aS2S3302525.9353.59.6251.35.3215.22015105010050200150H E250400350300(a)(b)Fig. 3 The mechanical properties of S1, S2 and S3 coatings图 3 S1、S2和S3涂层的力学性能202θ/(°)253035I n t e n s i t y40607080♥♠◆♣●VN AlNAg VN 0.2SubstrateS3S2S1Fig. 4 The phase structure of S1, S2 and S3 coatings at 25 ℃图 4 S1、S2和S3涂层在25 ℃时的物相结构372摩擦学学报(中英文)第 44 卷所示. 在25和 300 ℃摩擦试验后,涂层中的物相结构无明显变化,说明涂层在中低温环境有较好的耐氧化性能,VAlN 硬质层在摩擦过程中具有重要的支撑作用,防止涂层失效,这是S1涂层具有更低W R 的主要原因. 650 ℃摩擦试验后,分别在2θ位于17.0° (−301)、27.3° (011)、28.4° (−211)、29.2° (310)、30.0° (211)、35.8° (−510)和53.4° (910)处观察到大量衍射峰,其归属于AgVO 3润滑相(ICDD#00-029-1154). 在2θ的值位于32.3° (121)、35.0° (301)、35.9° (202)和41.3° (400)处发现Ag 3VO 4 (ICDD#00-043-0542)的衍射峰. 这说明在高温摩擦过程中,涂层发生摩擦化学反应,V 和Ag 元素在大气环境中生成以AgVO 3和Ag 3VO 4为主的润滑相[25,27]. 在2θ位于18.9° (221)、31.4° (052)、53.4° (165)和58.7° (091)处发现V 2O 5 (ICDD#00-045-1074)的衍射峰,这是由于少量V 元素被氧化生成具有高离子势、低剪切力及层状结构的Magneli 相,作为高温润滑相协同降低涂层在高温环境中的摩擦系数[36]. 在样品中还发现2θ位于34.9° (11-1)、58.7° (31-1)、62.4° (311)和64.0° (020)处出现Al 2O 3的衍射峰(ICDD#00-035-0121),这是因为涂层在高温摩擦过程中,AlN 被氧化后生成氧化产物.2.6 不同温度摩擦试验后元素的化学价态变化用XPS 检测了S1涂层在25、300和 650 ℃摩擦后元素价态及化学键的变化,如图7所示. V 2p 的精细谱图展示在图7(a)中,25 ℃时,结合能位于514.6 eV 处为VN 物相,516.7 eV 处为涂层表面生成少量V 的高价态氧化物,513.5 eV 处为金属V 的特征峰[37-38]. 在300 ℃摩擦试验后,涂层被轻微氧化,V 2p 的结合能整体向高结合能方向移动,分别在515.8 和523.7 eV 处出现V-O 键,在517.3和525.1 eV 处出现V 的高价态物相,这些都是V 与O 发生反应形成的氧化物. 在650 ℃摩擦试验Time/s300F r i c t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t 25 °C600900 1 200 1 500 1 800Time/s300F r i c t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t0. 300 °C600900 1 200 1 500 1 800Time/s300F r i c t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t 650 °C600900 1 200 1 500 1 800CoatingsS1S2S3S1S225 °C25 °C 300 °C 650 °C300 °C650 °CS3S1S2S3W e a r r a t e /[10−4 m m 3/(N ·m )] 5 The friction curves of coatings at (a) 25 ℃, (b) 300 ℃, (c) 650 ℃ and (d) the W R of coatings图 5 涂层在(a) 25 ℃、(b) 300 ℃、(c) 650 ℃的摩擦系数和(d)磨损率202θ/(°)253035I n t e n s i t y4055606570650 °C 300 °C 25 °C♥ AgVO 3 ♠ Ag 3VO 4◆V 2O 5 ΔAl 2O 3Fig. 6 The phase structure of S1 coating afterfriction at 25, 300 and 650 ℃图 6 S1涂层在25、300和 650 ℃摩擦试验后的物相结构第 3 期张玉鹏, 等: 直流复合高功率脉冲磁控溅射VAlN-Ag 涂层的宽温域摩擦特性研究373后,涂层中V 元素的3d 轨道中失去的电子数逐渐增加,导致515.6和522.6 eV 处出现特征峰,对应于少量的V 3O 5、V 4O 7和V 6O 11等V 系氧化物,在517.1和524.3 eV 处出现V 5+氧化物种,这主要对应于Ag 3VO 4和AgVO 3双金属氧化物润滑相[37,39]. 图7(b)所示为Ag 3d 的精细谱图,发现在25和 300 ℃摩擦试验后,Ag 3d 的特征峰没有明显变化,结合能在368.4 eV 处的3d 5/2轨道和374.4 eV 处的3d 3/2轨道归属于Ag-Ag 键,367.5 eV 处的3d 5/2轨道和373.6 eV 处的3d 3/2轨道归属于Ag-O 键,结合能在369.1和375 eV 处为Ag 纳米簇结构[6,40]. 经历650 ℃摩擦试验后,Ag 3d 的特征峰向高结合能方向移动,分别在367.5和373.5 eV 处的3d 3/2轨道出现Ag-O 键,这意味着Ag 被严重氧化.通过XPS 表征发现,在中低温摩擦试验后,涂层的氧化程度较低,在650 ℃摩擦试验后,涂层被严重氧化,特别是Ag 被氧化形成Ag-O 键,低价态V 被氧化生成高价态的V 4+和V 5+,说明摩擦过程中涂层发生摩擦化学反应,生成了Ag 和V 的双金属氧化物,作为高温润滑相降低涂层的摩擦系数.2.7 高温摩擦试验后的磨痕形貌3种涂层在650 ℃高温摩擦试验后的磨痕形貌的SEM 照片如图8所示. 图8(a)所示为S1涂层的磨痕形貌照片,磨痕宽度为322.5 μm ,中间区域呈现平滑的条状特征,这是因为对偶球与涂层相对滑动时,在主要承受载荷的对偶球接触面中间形成转移层,使磨痕内形成平滑区域. 对偶球接触面两侧黏附的材料刮擦涂层表面,在磨痕两侧形成粗糙且部分区域剥落的形貌.图8(b)所示为S2涂层的磨痕形貌照片,磨痕宽度增加至475.4 μm ,由于涂层中Ag 含量增加,涂层相对疏松,在滑动一段距离后,涂层逐渐磨损,对偶球接触面与过渡层接触,在磨痕中形成平滑区,两侧形成刮擦区.磨痕中间和边缘处的深灰色区域为液体润滑相冷却后的形貌. 图8(c)所示为S3涂层的磨痕形貌照片,磨痕两侧有较多的平滑区域,这是由于S3涂层表面的Ag 含量最多,可形成更多润滑相,使得S3涂层在650 ℃摩擦过程中具有最低的摩擦系数. 同时,对偶球接触面的转移层与涂层相对滑动,两侧容易黏附更多涂层材料,导致磨痕宽度增加至652.4 μm ,两侧形成犁沟. 对偶球接触面两侧黏附的转移材料与涂层反复进行黏着-剪切-断裂的过程,而S1和S2涂层中形成刮擦区,说明在两接触表面相互刮擦,这是其摩擦系数高于S3涂层的另一原因. 3种涂层在高温摩擦过程中的磨损机制均为黏着磨损和氧化磨损机制.从EDS 图中发现,3种涂层的磨痕内主要成分为V 、Ag 和O 元素,说明摩擦过程中形成了V/Ag 元素的氧化物. 随着温度的升高,摩擦化学反应程度剧烈,V-N 键526524522I n t e n s i t y520Binding energy/eV 518516514512376374I n t e n s i t y372Binding energy/eV370368376374I n t e n s i t y372Binding energy/eV370368366375373I n t e n s i t y371Binding energy/eV369367365526524522I n t e n s i t y520Binding energy/eV 518516514512526524522I n t e n s i t y520Binding energy/eV 518516514512V 523.7 eVV 516.7 eVV 2p V 2p25 ℃(a)(b)300 ℃650 ℃V 2pV 2pAg 3dAg 3dAg 3dV 2p V 2p V 2p V 2p V 2p VN 522.1 eVV , V 517.3 eVV , V 524.3 eVV , V 517.1 eVV 522.6 eVV 515.6 eVV , V 525.1 eVV-O 523.7 eVV-O 515.8 eVVN 514.2 eVVN 514.6 eVVN 514.2 eVV 521.1 eVV 513.5 eV3d Ag-Ag3d Ag-Ag3d Ag-Ag3d Ag-Ag3d Ag-Ag3d Ag-Ag3d Ag-O 3d Ag-O3d Ag-O3d Ag-OAg cluster Ag cluster Ag clusterAg cluster3d Ag-O 3d Ag-OFig. 7 High-resolution XPS spectrum of (a) V and (b) Ag elements of S1 coating after friction at 25, 300 and 650 ℃图 7 S1涂层中(a) V 元素和(b) Ag 元素在25、300 及650 ℃摩擦试验后的XPS 精细谱图374摩擦学学报(中英文)第 44 卷和Al-N键断裂,生成N2导致磨痕中的N元素明显减少. Al含量均有不同程度的减少,这是由于在高温摩擦过程中,有一部分Al元素升华[41],同时表面形成的Al2O3被对偶球推挤在磨痕两侧,或转移至对偶球表面而导致的. 磨痕中表征出过渡层中的Ti元素,这意味着高温摩擦过程中,对偶球沿着涂层的膜厚方向向下滑动,润滑层逐渐变薄而接近Ti过渡层. 然而,S3涂层中的Ti层磨损最严重,说明涂层疏松容易加快磨损,进而缩短磨损寿命导致涂层失效,因此综合考虑润滑性能、磨损率和力学性能等因素,认为本研究中复合涂层掺杂质量分数为11.4% 的Ag具有最优的综合性能.结合图6中的XRD可知,在高温和摩擦热的共同作用下,涂层表面的材料逐渐熔化,并发生摩擦化学反应,生成低剪切强度的AgVO3和Ag3VO4液态润滑相[22,42].在法向载荷的作用下,对偶球的硬表面嵌入涂层的软表面,相对滑动时,剪切软材料内部Ag-O键[17]和Ag-Ag键[18]较弱,液态润滑相在表面发挥润滑作用,降低摩擦系数. 随着摩擦时间和距离的增加,由于载荷引起的持续压应力作用会逐渐消耗涂层表面的润滑相,导致磨痕深度增加而造成磨损.2.8 摩擦试验后涂层内部的微观结构为了探究涂层在高温摩擦后元素扩散行为对内部微结构演变的影响,用TEM表征了S1涂层在650 ℃摩擦试验后非摩擦区域的内部微观结构. 高温摩擦试验后,涂层内部的微结构变化明显,整体厚度从1.71 μm 增加至4.1 μm,沿着涂层的生长方向,柱状晶消失,涂层被氧化为3层不同成分的结构,如图9(a)所示. 涂层的下层为Ti过渡层,中间层疏松多孔,上层为致密层.图9(a)中的插图1是在(1)位置的选区电子衍射(SAED),衍射环分别归属于AgVO3、Ag3VO4和Al2O3物相,插图2是在(2)位置的SAED,衍射环分别归属于VO2和TiO2物相. 图9(b)是对应于图9(a)中(1)位置的高分辨图像(HRTEM),发现晶格条纹间距为0.22和 0.20 nm 的物相为Ag3VO4,晶格条纹间距为0.226和0.195 nm 的物相为AgVO3,晶格条纹间距为0.19 nm的物相为Al2O3. 图9(c)是对应于图9(a)中(2)位置的HRTEM,在高温试验后的中间层位置,发现晶格条纹间距为0.209 nm的物相为NiO,0.235 nm的物相为TiO2,0.274 nm的物相为V2O5,晶格条纹间距为0.309和0.313 nm的物相为VO2. 由上述分析可知,高温摩擦试验后,涂层被氧化形成表层为Al2O3、AgVO3和Ag3VO4物相,中间层为V2O5和TiO2物相,底层以Ti为主要成分的过渡层结构.图9(d)所示为高温摩擦试验后涂层的mapping图,显示涂层内部元素发生扩散. 温度梯度作为涂层中元素扩散的主要推动力,使元素从高浓度区域扩散至低浓度区域,且涂层内部越疏松,越多的缺陷或晶界可作为扩散通道,因此越容易发生元素扩散行为. 上层结构中富Al、Ag、O元素,以及少量V元素,Ag元素无明显扩散现象,这是因为高温含氧环境中发生氧化反应形成了致密的Al2O3层,阻挡内部元素扩散. 同时,Ag 与V元素结合,生成AgVO3和Ag3VO4作为高温润滑Fig. 8 SEM micrographs of the wear track morphology of (a) S1, (b) S2 and (c) S3 coatings after friction test at 650 ℃图 8 (a) S1、(b) S2和(c) S3涂层经650 ℃摩擦试验后的磨痕形貌的SEM照片第 3 期张玉鹏, 等: 直流复合高功率脉冲磁控溅射VAlN-Ag涂层的宽温域摩擦特性研究375相,在摩擦过程中降低摩擦系数,因此在上层形成Al2O3包裹钒酸银的结构. 中间层富V、O和Ni元素,这是由于在高温环境中,致密的Al2O3层阻挡了元素在上层中扩散,V元素向下扩散并形成疏松的中间层,增加了涂层厚度. 同时,基体中的Ni元素以Ti过渡层中高温氧化时形成的孔隙或晶界作为扩散通道扩散至中间层,又被Al2O3层阻挡而停止向表层扩散. 下层结构中主要是O和Ti元素. 在整个扩散过程中,O元素从表面向涂层内扩散并氧化涂层,V元素向下扩散,Al和Ag元素主要保持在上层结构中,Ni元素从基体向上扩散. 在高温摩擦环境中,元素互扩散并反应生成润滑相降低摩擦系数,同时使涂层演变为上层致密、中间层疏松多孔的内部微结构. 结合上述现象,致密的过渡层可防止元素互扩散,具有耐高温和强高温力学性能的支撑层可防止涂层过快失效,具有润滑性能的软质表层可提供中低温润滑,且在表面原位生成的高温润滑相可发挥高温润滑作用,降低摩擦系数,实现宽温域低摩擦涂层的设计制备.3 结论本文中通过DCMS复合HiPIMS技术,成功制备了不同Ag含量(质量分数11.4%、19.8%和24.5%)的VAlN/ VAlN-Ag复合涂层,在25~650 ℃宽温域内表现出良好的摩擦学性能. 当温度升高至300和650 ℃,Ag含量最高的S3涂层具有最低的摩擦系数,分别低至0.45和0.23. 涂层的磨损率随温度升高而增加,宽温域环境中,力学性能最优的S1涂层具有最低的磨损率. 涂层在中、低温环境中有较好的耐氧化性能,元素的价态、化学键和物相结构无明显变化. 在650 ℃摩擦试验时发生摩擦化学反应,生成层状结构的高温液态润N O Al Ti V Ag Ni PtFig. 9 (a) TEM micrograph, (b~c) HRTEM micrograph and (d) mapping of the non-wear area ofS1 coating after friction test at 650 ℃图 9 (a) S1涂层在650 ℃摩擦试验后非磨痕区的TEM图;(b, c)不同位置的HRTEM图及(d) mapping图376摩擦学学报(中英文)第 44 卷。



表面技术第48卷第6期PVD导热涂层的研究综述余斌1a,孙德恩1a,1b,Yongda Zhen2(1.重庆大学 a. 材料科学与工程学院 b. 机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆 400030;2. Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore 139651)摘要:首先从导热涂层的应用背景出发,分析了导热涂层研究的必要性,其次探讨了导热涂层的导热机理和影响涂层导热的宏观和微观因素。




关键词:导热涂层;热导率;热阻;声子散射;界面结构中图分类号:TG174.444 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2019)06-0158-09DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2019.06.018Thermal Conductive Coatings by PVD TechnologyYU Bin1a, SUN De-en1a,1b, Yongda Zhen2(1.a. School of Materials Science and Engineering, b. State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission,Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China; 2. Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore 139651, Singapore)ABSTRACT: Firstly, the necessity of thermal conductive coating research was analyzed based on the application background of thermal conductive coating. Secondly, the thermal conduction mechanism of the coating and the macroscopical and microcosmic factors affecting the thermal conductivity of the coating were discussed. On this basis, the research status of PVD thermal con-ductive coatings was described, and three common PVD thermal conductive coatings, namely SiC, AlN and DLC, were em-phatically analyzed.Phonon scattering was the direct factor affecting the thermal conductivity of the coating, and phonon scat-tering could be caused by some factors, such as coating internal isotope, impurities, defects and grain boundary. The interfacial thermal resistance caused by phonon scattering had great influence on the thermal conductivity of the coating. Thermal conduc-tivity of the coating could be improved to a certain extent by reasonably selecting preparation technology and accurately con-trolling process parameters.On this basis, the technological cooperation of ion source assisted high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) is proposed to improve coating quality and density, optimize interface structure and reduce interface ther-收稿日期:2018-11-29;修订日期:2019-01-14Received:2018-11-29;Revised:2019-01-14基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51771037);材料腐蚀与防护四川省重点实验室开放基金(2016CL13);重庆市基础与前沿研究计划项目(cstc2015jcyjA70005)Fund:Support by National Natural Science Foundation of China(51771037); Material Corrosion and Protection in Sichuan Province Key Laboratory of Open Fund(2016CL13); The Basic and Frontier Research Project of Chongqing (cstc2015jcyjA70005)作者简介:余斌(1996—),男,硕士,主要研究硬质及功能薄膜。

氮化铝 双折射

氮化铝 双折射





















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High power pulsed magnetron sputtering:A review on scienti fic and engineering state of the artK.Sarakinos a ,⁎,1,J.Alami b ,1,S.Konstantinidis c ,1a Materials Chemistry,RWTH Aachen University,52074Aachen,Germanyb Sulzer Metaplas GmbH,Am Böttcherberg 30-38,51427,Bergisch Gladbach,GermanycLaboratoire de Chimie Inorganique et Analytique,Universitéde Mons,Avenue Copernic 1,7000Mons,Belgiuma b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 31March 2009Accepted in revised form 6November 2009Available online 19January 2010Keywords:HPPMS HiPIMSIonized PVDHigh power pulsed magnetron sputtering (HPPMS)is an emerging technology that has gained substantial interest among academics and industrials alike.HPPMS,also known as HIPIMS (high power impulse magnetron sputtering),is a physical vapor deposition technique in which the power is applied to the target in pulses of low duty cycle (b 10%)and frequency (b 10kHz)leading to pulse target power densities of several kW cm −2.This mode of operation results in generation of ultra-dense plasmas with unique properties,such as a high degree of ionization of the sputtered atoms and an off-normal transport of ionized species,with respect to the target.These features make possible the deposition of dense and smooth coatings on complex-shaped substrates,and provide new and added parameters to control the deposition process,tailor the properties and optimize the performance of elemental and compound films.©2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Contents 1.Introduction ..............................................................16622.HPPMS:power supplies and processes .................................................16623.Plasma dynamics in HPPMS ......................................................16643.1.On the HPPMS plasma .....................................................16643.2.Determination of plasma properties:a theoretical overview ....................................16653.3.The HPPMS plasma properties ..................................................16663.3.1.The effect of the pulse on/off time con figuration on the plasma properties .........................16683.3.2.Rarefaction in the HPPMS plasma ............................................16693.4.Instabilities in the HPPMS plasma ................................................16713.4.1.Plasma instabilities:an overview ............................................16713.4.2.Plasma initiation and the relationship between plasma instabilities and the chargetransport in the HPPMS plasma .....16714.Plasma-surface interactions and deposition rate .............................................16734.1.Non-reactive HPPMS ......................................................16734.1.1.Target-plasma interactions and target erosion rate ....................................16734.1.2.Transport of ionized sputtered species ..........................................16754.2.Reactive HPPMS ........................................................16755.Growth of thin films by HPPMS ....................................................16765.1.HPPMS use for deposition on complex-shaped substrates .....................................16765.2.Interface engineering by HPPMS .................................................16775.3.The effect of HPPMS on the film microstructure .........................................16785.4.Phase composition tailoring of films deposited using HPPMS ...................................16796.Towards the industrialization of HPPMS ................................................16816.1.Examples of industrially relevant coatings by HPPMS .................................. (1681)Surface &Coatings Technology 204(2010)1661–1684⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+492418025974,+492204299390,+3265554956.E-mail address:sarakinos@mch.rwth-aachen.de (K.Sarakinos).1All authors have contributed equally to the preparation of themanuscript.0257-8972/$–see front matter ©2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2009.11.013Contents lists available at ScienceDirectSurface &Coatings Technologyj o u r n a l h om e p a g e :w w w.e l s ev i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /s u r fc o a t6.2.Up-scaling of the HPPMS process (1682)6.3.Positioning HPPMS in the coating and components market (1682)Acknowledgements (1682)References (1682)1.IntroductionThinfilms are used in diverse technological applications,such as surface protection and decoration,data storage,and optical and microelectronic devices.The increasing demand for new functional films has been a strong incentive for research towards not only understanding the fundamentals and technical aspects of thinfilm growth,but also developing new deposition techniques which allow for a better control of the deposition process.Among the various methods employed forfilm growth,Physical Vapor Deposition(PVD)techniques, such as magnetron sputtering,are widely used[1].Magnetron sputtering is a plasma-based technique,in which inert gas(commonly Ar)atoms are ionized and accelerated as a result of the potential difference between the negatively biased target(cathode)and anode.The interactions of the ions with the target surface cause ejection(sputtering)of atoms which condensate on a substrate and form afilm[1,2].The condensation and film growth processes frequently occur far from the thermodynamic equilibrium,due to kinetic restrictions[2,3].Thus,a good control of both the thermodynamic and the kinetic conditions has implications on the growth dynamics and enables the tailoring of the structural,optical, electrical,and mechanical properties of thefilms[4].One way to control the growth dynamics is by heating the substrate during the deposition [2].The magnitude of the deposition temperature affects the energy transferred to thefilm forming species(adatoms)[2].This energy is,for instance,decisive for the activation of surface and bulk diffusion processes[5,6]and enables control over thefilm morphology[7–10]. Another source of energy are the plasma particles that impinge onto the growingfilm transferring energy and momentum to the adatoms[4,5]. The bombardingflux consists both of neutral and charged gas particles,as well as sputtered species.Numerous studies have shown that the energy, theflux,the angle of incidence,and the nature of the bombarding species are of importance for the properties of the depositedfilms[4,5,11,12].In general,the plasma particles exhibit a relatively broad energy distribu-tion with a mean value of several eV[13].The particle energy,andflux are affected by the target-to-substrate distance and the working pressure[1]. When the particles are charged the control of their energy can additionally be achieved by the use of electricfields,e.g.by applying a bias voltage to the substrate[4,14],while theirflux depends on a number of factors including the plasma density,the target power,and the magneticfield configuration at the target[4,14].It is therefore evident, that a high ion fraction in a depositingflux facilitates a more efficient and accurate control of the bombardment conditions providing,thus,added means for the tuning of thefilm properties.In magnetron sputtering processes the degree of ionization of the plasma particles is relatively low[13],resulting in a low total ionflux towards the growingfilm[13].As a consequence,in many cases bias voltage values of several tenths or even hundreds of V are required in order to increase the average energy provided to the deposited atoms and significantly affect thefilm properties[5].Moreover,the degree of ionization of sputtered species is typically less than1%[13,15,16].As a result,the majority of the charged bombarding particles is made of Ar+ions[13].This fact in combination with the relatively high bias voltages may cause subplantation of the Ar atoms in thefilm[17,18], leading to a generation of lattice defects,[18,19]high residual stresses [20–23],a deterioration of the quality of thefilm/substrate interface [21],and a poorfilm adhesion[24].Thus,the increase of the fraction of the ionized sputtered species has been an objective of many research works during the recent decades.Some of the approaches that have been demonstrated include the use of an inductively coupled plasma (ICP)superimposed on a magnetron plasma[25],the use of a hollow cathode magnetron[25],and the use of an external ion source[26]. Parallel to the above mentioned approaches Mozgrin et al.[27], Bugaev et al.[28]and Fetisov et al.[29]demonstrated in the mid90s that the operation of a conventional sputtering source in a pulsed mode,with a pulse duration ranging from1µs to1s and a frequency less than1kHz,allowed for pulsed target currents two orders of magnitude higher than the average target current in a conventional sputtering technique,such as direct current magnetron sputtering (dcMS)[27–29].These high pulse currents resulted,in turn,in ultra-dense plasmas with electron densities in the order of1018m−3[27–29],which are much higher than the values of1014–1016m−3 commonly obtained for dcMS[13,30].A few years later,Kouznetsov et al.[31]demonstrated in a publication,that received much acclaim,the high power pulsed operation of the sputtered target showing that in the case of Cu the high plasma densities obtained using this pulsed technique resulted in a total ionflux two orders of magnitude higher than that of a dcMS plasma,and a sputtered material ionization of ∼70%.The new deposition technique was called High Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering(HPPMS).In the years after Kouzsetov's report, HPPMS received extensive interest from researchers and led to a substantial increase of the HPPMS-related publications(Fig.1).Later, several research groups[25]adopted the alternative name High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering(HiPIMS)for this technique.The aim of this review paper is to describe the scientific and engineering state of the art of HPPMS.For this purpose,the principle and the basic structure of the existing HPPMS power supplies are described and the various existing approaches to produce high power pulses are demonstrated.The spatial and the temporal evolution of the HPPMS plasma and its interactions with the target and the growingfilm are discussed both from a theoretical and an experi-mental perspective.Furthermore,the effect of the HPPMS operation on the deposition rate and thefilm properties is presented.Finally,the use of HPPMS in industry and the challenges that the latter faces regarding the use of HPPMS are briefly addressed.2.HPPMS:power supplies and processesThe experimental realization of HPPMS requires power supplies different than those used in conventional magnetron sputtering processes. Those power supplies must be able to provide the target with pulses of high power density(typically in the range of a few kW cm−2),while maintaining the time-averaged target power density in values similarto Fig.1.Number of HPPMS-related publications in the period1999–2008.1662K.Sarakinos et al./Surface&Coatings Technology204(2010)1661–1684those during dcMS (i.e.a few W cm −2).The low average target power density is necessary to prevent overheating of the cathode and damage of the magnets and the target.A number of research groups and companies have developed HPPMS arrangements for both laboratorial and industrial use.These devices exhibit similarities in their basic structure which is schematically depicted in Fig.2.A dc generator is used to load the capacitor bank of a pulsing unit,which is connected to the magnetron.The charging voltage of the capacitor bank ranges typically from several hundreds of V up to several kV.The stored energy is released in pulses of de fined width and frequency using transistors with a switching capability in the µs range,located between the capacitors and the cathode.The pulse width (also referred to as pulse on-time)ranges,typically,from 5to 5000µs,while the pulse repetition frequency spans from 10Hz to 10kHz.Under these conditions,the peak target current density may reach values of up to several Acm −2,which are up to 3orders of magnitude higher than the current densities in dcMS [25].The high target current densities during the pulse on-time are accompanied by differences in the electrical characteristics of the discharge,as manifested by the current –voltage (I –V )curves of a magnetron operating in a dcMS and an HPPMS mode (Fig.3).According to Thornton [32]the target and the voltage of the magnetron are linked by the power law I ∝Vnð1ÞIn dcMS processes the exponent n in Eq.(1)ranges from 5up to 15(Fig.3).In HPPMS the exponent n changes from values similar to dcMS at low target voltages to values close to the unity when high voltages are applied (Fig.3)[33,34].Despite their common basic architecture,the available HPPMS power supplies exhibit differences primarily in the width and the shape of the pulses they can deliver,and in whether they can sustain a constant voltage during the pulse on-time.Arrangements able to provide high power pulses were already developed in the mid 90s,in order to explore the feasibility of producing high-current quasi-stationary magnetron glow discharges for high rate deposition [27–29].However,it was in 1999when Kouznetsov et al.[31]emphasizedthat the high power pulsing could allow for a high ionization degree of copper vapor (70%)as well as a homogeneous filling of 1:2aspect ratio trenches (see Fig.4).The time-dependent target current and target voltage curves of the HPPMS power supply developed by Kouznetsov et al.[31]are plotted in Fig.5where it is shown that the ignition of the plasma is accompanied by a drop of the voltage from ∼1000V to ∼800V,as the current increases to its peak value ranging from 200to 230A at the highest applied working pressure [35,36].A characteristic of this power supply is that the loading voltage is not maintained constant during the pulse on-time,and its temporal evolution is rather determined by the size of the capacitor bank and the time-dependent plasma impedance.Other power generators were designed to deliver voltage pulses with a rectangular shape (see Fig.6),i.e.a constant voltage value during the pulse on-time [34,37–39].It is to be noted that pulses with widths larger than about 50µs allow for a saturation of the discharge current and establishment of a steady-state plasma [40]provided that enough energy is stored in the capacitor bank.A common problem encountered in sputtering processes is the occurrence of arcs.This phenomenon is particularly pronounced during the deposition from conducting targets covered by insulating layers and can be detrimental for the quality of the films,due to the ejection of µm sized droplets from the target [41,42].The high peak target currents during the HPPMS operation may enhance the frequency of the arc events [43].Therefore,sophisticated electronics can be used in conjunction with the HPPMS power supplies to limit their effect if formed [43].An alternative way to alleviate this problem is to operate HPPMS using short pulses with widths ranging from 5to 20µs [44].A waveform during this mode of operation is presented in Fig.7.Within this short period of time,the glow discharge remains in a transient regime [40](as manifested by the triangular form of the target current)so that an eventual glow-to-arc transition is prevented.These short pulses have been,for instance,shown to allow for a stable and an arc-free reactive deposition of metal oxide films [45,46].However,in order to eliminate the time lag for plasma ignition which would allow for the production of high-current pulses within this short period of time,a pre-ionization stage has to be implemented [44,47].The pre-ionization of the discharge ensures that a low density plasma is maintained between the pulses as the charge carriers are already present before the voltage is turned on.The plasma pre-ionization step may be achieved by super-imposing a secondary plasma (such as a dc,a microwave,or an inductively coupled plasma)on the HPPMS plasma or by running the discharge at relatively high frequencies [44,47–49].The latter pre-ionization method is extensively implemented in mid-frequency pulsed plasmas [50–53].In contrast to the short pulses described above,long pulses with a width of several thousands of µs can also be used [54](Fig.8).In this case the pulse is composed of two (or more)stages.TheFig.2.Basic architecture of an HPPMS power supply.The dc generator charges the capacitor bank of a pulsing unit.The energy stored in the capacitors is dissipated into the plasma in pulses of well-de fined width and frequency using ultra fastswitches.Fig.3.Current –voltage curves of a magnetron during operation in dcMS and HPPMS mode.The change of the slope from 7to 1at a voltage value of 650V indicates loss of the electron con finement (data taken from [33]).Fig. 4.Cross-section SEM image of two via holes with an aspect ratio 1:2homogeneously filled by Cu using HPPMS (reprinted from [31]after permission,1999©Elsevier).1663K.Sarakinos et al./Surface &Coatings Technology 204(2010)1661–1684first step of the discharge is made of a weakly ionized regime,while the second part of the pulse brings the glow discharge to the high ionization state.The weakly ionized regime allows for the formation of a stable discharge prior to entering the highly ionized regime which helps to suppress the arc formation during the high power mode of operation [54].3.Plasma dynamics in HPPMS 3.1.On the HPPMS plasmaPlasmas are partially ionized gases characterized by,for example,the charge (electron)density or the electron energy distribution function [55].A classi fication of different plasmas could be based on the charge density as shown in Fig.9,where the magnetron sputtering plasmas are shown to exhibit densities ranging from ∼1014up to 1020m −3.It is known that high density plasmas such as arc plasmas exhibit high ionization fractions [25,31].This is not the case for conventional magnetron plasmas where the electron density does not exceed the value of 1016m −3,penning ionization is the main ionization mechanism [30]and therefore the ionization of the sputtered species is at the best of few percent [13].In order to achieve a high ion fraction in a discharge it is necessary to promote the electron impact ionization [55]which is best realized by increasing the electron density and temperature.Different approaches have been made to achieve this,for example by using an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR)plasma as a plasma electron source [56],or by employing an inductively coupled plasma (ICP)[57,58].A higher frequency of electron impact ionization collisions can alsobeFig.5.Target current and voltage waveforms produced by the power supply developed by Kouznetsov et al.at working pressures of (a)0.06Pa,(b)0.26Pa,(c)1.33Pa and (d)2.66Pa.The charging voltage of 1000V drops down to 800V and the plasma is ignited.Peak target currents of up to 230A are achieved.The time lag for the ignition of the plasma decreases when the pressure is increased (reprinted from [35]after permission,2002©Elsevier).Fig.6.Rectangular shape voltage waveforms generated by the HPPMS power supply developed by MELEC GmbH.The data were recorded from an Ar –Al HPPMS discharge operating at pulse on/off time con figuration 25/475µs (K.Sarakinos,unpublisheddata).Fig.7.Temporal evolution of target voltage and current during operation using a 10µs long pulse.The target current is interrupted before the plasma enters into the steady-state regime.The data were recorded from an Ar –Ti HPPMS discharge (S.Konstantinidis unpublished data).1664K.Sarakinos et al./Surface &Coatings Technology 204(2010)1661–1684achieved by increasing the power to the sputter source and therewith the electron density.This approach is,however,limited since a power excess can result in an overheating of the target or an exceeding of the Curie temperature of the magnetron's magnets.Thus,the work of Kouznetsov et al.[31]opened a new era of magnetron sputtering deposition and plasma studies,since it allowed for the generation of highly ionized plasmas using a conventional magnetron source.The early analyses of the HPPMS plasma showed that its temporal characteristics are complex and unique [35,59,60].Understanding the discharge evolution and the mechanisms that take place in the plasma is therefore of utmost importance as this sheds light on the growth conditions during the thin film deposition.To achieve this,modeling and a number of analytical studies have been carried out,using Langmuir probes as well as optical emission,mass,and absorption spectroscopy techniques.These studies are reviewed in the following chapters and the basic properties of the HPPMS plasma are thus outlined.3.2.Determination of plasma properties:a theoretical overview Plasmas are commonly modeled as fluids,and each species is described with its fluid equation [61].The fluid approximation is suf ficiently accurate to describe the majority of observed plasma phenomena.When this is not viable,the accumulated behavior of anensemble of charged particles is described using a statistical approach,in the form of the velocity distribution function which is given as f (r,u,t )d 3r d 3u ,i.e.the number of particles inside a six-dimensional phase space volume d 3r d 3u at (r ,u )and time t [55].Here,r is the position vector and u is the speed vector.Knowing the distribution function,fundamental features of a large ensemble can be quanti fied,i.e.by integrating over the velocity,the average (macroscopic)quantities associated with the plasma are de fined as:n ðr ;t Þ=∫f ðr ;u ;t Þd u plasmanumber ðion ;electron ;orneutral Þdensityð2Þu Àðr ;t Þ=1n∫u f ðr ;u ;t Þd u plasmabulkfluid velocity ð3ÞεÀðr ;t Þ=m 2n∫ðu À−u Þ2f ðr ;u ;t Þd u plasmameankineticenergy ð4Þwhere m is the particle (ion,electron,or neutral)mass.This procedure of integrating over velocity space is referred to as taking velocity moments,with each one yielding a physically signi ficant quantity.Knowledge of the electron energy (velocity)distribution function (EEDF)permits us to determine important parameters.The EEDF can be measured using a Langmuir probe,as was demonstrated by Druyvesteyn [55]:g e ðV Þ=2m e A pr 2eV m12d 2I edV ð5Þwhere A pr is the probe area,I e is the electron current,m is the electronmass,and V =V pl −V b is the potential difference between the plasma potential and the probe potential.With the change of variables ε=eV ,the electron density n e is determined as:n e =∫∞0g e ðεÞd εð6ÞPlasma parameters,such as the electron density,are easily obtained if the mathematical description of the EEDF is Maxwellian.The Maxwellian distribution is characterized by its single temperature and is obtained when plasma electrons undergo enough collisions and are in equilibrium with other plasma components and with the electron ensemble itself.At a low pressure,the EEDF is generally non-Maxwellian,and the electron temperature is thought of as aneffectiveFig.8.Target voltage and current waveforms during the long-pulse operation.In the first 500µs a weakly ionized plasma is generated which is followed by a highly ionized steady-state plasma (reprinted from [54]after permission,Society of Vacuum Coaters ©2007).Fig.9.Plasma density is used in order to classify plasmas.The HPPMS plasma spans over a large density range depending on the pulse on/off time con figuration used for a process and presents therefore a tool for better choosing the plasma dynamics needed for the deposition process.The abbreviation ECR stands for Electron Cyclotron Resonance (taken from [36]).1665K.Sarakinos et al./Surface &Coatings Technology 204(2010)1661–1684electron temperature,T eff∼23〈ε〉,representing the mean electron energy determined from the EEDF according to[55]:〈ε〉=1n e ∫∞εg eðεÞdεð7Þ3.3.The HPPMS plasma propertiesOne of the earliest works related to the study of the properties of the HPPMS plasma was carried out by Gudmundsson et al.[35,59]. Using a Langmuir probe[62]in an Ar–Ta plasma,they measured the temporal behavior of the EEDF by recording the time-dependent probe current curves.It was shown that the EEDF evolved from a Druyvesteyn-like distribution with a broad energy distribution(high average energy)during the pulse to a double Maxwellian distribution (i.e.a distribution that is composed of two-distinct energy-distribu-tions)toward the end of the pulse,andfinally a Maxwellian-like distribution hundreds ofµs after the pulse had been switched off.This is shown in Fig.10,where the temporal evolution of the EEDF is also seen to be affected by the working pressure[35].Similar results were obtained by Pajdarova et al.[63],although the double Maxwellian distribution was observed from the beginning of the pulse,which could be explained by the nature of the target material(Cu in this case)and the HPPMS parameters used in the experiments.Further-more,it was found that the effective electron temperature peaked a fewµs after the pulse start,and at the same time,independent of measurement position[35].This is indicative of the existence of high energy electrons accelerated by the target voltage,and thus escaping the confinement region in the vicinity of the cathode[35].InaFig.10.The EEDF(electron energy distribution function)for an HPPMS plasma with a100µs on-time and a50Hz frequency at three chamber pressures(a)0.25,(b)1.33,and(c) 2.66Pa.The distribution function changes during the pulse from a Druvesteyn distribution to a double-Maxwellian distribution(reprinted from[35]after permission,Elsevier©2002).1666K.Sarakinos et al./Surface&Coatings Technology204(2010)1661–1684different study by Seo et al.[64],Langmuir probes were utilized to determine the properties of a HPPMS plasma at a higher pulsing frequency of 10kHz and a duty cycle of 10%.By using such a high frequency,the electron density reached a value of 1.5×1017m −3,which could be seen as a relatively low density HPPMS plasma.The temporal evolution of the energy distribution in this plasma showed ef ficient electron heating,which took place within the first few µs from the pulse start.This work revealed that the plasma dynamics presented in the studies by Gudmundsson et al.[35,59]are to a large extent general features of the low duty cycle pulsed plasmas regardless of the frequency.The early studies on the HPPMS plasma characteristics also showed the potentially high ionization fraction of the sputtered material that could be achieved by using this technique [16,25,33,60,65,66].Spectroscopic analyses,such as optical emission spectroscopy [67–69],mass spectroscopy [69],and absorption spectroscopy [68,69]were,therefore,employed in order to better quantify and understand the average and time-dependent evolution of the ion population in the HPPMS plasma.The optical emission studies [33,65,70–72],were performed both for the HPPMS and the dcMS discharges and showed the much higher metal ion emission intensity in HPPMS (Fig.11).However,in order to better quantify these observations,absorption spectroscopy [70,71,73,74]and mass spectroscopy [75,76]studies were performed,con firming the much higher ionization of the sputtered material and of the sputtering gas achieved in HPPMS.One well studied material in this regard is Ti.Mass spectroscopy measurements of the peak ion compositions in an Ar –Ti discharge for the pulse on-time of 100µs and a frequency of 50Hz [75]showed that the ionized part of the plasma contained 50%of Ti 1+,24%of Ti 2+,23%of Ar 1+,and 3%of Ar 2+ions.When longer pulse on-times of several hundreds of µs were used even Ti 3+and Ti 4+could also be detected [77].It is deduced that for the formation of multiply charged ions certain conditions should be ful filled [77];(i)the discharge should contain a high enough number of metal ions,(ii)the pulse on-time should be long enough (and the capacitance of the used power supply should be large enough to store enough energy for the whole pulse),(iii)the self-sputtering yield (i.e.the sputtering yield of the target material from ionized target species)should be low,and (iv)the ionization energy of each ionization step should not be too high.These two examples show clearly that the HPPMS plasma properties depend not only on the plasma density and energy distribution but also,to a large degree,on the pulse on/off time con figuration.Since the introduction of the HPPMS technique,most of the discharge studies have been performed for pulses with pulses on-time longer than 50µs.Exceptions to this can be found in the works by Konstantinidis et al.[70,73],Ganciu et al.[44],and Vasina et al.[48],where shorter pulses ranging between 5and 30µs have been used,an example of which is shown in ing time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy in a Ti –Ar discharge,an increase in the line intensity ratio of the ion-to-neutral Ti and Ar species with increasing the pulse duration was observed [70].This means that the ionization degree increases with increasing pulse length,indicating the necessity for the sputtered atoms to reside a suf ficient time in the target vicinity for the vapor to become ionized.The increase of the AremissionFig.11.Optical emission spectroscopy from a typical HPPMS plasma.The emission from the Ti and Ar species increases greatly in HPPMS indicating the high ionization of the metal and gas species (data taken from [72]).Fig.10(continued ).1667K.Sarakinos et al./Surface &Coatings Technology 204(2010)1661–1684。
