leaching and mass transfer characteristics of elements from the ion-adsorption type rare earth ore


Analysis of pulsating heat pipe with capillary wick and varying channel diameter

Analysis of pulsating heat pipe with capillary wick and varying channel diameter

Analysis of pulsating heat pipe with capillarywick and varying channel diameterBrian Holley,Amir Faghri*Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Connecticut,Storrs,CT 06269,United StatesReceived 22December 2004;received in revised form 31January 2005Available online 28March 2005AbstractVariation in channel diameter is investigated as a means of enhancing heat transfer in a pulsating heat pipe with capillary wick using the model presented here.The model is one-dimensional with slug flow where the momentum equa-tion is solved for each liquid slug.The number and mass of liquid slugs are allowed to vary throughout a simulation.The energy equation is solved both in the wall and wick and in the working fluid.The effects of diameter profile,gravity,fill ratio,and heating and cooling schemes can be studied with the model.Results yield similar trends to what has been experimentally observed.Results also indicate that heat transfer can be enhanced when the diameter of the channel is varied along the channel length,thereby providing increased range of heat load capability,less sensitivity to gravity,and in some cases smaller temperature differentials.Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionPulsating heat pipes (PHPs)transfer heat due to movement of liquid slugs and vapor plugs along a con-duit.Liquid slugs and vapor slugs,shown in Fig.1,oc-cupy alternating portions of the conduit or channel.Slugs and plugs meet at liquid–vapor interfaces called menisci.Unlike in a conventional heat pipe,liquid and vapor in PHPs must move together if the menisci are to remain intact.Although the configuration can vary,a typical PHP consists of parallel channels connected by turns forming an elongated serpentine loop,as shown in Fig.1.Portions of the loop comprise the heating(evaporator)sections,cooling (condenser)sections,and adiabatic sections.When a PHP operates successfully,vapor plugs con-tinually grow and shrink.Plug growth occurs due to boiling,evaporation,and density change caused by tem-perature variation.Plugs shrink due to condensation as well as density change.The resulting fluid movement provides the momentum or uneven hydrostatic pressure needed to move other slugs or plugs to locations where evaporation,boiling,condensation and change in vapor density can occur.The impetus provided by evapora-tion,boiling and condensation needs to overcome vis-cous damping by the fluid and adverse body forces (e.g.,gravity pulling liquid away from the heating sec-tion),otherwise fluid movement and performance will not be sustained.Interest in PHPs comes from the high heat flux capa-bility observed for some prototypes.High heat flux over a low temperature differential with a passive device is0017-9310/$-see front matter Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2005.01.013*Corresponding author.Tel.:+18604862221;fax:+18604860318.E-mail addresses:bmholley@ (B.Holley),faghri@ (A.Faghri).International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48(2005)2635–2651desirable for electronics and laser cooling.Channel wallslined with a porous metal wick have augmented the per-formance of PHPs.About one-tenth of the temperaturedifferential is required to produce the same boiling heat flux from a sintered metal surface than from a smooth metal surface [1].Heat fluxes of over 200W/cm 2at a temperature difference of just 20K have been reported for PHPs with sintered porous wicks [2].Flow visualization studies have shown that flow in-side a PHP can be random,oscillatory,and circulatory [3,4].Oscillating flow is the cyclic movement of liquid slugs in one direction and then fluid flow in one direction is circulatory flow.It occurs only with looped PHPs,but it is not always sustained at steady state operation.Circulatory flow may be desirable,how-ever,if it results in greater sensible heat transfer.The idea is based on the prediction that more sensible heat transfer occurs than latent heat transfer [5].In this case the role of latent heat transfer is to provide movement to theliquidNomenclature a ,b integration limitsA cross sectional channel area,m 2C S Simpson quadrature partial sum C Fanning friction factor C t time step refinement factor C p specific heat,J/kg K d channel diameter,mF Simpson quadrature iteration g gravity acceleration,m/s 2h heat transfer coefficient,W/m 2K H enthalpy,J/kg i slug indexk summation index or thermal conductivity,W/m Kk s surface roughness feature size,m L length along flow path,m m mass,kg_m mass flow rate,kg/s n summation indexn pt number of parallel tubes n s number of liquid slugs N summation limitNu Nusselt number,hd /k ‘p perimeter,m P pressure,Pa Pr Prandtl number Q heat rate,Wq heat flux rate,W/m 2r capillary radius,mRe Reynolds number,_md=l ‘A R gas constant,J/kg K t time,sT temperature,K uvelocity,m/sV volume,m 3zaxial location,mGreek symbols c ratio of liquid volume to channel volume d thickness,m D increment of e wick porosity h angle between gravity vector and z coordi-nate,rad l absolute viscosity,Pa s q density,kg/m 3r surface tension,N/m s shear,Pa /wick porosity Subscripts b back or boiling c condenser e evaporator ex external f front or fluid g gas (Vapor)i slug index ‘liquid o residual p plug s sensible sat saturated t total w wall wk wick 1ambient2636 B.Holley,A.Faghri /International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48(2005)2635–2651slugs.Khandekar and Groll[4]provide very good descriptions of the oscillation and circulation phenom-ena in a PHP.Oscillation gives way to circulation as heat load is increased.Circulation occurs in one direction for an unspecified time,possibly followed by aflow reversal.Design and implementation of PHPs would be sim-plified if theflow inside were predictable and sustained. To confront this issue,in his patent Akachi[6]did claim that PHPs may be configured in such a way that theflow is sustained and circulatory by the addition of check valves,but no reports have been published on the per-formance of such a device.Asymmetricflow resistance and capillarity can also assistfluid movement.A bubble in an expanding tube (gradually increasing in diameter)will have a net force acting in the expanding direction because of uneven cap-illary forces.As movement ensues,the lowerflow fric-tion in the direction of the expansion further influences thefluidflow.The concept of varying capillarity has been applied to a pump with no moving parts[7]where Joule heating of thefluid causes vapor bubble growth and liquid pumping in the expanding tube direction against a pressure head of2–3cm.Although it is depen-dent on the density and surface tension properties of the liquid being used,the maximum tube diameter for such a pump is generally a few millimeters,above which the bubble can fail to sufficiently block the tube.The objective of this work is to develop a model that can be used to study a PHP with sintered porous wick and investigate the benefits of varying the channel dia-meter along theflow path.What is sought is a heat pipe that exhibits the high heatflux capability that has been reported with a sintered wick,but with the added char-acteristic that theflow inside is circulatory.2.AnalysisIn the modeling domain the channel is considered as one straightflow path with the end conditions set equal. The diameter is a design parameter,and is defined as a function of length along theflow path.Fill ratio is also a design parameter.The angle between the gravity vec-tor and the channel axis is an operating condition and a function of location.Various sections of theflow path comprise the evaporator,adiabatic and condenser sec-tions.Assumptions are stated as follows.(1)Derivatives of density and viscosity are assumednegligible in order to simplify the analysis withregard to the momentum equation.However,den-sity and viscosity are evaluated as functions oftemperature in the simulation.(2)The massflow rate of each liquid slug is constantalong its length at a given time.(3)The model is one-dimensional,with the axialdimension along theflow path considered formomentum and heat transfer;heat transfer trans-verse to theflow path is lumped.(4)The menisci of the liquid slugs are assumed tomaintain a spherical meniscus shape with zerocontact angle at the wall.(5)Surface tension is evaluated at the plugtemperature.(6)The effect of the turns is neglected.(7)The pressure within each vapor plug is assumeduniform.(8)Vapor exists at saturated conditions.(9)There is negligibleflow friction corresponding tothe vapor plugs.The change in massflow rate and locations of the me-nisci for each liquid slug are determined by accounting for momentum balance explicitly in time.To clarify the derivation,a slug will be illustrated and the nomen-clature explained.The pressures acting on the liquid slug will then be described followed by the rate of momen-tum change of the slug.Now the liquid slug as applied to the model will be described.Fig.2is a schematic of an arbitrary i th slug. Variables associated with the i th slug are written with a subscript(‘).The liquid slug has a back meniscus and front meniscus,the locations of which are indicated. Variables associated with the front and back menisci have subscripts as shown in thefigure.The back and front menisci also have corresponding velocities.Chan-nel diameter is shown as a function of location.From the equation for rate of momentum change,the rate of change in massflow rate is determined.The momentum equation for incompressibleflow in a circu-lar pipe isqDuDt¼q g cos hÀd Pd zþ4sdð1ÞNote that h describes the angle between the gravity vector and tube axis.A null angle means gravity is acting in the z+direction.Massflow rate can be substituted for velocity by_m¼q uA.With Assumption2the axial derivative of massflow rate is zero along eachliquidB.Holley,A.Faghri/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)2635–26512637slug,and with Assumption1time and axial derivatives of density are zero.Eq.(1)is integrated from the back meniscus to the front meniscusd_m d t Z fb1Ad zþ_m221ðq AÞfÀ1ðq AÞb"#¼Z fb q g cos h d zÀðP fÀP bÞþ4Z fbsdd zð2ÞThefirst and second terms on the left hand side are pressure differences due to acceleration as a result of massflow rate change and dilatation(slug elongation or shortening)respectively.The terms on the right hand side refer to the hydrostatic pressure difference,differ-ence between pressures at the slug menisci,and pressure difference due to shear.There are two components to the pressure at the end of a liquid slug.One component is the vapor pressure, which is assumed to be at the saturation pressure at the temperature of the vapor plug per Assumptions7 and8.The second component is the pressure rise across the meniscus surface due to capillary pressure,the radius for which is dependent on axial location.ðP fÀP bÞ¼P satðTÞÀ2r rAf ÀP satðTÞÀ2rrAbð3ÞThe shear term in Eq.(2)is treated semi-empirically. Theflow is considered to be either fully developed lam-inar or turbulent.Local values of shear along the i th slug are determined for Hagen–Poiseuille(exact)flow or for turbulentflow(empirical)in a rough pipe.For turbulent flow roughness is considered as a result of the wick.The size of a powder particle for a sintered powder wick,or a capillary pore for a sinteredfilamentary wick,is chosen as the size for the roughness features.The Colebrook correlation accounts for surface roughness and is used for turbulentflow[8].s¼12C q u2¼C_m22q A2withC¼16ReRe<20001 2ffiffiffiffiCp¼1:74À2:0log2k sdþ18:72ReffiffiffiffiCpRe P20008>><>>:ð4ÞTemperature in thefluid and wall is determined by accounting for energy balance.The energy equation is applied individually to the wall and wick,liquid slugs, and vapor plugs.The three energy equations are coupled by convective heat transfer terms with appropriate heat transfer coeffitent and sensible heat transfer occur between the tube wall andfluid.Boiling,evapora-tion,and condensation comprise latent heat transfer. Sensible heat transfer occurs by conduction or convec-tion with laminar or turbulentflow.Within the liquid slugs heat is conducted in the axial direction.Because of the uniform temperature assumed in each vapor plug, convection occurs implicitly in the axial direction.Heat transfers also from the vapor plugs to the slug menisci. Within the tube wall heat is allowed to conduct in the axial direction.On the tube exterior constant heat input per unit length is applied at the evaporator.Convection occurs to some constant exterior temperature with a constant heat transfer coefficient in the condenser sec-tion.No heat transfer occurs over the remainder of the exterior(i.e.,adiabatic section).The energy balance for the wall is based on heatflow within the wall and heat transfer to and from thefluid, evaporator and condenser.The wick and wall are lumped in the energy balancef C p;w q w½A wþðeÀ1ÞA wk þC p;‘q‘e A wk go T wo t¼q ex p oÀq w–f pÀðk w A wþk‘A wkÞo2T wo z2ð5ÞThe outer wall perimeter is p o=p(d+2d w+2d w k). External heat transfer depends upon location along the flow path.In the evaporator the external heat input is a constant heatflux.In the adiabatic section there is no heat transfer to the exterior,and in the condenser, the heat rate is based on a constant convection coeffi-cient to the exterior ambient temperature.qex¼qeEvaporator0Adiabatich1ðT wÀT1ÞCondenser8><>:ð6ÞThe energy balance for the liquid is based on heat conduction within thefluid and heat transfer to and from the wall.The formulation is Lagrangian,and there is no axial convectionC p;‘q‘Ao To t¼pq w–fÀk‘Ao2To z2ð7ÞHeat transfer in the vapor plugs is expected to be much greater than heat transfer in the liquid,so it is lumped.Fig.3shows heat storage and heatflow into and out of a control volume comprising an arbitrary vapor plug.The differential formulation of the energy equation for lumped heat transfer in the vapor plug is oo tH gPRTZ z b;iz f;iÀ1A d z!¼Z z b;iz f;iÀ1pqw–fd zÀk‘Ao Tz f;iÀ1þk‘Ao Tz b;ið8ÞThe heat transfer coefficient between thefluid and wall is based on experimental data and an empirical correlation.Heat transfer between the wall and vapor plugs occurs as boiling,evaporation,and condensation.2638 B.Holley,A.Faghri/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)2635–2651Evaporation occurs at the surface of the saturated wick, and boiling occurs closer to the tube wall within the wick.The mode of vaporization depends on the temper-ature difference between the wall andfluid.The heatflux from the wall to thefluid isqw–f¼hðT wÀT fÞð9ÞThe boiling heat transfer coefficient is applied under certain conditions to heat transfer from the wall to the fluid,whether it be vapor or liquid.Webb[1]reports a comparison in boiling heatflux for smooth and porous metal surfaces.The temperature difference required to produce a given heatflux is reduced by a factor of10 for pool boiling of water on a porous rather than a smooth metal surface.The temperature difference is that between the wall and liquid saturation temperature.To apply the data reported by Webb to a boiling heat trans-fer coefficient for the present model,a linearfit is com-puted from those datah b¼½213ðT wÀT fÞÀ80:4 Â103W=m2Kð10ÞThe boiling heat transfer coefficient applies when it exceeds the evaporation or sensible heat transfer coeffi-cients.Evaporation and condensation occur between the liquid layer in the wick and a vapor plug.The same heat transfer coefficient is used for both evaporation and condensation,and it is based on the thickness and con-ductivity of the wick as saturated with workingfluid. Measurements of heat transfer coefficients for water undergoing complete condensation by Begg et al.[9] indicated that the primary mode of heat transport was conduction through a liquidfilm on the tube wall for water in tube diameters consistent with the PHPs mod-eled here.In the current study,the presence of the wick will lead to an even thicker and slower moving liquid layer than thefilm in the condensation experiments.It is expected that modes of heat transfer other than con-duction through the liquid layer will be negligible.The evaporation and condensation heat transfer coefficient through the liquid layer is h c,e=k wk/d wk.The effective conductivity of the wick for various wick types can be found in Faghri[10].For sensible heat transfer to laminarflow the Nusselt number is assumed a constant4.36for fully developed flow with constant heatflux.Under certain conditions Nusselt numbers vary from3.66,for fully developed laminarflow with an isothermal wall,to over40for the hydrodynamic entrance region of a tube with con-stant heatflux.In the present study the temperature and velocity profiles in thefluid are unknown,so the assumption is made for fully developed laminarflow subject to constant heatflux.For sensible heat transfer to turbulentflow the rough-ness of the wick is taken into account.The Gnielinski cor-relation applies a friction factor that varies with roughness.The Colebrook correlation used in Eq.(4) provides the needed friction factor.Reynolds and Prandtl numbers are taken at localflow conditions along with the friction factor for the Gnielinski correlation[11]Nu¼ðC=2ÞðReÀ103ÞPr1þ12:7ðC=2Þ1=2ðPr2=3À1Þð11Þwhich is stated to hold for0.5<Pr<106and2300< Re<5·106.For this study the Gnielinski correlation will be applied for Re P2000.The sensible heat transfer coefficient,along with conduction through the wick is analogous to the sum of two resistances in parallelh s¼d wkwkþNud‘À1ð12Þ3.Numerical procedureFirst,several design and computational parameters and operating and initial conditions are defined.1.Design parameters:(a)Channel:fill ratio,length,surface roughnessfeature size,and diameter as a function oflength.B.Holley,A.Faghri/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)2635–26512639(b)Wall:density,specific heat,thermal conductiv-ity,thickness,wick thickness,wick thermalconductivity.putational parameters:maximum time step,minimum time step refinement factor,convergence criterion,trapezoidal integration length step,max-imum allowable plug temperature change between time steps,and simulation time.In order to handle derivatives,the wall and each liquid slug are rep-resented by one-dimensional computational grids.The grids for the liquid slugs are allowed to move.The number of grid nodes comprising wall and liquid are specified here as well.3.Operating conditions:ambient temperature,con-denser heat transfer coefficient,initial tempera-ture,total heat input rate,and functions of length:evaporator,adiabatic and condenser loca-tions and gravity angle.4.The Nusselt number for laminar slugflow is setfor the simulation.5.Initial conditions:(a)The liquid begins as one slug,and time,massflow rate and pressure differentials on the slugare set to zero.(b)The total internal volume of the heat pipe iscalculated by trapezoidal integration.The lengthstep D z from Step2and N are iterativelyincreased until the condition below is satisfied.V t¼D z2X Nn¼1f A½ðnÀ1ÞD z þAðn D zÞg ÂD z o2½AðLÀD z oÞþAðLÞsuch that L¼N D zþD z o;and D z o<D z: (c)The initial positions of the menisci are calcu-lated by integration in the manner of Step(b).z b¼0andz f¼N D zþD z o;such that D z o<D z andD z 2X Nn¼1f A½ðnÀ1ÞD z þAðn D zÞgþD z o½AðN D zÀD z oÞþAðN D zÞ ¼c V t(d)The mass of the slug is integrated using area asa function of length and liquid density as afunction of temperature.m¼D z2X Nn¼1fðq AÞ½z bþðnÀ1ÞD zþðq AÞðz bþn D zÞgþD z o½ðq AÞðz fÞþðq AÞðz fÀD z oÞsuch that z fÀz b¼N D zþD z o;andD z o<D z:Several quantities are integrated in the follow-ing steps.For this purpose adaptive Simpson quadrature is applied.The integral is approxi-mated to the n th iteration asZ abfðzÞd z%1F nð13ÞThe following relations close the definitionF n¼12F nÀ1þ2C nÀC nÀ12nÀ2;F0¼fðaÞþfðbÞC0¼0;C n¼X2nÀ1k¼1f aþh bÀa ið2kÀ1ÞnThe brackets h i denote a function that allows for circulation and is defined ash z i¼zþL z<0h z i¼zÀL z>0h z i¼z otherwiseThe quadrature is iterated for increments of n, and when results from two subsequent itera-tions agree within the convergence criterion, the latter value is taken as the integral.(e)The evaporator heatflux is calculated basedon the total heat input rate and combined evaporator section lengthqe¼Q eZ Lp1evaporator0otherwised zÀ1(f)Locations of grid boundaries in the liquidslugs are determined.Slugs are represented by a number of equal mass increments.The rear boundary of thefirst mass increment in each slug is the back meniscus.The forward boundary is located using the secant method.Thefirst two points for the secant methodare z0=z b and z0=h z b+m/n s q A i with m0¼R z0z bq A d z.Subsequent values of z0are obtained using the secant method.The value of the for-ward boundary is taken when[n s m0(z0)Àm]/m satisfies the convergence criterion.The repre-sentative location for each grid is taken as the midpoint between the grid boundaries.Density is evaluated at the temperature found by linearly interpolating adjacent grid values.2640 B.Holley,A.Faghri/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)2635–2651Forward and backward extrapolation is used near the menisci where points do not lie between the representative locations of two adjacent grids.Area is a function of location as indicated in Step 1a.The location of the for-ward meniscus is set equal to the forward boundary of the last mass increment.(g)The volumes of the vapor plugs are calculatedby V p ;i ¼R z b ;i z f ;i À1q A d z .The time iteration loop begins here.6.The time step refinement factor is determined.If a collision between adjacent slugs is anticipated before the next time step,the time step is reduced to synchronize the collision with the next time step,which serves to reduce overlap of the menisci.C t ;i ¼h z b ;i Àz f ;i À1i D t _m ðq A Þf i À1À_m ðq A Þbihi 7.The differential pressure due to gravity acrosseach slug is determined as indicated in Eq.(2).8.The differential pressure across each slug due to shear is calculated per Eq.(2)and (4).9.The incremental change in mass flow rate is calcu-lated using Eq.(2)with the results of the previous three steps.10.The displacements of the back menisci positionsare calculated based on mass flow rate and time step by convergence of the following equationD z i ¼D t2_m þD _m q ½T h z b ;i þD z i i A h z b ;i þD z i iþ_mq ½T ðz b ;i Þ A ðz b ;i ÞThe initial estimate to the above equation isD z i ¼D t2_m þD _m q ½T ðz b ;i Þ A ðz b ;i ÞThe back meniscus position is updated as z b,i =h z b,i +D z i i .11.Slug grid boundaries and the front slug menisci are located as done in Step 4f.12.Heat transfer from the wall to the fluid at each wall grid is determined using Eq.(9).13.The temperature for each wall grid is evaluated by integrating Eq.(5)along the grid length.The remaining spatial derivative is determined using a first order central difference.Values of heat trans-fer between the wall and fluid are interpolated based on the representative values of adjacent grids.14.The temperature of the vapor plugs is determined using Eq.(8).Heat transfer values from the wall to fluid are interpolated.For the spatial tempera-ture derivatives,forward and backward first order differences are used for conduction at the menisci.Since temperature is a function of other values onthe left hand side of Eq.(7),the equation is solved iteratively until the convergence criterion is satis-fied.If the temperature change in a vapor plug from one time step to the next exceeds the allow-able amount (set in Step 2),the time step refine-ment factor is divided by 10and the simulation proceeds from Step 6.15.The temperatures of the grids in each liquid slugare determined by integrating Eq.(7)along the length of each grid.For the conduction term backward,central or forward,first order differ-ences are used based on whether the grid is a first,middle or last grid along the slug.Heat flux from the wall to the fluid is integrated with interpolated values.16.The merging of liquid slugs is accounted for.If thespacing between any two adjacent menisci is zero,or if there is overlap,the two liquid slugs are com-bined and the number of liquid slugs is reduced by one.The mass flow rate for the combined slug is determined by summing the momenta._m¼L i À1_mi À1þL i _m i L i À1þL i17.The formation of vapor plugs is accounted for.The temperature at the boundary of two grids is taken as the average temperature of the adjacent grids.That temperature is compared to the tem-peratures of the vapor plugs adjacent to the liquid slug.The maximum grid boundary temperature is chosen as the location where a new plug is formed if that temperature exceeds one or the other adja-cent plug temperatures.The locations of the new menisci are set to that location.The mass flow rate is the same for both segments of the slug.The tem-perature of the plug is set to the fluid temperature at that location.Another criterion for locating new vapor plugs is to compare the saturation pres-sure associated with the grid boundary tempera-ture to the pressure of the grid boundary asTable 1Parameters general to all cases Initial and ambient temperature T =T 1=303.15K Tube roughness feature size 40l m Wall andwick material CopperWall andwick thickness d w =d wk =0.5mmWick porosity /=0.5Wick thermal conductivity for packed spheres [10]k w ¼k Cu2þk ‘=k Cu À2/ð1Àk ‘=k Cu Þ‘Cu ‘CuWorking fluidWaterB.Holley,A.Faghri /International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48(2005)2635–26512641。



化学及化工专业词汇英语翻译j-oj acid j 酸jacket 夹套jacket cooling 套管冷却jacob cell 雅讣电池jacobsen rearrangement 雅可布森重排jade 硬玉jadeite 硬玉jalap 贾拉普japan 黑漆jasmin oil 茉莉花油jasmone 茉莉酮jasper 碧玉javel water 爪维尔水jaw breaker 腭式碎石机jaw crusher 腭式碎石机jelly 凝胶jena glass 耶拿玻璃jervine 介藜芦胺jet 喷射jet blower 喷射式通风机jet compressor 喷气压缩机jet condenser 喷水凝汽器jet fuel 喷气发动机燃料jet pump 喷射泵jewel 宝石jig sieve 振动筛joule 焦耳joule effect 焦耳效应joule thomson effect 焦耳汤姆森效应joule's law 焦耳定律juglone 胡桃酮julian tube 凯撒管junker's calorimeter 容克量热计jute 黄麻juvenile gas 初生气juvenile water 初生水k acid k 酸k meson k 介子kali fusion 钾熔融kalimeter 碳酸计kallikrein 舒血管素kanamycin 卡那霉素kaolin 瓷土kaolin clay 高岭土kaolinite 高岭石kaolinization 高岭土化kapok oil 爪哇木棉油karaya gum 剌梧桐屎karl fischer method 卡尔费歇尔法karl fischer's reagent 费氏试剂karyokinesis 核分裂karyolysis 核溶解karyoplasm 核质kata thermometer 卡他温度计kauri butanol value 贝壳杉脂丁醇值kauri gum 栲里松脂kauri resin 栲里松脂keene's cement 金纳水泥keesom relationship 基朔关系kelp 海草灰kelvin's temperature 开氏温度keratin 角蛋白keratin plastics 角质塑料kermes 胭脂虫粉kermesite 红锑矿kerogen 油母质kerosene 煤油kerosine 煤油ketene 乙烯酮ketene lamp 乙烯酮灯ketimine 酮亚胺keto acid 酮酸keto enol tautomerism 酮烯醇互变异构keto form 酮式ketoadipic acid 酮己二酸ketoalcohol 酮醇ketocapric acid 己酮酸ketoglutaric acid 氧代戊二酸ketoheptose 庚酮糖ketol 酮醇ketone 酮ketone decomposition 酮分解ketone group 酮基ketone musk 香酮ketone resin 酮尸ketonic ester 酮酯ketonisation 酮化ketose 酮糖ketoxime 酮肟key component 限界组分kieselguhr 硅藻土kieserite 水镁矾killed steel 冷静钢kiln 炉kinase 激酶kindling temperature 着火温度kinematic viscosity 运动粘度kinematical theory of diffraction 运动学的衍射论kinescope 显象管kinetic chain length 动力学链长kinetic current 反应电流kinetic energy 动能kinetic friction 动摩擦kinetic molecular theory 分子运动理论kinetic theory 动力学理论kinetic theory of gases 气体分子运动论kinetics of polymerization 聚合动力学kinetin 激动素king's yellow 雄黄kipp's apparatus 基普气发生器kipp's gas generator 基普气发生器kirchhoff's law 基尔霍夫定律kitol 鲸醇kjeldahl flask 基耶达尔氏测氮瓶kjeldahl method 基耶达尔法kjellin furnace 开林电炉kneader 捏和机kneading 捏和knife edge of balance 天平的支棱knock intensity 爆震强度knocking 爆震knoevenagel reaction 诺文葛耳反应knorr synthesis 克诺尔合成法koch's acid 柯赫酸kojic acid 曲酸kolbe schmitt reaction 科尔伯施密特反应korean paper 朝鲜纸kotoite 粒镁硼石kozeny carman's equation 康采尼卡曼方程krafft point 克拉夫特点kraft paper 牛皮纸kraft pulp 牛皮纸浆krypton 氪kyanite 蓝晶石labarraque's solution 拉巴腊克氏溶液labelled atom 示踪原子labile equilibrium 不稳平衡labile form 不稳形lability 不稳定性laboratory 实验室laboratory scale 实验室规模laboratory test 实验室试验lac 紫胶lac dye 紫胶染料lachrymator 催泪剂lacmoid 间苯二酚蓝lacquer 漆lacquer diluent 漆稀释剂lacquer enamel 瓷漆lacquering 涂漆lactacidogen 乳酸精lactalbumin 乳清蛋白lactam 乳胺lactamide 乳酸胺lactase 乳糖酶lactate 乳酸盐lactic acid 乳酸lactic acid bacteria 乳酸菌lactic acid fermentation 乳酸发酵lactic anhydride 乳酸酐lactide 交酯lactim 内酰亚胺lactobutyrometer 乳脂计lactoflavin 乳黄素lactogenic hormone 促乳泌素lactoglobulin 乳球朊lactometer 乳比重计lactone 内酯lactone bond 内酯键lactonic ring 内酯环lactonitrile 乳腈lactonization 内酯化lactophenine 乳吩咛胺lactoscope 乳酪计lactose 乳糖ladder polymer 梯形聚合物lagrange's equation of motion 拉格朗日运动方程lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers 拉格朗日不定乘子法laguerr's polynomial 拉盖尔多项式lake 色淀颜料lake red c 色淀红clalande cell 拉兰电池lambert beer's law 朗伯波特比尔定律lambert's law 朗伯特定律lamella 薄板lamina 薄板laminar film 片状膜laminar flow 层流laminar furnace 层怜laminate 层压材料laminated coal 叠层煤laminated glass 夹层玻璃laminated paper 层压纸laminated wood 胶合板lamination 层压lamp 灯lamp black 灯黑lamp oil 灯油lamp test 灯泡试验lanatoside 毛花甙langbeinite 无水钾镁矾langmuir's adsorption isotherm 朗格缪尔吸附等温线lanolin 羊毛脂lanoline 羊毛脂lanosterol 羊毛醇lanthanide 镧系元素lanthanide contraction 镧系收缩lanthanoid 镧系元素lanthanum 镧lanthanum acetate 乙酸镧lanthanum bromate 溴酸镧lanthanum bromide 溴化镧lanthanum carbonate 碳酸镧lanthanum chloride 氯化镧lanthanum oxide 氧化镧lanthionine 羊毛硫氨酸lap welding 叠式焊接lapachoic acid 拉帕醇lapachol 拉帕醇lapidification 石化酌laplace equation 拉普拉斯方程laplace transformation 拉普拉斯变幻lard 猪脂large aromatic molecule 大芳香族分子large scale gas chromatography 制备级气相色谱法laser 激光last heat of dissolution 溶解终热latence 埋伏latency 埋伏latent catalyst 埋伏催化剂latent heat 潜热latent heat of fusion 熔化潜热latent heat of sublimation 升华热latent image 潜像latent period 埋伏期latent valency 潜化合价lateral axis 横轴线lateral chain 侧链lateral face 侧面lateral magnification 横扩大率lateral secretion 侧分泌laterite 红土latex 胶乳latex cement 胶乳结合剂latex paint 胶乳漆latex thickener 胶乳增稠剂latexometer 胶乳比重计lather 肥皂泡lathering number 起泡值lathering soap 泡沫lattice constant 晶格常数lattice defect 点阵缺陷lattice distance 晶格间距lattice energy 晶格能lattice model 点阵模型lattice plane 晶格面laudanidine 劳丹尼定laudanine 劳丹碱laudanosine 劳丹素laue method 劳厄法laue photograph 劳厄照相laughing gas 笑气laundry soap 家用皂lauraldehyde 月桂醛laurate 月桂酸盐laurel 月桂laurel oil 月桂油lauric acid 月桂酸lauroleate 月桂酸盐lauroleic acid 月桂烯酸lauroyl chloride 月桂酰氯lauroyl peroxide 过氧化月桂酰lauryl alcohol 月桂醇lauryl chloride 月桂基氯lauryl mercaptan 月桂硫醇lauryl methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸月桂酯lava 熔岩lavazeck viscometer 拉巴切克粘度计lavender oil 熏衣草油lavender water 熏衣水law of chemical equivalent 化学当量定律law of conservation and conversion of energy 能量守恒及能量转换定律law of conservation of energy 能量守恒律law of conservation of mass 质量守恒定律law of conservation of momentum 动量守恒定律law of constant proportion 定比律law of corresponding states 对应态原理law of definite proportion 定比律law of equipartition of energy 能量均分律law of gaseous reaction 气体反应定律law of ideal gases 理想气体定律law of independent ionic mobilities 独立离子怜定律law of ionic strength 离子强度定律law of isomorphism 类质同晶定律law of mass action 质量酌定律law of multiple proportions 倍比律law of partition 分配定律law of photochemical equivalent 光化学当量定律law of radioactive decay 放射性蜕变定律law of reciprocal proportion 互比定律law of reciprocity 互反律law of velocity distribution 速度分布定律lawrencium 铹laxative 轻泻剂layer built cell 积层电池layer lattice 层形点阵layer structure 层状构造lazulite 天蓝石le chatelier braun's principle 勒夏特利埃布劳董理leachability 可浸出性leachate 浸出液leaching 浸析leaching agent 溶浸剂lead 铅lead accumulator 铅蓄电池lead acetate 醋酸铅lead arsenate 砷酸铅lead azide 叠氮化铅lead bath 铅浴lead carbonate 碳酸铅lead chamber 铅室lead chamber process 铅室法lead chloride 氯化铅lead chromate 铬酸铅lead compound 铅化合物lead cyanamide 氰氨化铅lead cyanide 氰化铅lead dioxide 二氧化铅lead glance 方铅矿lead glass 铅玻璃lead glaze 铅釉lead hydrogen citrate 氢柠檬酸铅lead hydroxide 氢氧化铅lead lining 铅内衬lead linoleate 亚油酸铅lead molybdate 钼酸铅lead nitrate 硝酸铅lead oxide 氧化铅lead paper 乙酸铅试纸lead peroxide 过氧化铅lead poisoning 铅中毒lead resinate 尸酸铅lead silicate 硅酸铅lead stearate 硬脂酸铅lead storage battery 铅蓄电池lead suboxide 一氧化二铅lead sulfate 硫酸铅lead sulfide 硫化铅lead susceptibility 受铅性lead telluride 碲化铅lead tetraacetate 醋酸高铅lead tetrachloride 四氯化铅lead tungstate 钨酸铅lead vanadate 钒酸铅leaded gasoline 加铅汽油leaf condenser 箔电容器leaf filter 叶片式过滤器leak detector 漏电指示器leak test 泄漏试验leakage 泄漏leakage current 漏电流lean coal 贫煤lean gas 贫气lean lime 贫石灰leather 皮革leather substitute 人造革lecithase 卵磷脂酶lecithin 卵磷脂lecithinase 卵磷脂酯leclanche cell 勒克朗谢电池ledeburite 菜德布尔体lederer manasse reaction 菜德勒曼讷斯反应legumin 豆球蛋白lehre 退火炉lemon oil 柠檬油lemongrass oil 柠檬草油lenacil 环草定length 长度lens 透镜lenticular film 凹凸式胶片leonite 钾镁矾lepidine 勒皮啶lepidolite 鳞云母lethal dose 致死量leucic acid 白氨酸leucine 白氨酸leucite 白榴石leuckart reaction 洛卡特氐反应leucoalizarin 去氧茜素leucobase 路易克碱leucocompound 无色化合物leucocyte 白血球leucocytolysin 白细胞溶素leucoscope 光学高温计leucosol 白色溶胶levan 果聚糖level dyeing 均匀染色level gage 液面计level meter 液面仪leveling 均匀染色leveling agent 匀染剂leveling tube 水准管levigation 水磨levo form 左旋体levo rotary matter 左旋性物质levorotation 左旋性levorotatory compound 左旋化合物levulinaldehyde 乙酰丙醛levulinic acid 乙酰丙酸levulosan 左旋聚糖levulose 果糖lewis langmuir's theory of valency 路易斯兰格穆尔原子价理论lewisite 路易氏气liberation 游离lichen starch 地衣多糖lichenase 地衣聚糖酶lichenin 地衣多糖licopene 茄玉红lidocaine 利多卡因liebermann's reaction 李伯曼反应liebig condenser 李比希氏冷凝器liesegang ring 李四光环life of decay 半衰期lifetime 寿命lift 水头ligancy 配位数ligand 配位体ligand field 配位场ligand field absorption band 配位场汲取带ligand field theory 配位场理论ligand membrane 配位体膜ligand migration reaction 配位体移动反应light alloy 轻合金light burned magnesia 轻质煅烧镁氧light emitting diode 发光二极管light end 轻馏分light fastness 耐光性light filter 滤光器滤光片light fire brick 轻质耐火砖light fog 光灰雾light induced proton pump 光诱致质子泵light metal 轻金属light meter 曝光计light oil 轻油light pressure 光压light quantum 光子light rare earth element 轻稀土元素light resistance 耐光性light ruby silver 淡红银矿light scattering method 光散射法light scattering photometer 光散射光度计light sensitivity 感光度light soils 轻质土light source 光源light velocity 光速light weight concrete 轻质混凝土lignification 木质化lignin 木素lignocaine 利多卡因lignocellulose 木质纤维素lignoceric acid 廿四酸lignosulfonic acid 木素磺酸ligroin 里格苦因lime 石灰lime burning 煅烧石灰lime cream 石灰乳lime hydrate 消石灰lime kiln 石灰窑lime kilning 煅烧石灰lime milk 石灰乳lime mortar 石灰浆lime nitrate 硝酸钙lime nitrogen 石灰氮lime oil 梨莓油lime pozzolanic cement 石灰火山灰水泥lime rosin 石灰松香lime salpeter 硝酸钙lime saturation degree 石灰饱和度lime silica ratio 石灰硅石比lime slag cement 石灰炉渣水泥lime slaker 石灰熟化器lime soap 石灰皂lime sulfur mixture 石硫合剂lime water 石灰水limestone 石灰石liming 用石灰处理limit dextrin 有限糊精limit of error 误差极限limit of identification 证实限度limit of inflammability 可燃限度limiting concentration 极限浓度limiting current 极限电流limiting current density 极限电淋度limiting value 极限值limonene 二戊烯limonite 褐铁矿limpidity 透迷linaloe oil 沉香油linalool 里哪醇linalyl acetate 醋酸里哪酯lindane 林丹linde air liquefier 林德空气液化器line density 线密度line spectrum 线性光谱line width 线宽度linear accelerator 直线加速器linear condensation polymer 线型缩合聚合物linear differential equation 线性微分方程linear expansion 线膨胀linear expansivity 线膨胀性linear macromolecule 线型大分子linear molecule 线型分子linear ordinary differential equation of firstorder 一阶线性常微分方程linear polymer 线状聚合物linear transformation 线性变幻linear viscoelasticity 线性粘弹性lining 内衬lining brick 砌壁砖linkage 键合linking 键合linnaeite 硫钴矿linoleic acid 亚麻仁油酸linolenic acid 亚麻酸linoleum 油地毡linoleum cement 油毡胶粘剂linoleum oil 漆布油linolic acid 亚麻仁油酸linolin 亚麻精linoxylin 氧化亚麻油linoxyn 氧化亚麻油linseed oil 亚麻子油lint 皮棉linter 棉绒lipase 脂肪酶lipid 脂质lipid metabolism 脂类代谢lipid peroxide 脂类过氧化物lipoamino acid 脂氨基酸lipochrome 脂色素lipoic acid 硫辛酸lipolysis 脂类分解lipoprotein 脂蛋白liposome 脂质体lipoxidase 脂肪氧化酶liquefaction 液化liquefaction of air 空气液化liquefaction of coal 煤的液化liquefied gas 液化气liquefied natural gas 液化天然气liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气liquid 液体liquid air 液态空气liquid ammonia 液态氨liquid calorimeter 液体量热计liquid carbon dioxide 液态二氧化碳liquid chlorine 液态氯liquid chromatography 液相谱liquid cooling 液体冷却liquid crystal 液晶liquid crystalline polymers 液晶聚合物liquid culture 液体培养liquid cyclone 湿式旋风除尘器liquid drier 液体催干剂liquid drop model 液滴模型liquid fertilizer 液体肥料liquid film technology 液膜技术liquid filter 液体过滤器liquid fuel 液体燃料liquid gold 金水liquid grease 液体钙基脂liquid heat exchanger 液体热交换器liquid hydrocarbon 液烃liquid insulator 液体绝缘体liquid ion exchanger 液体离子交换剂liquid junction cell 液体接界电池liquid junction potential 液体接界电势liquid level indicator 液面仪liquid liquid chromatography 液液色谱法liquid liquid extraction 液液提取liquid liquid partition chromatography 液液分配色谱法liquid manometer 液体压力计liquid medium 液体培养基liquid membrane 液体膜liquid nitrogen 液态氮liquid oxygen 液态氧liquid oxygen explosive 液氧炸药liquid paraffin 液体石蜡liquid phase 液相liquid phase cracking 液相分解liquid phase cracking process 液相过程liquid phase hydrogenation 液相氢化liquid rubber 液态橡胶liquid seal 液封liquid soap 液体肥皂liquid solid chemical reaction 液固化学反应liquid solid equilibrium 固液平衡liquid sulfur dioxide benzene process 液态二氧化硫苯抽提过程liquid thermometer 液体温度计liquidus 液线liquor ratio 液比liquorice 甘草litharge 密陀僧lithia porcelain 氧化锂瓷lithium 锂lithium aluminium hydride 氢化铝锂lithium aluminium hydride reduction 氢化铝锂还原lithium carbonate 碳酸锂lithium chlorate 氯酸锂lithium chloride 氯化锂lithium hydroxide 氢氧化锂lithium nitrate 硝酸锂lithium oxide 氧化锂lithium silicate 硅酸锂lithium sulfate 硫酸锂lithium tartrate 酒石酸锂lithochemistry 岩石化学lithocholic acid 石胆酸lithogeochemistry 岩石地球化学lithographic ink 石印墨lithographic varnish 石印清漆lithography 石印术lithol red 立遂lithophile element 亲岩元素lithopone 立德粉lithosphere 岩石圈litmus 石蕊litmus paper 石蕊纸live steam 直接蒸汽liver oil 肝油living coordination polymerization 活性配位聚合living polymer 活性聚合物lixiviation 浸析load test 负荷试验loading hopper 进料漏斗loading material of rubber 橡胶填料loam 亚粘土lobeline 洛贝林local analysis 局部分析local cell 局部电池local corrosion 局部腐蚀local current 局部电流local equilibrium 局部平衡local magnetic moment 局部磁矩locally limit theorem 局部极限定理lode 矿脉loess 黄土log mean temperature difference 对数平均温差logarithmic function 对数函数logarithmic mean 对数平均logic element 逻辑元件logical circuit 逻辑电路logwood 苏木lone pair 非共有电子对long flame coal 长焰煤long oil varnish 长油性清漆long tube vertical evaporator 长管竖式蒸发器longitudinal flow reactor 纵向连续反应器loop strength ratio 钩接强力比lorentz's force 洛伦兹力lorenz lorentz's formula 洛伦茨洛伦兹公式loretin 试铁灵loss 损失loss angle 损耗角loss of weight 失重lossen reaction 洛森反应lost heat 废热loudness 音量lovibond tintometer 拉维邦德油品色度计low alloy 低合金low angle scattering of x ray x线小角散射low energy neutron 低能中子low expansion glass 低膨胀玻璃low fired porcelain 低温瓷器low frequency induction furnace 低频感应电炉low grade bituminous coal 低级沥青炭low heat cement 低热水泥low melting glass 低熔点玻璃low molecular weight hydrocarbon 低分子量烃low polymer 低聚物low pressure gauge 低压计low pressure molding 低压模塑low pressure resin 低压尸low pressure tyre 低压轮胎low temperature carbonization 低温干馏low temperature coke 低温焦炭low temperature fractionation 低温精馏low temperature polymerization 低温聚合low temperature processing 低温分开法low temperature resistance 耐寒性low temperature tar 低温焦油lower calorific power 低热值lower calorific value 低热值lower homologue 低级同系物lowering of melting point 熔点降低loxygen 液氧lubricant 润滑剂lubricating grease 润滑脂lubricating oil 润滑油lubricating property 润滑性lubrication 润滑lucas reagent 卢卡斯试药luciferase 荧光素酶luciferin 荧虫光素lumen 流luminance temperature 发光温度luminescence 发光luminescence analysis 发光分析luminescence center 发光中心luminescent dye 荧光染料luminescent lamp 荧光灯luminescent plastics 发光塑料luminescent screen 荧光屏luminol 鲁米诺luminophore 发光体luminosity 亮度luminous flame 光焰luminous flux 光束luminous paint 发光油漆luminous pigment 发光颜料lumisterol 光照甾醇lump coal 块煤lump coke 块焦炭lunge's test 伦格试验lupanine 羽扇烷宁lupinidine 司巴丁lurgi low temperature carbonization oven 鲁奇的低温焦化烘炉luster 光泽lusterless paint 无光漆lutecium 镥lutein 叶黄素luteo salt 黄络盐luteol 黄示醇luteolin 黄色素lutetium 镥lutidine 卢剔啶lux 勒克斯luxmeter 照度计lyase 裂合酶lycopene 番茄烯lycopin 番茄烯lycopodium 石松子lycopodium spores 石松子lycoremine 加兰他敏lye 碱液lyogel 液凝胶lyolysis 液解lyophilic 亲液的lyophilic colloid 亲液胶体lyophilic polymer 亲液性聚合体lyophilization 冻干lyophobic 疏水的lyophobic colloid 蔬液胶体lyosol 液溶胶lyotropic liquid crystal 易溶液晶lyotropic series 感胶离子序列lysergic acid 赖瑟酸lysine 赖氨酸lysol 来苏lysosomotropic drug 擒酶体药lysozyme 溶菌酶lysyloxidase 赖氨酰氧化酶lyxonic acid 来苏糖酸lyxose 来苏糖m acid m 酸m.w. 分子量macaroni rayon 空心人造丝macassar gum 琼脂mace oil 肉豆蔻油maceration 浸渍machine bleaching 机械漂白machine dyeing 机凭色machine oil 机油machine printing 机啤花macle 双晶macleod gage 麦克劳计maclurin 桑橙素macroanalysis 常量分析macrochemistry 常量化学macrocrystal 大晶体macrogeochemistry 宏观地球化学macroglobulin 巨球蛋白macromolecular chemistry 大分子化学macromolecular colloid 高分子胶质macromolecular compound 高分子化合物macromolecular grating 大分子格子macromolecular rupture 大分子破裂macromolecule 大分子macropolymerization 巨聚合macroscopic structure 宏观结构macrosis 庞大macrostate 宏观状态macrostructure 宏观结构macula lutea 黄斑madder lake 茜草色淀madder red 茜草红magenta 品红色magic mirror 半透玫magma 岩浆magma glassashes 岩浆玻璃灰magmatic assimilation 岩浆同化酌magmatic ore 岩浆矿石magmatic water 岩浆水magnalium 镁铝合金magnesia 氧化镁magnesia brick 镁砖magnesia cement 镁氧水泥magnesia clinker 镁熔块magnesia mixture 镁氧混合剂magnesia porcelain 镁质瓷器magnesia portland cement 氧化镁一般水泥magnesite 菱镁矿magnesite chrome brick 铬镁砖magnesium 镁magnesium acetate 乙酸镁magnesium borate 硼酸镁magnesium calcium carbonate 碳酸镁钙magnesium cell 镁电池magnesium chloride 氯化镁magnesium hydrate 氢氧化镁magnesium hydroxide 氢氧化镁magnesium nitrate 硝酸镁magnesium oxide 氧化镁magnesium peroxide 过氧化镁magnesium powder 镁细粉magnesium sulfate 硫酸镁magneson 试镁灵magnet 磁铁magnetic analysis 磁力分析magnetic anisotropy 磁蛤异性magnetic crystal group 磁晶群magnetic crystal structure 磁晶体结构magnetic field 磁场magnetic filter 磁性过滤器magnetic induction 磁感应magnetic iron ore 磁铁矿magnetic iron oxide 磁性氧化铁magnetic needle 磁针magnetic permeability 磁导率magnetic quantum number 磁量子数magnetic relaxation 磁性弛豫magnetic resonance 磁共振magnetic semiconductor 磁性半导体magnetic separator 磁力分开器magnetic stirrer 磁力搅拌器magnetic substance 磁性体magnetic susceptibility 磁化率magnetism 磁magnetite 磁铁矿magnetization 磁化magnetochemical analysis 磁化学分析magnetochemical investigation 磁化学甸magnetochemistry 磁化学magnetometer 磁强计magneton 磁子magnetosonic wave 磁声波magnetron 磁控管magnification 扩大率magnifier 扩大镜magnifying glass 扩大镜main alloying component 合金稚分main constituent 知组分main fermentation 知发酵酌main group 皱main group element 皱元素main reaction 知反应main valence 汁子价maintenance costs 维持费maize oil 玉米油maize starch 玉米淀粉majolika 马略尔卡陶器make up water 补充水malachite 孔雀石malachite green 孔雀绿malachite green actinometer 孔雀石绿光量计malate 苹果酸盐malathion 马拉松male sex hormone 雄激素maleamic acid 马来酰胺酸maleate 马来酸盐maleic acid 马来酸maleic acid ester 马来酸酯maleic anhydride 马来酐maleic ester resin 马来酯尸maleic hydrazide 马来酰肼maleic resin 马来尸malic acid 苹果酸malleability 展性malleable cast iron 可锻铸铁malonamide 丙二酰胺malonate 丙二酸盐malonic acid 丙二酸malonic ester 丙二酸酯malonic ester synthesis 丙二酸酯合成malonylurea 巴比土酸malt 麦芽malt agar 麦芽琼脂malt extract 麦芽抽出物malt sugar 麦芽糖maltase 麦芽糖酶maltha 软沥青malting 麦芽制造maltol 麦芽醇maltose 麦芽糖malvidin chloride 氯化二甲花翠man made fiber 人造纤维man made rubber 人造橡胶mandarin oil 橘子油mandelic acid 孟德立酸mandelonitrile 扁桃腈mandrel test 心轴试验法manganate 锰酸盐manganese 锰manganese blende 硫锰矿manganese chloride 氯化锰manganese dioxide 二氧化锰manganese sulfate 硫酸锰manganese sulfide 硫化锰manganin 锰镍铜合金manganite 亚锰酸盐mangrove 红树manipulator 操纵器机械手manna 吗哪mannan 甘露聚糖mannich reaction 曼尼期反应manninotriose 甘露三糖mannite 甘露糖醇mannitol 甘露糖醇mannitol hexanitrate 六硝酸甘露醇mannonic acid 甘露糖酸mannose 甘露糖manocryometer 融解压力计manometer 压力计manostat 恒压器manufacture 制造manufacture of common salt 食盐制造法manufactured gas 人造煤气manufacturing cost 造价manufacturing in series 成批生产manufacturing method 制造法manufacturing process 制造法manure 肥料manure salts 肥料盐manuring 施肥maple sugar 槭糖marble 大理石marcasite 白铁矿margarate 十七酸盐margaric acid 十七酸margarine 人造奶油margarite 珍珠云母marine animal oil 海生动物油marine clay 海成粘土marine engine oil 船用机油marine soap 海水皂mariotte bottle 马利欧特瓶marjoram oil 马郁兰油mark 标记marked line 标线market bleach 一般漂白marking ink 打印墨水markovnikov's rule 马尔科夫尼科夫规则marseille soap 马赛皂marsh gas 沼气marsh test 马希氏试验marshall's acid 马歇尔酸martens hardness tester 马氏硬度试验器martens heat resistance test 马腾斯耐热试验martensite 马氏体maser 微波激射器mash 麦芽汁mask 面具masking 掩蔽masking agent 掩蔽剂masking reagent 掩蔽剂mason's hydrated lime 砖石用熟石灰masonry cement 砌筑水泥mass acceleration 质量加速度mass action 质量酌mass balance 物料平衡mass concentration 质量浓度mass defect 质量筐mass number 质量数mass polymerization 本体聚合mass production 大量生产mass radiation 质量辐射mass spectrograph 质谱仪mass spectrometer 质谱仪mass spectrometry 质谱测定法mass spectroscopy 质谱分析mass spectrum 质谱mass stopping power 质量阻止本领mass to charge ratio 质荷比mass transfer 物质传递mass unit 质量单位mass velocity 质量速度massecuite 糖膏massicot 铅黄massive coal 块煤masterbatch 母体混合物mastic 乳香mastication 捏炼masticator 素炼机masut 重油mat finish 消光整理mat glaze 无光泽釉mat gold 消光金mat paint 消光油漆match 火柴material 物质material balance 物料平衡material point 质点material wave 物质波mathematical induction 数学归纳法matrine 苦参碱matrix 基质matrix effect 基体效应matter 物质maturation 成熟酌maturative 催脓药maturing 成熟酌maturing temperature 成熟温度mauvein 苯胺紫maximal dose 极大剂量maximal observable 最大观测量maximal work 最大功maximum and minimum thermometer 最高最低温度计maximum current 最大电流maximum deflection 最大偏转maximum effective work 最大有效功maximum fiber stress 最大纤维应力maximum flexural strength 最大抗挠强度maximum load 最大负荷maximum output 最高产率maximum permissible dose 最大同意剂量maximum phenomenon 极大现象maximum suppressor 畸峰抑制剂maximum thermometer 最高温度计maximum wave 极大波maximum work 最大功maxivalence 最高价maxwell boltzmann statistics 麦克斯韦玻耳兹曼统计maxwell boltzmann's law of energy distribution 麦克斯韦玻耳兹曼能量分布定律maxwell boltzmann's law of velocity distribution 麦克斯韦玻尔兹曼速度分配定律mazout 重油meal 粉状物mean activity 平均活度mean boiling point 平均沸点mean degree of polymerization 平均聚合度mean deviation 平均偏差mean dispersion 平均分散mean error 平均误差mean free path 平均自由程mean life 平均寿命mean temperature difference 均温差mean value 平均值measurable set 可测集measurement 测定measurement deviation 测定偏差measurement error 测量误差measurement of molecular weight 分子量测定measurement of radioactivity 放射能测定measuring 测定measuring accuracy 测量精度measuring apparatus 计量仪器measuring bottle 量瓶measuring cylinder 量筒measuring flask 量瓶measuring glass 量杯measuring instrument 计量仪器measuring pipet 莫尔吸量管measuring tank 量槽mecazine 密哌嗪mechanical draft 机械通风mechanical energy 机械能mechanical equivalent of heat 热功当量mechanical impedance 机械阻抗mechanical mixture 机械混合物mechanical properties 机械性能mechanical pulp 机碎木浆mechanical rectifier 机械整流mechanical scrubber 机械滤净器mechanical test 机械试验mechanical weathering 机械风化mechanization 机械化mechanochemistry 机械化学meconic acid 袂康酸meconine 袂康宁meconium 鸦片mediasilicic rock 中硅质岩medical chemistry 医化学medical durable yeast 医药耐久酵母medicated soap 药用皂medium 介质medium boiler 中沸溶剂medium oil 中油medium oil varnish 中油清漆medium tone 中间色调meker burner 梅克尔灯melamine 蜜胺melamine resin 蜜胺尸melamine resin varnish 三聚氰胺尸清漆melanin 黑素melanogen 黑素原melibiase 蜜二糖酶melibiose 蜜二糖melinite 苦味酸melissic acid 蜂花酸melissyl alcohol 蜂花醇melitose 棉子糖mellic acid 苯六酸mellitate 苯六甲酸酯mellophanic acid 苯偏四甲酸melt 溶融物melt spinning 熔体纺丝melt spinning device 熔融纺丝装置melt viscosity 熔解粘度melting 熔融melting heat 熔化热melting method 熔融法melting point 熔点melting point diagram 熔点线图melting zone 熔化带membrane 隔膜membrane electrode 膜电极membrane equilibrium 膜平衡membrane filter 薄膜过滤器membrane potential 膜电位membrane simulation 膜模拟memory 存储器menadiole 甲萘二酚menadione 甲萘醌mendelev periodic law of elements 门捷列夫元素周期律mendelevium 钔meniscus 弯液面menshutkin reaction 门秀金反应menthadiene 薄荷二烯menthane 薄荷烷menthol 薄荷醇menthone 薄荷酮menthyl acetate 三萜醇乙酸酯mepazine 密哌嗪mephobarbital 普罗米那mephosfolan 二噻磷meralluride 汞鲁来merbromin 汞溴红mercaptal 缩硫醛mercaptan 硫醇mercaptide 硫醇盐mercaptobenzothiazole 巯基苯并噻唑mercaptoethanol 巯基乙醇mercaptol 缩硫醇mercaptopurine 巯基嘌呤mercaptothiazoline 巯基噻唑啉mercerization 丝光处理mercerizing assistant 丝光加工助剂mercerizing machine 丝光处理机mercocresol 汞甲酚剂mercuration 汞化mercurial barometer 水银气压计mercurial column 水银柱mercurial ointment 汞制油膏mercuric arsenate 砷酸汞mercuric chloride 氯化正汞mercuric compound 正汞化合物mercuric cyanide 氰化汞mercuric fluoride 氟化汞mercuric nitrate 硝酸汞mercuric oleate 油酸汞mercuric oxide 氧化汞mercuric oxide electrode 氧化汞电极mercuric salt 正汞盐mercuric stearate 硬脂酸汞mercuric sulfate 硫酸汞mercuric sulfide 硫化汞mercurimetric titration 汞液滴定法mercurimetry 汞液滴定法mercurochrome 汞溴红mercurol 核酸汞mercurometric titration 亚汞滴定法mercurometry 亚汞滴定法mercurous nitrate 硝酸亚汞mercurous salt 亚汞盐mercury 汞mercury arc rectifier 汞汽整流mercury bridge 水银电桥mercury cathode cell 汞阴极电池mercury cell 水银电池mercury chloride 氯化汞mercury cyanide 氰化汞mercury electrode 水银电极mercury fulminate 雷酸汞mercury iodide 碘化汞mercury lamp 水银灯mercury manometer 水银压力计mercury nitrate 硝酸汞mercury oxide 氧化汞mercury pool 水银槽mercury process 水银法mercury pump 水银真空泵mercury rash 汞皮疹mercury thermometer 水银温度表mercury vapour rectifier 汞汽整流mercury volumeter 汞容积计meromyosin 酶解肌球蛋白meroplankton 暂时性浮游生物mesaconic acid 甲基反丁烯二酸mescaline 墨斯卡灵mesh 筛眼mesityl oxide 异丙叉丙酮mesitylene 均三甲基苯meso form 内消旋式mesobilirubin 中胆红素mesobilirubinogen 中胆红原mesobiliverdin 中胆绿素mesochemistry 介子化学mesocolloid 近胶体mesomeric effect 内消旋效应mesomerism 稳变异构mesomorphic phase 中间相mesomorphism 液晶态meson 介子mesophase 中间相mesorcin 均三甲苯二酚mesotartaric acid 内消旋酒石酸mesothorium 新钍mesoxalic acid 中草酸mesoxalylurea 中草酰脲messenger ribonucleic acid 信使核糖核酸meta acid 偏酸metaarsenic acid 偏砷酸metabiosis 后继共生metabolism 代谢酌metabolite 代谢物metaboric acid 偏硼酸metachemistry 超化学metachromasia 异染色metachromasy 异染色metachromatic stain 异染性染料metachromatism 变色现象metadiazine 嘧啶metaisomerism 位变异构现象metal alkyl 金属烷基metal analysis 金属分析metal arc 金属电弧metal bath 金属浴metal carbonyl 羰络金属metal cluster 金属团簇metal complex 金属络合盐metal complex dye 金属配位染料metal encased brick 铁皮砖metal film resistor 金属薄膜电阻器metal fog 金属雾metal glass 金属玻璃metal indicator 金属指示剂metal line 液面线metal mist 金属雾metal nonmetal transition 金属非金属过渡metal plating 金属镀层metal spray gun 金属喷雾器metal spraying 金属喷涂metalation 金属化metaldehyde 多聚乙醛metallic block calorimeter 金属热量计metallic bond 金属键metallic complex salt 金属络合盐metallic element 金属元素metallic luster 金属光泽metallic oxide 金属氧化物metallic paint 金属涂料metallic poison 金属毒metallic powdery pigment 金属粉末颜料metallic soap 金属皂metallic thermometer 金属温度计metallic tin 金属锡metallocene 金属茂络合物metallocycle 金属循环物metalloenzyme 金属酶metallography 金属学metalloid 类金属metalloid element 类金属元素metalloprotein 金属蛋白质metallurgical chemistry 冶金化学metallurgical coke 冶金焦metallurgical microscope 冶金显微镜metallurgy 冶金。





染色革和涂饰革的总铬浸出质量浓度范围分别为11.16~16.51mg/L 和9.43~13.28mg/L。

采用1mol/L 柠檬酸钠对各样品进行72h 内一步浸提时,碎料中总铬浸出率亦随工段延续依次降低,其浸出率分别为81.9%、45.8%和38.1%。



关键词:含铬皮革碎料;浸出毒性;稳定性;连续提取法中图分类号:X 794文献标志码:AStability of Chromium in Leather Wastes from Different Work-shop Sections in Tannery(College of Resource and Environment,Shaanxi University of Science &Technology,Xi'an 710021,China)Abstract:This work chose single leaching agent for one-step or multi-step leaching,and a series of leaching agents was used for continuous extraction method to analyze the leaching concentration and toxicity assessment of chromium from chromium tanned,dyed and finished leather scraps.Results showed that the total chromium leaching mass concentration in leather scraps decreased with the extension of the stage.The highest total chromium leaching mass concentration of wet blue leather was 32.58mg/L.The total chromium leaching mass concentration ranges of the dyed and finished leather were 11.16-16.51mg/L and 9.43-13.28mg/L,ing 1mol/L sodium citrate for one-step leaching of each sample within 72h,the total chromium leaching rate in the crushed materials also decreased with the continuation of the process,with leaching rates of 81.9%,45.8%and 38.1%,respectively.The continuous extraction results showed that the alkali-soluble and acid-soluble chromium contents in samples with total chromium leaching mass concentration higher than the standard value were higher than other samples.Results of scanning electron microscopy,energy dispersive spectrometer and infrared spectroscopy indicated that both dyed and finished leather,treated with organic acid salts,retained the collagen fiber bundle structure,which provides a basis for the assessment of the effect of harmless disposal and recycling of chromium-containing shredded materials.Key words:chromium-containing leather scraps;leaching toxicity;stability;continuous extraction method收稿日期:2023-09-27修回日期:2023-12-14接受日期:2023-12-15基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(22076113)第一作者简介:王嘉瑞(1998-),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:化工污染控制与资源化。



School of chemical engineering and pharmaceuticaltest tubes 试管test tube holder试管夹test tube brush 试管刷test tube rack试管架beaker烧杯stirring搅拌棒thermometer温度计boiling flask长颈烧瓶Florence flask平底烧瓶flask,round bottom,two-neck boiling flask,three-neck conical flask锥形瓶wide-mouth bottle广口瓶graduated cylinder量筒gas measuring tube气体检测管volumetric flask容量瓶transfer pipette移液管Geiser burette(stopcock)酸式滴定管funnel漏斗Mohr burette(with pinchcock)碱式滴定管watch glass表面皿evaporating dish蒸发皿ground joint磨口连接Petri dish有盖培养皿desiccators干燥皿long-stem funnel长颈漏斗filter funnel过滤漏斗Büchner funnel瓷漏斗separatory funnel分液漏斗Hirsh funnel赫尔什漏斗filter flask 吸滤瓶Thiele melting point tube蒂勒熔点管plastic squeez e bottle塑料洗瓶 medicine dropper药用滴管rubber pipette bulb 吸球microspatula微型压舌板pipet吸量管mortar and pestle研体及研钵filter paper滤纸Bunsen burner煤气灯burette stand滴定管架support ring支撑环ring stand环架distilling head蒸馏头side-arm distillation flask侧臂蒸馏烧瓶air condenser空气冷凝器centrifuge tube离心管fractionating column精(分)馏管Graham condenser蛇形冷凝器crucible坩埚crucible tongs坩埚钳beaker tong烧杯钳economy extension clamp经济扩展夹extension clamp牵引夹utility clamp铁试管夹hose clamp软管夹 burette clamp pinchcock;pinch clamp弹簧夹 screw clamp 螺丝钳ring clamp 环形夹goggles护目镜stopcock活塞wire gauze铁丝网analytical balance分析天平分析化学absolute error绝对误差accuracy准确度assay化验analyte(被)分析物calibration校准constituent成分coefficient of variation变异系数confidence level置信水平detection limit检出限determination测定estimation 估算equivalent point等当点gross error总误差impurity杂质indicator指示剂interference干扰internal standard内标level of significance显着性水平 limit of quantitation定量限masking掩蔽matrix基体precision精确度primary standard原始标准物purity纯度qualitative analysis定性分析 quantitative analysis定量分析random error偶然误差reagent试剂relative error相对误差robustness耐用性sample样品relative standard deviation相对标准偏差 selectivity选择性sensitivity灵敏度specificity专属性titration滴定significant figure有效数字solubility product溶度积standard addition标准加入法standard deviation标准偏差standardization标定法stoichiometric point化学计量点systematic error系统误差有机化学acid anhydride 酸酐acyl halide 酰卤alcohol 醇aldehyde 醛aliphatic 脂肪族的alkene 烯烃alkyne炔allyl烯丙基amide氨基化合物amino acid 氨基酸aromatic compound 芳香烃化合物amine胺butyl 丁基aromatic ring芳环,苯环 branched-chain支链chain链carbonyl羰基carboxyl羧基chelate螯合chiral center手性中心conformers构象copolymer共聚物derivative 衍生物dextrorotatary右旋性的diazotization重氮化作用dichloromethane二氯甲烷ester酯ethyl乙基fatty acid脂肪酸functional group 官能团general formula 通式glycerol 甘油,丙三醇heptyl 庚基heterocyclie 杂环的hexyl 己基homolog 同系物hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物hydrophilic 亲水的hydrophobic 疏水的hydroxide 烃基ketone 酮levorotatory左旋性的methyl 甲基molecular formula分子式monomer单体octyl辛基open chain开链optical activity旋光性(度)organic 有机的organic chemistry 有机化学organic compounds有机化合物pentyl戊基phenol苯酚phenyl苯基polymer 聚合物,聚合体propyl丙基ring-shaped环状结构 zwitterion兼性离子saturated compound饱和化合物side chain侧链straight chain 直链tautomer互变(异构)体structural formula结构式triglyceride甘油三酸脂unsaturated compound不饱和化合物物理化学activation energy活化能adiabat绝热线amplitude振幅collision theory碰撞理论empirical temperature假定温度enthalpy焓enthalpy of combustion燃烧焓enthalpy of fusion熔化热enthalpy of hydration水合热enthalpy of reaction反应热enthalpy o f sublimation升华热enthalpy of vaporization汽化热entropy熵first law热力学第一定律first order reaction一级反应free energy自由能Hess’s law盖斯定律Gibbs free energy offormation吉布斯生成能heat capacity热容internal energy内能isobar等压线isochore等容线isotherm等温线kinetic energy动能latent heat潜能Planck’s constant普朗克常数potential energy势能quantum量子quantum mechanics量子力学rate law速率定律specific heat比热spontaneous自发的standard enthalpy change标准焓变standard entropy of reaction标准反应熵standard molar entropy标准摩尔熵standard pressure标压state function状态函数thermal energy热能thermochemical equation热化学方程式thermodynamic equilibrium热力学平衡uncertainty principle测不准定理zero order reaction零级反应 zero point energy零点能课文词汇实验安全及记录:eye wash眼药水first-aid kit急救箱gas line输气管safety shower紧急冲淋房water faucet水龙头flow chart流程图loose leaf活页单元操作分类:heat transfer传热Liquid-liquid extraction液液萃取liquid-solid leaching过滤vapor pressure蒸气压membrane separation薄膜分离空气污染:carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbon monoxide一氧化碳particulate matter颗粒物质photochemical smog光化烟雾primary pollutants一次污染物secondary pollutants二次污染物 stratospheric ozone depletion平流层臭氧消耗sulfur dioxide二氧化硫volcanic eruption火山爆发食品化学:amino acid氨基酸,胺amino group氨基empirical formula实验式,经验式fatty acid脂肪酸peptide bonds肽键polyphenol oxidase 多酚氧化酶salivary amylase唾液淀粉酶 steroid hormone甾类激素table sugar蔗糖triacylglycerol三酰甘油,甘油三酯食品添加剂:acesulfame-K乙酰磺胺酸钾,一种甜味剂adrenal gland肾上腺ionizing radiation致电离辐射food additives食品添加剂monosodium glutamate味精,谷氨酸一钠(味精的化学成分)natural flavors天然食用香料,天然食用调料nutrasweet天冬甜素potassium bromide 溴化钾propyl gallate没食子酸丙酯sodium chloride氯化钠sodium nitraten硝酸钠sodium nitrite亚硝酸钠trans fats反式脂肪genetic food转基因食品food poisoning 食物中毒hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP)危害分析关键控制点技术maternal and child health care妇幼保健护理national patriotic health campaign committee(NPHCC) 全国爱国卫生运动委员会rural health农村卫生管理the state food and drug administration (SFDA)国家食品药品监督管理局光谱:Astronomical Spectroscopy天文光谱学Laser Spectroscopy激光光谱学 Mass Spectrometry质谱Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy原子吸收光谱Attenuated T otal Reflectance Spectroscopy衰减全反射光谱Electron Paramagnetic Spectroscopy电子顺磁谱Electron Spectroscopy电子光谱Infrared Spectroscopy红外光谱Fourier Transform Spectrosopy傅里叶变换光谱Gamma-ray Spectroscopy伽玛射线光谱Multiplex or Frequency-Modulated Spectroscopy复用或频率调制光谱X-ray SpectroscopyX射线光谱色谱:Gas Chromatography气相色谱High Performance Liquid Chromatography高效液相色谱Thin-Layer Chromatography薄层色谱magnesium silicate gel硅酸镁凝胶retention time保留时间mobile phase流动相stationary phase固定相反应类型:agitated tank搅拌槽catalytic reactor催化反应器batch stirred tank reactor间歇搅拌反应釜continuous stirred tank 连续搅拌釜exothermic reactions放热反应pilot plant试验工厂fluidized bed Reactor流动床反应釜multiphase chemical reactions 多相化学反应packed bed reactor填充床反应器redox reaction氧化还原反应reductant-oxidant氧化还原剂acid base reaction酸碱反应additionreaction加成反应chemical equation化学方程式valence electron价电子combination reaction化合反应hybrid orbital 杂化轨道decomposition reaction分解反应substitution reaction取代(置换)反应Lesson5 Classification of Unit Operations单元操作Fluid flow流体流动它涉及的原理是确定任一流体从一个点到另一个点的流动和输送。



2. Fundamentals in ChE
2.1 Chemistry (inorganic, organic)
Preliminary knowledge
Inorganic chemistry is a branch of chemistry concerned with the properties and reactions of inorganic compounds. Organic chemistry is the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, and reactions of organic compounds Chemical reactions are known as chemical changes - changes in the structure of molecules-molecules attaching to each other to form larger molecules, molecules breaking apart to form two or more smaller molecules, or rearrangements of atoms within molecules. Chemical reactions usually involve the making or breaking of chemical bonds. Molecules: can be either polyatomic or monoatomic. Polyatomic molecules are electrically neutral clusters of two or more atoms joined by shared pairs of electrons (covalent bonds). A substance that is made up of molecules is called a molecular substance. Many familiar substances are made of molecules (e.g. table sugar, water, most gases) while many other equally familiar substances are not molecular in their structure (e.g. metals).



1论述引入相应的观点概论概率观点化宏观的增补规划证明证明赔偿算法鉴别式有限元方法样本单元法赤平投影法赤平投影扰乱位移法扰乱能量法条分法极限均衡法界面元法摹拟计算程序数值剖析计算工作量解的独一性多层结构模型非线性横观各向同性各向同性各向异性非均质性界限条件本构方程初始条件初始状态岩土工程土木匠程基础工程最不利滑面交替控制论大批现场检查组合式互相作用稳固性评论均质性介质层组构1 地形地貌工程地质条件地形地貌条件地形地貌微地貌地貌单元坡度地形图河谷expound(explain), stateintroduce intocorrespondingconceptionoverviewprobabilityconceptualizemacroscopiccomplementplandemonstrate, certify, attestconfirmationcompensate, make up, imbursealgorithmdiscriminantfinite element method(FEM)sample element method(SEM)stereographic projection method(SPM)stereographic projectioninterference displacement method(IDM)interference energy method(IEM)method of sliceslimit equilibrium methodboundary element methodsimulatecomputer programnumerical analysiscalculation loaduniqueness of solutionlaminated modelnonlinearlateral isotropyisotropyanisotropyheterogeneityboundary conditionconstitutive equationinitial conditionrest conditiongeotechnical engineering,civil engineeringfoundation engineeringthe most dangerous slip surfacealternatecyberneticsmass field surveyscombined typeinteractionstability evaluationhomogeneitymediumlayer, stratumfabricgeographic and geomorphicengineering geological conditionsgeographic and geomorphic conditionsland formrelieflandform unit, geomorphic unitgraderelief mapriver valley河流河床冲沟河漫滩阶地冲积平原三角洲古河流冲积扇洪积扇坡积裙分水岭盆地岩溶地貌溶洞落水洞土洞2 地层岩性地层岩性岩体岩层岩层母岩相变硬质岩软质岩硬质的软质的基岩岩组覆盖层交织层理层面片理层理板理(叶理)波痕泥痕雨痕造岩矿物黏土矿物高岭土蒙脱石伊利石云母白云母黑云母石英长石正长石斜长石辉石角闪石方解石结构结构组构矿物构成结晶质非晶质产状火成岩river courseriver bed(channel)gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook)floodplain(valley flat)terracealluvial plaindeltafossil river course, fossil stream channelalluvial fandiluvial fantalus aprondividebasinkarst land feature, karst landformsolution cave, karst cavesinkholeKarstic earth cavegeostrome (stratum, strata)lithologic character, rock propertyrock massbed stratumlayer, rock stratummatrix, parent rockfacies changestrong rock, filmweak rockcompetentincompetentbedrockpetrofabricoverburdencross beddingbedding planeschistositybeddingfoliationripple-markmud crackraindrop imprintsrock-forming mineralsclay mineralkaolinitemontmorilloniteillitemicamuscovitebiotitequartzfeldsparorthoclaseplagioclasepyroxene, picritehornblendecalcitestructuretexturefabric(tissue)mineral compositioncrystallineamorphousattitudeigneousgeomorphology,microrelief2岩浆岩火山岩(熔岩) 火山侵入岩喷出岩深成岩浅成岩酸性岩中性岩基性岩超基性岩岩基岩脉(墙)岩株岩流岩盖岩盆岩墙岩床岩脉花岗岩斑岩玢岩流纹岩正长岩粗面岩闪长岩安山岩辉长岩玄武岩细晶岩伟晶岩煌斑岩辉绿岩橄榄岩黑曜岩浮岩火山角砾岩火山集块岩凝灰岩堆积岩碎屑岩黏土岩粉砂质黏土岩化学岩生物岩砾岩角砾岩砂岩石英砂岩粉砂岩钙质粉砂岩泥岩页岩盐岩石灰岩白云岩泥灰岩泥钙岩泥砂岩砂质泥质硅质的有机质magmatic rocklavavolcanointrusive(invade) rockeffusive rockplutonic rockpypabysal rockacid rockinter-mediate rockbasic rockultrabasic rockrock base (batholith)dikerock stockrock flowrock laccolith (laccolite)rock lopolithrock dikerock sillvein dykegraniteporphyryporphyriterhyolitesyenitetrachytedioriteandesitegabbrobasaltaplitepegmatitelamprophyrediabaseduniteobsidianpumicevulcanic brecciavolcanic agglomeratetuffrocksilty claystonechemical rockbiolithconglomeratebrecciasandstonequartz sandstonesiltstonecalcareous siltstonemudstoneshalesalinelimestonedolomitemarlargillo-calcareousargillo-arenaceousarenaceousargillaceoussiliceousorganic matter粗粒中粒堆积物漂石、顽石卵石砾石砂粉土黏土粘粒砂质黏土粘质砂土壤土、亚黏土coarse grainmedium-grainedsediment (deposit)bouldercobblegravelsandsiltclayclay grainsandy clayclayey sandloam砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚黏土sandy loam浮土、表土黄土红土泥灰软泥淤泥冲积物(层)冲积的洪积物(层)洪积的坡积物(层)残积物(层)残积的regolith (topsoil)loesslateritepeatoozemire, oozed mud, sludge, warp clayalluvionalluvialproluvium, diluvium, diluviondiluvialdeluviumeluviumeluvial风积物(层)湖积物(层)海积物(层)冰川堆积物(层)崩积物(层)残积黏土变质岩板岩千枚岩片岩片麻岩石英岩大理岩糜棱岩混淆岩碎裂岩3 地质结构地质结构结构结构大地结构结构运动造山运动起落运动水平运动完好性起伏度尺寸效应围压效应产状因素产状走向偏向倾角褶皱褶曲单斜eolian depositslake depositsmarine depositsglacier (drift)depositscolluvial deposits, colluviumresidual claymetamorphic rockslatephylliteschistgneissquartzitemarblemylonitemigmatitecataclasitegeologic structurestructural texturegeotectonictectogenesisorogenyvertical movementhorizontal movementperfection(integrity)wavinesssize effectconfining pressure effectelements of attitudeattitude, orientationstrikedipdip angle, angle of dipfoldfoldmonoclinesedimentaryclastic rockclay rock3向斜背斜穹隆挤压上盘下盘断距订交断层正断层逆断层平移断层层理微层理地堑地垒断层泥擦痕断裂破裂带节理节理组裂隙微裂隙劈理原生裂隙次生裂隙张裂隙剪裂隙卸荷裂隙裂隙率结构种类岩体结构岩块结构体块度结构面脆弱结构面临空面碎裂结构板状结构薄板状块状的层状的巨厚层薄层状的脆弱夹层夹层夹泥层夹泥连通性切层影响带完好性破裂胶结泥化尖灭错动错动层面断续的破裂共轭节理散状透镜状的岩石碎片岩屑薄膜层理高角度缓倾角反倾互层起伏的波状起伏的粒径结构层挤压均一的剪切错动面切割切割的致密结构岩糜棱岩断层角砾岩方解石脉碎块岩角砾岩粉岩屑固结定向摆列结构应力剩余应力4 水文地质条件水文循环大气圈水圈岩石圈地表径流地下径流流域流域面积汇水面积地下水地表水大气水气态水液态水固态水上层滞水潜水承压水吸着水介质缝隙孔隙水压力浸透压力扬压力静水压力外静水压力动水压力crumbleconjugated jointlooselens-shaped a.cragcuttings, debrismembrane, filmstratificationhigh dip anglelow dip angleanti-dipinterbed v.Interbedding n.unplanarundulate, undulatingparticle sizetectonospherecompressionhomogeneousshear faulted, bedding zonedissectiondissectedclose, compacttectonitemylonitefault brecciacalcite veinclastic rockbrecciarock powderdebris, debryconsolidationoriented spreadtectonic stressresidual stresshydrogeological conditionshydrologic cycleatmospherehydrospheregeospheresurface runoffsubsurface runoffvalley, drainage basindrainage area, river basin areacatchment areaground water, subsurface watersurface wateratmospheric wateraqueous (vapour) waterliquid watersolid waterperched waterphreatic waterconfined waterhygroscopic (adsorptive) watermediumvoidpore water pressureosmotic pressure, seepage forceuplift pressurehydrostatic pressureexternal hydrostatic pressurehydrodynamic pressure nsynclineanticlinedomesqueezeupper sectionbottom wall, footwall, lower wallseparationintersectfaultnormal faultreversed faultparallel faultbedding, stratificationlight stratificationgrabenhorst, fault ridgegouge, pug, selvage, fault gougestria, striationfracturefracture zonejointjoint setfissure, crackfine fissure, microscopic fissurecleavageoriginal jointepigenetic jointtension jointshear jointrelief crackfracture porositystructural patternrock mass structureblock massstructural elementblocknessstructural planeweak planefree facecataclastic textureplaty structurelamelloselumpy, massivelaminatedgiant thick-laminatedfinely laminatedweak intercalated layerinter bedding,degree of integralitycrumblecementargillizationtaper-outdiastrophismfaulted bedding planeintermittentclayey intercalationinter-clayconnectivityinsequentaffecting zoneintercalated bed, interlayer, intermediate layerintegrity Integrate.v. & a.4浸透力外水压力内水压力水力联系水力折减系数水头损失浸透门路浸透系数潜水位水位水头含水层seepage pressureexternal water pressure internal water pressure hydraulic interrelation hydraulic reduction coefficient water head lossfiltration path, seepage path penetration coefficientwater table levelwater level, stage levelwater headaquifer弱含水层(弱透水层) aquitardaquicludepermeable layer, pervious layer不透水层(隔水层) aquifuge, impervious layer,潜水含水层承压含水层承压面潜水面浸润线不透水界限地下分水岭粘滞性富水性透水性(浸透性) 淋滤(溶滤作用) 反滤层水锈渗滴饱和潜水位变化带气象因素饱水带包气带包气带水上层滞水孔隙水裂隙水岩溶水联合水吸着水薄膜水毛细水重力水凝固水地下水埋藏条件地下水埋藏深度压水试验抽水试验impermeable layer, aquiclude phreatic aquiferconfined aquifer, artesian aquifer bearing surfacephreatic surface, water table phreatic curveimpervious boundarygroundwater ridgeviscosityabundancepermeabilitylixiviation, leachinginverted gravel filterincrustationseepsaturation, saturatedzone of variable phreatic level meteorological factorzone of saturationaeration zone, zone of aeration aeration zone waterperched waterpore waterfissure waterkarstic waterbound water, combined water hydroscopic waterpellicular watercapillary watergravitational watercondensation watercondition of groundwater occurrence depth of groundwater occurrence packer permeability testpumping test5 物理力学性质物理力学physical mechanics n.Physico-mechanicala.折服准则米赛斯折服准则朗肯土压力理论剑桥模型yield criteriaVon Mises yield criteria Ranking’s earth pressure theory Cambridge model, Cam-model邓肯-张模型本构方程局部剪切损坏整体剪切损坏Duncan-chang model constitutive equationlocal shear failuregeneral shear failure岩体完好性指数intactness index of rock mass 安全系数埋深试件挠度里氏震级设计烈度基本烈度场所烈度地震烈度优秀周期持力层超载围岩压力附带压力应力废弛应力路迳卸荷浸透率饱和度含水量均匀粒径颗粒颗粒级配级配粒度factor of safetyembedment depthcouponsdeflectionRichter scaledesign intensitybasic intensitysite intensityseismic intensity, intensity scalepredominant periodsustained yieldsurchargesurrounding rock stresssuperimposed stressstress relaxationstress pathunloadspecific permeabilitydegree of saturationmoisture contentmean diametergrain, granule, particledistribution of grain-size,grain composition, size distributiongraduation,grain-size distribution, gradation, gradingcoarseness grain size, granularity, lump 不均匀系数coefficient of non-uniformity,variation coefficient, variation factorgradation, size gradingpore watervoid ratio (ration)air voidsporositycrackitykarstitydensityunit weight, bulk weightbuoyant unit weightreduction factordissipation of pressurecoefficient of resistancesoftening coefficientwater contentconsistencyplastic limitliquid limitplasticity indexliquidity indexrheologicalcreepplasticbrittleness(fragility)sticknessrigidityelasticviso-elasticityelasto-plasticitycompressibilityhomogeneitynonhomogeneity (heterogeneity)isotropyanisotropytotal stress颗粒分级孔隙水孔隙比缝隙率孔隙率裂隙率溶隙率密度重度浮重度折减系数压力消失抗力系数融化系数含水量稠度塑限液限塑性指数液性指数流变蠕变塑性脆性粘性刚性弹性的粘弹性弹塑性压缩性均质性非均质性各向同性各向异性总应力滞水层透水层5有效应力超孔隙水压力孔隙水压力抗压强度抗拉强度抗剪强度不排水抗剪强度峰值抗剪强度长久抗剪强度剩余抗剪强度负磨擦力磨擦角内磨擦角外磨擦角effective stressexcess pore pressurepore water pressurecompressive strengthtensile strengthshear strengthundrained shear strenghtpeak share strengthlong-term shear strengthresidual shear strengthnegative skin friction, dragdown angle of frictionangle of internal frictionangle of external friction内聚力粘聚力假凝集力粘着力摩尔圆包络线住手角峰值模量弹性模量压缩模量变形模量卸荷模量切线模量剪切模量割线模量旁压模量泊松比固结固结系数固结度超固结比应变压缩比压缩系数压缩指数初始曲线正常固结土欠固结土超固结土被动土压力主动土压力静止土压力覆盖压力初始应力地应力场有效应力动应力动荷载偏爱荷载循环荷载地应力初始应力应力场纵波液化势液化指数交角cohesioncohesionpseudo-cohesionadhesionMohr’s circleenvelopeangle of repose,angle of friction(repose, rest), repose anglepeakmodulusmodulus of elasticity ,Young ’ s modulus, elastic modulusmodulus of compressibilitymodulus of deformationunloading modulustangent modulusshear modulussecant moduluspressurmeter moduluspoisson ’s rationconsolidationcoefficient of consolidationdegree of consolidationover consolidation rationstraincompressibility ratiocoefficient of compressibilitycompression indexvirgin curvenormally consolidated soilunder-consolidated soilover-consolidated soilpassive earth pressureactive earth pressureearth pressure at restoverburden pressureinitial stressground(geostatic) stress fieldeffective stressdynamic stressdynamic loadeccentric loadsinclined loadsground stress, geostatic stressinitial stressstress fieldlongitudinal waveliquefaction potentialliquefaction indexangular岩石抗力系数允许承载力临塑压力接触压力coefficient of rock resistanceallowable bearing capacitycritical pressurecontact pressure6 工程地责问题工程地责问题定性评论定量评论极限均衡法不良地质现象风化变形位移engineering geological problemqualitative estimatequantitative estimatelimit equilibrium methodunfavorable geological conditionweatheringdeformationdisplacement不均匀位移相对位移沉陷山崩崩塌滑坡、地滑切层滑坡深层滑坡浅层滑坡顺层滑坡滑动面differential movementrelative displacementsettlementavalanche, topplingtoppling, toppling collapsecreep, slideinsequent landslidedeep slideshallow slideconsequent landslide滑动带滑床滑坡体古滑坡sliding surface, sliding plane, slip surfacesliding zoneslide bedslide(sliding) massfossil landslide推移式滑坡牵引式滑坡管涌渗漏流砂渗流液化7 工程勘探slumping slideretrogressive slidepiping, internal erosionleakagequicksandseepageliquefactionengineering investigation工程地质勘探engineering geology investigation岩土工程勘探geotechnical investigation工程地质条件engineering geological condition工程地质评论engineering geological evaluation勘察survey岩芯采用率core recovery, core extraction岩芯获取率RQD (岩石质量指标) rock quality designation程序(步骤)勘探阶段选点踏勘初步设计初步规划初步勘探初步踏勘可行性研究阶段初步设计阶段施工阶段踏勘地质测绘工程地质测绘钻探物探洞探钎探procedureinvestigational stagereconnaissanceprimary designpreliminary schemepreliminary prospectingground reconnaissancefeasibility stagepreliminary stageconstruction sagereconnaissance, inspectiongeological surveyengineering geological mappingborehole operation, boringgeophysical explorationexploratory aditsrod sounding钻杆drill rod坑探槽探天然建材检查exploring miningtrenchingnatural materials surveying (examination)岩土工程勘探报告geotechnical investigation report 判定identification, appraisal判定书判定人校核总监比率地形图地貌图地质图expertise report identifier, surveyorverificationchief inspectorproportion geographic map geomorphological map geological map工程地质图engineering geological map 实测地质剖面图field-acquired geological profile(section)结构地质图geological structure map第四纪地质图地质详图quarternary geological map detail map of geology地质柱状图geologic columnar section, geologic log 钻孔柱状图logs of bore hole纵剖面图横剖面图展现图节理玫瑰图基岩等高线层底等高线岩层界限岩面高程坐标分层地质点勘探点勘探线勘探孔平洞竖井探槽探井钻孔机钻孔套钻孔管钻孔岩芯岩芯钻探展转钻探(进) 冲击钻探钢砂钻探铁砂钻进跟管钻进振动钻进泥浆钻探金刚石钻进单动式双层空气钻探钻机钻头螺旋钻头勺钻longitudinal sectioncross sectionreveal detail maprose of jointsbed rock contourcontour of stratum bottomstrata boundaryelevation of bed rock surfacecoordinatebed separationgeological observation point exploratory point (spot)exploratory lineexploration holeaditriser, shaft, vertical shaftexploratory trenchexploratory pitborehole, drill holeordinary drill holesleeve drill holepipe drill holecorecore drillingrotary drillingchurn drilling, percussion drillingshot drillingiron shot drillingfollow-down drillingvibro-boring, vibro-drillingmud flush drillingdiamond drillingsingle actingdouble layerair flush drillingdrilling rigdrill bit, drilling bitaugerspoon bit套管岩芯管冲刷掖正循环冲刷反循环冲刷泥浆泥皮护壁止水扫孔钻进平硐竖井钻探casingcore barrelflush fluiddirect circulation reverse circulationmud, slurrymud cakedadoseal, water sealcleaning bottom of hole drillingaditshaftdrilling boring8 工程地质试验击实试验压缩试验固结试验单轴试验现场剪切试验单剪试验直剪试验慢剪试验单剪试验快剪试验三轴剪切试验三轴压缩试验动三轴试验compaction testcompression testconsolidation test uniaxial compression test in-situ shear testsimple shear testdirect shear testslow testsimple shear testquick testtriaxial shear test triaxial compression test dynamic triaxial test不固结不排水剪试验unconsolidated undrained test(quick test)6固结不排水剪试验consolidated undrained test(consolidated quick test)固结排水试验原位测试现场监测现场检测观察孔静力触探试验标贯试验consolidated drained test(slow test)in-situ teston-site(in-site) monitoringon-site (in-site) inspectionobservation boreholecone penetration test,static penetration test, static cone teststandard penetration test十字板剪切试验vane shear test, vane test检层法up-hole method, borehole method旁压试验pressuremeter test动力触探试验dynamic penetration test, dynamic sounding 点荷载试验岩石试验应力排除法应力恢复法套孔法9 岩土体加固掌子面顶拱底拱洞室开挖超挖风钻开挖断面塌落细骨料混凝土细骨料point load testrock teststress relief methodstress recovery methodover-coring methodbreast, driving face,heading face, tunnel facevaultinvertexcavationoverbreakpneumatic drillexcavated sectionslumpconcrete made with fine aggregatefine aggregate, fine adjustment 6料场土料矿渣性能stock groundearth materialcinder, mineral water residue, scoria, slag function, performance, property, nature凝固coagulate, congeal, congealment, coagulation合格初凝初凝时间终凝配合比塌落度水化热水灰比粉煤灰梅花状发射浇注钢筋网加固锚杆锚索锚紧端锚桩采石场开挖清基明挖爆破光面爆破预裂法10 水工概论坝址坝踵坝段坝顶坝肩左坝肩副坝三坝址标高上游水位正常库水位地下洞室压力隧洞无压隧洞交通洞灌浆洞明流洞孔板洞排砂洞尾水洞排水洞导流洞地道围岩围岩应力应力集中覆盖层冒顶底鼓回弹岩爆qualified, on test, up to standardinitial setinitial setting timefinal setmix proportionslumpheat of hydration,hydration heat, setting heatwater-cement ratiofly ashquincuncial patternshotcretepouringcoiremeshreinforceanchored bar, rock boltanchored cableanchor stationanchored pegquarryexcavationcleanup foundationopen-cutexplosionsmooth blastingpresplittingtoe of damheelmonolithcrestshouldersleft dam abutmentsaddle damthe third dam siteheight markheadwaternormal reservoir levelunderground opening (tunnel)pressure tunnelgravity tunnelaccess tunnelgrouting tunnelfree-flow tunnelorifice tunnelsediment tunneltailrace tunneldrainage tunneldiversion tunneltunnelsurrounding rock, ambient rocksecondary stress staticstress concentrateover burdencave in, roof fallbottom heavereboundrock burst冻结法超载衬砌围堰堤近坝岸坡施工(缩短)缝心墙freezing methodover breakliningcofferdamdikeabutmentsconstruction jointcore截水墙防渗墙排水井排水幕减压井反滤层灌浆资料水力劈裂帷幔线上游围堰混凝土防渗墙截流导水墙cutoff walldiaphragm walldrainage wellsdrainage curtainrelief wellsfilter zonegrouthydraulic fracturingcurtain lineupstream cofferdamconcrete cutoff wallinterim completionchannel training wall正常溢洪道渠首工程service spillway headwork消力塘隔墙混凝土护坦副厂房闸门室中闸室开关站电梯井尾沟渠特殊溢洪道lined plunge pooldivider wallsconcrete apronauxiliary powergate chambermid gate chamberswitch yardelevator shafttail raceemergency spillway11 桥梁及基础工程江阴大桥悬索桥锚碇重力式嵌岩锚Jiangyin Bridgesuspension bridgeanchoragegravity socketed anchorage北锚碇前(后)锚面front(back) surface of northern anchorage塔墩墩散索鞍猫道主缆索股主鞍主跨边跨引桥钢箱梁埋深北塔墩基础基础浅基础深基础联合基础筏形基础钢模桩基桩群桩桩基础桩承台towerpiersplay saddlefootbridgemain cablecable strandmain saddle, tower saddlemain spanside spanapproachsteel box main girderembedment depthnorth tower basefoundation, footingshallow foundationdeep foundationcombined footingraft(mat) foundationsteel formpilefoundation pilepile groupsfoundationpile caphouserockpile高桩承台低桩承台磨擦桩端承桩嵌岩桩板桩旋喷桩灌输桩沉管灌输桩支护桩刚性桩柔性桩侧向受荷桩轴向受荷桩预制桩振动打桩振动钻进沉箱沉井(沉箱) 地下连续墙支撑超载接触应力井点降水桩极限承载力承载力阻力桩端阻力表面磨擦力粘着系数负磨擦力安全系数压缩层附带应力持力层地基土临塑压力剪切损坏地基无效冲剪损坏渐进损坏允许荷载极限承载力沉降沉降差尾部倾斜倾斜坑底隆起静止土压力稳固数路堤地基办理垫层加固注浆灌浆帷幕挡土墙锚固喷浆锚杆盲沟振冲法high-rise pile capburied pile capfriction pileend bearing pilesocketed pilesheet pilejet-grouted pilecast-in-place piledriven cast-in-place pilesoldier piles, tangent pilesrigid pileflexible pilelaterally loaded pileaxially loaded pileprecast concrete pilevibratory pile drivingvibratory drillingcaisson(open) caissondiaphragm wall, slurry wallbracingsurchargecontact pressurewell-point dewateringultimate bearing capacity of pilebearing capacityresistanceend resistanceskin frictionadhesion factornegative skin frictionfactor of safetycompressed layeradditional stress, superimposed stressbearing layer, sustaining layerfoundation soil, subsoilcritical pressureshear failurefoundation failurepunching failureprogressive failureallowable loadultimate bearing capacitysettlementdifferential settlementangular distortiontiltingbottom heaveearth pressure at reststability numberembankmentground treatment soil improvementcushionstabilizationinjectiongunitingcurtainretaining wallanchoringgunitingearth anchorFrench drainvibro jet12 监测仪器观察孔仪器观察读数装置传感器探头压力盒振弦式应变计伸长计、变位计板式沉降仪测斜仪测压计,渗压计垂线垂直度13 安全监控靠谱性检查监控模型监测资料靠谱性稳固性安全评估评定评论准则灾祸确立性方法论应急行动计划事故紧迫状态紧迫检查灾情等级灾祸评论风险评估observation bore/holeinstrumentationreadout devicetransducerprobepressure cellvibrating wire strain gaugeextension meterfoundation base/pateinclinometerpiezometerplumbplumbnessreliability checkingmonitoring and prediction modelmonitoringdatum, datareliabilitystabilitysafetyevaluation, appraiseassessment, assess, ratecriterionhazard, calamityDeterministic methodologyEAP(emergency action plan)accidentemergencyemergency inspectionhazard classificationhazard evaluationrisk assessment静力( Static Analysis )动力( Dynamic Analysis )蠕变( Creep Material Model )渗流( Fluid-mechanical Interaction )热力学( Thermal Option )headward erosion 溯源侵害scouring of levee or bank 淘刷strongly weathered siliceous rock mass with quasi-lamellarweakly weathered siliceous rock mass with quasi-lamellarof continually aftershocks of 7 or 8-degree intensityEvidently 显然的Correspondingly adv. 相应地; 有关地; 同样地the hanging wall of triggering seismic faultoblique~bedding bank slope专业外语(为方便记忆,跟上边稍有重复)一.综合类91. geotechnical engineering 岩土工程2. foundation engineering 基础工程3. soil, earth 土4. soil mechanics 土力学cyclic loading 周期荷载 unloading 卸载 reloading 再加载viscoelastic found 粘弹性地基viscous damping 粘滞阻尼 shear modulus 剪切模量5. soil dynamics 土动力学6. stress path 应力路径二. 土的分类1. residual soil 残积土 groundwater level地下水位2. groundwater 地下水groundwatertable 地下水位3. clay minerals 黏土矿物4. secondary minerals 次生矿物5. landslides 滑坡6. bore hole columnar section 钻孔柱状图7. engineering geologic investigation 工程地质勘探 8. boulder 漂石 9. cobble 卵石 10. gravel 砂石11. gravelly sand 砾砂 12. coarse sand 粗砂 13. medium sand 中砂 14. fine sand 细砂 15. silty sand 粉土 16. clayey soil 粘性土 17. clay 黏土18. silty clay 粉质黏土 19. silt 粉土20. sandy silt 砂质粉土 21. clayey silt 粘质粉土 22. saturated soil 饱和土23. unsaturated soil 非饱和土24. fill (soil) 填土三. 土的基本物理力学性质1. c c Compression index2. c u undrained shear strength3. c u /p 0 ratio of undrained strength c u to effectiveoverburden stress p 0(c u /p 0)NC ,(c u /p 0)oc subscripts NC and OC designatednormally consolidated and overconsolidated, respectively4. c vane cohesive strength from vane test5. e 0 natural void ratio plasticity index6. Ip7. K 0 coefficient“ at-rest ” pressure ,for total stresses σ 1and σ 28. K 0 ’ do main for effective stresses σ 1‘an 2 ’9. K 0n K 0 for normally consolidatedstate10. K 0u K 0 coefficient under rapidcontinuous loading ,simulating instantaneous loading or an undrained condition11. K 0d K 0 coefficient under cyclicloading (frequency less than 1 Hz),as a1. soft soil 软土2. (negative) skin friction of driven pile 打入桩(负)摩阻力3. effective stress 有效应力 total stress 总应力4. field vane shear strength 十字板抗剪强度5. low activity 低活性6. sensitivity 敏捷度7. triaxial test 三轴试验8. foundation design 基础设计 9. recompaction 再压缩 10. bearing capacity 承载力 11. soil mass 土体12. contact pressure 接触应力 13. concentrated load 集中荷载14. a semi-infinite elastic solid 半无穷弹性体 15. homogeneous 均质 16. isotropic 各向同性 17o.f strip footing 条基18. square spread footing 方形独立基础19. underlying soil (stratum ,strata) 下卧层(土) 20. dead load =sustained load 恒载 连续荷载 21. live load 活载22. short –term transient load 短期刹时荷载 23. long-term transient load 长久荷载 24. reduced load 折算荷载25. settlement 沉降 deformation 变形 26. casing 套管27. dike=dyke 堤(防) 28. clay fraction 粘粒粒组四. 浸透性和渗流1. Darcy ’ s law 达西定律2. piping 管涌3. flowing soil 流土4. sand boiling 砂沸5. flow net 流网6. seepage 浸透(流)7. leakage 渗流8. seepage (force) pressure 浸透压力 9. permeability 浸透性10. hydraulic gradient 水力梯度11. coefficient of permeability 浸透系数u h19. U,U m degree ofconsolidation ,subscript m denotes mean value of a specimen20. u ,u b ,u m pore pressure, subscripts b and mdenote bottom of specimen and mean value, 21. respectively natural water content, liquid and13. N blow count ,standard penetrationtest14. OCR over-consolidation ratio15. p c preconsolidation pressure ,from 16. oedemeter test effective overburden pressure17. p s specific cone penetration 18. resistance ,from static cone testq unconfined compressive strengt0 L p22. plastic limits, respectively ‘and σ ’pseudo-dynamic test for K 0 coefficientk k permeability in horizontalσ ,σ principal stresses, σ1 2 1 2denote effective principal stressesh , vvertical directions, respectively五.地基应力和变形w w wand12.p。



第 54 卷第 2 期2023 年 2 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.54 No.2Feb. 2023硫化砷渣的环境稳定性与金属释放风险研究王云燕1, 2,徐慧1,唐巾尧1, 3,何紫彤1,罗永健1,杜嘉丽1,孙竹梅1, 4(1. 中南大学冶金与环境学院,湖南 长沙,410083;2. 国家重金属污染防治工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙,410083;3. 湖南有色金属研究院有限责任公司,湖南 长沙,410100;4. 中北大学 环境与安全工程学院,山西 太原,030051)摘要:以湖南某铜冶炼企业硫化砷渣为研究对象,基于对其物理、化学及工艺矿物学基本特性进行分析,研究模拟堆存、静态侵蚀及半动态侵蚀环境下硫化砷渣的长期稳定性及潜在环境风险。

研究结果表明:模拟堆存前后硫化砷渣中As 浸出质量浓度由1 712 mg/L 上升至9 956 mg/L ,Cd 质量浓度由12.38 mg/L 上升至56.90 mg/L ,而Cu ,Pb 和Zn 浸出质量浓度始终低于标准限值;模拟堆存前后硫化砷渣的潜在生态风险等级均为严重风险,且各金属元素中对于潜在生态风险贡献最大的金属为As ;在静态侵蚀环境中,硫化砷渣中各元素呈现两段式浸出特征,前期释放速率较快,之后释放速率逐渐减缓并最终趋于平缓;静态侵蚀过程金属释放主要是通过表面吸附物质的解吸、溶解实现;As 在中性地下水环境、模拟强酸雨环境中的浸出行为符合双常数模型,在模拟弱酸雨、填埋场环境中符合Elovich 方程,说明硫化砷渣在环境中发生了较复杂的表面反应;半动态侵蚀过程中As 2O 3逐渐溶解,且硫化砷中硫被氧化产生了单质硫;渣表面的絮状团聚减少,但仍附有大量细颗粒,表明有新产物生成;硫化砷渣中As 浸出在中性地下水环境中受扩散及界面化学反应过程的混合控制,在模拟酸雨及填埋场环境中主要受内扩散控制。



英文原文TEMPERATURE CONTROL OF THE MASSIVE CONCRETEOF THE KRASNOYARSK HYDROELECTRIC STATION DAMA. P. Dolrnatov and S. Z. Neidlin UDC 627.821.2 : 666.972. During recent years a number of large hydroschemes with high massive concrete dams have been bnilt in areas of the USSRin an area of extreme climate. A number of problems arise in the erection of massive dams under severe climatic conditions related to the prevention of fissuring in the concrete and obtaining a monolithic structure.Typical features of the construction of large hydroschemes are the large volumes of concrete and the extremely limited time for pouring them, which means a high rate of concrete placing.Measures for controlling the temperature of the concrete on a large scale were adopted practically for the first time in the Soviet Union in the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydrocomplex. The severe climatic conditions at the site (mean annual temperature +0.4, maximum long range temperature +37and minimum, -54) introduced serious difficulties in obtaining monolithic mass structures and ptaced special demands on the concrete and its placement. In order to obtain monolithic concrete structures,the "Technical regulations for carrying out concreting" lays down the following temperature conditions for blocks with columnar section (plan dimensions 15 x 11.5 m, height 3 to 9 m):a) maximum temperature in blocks placed on fresh concrete (less than 1 month old) must not exceed 40;b) maximum temperature in blocks placed on old concrete (more than i month old) and rock must not exceed 28;c) the temperature drop between the core and faces must not exceed 23;d) temperature of the concrete at the moment when the intercolumnar construction joints solidify (cementation) must not be more than 5in the bottom 20 meters from the foundation and 8in the remaining mass.A number of measures were envisaged for controlling the temperature of the dam concrete, namely: the use of cements with average thermal properties (mineralogical composition of the clinker C3S = 47-48%; C3A = 6-6.5%; heat liberation of the slag Portland cement (40% slag) on the 28th day 73-75 kcal/kg); zonal placing of the concrete; the use of heated formwork (from 15 September to 15 April) keeping the blocks stripped in winter only under heated covers and using three types of formwork depending on the concreting season, with coefficients of heat transfer K = 0.8, 1.5 and 3.0 kcal/m2h degree; prior cooling of the concrete; and cooling by cold water circulating through coils laid in the concrete.Fissuring was markedly reduced by these measures. While in 1961 there were three cracks per 1000 m3 a concrete, 1.24 in 1962, 1.12 in 1963, and 0.42 in 1964,there were only 0.16 in 1965. The number of cracks rose sLightly in 1967 on account of a smaller proportion of cooled concrete and the higher grading of the concrete on the top sections of the structure.Table 1 sets out the main cooling characteristics of the concrete to temperatures at which cementation of the joints could be undertaken.Piped cooling for reducing the peak of the exothermic temperature rise of the concrete was brought into use during the summer of 1963 and employed generally from 1964. During this period there was a sharp drop in the fissuring rate in the concrete. During 1961 to 1963 the concrete in the spillway apron and the crest of the first stage was not cooled and at the same time the temperature rise of the concrete masonry was limited by reducing the height of the blocks near the rock to 0.7-1 m and by the small growth of the structures in height. Concrete placing in the second-stage excavation and in the first-stage excavation was carried out above the crest using piped cooling.The numerator shows the amount of concrete placed or cooled during the year; the denominator shows the volume and increase in the amount.200,000 m S of this concrete was cooled using water cooled in a refrigeration plant.Concrete placing in the top section of the dam, which is intended for completion by 1969-1970, will be carried out without artificial cooling.Cooling of the concrete during the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station was carried out in two stages. In the first stage cooling was used for reducing the exothermic peak of the freshly placed concrete and in the second stage for further cooling of the mass down to the temperature where it is made monolithic.First stage cooling was carried out usually in the summer only but from 1965, with the introduction of high blocks, it was carried out in winter. From 1966 the first stage cooling was carried out continuously for the purpose of improving the concrete stress in the immediate vicinity of the cooling pipes, accelerating cooling of the block, for rendering the joints between columns monolithic and improving reliable performance of the cooling coils (leaching).The second stage usually starts at the end of August with a water temperature of 15-18. During this period the concrete is cooled mainly from a temperature above 25-30, for the purpose of further reducing the temperature towards the winter season and in preparation for cooLing in winter with water at a temperature of 0.5-1.Beginning in November, cooling is started on the whole remaining concrete mass directly prepared for grouting the construction joints (temperature of the blocks in the order of 20-30). The times for cooling the zones am governed by the separations between the pipes and coils in the given zone. Hence, the use of coils with different pipe spacings on the one zone is undesirable unless this is necessary for observing the temperature conditions. In order to observe the technical specifications which allow a temperature drop between the cooling water and the concrete masonry not exceeding 20-22during the winter season, blocks with a temperature 35-40are successively connected for cooling through the coils of the adjacent blocks. The number of blocks connected up in sequence depends on the temperature of the concrete and of the cooling water and the cooling water rate, and can be readily determined experimentally and by calculation [1]. Table 2 sets out theoretical data on cooling of concrete during the second stage, confirmed by full-scale investigations.Fig. 1. Temperature rise of the concrete with pipe cooling of a block 1.5 m high. 1, 2, 8) Temperature-rise curves for the concrete in blocks 40-VIII, 40-VI and 40-V; 4) temperature-rise curve of the concrete according to calculation; 5) temperature-rise curve of the concrete calculated on the basis of the VSN-02-64 reeommendalions,e) remote thermometers; O) cooling pipes.During construction an experiment was carried out for increasing the design critical "cooling waterconcrete" temperature drop to 25-30Water at a temperature of 0.5was passed through the mass concrete members (temperature 32Five concrete members were used in the experiment, with across-section 1.5 x 1.5 m. Neither the remote-recording instruments in the zone of the cooling pipe nor visual inspection recorded cracks in the immediate vicinity of the pipe. Foreign experience [2] also points to the absence of cracks in the zones of the cooling pipes. From the results of this experiment it was possible in the second stage to increase in advance the temperature drop between the cooling water and the concrete to 25raising the cooling efficiency to 10-20%.Pipe cooling in practice proved a basic and effective measure for controlling the temperature conditions of the concrete. Depending on the season, the seasonal "Technical conditions for controlling temperature conditions" were applicable in the construction, taking into account the variations in temperature of the concrete mix and of the concrete of the main block. As indicated by numerous full-scale observations, the maximum exothermic temperature rise in the core of the block with height not less than 5 m is 29 1(with a slag Portland cement rate of 240 kg/m3). There was no difficulty in obtaining the required temperature conditions for any height of block during the period from October through May, since the temperature of the concrete mix could be held below 10~12without difficulty during this period. Hence, the temperature conditions of the concrete when placing on a "new" base were maintained over the whole volume. When placing concrete on an "old" base the height of the blocks has to be reduced to 2-3 m or cooling has to be applied during concreting with separations between the pipes of the coil horizontally and vertically 1.5 m at the 0.5 and 3 m levels. From June to September when the temperature of the concrete mix is between 16 and 22the cooling coils must be situated over the height of the block at the 0.5 m, 3.0 m and so on levels when piacing the concrete mix and at 0.5, 1.5, 4.5 m and so on when placing on an "old" base.Table 3 sets out data relating to reduction in the exothermic temperature rise in blocks with height greater than 5 m.There are at present several similar methods for calculating pipe cooling in the first and second stages [1, 3]. Numerous comparisons of theoretical data on pipe cooling with results of actual observations have indicated that this procedure [1, 3] isin good agreement with the experimental data on cooling in the second stage (disregarding the exothermic temperature rise).Cooling of concrete in the first stage, particularly in high blocks, proceeds under natural conditions 15-20% more effectively [5]. This is on account of the lower rate of heat liberation of the cement due to the lower temperature of the concrete near the cooling pipe.Fig. 2. Relative temperatures in the center of the block from the exothermic temperature rise with pipe cooling..... ) Cooling of the concrete placed on an infinite base; . . . . ) with three-day interruption of concreting. 1) Relative temperature without pipe cooling; 2)the same with spread of coils 1.5 x 0.75 m; 3) the same with spread of coils 1.5 x 3.0 m; 4) the same with spread of coils 1.5 x 1.5m; 5) the same with spread of coils 1.5 x 0.75 m.Fig, 3. Costs for pipe cooling of concrete (rubles/m3). 1) Capital costs; 2) operating costs; 3) total costs,S) area of acion of I linear meter of cooling coil pipe, m2; a) coil pipe.Calculations of pipe cooling with interruptions of more than five days in concreting for blocks less than 1,5-2 m high by the procedure [3] using curves for thee coefficients of the mass under exothermic conditions lead to a substantial error. The efficiency of pipe cooling is exaggerated 2-3 times as compared with actual results. By way of example Fig. 1 shows theoretical results and actual observations on blocks 1.5 m high with a 10-day interruption in concrete placing (slag Portland cement content 220 kg/m3). Curves 1, 2, and 3 show, respectively, the temperature rise of the concrete in the center of block 40-VIII (temperature of the concrete mix Tcm= 14, base temperature T b = 19, surface temperature T s = 9without pipe cooling), for block 40-VI (Tcm = 16, T b = 24, T s = 16, cooling water temperatures T w = 6), and block 40-V (Tcm =17, T b = 22, T s = 16, T w = 80).The cooling pipes were placed along the base of the block before placing the concrete, with a horizontal separation 1.5 m. Curves 4 and 5 show the theoretical concrete temperatures on the basis of analytical calculation and according to the recommendations of VSN-02-64 [3]. When comparing curves 2 and 3 it is seen that the temperatures in blocks 40-VI and 40-V are practically identical for fairly similar initial and boundary conditions. When comparing the results for blocks 40-VIII (without artificial cooling) and 40-VI and 40-V (with pipe cooling) account has to be taken of the difference in the base temperatures, providing a calculated correction for the center of the block without cooling of 3.85. Comparison of the maximum temperatures of the blocks indicates that according to actual observations the overall effect of cooling amounts to 12.8 + 3.85-11.8 (12.8) = 4.85(3.85) and from calculation: a) the effect is assessed from curve 5 as 12.8 + 3.85-8.7 = 7.95; b) from curve 4 it is 12.8 +3.85-12.3 = 4.35.It can be seen from this example that calculation by the VSN-02-64 procedure results in an error of 3.1(4.1) as compared with the actual results. It should be noted that according to the calculations by this. Procedure the effect of exothermtc heat taken off by pipe cooling is greater by a factor of almost 3 as compared with actual conditions. Analytical calculation of the block considering natural cooling and pipe cooling is very tedious (despite the good accuracy) (curve 4). The following approximate calculation for the peak temperatures can be recommended for adequate accuracy (up to 10% error) and simplicity: a) calculation of the temperature of the layer from natural cooling (analytical or graphical methods); b) calculation of thedifference between the temperatures in the block without cooling and with pipe cooling under adiabatic conditions according to VSN-02-64; c) deterruination of the final result as the difference between temperature a) and b).For cooling calculations in the first stage, when the pipes are placed only along the base of the concreted block, the zone of action of the pipe along the vertical must be taken as equal to twice the height of the block (overlapping the subsequent layer).A. P. DOLMATOV AND S. Z. NEIDLINFigure 2 shows maximum temperatures in the center of the blocks obtained on the basis of analytical calculations considering pipe cooling and natural setting of the blocks when placing concrete in one block on an infinite base and when concreting blocks with a three-day interruption. It is seen from the curves that cooling efficiency rises with increasing height of the block and increasing rate of concreting.When assessing the economic efficiency of installing coils with different pipe. separations horizontally and vertically in the second stage of cooling, it can be stated that the most economical is a spread 1.5 x 3.0 m (Fig. 3). When calculating the economic efficiency, account was taken of the total operating and capital costs for different pipe spreads; the cost of cooling water was taken from its actual cost in constructing the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station, equal to 0.024 rubles/m3; the cost per 1 m3of concrete was taken as 22 rubles. It should be also noted that the spread indicated (1.5 x 3.0 m) provides successful cooling of the concrete in the second stage, reducing the cooling time to half as compared with the cooling time for a pipe spread 3.0 x 3.0 m. In practice this requires no cooling plant since cooling can be carried out in this case using river water, available for 200 days at the construction site (leaving out the summer season).CONCLUSIONS1. Pipe cooling of the concrete was successfully employed in the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station, being an effective means for controlling the temperature conditions of the mass concrete.2. By employing artificial cooling of the concrete and using cements of average thermal properties for the concrete it was possible to substantially reduce fissuring in the mass concrete from 1964.3. Under the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station construction, the most effective pipe spread for the cooling coils was 1.5 x 3.0 m. When placing the concrete in high blocks (over 3 m) on an "old" base in summer, in order to obtain aquicker reduction in temperature on the concrete in the second stage of cooling (to bring the concrete temperature down to the joint sealing temperature),smaller spaces were necessary between the cooling pipes both horizontally and vertically.4. The use of a pipe cooling system for lowering the maximum concrete temperature with low rate of growth of the structure and block height less than 2 m has little effect and can be recommended only on the basis of the conditions of block preparation for the second stage of cooling, when the concrete temperature in the columns must be lowered sufficiently for carrying out high-grade grouting of the joints between the blocks.LITERATURE CITED1.M. S. Lamldn, "Practical method for calculating cooling of concrete masses bya system of pipes," Nauchno-Tekhnicheskii Informatsionnyi Byulleten', No. 2, Leningradskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta (1959).2.B. K. Frolov, ControUing the Temperature Conditions of the Concrete in the Construction of Dams [in Russian],Izd-vo "Energiya" (1964).3.VSN-02-64, Tentative Instructions for P~ndering Monolithic Concrete Hydraulic Engineering Structures Erected in Areas of Severe Continental Climate [in Russian], Izd-vo "Energiya" (1964).4.G. N. Danilova and N. A. Buchko, "Method for calculating the temperature conditions with pipe cooling of dam concrete masonry," Gidrotekah. Stroitel'., No. 5 (1965).5.A. P. Epifanov and A. P. Dolmatov, "Cohereting the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station with high blocks," Energeticheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 6 (1966).6.A. P. Epifanov and I. A. Petrova, "Requirements on temperature conditions of massive blocks of columnar section poured on a concrete base of variable ages, "Gidrotelda. Stroitel'., No. 8 (1967).中文译文克拉斯诺亚尔斯克水电站大坝大体积混凝土温度控制作者:A..P. Dolrnoatov S. Z.Neidlin华联627.821.2:666.972.近年来,在拉斯被极端气候覆盖的部分地区修建了很多包含高品质、大规模混凝土大坝在内的大型水电计划。



体态语的中西文化内涵体态语的中西文化内涵摘要: 体态语是人类交际中最常见的一种非语言交际手段,在特定情况下比有声语言和文字语言更富具有表现力。












关键词:体态语;功能;文化差异The Chinese and Western Cultural Connotationsof Body LanguageAbstract: Body language is one of the common non-verbal communicative devices and in certain circumstances, it is more effective in expressing one''s emotions than spoken and written language. It has been studied as early as Aristotle times, but only from Darwin did people begin the formal studies on this subject. As for the definition and classification of body language, there are considerable opinions. Generally speaking, body language refers to those of facial expressions, body actions, and other gestures made by any part of man‟s body. Body language funct ions significantly in communications. The functions of body language include symbolic function、complementing function、indicating function、regulating function and negative function. It also gives significance of body languages in intercultural communication.With the development of intercultural communication, the contacts between the Chinese and the Western are on the increase, and the differencesbetween body language have been among the major barriers to efficient communication. The present paper makes a contrastive study on cultural differences of body languages between Chinese and Western countries are made. It also classifies the differences of the body language between the two languages into spiritual, institutional and material differences.The originality place lies in the classification of the cultural differences of body languages of China and Western countries in three levels: spiritual, institutional and material. Spiritual factors are the main internal causes of the cultural differences of the body languages, the institutional factors are the external drive to the formation of the cultural differences of the body languages and the body material factors are the important conditions of forming their differences.The study of the principles of the cultural differences of body language is conductive to the understanding of the value system, moral standard, customs, historical background and mode of thinking of a nation. Thinking of a nation, which might help people reduce or avoid misunderstanding due to cultural differences of body language in intercultural communication.Key words: body language, function, cultural differencesIntroductionBody languages, as important parts of nonverbal communication,includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, eye contact, touch, body movements, etc. There are similarities between body languages in different cultures, but most of the body languages vary culturally. With the development of intercultural communication, the contacts between the Chinese and the Western people are on the increase, and the differences between body languages have been among the major barriers to efficient communication.The study on body language has started mainly after Word War II. However before the 20th century, Darwin, in his famous book The Expression of the Emotion in Man and Animals, already mentioned this. It has made great influence and significances on the study of modern nonverbal communication. In the first half of the 20th century, the study in this field hasn''t been formed systematically, and studies at that time only focused on some individual aspects, such as sound, appearance, clothing and facial expressions. In that period, the most influential works include Kretschmer''s Physique and Character, the Variation of Human Physique, and the last one is Gesture and Environment by Efron in 1941.In the 1950''snonverbal communication made a breakthrough development.Birdwhistell''s Introduction to Kinesics and Hall''s The Silent Language can be seen as the foundation stone. In the 1960''s, the study was taken with further step, and began the studies on man''s different gestures. During this period Ekman and Friesen contributed the most. They wrote articles about the cause, use anddecoding of nonverbal communications. There were a lot of research papers and works published in the 1970''s. One distinguishing book that can''t be ignored is Body Language by Fast. Since the 1980''s, the study on body language has further developed, and some contrastive analysis in this field has been carried out, such as the effort made by Bi Jiwan. He translated the book Contrastive Analysis of Body Language Communication between China and English-speaking Countries, which comprehensively introduces the different uses of body language in different countries. [7]Scholars at home have also contributed a lot. In China the scientific study of body language only began at the end of 1982''s. The representative works are Introduction to Body Language by Geng Erling (1988),Language and Culture by Deng Yanchang and Liu Runqing (1989), Practical Body Language edited by Fan Yunhua and Li Jiequn (1991), International communication by Jia Yuxin (1997), Intercultural Nonverbal Communication Bi Jiwan (1999), and the series of books on intercultural communication edited and translated by Hu Wenzhong such as Introduction to intercultural communication (1999), etc.. Generally speaking, the Chinese scholars'' studies on body languages consist of two parts: communicative functions and cultural differences. On the basic of foreign scholars'' researches Chinese scholars have added more specific and convincing examples from Chinese culture.Judging from what is mentioned above, we can see that culturaldifferences of body language, as barriers to intercultural communication, have already been drawn an increasing attention by scholars.But the previous studies on body language are either found in the studies of intercultural communication and nonverbal communication, which only consist of several paragraphs or pages and are far from detailed studies, or they just make brief comparisons of body behaviors in many different cultures with discrete examples, which are not systematic. Until now, there has been no research done on the Chinese and Western cultural connotations of body language.On the basic of the previous studies and achievements, this paper first focuses a comparative study of cultural differences of body language between Chinese and Western countries. With the rapid development of the world economy, political, economic and cultural interchange between china and western countries is becoming increasingly frequent. Such being the case, the contacts between Chinese people and foreigners, especially people from English-speaking countries, are increasing. In communication people are encountering more barriers caused by cultural differences, including the cultural differences of body languages。



化工最重要的三本专业课英语作文The Three Most Important Books for Little Chemical EngineersHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. I know I'm just a kid, but I already know I want to be a chemical engineer when I grow up. Chemical engineers are like magic scientists who get to mix up different chemicals and materials to make awesome new stuff!My dream is to one day invent a new type of super candy that never melts and tastes like chocolate strawberry banana split forever. Wouldn't that be the best?! But before I can make my dream a reality, I need to study really hard and learn all about chemistry and different materials.Luckily, I've already started reading the three most important books that every brilliant chemical engineer needs to know backwards and forwards. These books teach you all the fundamentals and basics about chemistry, materials, energy, and more. If you want to be a stellar chemical engineer like me someday, you gotta read these three books!Book #1: Elementary Principles of Chemical ProcessesThis bright green book is a classic! It was written by this really smart guy named Richard M. Felder waaaay back in 2019 (that's like a million years ago!). But don't worry, all the information is still totally up-to-date and useful.The book covers all the key principles that make up the core foundations of chemical engineering. Things like material and energy balances, basic thermodynamics and physics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, kinetics, and reactor design. It explains each concept through easy-to-understand language and colorful visuals.My favorite part is the end-of-chapter problem sets that let you practice what you've learned. They start off super simple but then get really hard and tricky by the end. I still have trouble with some of those advanced problems, but I'm getting better every day!Book #2: Perry's Chemical Engineers' HandbookWoah, just that title is a mouthful! But despite its super long name, this classic reference book is an absolute must-have for any chemical engineer worth their salt.Originally published wayyyy back in 1934 (that's literally like a hundred years ago!), the handbook contains pretty much everyessential fact, data point, equation, and calculation method you could ever need as a chemical engineer. It's like an entire encyclopedia of chemical engineering knowledge, all conveniently collected into one gigantic book.The newest 9th edition from 2019 has over 2,800 pages covering everything from fluid and particle dynamics to thermodynamics, reactor design, process control, and so much more. It's sort of like a real-life Wikipedia but only forultra-technical chemical engineering topics.I'll be honest, because it's so comprehensive it can be kind of dense and overwhelming at times, especially for a kid like me. But any time I get stuck on a concept or need to quickly look up an equation or data table, Perry's always has the answer! It's a ultra valuable resource.Book #3: Transport Processes and Separation Process PrinciplesThis red book was written by some seriously smart professors - Christie John Geankoplis, Abdul Rashid Hatcher, and Ronald W. Rousseau. I bet they're all like, crazy chemical engineering geniuses or something!While the material can get pretty advanced and make my brain hurt at times, the book does an amazing job breaking down all the fundamentals of separations processes like absorption, distillation, leaching, membrane separations, and more. It gets deep into the nitty-gritty details of mass transfer principles, which are hugely important for designing industrial processes.My favorite chapters are the ones on crystallization and particle technology. How cool is it that you can create solid particles and crystals from liquid solutions through chemistry? That's exactly the kind of thing I'll need to understand if I want to make my dream no-melt candies a reality someday!There's no way I'd be able to grasp all the complex math and science in this book without the strong foundations I built from the other two textbooks first. But all three of them combined create the holy trifecta - the three most vital books every aspiring chemical engineer needs to study.While the material can definitely be challenging for a kid like me at times, I'm slowly but surely working my way through these books page-by-page, chapter-by-chapter. I know if I stick with it and study hard, I'll have absorbed all the key knowledge andskills I need to become a world-class chemical engineer when I'm older.Who knows, maybe my name will be featured in one of the brand new editions of these books someday after I've made my mark on the field by finally inventing my wildly successfulno-melt candy! A kid can dream, right? But for now, it's time for me to get back to hitting the books. Being a great chemical engineer ain't easy, but it will all be worth it in the end! Catch ya later!。



英语介绍汉字发展史1Chinese characters have an incredibly long and fascinating history! They originated thousands of years ago, and their development is a story full of wonders and changes.The earliest form of Chinese characters was Oracle Bone Script. Can you imagine how people inscribed those mysterious symbols on bones and turtle shells? They were used for divination and record-keeping. What a remarkable start!Then came the Seal Script, which brought more regularity and uniformity. Wasn't it a great step towards standardization? It made the characters more recognizable and consistent.After that, Clerical Script emerged, simplifying the structure of characters. Oh, how this change must have facilitated communication and writing!The evolution didn't stop there. Regular Script followed, known for its elegance and clarity. Isn't it amazing how each stage of development had its unique charm and purpose?These various stages of Chinese characters not only reflected the changes in society and culture but also had a profound impact on people's lives. They allowed for the preservation and transmission of knowledge,thoughts, and emotions. How could we underestimate the power and significance of such a wonderful writing system?The history of Chinese characters is like a long river, flowing continuously and bringing endless wisdom and beauty to the world.2Oh, dear readers! Let's embark on an extraordinary journey to explore the fascinating history of Chinese characters. Can you imagine a world without these beautiful and mysterious symbols?The story of Chinese characters begins in ancient times. Legend has it that Cangjie, an ancient sage, was inspired by the footprints of birds and animals to create the first characters. Isn't that amazing? These early characters were simple and crude, but they were the seeds of a great language system.As time went on, the development of Chinese characters continued. Calligraphers played a crucial role in this process. Wang Xizhi, for instance, was renowned for his elegant and artistic calligraphy. His works not only added charm to the characters but also influenced their evolution.During different dynasties, Chinese characters underwent various changes in form and structure. They became more refined and diverse. From the ancient oracle bone inscriptions to the modern simplified characters, each stage reflects the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese people.So, why are Chinese characters so special? How have they managed to survive and thrive throughout history? The answer lies in their deep roots in Chinese culture and the unwavering dedication of generations.Isn't it wonderful to discover the hidden treasures within the history of Chinese characters? Let's keep exploring and uncovering more of their secrets!3Chinese characters have a long and remarkable history! They originated thousands of years ago and have undergone significant changes and developments over time.In ancient times, characters were carved on bones and shells. This was a laborious process, but it marked the beginning of written communication. Later, the invention of brush and ink allowed for more fluid and expressive writing.The invention of printing in China was a major breakthrough! It made it possible to reproduce texts in large quantities, spreading the knowledge encoded in Chinese characters far and wide. How amazing it was to think that this technology enabled the mass dissemination of ideas and information!In the modern era, the advent of computers brought new challenges and opportunities. The innovation of Chinese character input methods was crucial. It allowed for efficient digital communication, ensuring thatChinese characters remained relevant in the digital age.Today, Chinese characters continue to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of society. They not only carry the wisdom of the past but also serve as a bridge to the future. Isn't it fascinating to think about how these characters have persisted and thrived throughout history? They are truly a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of the Chinese people!4Oh my goodness! The history of Chinese characters is truly a remarkable journey. Let's take a deep dive into it and explore the astonishing changes over time.In ancient times, Chinese characters were carved or written on bamboo slips. They were used mainly for recording important events, philosophical thoughts, and literary works. But how different they were from the characters we see today on modern electronic screens!As time went by, the forms and uses of Chinese characters continued to evolve. The invention of paper brought about a more convenient medium for writing, allowing for more widespread dissemination of knowledge and ideas. And with the advancement of printing technology, the reproduction and sharing of written materials became even more efficient.Now, in this digital age, Chinese characters have taken on a whole new form on electronic screens. We can type them quickly, send them instantly across the world, and access a vast amount of information relatedto them with just a few clicks. Hasn't technology worked wonders for the development of Chinese characters?It's truly fascinating to think about how these changes have shaped our communication and understanding. From the humble bamboo slips to the high-tech electronic screens, the story of Chinese characters is one of constant adaptation and progress. So, isn't it amazing how far we've come?5Chinese characters, what a remarkable heritage! They have a long and complex history that is deeply intertwined with the cultural and social fabric of China. How fascinating is that?The development of Chinese characters can be traced back thousands of years. They have played a crucial role in maintaining the unity of the Chinese nation. Imagine a country as vast as China, where people from different regions speak various dialects. But Chinese characters have served as a common bond, enabling communication and fostering a sense of unity. Isn't it amazing?In different dynasties, the political systems had a significant impact on the standardization of Chinese characters. For instance, during the Qin Dynasty, the unification of writing systems helped consolidate the central authority and promote efficient governance. Why was this so important? It was because a standardized writing system facilitated the dissemination of laws, orders, and knowledge throughout the empire.Chinese characters have also been the vessel for carrying forward the rich cultural traditions of China. They record history, philosophy, literature, and various aspects of life. How could we understand the wisdom of our ancestors without these characters?In conclusion, the development of Chinese characters is not just a matter of language evolution, but a reflection of the cultural and social changes over time. They are the precious treasures of the Chinese nation, and we should cherish and continue to explore their profound meanings!。



离子型稀土矿浸出渗流规律与调控方法研究胡洁;周贺鹏;雷梅芬;张永兵;罗仙平【摘要】The ion type rare earth ore deposit has a complex ore forming process and property. The special clay minerals of the ore body is not in favor of leaching of rare earth ions,easily generate the chemical residue and the blind zone of seepage, and causes for geological disasters such as landslide as well. In order to provide a scientific instruction for in-situ leaching of ion type rare earth ore,the present situation on leaching and seepage rule of ion-type rare earth ore was studied from the per-spectives of chemical reaction,seepage rule,leaching kinetics,hydrodynamics,mass transfer mechanism. The existing problems and development direction of the in-situ leaching process were pointed out,and the regulation method of the leaching process was summarized. The results showed that with the guide of theoretical research,the key trends of research and development for in-situ leaching process of the ion-type rare earth include developing an efficient,economic and environmental leaching agent, producing auxiliary agents,such as auxiliary leaching,suppression,anti-swelling,and seepage,and improving the injection and retraction of liquid.%离子型稀土矿床成因与矿石性质复杂,矿体特有的黏土矿物不仅不利于稀土离子的渗流浸出,而且易产生药剂残留、渗流盲区,还可能引发山体滑坡等地质环境灾害.为给离子型稀土矿原地溶浸、高效回收工艺以科学指导,从原地溶浸化学反应、渗透规律、浸出动力学、水动力学、铝动力学等角度深入分析了离子型稀土矿浸出渗流规律研究现状,指出了原地溶浸过程存在的问题和发展方向,总结探讨了浸出渗流过程的调控方法.结果表明,以理论为指导,开发高效、经济、环保型浸出剂,研发助浸、抑杂、防膨、促渗等辅助药剂,改善注液、收液方式将是离子型稀土矿原地溶浸工艺优化的主要方向.【期刊名称】《金属矿山》【年(卷),期】2017(000)007【总页数】6页(P115-120)【关键词】离子型稀土矿;原地浸矿;渗流规律;调控方法【作者】胡洁;周贺鹏;雷梅芬;张永兵;罗仙平【作者单位】江西理工大学资源与环境工程学院,江西赣州341000;江西理工大学资源与环境工程学院,江西赣州341000;江西省矿业工程重点实验室,江西赣州341000;赣州金环磁选设备有限公司,江西赣州341000;江西理工大学资源与环境工程学院,江西赣州341000;江西理工大学资源与环境工程学院,江西赣州341000;江西省矿业工程重点实验室,江西赣州341000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TD97离子型稀土矿是我国特有的稀土矿产资源,因其富含中重稀土元素、配分齐全、放射性比度低[1],现已成为我国限制开采的重要战略资源。

Transverse waves on a string

Transverse waves on a string

Chapter4Transverse waves on a stringDavid Morin,morin@In the previous three chapters,we built up the foundation for our study of waves.In the remainder of this book,we’ll investigate various types of waves,such as waves on a string, sound waves,electromagnetic waves,water waves,quantum mechanical waves,and so on. In Chapters4through6,we’ll discuss the properties of the two basic categories of waves, namely dispersive waves,and non-dispersive waves.The rest of the book is then largely a series of applications of these results.Chapters4through6therefore form the heart of this book.A non-dispersive system has the property that all waves travel with the same speed, independent of the wavelength and frequency.These waves are the subject of this and the following chapter(broken up into longitudinal and transverse waves,respectively).A dispersive system has the property that the speed of a wave does depend on the wavelength and frequency.These waves are the subject of Chapter6.They’re a bit harder to wrap your brain around,the main reason being the appearance of the so-called group velocity.As we’ll see in Chapter6,the difference between non-dispersive and dispersive waves boils down to the fact that for non-dispersive waves,the frequencyωand wavelength k are related by a simple proportionality constant,whereas this is not the case for dispersive waves.The outline of this chapter is as follows.In section4.1we derive the wave equation for transverse waves on a string.This equation will take exactly the same form as the wave equation we derived for the spring/mass system in Section2.4,with the only difference being the change of a few letters.In Section4.2we discuss the reflection and transmission of a wave from a boundary.We will see that various things can happen,depending on exactly what the boundary looks like.In Section4.3we introduce the important concept of impedance and show how our previous results can be written in terms of it.In Section 4.4we talk about the energy and power carried by a wave.In Section4.5we calculate the form of standing waves on a string that has boundary conditions that fall into the extremes (afixed end or a“free”end).In Section4.6we introduce damping,and we see how the amplitude of a wave decreases with distance in a scenario where one end of the string is wiggled with a constant amplitude.4.1The wave equationThe most common example of a non-dispersive system is a string with transverse waves on it.We’ll see below that we obtain essentially the same wave equation for transverse waves12CHAPTER 4.TRANSVERSE WAVES ON A STRING on a string as we obtained for the N →∞limit of longitudinal waves in the mass/spring system in Section 2.4.Either of these waves could therefore be used for our discussion of the properties of non-dispersive systems.However,the reason why we’ve chosen to study transverse waves on a string in this chapter is that transverse waves are generally easier to visualize than longitudinal ones.Consider a string with tension T and mass density µ(per unit length).Assume that it is infinitesimally thin and completely flexible.And assume for now that it extends in-finitely in both directions.We’ll eventually relax this restriction.Consider small transverse displacements of the string (we’ll be quantitative about the word “small”below).Let x be the coordinate along the string,and let ψbe the transverse displacement.(There’s no deep reason why we’re using ψfor the displacement instead of the ξwe used in Chapter 2.)Our goal is to find the most general form of ψ(x,t ).Consider two nearby points separated by a displacement dx in the longitudinal direction along the string,and by a displacement dψin the transverse direction.If dψis small (more precisely if the slope dψ/dx is small;see below),then we can make the approximation that all points in the string move only in the transverse direction.That is,there is no longitudinal motion.This is true because in Fig.1the length of the hypotenuse equals dxd ψd x 2+d ψ2Figure 1 dx 2+dψ2=dx 1+ dψdx 2≈dx 1+12 dψdx 2 =dx +dψ12 dψdx .(1)This length (which is the farthest that a given point can move to the side;it’s generally less that this)differs from the length of the long leg in Fig.1by an amount dψ(dψ/dx )/2,which is only (dψ/dx )/2times as large as the transverse displacement dψ.Since we are assuming that the slope dψ/dx is small,we can neglect the longitudinal motion in comparison with the transverse motion.Hence,all points essentially move only in the transverse direction.We can therefore consider each point to be labeled with a unique value of x .That is,the ambiguity between the original and present longitudinal positions is irrelevant.The string will stretch slightly,but we can always assume that the amount of mass in any given horizontal span stays essentially constant.We see that by the phrase “small transverse displacements”we used above,we mean that the slope of the string is small.The slope is a dimensionless quantity,so it makes sense to label it with the word “small.”It makes no sense to say that the actual transverse displacement is small,because this quantity has dimensions.Our strategy for finding the wave equation for the string will be to write down the trans-verse F =ma equation for a little piece of string in the span from x to x +dx .The situation is shown in Fig.2.(We’ll ignore gravity here.)Let T 1and T 2be the tensions in the string at1T Figure 2the ends of the small interval.Since the slope dψ/dx is small,the slope is essentially equalto the θangles in the figure.(So these angles are small,even though we’ve drawn them with reasonable sizes for the sake of clarity.)We can use the approximation cos θ≈1−θ2/2to say that the longitudinal components of the tensions are equal to the tensions themselves,up to small corrections of order θ2≈(dψ/dx )2.So the longitudinal components are (essen-tially)equal to T 1and T 2.Additionally,from the above reasoning concerning (essentially)no longitudinal motion,we know that there is essentially no longitudinal acceleration of the little piece in Fig.2.So the longitudinal forces must cancel.We therefore conclude that T 1=T 2.Let’s call this common tension T .However,although the two tensions and their longitudinal components are all equal,the same thing cannot be said about the transverse components.The transverse components differ by a quantity that is first order in dψ/dx ,and this difference can’t be neglected.This difference is what causes the transverse acceleration of the little piece,and it can be calculated as follows.4.1.THE WAVE EQUATION 3In Fig.2,the “upward”transverse force on the little piece at its right end is T sin θ1,which essentially equals T times the slope,because the angle is small.So the upward force at the right end is T ψ (x +dx ).Likewise,the “downward”force at the left end is −T ψ (x ).The net transverse force is thereforeF net =T ψ (x +dx )−ψ (x ) =T dx ψ (x +dx )−ψ (x )dx ≡T dx d 2ψ(x )dx ,(2)where we have assumed that dx is infinitesimal and used the definition of the derivative to obtain the third equality.1Basically,the difference in the first derivatives yields the second derivative.For the specific situation shown in Fig.2,d 2ψ/dx 2is negative,so the piece is accelerating in the downward direction.Since the mass of the little piece is µdx ,the transverse F =ma equation isF net =ma =⇒T dx d 2ψdx 2=(µdx )d 2ψdt 2=⇒d 2ψdt 2=T µd 2ψdx 2.(3)Since ψis a function of x and t ,let’s explicitly include this dependence and write ψas ψ(x,t ).We then arrive at the desired wave equation (written correctly with partial derivatives now),∂2ψ(x,t )∂t 2=T µ∂2ψ(x,t )∂x 2(wave equation )(4)This takes exactly the same form as the wave equation we found in Section 2.4for the N →∞limit of the spring/mass system.The only difference is the replacement of the quantity E/ρwith the quantity T/µ.Therefore,all of our previous results carry over here.In particular,the solutions take the form,ψ(x,t )=Ae i (±kx ±ωt )where ωk =T µ≡c (5)and where c is the speed of the traveling wave (from here on,we’ll generally use c instead of v for the speed of the wave).This form does indeed represent a traveling wave,as we saw in Section 2.4.k and ωcan take on any values,as long as they’re related by ω/k =c .The wavelength is λ=2π/k ,and the time period of the oscillation of any given point is τ=2π/ω.So the expression ω/k =c can be written as2π/τ2π/λ=c =⇒λτ=c =⇒λν=c,(6)where ν=1/τis the frequency in cycles per second (Hertz).For a given pair of k and ωvalues,the most general form of ψ(x,t )can be written in many ways,as we saw in Section 2.4.From Eqs.(3.91)and (3.92)a couple of these ways areψ(x,t )=C 1cos(kx +ωt )+C 2sin(kx +ωt )+C 3cos(kx −ωt )+C 4sin(kx −ωt ),(7)andψ(x,t )=D 1cos kx cos ωt +D 2sin kx sin ωt +D 3sin kx cos ωt +D 4cos kx sin ωt.(8)Of course,since the wave equation is linear,the most general solution is the sum of an arbitrary number of the expressions in,say,Eq.(8),for different pairs of k and ωvalues (as long as each pair is related by ω/k = T/µ≡c ).For example,a possible solution isψ(x,t )=A cos k 1x cos ck 1t +B cos k 1x sin ck 1t +C sin k 2x sin ck 2t +etc ...(9)1There is an ambiguity about whether we should write ψ (x )or ψ (x +dx )here.Or perhaps ψ (x +dx/2).But this ambiguity is irrelevant in the dx →0limit.4CHAPTER 4.TRANSVERSE WAVES ON A STRING Solutions of the form f (x −ct )As we saw in Section 2.4,any function of the form f (x −ct )satisfies the wave equation.There are two reasons why this functional form works.The first reason,as we showed in Eq.(2.97),is that if you simply plug ψ(x,t )=f (x −ct )into the wave equation in Eq.(4),you will find that it works,provided that c = .The second reason,as we also mentioned in Section 2.4,is due to Fourier analysis and linearity.Let’s talk a little more about this reason.It is the combination of the following facts:1.By Fourier analysis,we can write any function f (z )asf (z )=∞−∞C (k )e ikz dk,(10)where C (k )is given by Eq.(3.43).If we let z ≡x −ct ,then this becomesf (x −ct )=∞−∞C (k )e ik (x −ct )dk = ∞−∞C (k )e i (kx −ωt )dk,(11)where ω≡ck .2.We showed in Section 2.4(and you can quickly verify it again)that any exponential function of the form e i (kx −ωt )satisfies the wave equation,provided that ω=ck ,which is indeed the case here.3.Because the wave equation is linear,any linear combination of solutions is again a solution.Therefore,the integral in Eq.(11)(which is a continuous linear sum)satisfies the wave equation.In this reasoning,it is critical that ωand k are related linearly by ω=ck ,where c takes on a constant value,independent of ωand k (and it must be equal to T/µ,or whatever constant appears in the wave equation).If this relation weren’t true,then the above reasoning would be invalid,for reasons we will shortly see.When we get to dispersive waves in Chapter 6,we will find that ωdoes not equal ck .In other words,the ratio ω/k depends on k (or equivalently,on ω).Dispersive waves therefore cannot be written in the form of f (x −ct ).It is instructive to see exactly where the above reasoning breaks down when ω=ck .This breakdown can be seen in mathematically,and also physically.Mathematically,it is still true that any function f (x −ct )can be written in the form of ∞−∞C (k )e ik (x −ct )dk .However,it is not true that these e i (kx −(ck )t )exponential functionsare solutions to a dispersive wave equation (we’ll see in Chapter 6what such an equation might look like),because ωdoesn’t take the form of ck for dispersive waves.The actual solutions to a dispersive wave equation are exponentials of the form e i (kx −ωt ),where ωis some nonlinear function of k .That is,ωdoes not take the form of ck .If you want,you can write these exponential solutions as e i (kx −c k kt ),where c k ≡ω/k is the speed of the wave component with wavenumber k .But the point is that a single value of c doesn’t work for all values of k .In short,if by the ωin Eq.(11)we mean ωk (which equals ck for nondispersive waves,but not for dispersive waves),then for dispersive waves,the above reasoning breaks down in the second equality in Eq.(11),because the coefficient of t in the first integral is ck (times −i ),which isn’t equal to the ωcoefficient in the second integral.If on the other hand we want to keep the ωin Eq.(11)defined as ck ,then for dispersive waves,the above reasoning breaks down in step 2.The exponential function e i (kx −ωt )with ω=ck is simply not a solution to a dispersive wave equation.4.1.THE WAVE EQUATION 5The physical reason why the f (x −ct )functional form doesn’t work for dispersive waves is the following.Since the speed c k of the Fourier wave components depends on k in a dispersive wave,the wave components move with different speeds.The shape of the wave at some initial time will therefore not be maintained as t increases (assuming that the wave contains more than a single Fourier component).This implies that the wave cannot be written as f (x −ct ),because this wave does keep the same shape (because the argument x −ct doesn’t change if t increases by ∆t and x increases by c ∆t ).The distortion of the shape of the wave can readily be seen in the case where there are just two wave components,which is much easier to visualize than the continuous infinity of components involved in a standard Fourier integral.If the two waves have (k,ω)values of (1,1)and (2,1),then since the speed is ω/k ,the second wave moves with half the speed of the first.Fig.3shows the sum of these two waves at two different times.The total waveCos(x -t ) + Cos(2x-t )Cos(2x -1)Cos(x -1)Cos(x-t ) + Cos(2x -t )at t = 0at t = 1Figure 3clearly doesn’t keep the same shape,so it therefore can’t be written in the form of f (x −ct ).Fourier transform in 2-DHaving learned about Fourier transforms in Chapter 3,we can give another derivation of the fact that any solution to the wave equation in Eq.(4)can be written in terms of e i (kx −ωt )exponentials,where ω=ck .We originally derived these solutions in Section 2.4by guessing exponentials,with the reasoning that since all (well enough behaved)functions can be built up from exponentials due to Fourier analysis,it suffices to consider exponentials.However,you might still feel uneasy about this “guessing”strategy,so let’s be a little more systematic with the following derivation.This derivation involves looking at the Fourier transform of a function of two variables.In Chapter 3,we considered functions of only one variable,but the extension to two variables in quite straightforward.Consider a wave ψ(x,t )on a string,and take a snapshot at a given time.If f (x )describes the wave at this instant,then from 1-D Fourier analysis we can writef (x )= ∞−∞C (k )e ikx dk,(12)where C (k )is given by Eq.(3.43).If we take a snapshot at a slightly later time,we can again write ψ(x,t )in terms of its Fourier components,but the coefficients C (k )will be slightly different.In other words,the C (k )’s are functions of time.So let’s write them as C (k,t ).In general,we therefore haveψ(x,t )= ∞−∞C (k,t )e ikx dk.(13)This equation says that at any instant we can decompose the snapshot of the string into its e ikx Fourier components.We can now do the same thing with the C (k,t )function that we just did with the ψ(x,t )function.But we’ll now consider “slices”with constant k value instead of constant t value.If g (t )describes the function C (k,t )for a particular value of k ,then from 1-D Fourier analysis we can write g (t )= ∞−∞β(ω)e iωt dω.(14)If we consider a slightly different value of k ,we can again write C (k,t )in terms of its Fourier components,but the coefficients β(ω)will be slightly different.That is,they are functions of k ,so let’s write them as β(k,ω).In general,we haveC (k,t )= ∞−∞β(k,ω)e iωt dω.(15)6CHAPTER4.TRANSVERSE WAVES ON A STRING This equation says that for a given value of k,we can decompose the function C(k,t)into its e iωt Fourier components.Plugging this expression for C(k,t)into Eq.(13)givesψ(x,t)=∞−∞∞−∞β(k,ω)e iωt dωe ikx dk=∞−∞ ∞−∞β(k,ω)e i(kx+ωt)dk dω.(16)This is a general result for any function of two variables;it has nothing to do with the wave equation in Eq.(4).This result basically says that we can just take the Fourier transform in each dimension separately.Let’s now apply this general result to the problem at hand.That is,let’s plug the above expression forψ(x,t)into Eq.(4)and see what it tells us.We willfind thatωmust be equal to ck.The functionβ(k,ω)is a constant as far as the t and x derivatives in Eq.(4) are concerned,so we obtain0=∂2ψ(x,t)∂t2−c2∂2ψ(x,t)∂x2=∞−∞ ∞−∞β(k,ω)∂2e i(kx+ωt)∂t2−c2∂2e i(kx+ωt)∂x2dk dω=∞−∞ ∞−∞β(k,ω)e i(kx+ωt)−ω2−c2(−k2)dk dω.(17)Since the e i(kx+ωt)exponentials here are linearly independent functions,the only way that this sum can be zero for all x and t is if the coefficient of each separate e i(kx+ωt)term is zero.That is,β(k,ω)(ω2−c2k2)=0(18)for all values of k andω.2There are two ways for this product to be zero.First,we can haveβ(k,ω)=0for particular values of k andω.This certainly works,but sinceβ(k,ω) indicates how much ofψ(x,t)is made up of e i(kx+ωt)for these particular values of k andω, theβ(k,ω)=0statement tells us that this particular e i(kx+ωt)exponential doesn’t appear inψ(x,t).So we don’t care about howωand k are related.The other way for Eq.(18)to be zero is ifω2−c2k2=0.That is,ω=±ck,as we wanted to show.We therefore see that ifβ(k,ω)is nonzero for particular values of k andω(that is,if e i(kx+ωt)appears inψ(x,t)),thenωmust be equal to±ck,if we want the wave equation to be satisfied.4.2Reflection and transmission4.2.1Applying the boundary conditionsInstead of an infinite uniform string,let’s now consider an infinite string with densityµ1 for−∞<x<0andµ2for0<x<∞.Although the density isn’t uniform,the tension is still uniform throughout the entire string,because otherwise there would be a nonzero horizontal acceleration somewhere.Assume that a wave of the formψi(x,t)=f i(x−v1t)(the“i”here is for“incident”) starts offfar to the left and heads rightward toward x=0.It turns out that it will be much2Alternatively,Eq.(17)says thatβ(k,ω)(ω2−c2k2)is the2-D Fourier transform of zero.So it must be zero,because it can be found from the2-D inverse-transform relations analogous to Eq.(3.43),with a zero appearing in the integrand.4.2.REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION 7more convenient to instead write the wave asψi (x,t )=f i t −xv 1(19)for a redefined function f i ,so we’ll use this form.Note that ψis a functionof two variables,whereas f is a function of only one.From Eq.(5),the speed v 1equals 1.What happens when the wave encounters the boundary at x =0between the different densities?The most general thing that can happen is that there is some reflected wave,ψr (x,t )=f rt +x v 1,(20)moving leftward from x =0,and also a transmitted wave,ψt (x,t )=f tt −x v 2,(21)moving rightward from x =0(where v 2=T/µ2).Note the “+”sign in the argument off r ,since the reflected wave is moving leftward.In terms of the above functions,the complete expressions for the waves on the left and right side of x =0are,respectively,ψL (x,t )=ψi (x,t )+ψr (x,t )=f i (t −x/v 1)+f r (t +x/v 1),ψR (x,t )=ψt (x,t )=f t (t −x/v 2).(22)If we can find the reflected and transmitted waves in terms of the incident wave,then we will know what the complete wave looks like everywhere.Our goal is therefore to find ψr (x,t )and ψt (x,t )in terms of ψi (x,t ).To do this,we will use the two boundary conditions at x =ing Eq.(22)to write the waves in terms of the various f functions,the two boundary conditions are:•The string is continuous.So we must have (for all t )ψL (0,t )=ψR (0,t )=⇒f i (t )+f r (t )=f t (t )(23)•The slope is continuous.This is true for the following reason.If the slope were differ-ent on either side of x =0,then there would be a net (non-infinitesimal)force in some direction on the atom located at x =0,as shown in Fig.4.This (nearlymassless)"massless"Figure 4atom would then experience an essentially infinite acceleration,which isn’t physically possible.(Equivalently,a nonzero force would have the effect of instantaneously read-justing the string to a position where the slope was continuous.)Continuity of the slope gives (for all t )∂ψL (x,t )∂xx =0=∂ψR (x,t )∂x x =0=⇒−1v 1f i (t )+1v 1f r (t )=−1v 2f t (t ).(24)Integrating this and getting the v ’s out of the denominators gives v 2f i (t )−v 2f r (t )=v 1f t (t )(25)We have set the constant of integration equal to zero because we are assuming that the string has no displacement before the wave passes by.8CHAPTER 4.TRANSVERSE WAVES ON A STRING Solving Eqs.(23)and (25)for f r (t )and f t (t )in terms of f i (t )givesf r (s )=v 2−v 1v 2+v 1f i (s ),and f t (s )=2v 2v 2+v 1f i (s ),(26)where we have written the argument as s instead of t to emphasize that these relations hold for any arbitrary argument of the f functions.The argument need not have anything to do with the time t .The f ’s are functions of one variable,and we’ve chosen to call that variable s here.4.2.2ReflectionWe derived the relations in Eq.(26)by considering how the ψ(x,t )’s relate at x =0.But how do we relate them at other x values?We can do this in the following way.Let’s look at the reflected wave first.If we replace the s in Eq.(26)by t +x/v 1(which we are free to do,because the argument of the f ’s can be whatever we want it to be),then we can write f r as f r t +x v 1 =v 2−v 1v 2+v 1f i t −−x v 1.(27)If we recall the definition of the f ’s in Eqs.(19-21),we can write this result in terms of the ψ’s as ψr (x,t )=v 2−v 1v 2+v 1ψi (−x,t )(28)This is the desired relation between ψr and ψi ,and its interpretation is the following.It says that at a given time t ,the value of ψr at position x equals (v 2−v 1)/(v 2+v 1)times the value of ψi at position negative x .This implies that the speed of the ψr wave equals the speed of the ψi wave (but with opposite velocity),and it also implies that the width of the ψr wave equals the width of the ψi wave.But the height is decreased by a factor of (v 2−v 1)/(v 2+v 1).Only negative values of x are relevant here,because we are dealing with the reflected wave which exists only to the left of x =0.Therefore,since the expression ψi (−x,t )appears in Eq.(28),the −x here means that only positive position coordinates are relevant for the ψi wave.You might find this somewhat disconcerting,because the ψi function isn’t applicable to the right of x =0.However,we can mathematically imagine ψi still proceeding to the right.So we have the pictures shown in Fig.5.For simplicity,let’s say that v 2=3v 1,which means that the (v 2−v 1)/(v 2+v 1)factor equals 1/2.Note that in any case,this factor liesbetween −1and 1.We’ll talk about the various possibilities below.ψ(ψtnot shown)x = 0(v 2 = 3v 1)4.2.REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION 9Figure 5In the first picture in Fig.5,the incident wave is moving in from the left,and the reflected wave is moving in from the right.The reflected wave doesn’t actually exist to the right of x =0,of course,but it’s convenient to imagine it coming in as shown.Except for the scale factor of (v 2−v 1)/(v 2+v 1)in the vertical direction (only),ψr is simply the mirror image of ψi .In the second picture in Fig.5,the incident wave has passed the origin and continues moving to the right,where it doesn’t actually exist.But the reflected wave is now located on the left side of the origin and moves to the left.This is the real piece of the wave.For simplicity,we haven’t shown the transmitted ψt wave in these pictures (we’ll deal with it below),but it’s technically also there.In between the two times shown in Fig.5,things aren’t quite as clean,because there are x values near the origin (to the left of it)where both ψi and ψr are nonzero,and we need to add them to obtain the complete wave,ψL ,in Eq.(22).But the procedure is straightforward in principle.The two ψi and ψr waves simply pass through each other,and the value of ψL at any point to the left of x =0is obtained by adding the values of ψi and ψr at that point.Remember that only the region to the left of x =0is real,as far as the reflected wave is concerned.The wave to the right of x =0that is generated from ψi and ψr is just a convenient mathematical construct.Fig.6shows some successive snapshots that result from an easy-to-visualizeincident Figure 6square wave.The bold-line wave indicates the actual wave that exists to the left of x =0.We haven’t drawn the transmitted wave to the right of x =0.You should stare at this figure until it makes sense.This wave actually isn’t physical;its derivative isn’t continuous,so it violates the second of the above boundary conditions (although we can imagine rounding offthe corners to eliminate this issue).Also,its derivative isn’t small,which violates our assumption at the beginning of this section.However,we’re drawing this wave so that the important features of reflection can be seen.Throughout this book,if we actually drew realistic waves,the slopes would be so small that it would be nearly impossible to tell what was going on.4.2.3TransmissionLet’s now look at the transmitted wave.If we replace the s by t −x/v 2in Eq.(26),we can write f t as f t t −x v 2 =2v 2v 2+v 1f it −(v 1/v 2)xv 1.(29)Using the definition of the f ’s in Eqs.(19-21),we can write this in terms of the ψ’s as ψt (x,t )=2v 2v 2+v 1ψi (v 1/v 2)x,t(30)This is the desired relation between ψt and ψi ,and its interpretation is the following.It says that at a given time t ,the value of ψt at position x equals 2v 2/(v 2+v 1)times the value of ψi at position (v 1/v 2)x .This implies that the speed of the ψt wave is v 2/v 1times the speed of the ψi wave,and it also implies that the width of the ψt wave equals v 2/v 1times the width of the ψi wave.These facts are perhaps a little more obvious if we write Eq.(30)as ψt(v 2/v 1)x,t =2v 2/(v 2+v 1)·ψi (x,t ).Only positive values of x are relevant here,because we are dealing with thetransmittedwave which exists only to the right of x =0.Therefore,since the expression ψi (v 1/v 2)x,tappears in Eq.(30),only positive position coordinates are relevant for the ψi wave.As in10CHAPTER 4.TRANSVERSE WAVES ON A STRING the case of reflection above,although the ψi function isn’t applicable for positive x ,we can mathematically imagine ψi still proceeding to the right.The situation is shown in Fig.7.As above,let’s say that v 2=3v 1,which means that the 2v 2/(v 2+v 1)factor equals 3/2.Note that in any case,this factor lies between 0and 2.We’ll talk about the various possibilities below.ψ(ψr not shown)(v 2 = 3v 1)v Figure 7In the first picture in Fig.7,the incident wave is moving in from the left,and the transmitted wave is also moving in from the left.The transmitted wave doesn’t actually exist to the left of x =0,of course,but it’s convenient to imagine it coming in as shown.With v 2=3v 1,the transmitted wave is 3/2as tall and 3times as wide as the incident wave.In the second picture in Fig.7,the incident wave has passed the origin and continues moving to the right,where it doesn’t actually exist.But the transmitted wave is now located on the right side of the origin and moves to the right.This is the real piece of the wave.For simplicity,we haven’t shown the reflected ψr wave in these pictures,but it’s technically also there.In between the two times shown in Fig.7,things are easier to deal with than in the reflected case,because we don’t need to worry about taking the sum of two waves.The transmitted wave consists only of ψt .We don’t have to add on ψi as we did in the reflected case.In short,ψL equals ψi +ψr ,whereas ψR simply equals ψt .Equivalently,ψi and ψr have physical meaning only to the left of x =0,whereas ψt has physical meaning only to the right of x =0.Fig.8shows some successive snapshots that result from the same square wave wecon-ψFigure 8sidered in Fig.6.The bold-line wave indicates the actual wave that exists to the right of x =0.We haven’t drawn the reflected wave to the left of x =0.We’ve squashed the x axis relative to Fig.6,to make a larger region viewable.These snapshots are a bit boring compared with those in Fig.6,because there is no need to add any waves.As far as ψt is concerned on the right side of x =0,what you see is what you get.The entire wave (on both sides of x =0)is obtained by juxtaposing the bold waves in Figs.6and 8,after expanding Fig.8in the horizontal direction to make the unit sizes the same (so that the ψi waves have the same width).。



阐述expound(explain), state引入introduce into相应的corresponding概念conception概论overview概率probability概念化conceptualize宏观的macroscopic补充complement规划plan证明demonstrate, certify, attest证实confirmation补偿compensate, make up, imburse算法algorithm判别式discriminant有限元方法finite element method(FEM)样本单元法sample element method(SEM)赤平投影法stereographic projection method(SPM)赤平投影stereographic projection干扰位移法interference displacement method(IDM) 干扰能量法interference energy method(IEM)条分法method of slices极限平衡法limit equilibrium method界面元法boundary element method模拟simulate计算程序computer program数值分析numerical analysis计算工作量calculation load解的唯一性uniqueness of solution多层结构模型laminated model非线性nonlinear横观各向同性lateral isotropy各向同性isotropy各向异性anisotropy非均质性heterogeneity边界条件boundary condition本构方程constitutive equation初始条件initial condition初始状态rest condition岩土工程geotechnical engineering,土木工程civil engineering基础工程foundation engineering最不利滑面the most dangerous slip surface交替alternate控制论cybernetics大量现场调查mass field surveys组合式combined type相互作用interaction稳定性评价stability evaluation均质性homogeneity介质medium层layer, stratum组构fabric1地形地貌geographic and geomorphic工程地质条件engineering geological conditions地形地貌条件geographic and geomorphic conditions地形land form地貌geomorphology, relief微地貌microrelief地貌单元landform unit, geomorphic unit坡度grade地形图relief map河谷river valley河道river course河床river bed(channel)冲沟gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook) 河漫滩floodplain(valley flat)阶地terrace冲积平原alluvial plain三角洲delta古河道fossil river course, fossil stream channel 冲积扇alluvial fan洪积扇diluvial fan坡积裙talus apron分水岭divide盆地basin岩溶地貌karst land feature, karst landform溶洞solution cave, karst cave落水洞sinkhole土洞Karstic earth cave2地层岩性地层geostrome (stratum, strata)岩性lithologic character, rock property岩体rock mass岩层bed stratum岩层layer, rock stratum母岩matrix, parent rock相变facies change硬质岩strong rock, film软质岩weak rock硬质的competent软质的incompetent基岩bedrock岩组petrofabric覆盖层overburden交错层理cross bedding层面bedding plane片理schistosity层理bedding板理(叶理)foliation波痕ripple-mark泥痕mud crack雨痕raindrop imprints造岩矿物rock-forming minerals粘土矿物clay mineral高岭土kaolinite蒙脱石montmorillonite伊利石illite云母mica白云母muscovite黑云母biotite石英quartz长石feldspar正长石orthoclase斜长石plagioclase辉石pyroxene, picrite角闪石hornblende方解石calcite构造structure结构texture组构fabric(tissue)矿物组成mineral composition结晶质crystalline非晶质amorphous产状attitude火成岩igneous岩浆岩magmatic rock火山岩(熔岩)lava火山volcano侵入岩intrusive(invade) rock喷出岩effusive rock深成岩plutonic rock浅成岩pypabysal rock酸性岩acid rock中性岩inter-mediate rock基性岩basic rock超基性岩ultrabasic rock岩基rock base (batholith)岩脉(墙)dike岩株rock stock岩流rock flow岩盖rock laccolith (laccolite) 岩盆rock lopolith岩墙rock dike岩床rock sill岩脉vein dyke花岗岩granite斑岩porphyry玢岩porphyrite流纹岩rhyolite正长岩syenite粗面岩trachyte闪长岩diorite安山岩andesite辉长岩gabbro玄武岩basalt细晶岩aplite伟晶岩pegmatite煌斑岩lamprophyre辉绿岩diabase橄榄岩dunite黑曜岩obsidian浮岩pumice火山角砾岩vulcanic breccia火山集块岩volcanic agglomerate凝灰岩tuff沉积岩sedimentary rock碎屑岩clastic rock粘土岩clay rock粉砂质粘土岩silty claystone化学岩chemical rock生物岩biolith砾岩conglomerate角砾岩breccia砂岩sandstone石英砂岩quartz sandstone粉砂岩siltstone钙质粉砂岩calcareous siltstone泥岩mudstone页岩shale盐岩saline石灰岩limestone白云岩dolomite泥灰岩marl泥钙岩argillo-calcareous泥砂岩argillo-arenaceous砂质arenaceous泥质argillaceous硅质的siliceous有机质organic matter粗粒coarse grain中粒medium-grained沉积物sediment (deposit)漂石、顽石boulder卵石cobble砾石gravel砂sand粉土silt粘土clay 粘粒clay grain砂质粘土sandy clay粘质砂土clayey sand壤土、亚粘土loam砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土sandy loam浮土、表土regolith (topsoil)黄土loess红土laterite泥灰peat软泥ooze淤泥mire, oozed mud, sludge, warp clay 冲积物(层)alluvion冲积的alluvial洪积物(层)proluvium, diluvium, diluvion洪积的diluvial坡积物(层)deluvium残积物(层)eluvium残积的eluvial风积物(层)eolian deposits湖积物(层)lake deposits海积物(层)marine deposits冰川沉积物(层)glacier (drift)deposits崩积物(层)colluvial deposits, colluvium残积粘土residual clay变质岩metamorphic rock板岩slate千枚岩phyllite片岩schist片麻岩gneiss石英岩quartzite大理岩marble糜棱岩mylonite混合岩migmatite碎裂岩cataclasite3地质构造地质构造geologic structure结构构造structural texture大地构造geotectonic构造运动tectogenesis造山运动orogeny升降运动vertical movement水平运动horizontal movement完整性perfection(integrity)起伏度waviness尺寸效应size effect围压效应confining pressure effect产状要素elements of attitude产状attitude, orientation走向strike倾向dip倾角dip angle, angle of dip褶皱fold褶曲fold单斜monocline向斜syncline背斜anticline穹隆dome挤压squeeze上盘upper section下盘bottom wall, footwall, lower wall 断距separation相交intersect断层fault正断层normal fault逆断层reversed fault平移断层parallel fault层理bedding, stratification微层理light stratification地堑graben地垒horst, fault ridge断层泥gouge, pug, selvage, fault gouge 擦痕stria, striation断裂fracture破碎带fracture zone节理joint节理组joint set裂隙fissure, crack微裂隙fine fissure, microscopic fissure 劈理cleavage原生裂隙original joint次生裂隙epigenetic joint张裂隙tension joint剪裂隙shear joint卸荷裂隙relief crack裂隙率fracture porosity结构类型structural pattern岩体结构rock mass structure岩块block mass结构体structural element块度blockness结构面structural plane软弱结构面weak plane临空面free face碎裂结构cataclastic texture板状结构platy structure薄板状lamellose块状的lumpy, massive层状的laminated巨厚层giant thick-laminated薄层状的finely laminated软弱夹层weak intercalated layer夹层inter bedding,intercalated bed, interlayer, intermediate layer 夹泥层clayey intercalation夹泥inter-clay连通性connectivity切层insequent影响带affecting zone完整性integrity n.Integrate v. & a.degree of integrality破碎crumble胶结cement泥化argillization尖灭taper-out错动diastrophism错动层面faulted bedding plane断续的intermittent破碎crumble共轭节理conjugated joint散状loose透镜状的lens-shaped a.岩石碎片crag岩屑cuttings, debris薄膜membrane, film层理stratification高角度high dip angle缓倾角low dip angle反倾anti-dip互层interbed v.Interbedding n.起伏的unplanar波状起伏的undulate, undulating 粒径particle size构造层tectonosphere挤压compression均一的homogeneous剪切错动面shear faulted, bedding zone切割dissection切割的dissected致密close, compact构造岩tectonite糜棱岩mylonite断层角砾岩fault breccia方解石脉calcite vein碎块岩clastic rock角砾breccia岩粉rock powder岩屑debris, debry固结consolidation定向排列oriented spread构造应力tectonic stress残余应力residual stress4水文地质条件hydrogeological conditions水文循环hydrologic cycle大气圈atmosphere水圈hydrosphere岩石圈geosphere地表径流surface runoff地下径流subsurface runoff流域valley, drainage basin流域面积drainage area, river basin area汇水面积catchment area地下水ground water, subsurface water地表水surface water大气水atmospheric water气态水aqueous (vapour) water液态水liquid water固态水solid water上层滞水perched water潜水phreatic water承压水confined water吸着水hygroscopic (adsorptive) water介质medium空隙void孔隙水压力pore water pressure渗透压力osmotic pressure, seepage force 扬压力uplift pressure静水压力hydrostaticpressure外静水压力external hydrostatic pressure动水压力hydrodynamic pressure渗透力seepage pressure外水压力external water pressure内水压力internal water pressure水力联系hydraulic interrelation水力折减系数hydraulic reduction coefficient水头损失water head loss渗透途径filtration path, seepage path渗透系数penetration coefficient潜水位watertable level水位water level, stage level水头water head含水层aquifer弱含水层(弱透水层)aquitard滞水层aquiclude透水层permeable layer, pervious layer不透水层(隔水层)aquifuge, impervious layer,impermeable layer, aquiclude 潜水含水层phreatic aquifer承压含水层confined aquifer, artesian aquifer承压面bearing surface潜水面phreatic surface, water table浸润线phreatic curve不透水边界impervious boundary地下分水岭groundwater ridge粘滞性viscosity富水性abundance透水性(渗透性)permeability淋滤(溶滤作用)lixiviation, leaching反滤层inverted gravel filter水锈incrustation渗滴seep饱和saturation, saturated潜水位变化带zone of variable phreatic level气象因素meteorological factor饱水带zone of saturation包气带aeration zone, zone of aeration包气带水aeration zone water上层滞水perched water孔隙水pore water裂隙水fissure water岩溶水karstic water结合水bound water, combined water吸着水hydroscopic water薄膜水pellicular water毛细水capillary water重力水gravitational water凝结水condensation water地下水埋藏条件condition of groundwater occurrence 地下水埋藏深度depth of groundwater occurrence压水试验packer permeability test抽水试验pumping test5物理力学性质物理力学physical mechanics n.Physico-mechanical a.屈服准则yield criteria米赛斯屈服准则Von Mises yield criteria朗肯土压力理论Ranking’s earth pressure theory剑桥模型Cambridge model, Cam-model邓肯-张模型Duncan-chang model本构方程constitutive equation局部剪切破坏local shear failure整体剪切破坏general shear failure岩体完整性指数intactness index of rock mass安全系数factor of safety埋深embedment depth试件coupons挠度deflection里氏震级Richter scale设计烈度design intensity基本烈度basic intensity场地烈度site intensity地震烈度seismic intensity, intensity scale卓越周期predominant period持力层sustained yield超载surcharge围岩压力surrounding rock stress附加压力superimposed stress应力松弛stress relaxation应力路迳stress path卸荷unload渗透率specific permeability饱和度degree of saturation含水量moisture content平均粒径mean diameter 颗粒grain, granule, particle颗粒级配distribution of grain-size,grain composition, size distribution级配graduation,grain-size distribution, gradation, grading粒度coarseness grain size, granularity, lump不均匀系数coefficient of non-uniformity,variation coefficient, variation factor颗粒分级gradation, size grading孔隙水pore water孔隙比void ratio (ration)空隙率air voids孔隙率porosity裂隙率crackity溶隙率karstity密度density重度unit weight, bulk weight浮重度buoyant unit weight折减系数reduction factor压力消散dissipation of pressure抗力系数coefficient of resistance软化系数softening coefficient含水量water content稠度consistency塑限plastic limit液限liquid limit塑性指数plasticity index液性指数liquidity index流变rheological蠕变creep塑性plastic脆性brittleness(fragility)粘性stickness刚性rigidity弹性的elastic粘弹性viso-elasticity弹塑性elasto-plasticity压缩性compressibility均质性homogeneity非均质性nonhomogeneity (heterogeneity)各向同性isotropy各向异性anisotropy总应力total stress有效应力effective stress超孔隙水压力excess pore pressure孔隙水压力pore water pressure抗压强度compressive strength抗拉强度tensile strength抗剪强度shear strength不排水抗剪强度undrained shear strenght峰值抗剪强度peak share strength长期抗剪强度long-term shear strength残余抗剪强度residual shear strength负摩擦力negative skin friction, dragdown摩擦角angle of friction内摩擦角angle of internal friction外摩擦角angle of external friction内聚力cohesion粘聚力cohesion假凝聚力pseudo-cohesion粘着力adhesion摩尔圆Mohr’s circle包络线envelope休止角angle of repose,angle of friction(repose, rest), repose angle峰值peak模量modulus弹性模量modulus of elasticity,Young’s modulus, elastic modulus压缩模量modulus of compressibility变形模量modulus of deformation卸荷模量unloading modulus切线模量tangent modulus剪切模量shear modulus割线模量secant modulus旁压模量pressurmeter modulus泊松比poisson’s ration固结consolidation固结系数coefficient of consolidation固结度degree of consolidation超固结比over consolidation ration应变strain压缩比compressibility ratio压缩系数coefficient of compressibility压缩指数compression index初始曲线virgin curve正常固结土normally consolidated soil欠固结土under-consolidated soil超固结土over-consolidated soil被动土压力passive earth pressure主动土压力active earth pressure静止土压力earth pressure at rest覆盖压力overburden pressure初始应力initial stress地应力场ground(geostatic) stress field 有效应力effective stress动应力dynamic stress动荷载dynamic load偏心荷载eccentric loads循环荷载inclined loads地应力ground stress, geostatic stress初始应力initial stress应力场stress field纵波longitudinal wave液化势liquefaction potential液化指数liquefaction index交角angular岩石抗力系数coefficient of rock resistance 容许承载力allowable bearing capacity临塑压力critical pressure接触压力contact pressure6工程地质问题工程地质问题engineering geological problem 定性评价qualitative estimate定量评价quantitative estimate极限平衡法limit equilibrium method不良地质现象unfavorable geological condition 风化weathering变形deformation位移displacement不均匀位移differential movement相对位移relative displacement沉陷settlement山崩avalanche, toppling崩塌toppling, toppling collapse滑坡、地滑creep, slide切层滑坡insequent landslide深层滑坡deep slide浅层滑坡shallow slide顺层滑坡consequent landslide滑动面sliding surface, sliding plane, slip surface 滑动带sliding zone滑床slide bed滑坡体slide(sliding) mass古滑坡fossil landslide推移式滑坡slumping slide牵引式滑坡retrogressive slide管涌piping, internal erosion渗漏leakage流砂quicksand渗流seepage液化liquefaction7工程勘察engineering investigation工程地质勘察engineering geology investigation 岩土工程勘察geotechnical investigation工程地质条件engineering geological condition 工程地质评价engineering geological evaluation 勘测survey岩芯采取率core recovery, core extraction岩芯获得率RQD(岩石质量指标)rock quality designation程序(步骤)procedure勘察阶段investigational stage选点踏勘reconnaissance初步设计primary design初步规划preliminary scheme初步勘探preliminary prospecting初步踏勘ground reconnaissance可行性研究阶段feasibility stage初步设计阶段preliminary stage施工阶段construction sage踏勘reconnaissance, inspection地质测绘geological survey工程地质测绘engineering geological mapping钻探borehole operation, boring物探geophysical exploration洞探exploratory adits钎探rod sounding坑探exploring mining槽探trenching天然建材调查natural materials surveying (examination) 岩土工程勘察报告geotechnical investigation report 鉴定identification, appraisal鉴定书expertise report鉴定人identifier, surveyor校核verification总监chief inspector比例proportion地形图geographic map地貌图geomorphological map地质图geological map工程地质图engineering geological map实测地质剖面图field-acquired geological profile(section) 构造地质图geological structure map第四纪地质图quarternary geological map地质详图detail map of geology地质柱状图geologic columnar section, geologic log 钻孔柱状图logs of bore hole纵剖面图longitudinalsection横剖面图cross section展示图reveal detail map节理玫瑰图rose of joints基岩等高线bed rock contour层底等高线contour of stratum bottom岩层界线strata boundary岩面高程elevation of bed rock surface坐标coordinate分层bed separation地质点geological observation point勘探点exploratory point (spot)勘探线exploratory line勘探孔exploration hole平洞adit竖井riser, shaft, vertical shaft探槽exploratory trench探井exploratory pit钻孔borehole, drill hole机钻孔ordinary drill hole套钻孔sleeve drill hole管钻孔pipe drill hole岩芯core岩芯钻探core drilling回转钻探(进)rotary drilling冲击钻探churn drilling, percussion drilling 钢砂钻探shot drilling铁砂钻进iron shot drilling跟管钻进follow-down drilling振动钻进vibro-boring, vibro-drilling泥浆钻探mud flush drilling金刚石钻进diamond drilling单动式single acting双层double layer空气钻探air flush drilling钻机drilling rig钻头drill bit, drilling bit螺旋钻头auger勺钻spoon bit冲击钻头percussion bit, chopping bit桶式钻头bucket auger钻杆drill rod套管casing岩芯管core barrel冲洗掖flush fluid正循环冲洗direct circulation反循环冲洗reverse circulation泥浆mud, slurry泥皮mud cake护壁dado止水seal, water seal扫孔cleaning bottom of hole钻进drilling平硐adit竖井shaft钻探drilling boring8工程地质试验击实试验compaction test压缩试验compression test固结试验consolidation test单轴试验uniaxial compression test现场剪切试验in-situ shear test单剪试验simple shear test直剪试验direct shear test慢剪试验slow test单剪试验simple shear test快剪试验quick test三轴剪切试验triaxial shear test三轴压缩试验triaxial compression test动三轴试验dynamic triaxial test不固结不排水剪试验unconsolidated undrained test(quick test)固结不排水剪试验consolidated undrained test(consolidated quick test) 固结排水试验consolidated drained test(slow test)原位测试in-situ test现场监测on-site(in-site) monitoring现场检测on-site (in-site) inspection观测孔observation borehole静力触探试验cone penetration test,static penetration test, static cone test标贯试验standard penetration test十字板剪切试验vane shear test, vane test检层法up-hole method, borehole method旁压试验pressuremeter test动力触探试验dynamic penetration test, dynamic sounding 点荷载试验point load test岩石试验rock test应力解除法stress relief method应力恢复法stress recovery method套孔法over-coring method9岩土体加固掌子面breast, driving face,heading face, tunnel face顶拱vault底拱invert洞室开挖excavation超挖overbreak风钻pneumatic drill开挖断面excavated section塌落slump细骨料混凝土concrete made with fine aggregate细骨料fine aggregate, fine adjustment料场stock ground土料earth material矿渣cinder, mineral water residue, scoria, slag性能function, performance, property, nature凝结coagulate, congeal, congealment, coagulation合格qualified, on test, up to standard初凝initial set初凝时间initial setting time终凝final set配合比mix proportion塌落度slump水化热heat of hydration,hydration heat, setting heat水灰比water-cement ratio粉煤灰fly ash梅花状quincuncial pattern喷射shotcrete浇注pouring钢筋网coiremesh加固reinforce锚杆anchored bar, rock bolt锚索anchored cable锚紧端anchor station锚桩anchored peg采石场rock quarry开挖excavation清基cleanup foundation明挖open-cut爆破explosion光面爆破smooth blasting预裂法presplitting10 水工概论坝址toe of dam坝踵heel坝段monolith坝顶crest坝肩shoulders左坝肩left dam abutment副坝saddle dam三坝址the third dam site标高height mark上游水位headwater正常库水位normal reservoir level地下洞室underground opening (tunnel)压力隧洞pressure tunnel无压隧洞gravity tunnel交通洞access tunnel灌浆洞grouting tunnel明流洞free-flow tunnel孔板洞orifice tunnel排砂洞sediment tunnel尾水洞tailrace tunnel排水洞drainage tunnel导流洞diversion tunnel隧道tunnel围岩surrounding rock, ambient rock 围岩应力secondary stress static应力集中stress concentrate覆盖层over burden冒顶cave in, roof fall底鼓bottom heave回弹rebound岩爆rock burst冻结法freezing method超载over break衬砌lining围堰cofferdam堤dike近坝岸坡abutments施工(收缩)缝construction joint心墙core截水墙cutoff wall防渗墙diaphragm wall排水井drainage wells排水幕drainage curtain减压井relief wells反滤层filter zone灌浆材料grout水力劈裂hydraulic fracturing帷幔线curtain line上游围堰upstream cofferdam混凝土防渗墙concrete cutoff wall截流interim completion导水墙channel training wall正常溢洪道渠首工程service spillway headwork 消力塘lined plunge pool隔墙divider walls混凝土护坦concrete apron副厂房auxiliary power house闸门室gate chamber中闸室mid gate chamber开关站switch yard电梯井elevator shaft尾水渠tail race非常溢洪道emergency spillway11桥梁及基础工程江阴大桥Jiangyin Bridge悬索桥suspension bridge锚碇anchorage重力式嵌岩锚gravity socketed anchorage 北锚碇前(后)锚面front(back) surface of northern anchorage塔墩tower墩pier散索鞍splay saddle猫道footbridge主缆main cable索股cable strand主鞍main saddle, tower saddle主跨main span边跨side span引桥approach钢箱梁steel box main girder埋深embedment depth北塔墩基础north tower base基础foundation, footing浅基础shallow foundation深基础deep foundation联合基础combined footing筏形基础raft(mat) foundation钢模steel form桩pile基桩foundation pile群桩pile groups桩基础pile foundation桩承台pile cap高桩承台high-rise pile cap低桩承台buried pile cap摩擦桩friction pile端承桩end bearing pile嵌岩桩socketed pile板桩sheet pile旋喷桩jet-grouted pile灌注桩cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩driven cast-in-place pile支护桩soldier piles, tangent piles刚性桩rigid pile柔性桩flexible pile侧向受荷桩laterally loaded pile轴向受荷桩axially loaded pile预制桩precast concrete pile振动打桩vibratory pile driving振动钻进vibratory drilling沉箱caisson沉井(沉箱)(open) caisson地下连续墙diaphragm wall, slurry wall支撑bracing超载surcharge接触应力contact pressure井点降水well-point dewatering桩极限承载力ultimate bearing capacity of pile承载力bearing capacity阻力resistance桩端阻力end resistance表面摩擦力skin friction粘着系数adhesion factor负摩擦力negative skin friction安全系数factor of safety压缩层compressed layer附加应力additional stress, superimposed stress 持力层bearing layer, sustaining layer地基土foundation soil, subsoil临塑压力critical pressure剪切破坏shear failure地基失效foundation failure冲剪破坏punching failure渐进破坏progressive failure容许荷载allowable load极限承载力ultimate bearing capacity沉降settlement沉降差differential settlement尾部倾斜angular distortion倾斜tilting坑底隆起bottom heave静止土压力earth pressure at rest稳定数stability number路堤embankment地基处理ground treatment soil improvement垫层cushion加固stabilization注浆injection灌浆guniting帷幕curtain挡土墙retaining wall锚固anchoring喷浆guniting锚杆earth anchor盲沟French drain振冲法vibro jet12监测仪器观测孔observation bore/hole仪器观测instrumentation读数装置readout device传感器transducer探头probe压力盒pressure cell振弦式应变计vibrating wire strain gauge伸长计、变位计extension meter板式沉降仪foundation base/pate测斜仪inclinometer测压计,渗压计piezometer垂线plumb垂直度plumbness13安全监控可靠性检查reliability checking监控模型monitoring and prediction model监测monitoring资料datum, data可靠性reliability稳定性stability安全safety评估evaluation, appraise评定assessment, assess, rate评价准则criterion灾害hazard, calamity确定性方法论Deterministic methodology应急行动计划EAP(emergency action plan)事故accident紧急状态emergency紧急检查emergency inspection灾情等级hazard classification灾害评价hazard evaluation风险评估risk assessment静力(Static Analysis)动力(Dynamic Analysis)蠕变(Creep Material Model)渗流(Fluid-mechanical Interaction)热力学(Thermal Option)headward erosion溯源侵蚀scouring of levee or bank淘刷strongly weatheredsiliceous rock mass with quasi-lamellar weakly weathered siliceous rock mass with quasi-lamellar of continually aftershocks of 7 or 8-degree intensityEvidently 明显的Correspondingly adv.相应地; 相关地; 相同地the hanging wall of triggering seismic faultoblique~bedding bank slope专业外语(为方便记忆,跟上面稍有重复) 一.综合类1.geotechnical engineering岩土工程2.foundation engineering基础工程3.soil, earth土4.soil mechanics土力学cyclic loading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelastic found粘弹性地基viscous damping粘滞阻尼shear modulus剪切模量5.soil dynamics土动力学6.stress path应力路径二.土的分类1.residual soil残积土groundwaterlevel地下水位2.groundwater 地下水groundwater table地下水位3.clay minerals粘土矿物4.secondary minerals次生矿物ndslides滑坡6.bore hole columnar section钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation工程地质勘察8.boulder漂石9.cobble卵石10.gravel砂石11.gravelly sand砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand中砂14.fine sand细砂15.silty sand粉土16.clayey soil粘性土17.clay粘土18.silty clay粉质粘土19.silt粉土20.sandy silt砂质粉土21.clayey silt粘质粉土22.saturated soil饱和土23.unsaturated soil非饱和土24.fill (soil)填土三.土的基本物理力学性质1.c c Compression index2.c u undrained shear strength3.c u/p0 ratio of undrained strength c u toeffective overburden stress p0(c u/p0)NC ,(c u/p0)oc subscripts NC and OC designatednormally consolidated andoverconsolidated, respectively 4.c vane cohesive strength from vanetest5.e0 natural void ratio6.I p plasticity index7.K0 coefficient of“at-rest ”pressure ,for total stressesσ 1 andσ2 8.K0’ do main for effective stressesσ 1 ‘ andσ2’9.K0n K0 for normally consolidatedstate10.K0u K0 coefficient under rapidcontinuous loading ,simulating instantaneous loading or an undrained condition11.K0d K0coefficient under cyclic loading (frequency less than 1 Hz),as a pseudo-dynamic test for K0 coefficient12.k h ,k v permeability in horizontal andvertical directions, respectively13.N blow count ,standardpenetration test14.OCR over-consolidation ratio15.p c preconsolidation pressure ,fromoedemeter test16.p0 effective overburden pressure17.p s specific cone penetrationresistance ,from static cone test18.q u unconfined compressivestrengt h19.U,U m degree ofconsolidation ,subscript m denotes mean valueof a specimen20.u ,u b ,u m pore pressure, subscripts b andm denote bottom of specimen and mean value,respectively21.w0 w L w p natural water content, liquid andplastic limits, respectively22.σ1,σ 2 principal stresses,σ 1 ‘ andσ2’denote effective principal stresses四.渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law 达西定律2.piping管涌3.flowing soil流土4.sand boiling砂沸5.flow net流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage渗流8.seepage (force) pressure渗透压力9.permeability渗透性10.hydraulic gradient水力梯度11.coefficient of permeability渗透系数五.地基应力和变形1.soft soil软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress有效应力total stress总应力4.field vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度5.low activity低活性6.sensitivity灵敏度7.triaxial test三轴试验8.foundation design基础设计9.recompaction再压缩10.bearing capacity承载力11.soil mass土体12.contact pressure接触应力13.concentrated load集中荷载14. a semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体15.homogeneous均质16.isotropic各向同性17.strip footing条基18.square spread footing方形独立基础19.underlying soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)20.dead load =sustained load恒载持续荷载21.live load活载22.short –term transient load短期瞬时荷载23.long-term transient load长期荷载24.reduced load折算荷载25.settlement沉降deformation变形26.casing套管27.dike=dyke堤(防)28.clay fraction粘粒粒组29.physical properties物理性质30.subgrade路基31.well-graded soil级配良好土32.poorly-graded soil级配不良土33.sieve筛子34.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件35.FEM=finite element method有限元法36.limit equilibrium method极限平衡法37.pore water pressure孔隙水压力38.preconsolidation pressure先期固结压力39.modulus of compressibility压缩模量40.coefficent of compressibility压缩系数pressionindex压缩指数42.swelling index回弹指数43.geostatic stress自重应力44.additional stress附加应力45.total stress总应力46.final settlement最终沉降47.slip line滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1.excavation开挖(挖方)2.dewatering(基坑)降水3.failure of foundation基坑失稳4.bracing of foundation pit基坑围护5.bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6.retaining wall挡土墙7.pore-pressure distribution孔压分布8.dewatering method降低地下水位法9.well point system井点系统(轻型)10.deep well point深井点11.vacuum well point真空井点12.braced cuts支撑围护braced excavation支撑开挖braced sheeting支撑挡板七.深基础deep foundation1.pile foundation桩基础1)cast –in-place灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩bored pile钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩4)steel pile钢桩steel pipe pile钢管桩steel sheet pile钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile摩擦桩end-bearing pile端承桩5.(pile)shaft桩身6.wave equation analysis波动方程分析7.pile caps承台(桩帽)8.bearing capacity of single pile单桩承载力teral pile load test单桩横向载荷试验10.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile单桩横向极限承载力11.static load test of pile单桩竖向静荷载试验12.vertical allowable load capacity单桩竖向容许承载力13.low pile cap低桩承台14.high-rise pile cap高桩承台15.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile单桩抗拔极限承载力16.silent piling静力压桩17.uplift pile抗拔桩18.anti-slide pile抗滑桩19.pile groups群桩20.efficiency factor of pile groups群桩效率系数(η)21.efficiency of pile groups群桩效应22.dynamic pile testing桩基动测技术23.final set最后贯入度24.dynamic load test of pile桩动荷载试验25.pile integrity test桩的完整性试验26.pile head=butt桩头27.pile tip=pile point=pile toe桩端(头)28.pile spacing桩距29.pile plan桩位布置图30.arrangement of piles =pile layout桩的布置31.group action群桩作用32.end bearing=tip resistance桩端阻33.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance桩侧阻34.pile cushion桩垫35.pile driving(by vibration) 打桩(振动)36.pile pulling test拔桩试验37.pile shoe桩靴38.pile noise打桩噪音39.pile rig打桩机八.地基处理(ground treatment)1.technical code for ground treatment of building建筑地基处理技术规范2.cushion垫层法3.preloading预压法4.dynamic compaction强夯法5.dynamic compaction replacement强夯置换法6.vibroflotation method振冲法7.sand-gravel pile砂石桩pile-stone column砂石桩8.cement-flyash-gravel pile(CFG)水泥粉煤灰碎石桩9.cement mixing method水泥土搅拌桩10.cement column水泥桩11.lime pile (lime column)石灰桩12.jet grouting高压喷射注浆法13.rammed-cement-soil pile夯实水泥土桩法14.lime-soil compaction pile 灰土挤密桩lime-soil compacted column灰土挤密桩lime soil pile灰土挤密桩15.chemical stabilization化学加固法16.surface compaction 表层压实法17.surcharge preloading超载预压法vacuum preloading真空预压法18.sand wick袋装砂井19.geofabric ,geotextile土工织物posite foundation复合地基21.reinforcement method加筋法22.dewatering method降低地下水固结法23.freezing and heating冷热处理法24.expansive ground treatment膨胀土地基处理25.ground treatment in mountain area山区地基处理26.collapsible loess treatment湿陷性黄土地基处理27.artificial foundation人工地基natural foundation天然地基28.pillow褥垫29.soft clay ground软土地基30.sand drain砂井31.root pile树根桩32.plastic drain塑料排水带33.stone column碎石桩gravel pile碎石桩34.replacement ratio(复合地基)置换率九.固结consolidation1.Terzzaghi’s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot’s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比5.overconsolidation soil超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation一维固结9.primary consolidation主固结10.secondary consolidation次固结11.degree of consolidation固结度12.consolidation test固结试验13.consolidation curve固结曲线14.time factor T v时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结十.抗剪强度shear strength1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength残余强度3.long-term strength长期强度4.peak strength峰值强度5.shear strain rate剪切应变强度6.dilatation剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法8.total stress approach of shear strength抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction内摩擦角11.cohesion粘聚力12.failure criterion破坏准则13.vane strength十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter。



第 54 卷第 8 期2023 年 8 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.54 No.8Aug. 2023氧化锌烟尘浸出液中锗的分离富集王梓澎1,邓志敢1, 2,陈春林1, 3,戴兴征3,魏昶1, 2,李兴彬1, 2,李旻廷1, 2,樊刚1, 2(1. 昆明理工大学 冶金与能源工程学院,云南 昆明,650093;2. 昆明理工大学 省部共建复杂有色金属资源清洁利用国家重点实验室,云南 昆明,650093;3. 云南驰宏锌锗股份有限公司,云南 曲靖,655000)摘要:针对单宁沉锗工艺中存在单宁引入影响锌电解和单宁消耗量大导致工艺成本高的问题,开展中和沉淀−浸出富集锗研究,替代单宁沉锗达到富集锗的目的。

以氧化锌烟尘浸出液为原料、工业氧化锌烟尘为中和剂,考察时间、pH 、温度对中和沉淀效果影响,研究中和沉淀过程中锗、铁、砷、硅元素行为规律,同时考察中和渣浸出效果。

研究结果表明:经两段逆流中和沉淀,一段温度为45 ℃、中和时间为2 h 、pH=4.0~4.5,二段温度为45 ℃、中和时间为1.5 h 、通氧量为60 L/h 、pH=5.0~5.2,一段中和渣含锗1.13%,二段沉锗后液中锗质量浓度为1.98 mg/L ,锗、铁、砷和硅的沉淀率分别为99.08%、26.72%、99.12%和95.36%,沉锗后液可直接返回锌冶炼系统。

将中和渣经氧压−常压浸出后,氧压浸出渣中锗含量为 3 148.9 g/t ,浸出液锗质量浓度为1.72 g/L ,锗、铁、砷和硅的浸出率分别为85.86%、25.46%、68.33%和11.39%。

氧压浸出渣再经常压浸出后,常压浸出渣中锗含量为1 884.9 g/t ,浸出液中锗质量浓度为331.1 mg/L ,锗浸出率提升至95.96%,在富集锗的同时达到了分离除杂的效果。



第37卷第1期2023年2月南华大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology)Vol.37No.1Feb.2023收稿日期:2022-12-13基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(2020JJ4524)作者简介:冯志刚(1970 ),男,教授,博士,主要从事环境地球化学方面的研究㊂E-mail:feng_zg@DOI :10.19431/ki.1673-0062.2023.01.001碳酸盐岩溶蚀作用中Cd 的淋溶/残余行为冯志刚1,2,周㊀曼1,2,马㊀强1,2,黄㊀冲1,2,李佩珊1,2(1.南华大学资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南衡阳421001;2.南华大学稀有金属矿产开发与废物地质处置技术湖南省重点实验室,湖南衡阳421001)摘㊀要:揭示碳酸盐岩溶蚀作用中镉(Cd )的淋溶/残余行为是完整理解碳酸盐岩风化剖面形成与演化过程中Cd 的地球化学的重要环节㊂本文对一件白云岩试样进行了淋溶实验,设计了收集淋溶残余物与淋出液的两种装置,随淋溶进程,对淋溶残余物及淋出液相关组分进行了测试㊂贫Cd 碳酸盐岩中的Cd (0.12mg /kg )在酸不溶相富集(0.98mg /kg ),且样品中酸不溶物质量分数仅为2.48%㊂由于酸不溶物质量分数极低,酸溶相中Cd 占全岩中Cd 的质量比仍具有绝对优势㊂碳酸盐岩溶蚀过程中,在排水条件良好的条件下,酸溶相的Cd 随碳酸盐溶解而淋失,酸不溶相的Cd 随酸不溶物在淋溶残余物中的集聚而富集㊂碳酸盐岩溶蚀形成残积土的过程就是基岩中大量Cd 绝对淋失与少量Cd 显著相对残余富集的过程㊂关键词:碳酸盐岩;溶蚀作用;镉;淋溶实验;富集中图分类号:P59文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-0062(2023)01-0001-07Leaching /Retaining Behavior of Cd During the Corrosion of Carbonate RockFENG Zhigang 1,2,ZHOU Man 1,2,MA Qiang 1,2,HUANG Chong 1,2,LI Peishan 1,2(1.School of Resource Environment and Safety Engineering,University of South China,Hengyang,Hunan 421001,China;2.Hunan Key Laboratory of Rare Metal Minerals Exploitation and GeologicalDisposal of Wastes,University of South China,Hengyang,Hunan 421001,China)Abstract :To reveal the leaching /retaining behavior of cadmium (Cd)in the process of the corrosion of carbonate rock is an important link for fully understanding Cd geochemistry during the formation and evolution of weathering profile developed on carbonate rock.Inthis study,a dolostone sample was leached,and two kinds of leaching experimentaldevices were designed to collect leaching residues and leachate,respectively.With the leaching process,relevant components of leaching residues and leachate were measured.1Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.第37卷第1期南华大学学报(自然科学版)2023年2月Cd(0.12mg/kg)in carbonate rock poor in Cd is enriched in acid-insoluble phases(0.98mg/kg),and the mass percentage of acid-insoluble matter in the sample is only2.48%.However,due to extremely low mass percentage of acid-insoluble phases,Cd inacid-soluble phase(i.e.,carbonate)still has an absolute advantage in mass percentage ofCd in the whole rock.During the corrosion of carbonate rock,under good drainage condi-tion,the Cd of acid-soluble phase is leached with the dissolution of carbonates,and theCd of acid-insoluble phases is enriched with the accumulation of acid-insoluble matter inthe leached residues.The process to form relict soil by the corrosion of carbonate rock isactually the process of absolute leaching of a large amount of Cd and significant relative re-sidual enrichment of a small amount of Cd in bedrock.key words:carbonate rock;corrosion;cadmium;leaching experiment;enrichment0㊀引㊀言碳酸盐岩是一类杂质(即酸不溶物)质量分数通常极低(<5%)的可溶岩,由其发育的风化剖面(土壤),为基岩中碳酸盐溶解形成残积土和残积土演化的结果[1-2]㊂剖面自下而上,呈基岩ң岩粉层(有时缺失)ң土壤层的分带特征,其中,岩粉层为基岩初步溶蚀形成的粉末状岩石,厚度一般在10cm左右甚至更薄;土壤层为剖面主体,与下伏岩粉层呈清晰突变的接触关系,缺乏过渡结构,二者间的界面称为岩-土界面㊂与硅酸盐类岩石风化剖面的连续演化过程相比,碳酸盐岩风化剖面呈现出独特的剖面构型㊂此外,碳酸盐岩中镉(Cd)的质量比通常极低(0.03~0.065mg/kg[3-4]),明显低于其地壳丰度(0.2mg/kg[5])㊂然而,中国西南岩溶区被认为是地质高背景土壤Cd的分布区[6-7],中国地质调查局在2015年发布的‘中国耕地地球化学调查报告“也强调了西南岩溶区重金属元素超标80%以上由区域地质高背景引起㊂对于碳酸盐岩发育的土壤中Cd富集的成因,通常认为源于基岩溶蚀过程中释放的Cd在残余物中的吸持,并随残余物体积的剧烈缩小变化而浓缩的结果[7-11]㊂不过,笔者[12]最近对贵州岩溶区19条风化剖面中Cd的分布特征及质量平衡计算的结果表明,基岩风化成土过程中,Cd存在强烈亏损的现象㊂在表生环境,Cd是毒性极强的有害元素[13-14],Cd污染已成为全球性的环境问题[15-16]㊂当前,岩溶区土壤中Cd的富集现象及形成机制逐渐成为关注的热点㊂已有对岩溶区土壤Cd富集行为的研究,主要是基于风化剖面发育特征基础上开展的相关工作㊂然而,由于缺失由岩到土转变的中间过渡环节,仅凭在风化剖面蕴含的信息,无法厘清基岩溶蚀形成残积土过程中Cd的地球化学行为,进而影响了对碳酸盐岩风化成土过程中Cd亏损/富集机制的深入了解㊂本文通过对碳酸盐岩样品的淋溶实验,随淋溶进程分析淋出液以及淋溶残余物中Cd及相关参数,以期揭示碳酸盐岩溶蚀过程中Cd的淋溶/残余行为㊂1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀供试样品供试样品为白云岩(Y),灰白色,质地较纯,细粒结晶结构,块状构造㊂采自贵州岩溶区,即文献[12]中剖面18附近的基岩㊂区域上由碳酸盐岩发育的土壤,Cd呈明显富集的趋势[12]㊂样品被破碎至ɤ2mm后备用㊂1.2㊀实验方案为了解样品酸不溶相中Cd的质量分数,以及通过酸不溶物质量分数来确定适当的淋溶实验样品量,进行了酸不溶物提取㊂用1mol/L的盐酸溶液对岩石碎样进行快速溶解,以提取酸不溶物(Yt),提取方法和步骤详见S.J.Wang等[1]㊂研究表明,该浓度提取液不会对碳酸盐岩酸不溶相组分产生明显影响[1,17-18]㊂提取结果显示,酸不溶相占全岩的质量分数极低,为2.48%㊂在淋溶实验中,用饱和CO2水作为淋溶液,室温下,其pH=4.18[19]㊂模拟排水条件良好的风化环境,在整个淋溶实验周期内,环境温度在25~30ħ内㊂对碳酸盐岩淋溶过程中淋出液的分析,采用的淋溶装置如文献[19]所示,装填的白云岩碎样量约60g㊂淋溶过程中,单次淋溶时间为2d (48h),单次淋溶量约4L㊂2Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.第37卷第1期冯志刚等:碳酸盐岩溶蚀作用中Cd 的淋溶/残余行为2023年2月对碳酸盐岩淋溶过程中残余物的分析,采用的淋溶装置如文献[20]所示㊂在淋溶装置内自下而上设置了若干个盛样器,分别放入白云岩碎样的平行样50g(样品编号依次为L 1㊁L 2㊁ ㊁L n ),淋溶液从淋溶柱上端流入,依次流经L n ㊁L n -1㊁ ㊁L 1,最后流出,收集至集液器㊂由上至下,淋溶液每与一件盛样器中的样品发生水-岩反应后,其侵蚀能力就会逐渐减弱㊂由此,在同一个淋溶周期,样品被溶蚀的强度依L n ㊁L n -1㊁ ㊁L 1的顺序降低㊂淋溶终点以L n 中的碳酸盐组分完全溶解为标志(即水-岩反应中观察不到气泡逸出为准)㊂用去离子水清洗各盛样器中样品后烘干备用㊂1.3㊀测试方法对于本文所涉及的淋出液中相关元素的质量浓度,如K㊁Na㊁Ca㊁Mg㊁Cd,用原子吸收分光光度法测定,测试仪器为日本岛津公司生产的AA6300型原子吸收分光光度计,检出限为0.1μg /L㊂用加标回收法进行质量监控,元素K㊁Na㊁Ca㊁Mg 的加标回收率均在95%~105%,Cd 为90%~110%㊂对于固体样品中Rb㊁Sr㊁Zr㊁Cd 等元素,使用加拿大PerkinElmer 公司生产的ELAN DRC-e 四级杆型电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(Q-ICP-MS)测定㊂用两件土壤标样(GSS-4㊁GSS-6)进行质量监控,Rb㊁Sr㊁Zr 的相对误差<10%,Cd<15%㊂矿物成分用日本理学公司生产的dmax /2200型X-射线衍射仪(x-ray diffractometer,XRD)测定,矿物组成的半定量分析根据各矿物特征峰半高宽度计算所得㊂1.4㊀数据处理方法定量表征岩石风化过程中某元素的淋失程度,可以采用质量平衡计算的方法㊂根据G.H.Brimhall 等[21]建立的质量平衡理论,岩石风化过程中,元素j 在风化残余物中的淋失程度可通过质量迁移系数(τj )进行表征:τj =(C j ,w /C j ,p )/(C i ,w /C i ,p )-1(1)式中,C j ,w 和C j ,p 分别代表元素j 在风化残余物(w)和原岩(p)中的质量分数,C i ,w 和C i ,p 分别代表参比元素i (即惰性元素)在风化残余物和原岩中的质量分数㊂τj =0,说明元素j 和i 具有相同的地球化学惰性,元素j 没有发生淋失;τj <0,表示元素j 遭受了淋失,当τj =-1时,表明元素j 已经完全亏损㊂由于Zr 在碳酸盐岩风化过程中比Ti 等其他惰性元素更稳定[20],以Zr 作为参比元素㊂元素j 的亏损率=|τj |ˑ100%㊂2㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀淋溶残余物中矿物/化学成分的变化收集淋溶残余物的实验中设置了8件平行样,以溶蚀程度由弱到强的顺序依次为L 1㊁L 2㊁ ㊁L 8,其中L 8中碳酸盐组分已完全溶解㊂图1显示了淋溶实验中部分样品的XRD 图谱㊂D 白云石;Q 石英;Am 角闪石;Pl 斜长石;S 蒙脱石;I 伊利石;K 高岭石;Go 针铁矿;H 赤铁矿图1㊀供试样品(Y)及其酸不溶物(Yt)㊁部分淋溶残余物(L 1㊁L 3㊁L 5㊁L 8)的XRD 图谱Fig.1㊀XRD spectrum of the tested sample (Y),its acid-insoluble matter (Yt),and some leaching residues (L 1,L 3,L 5and L 8)3Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.第37卷第1期南华大学学报(自然科学版)2023年2月㊀㊀供试样品(Y)只呈现出白云石衍射峰,说明样品Y 为较纯的白云岩,与上述极低的酸不溶物质量分数相吻合㊂随着样品Y 的溶蚀进程,依L 1ңL 3ңL 5ңL 8的顺序,白云石质量分数为96.97%ң43.82%ң24.55%ң0%,呈单调降低的趋势,直至碳酸盐完全消失㊂伴随白云石溶解,酸不溶物组分(如石英㊁角闪石㊁斜长石㊁蒙脱石㊁伊利石㊁高岭石㊁针铁矿㊁赤铁矿)逐渐显示出相应的衍射信号㊂例如,在L 1中,酸不溶相仅出现了石英的微弱衍射峰;随样品Y 溶蚀到L 3㊁L 5㊁L 8阶段,不仅石英的衍射峰增强(即质量分数增大),其余矿物也显示出明显的衍射现象㊂碳酸盐岩溶蚀过程中,酸不溶相在XRD 谱图中出现以及质量分数的增大,首先源于其在淋溶残余物中的相对富集㊂在碳酸盐大量存在的样品中,依靠XRD 图谱难以有效识别酸不溶相是否存在风化倾向㊂对于从样品Y 提取的酸不溶物(Yt)与样品Y 淋溶到酸不溶物(L 8)之间,衍射谱图极为相似,依靠谱图也难以准确厘定L 8相对于Yt 是否出现了进一步风化及其程度㊂在化学成分方面,岩石中微量元素Rb㊁Sr 分别与常量元素K㊁Ca 的化学性质相似,在硅酸盐中,Rb 主要置换K 赋存于碱性长石(钾长石)中,Sr 置换Ca 寄主在斜长石中[22-23]㊂Rb /Sr 可作为风化指数指示硅酸盐组分的风化程度,即比值越大风化程度越强[24]㊂此外,Sr 通过置换Ca 可以进入碳酸盐晶格[5]㊂从图2(a)可以看出(数据见表1),由样品Y 至L 8,随淋溶作用至酸不溶物阶段,Rb /Sr 比值呈持续增大的趋势,主要源于碳酸盐矿物优先溶解导致Sr 的优先释放㊂对于样品L 8和Yt,均属于酸不溶相,前者的Rb /Sr 比值(2.14)大于后者(1.94),说明相对于快速提取的酸不溶物(Yt),淋溶到酸不溶物阶段的组分具有进一步风化的特征㊂图2㊀淋溶残余物中Rb /Sr ㊁Cd 和Zr 质量分数㊁Cd 质量迁移系数随淋溶进程的变化Fig.2㊀Variations of the content ratio of Rb to Sr ,the contents of Cd and Zr ,and mass transfer coefficient ofCd in leached residues of the tested sample with leaching process㊀㊀由图2(b)㊁2(c)可见(数据见表1),随淋溶作用进程,Cd 在残余物中质量分数呈增大的趋势,与惰性元素Zr [25]显示出相似的变化特征㊂由于碳酸盐溶解使赋存在残余物中的元素产生浓缩效应,定量表征淋溶过程中Cd 的亏损行为,需要应用质量平衡计算的方法㊂以Zr 作为参比元素,Cd 在淋溶残余物的质量迁移系数(τCd )见图2(d)所示(数据见表1)㊂碳酸盐岩溶蚀过程中,Cd 呈现出持续亏损的特征㊂淋溶作用伊始Cd 就呈现出明显的淋失,如L 1中碳酸盐轻微溶蚀(其质量分数为97%,见图1),而Cd 的淋失率已为27%(即τCd =-0.27);至L 3,碳酸盐还剩下44%,Cd的淋失率已达70%;当淋溶到酸不溶物阶段(L 8),Cd 的淋失率为83%,与从样品Y 中直接提取的酸不溶物(Yt)的Cd 亏损率(84%)相当㊂Yt 中Cd 的淋失率反映了样品Y 中酸溶相的Cd 占全岩中Cd 的质量比㊂2.2㊀淋出液中化学成分的变化关于测定淋出液成分的实验,本文设定了阶段性溶蚀方案㊂淋溶时间为32d,采样次数为16次(即2d /次)㊂从图3(a)㊁3(b)可见,作为表征白云岩中碳酸盐组分(白云石,CaMg[CO 3]2)的4Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.第37卷第1期冯志刚等:碳酸盐岩溶蚀作用中Cd 的淋溶/残余行为2023年2月Ca㊁Mg,在淋出液的质量浓度分别为84.53~158.27mg /L (平均值为119.87mg /L,下同)㊁45.93~74.39mg /L (59.15mg /L),随淋溶进程未显示出明显变化趋势,说明在设定的淋溶周期内,样品中碳酸盐组分对淋溶液的溶蚀而言是足量的㊂表1㊀供试样品㊁酸不溶物及其淋溶残余物中部分微量元素质量比㊁Rb /Sr 比值及Cd 的质量迁移系数Table 1㊀The contents of some trace elements ,the content ratios of Rb to Sr ,and mass transfer coefficient ofCd in the tested sample ,its acid-insoluble matter and its leached residues样品号微量元素质量比/(mg㊃kg -1)RbSrZrCdRb /Sr τCd Y2.4956.40 1 3.2870.5010.500.150.047-0.27L 27.0471.6017.400.200.098-0.41L 315.9263.0537.660.220.25-0.70L 428.3164.4563.890.400.44-0.68样品号微量元素质量比/(mg㊃kg -1)RbSrZrCdRb /Sr τCd L 576.0063.74172.480.78 1.19-0.77L 694.8265.97212.980.92 1.44-0.78L 7140.966.03333.361.13 2.13-0.83L 8136.5263.91323.671.10 2.14-0.83Yt130.0067.00319.000.98 1.94-0.84图3㊀随淋溶进程供试样品(Y)淋出液中Ca ㊁Mg ㊁Cd 的质量浓度及K /Na 的变化Fig.3㊀Variations of the contents of Ca ,Mg and Cd ,and the content ratios of K to Na in leachingsolution of the tested sample (Y)with leaching process㊀㊀对于Cd(图3(c)),在淋出液的质量浓度为0.1~3.6μg /L,峰值浓度出现在溶蚀早期阶段,随淋溶作用进程,整体上呈降低的趋势㊂这种现象暗示了碳酸盐矿物颗粒表面可能是Cd 重要的赋存位置(如被吸附),从而在淋溶作用早期就充分淋失㊂因此,在样品中碳酸盐组分仍然充足的情况下,淋出液中Cd 的质量浓度随淋溶进程而降低㊂5Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.第37卷第1期南华大学学报(自然科学版)2023年2月另外,与Rb/Sr类似,K/Na通常作为评价硅酸盐组分(特别是长石类矿物)风化强度的风化指标[22]㊂K主要赋存在碱性长石中,对于Na,除了碱性长石,斜长石也是其重要的寄主矿物㊂由于斜长石抗风化能力弱于碱性长石,加之K比Na易于被黏土类矿物吸附,所以风化残余物的K/Na比值越大指示其风化程度越强㊂对于碳酸盐岩溶蚀实验,随淋溶进程,淋出液中K/Na呈降低的趋势(图3(d)),即指示淋溶残余物中K/Na呈增大的特征,说明在碳酸盐溶解的同时,酸不溶相(尤其是长石类组分)也同步显示出风化倾向㊂2.3㊀碳酸盐岩溶蚀过程中Cd的淋溶/残余行为供试样品Y中Cd的质量分数为0.12mg/kg,低于Cd的地壳丰度[5],在其酸不溶物Yt中为0.98mg/kg(图2(b)),说明碳酸盐岩中Cd优先赋存在酸不溶相㊂另一方面,由于碳酸盐岩酸不溶物质量分数极低(2.48%),酸溶相(即碳酸盐相)中Cd占全岩Cd的质量百分数达84%(图2 (d)),具有绝对优势㊂结合对上述淋溶液及淋溶残余物的分析结果,可以看出,排水条件良好的条件下,寄主在碳酸盐相的Cd随碳酸盐岩溶蚀而淋失,其中,赋存在碳酸盐矿物颗粒表面的Cd优先释放㊂直至溶蚀到残余酸不溶物阶段,原岩酸溶相中的Cd也随之淋失殆尽㊂因此,碳酸盐岩溶蚀成残积土过程中,酸溶相中的Cd充分淋失,与此同时,酸不溶相的Cd随其在残余物中集聚而富集㊂碳酸盐岩溶蚀过程中Cd的淋溶/残余行为体现为大量Cd的绝对淋失与少量Cd在残余物中的显著相对富集㊂Cd在岩溶区土壤中富集特别是在岩-土界面土层的超常富集[12],应是在富Cd残积土基础上进一步演化的结果㊂然而,有一种现象令人费解,即伴随碳酸盐溶解,酸不溶相同步显示出风化倾向,不过从淋溶残余物中Cd的质量迁移系数(图2(d))并非显示出有酸不溶相Cd的进一步亏损㊂厘清其机制,需要应用同位素示踪的方法(如Cd同位素),是后续研究工作的重要内容㊂3㊀结㊀论1)贫Cd碳酸盐岩中的Cd(0.12mg/kg)优先在酸不溶相富集(0.98mg/kg),且样品中酸不溶物质量分数仅为2.48%㊂然而,由于基岩中酸不溶物质量分数极低,碳酸盐相(酸溶相)中Cd占全岩中Cd的质量比仍具有绝对优势㊂此外,在碳酸盐相,矿物颗粒表面也是Cd重要的赋存位置㊂2)碳酸盐岩溶蚀过程中,酸溶相的Cd随碳酸盐溶解而淋失,其中,赋存在碳酸盐矿物颗粒表面的Cd被优先释放㊂同时,酸不溶相的Cd随酸不溶物在淋溶残余物中的集聚而富集㊂3)碳酸盐岩溶蚀形成残积土的过程就是基岩中大量Cd绝对淋失与少量Cd显著相对残余富集的过程㊂因此,对于岩溶区Cd的环境影响,不仅要关注土壤,也要重视地下水㊂参考文献:[1]WANG S J,JI H B,OUYANG Z Y,et al.Preliminary study on weathering and pedogenesis of carbonate rock[J]. 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abandoned drives [ə’bændənd] [draivs]废巷道abrasion resistance [ə'breiʒən] [ri'zistəns] 抗磨蚀能力abrasive [ə'breisiv]磨料absorbent [əb’sɔ:bənt] 吸收剂access ramp [’ækses] [ræmp]出入沟,出入引道accessory minerals [ək'sesəri][’minərəls]副矿物accidental explosion [,æksi'dentəl][ik’spləuʒən] 意外爆炸Accumulated losses 累计亏损Acid Mine Drainage 矿山酸性废水Acidic run—off water from mine waste dumps and mill tailings ponds containing sulphide minerals。

Also refers to ground water pumped to surface from mines。

acid mine water [’æsid][main] [’wɔ:tə] 酸性矿水acid resistant ['æsid][ri’zistənt] 耐酸的acid rock [’æsid] [rɔk] 酸性岩acidite ['æsidait]酸性岩acidulation 酸化acquirer投资主体Acquisition premium 收购溢价activated charcoal ['æktiveitid] ['tʃɑ:kəul] 活性煤activator ['æktiveitə]活化剂adamic earth [’ædəmik] [ə:θ]红粘土additive ['æditiv]添加剂adhere [əd’hiə] 粘着adhesion force [əd'hi:ʒən] [fɔ:s] 粘附力Adit [’ædit]平硐An opening driven horizontally into the side of a mountain or hill for providing access to a mineral deposit.adit collar ['ædit] ['kɔlə] 平硐口adit cut mining ['ædit] [kʌt] ['mainiŋ]平硐开采adjustable prop [ə'dʒʌstəbl][prɔp]伸缩式支柱Administration and Corporate expenses行政管理及公司费用Administrative expenses 管理费用adobe blasting [ə’dəubi] ['blɑ:stiŋ]裸露装药爆破adobe shot [ə’dəubi] [ʃɔt] 裸露装药爆破advancement [əd'vɑ:nsmənt,əd'væns-] 掘进advancing along the strike [əd'vɑ:nsiŋ] [ə’lɔŋ][straik] 沿走向掘进Aeromagnetic survey 航磁测绘A geophysical survey using a magnetometer aboard,or towed behind,an aircraft。



§8-1 Introduction
2 规定
气体混合物: Mixture or Rich Gas ~ A+B
溶质:Solute ~A
K 惰性气体:An Inert Gas ~B E 吸收剂:Solvent ~S
Y 溶解度:Solubility
W 可溶的:Soluble
例如,当在填料塔中 用水吸收气体中的 NH3时,在塔内的任 意一点上,在气相浓 度梯度的驱使下, NH3由气相主体扩散 至气~液界面,在界 面上溶解。然后,在 液相浓度梯度驱使下, 扩散至液相主体。
In stripping a solute from a liquid the gradients are reversed; here diffusion brings solute from the bulk liquid to the interface and from there into the gas phase.
端移去扩散组分, 扩散组分便具有稳
there is a steady-state flux of 定的传质通量。这
the diffusing component.
This is characteristic of many
mass-transfer operations. 的特点。
For example, when ammonia is removed from a gas by absorption in water in a packed column, at each point in the column a concentration gradient in the gas phase causes ammonia to diffuse to the gas-liquid interface, where it dissolves, and a gradient in the liquid phase causes it to diffuse into the bulk liquid.

Language Transfer

Language Transfer

Language TransferDefinition of Language TransferAt first, let’s take a look at the phrase of “Language transfer”.“Transfer” is originally a basic concept in psychology. In psychology, it refers to “the phenomenon of previous knowledge being extended to the area of new knowledge, this is to say, the influence which we learning or remembering of one thing has on which we learning or remembering of another thing”. And it is this concept that forms the psychological basis for “language transfer”.The notion of “language transfer”, at its birth, was closely related to the behaviorist行为主义者theories. They assumed that learners tended to transfer the characteristics of their native languages and cultures into the foreign languages and cultures that they were learning. Accordingly, when we make errors in second language learning is the result of the interference of our mother tongue learning because of differences between the two. Interference as such is called Negative Transfer. Negative transfer is one that interferes with our second language learning in later situation. Specifically, it refers to the use of native language patterns or rule that leads to an error or inappropriate form in the target language (=second language in my report). Similarities between the first language and second language, on the other hand, are believed to facilitate帮助促进the learning of the second language. Facilitation as such is called Positive Transfer. It may help or facilitate language learning in another later situation, and may occur when both the native language and the targetlanguage have the same form.Possible English-learning obstaclesA learner's mother tongue that we also call one's First Language and it always has great impact on his or her Second Language. For example, we are Chinese and our mother tongue is Chinese. In this class, what we are learning now is English, our second language. So we can say that our first language Chinese influence our second language’ performance greatly. As a result, I think that the essential reason why we Chinese students face plenty of obstacles in learning English, even the majority of them are very diligent, is the impact of our mother tongue. So now I will list these obstacles that we Chinese students may face in Chinese environment.I will begin from our writing problems.Writing is the mostcomprehensive全面的充分理解的reflection of the learners’ target language ability. So writing is an essential skill when we learn a second language. Chinglish expression is the most representative errors for our Chinese students through this part. And they usually form thecompositions in Chinese, and then translate it into English. For twosimple instances, when some people translate the sentence of “他的英语说得很好”into English.He or she says: His English says ver y well.And this is Chinglish expression. Then let’s see the next sentence,everybody in the world hopes that they can be happy, I am also. “I am also” is a sentence of typical Chinglish expression too. According to this sentence, we know he or she wants to express the Chinese meaning“我也是”, but he or she does not know that in English there is aparticular structure to express this meaning and thinks that theexpression “I am also” is right as far as English grammar is concerned.We reproduced that sentence is that, everybody in the world hopes that they can be happy, so do I.However, what is important for us is how we can overcome this obstacle. In my view, the different thinking modes in English and Chinese are the major causes of Chinglish expressions.S ince one’s thinking mode is deeply rooted in his mind, it is verydifficult for us to change it. So as a learner, if we want to improve our English writing, we must train ourselves more, and to know more about English. We should realize the importance of writing in our study and life, even in our future work. Do as the follows, and we will gain more. First, thinking in English. To think in English, learners should avoid relating everything to their native language by making the second language as a separate system. Learners should learn to live with uncertainty in order to keep their writing.(2) Reading in English extensively.The more a student reads, the better his writing becomes. Reading widely is one of the best ways to acquire native-like English. So, after-class reading with more kinds of materialsshould be done.Now I talk about our listening and speaking English problems.To the majority of us, even we learn English usually or learn English every day, we find that after a month or a long period of time, our oralEnglish and listening skill do not improve very much. At that time, we will feel depressed and do not have confidence to learn English anymore. Take one of my high school classmates for example, she ishardworking in learning English, but her score in listening part is very low at every examination. She felt sad and don’t know why. In myopinion, the cause of my classmate’s failure in English listening is the impact of our Chinese environment. She doesn’t have enoughopportunities to communica te with others in English and what’ more the time she listens our mother tongue nearly spending her all dayexcept in the English class. On the contrary, a classmate of mine, he usually takes part in our school’s English corner and he has anAmerican friend who is his neighbor. Consequently, his oral English and listening English are both well. So, in order to improve our oral English and listening English, we should catch chances to practicemore. For instance, we’d better take actively part in English Spe ech Match, participate in English corner usually and such activity that can let us practice English more. In a word, we should put ourselves in an English environment. In this way, we will improve greatly and quickly.Our English teachers should try their best to set a real practicing scene in classroom for us, like now is very practical.Now let’s talk about English reading.Reading comprehension always occupies an important position in English teaching in China. Most difficulties encountered by our college students inreading can be classified into three sorts. The first sort is that the learners cannot grasp the meaning of reading material even though they know the meaning of every word in this material and have no doubt about the grammatical structures. The second is that the learnt meanings of some words seem inappropriate in the text that we read. The last one turns out to be that reading is hard to continue in case of meeting several new words. I think all the above phenomena reveal that our Chinese student's reading comprehension remains in the level of words and sentences instead of discourse谈话演讲语段and the concept of discourse has not been well established. These phenomena result from the traditional procedure in reading teaching which starts with words, then sentences, and finally the whole discourse. I think we can reverse the procedure in reading, start with discourse and then come to deal with those difficult sentences and words. Have a try, and you may feel different.Finally, second language acquisition is based on grasping mother language. Therefore, the transfer will appear certainly. All we can do is to find it and then make full use of positive transfer and reduce the negative influence of it.。

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Leaching and mass transfer characteristics of elements from ion-adsorption type rare earth oreYan-Fei Xiao,Zong-Yu Feng,Gu-Hua Hu,Li Huang,Xiao-Wei Huang*,Ying-Ying Chen,Ming-Lai LiReceived:22December 2014/Revised:28January 2015/Accepted:20March 2015/Published online:22April 2015ÓThe Nonferrous Metals Society of China and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015Abstract The differences in the leaching and mass transfer characteristics of ion-adsorption type rare earth ore between rare earth and non-rare earth impurities were in-vestigated.It is determined that the leaching kinetics of rare earths (REs),Mg and Ca could be described by the shrinking-core model.The leaching rate is controlled by inner diffusion and is in the order of Mg [Ca [RE.The apparent activation energy is 8.48,6.79and 6.32kJ Ámol -1,respectively.In leaching system of Al,the leaching effi-ciency decreases with the increase in temperature because of hydrolysis reactions.The leaching efficiency of alu-minum increases firstly and then decreases with the pas-sage of time when the temperature is higher than 35°C.Besides,there is a good consistency in leaching charac-teristics and mass transfer,and the order of the time-to-peak is Mg \Ca \RE \Al.Therefore,rare earth and non-rare earth may be partly separated by expanding the separation coefficient.The research could provide atheoretic basis for the separation of rare earth and non-rare earth impurities.Furthermore,compound leaching with magnesium salt and calcium salt is innovatively proposed to solve the problem of calcium and magnesium nutrient loss in the soil as well as eliminate ammonia-nitrogen emissions from the source.Keywords Rare earth;Leaching;Non-rare earth impurities;Mass transfer1IntroductionBecause of their unique physicochemical properties,rare earth (RE)elements are considered indispensable in mod-ern industries.They are extensively used in areas such as new energy,new materials,aeronautics,astronautics and electronic information,especially for the mid–heavy rare earths [1–3].The ion-adsorption type rare earth ores,mainly located in China,especially in Jingxi,Fujian,Hu-nan,Guangdong,Yunnan and Guangxi provinces [4],are the main resources of mid–heavy rare earths in the world.Also,this kind of ore was found in Myanmar and Vietnam [5].It is reported that RE in the ion-adsorption type rare earth ore mainly exists as ion-exchangeable phase adsorbed on clay minerals,accounting for more than 80%of total RE [6,7].Conventional physical processing methods,such as flotation,magnetic,gravity and electrostatic separation,are found to be ineffective in the recovery of rare earths from ion-adsorption type rare earth ore.But the adsorbed rare earths can be desorbed when encountering more chemically active cations (for example,Na ?,NH 4?and Mg 2?).The schematic plot of exchange process is shown in Fig.1.The leaching process of the ore is a kind of ion-exchangeable process between the positive ions in theY.-F.Xiao,Z.-Y.Feng,L.Huang,X.-W.Huang*,M.-L.Li National Engineering Research Center for Rare Earth Materials,General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals,Beijing 100088,Chinae-mail:hxw0129@Y.-F.Xiao,Z.-Y.Feng,L.Huang,X.-W.Huang,M.-L.Li Grirem Advanced Materials Co.Ltd.,Beijing 100088,China G.-H.HuChalco Guangxi Nonferrous Rare Earth Development Co.Ltd.,Nanning 530000,ChinaY.-Y.ChenSchool of Chemical Engineering,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102200,ChinaRare Met.(2015)34(5):357–365RARE METALSDOI 10.1007/s12598-015-0481-x/rmetsolution and clay minerals [8].Taking NH 4?for example,the chemical reaction equation is as follows:Al 4Si 4O 10ðÞðOH)8½ m ÁRE 3þðs)þ3NH þ4ðaq)$Al 4Si 4O 10ðÞðOH)8½ m Á3NH þ4ðs ÞþRE 3þðaq)ð1ÞThe ion-adsorption type rare earth ore is an unconsolidated bed of clay minerals.Column leaching,heap leaching and in situ leaching are used in the industrial practice [9].Nowadays,rare earth is recovered by in situ leaching process with (NH 4)2SO 4solution in the industry and precipitated with ammonium bicarbonate.However,there are also a lot of non-rare earth impurities in the ion-exchangeable phase adsorbed on clays.They are exchanged by (NH 4)2SO 4solution and enter into the leaching solution along with the leaching of rare earths [10,11].The loss of calcium,magnesium and other nutrients would lead to a worse state for the soil of southern China where the ion-exchangeable magnesium and ion-exchangeable calcium are originally insufficient [12,13],causing adverse effects on plant growth.Moreover,non-rare earth impurity ions such as Ca 2?,Mg 2?,Al 3?and Fe 3?would react with precipitation,forming CaCO 3,MgCO 3,Al(OH)3,Fe(OH)3,RE 2(CO 3)3ÁMCO 3ÁH 2O,etc.It would cause several negative influences,such as low product purity,low rare earth yield and high consumption of precipitant and even affect crystallization properties of rare earth carbonate [6,14].Besides,the non-rare earth impurities in rare earth carbonate precipitation,especially the Al 3?and Fe 3?,would increase operating loads of the follow-up separation process.At present,part of the impurities in the leaching solution are removed by pH-adjusting process in which ammonium bicarbonate is applied in industry,as shown in Fig.2.Furthermore,there are many reports focused on the removal of impurities in the leaching solution by centrifugal sedimentation [15]and liquid membrane extraction [16],as well as on the inhibited leaching with the depressants [6,17].These methods would make the process complex and increase the production cost.So in practice,it is expected that the non-rare earth impurities could not be leached or could be separated in leaching process in order to get ahigh-quality solution without impurity removal procedure and maintain the soil nutrition.In this paper,the differences in the leaching and mass transfer characteristics of ion-adsorption type rare earth ore between rare earth and non-rare earth impurities were de-veloped by agitation leaching and column leaching,re-spectively.This would provide a theoretic basis and a scientific approach for separating the rare earth and non-rare earth impurities in leaching process,as well as keeping the soil nutrients.2Experimental2.1Characterization and composition of experimentalrare earth ore The experimental samples of ion-adsorption type rare earth ores were collected from Liutang (LT)Rare Earth Mine Area located in the Chongzuo,Guangxi,China,which was referred to LT rare earth ore.The chemical compositionsofFig.1Schematic plot of exchangeprocessFig.2Simplified extraction process of ion-adsorption type rare earth ore358Y.-F.Xiao et al.ion-exchangeable phase of rare earth and non-rare earth impurities are listed in Table1,and the partitioning of the ion-exchangeable phase of rare earth oxide is shown in Table2.They were analyzed by National Tungsten and Rare-earth Product Quality Supervision Testing Center, Ganzhou,China,and determined with inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES,VAR-IAN,720-ES).The iron impurity was out of consideration for its low content in tests.It is evident that the LT ore was the rare earth ore with middle Y and rich Eu.2.2Batch leaching experimental procedureAll chemicals,such as(NH4)2SO4(AR,Sinopharm Che-mical Reagent Co.,Ltd.),used in the study,were of analytic reagent grade.In the leaching characteristics research,the tests were conducted in a500-ml three-neckedflask which was par-tially immersed into a heated water bath to control the leaching temperature in the range of10–55°C.And the three-neckedflask wasfitted with a thermometer,stirrer paddle and a bottle stopper[18].A total of200ml of 0.20molÁL-1(NH4)2SO4solution was put in the reactor and preheated to desired leaching temperature.Then40g particle ore with average size of0.75mm was placed into the reactor,and stirrer was rapidly stabilized at400 rÁmin-1.After completion of each given time experiment, 5ml samples were collected by a pipette and rapidly transferred to centrifuge tube with40ml deionized dis-tilled water.Then a centrifuge(Eppendorf Centrifuge 5804(R)/5810(R))was employed to solid–liquid separa-tion.The liquid was diluted to50ml with deionized dis-tilled water and analyzed by ICP-AES(PerkinElmer,Co., Ltd.,Optima8300).The columns with40mm in inner diameter with heat preservation tube were used as the apparatus in the mass transfer experiments,and peristaltic pump(Baoding Longer Precision Pump Co.,Ltd.,BT100-1F)was used to control theflow rate of leaching agent.In the mass transfer process,300g rare earth ore with average particle size of 1.0mm and10%moisture content was packed into the column and then slightly taped on the column to make the packed bed height of20cm.The column was eluted with0.20molÁL-1(NH4)2SO4atflow rate of0.60mlÁmin-1,ina specified temperature.Leaching solution samples(25ml) were collected from the bottom of column and analyzed by ICP-AES(PerkinElmer,Co.,Ltd.,Optima8300).From the analysis results,the leaching efficiency of rare earth and non-rare earth could be defined as:g¼e t=e0or g¼e v=e0ð2Þwhere g(%)is the rare earth leaching efficiency;e t(g)is the total amount of an element in the leaching solution before leaching time,t(s),in the leaching characteristics researches;e v(g)is the total amount of an element in the leaching solution before the collected volume,V(ml),in the mass transfer experiments;e0(g)represents the total amount of an element present in the original ore sample. 3Results and discussion3.1Leaching characteristics of rare earth and non-rareearth impuritiesIf the rare earth ore particles are considered as spherical particles and the reacted clay mineral is considered as pro-duct layer,the leaching process can be described by the shrinking-core model.It was reported that the leaching process with(NH4)2SO4solution could be subdivided into five steps[19],as shown in Fig.3:(1)diffusion of the leaching reagent(NH4?)through the liquorfilm to the sur-face of the clay minerals(outer diffusion);(2)diffusion of NH4?through the product layer to the surface of the shrinking core(inner diffusion);(3)ion-exchangeable re-action of RE3?with NH4?(chemical reaction);(4)diffusion of the exchanged RE3?through the product layer to the surface of the clay minerals(inner diffusion);(5)diffusion of the RE3?through the liquorfilm back into the solution of the fluid(outer diffusion).The leaching equation of the kinetics can be divided into four models which are expressed as follows[20]:Chemical reaction controls:1Àð1ÀgÞ1=3¼k1tð3ÞOuter diffusion controls:1Àð1ÀgÞ1=3¼k2tð4ÞInner diffusion controls:Table1Main chemical compositions of ion-exchangeable phase ofLT rare earth ore sample(wt%)RE2O3Mg Ca Al Fe Others0.1500.0050.0250.003\0.001Bal.Table2Partitioning of ion-exchangeable phase in LT rare earth ore(wt%)La2O3CeO2Pr6O11Nd2O3Sm2O3Eu2O3Gd2O3Tb4O7Dy2O3Ho2O3Er2O3Tm2O3Yb2O3Lu2O3Y2O3 21.87 2.99 5.3218.68 3.980.68 4.570.78 4.430.88 2.360.29 1.510.2031.46 Leaching and mass transfer characteristics of elements from ion-adsorption type rare earth ore3591À2=3g Àð1Àg Þ2=3¼k 3t ð5ÞMixed controls:1Àð1Àg Þ1=3¼k 4c 0Mr 0pt ð6Þwhere k 1,k 2,k 3and k 4(s -1)are the apparent reaction rate constants for different control steps,respectively;t (s)is leaching time;c 0(mol ÁL -1)represents the initial concentration of leaching agent;r 0(mm),p (cm 3Ág -1)and M (g Ámol -1)represent the average initial radius,the molar density and the molar mass of the ore sample particle,respectively.As is known to all,the Arrhenius equation could be expanded and represented as follows:k ¼Ar n 0eÀERTor ln k ¼ln A þn ln r 0ÀERTð7Þwhere k is the rate constant (min -1),n is the order of the ore particle size,A is the apparent pre-exponential factor,R is the universal gas constant (J Ámol -1Ák -1),T is leaching temperature (K),and E is activation energy (kJ Ámol -1).According to the Arrhenius law,temperature could make a great effect,not only on rate constant,but also on reaction mechanism.Hence,a series of temperature ex-periments in range of 10–55°C were carried out to study the leaching characteristics of rare earth and non-rare earth.3.1.1Rare earth leaching characteristicsThe effect of temperature on the rare earth leaching effi-ciency was examined at different leaching time periods,as shown in Fig.4.The leaching efficiency of rare earth in-creases with leaching time increasing in the initial 150s,which indicates that rare earth leaching behavior is con-trolled by kinetics.Then the leaching rate slows down,suggesting that the leaching process approaches to a ther-modynamic control.The higher the temperature is,the severer the thermal motion of ions is,the faster the speed of the reaction and diffusion is.Thus,the higher the leaching temperature is,the better the rare earth leaching efficiency in 600s is.Finally,the efficiency would exceed 95%when the leaching time is long enough in any temperature.The data of the rare earth leaching rate are substituted into the kinetic control model of the shrinking-core model.The results show that the data meet the requirement in Eq.(5),which is shown in Fig.5.It is suggested that the leaching rate is controlled by inner diffusion [21].As is shown in Fig.5,the leaching apparent reaction rate constants increase with the rise of temperature,whose values are 0.82910-3(10°C),0.94910-3(25°C), 1.09910-3(35°C),Fig.3Shrinking-core model of oreparticleFig.4Effect of leaching temperature on rare earth leaching efficiency (g )360Y.-F.Xiao et al.1.21910-3(45°C)and 1.32910-3(55°C),respec-tively.According to the Arrhenius law,the kinetic infor-mation could be obtained by plotting ln k3versus1/T,as shown in Fig.6.The apparent activation energy(E)of the leaching process calculated from the slope of the straight line is8.48kJÁmol-1.This value falls within the activation energy conventionally found in inner diffusion-controlled leaching processes,which is in the range of4–12kJÁmol-1 [22].3.1.2Calcium leaching characteristicsThere is almost the same regular pattern about the effect of temperature on the calcium leaching efficiency,which could be seen from the curves in Fig.7.However,the absorption ability of clay to bivalent cations is lower than that to trivalent cations,and calcium ions are easier to be exchanged into the liquor[6].Migration velocity of cal-cium ions is faster than rare earth ion because of its small ionic radius.So the leaching rate of calcium is always higher than that of the rare earth under the same leaching temperature,as well as the apparent reaction rate constants, as shown in Fig.8.Figure8is plots of1-2/3g-(1-g)2/3versus time for different temperatures of calcium.The apparent reaction rate constants are1.26910-3(10°C), 1.43910-3(25°C),1.59910-3(35°C),1.73910-3 (45°C)and1.86910-3(55°C),respectively.It is obvi-ous that the leaching rate of calcium is also controlled by inner diffusion and its activation energy is6.79kJÁmol-1 calculated by Arrhenius,which is listed in Fig. leaching characteristicsThe effect of temperature on magnesium leaching effi-ciency is presented in Fig.10.As seen in Fig.10,the leaching efficiency of magnesium rapidly increasesto Fig.5Plots of1-2/3g-(1-g)2/3versus time for differenttemperatures of rareearthFig.6Arrhenius plot of leaching rare earth from LT rare earthoreFig.7Effect of leaching temperature on calcium leaching efficiency(g)Fig.8Plots of1-2/3g-(1-g)2/3versus time for differenttemperatures of calciumLeaching and mass transfer characteristics of elements from ion-adsorption type rare earth ore361above 90%with the increase in time.The efficiency would be more than 95%finally when the leaching time is long enough in any temperature.Then the data are dealt by the same method,and the plots of 1-2/3g -(1-g )2/3versus time for different temperatures are calculated and shown in Fig.11.Arrhenius plot of leaching magnesium from the LT rare earth ore is listed in Fig.12.The result shows that the leaching rate of magnesium is always higher than that of calcium in the same leaching temperature.Its activation energy is 6.32kJ Ámol -1calculated by Arrhenius from the data in Fig.12.The hydrated ionic radius of magnesium is bigger than that of calcium,so the charge density of hydrated magnesium ions is smaller,and the absorption ability of clay to magnesium is smaller than that to calcium [23,24],so the rate of inner diffusion is faster.Therefore,the activation energy is small,and the leaching rate is high.3.1.4Aluminum leaching characteristicsThe effect of temperature on aluminum leaching efficiency is presented in Fig.13,whose curves are much different from the above three elements.As seen in Fig.13,when the leaching temperature is lower than 25°C,the leaching efficiency of aluminum increases rapidly in the initial 90s and then slowly.However,the leaching efficiency of alu-minum increases rapidly to 50%in the first 60s when the leaching temperature is higher than 35°C.Then it in-creases slowly between 60and 90s,and finally decreases.In the system,the pH of leaching solution is 5.8.Only the water-soluble aluminum and ion-exchangeable aluminum would participate in leaching reaction.The leaching ki-netics of Al should also be controlled by inner diffusion,just like other three elements.However,the hydrolysis reaction of aluminum would also occur under the circum-stances.At the beginning,Al 3?concentration is low in the solution.Meanwhile,hydrated ion forms.The main reac-tion is leaching,so the aluminum efficiency increases with the increase in temperature.With the increase in time,the degree of hydrolysis reaction increases with the increaseinFig.9Arrhenius plot of leaching calcium from LT rare earthoreFig.10Effect of leaching temperature on magnesium leaching efficiency (g)Fig.11Plots of 1-2/3g -(1-g )2/3versus time for different temperatures ofmagnesiumFig.12Arrhenius plot of leaching magnesium from LT rare earth ore362Y.-F.Xiao et al.Al 3?concentration.In addition,the higher the temperature is,the more significant the influence on hydrolysis reaction is [25–27].As a result,the above-mentioned phenomenon appears,which conforms with the discovery in the reports given by Xu and Ji [28].3.2Mass transfer of rare earth and non-rare earthimpurities in columns Just like the method used in the mass transfer study in column elution of rare earths reported in previous work [29],the column leaching experiment was carried out to study the mass transfer of rare earth and non-rare earth impurities in the condition of 0.20mol ÁL -1(NH 4)2SO 4with initial pH of 5.8,at flow rate of 0.60ml Ámin -1and 20°C.The leaching concentration curves are constructed and presented in Fig.14.There is a peak concentration in every curve,and the order of the time-to-peak is Mg \Ca \RE \Al.Theleaching efficiency curves of rare earth and non-rare earth impurities in columns are listed in Fig.15.It could be seen that the leaching efficiency of RE,Mg and Ca is 95%and the leaching efficiency of Al is just about 70%because of the hydrolysis of aluminum.All of above results are con-sistent with leaching characteristics of rare earth and non-rare earth impurities.Furthermore,in order to verify the effect of temperature on the aluminum leaching efficiency,the tests in different temperatures were examined at the packed bed ore height of 20cm with a flow rate of 0.60ml Ámin -1.The leaching efficiency curves of aluminum are illustrated in Fig.16.It is indicated that the aluminum leaching efficiency increases with the decrease in tem-perature,which also agrees with the leaching characteristics of aluminum.It is obvious that there is a good consistency in leaching characteristics and mass transfer,and there is just a small separation coefficient between rare earth and non-rare earth impurities.If the differences in masstransferFig.13Effect of leaching temperature on aluminum leaching efficiency (g )a and corresponding regional enlarged curves marked by ovalbFig.14Leaching concentration curves of rare earth and non-rare earth impurities incolumn Fig.15Leaching efficiency curves of rare earth and non-rare earth impurities in columnsLeaching and mass transfer characteristics of elements from ion-adsorption type rare earth ore 363could be magnified through changing the leaching condi-tion,such as rising the temperature and increasing the col-umn height,rare earth and non-rare earth impurities especially aluminum ions may be partly separated by in-tercepting peak solution.Moreover,the result shows that the magnesium and calcium nutrients in the soil (or the ion-adsorption type rare earth ore)would be inevitably lost first while rare earth is recovered.This would lead to difficulty in growth for plant and have adverse effects on rehabilitation of leaching tailings [30].Therefore,our laboratory proposes a new technology [31]that provides the recovery of rare earths from ion-adsorption type rare earth ore by compound leaching with magnesium salt and calcium salt.With this new technology,calcium and magnesium nutrients which lack in the soil of Southern China could be supplemented,and ammonia-nitrogen emissions could be reduced or even eliminated from the source.This would be an important research field in the future studies.4ConclusionThe non-rare earth impurities,which contain calcium,magnesium,aluminum,etc.,would be exchanged and enter into the leach liquor when rare earths are recovered from ion-adsorption type rare earth ore with ammonium sulfate solution.Such impurities could influence the quality of rare earth precipitation,increase the cost,and even affect crystallization properties of rare earth carbonate.More-over,nutrients in the soil would be lost during rare earth recovering process.The differences in the leaching and mass transfer characteristics between rare earth and non-rare earth impurities were investigated in this study,at-tempting to separate them and keep the soil nutrients such as calcium and magnesium in the leaching process.The results show that the leaching efficiencies of RE,Ca and Mg increase rapidly in original 100s and then increase slowly with the passage of time at any temperature.The leaching rate of rare earth increases with the increase in leaching temperature.The leaching kinetics of RE,Ca and Mg could be described by the shrinking-core model and are all controlled by inner diffusion,and the apparent activation energies are 8.48,6.79and 6.32kJ Ámol -1,respectively.In leaching system of Al,leaching reaction and hydrolysis re-action coexist and are greatly affected by temperature.Thus,the leaching efficiency of aluminum increases at first and then decreases with the passage of time.The leaching effi-ciency of aluminum decreases with the increase in tem-perature finally,when the temperature is higher than 35°C.What is more,it shows good consistency in leaching char-acteristics and mass transfer,and the order of the time-to-peak is Mg \Ca \RE \Al in column leaching.There is just a small separation coefficient between rare earth and non-rare earth impurities.Rare earth and non-rare earth impurities especially aluminum ions may be partly separated by intercepting peak solution if the separation coefficient could be magnified.It would provide another perspective and a theoretic basis for separation of rare earth and non-rare earth impurities.Moreover,the magnesium and calcium nutrients in the soil would be leached first in the leaching process.This would have adverse effects on plant growth,so compound leaching with magnesium salt and calcium salt is proposed,which would be studied in the future.Acknowledgments This study was financially supported by the National Science and Technology Support Program of China (No.2012BAE01B02).References[1]Shokobayev NM,Bouffier C,Dauletbakov TS.Rare earthmetals sorption recovery from uranium in situ leaching process solutions.Rare Met.2015;34(3):195.[2]Xiao YF,Long ZQ,Huang XW,Feng ZY,Cui DL,Wang LS.Study on non-saponification extraction process 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