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上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明
本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研 究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个 人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集 体, 均已在文中以明确方式标明。 本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。
时遮挡问题。为此,我们制定了一种跟踪策略,将跟踪过程分为 7 种不同的事件 来处理。跟踪过程中目标经常合并和分离,对目标匹配提出了较高的要求,我们 采用基于颜色直方图相似度的特征匹配方法来对连续图像中的目标进行匹配。 为
了识别尾随行为,给出了尾随行为的定义和具体的尾随行为识别过程。 4. 为了使监控系统适应室外场景,本文研究了视频图像中背景运动目标雨
日期: 2009 年 2 月 2 日
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高斯背景模型方法,并且针对混合高斯模型相邻像素间颜色相关性不强的特点, 提出了一种改进方法来更新高斯参数,提高混合高斯建模的实时性。 2. 对于运动阴影的检测在动态场景分析系统中是至关重要的,因为在运动
分割和目标检测中,阴影点经常会被误认为是目标点。我们在反尾随监控系统中 将常用的基于归一化 rgb 色彩空间的阴影检测方法与混合高斯阴影模型结合, 来 检测阴影。 3. 对于目标跟踪来说,一个主要的难点就是跟踪过程中运动目标之间的临
第 VII 页
Mixture Modeling more efficiently in real-time application. 2. Because shadow point always misjudges as objective point in motion segmentation and object detection, it is crucial to detect moving shadow in dynamic scene analysis. In our anti-tailgating surveillance system commonly used shadow detection method based on normalized rgb color space combined with Gaussian Mixture Shadow Model to detect moving shadow. 3. One of the main difficulties of the tracking process concerns the partial or total temporal occlusions of the objects. Therefore, we establish a tracking strategy to divide tracking process into seven different events to handle with. Objects can be divided and merged in tracking process which gives a high requirement for object matching. One character matching method based on color histogram similarity has been used to make objects matching in image sequence. In order to recognize tailgating behavior, definition of this behavior and detailed tailgating recognition process are given in the thesis. 4. For the purpose of making surveillance system suitable for outdoor scenes, one kind of background moving objects, rain drops has been studied and we develop a rain detection and removal method from video images. Based on analysis of rain’s physical and optical model in camera we detect rain spots taking advantage of improved frame difference method and K-means clustering method respectively and draw comparison. At last, we present a more effective rain removal method than classical.
Keywords: Gaussian Mixture Model, Shadow detection, color histogram similarity,
tailgating behavior, rain detection and removal,K-means clustering
第 VIII 页
滴的检测和去除的方法。在分析了雨滴的物理和光学模型基础上,分别利用改进 的帧差法和 K 均值聚类法进行雨滴的检测并进行比较,并提出了一种效果更良 好的雨滴消除方法。
与去除,K 均值聚类
第 VI 页
Analysis technology of moving objects in video processing has been utilized widely nowadays. In general, analysis of moving objects can be classified as detection, tracking, recognition and behavior understanding of moving objects. Detection and tracking of moving objects is the basis of others which pay great attention to such studying contents as extracting regions of interested moving objects from series of images, analyzing character of moving objects in order to match character and track, estimating parameters of movement and so on. Behavior recognition is analysis technology which makes use of computer language to define target behaviors according to different events and recognizes behaviors in specified scenes on the basis of detection and tracking of moving objects. This thesis builds a video surveillance system for recognition of tailgating behavior on the basis of summarizing some leading object detection and tracking algorithms. In a meanwhile we do a deep research in background modeling, shadow removal and target tracking related algorithms and improve some basic methods before presenting a definition of tailgating behavior for recognition. It is inevitable for some backgrounds to be influenced by weather especially in those outdoor scenes. Even if a robust background modeling method can not obtain dynamic background from rain or snow climate. This thesis applies algorithms of fast-moving object detection and removal as a basis to rain detection and removal in image background innovatively. The work this thesis done is as following: 1. This thesis analyzes common background modeling methods at present and utilizes Gaussian Mixture Background Model for dynamic background in image sequence. Thanks to little color correlation between adjacent pixels in Gaussian Mixture Model, we present an improved method to update Gaussian parameter to make Gaussian
上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 视频场景中的运动分析与处理 姓名:张颖翔 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:模式识别与智能系统 指导教师:刘允才 20090101
在视频处理中,运动目标的分析技术运用的非常广泛,一般的运动目标分析 可以分为运动目标的检测、跟踪、识别和行为理解。其中最为基础的是运动目标 检测与跟踪,主要研究从一系列图像中提取感兴趣的运动目标区域、分析运动目 标特征进行特征匹配与跟踪,估计运动参数等内容。行为识别是建立在运动目标 检测和跟踪基础上的分析技术,主要针对不同的事件,利用计算机语言定义目标 行为,在特定的场景中识别行为。 本文在总结当前一些主要的目标检测与跟踪算法基础上, 建立了一个专门识 别尾随行为的视频监控系统,并且对背景建模、阴影去除、目标跟踪相关算法进 行了深入研究,改进了一些基本的算法,并且提出了一种尾随行为的定义来进行 识别。在很多室外场景下,一些背景难免会受到天气的影响,即使是再鲁棒的背 景建模方法也无法得到雨雪天气下的动态背景, 本文在对快速运动目标检测和消 除的算法进行研究基础上,将其创新性的应用于背景中雨滴的检测与去除上,以 下是本文所做的主要工作: 1. 分析了目前常用的背景建模方法,针对序列图像的动态背景,采用混合