International Marketing (Chap010)




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46、法律有权打破平静。——马·格林 47、在一千磅法律里,没有一盎司仁 爱。— —英国
48、法律一多,公正就少。——托·富 勒 49、犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处 罚才能 使犯罪 得到偿 还。— —达雷 尔
50、弱者比强者更能得到法律的保护 。—— 威·厄尔


2、要冒一次险!整个生命就是一场冒险。走得最远的人,常是愿意 去做,并愿意去冒险的人。“稳妥”之船,从未能从岸边走远。-戴尔.卡耐基。
梦 境
3、人生就像一杯没有加糖的咖啡,喝起来是苦涩的,回味起来却有 久久不会退去的余香。
国际营销InternationalMarketing-资料 4、守业的最好办法就是不断的发展。 5、当爱不能完美,我宁愿选择无悔,不管来生多么美丽,我不愿失 去今生对你的记忆,我不求天长地久的美景,我只要生生世世的轮 回里有你。
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹
42、只有在人群中间,才能认识自 己。——德国
43、重复别人所说的话,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔

国际市场营销 International Marketing Chapter 10课件

国际市场营销  International Marketing Chapter 10课件
❖ 5. target audience: In marketing and advertising, a target audience, or target group is the primary group of people that something, usually an advertising campaign, is aimed at appealing to. 目标受众
❖ 9. call report: a report on a sales call 拜访客户的纪录 ❖ 10. consumer promotion: Consumer promotion is used to
encourage potential consumers to try a product and, hopefully, to purchase it again. 对最终消费者的营业推广
❖ – mass communication to more targeted communication and one-to-one dialogue
I. What is Marketing Communications Mix?
❖ Question 1: Does marketing communications equals to these specific promotion tools?
❖ 2. promotion mix: a company’s total marketing communications mix 推广组合
❖ 3. sales call: Usually pre-arranged and face-to-face
meeting between a salesperson and a customer or

国际市场营销双语教程课件 cha10

国际市场营销双语教程课件 cha10

Stages in Promotional Campaign Planning
Determine the target audience Determine campaign objectives
Determine the budget Determine media strategy Determine the message Determine campaign approach Determine campaign effectiveness
represented by the same agency
Decision-Making Authority
• Centralized or decentralized decisions about advertising? – Centralization= scale, synergy, consistency – Decentralization= proximity, flexibility, sensibility
• Development of media schedule
– target audience characteristics – campaign objectives – budget
• Media vehicle chosen based on
– media availability in market – product or service offered
coverage. • The value of outside expertise
– Creative development skills – Media buying savvy – Specialty marketing knowledge • Conflict in the use of mega-agencies – Conflicts of interest when two competitors are

国际市场营销International Marketing

国际市场营销International Marketing

Stages of International Marketing Involvement
In general, firms go through five different phases in going international: No Direct Foreign Marketing
Infrequent Foreign Marketing Regular Foreign Marketing
(Controllables) 1. Competition 2. Technology Price Product Target 5. PoliticalEnvironmental 7 Market uncontrollables 6. Geography and Legal country Promotion Place or 2 .Technology Infrastructure market B Distribution 4. Culture Environmental 3. Economy uncontrollables 5. Political3. Economy country Legal market C 4. Culture
International Marketing
Global Marketing
国际市场营销过程 International Marketing Progress
Appraising the international marketing environment
Deciding whether to go abroad
国际营销的基本要素 Basic Elements of International Marketing
Determine the needs of global customers Satisfy the needs of global customers Exceed competitors Coordinate marketing activities Identify the constraints in global environment

国际营销英文课件Chap (一)

国际营销英文课件Chap (一)

国际营销英文课件Chap (一) IntroductionChap is a comprehensive international marketing course that is designed to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the global market. The course is divided into various modules that cover different aspects of international marketing, such as market research, pricing, distribution, and promotion. This article will explore the content and structure of the Chap course in detail.Module 1: Introduction to International MarketingThis module provides an overview of international marketing, including its scope, definition, and significance. Learners are introduced to the key concepts and principles of international marketing, such as cultural diversity, global competition, and international trade barriers.Module 2: Market Analysis and ResearchThis module focuses on the process of market analysis and research, which is a critical step in developing effective marketing strategies for international markets. Learners will gain an understanding of the importance of market research, the various methods of conducting market research, and how to analyze and interpret market data.Module 3: International Marketing EnvironmentThis module explores the different factors that influence international marketing, such as political, economic,cultural, and legal factors. Learners will also learn aboutthe impact of globalization and technological advancements on international marketing.Module 4: International Product and Service StrategiesThis module covers the various product and service strategies that organizations can adopt when entering foreign markets. Learners will gain an understanding of product development, branding, packaging, and pricing strategies.Module 5: International Distribution StrategiesThis module focuses on the distribution strategies that organizations can adopt when entering foreign markets, suchas direct export, licensing, franchising, and joint ventures. Learners will learn about the various channels ofdistribution, the role of intermediaries, and the challengesof managing global supply chains.Module 6: International Promotion StrategiesThis module covers the various promotion strategies that organizations can adopt when entering foreign markets, suchas advertising, personal selling, public relations, anddirect marketing. Learners will gain an understanding of the importance of cultural sensitivity in international promotion,and the need to adapt promotional messages to local markets. ConclusionThe Chap course is a comprehensive and well-structured international marketing course that covers all the key aspects of international marketing. Learners who complete the course will have a deep understanding of the global market and the skills and knowledge needed to develop effective international marketing strategies. The course is suitablefor anyone who wants to excel in the global market, whether they are students, professionals, or entrepreneurs.。

英文课件 国际市场营销 chapter 10

英文课件 国际市场营销 chapter 10

(1) core component, (2) packaging component, and (3) support services component • These components include all a product’s tangible and intangible elements and provide the bundle of utilities the market receives from use of the product
Physical or Mandatory Requirements and Adaptation

Products may have to change in a number of ways to meet the physical or mandatory requirements of a new market, ranging from simple package changes to total redesign of the physical core product Product homologation is used to describe the changes mandated by local product and service standards • Legal, economic, political, technological, and climatic requirements of the local marketplace often dictate product adaptation Changes may also have to be made to accommodate climatic differences


第二阶段:重新界定营销传播范围:在这一阶段,公司开始定义新的或者广义的传播概念。组织试图考虑得 更加广泛而不是局限于传统的功能性广告活动,销售促进、直接营销等等。
通常,公司首先通过品牌接触和品牌传播评估来决定在哪里和在哪种情况下品牌或公司与其顾客和潜在顾客 建立。通常,这意味着公司要在进行传统的外部传播方法之前就采取行动。一般这些行动包括内部营销或与公司 雇员和销售队伍有关的活动。在某些情况下,公司开始尝试在营销渠道和业务伙伴中制订整合营销传播计划,希 望能有一个清晰、简明的信息流和公司对顾客的激励及顾客反馈的信息,通常公司的这些行为包括建立多功能小 组,这些小组的是顾客和最终使用者而不是公司的产品和服务。
在今天的相互影响的市场中,对经营者最重要的是如何站在顾客的角度及时地倾听顾客的希望、渴望和需求, 并及时答复和迅速作出反应,满足顾客的需求。当代西方一些企业已从过去推测性商业模式,转移成高度回应需 求的商业模式。面对迅速变化的市场,要满足顾客的需求,建立关联关系,企业必须建立快速反应机制,提高反 应速度和回应力。这样可最大限度地减少抱怨,稳定客户群,减少客户转移的概率。
在研究开始之前,课题专家小组假设传播机构在制定整合营销传播计划时历经了以下四个阶段,这四个阶段 (步骤)。
第一阶段:战术协调:组织开始协调其营销传播活动。通常,他们制定一些品牌计划或者品牌管理计划,或 者说,首先决定管理其品牌以及它发布的与品牌有关的信息。这是通常的“一种形象和一个声音”的概念或定义。 这意味着组织在各方面整合广告信息。同时,公司希望在多媒介、多维度的传播过程中形成协同效应。
国际营销&amp80年代,美国劳特朋针对4P存在的问题提出了4Cs营销理论:即从消费者的需要与欲 望(consumerwants and needs)出发,考虑消费者愿意支付的成本(cost),消费者交易的便利性 (convenience),并通过消费者沟通 (communications)把顾客和企业的利益整合在一起。4Cs营销理论注重 以消费者需求为导向,但被动适应顾客需求的色彩较浓。随着市场的进一步发展,面对竞争的加剧、客户群的不 稳定、企业缺乏营销特色、缺乏满足客户需求的可操作性等新问题,需要企业从更高层次以更有效的方式在企业 与顾客之间建立起有别于传统的互动性关系。


• The difference between tangible products and services
•onsumer and business-tobusiness markets
• Intense global competition is placing new emphasis on manufacturing quality products
• Quality, as a competitive tool, is the deciding factor in world markets
Quality can be defined on two dimensions: (1) market-perceived quality and (2) performance quality
• Green marketing is a term used to identify concern with the environmental consequences of a variety of marketing activities
• The designation that a product is “environmentally friendly” is voluntary, and environmental success depends on the consumer selecting the eco-friendly product
to measure satisfaction across a wide variety of consumer products and services
Physical or Mandatory Requirements and Adaptation



Green Marketing and Product Development
At the forefront of the “green movement”, with strong public opinion and specific legislation favoring environmentally friendly marketing and products Green marketing is a term used to identify 识别 concern with the environmental consequences 后果 of a variety of marketing activities The designation 指定 that a product is “environmentally friendly” is voluntary自愿的 and environmental success depends on the consumer 自愿的, 自愿的 selecting the eco-friendly product. In some countries each level of the distribution chain is responsible for returning all packaging, packing, and other waste materials up the chain
Product Component Model
SUPPORT SERVICES COMPONENT Repair and maintenance Trademark PACKAGING COMPONENT Price CORE Warranty COMPONENT Installation Product platform Quality Brand name Design features Functional features Package Instructions Legal Spare parts Legal Styling Other related services Legal Tangible and Intangible Intangible benefit Deliveries


Copyright © 2007 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.
1.1.3 The Development of Marketing Mix
1 Marketing Mix: 4P- 7P-11P • 4P McCarthy Product ; Price; Place; Promotion • 7P Boom &Bitner Product ; Price; Place Promotion; People Physical • 11P Philip Kotlter Product ; Price; Place Promotion; Power; Public
Copyright © 2007 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.
1.1.2 Marketing Philosophy
Marketing Philosophy :A way of organizing and controlling marketing. The whole philosophy of marketing is changing. Previously, marketing involved creating a demand for a specific product or service. That approach is obsolete. Today marketers must interact with the market, determine what products and services are needed, and supply enough information to the market about those products so that the products find their own market. (Page 3,重点词汇7)



国际市场营销国际市场营销(International marketing)是指商品和劳务流入一个以上国家的消费者或用户手中的过程.换而言之,国际市场营销是一种跨国界的社会和管理过程,是企业通过计划,定价促销和引导,创造产品和价值并在国际市场上进行交换,以满足多国消费者的需要和获取利润的活动。











国际市场营销名词解释国际市场营销名词解释international marketing国际市场营销: 指对商品和劳务流入一个以上国家的消费者或用户手中的过程进行计划,定价、促销和引导以便获取利润的活动。

self-reference criterion自我参照标准(SRC):指无意识地参照个人的文化价值观、经验和知识,作为决策的一句。

global awareness全球意识:对文化差异的宽容,了解文化、历史、世界市场潜力,以及全球经济、社会和政治的发展趋势。

1.Manifest Destiny(命定说):从广义上讲,命定说意指上帝选择了美国人来建立模范社会。


2.Roosevelt corollary(罗斯福推论):该推论宣称,美国政府不仅禁止非美洲势力干预拉美事物,而且将保护这一地区,确保拉美国家能履行其国际义务。

3.Monroe doctrine(门罗主义):是美国对外政策的基石,包括三项基本内容:欧洲停止在新世界实行殖民统治;美国不干预欧洲政治;欧洲国家不得干涉西半球国家事务。

sustainable development(可持续发展):即在经济发展的同时,实现"资源的合理利用,利益得以均摊,在经济发展过程中减少对任何环境的危害”,目前已成为许多政府和跨国公司的指导方针。

Cultural sensitivity 文化敏感性:关注文化间的细微差别以便客观的看待一种新的文化,对这种文化进行评估和欣赏。


Linguistic distance 语言距离:语言工作者依据语言形态和发展的相似特点,将全世界的语言分成不同的语系,利用语系关系可以衡量语言距离。

Strategy of cultural congruence 文化适应策略:文化适应策略本质上要求新产品与市场上现有产品相似,即与现有的文化规范尽量一致,从而减少阻力。

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Enjoys free trade area’s reduced or eliminated internal tariffs – Adds a common external tariff on products imported from countries outside the union
– Benefits must greatly outweigh the disadvantages before nations forgo any part of their sovereignty
• In the past, a strong threat to the economic or political security of a nation was the impetus for cooperation • Recent creation of multinational market groups has been driven by the fear that not to be part of a vital regional market group is to be left on the sidelines
McGraw-Hill/Irwin International Marketing 14/e
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
What Should You Learn?
• The reason for economic union • Patterns of international cooperation • The evolution of the European Union
► ►
The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) The European Union (EU)
Global and Multinational Market Groups
• Market potential needs to be viewed in the context of regions of the world rather than country by country
• Strategic implications for marketing in Europe
• Evolving patterns of trade as eastern Europe and the former Soviet states embrace the free-market system • The trade linkage of NAFTA and South America and its regional effects • The development of trade within the Asia-Pacific Rim
La Raison d’Etre
• Successful economic union
– Requires favorable economic, political, cultural, and geographic factors as a basis for success
• The advantages of economic union must be clear-cut and significant
• Nations with complementary economic bases
– Least likely to encounter frictions in the development and operation of a common market unit
• Economic union must have agreements and mechanisms in place to settle economic disputes
• Cultural factors
– The more similar the culture, the more likely a market is to succeed because members understand the outlook and viewpoints of their colleagues
• Free trade area
– An agreement between two or more countries
► ►
To reduce or eliminate customs duties and nontariff trade barriers among partner countries Members maintain individual tariff schedules for external countries
Global Perspective – Might Free Trade Bring Peace to the Middle East?
• Multinational market regions – those groups of countries that seek mutual economic benefit from reducing trade and tariff barriers
– The globalization of markets – The restructuring of the Eastern European bloc into independent market-driven economies – The dissolution of the Soviet Union into independent states – The worldwide trend toward economic cooperation – Enhanced global competition
• The demise of the Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA)
– Result of economically stronger members not allowing for the needs of the weaker ones
European Market Regions
Exhibit 10.1
European Economic Area
Exhibit 10.2
A Brief History of European Integration
• Political union
– Involves complete political and economic integration, either voluntary or enforced – Commonwealth – a voluntary organization that provides for the loosest possible relationship classified as economic integration – Two new political unions came into existence in the 1990s
• The importance of political unity to fully achieve all the benefits of economic integration
– Has driven EC countries to form the European Union
Geographic and Temporal Proximity and Cultural Factors
International Marketing
14th Edition P h i l i p R. C a t e o r a M a r y C. G i l l y John L. Graham
Multinational Market Regions and Market Groups
Chapter 10
Patterns of Multinational Cooperation
• Common market
– Eliminates all tariffs and other restrictions on internal trade, – Adopts a set of common external tariffs – Removes all restrictions on the free flow of capital and labor among member nations
– Most important global trends today
• The world is awash in economic cooperative agreements as countries look for economic alliances to expand access to free markets
Economic Factors
• Markets are enlarged through
– Preferential tariff treatment for participating members – Common tariff barriers against outsiders
– WTO – 151 members and 31 observers
• Governments and businesses worry that the EU, NAFTA, and other cooperative trade groups will become regional trading blocs without internal trade restrictions but with borders protected from outsiders